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Communication Techniques_MCQ based Questions


1. What is Amplitude Modulation?

a) Change in amplitude of carrier according to modulating signal amplitude
b) Change in frequency of carrier according to modulating signal amplitude
c) Change in amplitude of carrier according to modulating signal frequency
d) Change in amplitude of modulating signal according to carrier signal amplitude

Answer: a
Explanation: Amplitude modulation is a modulation process in which amplitude of carrier
wave is varied with respect to amplitude of the message signal to be transmitted. Whereas,
Frequency modulation is a modulation process in which frequency of carrier wave is varied
with respect to amplitude of the message signal to be transmitted.

2. Frequency components of an AM wave are?

a) Carrier frequency (ωc) with amplitude A
b) Lower side band (ωc + ωm) having amplitude mA⁄2
c) Upper side band (ωc – ωm) having amplitude mA⁄2
d) Carrier frequency (ωc/2) with amplitude A

Answer: a
Explanation: The frequency components of AM waves are: Carrier frequency (ωc) with
amplitude A, Lower sideband (ωc – ωm) having amplitude mA/2 and Upper side band (ωc +
ωm) having amplitude mA⁄2 (where m represents modulation index, A is the amplitude of the
carrier signal, ωm is the amplitude of the message signal).

3. In amplitude modulation frequency and phase of carrier ________

a) varies simultaneously
b) varies alternately
c) initially varies but become same after sometime
d) remains constant

Answer: d
Explanation: In AM, amplitude of carrier signal varies according to instantaneous amplitude
of baseband signal. The frequency and phase of carrier signal remains constant.

4. Envelope of AM wave has the same shape as the message of baseband signal.
a) True
b) False

5. When aliasing takes place?

a) Sampling signals less than Nyquist Rate
b) Sampling signals more than Nyquist Rate
c) Sampling signals equal to Nyquist Rate
d) Sampling signals at a rate which is twice of Nyquist Rate
Answer: a
Explanation: Aliasing causes different signals to become indistinguishable during sampling.

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It happens because sampling rate is less than Nyquist rate. In order to avoid aliasing,
signals should be sampled at a rate twice of Nyquist rate.

6. Why the Synchronous detection of AM signals is considered as a disadvantage?

a) Needs additional system for synchronization of carrier
b) Receiver is available at cheap prices
c) Needs less number of system as estimated for generation of carrier
d) Receiver is not complex

Answer: a
Explanation: Disadvantage of synchronous detection of AM signal are that it needs an
additional system for generation of carrier. It also needs additional system for
synchronization of carrier. Moreover receiver is complex and costly.

7. Which devices did we use for AM Demodulation?

a) Envelope detector and Square law demodulator
b) PLL detector and Foster-Seeley discriminator
c) Ratio detector and Slope detector
d) Only quadrature detector

Answer: a
Explanation: AM signals can be demodulated using Square law demodulator or Envelope
detector. Demodulator extracts information from received AM signal by decoding it. Other
options are the demodulators for FM signal.

8. Square Law modulators ________

a) used for amplitude modulation
b) have non linear current-voltage characteristics
c) have non linear current-voltage characteristics as well as used for Amplitude Modulation
d) used for frequency modulation

Answer: c
Explanation: Square law modulators are used for amplitude modulation and have non-linear
current-voltage characteristics. The output of Square law demodulator is said to vary with
respect to square of the input. They are highly linear in low voltage region.

9. What do you understand by low level AM?

a) Output power is low
b) Modulation is done at high power of carrier and modulating signal
c) Collector Modulation Method is low level AM
d) Output power is high

Answer: a
Explanation: In low level AM, modulation is done at low power of carrier and modulating
signal therefore output power is low. Therefore, power amplifiers are used to boost the
carrier and modulating signal. Collector Modulation Method is high level AM. At high-level
AM, output power is high.

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10. What do you understand by high level AM?

a) Output power is low
b) Modulation is done at high power of carrier and modulating signal
c) No need to boost the carrier and modulating signal
d) Modulation is done at low power of carrier and modulating signal

Answer: b
Explanation: For high level AM, modulation is done at high power of carrier and modulating
signal, so power amplifiers are not used to boost the carrier and modulating signal.
Therefore, output power is high. At low-level AM, output power is low.

11. For Amplitude Modulation, Emitter modulator ________

a) Operates in class C mode
b) Has a low efficiency
c) Output power is high
d) Operates in class B mode

Answer: b
Explanation: Emitter Modulator operates in class A region. It has very low efficiency. The
output power is low so for modulation at high level, it is not suitable.

12. Why AM is used for broadcasting?

a) More immune to noise
b) Less transmitting power is required
c) It has high fidelity
d) Avoids Receivers Complexity

Answer: d
Explanation: AM detectors are generally, square law demodulators or envelope detectors at
the receiver. As AM detectors at the receiver end are simple circuits and avoid any kind of
complex structure, therefore, AM used for broadcasting.

13. Singletone amplitude modulation ________

a) consists of only one frequency component
b) contains a large number of frequency components
c) contains no frequency components
d) contains infinite number of frequency components

Answer: a
Explanation: Single tone modulation consists of only one frequency component in the
baseband or message signal. Thus, modulation of carrier wave is done by a single
frequency component only.

14. AM spectrum consists of ________

a) Carrier frequency
b) Upper sideband
c) Lower sideband

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d) Carrier frequency with both upper and lower sideband

Answer: d
Explanation: Spectrum of Am wave consists of a carrier with upper sideband and lower
sideband. If carrier frequency is Wc, then the two sidebands produced by it are (Wc+Wm)
and (Wc-Wm), where Wm is the frequency of the message signal. The amplitude of the
carrier is A and that of the two sidebands are mA/2, where m is the modulation index.
15. The minimum channel Bandwidth is used by which modulation technique?
a) VSB
d) AM

Answer: b
Explanation: A signal has two sidebands which are exactly the mirror images of each other.
So we can remove one side band which further reduces its bandwidth. In SSB-SC
modulation technique, the carrier is suppressed and only either of the sidebands is
transmitted. Thus, SSB-SC has minimum channel Bandwidth.

16. Neper is ________ decibel.

a) 20/(ln10)
b) 20ln10
c) Same as
d) Exactly twice of

Answer: a
Explanation: Neper is a logarithmic unit used for finding ratios of power quantities. Like
decibel it is also a dimensionless unit. 1Np = 20/ln⁡10 = 8.686 db.

17. AM broadcast station transmits modulating frequency upto 6KHz. If transmitting

frequency is 810KHz, then maximum and lower sidebands are ________
a) 816KHz and 804KHz
b) 826KHz and 804KHz
c) 916KHz and 904KHz
d) 822KHz and 816KHz

Answer: a
Explanation: Maximum frequency = 810 + 6 = 816KHz and Minimum frequency = 810 – 6 =
804KHz. Moreover it has a bandwidth of (816 – 804) = 12KHz.
( Formula: Fmax = fc + fm,
Fmin = fc-fm,
Bandwidth = 2*fm = Fmax = Fmin,
fc = Carrier frequency, fm = message signal frequency).

