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AC7118 REV.

Issued 2004-05
161 Thorn Hill Road AUDIT CRITERIA
Warrendale, PA 15086-7527 Revised 22-Jul-2019

Editorial ‘Δ’ Change 10-Sept-2019

Superseding AC7118 Rev. F




This audit criteria is intended for use to survey a facility seeking Nadcap accreditation for the
fabrication of composites for aerospace or defense applications. This also includes bonded
structure such as metal bond parts, detail parts such as core details, and lower-tier details
such as material kits. The audit criteria for in-process and revalidation testing is addressed
in sections 10 and 24 of this checklist as well as in the Non Metallic Materials Testing
AC7122 documents. Composite Part Auditee’s Captive Laboratories can be audited to
AC7122 with a scope of - P, if chosen. If the Auditee is either previously certified to AC7122-
I, -P, or -R and the applicable slash sheets are selected or if they are choosing to be audited
to AC7122-P in conjunction with the AC7118 audit, thensections 10 and 24 of the AC7118
will be Not Applicable and the AC7122 documents will be used during the AC7118 audit

NOTE: Composites accreditation may require supporting special processes that may include
Nadcap accreditation for Materials Testing, Chemical Processing and Nondestructive
Testing, as applicable.


2.1 Instructions for the Auditors

In completing this assessment, auditors are instructed to respond with a “YES” or “NO” to
address compliance with each statement of requirement. For any negative responses, the
auditor must clearly indicate if the “NO” reflects noncompliance with respect to existence,
adequacy, and/or compliance. Existence relates to evidence of a documented procedure or
policy, adequacy relates to the completeness of the procedure or policy, and compliance
relates to evidence of effective implementation.

PRI operating procedures provide that "This report is published by PRI to advance the state of technical, engineering, and quality
sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent
infringement arising there from, is the sole responsibility of the user."

PRI values your input. To provide feedback on this document, please contact the appropriate commodity staff engineer.
(Contact information is located at under “Contact Us”.)

Copyright 2019 Performance Review Institute. All rights reserved.

t-frm-15 08-Oct-2019
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G -2-

In case of conflict between checklist and controlling engineering, engineering takes


All negative responses require a Nonconformance Report (NCR) or explanation.

All “Not Applicable” (NA) responses must be explained.

The audit results should not include any customer proprietary information, as it may be
viewed by any Nadcap subscriber. Throughout the checklist (most frequently in job audits)
specific questions may be marked with an (EC). If so, these are questions which have been
designated by the Task Group as those which cannot be answered in eAuditNet IF the part is
Export Controlled – License Required (EC-LR). If auditors have any questions about this,
they should contact the Staff Engineer for directions.

Questions that are highlighted in Grey are not required to be answered in Modified Scope
Audits. The Auditee is required to be compliant to these questions and the Auditor may
choose to answer these questions in a Modified Scope Audit. (Note that in the electronic
checklist in eAuditNet, the modified scope questions are identified by light italic text)

The auditor shall choose job audits in accordance with paragraph

2.2 Instructions for the Auditee

Prior to the Audit The Auditee, when possible, shall forward the following information, as directed by PRI, 30
days prior to the scheduled audit:
a) The completed Job Audit Form (available on eAuditNet, the staff engineer, or from
the auditor)

b) List of specifications (military, government, industry and customer) to which the

Auditee is working

During the Audit Job Audits

At least 50% of the product job/compliance audits being demonstrated for composites shall
be in-process utilizing actual production programs or demonstration parts during the on-site
audit, unless otherwise approved by the task group. It is acceptable to utilize historical data
to conduct paperwork audits for those jobs that are not in-process. In the event that
demonstration parts are used to meet this 50% minimum, Auditee merit may be impacted
(i.e. merit removed or merit not granted).

Following is the order of precedence for choosing job audits:

• In-process jobs for aviation, space and defense product from a Nadcap Composites
Task Group subscribing customer.

• Demonstration job of testing (process control/re-validation).

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G -3-

• Historical jobs from a Nadcap Composites Task Group subscribing customer for
product manufactured in the previous 12 months.

• In-process job for aviation, space and defense product from a non-subscribing
customer. This may be needed to meet the 50% in-process job audit requirement.

• Demonstration job of aviation, space and defense product. This may be needed to
meet the 50% in-process job audit requirement

Following is a list of unacceptable job audits:

• Historical jobs for product manufactured greater than 12 months prior to the audit

• Historical job of testing (process control/revalidation)

• Historical jobs from an aerospace customer that is not a subscribing member to the
Nadcap Composites Task Group.

• Any in-process or historical job audit for product that is not aviation, space or defense

Nadcap accredits AC7118 to Aerospace fabricators working in the field of Composites and
Metal Bonding. The process of accreditation is through Nadcap auditing of the facility
seeking accreditation. All Auditees being audited to AC7118 must make auditors aware of all
subscribing Nadcap customer products fabricated at their site. The auditor shall choose the
products they wish to audit regardless of the customer. There may be extenuating
circumstances where a customer may request that a certain product not be audited. It is
incumbent on the Auditee to be able to demonstrate this formally to the auditor prior to the
audit, either by written document, customer PO or a contractual document.

An AC7118 audit is not customer specific. Rather, it is a review of the Auditee’s

conformance and/or compliance customers specification/drawing/PO requirements "flowed
down" to that Auditee. It is not acceptable for Auditees to select particular customer or parts
for review, rather they should be able to present all components for review.
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)/Export Administration Regulations (EAR)

The Auditee needs to clearly identify the Export Control status of all parts being used in the
audit. Technical information on parts which have been designated “Export Controlled –
License Required” (EC-LR) cannot be input into eAuditNet.

The Auditee shall provide for an in-briefing with the auditor. Key members of the applicant’s
staff should attend the in-briefing so the audit purpose, methods, and assessment processes
can be discussed.

Working space for the auditor with desks or tables, chairs, computer, web access, telephone,
etc. shall be made available. Clerical, typing and reproduction services are to be provided,
as required. This is not a full time assignment.
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G -4-

A final out-briefing shall be conducted at the completion of the audit. Each nonconformance
and observation will be reviewed and the Auditee will be given the opportunity to discuss
proposed corrective action or to provide any additional information.
NOTE: The Composites Task Group may, upon review, change the auditors’ determination
of a finding or observation. Auditees shall provide a written response to each
nonconformance identified by the auditor, Staff Engineer, or Task Group.

Following the Audit

In accordance with Nadcap procedures, the Auditee has 21 calendar days from the close of
the audit to submit a corrective action plan and identify effectivity dates for each NCR. The
response must address the immediate action taken to resolve the discrepancy, the root
cause of the nonconformance from a systems management approach, and the actions taken
or to be taken to preclude reoccurrence. Acknowledgments to Observations are required.
When objective evidence is required, it shall be submitted within 21 calendar days from the
close of the audit.

PRI Staff or the Task Group may, after review of the audit report, require additional
information or may find cause to issue additional findings.

Non-conformances identified as part of the Nadcap audit with potential product impact may,
at the Composites Task Group’s discretion, require a follow-up audit at the Auditee’s
NOTE: Final authority over the audit report, acceptability of corrective actions, and
accreditation, recommendation rests with the Task Group.
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G -5-

Table of Contents
Job Audit Matrix .................................................................................................................................. 9
3. Auditee Information ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.1 General Information ............................................................................................... 12
3.2 Quality Management System Approvals ................................................................ 12
3.3 Verification of Corrective Actions ........................................................................... 13
3.4 Audit Content ......................................................................................................... 13
4. General Quality System Requirements ........................................................................................ 14
4.1 Process Approval .................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Internal Audits / Workstation Audits ....................................................................... 14
4.3 Software Quality Assurance................................................................................... 14
4.4 Spreadsheet .......................................................................................................... 15
4.5 Training ................................................................................................................. 15
4.6 Source Control Drawings ....................................................................................... 15
4.7 Operator Self-Verification………………………………………………………………. 15
5. Material Control ........................................................................................................................... 16
5.1 Shelf Life and Out-Time ......................................................................................... 16
5.2 Expendable ........................................................................................................... 17
6. Facilities and Equipment .............................................................................................................. 17
6.1 Cold Storage Units ................................................................................................ 17
6.2 Controlled Contamination Area (CCA) ................................................................... 17
6.3 Environmentally Monitored Area (EMA) ................................................................. 21
6.4 Temperature Uniformity Surveys ........................................................................... 21
6.5 Preventative Maintenance ..................................................................................... 21
6.6 Silicone Processing ............................................................................................... 21
7. Tooling......................................................................................................................................... 22
7.5 Mold Releases ....................................................................................................... 22
8. General Fabrication Procedures .................................................................................................. 22
8.1 General ................................................................................................................. 22
8.2 Lay-Up Composite Fabrication .............................................................................. 23
8.3 Bagging and Tooling Set-Up .................................................................................. 24
8.4 Resin Mixing (LRP Only) ....................................................................................... 24
8.5 Resin Infusion (LRP Only) ..................................................................................... 24
8.6 Adhesive Bonding, and Potting .............................................................................. 25
8.7 Cure, Consolidation, and Forming ......................................................................... 26
8.8 Core Processing/Machining (CP Only) .................................................................. 26
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G -6-

9. Machining, Trimming, and Drilling ................................................................................................ 26

10. Process Control/Re-Validation Testing ...................................................................................... 27
10.1 General................................................................................................................ 27
10.2 Mechanical Test Requirements ........................................................................... 27
10.3 Physical Test Requirements ................................................................................ 28
10.4 Thermal/Analytical Test Requirements ................................................................ 28
11. Job Audit Common Requirements ............................................................................................. 28
11.1 Operator Training ................................................................................................ 28
11.2 Materials .............................................................................................................. 28
11.3 Work Instructions/Travelers ................................................................................. 29
11.4 Foreign Object Damage (FOD) ............................................................................ 30
11.5 Sub-Tier Control .................................................................................................. 30
12a. Job Audit for Receiving Quality Control – Prepreg ................................................................... 31
12b. Job Audit for Receiving Quality Control – Adhesive ................................................................. 33
12c. Job Audit for Receiving Quality Control – Core ........................................................................ 35
12d. Job Audit for Receiving Quality Control – Detail Parts.............................................................. 37
12e. Job Audit for Receiving Quality Control – Dry Fiber, Fabric and Chopped Fiber Materials ....... 39
12f. Job Audit for Receiving Quality Control – Preforms and Braids................................................. 41
12g. Job Audit for Receiving Quality Control – Resin ....................................................................... 43
12h. Job Audit for Receiving Quality Control – Sheet Molding Compound and Chopped Fiber Molding
Compound Materials ....................................................................................... 45
12i. Job Audit for Receiving Quality Control – Kits……………………………………………………….47
13. Job Audit for Tool Preparation ................................................................................................... 49
14a. Job Audit for Pattern Cutting and Kitting – Manual Process ..................................................... 50
14b. Job Audit for Pattern Cutting and Kitting – Numerical Controlled Process ................................ 52
14c. Job Audit for Pattern Cutting and Kitting – Manual Processes (2nd Job Audit for KSP Scope)...54
14d. Job Audit for Pattering Cutting and Kitting – Numerical Controlled Processes (2nd Job Audit for
KSP Scope……………… ......................................................................................................... 56
15a. Job Audit for Core Processing (CP Only) ................................................................................. 58
15a.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 58
15a.2 Machining/ Trimming.............................................................................................................. 58
15a.3 Potting ................................................................................................................................... 60
15a.4 Splicing .................................................................................................................................. 61
15a.5 Septum and Stabilization ....................................................................................................... 63
15a.6 Heat Forming ......................................................................................................................... 65
15b. Job Audit for Core Processing (CP Only) ................................................................................. 67
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G -7-

15b.2 Machining/ Trimming.............................................................................................................. 67

15b.3 Potting ................................................................................................................................... 68
15b.4 Splicing .................................................................................................................................. 70
15b.5 Septum and Stabilization ....................................................................................................... 71
15b.6 Heat Forming ......................................................................................................................... 73
16a. Job Audit for Lay-up/Laminating (PAR) .................................................................................... 75
16b. Job Audit for Lay-Up/Laminating (MB) ..................................................................................... 79
16c. Job Audit for Lay-up/Laminating (LRP Only) ............................................................................ 82
16d. Job Audit for Lay-up/Laminating (PAR, MB, LRP) .................................................................... 84
16e. Job Audit for Lay-up/Laminating – Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) (PAR) .......................... 89
16f. Job Audit for Lay-up/Laminating (Filament Winding) ................................................................. 93
16g. Job Audit for Lay-up/Laminating (Automated Hot Drape Forming) ........................................... 96
16h. Job Audit for Structural Adhesive Bonding…………………………………………………………. 98
16i. Job Audit for Structural Adhesive Bonding………………………………………………………….. 103
16j. Job Audit for Lay-up/Laminating – Automated Tape Lay-up (ATL) (PAR)………………………. . 108
17. Job Audit for Cure Preparation................................................................................................... 112
18a. Job Audit for Resin Preparation and Mixing (LRP Only) ........................................................... 114
18b. Job Audit for Resin Preparation and Mixing (LRP Only) ........................................................... 116
19a. Job Audit for Liquid Resin Infusion (LRP Only) ........................................................................ 118
19b. Job Audit for Liquid Resin Infusion (LRP Only) ........................................................................ 120
20a. Job Audit for Thermoset Compression Molding (CMP) ............................................................ 122
20b. Job Audit for Thermoset Compression Molding (CMP) ............................................................ 125
20c. Job Audit for Thermoplastic Compression Molding (CMP) ....................................................... 128
20d. Job Audit for Thermoplastic Compression Molding (CMP) ....................................................... 130
21a. Job Audit for Cure – Autoclave ................................................................................................ 133
21b. Job Audit for Cure – Oven ....................................................................................................... 135
21c. Job Audit for Cure – Oven (CMP Only) .................................................................................... 137
21d. Job Audit for Cure - Oven (CMP Only) ..................................................................................... 139
21e. Job Audit for Cure – Heated Press or Press with Heated Tool ................................................. 141
21f. Job Audit for Cure – Heated Press or Press with Heated Tool (LRP Only)................................ 143
22a. Job Audit for Machining, Trimming, Drilling Operations – Manual Process............................... 144
22b. Job Audit for Machining, Trimming, Drilling Operations – Numerical Controlled Process ......... 145
23. Job Audit for Miscellaneous Bonding Operations ....................................................................... 146
24a. Job Audit for Process Control/Re-Validation Testing – Mechanicals ........................................ 148
24b. Job Audit for Process Control/Re-Validation Testing – Physicals ............................................. 150
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G -8-

24c. Job Audit for Process Control Testing/Re-Validation – Thermal/Analytical Properties .............. 152
25. Job Audit for Calibration, Software Control, Validation, and Setup of Automated Tape Laying or
Automated Fiber Placement Machines ............................................................................................... 154
26. Job Audit for Laser Ply Projector Calibration, Software Control, Validation, and Setup ................. 157
27. Job Audit for NC Ply Cutter Calibration, Software Control, Validation, and Setup ......................... 159
28. Job Audit for Digital Product Definition (DPD) ............................................................................... 162
29. Job Audit for Operator Self Verification (OSV) .............................................................................. 163
30. Job Audit for Partial First Article Inspection (FAI) .......................................................................... 165
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G -9-


Section Title Prepreg/ Kitting Metal Core Liquid Compression

Number Adhesive/ Service Bonding Processing Resin Molding
RFI Provider (MB) (CP) Processing (CMP)
4 General Quality System ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
5 Material Control ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
6 Facilities & Equipment ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
7 Tooling ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
8 General Fabrication ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
9 Trimming & Drilling ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
10 Process Control/Re- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Validation Testing
11 Job Audit Common ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
12a. Receiving Quality Control (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
FL3 – Prepreg e.g. septums

