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The Power of Food

By Manuela Solis

Throughout our lives, we have always heard that we should have a balanced diet, but are
we really informed about what it is and how to achieve it? Or have you ever questioned
whether your diet is healthy?

Based on UNO information, it says in simple words that a “balanced diet is to incorporate
the nutrients that the body needs to ensure its well-being in the short and long term”.

However, in my opinion there are many people who cannot follow a balanced diet either
because of lack of information or because it is unaffordable. Eating well also requires
professional help in certain cases, but if we were taught from an early age to be more
aware of what we eat, it would be much easier to eat well and grow up healthy into
adulthood. For this reason, it is important to take care of our health and give our body the
most complete and balanced nutrition.

Scientists, doctors, nutritionists and experts in the field have shown that a balanced diet
helps to reduce obesity and the most common diseases among people, such as diabetes,
hypertension, high cholesterol, cancer, etc. Therefore, in our diet we should include all
food groups, such as proteins, carbohydrates, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

If we accompany a balanced diet with exercise or some physical activity that we like to do
outdoors, it will not only help us to reduce physical illnesses, but we will also be taking
care of our so important and sometimes forgotten mental health, since complementing
healthy eating with physical exercise will help us to reduce stress, tension, will make us
feel happier, with more energy among many other benefits for body and soul.

However, there are enemies in this case junk food and sedentary lifestyles. We have even
witnessed how governments have tried to combat them through various projects, both to
introduce healthy food and exercise in our lives, but unfortunately with the quarantine
has caused increased sedentary lifestyle, opt for technological entertainment, and mainly
caloric food has been used as a way to spend time at home.

Therefore, when we return to normality it will be of vital importance to return to our old
routine, move more, enjoy the parks and trails that the city and its surroundings offer us,
be more aware starting with our body that is exposed every day to thousands of situations
and deserves a healthier life, maybe we can start by drinking more water, hydrate it with
the amount of water it really needs, enjoy the sweet and refreshing flavors of fruits and
vegetables, eat varied but mainly, sit down and enjoy the food slowly, learn to chew and
savor it, listen to our appetite and stop if it is enough for it.

To conclude, it is important to take care of our health through a complete and balanced
diet that will help us live healthier and longer, including physical exercise will allow us to
have a better quality of life in the physical and mental, which will contribute to even walk
with a positive attitude for life. However, it is important that certain lifestyles, such as
sedentary lifestyles or the preference of junk food, be eliminated from our lives and for
this I think that it is important to educate and encourage the youngest to choose and
prefer a healthy and balanced life so that future generations grow up with this idea and do
it in a natural and normal way.

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