18. Find lower frequency component in AM wave, given that highest frequency component
is 900KHz and bandwidth is 12KHz?
a) 832KHz

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b) 600KHz
c) 868KHz
d) 888KHz

Answer: d
Explanation: Highest frequency component is 900KHz and bandwidth is 12KHz. So lower
frequency component is 900 – 12 = 888KHz.
(Formula: Fmin = Fmax-2*fm = Fmax-Bandwidth, where fm = Message Signal Frequency).
19. Amplitude Modulated wave is ________
a) Sum of carrier and modulating wave
b) Product of carrier and modulating wave
c) Difference of carrier and modulating wave
d) Sum of carrier and its product with modulating wave

Answer: a
Explanation: The modulation of a carrier wave by varying its amplitude with respect to
amplitude of baseband signal is known as amplitude modulation. It is represented as,
s(t) = [1 + mx(t)] c(t),
where, x(t) = Modulating Wave, m=Modulating Index
c(t) = Carrier Wave = Ac (Cos ωc) t
Thus, Amplitude Modulated wave is the Sum of carrier and its product with modulating

20. If the modulating frequency of a carrier wave varies between 700Hz and 7KHz, find it’s
a) 10 KHz
b) 23 KHz
c) 17.3 KHz
d) 12.6 KHz

Answer: d
Explanation: Modulating Frequency (fm) = Vmax-Vmin, where,
Vmax = Maximum Amplitude of an amplitude modulated,
Vmin = Minimum amplitude of an amplitude modulated,
fm = 7KHz – 700Hz = 6.3KHz
Bandwidth = 2fm = 2 x 6.3 = 12.6 KHz.

21. A 400W carrier wave is modulated to a depth of 65%. Find the total power of modulated
a) 512.5W
b) 493W
c) 484.5W
d) 609.6W

Answer: c
Explanation: Total power, Pt = Pc (1 + µ2⁄2), where Pc = Carrier Power = 400W

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where Modulation Index (µ) = 0.65,

so Pt = 400 (1 +0.652⁄2). On solving it we get Pt = 484.5W.

22. Calculate power in each sideband, if power of carrier wave is 176W and there is 60%
modulation in amplitude modulated signal?
a) 13.36W
b) 52W
c) 67W
d) 15.84W

Answer: d
Explanation: Modulation index = 0.6 and Pc = 176W. Power in sidebands may be calculated

23. For 100% modulation, power in each sideband is ________ of that of carrier.
a) 50%
b) 70%
c) 60%
d) 25%

Answer: d
Explanation: Modulation index = 1. Power in sidebands may be calculated as

24. Overmodulation results in ________________

a) Distortion
b) Weakens signal
c) Strengthens the signal
d) provides immunity to noise

Answer: a
Explanation: When instantaneous level of modulating signal exceeds the value necessary to
provide 100% modulation, the signal is said to over-modulated. In other words, when
modulation index is greater than 1, it results in Overmodulation. Thus, Overmodulation
results in distortion of the modulating signal.

25. The maximum power efficiency of an AM modulator is?

a) 25%
b) 33%
c) 66%
d) 100%

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Answer: b
Explanation: Efficiency (ή) = m 2 / (m2 + 2), m=Modulation Index
For maximum efficiency m = 1 so, ή = 1/(1+2) = 1/3
and ή% = (1/3)x100 = 33%.

26. Noise performance of a square law demodulator of AM signal is?

a) Better than that of synchronous detector
b) Weaker than that of synchronous detector
c) Better than that of envelope detector
d) Weaker than that of envelope detector

Answer: a
Explanation: Process of recovering message signal from received modulated signal is
called demodulation. It is exactly opposite to modulation. There are two most used AM
demodulators: Square Law Demodulator and Envelope Demodulator. Noise performance of
Square Law Demodulator is far better than that of Synchronous Detector.

27. For getting 100% modulation, carrier amplitude should ________

a) exceed signal amplitude
b) be equal to signal amplitude
c) be lesser than signal amplitude
d) be equal to 0

Answer: b
Explanation: Modulation index is the amount of modulation present in a carrier wave. It is
also described as the ration of the amplitude of message signal to that of carrier signal.
Modulation Index (m) = Vm/Vc, where Vm is maximum baseband or message signal
amplitude and Vc is maximum carrier signal amplitude. So for m = 1, Vm should be equal to

28. For 100% modulation, total power is?

a) same as the power of unmodulated signal
b) twice as the power of unmodulated signal
c) four times as the power of unmodulated signal
d) one and half times as the power of unmodulated signal

Answer: d
Explanation: Total power, Pt = Pc (1 + m2⁄2), where m is Modulated Signal, Pc is Power of
Unmodulated Signal or Carrier Signal.
So, for m=1,
Pt = Pc (1 + 12/2) = 1.5 Pc.

29. An AM signal is represented by x(t) = (30 + 2Sin(700πt)) Cos(2πt x 10 2t)V. What is the
value of modulation index?
a) 0.7
b) 0.066
c) 0.341

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d) 0.916

Answer: b
Explanation: Given equation can be written as 30(1 + 0.066 Sin(700πt)).
Comparing it with general AM equation, s(t) = A c(1 + mAm cos(wmt)) cos(wct),
Where, Ac = Amplitude of Carrier Signal, Am = Amplitude of Message Signal
m=Modulation Index
So modulation index(m) = 0.066.
30. An AM signal is represented by x(t) = (30 + 2Sin(700πt)) Cos(2πt x 10 2t)V. Carrier
power of the wave is?
a) 555W
b) 675W
c) 450W
d) 310W

Answer: c

Hence Pc = 450W.

31. An AM signal is represented by x(t) = (30 + 2Sin(700πt)) Cos(2πt x 10 2t)V. Find the total
power of amplitude modulated wave?
a) 453W
b) 675W
c) 789W
d) 451W

Answer: d
Explanation: Pt = Pc (1 + bm2⁄2) * pc
So, here, m = 0.066, Pc = 450W
Pt = (1+(0.0662/2))*450 = 451W.

32. An AM signal is represented by x(t) = (30 + 2Sin(700πt)) Cos(2πt x 10 2t)V. What is its
sideband power?
a) 4W
b) 1W
c) 3W
d) 2W

Answer: b
Explanation: Sideband power i = (m2* Pc)/2 = (Pt – Pc) i.e. 451 – 450 = 1W.

