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to co-writer and confidant
to playtesters
to those who have given feedback on the
and to YOU, for reading!
Core Mechanics ................................................ 6 Downtime ......................................................... 97
Status Ailments ................................................. 13 Optional Downtime Rules ............................. 100
Moves and Setbacks ........................................ 15 Crafting .......................................................... 101
Advancement ................................................... 20 Fishing ........................................................... 103
Skill Compendium ............................................ 22 Gardening ...................................................... 106
Part-time Work .............................................. 107
CHAPTER TWO: ARCANA & SUITS Reading ......................................................... 108
Character Creation .......................................... 29 Venues ........................................................... 109
Persona Creation ............................................. 30 Social Links .................................................... 110
Arcana ............................................................. 35 XXI - World ..................................................... 113
0 - Fool ........................................................... 36 Japanese Culture ........................................... 114
I - Magician ..................................................... 38 Items .............................................................. 115
II - Priestess ..................................................... 40 Equipment ...................................................... 123
III - Empress .................................................... 42 Weapon Creation ............................................ 125
IV - Emperor .................................................... 44 Example Weapons ........................................ 127
V - Hierophant .................................................. 46 The Shadow World ........................................ 131
VI - Lovers ........................................................ 48
VII - Chariot ..................................................... 50 CHAPTER FOUR: SHADOWS & OPTIONAL RULES
VIII - Justice ..................................................... 52 Shadow Capture ........................................... 135
IX - Hermit ...................................................... 54 Fusion ........................................................... 137
X - Wheel of Fortune ........................................ 56 Shadow Skills ............................................... 140
XI - Strength .................................................... 58 1 - Star Shadows ......................................... 151
XII - Hanged Man ........................................... 60 2 - Star Shadows .......................................... 154
XIII - Death ...................................................... 62 3 - Star Shadows .......................................... 157
XIV - Temperance ........................................... 64 4 - Star Shadows ............................................ 160
XV - Devil ........................................................ 66 5 - Star Shadows ............................................ 163
XVI - Tower ..................................................... 68 6 - Star Shadows ............................................ 166
XVII - Star ....................................................... 70 7 - Star Shadows ............................................ 169
XVIII - Moon .................................................... 72 8 - Star Shadows ........................................... 172
XIX - Sun ......................................................... 74 9 - Star Shadows ........................................... 176
XX - Judgement ............................................... 76 10 - Star Shadows .......................................... 179
Suits ................................................................ 79 Optional Rules ............................................... 182
Suit: Wands ...................................................... 80
Suit: Cups ......................................................... 82
Suit: Coins ........................................................ 84
Suit: Swords ...................................................... 86
Suit: Compass .................................................. 88
Suit: Aeon ......................................................... 92

春 PTTRPG is a fan game. Atlus is not associated with the game in any way.
No money has or should ever be made as a result of the distribution of this book.

You’re spent. You and your partners PTTRPG uses a number of common
have combed every last corner of this odd terms in tabletop gaming, such as 2D6
tomb. A knight on horseback has just pierced (two six-sided dice), HP (hit points), GM
your shirt with his spear - your favorite shirt! Lying (game master), and etc. If you’ve never
on the ground, staring up at the undulating and heard these terms before, please take

unearthly corridors, you wonder how you’re going to a look at the following explanation.
explain this all to your parents. You glance at your
phone and catch your reflection in the empty blue In order to play this game, you’re go-
static which fills the screen. This place holds more ing to need a group of friends. One
mysteries than you can count. Thankfully, you have of you will take on the role of the

the power of friendship on your side. Game Master, or GM. This person
will act as both narrator and referee.
Welcome to Persona: The Tabletop Role-Playing They will also play the role of every
Game (aka PTTRPG, btw). PTTRPG uses PbtA character besides the main characters,
(Powered by the Apocalypse) as a loose framework including enemies. The GM will have a lot on their
for an extensive Persona-themed role-playing game plate, so those who take on this role should be ready
without always strictly adhering to the PbtA structure. for it. This might make you anxious, but you might
After all, rules are made to be broken. also find that you enjoy your time in the spotlight.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona is a series of Everyone who isn’t a GM will be a Player
anime video games, all of which follow groups of high Character, or PC. These should be the main
schoolers with the titular power of Persona. These characters of the story you tell together. The PCs
stories focus on noir mystery and slice-of-life drama. should work together to progress the story, work
If you aren’t familiar with the series, I would hazard a toward their goals, and most importantly have fun. In
guess that you might not enjoy this book. the Persona video games the “PCs” are always high
school students, but that doesn’t necessarily have
to be the case in this game. The players could be
private detectives, teachers, construction workers,
or anything else that tickles your fancy.

The core mechanic of almost any RPG is

is a dice roll, also known as a check. You check to
see what happens when you do something with an
uncertain outcome. This adds elements of both
strategy and surprise to the story you and your
friends will tell together.


Generally you can only make a check to
do something that is humanly possible. Characters have five Aspects which affect
For a check, the GM will prompt you to everything they, as a human, do. These are
roll 2d6 and modify the result based on as follows:
one of your character’s Aspects.

• ATHLETICISM is your physical strength, speed,
On a roll of 10 or higher, you do what stamina, and general self-defense ability
you wanted to do and avoid all draw- when it comes to melee combat.
backs; a complete success. Your GM
might describe how your character suc- • PROFICIENCY is your technical ability; how

ceeds in a spectacular fashion. good you are with your hands, including
your aptitude with ranged combat.
If the roll comes up as a 7, 8, or 9, it’s
called a mixed success. You do what • GUTS is your heart; your courage, your
you set out to do, but you also incur wisdom, your willpower. Gutsy people often

a setback. These setbacks can be find themselves in a leadership role.
anything; someone likes you less,
something in your enviroment chang- • KNOWLEDGE is your mind; not just how well
es, you get hit by an enemy, etc. Mixed studied you are, but also your intuition and
success is the most common result. deductive reasoning skills.

ニ If the result of the check is between 1

and 6, that’s what we call a failure. You
don’t do what you wanted to do, and
you receive a setback.
• CHARM is your interpersonal skill; your
power of influence. Charm can open many
doors that would otherwise be shut.

ッ The number you use to modify the re-

sult of this roll (the modifier) will be
equal to one of your Aspects or Persona
stats. Generally, it should be obvious

which one to add. For example, when
your character is making a check to de-
termine whether or not they break down
a door, they would add their Athleticism
Aspect to the roll. If they were studying
in a library, they would add their Knowledge
Aspect. When you’re in doubt about which stat to
use as a modifier, the GM should tell you.

This is the core mechanic


of PTTRPG. The following in

troductory pages contain

explanations for other

important mechanics.

This is required read-

春 ing; don’t skip it!

During combat, we slow down to bullet When you attack somebody, or when
time because it’s so exciting. We slow down somebody attacks you, you have to deter-
so the players can savor, plan, and describe all mine how much damage the attack does. In
the important details of the fight they’re in. the case of a basic attack that doesn’t use a
particular weapon (fighting with your fists, throwing
There isn’t always set order for each character a rock, etc.), the damage is 1D4-1, plus the related
to take their turn in Persona. Instead, the GM will stat. Again, melee attacks use Athleticism and
move around the table and call on you when it’s ranged attacks use Proficiency. Magic attacks
your turn to act. The GM might describe the threats gain a damage bonus equal to MAG.
or the circumstances in front of you before asking
“what do you do?”. However, groups can add a You might also find or purchase a weapon that
proper Turn Order to the game using an optional does more damage. In this case, the GM should
rule (see Optional Rules, pg. 182). tell you how much damage your weapon does.

ATTACKING Personas can’t use human weapons. Any weap-

When you attack something, the first thing you do ons they have are built into or specially attuned to
is make a check to see if you hit. If you’re making a them. Instead, your Persona will unlock new abili-
melee attack as yourself, you add your Athleticism ties that do more and more damage as they level
Aspect to the result of the check. If you’re making up.
a ranged attack as yourself, you add your Profi-
ciency (see Basic Moves; page 10). More advanced combat rules, including rules for
Weaknesses & Resistances, All-Out Attacks, how
However, when you’re attacking with your to use LUC, and Leveling Up can be found starting
Persona (which is often more effective) you add on page 16.
your Persona’s stats instead. When making a
ranged attack with your Persona, you add your HIT POINTS
Persona’s AGI stat, and when making a melee Player characters in Persona have two important
attack you add your Persona’s STR stat. When resources to manage: hit points (HP) and spir-
using a spell, add your Persona’s MAG stat. it points (SP). A character’s HP stat is a repre-
sentation of their overall health. When a character
On a 10 or higher (complete success) you hit takes damage in combat, the damage they take is
the enemy and avoid all setbacks. Your GM might subtracted from their HP (after armor is taken into
ask you to describe your character’s impressive consideration; see below). When a player charac-
success. ter hits 0 HP, they start dying (see Death & Dying;
page 17).
On a 7, 8, or 9 (mixed success), you attack the
enemy but receive a setback as well; you and your
opponent are “trading blows”.

On a 1-6 (failure) you fail and receive a setback;

You expose yourself, you receive a status ailment,
etc. The most common setback when attacking an

enemy is that enemy attacking you back.

Armor is a statistic that blocks incoming dam- Each PC has a Willpower (WP) number
age for a given character. It starts at 0, but can that gets added to certain rolls. WP will
be increased with certain abilities and pieces of scale up from 1 to 4 as a PC gains levels. To
equipment. When a character with an Armor score determine a character’s Willpower number,
greater than 0 takes damage, they subtract their simply divide their current level by four
Armor score from the damage they took. For ex- and round up. WP is used when hitting an
ample, if a character with an Armor score of 2 got enemy’s weakness, when someone hits your
hit for 6 points of damage, they would actually only strength, when moves such as Sukukaja are
lose a total of 4 HP. made, and etc. For example...

SPIRIT POINTS • Characters from levels 1 to 4 have a WP of 1;

A character’s spirit points (SP) are a counterpart (1 / 4 = 0.25, rounded up to 1).
to their HP. A character’s SP stat represents their • Characters from levels 5 to 8 have a WP of 2;
spiritual essence and well of magical willpower. (5 / 4 = 1.25, rounded up to 2).
When a character uses one of their more powerful • Characters from levels 9 to 12 have a WP of 3;
and / or extraordinary abilities, they will typically (9 / 4 = 2.25).
have to spend some of their SP. SP and HP are • Characters at level 13 or higher have a WP of 4;
both recovered by taking a long rest; see below. (13 / 4 = 3.25).


A long rest is simply a rest of six or more hours Most Personas and shadows have at least one
made in a safe area. This restores your HP and SP type of damage they are strong against and at least
back to their maximum amounts. one that they are weak against. These are known
as their affinities. Exploiting affinities is often the
LIMITATIONS key to success in Shin Megami Tensei games.
When a character is making a 2d6 check for any
move that relates to hitting an enemy (e.g. Basic When an enemy is being targeted with a type of
Strike, Basic Shot, Basic Spell, Pulse, Staggering damage that they are weak to, the 2d6 check
Strike, etc.), the modifier for the check can never for the attack against them gains a bonus of +2
be higher than +4. For example, even if your MAG (up to a maximum of +4). The damage roll also
is 5 and your Mudoon bonus is +2, you will always recieves a bonus equal to your character’s
be limited to a +4 bonus when rolling to see if your WP. If the attack is successful, the character
magic attack hits. This limitation does not apply to who was attacked gains the Downed status ail-
other rolls, such as damage rolls themselves. ment (see Status Ailments, pg. 13). When a
Persona or Shadow is attacked with a type of
Additionally, Personas have their own damage that they are strong against, the 2d6
stats (see Persona Stats, pg. 30). check and damage rolls for the attack instead take
These are capped at 2 until level the opposite penalties (-2 to-hit, -WP damage).

5, 3 until level 10, and 4 from

then on. Aspects are instead Some Personas and Shadows can “Null” or be
capped at 5, with no such Reflective to certain types of damage. If they

limitations on growth. Null the damage type, attacks of the given type
do no damage whatsoever. If they are Reflective,

春 attacks of the given type are bounced back and

will instead damage whoever made the attack.
Shadows or demons are monsters that dwell in the LUC is a special statistic which doubles as an
realm of the human subconscious. They are em- expendable resource. When you fail or get a mixed
bodiments of human spirituality, given power by success on a 2d6 check, you can opt to spend a
those who believe in them. This book occasional- point of LUC to improve your level of success. For
ly refers to shadows and demons interchangably; example, if you roll a failure and spend a point
they are both “enemy monsters”. Some GMs may of LUC, you effectively rolled a mixed success
let their players capture shadows for use in battle instead. You can only spend one point of LUC at
(see Shadow Capture, pg. 135) a given time. The LUC disappears and will not
return until later. The GM may also ask you to make
Shadows in PTTRPG (and all enemies in PbtA a LUC roll to determine the outcome of an action
games) use a more limited ruleset than PCs, in that falls outside the purview of your other Stats
order to make the GM’s job easier. Most notably, (such as fumbling through a pitch-black room or
enemies do not take turns the way PCs do - they playing a game of cards). In this case, you should
act only as the result of setbacks incurred when use the LUC you currently have as the modifier,
PCs roll mixed successes or failures. rather than your maximum LUC stat.

Enemies do have HP, but they do not have a pro- LUC refills itself on a regular basis, as determined
cess for dying the way PCs do. When an enemy by the GM. By default, LUC is restored to its full
reaches 0 HP, they simply die on the spot - no amount at the beginning of a new session. Howev-
saves, nothing. Enemies can have armor, but they er, the GM should feel free to change this interval
do not have SP - their SP is essentially unlimited. to suit their needs.

Wildcards are a special expendable resource
with the same function as LUC. When you fail
or get a mixed success on a 2d6 check, you can
opt to spend a wildcard to improve your level of
success. Wildcards differ from luck in that they are
gained at random intervals. Usually, one of your ar-
cana moves will give you a wildcard. Sometimes,
the GM might give you one simply as a reward for
excellent role-playing.

You can carry three wildcards at once, sav-

ing them to be used when they’re needed most.
Any wildcards gained while you are already at your
limit will disappear into the void. Note: Even
though some character sheets have five slots for
wildcards, you can still only hold three. The fourth
and fifth slots are a special consideration for the
Fortune character, who can instead hold five.
There are three methods for determing player Turn Optional rules can be either used or left
Order. Your GM should tell you which they plan to untouched depending on the preferences
use. of the GM and the players. They may pop up
throughout the book. If a rule is optional, it will
METHOD 1: POWERED BY THE APOCALYPSE. always be denoted as such. You can, of course,
With the default method there is no set turn decide to break or discard any “mandatory” rule you’d
order. Instead, the GM moves around the table like. Optional Rules have been prebalanced and
and describes the circumstances or threats in considered so that GMs can tweak things
front of each player, allowing them to act when without the headache of wondering whether or not
appropriate. their tweaks will break the game. All Optional Rules
are compiled at the end of this book, beginning on
Players and enemies both roll to determine when
they take their turn. Powered by the Apocalypse For example, here is an optional rule you may wish
counterattacks are not used. Instead, action plays to consider:
out in a manner more similar to a traditional RPG
such as Dungeons and Dragons. To learn more, OPTIONAL RULE: SP VARIATION
see Optional Rule: Turn Order (pg. 182). In Persona, characters have access to a
number of elemental skills; Agi is a skill that
METHOD 3: STRUCTURED PBTA damages enemies with fire, Zio with electrici-
Each player makes an AGI roll. Those who rolled a ty, and so on. Magic skills are very powerful. By
complete success go first, followed by those who default, in PTTRPG, magic skills have no cost.
rolled a mixed success, and finally those who rolled SP is instead used only when someone is mak-
a failure. When two players achieve the same ing a special move (SP move). The SP Variation
level of success, the PC with the better AGI changes that.
should go first. If the two players in question have
the same AGI, simply flip a coin or roll a die to With this rule, every magic skill (Agi, Zio, Maragi,
determine who goes first. If desired, the GM can Ziodyne, etc.) costs 1 SP. PCs will have to think
prompt players to roll once when they enter a more carefully about how often they want to use
dangerous area or start a new session, then use these skills.
those rolls as the de facto turn order indefinitely.
Or, the GM can ask you to roll for each battle, or To account for the increase in SP expenditure, the
they can simply decide what the turn order should SP Variation also introduces a boost in SP gained
be. by the players. PCs start with 5 more SP than what
is noted on their Arcana page. They will also gain
When using PbtA methods, enemies do not roll 1 more SP than what they normally would when
for turns and instead act only as the their character gains additional SP by leveling up
result of player failure or mixed (see Leveling Up, pg. 20) When you’re making
success (see Shadows, your character, be sure to ask your GM whether

previous page). or not they plan on using SP and/or HP Variations,

so you can calculate your statistics appropriately.

When a Player Character makes a roll Sometimes, the players can perform an All-
against an enemy while using a type of Out Attack. To do this, have each player
damage that the enemy in question is weak roll damage for a basic melee or ranged
to, and they down the enemy, they may im- attack (see Basic Moves, pg. 16). Then, add the
mediately take another action. This is known as results of all their rolls together. Finally, apply the
“getting a one-more”. One-mores can be chained resulting damage sum to each enemy on the
idefinitely, but only if a different enemy is targeted battlefield.
each time. After successfully downing an enemy
and gaining a one-more, any character can invoke Two conditions must be met before an All-Out
the universal move Baton Pass. Attack (AOA) can be initiated. First, an AOA can
only be initiated on a one-more turn immediately
BATON PASS after a PC has Downed an enemy. Secondly, all
After invoking this move, you choose who acts enemies in the current fight must be Downed.
next, instead of the GM. If you are using Variant Any enemies left alive after an AOA immediately
Turn Order, whoever is passed to gets an extra stand back up.
turn! The turn they gain from being passed to is
considered an “extra” turn, outside the normal turn EXPLODING DICE
order. Once someone has been passed to, they Certain abilities mention causing damage dice to
cannot receive another Baton Pass until a round of explode. An exploding die can be rolled again if it
combat has passed after the round in which they shows its maximum value. The new value is added
got the pass. Essentially, after receiving a pass to what was already rolled in an ongoing tally.
you cannot receive another for two turns. Exploding dice can be rerolled again and again if
they keep showing their maximum value - if you’re
Baton Passing confers an additional +1 bonus for lucky, this can result in an incredible amount of
to-hit and damage rolls, and this bonus becomes damage. Note: only damage dice should explode,
magnified when the Passes are chained together. never dice which are used for 2d6 checks.
Even if the receiver of the baton does not make
an attack, they will still gain a +1 bonus to the first For example, let’s say you roll 2d6 exploding
2d6 check they make on their extra turn, no matter dice. The first one comes up as a 1. Nothing
what it’s for. happens. However, the second one comes up as
a 6. Because 6 is its maximum value, this die can
BATON CHAIN be rolled again. Let’s imagine you roll another 6,
When someone is passed to, their bonus starts allowing you to roll yet again. Then you roll a 3,
at a +1. If they then gain a One-More from a ending the explosion. The 6 and the 3 you rolled
subsequent attack, they can choose to pass to would be added to the 1 and the 6 you initially
someone else and continue the chain. On the rolled. The total comes out to 16 - a huge result
second chained turn, the baton receiver gets a never normally attainable on a roll of 2d6!
bonus of +2, both for to-hit and for damage rolls.
On the third chained turn, the receiver gets a

bonus of +3. On the fourth, it’s +4. On subsequent

turns, it remains at +4 until the chain is broken.
This massive bonus cannot be held back by the

+4 rule and can be used to propel to-hit rolls up to

massive heights of guaranteed success - modifiers


of 5, 6, even 8 - but only if it’s used strategically!

Certain skills mention that they “target 1~4” ene- If you dislike any of the rules in this
mies. If a skill “targets 1~4”, roll a d4. You must game you are not only encouraged, you
perform some extra calculations to determine the are implored to get rid of those rules and write
effect of these moves. 1~4 skills are unpredictable your own. Don’t let us get in the way of your
but tend to be very effective against single, solitary
fun! Writing your own rules for PTTRPG is
targets. generally very simple. Once you know how the
game works you should easily be able to do it
First, roll a d4. This is the amount of times you‘ll even on the fly. Sometimes, it can be fun to break
roll damage for the attack. While these skills let the rules just to see what happens. Go nuts!
you attack multiple times in the same turn, you
cannot select your targets. Either A) have the GM Now that you’ve learned the basics, it’s time to
randomly select a target for each round of the at- move on to ailments and moves. Alternatively, if
tack or B) roll a die which most closely approx- you’re a player looking to get a quick start, you
imates the number of enemies you’re fighting to might wish to simply skip straight on to more
determine the target for each round of the attack. important sections; Advancement (pg. 20) and
Character Creation (pg. 29).
Persona is all about getting into your role.
This theme has its roots in Jungian
Psychology, which posits that any given person
has multiple personas or different roles they play
depending on whom they’re interacting with.
To this end, GMs should always reward players
who make interesting choices, act out interesting
scenes, or fully step into their personas.

One way this is accomplished in-game is through

the experience system, which rewards charac-
ters who act out the themes of their Arcana. The
GM is also encouraged to go a step further by
rewarding players who have good scenes, funny
moments, or anything else that tickles their fancy. A
suitable reward might be a point of experience for a
relevant aspect or a wildcard.

Sometimes, characters will recieve BLEEDING
an “Ailment”. Persona Wielders and The character is wounded and will lose
Shadows react to ailments in different ways. some HP each time they move.
The most common ailment, and the one you’ll IF A PC IS BLEEDING: They suffer damage equal
be referring to most often, is Downed. to their WP value plus two every time they take
an action.
DOWNED If AN ENEMY IS BLEEDING: They suffer the same effect
Characters get Downed when they’re hit with a (use the WP of whoever inflicted the ailment).
type of damage that they’re weak to. They fall over
embarassingly. BURNED
IF A PC IS DOWNED: They automatically stand up on The character has been wounded or
their turn. They can still take an action, however weakened after getting caught in a blaze.
any 2D6 checks they make on this turn suffer a IF A PC IS BURNED: They suffer damage equal to
penalty of -1. their WP when they act, as well as a -WP
IF AN ENEMY IS DOWNED: They do not stand back up penalty to all damage rolls.
until a full round of combat has passed. Also they If AN ENEMY IS BURNED: They suffer the same effect (use
cannot counterattack, making them an incredibly the WP of whoever inflicted the ailment).
easy and low-risk target.
There are a number of other ailments, divid- The character is entombed by ice. Though they
ed into two categories: Physical and Mental. may be able to move around a bit, they cannot
When a Player has an ailment, they must attack during this time.
make a 2D6 check before each action. On a IF A PC IS FROZEN: They are unable to move or act.
complete success, the Player shakes the ailment Another Player can spend a turn to unfreeze them,
and can proceed normally. Otherwise, check the as long as they have access to fire.
ailment’s description to see what happens. If the IF AN ENEMY IS FROZEN: They are unable to
ailment being checked against is Physical, the counterattack for three turns. If a PC hits them with
Player should add their Persona’s END modifier to fire, the ailment is removed.
the result of their roll. If the ailment is Mental, they
should add their character’s Knowledge Aspect. SHOCKED
The character is stiffened, staggered, or otherwise
If a character has had an ailment for three turns paralyzed. Hair is likely to stand on ends.
of combat without managing to shake it off, it if A PC IS SHOCKED: Refer to the 2D6 check they
fades away (unless otherwise noted). This is how made at the start of their turn. On a mixed
enemies shake ailments. They don’t roll for it; they success, they can move and act as normal but
suffer the consequences and after three turns their suffer a -2 penalty to all 2D6 checks made on this
ailment simply disappears. PCs also automatically turn. On a failure, they can’t do anything this turn.
shake off ailments after three turns have passed, IF AN ENEMY IS SHOCKED: Before each counterattack, flip
or if they take a short rest outside of combat. a coin. Heads: the enemy
counterattacks successfully.

PHYSICAL AILMENTS Tails: the enemy flinches.

• Bleeding
• Burned

• Frozen
• Shocked


• Sickened
• Rattled
The character is poisoned, or has seen something The character is snoozing. Sweet dreams.
that’s caused their constitution to fail them. IF A PC IS ASLEEP: If they can’t shake the Ailment by
IF A PC IS SICKENED: Refer to the 2D6 check they made rolling, they may also wake up if they are attacked.
at the start of their turn. On a mixed success, Otherwise, they sleep for three turns.
they can move and act as normal but take dam- IF AN ENEMY IS ASLEEP: They don’t act or counterattack.
age equal to their WP. On a failure they take this If attacked, they wake up.
damage and can’t move.
IF AN ENEMY IS SICKENED: They suffer damage equal to CHARMED
their Star level when they act. The character is infatuated by another. They will
do anything for them, including betray their team.
RATTLED If A PC IS CHARMED: The GM controls their character.
The character is temporarily transformed into a They may attack allies, heal opponents, or do
tiny rodent. How cute! nothing at all.
IF A PC IS RATTLED: Refer to the END check they made IF AN ENEMY IS CHARMED: They behave in much the
at the start of their turn. On a mixed success, they same way a Charmed PC would (attacking their
can move and act as normal but they suffer a allies and so on). If attacked, they will not counter-
devastating -3 penalty to all rolls while they remain attack.
Rattled. On a failure, the character’s brain is taken
over for a few moments; for this round they must CONFUSED
behave as a rat. The character is stupefied, mystified, or otherwise
IF AN ENEMY IS RATTLED: They suffer a -4 penalty to rattled in the brain-cage.
every roll they make, and they cannot use any skill IF A PC IS CONFUSED: The GM decides what they do.
with an associated Cooldown number. They will often do silly or illogical things such as
tossing away money.
• Afraid way a Confused PC would. If attacked, they will
• Asleep not counterattack.
• Charmed
• Confused ENRAGED
• Enraged The character is furious. Their rage is often
• Silenced devoted to a specific target, whom they despise.
IF A PC IS ENRAGED: Before each turn they roll 2D6 +
AFRAID Knowledge. On a complete success, they are no
The character is terrified. They are hallucinating, longer Enraged. Otherwise, they will do nothing
or perhaps they are simply awestruck. except use one of their strongest (not necessarily
IF A PC IS AFRAID: Refer to the 2D6 check they made at the most tactically sound) Attacks on the source
the start of their turn. On a mixed success, they can of their rage. The GM picks which attack they use.
still act but take a penalty of -2 to all 2D6 checks SP Moves cannot be used. The PC also gain a
made on this turn. On a failure, the PC flees from bonus of +1 for both their to-hit and damage rolls.
the current battle. IF AN ENEMY IS ENRAGED: They will only act or
IF AN ENEMY IS AFRAID: They are likely to run away. counterattack against the source of their rage, but
Brash and foolhardy enemies may continue to these attacks gain a damage bonus of +2.
fight, at the GM’s option. However, they suffer a
penalty of -2 to damage rolls. The fear subsides
after three rounds.
SILENCED Playbooks, pg. 35). There is a way to get moves
The character is completely unable to use skills or from Arcana besides your own, but it isn’t as
SP Moves; they may act confused or nervous. reliable as Multiclassing (see Social Links, pg. 110).
IF A PC IS SILENCED: They cannot use SP Moves,
Basic Spell or Command Persona, but can still Downtime moves are low-stakes moves which
make Basic Strikes or Basic Shots. take a good amount of time (generally a few hours).
IF AN ENEMY IS SILENCED: They incur the same effects a On days when they aren’t busy, the players will
PC would and might have to resort to using basic have the opportunity to make downtime moves.
attacks. Downtime moves are meant to encourage slice-
of-life roleplaying (see Downtime Moves, pg. 98).
Moves are prewritten guidelines for things your SETBACKS
character can do. As you play, you will gain new Oftentimes a PC will incur something called a “set-
moves. Everything you do in PTTRPG is technical- back” as a penalty for failure or mixed success.
ly considered a move. As a GM, you can refer to These can be anything the GM wishes, but they
the basic moves if you’re ever unsure what should should be appropriate given the story at hand and
happen in a given situation. Then, once you get the circumstances of the move being made. As a
a feel for it, you can rely more heavily on improv. GM, when you’re coming up with a setback, consider
Moves all fall into one of four categories. the following list of generic setbacks. Of course,
you can also improvise any other setback that
Basic moves are direct character-driven actions suits your will and is appropriate to the situation.
that can be taken at any time, even without access
to your Persona. Generally speaking, the PCs GENERIC SETBACKS
have access to all basic moves at all times. If this • The PC falls over embarrassingly and gains the
is not the case (such as with moves requiring a Downed status ailment.
Persona), it will be explicitly stated in the move’s • The PC bumps their head, twists their ankle, or
description. Basic moves are described in detail incurs some other minor injury. The GM should in-
starting on the following page. flict a small amount of damage on them (see table).
Suit moves are abilities you gain from your suit
as you level up. There are six suits (Wands, Cups, 1-2 1d2
Coins, Swords, Compasses, and Aeon). Suits can 3-4 1d4
be thought of like character classes from any other 5-9 1d6
RPG. Suit moves can only be used when you have 10 - 15 2d4
access to your Persona, unless otherwise stated
(see Suit Playbooks, pg. 79). There’s also a way • An NPC grows suspicious of the PC.
to get moves from other suits (see Multiclassing, • A piece of equipment breaks and must be fixed.
pg. 21). • An enemy or group of enemies is alerted to the
presence of the PC.
Arcana moves are moves you gain from your Ar- • Some unseen mechanism suddenly triggers.
cana as you level up. There are twenty-one Arcana • The action succeeds, but it takes an inordinate
(the only Major Arcana not selectable is World). amount of time.
Arcana are also a bit like classes, but there are • The PC loses one SP due to spiritual pain.
more of them. Arcana moves can be used at any • A friend of the PC becomes upset and must be
time, unless the move in question has an SP cost, soothed before they can be hung out with again.
in which case it can only be used when you have • An NPC grows suspicious of the PC or likes them
access to your Persona (see Arcana , pg. 36). less for whatever reason.
Keep in mind that if a move being used describes The following pages contain
a specific setback, the GM should generally stick explanations of every basic move in
to that setback. However, as always, the GM is the game, including suggested setbacks.
free to improvise something else if they think it
would be more appropriate. As a rule of thumb, BASIC STRIKE
PCs should only be allowed to make moves You go after an opponent and try to hit them with
for tasks that are actually within the realm of a melee weapon. Make a 2d6 check and add your
possibility for them to accomplish. Athleticism aspect to the result.

If a character is doing something and you aren’t • On a complete success, your strike connects.
sure that there’s an appropriate move for it, don’t Roll the damage dice indicated by the melee
panic. Just use the Golden Move as a guideline weapon your character is wielding and add your
to determine success or failure. You can always Athleticism aspect to the result. Then, tell the GM
improvise the effects of the Golden Move, or what how much damage you did. If you do not have
happens in the story as a result. a weapon, by default you can always do 1d4 +
Athleticism damage with your bare hands. If
GOLDEN MOVE the enemy being targeted is weak to Physical
This is a catch-all move. It can cover any charac- damage, they will become Downed and the PC will
ter-driven action that has an uncertain outcome. As gain a one-more (see One-Mores; pg. 9).
a player, make a 2d6 check. The GM will prompt • On a mixed success, your strike connects
you to add an appropriate aspect or Persona stat but you leave an opening for your enemy. Roll
to the result. If the GM is not certain that any as- for damage as if you had rolled a complete suc-
pect or stat would apply, they may prompt you to cess. The GM should then make a move as the
add your current LUC stat. character you’re fighting. If the enemy being
targeted is weak to Physical damage, they will
• On a complete success, you do what you set become Downed after their counterattack.
out to do. The GM should describe any obsta- However, the PC will not gain a one-more.
cles you overcome and / or how the story moves • On a failure, your strike fails to connect and you
forward as a result. leave an opening for your enemy. The GM should
• On a mixed success, you do what you set out make a move as the character you’re fighting.
to do but the GM can inflict a setback. If the GM is
unable to think of any setback, they are free to say
the move goes off without a hitch even on a mixed
• On a failure, you do not do what you set out to
do and the GM can inflict a setback.

• On a mixed success, your spell connects but you
You take aim and try to hit an opponent leave an opening for your enemy. Roll for damage
with a ranged weapon. Make a 2d6 check as if you had rolled a complete success. The GM
and add your Proficiency aspect to the result. should then make a move as the character you’re
fighting. If the enemy being targeted is weak to the
• On a complete success, your shot connects. type of damage the skill inflicts, they will become
Roll the damage dice indicated by the ranged Downed after their counterattack. However, the
weapon your character is wielding and add your PC will not gain a one-more.
Proficiency aspect to the result. Then, tell the GM • On a failure, your spell fails to connect and you
how much damage you did. If you do not have a leave an opening for your enemy. The GM should
ranged weapon, by default you can always do 1d4 make a move as the character you’re fighting.
+ Proficiency damage by hurling random debris.
If the enemy being targeted is weak to Ranged COMMAND PERSONA
damage, they will become Downed and the PC will You command your Persona to use a combat skill,
gain a one-more. such as Snap or Lunge. Select the skill, make a
• On a mixed success, your shot connects but you 2d6 check and add the appropriate Persona stat
leave an opening for your enemy. Roll for damage to the result. Attacks that inflict Physical damage
as if you had rolled a complete success. The GM should gain a bonus equal to the STR stat. Ranged
should then make a move as the character you’re attacks gain an AGI bonus. If the optional rule HP
fighting. If the enemy being targeted is weak to Variation is in effect, this move costs 1 HP to use.
Ranged damage, they will become Downed after
their counterattack. However, the PC will not gain • On a complete success, your attack
a one-more. connects. Roll the damage dice indicated
• On a failure, your strike fails to connect and you by the skill you are using and add the appro-
leave an opening for your enemy. The GM should priate Persona stat to the result. Then, tell the
make a move as the character you’re fighting. GM how much damage you did. If the enemy
being targeted is weak to the type of damage the
BASIC SPELL skill inflicts, they will become Downed and the PC
This is either a basic move or an SP move will gain a one-more.
depending on whether or not the optional SP • On a mixed success, your attack connects but
Variation is in effect. If it is an SP move, it costs 1 you leave an opening for your enemy. Roll for
SP to use. You command your Persona to strike damage as if you had rolled a complete success.
an opponent using an elemental skill you have The GM should then make a move as the charac-
access to, such as Agi or Zio. Select the skill and ter you’re fighting. If the enemy being targeted is
make a 2d6 check, adding your Persona’s MAG weak to the type of damage the skill inflicts, they
stat to the result. If you do not have access to any will become Downed after their counterattack.
magic skills, you cannot make this move. However, the PC will not gain a one-more.
• On a failure, your spell fails to connect and you
• On a complete success, your spell connects. leave an opening for your enemy.
Roll the damage dice indicated by the skill you The GM should make a move

are using and add your Persona’s MAG stat to the as the character you’re
result. Then, tell the GM how much damage you fighting.
did. If the enemy being targeted is weak to the

type of damage the skill inflicts, they will become

Downed and the PC will gain a one-more.

SNEAK AROUND • On a mixed success you do what
They’ll never see it coming! Make a 2d6 check you set out to do, but the GM can inflict
and add your Proficiency aspect to the result. a setback. As the GM, if you wish, choose
one of the following setbacks.
• On a complete success you remain quiet and 1) The PC bumps their head, twists their ankle,
utterly hidden as you sneak through an area, swipe or incurs some other minor injury. The GM should
an object, or prepare to make another move. inflict a small amount of damage on them.
• On a mixed success you remain somewhat 2) A piece of the PC’s equipment becomes broken
hidden, but the GM should inflict a setback. As the or unusable until it is repaired.
GM, choose one of the following setbacks. 3) The PC makes a loud noise, alerting a nearby
1) A PC trying to sneak up on an enemy is discov- enemy or group of enemies.
ered at the last minute, meaning they are unable • On a failure you do not do what you set out to
to perform a Backstab. do, and the GM can inflict a setback. As the GM, if
2) A single enemy catches a glimpse of a PC and you wish, choose one of the setbacks as if the PC
heads over to investigate. had rolled a mixed success.
3) The enemies go on alert, inflicting a penalty of
-1 when using this move again in the foreseeable A PROFICIENT SOLUTION
future. You use your technical skill to overcome an
• On a failure, you are spotted. As the GM, choose obstacle. You might be disassembling a trap,
one of the following setbacks. picking a lock, nimbly dodging a hazard, or etc.
1) A PC trying to sneak up on an enemy is Make a 2d6 check and add your Proficiency
discovered at the last minute, meaning they are aspect to the result.
unable to perform a Backstab.
2) A group of enemies gets a good look at the PC • On a complete success you do what you set out
and heads over to stop them. to do, perhaps even with additional flair and style.
3) The enemies go on high alert, inflicting a pen- • On a mixed success you do what you set out to
alty of -2 when using this move again in the fore- do, but the GM can inflict a setback. As the GM, if
seeable future. you wish, choose one of the following setbacks.
1) The PC knicks themselves with a sharp object,
AN ATHLETIC DISPLAY gets electrocuted, or incurs some other minor
You leverage your physical skill to overcome an injury. The GM should inflict a small amount of
obstacle. You might be running and jumping over a damage appropriate to their level.
large gap, breaking open a shut door, intimidating 2) A piece of the PC’s equipment becomes broken
an NPC, or etc. Make a 2d6 check and add your or unusable until it is repaired.
Athleticism aspect to the result. 3) Some unseen mechanism, such as an alarm or
a trap, suddenly triggers.
• On a complete success you do what you set out • On a failure you do not do what you set out to
to do, perhaps even with additional flair and style. do, and the GM can inflict a setback. As the GM, if
you wish, choose one of the setbacks as if the PC
had rolled a mixed success.

A GUTSY ATTEMPT • On a failure you do not do what you set out to
You call upon your well of courage to do, and the GM can inflict a setback. As the GM, if
stomach or persevere through a tough you wish, choose one of the setbacks as if the PC
obstacle. You might be dealing with a situation had rolled a mixed success.
which is awkward or uncomfortable, searching for
the will to do something dangerous, trying not to A CHARMING PERSUASION
throw up at a terrifying sight, or etc. Make a 2d6 You use your force of personality and social insight
check and add your Guts aspect to the result. to overcome a problem. You might be convincing
someone with facts and logic, attempting to put
• On a complete success you do what you set out on a good poker face, trying to discern whether or
to do without breaking a sweat. not someone is being honest, or etc. Make a 2d6
• On a mixed success you do what you set out to check and add your Charm aspect to the result.
do, but the GM can inflict a setback. As the GM, if
you wish, choose one of the following setbacks. • On a complete success you do what you set
1) The PC gains a status ailment such as Afraid or out to do, and others will find you charismatic and
Sickened. convincing.
2) The PC accidentally does something weird • On a mixed success you do what
which an NPC finds disturbing and / or off-putting. you set out to do, but the GM can inflict a
3) The PC loses an SP due to spiritual pain. setback. As the GM, if you wish, choose one
• On a failure you do not do what you set out to of the following setbacks.
do, and the GM can inflict a setback. As the GM, if 1) The PC says or does something that causes an
you wish, choose one of the setbacks as if the PC NPC to like or trust them less.
had rolled a mixed success. 2) An NPC gives in, but demands compensation
such as a favor or bribe.
A KNOWLEDGEABLE QUANDARY 3) The PC loses an SP due to spiritual pain caused
You attempt to come up with a solution to a by embarrassment or guilt.
problem using your intellect and deductive • On a failure you do not do what you set out to
reasoning skills. You might be trying to solve a do, and the GM can inflict a setback. As the GM, if
difficult puzzle, using a complicated tool such as you wish, choose one of the setbacks as if the PC
a computer, studying for an upcoming midterm, or had rolled a mixed success.
etc. Make a 2d6 check and add your Knowledge
aspect to the result.

• On a complete success you do what you set

out to do with no hesitation as the answers come
to you immediately.
• On a mixed success you do what you set out to
do, but the GM can inflict a setback. As the GM, if
you wish, choose one of the following setbacks.
1) The PC gets a headache and suffers -1 to all

further Knowledge rolls until they take a long rest.

2) An answer sought by the PC is known, but the
knowledge is fuzzy or incomplete.

3) An answer eventually comes to the PC, but only

after an inordinate amount of time has passed.

Over the course of the game, your character will
• NEW SKILL: Gained at every level. You get to choose
earn XP based on your successes. At the end of a new skill. Your level and affinities determine
each session, your GM will prompt you to answer which skills you have access to. For more infor-
some questions based on how you think you did. mation, see the Skill Compendium (pg. 22).
• BONUS HP: Also gained at every level. Your maxi-
END OF SESSION QUESTIONS mum HP increases by at least two points. If your
• QUESTION 1. Did the group overcome a powerful or Persona’s END stat is 3, it instead increases by
unique enemy or obstacle, or did we learn some- three points. If your END is 4, it increases by 4.
thing about our goal? If so, everyone gains two • NEW SUIT MOVE: Gained at every other level. You get
XP. The answer to this question should, more of- to choose a new move from your suit. If you are at
ten than not, be yes. least level 10, you can pick a level 10+ move.
• QUESTION 2. Did you begin or advance a Social Link • BONUS SP: Gained at every third level. Your max-
during the session? If so, you gain one XP. Did you imum SP increases by an amount equal to your
begin or advance multiple S. Links? If so, you gain MAG stat (minimum of 1). If the SP Variation is in
two XP. effect, you gain an amount equal to your MAG stat
• QUESTION 3. Look at the XP Trigger on your Arcana plus one (minimum of 2).
Page. Did you satisfy one of the conditions? If so, • NEW ARCANA MOVE: Gained at levels 3, 5, 9, and 11.
you gain one XP. Did you satisfy two of them? If You get to choose a new move from your Arcana.
so, you gain two XP. • BONUS STATS: Gained at every fifth level. You can
improve your Persona stats. Select two stats and
LEVELING UP improve each of them by one. You must select two
To gain a new level, you have to spend XP equal separate stats (you cannot increase the same stat
to the number of the new level + 3. For example, twice). Also keep in mind that until you’re level 10,
moving from level one to two costs 5 XP. Moving your stats can’t go higher than 3. They can never
to level 3 costs 6 XP, and etc. There are a total of go higher than 4.
15 levels. Leveling up comes with a wide array of
1 - 1 -
2 5 1 New Suit Move, New Skill, Bonus HP
3 6 1 New Arcana Move, New Skill, Bonus HP, Bonus SP
4 7 1 New Suit Move, New Skill, Bonus HP
5 8 2 New Arcana Move, Bonus Stats, New Skill, Bonus HP
6 9 2 New Suit Move, New Skill, Bonus HP, Bonus SP
7 10 2 New Affinity, Two New Skills, Bonus HP
8 11 2 New Suit Move, New Skill, Bonus HP
9 12 3 New Arcana Move, New Skill, Bonus HP, Bonus SP
10 13 3 Bonus Stats, New Suit Move, New Skill, Bonus HP
11 14 3 New Arcana Move, New Skill, Bonus HP
12 15 3 New Suit Move, New Skill, Bonus HP, Bonus SP
13 16 4 New Skill, Bonus HP
14 17 4 New Suit Move, New Skill, Bonus HP
15 18 4 Bonus Stats, New Skill, Bonus HP, Bonus SP
RETROACTIVE BONUSES Level. Once you’ve purchased a Move from an-
Stat increases apply retroactive other Suit, you need to Level up before you
bonuses with regards to HP and SP gains. can do it again. Secondly, you cannot use the
For example, let’s say you level up to 5 and Multiclassing system to purchase moves from
increase your END by 1. Because you gain HP at either of the special suits (Compasses and Aeon).
every level based on your END stat, you would However, Compass and Aeon characters can use
gain a retroactive bonus to your HP equal to the the Multiclassing system to purchase moves from
number of times you increased it (i.e., your cur- other Suits. You can also use the Multiclassing
rent level minus one). In other words, recalculate system to “back-order” moves from your own suit
your character’s HP as if they’d had an extra END the same way you would from any other.
the entire time. This applies to SP as well. If you
increase your MAG, you should gain a retroactive DEATH AND DYING
bonus to your SP. However, keep in mind that SP When an enemy hits 0 HP, they die. Particular-
is only gained at every third level, not at every ly powerful enemies might share some parting
level. words, but that’s it. On the other hand, when a PC
hits 0 HP they get one last chance at life. The dying
BACK-ORDERING character should make a roll of 2D6. No modifier
You may also choose to spend your XP to flesh gets added to this, unless the PC in question has
out your Persona’s moveset. Though a given Per- completed one or more S. Links (as in, brought
sona can only have eight skills at a time, you can them up to their maximum level of 5). In this case,
always swap them out when you’re full. If you they use their total number of completed S. Links
choose to spend your XP gaining an Attack from as the modifier, up to a maximum of +4.
the list of Available Attacks for your Arcana, the XP
cost is equal to the number of the level at which • If the dying PC rolls a complete success, they
you gained access to the Attack in question. For gain a point of success.
instance, let’s say I’m playing as the Magician. My • If the dying PC rolls a mixed success, they gain
Persona is Lv. 6, and I want the Attack Frei, but I a point of failure.
don’t want to spend 10 XP going up to Lv. 7. In- • If the dying PC rolls a failure, they gain two points
stead, I’ll just Back-Order Frei from the list of Avail- of failure.
able Attacks for the Magician. Since Frei becomes
available at level 4, it costs 4 XP to order. Dying PCs must make this death saving roll for
each round of combat (every five seconds or so).
MULTICLASSING If the PC accumulates three points of success,
Say you’ve been looking through the list of SP they are considered stable. A stable PC has their
Moves. You think a particular Move sounds real- HP reset to 1 and is unconscious for a period of
ly great, but it doesn’t belong to your Suit. This is time determined by the GM (generally at least an
where Multiclassing comes in. hour). If the PC accumulates six points of failure,
on the other hand, they die. Any healing applied to
To purchase a Move from another Suit, you have the character during this period will
to spend XP equal to your current Lv. + 2. In this stabilize them, but they will be left
way, Multiclassing becomes much easier and unconscious. Items which revive

cheaper when you are at a low level. However, a character (such as revival
some restrictions have been put in place to keep beads) will return them

players from “bottoming out” and staying at a low from the brink imme-
level while they buy entire suites of Moves. First- diately, allowing them


ly, before Lv. 10 you can only Multiclass once per to act on their turn.
Level. Once you’ve purchased a Move from
The following skills may be taken by players Some skills have notes indicating that they inflict
as they level up, assuming they meet the an ailment, such as “Inflicts Rage (3)” or “Inflicts
requirements. You must have a major or minor Charmed (4)”. When a character is targeted by
affinity for the proper category of skill, and you one of these skills, have the target roll 1d6 and
must be at the proper level. Also keep in mind that add their END stat to the result of the roll. Then
you can only have eight skills at a given time, and refer to the number in parenthesis. If the result is
you’ll eventually have to replace the older ones. equal to or lower than the parenthetical number,
the target gains the ailment in question.


