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Accenture Pre-Onboard Learning

Performance Summary Report

Candidate Details
Name Vicky Gupta

Team Explorers

College Name MDU Rohtak - Maharshi Dayanand University - Rohtak

Your Performance Till now

Overall Completion % 25.31

Xp points earned 1135

Level Achieved 5

Rank in your team 1749

Overall Completion %
Rank in your college (within team) 1 25.31%

Average Time Spent 2.33 Hrs

Regular Hands-On completed 56/240

Highvalue Hands-On completed 21/67

Relative Performance

Completion % : 25.31% Avg Contest Score : 41.67%

100.00 98.00
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50 41.67 41.67
40 40
30 25.31 25.31 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
You Highest in Highest You Highest in Highest
college* in team college* in team

Xp Points Earned # : 1379.00 Accumulated Grade +: 9957

7500 50000
6750 45000 41800
6000 40000
5250 4890.00 35000
4500 30000
3750 25000
3000 20000
2250 15000
1379.00 1379.00 9957 9957
1500 10000
750 5000
0 0
You Highest in Highest You Highest in Highest
college* in team college* in team
* Highest within your team in your college
+ Grade accumulated across all the quiz and hands-on programs as part of the learning content.
# Xp points including bonus points.

Regular Hands-On completed : 56/240 Highvalue Hands-On completed : 21/67

300 100
270 240 90
240 80
210 70
180 60
150 50
120 40
90 30 21 21
56 56
60 20
30 10
0 0
You Highest in Highest You Highest in Highest
college in team college in team

Module-wise Details
Module Learning Progress Average Contest Feedback
Completion XP Points Grade Contest
% Earned Accumulated Score
PROGRAMMING USING 16 340.00 2832.86 20.00 Strength:
JAVA You have a good understanding
of Control statements.
You have a good understanding
of Loops.
Must improve:
You must improve your
understanding of Arrays.
You must improve your
understanding of Strings.

UNIX 0 0 0 N/A
& JSON )
OOP UML 15 10.00 100.00 N/A
SOFTWARE 0 0 0.00 N/A
LOGIC DEVELOPMENT 100 30.00 276.19 N/A
WEB TECHNOLOGY 29 85.00 1181.51 46.00 Can improve:
You have moderate understanding
of HTML5 Tags.
Must improve:
You must improve your
understanding of CSS3.
You must improve your
understanding of CSS3 Selectors.
You must improve your
understanding of html5.
You must improve your
understanding of Javascript.

RDBMS 67 914.00 5566.11 59.00 Strength:

You have a good understanding
of Aggregate function.
You have a good understanding
of DML.
You have a good understanding
of Group Function.
You have a good understanding

of Introduction.
You have a good understanding
of Scalar Function.
You have a good understanding
of select statement.
You have a good understanding
of Single Row Function.
Can improve:
You have moderate understanding
of DCL.
Must improve:
You must improve your
understanding of Joins.
You must improve your
understanding of subquery.


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