Mathematics: Quarter 1, Week 9 - Module 9 Solving Problems Involving

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Quarter 1, Week 9 – Module 9
Solving Problems Involving
Systems of Linear Equations
in Two Variables by
(a)Graphing; (b)Substitution
and (c)Elimination
Mathematics – Grade 8
Quarter 1 – Module 9: Solving Problems Involving Systems of Linear
Equations in Two Variables by (a) Graphing; (b) Substitution and (c)

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module





Illustrator/ Layout Artist: MARISOL B. BOSEO


Solving Problems Involving Systems of Linear

Equations in Two Variables by (a) Graphing; (b)
Substitution and (c) Elimination
I. Introduction:

This module focuses on letting you learn the knowledge and

skills that will help you in understanding Solving Systems of Linear
Equations in Two Variables using the methods – graphing,
substitution and elimination. As you go through this lesson, think of
the following important question: “How is the system of linear
equations in two variables used in solving real-life problems
and making decisions?” To find out the answer, perform each
activity and if you find any difficulty in answering the exercises, seek
the assistance of your teacher or peers or refer to the modules you
have studied earlier.

II. Objectives:

At the end of this module, students must be able to solve

systems of linear equations in two variables by (a) graphing; (b)
substitution and (c) elimination.

III. Vocabulary List:

a. Graph – a diagram used to indicate relationships between two

or more variable quantities.

b. Cartesian coordinate plane – the plane formed by the and axes

called the coordinate axes.

c. Substitution – replacing a variable (unknown) with a numeral.

d. Elimination – removing of one variable in an equation.

e. Solution – a number or value for a variable that makes the

equation true.

IV. Pre-Test: − =3
1. Which of the following is the graph of the system {2 − 2 = 6} ?

A. C.

B. D.

− =1?
2.What is the value of in the system {
2 + =8

A. 9 B. –2 C. –3 D. 3

3. What will be the value of ?

+ = 20
in the system {

− =−4

A. 12 B. –12 C. 8 D. –6

4.What is the solution of the system { =−1?

+3 =5

A. =–2; =–1 C. =–1; = 0

B. =0; =2 D. =2; = 1

5.What is the solution of the system { +2 =4 ?

4 −3 =5

A. =5; =7 C. =0; = 7

B. = 3; =–2 D. =2; = 1

V. Learning Activities:

LESSON 1: Solving Systems of Linear Equations in

Two Variables by Graphing

To find the solution of a system of linear equations

1. Graph both equations in a Cartesian coordinate plane.
2. Find the point of intersection of the graphs, if it exists.

The solution to a system of linear equations corresponds to the

coordinates of the points of intersection of the graphs of the equations.

A system of linear equations has:

a. only one solution if their graphs intersect.
b. no solution if their graphs do not intersect.
c. infinitely many solutions if their graphs coincide.

Find the solutions of the following systems of linear equations

c. {
2x + y = 7
a. {−x + y = 1 − 2 = −5
2 − 4 = −10
3 + =4 b. {3 + = 10

Answer (a) The graphs of 2 + = 7 and − +=1

intersect at (2, 3). Hence, the solution of the
2x + y = 7

system {−x + y = 1 is =2

and y=3.

Answer (b) The graphs of 3 + = 4 and 3 + = 1 are

parallel. Hence, 3 + =4

the system {3 + = 10 has

no solution.

Answer (c) The graphs of − 2 = −5 and 2 − 4 = −10
coincide. Hence,
the system { − 2 = −5 2 − 4 = −10

has infinitely many solutions.

Practice Task # 1

DIRECTION. Find and encircle the solution of

the system of linear equations by graphing. You
may also use GeoGebra to verify your answer.
1. {
+ =3
− =−1

2. {
2 − =2
3 + =3

Practice Task # 2
DIRECTION. Determine whether or
not the systems of linear equations
below has a solution. You may also
use GeoGebra to verify your answer.

1. {+=5 + =−3

2. {
2 − =6
2 − =10

Practice Task # 3
DIRECTION. Determine whether or not the systems of linear
equations below has infinite number of solutions. You may also use
GeoGebra to verify your answer.
1. {
+ =4
2 +2 =8

LESSON 2: Solving Systems of Linear Equations in

Two Variables by Substitution

To solve a system of linear equations by substitution

method, the following procedures could be followed:

a. Solve for one variable in terms of the other variable in one

of the equations. If one of the equations already gives the value of
one variable, you may proceed to the next step.
b. Substitute the value of the variable found in the first step of
the second equation. Simplify then solve the resulting equation.
c. Substitute the value obtained in (b) to any of the original
equations to find the value of the other variable.
d. Check the values of the variables obtained against the
linear equations in the system.

2 + =5
Solve the system { by substitution method.

Use 2 + = 5 to solve for y in terms of .
Subtract – 2 from both sides of the equation.
2 + −2 =5−2 =5−2
Substitute 5 – 2x in the equation − + 2 = 5.
− + 2(5 − 2 ) = 5

− + 2(5) + 2(−2 ) = 5 − + 10 − 4 = 5 −5 = 5 − 10 −5 = −5

Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by – 5.

−5 = −5−5 =1

Substitute 1, the value of , to any of the original equations

to solve for .
− +2 =5 −1+2 =5

−1+2 =5 2 =5+1 2 =6

Solve for by dividing both sides of the equation by 2.