Lunge Deals light (1d6) Physical damage to one foe. -
Dream Fist Deals light (1d6) Physical damage to one foe. Inflicts Asleep (3). 2
Terror Claw Deals light (1d6) Physical damage to one foe. Inflicts Afraid(3). 2
Mind Slice Deals light (1d6) Physical damage to one foe. Inflicts Confused (3). 2
Blight Deals light (1d6) Physical damage to all foes. Inflicts Sickened (3). 4
Giant Slice Deals medium (2d6) Physical damage to one foe. 5
Binding Claw Deals medium (2d6) Physical damage to one foe. Inflicts Shocked (3). 6
Skull Cracker Deals medium (2d6) Physical damage to one foe. Inflicts Confused (3). 6
Vajra Blast Deals medium (2d6) Physical damage to all foes. 6
Assault Dive Deals heavy (3d6) Physical damage to one foe. 9
Tetanus Cut Deals heavy (3d6) Physical damage to one foe. Inflicts Sickened (3). 10
Deadly Fury Deals heavy (3d6) Physical damage to one foe. Inflicts Afraid (3). 10
Heatwave Deals heavy (3d6) Physical damage to all foes. 11
Madness Deals heavy (3d4) Physical damage to 1~4 random enemies. 12
Nails Inflicts Charmed (3).
Brave Blade Deals severe (4d6) Physical damage to one foe. 13
Giganto- Deals severe (4d6) Physical damage to all foes. 15


Needle Shot Deals light (1d6) Ranged damage to one foe. -
Dream Needle Deals light (1d6) Ranged damage to one foe. Inflicts Asleep (3). 2
Toxic Sting Deals light (1d6) Ranged damage to one foe. Inflicts Sickened (3). 2
Madness Deals light (1d6) Ranged damage to one foe. Inflicts Confused (3). 2
Automatic Shot Deals light (1d6) Ranged damage to all foes. 3
Snap Deals medium (2d6) Ranged damage to one foe. 5
Piercing Shot Deals medium (2d6) Ranged damage to one foe. 6
Ignores armor when calculating damage.
Shoot Out Deals medium (2d6) Ranged damage to all foes. 7
Stun Needles Deals medium (2d4) Ranged damage to 1~4 random enemies. 8
Inflicts Shocked (3).
Snipe Deals heavy (3d6) Ranged damage to one foe. 9
Triple Down Deals heavy (3d6) Ranged damage to all foes. 11
One-shot Kill Deals severe (4d6) Ranged damage to one foe. 13
Rain of Arrows Deals severe (4d6) Ranged damage to all foes. 15


Agi Deals light (1d6) Fire damage to one foe. -
Maragi Deals light (1d6) Fire damage to all foes. 2
Fire Breath Deals light (1d4) Fire damage to 1~4 random enemies. 2
Agilao Deals medium (2d6) Fire damage to one foe. 5
Maragilao Deals medium (2d6) Fire damage to all foes. 7
Hellfire Deals medium (2d4) Fire damage to 1~4 random enemies. 7
Agidyne Deals heavy (3d6) Fire damage to one foe. 9
Maragidyne Deals heavy (3d6) Fire damage to all foes. 11
Inferno Deals heavy (3d4) Fire damage to 1~4 random enemies. 11
Ragnarok Deals severe (4d6) Fire damage to one foe. 13
Blazing Hell Deals severe (4d6) Fire damage to all foes. 15
Burning Petals Deals severe (4d4) Fire damage to 1~4 random enemies. 15
Bufu Deals light (1d6) Ice damage to one foe. -
Mabufu Deals light (1d6) Ice damage to all foes. 2
Ice Breath Deals light (1d4) Ice damage to 1~4 random enemies. 2
Bufula Deals medium (2d6) Ice damage to one foe. 5
Mabufula Deals medium (2d6) Ice damage to all foes. 7
Ice Paradice Deals medium (2d4) Ice damage to 1~4 random enemies. 7
Bufudyne Deals heavy (3d6) Ice damage to one foe. 9
Mabufudyne Deals heavy (3d6) Ice damage to all foes. 11
Glacier Blast Deals heavy (3d4) Ice damage to 1~4 random enemies. 11
Diamond Dust Deals severe (4d6) Ice damage to one foe. 13
Niflheim Deals severe (4d6) Ice damage to all foes. 15
Blizzard Breath Deals severe (4d4) Ice damage to 1~4 random enemies. 15


Zio Deals light (1d6) Electric damage to one foe. -
Mazio Deals light (1d6) Electric damage to all foes. 2
Shock Deals light (1d4) Electric damage to 1~4 random enemies. 2
Zionga Deals medium (2d6) Electric damage to one foe. 5
Mazionga Deals medium (2d6) Electric damage to all foes. 7
Jupiter’s Fury Deals medium (2d4) Electric damage to 1~4 random enemies. 7
Ziodyne Deals heavy (3d6) Electric damage to one foe. 9
Maziodyne Deals heavy (3d6) Electric damage to all foes. 11
Electric Dance Deals heavy (3d4) Electric damage to 1~4 random enemies. 11
Thunder Reign Deals severe (4d6) Electric damage to one foe. 13
Wild Thunder Deals severe (4d6) Electric damage to all foes. 15
Bolt Storm Deals severe (4d4) Electric damage to 1~4 random enemies. 15


Garu Deals light (1d6) Wind damage to one foe. -
Magaru Deals light (1d6) Wind damage to all foes. 2
Wind Breath Deals light (1d4) Wind damage to 1~4 random enemies. 2
Garula Deals medium (2d6) Wind damage to one foe. 5
Magarula Deals medium (2d6) Wind damage to all foes. 7
Storm Breath Deals medium (2d4) Wind damage to 1~4 random enemies. 7
Garudyne Deals heavy (3d6) Wind damage to one foe. 9
Magarudyne Deals heavy (3d6) Wind damage to all foes. 11
Killer Wind Deals heavy (3d4) Wind damage to 1~4 random enemies. 11
Phanta Rei Deals severe (4d6) Wind damage to one foe. 13
Vacuum Wave Deals severe (4d6) Wind damage to all foes. 15
Whirlwind Deals severe (4d4) Wind damage to 1~4 random enemies. 15


Psi Deals light (1d6) Psychic damage to one foe. -
Mapsi Deals light (1d6) Psychic damage to all foes. 2
Psi Pulse Deals light (1d4) Psychic damage to 1~4 random enemies. 2
Psio Deals medium (2d6) Psychic damage to one foe. 5
Mapsio Deals medium (2d6) Psychic damage to all foes. 7
Psychokinesis Deals medium (2d4) Psychic damage to 1~4 random enemies. 7
Psiodyne Deals heavy (3d6) Psychic damage to one foe. 9
Mapsiodne Deals heavy (3d6) Psychic damage to all foes. 11
Cerebral Deals heavy (3d4) Psychic damage to 1~4 random enemies. 11
Psycho Force Deals severe (4d6) Psychic damage to one foe. 13
Psycho Blast Deals severe (4d6) Psychic damage to all foes. 15
Cerebral Storm Deals severe (4d4) Psychic damage to 1~4 random enemies. 15
Frei Deals nuclear (1d6) Nuclear damage to one foe. -
Mafrei Deals light (1d6) Nuclear damage to all foes. 2
Fission Wave Deals light (1d4) Nuclear damage to 1~4 random enemies. 2
Freila Deals medium (2d6) Nuclear damage to one foe. 5
Mafreila Deals medium (2d6) Nuclear damage to all foes. 7
Acid Rain Deals medium (2d4) Nuclear damage to 1~4 random enemies. 7
Freidyne Deals heavy (3d6) Nuclear damage to one foe. 9
Mafreidyne Deals heavy (3d6) Nuclear damage to all foes. 11
Atomic Dance Deals heavy (3d4) Nuclear damage to 1~4 random enemies. 11
Atomic Flare Deals severe (4d6) Nuclear damage to one foe. 13
Cosmic Flare Deals severe (4d6) Nuclear damage to all foes. 15
Cosmic Storm Deals severe (4d4) Nuclear damage to 1~4 random enemies. 15


Kouha Deals light (1d6) Bless damage to one foe. -
Makouha Deals light (1d6) Bless damage to all foes. 2
Starlight Deals light (1d4) Bless damage to 1~4 random enemies. 2
Kouga Deals medium (2d6) Bless damage to one foe. 5
Makouga Deals medium (2d6) Bless damage to all foes. 7
Nirvana Deals medium (2d4) Bless damage to 1~4 random enemies. 7
Kougaon Deals heavy (3d6) Bless damage to one foe. 9
Makougaon Deals heavy (3d6) Bless damage to all foes. 11
Holy Wrath Deals heavy (3d4) Bless damage to 1~4 random enemies. 11
Divine Deals severe (4d6) Bless damage to one foe. 13
Shining Arrows Deals severe (4d6) Bless damage to all foes. 15
Judgement Deals severe (4d4) Bless damage to 1~4 random enemies. 15


Eiha Deals light (1d6) Curse damage to one foe. -
Maeiha Deals light (1d6) Curse damage to all foes. 2
Soul Divide Deals light (1d4) Curse damage to 1~4 random enemies. 2
Eiga Deals medium (2d6) Curse damage to one foe. 5
Maeiga Deals medium (2d6) Curse damage to all foes. 7
Grimoire Deals medium (2d6) Curse damage to 1~4 random enemies. 7
Eigaon Deals heavy (3d6) Curse damage to one foe. 9
Maeigaon Deals heavy (3d6) Curse damage to all foes. 11
Dark Slumber Deals heavy (3d6) Curse damage to 1~4 random enemies. 11
Demonic Deals severe (4d6) Curse damage to one foe. 13
Abyssal Wings Deals severe (4d6) Curse damage to all foes. 15
Eternal Black Deals severe (4d6) Curse damage to 1~4 random enemies. 15
Character creation in Persona is fairly FOR EXAMPLE, I’m going to make a char-

simple, and shouldn’t take more than an acter and let’s just say his name is
hour or so. The following guide will help you Junpei. I want Junpei to be dumb,
get your character ready for their first journey brash, and overall just kind of
into the unknown. awful. Eventually, though, he’ll
probably have some sort of sweet
1. TALK TO YOUR GROUP. redemption arc.

Make sure everyone is on the same page. Don’t
bring your character, who is a criminal, into a I already know what sort of
group of cops unless everyone agrees on it. If the character I want him to be, so all I
GM is running a game set in a school, you should have to do now is set his starting
probably make a student or a teacher. Aspects. I’ll start with Proficiency. I want him to be
decent at fighting, too, so I’ll give him a point in
2. CONSIDER YOUR BACKSTORY Athleticism. Finally Guts, since he’s too dumb to
What’s your character’s name? How do they act? know better.
What are their hobbies? What motivates them?
You can go as in-depth as you want, but try to Now I have to decide whether or not to take the
come up with answers for these questions, at least. optional rule. I’m going to go for it. In this case,
The best characters are the ones that take on lives I’ll choose to increase his Guts, which now
of their own; if you’ve done it correctly, you’ll find becomes +2 instead of +1. Junpei is very
you need to put very little thought into what your courageous. He also wants to be a leader, but
character does at any given moment. The answer there’s someone outshining him. Someone
will come to you organically. smarter, more charismatic, and more talented than
he is.
Each of your Aspects start at 0. You can increase Since I took the optional rule, I also have to
a few of them now, but most of them will only go decrease one of my stats to -1. I’m going to pick
up when you better yourself as a person. Choose my Knowledge, since I just don’t care about it.
three different Aspects. You can add a point to Now, when I make a Knowledge check, I have to
each of them right now, giving them a value of +1. subtract 1 from the result of the roll.

4. OPTIONAL: ADD MORE PERSONALITY We’ll catch up with Junpei after we learn about
You can choose to start the game with slightly al- Persona creation.
tered stats. If you take this option, select one of
the Aspects you chose in Step 3 and increase it to
+2. However, you must also select an Aspect you
didn’t pick in Step 3 and change it to -1.


Your character either has or will soon have

another half, called their Persona. When a

Persona becomes available to you, you will

become much more powerful. The guide for

Persona creation begins on the following page.

A Persona is a mask you wear - a mythical being PERSONA STATS
born from a person’s perception of themselves. It’s
up to the GM to determine when and how you gain Personas have five stats which affect their
access to your Persona. Perhaps some condition abilities. Some stats (namely LUC) are also
must be met, or perhaps you simply always had it. useful to the Persona’s wielder.
In either case, Personas confer significant power
to their owners. • STR, or Strength, is a measure of a Perso-
na’s aptitude for straight-up melee combat.
Each Persona is associated with a particular
card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. This is re- • AGI, or Agility, is a measure of a Persona’s
ferred to simply as your Arcana. There are 21 aptitude for ranged combat .
Arcana. Almost all of Tarot’s Major Arcana are
represented. The exception is World, a special • END, or Endurance, is a measure of a Per-
Arcana which is not available to players. sona’s fortitude which affects HP. It can also
World is discussed further in the section on help a Persona wielder to shake off or resist
Running the Game (pg. 113). status ailments.

Because there are so many Arcana, many of them • MAG, or Magic, is a measure of a Persona’s
can be similar. Each Arcana is put into a category arcane affinity which affects SP and spell-
called a suit. There are six suits, each represent- casting aptitude.
ing a particular trope.
• LUC, or Luck, is a measure of a Persona
WANDS. Personas of the Wands suit typically excel wielder’s ability to resist fate. It can be used
at bending reality and destroying foes with magic. to turn failure into success.

CUPS. Personas of the Cups suit typically excel at

To create a Persona, carry out the following steps:
healing and buffing their allies with magic.
COINS. Personas of the Coins suit can move
quietly, break through barriers, and strike from
SWORDS. Personas of the Swords suit excel at
defending allies and striking down enemies with
fearsome melee attacks.
The final two are special suits which are not
associated with any particular Arcana.
COMPASSES. Compass characters are terrible at
Each step is explained in detail in the
fighting, but excel at buffing their allies and
following pages. Steps marked with an asterix (*)
navigating the terrors of the other world.
are optional - your GM will tell you whether or not
you should use them.
AEON. Aeon characters are heartless androids who
were designed to eliminate shadows.
CHOOSE AN ARCANA In other words, you only gain the opportunity to
Select an Arcana. The GM may also spend one of your 5 points to increase a stat to 3,
instruct you to “choose an Arcana or an you do not get an extra ‘sixth’ point. You will have
Arcana with a special suit” (see Step 6.) more opportunities to improve your stats later in
Keep in mind that you should not have two the game.
characters with the same Arcana or two characters
with the same special suit in one campaign (multiple DETERMINE STARTING HIT POINTS
characters with the same standard suit is fine, There are two methods to determine your start-
though). ing HP. Consult with your GM to make sure you’re
using the correct method.
Because there are so many Arcana, each is METHOD 1: DEFAULT HP. Simply take the number listed
put into a category called a suit. Each suit is under Starting Stats for your Arcana.
essentially a suite of moves. You can think of it
as your character’s class. Suit moves are shared METHOD 2: ROLL RANDOMLY. Roll 2D6. Then, consult the
among all Arcana of the same suit, whereas table below to determine your starting HP.
Arcana moves represent minor differences
between characters of the same suit. There are six STARTING HP BY ROLL RESULT
suits, each representing a particular trope.
<7 7-9 >9
There are two methods to determine your CUPS 10 + END 14 + END 18 +END
starting Persona stats: the Default method and the COINS 10 + END 14 + END 18 + END
Point-Buy method. Be sure to ask your GM which SWORDS 12 + END 16 + END 20 + END
they plan on using.
Look at the starting stats for your Arcana. Choose
two of these and increase them each by one point. DETERMINE STARTING SPIRIT POINTS
You can increase a third stat (not one you just There is only one way to determine your
picked) by one point as well, but to do this you character’s starting SP value - simply take what’s
must also select a stat you did not pick and de- listed in the Starting Stats section for your Arcana.
crease it by one. For example, you might choose HP and SP values will gradually increase as your
to increase STR, END, and LUC but decrease character gains new levels.
MAG, each by one point. Though they are listed
as stats, HP and SP cannot be changed from their
default values at this time.


Set all of your stats to 0, then spend 5 points

among all of them. You cannot spend points to

improve a stat to 3 or higher at character creation,
with one exception. If you decrease one of your

stats to -1, you may spend a point to increase one


of your other stats to 3. This can only be done
with a single pair of stats. You do not receive an

extra point for decreasing one of your stats to -1.

Different attacks inflict different types of damage, At level one, you will have access to the
and certain characters are either strong or weak starting skills for your major and minor affinities.
against the various types. The damage types You will gain access to better skills as you level up.
are: Physical, Ranged, Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, For now, simply note your starting skills on your
Psychic, Nuclear, Bless, and Curse. character sheet.
There’s also a special damage type called
Almighty, but you cannot select it for an affinity. STARTING SKILLS BY AFFINITY
• PHYSICAL: Lunge (1d6 Physical damage).
As an optional rule you, as a player, may be • RANGED: Needle Shot (1d6 Ranged damage).
allowed to choose your own affinities. Your • FIRE: Agi (1d6 Fire damage).
affinities will determine the skills you gain access • ICE: Bufu (1d6 Ice damage).
to, and therefore which damage types you can • ELECTRIC: Zio (1d6 Electric damage).
inflict. Ask your GM if they plan on using custom • WIND: Garu (1d6 Wind damage).
affinities. GMs who are not using custom affinities • PSYCHIC: Psi (1d6 Psychic damage).
will instead have you take the suggested affinities • NUCLEAR: Frei (1d6 Nuclear damage).
for your Arcana, which are mostly pre-balanced. If • BLESS: Kouha (1d6 Bless damage).
you are using them, read on. • CURSE: Eiha (1d6 Curse damage).

First, choose a damage type for your major DETERMINE EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS
affinity, also known as your strength. You will Each character has three conditions they
gain skills of this type as you level up, and you can meet in order to gain experience and
also effectively have 2 points of armor against it. strengthen their Persona. These are known as
You cannot select Physical, Ranged, or Almighty their “Experience Triggers”. By default, your
damage as your major affinity. Experience Triggers are determined by your Ar-
cana. However, you may choose to swap one or
Next, choose two more damage types. These are more of them for Custom Triggers from your Suit.
your minor affinities. You are neither strong to Each suit has many potential triggers, but a given
nor weak against these damage types, but you’ll character may only have three at a time.
gain skills from their skill categories as you level
up. At level seven, you will gain the opportunity to Custom experience triggers are listed on the
take a third minor affinity. The only damage type following page. After these you’ll find the final
that cannot be taken as a minor affinity is Almighty. steps for Persona Creation. Please note that this
rule is not optional. The GM should never force the
Finally, choose a fourth damage type for your players to use XP Triggers that don’t interest them.
weakness. You will not gain moves of this type as
you level up. Furthermore, when you take damage Note: Some of the following triggers contradict one
of this type, you will take 2 extra points of damage another. While it is not technically against the rules
and may also be knocked down. You cannot select to take contradictory triggers, the GM may wish
Physical or Almighty damage as your weakness. to stop players from doing so unless they have a
good reason for it.
WANDS characters can earn XP when they... AEON characters can earn XP when they...
• Advocate for or make use of spirituality. • Strike a substantial blow against the Shadow
• Undertake a unique or ambitious project. World.
• Demonstrate how they’ve been affected by • Learn a fact about human culture that changes
reckless ambition. their view.
• Excercise their ego. • Showcase the development of their personal-
• Struggle with their purpose. ity.
• Lay out a carefully crafted plan. • Illustrate how they aren’t that different from hu-
• Pursue recognition among their peers. mans.
• Allow impulse to guide their actions. • Struggle with their unique nature.

CUPS characters can earn XP when they... COMPASS characters can earn XP when they...
• Demonstrate how their life is guided by • Open a new path in life.
emotion. • Give heartfelt advice.
• “Cleanse” toxicity from a person or thing. • Avoid confrontation with clever thinking.
• Display how they’re held back by a sentimen- • Deescalate a conflict.
tal or nostalgic mindset. • Struggle with their lack of usefulness.
• Display how they’re held back by being
constantly lost in thought.
• Pursue artistic creativity.
• Pursue romance.

COINS characters can earn experience when they...

• Display how their life is affected by their lack of
material wealth.
• Display how their life is affected by their abun-
dance of material wealth.
• Put in extra effort to succeed at work or school.
• Win over a friend with an appropriate, carefully
considered gift.
• Demonstrate a love for logistics and planned

SWORDS characters can earn XP when they...

• Display their brilliant mental sharpness.
• Display how they are held back by their lack of
• Rely on brute force.
• Display how they are held back by anger.
• Cut someone down with words.
• Insist on competition.
• Cut toxic people or things out of their life.
DETERMINE ARCANA MOVES start with the skills “Agi”, “Cleave”,
Look at your Arcana playbook. You begin the game and “Needle Shot” (from his major and
with the listed starting move for your Arcana. You minor affinities).
can also select one additional move from the list
at this time. Please make note of your two Arcana For his experience triggers, we’re going to replace
moves on your character sheet. the Magician’s “employ careful or unique planning”
and “engage in subtle manipulation” triggers - they
DETERMINE SUIT MOVES just don’t fit Junpei’s character. We’ll replace them
Refer to the suit playbooks which start on page 79. with “display how you’re held back by your lack of
You begin the game with the listed starting move intelligence” and “insist on competition” from the
for your suit. You can also select one additional Swords suit.
move from the list of any-level moves (not level
10+ moves). Please note these moves down on Lastly, we have to pick his moves. He starts
your character sheet. with two moves. These are Focus Manipulation
and Staggering Strike - the starting moves from
FINISHING TOUCHES Magician and Swords, respectively. We can
Put any final touches you’d like on your then select two additional moves - one from the
character. This is a good time to paint broad strokes Magician Arcana move list and one from the Sword
of a character’s background and personality. suit move list. From Magician, let’s take Manifest
because it sounds fun. From Swords, we’ll take
FOR EXAMPLE, let’s create Junpei’s Persona together. Hold the Line. With that, Junpei’s Persona is
Let’s say the GM is letting us pick a custom suit complete!
and custom affinities, but all other rules are set to

First, we choose an Arcana. Let’s go with Magician.

Next, we note his starting statistics (STR 0, AGI
1, END 0, MAG 2, LUC 0, HP 13, SP 5) and im-
prove them. Let’s increase his STR and his END to
make them respectable. The only stat we couldn’t
increase would be MAG, since 2 is the limit for
Persona stats until we reach level 5. For HP and
SP we’ll take the default values.

Next, his suit. Let’s make him a Swords character.

It’s unique for the Magician arcana, but we’ll do it

For his affinities, we have to pick a

Major, two minors, and one weak-

ness. We’ll take Fire for his major,

then Physical and Ranged

for his minor affinities.

For his weakness, we’ll

go with Wind. That

means Junpei will


Following is a list of the game’s 21 X - WHEEL OF FORTUNE. Coins Suit. Has access to Phys,
Arcana. Also included are their suits, Fire, Ice, Elec, and Wind. A lucky thief with access
elements they have access to, and a brief to wild and random magic.
description of what they might be like. The
following 20 pages cover each Arcana in depth. XI - STRENGTH. Wands Suit. Has access to Ice, Elec,
Wind, and Psy. A diplomatic and confident soul, a
0 - FOOL. No set Suit. Has access to Phys, Range, tamer of beasts.
Fire, Elec, and Nuke. A carefree Persona with
many specializations that may eventually found XII - HANGED MAN. Coins Suit. Has access to Fire, Ice,
itself spread thin. Blss, and Curse. An unlucky yet enduring person
caught up in a series of tough choices.
I - MAGICIAN. Wands Suit. Has access to Fire, Elec,
Wind, and Nuke. An intense wizard that can inflict XIII - DEATH. Wands Suit. Has access to Ice, Psy,
heavy damage. Nuke, and Curse. A dark magician with the power
to kill opponents instantaneously.
II - PRIESTESS. Cups Suit. Has access to Range, Ice,
Wind, and Psy. A mysterious healing Persona who XIV - TEMPERANCE. Cups Suit. Has access to Ice,
sees through the veil of dreams. Wind, Nuke, and Blss. A cosmic soul in search of
III - EMPRESS. Coins Suit. Has access to Range, Elec,
Psy, and Bless. A stylish and poised specialist in XV - DEVIL. Swords Suit. Has access to Phys, Fire,
ranged combat. Psy, and Curse. A warrior who revels in violence
and excess.
IV - EMPEROR. Swords Suit. Has access to Phys, Ice,
Elec, and Bless. A steadfast leader who focuses XVI - TOWER. Swords Suit. Has access to Phys, Elec,
mainly on defense. Wind, and Curse. A uniquely resilient person who
is followed by doom and misfortune.
V - HIEROPHANT. Cups Suit. Has access to Fire, Elec,
Nuke, and Blss. A divine healer, generally a leader XVII - STAR. Cups Suit. Has access to Fire, Ice, Wind,
or figure of authority. and Bless. A shining bastion of hope and resil-
VI - LOVERS. Cups Suit. Has access to Range, Elec,
Wind, and Psy. A kind soul who specializes in heal- XVIII - MOON. Coins Suit. Has access to Ice, Elec,
ing and support. Nuke, and Curse. A thief who specializes in veils,
tricks, and generalized deception.
VII - CHARIOT. Swords Suit. Has access to Phys, Ice,
Wind, and Nuke. A fleet-footed and powerful Per- XIX - SUN. Wands Suit. Has access to Fire, Wind,
sona, usually belonging to an athelete. Nuke, and Bless. A spellcaster filled with blazing
inspirational power, who can guide others.
VIII - JUSTICE. Swords Suit. Has access to Phys, Fire,
Nuke, and Bless. A divine warrior who seeks to XX - JUDGEMENT. Wands suit. Has access to
right wrongdoings and stamp out chaos. Fire, Elec, Psy, and Bless. A magical
powerhouse imbued with the
IX - HERMIT. Coins Suit. Has access to Fire, Wind, approval of holy forces.

Psy, and Curse. A wise, often introverted person,
who strikes from the shadows they know so well.

0 - FOOL • At character creation, you may
“It is the empty space which makes assign five points to your Persona
the bowl useful.” stats instead of just three.
- Laozi
• Whenever your character would normally gain

DEFAULT SUIT bonus stats by leveling up, you can choose three
n/a stats to improve instead of just two.


STR 0, AGI 0, END 0, MAG 0, • Beginner’s Luck
LUC 0, HP 15, SP 3 • Courageous
• Just Let Go
None; the Fool character should always select • Open-Minded
their own affinities. • Prismatic Bloodline
• Unorthodox
The Fool earns experience when they demonstrate
shifts in personality depending on whom they’re
speaking with, hold fast to a misguided sense of
courage or optimism, or have a significant new ex-
perience in life.


You do not have a Suit - you have all of them. When
you would normally gain an SP move by levelling
up, you can select the move from any of the four
standard Suits. You must be at an appropriate level
to take the move in question, and moves from the
special suits Compasses and Aeon are forbidden.
When you create your character, you can choose
one of any of the four starting suit moves (Pulse,
Dia, Backstab, or Staggering Strike). Choose
wisely, however, because after this you may not
choose a starting move ever again. Once your
starting move is chosen, you can then choose one
any-level move from any of the four suits as you
normally would at character creation.
Additionally, you gain the following

When you make a 2d6 check for anything you are When training to improve your Guts aspect, you
doing for the first time in your life, you can improve gain a bonus 1 Guts XP. For example, if you roll
your tier of success by one (i.e. a failure a complete success, you gain 4 AXP instead of
becomes a mixed success and a mixed success 3. When other PCs train their Guts aspect while
becomes a complete success). you are in their immediate vicinity, they also gain a
bonus 1 Guts XP.
As opposed to the similar Fool XP
trigger, the activity does not have to be JUST LET GO
significant. The bonus applies to the use of You can choose to intentionally fail any roll in
any new Persona skills, SP moves, downtime exchange for a wildcard.
activities, anything at all as long as this is your
character’s very first time doing it. However, the NOBODY HOME
GM can choose to veto the use of this move if it’s In the Shadow World, you are immune to all
being used too frequently, or for activities that are mental status ailments (Afraid, Charmed, etc).
utterly inconsequential. If either you or your GM
are in doubt as to whether or not this is your fist OPEN-MINDED
time, no bonus is gained. You may wish to mark In the real world, when you approach a problem
off new skills and moves as you use them for the with naive open-mindedness, you gain a bonus of
first time. +1 to your next 2d6 check relating to that problem.

When you roll for damage of a type for which you
have a major affinity, you gain a bonus equal to
your WP.

When you make any move that inflicts damage,
you can invoke this move as well. Make a 2d6
check, adding either your Proficiency or your Guts
aspect to the result. You can attempt the move
regardless of whether or not your attack actual-
ly hits. You might also describe your character’s
bizarre fighting style, and a kindly GM might give
you a +1 on the related 2d6 check if they appreci-
ate your description. This move can only be used
once per battle.

• On a complete success, the enemy you are tar-

geting becomes Confused. If your attack targeted
multiple enemies, select just one to become Con-
fused. However, the GM might say a particularly
powerful “boss” enemy is not affected.
• On a mixed success, nothing happens.
• On a failure, you become Confused due to your
own actions.

I - MAGICIAN • You may also spend three points
“I am the master of my fate, I am to gain the following effect:
the captain of my soul.” For a single round, you gain a
- William Ernest Henley free use of the Wands suit move
“Pulse”, even if you are not in the Wands

DEFAULT SUIT suit. You do not have to spend any SP to use it.
STARTING STATS • Counterspell
STR 0, AGI 1, END 0, MAG 2, • Dispel Aura

LUC 0, HP 13, SP 5 • Fiery Bloodline
• Manifest
Major: Fire • Passionate
Minor: Wind and Electric • Switcher
Weakness: Ice
EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS When you are hit with a damage type for which
The Magician earns experience when they take you have a major or minor affinity, you can invoke
initiative, employ careful or unique planning, or this move as a free action to block the damage.
engage in subtle manipulation. The damage is treated as if you nullify it.


Your body stores residual magic energy when you
cast spells. Whenever you make the Basic Spell
move to use a magical skill such as Agi or Zio, you
gain a point of Focus. You can hold four Focus
Points at once, but no more. You may spend two
Focus Points to use an ability below. Invoking one
of these effects is a free action, but it can only be
done when it’s your turn (and only one effect can
be invoked per turn).

• Switch the damage type of a magical skill to

Almighty (the amount of damage dealt remains the
same, as do any other effects).
• Change one target’s resistance to a
given damage type to reflect or absorb
for three of the target’s turns. You
must select which damage type,

and whether the damage is

reflected or absorbed. Reroll

the damage for a magical

skill you just used

and take the higher

夏 result.
DISPEL AURA • On a complete success the object is exactly
When you are hit with magic damage (any how you imagined it.
damage type aside from Physical, Ranged or • On a mixed success the object deviates from
Almighty), you gain a focus point. Additionally, what you imagined in a small but inconvenient
you are immune to the Silenced ailment. way; the GM should describe this deviation.
• On a failure the object is only tangentially
FIERY BLOODLINE related to what you had imagined. The GM should
When you roll for Fire damage, you gain a bonus describe this new object. In all likelihood, it will
equal to WP. be almost completely useless with regards to the
situation at hand.
Once per day, in the real world or in the Shadow A manifested item might be used as a weapon
World, you can bring a single small object into which deals 1d6 damage of an appropriate type.
existence. The object must be no larger and The GM should decide if a manifested item can be
no more complicated than a toaster. Intricate, used in this manner, and if so what type of damage
modern devices such as smartphones cannot be it does. Manifested items remain in existence for
made. Furthermore, you must roll LUC to see if it a full 24 hours before they fizzle out of existence.
goes according to plan:
Once per day, when you participate in the act
of creation, you gain a wildcard. This may be
triggered by the Arcana move Manifest, by the
downtime move Crafting (see pg. 101), or just
through roleplaying while using other moves.

When training to improve either your Proficiency
or your Knowledge aspect, you gain a bonus 1
AXP. For example, if you roll a complete success,
you gain 4 AXP instead of 3. However, you must
pick one of the other aspects (Athleticism, Guts,
or Charm) to ignore. When training to improve this
aspect, you gain a penalty of -1 AXP. For example,
if you roll a failure, you gain 0 AXP instead of 1.
This move is unique to Magician characters and
should not be repurposed as an S. Link bonus.

You can spend a focus point and use your action
to switch two affinities for a single opponent. For
example, if an enemy is weak against ice and
neutral against fire, you can switch those affinities
to make them weak against fire but neutral against
ice. You can do this with any pair of affinities.
However, you may not select Physical, Ranged,
or Almighty affinities for the purpose of switching.

II - PRIESTESS • What is a vague omen I find in
“Don’t try to comprehend with your the world of the subconscious?
mind. Your minds are very limited.”
- Madeleine L’Engle Additionally, the GM should occasionally
speak to the Priestess player as their inner

DEFAULT SUIT voice, giving them appropriate and well-meaning
Cups advice. This can even manifest as a “sixth sense”
whereby the Priestess character gains a super-
STARTING STATS natural awareness of events they otherwise could
STR 0, AGI 0, END 0, MAG 2, not know about. If the Priestess player chooses to

LUC 1, HP 15, SP 4 follow up on the advice from their inner voice, they
will gain a wildcard (only one wildcard for each
DEFAULT AFFINITIES piece of advice, and only for advice given freely by
Major: Psychic the GM; acting on answers to the above questions
Minor: Ice and Wind does not grant a wildcard).
Weakness: Nuclear

The Priestess earns XP when they provide gen-
uine heartfelt wisdom, gain a new perspective on
their rich inner world, or display a calm meditative


You are deeply in touch with your inner thoughts
and subconscious feelings. Once between long
rests, you can search within yourself for an-
swers. The answers might come in the form of
an epiphany, or maybe your Persona themselves
will guide you. Ask the GM one of the following
questions. The GM should answer it honestly. If,
for whatever reason, the GM cannot give a satis-
factory answer, they should allow you to use the
move again without resting.

• What potential solution to this problem are we

not seeing?
• What should I say to get a particular
NPC to like me more? (Players who
follow through with the advice

should get get a +1 bonus to

a subsequent Hang Out roll

with that NPC).


• Dream Journal When you start a battle, choose one enemy and
• Eternal Rest one damage type. The GM should tell you the
• Lullaby chosen enemy’s affinity with regards to that
• Passive Analysis damage type. This move triggers automatical-
• Psychic Bloodline ly. It does not take a turn, nor does it cost an SP.
• Spirit Infusion However, it can only trigger once per battle.
• Studious
DREAM JOURNAL Whenever you roll for Psychic damage, you gain a
You keep a record of your nightly adventures, so bonus equal to your WP.
you can meditate on and remember them. When
you take a long rest of at least six hours, you gain SPIRIT INFUSION
a single point of AXP for a random aspect of the You gain the Coins suit move “Pleasing Tea”
GM’s choice. Additionally, when you choose to (page ??), even if you are not in the Coins suit.
spend time taking a nap instead of pursuing other Additionally, your refreshment always heals 1
downtime options, you gain the following benefits: more SP than it normally would. For example, on a
• A single point of AXP for an aspect of your choice complete success your refreshment would restore
(not the GM’s). 5 SP instead of just 4.
• A wildcard.
ETERNAL REST When training to improve your Knowledge aspect,
When you use any single-target magical skill on you gain a bonus 1 Knowledge XP. For example,
an opponent who is Asleep, the following things if you roll a complete success, you gain 4 AXP in-
happen: stead of 3. When other PCs train their Knowledge
• Your damage dice explode. aspect while you are in their immediate vicinity,
• All other sleeping enemies take half of the they also gain a bonus 1 Knowledge XP.
damage you dealt (rounded down).
• If the target of your attack survives, they wake up
and become Enraged (with you as the source of
their rage).
• All other sleeping enemies wake up (although
they do not become Enraged).

LULLABY; costs 1 SP
Make a 2d6 check and add your Persona’s MAG
stat to the result. On a complete success, you get
both of the following effects. On a mixed success,
you get one. On a failure, you get nothing. Certain
powerful “boss” enemies may be immune to falling

Asleep (as denoted by the GM).

• An enemy gains the Asleep status ailment

(see pg. 14).

• A second enemy gains the Asleep status ailment.


III - EMPRESS both your current and maximum
“The royal purple is the noblest SP values increase by a number equal
shroud.” to your WP). If the SP Variation is in effect,
- Theodora multiply this amount by 2.

Coins • Advisor
• Dazzling Flash
STR 0, AGI 2, END 0, MAG 0, • Noble Shroud
LUC 1, HP 17, SP 3 • Psychic Bloodline
• Snipe
Major: Psychic
Minor: Ranged and Electric ADVISOR
Weakness: Nuclear When you give another PC heartfelt and genuinely
useful advice, they will gain a bonus of +1 to their
EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS next 2d6 check relating to the advice you gave.
The Empress earns XP when they support their Furthermore, if the advisee acts upon the advice,
friends in a meaningful way, implement a clever the advisor gains a wildcard. The advice needs to
plan, or gracefully overcome a difficult obstacle. be actionable, specific, and recent for the effect to
be gained.
Regardless of gender, you have an undeni-
able feminine beauty. This confers a number
of benefits.

• You take a +1 to Charm rolls when interacting

with people who care about such things.
• You can spend a downtime move to pursue beau-
ty by shopping, going to a salon, developing a self-
care routine, or etc. This is the same as training
your Charm. However, you gain an extra AXP (I.E.
if you roll a complete success you would gain 4
AXP instead of 3).
• When pursuing beauty, if you either A) describe
how your character’s fashion sense is evolving or
B) discover a new self-care activity, you
can also take a wildcard.

• After you’ve pursued beauty, for

the following two days you
gain extra SP equal to

your WP (I.E. both


your current and

maximum SP
Make a 2d6 check and add your Persona’s You have honed your self-care routines for
MAG stat to the result. On a complete maximum efficiency. When you gain extra SP from
success, you get all of the following ef- pursuing beauty, you gain even more extra SP
fects. On a mixed success, choose two of equal to your Charm aspect (or, if the SP Variation
them. On a failure, choose just one. Certain is in effect, your Charm aspect multiplied by two).
powerful “boss” enemies may be immune to In short: combine your Willpower and your Charm
becoming Shocked (as denoted by the GM). to determine how much extra SP you gain. This
• An enemy gains the Shocked status ailment move is unique to Empress characters and should
(see pg. 13). not be repurposed as an S. Link bonus.
• A second enemy gains the Shocked status
• All enemies take an amount of Almighty dam- You gain the Coins starting move Backstab, even
age determined by your level. The number of d6’s if you are not in the Coins suit (assuming you don’t
rolled for damage is equal to your character’s already have it). Additionally, you gain the follow-
Willpower. ing benefits:
• Take a bonus of +2 whenever you are using the
move Sneak Around to quietly approach an enemy
(maximum of +4).
• When you roll a complete success on a
Backstab, take a wildcard.

Whenever you roll for Psychic damage, you gain a
bonus equal to your WP.

SNIPE; costs 1 SP
You can choose to invoke this move before using
Command Persona to attempt a ranged skill. You
attempt to shoot your target in an exposed area.
If you roll a complete success, your damage dice
explode (see below). If you roll a mixed success or
a failure, nothing happens but you get your spent
SP returned to you. Also, on a mixed success,
you can still roll damage for the ranged skill like

You gain the Coins suit move Substitute, even if
you are not in the Coins suit. Additionally, you may
use Substitute as many times as you want in a
single battle. However, you still need to spend an
SP each time you use it.

“It is not titles that honor men, but • Advisor
men that honor titles.” • Armored Persona
- Niccolò Machiavelli • Electric Bloodline
• Inspiring Cry

DEFAULT SUIT • Milk and Honey
Swords • Natural Athlete
• Shrug it Off
LUC 0, HP 18, SP 3 When you give another PC heartfelt and
genuinely useful advice, they will gain a bonus of
DEFAULT AFFINITIES +1 to their next 2d6 check relating to the advice
Major: Electric you gave. Furthermore, if the advisee acts upon
Minor: Physical and Nuclear the advice, the advisor gains a wildcard. The
Weakness: Wind advice needs to be actionable, specific, and
recent for the effect to be gained.
The Emperor earns XP when they embrace a
leadership position, employ careful tactics, or
display their strength of will.


You begin the game with the Swords any-level
move “Hold the Line”, even if you are not playing a
character in the Swords suit. Additionally, you gain
the following benefits...

• You can switch which ally you are protecting as a

free action once per turn. You can do this as many
times as you’d like in a given battle.
• When you are protecting an ally, you gain an
armor bonus equal to your current S. Link rank
with that character.
• When rolling to spend time with a direct team-
mate (as in someone you fight alongside, most
likely another PC), you gain a bonus of +2 to
your roll as long as the GM agrees
that you come across as somewhat

professional or intelligent.

When you have access to your Persona, When you are hanging out with an S. Link NPC
you automatically gain armor equal to your who is a peer (i.e., someone of roughly the same
WP. This can combine with worn armor, but not social standing as yourself), if your S. Link is at
with other moves that give armor such as Mage least rank three, you can choose to sacrifice all
Armor or Rakukaja. the SXP you would’ve gained by hanging out. In
exchange, you can make a request of them. You
ELECTRIC BLOODLINE might be able to change how the peer does or
Whenever you roll for Electric damage, you gain a sees things, somehow changing their cognition.
bonus equal to WP. The GM should shoot down requests they deem
too extreme, or ones that go completely against
INSPIRING CRY the target’s moral compass. Once the SXP have
When you go into battle, select a single ally and been sacrificed, the change should go through; no
make a 2d6 check. Add either your Guts or your second roll is required. However, the GM might still
Charm aspect to the result of the roll, whichever slightly warp or corrupt a request made of a peer
is higher. This can only be done at the start of a (especially a request that changes their cognition
battle. However, it costs no SP. The bonus granted in a significant way).
lasts for the entire encounter. You might also act
out the inspiring cry in-character, and a kindly GM Note: You may not make a request of a peer
might give you a +1 on the related 2d6 check if unless you devote a downtime move to
they like what you have to say. hanging out with the peer, even if your S. Link is at
• On a complete success, the ally you chose gets its maximum rank.
a bonus of +2 which applies to either their damage
rolls, their armor, or their to-hit rolls (keep in mind NATURAL ATHLETE
that the highest bonus to-hit you can get is +4). When training to improve your Athleticism aspect,
• On a mixed success, the ally you chose gets you gain a bonus 1 Athleticism XP. For example,
the bonus mentioned above, but only a +1. if you roll a complete success, you gain 4 AXP
• On a failure, nothing happens. instead of 3. When other PCs train their
Athleticism aspect while you are in their immediate
vicinity, they also gain a bonus 1 Athleticism XP.

SHRUG IT OFF; costs 1 SP

You can invoke this move when you take damage
from any source. Instead, you take no damage.
This move can only be used once between long


“Tradition is not the worship of • Advisor
ashes, but the preservation of fire.” • Blessed Bloodline
- Gustav Mahler • Follow the Leader
• Grains of Rice

Cups • Harsh Omens
• Logical Rhetoric
LUC 1, HP 15, SP 4 When you give another PC heartfelt and genu-
inely useful advice, they will gain a bonus of +1
DEFAULT AFFINITIES to their next 2d6 check relating to the advice you
Major: Bless gave. Furthermore, if the advisee acts upon the
Minor: Fire and Nuclear advice, the advisor gains a wildcard. The advice
Weakness: Curse needs to be actionable, specific, and recent for
the effect to be gained.
The Hierophant earns experience when they
follow their moral code, act as a good role model,
or maintain the status quo.


You rally your party and tell them how it is. You
remind them that their cause is just, or that a
higher power is watching over them. Make a small
speech. This speech can be as long or as short
as you’d like, but usually takes about five minutes
in the fiction of the game. Everyone in your party
who can hear the speech (this includes you) gains
a Wild Card, which can be spent at any time to add
one to the result of a Check. This Move can only be
performed when the party is resting in a relatively
safe location. Once it’s been performed, it can only
be performed again once everyone has spent the
Wild Card they received from it. These Wild Cards
are automatically lost if the players take a long rest
or lose control of their Personas.


When you roll for Bless damage, Increases damage for ba-
you gain a bonus equal to your WP. ton chains. When the
Hierophant passes the ba-
FOLLOW THE LEADER ton, the person they passed to
You have always been somewhat of a mentor and (the second person in the chain)
leader to your team. As such leading by example recieves a bonus to damage (but
is often very effective. When an ally uses a skill of not to-hit) equal to their WP. If
the same affinity immediately after you, they re- the chain which started with the
ceive a +2 bonus to hit and to damage. Also, when Hierophant continues, the third

you train an Aspect with teammates, they gain one in the chain can multiply their WP by two
extra AXP. and use this for the bonus. The fourth in
the chain, and anyone beyond this (fifth,
sixth, etc.), can multiply their WP by four.

Declare an enemy whom you would like removed
from this plane of existence. The enemy must be
within 30 feet of you. Once you’ve chosen, roll
2D6 + LUC. Use the amount of LUC you have
currently, rather than your maximum LUC stat. If
you are targeting an enemy who is weak to Bless
damage, you may add 1 to the result of your roll. On a
complete success, the target dies instantaneously.
On a mixed success or a failure, the enemy takes
no damage but you do not incur a counterattack.

This passive move confers an automatic bonus of
+1 when using an instant death move such as Hama
or Mudo. For example, a character with a MAG of
4 using Mudo would roll with a modifier of 5 (4+1),
instead of just 4. Furthermore, the +4 Limit
does not apply to Hama or Mudo if you have
this move.

You may roll with knowledge instead of charisma
if you are speaking logically (as determined by the


VI - LOVERS hanging out with a direct teammate,
“A friend is one soul abiding in take a wildcard.
two bodies.”
• Divine Grace

DEFAULT SUIT • Harisen Recovery
Cups • Martyr
• Recognition
STARTING STATS • Restorative Synergy
STR 0, AGI 0, END 0, MAG 2, • Social Butterfly
LUC 1, HP 14, SP 4 • Wind Bloodline


Major: Wind When rolling to determine how many hit
Minor: Ice and Psychic points you or an ally recover from a move
Weakness: Electricity which restores HP (such as Dia), you gain a
bonus equal to WP. This bonus can combine with
EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS Confidant’s Grace to improve your healing skills by
Lovers earns XP when they practice good active a significant degree.
listening, develop their own personality through
spending time with others, or demonstrate
optimism and compassion to others.


You begin the game with the Cups any-level move
“Dia”, even if you are not playing a character in
the Cups suit. Additionally, you gain the following

• When you are rolling to determine how many hit

points an ally recovers from a move which restores
HP (such as Dia), you gain a bonus to recovered
HP equal to your current S. Link with them. Note:
If you are using a move which heals multiple allies
(such as Media) only the highest S. Link should be
used as a modifier.
• When rolling to spend time with a direct team-
mate (someone you fight alongside,
most likely another PC), you gain a

bonus of +2 to your roll as long as

the GM agrees that you come
across as somewhat

endearing or disarming.

• When you roll a com-

plete success while
HARISEN RECOVERY • You gain a +1 bonus from any S. Link you have
As a free action, on your turn, you can at rank three, up to a maximum of +4 (normally
remove any status ailment (besides the bonus is only gained from those at rank five).
Downed) from one of your allies. After you’ve • You gain an automatic +1 to all death and dying
taken this free action, you may continue your turn rolls (again, maximum of +4), even if you do not
as normal. This move can only be used once per have any S. Links at rank 3.
MARTYR You’ve had a realization; one can only see one’s
You have every reason to hang onto life, and you true self through the eyes of others. When you
know your friends do too. When one of your direct roll a complete success when hanging out with
allies suffers damage that would bring them to 0 an S. Link (any S. Link, not just a direct ally), you
HP, you can elect to receive the damage instead learn something new about yourself. You gain a
(along with any associated ailments or debuffs). wildcard, as well as two points of AXP toward
This move can only be used once per battle. Addi- whatever aspect you used when making the
tionally, when you are dying, you gain the following hang out roll. If you already gained a wildcard from
effects… the roll via your starting move, you do not gain

When you heal an ally, you regain HP equal to
half the amount of HP that was healed (rounded

When training to improve your Charm aspect, you
gain a bonus 1 Charm AXP. For example, if you
roll a complete success, you gain 4 AXP instead
of 3. When other PCs train their Charm aspect
while you are in their immediate vicinity, they also
gain a bonus 1 Charm XP.

Whenever you roll for Wind damage, you gain a
bonus equal to your WP.


VII - CHARIOT • When making basic attacks with a
“What stands in the way spear, you deal extra damage equal to
becomes the way.” your WP plus your speed rating. This also
- Marcus Aurelius applies when you are rolling damage for an All-
Out Attack.