33. Calculate the dissipation in power across 20Ω resistor for the FM signal
v(t)= 20 cos(6600t+ 10sin2100t)

a. 5W
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b. 20W
c. 10W
d. 400W
A standard FM signal is represented by
v(t) = Ac cos(2πfct + kfsin2πfmt)
Ac = carrier amplitude
fc = carrier frequency
kf = modulation index
fm = modulating frequency
kf = frequency deviation/modulating frequency
the power dissipated across 20Ω resistor is given by
= 5W

34. A 100MHz carrier is frequency modulated by 10 KHz wave. For a frequency deviation of
50 KHz, calculate the modulation index of the FM signal.

a. 100
b. 50
c. 70
d. 90
Carrier frequency fc = 100MHz
Modulating frequency fm = 10 KHz
Frequency deviation Δf = 500 KHz
Modulation index of FM signal is given by
mf = Δf/fm
= 500 * 103/ 10 * 103
= 50

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35. For a FM signal v(t) = 25 cos (15 * 108t + 10 sin 1550t), calculate
Modulation index
Maximum frequency deviation

a. 10, 3000.1Hz
b. 20, 1550.9Hz
c. 10, 2465.9Hz
d. 10, 2000.0Hz
ANSWER: 10, 2465.9Hz
Standard expression for FM signal is given by
v(t) = A cos ( ωct + mf sin ωmt)
Comparing with the given equation,
Modulation index mf = 10
Maximum frequency deviation is given by
mf = Δf/fm
Δf = mf * fm
Here fm = 1550/2Π = 246.59 Hz
Δf = 10 * 246.59
= 2465.9Hz

36. FM is disadvantageous over AM signal because

a. much wider channel bandwidth is required

b. FM systems are more complex and costlier
c. Adjacent channel interference is more
d. Both a and b
ANSWER: Both a and b
37. Determine the Bandwidth of a FM wave when the maximum deviation allowed is 75KHz
and the modulating signal has a frequency of 10KHz.

a. 170 KHz
b. 200 KHz
c. 100 KHz

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d. 1000 KHz
Modulating frequency fm = 10 KHz
Frequency deviation Δf = 75 KHz
According to Carson s rule, BW = 2(Δf + fm)
= 2 (75 + 10)
= 170 KHz

38. Wide band FM has the characteristics:

a. The frequency sensitivity kf is large

b. Bandwidth is wide
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Both a and b

39. A 100MHz carrier is frequency modulated by 5 KHz wave. For a frequency deviation of
100 KHz, calculate the carrier swing of the FM signal.

a. 2000 KHz
b. 100 KHz
c. 105 KHz
d. 200 KHz
Carrier frequency fc = 100MHz
Modulating frequency fm = 5 KHz
Frequency deviation Δf = 100 KHz
Carrier swing of the FM signal = 2 * Δf
= 2 * 100
= 200 KHz

40. For a FM signal v(t) = 20 cos ( 10 * 108t + 30 sin 3000t), calculate the power dissipated

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by the FM wave in a 20Ω resistor.

a. 100 Watts
b. 10 Watts
c. 200 Watts
d. 20 Watts
ANSWER: 10 Watts
Standard expression for FM signal is given by
v(t) = A cos ( Ωct + mf sin Ωmt)
Comparing with the given equation,
A = 20
The dissipated power is given by P = V2rms/R
= (20/√2)2/ 20
= 10Watts
41. Digital communication is _______ to environmental changes?
a) Less sensitive
b) More sensitive
c) Does not depend
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Digital communication is less sensitive to environmental changes like
temperature etc.

42. Advantages of digital communication are

a) Easy multiplexing
b) Easy processing
c) Reliable
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Digital communication is a very reliable communication. It is easy for
multiplexing, easy for signalling and processing etc.

43. What is necessary for digital communication?

a) Precision timing
b) Frame synchronization
c) Character synchronization
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Bit, character, frame synchronization and precision timing is necessary for
digital communication. This is considered as a disadvantage of digital communication.

44. What are the disadvantages of digital communication?

a) Needs more bandwidth
b) Is more complex
c) Needs more bandwidth & Is more complex
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Digital communication needs more bandwidth, has higher complexity and little
performance degradation occurs during analog to digital conversion and vice versa.
45. Examples of digital communication are
b) Modems
c) Classical telephony
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Some of the examples of digital communication systems are classical
telephony, ISDN, Modems, LANs, PCM TDM etc.

46. Which system uses digital transmission?

b) LANs
c) ISDN & LANs
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Though the signal type is analog or digital, the transmission takes place in the
digital domain in ISDN and LANs.

47. The interval of frequencies outside which the spectrum is zero is called as ________
a) null to null bandwidth
b) normalized bandwidth
c) absolute bandwidth
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: The measure of frequencies outside which spectrum is zero is called as
absolute bandwidth. It is usually infinite.

48. The attenuation level in bounded power spectral density is

a) 35
b) 50
c) 35 & 50

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d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: c
Explanation: Bounded power spectral density is the bandwidth outside which the spectrum
must have fallen to a stated level below that found at the band center.

49. Synchronization available in digital communication are

a) Symbol synchronization
b) Frame synchronization
c) Carrier synchronization
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The synchronization techniques available in digital communication are symbol
synchronization, frame synchronization and carrier synchronization.

50. Digital system includes

a) Better encryption algorithm
b) Difficult data multiplexing
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Digital system has an advantage of better encryption algorithm, easier data
multiplexing and more reliability.

51. Analog to digital conversion includes

a) Sampling
b) Quantization
c) Sampling & Quantization
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Analog to digital conversion is a two step process which includes sampling and

52. What are the main features of a receiver?

a) Synchronization
b) Multiple parallel receiver chain
c) Synchronization & Multiple parallel receiver chain
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The main features of a receiver which increases its complexity are
synchronization of carrier, phase, and timing and multiple parallel receiver chain.
53. What conditions must be fulfilled in a good digital communication system?
a) High data rate
b) High fidelity
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c) Low transmit power

d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Some of the conditions which must be satisfied in a digital communication
system are high data rate, high fidelity, low bandwidth, low transmit power and low
transmitter and receiver complexity.
54. Wired channels are
a) Lossy
b) Lossless
c) Lossy & Lossless
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Wired channels are lossy channels.

55. The equivalent temperature in a receiver design must be kept

a) Low
b) High
c) Does not affect the receiver
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The equivalent temperature is the function of the receiver design and it must
be always kept low.
56. Which corrects the sampling time problem in a digital system?
a) Interpolator
b) Decimator
c) Equalizer
d) Filter
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Answer: a
Explanation: Interpolator corrects the sampling time problem using discrete time processing.

57. What are the main features of a transmitter?

a) Higher clock speed
b) Linear power amplifier
c) Directional antennas
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Some of the main features which make the transmitter complex are higher
clock speed, higher transmit power, directional antennas and need for a linear amplifier.
58. Transmission media used in low frequency band are
a) Air
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b) Water
c) Copper cable
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Air, water and copper cable can be used as transmission media in low
frequency band communication.
59. Transmission media used for medium frequency band are
a) Coaxial cable
b) Copper cable
c) Optical fiber
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: For medium frequency band communication air and copper cable can only be
used as a transmission medium.

60. Matched filter technique is used to

a) Increase SNR
b) Decrease SNR
c) SNR is not affected
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Matched filter technique is a demodulation process used to increase SNR.
61. Matched filter can also be used as least squares estimator.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A matched filter can also be used as a least squares estimator.

