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1. What does the term 'sustainable' mean?

a) The implementation of eco-friendly technologies.

b) A balance between meeting today's needs with those of the future.
c) The use of alternative energies.
2. Who are those 'left behind' referred to in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
a) The vulnerable groups.
b) The minorities.
c) Those without access to certain rights, goods and services.
3. How the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are described in the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development?
a) They are Goals to be applied in certain countries.
b) They imply a mandatory and international set of development models.
c) They are universal, applicable to all countries while respecting national contexts.
4. The Voluntary National Reviews of the SDGs are a exclusive domain of
a) No, they must incorporate other stakeholders.
b) Yes, they are.
c) Yes, although consultations with other actors might take place.
5. Why is the education for sustainable development relevant?
a) It enhances careers prospects.
b) It promotes better understanding about the environment.
c) It empowers individuals to reflect on their own actions.
1. b) Paragraph 27 of the report entitled 'Our Common Future' issued by the World
Commission on Environment and Development states that Humanity has the ability to make
development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The concept of
sustainable development does imply limits - not absolute limits but limitations imposed by the
present state of technology and social organization on environmental resources and by the
ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of human activities.
2. c) According to the Global Sustainable Development Report published in 2016 by the UN
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, there is generally broad agreement that people
(or households) who do not have access to certain rights, goods or services are left behind.
Such sets of must haves and the corresponding thresholds defining deprivation are often
enshrined in national law and practice. Many of them are also inscribed in international law
and standards. In practice, those left behind may be different groups in different societies.
3. c) Paragraph 55 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the Member
States of the United Nations says: The Sustainable Development Goals and targets are
integrated and indivisible, global in nature and universally applicable, taking into account
different national realities, capacities and levels of development and respecting national
policies and priorities. Targets are defined as aspirational and global, with each government
setting its own national targets guided by the global level of ambition but taking into account
national circumstances. Each government will also decide how these aspirational and global
targets should be incorporated in national planning processes, policies and strategies. It is
important to recognize the link between sustainable development and other relevant ongoing
processes in the economic, social and environmental fields.
4. a) The Handbook for the Preparation of the Voluntary National Review prepared by the UN
Department of Economic and Social Affairs points out that one of the founding principles of the
2030 Agenda is the requirement for processes to be participatory and inclusive. In practice,
this means ensuring that all stakeholders, including all levels and sectors of government, civil
society and the private sector, members of parliament, and national human rights institutions,
are involved in the review and implementation processes. The participation of stakeholders
promotes sustainable decisions, by giving groups affected by those decisions the opportunity
to communicate their needs and interests.
5. c) The publication entitled Education for Sustainable Development: Learning
Objectives launched by UNESCO affirms that this particular type of education aims at
developing competencies that empower individuals to reflect on their own actions, taking into
account their current and future social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts, from a
local and a global perspective. Individuals should also be empowered to act in complex
situations in a sustainable manner, which may require them to strike out in new directions; and
to participate in socio-political processes, moving their societies towards sustainable

Question 1 :  The ease with which the product can be repaired and kept
in operating condition.
1. reliability
2. service life
3. maintainability
4. product safety


Question 2 :  The companies should begin the process of establishing

company ethics programs by ,
1. Rule Book
2. Codes Of Conduct
3. Hidden*Agendas
4. Ethics Enforcement Mechanisms

Codes Of Conduct

Question 3 :  Business people have the skills to solve ?