DEFAULT SUIT • If your group is using the Optional Rule
Swords Tactical Movement, you can move an extra
number of squares equal to your speed rating on
STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, MAG 0,
LUC 0, HP 17, SP 3 There are a few considerations to keep in mind:
• You may not ride your Steed in unreasonably
DEFAULT AFFINITIES close or confined quarters (as denoted by the GM).
Major: Nuclear • You may not ride your Steed at all unless you
Minor: Physical and Ice give it a speed rating of at least one.
Weakness: Psychic • Once you have invested in a speed rating, your
Steed will remain by your side until you either take
EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS a long rest or lose access to your Persona. Once
The Chariot earns XP when they overcome a the Steed is lost, the speed rating resets to 0 and
problem with reckless athleticism, display more SP must be spent to ride it again.
boisterous confidence, or stubbornly charge • You may choose to increase the Steed’s speed
through a difficult situation. rating at any time by spending more SP. However,
you may not decrease it.
CHARIOT STARTING MOVE: PHANTOM STEED • The highest possible speed rating you can get
You have an ethereal Phantom Steed which aids is 3; you can never spend to increase it to 4 or
your travels through the Shadow World. Though it higher.
is referred to as a steed, this can be any form of
transportation within reason. You can summon or CHARIOT ANY-LEVEL MOVES
dispel the Phantom Steed at any time as a free • Always Moving
action on your turn. Players are encouraged to • Confidence
consider creating a Persona that they ride, such • Don’t Think, Feel
as a horse or a motorcycle. However, this is not • Galactic Punt
required; the Steed can be a separate entity which • First Blood
is unrelated to your actual Persona if you so desire. • Nuclear Bloodline
• Unerring Speed
When you mount your Steed, choose a speed
rating. You then have to pay an amount ALWAYS MOVING
of SP equal to your chosen speed When training to improve either your Athleticism
rating. After choosing a speed rating, or your Guts aspect, you gain a bonus 1 AXP. For

when riding your Steed, you example, if you roll a complete success, you gain
gain the following benefits: 4 AXP instead of 3. However, you must pick one
of the other aspects (Proficiency, Knowledge, or

Charm) to ignore. When training to improve this


aspect, you gain a penalty of -1 AXP. For exam-

ple, if you roll a failure, you gain 0 AXP instead of

1. This move is unique to Chariot characters and

should not be repurposed as an S. Link bonus.
CONFIDENCE entirely. Damage is dealt automatically, but you
When you roll a complete success on a Guts should first roll 2d6 plus Athleticism and check to
check, take a wildcard. You must roll naturally; if see what happens. Certain powerful “boss” ene-
you spend a wildcard to get the complete success mies may be immune to these effects.
you do not gain another wildcard. • On a complete success, an enemy is knocked
into the stratosphere and removed from the battle.
DON’T THINK, FEEL Don’t bother rolling for damage.
When trying to come up with an answer that would • On a mixed success, the enemy is not removed
normally require Knowledge while in a dangerous from the battle but they do gain the Shocked status
situation, you can instead use your character’s ailment. However, the GM should also hit you with
Guts aspect. Your character must be in danger a counterattack (roll damage for the counterattack
of getting physically hurt in the immediate future before applying Shocked to the enemy).
(i.e. in the Shadow World or perhaps facing a sud- • On a failure, you deal damage as discussed
den threat in the real world). Although something below but gain no further benefits. Furthermore,
like an exam might make you feel endangered, it the GM should hit you with a counterattack.
doesn’t count because it’s not a physical threat. This attack always automatically deals some
Physical damage. Roll a number of d6s equal to
GALACTIC PUNT; costs 1 SP your character’s WP.
When someone baton passes to you, you can in-
voke this move. You hit something very, very hard; FIRST BLOOD
so hard you might knock it out of Earth’s orbit When you are attacking an enemy who is at full
health, you may multiply the damage bonus gained
from your Phantom Steed by two. For example,
a level 5 character (WP = 1.25, rounded up to 2)
who spends to gain a speed rating of 3 would gain
a damage bonus of 10 (2 + 3 = 5 * 2 = 10). Keep
in mind that this move can only be used when
the Chariot character is using a spear on their
Phantom Steed, and again, it only applies when
the targeted enemy is at full health. This move is
unique to Chariot characters and should not be
repurposed as an S. Link bonus.

When you roll for Nuclear damage, you gain a
bonus equal to your WP.

You are quick on the draw and always ready for
a fight. You always move first in combat, giving
you the opportunity to plan a Baton Pass. You can
also add 2 to your damage rolls on the first turn
of combat, if making a physical attack. Finally, if
your group is using the Optional Rule “Tactical
Movement”, you may increase your base
movement speed by two (this stacks with the extra
movement gained from your Steed).

VIII - JUSTICE When making a request of an
authority figure, you should pick
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have
to remember anything.” something to ask of them. You might
- Mark Twain be able to use this ability to avoid certain
responsibilities (such as classes or even entire

DEFAULT SUIT school days). You might also be able to
Swords change how the authority figure does things,
making them more forgiving or otherwise
STARTING STATS changing their cognition. The GM should shoot
STR 1, AGI 0, END 0, MAG 1, down requests they deem too extreme, or ones
LUC 1, HP 19, SP 3 that go completely against the moral compass
of the authority figure. Once the SXP have been
DEFAULT AFFINITIES sacrificed, the change should go through; no
Major: Bless second roll is required. However, the GM might
Minor: Physical and Fire still slightly warp or corrupt a request made of an
Weakness: Curse authority figure (especially a request that changes
their cognition in a significant way). Note: You may
EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS not make a request in this manner unless you devote
Justice earns experience when they follow their a downtime move to hanging out with the authority
moral code, remain honest when lying might be figure, even if your S. Link is at its maximum rank.
advantageous, or inspire their teammates to re-
main focused.


When you establish a mutual respect with any
authority figure (such as a teacher, parent, boss,
police officer, or etc.), and you are rolling to grow
closer to them, you gain the following benefits:
• When rolling to determine how much SXP is
gained, you gain a bonus of +2.
• When you are gaining SXP, you gain one more
than you normally would (for example, on a
complete success, you would gain 4 SXP instead
of just 3).
• If your S. Link is at least rank two, you can choose
to sacrifice all the SXP you would’ve gained by
hanging out. In exchange, you can make a request
of the authority figure (see below).

• Blessed Bloodline This passive move confers an automatic bonus
• Cosmic Plan of +1 when using an instant death move such as
• Hama Hama or Mudo. For example, a character with a
• Harsh Omens MAG of 4 using Mudo would roll with a modifier
• Knower of 5 (4+1), instead of just 4. Furthermore, the +4
• Law and Order Limit does not apply to Hama or Mudo if you have
• Traditional this move.


When you roll for Bless damage, you gain a You always know when an enemy or character
bonus equal to your WP. within sight of you is weak to Bless damage, or
uses Curse damage - you also know who it is.
COSMIC PLAN They give off an aura that only you can see - it
You see the inner order of everything. radiates through darkness and can even be seen
Whenever you start a new session, roll 2d6 and through walls, provided they aren’t too thick.
make a note of the result. These dice are now
“held”. After any 2d6 check, as a free move, you LAW AND ORDER
can choose to swap out the result of your 2d6 check When you do one of the following things you gain
and swap in the result of your held dice. When you a wildcard, as well as a single AXP for either Guts
swap dice you use whatever modifiers apply to the or Charm (whichever you prefer).
current situation, reapplying them to your held dice • Put a bully in their place.
result. The dice you rolled then become your new • Bring a criminal to justice.
held dice. You might purposely swap a failure into • Follow the rules too closely for your own good.
a roll you don’t care about, saving a great result for
a time when you need it most. TRADITIONAL
When training to improve either your Athleticism
Note: If “every new session” is not a useful time or your Knowledge aspect, you gain a bonus 1
division for a particular group, the GM should feel AXP. For example, if you roll a complete success,
free to simply prompt the character with this move you gain 4 AXP instead of 3. However, you must
when to roll new held dice. It could be tied in with pick one of the other aspects (Proficiency, Guts,
LUC refreshment, for example. or Charm) to ignore. When training to improve
this aspect, you gain a penalty of -1 AXP. For
HAMA; costs 1 SP example, if you roll a failure, you gain 0 AXP
Declare an enemy whom you would like removed instead of 1. This move is unique to Justice
from this plane of existence. The enemy must be characters and should not be repurposed as an S.
within 30 feet of you. Once you’ve chosen, roll 2D6 Link bonus.
+ LUC. Use the amount of LUC you have current-
ly, rather than your maximum LUC stat. If you are
targeting an enemy who is weak to Bless damage,

you may add 1 to the result of your roll. On a com-

plete success, the target dies instantaneously. On

a mixed success or a failure, nothing happens.



IX - HERMIT • AXP for either Proficiency, Guts,
“Listening to the night rain on the or Knowledge (whichever you prefer)
roof, I sit comfortably, with both legs equal to your Hermit Link rank divided
stretched out.” by two (rounded up). For example, at
- Ryokan Hermit Link rank 3, you gain 2 AXP. You can also

choose to split points between the three however
DEFAULT SUIT you’d like.
Coins • One wildcard.
• If you have the appropriate trigger, you should
STARTING STATS also gain XP at the end of the session.
STR 0, AGI 1, END 0, MAG 1, LUC 1,
• Back Off
Major: Ice • Evil Smile
Minor: Wind and Curse • Frigid Bloodline
Weakness: Psychic • Life Drain
• Meditative Grace
Hermit earns experience when they offer wisdom
or guidance to a peer, keep quiet when it might be
advantageous to speak up, or spend lots of time in
quiet isolation.


As a Hermit, you can form an S. Link with
yourself, or with someone who is far away
from where you are. To improve the Link, the
Hermit character must devote a downtime action
to spending time in physical isolation. They should
find an activity they enjoy to occupy their time -
even if it’s as simple as meditation. If the Hermit
communicates with anyone else during this time,
all communication must be virtual.

The Hermit’s Link with themselves starts at 0

and improves at the same rate as any other (see
Social Links, pg. 110). You may roll with
either Proficiency, Guts, or Knowl-

edge to see how many SXP you

receive. When you devote
a downtime move to Alone

Time, you gain the

following benefits:

BACK OFF; costs 1 SP • On a mixed success you deal damage and
As a free action, when someone inflicts restore HP as is described above. However, you
Physical damage on you, you can inflict also incur a counterattack.
an ailment back on them. You can choose ei- • On a failure you do not do any damage or re-
ther Bleeding or Shocked, although certain pow- store any HP, and you also incur a counterattack.
erful “Boss” enemies may be immune to these (as
denoted by the GM). MEDITATIVE GRACE
Time in isolation makes you feel more complete.
Note: you can only use Back Off when you take When you devote a downtime move to Alone
Physical damage; Ranged and other forms of Time, you gain temporary HP equal to your Hermit
damage cannot trigger it. Link rank (after newly acquired SXP is applied),
multiplied by four. For example, at Hermit Link
CAN’T BE BOTHERED rank 4, you gain 16 temporary HP. If you still have
When you do one of the following things, take a temporary HP remaining the next time you use the
wildcard: move, they will be reset. This move is unique to
• Turn down an S. Link who is asking to hang out Hermit characters and should not be repurposed
with you. as an S. Link bonus.
• Decline to respond when you are Called Upon at
work or school. SHIVERING RONDO; costs 1 SP
This is an Almighty attack which targets all
EVIL SMILE enemies, dealing extra damage to those who are
Make a 2d6 check and add your Persona’s MAG Afraid. On your turn, roll 2d6 and add your MAG
stat to the result. On a complete success, you stat to the result.
get both of the following effects. On a mixed • On a complete success you deal damage
success, you get one. On a failure, you get nothing. and avoid a counterattack. This attack deals
Certain powerful “boss” enemies may be immune to Almighty damage; to determine how much, roll a
becoming Afraid (as denoted by the GM). number of d6s equal to your character’s WP. You
• An enemy gains the Afraid status ailment (pg. may also add your MAG stat to the result of your
14). damage roll. Finally, any enemy with the Afraid
• A second enemy gains the Afraid status ailment. status ailment receives twice the amount of
damage they otherwise would.
FRIGID BLOODLINE • On a mixed success you deal damage as
When you roll for Ice damage, you gain a bonus described above, multiplying it for enemies that are
equal to your WP. Afraid. However, you also incur a counterattack.
• On a failure you do not do any damage, and
LIFE DRAIN; costs 1 SP you also incur a counterattack.
This is an Almighty attack which targets a single
enemy, draining some of their HP. On your turn,
roll 2d6 and add your MAG stat to the result.
• On a complete success you deal damage

and avoid a counterattack. This attack deals

Almighty damage; to determine how much, roll a

number of d6s equal to your character’s WP. You

may also add your MAG stat to the result of your

damage roll. Finally, you regain HP equal to half of

the damage you deal (rounded up).


X - FORTUNE When you have your maximum of
“The only person you are destined to five wildcards, you can cash them all
become is the person you decide to in at once and invoke a Twist of Fate. Keep
be.” in mind that the GM may veto your twist and
- Ralph Waldo Emerson return your wildcards (especially if it would break

or otherwise derail the plot of their game). You may
DEFAULT SUIT also use your wildcards simply to improve rolls the
Coins same way any other character would.

STARTING STATS To invoke a Twist of Fate, simply change a small

STR 0, AGI 1, END 0, MAG 0, LUC 2, detail about the plot, a character, or a particular
HP 15, SP 4 scene. You might alter a character’s personality to
make them less hostile, or more available for inter-
DEFAULT AFFINITIES action. You might quickly end a dangerous scene
Major: Wind by saying the police show up. It doesn’t have to
Minor: Fire and Electricity be complicated or overly dramatic; a twist can be
Weakness: Bless anything you want it to be.

Fortune earns XP when they turn a situation
around in a positive way, remain optimistic in the
face of adversity, or embrace the whims of fate.


You are a card shark who deals in wildcards. You
can hold five wildcards instead of just three.
When one of the following things happens to you,
take a wildcard:
• You roll doubles on a 2d6 check (the same
number twice, such as two 1’s or two 6’s).
• The result of one of your 2d6 checks
(including the modifier) is equal to the number 7.

If both of these things happen at once (such as

a roll of two 3’s with a modifier of +1, equalling
7), take two wildcards. However, in this case,
you cannot use the move Double or Nothing
(see following page).

FORTUNE ANY-LEVEL MOVES • On a failure, there is an extreme unforeseen con-
• Adrenaline sequence. In this case, the GM should switch from
• Card Thrower a mischievous genie to an outright evil one. Even
• Cheater if it isn’t related to the twist at all, karma will soon
• Double or Nothing come rear its ugly head to the Fortune character.
• Poker Face Perhaps a friend becomes very upset at them, or
• Roulette maybe they lose something they once held dear.
• Wind Bloodline Remember: cheaters never prosper!


You take a deep breath and feel the joy of the Whenever you gain a wildcard, you can opt to go
game. Spend an action and an SP to gain the fol- double or nothing. Roll 2d6 and add your LUC to
lowing effect: for the next three damage rolls you the result of the roll. You cannot gain a modifier of
make, you can roll twice and take the better result. greater than 4 when using this move.
• On a complete success, you gain two wildcards
CARD THROWER instead of just one.
You can spend your turn to throw a wildcard at • On a mixed success, nothing happens.
your opponent. This is an attack that always hits, • On a failure, you lose the wildcard you would’ve
however you lose the wildcard you threw. It inflicts gained.
a certain amount of damage based on your lev-
el: the number of D6s rolled for damage is equal POKER FACE
to your character’s WP value. You can also add When training to improve your Charm aspect, you
your character’s Proficiency aspect to the damage gain a bonus 1 Charm AXP. For example, if you
result. The damage type is Almighty. Finally, this roll a complete success, you gain 4 AXP instead of
attack will always knock its target down (unless 3. When other PCs train their Charm aspect while
the target is a powerful “boss” enemy; in this case you are in their immediate vicinity, they also gain a
the GM should warn the player before the move is bonus 1 Charm XP.
CHEATER Before rolling damage for an attack, you can in-
You can use this move to invoke a twist of fate voke this move. Roll a D36. Then, choose either
with only four wildcards instead of five. You pull a odds or evens. If the result of the D36 roll is the
secret wildcard from your sleeve, or some other same as your choice, you do double damage. You
hiding place, to complete the full house. You might can also predict a group of six digits (1 - 6), (7 -
get bad karma, though... 12), (13 - 18), (19 - 24), (25 - 30), or (31 - 36). If
you choose correctly, you do quadruple damage.
When using this move, make a 2d6 check and add Finally, you can also choose just one number. If
your LUC to the result. you are correct, you can multiply your
• On a complete success, the twist goes through damage by 10.
normally with minimal unforeseen consequences

(assuming the GM approves it). WIND BLOODLINE

• On a mixed success, there might be some small Whenever you roll for Wind

unforeseen consequences to the twist that the damage, you gain a

Fortune character did not intend. The GM might bonus equal to

hone in on a particular aspect of the twist which your WP.

becomes a bit too extreme or problematic, corrupt-

ing the player’s wish like a mischievous genie.

XI - STRENGTH You must keep the roll at a failure
“God made the cat so that man might and suffer any potential consequences
caress the tiger.” in order to gain these effects. Purposely
- Joseph Méry putting yourself into bad situations and then
keeping your emotions in check might also earn

DEFAULT SUIT you XP at the end of the session (assuming you
Wands have the appropriate trigger).


STR 1, AGI 0, END 0, MAG 1, • Armored Persona
LUC 1, HP 14, SP 6 • Calming Aura
• Lasso of Strength
Major: Psychic • Natural Athlete
Minor: Ice and Wind • Psychic Bloodline
Weakness: Nuclear • Wage War

Strength earns XP when they demonstrate their
inner resolve, subtly persuade their peers, or re-
strain themselves in a situation where it’s tempting
to lash out with emotion.


You are thoughtful and focused on inner resolve
- perhaps too focused. At the start of each new
session (or when prompted by the GM), select any
of your five aspects. For the remainder of the ses-
sion, whenever you make a roll using that aspect,
you will take a penalty of -1. However, when you
fail a roll using the aspect you selected, you gain
the following benefits:
• 1 AXP for that aspect (in addition to any AXP
gained from a potential training roll).
• A wildcard.

When you have access to your Persona, When one of your allies takes damage, as a free
you automatically gain armor equal to your action, you can shift the damage from that one
WP. This can combine with worn armor, but attack onto yourself instead, applying your own
not with other moves that give armor such as armor to it. This move can only be used once per
Mage Armor or Rakukaja. battle.


When you are receiving an attack from an enemy When training to improve your Athleticism aspect,
who is Enraged at you, the enemy’s +2 damage you gain a bonus 1 Athleticism XP. For example,
bonus is negated. if you roll a complete success, you gain 4 AXP in-
stead of 3. When other PCs train their Athleticism
LASSO OF STRENGTH aspect while you are in their immediate vicinity,
When you are making a basic strike with a whip, they also gain a bonus 1 Athleticism XP. Note: for
chain, segmented blade, or similar weapon and Strength characters, this bonus can combine with
you roll a complete success, your target gains the Actualization, granting them 3 Athleticism XP even
Shocked status ailment. on a failure (if they select Athleticism for a given

Whenever you roll for Psychic damage, you gain a
bonus equal to your WP.

Make a 2d6 check and add your Persona’s MAG
stat to the result. On a complete success, you
get both of the following effects. On a mixed
success, you get one. On a failure, you get nothing.
Certain powerful “boss” enemies may be immune
to becoming Enraged (as denoted by the GM).
• An enemy gains the Enraged status ailment
(pg. 14).
• A second enemy gains the Enraged status ailment.


“When you love, you wish to do • Armored Persona
things for. You wish to sacrifice for.” • Frigid Bloodline
- Ernest Hemingway • Me Instead
• Organized Chaos

DEFAULT SUIT • Reflection
Swords • Roll With It
• Selfless

LUC 0, HP 17, SP 3 When you have access to your Persona, you au-
tomatically gain armor equal to your WP. This can
DEFAULT AFFINITIES combine with worn armor, but not with other moves
Major: Ice that give armor such as Mage Armor or Rakukaja.
Minor: Fire and Curse
When you roll for Ice damage, you gain a bonus
Hanged earns XP when they support others
while neglecting their own needs, make the best
of a bad situation, or rise above and/or face
interference from their rival.


There’s someone else out there who represents
a way of thinking that runs contrary to yours; your
opposite, in a way. This person’s fate is unique-
ly linked to yours. They should be an available S.
Link. When, through roleplaying, you establish
a way that your personality oddly mirrors and/or
contradicts your rival’s personality, the GM should
award you with a wildcard. The Hanged character
also gains a +2 bonus whenever they are rolling to
hang out with their rival. Finally, the Hanged char-
acter gains an experience point when they rise
above or face interference from their rival.

When one of your allies takes damage, as a free You can choose to devote a downtime move to
action, you can shift the damage from that one at- quiet introspection. Establish a location or activ-
tack onto yourself instead, applying your own ar- ity your character uses to clear their thoughts. It
mor to it. This move can only be used once per should be different from downtime moves with
battle. pre-established benefits, such as fishing. This
move has the same benefit as training your Guts,
ORGANIZED CHAOS but it gives an extra AXP. For example, on a com-
You can choose to purposely bomb any 2d6 check. plete success you would gain 4 AXP instead of 3.
Instead of rolling, you automatically fail. However, Additionally, on a mixed or complete success, the
you gain a +4 bonus to the next 2d6 check you GM should select one of the following questions at
make after this failure, meaning you will be guar- random and answer it honestly. On a failure, the
anteed to succeed. This bonus combines with GM might answer a question in a way that is odd
any aspects or Persona stats that would normally or misleading, or they might simply stay silent.
apply. However, it cannot be used for moves that Who is a pertinent person for the party to speak to
directly inflict damage (Basic Strike, Basic Spell, or investigate?
Command Persona, etc.) This move can only be What Social Link holds unforeseen power?
made once per long rest. What’s some other thing the Hanged character
could do to get ahead that they aren’t noticing?
Finally, if the GM cannot think of a good answer
on a mixed or complete success, they should in-
stead award the Hanged character with a wildcard.

You have a special combat stance you take
on only when you are “Downed”, such as a
rolling ball or a crab walk. When you take damage
of any kind (even a little smack from an ally) you
can choose to roll with it. You become Downed,
even if you aren’t weak to the type of damage
you took. However, you find this perspective
refreshing. When you are “Downed” you
cannot attack, but you can make other moves
such as Suit moves. You also gain an amount
of armor equal to your END stat. However, this
armor bonus does not apply to the attack that initially
knocks you down. Once you are “Downed” you can
choose to remain that way for as long as you like.

You gain a +2 bonus when rolling to hang out with
any other character. However, you also take a
-1 penalty whenever you are rolling to train any
aspect. This move is best taken later in the game,
after your personality has already developed.

XIII - DEATH Beyond the First Gate: You gain a
“Man is a rope tied over an abyss.” damage bonus equal to your END stat
- Friedrich Nietzche whenever you roll for damage. You may
also add whatever bonus you would normally
DEFAULT SUIT gain from making the attack.

Beyond the Second Gate: Multiply your WP
STARTING STATS by two, then add your END stat as well (follow
STR 0, AGI 0, END 1, MAG 1, standard order of operations, i.e. the multiplication
LUC 1, HP 15, SP 5 comes first). This is your new damage bonus. For
example, imagine a Death character with 3 END
DEFAULT AFFINITIES who is level 9. They would have a WP of 3 (9/4
Major: Curse = 2.25, rounded up to 3). This amount would be
Minor: Fire and Nuclear multiplied by 2, equalling 6. Finally, Death’s END
Weakness: Bless of 3 would be added, for a total damage bonus of
9 points - quite a lot! You may also add whatever
EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS bonus you would normally gain from making the
Death earns XP when they overcome a problem attack. However, as a drawback, when you are
by encouraging or undergoing a useful change, beyond the Second Gate of Death you
protecting the natural order or status quo, or cut- automatically lose HP equal to your WP each
ting loose ends. turn. This damage is automatic and it cannot be
absorbed by armor.
Divide your maximum HP amount by two (round- Beyond the Third Gate: The Death character
ed down), and make note of this amount. Do the has died, failing their checks to stabilize, perhaps
same again, this time dividing it by four (again, intentionally sacrificing themselves to achieve this
rounded down). These are your Gate threshold effect. As a parting gift, they inflict intense Almighty
numbers. When you are at or below your 50% HP damage on all enemies. The GM should have the
mark, you are beyond the First Gate of Death. At Death character roll damage for whatever attack
or below your 25% HP mark, you are beyond the they would like. Then, they should multiply the
Second Gate of Death. You can only pass through damage roll by three and apply the result of this
the Third Gate by actually dying, and you will never multiplication as Almighty damage to all enemies
come back from it. Keep your threshold numbers currently being fought (regardless of the actual
in mind, updating them whenever your character number of targets for the chosen attack). After this,
gains HP. When you cross the First and Second the Death character is gone forever.
gates, take one wildcard for each. However, you
must take a long rest before you can gain these
two wildcards again.


• Deep Cuts Declare an enemy whom you would like removed
• Life Drain from this plane of existence. The enemy must be
• Harsh Omens within 30 feet of you. Once you’ve chosen, roll
• Mudo 2D6 + LUC. Use the amount of LUC you have
• Lurker at the Gates currently, rather than your maximum LUC stat.
• Toxic Patterns If you are targeting an enemy who is weak to
• Vaguely Creepy Curse damage, you may add 1 to the result of
your roll. On a complete success, the target dies
DEEP CUTS instantaneously. On a mixed success or a failure,
When you make a basic strike while using a large the enemy takes no damage but you do not incur
weapon with a curved blade such as a war scythe, a counterattack. Note: Certain powerful “boss”
a kukri, or a naginata, and you roll a complete enemies may be immune to this effect, as denot-
success, your enemy gains the Bleeding status ed by the GM. The GM should be kind and warn
ailment. PCs who would waste their turn attempting it on a
boss enemy.
LIFE DRAIN; costs 1 SP
This is an Almighty attack which targets a single LURKER AT THE GATES
enemy, draining some of their HP. On your turn, When you are beyond the Second Gate of Death,
roll 2d6 and add your MAG stat to the result. you gain armor equal to your END stat. This can
combine with worn armor , but not with other
• On a complete success you deal damage moves that give armor such as Armored Persona
and avoid a counterattack. This attack deals or Rakukaja.
Almighty damage; to determine how much, roll
a number of d6s equal to your character’s WP. TOXIC PATTERNS
You may also add your MAG stat to the result of When you give another PC advice about some-
your damage roll. For Death characters, you also thing they should do differently or something they
gain the bonus granted from the Gates you’ve should cut out of their life, they will gain a bonus
passed. Finally, you regain HP equal to half of the of +1 to their next check relating to the advice you
damage you deal (rounded up). gave. Furthermore, if the advisee acts upon the
• On a mixed success you deal damage and advice, you gain a wildcard. The advice needs to
restore HP as is described above. However, you be actionable, specific, and recent for the effect to
also incur a counterattack. be gained.
• On a failure you do not do any damage or
restore any HP, and you also incur a VAGUELY CREEPY
counterattack. When training to improve either your Guts or your
Knowledge aspect, you gain a bonus 1 AXP. For
HARSH OMENS example, if you roll a complete success, you gain
This passive move confers an automatic bonus 4 AXP instead of 3. However, you must pick one
of +1 when using an instant death move such as of the other aspects (Athleticism, Proficiency,
Hama or Mudo. For example, a character with a or Charm) to ignore. When training to improve
MAG of 3 using Mudo would roll with a modifier this aspect, you gain a penalty of -1 AXP. For
of 4 (3+1), instead of just 3. Furthermore, the +4 example, if you roll a failure, you gain 0 AXP
Limit does not apply to Hama or Mudo if you have instead of 1. This move is unique to Death
this move. characters and should not be repurposed as an S.
Link bonus.

XIV - TEMPERANCE Using a Nuclear skill moves you
“The greatest pleasures bring the down one on Physical vs. Spiritual
greatest pains.” (toward the Physical side), etc. When
- Democritus you are on one side of a tracker, you are
weak to damage of the opposite type and

DEFAULT SUIT strong when using attacks of the same type as
Cups the side you’re on. For example, when you are
higher than 0 on the Nuke/Psy tracker, you are
STARTING STATS strong against Psychic damage but weak against
STR 1, AGI 1, END 0, MAG 1, Nuclear. At zero, you are neither strong nor weak
LUC 1, HP 15, SP 5 with regards to both elements.

DEFAULT AFFINITIES Nuke/Psy (Physical/Spiritual)

Major: None*
- -2 -1 0 1 2 -
Minor: Psychic, Nuclear, Bless, and Curse
Weakness: None* Crse/Blss (Chaos/Law)
- -2 -1 0 1 2 -
*Strength and Weakness work differently for the
Temperance Arcana. See “Harmony” below.
Beware, however, for if at any point you make
EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS an attack that would cause the number on either
Temperance earns XP when they overcome an tracker to move to -3 or +3, it becomes locked.
obstacle using a clever solution which does not From now on you have a permanent +2 bonus
involve violence, when they maintain the status when using whatever element you used when
quo, or when they control their emotions even you locked it, and you can no longer use any
though it’s tempting to lash out. skills of the opposing element. The tracker could
potentially unlock again, but only after completing
TEMPERANCE STARTING MOVE: HARMONY a difficult task of the GM’s design.
Temperance begins play with four skills
rather than the usual three; each starting skill As an optional rule, if your GM is allowing you
from each of their minor affinities. While they have to use custom affinities, you can swap a pair of
access to more skills than one normally would, elements out for any other pair of opposing
Temperance can be restricted on how they use their elements. The opposing element sets are:
skills. As a Temperance player, you must keep two Fire/Ice, Electricity/Wind, Psychic/Nuclear, and
trackers. One represents the balance between Bless/Curse.
physical and spiritual (nuclear and psychic), while
the other represents the balance between chaos and TEMPERANCE ANY-LEVEL MOVES
law (curse and bless). When making a • Cautionary Measures
magic Attack, Temperance must • Changeover
adjust the appropriate tracker • Cosmic Harmony

Using a Bless skill moves • Courageous

you up one on Chaos • Divine Grace

vs. Law, for example • Emissary of Peace

(toward the Law side). • Neutral Aura

When you do one of the following, take a wildcard: Your starting move “Harmony” becomes slightly
• Convince someone they’re making a mistake. better. When you use a skill that would normally
• Initiate a tactical retreat. move a tracker to +/- 3, it instead stays at +/- 2
• Come up with a viable extra solution when it and does not become locked. However, if you do
seems like there’s only one or two. it more than once in a row, the tracker will be-
come locked like normal. This move is unique to
CHANGEOVER Temperance characters and should not be repur-
As a free action on your turn, you can swap both of posed as an S. Link bonus.
your trackers to their opposite sides. For example,
a +2 on the nuke/psy tracker would become a -2, COURAGEOUS
switching your strength from nuclear to psychic. When training to improve your Guts aspect, you
This applies to both trackers at once, but not if a gain a bonus 1 Guts XP. For example, if you roll
tracker is locked. This move is unique to Temper- a complete success, you gain 4 AXP instead of
ance characters and should not be repurposed as 3. When other PCs train their Guts aspect while
an S. Link bonus. Furthermore, this move can only you are in their immediate vicinity, they also gain a
be used once between long rests. bonus 1 Knowledge XP.

When rolling to determine how many hit points you
or an ally recover from a healing skill, add your WP
to the result.

You’ve always hated fighting and seek to find ways
to circumvent violent encounters. You can reroll a
mixed success or failure when trying to deescalate
a situation, as long as you are not doing so for vain
reasons or to gain something. If you choose to use
this move and roll again, you must abide by the
result of the second roll. This move should apply to
negotiations with Shadows as well, allowing you to
reliably circumvent some encounters.

You can use your action to give one ally an aura of
neutrality. This means that all of their resistances
(Weak, Strong, Immune, etc.) to all damage types
will be removed. They will neither be strong nor
weak with regards to any damage types; instead
they will be neutral. The aura lasts for three of the
recipient’s turns (roughly 15 seconds).

XV - DEVIL • A wildcard.
“The things you own end up • Extra SP equal to your WP
owning you.” (I.E. both your current and maximum
- Chuck Palahniuk SP values increase). If the SP Variation is
in effect, multiply this amount by 2.

DEFAULT SUIT • Extra HP equal to the number of your current
Coins level (gained as temporary HP).

STARTING STATS However, for each day that you do not indulge, you
STR 1, AGI 0, END 1, MAG 0, will start to take penalties. Make sure to keep track
LUC 1, HP 18, SP 3 of how long it’s been since your last indulgence,
and refer to the list of penalties below.
Major: Fire • Day 0: Downtime move devoted to Indulgence.
Minor: Physical and Curse Bonuses gained. No penalties inflicted.
Weakness: Bless • Day 1 of no Indulgence: If temporary HP were
lost, they are regained by resting. If extra SP were
EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS spent, they are not regained. No new penalties are
The Devil earns XP when they live their best life, let inflicted.
their emotions lash out with no attempt to restrain • Day 2 of no Indulgence: Extra SP removed. Ex-
them, or tempt others with fun and excitement. tra temporary HP removed. Devil character returns
to its baseline.
DEVIL STARTING MOVE: TEMPTATION • Day 3 and beyond: The Devil character can no
You have a habit that is time-consuming but not longer recover their base HP or SP values by rest-
dangerous. Others might think it’s a waste of time, ing. HP can only be restored with healing items or
but does that really matter if it’s what makes you magic. SP can only be restored with rare items.
happy? Come up with a habit for your character.
It does not have to be related to a substance - it DEVIL ANY-LEVEL MOVES
could be something like video games or shopping. • Fiery Bloodline
If it is related to a substance, consider selecting • Friendly Temptation
something that isn’t very dangerous in order to • Infernal Rage
keep the game lighthearted. Marijuana, for exam- • No, You Shut Up
ple, might be a good choice (though keep in mind • Savor the Flavor
that it is difficult to find in Japan). You can choose • Silver Tongue
to devote a downtime move to indulging in your • Sticky Fingers
habit. When you do so, you gain the following:

FIERY BLOODLINE • On a complete success roll to regain HP or SP
When you roll for Fire damage, you gain a bonus and then multiply the amount you rolled by two.
equal to your WP. • On a mixed success you gain a smaller bonus
to the amount of HP or SP recovered. The bonus
FRIENDLY TEMPTATION is equal to your Willpower.
When you convince an S. Link to partake in your • On a failure you gain no bonus, but you still
indulgence with you, you gain an extra SXP recover HP or SP in the normal fashion.
toward your Link with them (for example, on
a complete success you would gain 4 SXP SILVER TONGUE
instead of just 3), as well as all the other benefits of When training to improve your Charm aspect, you
partaking in your indulgence. You might also gain gain a bonus 1 Charm AXP. For example, if you
an XP for this at the end of the session (assuming roll a complete success, you gain 4 AXP instead of
you have the appropriate trigger). 3. When other PCs train their Charm aspect while
you are in their immediate vicinity, they also gain a
INFERNAL RAGE bonus 1 Charm XP.
You can invoke this move as a free action on
your turn. You feel a surge of energy and deal STICKY FINGERS
extra damage with each attack - gaining a damage When you are rolling Proficiency to take something
bonus equal to your WP multiplied by two. which doesn’t belong to you (or to avoid detection
However, each time you attack you also take while you are preparing to take something which
damage equal to your WP (at its normal value, doesn’t belong to you), take an automatic +2 to
without being multiplied). The rage ends when your roll.
you fall unconscious, when you finish your current
battle, or when a rage-curing item or spell is used
on you.


You gain a bonus of +2 in any situation where
you are arguing with or intentionally provoking an
NPC (but not a player character). For example, if
you are trying to Charm someone into agreeing
to fight you, you might trigger this ability by subtly
implying that your opponent is a coward. Or, you
might simply be arguing with a parent about a
curfew; if you are dissenting, you gain the bonus.
Furthermore, if you roll a complete success on the
check to which you’ve received a bonus, you can
also take a wildcard.


When you use a consumable item that restores
HP or SP (such as a Life Stone or a Soul Drop),
roll LUC.

XVI - TOWER • As a further option, you can
“Woe, ruin, destruction, and decay; increase the move’s effectiveness
the worst is death by falling harder. Select any number
and death will have his day.” of extra enemies. Each enemy you select
- William Shaksepeare gains the Downed ailment. However, for each
selected enemy, you take an extra 1d6 Almighty
Note: Unless your opponent is rolling at least two
STARTING STATS damage dice, this move will never trigger. If your
STR 1, AGI 0, END 1, MAG 1, LUC 0, opponent is rolling three or more damage dice, it
HP 20, SP 3 is far more likely to trigger. It won’t be good at first,
but it will become much better later.
Minor: Physical and Wind • Crushing Impact
Weakness: Electricity • Cursed Bloodline
• Harsh Omens
The Tower earns XP when they exercise careful • Resolve
discretion or judgement, crumble to the will of the • Used to It
people around them, or display how they’ve been • Silver Lining
affected by crushing circumstances.


When someone is rolling damage against you,
if they roll six on at least two of their dice, some
interesting things will happen:
• You become Downed.
• The enemy attacking you also becomes Downed
(powerful “boss” enemies may be immune to this
• You gain a Wildcard.
• If you remain above 0 HP after your enemy’s
damage has been applied, you automatically deal
some Almighty damage to all enemies on the
battlefield. To determine the damage, roll a
number of d6’s equal to your character’s
WP. You may also add your

character’s MAG aspect to the

damage. In short: this
automatic attack deals

WPd6 + MAG Almighty


damage to all

When you are using a heavy blunt When training to improve your Guts aspect, you
weapon such as a hammer or a heavy gain a bonus 1 Guts XP. For example, if you roll
edged weapon such as an axe, you gain a a complete success, you gain 4 AXP instead of
bonus to damage equal to your WP. Further- 3. When other PCs train their Guts aspect while
more, on a complete success, your target gains a you are in their immediate vicinity, they also gain a
status ailment. If you are using an axe (or a similar bonus 1 Guts XP.
weapon), they gain Bleeding. If you are using a
hammer (or a similar weapon), they instead gain USED TO IT
Shocked. GMs are allowed some license as to You get knocked down, but you get up again.
what they consider a “heavy edged weapon such You can trigger a Megido Avalanche when two
or more of your opponent’s damage dice show
as an axe”, but should avoid straying too far (i.e. a
bastard sword would not apply). 5 or 6, instead of just 6. In addition to gaining
Avalanches more frequently, you no longer be-
CURSED BLOODLINE come Downed when an Avalanche is triggered
Whenever you roll for Curse damage, you gain a (your opponent, on the other hand, still does).
bonus equal to your WP. This move is unique to Tower characters and
should not be repurposed as an S. Link bonus.
This passive move confers an automatic bonus SILVER LINING
of +1 when using an instant death move such as When you take this move for the first time, select
Hama or Mudo. For example, a character with a any one of your five aspects. From now on, when-
MAG of 4 using Mudo would roll with a modifier ever you roll a failure while using that aspect, take
of 5 (4+1), instead of just 4. Furthermore, the +4 a wildcard. Note: choose carefully, because once
Limit does not apply to Hama or Mudo if you have you’ve taken the move and selected an aspect
this move. to apply it to you cannot change your selection.

MUDO; costs 1 SP
Declare an enemy whom you would like removed
from this plane of existence. The enemy must be
within 30 feet of you. Once you’ve chosen, roll
2D6 + LUC. Use the amount of LUC you have
currently, rather than your maximum LUC stat.
If you are targeting an enemy who is weak to
Curse damage, you may add 1 to the result of
your roll. On a complete success, the target dies
instantaneously. On a mixed success or a
failure, the enemy takes no damage but you do
not incur a counterattack. Note: Certain
powerful “boss” enemies may be immune to

this effect, as denoted by the GM. The GM

should be kind and warn PCs who would

waste their turn attempting it on a boss enemy.



“Throw me to the wolves • Crescendo
and I will return leading the pack.” • Deep Breath
- Seneca • Finest Hour
• Last Ditch
Cups • Nuclear Bloodline
• Spark of Life
HP 16, SP 4 When you choose to forgo rolling damage for an
All-Out Attack, the party receives extra healing
DEFAULT AFFINITIES equal to your MAG value (in addition to what they
Major: Nuclear get from your WP).
Minor: Fire and Bless
Weakness: Psychic DEEP BREATH
When you make a baton pass to an ally, that ally
EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS regains 1d3 HP. If the concept of a d3 is bizarre
The Star earns XP when they attempt to inspire and unsettling to you, don’t panic. Just roll 1d6 and
hope in others, take some time to treat themselves divide the result by 2 (rounding up).
to something they love, or demonstrate how faith
guides their life. CRESCENDO
When one of your allies (including you) falls to
Note: The “faith” mentioned in the above 0 HP, you can grant that ally 15 temporary HP.
triggers need not be religious; it could be general The ally returns from unconsciousness and can
faith in the goodness of humanity or the power of rejoin the fight immediately. Once these temporary
friendship. HP run out, they stay gone until a long rest has
been completed. They cannot be healed, and any
STAR STARTING MOVE: SHOWTIME healing applied to a character while they have
Seeing your teammates all on the same page temporary HP goes to their regular HP. This move
fills you with excitement, and your positivity can only be used once between long rests.
becomes a beacon of hope. When your team
performs an All-Out Attack, you can choose to LAST DITCH; costs 1 SP
forgo rolling damage for your character. If you do so, You throw all of your weight into a tackle or strike
your team will instead gain the following benefits: in an attempt to knock over an enemy at a critical
• Every ally (including you) heals a number of HP moment. On a complete success, you get both of
equal to your WP value. the following effects. On a mixed success, choose
• Someone gets a wildcard. You get to one. On a failure, you get nothing. Certain pow-
choose who it is. You can choose erful “boss” enemies may be immune to these ef-

yourself, if you’d like. fects (as denoted by the GM):

The targeted enemy takes an amount of Physical
damage. To determine how much, roll a number

of d6’s equal to your WP. You may also add your


Athleticism aspect to the result of this roll.

The targeted enemy gains the Downed status ail-

Anything could happen! Roll a d12 and When you roll for Nuclear damage, you gain a
consult the Miracle Table below. Many of bonus equal to your WP.
the effects may be useless against certain
powerful “boss” enemies. The GM should warn SPARK OF LIFE
players before the move is used if this is the case. You are singularly focused on self-reflection
and growth - but only for things that you care
MIRACLE TABLE about. At the start of each new session (or when
RESULT EFFECT prompted by the GM), choose an aspect to
focus on. For the remainder of the session, when
1 You take some Almighty damage. To
training to improve the aspect you chose, you gain a
determine how much, roll a number of
bonus 1 AXP. For example, if you roll a complete
d6’s equal to your WP. You also be-
success, you gain 4 AXP instead of 3. However,
come Downed.
when you take this move, you must select an
2 You gain an Ailment (GM’s choice; all aspect to ignore. The aspect remains ignored
options are viable including Downed). forever. When training to improve your ignored
3 An enemy of your choice is polymor- aspect, you gain a penalty of -1 AXP. When
phed into a Harmless Mothman (see you are making any roll that uses your ignored
Polymorph; pg. 80). aspect as a modifier, you take a penalty of -1.
4-5 You gain ¥5,000, $50, or an appro- Furthermore, you can never focus on your ignored
priate similar amount in a relevant aspect. This move is unique to Star characters and
currency. Additionally, all members of should not be repurposed as an S. Link bonus.
your party heal HP equal to your MAG
6-9 An enemy of your choice gains an
Ailment of your choice (all options are
viable, including Downed). Additional-
ly, all members of your party heal HP
equal to your MAG stat.
10 A party member of your choice (you
can choose yourself) heals SP equal
to their WP (multiplied by two if the SP
Variation is in effect). Additionally, all
members of your party heal HP equal
to your MAG stat.
11 A party member of your choice (you
can choose yourself) heals some HP.
To determine how much, roll a num-
ber of d6’s equal to the target’s WP.
All unchosen party members gain HP
equal to your MAG stat.
12 A party member of your choice is
revived to full HP (you can choose
yourself). All unchosen party mem-
bers gain HP equal to your MAG stat.

XVIII - MOON • A single character hears an
“It’s hard to understand uncomplicated illusory noise such as
how to be myself.” a sound effect or a sentence in another
- Cibo Matto voice. Only one type of noise can be produced;
multiple noises together (such as for a musical
DEFAULT SUIT cord) cannot be produced. No sense other than
Coins hearing is affected. The sound itself must be no
longer than ten seconds, but it can be repeated at
STARTING STATS any interval for up to five minutes.
STR 0, AGI 1, END 1, MAG 1, LUC 0, • A single character has their equilibrium
HP 16, SP 4 upset, causing them to fall and become Downed.
Depending on the circumstances of the story, they
DEFAULT AFFINITIES might also take some damage.
Major: Ice • A small object no heavier than five pounds makes
Minor: Ranged and Psychic a sudden, jerky and imprecise movement. This
Weakness: Fire can be used to knock things over, cause unlocked
doors to suddenly open, or etc.
The Moon earns XP when they employ deceptive MOON ANY-LEVEL MOVES
trickery, showcase a unique brand of anxiety, or • Artful Polymorph
take steps toward solving a mystery that interests • Con Artist
them. • Frigid Bloodline
• Heart of Gold
Some version or form of your Persona persists, • Master of Veils
always at your side. Starting from when you first • Moonspeak
gain access to your Persona (as denoted by the
GM), you may invoke this move to activate one
of the following effects. You do not need to be in
the Shadow World, and you do not need to have
access to your main Persona. However, this move
can only be used once per day. If you use it you
must take a long rest before using it again.

• A single character sees a small illusory object of

any form no larger than a microwave oven. The
object affects no sense other than sight; it cannot
be touched or heard. The object can
persist for a period of up to

five minutes.

Make a 2d6 check, adding your Persona’s MAG to You are adept with your Phantom Trickery. You can
the result. activate two effects before needing to take a long
• On a complete success, you can transform two rest. In fact, you can activate up to five effects before
targets into beautiful Luna Mothmen, changing all needing to rest. However, you need to spend one
of their stats to 0. A Luna Mothman can only wildcard for each use of the move beyond the sec-
perform basic attacks and is weak to both ond one. This move is unique to Moon characters
Physical and ranged damage. Note: Certain and should not be repurposed as an S. Link bonus.
powerful “boss” enemies may be immune to this
• On a mixed success, you can change only one You have gained insight into a secret, imaginary
enemy into a Luna Mothman. language that is only understood by you and your
• On a failure, nothing happens. friends. This language can take any form - it can
be a language of symbols, words, gestures, or
CON ARTIST any odd combination of things you desire. Once
When you do one of the following things, take a wild- you take this move, you and all other PCs will
card. Depending on your Experience Triggers, you automatically and immediately become fluent in
may also gain some XP at the end of the session. this language. By default, the language is called
• Trick an NPC into doing something beneficial. “Moonspeak”. You may rename it as you’d like.
• Mislead or misinform a captivated audience.
You can also invoke this move to activate one of
FRIGID BLOODLINE the following effects. All listed effects count as
When you roll for Ice damage, you gain a bonus Phantom Trickery effects, meaning you can only
equal to your WP. use one per day unless you are a Master of Veils.