12b. Receiving Quality Control (1) (1) (1) (1) e.g. (1) (1)
FL3 – Adhesive stabilizing

12c. Receiving Quality Control (1)

FL3 – Core
12d. Receiving Quality Control (1) (1) (1) (1)
FL3 – Detail Parts
12e. Receiving Quality Control (1) (1) (1)
FL3 – Dry Fiber, Fabric and
Chopped Fiber Materials
12f. Receiving Quality Control (1) (1)
FL3 – Preforms and Braids
12g. Receiving Quality Control (1) (1)
FL3 – Resin
12h. Receiving Quality Control (1)
FL3 – Sheet Molded
Compound and Chopped
Fiber Molding Compound
12i. Receiving Quality Control (1)
FL3 – Kits
13 Tool Preparation (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
14a/c Pattern Cutting & Kitting (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1)
FL3 (Manual)
14b/d Pattern Cutting & Kitting (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1)
FL3 (Numerical Controlled)
15 Core Processing FL1
16 Lay-Up/Laminating FL2 FL2 FL2

17 Cure Preparation (1) (1) (1)

18 Resin Preparation and (2)
19 Liquid Resin Infusion (2)
20. Compression Molding FL4
21a. Cure – Autoclave (1) (1) (1)
21b. Cure – Oven (1) (1) (1)
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 10 -

Section Title Prepreg/ Kitting Metal Core Liquid Compression

Number Adhesive/ Service Bonding Processing Resin Molding
RFI Provider (MB) (CP) Processing (CMP)
21c. Cure – Oven FL1
21d Cure – Oven FL1
21e. Cure – Heated Press or (1) (1) (1)
Press with Heated Tool
21f. Cure – Heated Press or (1)
Press with Heated Tool
22a. Machining, Trimming, (1) (1) (1) (1)
FL3 Drilling (Manual)
22b. Machining, Trimming, (1) (1) (1) (1)
FL3 Drilling (Numerical
23 Miscellaneous Bonding (1) (1) (1) (1)
24a. Process Control/Re- (1) (1) (1) (1)
Validation Testing –
24b. Process Control/Re- (1) (1) (1) (1)
Validation Testing –
24c. Process Control/Re- (1) (1) (1) (1)
Validation Testing –
25 AFP & ATL (1)
26 Laser Ply Projection (1)
27 NC Ply Cutter (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
28 Digital Product Definition (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
29 Operator Self-Verification (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
30 Partial FAI (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)

Anything in parenthesis ( ) performed at the Auditee requires a job audit but if more than one accreditation
scope is requested, the number of job audits would not sum together. For example, if an accreditation scope to
Prepreg (PAR) and Metal Bond (MB) is requested, per the Job Audit Matrix both scopes require a job audit but
only one job audit would be required.

Job audits for a satellite site shall be selected per the AC7118 Job Audit Matrix, independent of the main site.

Flag Notes:

FL 1 1 job audit minimum, 2 job audits if this is the only scope of accreditation requested
FL 2 Flag note 2 applies to scopes PAR, MB, and LRP

1 job audit minimum is required for each requested accreditation scope (PAR, MB, LRP).
Example: PAR + MB + LRP = 3 Job Audits (16a + 16b + 16c).
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 11 -

If only one (1) scope is requested, a minimum of two (2) job audits are required.
Example: PAR = 2 Job Audits (16a + 16d). Example: MB = 2 Job Audits (16b + 16D).
Example: LRP = 2 Job Audits (16c + 16d).

If only two (2) scopes are requested, a minimum of three (3) job audits are required. The third job audit
is chosen in the most prominent scope.
Example: PAR + MB = 3 Job Audits (16a + 16b + 16d).
Example PAR + LRP = 3 Job Audits (16a + 16c + 16d).

Additional job audits may be required within a PAR scope of accreditation.

Calculating the number of PAR job audits:
• Hand Layup: One (1) job audit minimum is required. If hand layup is the only process within
PAR, one (1) additional job audit will be required.
Example: PAR Hand Layup is the only process = 2 Job Audits (16a + 16d)
• Structural Adhesive Bonding: One (1) job audit minimum is required. If structural adhesive
bonding is the only process within PAR, one (1) additional job audit will be required.
Example: PAR Structural Adhesive Bonding is the only process = 2 Job Audits (16h + 16i)
• Automated processing: One (1) job audit minimum is required: (AFP, Filament Winding, Hot
Drape Forming, ATL). If more than 1 automated process, 1 additional job audit will be required.
Example: PAR AFP + PAR Filament Winding + PAR Hot Drape Forming + PAR ATL = 2 Job
Audits (16e + 16f or 16g or 16j)

Example Job Audit Scenarios:

• PAR Hand Layup Only = 2 Job Audits
• PAR Hand Layup + MB = 3 Job Audits
• PAR Hand Layup + PAR AFP + PAR ATL = 3 Job Audits
• PAR Hand Layup + PAR AFP + PAR ATL + PAR HDF + MB = 4 Job Audits
• PAR Hand Layup + PAR Structural Adhesive Bonding + PAR AFP + PAR ATL + MB = 5 Job

The auditor shall review the Auditee’s list of automated processes being presented for audit and
choose automated processes which have not been reviewed during previous Nadcap audits. The
auditor is responsible for reviewing the previous audits and verifying if there are any automated
processes which have not been audited. If all automated processes have been reviewed, then the
auditor shall choose automated processes which have been audited less frequently.

FL 3 Applies to modified scope audits. One job audit for each process. For example, a process such as
machining which has multiple job audits (22a & 22b) would only have one job audit for a modified scope audit
(e.g. 22b). The exception is a KSP accreditation requires two (2) job audits for the process of pattern cutting &

FL 4 Compression molding job audits may involve the compression molding of bulk molding compound,
sheet molding compound or continuous fiber material (either thermoset or thermoplastic material) and are
covered in job audits 20a and 20b. Stamp forming is solely a thermoplastic process and is covered in job
audits 20c and 20d. If only compression molding is performed, job audits 20a and 20b are required, with one
job audit being a thermoplastic and one job audit being a thermoset part if the Auditee processes both
thermosets and thermoplastics. If the Auditee performs both compression molding and stamp forming, job
audits 20a and 20c would be performed.

FL 5 Job audit required for modified scope audits.

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 12 -


3.1 General Information

Verify that the Auditee has identified Subscriber Voting Member customers in
eAuditNet, or attach a list of Subscriber Voting Members represented at this

3.2 Quality Management System

The Nadcap Composites Task Group recognizes PRI AC7004 and/or any
Nadcap approved quality management system certification/registration
programs. If the Auditee has been audited and approved by Nadcap or any
other Nadcap recognized agency for compliance with 9100 (9110), then no
further assessment for quality management systems will be required.
Although specific audit criteria for evaluation of the general quality
management system is not included within the text of this checklist, the
requirements of 9100 (9110) do form a part of the audit criteria used in the
Nadcap Composites Accreditation program.

As such, auditors may identify and record non-conformances related to the

quality management system. The Auditee must address these non-
conformances in order to obtain Nadcap Accreditation. This checklist includes
process-focused criteria that test the quality management system for
compliance relative to composite fabrication processes.

QUALITY SYSTEM APPROVALS Enter data below from actual certificate to identify the quality system

Guidance: Review OP 1104 Audit Scheduling, as failure to provide a valid quality system
certificate may result in failure of the audit and/or suspension/withdrawal of accreditation. Auditing/Certifying Agency: Audit Criteria or Standard: Certificate Issue Date: Certificate Expiration Date: The name and address of the facility matches that on the certificate? YES NO
(Information Only) The above certificate/information has been reviewed, recorded in this

checklist, and verified by the auditor.
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 13 -

During the course of the audit, was compliance with the existing quality Yes No
management system demonstrated?

3.3 Verification of Corrective Actions Section NA

For re-accreditation audits, was corrective action from previous audits Yes No
implemented and sustained?

3.4 Audit Content

The purpose of this audit program is to assess a Auditee’s ability to

consistently provide a product that conforms to the audit criteria, AC7118, and
the customer’s requirements. The audit criteria are also structured to obtain
information relevant to management practices and processes that directly or
indirectly affect the product. This information will be used in the determination
of accreditation status and may be used by the Auditee to guide improvements
in the product and the associated processes.

The audit to AC7118 will consist of two parts: procedural compliance audits
and job audits. Sections 4 through 11 comprise the requirements for the
procedural compliance audit. Procedures may or may not be documented.
When a question requires documentation, it will be stated as “documented
procedure,” “records,” set-up cards,” “work instructions,” or similar terminology.
Other questions verify a Auditee’s procedures indirectly, such as inspecting
gages for calibration (documented metrology procedures) or verifying
compliance to shop practices (informal training).

Sections 12 through 24 comprise the requirements for job audits. Job audits
verify the procedures from Section 4 through 11 are implemented on
production parts.

Many of the questions verify technical requirements from the customers. In

some cases, the AC7118 requirements differ from the customer’s
specification/drawing requirements. Since the customer flows down both the
AC7118 accreditation and the specification/drawing as requirements to the
Auditee, the Auditee shall comply with the most stringent requirement except
for those questions stated as “per customer requirements”.

Other questions verify the capability of the Auditee’s quality system to flow
requirements from the customer. These questions typically state “per
customer requirements.” In this situation the AC7118 requirements are the
customer requirements. If the customer does not flow down a specific
requirement, the Auditee is considered compliant.

The accreditation(s) requested will determine the scope of the audit.

Reference the Job Audit Matrix for the table that defines the audit scope. In
many situations a given job audit may be applicable to multiple accreditations.
In other situations, the number of job audits may depend on the Auditee’s
processes, such as autoclave cure, or oven cure, or both. The number of job
audits is not dependent on the number of customers. If the Job Audit Matrix
requires two job audits for lay-up, the auditor will select two random jobs, even
if the Auditee has more than two customers.
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 14 -

To prepare for the Nadcap audit, the Auditee is recommended to pre-audit

using AC7118 and the Audit Handbook. The handbook provides interpretation
and conveys the intent of the AC7118 question.


4.1 Process Approval

Does the Auditee have a current customer approval for the following
fabrication processes, as required:

4.1.1.a Prepreg/Adhesive Bonding/Resin Film Infusion (RFI) - (PAR) YES NO NA

4.1.1.b Metal Bonding - (MB) YES NO NA

4.1.1.c Core Processing - (CP) YES NO NA

4.1.1.d Liquid Resin Processing - (LRP) YES NO NA

NOTE: May include hand lay-up, tape placement, pressure bag
molding, vacuum bag molding, adhesive bonding, core processing and
machining of composites.

4.1.1.e Compression Mold Processing - (CMP) YES NO NA

4.1.1.f Kitting Service Provider – (KSP) YES NO NA

4.2 Internal Audits / Workstation Audits

This checklist is intended to be utilized by the Auditee to perform a

detailed internal audit before the on-site audit visit for accreditation to
PRI/Nadcap audit criteria AC7118. The Auditee shall complete a full
evaluation of its systems and processes, utilizing all applicable
checklists. All internally identified non-conformances should be
corrected prior to the actual audit.

Did the Auditee upload a copy of their completed self-audit to eAuditNet YES NO
at least 30 days prior to the audit- utilizing the version of the checklist(s)
applicable to this audit?

For each question in the checklist, has the Auditee identified where the YES NO
means of compliance or evidence* of compliance may be found? (*=
procedure, checklist, physical location of evidence, etc.)

Does the self-audit include job audits as required by the TG? YES NO

Are internal audits performed according to the Auditee’s documented YES NO


4.3 Software Quality Assurance (SQA) SECTION NA

NOTE: Software quality assurance procedures should meet customer
requirements, if applicable.
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 15 -

Are documented procedures established to control and maintain the YES NO

software (including firmware) used in the automated design, inspection,
test or manufacture of products?

Is the documented procedure that addresses software related YES NO

problems/non-conformances being followed?

Are Auditee software records and backups maintained in a secure, YES NO

remote location for disaster recovery in accordance with customer(s)
data retention requirements?
NOTE: The requirements for software records should be documented.

Are program changes documented and is a revision history YES NO


For programs controlling part characteristics are first article inspections YES NO
performed, including delta first article inspections?

Does the Auditee have a documented procedure to protect the software YES NO
from unauthorized changes?

Does the Auditee’s documented procedure prevent unauthorized use of YES NO

obsolete software?

4.4 Spreadsheets

Are Auditee developed spreadsheet formulas validated and protected YES NO NA

prior to use?

4.5 Training

Is there objective evidence that personnel are trained to perform their YES NO
work in accordance with established requirements?

Are documented procedures established to ensure that personnel are YES NO

competent based on education, training, retraining, or experience and
is there objective evidence?

Do records indicate that training is scheduled and attended in YES NO

accordance with the training program?

Is a record of qualified personnel maintained indicating training, YES NO

proficiency and qualification date?

4.6 Source Control Drawings SECTION NA

Are Auditee drawings approved, including revisions, per customer or YES NO

internal requirements?
4.7 Operator Self-Verification
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 16 -

Does the Auditee have a documented procedure for Operator Self- YES NO
Verification which defines the identification of processes/operations
eligible for using Operator Self-Verification, training/competency of
Self-Verification operators and oversight of process and operator


5.1 Shelf Life and Out Time

Is there a documented procedure describing shelf life, out time and pot YES NO NA
life controls for all materials?

Is there a documented procedure describing the re-certification YES NO NA

requirements of shelf life controlled materials and is it being followed?

For perishable materials is out time and temperature controlled and YES NO NA
traceable from the purchased source?

Are materials being shipped in accordance with customer or internal YES NO


Are certificates of conformance by the manufacturer available and do YES NO

they meet customer requirements?

Are perishable materials identified per customer or internal YES NO NA

requirements and documented procedure?

Are there documented procedures to ensure materials are held and YES NO
segregated pending required tests/certification?

If internal pre-release is used, is there a documented procedure for YES NO NA

internal pre-release of materials requiring tests/certification that allows
a positive recall?

Is each received lot/batch of material verified per customer or internal YES NO


Is expired/rejected material identified and segregated per YES NO

nonconformance system?

Are materials stored in a manner to prevent damage or contamination? YES NO

Is accumulated out time and pot life tracked by attached card or other YES NO NA
method to maintain specification limits?

If temperature sensitive, is the material sealed in an approved material YES NO NA

or container prior to returning to cold storage?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 17 -

Is conditioned core (dried or cleaned) sealed in an approved material YES NO NA

prior to returning to storage (if outside the CCA), if required by
customer? (CP only)

Are perishable materials (such as prepreg/adhesive/resin/potting YES NO NA

compound) allowed to warm/thaw prior to opening the bag/container?

5.2 Expendable Materials SECTION NA

Is the Auditee using and controlling the required expendable materials YES NO
as defined in the customer specification or internal requirements?


6.1 Cold Storage Units SECTION NA

Is the cold storage unit equipped with at least a calibrated temperature YES NO
indicator with log or a calibrated temperature recorder?

Is there a documented procedure that describes actions to be taken YES NO

after a temperature excursion/failure and are the actions documented?

Is there a record that monitors all the materials stored in the cold YES NO
storage unit(s) including their product designation and expiration date?

Does the cold storage unit maintain temperature within customer or YES NO
material storage requirements?