1. All Economic Problems
2. All Social Problem
3. Some Social Problem
4. All Technical Problem
Some Social Problem

Question 4 :  Why managers tend to resolve free cash flow:

1. Managers are in best position to decide the best use of that
2. These funds are needed for undertaking profitable projects
3. Managers may not be acting in the shareholder’s best interest
4. None of the above

Managers may not be acting in the shareholder’s best interest

Question 5 :  What does CVV approach CSR incorporate

1. Incorporate the CSR strategy directly into the business strategy
of an organization
2. Donations in areas such as arts, education, housing, health,
social welfare and the environment
3. Corporate success and social welfare are interdependent
4. Benchmarking

Corporate success and social welfare are interdependent

Question 6 :  Which of the following is not an argument commonly

deployed by critics of discrimination laws?
1. Unfair discrimination is economically inefficient and thus does
not require regulation.
2. Anti-discrimination law harms groups it is intended to protect.
3. Discrimination law interferes with principles of liberty.
4. Discrimination law fails to deter employers from discriminating

Discrimination law fails to deter employers from discriminating
Question 7 :  What is fundamental purpose of Corporate Social
Entrepreneurship (CSE)
1. To explicit and implicit contracts between the company and the
stakeholders for distribution of responsibilities, rights, and
2. ) To accelerate companies’ organizational transformation in
more powerful generators of societal betterment
3. To lay solid foundation for management and oversight
4. To respect the rights of shareholders and facilitate the effective
exercise of these rights

) To accelerate companies’ organizational transformation in more
powerful generators of societal betterment

Question 8 :  Adverse social impacts could not be in the form of______

1. Loss of land
2. loss of structures
3. Loss of livelihood
4. Loss of profit

Loss of profit

Question 9 :  Define Positive rights

1. Duties others have to not interfere in certain activities of the
person who holds the right.
2. Duties of other agents (it is not always clear who) to provide
the holder of the right with whatever he or she needs to freely
pursue his or her interests.
3. Are correlated with duties others have toward the person with
the right
4. Provide a basis for justifying one’s actions and for invoking the
protection or aid of others

Duties of other agents (it is not always clear who) to provide the
holder of the right with whatever he or she needs to freely pursue his
or her interests.

Question 10 :  The consumer has the right to get compensation against

unfair trade practices under right to
1. Right to choose
2. Right to seek redressal
3. Right to safety
4. Right to protect

Right to seek redressal

Question 11 :  The market for automobiles is an example of

1. monopolistic competition.
2. duopoly.
3. differentiated oligopoly.
4. pure oligopoly.

differentiated oligopoly.

Question 12 :  Which of the following are not consider as the ways and
means of consumer protection?
1. Self-regulation by the business
2. Business associations
3. Government
4. Special protection cell

Special protection cell

Question 13 :  An entitlement that derives from a legal system that

permits or empowers a person to act in a specified way or that requires
others to act in certain ways toward that person is
1. Right
2. Legal right
3. Moral rights or human rights
4. Characteristic of Rights

Legal right

Question 14 :  What does reputation of organization signal to

1. Branding
2. Monetary left
3. Key Characteristics
4. Profit

Key Characteristics

Question 15 :  The degree of risk associated with using a product.

1. reliability
2. service life
3. maintainability
4. product safety

product safety

Question 16 :  Discrimination leads to inefficient use of human

resources, but opponents reply that some forms of discrimination may
actually benefit society is termed as
1. Utilitarian
2. Rights-based
3. Justice-based
4. Duty based

Question 17 :  Which of the following is NOT one of the primary
elements of a strong organizational compliance program:
1. A written code of conduct
2. An ethics officers
3. Significant financial expenditure
4. A formal ethics training program

An ethics officers

Question 18 :  The human activity, among the following, which causes

maximum environmental pollution having regional and global
impacts, is:
1. Urbanization
2. Industrialisation
3. Agriculture
4. Mining


Question 19 :  Statement that explains Maxim

1. The reason a person in a certain situation has for doing
something he or she plans to do.
2. The person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that everyone
could act on at least in principle
3. The person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that that
person would be willing to have all others use, even as a basis
of how they treat him or her.
4. Are correlated with duties others have toward the person with
the right

The reason a person in a certain situation has for doing something he
or she plans to do.
Question 20 :  Criticisms of Utilitarianism Critics say
1. all values can be measured
2. Utilitarians doesnot respond that monetary
3. Critics say utilitarianism does not fails with rights and justice.
4. Critics say utilitarianism fails with rights and justice.