HEART OF GOLD • Moonspeak is projected into the minds of the

When training to improve either your Proficiency other PCs for a period of up to five minutes. This
or your Charm aspect, you gain a bonus 1 AXP. effect can be used to share an auditory language
For example, if you roll a complete success, you in silence, or to perform a visual language in
gain 4 AXP instead of 3. However, you must pick darkness.
one of the other aspects (Athleticism, Guts, or • One NPC gains the ability to use and
Knowledge) to ignore. When training to improve understand Moonspeak for as long as you’d like -
this aspect, you gain a penalty of -1 AXP. For ex- even indefinitely. If it’s only temporary, they
ample, if you roll a failure, you gain 0 AXP insteadwill retain knowledge of things told to them in
of 1. This move is unique to Moon characters and Moonspeak even after the language itself is
should not be repurposed as an S. Link bonus. forgotten.
• One NPC temporarily forgets all languages other
MAKARAKARN; costs 1 SP than Moonspeak for a period of up to five minutes.
You can repel any one magical attack. The next During that time, to most people, they will appear
time you take damage of any type other than to be speaking gibberish. This effect is primarily
Physical, Ranged, or Almighty, the damage is useful for mischief.
instead applied to the enemy who made the
attack. The attacker is normally affected by the This move is unique to Moon characters and
damage with regards to their affinities. If they should not be repurposed as an S. Link bonus.
are weak, they get knocked down. If the attacker
reflects attacks of this particular damage type, it
bounces back to you and you take it after all.

XIX - SUN That said, the GM should not
“Seek not the good in external things; allow silly justifications. Furthermore,
seek it in yourselves.” a fixation should generally be something
- Epictetus specific; general activities such as “learning” or
“soul-searching” are too vague.

Wands When you trigger this move, you gain the follow-
ing effects:
STARTING STATS • If you are pursuing your fixation while Hanging
STR 0, AGI 0, END 0, MAG 1, Out with an S. Link, you gain one SXP more than
LUC 2, HP 14, SP 5 you normally would. For example, if you roll a
complete success, you gain 4 SXP instead of 3.
DEFAULT AFFINITIES • If you are pursuing your fixation while Training,
Major: Fire you gain one AXP more than you normally would.
Minor: Nuclear and Bless • You gain a wildcard.
Weakness: Curse
If a session goes by where the Sun character
EXPERIENCE TRIGGERS does not pursue their fixation, they will suffer from
The Sun earns XP when they inspire others to spiritual pain, losing 1 AXP from each of their five
be happy or take action, display their passions to aspects. If this decrease would cause them to go
others, or remain optimistic in the face of adversity. to -1 AXP, the aspect goes down by one level. In
this case, the AXP for the aspect should be reset
SUN STARTING MOVE: WAY OF LIFE to one number below its improvement threshold
You have a deep-rooted passion for a (see AXP, pg. 97). However, the GM can and
particular activity or set of activities which fills should choose to forgo this penalty due to any
you with joy. However, you start to miss it when extenuating circumstance, such as an especially
it’s gone.While your character may have several short session, being stuck in the Shadow World,
interests or passions for the purpose of activat- etc.
ing their experience trigger, you should decide
on one particular field of interest (such as Acting, SUN ANY-LEVEL MOVES
Cooking, Gaming, etc.) for the purpose of • Courageous
activating this move. In any situation where the • Energize
GM would describe your use of a downtime move • Fiery Bloodline
as pursuing your fixation, this move will trigger. • Glass Half Full
• Happy Dance
Generally, whenever someone is making a • Iron Immunity
downtime move, they should describe the • Shine a Light
fiction surrounding the move. This
is what the GM should refer to. COURAGEOUS

For example, if a character When training to improve your Guts aspect, you
with a fixation on cooking gain a bonus 1 Guts XP. For example, if you roll
describes their downtime a complete success, you gain 4 AXP instead of

move as “training 3. When other PCs train their Guts aspect while

Proficiency by you are in their immediate vicinity, they also gain a

practicing new bonus 1 Guts XP.

recipes”, the move

should trigger.
ENERGIZE HAPPY DANCE, costs 1 SP, lasts ten minutes
To trigger this move, during a battle your You can use your action to make a number of
character must say something to inspire or enemies happy, enamored, or generally carefree.
invigorate their allies. If the GM agrees that When the effect wears off, the target or targets
you did this, at the end of the battle make a will realize they were Charmed. Roll 2D6 + MAG.
Guts check. On a complete success, you and On a complete success, you get all three of the
all of your allies gain one wildcard. On a mixed following effects. On a mixed success, choose
success, nothing happens. On a failure, you lose two. On a failure, choose just one.
a single point of SP due to spiritual pain. If you • A target is charmed by you. They will not attack
have no SP to lose, you instead lose 1d4 HP. you and will be more likely to listen to things you
tell them.
FIERY BLOODLINE • A second target is charmed.
Whenever you roll for Fire damage, you gain a • A third target is charmed.
bonus equal to your WP. • The effect lasts for thirty minutes instead of ten.


In the real world, whenever you approach a You are immune to all physical ailments except
problem with naive optimism, you gain a bonus of for Downed (Burned, Shocked, etc). You can still
+1 to any 2d6 check relating to that problem in the be affected by mental ailments (Afraid, Charmed,
immediate future (maximum of +4). etc).

When you inspire someone else to take a sig-
nificant action that you believe will lead to their
happiness, or explain what’s getting in the way
of their happiness, take a wildcard as well as a
point of AXP in either Guts or Charm (whichever
you prefer). You might also gain a point of XP at
the end of the session if you have the appropriate
trigger. This move can only be triggered once per
session. The GM should maintain the right to veto
the activation of this move for a reason that is silly
or frivolous.


“If there’s a Judgement Day, as some • Armored Persona
folks think, He’s going • Blessed Bloodline
to have a lot to answer for.” • Cold Hard Logic
- Phillip Appleman • Condemn

• Hypercritical
DEFAULT SUIT • Moment of Doubt
Wands • Studious


STR 0, AGI 0, END 1, MAG 1, When you have access to your Persona, you au-
LUC 1, HP 14, SP 5 tomatically gain armor equal to your WP. This can
combine with worn armor, but not with other moves
DEFAULT AFFINITIES that give armor such as Mage Armor or Rakukaja.
Major: Bless
Minor: Fire and Nuclear BLESSED BLOODLINE
Weakness: Curse Whenever you roll for Bless damage, you gain a
bonus equal to your WP.
Judgement earns XP when they display their
personal morality, when they defer to logic and
caution, or when they comfort others in their group.


Establish a personal code of conduct, consisting
of 1 - 3 tenets. These can be anything from “never
harm an innocent” to “an eye for an eye”. If you
break one of your tenets in a given session, at the
end of the session you will lose a single XP (if you
have any to lose). This is due to guilt. If you break
multiple tenets, you still only lose 1 XP. You can
always detect when someone nearby has broken
one of your personal tenets within the last hour
or so. You gain a bonus of +1 to your 2d6 checks
when attempting to persuade, manipulate, or at-
tack a known code-breaker. The GM might impose
restrictions on this (for example, it may not apply
to Shadows).

In the Shadow World, you can use your Whenever you roll for Fire damage, you gain a
action to attempt to enrage an opponent. bonus equal to your WP.
Make a 2d6 check and add either your char-
acter’s Charm or their Guts aspect, whichever GLASS HALF FULL
is higher. The target of your taunting will become In the real world, whenever you approach a
Enraged. You are also encouraged to say some problem with naive optimism, you gain a bonus of
things that will make your opponent upset. A +1 to any 2d6 check relating to that problem in the
kindly GM who appreciates your taunting might immediate future (maximum of +4).
award you a +1 bonus to your check. Certain
powerful “boss” enemies may be immune to these HYPERCRITICAL
effects. In the Shadow World, you are immune to
becoming Charmed. In the real world, you may be
• On a complete success, up to two targets are awarded with a wildcard when you explain why
frustrated and may lose focus. They become En- you think something is bad or wrong in a manner
raged toward the move’s user, but also suffer a -2 that is dramatic or interesting. However, the GM
damage penalty while Enraged (instead of the +2 may choose to “cut you off” if you are triggering
damage bonus). this move too often.
• On a mixed success, only one target becomes
enraged but they still suffer a -2 damage penalty. MOMENT OF DOUBT
• On a failure, the target is still Enraged but they When you break one of your own tenets, take two
gain the normal +2 damage bonus rather than a -2 wildcards. This only triggers once per session. At
damage penalty. the very end of the session, you will still lose an
XP (if you have any to lose). This move is unique
to Judgement characters and should not be
repurposed as an S. Link bonus.

When training to improve your Knowledge aspect,
you gain a bonus 1 Knowledge XP. For example,
if you roll a complete success, you gain 4 AXP
instead of 3. When other PCs train their
Knowledge aspect while you are in their
immediate vicinity, they also gain a bonus 1
Knowledge XP.

In addition to basic and unique
The following pages detail the moves
Arcana moves, Persona wielders have
access to a number of Special Moves,
also known as SP Moves. Each SP Move
has an associated cost in SP or Spirit Points.
When you perform the move, your your
of the Wands suit. Personas of the
Wands Suit typically excel at deal-
ing damage and destroying foes with

character’s SP goes down by the associated cost.

Only certain Personas have access to certain SP

Moves. The moves you have access to are deter-
mined by your suit. For example, Personas of the
• Pulse

PULSE; costs 1 SP
When making a magic attack, you

Magician Arcana have the suit Wands and Perso-
nas of the Priestess Arcana have the suit Cups.
However, Personas can learn moves outside of
their Suit by sacrificing a level when they gain
enough experience to do so. For more information
can invoke this Move to do 1D6 ex-
tra damage on a successful hit. For
example, if you would normally roll
1D6+1 damage, you now roll 2D6+1.

In addition, on a roll of 10 or higher, the attack will
on “Multiclassing”, see page 58. inflict a status ailment based on the type of dam-
age it does. Refer to page 59 to see the effects of
Each Persona starts with one SP Move they al- these ailments.
ready know, which is noted on their Arcana page.
They then get to pick an additional move, for a to- • Fire/Psychic: The target is Burned.
tal of two known at character creation. • Wind/Nuclear: The target is Downed.
• Electric: The target is Shocked.
Once your character has run out of SP, they cannot • Ice: The target is Frozen.
use SP Moves until they rest for at least 6 hours in • Bless/Curse: The target is Afraid.
the real world. If, however, the real world and the
other world are one and the same, your GM might ANY-LEVEL MOVES
allow you to recover simply by resting in a safe • Alter Perception
area (again, for at least six hours). • Dia
• Float
Furthermore, keep in mind that SP Moves can only • Mage Armor
be used by a character when they are in full con- • Oil Slick
trol of their Persona, unless otherwise stated. • Ping-Pong
• Polymorph
Most moves are only available to Personas of a • Quicken
particular Suit. However, one move can be used • Stunning Flash
by Personas of any Suit at any time without having • Tarukaja
to be learned. • Terror Claw
• Veil of Fog

After successfully downing an enemy, you can

invoke this Move. You choose who acts next, in-
stead of the GM. Additionally, whoever you passed

the baton to gets a bonus of +1 to their next roll, no


matter what it is. This Move has no cost, but can

only be used once per battle.x


ALTER PERCEPTION; costs 1 SP, lasts 10 PING-PONG; always active
minutes When using a magic attack against an
You can use your action to complete- enemy who is immune to the type of dam-
ly change the way one character per- age being used, roll 2d6. On a roll of 10 or high-
cieves one other character or object. er, the Skill does normal damage, bypassing the
You can change the way this thing affects two (and immunity. On a roll of 6 or lower, the Skill bounc-
only two) of the target’s senses for the duration of es back, dealing its damage to the caster. On a
the spell. mixed success, roll again.

DIA; costs 1 SP POLYMORPH; costs 1 SP, lasts 1 minute

You can use your action to heal yourself or an Make a 2d6 check, adding your MAG. On a mixed
ally. The target immediately recovers hit points or complete success, you can transform one en-
equal to 2d6 + your MAG stat. emy into a Harmless Mothman. Statistics for this
creature can be found below. On a failure, nothing
FLOAT; costs 1 SP, lasts 10 minutes happens. Certain high-level “boss” enemies may
You can use your action to give the entire party the be immune to this effect, as denoted by the GM.
ability to float. They can move horizontally and de-
scend, but not ascend, at a speed not exceeding HARMLESS MOTHMAN
10 miles per hour. If appropriate, you might ride on STR -1 AGI -1 END -1 MAG -1 HP n/a*
the back of your floating Persona. WEAK: Ranged
SKILLS: none**
OIL SLICK; costs 1 SP, lasts 1 minute PERSONALITY: Timid
You can use your action to cover a 10 square-foot TREASURE: none
area in slippery grease. Any character who tries to *A Harmless Mothman has as much HP as
pass through this area must make a Proficiency whatever it was transformed from, at the time that
check (AGI for Personas). On a failure or mixed it was transformed. If it is reduced to zero HP, it
success, the character falls prone. They must use dies along with its original form.
a subsequent turn to make another check. If this **Even with no skills, any Shadow can make a
check is a failure, they continue to slip around use- basic Physical or Ranged attack. For a Harmless
lessly. On a mixed or complete success, the char- Mothman, this attack does 1d4-1 damage.
acter gets up and leaves the Oil Slick in whatev-
er direction they choose. The oil evaporates after
one minute, at which point characters no longer
need to make a check to get out of it. Characters
or Personas who can float or fly can pass over the
area unaffected if doing so.

MAGE ARMOR, costs 1 SP

In the Shadow World, you can use your action to
grant yourself some sort of magical protective film.
You gain WP points of armor, in addition to what
you’re already wearing. The effect of this move
lasts until your character takes a long rest, leaves
the Shadow World, or otherwise loses access to
their Persona. This can combine with worn armor
, but not with other moves that give armor such as
Armored Persona or Rakukaja.

When using a magic attack on an enemy • Fly
who is weak against the type of damage be- • Media
ing used, you can invoke this Move. If the at- • Matarukaja
tack hits successfully, you can use another attack • Sleep
on a different enemy. As long as you keep hitting • Wall
the enemy’s weaknesses you can continue to
chain hits until every enemy has been hit, or you FLY; costs 2 SP, lasts 10 minutes
roll a miss. You can use your action to give your entire party
the ability to fly. They can fly in any direction, at
STUNNING FLASH; costs 1 SP a speed not exceeding 30 miles per hour. If ap-
You can use your action to attempt to stun a char- propriate, you can ride on the back of your flying
acter or Persona. Anyone who is looking at you Persona.
while you use this move must make a Guts check
(CON for Personas). On a failure or mixed suc- MEDIA; costs 2 SP
cess, they are Shocked (see page 59). You can You can use your action to heal your entire party at
also use this move to light dark areas in a pinch. once. Everyone recovers hit points equal to 2D6 +
Using it at this lower frequency allows it to go on your MAG stat.
for a full hour. During this time it can still be used
offensively, but this requires an additional 1 SP to MATARUKAJA; costs 2 SP
be spent. As with Tarukaja, but able to affect the entire par-
ty at once.
TARUKAJA; costs 1 SP
You can use your action to greatly increase the SLEEP; costs 2 SP, lasts 10 minutes
damage output of yourself or an ally. The next You can use your action to give enemies the Asleep
three times that ally rolls to damage an enemy, Status Ailment (see page 19). Make a MAG check
they add 2 to their roll. This bonus also applies with your Persona. On a complete success, this
to manual tasks that require strength, such as can affect three targets. On a mixed success, it
moving heavy obstacles. The effect lasts until affects only two. On a failure, it affects one.
the recipient either makes three damage rolls or
takes a long rest. WALL; costs 2 SP, lasts 1 hour
You can use your action to create a large wall of
TERROR CLAW; costs 1 SP an element that your Persona has access to. The
Your Persona makes a basic melee attack against wall is 100 feet high, and can be long enough to
an opponent. On a mixed or complete success, completely encircle your party. Enemies who are
the target takes 1D4 + STR damage and gains the weak to the element cannot pass through the
Afraid Status Ailment (see page 19). This Move wall. Enemies who are resistant pass
cannot be used on targets who are at a higher through normally. Other enemies can
Star level than the user’s level. attack the wall. Each enemy who
consistently does this will reduce

VEIL OF FOG; costs 1 SP the spell’s duration by 5 min-

You can use your action to create a 30 square utes. However, the spell
always lasts for a min-

foot cloud of fog. Making a ranged attack from

within, or on someone within, can only succeed imum of 10 minutes.

on a complete success. Additionally, Proficiency

rolls to escape battle made from within the fog

gain a bonus of +2.

Personas of the Cups Suit typically DAZZLER; costs 1 SP
excel at healing and buffing their al- You can use your action to let out a
lies with magic. They sometimes take concussive blast of light and sound. Roll
the form of robed magicians, angels, 2D6 + MAG. On a 7 - 9, choose one of the
or other healers (although any Per- following. On a complete success, you get both.

sona can take any form you’d like). On a failure, you get neither.
• The target is Shocked, and has a
STARTING MOVE chance to not make attacks for a short
• Diarama period of time (see pg. 18).
• The target takes 1D6 + MAG damage. At level
DIARAMA; costs 1 SP five, this increases to 2D6. At level 10, 3D6.
You can use your action to heal yourself or an ally.
The target immediately recovers a number of hit DIVINE WATER; costs 1 SP, lasts 1 hour
point. To determine how many, roll a number of Roll 2D6 + MAG. On a 7 - 9, choose one of the
d6’s equal to your WP (minimum of two) and add following. On a complete success, you get two. On
your MAG stat to the result. a failure, you get nothing.
• The party can walk on water as if it were sand.
ANY-LEVEL MOVES • The party can breathe underwater.
• Amrita Drop • The party takes on the form of water, allowing
• Compel them to squeeze through tight cracks. However,
• Dazzler they cannot fight in this state.
• Divine Waters
• Dormina DORMINA; costs 1 SP
• Hapirma You can use your action to lull someone to sleep.
• Quicken Roll 2D6 + MAG. On a mixed success, the target
• Sukukaja falls asleep for 10 minutes. On a complete suc-
• Ward Rune cess the target is out cold, and will not wake up
for several hours. On a failed roll, the target re-
AMRITA DROP; costs 1 SP mains awake, and notices they’ve been targeted
You can use your action to immediately cure the by a spell.
status ailment of one of your allies.
HAPIRMA; costs 1 SP, lasts 10 minutes
COMPEL; costs 1 SP, lasts 1 minute You can use your action to make a character or
You can use your action to attempt to control the Persona happy, enamored, or generally carefree.
mind of a character or Persona. Roll 2D6 + MAG. Roll 2D6 + MAG. On a 7 - 9, choose one of the
On a 7 - 9, choose one of the following. On a com- following. On a complete success, you get two.
plete success, you get both. On a failure, you get On a failure, you get nothing.
nothing. • The target is charmed by you. They will not at-
• The target carries out a simple tack you and will be more likely to listen to things
one-word command for one you tell them.

minute. • The effect lasts for thirty minutes, instead of ten.

• The target doesn’t • The target doesn’t realize a spell was used on

realize a spell was them once it’s over.

used on them once

it’s over.


When using a magic attack on an enemy You can use your action to immedi-
who is weak against the type of damage ately cure the status ailments of your
being used, you can invoke this Move. If the entire party at once.
attack hits successfully, you can use another

attack on a different enemy. As long as you keep DIARAHAN; costs 2 SP
hitting the enemy’s weaknesses you can continue You can use your action to greatly
to chain hits until every enemy has been hit, or you heal an ally. They recover all of their
roll a miss. hit points.

SUKUKAJA; costs 1 SP HAPPY DANCE; costs 2 SP

You can use your action to greatly increase the As with Hapirma, but able to affect two enemies
agility of yourself or an ally. The next three times at once. Spend another SP to affect another ene-
that ally rolls to hit, they add 2 to their roll. This my. Up to five can be targeted at once.
bonus also applies to climbing, running, jumping,
etc. The effect lasts until the recipient either makes MARIN KARIN; costs 2 SP, lasts 1 hour
three rolls to hit or takes a long rest. You can use your action to attempt to charm an
enemy. Roll 2D6 + MAG. On a 7 - 9, choose one
WARD RUNE; costs 1 SP, lasts 1 hour of the following. On a complete success, you get
You can use your action to create an explosive rune two. On a failure, you get nothing. This Move can
that does 1D6 damage when someone touches it. only be used on a target who is the same or a
At level 5, this increases to 2D6. At level 10, 3D6. lower level as the user.
The rune must have an associated damage type, • The target will attack its allies.
which must be something that your Persona has • The target will happily carry out simple, one
access to. You cannot choose Physical or Ranged word commands, as long as they don’t conflict
as a damage type. Roll 2D6 + MAG. On a 7 - 9, with its core desires.
choose two of the following. On a complete suc- • The target will heal its enemies, if it is able to.
cess, choose three. On a failure, choose just one.
You must choose at least one area of effect or the MEDIARAMA; costs 2 SP
Move will do nothing. You can use your action to heal your entire party at
• The area of effect is five square feet. once. They recover the amount they would if you
• (Only if the above has already been chosen) The had used Diarama, but all of them are affected.
area of effect increases to ten square feet.
• The rune is invisible to the naked eye. MASUKUKAJA; costs 2 SP
• The rune does an extra 1D6 damage. As with Sukukaja, but able to affect the entire
party at once.
• Amrita Shower
• Diarahan
• Happy Dance

• Marin Karin
• Masukukaja


Personas of the Coins suit are true DEDUCE; costs 1 SP
phantoms. Jacks of all trades, Coins Roll 2D6 + Knowledge. On a 7 - 9, you
Personas can move quietly, break can ask your GM one of the following quest-
through hidden barriers, and strike ions. On a complete success, you can ask two.
from the shadows. On occasion, they On a failure, you can’t ask anything. If the GM

can even bend the rules of the world. has nothing to tell you, they should return your
spent SP. This Move can be used at any time,
STARTING MOVE regardless of whether or not you have access to
• Backstab your Persona.
• What secret, hidden, or out of place aspect do I
BACKSTAB notice about the current situation?
When you attack an enemy who didn’t see it com- • What’s a possible explanation for this seemingly
ing with either a ranged or melee skill, you can unexplainable event?
invoke this move. If your roll to-hit is a complete • What do I think we’re we missing?
success, you do extra damage and don’t incur a • What do I feel motivates a particular character?
counterattack. If your attack roll is a 7 – 9, you
have to choose either one or the other. To deter- KNOCK; costs 1 SP
mine how much extra damage you do, roll a num- You can use your action to open a locked or blocked
ber of d6s equal to your character’s WP. passage. Roll 2D6 + MAG. On a 7 - 9, choose one
of the following. On a complete success, you get
Enemies that are Afraid, Asleep, Confused, both. On a failure, you get neither.
Downed, Frozen, Shocked, or Sickened can be • A blocked passageway is cleared or opened.
considered to “not see it coming” for the purpose • The move is silent. It this is not chosen, it makes
of inflicting a Backstab. However, once an enemy a deafening sound like knocking on hard wood.
has been Backstabbed, any ailments they had are
removed. ENSHADOW; costs 1 SP, lasts 10 minutes
You can use your action to bend environment
ANY-LEVEL MOVES around you to your will, creating shadows and
• Cut Open other hiding spots wherever you please. If no
• Deduce route for stealth existed before, one does now.
• Knock Enemies’ minds will do their best to rationalize
• Enshadow the mysterious twisting of their world.
• Pleasing Tea
• Substitute You can use your Downtime action in the Real
• Sukukaja World to make a special tea, coffee, or some
• Tools of the Trade other form of refreshment. Roll 2D6 + Proficiency.
On a complete success, the tea can be used to
CUT OPEN; costs 1 SP return 4 SP to an ally. On a 7 - 9, the tea returns
When using a melee skill, you can 3 SP. On a failure, 2 SP. Only one use of tea can

invoke this move. If you hit suc- be brewed each time the ability is used, and a
cessfully, your target gains the given character can only refresh themselves with

Bleeding status ailment. tea once. After this, they’ll need to restore their
SP at least once in the traditional manner before

they can use the tea again.


When you roll a complete success while You can use your action to render
making a ranged attack, you can invoke yourself or an ally completely invis-
this move to roll another ranged attack against ible. The invisibilty ends when they
a different enemy. You can continue to chain at- make a large noise or motion, as

tacks as long as you keep rolling 10 or higher. in to attack someone, or when you
choose to end it.
You can invoke this move once per battle to es- LAST SURPRISE; always active
cape a counterattack you incurred as the conse- This Move requires Backstab. The
quence of a failure or mixed success. extra damage you receive from the Move increas-
es from 1D10 to 2D10.
SUKUKAJA; costs 1 SP
You can use your action to greatly increase the SANCTUARY; costs 2 SP, lasts indefinitely
agility of yourself or an ally. The next three times You can use your action to create a Safe Room
that ally rolls to hit, they add 2 to their roll. This
in the Other World which enemies cannot enter.
bonus also applies to climbing, running, jump- The entrance to the room must be inlaid in a wall
ing, etc. The effect lasts until the recipient eitheror floor. The room can be used to plan, reassess,
makes three rolls to hit or takes a long rest. or even retreat to the Real World. Only one play-
er-created Sanctuary can be active at a time. En-
TOOLS OF THE TRADE; always active emies can attack the door to the Sanctuary and
Your Persona has access to anything both you eventually break it. If one enemy is attacking the
and your GM agree a thief might have access to; entrance constantly, it takes an hour. For each
lockpicks, climbing tools, etc. Maybe they come additional enemy trying to break inside, subtract
from a satchel your Persona keeps, or maybe ten minutes from this time. However, the Sanctu-
they’re actually a part of your Persona. If you ever ary should always be impossible to break open
fail a roll using these tools, they become dam- for at least five minutes after the attacks begin. If
aged. They will remain unusable until you spend the entrance isn’t broken, the Sanctuary remains
a few minutes and 1 SP to fix them. in place until the Move is canceled or another
Sanctuary is placed elsewhere.
• Bend Reality
• Invisibility
• Last Surprise
• Sanctuary


You suggest a change to the current scene;
something as simple as “this character now has
a mustache” or as complex as anything else you

can imagine. The GM will maintain the right to

veto your suggestion and ask for another one.

Once it’s approved, roll 2D6+LUC. On a complete

success, you get exactly what you wanted. On a

7 - 9, there’s an unintended consequence. On a

failure, the spell backfires utterly.


Personas of the Swords suit excel HOLD THE LINE; costs 1 SP
at defending allies and striking down When one of your allies takes damage,
enemies with fearsome melee at- you can invoke this Move to protect them,
tacks. Warriors, knights, and tacti- shifting the damage onto yourself. You can con-
cians all fall into the Swords suit. tinue to protect them from damage until the fight
ends, as long as you don’t leave their immediate
STARTING MOVE vicinity. You can only protect one ally per battle.
• Staggering Strike
INFUSE WEAPON; costs 1 SP, lasts 1 day
STAGGERING STRIKE; costs 1 SP You can use your action to add an elemental ef-
When making a basic melee strike, you can invoke fect to your or an ally’s weapon; it radiates flame,
this Move to increase your damage output. If you sparks with electricity, or etc. You must choose a
roll a 7 - 9 to hit, choose one. If you roll a complete type of damage that your Persona has access to.
success, choose two. If you roll a failure, you get You cannot choose infuse a weapon with Physical
nothing but don’t incur a counterattack. or Ranged damage. The weapon then does both
• You do an extra D8 of damage. damage types for the purpose of exploiting weak-
• You do another extra D8 of damage. nesses and knocking enemies over.
• You don’t incur a counterattack.
ANY-LEVEL MOVES You can use your action to terrify your opponent.
• Blood Frenzy Roll 2D6 + STR. On a 7 - 9, your target gains the
• Bond of Friendship Afraid status ailment (see page 19). On a com-
• Hold the Line plete success, you can apply it to another enemy.
• Infuse Weapon On a failure, the target becomes Enraged (see
• Intimidate page 19) and targets the move’s user exclusively.
• Rakukaja This Move cannot be used on targets who are at a
• Rising Slash higher level than the user.
• Sweep Low
• Signature Weapon RAKUKAJA; costs 1 SP
• Uncompromising Force You can use your action to greatly reduce the
amount of damage taken by yourself or an ally.
BLOOD FRENZY; costs 1 SP The next three times that ally takes damage, they
When you roll a complete success while making subtract 2 from the damage they take. This bonus
a melee attack, you can invoke this move to roll also applies when suffering intense environments
another attack against a different enemy. You can or resisting disease. The effect lasts until the re-
continue to chain hits as long as you keep rolling cipient either takes damage three times or takes
10 or higher. a long rest.


This Move requires Hold the Line. When someone Baton Passes to you, you can in-

Line.When protecting an ally, you voke this Move. Choose a target and roll 2d6 +
can mitigate some damage. AGI. On a complete success, you do 4D4 + STR

Subtract damage equal to damage. On a mixed success you do the same

your S. Link level with amount of damage, but incur a counterattack.

the ally you’re pro-


tecting, times two.


When you hit using a melee Skill, • Brutal Strike
you can invoke this move to knock your • Counter
target prone for the purpose of performing • Deadly Fury
an All-Out attack. This won’t work on enemies that • Second Wind
are larger than you, or who are at a higher level,
or who don’t have legs, etc. You may only use this BRUTAL STRIKE
move with skills that target a single enemy. This move requires Uncompromising Strike. The
bonus dice received from the Move increase in
SIGNATURE WEAPON size from 1d10 to 1d12.
Your Persona is tied to its Signature Weapon. De-
scribe what type of weapon it is, and what it looks COUNTER; costs 2 SP
like. When rolling for damage while wielding your You can invoke this move to reflect the damage
signature weapon, take a +1 bonus. However, con- you take from an attack. You are unharmed, and
stant use of this powerful weapon has made you the damage is reapplied back onto the attacker,
reliant on it. If the weapon is ever lost or removed, with Weakness and Resistance taken into account.
you take a -1 penalty to damage rolls.
UNCOMPROMISING STRIKE This move requires Rising Slash. The damage
This move requires Staggering Strike. The bonus dealt by the move increases from 4D4 to 8D4.
dice received from the Move increase in size from
1d8 to 1d10. SECOND WIND
When you reach 0 HP, you can invoke this Move.
Roll 2D6 + END. You regain the result of this roll in
HP. Once you’ve used this Move, you can’t use it
again until after you’ve taken a long rest.



Compass is a special suit. These Compasses also start with relatively
characters are supporters who low HP, and gain it half as fast. When
typically avoid direct conflict, most characters level up, they gain a min-
opting instead to buff their allies and imum of 2 HP. Compasses gain a minimum
assist in navigation of the Shadow of only one. Furthermore, rather than gaining

World. There are key differences HP equal to their END stat, they gain HP equal to
between a Compass Persona and, half their END stat (rounded up). This means that
for example, a Swords or Cups they will be gaining a meager 1 HP per level until
Persona. they hit 3 END, at which point they will gain 2 HP
per level. Compasses’ other stats (including SP)

STARTING STATS are unaffected by this trait and will increase at a
When creating a Compass charac- normal rate.
ter, you should choose an Arcana
from the list. Although your playsty- This might seem devastating, but bear in mind
le will differ from that of your chosen that because your character will not make many

Arcana, you can still consider it attacks, they also will not incur many coun-
yours. Compass characters should terattacks. This can be explained narrative-
have the same stats, affinities, and ly by your character being on the back lines;
experience triggers as their linked protected by their friends.
Arcana. The only exceptions are HP
and SP, which should start at 9 and 10, respectively. STARTING MOVES
• Analyze
As a Compass character, you will have some sort
of hang-up preventing you from excelling in direct Note: Compasses begin play with both of the list-
combat. You might be afraid of getting hurt, or ed starting moves. They can then select one more
think yourself feeble. Alternatively, there may be from the list of any-level Compass moves during
a magical force tied to your powers which keeps character creation.
you weak.
ANALYZE; costs 1 SP
This doesn’t mean you can’t fight at all, just that When you use this move, select one of the follow-
your time is better spent elsewhere. Compass- ing benefits.
es suffer a staggering penalty of -3 to all of their • (During combat) Select one enemy and list four
combat-related rolls. This penalty affects both to-hit damage types you’d like to know about (physical,
and damage rolls. Furthermore, a Compass char- fire, nuke, etc.). The GM should then tell you the
acter can never have a modifier greater than +2 for enemy’s weaknesses and resistances with respect
any combat-related roll (again, for both to-hit to those four damage types.
and damage). At the GM’s option, this • Gain insight into the medical or psychological
restriction may be removed when condition of another human.
the Compass character is unable • Gain a sense of what direction someone or

to use their Persona (i.e., something is in, as long as you have an object that
in the real world). was once owned by the person or an object that is

from the given place.

• Locate points of entry or weakness in a building

or structure.


The GM may introduce other benefits to this move

however they desire.

This move has no SP cost, and can be • Amrita Drop
used even without access to a Persona. • Assurance
You show support for an ally. Make a 2d6 • Collaborate
check and add either your Guts or your Charm • Dia

aspect to the result. • Float
• On a complete success, your support is • Marakukaja
resonant. Pick one ally. The ally receives A) a • Masukukaja
bonus of +1 to their next to-hit roll when making • Matarukaja
an attack (maximum of +4) and B) a bonus of +2 • Pep Talk

to their next damage roll when making an attack. • Total Empathy
• On a mixed success, your support is heard.
Pick one ally. The ally receives either A) a bo- AMRITA DROP; costs 1 SP
nus of+1 to their next to-hit roll when making an You can use your action to immedi-
attack (maximum of +4) or B) a bonus of +2 to ately cure the status ailment of one

their next damage roll when making an attack. of your allies.
• On a failure, your support falls on deaf ears.
This move has a passive effect.
When your teammates roll damage
for an all-out attack, they can reroll a single die if
it came up as a one. Furthermore, any dice that
come up on their maximum result in an all-out at-
tack damage roll (i.e., a d4 showing a 4), those dice
explode. This means they can be rolled again, and
the result is added to the overall damage rolled
previously. If exploding dice show their maximum
result, that result is added and the dice continue
to explode until something other than the highest
result is rolled.


This move can only be made in You can use your action to greatly
combat and only once per combat increase the agility of your entire party
encounter. However, it can be used at once. Each ally, including yourself, gains
at any time, even on someone else’s the effect. The next three times that ally rolls to

turn and even if you have already hit, they add 2 to their roll. This bonus also applies
taken a turn in this “round” of com- to climbing, running, jumping, etc. The effect lasts
bat. When one of your allies rolls a until the recipient either makes three rolls to-hit or
mixed success or failure on a 2d6 takes a long rest.
check, you can use this move to

improve their tier of success. For MATARUKAJA; costs 2 SP
example, if they rolled a failure, they You can use your action to greatly increase the
effectively rolled a mixed success damage output of your entire party at once. The
instead. If they rolled a mixed next three times they roll to damage an enemy,
success it becomes a complete they add 2 to their roll. This bonus also applies to

success. This move can only be used manual tasks that require strength, such as mov-
on allies; you cannot collaborate with ing heavy obstacles. The effect lasts until the re-
yourself, as it were. cipient either makes three damage rolls or takes a
long rest.
DIA; costs 1 SP
You can use your action to heal yourself or an ally.
The target immediately recovers hit points equal to
2d6 + your MAG stat.

FLOAT; costs 1 SP, lasts 10 minutes

You can use your action to give the entire party the
ability to float. They can move horizontally and de-
scend, but not ascend, at a speed not exceeding
10 miles per hour. If appropriate, you might ride on
the back of your floating Persona.

You can use your action to greatly reduce the
amount of damage taken by your entire party at
once. Each ally, including yourself, gains the ef-
fect. The next three times they take damage, they
subtract 2 from the damage they take. This bonus
also applies when suffering intense environments
or resisting disease. The effect lasts
until the recipient either takes

damage three times or takes

a long rest.


PEP TALK; costs 1 SP SANCTUARY; costs 2 SP, lasts indefi-
Pick an ally. Then, pick one of your ally’s nitely
Aspects (Athleticism, Guts, etc.). That You can use your action to create a
Aspect is increased temporarily by one point Safe Room in the Other World which
(up to a maximum of 3) until that ally takes a long enemies cannot enter. The entrance

rest. There are some other restrictions: to the room must be inlaid in a wall
• The move can only be used once on a given ally or floor. The room can be used to
until they take their long rest. plan, reassess, or even retreat to
• It can only be used on allies; you cannot give the Real World. Only one player-
yourself a pep talk. created Sanctuary can be active

• Only a character’s Aspects can be improved with at a time. Enemies can attack the
a pep talk; Persona stats are unaffected. door to the Sanctuary and eventually
break it. If one enemy is attacking the
TOTAL EMPATHY entrance constantly, it takes an hour.
This move has a passive effect which applies at For each additional enemy trying

all times, even if you do not have access to your to break inside, subtract ten min-
Persona. When you roll to hang out with utes from this time. However, the
someone, you gain an automatic +2 to your roll (up Sanctuary should always be
to a maximum of +4) to improve your S. Link with impossible to break open for at least
that person. five minutes after the attacks begin.
If the entrance isn’t broken, the Sanctuary remains
LEVEL 10+ MOVES in place until the Move is canceled or another
Diarama Sanctuary is placed elsewhere.
Heat Riser
Fly WEAK POINT; costs 1 SP
Sanctuary This move can only be made in
Weak Point combat and only once per combat encounter. You
spot a weak point in the enemy’s defenses. Pick
DIARAMA; costs 3 SP an ally. The next attack that ally makes will be a
You can use your action to greatly heal an ally. complete success, no matter what. Only insta-kill
They recover all of their hit points. moves are exempt (see “Mudo”; page 37 and
“Optional Rule: Instant Death”; page 143.)
HEAT RISER; costs 1 SP
You can use your action to make one ally better
at everything. They gain the effects of Rakukaja,
Sukukaja, and Tarukaja all at once.

FLY; costs 2 SP, lasts 10 minutes

You can use your action to give your entire party
the ability to fly. They can fly in any direction, at

a speed not exceeding 30 miles per hour. If ap-

propriate, you can ride on the back of your flying


Aeon is a second special suit. The STARTING MOVES
Aeon character is an android de- • Inbuilt Storage
signed to battle against shadows. As • Orgia Mode
with the other special suit, Compass-
es, there can only be a single player Aeons begin play with both of the listed

with the Aeon suit per game. If two starting moves.
players both wish to have it, they
must work the issue out between INBUILT STORAGE
themselves. Aeon characters have a compartment in their
body which can be used to secretly store small
STARTING STATS objects no larger than a toaster oven. The opening
When creating an Aeon character, choose an mechanism is electronic and is controlled by the
Arcana from the list. Aeon characters begin play Aeon character. It could be pried open, but this is a
with all stats, affinities, experience triggers listed difficult task that would require an average person
for their Arcana, including HP and SP. at least five minutes to perform.

Unlike all other player characters, Aeon
characters start with a crippling disadvantage to
their personality. Their aspects (Athleticism,
Proficiency, etc.) all start at 0. They cannot be
improved or modified in any way at character
creation, and will only become better as the Aeon
character develops their personality through
downtime. This is not to say that Aeon characters
must be roleplayed with no personality - just that
they have more learning to do than the other


Because the Aeon is a literal all-in-one robot, at
the GM’s option, they may be able to retain their
powers and SP moves for use in the real world,
making them a powerful ally if the PCs ever get
into a fight with Earthlings. As the GM, don’t pass
up this unique opportunity for roleplaying and
storytelling - where did the Aeon come from? What
does society think of them? Do they
need to hide their true nature? The
Aeon should be a fun character

to tie into your overarching plot.



ORGIA MODE • Gain insight into the medical or psy-
When you make a move that deals chological condition of a human.
damage to an enemy (Basic Attack, • Gain a sense of what direction
Command Persona, etc.), you can spend an someone or something is in, as long
SP to activate Orgia Mode. as you have an object that was once

owned by the person or an object
Orgia Mode has a varying duration. For the that is from the given place.
duration, you can only repeat the attack you used • Locate points of entry or weakness
to trigger it (although you can change targets). Fur- in a building or structure.
thermore, for the move’s duration, you gain a bonus The GM may introduce other benefits
of +3 when rolling damage. After the move ends, to this move however they desire, perhaps altering
however, the Aeon character takes a penalty of -1 certain effects or adding their own.
to every roll they make until until the encounter is
When you take damage, you can invoke this move.
To determine the duration of Orgia Mode, make Make a note that you have one point. Every time
an END check. On a complete success, it lasts you take damage of the same type as the kind you
three turns. On a mixed success, it lasts two. On took when invoking the move, mark another point.
a failure it lasts only one. This Move can only be You can use your action to activate the ability and
used once per encounter. do damage of this type to one enemy. You deal
1D6 damage for every point you have, up to 3D6.
ANY-LEVEL MOVES The attack hits its target automatically. Discharg-
• Anti-Death Driver ing takes an action and once you do it, the points
• Analyze reset. The charge even remains between encoun-
• Discharge ters, as long as you don’t take a long rest. You
• Extendo Driver can use this move to deal damage of a type you
• Improved Airflow don’t have access to. However, you cannot invoke
• Improved Graspers the move when taking damage of a type that you
• Inbuilt Tools are weak to, nor can you invoke it for Physical,
• Inbuilt Weapon Ranged, or Almighty damage.
• Safeguard
• Pheromone Cannon EXTENDO DRIVER
Both of your arms can move out of your body,
ANTI-DEATH DRIVER up to 30 meters away. You can use them to grab
You start every day with 10 temporary hit points. small objects, press buttons, or even make a basic
Once the hit points are lost, they cannot be healed strike.
and remain gone until you take a long rest.

ANALYZE; costs 1 SP
When you use this move, select one of the

following benefits.

• (During combat) Select one enemy and list four


damage types you’d like to know about (physical,


fire, nuke, etc.). The GM should then tell you the

enemy’s weaknesses and resistances with respect


to those four damage types.


You are outfitted with fans that are You have access to an inbuilt weapon.
somewhat loud, but keep you from When you take this move, choose either
overheating. When you take this Physical or Ranged damage. If you choose
move, your character’s Athleticism Physical, you roll to hit with Athleticism and

aspect immediately increases by can also add it to your damage rolls. If you choose
one point (up to a maximum of +4). Ranged, you’ll use Proficiency. For damage, roll a
Also, when training to improve your number of d6’s equal to your character’s WP. As
Athleticism aspect, you gain a bo- with all moves, this can only be taken once. Once
nus 1 XP. For example, if you roll a you choose your damage type, you’ll be locked in.
complete success, you gain 4 AXP instead of 3.
IMPROVED GRASPERS When one of your allies takes damage, you can
Human hands are clunky. You are outfitted with a invoke this Move to protect them, shifting the dam-
supplement for your hands. These could be any- age onto yourself. You can continue to protect
thing you desire from tiny graspers that protrude them from damage until the fight ends, as long as
from your chest to tiny gadgets stored in your fin- you don’t leave their immediate vicinity. You can
gertips. When you take this move, your charac- only protect one ally per battle.
ter’s Proficiency aspect immediately increases by
one point (up to a maximum of +4). Also, when
training to improve your Proficiency aspect, you
gain a bonus 1 XP. For example, if you roll a com-
plete success, you gain 4 AXP instead of 3.

You have access to a set of useful inbuilt tools
which include:

• 100 ft. Nylon ropes which come out of your palms.

• Anything you would find on a swiss army knife.
• A set of small lockpicks
• An oven in your stomach which can reach
temperatures of 400°F.

You may also have other tools, if you and your

GM agree that it would be appropriate for your
character to have them. If any of your inbuilt tools
break, they will remain broken until you
spend a few minutes and an SP
to fix them.


When you take this move, pick a mental Affinity Driver
ailment (Afraid, Charmed, etc.). This move Counter
can inflict that ailment upon one enemy. CPU Overclock
When you use this skill on them, they must roll Second Wind

1d6, adding their END to the result. On a 4 or low-
er, the ailment is inflicted. AFFINITY DRIVER
You can increase the “tier” of
one of your elemental affinities.
For example, you can turn your
weakness into a minor affinity. Alternatively, you
can turn one of your minor affinities (potentially
Physical or Ranged) into a major affinity, meaning
you resist it. As with all moves, this can only be
taken once. Choose wisely.

COUNTER; costs 2 SP
You can invoke this move to reflect the damage
you take from an attack. You are unharmed, and
the damage is reapplied back onto the attacker,
with Weakness and Resistance taken into account.

The damage bonus received from Orgia Mode
increases from +3 to +6.

When you reach 0 HP, you can invoke this Move.
Roll 2D6 + END. You regain the result of this roll
in HP. Once you’ve used this Move, you can’t use
it again until after you’ve taken a long rest.

The following pages offer explanations On a day of work or school, the GM might also
of downtime and equipment, as well as tips use a move such as Called Upon to show a brief
for GMs who are pulling the strings together glimpse into daily life. However, they should not
for their campaign. feel obligated to make a move for each and ev-
ery PC each and every day; simply choose a
DOWNTIME PC or roll to randomly decide, then perform a
Sometimes things quiet down. Maybe the heros single move for that one PC for that one day. If
are between missions. Maybe they’re tired, or desired, the GM can also choose to gloss over a
maybe they just have things they need to do in the day of work or school by simply saying “nothing
real world. Persona isn’t just about action - it’s also interesting happened”. PCs who go to work
about slice of life drama and relaxation. or school should also get both of their allotted
downtime moves once their daily obligations have
THE ANATOMY OF A DAY been completed. The GM might also decide that a
GMs are encouraged to go in detail regarding the particularly demanding job takes up a PC’s daytime
activities of the PCs for every day of their life - or “afternoon” activity slot. If this is the case, the
regardless of whether or not they do anything of PC should be fairly compensated for their efforts.
importance. The GM is advised to give each PC
a number of downtime moves they can perform in AXP
a given day. By default, there are two “time slots” AXP (Aspect Experience Points) are used to track
in a day - daytime and evening. PCs can perform the personality development of Player Characters.
one downtime move for each time slot. The GM can award an AXP to a PC at any time for
good role-playing, but they are mainly earned by
making downtime moves. Each Aspect requires a
certain amount of AXP before improving. Once the
threshold is reached, the Aspect immediately im-
proves by one and the AXP for that Aspect is reset
to zero (although if you go over the threshold, you
can keep any leftover XP). There is also yet a third
type of XP, called SXP, which stands for Social
Experience Points (see Social Links, pg. 110).


• Going from -1 to 0: 10 AXP.
• Going from 0 to 1: 15 AXP.
• Going from 1 to 2: 20 AXP.
• Going from 2 to 3: 25 AXP.
• Going from 3 to 4: 30 AXP.
• Going from 4 to 5: 30 AXP.

The following “core” downtime moves and rules During free time, you perform an
are generic examples which should be available in activity or just chat with a friend or
every Persona game, no matter what. acquaintance. The GM should pick an
appropriate aspect depending on either A)
CALLED ON the activity at hand or B) the mood of
At work or school, a boss, coworker, or instructor whoever is being hung out with. Do they want
asks you to answer a specific question or perform to be flattered with Charm or impressed with
a certain task. The GM will pick an appropriate Athleticism? Make a 2d6 check and add what-
aspect or stat to associate with the move. ever aspect the GM prompts you to add.
Generally Athleticism, Proficiency, Knowledge, or
LUC will be called on. Make a 2d6 check and add • On a complete success, a great time is had by
the given aspect or stat to the result of the roll. all. If whoever is being hung out with is an S. Link
character, the GM should award you with 3 SXP
• On a complete success, you give a perfect toward their Link (see Social Links, pg. 110). If they
answer or otherwise exemplary performance. The are not an S. Link character, the GM might instead
GM should pick either Charm or Knowledge and award you with 3 AXP for an appropriate aspect
give you 2 AXP for one of the two. (likely the one that was associated with the roll).
• On a mixed success, your performance is • On a mixed success, a decent time is
acceptable but could stand improvement. The GM had. The GM should award you with 2 SXP
should pick either Charm or Knowledge and give toward the Link, or 2 AXP for an appropriate
you 1 AXP for one of the two. aspect.
• On a failure, your performance misses the mark • On a failure, things are awkward or otherwise
entirely and you get nothing. uninteresting. However, the GM should still award
you with 1 SXP toward the Link, or 1 AXP for an
While most downtime moves give at least some appropriate aspect.
reward, even on a failure, Called Upon is the
exception. This is because it doesn’t take a time TRAIN
slot, like the other moves do. It’s simply meant During free time, you devote some time to working
to show a brief glimpse into the daily life of a on an aspect of yourself. Pick an aspect, then
particular character. make a 2d6 check and add that aspect to the
result. You should also describe what your
character is doing to improve themselves.