6.2 Controlled Contamination Area (CCA) SECTION NA

Is there a documented procedure which defines the affected areas YES NO

within the facility, environmental conditions, allowed or prohibited
processes and materials for processing in the CCA?
For processing, the documented procedure shall be in compliance with
customer requirements or in the absence of customer requirements,
Table 1.
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 18 -

Table 1 – CCA and EMA Controlled Processes

Some EMA processes may be performed in the CCA if segregated. Table 1 identifies these processes as "Requires Segregation”.
Process CCA EMA
Core Processing – Particulate Generation by Not allowed X
Machining/Trimming (unless a documented degreasing
(manual or mechanical processes) procedure for subsequent
(see Minor Sanding/Trimming for rework) cleaning exists)
Core Processing with Lay-up Materials X Not Allowed
(prepreg, film adhesive, foaming adhesive)
Core Processing with Resins (one-part, two-part, potting) X X
(requires segregation)
Core Forming X X
(Full detail, or localized areas with heat gun) (unless a documented degreasing
procedure for subsequent
cleaning exists)
Minor Sanding/Trimming (this includes hand sanding) X X
(requires segregation)
Cutting and kitting of prepreg or adhesive X X
(requires double sided carrier for
Cutting and kitting of dry fibers and fabric X X
(requires segregation) (requires segregation)
Lay-up of prepreg or adhesive X Not allowed

Lay-up of materials on Hydraulic Presses and/or using Not allowed X

Electric Matched Metal Presses
Lay-up of preforms and braids X X

Wet lay-up (secondary bonding) X X

(requires segregation)
Tackifying preforms or braids X Not allowed

Filament Winding X X

Aerosol tackifying X X
(requires segregation)
Adhesive reticulation X X
Mixing of resin X X
(requires segregation)
Liquid resin infusion X X
(requires segregation)
Compression Molding (this includes cutting and kitting, lay-up X X
and forming)
Miscellaneous Bonding, such as potting inserts, abradable X X
application, etc. (requires segregation)
Storage of unprotected core details, surface treated metallic X Not allowed
details, pre-cured nonmetallic parts (unless a documented degreasing
procedure for subsequent
cleaning exists)
Structural Adhesive Bonding X Not Allowed

NOTE: ‘X’ signifies that the process is allowed in the indicated area.
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 19 -

Does the procedure define the required segregation for performing YES NO NA
EMA processes within the CCA?
For processing, the documented procedure shall be in compliance with
customer requirements or in the absence of customer requirements,
Table 2.

Table 2: Segregation of EMA Processes Within the CCA

Segregation By Distance

• Process That Disperse Particulates – Examples include: Spraying Tackifier on tools or preforms

o 50 feet (15 meters) from prepreg or uncured adhesive that is not covered

• Processes That Disperse Fibers – Examples include: Minor Sanding, Cutting of dry fiber, Peel ply removal from
cured parts

o 20 feet (6 meters) from prepreg or uncured adhesive that is not covered

• Processes That Utilize A-Staged (Uncured) Resin – Examples include: Cold bonding such as potting inserts and
potting core close-outs, Miscellaneous bonding with wet lay-up (Note: structural wet lay-up is not audited by
Nadcap, but requires segregation), Liquid resin infusion

o 10 feet (3 meters) from other processes (Note: These processes have a tendency to spill resin on the
workstation and therefore a separate workstation is required to prevent cross contamination.)

Segregation By Partition

• All allowed EMA Processes in accordance with Table 1

o Segregation by: Room within CCA, Permanent wall or partition of adequate height to prevent contamination by
adjacent areas

Segregation By Time

• All allowed EMA Processes in accordance with Table 1

o CCA processes shall not be in the area when EMA processes are introduced.
Worktables for EMA processes shall be cleaned before and after use.
Areas shall be inspected after completion of EMA processes and cleaned as required before CCA processes
are introduced.
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 20 -

If applicable, is the compressed air supply in the CCA filtered to remove YES NO NA
oil, water and particles and are the filters monitored for periodic

Are incoming air filters in place? YES NO

Are incoming air filters monitored for periodic replacement? YES NO

Is particle count measured and recorded per customer or internal YES NO


Is the CCA maintained under positive pressure? YES NO NA

Is temperature and humidity continuously recorded, or is there a record YES NO

of periodic monitoring checks maintained per customer or internal

Is there a documented procedure describing the actions to take when YES NO

specified temperature/humidity requirements are exceeded and are the
actions documented?

Are the instruments used to monitor CCA, such as temperature, YES NO

humidity and particle count calibrated?

Are processes or operations which produce contaminants prohibited in YES NO

the CCA? (i.e., aerosols, dust, oil fumes, polluting type vehicles, hand
creams, release agents, silicones, eating or drinking, and smoking)

Are signs posted outside the CCA for appropriate prohibition of eating, YES NO
smoking and drinking?
Note: The sign does not need to state “No Smoking” if the Auditee has
a documented procedure of “no smoking” within the facility.

Is there a documented procedure established for cleaning of the YES NO

following (within the CCA): floors, walls, ceilings, transport equipment,
light fixtures, tools, storage areas and tables/work stations using
approved materials?

Are the floors covered and/or sealed? YES NO

Is the CCA enclosed (walls and ceiling), and are doors kept closed at YES NO
all times, except for entry and exit?

Is sweeping or other dust dispersing methods prohibited when lay-up is YES NO

in progress or uncovered adhesives, sealant primers, composites,
tooling, etc. are in the CCA?

Is the CCA located in the factory such that it is separated from the trim YES NO
routing/stripping/sanding area to avoid contamination of the CCA?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 21 -

Are all personnel and visitors in the CCA wearing appropriate personal YES NO
protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with the Auditee and
customer requirements?

6.3 Environmentally Monitored Area SECTION NA

Is there a documented procedure which defines the affected areas YES NO

within the facility, environmental conditions, allowed or prohibited
processes and materials for processing in the EMA?
For processing, the documented procedure shall be in compliance with
customer requirements or in the absence of customer requirements,
Table 1.

Is there a documented procedure describing the actions to take when YES NO

specified temperature/humidity requirements are exceeded and are the
actions documented?

Are the instruments used to monitor the area, such as temperature and YES NO
humidity calibrated per customer or internal requirements?

Are processes or operations which produce contaminants prohibited or YES NO

controlled to prevent part or raw material contamination in the
environmentally monitored area?

Is there a documented procedure or sign that prohibits eating, drinking YES NO

and smoking in the environmentally monitored area?

Is there a documented procedure established for the cleaning of the YES NO

environmentally monitored area?

Are process operations separated from operations that create airborne YES NO
contaminants (such as trim, routing, stripping and sanding areas)?

6.4 Temperature Uniformity Surveys

Do System Accuracy Test (SAT) and Thermal Uniformity Survey (TUS) YES NO
comply with customer requirements, or, if no customer requirement
exists, does the instrumentation system accuracy meet the customer’s
processing requirements?

6.5 Preventative Maintenance

Is there a documented preventative maintenance plan that includes all YES NO

major equipment (i.e., ovens, autoclaves, presses, tape placement
machines, infusion systems, lab test equipment and lab fixture, etc.), as
Are the preventative maintenance records current to the frequency
defined in the plan?
6.6 Silicone Processing
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 22 -

Is the area where uncured silicones are processed designated within
the facility?
Is there a documented procedure specifying preventive measures for
silicone cross contamination, which includes but is not limited to the
a. Material handling, e.g. receiving and disposal
b. Use of Personnel Protective Attire, such as gloves and
booties, to prevent the spread of silicone contaminants
to adjacent areas.
c. Color coding or a similar method to identify silicone
exposed tooling, tooling aids, trays, hand tools, carts etc.
d. Controlled method for the transportation of uncured or
free silicones that prevents cross contamination (e.g.
marked closed containers, disposable non-permeable
envelope bags, defined transportation route)
Is there evidence of compliance to procedures preventing silicone cross
When airborne uncured silicone is present in a CCA, is the CCA
operated with a lower pressure than area(s) outside of the entrance(s)?
If a dedicated CCA is used to process uncured silicone, is it operated
with an HVAC system separated from areas with other bonding


7.1 Is tooling identified and referenced in the work instructions for YES NO

7.2 Are tools inspected to a documented procedure which meets customer YES NO

7.3 Are tools, including substructures, stored and maintained in accordance YES NO
with customer or Auditee requirements?

7.4 Is the tooling and ancillary equipment free from damage, deterioration, YES NO
debris, or contamination that could affect the part?

7.5 Mold Releases SECTION NA

Are tools/containers/sub-assemblies (i.e. inserts / parts secondary YES NO

bonded and raw materials) protected from mold release contamination?

Is mold release fully cured prior to lay-up, adhesive bonding, infusion YES NO NA
and/or compression mold processing?


8.1 General
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 23 -

Is the equipment used for the verification of product and process YES NO
acceptance, calibrated?

Is there a documented procedure or work instruction for the placement YES NO NA

of thermocouples?

Is there a documented procedure for the manufacturing of YES NO NA


For pre-heated mold surfaces, is there a documented procedure or YES NO NA

work instruction for a temperature probe check performed on the
molding surfaces?

Do documented procedures define handling and protection of parts and YES NO

materials from damage and contamination during manufacturing,
handling, and storage?

Are heating tools controlled to a maximum temperature per customer or YES NO NA

Auditee requirements?

Are there documented procedures or work instructions for debulking YES NO NA

per customer requirements?

If material is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, are measures taken YES NO NA
(e.g. shims) to protect other plies and/or tools from being cut?

Are hand sweeps and shop aids made from material that would not YES NO NA
contaminate the part? If PTFE sweeps are permitted by a customer, are documented YES NO NA

procedures and controls in place to prevent their unintended use on
parts for which it is not permitted?

Are approved marking pens/pencils being used per customer YES NO NA


Do documented procedures or work instructions include instructions for YES NO

cleaning tools prior to lay-up, adhesive bonding, or molding use?

Is required splicing and/or folding documented in a procedure or work YES NO NA


If rework is performed, does it comply with customer or internal YES NO NA


8.2 Lay-Up Composite Fabrication SECTION NA

Are kits prepared in CCA (EMA for dry fibers, fabric, braids, preforms YES NO
and prepreg/adhesive when protected by double sided carrier or
materials used for compression molding) and stored to protect from
contaminants and damage?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 24 -

Are kits labeled for traceability? YES NO

Is intermixing of lay-up materials performed per customer or internal YES NO NA


As required per customer, are in-process control test specimens YES NO NA

processed and cured concurrently with the part they represent?

8.3 Bagging and Tooling Set-Up SECTION NA

Do documented procedures or work instructions exist for bagging YES NO NA

(breathers, bleeders, release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, infusion
tubes & media, etc.) per customer or internal requirements?

Do documented procedures exist for tooling set-up (i.e. mold closing, o- YES NO NA
rings, seals, sprue installation)? (LRP only)

Prior to bagging, are tool fittings and orifices checked for cleanliness YES NO
and obstructions?

Do documented procedures exist to check the tools/bags for leaks prior YES NO NA
to cure? (PAR, MB, LRP)

8.4 Resin Mixing (LRP only) SECTION NA

Are there documented procedures for mix ratios? YES NO

Are there documented procedures or work instructions for mixing YES NO

equipment, such as mix speeds and appropriate blades?

8.5 Resin Infusion (LRP only) SECTION NA

Are there documented procedures or work instructions to control YES NO

temperatures and time for preheating the resin, for degassing, agitation,
and heating the resin for infusion?

Are there documented procedures or work instructions for controlling YES NO NA

the infusion resin temperature?

Are there documented procedures or work instructions for defining YES NO NA

compaction cycles, such as vacuum, time, and number of cycles?

Are there documented procedures or work instructions for controlling YES NO NA

pressure or vacuum during infusion?

Are there documented procedures or work instructions which YES NO

demonstrate infusion has been completed within the pot life of the

Are there documented procedures or work instructions specifying when YES NO

the resin infusion process is complete?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 25 -

Are there documented procedures or work instructions to seal or clamp YES NO NA

the inlet and outlet to prevent air from entering the part?

Are there documented procedures or work instructions for process YES NO

interruptions, such as loss of vacuum or pressure, and inadequate
quantity of resin?

Is there a documented procedure for the use of residual resin? YES NO

8.6 Adhesives Bonding, and Potting SECTION NA

Do the Auditee’s documented procedures or work instructions specify

at a minimum the following:

8.6.1.a Methods for cleaning/preparing surfaces prior to additional lay-up YES NO

operations and post cleaning contamination protection?

8.6.1.b Maximum time allowed between completion of surface preparation of YES NO

cured details and start of lay-up if required per customer or internal

Are the core and laminates dried prior to bonding per customer YES NO NA
requirements? (PAR and CP only)

After parts have been cleaned, dried and primed, are stored parts being YES NO
wrapped in clean neutral non-sulfur containing protective paper or
plastic free from wax or silicone per customer or internal requirements?

If a peel ply/hex ply is used to protect bonding surfaces, is there YES NO NA

verification that the peel ply/hex ply is removed and the surfaces are
prepared prior to bonding? (PAR and CP only)

Are process control panels or tag end specimens processed and cured YES NO NA
concurrently with the part they represent?

Are there documented procedures or work instructions specifying resin YES NO NA

mix ratios?

Are mix ratios validated (e.g. lap shears, shore-D hardness, recording YES NO NA
of weights, witnessing by quality assurance, operator self-verification
program, etc.)?
NOTE: This does not apply to automatic dispensers or pre-mix kits.

Is adhesive mixing done using contaminant free containers? YES NO NA

Is there evidence that pot life is monitored and controlled per customer YES NO
or internal requirements?

If applicable, are verifilms performed and verified according to customer YES NO NA

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 26 -

8.7 Cure, Consolidation, and Forming SECTION NA

Does the documented procedure or work instruction contain detailed YES NO

instructions, reference to computer program, or reference to the
customer’s curing, consolidation, or forming specification?

Is a record maintained listing the facility, equipment identification, date YES NO

and time of day of cure, consolidation, or forming cycle start, and
control numbers or serial numbers of part(s) included in the cycle?

8.8 Core Processing/Machining (CP only) SECTION NA

Are there documented procedures or work instructions for the drying of YES NO NA
core material per customer requirements?

Is core kept clean during machining operations or cleaned after YES NO

machining to eliminate potential contamination?

Are removable and fly-away stabilization materials used in conjunction YES NO NA

with customer/ Auditee requirements?

Are dyes used in machine lubricants to assure contamination can be YES NO NA

detected on core products per customer requirements?

Is there a documented procedure or work instruction for forming core, if YES NO NA



9.1 Do the work instructions reference the process specification or YES NO

engineering requirements?

9.2 Where drilling is performed are breakouts controlled within specification YES NO

9.3 Is deburring of the holes and/or edges of the composite detail YES NO
accomplished using an approved method?

9.4 Does the Auditee use customer approved coolants in accordance with YES NO NA
customer requirements?

9.5 If the part is cleaned during the manufacturing process are approved YES NO NA
methods and materials utilized?

9.6 Is the cutting tool used as specified by the customer or internal YES NO
documented procedure?

9.7 Is the sanding media grit and type as specified by the customer or YES NO
internal documented procedure?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 27 -


Note: This section is not applicable for Auditees with a standing
AC7122-P/-I/-R accreditation or if AC7122-P is in conjunction with the
current audit.

10.1 General

Does the Auditee have documented procedures for the following: Detailed testing methods? YES NO Records of results? YES NO Disposition of samples? YES NO

Do the documented test procedures reference the customer or internal YES NO


Are documented procedures established to inspect and validate testing YES NO

fixtures purchased or fabricated to a drawing?

Are documented procedures/work instructions established to uniquely YES NO

identify specimens so they are traceable to the material lot number or
part number or process they represent?

Are procedures in place to protect specimens from damage prior to YES NO


Are specimens prepared in accordance with customer requirements or YES NO

internal documentation where no customer requirements exist?

Are specimens preconditioned prior to test per customer requirements? YES NO NA

Are specimens tested in a monitored atmosphere that complies with YES NO

specified test method or customer requirements?

Are specimens inspected visually and dimensionally prior to test? YES NO

Are all specimens tested by the laboratory recorded (such as tested YES NO
completion/failure, replaced, re-tests)?

Are fractured faces of tested specimens protected to permit YES NO

examination for irregularities if test results are suspect?