Critics say utilitarianism fails with rights and justice.

Question 21 :  What is UNIVERSALIZABILITY

1. The reason a person in a certain situation has for doing
something he or she plans to do.
2. The person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that everyone
could act on at least in principle
3. The person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that that
person would be willing to have all others use, even as a basis
of how they treat him or her.
4. Provide a basis for justifying one’s actions and for invoking the
protection or aid of others

The person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that everyone could
act on at least in principle

Question 22 :  Deceptive Advertising does not Requires

1. author
2. media
3. audience
4. master


Question 23 :  Which ethical principle specifies to do what is good:

1. Beneficence
2. Least harm
3. Respect for Autonomy
4. None of the above


Question 24 :  Which of the following factors that should not be taken

into consideration when determining the ethical nature of a given
1. Social effects
2. Effects on desire
3. Effects on belief
4. Commercial effects

Commercial effects

Question 25 :  Individual entitlements to freedom of choice and well-

being is/are
1. Justice
2. Rights
3. Rule-utilitarianism
4. Utilitarianism


Question 26 :  How many major provisions as regards to CSR under the

Indian Companies Act 2013
1. Three
2. Four
3. Five
4. Six


Question 27 :  what is Corporate Governance

1. It is system by which companies are directed and controlled
2. It is created to oversee the audit of public companies
3. It enhances the reputation of markets as a means of attracting
4. It provides flexible standards and best practices for companies

It is system by which companies are directed and controlled

Question 28 :  What process may explain the decline in the number of

tones of fish caught?
1. Bioremediation
2. Deforestation
3. Extinction
4. Overexploitation


Question 29 :  Legal doctrine that holds that manufacturers must bear

the costs of injuries resulting from product defects regardless of fault.
1. Buyer right
2. Due care
3. Seller responsibility
4. strict liability

strict liability

Question 30 :  All of the following are major traits behind the CSR
phenomenon except:
1. Sustainability
2. Globalization
3. The failure of the private sector
4. Knowledge


uestion 31 :  Humans have no right to ________ the richness and

diversity except to satisfy vital needs.

1. Increase

2. Deplete
3. Reduce
4. Expand


Question 32 :  An ----------- is a problem, situation or opportunity

requiring an individual, group or organization to choose among
several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong:

1. Crisis

2. Ethical issue
3. Indictment
4. Fraud


Question 33 :  India has which type of economic structure?

1. CapitalistEconomy

2. Closed Economy
3. Mixed Economy
4. Open Economy


Mixed Economy
Question 34 :  Discrimination that is not consciously or deliberately
sought, but is brought about by stereotypes or as an unintended
outcome is called as

1. unintentional

2. intentional
3. individual
4. institutional



Question 35 :  Discrimination violates basic human rights by holding

minorities and women as “inferior,” assigning them lower social and
economic positions is termed as

1. Utilitarian

2. Rights-based
3. Justice-based
4. Duty based



Question 36 :  The probability that a product will function as the

consumer is led to expect that it will function.

1. reliability

2. service life
3. maintainability
4. product safety



Question 37 :  ) Which CSR phase paved for integration of CSR into a

sustainable business strategy

1. Third

2. First
3. Second
4. Fourth


Question 38 :  What does the ISO 14000 standard focus on

1. Quality Management

2. Process Management
3. Ethics Management
4. Environmental Management


Environmental Management

Question 39 :  What type of ethical issue does green company resolve:

1. Environmental

2. Financial
3. Labor
4. Social



Question 40 :  A public communication aimed at a large social group

intended to induce members of this audience to buy the seller’s
products is called as

1. advertising

2. selling practice
3. marketing
4. deal



Question 41 :  a -----------Is the conscious effort to operate in a

manner that balances stakeholder interests

1. Corporate structure

2. Intelligent corporal design

3. Cause Related marketing
4. Corporate social responsibility


Corporate social responsibility

Question 42 :  CSR in Globalizating for benefits an industries as

1. It protects them against foreign competition

2. It cushions them from the effect of events in other countries

3. It increases the risk and uncertainty of operating in globalizing
world economy
4. It opens up new market opportunities