• On a complete success, you have an epiphany

which leads to deeper understanding. You gain 3
AXP for the aspect you chose to train.
• On a mixed success, you go through the
motions. You gain 2 AXP for the aspect you chose
to train.

• On a failure, the training is mostly unproductive

but you still gain 1 AXP for the aspect you chose

to train.

Player characters can also hang out with PCs are not limited to doing just one thing at a time.
each other - often with minimal involvement They can, for example, hang out with a friend while
required on the GM’s behalf. First, simultaneously training their Athleticism. Simply
the players should establish what they have the PC make a roll for the activity the same
are doing together. They can also do a way you would for any other, prompting them to add
brief scene in character, if they wish. When an appropriate aspect as a modifier. As with other
everyone agrees that the scene is over, each downtime moves, a complete success confers
player should establish what they are “looking for” 3 XP, a mixed success 2, and a failure only 1.
in the other. However, the PC can then choose to split their
earned XP between categories if they wish.
As a player, choose the aspect you feel the
other PC was channeling or embodying; this is For example, let’s imagine the above scenario
what you’re looking for in them. Alternatively, where a PC is training with a friend. Say they roll a
simply choose an aspect that suits your fancy. The complete success, earning 3 XP. They can decide
other player will make a 2d6 check and add the where they want those points to go between their
aspect you selected to the result of their roll. Athletics aspect and their S. Link with their friend.
They might choose to put 1 into their Athletics XP
• On a complete success, they will gain 3 SXP and 2 into the Link with their friend, or all 3 into
toward an S. Link with you. Athletics and none into the Link, or so on.
• On a mixed success, they will gain 2 SXP.
• On a failure, they will gain only 1. This same philosophy should generally extend to
all downtime moves within reason. For example,
Repeat this process for the other player; ask them players might be able to divide attention between
what they are looking for in you and make a 2d6 effort at work and time spent with a work colleague.
check using that aspect as the modifier. You then This effectively lets them choose which tier of
gain the appropriate amount of SXP toward a Link success they get for the Part-Time Work move
with that PC. (which affects how much money they earn). XP
that are not spent on the Work move will instead
A Link with another player is essentially the same go into the potential S. Link. If you’re curious,
as any other Link. It ranks up at the same rate as Part-Time Work can be found in the section on
well as conferring bonuses at ranks 1, 3, and 5. Optional Downtime Rules immediately following
The GM can improvise whatever bonuses they this section.
wish. Alternatively, they can select a prewritten
Arcana move to serve as a bonus (perhaps Note that PCs should generally refrain from
utilizing one that hasn’t already been selected by performing three or more activities at the same
the player). Be mindful and try to avoid giving a time, unless the GM has decided to make a special
move to a player that does the exact same thing exception.
as a move they already have access to. Different
players can get different bonuses at the same rank

of the same S. Link, if the GM wishes. For more


information on S. Link bonuses, see Social Links


(pg. 110).

The moves you’ve read about up to now are both At school, a PC finds themselves
generic and necessary to include. PCs must be daydreaming or even nodding off. An
able to train and hang out with friends, at the very instructor doesn’t take kindly to this and
least. The GM should occasionally use Called On decides to test the PC’s reflexes by whipping a
to show brief glimpses into the daily lives of the piece of chalk at their head. The PC should make a
PCs. However, there are many other possibilities 2d6 check and add either their Athleticism or their
for potential downtime moves. Not all of them will Proficiency aspect to the result of the roll.
be appropriate for every campaign, so they can
be used or unused depending on what feels right. • On a complete success, the PC sees it coming
There’s no shame in using all of them! and nimbly dodges out of the way. The GM should
pick an appropriate aspect (Athleticism, Proficien-
GMs are also highly encouraged to come up with cy, or Charm) and give them 2 AXP for it.
their own custom downtime moves to offer to the • On a mixed success, they barely duck away at
players, perhaps by using the ones they find here the last moment. The GM should pick an appropri-
as a baseline. ate aspect and give them 1 AXP for it.
• On a failure, it’s a direct hit. It stings; the PC
School moves are optional alternatives to Called
On for GMs wishing to add a bit more flavor to EXAMS
their games. While they are focused on a school At school, the time for a test has come. This move
environment, keep in mind that your game can use consists of a series of Knowledge checks. It may
any setting you’d like! (especially in a Japanese school) span across sev-
eral days of testing, with each check taking place
School moves include: Actual Trivia, Chalk Dodge, on a different day. GMs who incorporate trivia into
and Exams. their games are encouraged to work it into exams
as well. By default, the PCs will have to make six
ACTUAL TRIVIA knowledge checks. Each check will earn them a
Rather than having players roll when they are certain number of points.
Called On, literally call on them. As the GM, come • On a complete success, they get two points.
up with a question or a piece of trivia that tickles • On a mixed success, they get one point.
your fancy and ask a player about it. You might • On a failure, they get nothing.
offer them a multiple-choice question, or even Once they’ve made six checks, add up their points.
an open-ended discussion question. If the player Multiply the number of points they got by 8. Then,
gives an answer that is correct and/or satisfactory, increase this result by up to 15 points (but not over
the GM should pick either Knowledge or Charm 100). As the GM, you may assign these points
and award them 2 AXP for it. If the answer is however you’d like based on how much effort
incorrect or unsatisfactory, they should still get 1 was put into studying for the test by a given PC,
AXP for learning something new. Only particularly in the days leading up to it. The final
if the player stubbornly refuses to result is the character’s grade out of 100. GMs might

participate should they not improvise further effects for high or low test scores.
recieve an AXP reward. • Characters who scored higher than 85 gain 2

Charm AXP.
• Characters who scored between 70 and 85 gain
1 Charm AXP.


• Characters who scored lower than 70 get


who wants to make some Lockpicks. Let’s also say
These are optional downtime moves you have a Proficiency aspect of 3. Because the
which take up full time slots when they are Lockpick costs only 1 PP, you can make 3 Lock-
used. Optional activities include: Crafting, picks in a single session. You cannot, however,
Fishing, Gardening, Part-Time Work, Reading, make both a Lockpick and a Vanish Ball. Those
and Venues. would be two separate projects. Similarly, with
regards to items where you can choose one of
Optional activities are also a good opportunity to in- multiple effects (such as spell stones),
volve potential S. Links. You might allow players to implementing a different effect makes it a different
“unlock” certain activities as an S. Link bonus. item, meaning it requires a separate project.

CRAFTING Within reason, and at the GM’s discretion, the ef-

There are two types of crafting projects: Alchemy fect of an item can be anything the player would
and Weird Tech. The main difference is in the type of like it to be. However, the crafted items should
items produced with each, as well as their associat- be vaguely related to or inspired by their field.
ed aspects (Knowledge for Alchemy, Proficiency for Alchemy items should be inspired by arcane
Weird Tech). GMs can offer either type or both, reagents or potion-making. Weird Tech items
depending on preference. should be inspired by sci-fi or spy gadgets.
When a player wishes to improvise a new effect
Different projects will take different amounts (if it’s within reason for them to create), the GM
of time depending on their complexity. Each should give that player a cost in project points by
project has an associated number of project points basing it off of a similarly powerful effect from the
(PP). When you devote a downtime move to work- example table. A project item should essentially
ing on a project, you gain a number of points based be limited to a single effect. If the effect becomes
on your level in the related aspect. For exam- a compound sentence, the PC cannot make it.
ple, say you want to use Alchemy to craft a Love Instead, they will have to start two projects and
Potion, which costs 3 PP. Let’s also say your relat- make two separate items. Finally, each PC should
ed aspect (Knowledge) is 1. Every time you spend be limited to only one project at a time; they must
an action to craft you will gain 1 PP, meaning it will either complete or scrap their current project be-
take three “sessions” or three uses of the move to fore starting a new one.
complete the project. If your Knowledge were two,
it would take only two sessions. Please note that unless otherwise stated, all craft-
ed items are consumables, meaning they can be
Keep in mind that you lose unused points when used once and then they are gone. Also, crafted
you go over the threshold; they don’t “carry over” items generally work in both the Real World and
into your next project. Continuing with the earlier in the Shadow World (unless the GM decides
example, let’s imagine that your Knowledge as- otherwise).
pect is indeed 2, but the project cost is still 3 PP.
In two sessions, you would earn 4 PP. The single Example Alchemy and Weird
extra unused PP cannot be saved; it disappears Tech items can be found

into the void. on the following pages.


If your aspect would allow you to craft an item

multiple times with a single downtime move, you
can do so. However, you cannot craft multiple


different types of items in one session. For


example, let’s imagine you’re a Weird Tech crafter

Spell Stone Inflicts 1D6 damage of a certain type to a single enemy. You 1
can choose the type (any aside from Physical and Almighty).
Stink Bomb Creates an explosion that does no damage but smells very 1
bad. Useful for mischief.
Ma- Spell Stone Inflicts 1D6 damage of a certain type to all enemies. You can 2
choose the type (any aside from Physical and Almighty).
Sticky Goo Causes one target to become utterly stuck in place for three 3
rounds. Floating targets are unaffected.
Love Potion Inflicts Charmed (6) (See Infliction, pg. 22). 3
Alchemists’ Fire Inflicts Burned (5). If infliction is successful, the target also 4
takes extra damage each round they are Burned (equal to
the crafter’s WP).
Megido Stone Inflicts 2D6 Almighty damage to all enemies. 4


Lockpick Gives a bonus of +3 to a proficiency roll made to open a me- 1
chanical (tumbler-based) lock. Cannot increase the modifier
higher than +4.
Vanish Ball Immediately ends a battle (except for battles with powerful 1
“Boss” enemies, as denoted by the GM.)
Poison Gas Inflicts Sickened (6). 2
Nerve Gas Causes one target to become utterly stuck in place for three 3
rounds. Floating targets are unaffected.
Knockout Gas Inflicts Charmed (6) (See Infliction, page 22). 3
Stealthanol Inflicts Burned (5). If infliction is successful, the target also 4
takes extra damage each round they are Burned (equal to
the crafter’s WP).
Voice Changer Inflicts 2D6 Almighty damage to all enemies. 4
FISHING There are three types of tackle: rods, lures, and
Welcome, ye gentle landlubber. So, bait. If a PC is missing a lure or bait, they take a
ye’ve heard the call of the briny depths. -1 penalty to fishing rolls. If they are missing both
lure and bait, the penalty is -2. If they are missing
In order to fish, a PC with a fishing rod must choose a rod, they can’t fish at all.
to devote one of their alloted downtime moves to it.
Due to their special protagonist powers, a PC who Bait is the only type of tackle that is expendable.
spends time fishing is guaranteed to get a bite. It can be used three times (for three seperate
They are not, however, guaranteed to actually instances of fishing) before it is depleted.
catch the fish.
Finally, before they set out, the PC should decide
To fish, the PC should roll 2d6. As a modifier, they whether they plan to fish in freshwater or saltwater.
should add only whatever modifier is granted by Different fish can be caught depending on the
whatever rod and tackle they are using. type of water.
• On a complete success, the PC gains a point;
they’re getting closer to catching the fish. THE BOSS FISH
• On a mixed success, the competitors remain The Boss Fish is a beastly, nearly prehistoric
locked in a vicious stalemate; roll again. freshwater monstrosity. Only one Boss Fish should
• On a failure, the fish gains a point; they’ve exist per campaign (or, perhaps, there could be
shimmied off the hook a bit. one for each PC.) It can be used to completely
restore all the HP and SP of all allies, making it
The act of fishing is an intense battle between useful during boss fights with powerful Shadows.
human and fish. The PC should roll again and Furthermore, due to its massive size, it can be
again, not stopping until either they or the fish have used three times before it is depleted.
scored three points. If the PC gets to three first,
the fish is caught. If the fish gets to three first, they A PC can declare, at any time, that they are
are lost and the PC’s downtime action is wasted. going for the Boss Fish. They should make a LUC
roll; on a mixed or complete success, they locate
If the fish is caught, the PC gains a fish matching the Boss Fish and can fish for it. It is, however, a
their level from one of the fish tables (starting on difficult catch.
the following page). If the GM wishes, a LUC roll
can be made. The Boss Fish inflicts a massive -5 penalty to all
• On a complete success, the PC gains two fish fishing rolls. This can only be mitigated through the
from one level higher than their own (if such a fish use of better and better tackle. GMs might fore-
exists). shadow the Boss Fish (perhaps by having it break
• On a mixed success, the PC gains two fish from the PCs’ first fishing rod). Try to get young fishers
the level which matches their own. to see it as their ultimate goal.
• On a failure, the PC gains only one fish from one
level below their own, if such a fish exists (if not,

from their own level).


As was previously stated, the modifier for a fish-


ing roll comes only from whatever tackle the PC

is using. A tackle table can be found on the fol-


lowing page.
Basic Rod Rod Allows you to fish. ¥700
Lightning Rod Rod Gives a +1 bonus to fishing rolls. ¥2700
Divine Rod Rod Gives a +2 bonus to fishing rolls. ¥5000
Red and White Lure Negates the -1 penalty for not having a lure, ¥400
Bobber but otherwise has no effect.
Fish-shaped Bobber Lure Negates the -1 penalty for not having a lure, ¥500
but otherwise has no effect.
Worm Bobber Lure Gives a +1 bonus to fishing rolls when ¥1500
fishing in freshwater.
Meaty Bobber Lure Gives a +1 bonus to fishing rolls when ¥1600
fishing in saltwater.
Cheese Bait Negates the -1 penalty for not having bait, ¥100
but otherwise has no effect.
Nightcrawlers Bait Gives a +1 bonus to fishing rolls for every ¥500
fish except the Boss Fish.
Giant Nightcrawlers Bait Gives a +1 bonus to fishing rolls for every ¥1500
fish, including the Boss Fish.

1 Red Goldfish A baby fish with colored scales. Heals 1 HP. ¥5
2 Blue Goldfish A baby fish with odd scales. Heals 2 HP. ¥10
3 Ranchu Goldfish A cute fish. Heals 1d4 HP. ¥25
4 Oily Catfish A low-quality fish. Heals 1d4 HP. ¥40
5 Unruly Trout An aggressive fish. Heals 1d4 HP. ¥75
6 Dastardly Carp A big and clever fish. Heals 1d6 HP. ¥130
7 Rainbow Trout A multicolored fish. Heals 1d6 HP. ¥200
8 Black Bass A gothic fish. Heals 1d8 HP. ¥250
9 Rugged Salmon A fish with sharp scales. Heals 1d8 HP. ¥320
10 Sweetfish Doesn’t taste that sweet. Heals 2d6 HP. ¥360
11 Inaba Trout An Inaba native. Heals 2d6 HP. ¥410
12 Shimmering Tilapia A delicious fish. Heals 2d6 HP and 1 SP. ¥500
13 Golden Trout A beautiful fish. Heals 2d6 HP and 2 SP. ¥650
14 Mighty Sturgeon A tough fish. Heals 3d4 HP and 2 SP. ¥720
15 Monarch Salmon A regal fish. Heals 3d4 HP and 3 SP. ¥800
- Boss Fish A bitter rival. Completely heals all allies’ HP and SP. ¥10,000
Can be used three times.
1 Sea Bass You again...? Can be sold for extra cash, no other effect. ¥100
2 Squid Becoming very common. Tastes like rubber. Heals 1 SP. ¥20
3 Generic Mackerel A regular fish. Heals 1 SP. ¥35
4 Sea Cucumber Tastes unlike a cucumber. Heals 1d4 HP and 1 SP. ¥50
5 Soldier Crab A crab with a thick shell. Heals 2 SP. ¥95
6 Manta Ray Looks like a pancake. Heals 1d4 HP and 2 SP. ¥50
7 Salty Jellyfish A danger sack. Heals 1d6 HP and 2 SP. ¥220
8 Killer Mackerel An edgy fish. Heals 1d4 SP. ¥290
9 Blue Snapper A well-known fish. Heals 1d4 SP. ¥360
10 Hectopus A six-tentacled squid. Heals 1d4 HP and SP. ¥400
11 Quality Pufferfish A sought-after fish. Heals 1d6 HP and 1d4 SP. ¥450
12 Electric Eel I said ooh, girl. Heals 1d6 SP. ¥560
13 Big Tuna A massive fish. Heals 1d6 SP. ¥710
14 Apex Mackerel An incredible fish. Heals 1d4 HP and 1d6 SP. ¥780
15 Emperor Crab A regal crab. Heals 1d6 HP and SP. ¥900

FISH SALES go all the way up to 15.

Fish can be sold at market for a small price
(although the sale price increases as the fish The number of FXP needed to gain a new rank of
increase in quality). A GM might choose to make the Fishing Aspect is equal to the number of the
them available for sale at a fish market. If this is current rank. For example, going from rank one to
the case, their buying price should be equal to rank two takes only 1 FXP. Going from rank two to
their selling price multiplied by five. rank three takes 2, and so on.

OPTIONAL FISHING RULE: EXTRA VARIETY The Fishing Aspect can be combined with LUC
The fish tables become more randomized. Starting rolls or the Extra Variety rule for GMs wanting
at level 3, characters roll a d3 to determine which a truly robust fishing experience. As a further
fish they get from a given table (a d3 is a d6 with option, a GM might choose to make defeating the
its result divided by two). At level four, they roll a Boss Fish (or purchasing certain tackle) impossi-
d4. At level 6, they roll a d6, and so on. At level 13, ble until a certain threshold of the Fishing Aspect
they roll 1d12+1. Then at levels 14 and 15 they roll has been reached.
1d12+2 and 1d12+3, respectively.


With this optional rule, fishing becomes its own
Aspect. Every time a character fishes, whether
or not they succeed, they gain Fishing Experi-
ence Points (FXP) which can be used to improve
their Fishing Aspect. The Fishing Aspect then
determines what fish they get, rather than
their player level. It improves similarly to
any other Aspect, but it starts at 1 and can
GARDENING of (6, 4, 2), and I rolled a failure, I would only
Experience nature’s generosity! Any PC with recieve two of the crop.
access to a garden can choose to devote a
downtime move to planting and see if their passion Of course, gardening requires patience. Once a
takes root. seed is planted it takes a number of days to grow,
which is also indicated by its entry in the crop table.
Each crop (see below) has an associated set of Furthermore, crops will not grow if they are out of
numbers that looks like this: (3, 2, 1). In order season and only a certain number can be planted
to plant, one must first obtain seeds. To plant the at a time. A small planting box in someone’s yard
seeds, a PC should make a 2d6 check, adding will only have one plot for gardening, but bigger
their Guts Aspect to the result. gardens might have more space. A town or school
• On a complete success, they will get a number community garden, for example, might have one
of crops equal to the first number in the list. or two plots available for each PC.
• On a mixed success, they will get a number of
crops equal to the second number in the list. The crop list is limited for the sake of
• On a failure, they will get a number of crops simplicity, however as always GMs are
equal to the third number in the list. encouraged to use it as a baseline to impro-
vise their own material. All crops are single-use
For example, if I rolled to plant a crop with a yield consumable items unless otherwise stated.

Return Daikon Any Teleports the party home from a 10 days (1, 1, 1) ¥450
Sun Tomato Any but Winter Heals 1d4 SP. 7 days (3, 2, 1) ¥200
Baby Sun Any but Winter Heals 2 SP. 7 days (6, 4, 2) ¥250
Bead Melon Spring Only Heals 2d6 + Guts HP. 7 days (3, 2, 1) ¥180
Earth Bean Spring / The next 3 times the eater inflicts 5 days (2, 2, 1) ¥500
Summer Phys. or Range. damage, they
gain a +4 bonus to damage.
Hiranya Spring / Cures a party member of any 5 days (3, 2, 1) ¥150
Cabbage Summer Status Ailment except Downed.
Barrier Corn Summer / Fall The eater gains 3 points of armor 7 days (2, 1, 1) ¥160
for three turns.
Wall Paprika Summer / Fall The eater can increase one of their 10 days (2, 1, 1) ¥200
damage resistances by one tier for
three turns.
Moonlight Fall / Winter Heals 1d12 + Guts HP. 5 days (3, 2, 1) ¥380
Star Dragon Fall / Winter The next 3 times the eater in- 5 days (2, 2, 1) ¥600
Onion flicts any damage type aside from
Physical or Ranged, they gain a +4
bonus to damage.
PART-TIME WORK • On a mixed success, you will earn ¥2500 or the
PCs might also be able to spend time working at equivalent in a relevant currency (25 USD).
a job for which they’ve been hired. Each job has a • On a failure, you will earn ¥2000 or the
primary aspect, as well as recommended aspects. equivalent in a relevant currency (20 USD).
You can still work the job if you don’t meet these
recommendations, but it will be harder. If you are Better jobs with higher recommended aspects
severely deficient in recommended aspects, an will pay out more money in the form of a regular
employer may also refuse to hire you (at the GM’s bonus, applied regardless of what level of success
discretion). the PC achieves. For example, scoring a mixed
success while working at a job with a bonus of
To work at a job, a PC should make a 2d6 check, ¥1000 will earn you ¥3500 instead of ¥2500. Again,
using the job’s primary aspect as a modifier. In make sure to convert amounts for any game that
addition to money, working will give them 1 AXP does not take place in Japan. For a quick, rough
toward this aspect. However, for each point of conversion of yen to USD, simply divide the yen
difference between the PC’s aspects and the amount by 100. For other types of currency, you
recommended aspects for the job, they will suffer will need to determine the conversion rate on your
-1 to their 2d6 check. For example, if a job recom- own.
mends a Proficiency of 3 and your Proficiency is
1, you will take a -2 penalty when rolling to work. A list of potential example jobs can be found
below. As always, GMs are encouraged to
In terms of payment, here are minimum wages... improvise and offer jobs that are appropriate with
• On a complete success, you will earn ¥3000 regards to their choice of setting. The example
or a roughly equivalent amount of money in a jobs are simply meant to be used as a baseline.
relevant local currency (it would be 30 USD).

Dishwasher Easy, but boring. Proficiency Proficiency: 1 or more. -
Fry Cook Has a 100% chance of Guts Guts: 1 or more. -
making you salty.
Library Helper Life among the pages. Knowledge Knowledge: 1 or more. -
Retail Worker Every day! Your life! Junes! Proficiency Proficiency: 2 or more. ¥500
Charm: 1 or more.
Test Subject Help to advance the cause Guts Guts: 2 or more. ¥500
of science. Athleticism: 1 or more.
Barista Serve coffee and chat with Charm Charm: 2 or more. ¥500
patrons. Proficiency: 1 or more.
Secretary Manage the business of Knowledge Knowledge: 3 or more. ¥1000
stuffy salarymen. Charm: 2 or more.
Caregiver Provide for those who can’t Guts Guts: 2 or more. ¥1000
provide for themselves. Charm: 2 or more.
Knowledge: 1 or more.

Lifeguard Mostly sit around, Athleticism Athleticism: 3 or more. ¥1000
occasionally save lives. Guts: 2 or more.
READING original price (maybe one fourth). Or, if the PCs take
If you wish to better yourself, there are few better books out from a library, they may have a limited
ways to spend your time than by simply reading. time to finish a book before it must be returned.
To make reading available, simply provide the PCs
with a place to purchase or rent books. Secondly, books have certain requirements.
Unlike with part-time jobs, if you do not meet the
Reading is essentially the same as training. Each aspect requirements for a book, you cannot gain
book is associated with a particular aspect. When the benefit from it at all. Many books will require
you are reading a book, you must train the aspect you to have a sufficient Knowledge aspect before
that is associated with the book. However, you will they can be fully enjoyed.
earn a single extra AXP no matter your roll result
(for example, if you roll a complete success you There are further options - the GM might also
gain 4 AXP instead of just 3). employ single-use brochures or magazines which
do not give bonus AXP, but instead point PCs
However, books come with a few drawbacks. First- toward potential story hooks, new locations, or
ly, each book has a limited number of uses. This is Social Links. Or, if they are so inclined, the
denoted by their “length” numbers. For example, GM can reflavor books entirely by turning
a book with a length of 3 can be used for Reading them into DVDs, video games, or anything
three times before the PC has finished it. A finished else they desire. If this is done, the GM might
book does not disappear. It can be reread, but this also change requirements. For example, a game
action confers no additional AXP. GMs might offer might require Proficiency rather than Knowledge.
programs which rebuy books at a fraction of the A movie might require Guts or Charm, and so on.

Fist of the A manga that will make you want Athleticism None 1 ¥300
Gourd Star to beat people up.
World of Terror A gripping Lovecraftian manga. Guts None 1 ¥400
Geomorphs A novel about teens who can turn Charm None 2 ¥700
into rocks.
Fish! If Optional Rule: Fishing Aspect is Fishing None 2 ¥800
being used, this book provides 2
Fishing XP when it is read.
The A novel depicting the journey of a Charm Knowledge of 1 2 ¥1000
Hobgobbit reluctant half-goblin. or more
Untying A dense book about tying and Proficiency Knowledge of 2 2 ¥1000
Every Knot untying knots. or more
The Philiad The epic tale of a man named Knowledge Knowledge of 2 3 ¥1200
Phil. or more
The A horror novel that’s long and Guts Knowledge of 3 4 ¥1600
Happenstance difficult to follow at times. or more
Violation and Foreign literature. A dense read. Knowledge Knowledge of 3 5 ¥2000
Discipline or more
VENUES A PC attempting the challenge must make four
Player characters can visit venues to checks, each using a different one of the specified
exchange a bit of money for a bit of aspects. This is a difficult challenge; a PC must
extra aspect experience. Venues can also get at least two complete successes out of their
provide an opportunity for role-playing! Let’s take four rolls in order to pass it. If they roll a failure
a look at an example venue; the Full Moon Café. at any point, the challenge is automatically lost. If
desired, Luck and/or Wildcards can be used to lay
FULL MOON CAFÉ the path to victory.
A cajun restaurant which also serves coffee, where
intellectuals come to chat. Even if you fail, you will gain one AXP for each of
these four aspects (Athleticism, Proficiency, Guts,
and Knowledge). If you succeed, though, you in-
Basic Dark Roast 1 Knowledge AXP ¥400 stead gain seven AXP (one for each, and three
Latte Combo 2 Knowledge AXP ¥800 extra that can go wherever you’d like amongst the
Special Jambalaya 3 Knowledge AXP ¥1500 four) - and again, if you succeed your meal is on
the house!
Each venue generally has at least three “services”
or items on offer. Once a PC has spent money to Here are a few more example venues, which can
purchase a service, they must spend some time be used a baseline for improvisation.
enjoying it in order to gain the effect. They can
either train an aspect or hang out with a friend HUNGER PIT
while enjoying their service. Or, if they are so in- “I am loving this.” Purveyors of the world-famous
clined, they can do nothing but let the time pass. Paradise Burger. Now featuring Burg Sticks.
They then gain the bonus from the service they
purchased, as well as whatever experience is
granted to them by their chosen downtime move. Bacon Pellets 1 Guts AXP ¥200
Going to a venue while making another downtime Burg Sticks 2 Guts AXP ¥600
move is considered a split action. You may only Paradise Burger 3 Guts AXP ¥1000
perform one other type of downtime move while
you are splitting your action (you may not, for ex- CITADEL ARCADE
ample, train an aspect, hang out with a friend, and A popular spot with tons of classic arcade games.
enjoy a service all at the same time).
With a bit of imagination, venues can also offer Prize Machines 1 Proficiency AXP ¥300
custom services. Let’s take a look at a potential Air Hockey 2 Proficiency AXP ¥900
custom service for our example venue. Night of Ultimate 3 Proficiency AXP ¥1300
For whatever reason, this eating challenge WORK HARDER
will make you a better person. Pay ¥3000 for a A serious gym with sweaty people and awesome
Jumbo Gumbo Bowl; if you can eat the whole thing workout music.
in thirty minutes it’s free! SERVICE NAME BONUS COST
Neophyte Workout 1 Athletics AXP ¥400
This challenge requires Athleticism to over-
come the onslaught of meat, Proficiency to set Zumba Class 2 Athletics AXP ¥1000
the proper pace, Guts for the courage to keep Personal Training 3 Athletics AXP ¥1600
eating, and Knowledge to understand your limits. Session
Social Links (abbreviated as S. Links) are a SIGNS OF LOVE
literal representation of the power of friend- When you introduce S. Links to your
ship. Certain important people in your campaign characters, avoid making them faceless.
should be linked to Arcana; the ones that were not Give your players something to latch onto; a
chosen by your players. These people are known great name, a powerful personality, an
as Social Links or S. Links, and spending time with interesting image, a weird character trait, or any
them is vital. Nobody acts alone - everyone needs combination of these things. You should also con-
a support network. sider acting out scenes as the S. Link, particularly
when a PC is spending timewith them. You don’t
SXP need to do a scene every single time the charac-
A third and final measure of experience, SXP ters hang out. As a rule of thumb, however, try to
(Social Link Experience Points) measure how do them when an S. Link moves to a new rank.
close you are to a given S. Link. These short scenes can be used to tell the story
of an S. Link, to prompt a PC to roleplay an inter-
Each S. Link has five ranks. They always start at esting scene, or for anything else the GM might
rank 0 when someone is first met. Like aspects, desire.
when you gain enough SXP to improve a Link, the
Link automatically improves and the SXP is reset On a similar note, if you are creating S. Link
to zero (although if you go over the threshold, you bonuses from scratch rather than using the
can keep any SXP that is leftover). examples, you might not reveal the bonuses
immediately after a new rank is achieved. It’s fine
SXP COSTS TO IMPROVE AN S. LINK to wait and see what ranks the PCs get before
• Going from 0 to 1: 3 SXP. thinking of appropriate bonuses; you don’t have to
• Going from 1 to 2: 6 SXP. burn yourself out by writing all of them at once.
• Going from 2 to 3: 9 SXP. The PCs will understand if they have to wait a
• Going from 3 to 4: 10 SXP. session before they get their shiny new bonus.
• Going from 4 to 5: 10 SXP.
Finally, if you run out of major arcana to use for
BONUSES S. Links, try branching out. Tarot also contains
The real reason to pursue S. Links is that they give minor arcana which could be used; each suit
bonuses. When PCs reach levels one, three, and (wands, cups, coins, swords) has cards numbered
five with an S. Link, they will gain unique bonuses. 1 - 10 as well as a page, a knight, a king, and a
These can be anything the GM wants. Sugges- queen. Similar to the major arcana, every card in
tions are provided in the following pages. the minor arcana has its own meaning and
interpretation. Older Persona games sometimes
used zodiac signs (Leo, Gemini, etc.) as Arcana.
There is no shortage of potential material; all that’s
required is a bit of imagination on the GM’s part.


Following is a list of suggested S. Link Likely characters: An athlete, an excitable peer,
characters for each Arcana, including some an ambitious go-getter.
potential bonuses for each one. Likely bonuses: 3 extra HP; a suitable Physical
skill; Vigil (Hierophant Move).
0 - FOOL
Likely characters: A teacher; a coach; a parent; VIII - JUSTICE
a younger sibling; an innocent person. Likely characters: An attorney; a police officer; a
Likely bonuses: Nobody Home (Fool Move); hall monitor; someone obsessed with revenge.
5 extra XP; 1 extra Move from Arcana Suit. Likely bonuses: 5 extra XP; Never Lose Sight
(Justice Move); 3 extra HP.
Likely characters: An exciteable peer; a starving IX - HERMIT
artist; a brilliant renaissance person. Likely characters: An introverted peer; someone
Likely bonuses: 1 extra SP; another extra SP; with an unhealthy obsession.
Focus (Magician Move). Likely bonuses: 1 extra SP; a suitable Psy skill;
Terror Claw (Hermit Move).
Likely characters: A mystery woman; a doctor or X - WHEEL OF FORTUNE
some sort of healer; a deep thinker. Likely characters: Someone who lives on the
Likely bonuses: 3 extra HP; Divine Waters edge; someone who deals with a lot of money.
(Cups Move). Likely bonuses: A suitable amount of cash;
5 extra XP; a suitable accessory.
Likely characters: A female authority figure; XI - STRENGTH
a high-ranking government official; a supermodel. Likely characters: A deep, emotional peer; a
Likely bonuses: A suitable Ranged skill; charming businessperson; a matronly figure.
3 extra XP; a suitable ranged weapon. Likely bonuses: 5 extra XP; 1 extra SP; Lasso
of Strength (Strength Move).
Likely characters: A male authority figure; a gym XII - HANGED MAN
rat; a boss; possibly a chauvinist. Likely characters: A peer facing an impossible
Likely bonuses: 3 extra HP; 1 point of armor; a dilemma. Someone who’s been through hell.
suitable melee weapon. Likely bonuses: 3 extra HP; 1 point of armor;
1 extra point of armor.
Likely characters: A religious official; a rule- XIII - DEATH
maker; an officious parent or guardian. Likely characters: Someone reinventing
Likely bonuses: 3 extra XP; a suitable Bless themselves. A doctor, or a writer,
skill; Vigil (Hierophant move). or a therapist.

Likely bonuses: A suitable


VI - LOVERS Curse skill; 5 extra XP,


Likely characters: A supportive peer; a cheer- 5 more extra XP.

leader; someone with lots of friends.
Likely bonuses: 3 extra XP; a suitable Wind


skill; Hapirma (Cups move).

Likely characters: A nature-lover; a chef; a As a GM, you might be wanting to go
thoughtful peer. more in-depth with your bonuses. It’s a
Likely bonuses: 1 extra SP; an improvement to fantastic idea. A great bonus should feel
a damage-type resistance; Emissary of Peace unique to the character in question and really
(Temperance Move). make your players glad they invested the time.

XV - DEVIL Say you have an S. Link who sells guns to the

Likely characters: A compulsive liar; someone PCs. You could give them the “Shooting Range”
who impulsively seeks pleasure; a gambler. bonus, giving the players an extra PXP each time
Likely bonuses: A suitable amount of cash; a they use the range to train their Proficiency. A
suitable melee weapon; 1 extra SP. martial artist could have a dojo which does the
same thing for Athleticism, and both of these ideas
XVI - TOWER can lead to some fun role-playing. You can go even
Likely characters: Someone befallen by tragedy; more in-depth; let’s say a PC is having fun with
an orphan; a survivor. the Move Pleasing Tea. You could introduce an
Likely bonuses: 1 point of armor; 3 extra HP; S. Link who teaches them and lets them use their
Told You So (Tower Move). brewery, increasing the effectiveness of the Move.
You can and should do anything you want with
XVII - STAR S. Link bonuses; the only caveat being that you
Likely characters: Someone who knows how to shouldn’t just give the PCs a straight-up bonus to
relax; a popular but soft spoken peer. one of their Persona Stats or Aspects. These kinds
Likely bonuses: 3 extra HP; 1 extra SP; of bonuses are too highly coveted, too sought after
Starburst (Star move). via other means, to be given away.

Likely characters: A thoughtful and witty peer; a
night owl; an adorer of shellfish.
Likely bonuses: 1 extra SP; a suitable Ice Attack;
Makarakarn (Moon move).

Likely characters: A creative powerhouse; a
beacon of optimism; a mentor.
Likely bonuses: 1 extra SP, 2 extra SP, Solaris
(Sun move).

Likely characters: A wise and knowing
figure; an overseer; a principal; a

Likely bonuses: A suitable Fire

Attack; 3 extra HP; Wage War

(Judgement move).


By now you may have noticed the AS AN S. LINK
absence of the 22nd Arcana from both Perhaps The World could be a lead-
player Arcanas and S. Links. er, or someone who organizes the
rest of the group, but is unable to
The World represents finality, completion and lit- actually fight Shadows. Alternatively,
erally the entire world. It is too powerful and inter- The World could represent the overall

esting to be held by just one player. It would put bond between the group as a whole.
that player on a pedastal and make the others feel Most Persona games have a unique
slightly lesser. S. Link which increases in level as
the team as a whole works togeth-
So, where does The World fit in? That’s entirely er more and more; The World would
up to the GM. You might draw inspiration for your be a good candidate for this.
World from this page, or come up with something
totally unique. Whatever you do, try to demonstrate AS AN ENEMY
the awe and grandeur of the final Major Arcana. The World can certainly make for a power-
ful and intimidating enemy. Maybe it’s another
Persona-wielder. Maybe it’s some sort of hive mind
which controls the Shadows. Just try not to get too
wacky with it.

What if I told you The World was the world? If the
popularity of the group factors into their operations
(as it does in Persona 5) then maybe The World
literally represents their bond with the rest of the
population. In this case, the GM should raise and
lower the level of the S. Link as appropriate, even
sending it into the negatives. Then, the players
should use the level of the S. Link as a modifier
when they’re interacting with the general public.



The differences between Japa- The final section or trimester of the
nese culture and “western” culture school year goes from mid-January to
are vast. Several of them you are mid-March. At the end of the school year,
likely already familiar with. While it students get a spring vacation which lasts
isn’t extensive, this page lists some about a month. Then in mid-April, classes start
major differences (with a focus on over again.

school). GMs are encouraged to
research Japanese culture further Work weeks in Japan are six days instead of five,
using other resources. and this extends to the school system. The work
week begins on Monday morning and ends on
HOMEROOM Saturday evening. Sunday is the single day off.
Japanese students don’t move from class to
class the way you might be used to. Instead, the A table of important holidays can be found below.
teachers are the ones expected to travel between GMs are encouraged to research holidays they
rooms. Students are only expected to leave their are unfamiliar with, as a full explanation of each
homeroom for classes which require a seperate holiday is beyond the scope of this book.
room (such as P.E.). Students even usually eat
lunch in their homeroom, often with a bento box. HOLIDAY NAME DATE
They are, however, free to roam during lunch Shogatsu (New Year) January 1
provided they don’t leave school grounds. They Coming of Age Day; 2nd Monday
might find themselves on a bench outside the Winter vacation ends of January
school or even on the roof, removed from the National Foundation Day February 11
hustle and bustle. This homeroom setup can lead
Valentine’s Day February 14
to tightly-knit or cliquey groups. Even in small
schools, some students will simply never meet White Day March 14
one another due to luck of the draw. The home- School year ends; 3rd Saturday
room teacher for a class will sometimes move up spring break begins of March
in years along with their class, meaning students Spring break ends; 2nd Monday
have the same teacher for the entire three years school year begins of April
they spend in high school (although they still have Showa Day (Golden Week) April 29
other teachers to teach them other subjects). Constitution Day May 3
Greenery Day May 4
When playing in a Japanese school environ- Children’s Day May 5
ment, there are several cultural changes to Tanabata (Star Festival) July 7
keep in mind in terms of the overall setup of the Summer break begins Last Saturday
school year. For example, the year begins in of July
spring rather than fall. A typical school Summer break ends Last Monday
year begins in April. It continues to of August
the end of July, when the students

Respect for the Aged Day 3rd Monday

get a single month off for summer of September
break. Then it goes from
Health and Sports Day October 10

September to December.
At the end of December, Culture Day November 3
Christmas; December 25

students get a two-

week winter break. winter vaction begins

When venturing into the depths of the for (due to buyback prices and market shifts).
Shadow World, you are not advised to rely
solely on the strength of your Persona. There By the same token, players shouldn’t even have
will be times when you must rely on items and access to powerful items until they reach an ap-
equipment. These tools can be very important to propriate level, as determined by the GM. This
the survival of the group. might not be realistic, but it will ultimately lead to a
more balanced and rewarding game.
Each item has a name and an effect, even if the
effect is only narrative. A cost is also listed in yen There are two types of items: consumables and
(Japan’s official currency, 100 yen ≈ 1 USD). A equipment. Consumables can only be used once,
location is listed telling the place this item is and then they are gone. Equipment can be used
normally retrieved from. Some items are restricted again and again. Generally speaking, HP, Status,
to certain seasons. This is a list of suggestions; SP, Battle, and Food items are consumable, while
ultimately the name, effect, cost, location, and everything else is equipment. GMs should think
actual existence of any item is up to the GM. carefully before deciding to include purchaseable
healing items. The players should mostly rely on
Sometimes items will become obsolete. It healing spells, unless their group has no healer.
shouldn’t be expected that low level healing items As an alternative, you might consider including
and weapons will sustain the team at higher Special Food items, which are far more costly and
levels. If you wish to sell items they will generally harder to discover (maybe a potential S. Link is a
be accepted at 1/5 the price they are normally sold five-star chef?).

Devil Fruit Restores 4 HP to one ally. ¥100 The Shadow World
Adhesive Bandage Restores 4 HP to one ally. ¥120 Drug Store
Medicine Restores 10 HP to one ally. ¥850 Drug Store
Medical Powder Restores 20 HP to one ally. ¥1,600 Drug Store
Antibiotic Gel Restores 40 HP to one ally. ¥3,400 Drug Store
Life Stone Restores 30% of an ally’s HP. ¥300 The Shadow World
Bead Completely heals one ally’s HP. ¥1,000 The Shadow World
Value Medicine Restores 10 HP to all allies. ¥1,900 Drug Store
Medical Kit Restores 20 HP to all allies. ¥3,600 Drug Store
Macca Leaf Restores 40 HP to all allies. ¥8,400 Drug Store
Bead Chain Completely heals all allies’ HP. ¥2,000 The Shadow World

項目リスト 秋
Soul Drop Restores 1 SP to one ally. ¥50 The Shadow World
Snuff Soul Restores 3 SP to one ally. ¥400 The Shadow World
Chewing Soul Restores 5 SP to one ally. ¥800 The Shadow World
Chakra Pot Completely heals one ally’s SP. ¥1,000 The Shadow World
Great Chakra Completely heals all allies’ SP. ¥2,000 The Shadow World

Bead of Life Completely heals one ally’s HP ¥1,750 The Shadow World
and SP.
Soma Completely heals all allies’ HP ¥3,750 The Shadow World
and SP.
Revival Bead Revives an ally and restores ¥3,600 The Shadow World
50% of their HP
Balm of Life Revives an ally and completely ¥8,400 The Shadow World
restores their HP.
Chakra Chain Revives all allies and complete- ¥16,000 The Shadow World
ly restores their HP and SP.

Dis-Poison Cures Sickened for one ally. ¥350 Drug Store
Detox Solution Cures Sickened for all allies. ¥600 Drug Store
Sedative Cures Afraid, Confused, and ¥450 Drug Store
Enraged for one ally.
Me Patra Gem Cures Afraid, Confused, and ¥700 Drug Store
Enraged for all allies.
Stimulant Cures Shocked and Downed for ¥450 Drug Store
one ally.
Mouthwash Cures Silenced for one ally. ¥450 Drug Store
Dis-Charm Cures Charmed for one ally. ¥450 Drug Store
Amrita Soda Cures all Status Ailments for ¥1,000 The Shadow World
one ally.
Amrita Shower Cures all Status Ailments for all ¥2,000 The Shadow World
Demon Meat Restores 20 HP to one ally. ¥20 The Shadow World
Causes Sickened.
Aphrodite’s Fruit Restores 20 HP to one ally. ¥20 The Shadow World
Causes Charmed.
Odd Morsel Restores 20 HP to one ally. ¥20 The Shadow World
Causes Afraid.
Rancid Gravy Restores 20 HP to one ally. ¥20 The Shadow World
Causes Silenced.
Old Mushrooms Restores 20 HP to one ally. ¥20 The Shadow World
Causes Confused.
Muscle Drink Restores 20 HP to one ally. ¥100 Drug Store
Causes Enraged.

Fried Bread Bread fried to get that perfect ¥90 Bakery
crispy texture.
Jam Bread Just some toast with bread. ¥120 Bakery
Sandwich Lettuce and cheese in between ¥200 Bakery
two fluffy slices of bread.
Fruit Danish A fall-time fruity danish. ¥200 Bakery, Fall
Autumn Bread Bread with carrots and chest- ¥800 Bakery, Fall
nuts baked into it.
Coffee A regular cup of joe. ¥130 Café
Starvicks The world’s first spicy coffee! ¥150 Café
Earl Green A blend of Western and Eastern ¥130 Café
Wasabi Candy Candy so good it hurts. ¥1,000 Candy Shop
Large Candy A golfball-sized jawbreaker. ¥1,000 Candy Shop
Protein Powder used for training. ¥2,000 Drug Store
Mega Protein Increases buffness by 200%. ¥4,500 Drug Store
Karaage Deep fried chicken. Delicious! ¥120 Food Stall
Croquette Breaded and fried fish rounds. ¥400 General Store
Vegan Croquette A variant made with potatoes. ¥400 General Store
Grilled Croquette A croquette with grilled steak. ¥300 General Store
Lunch Bento Box A typical commercial bento box. ¥900 General Store
Experimental Gum A gum stick that’s a bit... off. ¥100 General Store
Venus Salad A salad fit for a deity. ¥300 General Store
Squid Pack A pack filled with tasty ¥2000 General Store
barbecued squid.
Mixed Nuts A bag of tasty roasted nuts. ¥2800 General Store
Quelorie Magic A healthy diet soda. ¥400 Health Food Store
Diet Food Low in both calories and ¥1,000 Health Food Store
Spring Fruit Pack A pack of tasty, fruity treats. ¥1,200 Health Food Store,
Homemade Bento A bento packed with love. ¥500 Home
Sacramental Wine Used during ceremonies. ¥2,000 Place of Worship
Appetizer Sampler A plate of house appetizers. ¥500 Pub
French Fries A salty, potato-ey treat. ¥200 Pub
Burger Just a simple hamburger. ¥480 Pub
Veggie Burger A burger for vegetarians. ¥500 Pub
Earth Burger Special mushroom burger. ¥780 Pub, Spring
Heavy Soup Soup made with a fatty stock. ¥1,000 Ramen Shop
Soothing Soba Cold Chinese noodles. ¥800 Ramen Shop, Summer
Special Oden A dish that will warm your soul. ¥800 Ramen Shop, Winter
Shish-kabob A basic shish-kabob. ¥160 Steak Shop
Steak Skewer A kabob with steak. ¥1,000 Steak Shop
Secret Skewer A delicious kabob from the se- ¥2,500 Steak Shop
cret menu.
Katsu Bun A simple steamed bun. ¥2,000 Traditional Restaurant
Manjū An anko-filled confection. ¥200 Traditional Restaurant
Dango 3-5 sweet skewered dumplings. ¥200 Traditional Restaurant
Hanami Dango A dango usually made for ¥800 Traditional Restaurant,
Sakura-viewing. Spring
Smash Orange A refreshing citrus beverage. ¥130 Vending Machine
Manta Makes you want to dance. ¥130 Vending Machine
Nastea Unexpectedly great taste. ¥130 Vending Machine
1UP Coveted by old-school gamers. ¥130 Vending Machine
Durian-au-lait Made from the king of fruits. ¥130 Vending Machine
Joylent Unsettlingly delicious. ¥130 Vending Machine
Mad Bull Practically caffeine in a can. ¥130 Vending Machine
Dr. Salt Classic The classic peppery drink. ¥130 Vending Machine
Dr. Salt NEO Now with more pepper! ¥130 Vending Machine
TaP Soda Old-fashioned fizzy beverage. ¥130 Vending Machine
Chunky Potage You’ll never drink all the kernels. ¥130 Vending Machine
Ultimate Amazake Made from fermented rice. ¥130 Vending Machine


Cream Puff A pastry with a creamy filling. ¥2,000 Bakery
Restores 10 HP to one ally.
Donut A ring-shaped pastry. Restores ¥1,000 Bakery
4 HP to one ally.
Taiyaki A fish-shaped cake. Restores ¥3,000 Bakery
15 HP to one ally.
Specialty Coffee A special secret blend. Restores ¥1,400 Café
1 SP to one ally.
Master Coffee A blend passed through genera- ¥3,100 Café
tions. Restores 3 SP to one ally.
Heart-Shaped The perfect gift for White Day. ¥6,000 Candy Shop
Box of Chocolates Restores 1 SP to all allies.
Skipjack Tuna A reclusive fish. Completely ¥8,000 Fishing, caught at night
heals all allies’ HP. in saltwater
Huge Fish A huge and tough fish. Com- ¥2,000 Fishing, can be caught
pletely heals all allies’ HP. anywhere
Trout An active fish. Restores 20 HP ¥500 Fishing, caught in
to one ally. freshwater
Masu Salmon A slimy fish. Restores 10 HP to ¥400 Fishing, caught in
one ally. freshwater
Ayu A bright fish. Restores 5 HP to ¥300 Fishing, caught in
one ally. saltwater
Ranchu Goldfish A cute fish. Restores 2 HP to ¥100 Fishing, caught in
one ally. freshwater
Boss Fish A bitter rival. Completely heals Priceless Fishing, only one per
all allies’ HP and SP. Can be campaign
used three times.
Beni-Azuma A roasted sweet potato. Re- ¥900 Food Stall
stores 4 HP to one ally.
Hot Dog A hot sausage in a bun. Re- ¥1300 Food Stall
stores 6 HP to one ally.
Specialty Curry Amazing secret curry. Restores ¥5,000 Foreign Restaurant
1 SP to all allies.
Masterwork Curry The best curry you’ll ever taste. ¥10,000 Foreign Restaurant
Restores 3 SP to all allies.
Water of Rebirth Water with placenta in it. Re- ¥2,000 Vending Machine
stores 1 SP to one ally.