Do documented procedures establish a policy for replacement and re- YES NO


10.2 Mechanical Test Requirements SECTION NA

Are mechanical testing machines calibrated per ASTM E4, YES NO

ISO 7500-1, or equivalent/customer requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 28 -

Are standards used for calibration of mechanical test equipment YES NO

calibrated/certified to ASTM E74, ISO 376, or equivalent?

Are extensometers calibrated per ASTM E83 class B2, ISO 9513 Class YES NO
0.5, or equivalent?

10.3 Physical Test Requirements SECTION NA

Are balances capable of reading a precision as per standard and/or YES NO

customer requirements?

10.4 Thermal/Analytical Test Requirements SECTION NA

Are thermal and analytical equipment calibrated in accordance with YES NO

manufacturer's instructions per documented procedure?

Are calibration records maintained for all thermal and analytical YES NO

Do calibration records include as a minimum the following: Calibration date and procedure used? YES NO Technician identification? YES NO Actual and required calibration results? YES NO


Note: Items in this section may apply to any of the individual job audit

11.1 Operator Training

Is there objective evidence that personnel are trained to perform their YES NO
work in accordance with established requirements?

Are untrained personnel working under the supervision of someone that YES NO NA
is trained?

11.2 Materials

Is all material stored and identified with traceable evidence of YES NO

acceptance status per customer or internal requirements?

Has age/temperature sensitive material been marked and logged and is YES NO
it within shelf life and out time limits?

Are nonconforming materials/parts tagged/identified and where feasible YES NO

segregated or removed from the area?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 29 -

Are all material containers labeled and stored to prevent contamination YES NO
and improper use?

Are material “Freezer Storage History Tag/Log” entries maintained? YES NO NA

(Including any out time while processing through receiving inspection)

11.3 Work Instructions/Travelers

Are work instructions available to the operator? YES NO

Does the manufacturing and/or inspection record have sufficient detail YES NO
to produce the part?

Is the manufacturing and/or inspection record complete for all work YES NO

Does the manufacturing process accurately reflect the documented YES NO

work instructions?

Does the material traceability information from the raw material supplier YES NO
match the material acceptance documentation, and is it within shelf life
and out time as applicable?

Are material batches, roll numbers, lot numbers, and other traceable YES NO NA
information recorded on the traveler or work instruction, per customer

Has the work instruction/traveler (i.e., planning documentation) been YES NO

approved by all applicable departments?

Have changes to the work instruction/traveler been requested, YES NO NA

authorized and included in accordance with customer or internal

Are all inspectable calculations correct? YES NO

Is recorded information legible? YES NO

Have all corrections to the recorded information been performed in YES NO NA

accordance to established policies, procedures, and customer

Is all Material Review Board (MRB) activity documented and executed YES NO NA
in the work instructions/traveler?

Are the parts manufactured to the correct specification and drawing YES NO

Does the work instruction identify each ply with its material, orientation YES NO NA
and location per design requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 30 -

Do the work instructions identify in-process/verification points when YES NO

verification of conformance cannot be performed at later stages of
realization per customer or internal requirements?

11.4 Foreign Object Damage (FOD)

Have housekeeping requirements been met as per applicable YES NO


Have all facility, manufacturing, and maintenance requirements been YES NO

met for the area type as per applicable procedure?

Are personnel wearing attire as specified by customer or internal YES NO NA


Are all cleaning and environmental logs up to date? YES NO

Have personnel working in the area been trained to the applicable FOD YES NO
procedure(s) and are they familiar with its requirements?

Has the Auditee established, implemented and maintained a program YES NO

or process to assure a FOD-free production system?

11.5 Sub-Tier Control SECTION NA

Are the sub-tiers approved per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

Are the sub-tiers on the Auditee’s List of Approved Sources? YES NO

Does the Auditee periodically perform assessments of the sub-tiers YES NO

manufacturing processes?

Has the Auditee documented flow down of customer requirements to YES NO

sub-tier suppliers?

Are customer approved sources used for subcontractors, if required by YES NO

the customer?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 31 -



12a.0 Is the material controlled under U.S. Export Control YES NO

Regulations? Information only.

Customer Requirements

12a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

12a.1.1.1 Customer(s):

12a.1.1.2 Subscriber/Prime

12a.1.1.3 Part Purchase Order/Revision Level:

12a.1.1.4 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

12a.1.1.5 Part Number:

12a.1.1.6 Operator:


12a.2.1 Do the specification/drawing/design requirements and revision on the YES NO

purchase order match the received material?

12a.2.2 Are the receiving inspection records complete for tests/work YES NO

12a.2.3 Have receiving inspection tests been performed per the customer or YES NO NA
internal requirements?

12a.2.4 Is the material identified per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

12a.2.5 Are materials adequately protected from damage and contamination, YES NO
and when required, UV exposure? (e.g., bags are not torn; seals are
not damaged, etc.)

12a.2.6 Does the material traceability information from the sub-tier and/or raw YES NO
material Auditee match the material acceptance documentation?

12a.2.7 Has the material been released in accordance with customer or internal YES NO
quality requirements?

12a.2.8 Is a customer approved supplier used for the material received as per YES NO
contract or P.O. requirements? (raw material manufacturer, suppliers,
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 32 -

12a.2.9 Have required acceptance tests by the material supplier been YES NO

12a.2.10 Is material identified for recall if it is issued prior to full acceptance in YES NO NA
the event of acceptance test failure?

12a.2.11 Is temperature sensitive material shipped and verified for temperature? YES NO

12a.2.12 When material is returned to the cold storage facility, is the proper YES NO
bagging material used and is it sealed?

12a.2.13 Are materials stored and handled in such a manner to prevent damage YES NO
to the material?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 33 -



12b.0 Is the material controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

12b.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

12b.1.1.1 Customer(s):

12b.1.1.2 Subscriber/Prime

12b.1.1.3 Part Purchase Order/Revision Level:

12b.1.1.4 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

12b.1.1.5 Part Number:

12b.1.1.6 Operator:


12b.2.1 Do the specification/drawing/design requirements and revision on the YES NO

purchase order match the received material?

12b.2.2 Are the receiving inspection records complete for tests/work YES NO

12b.2.3 Have receiving inspection tests been performed per the customer or YES NO NA
internal requirements?

12b.2.4 Is the material identified per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

12b.2.5 Are materials adequately protected from damage and contamination? YES NO
(e.g., bags are not torn; seals are not damaged, etc.)

12b.2.6 Does the material traceability information from the sub-tier and/or raw YES NO
material supplier match the material acceptance documentation?

12b.2.7 Has the material been released in accordance with customer quality YES NO

12b.2.8 Is a customer approved supplier used for the material received as per YES NO
contract or P.O. requirements? (raw material manufacturer, suppliers,

12b.2.9 Have required acceptance tests by the material supplier been YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 34 -

12b.2.10 Is material identified for recall if it is issued prior to full acceptance in YES NO NA
the event of acceptance test failure?

12b.2.11 Is temperature sensitive material shipped and verified for temperature? YES NO

12b.2.12 When material is returned to the cold storage facility, is the proper YES NO
bagging material used and is it sealed?

12b.2.13 Are materials stored and handled in such a manner to prevent damage YES NO
to the material and cold flow of resin?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 35 -



12.c.0 Is the material controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

12c.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

12c.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

12c.1.1.2 Part Description:

12c.1.1.3 Part Number:

12c.1.1.4 Customer(s):

12c.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

12c.1.1.6 Part Purchase Order/Revision Level:

12c.1.1.7 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

12c.1.1.8 Operator:


12c.2.1 Do the specification/drawing/design requirements and revision on the YES NO

purchase order match the received material?

12c.2.2 Are the receiving inspection records complete for tests/work YES NO

12c.2.3 Have receiving inspection tests been performed per the customer or YES NO NA
internal requirements?

12c.2.4 Is the material identified per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

12c.2.5 Are materials adequately protected from damage and contamination? YES NO
(e.g., bags are not torn; seals are not damaged, etc.)

12c.2.6 Does the material traceability information from the sub-tier and/or raw YES NO
material supplier match the material acceptance documentation?

12c.2.7 Has the material been released in accordance with customer quality YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 36 -

12c.2.8 Is a customer approved supplier used for the material received as per YES NO
contract or P.O. requirements? (raw material manufacturer, suppliers,

12c.2.9 Have required acceptance tests by the material supplier been YES NO

12c.2.10 Is material identified for recall if it is issued prior to full acceptance in YES NO NA
the event of acceptance test failure?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 37 -


(Core details and detail parts that are ready for bonding.)

In-Process Historical

12d.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

12d.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

12d.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

12d.1.1.2 Part Description:

12d.1.1.3 Part Number:

12d.1.1.4 Customer(s):

12d.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

12d.1.1.6 Part Purchase Order/Revision Level:

12d.1.1.7 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

12d.1.1.8 Operator:


12d.2.1 Do the specification/drawing/design requirements and revision on the YES NO

purchase order match the received material?

12d.2.2 Are the receiving inspection records complete for tests/work YES NO

12d.2.3 Have receiving inspection tests been performed per the customer or YES NO NA
internal requirements?

12d.2.4 Is the material identified per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

12d.2.5 Does the Auditee verify that the detail part was adequately protected YES NO
during shipment to the Auditee?

12d.2.6 Does the part serial number match the acceptance documentation? YES NO

12d.2.7 Has the part been released in accordance with customer quality YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 38 -

12d.2.8 Does the Auditee periodically perform assessments of the sub-tiers YES NO
manufacturing processes?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 39 -



In-Process Historical

12e.0 Is the material controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

12e.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

12e.1.1.1 Customer(s):

12e.1.1.2 Subscriber/Prime

12e.1.1.3 Part Purchase Order/Revision Level:

12e.1.1.4 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

12e.1.1.5 Part Number:

12e.1.1.6 Operator:


12e.2.1 Do the drawing/design/specification requirements and revision on the YES NO

purchase order match the received material?

12e.2.2 Are the receiving inspection records complete for tests/work YES NO

12e.2.3 Have receiving inspection tests been performed per the customer or YES NO NA
internal requirements?

12e.2.4 Is the material identified per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

12e.2.5 Are materials adequately protected from damage and contamination? YES NO
(e.g., bags are not torn; seals are not damaged, etc.)

12e.2.6 Does the material traceability information from the sub-tier and/or raw YES NO
material supplier match the material acceptance documentation?

12e.2.7 Has the material been released in accordance with customer quality YES NO

12e.2.8 Is a customer approved supplier used for the material received as per YES NO
contract or P.O. requirements? (raw material manufacturer, suppliers,
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 40 -

12e.2.9 Have required acceptance tests by the material supplier been YES NO

12e.2.10 Is material identified for recall if it is issued prior to full acceptance in YES NO NA
the event of acceptance test failure?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 41 -



In-Process Historical

12f.0 Is the material controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

12f.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

12f.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

12f.1.1.2 Part Description:

12f.1.1.3 Part Number:

12f.1.1.4 Customer(s):

12f.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

12f.1.1.6 Part Purchase Order/Revision Level:

12f.1.1.7 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

12f.1.1.8 Operator:


12f.2.1 Do the specification/drawing/design requirements and revision on the YES NO

purchase order match the received material?

12f.2.2 Are the receiving inspection records complete for tests/work YES NO

12f.2.3 Have receiving inspection tests been performed per the customer or YES NO NA
internal requirements?

12f.2.4 Is the material identified per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

12f.2.5 Are materials adequately protected from damage and contamination? YES NO
(e.g., bags are not torn; seals are not damaged, etc.)

12f.2.6 Does the part serial number match the acceptance documentation? YES NO

12f.2.7 Has the material been released in accordance with customer quality YES NO

12f.2.8 Does the Auditee periodically perform verification assessments of the YES NO
sub-tiers manufacturing processes?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 42 -

12f.2.9 Is temperature sensitive material shipped and verified for temperature? YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 43 -


In-Process Historical
(1-part, 2-part, bulk resins)

12g.0 Is the material controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

1. Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

12g.1.1.1 Customer(s):

12g.1.1.2 Subscriber/Prime

12g.1.1.3 Part Purchase Order/Revision Level:

12g.1.1.4 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

12g.1.1.5 Part Number:

12g.1.1.6 Operator


12g.2.1 Do the drawing/specification/design requirements and revision on the YES NO

purchase order match the received material?

12g.2.2 Are the receiving inspection records complete for tests/work YES NO

12g.2.3 Have receiving inspection tests been performed per the customer or YES NO NA
internal requirements?

12g.2.4 Is the material identified per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

12g.2.5 Are materials adequately protected from damage and contamination?
(e.g., containers have lids; bags are not torn, etc.)

12g.2.6 Does the material traceability information from the sub-tier and/or raw YES NO
material supplier match the material acceptance documentation?

12g.2.7 Has the material been released in accordance with customer quality YES NO

12g.2.8 Is a customer approved supplier used for the material received as per YES NO
contract or P.O. requirements? (raw material manufacturer, suppliers,
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 44 -

12g.2.9 Have required acceptance tests by the material supplier been YES NO

12g.2.10 Is material identified for recall if it is issued prior to full acceptance in YES NO NA
the event of acceptance test failure?

12g.2.11 Is temperature sensitive material shipped and verified for temperature? YES NO NA

12g.2.12 When material is returned to storage, is it controlled (i.e. sealed, YES NO

temperature, humidity) per customer or internal requirements?

12g.2.13 Are materials stored and handled in such a manner to prevent YES NO
contamination to the material?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 45 -



In-Process Historical

12h.0 Is the material controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

12h.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

12h.1.1.1 Customer(s):

12h.1.1.2 Subscriber/Prime

12h.1.1.3 Part Purchase Order/Revision Level:

12h.1.1.4 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

12h.1.1.5 Part Number:

12h.1.1.6 Operator:


12h.2.1 Do the specification/drawing/design requirements and revision on the YES NO

purchase order match the received material?

12h.2.2 Are the receiving inspection records complete for tests/work YES NO

12h.2.3 Have receiving inspection tests been performed per the customer or YES NO NA
internal requirements?

12h.2.4 Is the material identified per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

12h.2.5 Are materials adequately protected from damage and contamination, YES NO
and when required, UV exposure? (e.g., bags are not torn; seals are
not damaged, etc.)

12h.2.6 Does the material traceability information from the sub-tier and/or raw YES NO
material supplier match the material acceptance documentation?

12h.2.7 Has the material been released in accordance with customer quality YES NO

12h.2.8 Is a customer approved supplier used for the material received as per YES NO
contract or P.O. requirements? (raw material manufacturer, suppliers,
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 46 -

12h.2.9 Have required acceptance tests by the material supplier been YES NO

12h.2.10 Is material identified for recall if it is issued prior to full acceptance in YES NO NA
the event of acceptance test failure?

12h.2.11 Is temperature sensitive material shipped and verified for temperature? YES NO NA

12h.2.12 When material is returned to the cold storage facility, is the proper YES NO NA
bagging material used and is it sealed?

12h.2.13 Are materials stored and handled in such a manner to prevent damage YES NO
to the material?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 47 -


In-Process Historical
12i.0 Is the material controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations?
Information only.

Kits of individual plies or consolidated charges consisting of two or

more plies

Customer Requirements

12i.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

12i.1.1.1 Customer(s):

12i.1.1.2 Subscriber/Prime

12i.1.1.3 Part Purchase Order/Revision Level:

12i.1.1.4 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

12i.1.1.5 Part Number:

12i.1.1.6 Operator:

12i.2 General

12i.2.1 Do the specification/drawing/design requirements and revision on the YES NO

purchase order match the received kit certification of conformance?

12i.2.2 Are the receiving inspection records complete for tests/work YES NO NA

12i.2.3 Are the plies and kitted material identified per customer requirements? YES NO

12i.2.4 Is temperature sensitive material shipped and verified for temperature? YES NO

12i.2.5 For temperature sensitive materials, are all material shelf life or freezer YES NO
logs updated to reflect out time?