62. Digital communication system can handle

a) Analog signals
b) 1D signals
c) 2D signals
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Digital communication system can handle signals that are analog or those that
are already digital. It can also handle 1D and 2D signals.

63. The information source of a digital communication system can be

a) Packetized
b) Continuous
c) Packetized & Continuous

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d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: c
Explanation: Information source comes from a higher networking layer. It can be continuous
or packetized.

64. Which are the common transmission media used in digital communication system?
a) Coaxial cable
b) Twisted copper cable
c) Radio frequency bands
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Some of the commonly used physical transmission media are twisted copper
cable, good quality coaxial cable and radio frequency bands.

65. The basic transmission-reception system is a ______ system.

a) Two block system
b) Three block system
c) Four block system
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The basic transmission-reception consists of three blocks – transmitter,
transmission medium, receiver.

66. Modulation channel consists of

a) Amplifier
b) Signal processing units
c) Amplifier & Signal processing units
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: When information is transmitted through large distance it must be amplified.
Modulation channel consists of an amplifier and other signal processing units.

67. Modulation channel does not accept an analog input signal.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Modulation channel accepts analog signal as input and delivers another
version of modulated signal as analog waveform.

68. If operating frequency bands are higher ______ is available.

a) Smaller bandwidth
b) Larger bandwidth
c) Smaller & Larger bandwidth

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d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: Larger bandwidth is available when operating frequency bands are higher.

69. Ground wave communication occurs in

a) Low frequency band
b) Medium frequency band
c) Low & Medium frequency band
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ground wave communication can take place in both low frequency and
medium frequency bands.

70. Sampling theorem is used for converting

a) Continuous time signal to discrete
b) Discrete to continuous time signal
c) Continuous time signal to discrete & vice versa
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sampling theorem is used for converting continuous time signal to discrete
type signal and vice versa.

71. A signal can be recovered from its sample by using

a) Low pass filter
b) High pass filter
c) Band pass filter
d) Band stop filter
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Answer: a
Explanation: A signal can be recovered from its sampled version by using an ideal low pass

72. Which is practically realizable?

a) A train of pulses
b) Impulse train
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: A train of pulses with narrow bandwidth is realizable than the impulse train.

73. In flat top sampling scheme, ______ is kept constant after sampling.
a) Amplitude
b) Phase
c) Frequency

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d) Time period
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Answer: a
Explanation: In flat top sampling scheme, the amplitude is kept constant after sampling.

74. Loop filter is a ______ used to reduce noise.

a) Low pass filter
b) High pass filter
c) Band pass filter
d) Band reject filter
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Answer: a
Explanation: Loop filter is a low pass filter used to reduce noise.
75. Which signals are function of time?
a) Random signal
b) Deterministic signal
c) Random & Deterministic signal
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Deterministic signals are function of time.

76. Auto-correlation function is a

a) Even function
b) Odd function
c) Even & Odd function
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Auto-correlation function is an even function of time.
77. Shot noise occurs in
a) Transistors
b) Valves
c) Transistors & Valves
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Shot noise occurs in both valves and transistors.

78. Source coding reduces

a) Redundancy
b) Average bit rate
c) Redundancy & Average bit rate
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Source coding reduces both average bit rate and reduces redundancy.
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79. Delay element in delta modulation acts as

a) First order predictor
b) Second order predictor
c) Third order predictor
d) Fourth order predictor
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Answer: a
Explanation: Delay element act as first order predictor.
80. Non uniform quantization includes
a) Compression
b) Expansion
c) Compression & Expansion
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Compression and expansion give the feature of non uniform quantization.

81. The quantization will be finer when

a) Smaller the number of discrete amplitudes
b) Larger the number of discrete amplitudes
c) Does not depend on amplitudes
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Larger the number of discrete amplitudes, finer will be the quantization.
82. Different cases of sampling include
a) Ideal impulse sampling
b) Flat-topped sampling
c) Sampling with rectangular pulses
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The three cases of sampling are ideal impulse sampling, sampling with
rectangular pulses and flat topped sampling.

83. Transmitted pulse becomes distorted due to

a) Ideal transmission characteristic
b) Non ideal transmission characteristic
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A transmitted pulse gradually becomes distorted due to non ideal transmission
characteristic of the channel.
84. In which mixing is easier?
a) Analog signal
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b) Digital signal
c) Analog & Digital signal
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mixing of digital signals are easier than that of mixing analog signals.

85. The size of the quantile interval is called as

a) Inter level
b) Step size
c) Quantile size
d) Level width
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Answer: b
Explanation: The interval between the quantization levels is called as step size.

86. Uniform quantization provides better quantization for

a) Weak signals
b) Strong signals
c) Weak & Strong signals
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Signal to noise ratio is worse for weak level it provides better
quantization for high level signals.

87. Non uniform quantization provides better quantization for

a) Weak signals
b) Coarse signals
c) Weak & Coarse signals
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to signal to noise level ratio non uniform quantization provides better
quantization for weak signals.

89. In non uniform quantization, the quantization noise is _______ to signal size.
a) Inversely proportional
b) Directly proportional
c) Equal
d) Double
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Answer: b
Explanation: In sampling and quantization, the quantization noise is directly dependent on
signal size.
90. The output SNR can be made independent of input signal level by using
a) Uniform quantizer
b) Non uniform quantizer
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c) Uniform & Non uniform quantizer

d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The weak signal experiences poorer SNR compared to high level signals. So if
non uniform quantizer like logarithmic compressor is used the SNR ratio can be made
independent of input signal level.
91. Companding is the process of
a) Compression
b) Expansion
c) Compression & Expansion
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The given signal is first compressed using a logarithmic compressor and then
it is given as input to the uniform quantizer. Both these steps together is called as

92. Which value of μ corresponds to linear amplification?

a) μ=0
b) μ=1
c) μ>0
d) μ<0
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Answer: a
Explanation: In μ-law compression characteristics, we get linear amplification or uniform
quantization when μ=0.

93. What is the standard value of μ in μ-law ?

a) 128
b) 255
c) 256
d) 0
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Answer: b
Explanation: The standard value of μ in μ-law is 255.

94. The standard value of A in A-law is

a) 87
b) 88
c) 86.7
d) 87.6
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Answer: d
Explanation: Another famous compression characteristic used is A-law. In this law, the
standard value of A is 87.6.

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95. Which type of quantization is most preferable for audio signals for a human ear?
a) Uniform quantization
b) Non uniform quantization
c) Uniform & Non uniform quantization
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The human ear is sensitive to quantization error in small values so non uniform
quantization is more preferable than uniform quantization.

96. The signals which are obtained by encoding each quantized signal into a digital word is
called as
a) PAM signal
b) PCM signal
c) FM signal
d) Sampling and quantization
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pulse code modulation is the name for the class of signals which are obtained
by encoding the quantized signals into a digital word.