Rural Apartment A modest apartment in a suburb ~ ¥50,000 / Town, Suburb
or small town. month
City Apartment A studio apartment in a highly- ~ ¥120,000 / City
trafficked inner city month
Normal House A standard, cozy home. ~ ¥100,000,000 Town, Suburb
Big House A well-built and sizeable house. ~ ¥400,000,000 Town, Suburb
Lovely Mansion A lavish estate building. ~ ¥3,000,000,000 Town, Suburb
Goyogo Zoomplus A cheap but reliable car. ¥15,000,000 Car Dealership
Scrapcuest SUV A tough car for the entire team. ¥20,000,000 Car Dealership
Ubergoer A flashy foreign sports car. ¥100,000,000 Car Dealership
CRT Television A heavy and outdated monitor. ¥4,000 Department Store
Junesovision A discount flatscreen TV. ¥25,000 Department Store
Megasonic Monitor A huge, gorgeous TV. ¥60,000 Department Store
Working Laptop A computer for businessmen. ¥30,000 Department Store
Gaming Computer A computer for elite gamers. ¥120,000 Department Store
Zoni Gamerealm 4 A powerful gaming console. ¥40,000 Department Store
Furtado Shifter Can be played on the go! ¥20,000 Department Store
Normal Garment An ordinary piece of clothing. ~ ¥2,000 Department Store
Fashion Garment Keeps you trendy. ~ ¥5,000 Department Store
Matinee Ticket A pass for an afternoon movie. ¥600 Movie Theater
Movie Ticket A pass for an evening movie. ¥1,100 Movie Theater

If you’re in America, a quick way to convert aka

yen to USD is to divide it by 100. It might not
be totally accurate, but it’s good enough!
Magic Ointment Forms a magical barrier that ¥3,200 The Shadow World
blocks one magical attack for
each active Persona-wielder.
Magic Mirror As with Magical Ointment, but ¥6,400 The Shadow World
repels the attack instead.
Physical Ointment Forms a magical barrier that ¥3,200 The Shadow World
blocks one Phys/Rnge attack for
each active persona user.
Attack Mirror As with Physical Ointment, but ¥6,400 The Shadow World
repels the attack instead.
Excalibur Same effect as Matarukaja. ¥3,200 Vending Machine
Aegis Same effect as Marakukaja. ¥3,200 Vending Machine
Hermes’ Shoes Same effect as Masukukaja. ¥3,200 Vending Machine
Purifying Salt Cures all debuffs for all allies. ¥1,600 Place of Worship
Goho-M Teleports the party home from a ¥3,500 Department Store
dungeon. Mysterious in nature.

Purifying Water Removes all enemy buffs. ¥1,600 Place of Worship
Knockout Gas Causes one enemy to fall ¥500 Gun Shop
Nerve Gas Causes one enemy to become ¥500 Gun Shop
Poison Gas Causes one enemy to become ¥500 Gun Shop

Agi Stone Causes 1D6 Fire damage to ¥200 The Shadow World
one enemy.
Maragi Stone Causes 1D6 Fire damage to ¥340 The Shadow World
all enemies
Bufu Stone Causes 1D6 Ice damage to ¥200 The Shadow World
one enemy.
Mabufu Stone Causes 1D6 Ice damage to ¥340 The Shadow World
all enemies.
Zio Stone Causes 1D6 Lightning damage ¥200 The Shadow World
to one enemy.
Mazio Stone Causes 1D6 Lightning damage ¥340 The Shadow World
to all enemies.
Garu Stone Causes 1D6 Wind damage to ¥200 The Shadow World
one enemy.
Magaru Stone Causes 1D6 Wind damage to ¥340 The Shadow World
all enemies.
Psi Stone Causes 1D6 Psychic damage to ¥200 The Shadow World
one enemy.
Mapsi Stone Causes 1D6 Psychic damage to ¥340 The Shadow World
all enemies.
Frei Stone Causes 1D6 Nuclear damage to ¥200 The Shadow World
one enemy.
Mafrei Stone Causes 1D6 Nuclear damage to ¥340 The Shadow World
all enemies.
Kouha Stone Causes 1D6 Bless damage to ¥200 The Shadow World
one enemy.
Makouha Stone Causes 1D6 Bless damage to ¥340 The Shadow World
all enemies.
Eiha Stone Causes 1D6 Curse damage to ¥200 The Shadow World
one enemy.
Maeiha Stone Causes 1D6 Curse damage to ¥340 The Shadow World
all enemies.
Needle Stone Causes 1D6 Ranged damage to ¥200 The Shadow World
one enemy.
Megido Stone Causes 2D6 Almighty damage ¥3,300 The Shadow World
to all enemies.
Sacramental Bread Has the same effect as the ¥2,000 Place of Worship
Death Move Mudo, but counts
as Bless damage instead. Gives
a bonus of +2 to the MAG roll.
Straw Doll Has the same effect as the ¥2,000 The Shadow World
Death Move Mudo. Gives a
bonus of +2 to the MAG roll.
Explore the Shadow World in style! Equipment PTTRPG uses a freeform weapon creation
refers to items that can be equipped. A character system, allowing GMs to craft unique weapons for
can only have one item of each type equipped at a their world. The GM could also put the creation
time: one weapon, one accessory, and one armor system in the hands of the players!
piece. Furthermore, equipment can’t be changed
Armor is explained in detail on page 9 of this book.
WEAPONS Simply put, it’s a statistic that blocks incoming
Persona-wielders can use weapons to bring the damage. Accessories are special items that can
fight into the real world, or simply to increase have essentially any effect. Example accessories
their damage output. When a character makes can be found on the following page. In addition to
a basic strike or basic shot move, their dam- the examples, GMs are encouraged to come up
age is denoted by the weapon they are holding. with their own custom armor and accessories.

Chain Vest Gives wearer 1 point of armor. ¥3,000 Metalworks
Kevlar Vest Gives wearer 2 points of armor. ¥6,800 Metalworks
Survival Guard Gives wearer 3 points of armor. ¥8,200 The Shadow World
Metal Jacket Gives wearer 4 points of armor. ¥12,800 The Shadow World
Hard Armor Gives wearer 5 points of armor. ¥28,000 The Shadow World
Gives a penalty of -2 to all
Physical damage rolls.
Haikara Shirt Gives wearer a free XP at the Priceless The Shadow World
end of each session (as long as
it was worn the entire time).
Amamusha Armor Gives wearer 3 points of armor. Priceless The Shadow World
Makes wearer immune to
becoming Shocked.
Desperate Plate Gives wearer 3 points of armor. Priceless The Shadow World
Makes wearer immune to
becoming Enraged.
Mikagura Vest Gives wearer 3 points of armor. Priceless The Shadow World
Makes wearer immune to
becoming Silenced.
Oracle Gown Gives wearer 10 additional ¥28,000 The Shadow World
points of HP.
Charm Robe Gives wearer 1 additional point ¥28,000 The Shadow World
of SP.
Uzume Robe Gives wearer 20 additional Priceless The Shadow World
points of HP.
Armada Bustier Gives wearer 3 additional points Priceless The Shadow World
of SP.
Lobster Hairclip Gives wearer a bonus of +2 ¥6,000 Jewelry Store
when improving relations with
the Moon Arcana.
Bull Hairclip Gives wearer a bonus of +2 ¥6,000 Jewelry Store
when improving relations with
the Sun Arcana.
Owl Hairclip Gives wearer a bonus of +2 ¥6,000 Jewelry Store
when improving relations with
the Star Arcana.
Flame Vow Gives wearer a bonus of +2 to ¥10,000 Jewelry Store
Fire damage.
Blizzard Vow Gives wearer a bonus of +2 to ¥10,000 Jewelry Store
Ice damage.
Storm Vow Gives wearer a bonus of +2 to ¥10,000 Jewelry Store
Wind damage.
Volt Vow Gives wearer a bonus of +2 to ¥10,000 Jewelry Store
Electric damage.
Mind Vow Gives wearer a bonus of +2 to ¥10,000 Jewelry Store
Psychic damage.
Pulse Vow Gives wearer a bonus of +2 to ¥10,000 Jewelry Store
Nuclear damage.
Gas Mask Wearer is immune to becoming ¥15,000 Secondhand Shop
Hawaiian Shirt Wearer is immune to becoming ¥16,000 Secondhand Shop
Tranquil Buddha Wearer is immune to becoming ¥18,000 Secondhand Shop
Tin-foil Hat Wearer is immune to becoming ¥20,000 Secondhand Shop
Revenge Ring Makes enemies more Priceless The Shadow World
aggressive toward the wearer.
Fanny Pack of A stylish bag with infinite Priceless The Shadow World
Holding storage capacity.
Hunger Stone Automatically fills your party’s Priceless The Shadow World
bellies every day.
Divine Pillar Wearer takes half damage from Priceless The Shadow World
all attacks, and always incurs
counterattacks (even if they roll
a complete success).
Persona uses a custom weapon creation system. to the Weapon Creation system once they’ve
There are five steps to creating a weapon. Some become relatively powerful.
steps are mandatory, and others are optional. On
mandatory steps, you must select an option. On STEP ONE: WEAPON ASPECT
any given step, you can only select one option. This step is mandatory. When making a weap-
Next to each choice is listed a brief description (if on attack, you make a 2D6 check the way you
one is needed), a point cost and a cost in yen. would for any other attack. The modifier used is
Point costs, when added together, can be used determined by the type of weapon you’re wielding.
as a gauge of a weapon’s strength. GMs should Melee and Ranged weapons default to the Heavy
only allow players to buy items suitable for their and Finesse Aspects, respectively. Knowledge,
current level, and should only give them access Charm, and Guts use Weird Weapons.

Martial Roll with Athleticism 0 0
Finesse Roll with Proficiency 0 ¥500
Magical Roll with Knowledge 2 ¥1,500
Talking Roll with Charm 2 ¥1,500
Legendary Roll with Guts 2 ¥1,500

STEP TWO: WEAPON DAMAGE whatever modifier was used when making the to-
This step is mandatory. Different weapons do hit roll (i.e. a magical weapon uses the Knowledge
different amounts of damage, obviously. A greats- modifier both when rolling to-hit and when rolling
word is more lethal than a pocket knife. When for damage). However, you can also choose any
you roll for damage with a weapon, you can add other damage modifier.

Diminutive 1D4 0 ¥1,000
Light 1D6 2 ¥2,000
Standard 2D4 or 1D8 3 ¥8,000
Heavy 2D6 or 1D12 4 ¥25,000
Massive 2D8 6 ¥100,000


This step is mandatory. Different weapons hurt
in different ways. Different types of damage can
overcome enemy weaknesses like normal, deal-
ing extra damage and knocking the opponent over.
Physical Can be chosen to make a ranged 0 - ¥500
weapon deal Physical damage.
Ranged Can be chosen to make a melee 0 ¥500
weapon deal Ranged damage.
Fire The weapon deals Fire damage. 1 ¥4,000
Ice The weapon deals Ice damage. 1 ¥4,000
Wind The weapon deals Wind damage. 1 ¥4,000
Electric The weapon deals Electric damage. 1 ¥4,000
Psychic The weapon deals Psychic damage. 2 ¥7,000
Nuclear The weapon deals Nuclear damage. 2 ¥7,000
Bless The weapon deals Bless damage. 2 ¥7,000
Curse The weapon deals Curse damage. 2 ¥7,000

STEP FOUR: OTHER EFFECTS damage after a successful attack. Otherwise, the
Some weapons will have unusual effects. If a effect is enacted alongside the damage roll for an
weapon applies an Ailment, the wielder must attack. Other effects can extend into any territory
choose to apply the Ailment instead of dealing the GM wishes, even strange enchantments.

Burning Applies the Burned Ailment. 2 ¥8,000
Freezing Applies the Frozen Ailment. 2 ¥8,000
Shocking Applies the Shocked Ailment. 2 ¥8,000
Poisoned Applies the Sickened Ailment. 2 ¥8,000
Taunting Applies the Enraged Ailment. 2 ¥10,000
Quiet Applies the Silenced Ailment. 2 ¥10,000
Scary Applies the Frightened Ailment. 2 ¥10,000
Anesthetizing Applies the Asleep Ailment. 3 ¥15,000
Teasing Applies the Charmed Ailment. 4 ¥20,000
Confusing Applies the Confused Ailment. 4 ¥20,000
Critical Edge Rolling a 9 or higher to-hit with this 4 ¥30,000
weapon causes a complete success
(instead of a 10 or higher).
Accurate Edge Rolling a 6 - 9 to-hit with this weap- 4 ¥30,000
on counts as a mixed success
(instead of a 7 - 9).
STEP FIVE: DAMAGE BONUS al. If nothing is chosen, a given weapon always
Some weapons gain a small bonus (or penalty) defaults to having no damage bonus or penalty.
to their damage rolls. This is the final step, and Damage bonuses and penalties aren’t limited to
should be self explanatory. This step is option- this table and can go much higher or lower.

Broken -3 penalty to damage rolls. -1 - ¥1,500
Clumsy -2 penalty to damage rolls. -1 - ¥1,000
Makeshift -1 penalty to damage rolls. -1 - ¥500
Default No damage bonus or penalty. 0 0
Well-Made +1 bonus to damage rolls. 1 ¥5,000
Artisan +2 bonus to damage rolls. 2 ¥10,000
Beautiful +3 bonus to damage rolls. 3 ¥15,000

Shortsword 1D4 ¥1,000 0 -
Kishido Blade 1D4 ¥31,000 4 Critical Edge
Longsword 1D6 ¥2,000 2 -
Rapier 1D6 ¥2,500 2 Finesse
Night Falcon 1D6 ¥12,000 4 Scary
Bastard Sword 2D4 ¥8,000 3 -
Silver Saber 2D4 ¥9,500 5 Magical
Tizona 1D8 ¥8,000 3 -
Dark Slayer 1D8 ¥18,000 5 Taunting
Gardenia Sword 1D8 ¥18,000 5 Quiet
Chainsaw 1D8 - 1 ¥37,500 6 Accurate Edge, Makeshift
Skrep 2D6 ¥25,000 4 -
Sin Blade 2D6 ¥32,000 6 Curse damage
Ascalon 1D12 + 2 ¥35,000 6 Artisan
Mo Ye 1D12 ¥40,000 7 Anesthetizing
Damascus Rapier 1D12 ¥25,500 4 Finesse
Galahad’s Sword 1D12 ¥32,000 6 Bless damage
Gimlet 2D8 ¥100,000 6 -
Myohou Muramasa 2D8 Priceless 8 Curse damge
Blade of Totsuka 2D8 Priceless 10 Critical Edge
Kunai 1D4 ¥1,000 0 -
Poison Kunai 1D4 ¥9,000 2 Poisoned
Santou 1D6 ¥2,000 2 -
Throwing Kunai 1D6 ¥3,000 2 Finesse, Ranged damage
Yashioori Dagger 1D6 ¥22,000 6 Confusing
Fearful Kunai 2D4 ¥8,000 3 -
Levin Shiv 2D4 ¥20,000 6 Electric damage, Shocking
Military Knife 1D8 ¥8,000 3 -
Castilla Knife 1D8+2 ¥18,000 5 Artisan
Sleep Harpe 1D8 ¥23,000 6 Anesthetizing
Malakh 2D6 ¥25,000 4 -

Imitation Naginata 1D6 ¥2,500 2 Finesse
Hawthorne Spear 1D6 ¥17,500 5 Finesse, Anesthetizing
Sexy Lance 1D6 ¥22,500 6 Finesse, Teasing
Cross Spear 2D4 ¥8,500 3 Finesse
Gae Bolg 2D4 ¥12,500 4 Finesse, Wind damage
Ranseur 2D6 ¥25,500 4 Finesse
Poison Glaive 2D6 ¥33,500 6 Finesse, Poisoned
Gungnir 2D6 + 3 ¥40,500 7 Finesse, Beautiful
Yanyue Dao 2D8 ¥100,500 6 Finesse
Tonbo-kiri 2D8 + 2 ¥110,500 8 Finesse, Artisan

Axe 2D4 ¥8,000 3 -
Heavy Axe 2D6 ¥25,000 4 -
Ogre Hammer 2D6 ¥55,000 8 Critical Edge
Guillotine Axe 1D12 ¥25,000 4 -
Ice Axe 1D12 ¥37,000 7 Ice damage, Freezing
Celtis 2D8 ¥100,000 6 -
Fleurs du Mal 2D8 ¥109,500 10 Magical, Shocking
Mace 1D4 + 1 ¥6,000 1 -
Heavy Mace 1D6 ¥22,000 6 Confusing
Iron Pipe 2D6 + 1 ¥25,000 5 -
Sleep Stick 2D6 ¥41,500 9 Magical, Anesthetizing
Demon Pipe 1D12 ¥25,000 4 -
Stun Baton 1D12 + 1 ¥34,000 7 Shocking
Dragon God Pole 2D8 ¥100,000 6 -
Mjolnir 2D8 + 2 Priceless 10 Artisan, Shocking

Practice Bow 1D4 ¥1,000 0 -
Short Bow 1D6 ¥2,000 2 -
Siren’s Song 1D6 ¥22,000 6 Confusing
Composite Bow 1D8 ¥8,000 3 -
Pleiades 1D8 + 2 ¥19,500 7 Magical
Hero’s Bow 1D12 ¥25,000 4 -
Lightning Bow 1D12 ¥37,000 7 Lightning damage, Shocking
Yoichi’s Bow 2D8 ¥100,000 6 -
Yukari’s Resolve 2D8 + 3 Priceless 10 Wind damage, Beautiful

Replica Revolver 1D4 ¥1,000 0 -
Peacemaker 1D6 ¥2,000 2 -
PM Sheriff 1D6 + 2 ¥12,000 4 Artisan
Flame Pistol 1D6 ¥14,000 5 Fire damage, Burning
Crimson Gun 1D8 ¥8,000 3 -
Light Gun 1D8 + 1 ¥21,000 6 Shocking, Well-made
Artillery 1D12 ¥25,000 4 -
Golden Gun 2D8 ¥100,000 6 -
Gravity Gun 2D8 + 3 Priceless 13 Confusing
Replica SMG 1D6 ¥2,000 2 -
Wild Rifle 1D6 ¥32,000 6 Critical Edge
Mad Maximum 2D4 ¥8,000 3 -
AR-M4 1D8 ¥8,000 3 -
Love Gun 1D8 + 1 ¥33,000 8 Teasing, Well-made
Pumpkin Bomb 2D6 ¥25,000 6 Burning
Tommy Gun 1D12 ¥25,000 4 -
MP Victoria 1D12 + 2 ¥35,000 6 Artisan
Sharpshooter 2D8 ¥100,000 6 -
Yagrush 2D8 Priceless 9 Electric damage, Shocking
Wild Hunt 2D8 + 3 Priceless 11 Scary, Beautiful


Trout 1D4 - 1 ¥500 0 Makeshift
Snake 1D4 - 1 ¥7,500 1 Poisoned, Makeshift
Brass Knuckles 1D6 ¥2,000 2 -
Sonic Fist 1D6 + 1 ¥15,000 5 Shocking, Well-made
Nuke Staff 1D6 ¥10,500 6 Magical, Nuclear damage
Nunchuks 2D4 ¥8,000 3 -
Combat Scissors 2D4 ¥38,000 7 Critical Edge
Grenade Launcher 2D8 ¥100,000 6 Finesse, Ranged damage

Iwa If it bugs you, call them airsoft guns. Airsoft

is just as good in the Shadow World. What
matters is what the object represents.

If you’ve played a Persona game, then THE END
you should have a pretty good idea for The unthinkable has happened. There
the overall structure of your campaign. no longer is a “real world” or a “Shadow
The following section discusses possibilites World”, there is only one. Shadows walk the
and guidelines. You might find that the most streets. Entire cities become strangely affected by
important decision you make, the one that struc- wild magic. Random humans wake up to find that
tures your other ideas for your campaign, is this: they wield Personas. How did this happen? How
is society coping, if at all? How will you strike a
What form will your Shadow World take? Will balance between those who use their Personas in
there be just one World, or multiple Worlds (per- a morally acceptable way and those who don’t?
haps each is tied to a different location in the real
world)? Will you take inspiration from one of the THE WIRED
games, or create something more unique to your The Other World is a real place where business
group? Some suggestions are provided below. is conducted, and where some choose choose
to live out their lives in Virtual Reality. The game
BABEL takes place in a distant cyberpunk future, where
A massive tower is a classic setup. Where did it the Shadow World is the internet. Why do the PCs
come from? What lies at the top? Why do Shadows have their powers? Are there other people with the
keep pouring out from the bottom? How does the same powers? Who controls the Shadow World,
Tower change as it gets taller? Is there a unique and society at large? How does it all work from a
mechanism the PCs have to use to ascend it (ele- practical perspective?
vator, pulley, portal)?
CANVAS CRUSADERS The Shadow World is odd. Sometimes seems like
At the edge of human consciousness is imagina- it just changes at random, as if some easily bored
tion. In the realms of imagination, demons from an- individual is pulling the strings. The Player Char-
cient times crawl back into the light. These realms acters have some way to access mutliple Shad-
are most concrete where someone has made a ow Worlds, each of which has its own unique set
concrete representation of them - a work of art. of rules. A dark carnival where the players must
Painting, video, book, it doesn’t matter. The works earn tickets to stop the coming of Shadows; a puz-
can contain manifestations of emotion or anxiety zle-filled prison of howling madmen, or anything
which threaten the very sanity of their artists. How else you can come up with. The sky’s the limit.
do the players enter the painted world? Is it purely Persona is a weird series; GMs are encouraged to
spiritual, or can other humans take advantage of get weird with it.

How the players reach the Shadow World can It could be that the PCs need to
be just as unique and interesting as the Shad- conduct a ritual to enter the Shadow
ow World itself. Keep in mind that whatever you World. What does the ritual entail? Does it
decide will likely also be the method of introduc- require material components? Can you end
tion for the different PCs, unless the group decides up in a different part of the Shadow World by
their characters knew each other beforehand. performing the ritual in a different real location?
How noticeable is the ritual? How long does it
Sometimes the method of access will seem obvi- take? The players should feel like they need a safe
ous, or come to you naturally based on the form place to perform it.
of the Shadow World. It might be a good idea to
go with your gut and try not to overthink. TIMES
Time could be an interesting factor when it comes
DREAMS to accessing the Shadow World. In Persona 3,
Perhaps the players cross into the Shadow World the “PCs” all experience a 25th hour in the day,
while they sleep. This can be problematic, as it referred to as The Dark Hour. This literally forces
takes control away from the players (unless they them into the Shadow World each night (although
can actively decide to go to the Shadow World as doesn’t force them to actually do anything as they
some form of lucid dreaming). However, a shared can sleep right through it). This concept could be
dream can be a very effective way to start a cam- used even more effectively in a tabletop RPG,
paign by forcefully introducing the players to the where a time constraint of an in-game hour would
Shadow World. greatly increase the level of dramatic tension. Sud-
denly, operations in the realm of shadows become
PORTALS much more rushed, and much more considered.
Portals are a simple, helpful mechanic to have for
a number of reasons. They can force the players THE TICKING CLOCK
to a specific location in the real world. They can This is a common element across all Persona
open and close at dramatic intervals. They can games. Do something – accomplish some task in
even give the players cause to search through the the Shadow World – before this date, or something
real world, which can be a tense and satisfying af- bad will happen. Shadows will walk the streets.
fair. As the GM, you should decide how the portals An innocent person will die. A member of your
work. How many are there? Just one? In this case, team will get in trouble with the law. Whatever the
it should be in an interesting (possibly highly traf- consequences are, the Ticking Clock will keep the
ficked) location. Are there a lot? In this case, is the stakes high. Consider keeping consistent track of
location of the portal related to its destination in the in-game date, or at least how many days the
the Shadow World? players have until their deadline.

WHERE TO SET YOUR GAME In my opinion, Persona is at its most fun when
You don’t need to set your game in a the players are interacting with some weird gim-
Japanese high school. What you need to do mick. The Shadow World is highly based around
is set in somewhere that’s interesting to you. the perception of people in the real world, and
A Japanese high school could be just as interest- can often come across as dreamlike. It should be
ing as an American college or a Mediterranean oil a stark contrast to the more sedated slice-of-life
rig or a colony of space cadets. What’s important downtime segments. Let the players describe the
is that you, as the GM, are excited about the set- badass things they’re doing during combat. En-
ting. Don’t feel obligated to use a setting you don’t courage them to interact with their Personas in
think you or your group will be comfortable with. creative ways. Put challenges in front of them that
combine the wild nature of a dream with the fun
WHAT TO PUT IN YOUR GAME improv that comes from traversing a dungeon in
Similarly, you should use story elements in your D&D. Instead of having a player climb a wall, have
game that you think are interesting. The great thing them climb a wall where the footholds suddenly
about Persona from the perspective of tabletop pop in and out. Force the players to jump across
gaming is that each game is different in terms of giant fixtures, in and out of paintings, across times
plot, but familiar in terms of structure. If you can’t and worlds. Toss them into ancient Persia for no
think of anything, there’s absolutely nothing wrong reason. Shrink them down to the size of ants and
with taking inspiration from the games. There’s a pit them against insects. Involve them in the affairs
reason Persona 4 featured a whodunnit mystery of Zeus. Make them prisoners on a demon pirate
plot - that type of story is exciting. It’s fine to baseairship. Just get weird with it. The Persona writers
your campaign around an evil Persona-wielder certainly aren’t afraid to.
who for some reason has decided to start killing
people. This classic setup should easily get the Oh, and I would strongly suggest you add music.
players to act; especially once they realize they’re The Persona music is amazing. For Discord users,
the only ones who can stop the killer. Rythmbot comes highly recommended.

Alternatively, perhaps a teacher or graduated stu- PEOPLE

dent leads the players to the Shadow World. Re- Finally, always remember that the core theme of
ports of strange monsters lurking the streets have Persona is people. Friendship, love, and support
caused this person to take action. They want to all make the world go around, and especially so
help, but can’t - for some reason they’ve lost the here. It might seem corny or cheesy, but it really
power of Persona. It’s possible that age is the isn’t. It takes a certain level of maturity to
cause of this. After all, children do tend to have acknoeledge the fact that we need
active imaginations... other people in our lives. Showing
affection to your friends is heal-
Once you’ve decided how you’re going to thy. This is the message
get your players to take that first leap into the Persona wants to share.
Shadow World, things should start to evolve natu- It’s a good one; don’t

rally. Your next step should be deciding what form forget about it.
theShadow World will take, and what the players

are going to find on their first adventure. Try to


come up with ideas that entertain you. The best

idea is one that makes you think “man, I wish I

could play this myself.”
Welcome to the Cathedral of Shadows, as Dia. When a Shadow would normally coun-
where demons gather. terattack, the GM can elect to have them use an
SP Move instead. Each Shadow SP Move has
The Shadow World holds great evil which an associated cooldown number listed in the Skill
threatens the livelihood of all those who venture Compendium at the end of the chapter. Each time
in. These threats come in the form of the darkest the Shadow makes an attack or counterattack,
lingering desires of humankind, the emotions and the GM should roll a D6. If the result of the D6 roll
thoughts of strangers on the street and the foul is greater than or equal to the cooldown number,
demons of long forgotten lore. The Shadow World the SP Move can be used again immediately.
is, of course, overrun with these demons.
In the Daemonica, Shadows are arranged from A timeless element of Shin Megami Tensei.
weakest to strongest. They’re ranked by star Shadow capture makes discovering monsters
values from one to ten and numbers from 1 - more exciting. It also ups the ante in terms of
36. Lower numbers represent weaker Shadows, strategy and interactivity.
those with easy to overcome weaknesses (such
as Physical) and those that give helpful items In the Persona video games, one person has
upon defeat. Those listed at higher numbers are the ability to capture and shift Personas, while
generally stronger, with resistances which are dif- everybody else only has access to the
ficult to overcome. They may not give any items or Persona they started with. Do not ever do this.
money upon defeat. These might be compared to Shadow capture must be all or nothing; either
red enemies in the Persona games. everybody can do it or nobody can. If you are
interested in giving your players the power of the
A short summary of each creature is listed. Then wild card, read on.
their HP, Strengths, and Weaknesses, followed by
their skills. Unlike players, Shadows and Demons Each player has their default Persona - one they
automatically attack, as part of a counterattack come up with themselves based on the Arcana
action. They do not need to roll to hit, automat- they chose. Players always start any given battle
ically dealing damage when they’re targeted by using their default Persona, but can switch at any
an attack that isn’t a complete success. A list of time. Shifting Personas is a free action, meaning
what each skill does exactly can be found in the it takes no time in the fiction of the game to do;
back of this section. After the skills, the Shadow’s you can shift Personas and also take a normal
personality is listed. This is referred to when a action to move and/or attack. However, there’s
player is trying to convince the Shadow to join a restriction on how often you can shift Perso-
their team. Finally, most Shadows will drop loot nas. In a given fight, a player can only 1) shift
when they’re killed; suggestions for this are listed from their default Persona to any other Persona
as well. they command and then 2) shift back from their
switched Persona to their default Persona on a
If you’re unsure what monsters to use, they’re subsequent turn. GMs could give their
numbered from 1 to 36. It’s recommended that players the opportunity to switch

you roll 2D6 and multiply the results together in Personas more than just once
order to get a random one from a nice bell curve. per battle (perhaps as an

S. Link bonus).
Some Shadows have access to SP Moves, such

Once they’ve shifted Personas, the combat statis- it to you if they don’t like your stupid
tics and skills of the PC will change to those of the face. In order to convince Shadows,
Persona they’ve shifted into. They keep their old you have to befriend them.
SP Moves (and can’t use Shadow SP Moves). If
the PC has taken damage, the Persona they shift As the GM, when your group is trying to
into will have taken the same amount of damage. negotiate with a Shadow, just talk to them as
It’s possible for a PC to a shift into a Persona with the Shadow. Refer to the Shadow’s personality,
too few HP and immediately die. and ask the PCs some questions. What are the
PCs like? What are their hobbies? What do they
Once a Shadow has been captured, it’s referred want out of life? Are they dating anyone? Do they
to as a Persona. Players can have a stable of think murder can be justified? If they could be an
up to eight Personas (not including their default animal, what animal would they be? What’s
Persona) at any given time. When a Persona has their favorite cocktail? (“You’re 16? Oh... I don’t
outlived its usefulness, it can be ground up into know if I should be talkin’ to you...”) You might
cold hard cash (¥50 per star level) or (perhaps discover through these conversations that the
more respectfully) released back into the void. As random Shadow you’re role-playing happens to
a third option, the GM might allow players to fuse have a distinct and memorable personality.
obsolete Shadows into newer, more powerful ones
(see following page). Once the conversation is done, the group should
elect one person to make a Charm roll. If they’re
SHADOW CAPTURE: HOLD UP! trying to capture a Shadow, the roll should be made
Whenever a group with the power to capture by whoever will command the Shadow. Otherwise,
Shadows would normally do an all-out attack, they whoever has the best Charm can make the roll.
can elect to do a holdup instead. During a holdup,
the PCs draw their weapons and move to surround SHADOW CAPTURE: NEGOTIATION
their downed opponents. You ask a cornered shadow to join your team or
perform some minor favor. Make a 2d6 check and
Anyone in the group can attempt to negotiate add your Charm aspect to the result of the roll.
with a Shadow at any time. However, only one
Shadow can actually be negotiated with. If a group • On a complete success, the Shadow agrees to
tries to talk to or recruit multiple Shadows at the join the party or do the favor.
same time, they will likely all grow confused or • On a mixed success, the GM can decide wheth-
frustrated and attack. er or not the Shadow does what’s asked of it based
on whether or not they like whoever is asking
The group should then state their demands. What (ideally, based on a brief conversation had before
do they want from the Shadow? Do they want it to the move was made).
give them money? Do they want it to leave while • On a failure, the Shadow gets upset and either
they still show mercy? Do they want it to flees or attacks.
join their team? More reasonable
demands will obviously be easier The GM should reserve the right to say a

to attain, but Shadows don’t particularly powerful Shadow doesn’t join

really care about whether or the team, even if the Charm roll was a

or not they can give some- complete success and the PCs gave good

thing. You could ask answers. This should be especially true if the

a rich Shadow for PCs have made an unreasonable demand.
money, and they Remember that Shadows are generally fickle and

just won’t give easy to upset.

Negotiations finish once any one FUSION: QUICKFIRE
single request has been made and carried GMs who wish for a simple and fast way to make
out (or when the enemies get mad and give up). new Personas should use this method.
If, at this point, there are any enemies still on
the battlefield, they recover from their Downed With the Quickfire method, two Personas of the
status (with a -1 penalty to their next roll) and same star level are fused to form one Persona
the battle resumes with the next character’s turn. from the next highest star level. For example,
two 1-star Personas will fuse to form one 2-star
Sometimes, the PCs might gain unique skills from Persona, and etc.
captured Shadows. Some have SP moves such
as Dia, which can be used by the players. If a PC After determining the star level of the new Per-
uses a skill with a Cooldown number, they must sona, the GM should roll randomly to determine
pay SP equal to half the Cooldown number, round- which it is. As the GM, roll 2d6. Multiply the re-
ed down. Most skills will cost 1 or 2 SP. sults of the two dice together, rather than adding.
Then pick the Shadow from the correct star level
Finally, the players should not be able to hold an whose number matches the result of the multipli-
unlimited number of Personas. The default limit is cation. This is the new Persona. However, note
5 captured Shadows for each player (not counting that 10-star Personas cannot be fused this way.
their starting Persona), but GMs might adjust this Furthermore, PCs cannot create Personas at a
number. star level which is higher than their own PC level.


GMs who wish to allow their players to fuse This is a complicated process which takes a
Shadows into stronger versions should use one of bit of time, and thus it should probably only
the following methods to do so. Do not use a fusion be done between sessions, or at the end of a
calculator unrelated to PTTRPG unless you are session. If you or your players find the Full rules
trying to break the game. too complicated, there is absolutely nothing wrong
with just sticking to the Quickfire method.
Note that, unlike in the video games, you can-
not use your starting Persona for fusion. This To use the Full fusion method, perform the
Persona will constantly grow in strength, meaning it following steps. The steps are detailed within the
is never obsolete. A starting Persona is considered following pages. The final four steps might go
to be tied to its wielder, and it can never be gotten differently depending on the result of step three.
rid of.
STEP ONE: New Star Level
There are two fusion methods. GMs can either STEP TWO: Fusion Affinity
pick one or use both and allow the PCs to switch STEP THREE: Fusion Result
between them. The quickfire method has the STEP FOUR: Resistances
benefit of being simple and fast. The full method, STEP FIVE: Persona Stats
while it takes significantly longer, holds the poten- STEP SIX: Skills

tial for deep customization and strategy. STEP SEVEN: Aesthetics


Add the star levels of the two Shadows being The personalies of the fused Personas
fused together. If the level of the PC attempting will affect the form they take. Some
the fusion is greater than this result, the fusion pro- personality types suit one another; this leads
ceeds. If the PC’s level is equal to or less than this to a simpler fusion. Some do not; in this case,
result, the fusion cannot be completed at this time. the fusion can go wrong. Each combination of
Then, divide the sum of the two star levels by two, personalities has an associated number. This
rounding up. This number is the star level of the number is used in the next step of the process, so
new fused Persona. keep it in mind.


GLOOMY +3 +1 +2 0
IRRITABLE +1 +3 0 +2
TIMID +2 0 +3 +1
UPBEAT 0 +2 +1 +3


Based on the affinity, the Fusion either goes as The persona’s new strengths and weaknesses
planned or something weird happens. Even Igor are calculated by averaging the resistances of
and Mido sometimes fail at fusion. The player the fused Personas. For example, if Persona A is
performing the fusion should roll 2D6 and add the weak to fire and Persona B is weak to fire, Perso-
fusion affinity number to the result of the roll. This na C will be weak to fire. If A is weak to fire and B
result will affect every other step of the process. is strong against fire, C will be neutral. Some com-
• On a complete success, the fusion goes off binations have two options - in this case the GM
without a hitch; a standard fusion. can choose between the two. Try to make choic-
• On a mixed success, the fusion goes off without es that are fair to the players. There are five tiers
a hitch... mostly. This is a weird fusion. of resistance - Absorb and Reflect are considered
• On a failure, something truly strange happens; a equivalent. The GM can choose which they prefer.
botched fusion.
WEAK Weak Weak or Neutral Neutral or Strong
Neutral Strong
NEUTRAL Weak or Neutral Neutral Neutral or Strong Strong or
Strong Null
STRONG Neutral Neutral or Strong Strong or Null Null
NULL Neutral or Strong Strong or Null Null Null or
Strong Absorb/Ref
ABSORB/REF Strong Strong or Null Null Null or Absorb/Ref
If the fusion went as expected, the Along with the prior bonuses, the new Perso-
resistances calculated in step four do not na gets new skills. The player chooses half the
change. In general, the standard fusion result is skills from each of the fused Personas (rounded
simply what’s written under the name of the step. down). In addition, the Persona gains two new
skills which are chosen by the player performing
STEP FOUR: WEIRD FUSION the fusion. Each skill has certain requirements.
On a weird fusion, one resistance is increased by Personas can often only gain skills in this way for
one tier, and one other is decreased by one tier. The elements they are good with, and only if they
tiers in order are weak, neutral, strong, null, and meet a certain star level requirement (see the
absorb/ref. Improving a weak resistance by one tier Skill Compendium starting on the following
would turn it into a neutral resistance, for example. page). Skills with a - in the Requirements column
The GM can either choose which resistances to cannot be gained, unless they are being carried
alter themself or roll to decide. over from a previous Persona. A Persona can
never have more than eight skills. However, if you
STEP FIVE: BOTCHED FUSION reach this limit, you can choose to replace old
On a botched fusion two resistances are decreased skills with new ones.
by one tier. The GM can either choose which
resistances to alter themself or roll to decide. STEP SIX: WEIRD FUSION
On a weird fusion you still gain skills from
STEP FIVE: PERSONA STATS the fused Personas, but you only get one
The stats of the new Persona are once again de- additional skill.
termined by averaging the stats of the two fused
Personas. Since you are creating something STEP FIVE: BOTCHED FUSION
supposedly better than the sum of its parts, you On a botched fusion you still gain skills from the
should round up the results. However, if the GM fused Personas, but you get no additional skills.
feels that rounding down would be more appropri-
ate they are free to do so. Once again, be fair to STEP SEVEN: AESTHETICS
the players. The PC can create a Persona or take one from
history/mythology. Decide what it looks like and
For example, if Persona A had 2 STR and Persona what its name is. Lastly, decide its personality.
B had a 0 STR, Persona C has 1. If A had 2 and With this, the fusion is complete.
B had 1, C has 2 (or 1, if the GM prefers to round
The PC can create the Persona, but the GM should
STEP FIVE: WEIRD FUSION alter the creation in odd ways that suit their will.
On a weird fusion one stat decreases by one,
down to a minimum of negative 1. One other stat STEP SEVEN: BOTCHED FUSION
increases by one, up to a maximum of three. The The GM should create the Persona.
GM can either choose which stats to alter themself Make it a weird one.

or roll to decide.


On a botched fusion two stats are decreased by

one. The GM can either choose which stats to
alter themself or roll to decide.
SHADOW SKILLS must wait another turn to try again. If
The following section is meant to be used as a the result is greater than the cooldown
quick reference when you aren’t sure what a number, the skill can be reused immediately.
particular Skill does, or when creating
a new Persona. The Skills listed here might also INFLICTION
be acquired with skill cards. GMs are encouraged Some skills have notes indicating they inflict an
to use the skills listed in this section as a base- ailment, such as “Inflicts Rage (3)” or “Inflicts
line to create their own. The Shin Megami Tensei Charmed (4)”. When a character is targeted by
series has so many skills that listing them all here one of these skills, have them roll 1d6 and add
would be nearly impossible, therefore no attempt their END stat to the result of the roll. Then refer to
is made to do so. the number in parenthesis. If the result is equal to
or lower than the parenthetical number, the char-
COOLDOWN acter gains the ailment.
If a skill has a “cooldown” number listed in its
effect description, it can only be used every so
often. After it is used, wait a turn. On the
the character’s next turn, roll 1d6. If the result is
equal to or less than the cooldown number, they

Cleave / Lunge Deals light (1d6) Physical damage to one foe. Star level 1
Double Fang Deals light (2d4) Physical damage to one foe. Star level 2
Terror Claw Deals light (1d6) Physical damage to one foe. Star level 3
Inflicts Afraid (3).
Dream Fist Deals light (1d6) Physical damage to one foe. Star level 3
Inflicts Asleep (3).
Giant Slice Deals medium (2d6) Physical damage to one foe. Star level 3
Ayamur Deals medium (4d3) Physical damage to one foe. -
Unique to Baal.
Vajra Blast / Deals medium (2d6) Physical damage to all foes. Star level 4; Phys. resist of
Vicious Strike Neutral or better
Mind Slice Deals medium (2d6) Physical damage to one foe. -
Inflicts Confused (3).
Assault Dive Deals heavy (3d6) Physical damage to one foe. Star level 6; Phys. resist of
Neutral or better
Heatwave Deals heavy (3d6) Physical damage to all foes. Star level 7; Phys. resist of
Neutral or better
Brain Buster Deals heavy (3d6) Physical damage to one foe. -
Inflicts Confused (4).
Brave Blade / Deals colossal (4d6) Physical damage to one foe. Star level 9; Phys. resist of
God’s Hand Strong or better
Gigantomachia Deals colossal (4d6) Physical damage to all foes. Star level 10; Phys. resist
of Strong or better
Needle Shot Deals light (1d6) Ranged damage to one foe. Star level 1
Poison Needle Deals light (1d6) Ranged damage to one foe. Star level 3
Inflicts Sickened (3).
Stun Needle Deals light (1d6) Ranged damage to one foe. Star level 3
Inflicts Shocked (3).
Snap Deals medium (2d6) Ranged damage to one foe. Star level 3
Burst Fire Deals medium (2d6) Ranged damage to all foes. Star level 4
Snake’s Fangs Deals medium (2d6) Ranged damage to one foe. -
Inflicts Sickened (4).
Snipe Deals heavy (3d6) Ranged damage to one foe. Star level 6; Rnge. resist
of Neutral or better
Full Auto Deals heavy (3d6) Ranged damage to all foes. Star level 7; Rnge. resist
of Neutral or better
One-shot Kill Deals colossal (4d6) Ranged damage to one foe. Star level 9; Rnge. resist
of Strong or better
Riot Gun Deals colossal (4d6) Ranged damage to all foes. Star level 10; Rnge. resist
of Strong or better

Agi Deals light (1d6) Fire damage to one foe. Star level 1
Fire Breath Deals light (1d4) Fire damage 1~4 random enemies. -
Maragi Deals light (1d6) Fire damage to all foes. Star level 1; Fire resist of
Neutral or better
Agilao Deals medium (2d6) Fire damage to one foe. Star level 3; Fire resist of
Neutral or better
Maragilao Deals medium (2d6) Fire damage to all foes. Star level 3; Fire resist of
Strong or better
Agidyne Deals heavy (3d6) Fire damage to one foe. Star level 6; Fire resist of
Strong or better
Maragidyne Deals heavy (3d6) Fire damage to all foes. Star level 6; Fire resist of
Null or better
Ragnarok Deals severe (4d6) Fire damage to one foe. Star level 9; Fire resist of
Null or better
Blazing Hell Deals severe (4d6) Fire damage to all foes. Star level 9; Fire resist of
Absorb or Reflect
Inferno of God Deals severe (4d6) Fire damage to all foes. -
Ignores armor and resistances.
Bufu Deals light (1d6) Ice damage to one foe. Star level 1
Mabufu Deals light (1d6) Ice damage to all foes. Star level 1; Ice resist of
Neutral or better
Bufula Deals medium (2d6) Ice damage to one foe. Star level 3; Ice resist of
Neutral or better
Mabufula Deals medium (2d6) Ice damage to all foes. Star level 3; Ice resist of
Strong or better
Bufudyne Deals heavy (3d6) Ice damage to one foe. Star level 6; Ice resist of
Strong or better
Mabufudyne Deals heavy (3d6) Ice damage to all foes. Star level 6; Ice resist of
Null or better
Diamond Dust Deals severe (4d6) Ice damage to one foe. Star level 9; Ice resist of
Null or better
Blazing Hell Deals severe (4d6) Ice damage to all foes. Star level 9; Ice resist of
Absorb or Reflect
Hailstorm of Deals severe (4d6) Ice damage to all foes. -
God Ignores armor and resistances.

Zio Deals light (1d6) Electric damage to one foe. Star level 1
Mazio Deals light (1d6) Electric damage to all foes. Star level 1; Elec. resist of
Neutral or better
Zionga Deals medium (2d6) Electric damage to one foe. Star level 3; Elec. resist of
Neutral or better
Mazionga Deals medium (2d6) Electric damage to all foes. Star level 3; Elec. resist of
Strong or better
Ziodyne Deals heavy (3d6) Electric damage to one foe. Star level 6; Elec. resist of
Strong or better
Maziodyne Deals heavy (3d6) Electric damage to all foes. Star level 6; Elec. resist of
Null or better
Thunder Reign Deals severe (4d6) Electric damage to one foe. Star level 9; Elec. resist of
Null or better
Wild Thunder Deals severe (4d6) Electric damage to all foes. Star level 9; Elec. resist of
Absorb or Reflect
Lightning of Deals severe (4d6) Electric damage to all foes. -
God Ignores armor and resistances.
Garu Deals light (1d6) Wind damage to one foe. Star level 1
Magaru Deals light (1d6) Wind damage to all foes. Star level 1; Wind resist of
Neutral or better
Garula Deals medium (2d6) Wind damage to one foe. Star level 3; Wind resist of
Neutral or better
Magarula Deals medium (2d6) Wind damage to all foes. Star level 3; Wind resist of
Strong or better
Garudyne Deals heavy (3d6) Wind damage to one foe. Star level 6; Wind resist of
Strong or better
Magarudyne Deals heavy (3d6) Wind damage to all foes. Star level 6; Wind resist of
Null or better
Phanta Rei Deals severe (4d6) Wind damage to one foe. Star level 9; Wind resist of
Null or better
Vaccuum Wave Deals severe (4d6) Wind damage to all foes. Star level 9; Wind resist of
Absorb or Reflect
Tornado of God Deals severe (4d6) Wind damage to all foes. -
Ignores armor and resistances.