12i.2.6 Has the kit been released in accordance with customer quality YES NO

12i.2.7 Does the Auditee periodically perform assessments of the Kitting YES NO
Service Provider?

12i.2.8 Is the Kitting Services Provider listed on the customer’s list of approved YES NO NA
sources (engineering and/or quality)?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 48 -

Is the Kitting Service Provider listed within the Auditee’s Approved

12i.2.9 YES NO
Source Listing?

Are test samples provided from Kitting Service Providers stored in

12i.2.10 YES NO
accordance with the raw material requirements until ready for test
panel/specimen preparation?

Are test samples labeled and traceable (such as to raw material

12i.2.11 YES NO
purchase order, raw material supplier, batch, lot, and roll)?

Are materials stored and handled in such a manner to prevent damage

12i.2.12 YES NO
to the material?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 49 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

13.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

13.1 Customer Requirements

Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements. Tool Identity/Number: Part Description: Part Number: Customer(s): Subscriber/Prime
Contractor(s): Specification/Revision Level (where applicable): Operator

13.2 General

Are tools identified, stored, and handled per procedure and, where YES NO
required, per customer or internal requirements?

Are tools/containers protected from mold release contamination? YES NO

Is the mold release agent applied according to customer or Auditee YES NO

requirements and fully cured?

Is the tooling cleaned per requirements prior to use? YES NO

Is tooling certified and controlled per requirements? YES NO

Is the tooling used free from damage, deterioration, or debris that could YES NO
affect the part?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 50 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

14a.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

14a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

14a.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

14a.1.1.2 Part Description:

14a.1.1.3 Part Number:

14a.1.1.4 Customer(s):

14a.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

14a.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

14a.1.1.7 Operator:


14a.2.1 Is pattern cutting and kitting performed in the EMA or CCA compliant to YES NO NA
the documented procedure?

14a.2.2 Is cutting of dry materials (fiber / fabric / braid / preform) segregated YES NO NA
from other types of processes to prevent cross contamination and
compliant to documented procedure?

14a.2.3 Are kits made from a single supplier’s material or as required by YES NO

14a.2.4 Are defects marked by the material manufacturer removed during the YES NO NA
kit cutting process?

14a.2.5 Is material identification and traceability information (e.g., batch YES NO

number, roll number, expiration date, out time etc.) transferred from the
parent material?

14a.2.6 If kits are removed from the CCA/EMA, are kits bagged and sealed to YES NO NA
prevent damage or contamination?

14a.2.7 For temperature sensitive materials, are all material shelf life/freezer YES NO
logs updated to reflect out time? (This applies both to the parent
material and the kits)
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 51 -

14a.2.8 For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO
prior to removing from its protective covering?

14a.2.9 Are all debulks performed per requirements? YES NO NA

14a.2.10 Is the orientation and detail shape/dimension consistent with customer YES NO

14a.2.11 Are materials stored and handled in such a manner to prevent YES NO

14a.2.12 When material is returned to the cold storage facility, is it stored and YES NO NA
handled in such a manner to prevent damage?

14a.2.13 Are the tables for cutting adhesives for metal bond segregated from YES NO NA
other types of processing?

Packaging/Storage/Certification (This section applies to scope KSP) SECTION NA

14a.3.1 Are the kitted materials and test specimens stored and shipped per YES NO
Auditee procedures and customer requirements?

14a.3.2 Are the kitted materials supported or rolls suspended within the YES NO
shipping container?

14a.3.3 Are box handling and storage instructions in accordance with YES NO
contractual requirements?

14a.3.4 Does the packaging (bagging) material meet customer requirements? YES NO

14a.3.5 Are temperature recorders and/or dry ice placed in the box in YES NO NA
accordance with contractual requirements?

14a.3.6 If required, is the amount of desiccant in each bag prior to sealing in YES NO NA
accordance with customer requirements?

14a.3.7 Does the certification include the information specified by the contract? YES NO

14a.3.8 Have all storage and out time records been accepted by QA and YES NO
included with the shipment?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 52 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

14b.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

14b.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

14b.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

14b.1.1.2 Part Description:

14b.1.1.3 Part Number:

14b.1.1.4 Customer(s):

14b.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

14b.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

14b.1.1.7 Operator:

14b.1.1.8 Equipment ID:


14b.2.1 Is pattern cutting and kitting performed in the EMA or CCA compliant to YES NO NA
the documented procedure?

14b.2.2 Is cutting of dry materials (fiber / fabric / braid / preform) segregated YES NO NA
from other types of processes to prevent cross contamination and
compliant to documented procedure?

14b.2.3 Are kits made from a single supplier’s material or as required by YES NO

14b.2.4 Are defects marked by the material manufacturer removed during the YES NO NA
kit cutting process?

14b.2.5 Is material identification and traceability information (e.g., batch YES NO

number, roll number, expiration date, out time etc.) transferred from the
parent material?

14b.2.6 If kits are removed from the CCA, are kits bagged and sealed to YES NO NA
prevent damage or contamination?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 53 -

14b.2.7 For temperature sensitive materials, are all material shelf life/freezer YES NO
logs updated to reflect out time? (This applies both to the parent
material and the kits)

14b.2.8 For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO NA
prior to removing from its protective covering?

14b.2.9 Are all debulks performed per requirements? YES NO NA

14b.2.10 Is the orientation and detail shape/dimension consistent with customer YES NO

14b.2.11 Are materials stored and handled in such a manner as to prevent YES NO

14b.2.12 When material is returned to the cold storage facility, is it stored and YES NO NA
handled in such a manner to prevent damage?

14b.2.13 Are the tables for cutting adhesives for metal bond segregated from YES NO NA
other types of processing?

14b.2.14 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO

Packaging/Storage/Certification (This section applies to scope KSP) SECTION NA

14b.3.1 Are the kitted materials and test specimens stored and shipped per YES NO
Auditee procedures and customer requirements?

14b.3.2 Are the kitted materials supported or rolls suspended within the YES NO
shipping container?

14b.3.3 Are box handling and storage instructions in accordance with YES NO
contractual requirements?

14b.3.4 Does the packaging (bagging) material meet customer requirements? YES NO

14b.3.5 Are temperature recorders and/or dry ice placed in the box in YES NO NA
accordance with contractual requirements?

14b.3.6 If required, is the amount of desiccant in each bag prior to sealing in YES NO NA
accordance with customer requirements?

14b.3.7 Does the certification include the information specified by the contract? YES NO

14b.3.8 Have all storage and out time records been accepted by QA and YES NO
included with the shipment?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 54 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

14c.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

14c.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

14c.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

14c.1.1.2 Part

14c.1.1.3 Part Number:

14c.1.1.4 Customer(s):

14c.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

14c.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (Where Applicable):

14c.1.1.7 Operator:


14c.2.1 Is pattern cutting and kitting performed in the EMA or CCA compliant to YES NO NA
the documented procedure?

14c.2.2 Is cutting of dry materials (fiber / fabric / braid / preform) segregated YES NO NA
from other types of processes to prevent cross contamination and
compliant to documented procedure?

14c.2.3 Are kits made from a single supplier’s material or as required by YES NO

14c.2.4 Are defects marked by the material manufacturer removed during the YES NO NA
kit cutting process?

14c.2.5 Is material identification and traceability information (e.g., batch YES NO

number, roll number, expiration date, out time etc.) transferred from the
parent material?

14c.2.6 If kits are removed from the CCA/EMA, are kits bagged and sealed to YES NO NA
prevent damage or contamination?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 55 -

14c.2.7 For temperature sensitive materials, are all material shelf life/freezer YES NO
logs updated to reflect out time? (This applies both to the parent
material and the kits)

14c.2.8 For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO
prior to removing from its protective covering?

14c.2.9 Are all debulks performed per requirements? YES NO NA

14c.2.10 Is the orientation and detail shape/dimension consistent with customer YES NO

14c.2.11 Are materials stored and handled in such a manner to prevent YES NO

14c.2.12 When material is returned to the cold storage facility, is it stored and YES NO NA
handled in such a manner to prevent damage?

14c.2.13 Are the tables for cutting adhesives for metal bond segregated from YES NO NA
other types of processing?


Are the kitted materials and test specimens stored and shipped per YES NO
Auditee procedures and customer requirements?

Are the kitted materials supported or rolls suspended within the YES NO
shipping container?

Are box handling and storage instructions in accordance with YES NO

contractual requirements?

14c.3.4 Does the packaging (bagging) material meet customer requirements? YES NO

Are temperature recorders and/or dry ice placed in the box in YES NO NA
accordance with contractual requirements?

If required, is the amount of desiccant in each bag prior to sealing in YES NO NA

accordance with customer requirements?

14c.3.7 Does the certification include the information specified by the contract? YES NO

Have all storage and out time records been accepted by QA and YES NO
included with the shipment?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 56 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

14d.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

14d.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

14d.1.1.2 Part Description:

14d.1.1.3 Part Number:

14d.1.1.4 Customer(s):

14d.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime Contractor(s):

14d.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (Where Applicable):

14d.1.1.7 Operator:

14d.1.1.8 Equipment ID:


Is pattern cutting and kitting performed in the EMA or CCA compliant to YES NO NA
the documented procedure?

Is cutting of dry materials (fiber / fabric / braid / preform) segregated YES NO NA

14d.2.2 from other types of processes to prevent cross contamination and
compliant to documented procedure?

Are kits made from a single supplier’s material or as required by YES NO


Are defects marked by the material manufacturer removed during the YES NO NA
kit cutting process?

Is material identification and traceability information (e.g., batch YES NO

14d.2.5 number, roll number, expiration date, out time etc.) transferred from the
parent material?

If kits are removed from the CCA, are kits bagged and sealed to YES NO NA
prevent damage or contamination?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 57 -

For temperature sensitive materials, are all material shelf life/freezer YES NO
14d.2.7 logs updated to reflect out time? (This applies both to the parent
material and the kits)

For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO NA

prior to removing from its protective covering?

14d.2.9 Are all debulks performed per requirements? YES NO NA

Is the orientation and detail shape/dimension consistent with customer YES NO


Are materials stored and handled in such a manner as to prevent YES NO


When material is returned to the cold storage facility, is it stored and YES NO NA
handled in such a manner to prevent damage?

Are the tables for cutting adhesives for metal bond segregated from YES NO NA
other types of processing?

14d.2.14 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO


Are the kitted materials and test specimens stored and shipped per YES NO
Auditee procedures and customer requirements?

Are the kitted materials supported or rolls suspended within the YES NO
shipping container?

Are box handling and storage instructions in accordance with YES NO

contractual requirements?

14d.3.4 Does the packaging (bagging) material meet customer requirements? YES NO

Are temperature recorders and/or dry ice placed in the box in YES NO NA
accordance with contractual requirements?

If required, is the amount of desiccant in each bag prior to sealing in YES NO NA

accordance with customer requirements?

14d.3.7 Does the certification include the information specified by the contract? YES NO

Have all storage and out time records been accepted by QA and YES NO
included with the shipment?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 58 -



15a.1.1 Does the area where core processing is performed meet requirements YES NO
in the CCA/EMA procedure for cleanliness, temperature, and humidity?

15a.1.2 Are core kits and detail parts labeled for traceability, per customer or YES NO
internal requirements?

15a.1.3 Is the core material (e.g. specification number) and core ribbon YES NO NA
direction verified prior to processing?
Note: NA is for the cases of foam or wood core

15a.1.4 Is the wood grain direction, density, and moisture content verified YES NO NA
before further processing? (wood core only)

15a.1.5 Is the foam core density verified before further processing? (crushed YES NO NA
foam core only)

15a.1.6 Is out-time of “time and temperature sensitive” core (such as heat YES NO NA
treated foam core) monitored and recorded?

15a.1.7 If core inventory (blocks or sheets) is moved to the core EMA area for YES NO NA
storage, is the core protected from contamination and damage (similar
to storage at Receiving)?

15a.1.8 If core details are stored outside of a CCA, are they protected from YES NO NA
contaminants (such as placed in plastic bags, wrapped in paper,
contained in a box), unless subsequent degrease cleaning is required
to be performed?

15a.1.9 Is the core detail inspected after processing to customer requirements YES NO
(such as buckle lines, node bond separations, blisters)?

In-Process Historical Demonstration

15a.2.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

15a.2.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

15a.2.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

15a.2.1.2 Part Description:

15a.2.1.3 Part Number:

15a.2.1.4 Customer(s):
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 59 -

15a.2.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

15a.2.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

15a.2.1.7 Operator:

15a.2.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

15a.2.2 Is core machining performed in an EMA in accordance with the YES NO

documented procedure, unless subsequent degrease cleaning is
required to be performed?

15a.2.3 If non-fly away materials are attached to the core to assist in machining YES NO NA
(such as peel ply, double backed pressure sensitive tape), is the
material approved by the customer?

15a.2.4 Is the trim template identified? YES NO NA

15a.2.5 Is the trim template referenced in the work instruction? YES NO NA

15a.2.6 Are the equipment parameters (for example: feeds, speeds, abrasive YES NO NA
paper, drill/router bits) in compliance per customer requirements?

15a.2.7 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

15a.2.8 Is the core dimensionally stabilized prior to machining (such as drying) YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

15a.2.9 Is the machined core cleaned to remove contaminants (dust, metallic YES NO

15a.2.10 If solvent/degreaser is used to remove contaminants (such as pressure YES NO NA

sensitive tape residue), is the solvent/degreaser approved by the

15a.2.11 Do documented procedures or work instructions include honeycomb YES NO NA

core requirements with regards to ribbon direction, chamfer angle, and
location per customer requirements?

Note: NA is for the cases of foam or wood core.

15a.2.12 Is the core dimensionally correct? YES NO

15a.2.13 Is method of inspection (MOI) tooling/templates approved by Quality? YES NO

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 60 -

Potting (fastener locations and splices) SECTION NA

Note: For potted inserts see Miscellaneous Bonding. Edge filling of
cured sandwich structures are not applicable.

In-Process Historical Demonstration

15a.3.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

15a.3.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

15a.3.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

15a.3.1.2 Part Description:

15a.3.1.3 Part Number:

15a.3.1.4 Customer(s):

15a.3.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

15a.3.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

15a.3.1.7 Operator:

15a.3.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

15a.3.2 Is potting of core performed in an EMA or CCA in accordance with the YES NO
documented procedure?

15a.3.3 Is potting compound stored per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15a.3.4 Is potting correctly mixed prior to use? YES NO

15a.3.5 Is pot life monitored and controlled? YES NO

15a.3.6 Is pot life verified per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15a.3.7 Is maskant, such as pressure sensitive tape, approved by the YES NO NA


15a.3.8 Are templates to locate potting areas identified? YES NO NA

15a.3.9 Are templates referenced in the work instructions? YES NO NA

15a.3.10 Is the mix ratio used validated (e.g. lap shears, shore-D hardness, YES NO NA
recording of weights, witnessing by quality assurance, operator self-
verification program, etc.)?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 61 -

15a.3.11 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per customer or
internal requirements?

15a.3.11.1 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, vacuum) and retained as part of the manufacturing

15a.3.11.2 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA

15a.3.12 Is the cured potting inspected to customer requirements (for example YES NO
full depth core fill and voids)?

15a.3.13 If minor sanding of potting is performed, is the core segregated to YES NO NA

prevent cross contamination to other processes?

15a.3.14 If solvent is used is it per customer or internal requirements? YES NO NA

15a.3.15 Do documented procedures or work instructions include honeycomb YES NO

core requirements with regards to potting materials, splices, and
location per customer or internal requirements?

