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(MELC Based)

Name of Learner/Pangalan:_______________________________________
Grade Level/Lebel:______________________________________________



I. Background Information for Learners

Having seeds or plants to propagate is not enough to ensure its successful

growth. It is important that you have skills on when and how to plant it, choosing the
right planting tools and equipment and most importantly you must have perseverance in
taking care of it.


There are many kinds of tools and equipment use in plant propagation; some of
the examples are the following:

1.Hoe – a tool used in digging and loosening hard, dry soil. It has a thin blade across the
end of a long handle.

2.Rake – a long handled tool having a bar at one end with teeth in. It is used
for smoothening the soil and gathering loose leaves, hay, or straw.

3.Trowel – a tool with a curved blade used for loosening the ground and
taking up small plants.

4.Axe – a tool with a flat, sharp blade fastened to a handle used for cutting trunk of
trees and their branches.
5. Crowbar – a straight, heavy iron bar pointed at one end, about 4 feet in length, used
for digging holes and for planting seeds.

6.Bolo – a tool with a wooden or metal handle in which a long blade is attached. It is
used for cutting tall grasses and branches of trees.

7.Shovel – a broad scoop attached to a handle. It is used to

dig, lift, and throw loose matter.

8.Fork – a tool resembling a table fork but much bigger in size. It is used in digging and
preparing the soil for the plants.

9.Water Sprinkler – a can with a spout to sprinkle water on the plants.

Plants should be watered every day to make them grow healthier.

10.Wheelbarrow – used to transfer soil plants and other

materials from one place to another.

11.Hose – used for watering seedlings arranged in mass.

12.Sprayer – used for spraying chemicals to eliminate plant

13.Weighing Scale- for weighing plants, seeds, and fertilizers.

14.Pieces of wood or bamboo – used as fences of seed boxes and plots to protect
plants from being destroyed by animals.

15.Pruning Shears – used for cutting small branches including the

unnecessary branches.

16.Garden gloves – used while working in the garden, made of strong rubber to protect
from thorns and withstand punctures.



In propagating fruit-bearing trees, remember the following:

1.Select a stem which is not too young or too old.

2. Be sure the propagating materials are of the same species.

3. See to it that the stock and the scion are fitted with each other.

4. Do the propagation at the right time.


For safety and healthy way of propagating fruit-bearing trees the following
must be considered:
1.Before working make sure you have refresh yourself (like taking a bath) to work well.

2.Always wear complete personal protective equipment which includes hairnet, hand
gloves, apron, boots if needed, protective eyeglass, and face mask.

3. Make sure tools and equipment are working properly before using them.

4. Always follow instructions for use of equipment.

5. Focus on the work at hand. Do not allow yourself to get distracted.

6. Know your limits in working, seek help whenever necessary.

7. Work in proper position. Make sure you do not strain your back while working.

II. Learning Competency with code

1.5 propagates trees and fruit-bearing trees using scientific processes

1.5.1 identifies the appropriate tools and equipment in plant propagation and their uses
1.5.2 demonstrates scientific ways of propagating fruit-bearing trees
1.5.3 observes healthy and safety measures in propagating

TLE6AG-0d-5 (Week 4)

III. Activities

A. Check Your Practices

Put a check (/) in the column that fits you.

Practices Always Sometimes Never

1. I enjoy picking fruits from trees.
2. I help plant trees at home and at school.
3. I use gardening tools properly.
4. I follow safety and health measures while
5. I keep tools and equipment clean after using it.

B. Match column A with column B. Write the letters of the correct answer on the

_____ 1. Axe a. used for watering seedlings arranged in mass
_____ 2. Garden gloves b. used for cutting small branches including the
unnecessary branches
_____ 3. Pruning Shears c. a tool with a wooden or metal handle in which a long
blade is attached
_____ 4. Weighing Scale d. a can with a spout to sprinkle water on the plants
_____ 5. Sprayer e. used for spraying chemicals to eliminate plant seeds
_____ 6. Hose f. for weighing plants, seeds, and fertilizers
_____ 7. Trowel g. a tool with a flat, sharp blade fastened to a handle
used for cutting trunk of trees and their branches
_____ 8. Water Sprinkler h. used while working in the garden, made of strong
rubber to protect from thorns and withstand
_____ 9. Fork i. a tool with a curved blade used for loosening the
ground and taking up small plants
_____ 10. Bolo j. a tool resembling a table fork but much bigger in size

C. True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

_______ 1. Select a stem which is too young or too old.

_______ 2. Do the propagation at the right time.
_______ 3. Be sure the propagating materials are of the same species.
_______ 4. Allow yourself to get distracted while using gardening tools.
_______ 5. Always follow instructions for use of equipment.
_______ 6. Know your limits in working, seek help whenever necessary.
_______ 7. Make sure tools and equipment are working properly before using
_______ 8. Let the tools dirty after using it.
_______ 9. Do not follow safety and healthy procedures in planting.
_______ 10. Always wear complete personal protective equipment which includes
hairnet, hand gloves, apron, boots if needed, protective eyeglass,
and face mask.

D. Explain

1. What is the importance of tools and equipment in propagating trees and fruit –
bearing trees?
2. How can you make sure that your gardening tools and equipment will last long?
3. Why is it important to follow the health and safety measures in propagating
fruit-bearing tree?

VI. References for learners

 COMPENDIUM-AGRI.G6 pp. 19-24

V. Reflection

1. Propagating trees requires various tools and equipment. If you use the correct
tools and equipment in gardening, one can efficiently plant anything. From producing
yummy vegetables, herbs to maintaining beautiful flowers and fruit-bearing trees.

2. Gardening is an enjoyable and unwinding type of exercise, yet it can pose health
hazards. If you are careful, you can appreciate the advantages of your garden in
good health. Disregarding safety precautions and using the wrong tool for the job
are common causes of gardening injuries.

Answer Key

Activity A
Pupils' answers may vary

Activity B
1. g
2. h
3. b
4. f
5. e
6. a
7. i
8. d
9. j
10. c

Activity C
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. T
7. T
8. F
9. F
10. T

Activity D
Pupils' answers may vary

Prepared by/Inihanda ni:

Name of writer/Pangalan ng may akda

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