Psi Deals light (1d6) Psychic damage to one foe. Star level 1
Mapsi Deals light (1d6) Psychic damage to all foes. Star level 1; Psy. resist of
Neutral or better
Psio Deals medium (2d6) Psychic damage to one foe. Star level 3; Psy. resist of
Neutral or better
Mapsio Deals medium (2d6) Psychic damage to all foes. Star level 3; Psy. resist of
Strong or better
Psiodyne Deals heavy (3d6) Psychic damage to one foe. Star level 6; Psy. resist of
Strong or better
Mapsiodyne Deals heavy (3d6) Psychic damage to all foes. Star level 6; Psy. resist of
Null or better
Psycho Blast Deals severe (4d6) Psychic damage to one foe. Star level 9; Psy. resist of
Null or better
Psycho Force Deals severe (4d6) Psychic damage to all foes. Star level 9; Psy. resist of
Absorb or Reflect
Frei Deals light (1d6) Nuclear damage to one foe. Star level 1
Mafrei Deals light (1d6) Nuclear damage to all foes. Star level 1; Nuke resist of
Neutral or better
Freila Deals medium (2d6) Nuclear damage to one foe. Star level 3; Nuke resist of
Neutral or better
Mafreila Deals medium (2d6) Nuclear damage to all foes. Star level 3; Nuke resist of
Strong or better
Freidyne Deals heavy (3d6) Nuclear damage to one foe. Star level 6; Nuke resist of
Strong or better
Mafreidyne Deals heavy (3d6) Nuclear damage to all foes. Star level 6; Nuke resist of
Null or better
Atomic Flare Deals severe (4d6) Nuclear damage to one foe. Star level 9; Nuke resist of
Null or better
Cosmic Flare Deals severe (4d6) Nuclear damage to all foes. Star level 9; Nuke resist of
Absorb or Reflect

Kouha Deals light (1d6) Bless damage to one foe. Star level 1
Makouha Deals light (1d6) Bless damage to all foes. Star level 1; Bless resist of
Neutral or better
Kouga Deals medium (2d6) Bless damage to one foe. Star level 3; Bless resist of
Neutral or better
Makouga Deals medium (2d6) Bless damage to all foes. Star level 3; Bless resist of
Strong or better
Kougaon Deals heavy (3d6) Bless damage to one foe. Star level 6; Bless resist of
Strong or better
Makougaon Deals heavy (3d6) Bless damage to all foes. Star level 6; Bless resist of
Null or better
Divine Deals severe (4d6) Bless damage to one foe. Star level 9; Bless resist of
Judgement Null or better
Shining Arrows Deals severe (4d6) Bless damage to all foes. Star level 9; Bless resist of
Absorb or Reflect
Eiha Deals light (1d6) Curse damage to one foe. Star level 1
Maeiha Deals light (1d6) Curse damage to all foes. Star level 1; Curse resist
of Neutral or better
Eiga Deals medium (2d6) Curse damage to one foe. Star level 3; Curse resist
of Neutral or better
Maeiga Deals medium (2d6) Curse damage to all foes. Star level 3; Curse resist
of Strong or better
Eigaon Deals heavy (3d6) Curse damage to one foe. Star level 6; Curse resist
of Strong or better
Maeigaon Deals heavy (3d6) Curse damage to all foes. Star level 6; Curse resist
of Null or better
Demonic Deals severe (4d6) Curse damage to one foe. Star level 9; Curse resist
Decree of Null or better
Abyssal Wings Deals severe (4d6) Curse damage to all foes. Star level 9; Curse resist
of Absorb or Reflect
Oblivion Wave Deals severe (4d6) Curse damage to all foes. -
Inflicts Shocked (4). Cooldown 4. Unique to Cthulhu.

Life Drain Deals light (1D6) Almighty damage to one foe. The -
skill’s user regains half of the damage dealt as HP
(rounded down).
Megido Deals light (1d6) Almighty damage to all foes. Star level 4

Megidola Deals medium (2d6) Almighty damage to all foes. Star level 6
Megidolaon Deals heavy (3d6) Almighty damage to all foes. Star level 8

Door of Hades Deals heavy (3d6) Almighty damage to all foes. -

Inflicts Charmed (4). Cooldown 5. Unique to Thanatos.

Dia Heals one member of caster’s party by 2d6 + MAG. Star level 3
Cooldown 3.
Media Heals each member of caster’s party by 2d6 + MAG. Star level 6
Cooldown 4.
Diarama Heals one member of caster’s party by 4d6 + MAG. Star level 6
Cooldown 4.
Mediarama Heals each member of caster’s party by 4d6 + MAG. Star level 8
Cooldown 5.
Diarahan Completely heals one member of caster’s party. Star level 8
Cooldown 5.
Mediarahan Completely heals each member of caster’s party. Star level 9
Cooldown 6.
Patra Cures one member of the caster’s party of mental Star level 3
ailments such as Rage or Confusion. Cooldown 3.
Me Patra Cures each member of the caster’s party of mental Star level 6
ailments such as Rage or Confusion. Cooldown 4.
Amrita Drop Cures one member of the caster’s party of physical Star level 3
ailments such as Burned or Shocked. Cooldown 3.
Amrita Shower Cures each member of the caster’s party of physical Star Level 6
ailments such as Burned or Shocked. Cooldown 3.
Cadenza Heals each member of caster’s party by 2d6 + MAG. -
Also grants each member of party the effects of the
move Sukukaja. Cooldown 6.
Regenerate A character with this skill regains HP each turn, but -
only when they are in combat. The amount they gain
is equal to their MAG stat / 2 (minimum of one).

Burn Inflicts Burned (4). -
Paralyzing Eyes Inflicts Shocked (4). -
Posumudi Inflicts Sickened (4). -
Pandemic Bomb Inflicts Sickened (3). Targets all enemies. -
Ominous Words Inflicts Afraid (5). -
Tentarafoo Inflicts Afraid (3). Targets all enemies. -
Dormina Inflicts Asleep (4). -
Lullaby Inflicts Asleep (3). Targets all enemies. -
Dream Raga Inflicts Asleep (4). Also inflicts the effect of the move -
Rakunda, even if the target did not fall asleep.
Unique to Krishna. Cooldown 4.
Marin Karin Inflicts Charmed (4). -
Sexy Dance Inflicts Charmed (4). Targets all enemies. -
Alluring Banter Inflicts Charmed (4). Also inflicts the effect of the -
move Rakunda, even if the target did not fall asleep.
Unique to Cleopatra. Cooldown 4.
Reverse Rub Inflicts Enraged (5). -
Wage War Inflicts Enraged (4). Targets all enemies. -
Pandemic Bomb Inflicts Sickened (3). Targets all enemies. -
Makajama Inflicts Silenced (3). -
Makajamaon Inflicts Silenced (4). -
Shivering Taboo Has multiple effects. Roll 1d6 to determine which. -
1-2: Inflicts Afraid (4), 2-4: Inflicts Shocked (4),
5-6: Inflicts Sickened (4).
Foul Breath One targeted foe has their END reduced by 2 for -
three rounds for the purpose of resisting Ailments.
Hellish Mask One targeted ally has their END increased by 2 for -
three rounds for the purpose of resisting Ailments.

Rakukaja The next three times the recipient of this skill takes -
damage, the damage is reduced by 2. Cooldown 3.
Sukukaja The next three times the recipient of this skill rolls -
to make an attack (Basic Strike, Command Perso-
na, etc.), they gain a +2 bonus to their 2d6 check.
Cooldown 3.
Tarukaja The next three times the recipient of this skill rolls -
to make an attack (Basic Strike, Command Perso-
na, etc.), they gain a +2 bonus to their damage roll.
Cooldown 3.
Marakukaja Same as Rakukaja, but targets all allies. Cooldown 5. -
Masukukaja Same as Sukukaja, but targets all allies. Cooldown 5. -
Matarukaja Same as Tarukaja, but targets all allies. Cooldown 5. -
Rakunda The next three times the target of this skill takes -
damage, they take 2 bonus damage. Cooldown 3.
Sukunda The next three times the target of this skill is target- -
ed by an attack, the attacker takes a +2 bonus to-hit.
Cooldown 3.
Dekunda Cures the caster’s party of all temporary stat penalties -
from moves such as Rakunda or Sukunda.
Cooldown 3.
Ali Dance The caster becomes evasive. The next three times a -
character rolls to hit the caster of this skill, they take a
-3 penalty to their roll. Cooldown 6.
Debilitate The target gains the effects of Rakunda, Sukunda, -
and Tarunda, all at the same time. Cooldown 6.
Makarakarn The target gains a magical shield. The next magical -
attack that hits them (i.e. not Physical or Ranged) is
reflected back at the attacker. Cooldown 6.

X Boost Characters with this skill gain a +2 bonus when rolling Star level 3
X damage.
Dodge X Attacks made against a character with this skill using Star level 5
X damage suffer a -2 penalty to hit.
X Pleroma Characters with this skill gain a +4 bonus when rolling Star level 7; X resist of
X damage. Strong or better
X Wall The caster selects one ally. The target gains a Strong Star level 7; X resist of
Resistance to X damage for the next three times they Strong or better
are targeted by it, or until the battle they are in ends.
Counter When a character with this skill is targeted by an -
attack that deals Physical damage, they can roll a D6.
On a 6, the character deals half of the damage they
received back to the attacker.
Makara Break The caster can completely ignore the effects of the -
move Makarakarn when making an attack.

PASSIVE SKILLS CLARIFICATION type of damage, which is then locked in forev-

For the sake of simplicity, the wide array of er (unless the move is replaced). Physical and
passive skills has been shortened to “X Boost”, Almighty damage cannot be chosen. “X Boost” is
“Dodge X”, “X Pleroma” and “X Wall”. “X” can be any not the actual name of a skill. For example, you
one type of damage. If a PC takes one of these skills might have the skill “Fire Boost” where Fire is X,
while creating a Persona, they must pick a type of and whoever has the skill gets +2 to Fire damage.
Charge The Skill’s user spends a turn charging their next Star level 4
attack. If their next attack successfully inflicts Physical
or Ranged damage, they automatically do full damage
and then they roll the damage as well, adding the two
results together for a massive total.
Concentrate Same as Charge, but works with every other damage Star level 4
type besides Physical or Ranged.
Attack Master A character with this Skill automatically gains the ef- -
fects of the move Tarukaja at the start of each battle.
Defense Master A character with this Skill automatically gains the ef- -
fects of the move Rakukaja at the start of each battle.
Speed Master A character with this Skill automatically gains the ef- -
fects of the move Sukukaja at the start of each battle.
Taunt The caster selects one foe. For the next three turns, -
the target can only use attacks, not healing or support
Skills. Cooldown 3.

Summon The caster calls a Shadow for backup. The Shadow -
should be of a similar or slightly lower power level as
whoever summoned it. Cooldown 6.
Run Away The skill’s user rolls 2D6 + AGI. On a mixed or com- -
plete success, they escape and likely disappear into
the ether. On a failure, nothing happens.
Self-Destruct Deals heavy (3d6) Almighty damage to all foes. Once -
this skill is used, its user dies gloriously.

Shadow skills can only be used by Shadows! k

If a PC gets hold of a Shadow with a Shadow
skill the skill suddenly disappears, hee-ho!
The following section lists example A disembodied golden hand. It often runs away as
Shadows that might be fought or captured soon as it sees an escape. If defeated, however,
by the PCs. As always, GMs are encouraged its skin can be quite rewarding.
to use these entries as a baseline to create their STR -2 AGI 0 END -1 MAG -1 HP 15
own Shadows if they so desire. SKILLS: Run Away
In the Shadow World, PCs will typically run into TREASURE: ¥1000
several groups of 3 to 6 Shadows at appropriate
star levels. As the GM, you can randomly select 2 - DYBBUK
a Shadow from a star level list by rolling 2d6 and An evil spirit said to possess people in Jewish lore.
then multiplying the result of each die together, It is said to possess others to complete tasks it
rather than adding them. Then, select the Shadow was unable to in it’s past life. Once it has complet-
from the list whose number matches the result of ed its task, it can ascend.
the multiplication. This provides a wide array of po- STR 0 AGI 0 END 0 MAG 1 HP 13;
tential outcomes on a dramatic bell curve. Lower NULL: Curse; WEAK: Ice and Bless
numbered Shadows are generally weaker, while SKILLS: Eiha and Paralyzing Eyes
higher numbered ones are stronger. PERSONALITY: Gloomy
TREASURE: Revival Bead
Of course, if the GM prefers, they can always just
pick and choose Shadows manually. 3 - KIJIMUNA
A goblin or fairy creature from Okinawan mythos.
1-STAR SHADOWS They take the form of a boy or girl covered in hair
1-Star Shadows are perfect enemies for fledgling and can cause nightmares. They love fish but are
Persona-wielders and recommended for PCs from extremely afraid of octopi.
levels 1 to 3. All of the Shadows listed have access STR -1 AGI 1 END -1 MAG 1 HP 12
to a basic attack. For 1-Star Shadows, this attack NULL: Curse; WEAK: Fire
does 1D4 Physical damage. SKILLS: Magaru and Psi
• 1 - Wealth Hand TREASURE: ¥50 and Sushi
• 2 - Dybbuk
• 3 - Kijimuna 4 - PELE
• 4 - Pele The Hawaiian deity of volcanoes. They are known
• 5 - Onmoraki for their beauty, passion and temper. When angry
• 6 - Slime they wash lava over the islanders. However, at
• 8 - Mokoi other times they warn of impending eruptions.
• 9 - Incubus STR -1 AGI 0 END 1 MAG 1 HP 15
• 10 - Pyro Jack NULL: Fire; WEAK: Ice and Electric
• 12 - Silky SKILLS: Agi and Posumudi
• 15 - Angel PERSONALITY: Irritable

• 16 - Apsaras TREASURE: ¥75

• 18 - Agathion

• 20 - Succubus
• 24 - Fomorian

• 25 - Hua Po
• 30 - Obariyon

• 36 - Berith
In Japanese lore those not given proper A figure also known as “Jack-o-Lantern”.
memorials risk becoming an onmoraki; a bird with “Stingy Jack” was an Irish farmer who was
a humanoid face that spits fire. They harass monks able to convince the Devil to not take them to
who neglect their duties. hell. They now roam the world with a turnip (or
STR -1 AGI 0 END -1 MAG 1 HP 18 pumpkin) head and a lantern to guide their way.
STRONG: Fire; WEAK: Ranged and Ice STR -1 AGI 1 END -1 MAG 1 HP 20
SKILLS: Agi ABSORB: Fire; WEAK: Ranged, Ice, and Wind
TREASURE: ¥65 and Demon Meat PERSONALITY: Jack
TREASURE: ¥150 and Agi Stone
A primitive monster with a viscous body. There are 12 - SILKY
various theories as to its origin. Many attribute its A Scottish house faerie who carries out household
existence to failed summonings. chores while their family sleeps. While they are
STR 0 AGI 0 END 0 MAG 0 HP 15 kind and gentle spirits, they will kill any who seek
STRONG: Physical; WEAK: Fire and Wind to harm their household.
SKILLS: Lunge and Posumudi STR 0 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 0 HP 28
PERSONALITY: Timid STRONG: Ice; WEAK: Fire and Electric
TREASURE: ¥50 and Rancid Gravy SKILLS: Dormina and Bufu
8 - MOKOI TREASURE: ¥135 and Life Stone
A humanlike spirit of Murngin lore that lives in the
jungle. They are reincarnations of the “shadow 15 - ANGEL
soul” of humans. They kidnap and eat children and As ninth in the nine orders of angels, angels are
sometimes cause war between humans. closest in nature to humans. When individuals
STR 1 AGI 0 END 0 MAG -1 HP 17 lose their way angels can help to guide them.
STRONG: Electric; WEAK: Wind STR 0 AGI -1 END -1 MAG 1 HP 18
SKILLS: Zio and Dream Fist NULL: Bless; WEAK: Curse
PERSONALITY: Gloomy SKILLS: Kouha and Dia
TREASURE: ¥125 and Devil Fruit PERSONALITY: Irritable
The male equivalent of the Succubus, the Incu- 16 - APSARAS
bus is a demon who lies upon a sleeping woman Often equated to nereids of Greek lore, Apsaras
to have sexual intercourse. While there are some are spirits of dance in the Indian mythos. Their job
theories that Incubi do this for pleasure, other is to do the celestial dance for fallen heroes and
stories say they do this to sire a child as celestial deities.
in the legend of Merlin. STR -1 AGI 0 END 1 MAG 1 HP 29
STR -1 AGI 0 END 0 MAG 1 HP 20 HP: 29; STRONG: Ice; WEAK: Wind

STRONG: Electric SKILLS: Electric Wall, Ice Wall,

WEAK: Gun and Bless Wind Wall, and Fire Wall



TREASURE: ¥130 and TREASURE: ¥200 and Life Stone

Life Stone
An agathion is a familiar used by Known as the “piggyback demon” in Japanese
Judeo-Christian Magicians. They only appear folklore, the Obariyon attaches itself to people’s
at midday. They take the form of a human or ani- back. Then, while invisible, it becomes heavier
mal. They are often sealed in bottles or talismans. and heavier while it remains on it’s victim’s back.
STR -1 AGI 0 END 1 MAG 1 HP 30 However, if the victim can make it home, the
STRONG: Ranged and Electric; WEAK: Nuclear Obariyon is rumored to turn to gold.
TREASURE: ¥130 and Zio Stone SKILLS: Paralyzing Eyes and Sukunda
20 - SUCCUBUS TREASURE: ¥280 and Life Stone
The female equivalent of the Incubus, the
Succubus is a demon who takes attractive 36 - BERITH
female forms and seduces humans. They Duke of Hell and one of Goetia’s 72 demons. They
draw energy from men to sustain themselves. wear heavy plate mail, ride a giant red horse and
STR -1 AGI 0 END 0 MAG 1 HP 30 excel at alchemy. Berith lies constantly, however,
NULL: Curse; STRONG: Fire; if asked a question about past, present or future,
WEAK: Gun and Bless Berith must tell the truth.
SKILLS: Marin Karin (cooldown 3) STR 0 AGI 0 END 0 MAG 1 HP 42
TREASURE: ¥215 and Aphrodite’s Fruit SKILLS: Cleave
24 - FOMORIAN TREASURE: ¥220 and Needle Stone
Fomors or Fomorians are large beasts who
pillaged the land in the Irish-Celtic mythos.
Eventually the Tuatha Dé Danann arrived to
Ireland and wrested the land from the Fomorians.
The Fomors and Irish deities lived in peace after.
Some were even allowed to marry the deities.
STR 1 AGI -1 END 1 MAG -1 HP 32
NULL: Ice; WEAK: Fire
SKILLS: Slug and Giant Slice
TREASURE: ¥170 and Life Stone

25 - HUA PO
Hua Po is a Chinese tree spirit born of trees where
multiple people hang themselves. While they
cannot speak, they make songs as sweet as song
STR -1 AGI 0 END 0 MAG 1 HP 34
REFLECT: Fire; WEAK: Gun and Ice
TREASURE: ¥200 and Life Stone
Two-Star Shadows are appropriate for characters A mischievous one-footed spirit who roams the
from levels 3 - 4. They may make good bosses Japanese mountains. Sudama are born from trees
for lower level characters. All of the Shadows and rocks where few humans have stepped foot.
listed have access to a basic attack. For 2-Star STR 0 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 1 HP 30
Shadows, this attack does 1D6 Physical damage. STRONG: Wind; WEAK: Ice
SKILLS: Rakunda (cooldown 5) and Mapsi
• 1 - Moh Shuvuu PERSONALITY: Timid
• 2 - Koppa Tengu TREASURE: ¥250 and Life Bead
• 3 - Sudama
• 4 - Kodama 4 - KODAMA
• 5 - Fortuna A tree spirit from Japanese folklore. Cutting down
• 6 - Hathor a tree where a Kodama lives is bad luck.
• 8 - Naga STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 30
• 9 - Jack Frost STRONG: Ice; WEAK: Fire
• 10 - Archangel SKILLS: Rakunda (cooldown 5), Mabufu, and Garu
• 12 - Tam Lin PERSONALITY: Timid
• 15 - Nekomata TREASURE: ¥250 and Life Bead
• 16 - Matador
• 18 - Shishi 5 - FORTUNA
• 20 - Leanan Sidhe Fortuna is the Roman deity of luck. Their duty is
• 24 - Oni to turn the Wheel of Fortune. Originally they have
• 25 - Mothman been accredited to being a fertility deity. They are
• 30 - Makami the child of Jupiter and Venus. Tyche is their Greek
• 36 - Ippon-Datara counterpart.
STR 0 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 2 HP 30
1 - MOH SHUVUU NULL: Fire and Wind; WEAK: Electric
Moh Shuvuu is a Siberian demon whose name SKILLS: Garu, Sukukaja (cooldown 5),
translates to “Evil Bird”. They are the spirit of those and Media (cooldown 6)
who died before experiencing love. PERSONALITY: Upbeat
STR -1 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 1 HP 26 TREASURE: ¥220 and Aphrodite’s Fruit
RESIST: Wind; WEAK: Gun and Fire
SKILLS: Magaru and Dia 6 - HATHOR
PERSONALITY: Irritable The Egyptian deity of motherly love and good
TREASURE: ¥100 and Magaru Stone luck. They are the second most followed deity in
Egyptian mythos. Cleopatra was a staunch
2- KOPPA TENGU devotee of Hathor.
In Japanese mythology these tengu are the STR -1 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 2 HP 26
smallest of the small Tengu. Having very little STRONG: Wind and Light; WEAK: Electric
spiritual energy, they often serve as messengers SKILLS: Rakunda, Posumudi and Patra
until they grow into Karasu Tengu. PERSONALITY: Irritable
STR 0 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 34 TREASURE: ¥300 and Sacramental Bread
STRONG: Wind; WEAK: Ice and Bless
SKILLS: Taunt and Sukukaja
TREASURE: ¥440 and Demon Meat
The Naga are a tribal group of half-snake A special type of cat, in Japanese folklore, with
half-humans in Hindu and Bhudist mythos. supernatural abilities like those of foxes or rac-
They are believed to be enemies of Garuda, coon dogs. They have two tails and are able to
Vishnu’s mount, and followers of Koumokuten, take human form.
guardian of Budda’s west realm. STR 0 AGI 2 END -1 MAG 1 HP 52
STR 1 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 0 HP 36 STRONG: Psychic; WEAK: Electric
NULL: Ice; STRONG: Electric; WEAK: Fire SKILLS: Terror Claw and Magaru
SKILLS: Lunge, Bufu and Tarukaja PERSONALITY: Upbeat
PERSONALITY: Irritable TREASURE: ¥645 and Magaru Stone
TREASURE: ¥300 and Demon Meat
9 - JACK FROST Their name is derived from Latin word “matare”,
Spirit of English descent. Jack Frost, sometimes which means to kill or subdue. Matadors are those
called Jack, is a snow elf who brings cold weather who perform in Spanish bullfighting.
everywhere they go. They tend to say “hee-ho”. STR 1 AGI 2 END 0 MAG -1 HP 51
STR 0 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 35 NULL: Wind; WEAK: Electric
NULL: Ice; WEAK: Fire SKILLS: Psi and Sukukaja
PERSONALITY: Jack TREASURE: ¥645 and Psi Stone
TREASURE: ¥400 and Bufu Stone
10 - ARCHANGEL Shishi are guardian lion dogs sometimes called foo
The eighth in the hierarchy of angels, their duty dogs. They are often placed at building entrances
is to humans and to deliver messages. They are to ward off evil.
constantly in combat with the fallen angels. They STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 0 HP 45
are to lead the assault on Satan’s armies at the NULL: Bless; STRONG: Physical and Gun;
Battle of Armageddon. WEAK: Curse
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 0 HP 44 SKILLS: Zio, Double Fang and Mind Slice
NULL: Bless; WEAK: Electric and Curse PERSONALITY: Upbeat
SKILLS: Makouha, Vajra Blast and Giant Slice TREASURE: ¥300 and Zio Stone
The name Leanan Sidhe means “faerie sweet-
12 - TAM LIN heart” in Gaelic. They search out for humans to
A famous character in Celtic folklore. Kidnapped love them. They Absorb their lover’s life but in
by the Queen of Faeries, the human boy stalked return give them artistic inspiration.
the Caterhaugh Wood. They would ruin anyone STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 50
who entered until a suitor freed them. STRONG: Wind and Psy; WEAK: Fire
STR 0 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 44 SKILLS: Rakunda, Psio and

NULL: Bless; WEAK: Psychic Marin Karin

SKILLS: Kouha, Vicious Strike and Lunge PERSONALITY: Upbeat


TREASURE: ¥250 and Megido Stone Aphrodite’s Fruit

Oni are amazingly strong creatures from Japa- A creature rarely seen that lives in
nese folklore. They are known for attacking and Japanese mountains. It is believed that
pillaging villages for food and riches. they might be a blacksmith or the ghost of one.
STR 2 AGI 0 END 1 MAG -1 HP 66 STR 2 AGI 0 END 2 MAG -1 HP 73
STRONG: Physical and Gun REFLECT: Wind; STRONG: Fire, Bless and Curse;
SKILLS: Rampage WEAK: Ice
PERSONALITY: Irritable SKILLS: Mind Slice
TREASURE: ¥610 and Physical Ointment PERSONALITY: Irrritable
TREASURE: ¥220 and Excalibur
A West Virginian cryptid, the mothman was sight-
ed first in the 1960’s. It stands about two meters
tall, with two beady red eyes and a pair of black
wings. It flees whenever spotted.
STR 0 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 0 HP 68
NULL: Electric; STRONG: Psychic; WEAK: Gun
SKILLS: Zionga, Mazio and Life Drain
TREASURE: ¥455 and Zio Stone

Makami is a wolf deity in Japanese lore. They are
often used to ward off thieves. Some believe they
have a history of consuming humans.
STR 0 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 0 HP 61
NULL: Bless; STRONG: Nuclear and Wind;
WEAK: Electric
SKILLS: Double Fang and Mafrei
TREASURE: ¥515 and Sacramental Bread

Three-Star Shadows are appropriate for Yuki Jyorou is a demon who appears on snowy
characters from levels 5 - 6. They may make nights. They are a type of Yuki-onna who freezes
good bosses for lower level characters. All of the and kills travelers. Sometimes they appear with a
Shadows listed have access to a basic attack. For baby and ask you to hold it. It grows heavier and
3-Star Shadows, this attack does 1D6 Physical heavier. If you drop it they kill you. If you can hold
damage. it, they grant you strength.
STR 0 AGI 0 END 2 MAG 2 HP 40
• 1 - Koh-i-noor ABSORB: Ice; WEAK: Fire
• 2 - Yuki Jyorou SKILLS: Mabufula, Maeiha and Ice Boost
• 3 - Vouivre PERSONALITY: Gloomy
• 4 - Phoenix TREASURE: ¥350 and Mabufu Gem
• 5 - Sandman
• 6 - Principality 3 - VOUIVRE
• 8 - Ame no Uzume Vouivres, also known as “Guivre”, are French
• 9 - Isis beautiful dragons with bat wings. They sometimes
• 10 - Anzu appear as beautiful humans. They have bat wings,
• 12 - Rakshasa eagle legs and a snake tail. They keep a garnet
• 15 - Orpheus gem in their forehead. If the garnet is stolen they
• 16 - Clotho lose their dragon strength and become mindless
• 18 - Sedna puppets to the keeper of the garnet.
• 20 - Lamia STR 0 AGI 0 END 2 MAG 2 HP 50
• 24 - Orthrus NULL: Ice; STRONG: Electric; WEAK: Gun
• 25 - Neko Shogun SKILLS: Pandemic Bomb and Zionga
• 30 - Ariadne PERSONALITY: Upbeat
• 36 - Shiki-Ouji TREASURE: ¥470 and Mazio Gem

The world’s largest colorless diamond, mined from In Egyptian mythology the Phoenix is a beautiful
India. It is said to weigh upwards of 128 carats. bird with red and orange plumage. It lives for hun-
STR 0 AGI 0 END 0 MAG 0 HP 60 dreds of years then builds a nest. It ignites itself
STRONG: Physical, Gun, Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, then burns into ashes. From the ashes the egg of
Psychic, Bless and Curse its offspring can be found.
SKILLS: Run Away STR 0 AGI 0 END 2 MAG 2 HP 50
TREASURE: ¥15,000 SKILLS: Fire Breath and Recarm
TREASURE: ¥700 and Agi Stone

From Northern European lore, these beings bring Also known as Zu in Mesopotmian myth-
good dreams by sprinkling magic sand in the eyes ology, this demonic tempest bird is known for
of children when they sleep. Rheum in one’s eyes stealing the Tablet of Destines, which have the
is to believed to be the result of Sandman. power to control the universe. Anu, the supreme
STR 0 AGI 0 END 1 MAG 2 HP 51 deity promised sovereignty over any who slayed
STRONG: Wind; WEAK: Electric Anzu. However the outcome of this is unknown.
SKILLS: Dormina and Garu STR 0 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 1 HP 58
PERSONALITY: Upbeat ABSORB: Wind; Strong: Electric
TREASURE: ¥890 and Soul Drop WEAK: Gun and Nuclear
SKILLS: Garula and Masukukaja
Seventh in the ranks of angels, principalities carry TREASURE: ¥510 and Garu Stone
out orders given to them by the dominions. They
bequeath their blessings to the material world. 12 - RAKSHASA
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 54 From Hindu lore, Rakshasa are evil spirits who
NULL: Bless; STRONG: Fire; WEAK: Curse battle the deitys. They also attack humans. They
SKILLS: Makouga, Makajamaon and Dekunda live in corpses and are horrifically deformed, but
PERSONALITY: Irritable can shapeshift at will. They are known to prey on
TREASURE: ¥710 and Makouha Gem children and pregnant women.
STR 1 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 0 HP 58
8 - AME NO UZUME STRONG: Physical, Fire and Curse;
They are the deity of entertainment in Japanese WEAK: Wind and Bless
lore. She governs the many sacred dances. They SKILLS: Giant Slice and Counter
are famous for their use of a provocative dance PERSONALITY: Irritable
to lure out Amaterasu. With their dance Ame no TREASURE: ¥445 and Demon Meat
Uzume brought the sun out of the darkness.
STR 0 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 55 15 - ORPHEUS
ABSORB: Fire; Weak: Psychic A lyre player and poet from Greek mythos.
SKILLS: Mazio, Bufula and Diarama Their spouse passed away, so Orpheus went to
Personality: Gloomy Hades to save them. Hades told them they would let
Treasure: ¥510 and Bead Orpheus’ spouse live again but Orpheus must lead
them to the surface without looking back. Orpheus
9 - ISIS failed so their spouse would forever be trapped in
A deity of the Egyptian mythos. They are re- the Underworld.
spected as a patron to magic, a friend of slaves, STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 65
sinners, artisans and the downtrodden. They are STRONG: Bless; WEAK: Electric and Curse
also known as the deity of rainbows. SKILLS: Agilao, Tarunda and Cadenza
NULL: Bless and Curse; TREASURE: ¥340 and Hermes’ Shoes

WEAK: Psychic
SKILLS: Agilao, Garula, Zionga

and Makarakarn


TREASURE: ¥995 and
Garu Stone
The youngest of three Moirae of Greek Originally Neko Shogun was a prophetic Taoist
mythos, Clotho spins the thread of life. deity known as Mao Shogun. Due to a linguistic
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 67 error involving the Chinese word for cat, their name
NULL: Wind; WEAK: Ice and Nuclear was changed to Neko Shogun.
SKILLS: Me Patra and Makajama STR 0 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 2 HP 75
PERSONALITY: Upbeat NULL: Bless; STRONG: Physical, Electric and Curse
TREASURE: ¥525 and Armita Soda WEAK: Wind
SKILLS: Psio, Diarama and Masukukaja
They are the deity of the sea in Inuit lore. They TREASURE: ¥470 and Excalibur
watch over their children, the fish, and seals.
Sedna after once being human grew into a one- 30 - ARIADNE
eyed giant who lives in a house of whale bones. Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos of Crete,
Only those attuned to the spiritual world can see the owner of the Minotaur. Ariadne fell in love with
Sedna’s home. Theseus, who demanded Minos stop sending cit-
STR 0 AGI 0 END 2 MAG 2 HP 67 izens to fight the Minotaur. She gave Theseus a
ABSORB: Ice; NULL: Curse; WEAK: Fire and Bless sword to fell the minotaur and a string to find his
SKILLS: Mabufula and Maeiha way out of the labyrinth, then the two eloped.
TREASURE: ¥570 and Maeiha Gem NULL: Nuclear; STRONG: Gun and Bless;
WEAK: Psychic
20 - LAMIA SKILLS: Giant Slice
In Greek mythology, Lamia was a Libyan queen PERSONALITY: Irrritable
who fell in love with Zues, bearing his children. TREASURE: ¥710 and Makouha Gem
Zeus’ spouse, Hera, enraged, murdered all of
Lamia’s children. In one version Hera forced 36 - SHIKI-OUIJI
Lamia to eat their own children. Lamia went One of the most powerful types of Shikigamis.
insane with grief and ate other’s children, They can only be summoned as servants by the
becoming a half-human half-snake monster. most elite practitioners of the mystical arts of Yin
STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 68 and Yang. It is very ferocious so it’s not recom-
NULL: Curse; STRONG: Gun and Electric; WEAK: Ice mended for average mystics to summon.
SKILLS: Assault Dive, Agilao, Foul Breath, STR 1 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 0 HP 113
Ominous Words and Summon NULL: Physical, Gun, Bless and Curse;
PERSONALITY: Irritable WEAK: Nuclear
TREASURE: ¥735 and Eiha Stone SKILLS: Taunt, Snap and Tarukaja
24 - ORTHRUS TREASURE: ¥1,415 and Aegis
A two headed dog monster of Greek mythos.
They are the child of Typhon and Echidna and

sibling of Cerberus, the Sphinx and Chimera.

STR 2 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 0 HP 73

ABSORB: Fire; Strong: Nuclear; Weak: Ice

SKILLS: Agilao, Maragi, Giant Slice and

Double Fangs

TREASURE: ¥480 and Maragi Gem

Four-Star Shadows are appropriate for characters The child of Samael and Lilith, Lilim is
from levels 6 - 7. They may make good bosses for said to tempt sleeping humans. Many fear
lower level characters. All of the Shadows listed them for this. However, Lilim is also feared
have access to a basic attack. For 4-Star Shad- as it is believed they kidnap children like Lilith.
ows, this attack does 2D4 Physical damage. STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 69
NULL: Curse; STRONG: Ice;
• 1 - Hope Diamond WEAK: Gun, Wind and Bless
• 2 - Lilim SKILLS: Sukunda and Bufula
• 3 - Brigid PERSONALITY: Upbeat
• 4 - Hariti TREASURE: ¥365 and Aphrodite’s Fruit
• 5 - Inti
• 6 - La Llorona 3 - BRIGID
• 8 - Hel Brigid is the Irish deity of the hearth. They are the
• 9 - Lachesis child of Dagda and the spouse of Bres, a fomo-
• 10 - Kaiwan rian. They represent flame, wisdom, perfection,
• 12 - Medusa intelligence, blacksmithing, healing abilities, druid-
• 15 - Kikuri-Hime ic knowledge, poetic eloquence and skill in warfare.
• 16 - Skogsra STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 60
• 18 - Unicorn ABSORB: Fire; Weak: Ice
• 20 - Hell Biker SKILLS: Mediarama and Agilao
• 24 - Zouchouten PERSONALITY: Upbeat
• 25 - Mithra TREASURE: ¥965 and Bead
• 30 - Anubis
• 36 - Belphegor 4 - HARITI
Hariti is a demon from what is currently called
1 - HOPE DIAMOND Pakistan. Hariti was described as an ogre who
A greyish-blue diamond mined from India. It is slew children in order to feed their own children.
said to bring curses upon all who hold them. One STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 70
suspected victim is the French Royal Family. STRONG: Psychic and Bless; Weak: Wind
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 120 SKILLS: Mediarama, Lullaby and Zionga
REFLECT: Fire, Ice, Electric, Psychic, Nuclear, Bless PERSONALITY: Irritable
and Curse; NULL: Gun; STRONG: Physical TREASURE: ¥555 and Magaru Stone
SKILLS: Run Away
TREASURE: ¥30,000 Inti, in Inca mythology, is the sun and patron deity
of the Inca Empire. Their origin is largely unknown
but it is commonly explained they are the child of
Viracocha, the deity of civilization.
STR 1 AGI 0 END 1 MAG 2 HP 52

REFLECT: Fire and Ice; WEAK: Electric

SKILLS: Maragion and Fire Boost


TREASURE: ¥1,000 and Maragi Stone

Their name translated from the native One of the Gorgons of Greek lore, Medusa has
language is “The Crying One”. They are snakes for hair, bronze scales for skin, golden
part of a popular legend in Latin America. wings on their back, sharp fangs and eyes that can
They were once a beautiful human who sought turn anyone who looks into them to stone. Perseus
a relationship. Llorona killed their children then slew them with Athena’s help.
themselves. They are now doomed to search the STR 2 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 84
world for their children. NULL: Electric; STRONG: Gun; WEAK: Wind
STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 73 SKILLS: Snake’s Fangs, Marin Karin and Mazionga
REFLECT: Curse; Weak: Bless PERSONALITY: Irritable
SKILLS: Media, Sexy Dance and Maeiga Treasure: ¥865 and Aphrodite’s Fruit
TREASURE: ¥675 and Maeiha Stone 15 - KIKURI-HIME
In Shintoism, Kikuri-Hime is the deity of love and
8 - HEL marriage. They mediated the tenuous relationship
Hel is the child of Loki and sibling of Genrir and between Izanagi and Izanami. Due to their efforts,
Jörmungandr. Hel was tasked by Odin to be the Susono-o and Amaterasu were born into the world.
ruler of Hel (a location). They play a big role in the STR 2 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 89
attempted resurrection of Baldr. The saying “Go to NULL: Wind; STRONG: Bless; WEAK: Fire
Hell” originated from “Go to Hel”. SKILLS: Mediarama, Sexy Dance,
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 70 Makarakarn and Patra
REFLECT: Ice and Curse; Weak: Fire PERSONALITY: Upbeat
SKILLS: Maeiha, Mabufu and Bufula TREASURE: ¥620 and Bead
TREASURE: ¥995 and Mabufu Stone 16 - SKOGSRA
A beautiful wood faerie of Swedish lore. While
9 - LACHESIS in the front they look beautiful, their backs are
The second of three Moirae of Greek mythos, covered in gnarled bark. They are known to blow
Lachesis measures the thread of life. They decide and knock on hunter’s rifles to bless them. Some
how much time will be allowed for each person. attribute the saying “knock on wood” to this. They
STR 0 AGI 0 END 2 MAG 2 HP 74 yearn for the love of humans however all who see
NULL: Ice; STRENGTH: Wind; WEAK: Electric their back flee in horror.
SKILLS: Bufula, Tarunda and Sukunda STR 1 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 2 HP 89
PERSONALITY: Gloomy STRONG: Gun and Wind; WEAK: Fire
TREASURE: ¥915 and Revival Bead SKILLS: Rakunda and Wind Breath
10 - KAIWAN TREASURE: ¥555 and Magaru Stone
Kaiwan, not to be confused with Hastur, is an
Assyrian deity sometimes called the deity of the
sky. Kaiwan is often associated with Saturn.


NULL: Gun and Psychic; WEAK: Nuclear

SKILLS: Psiodyne and Makajama


TREASURE: ¥1,280 and Revival Bead
From English lore a unicorn is a mythological horse Mithra, not to be confused with the Roman
with a narwhal's horn on its forehead. It can only deity Mithras, is the Zoroastrian protector of
be tamed by those who have pure hearts. truth and the enemy of error. Mithra is also wor-
STR 2 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 1 HP 89 shipped as a deity of the sun and war.
NULL: Ice and Bless; STRONG: Psychic; STR 2 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 1 HP 96
WEAK: Curse NULL: Bless and Ice; WEAK: Electric
SKILLS: Assault Dive SKILLS: Kouga, Makouha and Diarama
TREASURE: ¥655 and Revival Bead TREASURE: ¥920 and Makouha Stone


A motorcyclist based on the “Hell’s Angels” biker In Egyptian mythology, Anubis is the Jackal-
gang. Their violent nature slowly transformed headed deity of mummification. Their duty is
them into a demon. They are angry with to oversee death rites. They weigh the hearts
themselves and the world so much so that it of those who pass to decide their ultimate fate.
causes them pain. STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 99
STR 0 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 2 HP 89 NULL: Bless and Curse
REFLECT: Fire; STRONG: Wind; WEAK: Bless SKILLS: Makouga, Maeiga, Megido
SKILLS: Agilao, Maeiha and Speed Master PERSONALITY: Gloomy
PERSONALITY: Irritable TREASURE: ¥1,120 and Chewing Soul
TREASURE: ¥970 and Maragi Stone
24 - ZOUCHOUTEN A demon of Sloth, one of the 7 Deadly Sins,
Zouchouten, or Virudhaka, is one of the Four Belphegor gives people ideas for inventions.
Heavenly Kings in Buddhist lore. They are the These inventions make them greedy and self-
deity of fertility, agriculture and the growth of all ish. Their name is derived from a corruption of
things. They are commonly depicted wearing Baal-Peor, an attack on the Moabites. It is said
armor, with a sword in their hand and an angry Belphegor must be worshiped on a toilet.
expression on their face. STR 2 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 124
STR 0 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 2 HP 99 REFLECT: Curse; STRONG: Ice, Electric and Nuclear;
STRONG: Physical; WEAK: Wind WEAK: Fire
SKILLS: Giant Slice and Zionga SKILLS: Concentrate, Mabufula and Bufudyne
TREASURE: ¥920 and Excalibur TREASURE: ¥865 and Mabufu Stone

Five-star shadows are appropriate for Powers, also called Authorities, are the sixth of
characters from levels 7 - 8. They may the nine orders of angels. It is believed that they
make good bosses for lower level characters. were the first order. They serve as advisors and
All of the Shadows listed have access to a basic policy planners. Some believe that no Power has
attack. For 5-Star Shadows, this attack does 2D6 ever fallen, however, others believe Satan was the
Physical damage. Chief of the Powers before they fell.
STR 2 AGI 0 END 1 MAG 1 HP 61
• 1 - Crystal Skull NULL: Bless; STRONG: Wind; WEAK: Gun and Curse
• 2 - Power SKILLS: Kouga, Vajra Blast, Makouga,
• 3 - Kushinada-Hime Masukukaja and Bless Boost
• 4 - Yurlungur PERSONALITY: Irritable
• 5 - Virtue TREASURE: ¥680 and Makouha Stone
• 6 - Pazuzu
• 8 - Magatsu-Izanagi 3 - KUSHINADA-HIME
• 9 - Ose In Shinto legends Kushinada-Hime was the child
• 10 - Jean D’Arc of two lesser gods. When expelled from heaven,
• 12 - Sarasvati Susano-o came across Kushinada-Hime, who
• 15 - Narcissus was being extorted by Orochi. Susano-o was
• 16 - Bugbear taken aback by Kushinada-Hime’s and beauty and
• 18 - Scathach so slayed Orochi. Then the two were wed.
• 20 - Valkyrie STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 52
• 24 - Ouroboros REFLECT: Bless; WEAK: Nuclear
• 25 - Hecatoncheir SKILLS: Mabufula, Matarukaja and Wind Wall
• 30 - Bai Hu PERSONALITY: Upbeat
• 36 - Rangda TREASURE: ¥610 and Mabufu Stone


Crystal Skulls were once believed to be pre- In Murngin lore, Yurlungur was a great copper
Columbian Mesoamerican artifacts. It’s said when snake able to summon rain. It was commonly
13 are gathered the mysteries of the universe will known as the rainbow serpent because the water
reveal themselves. The only existence of such where it lives shines like a rainbow. It was believed
were found in the 1800’s but were likely manufac- that if colored light was seen inside a well, then the
tured and exported to Europe to build interest in Yurlungur was within.
the Americas. STR 0 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 2 HP 63
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 100 NULL: Electricity; STRONG: Bless; WEAK: Psychic
REFLECT: Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, Psychic, Nuclear SKILLS: Sexy Dance, Mazionga and Megido
and Curse; NULL: Gun; STRONG: Physical TREASURE: ¥730 and Mazio Stone
SKILLS: Run Away

TREASURE: ¥40,000

5 - VIRTUE 9 - OSE
Virtues are the fifth rank of angels and are re- Ose is the 57th spirit of the Goetia and
sponsible for distributing miracles. They are part great President of Hell. They appear as a
of the second sphere and watch over movement leopard but can take the form of humans. They
of heavenly bodies, instead of that corporeal. give skill in all liberal sciences and reveal the truth
STR 1 AGI 0 END 1 MAG 2 HP 72 behind divine miracles and sacred things.
NULL: Wind and Bless; WEAK: Electric and Curse STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 79
SKILLS: Makouha NULL: Curse; STRONG: Fire; WEAK: Bless
PERSONALITY: Upbeat SKILLS: Counterstrike, Oni-Kagura,
TREASURE: ¥1,255 and Bead Charge and Reverse Rub
6 - PAZUZU TREASURE: ¥585 and Snuff Soul
Pazuzu is a deity of the southwest wind in Meso-
petamian mythology. The southwest wind would 10 - JEANNA D’ARC
bring famine and locusts. While they are an evil Jeanne D’Arc was a French historical figure
spirit, they drive away other evil spirits, inadver-
important in the Hundred Years’ War. Her death
tently protecting humans. came when she was captured and sold to the
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 73 English, tried in ecclesiastical court and
NULL: Curse; STRONG: Wind; WEAK: Bless subsequently burned at the stake at the age of 19.
SKILLS: Maeiga, Tentarafoo and Eiga STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 80
PERSONALITY: Irritable NULL: Bless and Curse; STRONG: Ice, Electric and
TREASURE: ¥670 and Maeiha Stone Wind; WEAK: Fire
SKILLS: Mediarama and Silent Prayer
Magatsu-Izanagi means “Calamity Izanagi”. This TREASURE: ¥1,045 and Soma
refers to the Japanese deity, Izanagi, a creator
of Japan, before Kikuri-Hime could tend to their 12 - SARASVATI
relationship with Izanami. In Hindus’ belief, Sarasvati is the deity of knowedge,
STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 63 music and the arts. They embodies riversthus their
NULL: Bless and Curse; STRONG: Gun name being translated as “one who flows”.
WEAK: Nuclear STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 89
SKILLS: Megidola and Ghastly Wail NULL: Ice; STRONG: Electric; WEAK: Nuclear
PERSONALITY: Irritable SKILLS: Mediarama, Me Patra,
TREASURE: ¥1,320 and Megido Stone Tentarafoo and Marakukaja
TREASURE: ¥915 and Aegis