15a.3.16 Is the potting location inspected for location and size? YES NO

15a.3.17 Is method of inspection (MOI) tooling/templates approved by Quality? YES NO

15a.3.18 For potted splices, are the core details the correct orientation? YES NO NA

15a.3.19 If potting is for rework, is the rework documented? YES NO NA

15a.3.20 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

Splicing (film/foaming adhesive and crush/peg splicing) see potting for SECTION NA
potted splice

In-Process Historical Demonstration

15a.4.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

15a.4.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

15a.4.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

15a.4.1.2 Part Description:

15a.4.1.3 Part Number:

15a.4.1.4 Customer(s):
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 62 -

15a.4.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

15a.4.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

15a.4.1.7 Operator:

15a.4.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

15a.4.2 Is splicing performed in an EMA or CCA in accordance with the YES NO

documented procedure?

15a.4.3 Is adhesive stored per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15a.4.4 Is adhesive thawed before removing from bag? YES NO NA

15a.4.5 Is adhesive traceability (such as batch/lot) recorded? YES NO

15a.4.6 Is adhesive out time recorded? YES NO

15a.4.7 Is out time for time and temperature sensitive material verified after or YES NO
during cure to ensure it has not been exceeded?

15a.4.8 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per customer or
internal requirements?

15a.4.9 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, vacuum) and retained as part of the manufacturing

15a.4.10 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA

15a.4.11 Do documented procedures or work instructions include honeycomb YES NO NA

core requirements with regards to splicing, ribbon direction, chamfer
angle, and location per customer requirements?
Note: NA is for the cases of foam or wood core.

15a.4.12 Are the component core details of the assembly prepared prior to YES NO
assembly per customer requirements and/or work instructions?

15a.4.13 Are the correct sub-assembly core details called out in the work YES NO

15a.4.14 Is splice inspected to customer requirements (such as spliced gaps, full YES NO
depth fill)?

15a.4.15 If minor sanding of the splice is performed, is the core segregated to YES NO NA
prevent cross contamination to other processes?

15a.4.16 If solvent is used is it per customer requirements? YES NO NA

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 63 -

15a.4.17 If splice is for rework, is the rework documented? YES NO NA

15a.4.18 If tools are used to locate core details, are the tools identified? YES NO NA

15a.4.19 Are tools referenced in the work instructions? YES NO

15a.4.20 For crush/peg splicing, is the correct overlap inspected? YES NO NA

15a.4.21 Is the core cleaned to remove contaminants (dust, metallic shavings)? YES NO

Septum and Stabilization SECTION NA

In-Process Historical Demonstration

15a.5.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

15a.5.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

15a.5.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

15a.5.1.2 Part Description:

15a.5.1.3 Part Number:

15a.5.1.4 Customer(s):

15a.5.1.5 Prime Contractor(s):

15a.5.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

15a.5.1.7 Operator:

15a.5.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

15a.5.2 Is lay-up of septum or stabilization materials performed in a CCA? YES NO

15a.5.3 Is the resin dip method of stabilization performed in an EMA/CCA in YES NO NA

accordance with the documented procedure?

15a.5.4 Is adhesive/prepreg/resin stored per customer or internal YES NO


15a.5.5 Is adhesive/prepreg thawed before removing from bag? YES NO NA

15a.5.6 Is adhesive/prepreg/resin traceability (such as batch/lot) recorded? YES NO

15a.5.7 Is adhesive/prepreg out time recorded? YES NO NA

15a.5.8 Are the component core details of the assembly prepared prior to YES NO
assembly per customer requirements and/or work instructions?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 64 -

15a.5.9 Are the correct sub-assembly core details called out in the work YES NO

15a.5.10 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

15a.5.11 If tools are used to locate core details, are the tools identified? YES NO NA

15a.5.12 Are tools referenced in the work instructions? YES NO NA

15a.5.13 Do documented procedures or work instructions include honeycomb YES NO

core requirements with regards to adhesive/prepreg, ribbon direction,
and location per customer or internal requirements?

15a.5.14 Is prepreg laid up in the defined orientation? YES NO NA

15a.5.15 Is the part bagged prior to cure per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15a.5.16 Are the materials for bagging the part (e.g., breathers, bleeders, YES NO NA
release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, etc.) used per specified

15a.5.17 Are leak checks on tools (i.e. mold, vacuum bags etc.) performed to the YES NO NA
documented procedures?

15a.5.18 Are TC’s welded and used per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15a.5.19 Are the type of thermocouples used per customer or internal YES NO

15a.5.20 Does the Auditee have an approved thermal profile on file per customer YES NO NA

15a.5.21 Are thermocouples placed per customer or Auditee requirements? YES NO

15a.5.22 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
pressure, vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per
customer or internal requirements?

15a.5.23 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, vacuum and pressure) and retained as part of the
manufacturing record?

15a.5.24 Are all bagging materials removed in a manner to prevent damage to YES NO NA
the part?

15a.5.25 Is adhesive/prepreg out time verified after cure? YES NO

15a.5.26 Is septum or stabilization cured per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15a.5.27 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 65 -

15a.5.28 Is septum or stabilization visually inspected to customer or internal YES NO


15a.5.29 After application of resin, is the resin cured within the allotted time after YES NO NA
application as per customer requirements?

15a.5.30 Is the part removed from the tool/mold in a manner to prevent damage YES NO
to the part?

15a.5.31 Is out time for time and temperature sensitive material verified after or YES NO
during cure to ensure it has not been exceeded?

Heat Forming SECTION NA

In-Process Historical Demonstration

15a.6.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

15a.6.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

15a.6.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

15a.6.1.2 Part Description:

15a.6.1.3 Part Number:

15a.6.1.4 Customer(s):

15a.6.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

15a.6.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

15a.6.1.7 Operator:

15a.6.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

15a.6.2 Is forming performed in an EMA/CCA in accordance with the YES NO

documented procedure or if formed outside of an EMA/CCA is the core
protected from contamination (such as, is the core vacuum bagged)?

15a.6.3 Are the heat forming parameters (such as times, temperature, YES NO
pressure) customer approved, or has the Auditee documented that the
process does not degrade the core below the customer’s material
specification requirements?

15a.6.4 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

15a.6.5 If forming is manually controlled, are the heat forming parameters (such YES NO NA
as times, temperatures, pressure) documented (for example, a set-up
card, work instruction, procedure)?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 66 -

15a.6.6 Are the forming parameters followed? YES NO

15a.6.7 Is the tooling (such as heat forming and cooling tools) identified? YES NO

15a.6.8 Is the tooling referenced in the work instructions? YES NO

15a.6.9 If required by customer or internal Auditee procedure is the core pre- YES NO NA

15a.6.10 Is the core inspected after forming to customer or internal requirements YES NO
(such as buckle lines, node bond separations, blisters)?

15a.6.11 If the cooling of the detail is controlled in the work instructions, is the YES NO NA
process followed?

15a.6.12 Are the oven/press gages calibrated? YES NO

15a.6.13 Is core formed in the correct orientation with regards to ribbon YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 67 -



Machining/Trimming SECTION NA

In-Process Historical Demonstration

15b.2.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

15b.2.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

15b.2.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

15b.2.1.2 Part Description:

15b.2.1.3 Part Number:

15b.2.1.4 Customer(s):

15b.2.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

15b.2.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

15b.2.1.7 Operator:

15b.2.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

15b.2.2 Is core machining performed in an EMA in accordance with the YES NO

documented procedure, unless subsequent degrease cleaning is
required to be performed?

15b.2.3 If non-fly away materials are attached to the core to assist in machining YES NO NA
(such as peel ply, double backed pressure sensitive tape), is the
material approved by the customer?

15b.2.4 Is the trim template identified? YES NO NA

15b.2.5 Is the trim template referenced in the work instruction? YES NO NA

15b.2.6 Are the equipment parameters (for example: feeds, speeds, abrasive YES NO NA
paper, drill/router bits) in compliance per customer requirements?

15b.2.7 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

15b.2.8 Is the core dimensionally stabilized prior to machining (such as drying) YES NO NA
per customer requirements

15b.2.9 Is the machined core cleaned to remove contaminants (dust, metallic YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 68 -

15b.2.10 If solvent/degreaser is used to remove contaminants (such as pressure YES NO NA

sensitive tape residue), is the solvent/degreaser approved by the

15b.2.11 Do documented procedures or work instructions include honeycomb YES NO NA

core requirements with regards to ribbon direction, chamfer angle, and
location per customer requirements?
Note: NA is for the cases of foam or wood core.

15b.2.12 Is the core dimensionally correct? YES NO

15b.2.13 Is method of inspection (MOI) tooling/templates approved by Quality? YES NO

(fastener locations and splices, for potted inserts see miscellaneous
Note: For potted inserts see Miscellaneous Bonding. Edge filling of
cured sandwich structures are not applicable.

In-Process Historical Demonstration

15b.3.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

15b.3.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

15b.3.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

15b.3.1.2 Part Description:

15b.3.1.3 Part Number:

15b.3.1.4 Customer(s):

15b.3.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

15b.3.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

15b.3.1.7 Operator:

15b.3.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

15b.3.2 Is potting of core performed in an EMA or CCA in accordance with the YES NO
documented procedure?

15b.3.3 Is potting compound stored per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15b.3.4 Is potting correctly mixed prior to use? YES NO

15b.3.5 Is pot life monitored and controlled? YES NO

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 69 -

15b.3.6 Is pot life verified per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15b.3.7 Is maskant, such as pressure sensitive tape, approved by the YES NO NA


15b.3.8 Are templates to locate potting areas identified? YES NO NA

15b.3.9 Are templates referenced in the work instructions? YES NO NA

15b.3.10 Is the mix ratio used validated (e.g. lap shears, shore-D hardness, YES NO NA
recording of weights, witnessing by quality assurance, operator self-
verification program, etc.)?

15b.3.11 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per customer or
internal requirements?

15b.3.11.1 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, vacuum) and retained as part of the manufacturing

15b.3.11.2 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA

15b.3.12 Is the cured potting inspected to customer or internal requirements (for YES NO
example full depth core fill and voids)?

15b.3.13 If minor sanding of potting is performed, is the core segregated to YES NO NA

prevent cross contamination to other processes?

15b.3.14 If solvent is used is it per customer requirements? YES NO NA

15b.3.15 Do documented procedures or work instructions include honeycomb YES NO

core requirements with regards to potting materials, splices, and
location per customer or internal requirements?

15b.3.16 Is the potting location inspected for location and size? YES NO

15b.3.17 Is method of inspection (MOI) tooling/templates approved by Quality? YES NO

15b.3.18 For potted splices, are the core details the correct orientation? YES NO NA

15b.3.19 If potting is for rework, is the rework documented? YES NO NA

15b.3.20 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 70 -

Splicing (film/foaming adhesive and crush/peg splicing) see potting for SECTION NA
potted splice

In-Process Historical Demonstration

15b.4.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

15b.4.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

15b.4.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

15b.4.1.2 Part Description:

15b.4.1.3 Part Number:

15b.4.1.4 Customer(s):

15b.4.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

15b.4.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

15b.4.1.7 Operator:

15b.4.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

15b.4.2 Is splicing performed in an EMA or CCA in accordance with the YES NO

documented procedure?

15b.4.3 Is adhesive stored per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15b.4.4 Is adhesive thawed before removing from bag? YES NO NA

15b.4.5 Is adhesive traceability (such as batch/lot) recorded? YES NO

15b.4.6 Is adhesive out time recorded? YES NO

15b.4.7 Is out time for time and temperature sensitive material verified after YES NO
cure to ensure it has not been exceeded?

15b.4.8 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per customer

15b.4.8.1 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, vacuum) and retained as part of the manufacturing

15b.4.8.2 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 71 -

15b.4.9 Do documented procedures or work instructions include honeycomb YES NO NA

core requirements with regards to splicing, ribbon direction, chamfer
angle, and location per customer requirements?

Note: NA is for the cases of foam or wood core.

15b.4.10 187780
Are the component core details of the assembly prepared prior to YES NO
assembly per customer requirements and/or work instructions?

15b.4.11 Are the correct sub-assembly core details called out in the work YES NO

15b.4.12 Is splice inspected to customer requirements (such as spliced gaps, full YES NO
depth fill)?

15b.4.13 If minor sanding of the splice is performed, is the core segregated to YES NO NA
prevent cross contamination to other processes?

15b.4.14 If solvent is used is it per customer requirements? YES NO NA

15b.4.15 If splice is for rework, is the rework documented? YES NO NA

15b.4.16 If tools are used to locate core details, are the tools identified? YES NO NA

15b.4.17 Are tools referenced in the work instructions? YES NO

15b.4.18 For crush/peg splicing, is the correct overlap inspected? YES NO NA

15b.4.19 Is the core cleaned to remove contaminants (dust, metallic shavings)? YES NO

Septum and Stabilization SECTION NA

In-Process Historical Demonstration

15b.5.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

15b.5.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

15b.5.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

15b.5.1.2 Part Description:

15b.5.1.3 Part Number:

15b.5.1.4 Customer(s):

15b.5.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

15b.5.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 72 -

15b.5.1.7 Operator:

15b.5.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

15b.5.2 Is lay-up of septum or stabilization materials performed in a CCA? YES NO

15b.5.3 Is the resin dip method of stabilization performed in an EMA/CCA in YES NO NA

accordance with the documented procedure?

15b.5.4 Is adhesive/prepreg stored per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15b.5.5 Is adhesive/prepreg thawed before removing from bag? YES NO NA

15b.5.6 Is adhesive/prepreg/resin traceability (such as batch/lot) recorded? YES NO

15b.5.7 Is adhesive/prepreg out time recorded? YES NO NA

15b.5.8 Are the component core details of the assembly prepared prior to YES NO
assembly per customer or internal requirements and/or work

15b.5.9 Are the correct sub-assembly core details called out in the work YES NO

15b.5.10 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

15b.5.11 If tools are used to locate core details, are the tools identified? YES NO NA

15b.5.12 Are tools referenced in the work instructions? YES NO NA

15b.5.13 Do documented procedures or work instructions include honeycomb YES NO

core requirements with regards to adhesive/prepreg, ribbon direction,
and location per customer or internal requirements?

15b.5.14 Is prepreg laid up in the defined orientation? YES NO NA

15b.5.15 Is the part bagged prior to cure per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15b.5.16 Are the materials for bagging the part (e.g., breathers, bleeders, YES NO NA
release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, etc.) used per specified

15b.5.17 Are leak checks on tools (i.e. mold, vacuum bags etc.) performed to the YES NO NA
documented procedures?

15b.5.18 Are TC’s welded and used per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15b.5.19 Are the type of thermocouples used per customer or internal YES NO

15b.5.20 Does the Auditee have an approved thermal profile on file per customer YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 73 -

15b.5.21 Are thermocouples placed per customer or Auditee requirements? YES NO

15b.5.22 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
pressure, vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per

15b.5.23 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, vacuum and pressure) and retained as part of the
manufacturing record?

15b.5.24 Are all bagging materials removed in a manner to prevent damage to YES NO NA
the part?

15b.5.25 Is adhesive/prepreg out time verified after cure? YES NO

15b.5.26 Is septum or stabilization cured per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

15b.5.27 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA

15b.5.28 Is septum or stabilization visually inspected to customer or internal YES NO


15b.5.29 After application of resin, is the resin cured within the allotted time after YES NO NA
application as per customer requirements?

15b.5.30 Is the part removed from the tool/mold in a manner to prevent damage YES NO
to the part?

15b.5.31 Is out time for time and temperature sensitive material verified after YES NO
cure to ensure it has not been exceeded?

Heat Forming SECTION NA

In-Process Historical Demonstration

15b.6.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

15b.6.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

15b.6.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

15b.6.1.2 Part Description:

15b.6.1.3 Part Number:

15b.6.1.4 Customer(s):

15b.6.1.5 Subscriber/Prime
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 74 -

15b.6.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

15b.6.1.7 Operator:

15b.6.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

15b.6.2 Is forming performed in an EMA/CCA in accordance with the YES NO

documented procedure or if formed outside of an EMA/CCA is the core
protected from contamination (such as, is the core vacuum bagged)?