97. The length of the code-word obtained by encoding quantized sample is equal to
a) l=log(to the base 2)L
b) l=log(to the base 10)L
c) l=2log(to the base 2)L
d) l=log(to the base 2)L/2
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Answer: a
Explanation: The quantized sample which are digitally encoded into l bit value code-word.
The length l can be calculated as l=log(to the base 2)L.

98. Quantization noise can be reduced by ________ the number of levels.

a) Decreasing
b) Increasing
c) Doubling
d) Squaring
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Answer: b
Explanation: The process of quantization replaces the true signal with the
approximation(quantization noise). By increasing the number of quantization level the
quantization noise can be reduced.

99. In PCM encoding, quantization level varies as a function of ________

a) Frequency
b) Amplitude
c) Square of frequency
d) Square of amplitude
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Answer: b
Explanation: In linear PCM the quantization levels are uniform. But in normal PCM encoding
the quantization level vary according to the amplitude, based of A-law of Myu-law.

100. What is bit depth?

a) Number of quantization level
b) Interval between two quantization levels
c) Number of possible digital values to represent each sample
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: One of the properties of PCM signal which determines its stream fidelity is bit
depth which is the number of possible digital values that can be used to represent each

101. Choosing a discrete value that is near but not exactly at the analog signal level leads
a) PCM error
b) Quantization error
c) PAM error
d) Sampling error
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Answer: b
Explanation: One of the limitations of PCM is quantization error which occurs when we
choose a discrete value at some near by value and not at the analog signal level.

102. In PCM the samples are dependent on ________

a) Time
b) Frequency
c) Quanization leavel
d) Interval between quantization level
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Answer: a
Explanation: The samples depend on time,an accurate clock is required for accurate

103. DPCM encodes the PCM values based on

a) Quantization level
b) Difference between the current and predicted value
c) Interval between levels
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Differential PCM encodes the PCM value based on the difference between the
previous sample and the present sample value.
104. Delta modulation uses _____ bits per sample.
a) One
b) Two
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c) Four
d) Eight
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Answer: a
Explanation: Delta modulation is used for analog to digital conversion and vice versa. It is a
simple form of DPCM. Its uses 1 bit per sample. It also depends on the difference between
the current and previous sample values.
105. Sample resolution for LPCM ____ bits per sample.
a) 8
b) 16
c) 24
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Common sampling resolution for LPCM are 8, 16, 20, 24 bits per sample.

106. Adaptive DPCM is used to

a) Increase bandwidth
b) Decrease bandwidth
c) Increase SNR
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Adaptive DPCM is used to decrease required bandwidth for the given SNR.

107. Which waveforms are also called as line codes?

a) PCM
b) PAM
c) FM
d) AM
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Answer: a
Explanation: When pulse modulation is applied to binary symbol we obtain pulse code
modulated waveforms. These waveforms are also called as line codes.

108. When pulse code modulation is applied to non binary symbols we obtain waveform
called as
a) PCM
b) PAM
c) M-ary
d) line codes
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Answer: c
Explanation: When pulse code modulation is applied to binary symbols we get PCM
waveforms and when it is applied to non binary symbols we obtain M-ary waveforms.
109. Examples of PCM waveforms are
a) Non return to zero
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b) Phase encoded
c) Multilevel binary
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Some of the examples or classification of pulse code modulated signals are
non return to zero, return to zero, phase encoded, multilevel binary etc.
110. Which type is used and preferred in digital logic circuits?
a) NRZ-L
b) NRZ-M
c) NRZ-S
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: NRZ-L is extensively used in digital logic circuits. In this method, logic 1 is
represented by one voltage level and logic 0 is represented by another voltage level.

111. Which method is called as differential encoding?

a) NRZ-L
b) NRZ-M
c) NRZ-S
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In NRZ-M, logic 1 is represented by a change in voltage level and logic 0 is
represented by no change in level. This is called as differential encoding.
112. Which method is preferred in magnetic tape recording?
a) NRZ-L
b) NRZ-M
c) NRZ-S
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: NRZ-M is also called as differential encoding and it is most preferred in
magentic tape recording.

113. NRZ-S is complement of _______

a) NRZ-L
b) NRZ-M
c) NRZ-L & NRZ-M
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: NRZ-S is a complement of NRZ-M. Logic 0 is represented by a change in
voltage level and logic 1 is represented as no change in voltage level.

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114. The return to zero waveform consists of

a) Unipolar RZ
b) Bipolar RZ
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Different types of return to zero waveforms are unipolar RZ, bipolar RZ, RZ-
AMI. These are used in baseband transmission and in magnetic recording.

115. Phase encoded group consists of

a) Manchester coding
b) Bi-phase-mark
c) Miller coding
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Different types of phase encoded waveform consists of manchester coding, bi-
phase-mark, bi-phase-space, delay modulation.

116. In which waveform logic 1 is represented by half bit wide pulse and logic 0 is
represented by absence of pulse?
a) Unipolar RZ
b) Bipolar RZ
d) Manchester coding
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Answer: a
Explanation: In unipolar RZ waveform, logic 1 is represented by half bit wide pulse and logic
0 is represented by the absence of a pulse.

117. In which waveform logic 1 and logic 0 are represented by opposite one half bit wide
a) Unipolar RZ
b) Bipolar RZ
d) Manchester coding
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Answer: b
Explanation: In bipolar return to zero waveform ones and zeroes are represented by
opposite level pulses one half bit wide pulses.

118. In which waveform logic 1 is represented by equal amplitude alternating pulses?

a) Unipolar RZ
b) Bipolar RZ
d) Manchester coding
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Answer: c
Explanation: In RZ-AMI logic 1 is represented by equal amplitude alternating pulses and
logic 0 is represented by the absence of a pulse.

119. Application of phase encoded binary signals are

a) Optical communication
b) Magnetic recording
c) Satellite telemetry
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Some of the fields where phase encoded waveforms is being used are optical
communication, magnetic tape recording, satellite telemetry etc.
120. In which waveform one is represented by half bit wide pulse positioned during the first
half and zero is represented by half bit wide pulse positioned in the second half?
a) Bi-p-L
b) Bi-p-M
c) Bi-p-S
d) Delay modulation
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Answer: a
Explanation: In bi-phase-level one is represented by half bit wide pulse positioned during
the first half and zero is represented by half bit wide pulse positioned in the second half.

121. Which binary waveform uses three levels?

a) Bipolar RZ
c) Bipolar RZ & RZ-AMI
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: In PCM waveforms signals generally use two levels. But few signals use three
levels such as bipolar RZ, RZ-AMI, dicode, duobinary etc.

122. Which waveform type has the feature of clocking?

a) Manchester coding
b) Bbi-p-M
c) Delay modulation
d) NRZ-L
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Answer: a
Explanation: In manchester coding transition occurs in the middle of every bit interval. Thus
it has a feature of clocking.

123. Which waveform has the feature of error detection?

a) NRZ-L
c) Manchester coding
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d) Duobinary
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Answer: d
Explanation: Duobinary scheme does error detection without introducing any additional
error bits into the data sequence.