Narcissus was a strong and beautiful In Norse Mythology, a valkyrie would decide who
figure of Greek mythology. They rejected all would die in battle. They bring their chosen to the
who loved them, including the deity of hall of the slain, Valhalla. The chosen warriors
retribution, Nemesis. Due to a curse placed upon become einherjar who train for the events of
Narcissus, they fell in love with their own reflection. Ragnarök.
STR 1 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 93 STR 2 AGI 0 END 2 MAG 0 HP 110
REFLECT: Electric; STRONG: Wind and Bless; NULL: Bless; STRONG: Gun
WEAK: Fire SKILLS: Mind Slice, Counterstrike and Dodge Phys
SKILLS: Mabufula, Matarukaja and Wind Wall PERSONALITY: Upbeat
PERSONALITY: Gloomy TREASURE: ¥845 and Attack Mirror
TREASURE: ¥615 and Aphrodite’s Fruit
16 - BUGBEAR The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol of a dragon
From Celtic folklore, Bugbear is a type of or serpent eating its own tail to form a cycle. It
Hobgoblin. Stories of them were used to frighten has been used as a religious symbol as well as a
children into obeying their parents. They are sigil meaning purity in alchemy.
depicted as a creepy bear that lurked in the woods. STR 0 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 82
The word bug means “evil spirit” or “goblin” in the ABSORB: Electric;
Celtic language. STRONG: Physical, Ice, Bless and Curse
STR 2 AGI 0 END 2 MAG 0 HP 107 SKILLS: Megidola
NULL: Curse; STRONG: Psychic; WEAK: Nuclear PERSONALITY: Upbeat
SKILLS: Masukunda and Psiodyne TREASURE: ¥975 and Megido Stone
TREASURE: ¥855 and Eiha Stone 25 - HECATONCHEIR
The Hecatoncheirs were giants from Greek
18 - SCATHACH mythology. They have one hundred hands and
Scathach (“Shadowy”) was the legendary war- fifty heads, disgusting their father Uranus. Uranus
rior who taught Cu Chulainn the art of combat. threw the Hecatonchires into Tartarus. Zeus would
They are also responsible for gifting Cu Chulainn free them to help fight the Titans.
Gáe Bulg. They later has a tenuous relationship STR 2 AGI 0 END 2 MAG 0 HP 115
with their apprentice due to Cu Chulainn’s future NULL: Curse; STRONG: Gun; WEAK: Bless
romantic endeavors. SKILLS: Vajra Blast, Regenerate and Tarukaja
STR 1 AGI 0 END 2 MAG 1 HP 84 PERSONALITY: Irritable
REFLECT: Ice; NULL: Curse TREASURE: ¥985 and Mapsi Stone
SKILLS: Giant Slice, Maragion and Magarula
TREASURE: ¥1,600 and Armita Shower


The White Tiger is one of the Four Symbols of Six-Star Shadows are appropriate for
the Chinese Constellation. It represents the west, characters from levels 8 - 10. They may
autumn season and the element of metal. It was make good bosses for lower level characters.
said to be the king of all beasts. All of the Shadows listed have access to a basic
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 117 attack. For 6-Star Shadows, this attack does 2D6
NULL: Ice; STRONG: Curse; WEAK: Fire and Nuclear Physical damage.
SKILLS: Vajra Blast, Mabufula and Counterstrike
PERSONALITY: Upbeat • 1 - Titania
TREASURE: ¥1,085 and Mabufu Stone • 2 - Tiamat
• 3 - Cerberus
36 - RANGDA • 4 - Parvati
Rangda was the Balinese leader of demons. • 5 - Tsukuyomi
They are terrifying to behold, the child-eating • 6 - Hagen
demon lord, Rangda, leads evil armies of witches • 8 - Kurama Tengu
against the leader of the forces of good: Barong. • 9 - Lailah
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 1 HP 190 • 10 - Set
REFLECT: Physical and Gun; NULL: Fire and Curse • 12 - Kresnik
WEAK: Electric and Bless • 15 - Pale Rider
SKILLS: Eigaon and Vajra Blast • 16 - Barong
PERSONALITY: Irritable • 18 - Norn
TREASURE: ¥615 and Aegis • 20 - Ganesha
• 24 - Lilith
• 25 - Trumpeter
• 30 - Skadi
• 36 - Asterius

Titania is the leader of the fairies in William
Shakespeare’s play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.
While portrayed as beautiful and delicate, Titania
is also shown as an intelligent, powerful and very
proud fairy.
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 94
STRONG: Nuclear, Bless and Curse;
WEAK: Psychic
SKILLS: Lullaby, Freidyne, and Mafreidyne
TREASURE: ¥615 and Freidyne Stone

Tiamat is a Babylonian deity who In Nibelungenlied, a german tale, Hagen is a
personifies the sea. They are considered half-elven warrior. They are responsible for the
the parent deity of chaos and portrayed as death of the epic hero, Siegfried. In completing this
either a sea serpent or dragon. task for his liege, king Gunther, Hagen became a
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 72 king. Later they were killed by Krimhild.
NULL: Fire and Ice; STRONG: Curse STR 2 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 0 HP 119
WEAK: Electric and Bless No weaknesses or resistances
SKILLS: Ice Breath and Megidola SKILLS: Assault Dive, Heatwave and Hellish Mask
TREASURE: ¥915 and Megido Stone TREASURE: ¥895 and Excalibur


Three headed dog of Greek myth, Cerberus The most powerful and well-known of the
guards the gates of the underworld, land of the Japanese Tengu were those from Mt. Kurama in
dead. They are the sibling of Orthus. Kyoto. They are strong warriors who also have the
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 94 power to fend off disease and bring good luck. The
ABSORB: Fire; STRONG: Nuclear; WEAK: Ice king of the tengu, Sojobo, is a Kurama tengu.
SKILLS: Maragidyne, Agidyne, Brave Blade and STR 2 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 0 HP 112
Counter REFLECT: Wind; STRONG: Bless and Curse;
TREASURE: ¥1,800 and Bead SKILLS: Garudyne, Masukunda and Brain Buster
4 - PARVATI TREASURE: ¥970 and Chakra Pot
The consort of Shiva in Hindu mythology, Parvati
is the beautiful deity of love and child of the snow 9 - LAILAH
mountain deity, Himalayas. They are the reincar- Often seen as the opposite of Lilith, Lailah is
nation of Sati, Shiva’s first spouse. the angel of conception in Judaism. They teach
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 94 children the Torah in the womb. However, when the
REFLECT: Ice; STRONG: Psychic and Bless; child is born, Lailah places lips finger to their lips
WEAK: Curse causing the child to forget everything it learned.
SKILLS: Diarama, Bufudyne and Ice Boost STR 0 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 2 HP 119
TREASURE: ¥790 and Armita Soda WEAK: Electric and Curse
SKILLS: Makougaon, Mediarama and Bless Boost
Tsukuyomi is the deity of the moon in Shintoism. TREASURE: ¥785 and Makougaon Stone
They were born of Lzanagi’s right eye, thus they
are the sibling of Amaterasu and Susano-O.
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 98

REFLECT: Curse; STRONG: Physical and Bless

WEAK: Nuke

SKILLS: Abyssal Wings, Assault Dive and

Life Drain

TREASURE: ¥930 and Agidyne Stone
10 - SET 18 - NORN
Set, or Seth, is a deity from Egyptian mythology. Norn, in Norse mythology, refers to a
They are the deity of storms and chaos and are group who decides the fate of various races.
revered as one of the greatest dietites. Greek They are said to inhabit a lake near the roots
mythology portrays Set as an antagonist of of Yggdrasil.
Egyptian mythos. STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 122
STR 1 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 2 HP 113 ABSORB: Wind; Strong: Ice
REFLECT: Fire; NULL: Wind; WEAK: Bless SKILLS: Garudyne, Ziodyne and Diarahan
SKILLS: One-Shot Kill, Agidyne and Sukukaja PERSONALITY: Irritable
PERSONALITY: Irritable TREASURE: ¥1,470 and Bead
TREASURE: ¥930 and Agidyne Stone
12 - KRESNIK In Hindi, Ganesha is the child of the supreme
From Slovenian lore, Kresnik (whose name means deity Shiva. They protect against disasters,
“cross”) is a blessed vampire. They turn into bestow wisdom and bring wealth and fortune.
various animals but can be recognized by their Ganesha is often portrayed as having four arms
white color. It is said Kresnik can never lose a and an elephant’s head.
battle against their rival, Kudlak. STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 126
STR 1 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 2 HP 120 ABSORB: Wind; STRONG: Physical; WEAK: Psychic
NULL: Gun and Bless; WEAK: Almighty SKILLS: Rebellion, Giant Slice
SKILLS: Kougaon and Snipe and Dodge Electric
TREASURE: ¥950 and Kougaon Stone TREASURE: ¥1,325 and Aegis

Pale Rider is the fourth and final Horseman of the
Christian Apocalypse. They represent death. They
take the form of a sickly pale reaper.
STR 1 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 2 HP 121
REFLECT: Curse; STRONG: Wind; WEAK: Bless
SKILLS: Ominous Words, Eigaon and Brain Buster
TREASURE: ¥1,050 and Eigaon Stone

The enemy of Rangda and the forces of evil,
Barong is a guardian spirit in the form of a lion.
Each region has its own Barong. When Rangda is
destroyed by a Barong, Barong must be vigilant to
fight the next reincarnation of evil.
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 125
NULL: Bless; STRONG: Gun and Electric;
WEAK: Wind and Curse
SKILLS: Ziodyne, Mazionga, Elec Break and
Wage War
TRAESURE: ¥740 and Ziodyne Stone
In Judaism, Lilith is said to have been Seven-Star Shadows are appropriate for
Adam’s first spouse. Lilith left the garden characters from levels 11 - 12. They may make
of Eden to create their own garden. There good bosses for lower level characters. All of the
they consorted with demons and fallen angels, Shadows listed have access to a basic attack. For
including Samael, and created many succubi. 7-Star Shadows, this attack does 3D4 Physical
STR -1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 3 HP 130 damage.
REFLECT: Ice; NULL: Curse; WEAK: Fire
SKILLS: Mabufudyne, Makara Break and Eigaon • 1 - Qing Long
PERSONALITY: Irritable • 2 - Dullahan
TREASURE: ¥1,030 and Maragidyne Stone • 3 - Thanatos
• 4 - Kudlak
25 - TRUMPETER • 5 - Master Therion
According to the Christian Book of Revelation, • 6 - Dominion
the Trumpeter will use seven trumpets. Each • 8 - Quetzalcoatl
trumpet signifies a different event or plague on • 9 - Erikonig
Earth before the Apocalypse. • 10 - Azazel
STR 2 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 130 • 12 - Bishamonten
REFLECT: Electric and Bless; ABSORB: Ice; • 15 - Dionysus
NULL: Curse • 16 - Siegfried
SKILLS: Mafreidyne, Ominous Words, • 18 - Cu Chulainn
and Brain Buster • 20 - Oberon
PERSONALITY: Gloomy • 24 - Yamata no Orochi
TREASURE: ¥910 and Bead Chain • 25 - Black Frost
• 30 - King Frost
30 - SKADI • 36 - Thor
Skadi, also known as Ӧndurguð (lit: Snowshoe
Deity), is a jötunn or a Norse giant. They are 1 - QING LONG
associated with skiing, hunting and winter. They Qing Long, the Azure Dragon, is one of the Four
are considered the stepparent of Freyja. Symbols. They represent the East, spring, the
STR 2 AGI 1 END 0 MAG 2 HP 164 color azure and the Wood Element.
REFLECT: Ice; NULL: Curse; WEAK: Fire STR 1 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 3 HP 107
SKILLS: Bufudyne, Ominous Words STRONG: Ice; Weak: Nuclear
PERSONALITY: Upbeat SKILLS: Bufudyne, Diarahan,
TREASURE: ¥1,725 and Odd Morsel and Marakukaja
36 - ASTERIUS TREASURE: ¥990 and Bufudyne Stone
The child of the Queen of Creta and a blessed
bull from Poseidon. Asterius is the bullheaded
human who lives in the labyrinth below Creta.

Their name means “starry”.

STR 2 AGI 0 END 1 MAG 2 HP 172

NULL: Curse; STRONG: Fire and Psychic; WEAK: Ice

SKILLS: Titanomachia, Maragidyne and Burn

TREASURE: ¥1,000 and Megido Stone
Also known as Gan Ceann, the Irish Dullahan is The name that the English occultist,
a headless faerie that rides a black horse. It car- Aleister Crowley, used for themselves.
ries its disembodied head with it. When a dullahan Crowley saw themself as a prophet to teach
stops riding, it is where a person is due to die. humanity and believed they had the power to
STR 1 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 1 HP 108 summon demons.
NULL: Curse; STRONG: Physical; WEAK: Bless STR 0 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 3 HP 99
SKILLS: Eiga and Pandemic Bomb NULL: Fire, Ice and Curse; WEAK: Bless
PERSONALITY: Gloomy SKILLS: Pandemic Bomb and Agidyne
TREASURE: ¥1,750 and Maeiha Stone PERSONALITY: Upbeat
TREASURE: ¥1,235 and Agidyne Stone
The personification of death and mortality in 6 - DOMINION
Greek Mythology, they are a harbinger of peace- The fourth in the hierarchy of angels, their duty is
ful death. However, they are later characterized to regulate the duties of lesser angels.
as indiscriminate and merciless. STR 0 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 3 HP 116
STR 0 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 2 HP 112 REFLECT: Nuclear; NULL: Bless;
REFLECT: Curse; STRONG: Physical; WEAK: Bless STRONG: Curse; WEAK: Gun
SKILLS: Door of Hades and Maeigaon SKILLS: Kouga, Makougaon, Bufudyne and
TREASURE: ¥1,375 and Maeigaon Stone Makajamaon
4 - KUDLAK TREASURE: ¥850 and Maziodyne Stone
In Croatian and Slovenian lore, a person born
with a caul will either become a Kudlak or a Kres- 8 - QUETZALCOATL
nik. Where a Kresnik will work towards good, a In Aztec mythos, Quetzalcoatl is the creator deity.
Kudlak will work towards evil. When they die they Their name is a mix of quetzal, a brightly colored
become an undead evil vampire who will eternally Mesoamerican bird, and coatl, meaning serpent.
attack humans and Kresniks. They are referred to as The Feathered Serpent.
STR 1 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 2 HP 121 STR 2 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 124
NULL: Curse; STRONG: Fire; WEAK: Gun and Bless NULL: Fire; STRONG: Wind; WEAK: Psychic
SKILLS: Eigaon and Tarukaja SKILLS: Magarula, Garudyne and
PERSONALITY: Irritable Memory Blow
TREASURE: ¥1,995 and Maziodyne Stone PERSONALITY: Upbeat
TREASURE: ¥975 and Garudyne Stone

The Erlkönig (Alder King) is a character in a
number of German poems and ballads. They are
depicted as a malevolent creature who haunts
forests and carries off travelers to their deaths.

STR 1 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 2 HP 132

REFLECT: Gun; NULL: Curse; STRONG: Electric;

WEAK: Fire and Wind


SKILLS: Maziodyne and Stun Needles

TREASURE: ¥1,995 and Maziodyne Stone
Azazel or Azazil (“Arrogant to God”) is a In Irish lore, Cu Chulainn is a mythical hero who
Grigori of Hebrew lore. They were a fallen appears in the story of the Ulster Cycle. They
angel who was offered animals as sacrifices. fended off the armies of Queen Mab single
In Islam Azazel is sometimes considered a Jinn. handedly.
STR 0 AGI 2 END -1 MAG 3 HP 137 STR 3 AGI 0 END 2 MAG 1 HP 147
REFLECT: Gun; NULL: Wind; REFLECT: Wind; Null: Bless;
STRONG: Fire and Curse; WEAK: Electric and Bless STRONG: Physical and Gun; Weak: Electric
SKILLS: Snipe and Maragidyne SKILLS: Oni-Kagura, Brave Blade and Ice Wall
TREASURE: ¥2,000 and Maragidyne Stone TREASURE: ¥1,175 and Physical Ointment

Bishamonten is one of four figures placed at the The King of the Fairies and the spouse of Titania,
corners of the main altar in a Buddhist temple. The the Fairy Queen. Oberon rules over moonlight,
four figures correspond to the four cardinal direc- dreams and all fairy rites. They are known for
tions, Bishamonten representing the north. being impish and whimsical.
STR 1 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 2 HP 141 STR 1 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 2 HP 176
ABSORB: Fire; STRONG: Bless and Curse; NULL: Psychic; STRONG: Electric; WEAK: Nuclear
WEAK: Ice SKILLS: Magarudyne, Heatwave and
SKILLS: Freidyne and Diarahan Dodge Nuclear
TREASURE: ¥1,740 and Freidyne Stone TREASURE: ¥3,150 and Magic Ointment


Dionysus is the Greed deity of wine and fertility. An eight-headed and eight-tailed serpent from
They inspire carnivals, celebration, ecstasy, mad- Japanese lore. It was slain by Susano-O in order
ness and joyful worship. They are also known as to save Kushinada-Hime. The Kusanagi Tsurugi
the Liberator, freeing one from their normal self. was drawn from its corpse.
STR 1 AGI 2 END 0 MAG 3 HP 140 STR 2 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 176
REFLECT: Electric; STRONG: Bless and Curse NULL: Ice STRONG: Curse WEAK: Nuclear
SKILLS: Debilitate, Maziodyne, Ziodyne, SKILLS: Mabufudyne and Oni-Kagura
and Heatwave PERSONALITY: Gloomy
PERSONALITY: Upbeat TREASURE: ¥2,270 and Mabufudyne Stone
TREASURE: ¥1,115 and Armita Shower

In the German epic Das Nibelungenlied, Siegfried
is known as a dragon-slaying hero. Siegfried, or
Sigurd,was requested to slay Fafnir by Regin.

STR 2 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 151

NULL: Physical; STRONG: Ice; WEAK: Nuclear

SKILLS: Brave Blade, Masukukaja and Counter


TREASURE: ¥1,175 and Excaliberg
Black Frost is an evil rendition of the good- Eight-Star Shadows are appropriate for
spirited demon Jack Frost. The word ja’aku in characters from levels 12 - 13. They may
its Japanese name when written in kanji means make good bosses for lower level characters.
“wicked” or “evil”. All of the Shadows listed have access to a basic
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 3 HP 156 attack. For 8-Star Shadows, this attack does 3D6
REFLECT: Fire and Curse; ABSORB: Ice; Physical damage.
NULL: Nuclear
SKILLS: Mabufudyne, and One-shot Kill • 1 - Tokisada
PERSONALITY: Jack • 2 - Ixtab
TREASURE: ¥1,775 and Mabufudyne Stone • 3 - Amaterasu
• 4 - Gabriel
30 - KING FROST • 5 - Mother Harlot
King Frost is a king fairy king from Margaret T. • 6 -Throne
Canby’s The Frost Fairies. King Frost is powerful • 8 - Cybele
enough to freeze the world, but they are too naive • 9 - Cherub
and kind to do it. • 10 - Raphael
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 3 HP 206 • 12 - Nyarlathotep
ABSORB: Ice; Null: Bless • 15 - Kali
SKILLS: Bufudyne, Mabufudyne, Brave Blade, • 16 - Ongyo-ki
Freeze and Ice Boost • 18 - Alice
PERSONALITY: Jack • 20 - Yoshitsune
TREASURE: ¥1,815 and Mabufudyne Stone • 24 - Mot
• 25 - Mara
36 - THOR • 30 - Kohryu
Thor is the red-haired child of Odin and deity of • 36 - Baal
thunder in Norse mythology. Their belt Mejingjard
doubles their strength and lightning flashing every 1 - TOKISADA
time they throw their trusty hammer, Mjölnir. Tokisada was the teenage leader of the
STR 3 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 1 HP 292 Shimabara Rebellion. After execution, their head
ABSORB: Electric; STRONG: Physical, Bless and was placed on a pike to turn away other Christian
Curse; Weak: Psychic rebels. Their death poem was: “Now, those who
SKILLS: Maziodyne, Heatwave, Brave Blade, accompany me in being besieged in this castle,
Tarukaja, Shock and Electric Pleroma will be my friends unto the next world”.
TREASURE: ¥1,780 and Maziodyne Stone STRONG: Electric and Wind; WEAK: Gun
SKILLS: Shining Arrows and Debilitate
TREASURE: ¥2,785 and Excalibur

Ixtab is the Mayan deity of suicide by In Christian lore, Thrones are the third of nine
hanging. They guide the souls of those who classes of angels. They are the closest angels to
commit suicide to the afterlife. spiritual perfection and emanate the light of God.
STR 0 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 3 HP 109 STR 0 END 2 MAG 3 AGI 1 HP 125
REFLECT: Dark; WEAK: Bless ABSORB: Fire; NULL: Bless; STRONG: Nuclear;
SKILLS: Eigaon and Lullaby WEAK: Curse
PERSONALITY: Gloomy SKILLS: Makougaon and Bless Boost
TREASURE: ¥1,560 and Armita Shower PERSONALITY: Irritable
TREASURE: ¥9,790 and Makougaon Stone
Amaterasu is the Japanese deity of the sun. 8 - CYBELE
Their name means “one who illuminates the Cybele is a deity of Phrygia. They represent a
heavens”. They are also known as “Amaterasu- celestial parent, similar to the Greek Gaia. They
Sume-Okami”, which means “Amaterasu, the were worshipped as a foreign and mysterious
Great Imperial Deity”. deity who rides a lion-drawn chariot with the
STR 2 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 2 HP 99 accompaniment of wild music, wine and ecstatic
REFLECT: Fire; STRONG: Bless; WEAK: Electric following.
SKILLS: Maragidyne STR 0 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 3 HP 134
TREASURE: ¥3,125 and Maragidyne Stone SKILLS: Mediarahan and Makougaon
4 - GABRIEL TREASURE: ¥2,110 and Bead Chain
In Abrahamic religion, Gabriel is a high-ranking
messenger angel. Their name means “Master who 9 - CHERUB
is of God”. Gabriel and Michael are referred to as Cherubim are the second highest ranking of
the left and right hand of God respectively. angels in the Christian angel hierarchy. They
STR 2 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 2 HP 91 are said to have four faces, each representing a
ABSORB: Bless; NULL: Psychic different aspect of God. A lion (courage), an Ox
SKILLS: Maziodyne and Mabufudyne (power), a human (love) and an eagle (wisdom).
PERSONALITY: Irritable STR 0 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 3 HP 133
TREASURE: Mabufudyne Stone and REFLECT: Wind; NULL: Bless; STRONG: Gun;
Maziodyne Stone WEAK: Electric
SKILLS: Tarukaja and Megidola
The Mother Harlot or “Whore of Babylon” is a TREASURE: ¥4,320 and Bead
character in the Book of Revelations. They wear
purple robes and ride a beast with seven heads
and ten horns. They carry a cup filled with the
abominations and filth of their actions.

STR 2 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 2 HP 122

REFLECT: Psychic; NULL: Fire; STRONG: Curse

SKILLS: Mabufudyne and Maeiga


TREASURE: ¥6,475 and Magic Mirror
Raphael was one of four Seraphim in Christian Alice is based on Lewis Carrol’s
mythology. Their name means “One that heals”. protagonist from Alice in Wonderland.
They are said to guard the Tree of Life. However, there are some who believe Alice
STR 3 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 2 HP 125 might be based on a myth of a young spirit. They
ABSORB: Ice; NULL: Psychic and Bless were used to scare Scandinavian children into
SKILLS: God’s Hand, Charge and Dekaja behaving, lest Alice visit and kill them.
PERSONALITY: Irritable STR 2 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 3 HP 206
TREASURE: ¥12,550 and Bead Chain REFLECT: Curse; STRONG: Psychic and Nuclear;
WEAK: Bless
12 - NYARLATHOTEP SKILLS: Maeigaon, Dekunda
A creation of H. P. Lovecraft and member of the PERSONALITY: Upbeat
Cthulhu Mythos. Nyarlathotep is a messenger of TREASURE: ¥1,695 and Megido Stone
ancient forces and a symbol of the destructive
potential of the collective unconscious.
STR 3 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 2 HP 136
NULL: Psychic, Nuclear, Bless and Curse
SKILLS: Assault Dive, Matarukaja and Ali Dance
TREASURE: ¥1,885 and Maziodyne Stone

15 - KALI
Kali is a Hindu deity of death and destruction.
Despite negative connotations, they are also
considered a positive deity of time and change.
STR 3 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 1 HP 160
REFLECT: Psychic; NULL: Fire; STRONG: Curse
SKILLS: Psiodyne, Tentarafoo, Gigantomachia and
Brave Blade
TREASURE: ¥4,445 and Attack Mirror

Ongyo-Ki was an oni controlled by Fujiwara no
Chikata. They were allegedly the founder of
STR 2 AGI 2 END 3 MAG 1 HP 146
REFLECT: Bless and Curse;
STRONG: Physical and Gun
SKILLS: Makajamaon, Ali Dance

and Assault Dive


TREASURE: ¥12,645 and


Magic Ointment

Minamoto no Yoshitsune was a Japanese Mot is the Semitic deity of death. They attempt to
general during the Genpei War. They defeat- devour Baal every few years. Mot continued until
ed the legendary Benkei in a duel after learning their parent threatened them.
the art of war from Kurama Tengu. STR 2 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 3 HP 206
STR 2 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 3 HP 167 ABSORB: Electric; REFLECT: Curse;
REFLECT: Electric and Bless; NULL: Physical; STRONG: Ranged; WEAK: Wind
STRONG: Fire SKILLS: Megido, Megidolaon, Lullaby,
SKILLS: Brave Blade, Charge and Ziodyne and Concentrate
TREASURE: ¥2,725 and Excalibur TREASURE: ¥1,695 and Megido Stone

25 - MARA
In Buddhist myth, Mara is known as “The Evil One”.
He takes the form of a chariot-bound monster with
a large helmet.
STR 2 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 3 HP 167
ABSORB: Fire; REFLECT: Curse; NULL: Gun; STRONG: Bless
SKILLS: Maragion, Maeigaon, Heatwave, Megidola-
on and Fire Boost
TREASURE: ¥2,095 and Megido Stone

Kohryu (meaning “Yellow Dragon”) reigns over the
Si Xiang, the celestial creatures in the Chinese
STR 2 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 3 HP 304
REFLECT: Electric; NULL: Nuclear and Bless;
WEAK: Psychic
SKILLS: Psycho Force, Mediarahan,
and Mapsiodyne
TREASURE: ¥11,350 and Mapsiodyne Stone

36 - BAAL
Baal, whose name means “Lord” or “Master”, was
a chief Semitic deity. They were worshiped as a
deity of fertility.
STR 3 AGI 0 END 1 MAG 3 HP 304
ABSORB: Wind; STRONG: Fire, Bless and Curse
SKILLS: Magarudyne, Rebellion, Ayamur,
Matarukaja and Charge
TREASURE: ¥31,650 and Attack Mirror
Nine-star shadows are appropriate for characters Izanami is the primordial Shinto parental
from levels 13 - 15. They may make good deity. They were the spouse of Izanagi and
bosses for lower level characters. All of the parent of many major Shinto gods. They died
Shadows listed have access to a basic attack. For during childbirth and would become the deity of
9-Star Shadows, this attack does 3D6 Physical Yomi, the Land of the Dead.
damage. STR 2 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 3 HP 74
ABSORB: Ice; NULL: Curse
• 1 - Krishna SKILLS: Shivering Taboo
• 2 - Izanami PERSONALITY: Gloomy
• 3 - Samael TREASURE: ¥48,620 and Revival Bead
• 4 - Ardha
• 5 - Huang Di 3 - SAMAEL
• 6 - Ishtar Samael is an archangel in Talmudic lore. Their
• 8 - Odin name means “poison of God” suggesting they
• 9 - Beelzebub either do what God would not stoop to do or is
• 10 - Mada the enemy of God. Whether Samael was Satan,
• 12 - Attis Lilith’s spouse or a great force of good, Samael is
• 15 - Vishnu seen as a chaotic force.
• 16 - Maitreya STR 2 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 3 HP 141
• 18 - Chi You REFLECT: Nuclear; STRONG: Curse
• 20 - Shiva SKILLS: Megidolaon and Shivering Taboo
• 24 - Messiah PERSONALITY: Irritable
• 25 - Michael TREASURE: ¥14,470 and Poison Gas
• 30 - Dagda
• 36 - Lucifer 4 - ARDHA
In Hinduism, Ardahanarishvara is a half male half
1 - KRISHNA female deity. Some even posit that Ardha is the
In Hinduism, Krishna is the eighth avatar of reincarnation of Shiva and Parvati.
Vishnu, the Preserver. They are described as STR 3 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 2 HP 146
a young human who plays the flute, attracting NULL: Ice and Electric; Resist: Physical
suitors. They are feared as a great tactician. SKILLS: God’s Hand and Cosmic Flare
STR 2 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 3 HP 126 TREASURE: ¥37,895 and Mafreidyne Stone
REFLECT: Psychic; STRONG: Bless
SKILLS: Pandemic Bomb, Dream Raga, and 5 - HUANG DI
Ziodyne Huang Di is the legendary Yellow Emperor in
PERSONALITY: Upbeat Chinese folklore. They are an ancestor to all of
TREASURE: ¥21,785 and Ziodyne Stone the Han people. They fought the the God of War,
Chi You, and fought the giant Xing Tian, securing
China for his people.

STR 1 AGI 3 END 1 MAG 2 HP 139

STRONG: Fire, Ice, Electric, Psychic and Nuclear

SKILLS: Heatwave, Mediarahan and Riot Gun



TREASURE: ¥23,330 and Bead Chain
In Babylonian lore, Ishtar is the deity of Attis was originally from the kingdom of Phrygia
love and fertility. They are also a creator and then adopted by Greek lore. Cybele fell in love
guardian of life. However, they are also known with the beautiful Attis. Feeling shamed for being
as a very violent and sadistic deity. the target of unrequitted love, Attis decided to
STR 1 AGI 1 END 1 MAG 4 HP 147 commit suicide.
ABSORB: Wind; NULL: Electric STR 2 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 3 HP 160
SKILLS: Garudyne, Mediarahan REFLECT: Wind; NULL: Fire; WEAK: Curse
PERSONALITY: Irritable SKILLS: Maragidyne, Mediarahan,
TREASURE: ¥9,560 and Bead Chain and Luster Candy
8 - ODIN TREASURE: ¥43,490 and Revival Bead
Odin is the chief deity in Norse mythology. They
are associated with wisdom, war, battle, death, 15 - VISHNU
magic, poetry, prophecy, victory and hunting. One of the major deities in Hindu mythology,
STR 4 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 3 HP 146 Vishnu is the preserver of the universe. It is
ABSORB: Wind; REFLECT: Bless and Curse; believed that they will descend to earth ten times
NULL: Electric to maintain the balance of power.
SKILLS: Thunder Reign, Assault Dive, STR 2 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 4 HP 157
and Marakukaja ABSORB: Ice; NULL: Bless and Curse; WEAK: Fire
PERSONALITY: Upbeat SKILLS: Megidolaon, Magarudyne and Ali Dance
TREASURE: ¥6,485 and Maziodyne Stone PERSONALITY: Upbeat
TREASURE: ¥13,465 and Chakra Pot
Originally the Canaanite deity Baal, Beelzebub is 16 - MAITREYA
the lord of the flies in Christianity. They are one of
Also known as Maitreya Bodhisattva, they will be
seven demonic lords. the successor to the current Buddha. Their name
STR 2 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 3 HP 152 means “loving-kindness”. They reside in Tusita
REFLECT: Curse; ABSORB: Fire; WEAK: Bless Heaven and will become Buddha in 56,000,000
SKILLS: Maeigaon and Evil Smile years, which will lead many to salvation.
PERSONALITY: Irritable STR 3 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 3 HP 169
TREASURE: ¥41,785 and Maeigaon Stone NULL: Bless; STRONG: Physical, Ice and Curse;
WEAK: Gun and Fire
10 - MADA SKILLS: Heatwave and Makajamaon
In Hinduism, Mada is the monstrous deity of PERSONALITY: Upbeat
drunkenness. They were summoned by the sage TREASURE: ¥48,075 and Bead Chain
Chyavana to subdue Indra, Lord of Heaven.
STR 2 AGI 1 END 2 MAG 3 HP 152
ABSORB: Fire; BLOCK: Nuclear; RESIST: Psy;

SKILLS: Agidyne, Fire Boost and Burn


TREASURE: ¥32,630 and Agidyne Stone


In Chinese mythology Chi You is a half-human One of many principal angels in
half-bull deity. They fought against the Yellow Christian lore and one of four Islamic arch-
Emperor with the help of the Hmong and Li Tribes. angels, Michael the commander of the Army of
STR 3 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 2 HP 171 God. Michael leads the war against Satan and the
REFLECT: Psychic; STRONG: Physical and Gun; fallen angels.
WEAK: Nuclear STR 3 AGI 2 END 1 MAG 3 HP 180
SKILLS: Psycho Force and Gigantomachia REFLECT: Bless; NULL: Curse; STRONG: Gun
PERSONALITY: Irritable SKILLS: Mabufudyne and Debilitate
TREASURE: ¥11,470 and Mapsidyne Stone PERSONALITY: Irritable
TREASURE: ¥34,765 and Soma
20 - SHIVA
In Hinduism, Shiva the Destroyer is one of three 30 - DAGDA
principal deities. While they are a destructive Dagda is the supreme deity in Celtic mythology.
deity, they are seen as benevolent and beneficial; Their name means “the good deity,” as in good
without destruction, there can be no creation. at everything instead of morally good. During the
STR 2 AGI 2 END 3 MAG 3 HP 157 battle against the Irish Fomorians Dagda was
ABSORB: Psychic; REFLECT: Electric; injured and began to live as a recluse.
NULL: Ice, Bless and Curse; WEAK: Nuclear STR 3 AGI 3 END 3 MAG 3 HP 187
SKILLS: Psycho Force and Maziodyne ABSORB: Nuclear; REFLECT: Bless; NULL: Fire
PERSONALITY: Upbeat SKILLS: Megidolaon, Energy Drain, Denial and
TREASURE: ¥40,000 and Mapsiodyne Stone Giant Slice
24 - MESSIAH TREASURE: ¥32,985 and Megido Stone
The term Messiah is a prominent figure within
many of the world’s religions, especially Abraham- 36 - LUCIFER
ic religions. They are saviors of humankind and Lucifer is a prominent figure in Abrahamic religions.
will bring them salvation in the end days. They were one of God’s strongest Seraphs before
STR 2 AGI 2 END 3 MAG 3 HP 161 they rebelled against Him. It is unknown why Lu-
REFLECT: Bless; STONG: Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, cifer did this, but there are three main interpreta-
Psychic and Nuclear; WEAK: Curse tions: disdain for humankind, disagreement with
SKILLS: Oratorio, Megidolaon and God’s Hand God’s rules or pride. Their name means “Morning
PERSONALITY: Upbeat Star” derived from luxis, “light” and ferre “to bear”.
TREASURE: ¥21,945 and Bead Chain STR 3 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 4 HP 240
REFLECT: Curse; WEAK: Bless
SKILLS: Gigantomachia and Blazing Hell
TREASURE: ¥33,215 and Bead Chain

Ten-star shadows are appropriate for the A Mesopotamian deity of love and fertility. They
most elite characters. They may make good represent the planet Venus and the Morning Star.
bosses for lower level characters. All of the They are the child of Nanna and a counterpart to
Shadows listed have access to a basic attack. For the Sumerian Ishtar.
10-Star Shadows, this attack does 4D4 Physical STR 2 AGI 3 END 2 MAG 4 HP 114
damage. There are only 12 10-Star Shadows. STRONG: Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, Psychic,
When generating one at random, simply roll 1D12. Nuclear, Bless and Curse
SKILLS: Ragnarok, Diamond Dust, Thunder Reign
• 1 - Ancient of Days and Phanta Rei
• 2 - Mastema PERSONALITY: Upbeat
• 3 - Inanna TREASURE: ¥60,460 and Magic Mirror
• 4 - Merkabah
• 5 - Cleopatra 4 - MERKABAH
• 6 - Seraph In Abrahamic religions Merkabah is the
• 7 - Demiurge throne chariot of God. According to Ezekiel,
• 8 - Satan Merkabah is an amalgamation of angels which
• 9 - Mephisto forms a heavenly chariot.
• 10 - Satanael STR 2 AGI 3 END 2 MAG 4 HP 185
• 11 - Cthulhu ABSORB: Bless; WEAK: Curse
• 12 - YHVH SKILLS: Chariot, Riot Gun, Thunder Reign and
Phanta Rei
In Christanity Ancient of Days represents God, TREASURE: ¥69,575 and Magic Mirror
the Holy Spirit, Jesus and Adam. In Hinduism the
name is associated with Kartikeya. In Judaism it 5 - CLEOPATRA
represents God’s eternal presence. In Buddhism The last queen of Ptolemaic Egypt, who allied
it is associated with Brahma and Sanat Kumara. themselves with Julius Caesar to secure power.
STR 2 AGI 2 END 3 MAG 4 HP 100 They joined forces with Mark Antony to oppose
NULL: Bless and Curse; WEAK: Electric and Wind Caesar’s successor Octavian. This lead the two’s
SKILLS: Kougaon and Masukukaja defeat and famous double suicide.
TREASURE: ¥60,600 and Magic Mirror ABSORB: Psychic and Bless;
STRONG: Fire, Ice, Electric and Force;
Mastema, also known as Mansemat, is an SKILLS: Phanta Rei, Diamond Dust, Mediarahan,
angel of persecution and hostility in Abrahamic Alluring Banter
religions. They are similar to Satan and said PERSONALITY: Upbeat
to have released the ten plagues of Egypt and TREASURE: ¥51,855 and
attempted to kill Moses. Bead Chain

STR 1 AGI 3 END 3 MAG 4 HP 161

REFLECT: Ice, Force, Psychic and Bless;

WEAK: Fire, Electric and Nuclear

SKILLS: Megidolaon and Evil Smile

TREASURE: ¥52,670 and Magic Mirror
The highest ranked angel in Abrahamic religions. Mephisto is one of seven lords of Hell.
Their name means “Burning Ones,” as they are They originally appeared in literature as the
aflame with the love of God. demon in Faust. Since then they have appeared
STR 2 AGI 3 END 2 MAG 4 HP 161 as an equivalent of the Devil themself.
ABSORB: Fire and Bless; STRONG: Physical, Gun and STR 4 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 3 HP 194
Curse; WEAK: Ice REFLECT: Gun and Electric; NULL: Physical;
SKILLS: Riot Gun and Ragnarok STRONG: Curse; Weak: Bless
PERSONALITY: Upbeat SKILLS: Maeigaon and Heatwave
TREASURE: ¥63,115 and Maragidyne PERSONALITY: Irritable
TREASURE: ¥65,560 and Attack Mirror
Gnosticism portrays Demiurge as an inferior “evil”
god who created the world and who appears as
the “God” of the Old Testament. They were also
known as Adam, Choronzon, Samael, Saklas,
“Fool” or Yaldabaoth. The “Child of Chaos” is also
said to have been the devil, but others believe they
are two separate beings.
STR 2 AGI 3 END 2 MAG 4 HP 150
ABSORB: Curse; STRONG: Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind,
Psychic and Nuclear
SKILLS: Megidola and Concentrate
TREASURE: ¥60,460 and Magic Mirror

Satan is the enemy of God’s will in Abrahamic
religions. They tempt humankind to commit sin
to show God human’s frailities. They have been
linked to other dark entities such as Seth, Hades,
Ahriman, Mara, Yaldabaoth and Samael through-
out the ages.
STR 3 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 4 HP 231
REFLECT: Ice and Curse; STRONG: Gun
SKILLS: Diamond Dust, Ice Age and Regenerate
TREASURE: ¥51,855 and
Mabufudyne Stone

In the second Book of Enoch, Satanael YHVH is the most common transliteration of the
is the leader of the fallen angels that Hebrew name of God. The name refers to the four
rebelled against God. They refused to bow to letters of the name of God: Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh.
humankind, thus leading to their imprisonment. By Hebrew practice it should not be said aloud,
Due to their name and role they are often typically being substituted by “Adonai” (“my lord”)
considered an equivalent of Lucifer. in prayers. In speech, Hashem (“the name”) is
STR 4 AGI 2 END 2 MAG 3 HP 278 used in its place.
ABSORB: Curse; NULL: Bless; STRONG: Physical, Gun, STR 4 AGI 3 END 3 MAG 4 HP 300
Fire, Ice, Wind, Psychic and Nuclear STRONG: Physical, Gun, Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind,
SKILLS: Maeigaon, Megidolaon, and Riot Gun Psychic, Nuclear, Bless and Curse
PERSONALITY: Irritable SKILLS: Inferno of God, Hailstorm of God, Lightning
TREASURE: ¥45,585 and Maeigaon Stone of God, Tornado of God and Miracle
11 - CTHULHU TREASURE: ¥70,000 and Magic Mirror
A creation of H.P. Lovecraft and namesake of the
Cthulhu Mythos. Cthulhu is a deep one who grew
to a massive size. They stay in a constant slum-
ber in a sunken city called R’lyeh. It is said that if
they ever awaken, they will destroy humanity in
their rage.
STR 5 AGI 2 END 3 MAG 4 HP 350
ABSORB: Psychic; NULL: Bless; STRONG: Physical,
Gun, Fire, Electric, Wind, Nuclear, and Curse
SKILL: Mabufudyne, Megidolaon, Oblivion Wave
TREASURE: ¥50,000 and Mapsiodyne Stone


The final major section of this book aims to helpAll players and enemies roll initiative
GMs fine-tune the game to their liking with a and take turns according to this. Rather
selection of optional rules that were not touchedthan counterattacking, the GM can choose to
on earlier in the book. Think of them as rule retaliate with a basic attack (see the Daemonica
variations, or “mods” for the game if you’d like. If
for basic attack damage at each star level) or by
you want to add a custom rule to your game that downing a PC when a failure is rolled.
isn’t listed here, remember the Golden Rule of any
Enemies can use the Basic Spell or Command
tabletop role-playing game. You, as the GM, are Persona moves on their turn to attempt any skill in
the final arbiter of all rules. If it makes sense to you
their arsenal (although in the case of
and you think your players would like it, change Command Persona they are more commanding
anything and add whatever you’d like. themselves). They can also make a STR or AGI
check (whichever is higher) to inflict their basic
CLASSIC MODE attack damage. On a mixed or complete success,
Classic Mode is a set of optional rules for the damage is inflicted.
those who dislike Powered by the Apocalypse
combat mechanics. In Classic Mode, combat
plays out more like a standard game of D&D. The
rules are meant to be used together, although
Critical Hits could still be implemented without
having Classic Mode switched on as a whole.

The Classic Mode rules are: Critical Hits, Magical

Crits, and Turn Order.

When a player rolls a complete success on a com-
bat roll while trying to inflict Physical or Ranged
damage, they can choose one of the following
• Knock over a single targeted enemy.
• Do some extra damage.
The GM can decide exactly how much
extra damage is done. Maybe the player
does double damage or gets an extra die, or
maybe they do max damage automatically and roll
again on top of that.

When a character using a magic attack rolls a
complete success, their target gains a Status
Ailment in addition to taking damage. Fire or
Nuclear attacks inflict Burned. Ice attacks inflict
Frozen. Wind attacks inflict Downed. Psychic or
Electric attacks inflict Shocked. Lastly, Curse and
Bless attacks inflict Afraid.
• All-Out Debuff With this rule, the basic move “Command
• AoE Evasion Persona” costs 1 HP to make. However, all
• Classic Insta-Death characters except for those in the Swords suit
• HP Variation begin the game with an additional 5 HP. Swords
• Now’s Not the Time to be Dead characters begin with an additional 7 HP.
• Phase-based Turn Order
• SP Variation When you’re making your character, ask your GM
• Tactical Movement whether or not they plan on using the HP variation,
so that you can calculate your HP accordingly.
This rule makes large groups of enemies NOW’S NOT THE TIME TO BE DEAD
tougher to sweep with all-out attacks. It will While most consider the possibility of death a vi-
make your game meatier with tougher, longer tal component of a tabletop RPG, those who have
combat segments. When the PCs make an all-out played Persona will note that Persona wielders
attack, divide the damage they do by the number of never actually die in the games. As an optional
enemies they are fighting. Then, apply this rule, you might choose to simply remove the death
quotient to each enemy on the battlefield. mechanic and always render PCs who hit 0 HP un-
conscious. They might still lose the game, or enter
AoE EVASION into a bad situation if all of them fall unconscious,
When an enemy uses an AoE attack such as but they will not die.
Maragi or Mabufu all players roll 2D6 to defend
themselves. The GM may allow them to add This option can allow for a more relaxed game,
an appropriate stat, such as END or AGI, as a as well as giving the GM license to go all-out with
modifier to this roll. On a miss, the player takes the level of challenge they present. Furthermore,
full damage from the attack. On a mixed success, groups who are uncomfortable with the prospect
they take half damage. On a complete success, of role-playing the death of a teenage classmate
they take no damage. are highly encouraged to use it; it’s a perfectly
valid option.
This rule augments the effects of bless and PHASE-BASED TURN ORDER
curse skills. Instead of dealing damage these Combat consists of two phases: the PC phase and
moves have a chance to kill opponents. On a the enemy phase. During the enemy phase, ene-
complete success, the target of a bless or curse mies all take their own turns as is described in the
skill dies instantaneously. On anything short of a Turn Order optional rule.
complete success, these moves have no effect.
-ha moves add +0 to this attack. -ga moves add When combat begins, the PCs should elect a
+1 to this attack. -gaon moves add +2 to this single player to make an AGI roll with a maximum
attack. Weaknesses apply as normal. Reflecting bonus of 4. On a mixed or complete success, the
and repelling nullifies these attacks. Lastly, using players go first. On a failure, the enemies go first.
-ha skills costs 1 SP, -ga skills 2 SP and -gaon This will save the GM a significant amount of time
skills 3 SP. and brainpower.

Note: The GM should reserve the right to

say that a particularly powerful enemy is not
affected by these skills.
Every magic skill (Agi, Zio, Maragi, Ziodyne, etc.) Skills that “target all enemies” instead
costs 1 SP. To account for the increase in SP ex- have an area of effect - a 3 x 3 square. On
penditure, PCs start with 5 more SP than what is a mixed success when using one of these skills,
noted on their Arcana page. They will also gain 1 the GM might move the square so it only contains
more SP than what they normally would when their a few of the enemies intended to be hit.
character gains additional SP by leveling up. See
page 16 for details on gaining SP by leveling. Melee weapons used by the PCs (as opposed
to Physical skills) always have a range of just 1
When you’re making your character, ask your GM square (2 for spears or other large weapons as
whether or not they plan on using the SP variation, decided upon by the GM). Ranged weapons do
so that you can calculate your SP accordingly. not have this restriction and can still hit targets up
to 6 squares away.
This optional rule will add grid-based movement It is recommended that you combine this rule with
to the game, making it feel a bit like SMT: Devil Turn Order, as enemies will require proper turns in
Survivor. On their turn, a character can move and order to reposition.
attack. PCs may move 3 + AGI squares each turn.

Attacks also have ranges. Skills that deal

Physical damage have a range in squares equal
to the number of damage dice they inflict. For
example, an attack that deals 2d6 Physical
damage has a range of 2 squares, and so on.

Attacks that deal Ranged damage have a range of

6 squares, but suffer a penalty of -1 to-hit against
enemies who are partially obstructed (-2 if they
are fully obstructed). Magical skills also have a
range of 6 squares, and also take the penalty to-
hit against targets that are obstructed.

You have arrived at the end of the book. CREDITS
Thanks so much for your interest in this project! JAMES AUSTIN • Lead Writer and Designer
You may have finished the book, but that SEAMUS HARVEY • Designer and Lead Coder
doesn’t mean the fun has to end here! If you’re CHESHAMOEBA • Playtester
considering putting together a group or joining SERGIOR • Playtester
a game of PTTRPG, why not head over to the VELGATE • Playtester
Crimson Parcel Discord server?
SPECIAL THANKS HONEYOTU • For the official Google Drive character
sheet, and for feedback and ideas.
By the same token if something about the game ORUDEON • For their high volume of feedback.
frustrates you, don’t get upset; get involved. We JAKKAFANG • For their high volume of feedback.
are consistently active on Discord and we try to ATLUS • Thanks for SMT, we love you!
listen to every piece of feedback we get. If you’ve
ever given us feedback, we greatly appreciate it!

PTTRPG is a fan game. Atlus is not associated with the game in any way.
No money has or should ever be made as a result of the distribution of this book.



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