15b.6.3 Are the heat forming parameter (such as times, temperature, pressure) YES NO
customer approved, or has the Auditee documented that the process
does not degrade the core below the customer’s material specification

15b.6.4 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

15b.6.5 If forming is manually controlled, are the heat forming parameters (such YES NO NA
as times, temperatures, pressure) documented (for example, a set-up
card, work instruction, procedure)?

15b.6.6 Are the forming parameters followed? YES NO

15b.6.7 Is the tooling (such as heat forming and cooling tools) identified? YES NO

15b.6.8 Is the tooling referenced in the work instructions? YES NO

15b.6.9 If required by customer or internal Auditee procedure is the core pre- YES NO NA

15b.6.10 Is the core inspected after forming to customer requirements (such as YES NO
buckle lines, node bond separations, blisters)?

15b.6.11 If the cooling of the detail is controlled in the work instructions, is the YES NO NA
process followed?

15b.6.12 Are the oven/press gages calibrated? YES NO

15b.6.13 Is core formed in the correct orientation with regards to ribbon YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 75 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

16a.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations?
Information only.

Customer Requirements

16a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

16a.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

16a.1.1.2 Part Description:

16a.1.1.3 Part Number:

16a.1.1.4 Customer(s):

16a.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

16a.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

16a.1.1.7 Operator:

16a.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


16a.2.1 Is the material used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16a.2.2 Are the component parts of the assembly prepared prior to assembly YES NO NA
per customer requirements and/or work instructions?

16a.2.3 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

16a.2.4 Do the work instructions identify in-process/verification points when YES NO NA

verification of conformance cannot be performed at later stages of
realization per customer requirements?

16a.2.5 Are the correct sub-assembly parts called out in the work instructions YES NO NA
(correct drawing and revision)?

16a.2.6 Are all bond surfaces prepared and protected, according to customer or YES NO
internal requirements, prior to the bonding operation?

16a.2.7 Are the materials laid up within the allowed time in accordance with YES NO NA
customer requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 76 -

16a.2.8 Are processes being performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

16a.2.9 Are details (prepreg, fiber, fabric, surfacing films, core, foam, metal, YES NO NA
etc.) placed in the correct position, fiber alignment, and orientation per
design requirements?

16a.2.10 Does the Auditee have a verification method to ensure that all poly YES NO
film/backing paper (or other support or protective material) has been
removed prior to lay-up?

16a.2.11 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

16a.2.12 If prepreg/fiber/fabric is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, are YES NO NA

measures taken (e.g. shims) to protect other plies and/or tools from
being cut?

16a.2.13 If material is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, and no measures are YES NO NA
taken (e.g. shim) to protect the other plies and/or tools from being cut,
is the cut made outside of the confirmed net trim line/end of part

16a.2.14 If shop aids are used to form or place the material, are they made from YES NO NA
an approved material?

16a.2.15 Are the expendable materials used during lay-up processing (e.g., YES NO NA
breathers, bleeders, release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, etc.) used
per specified requirements?

16a.2.16 Are splice and joint processes being performed in accordance with the YES NO NA
work instructions?

16a.2.17 Does the Auditee protect surfaces on detail parts that are co-bonded? YES NO

16a.2.18 Are debulks compliant to the documented procedure or training? YES NO NA

16a.2.19 Is the preform/braid processed per customer or internal requirements YES NO NA

(e.g. temperature, pressure, other process parameters, etc.)?

16a.2.20 If applicable, are pre-fit operations (e.g. verifilms) performed and YES NO NA
compliant to the documented procedure?

16a.2.21 Are heating tools (pre-heat ovens, heat guns, irons, debulk tables, etc.) YES NO NA
controlled to a maximum temperature?

16a.2.22 Is peel ply used and removed per customer/ Auditee requirements? YES NO NA

16a.2.23 If the prepreg or adhesive material is identified to contain defects such YES NO NA
as resin rich or resin starved areas, cuts, and wrinkles– has rework or
replacement material been completed as per customer requirements
(such as splicing in new material)?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 77 -

16a.2.24 If replacement materials are added to the existing kit, is the traceability YES NO NA
included with the part’s documentation and has the part’s outtime or
cure-by date been adjusted (as required)?

16a.2.25 For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO
prior to removing from its protective covering?

Reticulation SECTION NA

16a.3.1 Is the reticulation equipment qualified as per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16a.3.2 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

16a.3.3 Is the process performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the documented YES NO

16a.3.4 Is the reticulation process controlled to the maximum temp / time (pre- YES NO
heat oven, oven, reticulation machine, heat guns) in accordance with
customer or internal requirements?

16a.3.5 Honeycomb Reticulation SECTION NA

16a.3.5.1 Is the honeycomb core cell edge surface preparation prior to YES NO
reticulation in accordance with customer requirements?

16a.3.5.2 Is there a validation process in place to ensure the adhesive covers all YES NO
the honeycomb core cell edges per customer requirements?

16a.3.5.3 Is the storage of the reticulated honeycomb core per customer YES NO

16a.3.5.4 Is the use of reticulated honeycomb core performed within the time YES NO
allowed by the customer?

16a.3.6 Perforated Skin Reticulation SECTION NA

16a.3.6.1 Is the perforated skin surface preparation prior to reticulation in YES NO

accordance with customer requirements?

16a.3.6.2 Is there a validation process in place to ensure the adhesive covers all YES NO
the perforated area per customer requirements?

16a.3.6.3 Is the storage of the perforated skin, per customer requirements? YES NO

16a.3.6.4 Is the use of reticulated perforated skin performed within the time YES NO
allowed by the customer?

16a.4 Non-metallic Surface Preparation for Co-Curing SECTION NA

16a.4.1 Do the Auditee’s documented procedures or work instructions specify, YES NO NA

at a minimum, the following:

a. Method to protect surfaces after cleaning/preparation?

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 78 -

b. Maximum time allowed between completion of surface preparation

and start of adhesive bonding if required per customer or internal

16a.4.2 Are non-metallic surfaces prepared as specified in the planning? YES NO

16a.4.3 If abrasion methods are used to prepare the non-metallic surface are YES NO NA
there provisions for the following:

a. Method does not result in the exposure of fibers as required by the


b. Is the grit paper size used as specified per the customer or internal

c. Solvent and materials used to wipe after abrasion are as required in

the planning?

d. Criteria for evaluating surface readiness (such as water break test or

visual acceptance criteria) are correctly complied with?

16a.4.4 After peel ply removal, does the Auditee have a verification method to YES NO NA
ensure no damage resulted from the removal?

16a.4.5 After peel ply removal, does the Auditee have a verification method to YES NO NA
ensure that it has been completely removed?

16a.4.6 If peel ply removal is performed in an area of the CCA, is the area YES NO NA
segregated by time, distance, or partition to keep the dry fibers from
contaminating nearby bonding operations?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 79 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

16b.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

16b.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

16b.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

16b.1.1.2 Part Description:

16b.1.1.3 Part Number:

16b.1.1.4 Customer(s):

16b.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

16b.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

16b.1.1.7 Operator:

16b.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


16b.2.1 Is the material used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16b.2.2 Are the component parts of the assembly prepared prior to assembly YES NO NA
per customer requirements and/or work instructions?

16b.2.3 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

16b.2.4 Do the work instructions identify in-process/verification points when YES NO NA

verification of conformance cannot be performed at later stages of
realization per customer requirements?

16b.2.5 Are the correct sub-assembly parts called out in the work instructions YES NO NA
(correct drawing and revision)?

16b.2.6 Are all bond surfaces prepared and protected, according to customer or YES NO
internal requirements, prior to the bonding operation?

16b.2.7 Are the materials laid up within the allowed time in accordance with YES NO NA
customer requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 80 -

16b.2.8 Are processes being performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

16b.2.9 Are details (prepreg, fiber, fabric, surfacing films, core, foam, metal, YES NO NA
etc.) placed in the correct position, fiber alignment, and orientation per
design requirements?

16b.2.10 Does the Auditee have a verification method to ensure that all poly YES NO
film/backing paper (or other support or protective material) has been
removed prior to lay-up?

16b.2.11 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

16b.2.12 If prepreg/fiber/fabric is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, are YES NO NA

measures taken (e.g. shims) to protect other plies and/or tools from
being cut?

16b.2.13 If material is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, and no measures are YES NO NA
taken (e.g. shim) to protect the other plies and/or tools from being cut,
is the cut made outside of the confirmed net trim line/end of part

16b.2.14 If shop aids are used to form or place the material, are they made from YES NO NA
an approved material?

16b.2.15 Are the expendable materials used during lay-up processing (e.g., YES NO NA
breathers, bleeders, release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, etc.) used
per specified requirements?

16b.2.16 Are splice and joint processes being performed in accordance with the YES NO NA
work instructions?

16b.2.17 Does the Auditee protect surfaces on detail parts that are co-bonded? YES NO

16b.2.18 Are debulks compliant to the documented procedure or training? YES NO NA

16b.2.19 If applicable, are pre-fit operations (e.g. verifilms) performed and YES NO NA
compliant to the documented procedure?

16b.2.20 Are heating tools (pre-heat ovens, heat guns, irons, debulk tables, etc.) YES NO NA
controlled to a maximum temperature?

16b.2.21 Is peel ply used and removed per customer/Auditee requirements? YES NO NA

16b.2.22 Are the tables for cutting adhesives for metal bond segregated from YES NO NA
other types of processing?

16b.2.23 If metal bond details are trimmed in the CCA, is debris isolated and YES NO NA
disposed of to prevent inclusion, FOD, in the part?

16b.2.24 Are storage limits for exposed aluminum details (degreased core or YES NO NA
anodized and primed details) verified prior to bond, or is the bonding
surface activated by solvent cleaning?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 81 -

16b.2.25 Are aluminum details that have exceeded their storage limit cleaned if YES NO NA
they exceed the customer’s storage requirements?

16b.2.26 For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO
prior to removing from its protective covering?

Reticulation SECTION NA

16b.3.1 Is the reticulation equipment qualified as per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16b.3.2 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

16b.3.3 Is the process performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the documented YES NO
16b.3.4 Is the reticulation process controlled to the maximum temp / time (pre-
heat oven, oven, reticulation machine, heat guns) in accordance with
customer or internal requirements?
16b.3.5 Honeycomb Reticulation
16b.3.5.1 Is the honeycomb core cell edge surface preparation prior to
reticulation in accordance with customer requirements?
16b.3.5.2 Is there a validation process in place to ensure the adhesive covers all
the honeycomb core cell edges per customer requirements?
16b.3.5.3 Is the storage of the reticulated honeycomb core per customer
16b.3.5.4 Is the use of reticulated honeycomb core performed within the time
allowed by the customer?
16b.3.6 Perforated Skin Reticulation
16b.3.6.1 Is the perforated skin surface preparation prior to reticulation in
accordance with customer requirements?
16b.3.6.2 Is there a validation process in place to ensure the adhesive covers all
the perforated area per customer requirements?
16b.3.6.3 Is the storage of the perforated skin, per customer requirements?
16b.3.6.4 Is the use of reticulated perforated skin performed within the time
allowed by the customer?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 82 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

16c.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

16c.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

16c.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

16c.1.1.2 Part Description:

16c.1.1.3 Part Number:

16c.1.1.4 Customer(s):

16c.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

16c.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

16c.1.1.7 Operator:

16c.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


16c.2.1 Is the material used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16c.2.2 Are the component parts of the assembly prepared prior to assembly YES NO NA
per customer requirements and/or work instructions?

16c.2.3 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

16c.2.4 Do the work instructions identify in-process/verification points when YES NO NA

verification of conformance cannot be performed at later stages of
realization per customer requirements?

16c.2.5 Are the correct sub-assembly parts called out in the work instructions YES NO NA
(correct drawing and revision)?

16c.2.6 Are all bond surfaces prepared and protected, according to customer or YES NO
internal requirements, prior to the bonding operation?

16c.2.7 Are the materials laid up within the allowed time in accordance with YES NO NA
customer requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 83 -

16c.2.8 Are processes being performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

16c.2.9 Are details (cloth, preform, braid, surfacing films, core, foam, metal, YES NO
etc.) placed in the correct position and orientation per design

16c.2.10 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

16c.2.11 If material is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, are measures taken YES NO NA
(e.g. shims) to protect other plies and/or tools from being cut?

16c.2.12 If shop aids are used to form or place the material, are they made from YES NO NA
an approved material?

16c.2.13 Are the expendable materials used during lay-up processing (e.g., YES NO NA
breathers, bleeders, release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, infusion
tubes & media, etc.) used per specified requirements?

16c.2.14 Are splice and joint processes being performed in accordance with the YES NO NA
work instructions?

16c.2.15 Does the Auditee protect surfaces on detail parts that are to be co- YES NO

16c.2.16 Are the work areas/tables for cutting dry fibers/fabric/ braid/preform YES NO NA
segregated (e.g. separate rooms, dedicated work tables, or shared
work tables cleaned before and after use) from other types of
processing to prevent cross contamination?

16c.2.17 Are dry materials conditioned per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16c.2.18 Is the preform/braid/dry fabric processed per customer requirements YES NO NA

(e.g. temperature, pressure, other process parameters, etc.)?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 84 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

16d.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

16d.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

16d.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

16d.1.1.2 Part Description:

16d.1.1.3 Part Number:

16d.1.1.4 Customer(s):

16d.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

16d.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

16d.1.1.7 Operator:

16d.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


16d.2.1 Is the material used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16d.2.2 Are the component parts of the assembly prepared prior to assembly YES NO NA
per customer requirements and/or work instructions?

16d.2.3 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

16d.2.4 Do the work instructions identify in-process/verification points when YES NO NA

verification of conformance cannot be performed at later stages of
realization per customer requirements?

16d.2.5 Are the correct sub-assembly parts called out in the work instructions YES NO NA
(correct drawing and revision)?

16d.2.6 Are all bond surfaces prepared and protected, according to customer or YES NO
internal requirements, prior to the bonding operation?

16d.2.7 Are the materials laid up within the allowed time in accordance with YES NO NA
customer requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 85 -

16d.2.8 Are processes being performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

16d.2.9 Does the Auditee have a verification method to ensure that all poly YES NO
film/backing paper (or other support or protective material) has been
removed prior to lay-up?

16d.2.10 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

16d.2.11 If prepreg/fiber/fabric is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, are YES NO NA

measures taken (e.g. shims) to protect other plies and/or tools from
being cut?

16d.2.12 If material is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, and no measures are YES NO NA
taken (e.g. shim) to protect the other plies and/or tools from being cut,
is the cut made outside of the confirmed net trim line/end of part

16d.2.13 If shop aids are used to form or place the material, are they made from YES NO NA
an approved material?

16d.2.14 Are the expendable materials used during lay-up processing (e.g., YES NO NA
breathers, bleeders, release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, infusion
tubes & media, etc.) used per specified requirements?

16d.2.15 Are debulks compliant to the documented procedure or training? YES NO NA

16d.2.16 Is the preform/braid processed per customer requirements (e.g. YES NO NA

temperature, pressure, other process parameters, etc.)?

16d.2.17 If applicable, are pre-fit operations (e.g. verifilms) performed and YES NO NA
compliant to the documented procedure?

16d.2.18 Are heating tools (pre-heat ovens, heat guns, irons, debulk tables, etc.) YES NO NA
controlled to a maximum temperature?

16d.2.19 Is peel ply used and removed per customer/Auditee requirements? YES NO NA

16d.2.20 For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO
prior to removing from its protective covering?


16d.3.1 Are splice and joint processes being performed in accordance with the YES NO NA
work instructions?