It cushions them from the effect of events in other countries

Question 43 :  Distributing benefits and burdens fairly among people is

1. Justice

2. Rights
3. Rule-utilitarianism
4. Utilitarianism



Question 44 :  Discrimination results in unjust distributions of benefits

and burdens termed as

1. Utilitarian

2. Rights-based
3. Justice-based
4. Duty based


Question 45 :  What is the moral argument for CSR

1. That the corporation is a creation of society and should

therefore serve its needs.

2. That the corporation is a legal creation and therefore cannot be

a moral agent
3. Large corporations do not have the power or resources to
address society’s problems
4. Business decisions will have social and environmental
consequences which will be addressed by government.


That the corporation is a creation of society and should therefore

serve its needs.

Question 46 :  The ____________ dimension of social responsibility refers

to a business's societal contribution of time, money, and other

1. Ethical

2. Philanthropic
3. Volunteerism
4. Strategic



Question 47 :  What is the driving force for knowledge economy

1. Globalization

2. Quality Management
3. Process Management
4. Environmental Management



Question 48 :  What is Triple Bottomline

1. An accounting tool that looks at the impact on people, planet

and profits

2. A management strategy which states all the attention should

be on profits
3. an accounting tool that looks at cost, profit and loss.
4. A management strategy which focuses on corporate social


An accounting tool that looks at the impact on people, planet and


Question 49 :  Statement that explains negative rights

1. Duties others have to not interfere in certain activities of the

person who holds the right.

2. Duties of other agents (it is not always clear who) to provide

the holder of the right with whatever he or she needs to freely
pursue his or her interests.
3. Are correlated with duties others have toward the person with
the right
4. Provide a basis for justifying one’s actions and for invoking the
protection or aid of others

Duties others have to not interfere in certain activities of the person
who holds the right.

Question 50 :  The period of time during which the product will

function as effectively as the consumer is led to expect it to function.

1. reliability

2. service life
3. maintainability
4. product safety


service life

Question 51 :  To be successful, business ethics training program need


1. Focus on personal opinions of employees

2. Be limited to upper executives

3. Educate employees on formal ethical frameworks and models
of ethical decision making
4. Promote the use of emotions in making tough ethical decisions


Question 52 :  Rights that all human beings every where possess to an

equal extent simply by virtue of being human beings is

1. Right

2. Legal right
3. Moral rights or human rights
4. Characteristic of Rights


Moral rights or human rights

Question 53 :  Which of the following is not a ground for claiming


1. Being overweight

2. Marital status
3. Part time workers
4. Being Welsh


Being overweight

Question 54 :  An invisible, but impenetrable, barrier to further

promotion sometimes encountered by women or minorities.

1. glass ceiling

2. Transparent ceiling
3. prism
4. Clear ceiling


glass ceiling

Question 55 :  The ---------- dimension of social responsibility refers to

business’s societal contribution of time, money, and other resources:
1. Ethical

2. Philanthropic
3. Volunteerism
4. Strategic



Question 56 :  Total number of Forms of Discrimination are

1. 2

2. 3
3. 4
4. 5


Question 57 :  The globalization do not facilitate to ,

1. Barriers to trade and investment

2. Removal of control on movement*of capital*across borders

3. Immigration control
4. Improvements in communication


Barriers to trade and investment

Question 58 :  Why do alternative organisations run differently from
conventional shareholder led approach?

1. They do not have shareholders

2. They are run in non-hierarchical ways which aim to provide a

positive impact on society rather than to make profit
3. They prioritise corporate social responsibility.
4. They aim to give money to charities and good causes


They are run in non-hierarchical ways which aim to provide a positive

impact on society rather than to make profit

Question 59 :  Focus on securing the interests of the individual unlike

utilitarian standards which focus on securing the aggregate utility of
everyone in society is comes under

1. Moral rights

2. Characteristic of Rights
3. Right
4. Legal right


Moral rights

Question 60 :  Define the term REVERSIBILITY

1. The reason a person in a certain situation has for doing

something he or she plans to do.