124. Which waveform scheme introduces bandwidth compression?

a) Duobinary
b) Manchester coding
c) Phase encoded waveform
d) Multilevel codes
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Answer: d
Explanation: Multilevel codes increases the bandwidth efficiency by reducing the bandwidth
utilization for the given data rate.

125. Which waveform type has better noise immunity?

a) NRZ
b) RZ
c) Phase encoded
d) Multilevel codes
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Answer: a
Explanation: NRZ waveforms has better error performance than RZ signal waveforms.

126. In pulse modulation, reciprocal of T(time) is

a) Bandwidth
b) Symbol rate
c) Signal voltage
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: T is the time period of the signal. In pulse modulation, the symbol rate Rs can
be given as reciprocal of T.

127. PCM word size can be described by

a) Time period
b) Symbol rate
c) Number of quantization levels
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Each analog sample is transformed into PCM word made up of a group of bits.
The PCM word size can be described by number of quantization levels allowed for each
128. Some of the M-ary waveforms are
a) PAM
b) PPM
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c) PDM
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: When we pulse modulate non binary signals we get M-ary waveform. Some of
the examples of M-ary waveforms are PAM, PPM, PDM.

129. Which method should be implemented for reducing bandwidth?

a) Multilevel codes
b) Multilevel signalling
c) PAM
d) PDM
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Answer: b
Explanation: The transmission bandwidth required for binary digital waveforms is large. To
reduce the bandwidth, multilevel signalling method can be used.

130. In M-ary PPM waveform, modulation is effected by

a) Delaying
b) Advancing
c) Delaying & Advancing
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: In M-ary PPM waveform, modulation is effected by delaying or advancing
pulse occurrence by an amount that corresponds to information symbol.
131. For both PPM and PDM _______ is kept constant.
a) Amplitude
b) Time period
c) Frequency
d) Number of levels
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Answer: a
Explanation: In PPM waveform delaying or advancing of pulse is done. In PDM the pulse
width is varied. Thus in both the cases amplitude is maintained constant.

132. The method in which the tail of one pulse smears into adjacent symbol interval is
called as
a) Intersymbol interference
b) Interbit interference
c) Interchannel interference
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Due to the effect of system filtering the received pulse can overlap on one and
another. The tail of one pulse smears into the adjacent symbol interval thereby interfering
the detection process. This process is called as intersymbol interference.

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133. If each pulse of the sequence to be detected is in _____ shape, the pulse can be
detected without ISI.
a) Sine
b) Cosine
c) Sinc
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The sinc shaped pulse is the ideal nyquist pulse. If each pulse in the sequence
to be detected is in sinc shape the pulses can be detected without ISI.

134. What is symbol rate packing?

a) Maximum possible symbol transmission rate
b) Maximum possible symbol receiving rate
c) Maximum bandwidth
d) Maximum ISI value allowed
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Answer: a
Explanation: A system with bandwidth Rs/2 can support a maximum transmission rate of Rs
without ISI. Thus for ideal Nyquist filtering the maximum possible symbol transmission rate
is called as symbol rate packing and it is equal to 2 symbols/s/Hz.

135. A nyquist pulse is the one which can be represented by _____ shaped pulse multiplied
by another time function.
a) Sine
b) Cosine
c) Sinc
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: A nyquist filter is one whose frequency transfer function can be represented by
a rectangular function convolved with any real even symmetric frequency function and a
nyquist pulse is one whose shape can be represented by sinc function multiplied by another
time function.

136. Examples of nyquist filters are

a) Root raised cosine filter
b) Raised cosine filter
c) Root raised & Raised cosine filter
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The most popular among the class of nyquist filters are raised cosine and root
raised cosine filter.

137. The minimum nyquist bandwidth for the rectangular spectrum in raised cosine filter is
a) 2T
b) 1/2T

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c) T2
d) 2/T
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Answer: b
Explanation: For raised cosine spectrum the minimum nyquist bandwidth is equal to 1/2T.

138. Roll off factor is the fraction of

a) Excess bandwidth and absolute bandwidth
b) Excess bandwidth and minimum nyquist bandwidth
c) Absolute bandwidth and minimum nyquist bandwidth
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The roll off factor is defined by a fraction of excess bandwidth and the
minimum nyquist bandwith. It ranges from 0 to 1.

139. Which value of r (roll off factor) is considered as Nyquist minimum bandwidth case?
a) 0
b) 1
c) Infinity
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the roll off factor of 0 an ideal rectangular nyquist pulse is obtained. This is
called as nyquist minimum bandwidth case.

140. A pulse shaping filter should satisfy two requirements. They are
a) Should be realizable
b) Should have proper roll off factor
c) Should be realizable & have proper roll off factor
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: A pulse shaping filter should provide the desired roll off and should be
realizable, that is the impulse response needs to be truncated to a finite length.

141. Examples of double side band signals are

a) ASK
b) PSK
c) ASK & PSK
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: ASK and PSK needs twice the transmission bandwidth of equivalent baseband
signals. Thus these are called as double side band signals.
142. The limit which represents the threshold Eb/N0 value below which reliable
communication cannot be maintained is called as
a) Probability limit
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b) Error limit
c) Shannon limit
d) Communication limit
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Answer: c
Explanation: Eb/N0 curve has waterfall shape. Shannon limit gives the threshold value
below which reliable communication cannot be maintained.
143. M-ary signalling produces _______ error performance with orthogonal signalling and
_______ error performance with multiple phase signalling.
a) Degraded, improved
b) Improved, degraded
c) Improved, improved
d) Degraded, degraded
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Answer: b
Explanation: In M-ary signalling as k increases, the curve moves towards the degraded
error performance. It produces improved error performance in case of orthogonal signalling
and degraded error performance in case of multiple phase signalling.

144. Which is more vulnerable to noise?

a) 2-ary system
b) 4-ary system
c) Binary system
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The minimum energy noise vector for 4-ary system is smaller than 2-ary
system. So 4-ary system is more vulnerable to noise.

145. In which system, bit stream is portioned into even and odd stream?
b) MSK
d) FSK
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Answer: c
Explanation: In QPSK bit stream is portioned into even and odd stream, I and Q bit streams.
Each new stream modulates as orthogonal component at half bit rate.

146. The error performance of MPSK ______ as M or k increases.

a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Stays constant
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The error performance of MPSK degrades as M or k increases.

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147. In MPSK adding new signals _______ make it vulnerable to noise and in MFSK
_______ make it vulnerable.
a) Does, does not
b) Does not, does
c) Does, does
d) Does not, does not
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Answer: a
Explanation: In MPSK adding new signals that is on crowding the signals it makes it
vulnerable to noise where as in MFSK it does not.

148. In orthogonal signalling with symbols containing more number of bits we need ____
a) More
b) Less
c) Double
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In orthogonal signalling with symbols having more number of bits need more
power but requirement per bit is reduced.

149. For FSK signalling, WT is equal to

a) 0
b) 1
c) 0.737
d) Infinity
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Answer: b
Explanation: For FSK signalling the detection bandwidth is typically equal to symbol rate 1/T
that is WT is nearly equal to 1.