2 6
2= 2 =3

Check the values of the variables obtained against the linear

equations in the system.
1. 2 + = 5 ; = 1 and = 3 2(1)+3=2+3=5
If = 1 and = 3, the equation 2 + = 5 is true. Hence, the coordinate (1,3) satisfies the equation.
2. − + 2 = 5 ; = 1 and = 3
If x = 1 and y = 3, the equation − + 2 = 5 is true. Hence, the coordinate (1,3) satisfies the equation.

2 +
Therefore, the solution to the system { =5
is the ordered − +2 =5

pair (1,3).

Practice Exercises:

Practice Task # 1
DIRECTION. Rewrite the second equation as
in terms of .

1. { + =2 2. {3 + =5 3. { +2

− + =6 2 − =8 −4 + 2 = 12

Practice Task # 2
DIRECTION. Rewrite the second equation as in terms of and
solve for the value of .

1. { + =9 2.
− =−3

Practice Task # 3
DIRECTION. Determine the solution of the following systems
of linear equations. Use the substitution method.

1. {+=8
2. { 3 + =2 3. { 4

= +6 9 +2 =7 −2 =15

LESSON 3: Solving Systems of Linear Equations

in Two Variables by Elimination

To solve a system of linear equations in two variables

by elimination, the following procedures could be followed:
a. Whenever necessary, rewrite both equations in standard form + = .
b. Whenever necessary, multiply either equation or both
equations by a nonzero number so that the coefficients of x or y
will have the sum of 0. (Note: The coefficients of x and y are
additive inverses.)
c. Add the resulting equations. This leads to an equation in
one variable. Simplify then solve the resulting equation.
d. Substitute the value obtained to any of the original
equations to find the value of the other variable.
e. Check the values of the variables obtained against the
linear equations in the system.

Solve the system {2 − 5 = 16 by elimination method.
3 + =7

Think of eliminating first.

Multiply 5 to both sides of the equation 3 + =7.
5(3 + = 7) 15 + 5 = 35

Add the resulting equations. 15 + 5 = 35


Solve for by dividing both sides of the equation by 17.

17 = 51 17 = 5117 =3

Substitute 3, value of , to any of the original equations to solve

for .
2 − 5 = 16 2(3) − 5 = 16

6−5 =16 −5 =16−6 −5 = 10

Solve for by dividing both sides of the equation by –5.

−5 = 10 −5 = −510 = −2

Check the values of the variables obtained against the linear

equations in the system.
1. 3 + = 7 ; = 3 and = −2 3(3)+(−2)= 9−2= 7
If x = 3 and y = –2, the equation 3 + = 7 is true. Hence, the coordinate (3, –2) satisfies the equation.

2. 2 − 5 = 16 ; = 3 and = −2 2(3) − 5(−2) = 6 + 10 = 16

If x = 3 and y = –2, the equation 2 − 5 = 16 is true. Hence, the coordinate (3, –2) satisfies the equation.
3 + =7
Therefore, the solution to the system {2 − 5 = 16 is the ordered pair (3, –2).

Practice Exercises:

Practice Task # 1
DIRECTION. Eliminate the variable y in the
following pairs of equations and determine
the equation for x.

1. { + =5 2. {2 − =

2 − =1 4 + =4

Practice Task # 2
DIRECTION. Eliminate the variable in the following pairs of
equations and determine the equation for .

1. {3 − 4 = −6
2. { 2

−3 + 2 = 0

Practice Task # 3
DIRECTION. Solve for the solution of the following systems of
linear equations. Use the elimination method.

1. {+=10
2. { + =−4 3. {

− =6 − =−16 2 + 3 = −2

VI. Post Test:

DIRECTION. Find the solution of the systems of linear equations
below by using the indicated method.

By Graphing
1.{ + =8 2. { 2 − =4

− =−4 2 − =−2

By Substitution + =9
+ =−1
3.{ 4. {
− =5 2 + = −3

+ =2
6. {

By Elimination
2 − =4

+ =8
− =2

VII. Assignment: Give an example of word problem which

1. can be solved through the use of systems
of linear equations. Show your solution
using the three methods (graphing,
substitution and elimination).


Pre – Test
1. B. 2. D. 3. A. 4. D. 5. D

Lesson 1
Practice Task 1
1. (1, 2) 2. (1, 0)

Practice Task 2

1. Has no solution

2. Has no solution

Practice Task 3
1. Infinitely many solutions

Lesson 2
Practice Task 1
1.{ + =2 2. {3 + =5 3. { +2 =3

= +6 =2 −8 =2 +6

Practice Task 2
1.{ + =9 ;x=3 2. { +3 =7 ;x=1
= +3 =−2 +4

Practice Task 3
1. (1, 7) 2. (1, –1) 3. (3,–6)

Lesson 3
Practice Task 1
1. {3 = 6} 2. {6 = 9}

Practice Task 2
1. {−2 = −6} 2. {−2 = −15}

Practice Task 3
1. (8, 2) 2. (–10, 6) 3. (2, –2)

Post – Test
1. Has one solution; (2, 6)

2. Has no solution

3. (7, 2)
4. (–2, 1)
5. (5, 3)
6. (2, 0)


• EASE Module 2: Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities pages 1 – 20

• Daily Lesson Plan pages 228 – 257
• MATHEMATICS Learner’s Material for Open High School Program pages 115
– 142
• EQUATIONS 2 Pages 1 – 19
• MATHEMATICS Learner’s Module Grade 8 pages 268 – 289
• INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA (High School Mathematics Revised Edition)
pages 9 – 22
• EXPLORING MATHEMATICS: Intermediate Algebra, Rex Bookstore, Inc.,
pages 1 – 22


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