2. The person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that everyone

could act on at least in principle
3. The person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that that
person would be willing to have all others use, even as a basis
of how they treat him or her.
4. Are correlated with duties others have toward the person with
the right


The person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that that person
would be willing to have all others use, even as a basis of how they
treat him or her.

Question 61 :  According to Milton Friedman, he sole responsibility of

business will
1. The only social responsibility of business is to its shareholders
2. Managers should act in ways that balance the interest of
society and shareholders
3. The primary responsibility organizations have is to its
4. The primary responsibility organizations have*is to its

The only social responsibility of business is to its shareholders

Question 62 :  A form of utilitarianism that limits utilitarian analysis to

evaluations of moral rules are
1. Justice
2. Rights
3. Rule-utilitarianism
4. Utilitarianism


Question 63 :  An individual’s entitlement to something is

1. Right
2. Legal right
3. Moral rights or human rights
4. Characteristic of Rights


Question 64 :  Which collaboration of Confederation of Indian Industry

(CII) and the TVS Group provides consultancy services and technical
assistance on social development and CSR
1. Centre of Excellence for Responsible Corporate Citizenship
2. Centre of Excellence for Responsible Corporate
3. Centre of Excellence for Responsive Corporate Citizenship
4. Centre of Excellence for Responsive Company Citizenship

Centre of Excellence for Responsive Corporate Citizenship

Question 65 :  To be successful, business ethics training program need

1. Focus on personal opinions of employees
2. Be limited to upper executives
3. Educate employees on formal ethical frameworks and models
of ethical decision making
4. Promote the use of emotions in making tough ethical decisions

Educate employees on formal ethical frameworks and models of
ethical decision making

Question 66 :  Gases that absorb and hold heat from the Sun,
preventing it from escaping back into space is called as
1. Pollution
2. Resource depletion
3. Global warming
4. Green house gases

Green house gases

Question 67 :  A set of rules or instructions which identify specific and

detailed actions that must be undertaken or avoided is called a:
1. Chairman's report
2. Code of conduct
3. Mission statement
4. Auditor's report

Code of conduct

Question 68 :  key to balancing legitimate business needs with the right

to privacy, does not include
1. purpose
2. recipe
3. consent
4. accuracy


Question 69 :  Which of the following general principle is not followed

by corporation while practicing CSR:
1. Companies should support the inclusion of the principles of the
India Global Compact
2. Companies should indulge in free marker practices, rejecting
any illegal or fraudulent practice and implement effective
3. Mangers are not responsible to follow and encourage ethical
business practices among employees
4. Companies should encourage and facilitate communication
and dialogue with its shareholders, investors, employees,
Customers and suppliers

Mangers are not responsible to follow and encourage ethical
business practices among employees

Question 70 :  Which type of CSR includes securities regulations to

labor law, environmental law and criminal law
1. Philanthropic
2. Economic
3. Ethical
4. Legal


Question 71 :  The additional costs of resources that do not go into

changing the product, but are invested instead in getting people to buy
the product is called as
1. product cost
2. Selling cost
3. Product price
4. Additional cost

Selling cost

Question 72 :  Which of the following is not a category of sustainability

1. environmental sustainability
2. economic sustainability
3. social sustainability
4. natural sustainability

natural sustainability

Question 73 :  Prices in the system of ----------- markets attract

resources when demand is high.
1. Perfectly competitive
2. Monopoly
3. Oligopoly
4. Any Market

Perfectly competitive

Question 74 :  The four types of social responsibility include

1. legal philanthropic, economic, and ethical
2. ethical, moral social and economic
3. philanthropic, justice, economic, and ethical
4. legal, moral, ethical and economic

legal philanthropic, economic, and ethical

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