150. Energy per symbol Es is given as

a) Es=Eb(log2M)
b) Es=Eb/(log2M)
c) Es=2Eb(log2M)
d) Es=Eb/2(log2M)
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Answer: a
Explanation: In M-ary PSK signalling, the energy per symbol is given as Es=Eb(log2M).
151. The relation between the probability of bit error and probability of symbol error in M-ary
orthogonal signalling is
a) M/M-1
b) 2M/M-1
c) (M/2)/M-1
d) M/M+1
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Answer: c
Explanation: The relationship between the probability of bit error and probability of symbol
error is (M/2)/M-1 in M-ary orthogonal signalling.

152. As limit of k increases, the ratio of PB/PE becomes

a) 1:2
b) 2:1
c) 1:3
d) 3:1
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Answer: a
Explanation: As the limit of k increases, the ratio of PB/PE becomes 1:2.
153. Average energy per bit is given by
a) average energy symbol/log2 M
b) average energy symbol * log2 M
c) log2 M/ Average energy symbol
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Average energy per bit is given by average energy symbol divided by log2 M.

154. Which FSK has no phase discontinuity?

a) Continuous FSK
b) Discrete FSK
c) Uniform FSK
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Continuous frequency shift keying has no phase discontinuity between
155. FSK reception is
a) Phase Coherent
b) Phase non coherent
c) Phase Coherent & non coherent
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Reception of FSK can be either phase coherent or phase non coherent.

156. FSK reception uses

a) Correlation receiver
b) PLL
c) Correlation receiver & PLL
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Frequency shift keying uses correlation receiver and phase locked loop.
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157. In non coherent reception _____ is measured.

a) Phase
b) Energy
c) Power
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In non coherent reception of FSK, energy in each frequency is measured.
158. Every frequency has ____ orthogonal functions.
a) One
b) Two
c) Four
d) Six
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Answer: b
Explanation: Every frequency has two orthogonal functions – sine and cosine.

159. If we correlate the received signal with any one of the two orthogonal function, the
obtained inner product will be
a) In phase
b) Quadrature
c) Zero
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: If we correlate the received signal with only one of the orthogonal function for
example sine, the inner product obtained will be zero.

160. If we correlate the received signal with both orthogonal function the inner product will
a) In phase
b) Quadrature
c) In phase and quadrature
d) Unity
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Answer: c
Explanation: If we correlate the received signal with both the orthogonal function, the two
inner products obtained will be in phase and quadrature.

161. Simulation is used to determine

a) Bit error rate
b) Symbol error rate
c) Bit error
d) Symbol error
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Answer: a
Explanation: A simulation of digital communication system is used to estimate bit error rate.

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162. Matched filter is a _____ technique.

a) Modulation
b) Demodulation
c) Modulation & Demodulation
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Matched filter is a demodulation technique with LTI.
163. Which is called as on-off keying?
a) Amplitude shift keying
b) Uni-polar PAM
c) Amplitude shift keying & Uni-polar PAM
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Amplitude shift keying and uni-polar PAM both schemes are called as on off

164. QAM uses ______ as the dimensions.

a) In phase
b) Quadrature
c) In phase & Quadrature
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: QAM uses in phase and quadrature which is cosine and sine respectively as
the dimensions.

165. Which has same probability of error?

a) BPSK and QPSK
b) BPSK and ASK
c) BPSK and PAM
d) BPSK and QAM
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Answer: c
Explanation: BPSK is similar to bipolar PAM and both have same probability of error.

166. Which system uses QAM?

a) Digital microwave relay
b) Dial up modem
c) Digital microwave relay & Dial up modem
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Digital microwave relay, dial up modem and etc uses QAM modulation

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167. Hamming distance can be given by the number of elements in which

a) They are same
b) They differ
c) Which are non zero
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hamming distance between two code words can be given by the number of
elements in which they differ.

168. Code strength is characterized by its

a) Minimum distance
b) Maximum distance
c) Code weight
d) Code size
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Answer: a
Explanation: The smallest number of the set given the minimum distance of the code. This
minimum distance characterizes the strength of the code.

169. The distance between two code-words is equal to the _____ of the third code-word
which is the sum of the first two code-words.
a) Size
b) Weight
c) Minimum distance
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The sum of two code words gives a third code which is also a linear code. The
distance between two code words is equal to the weight of the third code word.

170. Error detecting capability is given as

a) Dmin + 1
b) Dmin -1
c) Dmin
d) Dmin/2
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Answer: b
Explanation: The error detecting capability is given as e = Dmin – 1, where Dmin is the
minimum distance of the code word.
171. The minimum distance Dmin can also be given as
a) Dmin >= α + β + 1
b) Dmin <= α + β + 1
c) Dmin >= α + β – 1
d) Dmin <= α + β + 1
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Answer: a
Explanation: If a code can correct α errors and detect β errors, then the minimum distance
can be given by the relation Dmin >= α + β + 1.

172. The number of errors that can be corrected without erasure information is
a) Dmin+1
b) Dmin – 1
c) (Dmin+1)/2
d) (Dmin – 1)/2
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Answer: d
Explanation: If a code has a minimum distance dmin then dmin-1 erasures can be
reconstituted. The number of errors that can be corrected without erasure information is

173. For better efficiency and simplicity, n should be

a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) Zero
d) Infinity
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Answer: b
Explanation: For real world codes, n should be minimum for better efficiency and simplicity.

174. Nyquist frequency is given by

a) fs
b) 2fs
c) fs/2
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Nyquist frequency is given as fs/2 where fs is the sampling frequency.
175. Some various types of distortion are
a) Jitter
b) Noise
c) Aperture error
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Various types of distortion are aliasing, jitters, aperture error, noise, error due
to non linear effects, error due to quantization etc.

176. Noise which can affect sampling are

a) Thermal sensor noise
b) Analog circuit noise
c) Thermal sensor & Analog circuit noise
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Some of the noises that can cause distortion in sampling are thermal sensor
noise, analog circuit noise etc.

177. Oversampling can completely eliminate

a) Aperture error
b) Non linearity
c) Quantization error
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Oversampling can completely eliminate aperture error and aliasing but can
only reduce quantization error and non linearity to some extent.
178. Sampling can be used in
a) Audio
b) Speech
c) Video
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Sampling can be used in audio sampling, speech sampling and also in video

179. What is the bit depth used for audio recording?

a) 8 bit
b) 16 bit
c) 24 bit
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Audio is recorded at 8 bit, 16 bit, and also 24 bit depth which yield theoretically
maximum SNR.

180. Which factors are measured using the units of lines per picture height?
a) Resolution
b) Sampling rate
c) Resolution & Sampling rate
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sampling rate and resolution in spatial directions can be measured in units of
lines per picture height.

181. Sampling of simultaneously two different but related wave-forms is called as

a) Over sampling
b) Complex sampling
c) Inter sampling

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d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b
Explanation: Complex sampling is the process of simultaneously sampling two different but
related signals.

