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Time: 1 Hour Max. Marks: 30

Reading Time – 07:30 - 07:40 Writing Time – 07:40 - 08:40

1. Choose the correct options to answer the following questions: 1×10=10

(i) My grandmother being young and pretty, the thought was almost revolting for the author.
(a) As the grandmother was too beautiful (b) The grandmother was terribly old
(c) The grandmother was too pretty (d) The grandmother was always young
(ii) When the author says, Uncle Khosrove is “roaring”, he indicates that
(a) the person who roars like a tiger
(b) the person is loud and pompous
(c) the person is speaking loudly in an angry tone
(d) the person is too lively
(iii) What does ‘telling’ imply in the statement, “the grandmother’s fingers were busy telling the
beads of rosary”?
(a) Counting while reciting (b) Teaching
(c) Praying (d) Talking
(iv) Which figure of speech has been used in this line ‘the waves were gigantic’?
(a) Simile (b) Oxymoron (c) Irony (d) Hyperbole
(v) Choose the option that means the same as: Hearing the noise, the boy woke up.
(a) The boy heard the noise to wake up.
(b) The boy heard the noise but he woke up.
(c) The boy heard the noise because he woke up.
(d) The boy heard the noise, so he woke up.
(vi) Jon said that they were not afraid of dying if all four of them could be together. The
narrator felt ___________ on hearing it from a child of six.
(a) Distressed (b) Overwhelmed (c) Reproachful (d) Optimistic
(vii) The feelings evident in the poem ‘A Photograph’ is of
A. regret B. nostalgia C. joy D. loss
(a) B and C (b) B and D (c) A and C (d) D and A
(viii) In the last ten years, the problem has almost ___________ an epidemic.
(a) becomes (b) become (c) had become (d) becoming
(ix) What is the mood of the author when she says, “I stopped horrified. I was in a room I knew
and did not know”?
(a) Irritable (b) Whimsical (c) Gloomy (d) Perplexed
(x) Which possessions are discussed by the author in, ‘The Address’?
(a) Things earned by the author
(b) Things taken away by Mrs Dorling
(c) Things which were important for her mother
(d) Things which were stolen from the author

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2. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: 2×2=4
(a) “……A sweet face,
My mother’s that was before I was born.
And the sea, which appears to have changed less,
Washed their terribly transient feet.”
(i) What does the poet mean by ‘the sea, which appears to have changed less’?
(ii) Whose ‘sweet face’ is referred to and why?
(b) The farmer looked into the mouth of the horse. Tooth for tooth, he said. I would swear it is my
horse if I didn’t know your parents. The fame of your family for honesty is well known to me.
Yet the horse is the twin of my horse. A suspicious man would believe his eyes instead of his
heart. Good day, my young friends.
(i) “I would swear it is my horse if I didn’t know your parents”. What is the irony here?
(ii) Why does John Byro let the boys go?

3. Answer the following questions in about 30 to 50 words: 2×3=6

(a) The author’s grandmother was a very religious woman. Comment.
(b) How does the story, ‘We’re not afraid to die…’ suggest that optimism helps to endure “the
direst stress”?

4. Imagine you are Mrs. Dorling. You are filled with guilt at what you have done. You are
uncomfortable with what had happened. Write a paragraph, in about 80 to 120 words, expressing
your feelings and your desire to make amends. 5

5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 120 words: 5

(a) Arihant Public school plans to buy computers and computer accessories from ABC
Computers, Rohini, New Delhi. You are Ritik Verma, Computer Lab Incharge of the school.
Draft a letter placing an order for the items required giving all the specifications of the
products and the quantities required.
(b) You are Praveena/Pravin, a resident of 42-D, Marconi Street, Kolkata. You are interested in
joining one of the courses in Communication Skills advertised by the Holy Convent School
of Language, Behala, Kolkata. Write a letter of enquiry for the same.

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