182. Sampling can be done for functions varying in

a) Space
b) Time
c) Space & Time
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sampling can be done for functions varying in time, frequency, space or any
other dimension.

183. Reconstruction of continuous signals is done using

a) Decimation algorithm
b) Interpolation algorithm
c) Decimation & Interpolation algorithm
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Reconstruction of signals from the samples is done using interpolation

184. PCM includes the process of

a) Amplitude discretization
b) Time discretization
c) Amplitude & Time discretization
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Time discretization and amplitude discretization are the two processes done in
PCM system.

185. For which quantization process is used?

a) Amplitude discretization
b) Time discretization
c) Amplitude & Time discretization
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sampling process is used for time discretization and quantization process is
used for amplitude discretization.
186. Modulation process corresponds to ______ the amplitude, frequency or phase.
a) Switching
b) Keying
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c) Switching or keying
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Modulation process corresponds to switching or keying the amplitude,
frequency or phase of CW carrier.

187. Matched filter

a) Is a non linear filter
b) Produces maximum output SNR
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Matched filter is a linear filter which produces maximum output SNR for a
given transmitted signal.

188. Which has same probability of error?

a) ASK and FSK
b) ASK and PSK
c) PSK and FSK
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Uni-polar base-band signalling, PSK and FSK has same probability of error.

189. Which has higher error probability performance?

a) Uni-polar base-band signalling
b) Bipolar base-band signalling
c) ASK
d) FSK
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bipolar base-band signalling has high error probability performance than the
others. The probability of error value is A2T.

190. Time division multiplexing uses

a) High pass filter
b) Commutator
c) High pass filter & Commutator
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Time division multiplexing uses low pass filter and commutator.

200. In TDM, at the receiver end, ____ filter is used.

a) Low pass
b) High pass
c) Band pass
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d) Band stop
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Answer: a
Explanation: In TDM, at the receiver end low pass filtering is done to obtain individual

201. Which provides more secure communication?

d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: CDMA provides more secure communication than TDMA and FDMA.

202. Entropy is the measure of

a) Randomness
b) Information
c) Randomness & Information
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Entropy can be defined as the measure of randomness or information.

203. Entropy calculation returns

a) Random variable
b) Deterministic number
c) Random number
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Entropy calculation returns a deterministic number and not a random variable.
204. Entropy of N random variables is the _____ of the entropy of individual random
a) Sum
b) Product
c) Sum of squares
d) Average
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Answer: a
Explanation: Entropy of N random variables is the sum of the entropy of individual random

205. In synchronous transmission, receiver must stay synchronous for

a) 4 bits
b) 8 bits
c) 9 bits

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d) 16 bits
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Answer: c
Explanation: In synchronous transmission, receiver must stay synchronous for 9 bits.

206. How error detection and correction is done?

a) By passing it through equalizer
b) By passing it through filter
c) By amplifying it
d) By adding redundancy bits
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Answer: d
Explanation: Error can be detected and corrected by adding additional information that is by
adding redundancy bits.

207. Which is more efficient?

a) Parity check
b) Cyclic redundancy check
c) Parity & Cyclic redundancy check
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cyclic redundancy check is more efficient than parity check.

208. Which can detect two bit errors?

a) Parity check
b) Cyclic redundancy check
c) Parity & Cyclic redundancy check
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: CRC is more powerful and it can detect various kind of errors like 2 bit errors.
209. CRC uses
a) Multiplication
b) Binary division
c) Multiplication & Binary division
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: CRC uses more math like multiplication and binary division.

210. Self information should be

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Positive & Negative
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Self information is always non negative.

211. The unit of average mutual information is

a) Bits
b) Bytes
c) Bits per symbol
d) Bytes per symbol
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Answer: a
Explanation: The unit of average mutual information is bits.

212. When probability of error during transmission is 0.5, it indicates that

a) Channel is very noisy
b) No information is received
c) Channel is very noisy & No information is received
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: When probability of error during transmission is 0.5 then the channel is very
noisy and thus no information is received.

213. Binary Huffman coding is a

a) Prefix condition code
b) Suffix condition code
c) Prefix & Suffix condition code
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Binary Huffman coding is a prefix condition code.

214. The event with minimum probability has least number of bits.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: In binary Huffman coding the event with maximum probability has least
number of bits.

215. The method of converting a word to stream of bits is called as

a) Binary coding
b) Source coding
c) Bit coding
d) Cipher coding
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Answer: b
Explanation: Source coding is the method of converting a word to stream of bits that is 0’s
and 1’s.

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216. When the base of the logarithm is 2, then the unit of measure of information is
a) Bits
b) Bytes
c) Nats
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: When the base of the logarithm is 2 then the unit of measure of information is

217. When X and Y are statistically independent, then I (x,y) is

a) 1
b) 0
c) Ln 2
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: When X and Y are statistically independent the measure of information I (x,y)
is 0.

218. The self information of random variable is

a) 0
b) 1
c) Infinite
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: The self information of a random variable is infinity.

219. Entropy of a random variable is

a) 0
b) 1
c) Infinite
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: Entropy of a random variable is also infinity.

220. Which is more efficient method?

a) Encoding each symbol of a block
b) Encoding block of symbols
c) Encoding each symbol of a block & Encoding block of symbols
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Encoding block of symbols is more efficient than encoding each symbol of a

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221. Coded system are inherently capable of better transmission efficiency than the
uncoded system.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Yes, the coded systems are capable of better transmission efficiency than the
uncoded system.
222. While recovering signal, which gets attenuated more?
a) Low frequency component
b) High frequency component
c) Low & High frequency component
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: High frequency components are attenuated more when compared to low
frequency components while recovering the signals.

223. Mutual information should be

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Positive & Negative
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Mutual information can also be negative.
224. ASCII code is a
a) Fixed length code
b) Variable length code
c) Fixed & Variable length code
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: ASCII code is a fixed length code. It has a fixed length of 7 bits.

225. Which reduces the size of the data?

a) Source coding
b) Channel coding
c) Source & Channel coding
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Source coding reduces the size of the data and channel coding increases the
size of the data.
226. In digital image coding which image must be smaller in size?
a) Input image
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b) Output image
c) Input & Output image
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In digital image coding, output image must be smaller than the input image.

227. Which coding method uses entropy coding?

a) Lossless coding
b) Lossy coding
c) Lossless & Lossy coding
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lossy source coding uses entropy coding.

228. Which achieves greater compression?

a) Lossless coding
b) Lossy coding
c) Lossless & Lossy coding
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lossy coding achieves greater compression where as lossless coding
achieves only moderate compression.

229. A code is a mapping from

a) Binary sequence to dicrete set of symbols
b) Discrete set of symbols to binary sequence
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A code is a mapping from discrete set of symbols to finite binary sequence.

230. Which are uniquely decodable codes?

a) Fixed length codes
b) Variable length codes
c) Fixed & Variable length codes
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Fixed length codes are uniquely decodable codes where as variable length
codes may or may not be uniquely decodable.

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