16d.3.2 Are details (prepreg, fiber, fabric, surfacing films, core, foam, metal, YES NO NA
etc.) placed in the correct position, fiber alignment, and orientation per
design requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 86 -

16d.3.3 If the prepreg or adhesive material is identified to contain defects such YES NO NA
as resin rich or resin starved areas, cuts, and wrinkles– is rework or
replacement material been completed as per customer requirements
(such as splicing in new material)?

16d.3.4 If replacement materials are added to the existing kit, is the traceability YES NO NA
included with the part’s documentation and has the part’s outtime or
cure-by date been adjusted (as required)?

16d.3.5 Does the Auditee protect surfaces on detail parts that are co-bonded? YES NO NA


16d.4.1 Are the tables for cutting adhesives for metal bond segregated from YES NO NA
other types of processing?

16d.4.2 If metal bond details are trimmed in the CCA, is debris isolated and YES NO NA
disposed of to prevent inclusion, FOD, in the part?

16d.4.3 Are storage limits for exposed aluminum details (degreased core or YES NO NA
anodized and primed details) verified prior to bond, or is the bonding
surface activated by solvent cleaning?

16d.4.4 Are aluminum details that have exceeded their storage limit cleaned if YES NO NA
they exceed the customer’s storage requirements?

16d.4.5 Does the Auditee protect surfaces on detail parts that are co-bonded? YES NO NA

16d.4.6 Are splice and joint processes being performed in accordance with the YES NO NA
work instructions?

16d.4.7 Are details (prepreg, fiber, fabric, surfacing films, core, foam, metal, YES NO NA
etc.) placed in the correct position, fiber alignment, and orientation per
design requirements?


16d.5.1 Does the Auditee protect surfaces on detail parts that are co-bonded? YES NO NA

16d.5.2 Are splice and joint processes being performed in accordance with the YES NO NA
work instructions?

16d.5.3 Are details (prepreg, fiber, fabric, surfacing films, core, foam, metal, YES NO NA
etc.) placed in the correct position, fiber alignment, and orientation per
design requirements?

16d.5.4 Are details (cloth, preform, braid, surfacing films, core, foam, metal, YES NO NA
etc.) placed in the correct position and orientation per design
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 87 -

Are the work areas/tables for cutting dry fibers/fabric/ braid/preform

16d.5.5 YES NO NA
segregated (e.g. separate rooms, dedicated worktables, or shared
worktables cleaned before and after use) from other types of
processing to prevent cross contamination?

16d.5.6 Are dry materials conditioned per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16d.5.7 Is the preform/braid/dry fabric processed per customer or internal YES NO

requirements (e.g. temperature, pressure, other process parameters,

16d.6 Reticulation SECTION NA

.1 Is the reticulation equipment qualified as per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16d.6.2 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

16d.6.3 Is the process performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the documented YES NO

16d.6.4 Is the reticulation process controlled to the maximum temp / time (pre- YES NO
heat oven, oven, reticulation machine, heat guns) in accordance with
customer or internal requirements?

16d.6.5 Honeycomb Reticulation SECTION NA

16d.6.5.1 Is the honeycomb core cell edge surface preparation prior to YES NO
reticulation in accordance with customer requirements?

16d.6.5.2 Is there a validation process in place to ensure the adhesive covers all YES NO
the honeycomb core cell edges per customer or internal requirements?

16d.6.5.3 Is the storage of the reticulated honeycomb core per customer or YES NO
internal requirements?

16d.6.5.4 Is the use of reticulated honeycomb core performed within the time YES NO
allowed by the customer?

16d.6.6 Perforated Skin Reticulation SECTION NA

16d.6.6.1 Is the perforated skin surface preparation prior to reticulation in YES NO

accordance with customer requirements?

16d.6.6.2 Is there a validation process in place to ensure the adhesive covers all YES NO
the perforated area per customer or internal requirements?

16d.6.6.3 Is the storage of the perforated skin, per customer or internal YES NO

16d.6.6.4 Is the use of reticulated perforated skin performed within the time YES NO
allowed by the customer?

16d.7 Non-metallic Surface Preparation for Co-Curing SECTION NA

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 88 -

16d.7.1 Do the Auditee’s documented procedures or work instructions specify, YES NO NA

at a minimum, the following:

a. Method to protect surfaces after cleaning/preparation?

b. Maximum time allowed between completion of surface preparation

and start of adhesive bonding if required per customer or internal
16d.7.2 Are non-metallic surfaces prepared as specified in the planning?
16d.7.3 If abrasion methods are used to prepare the non-metallic surface are
there provisions for the following:

a. Method does not result in the exposure of fibers as required by the


b. Is the grit paper size used as specified per the customer or internal

c. Solvent and materials used to wipe after abrasion are as required in

the planning?

d. Criteria for evaluating surface readiness (such as water break test or

visual acceptance criteria) are correctly complied with?

16d.7.4 After peel ply removal, does the Auditee have a verification method to YES NO NA
ensure no damage resulted from the removal?

16d.7.5 After peel ply removal, does the Auditee have a verification method to YES NO NA
ensure that it has been completely removed?

16d.7.6 If peel ply removal is performed in an area of the CCA, is the area YES NO NA
segregated by time, distance, or partition to keep the dry fibers from
contaminating nearby bonding operations?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 89 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

16e.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

16e.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

16e.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

16e.1.1.2 Part Description:

16e.1.1.3 Part Number:

16e.1.1.4 Customer(s):

16e.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

16e.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

16e.1.1.7 Operator:

16e.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


16e.2.1 Is the material used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16e.2.2 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

16e.2.3 Are the materials laid up within the allowed time in accordance with YES NO NA
customer requirements?

16e.2.4 Do the work instructions identify in-process/verification points when YES NO

verification of conformance cannot be performed at later stages of
realization per customer or internal requirements?

16e.2.5 Are refrigerated materials allowed to thaw as per customer YES NO


16e.2.6 Are processes being performed in the CCA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

16e.2.7 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 90 -

16e.2.8 Is the mandrel and mold tooling identified and referenced in the work YES NO NA
instructions for traceability?

16e.2.9 Is the tooling and ancillary equipment free from damage, deterioration, YES NO
debris, or contamination that could affect the part?

16e.2.10 Are the expendable materials used during lay-up processing (e.g., YES NO NA
breathers, bleeders, release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, etc.) used
per specified requirements?

16e.2.11 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO

16e.2.12 Are material spools from a single supplier’s material or as required by YES NO
customer or internal requirements ?

16e.2.13 If the material is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, are measures YES NO NA
taken (e.g. shims) to protect other plies and/or tools from being cut?

16e.2.14 Are overlaps of tows/courses in accordance with customer or internal YES NO


16e.2.15 Are gaps between the tows/courses in accordance with customer or YES NO
internal requirements?

16e.2.16 Are gaps filled per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16e.2.17 Are butt splices in a single tow separated by distances as per customer YES NO

16e.2.18 Are heating tools (hot compaction equipment, heat guns, debulk tables) YES NO NA
controlled to a maximum temperature?

16e.2.19 Are debulks compliant to the engineering requirements? YES NO NA

16e.2.20 Does the Auditee have a procedure for periodically verifying the YES NO
accuracy and precision for the head movement and material

16e.2.21 Is peel ply used and removed per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16e.2.22 Is the preform removed and transported as per the documented YES NO NA

16e.2.23 Are materials that come in contact with the prepreg allowed per YES NO NA
customer requirements?

16e.2.24 Are hand laid up materials and details (prepreg, fiber, fabric, surfacing YES NO NA
films, core, foam, metal, etc.) placed in the correct position, fiber
alignment, and orientation per customer requirements?

16e.2.25 Is there a verification process to visually inspect compaction rollers for YES NO
damage at a defined interval?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 91 -

16e.2.26 Are there documented procedures or work instructions for process YES NO
interruptions, such as spool exchange, tow breaks?


16e.3.1 Is the AFP machine qualified and approved by the customer if YES NO NA

16e.3.2 Are tows inspected for defects, folds, twists or wrinkles and reworked YES NO
per customer/Auditee requirements?

16e.3.3 If the prepreg fiber placement material is identified to contain defects YES NO NA
such as resin rich/resin starved areas, fuzz balls, buckles/wrinkles and
twisted/split tows – is rework or replacement material been completed
as per customer requirements?

16e.3.4 Are overlap splices in a single tow separated by distances as per YES NO
customer or internal requirements?

16e.3.5 Are materials laid up by the AFP placed in the correct position (end of YES NO
tow drop off within tolerance of the theoretical end of ply), fiber
alignment, and orientation per customer or internal requirements?

16e.3.6 Is the mandrel and mold tooling prepared for material application as per YES NO
customer or internal requirements?

16e.3.7 Is the mandrel positioned and is the set up process performed as per YES NO
the documented procedure?

16e.3.8 Is the equipment/machine set up performed and compliant to the YES NO

documented procedure?

16e.3.9 Are the environmental conditions for the material (such as creel house YES NO
or CCA) controlled per customer/Auditee requirements?

16e.3.10 Is mandrel unloaded as per the documented procedure? YES NO

16e.3.11 Is the AFP machine compliant to the following process control YES NO
parameters as defined in the documented procedure?

16e.3.11.1 Compaction force YES NO NA

16e.3.11.2 Tow tension/tensioners YES NO NA

16e.3.11.3 Compaction point heater temperature YES NO

16e.3.11.4 Head temperature YES NO NA

16e.3.11.5 Creel House temperature YES NO NA

16e.3.11.6 Creel House humidity YES NO NA

16e.3.11.7 Maximum part lay down speed YES NO

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 92 -

16e.3.11.8 Tow clamp pressure YES NO NA

16e.3.11.9 Add Roller pressure YES NO NA

16e.3.12 If tows are reworked (such as lifting to remove fuzz or replacing tow), YES NO NA
does the process prevent damaging of the fibers to the tow or
underlying material?

16e.3.13 Is the handling of the ply stack controlled to prevent damage as per the YES NO NA
documented procedure?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 93 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

Note: This does not apply to Dry Winding.

16f.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

16f.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

16f.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

16f.1.1.2 Part Description:

16f.1.1.3 Part Number:

16f.1.1.4 Customer(s):

16f.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

16f.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

16f.1.1.7 Operator:

16f.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


16f.2.1 Is the correct material used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16f.2.2 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

16f.2.3 Do the work instructions identify in-process/verification points when YES NO NA

verification of conformance cannot be performed at later stages of
realization per customer requirements?

16f.2.4 Are the materials laid up within the allowed time in accordance with YES NO NA
customer requirements?

16f.2.5 Are processes being performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

16f.2.6 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

16f.2.7 Is the mandrel tooling identified and referenced in the work instructions YES NO
for traceability?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 94 -

16f.2.8 Is the tooling and ancillary equipment free from damage, deterioration, YES NO
debris, or contamination that could affect the part?

16f.2.9 Is the mandrel prepared for material application as per customer or YES NO
internal requirements?

16f.2.10 Is the equipment/machine setup performed and compliant to the YES NO

documented procedure?

16f.2.11 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO

16f.2.12 Are refrigerated materials allowed to thaw as per customer or internal YES NO

16f.2.13 Is material loaded as defined by the documented procedure? YES NO

16f.2.14 Is the winding equipment qualified and approved by the customer if YES NO NA

16f.2.15 Is the material placement as per the customer requirements? YES NO

16f.2.16 Is the fiber orientation within tolerances per customer or internal YES NO

16f.2.17 Is the fiber path program(s) validated during component first article? YES NO

16f.2.18 Are overlaps of tows in accordance with customer or internal YES NO


16f.2.19 Are gaps between the tows in accordance with customer or internal YES NO

16f.2.20 Are gaps filled per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16f.2.21 Are overlap and /or butt splices in a single tow separated by distances YES NO
as per customer or internal requirements?

16f.2.22 Is the end of tow drop off within tolerance of the theoretical end of ply YES NO
as per customer or internal requirements?

16f.2.23 If required, is removal of tow(s) as per engineering requirements? YES NO NA

16f.2.24 Are there any material folds or wrinkles identified in the lay-up and are YES NO
they within customer or internal requirements?

16f.2.25 If the material is identified to contain defects such as resin rich/resin YES NO NA
starved areas, fuzz balls, buckles/wrinkles and twisted / split tows – is
rework or replacement material completed as per customer

16f.2.26 Are heating tools (hot compaction equipment, heat guns, debulk tables) YES NO NA
controlled to a maximum temperature?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 95 -

16f.2.27 Are debulks compliant to the engineering requirements? YES NO NA

16f.2.28 Is the winding machine compliant to the following process control

parameters as defined in the documented procedure?

16f.2.28.1 Compaction force YES NO NA

16f.2.28.2 Tow tension YES NO NA

16f.2.28.3 Compaction point heater temperature YES NO NA

16f.2.28.4 Payout head temperature YES NO NA

16f.2.28.5 Mandrel temperature YES NO NA

16f.2.28.6 Maximum head movement speed YES NO NA

16f.2.29 Does the Auditee have a procedure for periodically verifying the YES NO
accuracy and precision for the head movement and tow placement?

16f.2.30 Are hand laid up materials and details applied per customer YES NO NA

16f.2.31 Are the expendable materials used during lay-up processing (e.g., YES NO NA
breathers, bleeders, release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, etc.) used
per specified requirements?

16f.2.32 Is peel ply used and removed per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16f.2.33 Is the shrink wrap tape applied as per customer requirements? YES NO NA

Wet Winding SECTION NA

16f.3.1 Is resin or resin mix used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16f.3.2 Is resin content as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16f.3.3 Is resin content documented as a record traceable to the part specific YES NO
work instructions?

16f.3.4 Is temperature of resin bath controlled as per customer or internal YES NO

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 96 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

16g.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

16g.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

16g.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

16g.1.1.2 Part Description:

16g.1.1.3 Part Number:

16g.1.1.4 Customer(s):

16g.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

16g.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

16g.1.1.7 Operator:

16g.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


16g.2.1 Is the material used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16g.2.2 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

16g.2.3 Do the work instructions identify in-process/verification points when YES NO NA

verification of conformance cannot be performed at later stages of
realization per customer requirements?

16g.2.4 If charges/ply stacks are frozen, are the charges/ply stacks stored flat YES NO NA
and in a manner to protect from contaminates and damage?

16g.2.5 If charge/ply stack is frozen, is the charge allowed to warm/thaw prior to YES NO NA
opening the bag?

16g.2.6 Are the materials formed within the allowed time in accordance with YES NO NA
customer or internal requirements?

16g.2.7 Are processes being performed in the CCA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 97 -

16g.2.8 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

16g.2.9 Are heating tools (such as heat guns) controlled to a maximum YES NO NA
temperature as per customer requirements?

16g.2.10 Are pre-formed and post-formed charges/ply stacks handled in a YES NO NA

manner to prevent distortion and damage?

16g.2.11 Is the HDF machine qualified and approved by the customer if YES NO NA

16g.2.12 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO

16g.2.13 Is the equipment/machine setup performed and compliant to the YES NO

documented procedure?

16g.2.14 If the diaphragm requires repair, does the process prevent cross YES NO NA
contamination to the charge/ply stack and adjacent processes?

16g.2.15 Is the tooling and ancillary equipment free from damage, deterioration, YES NO
debris, or contamination that could affect the part?

16g.2.16 Is the charge/ply stack prepared for forming as per customer or internal YES NO

16g.2.17 Are materials that come in contact with the charge/ply stack allowed per YES NO NA
customer requirements?

16g.2.18 Is the charge/ply stack located onto the forming tool as per the YES NO
documented procedure?

16g.2.19 Are thermocouples positioned as per the documented procedure? YES NO

16g.2.20 Is the forming tool positioned and set-up as per documented YES NO

16g.2.21 Is the form program/processing parameters as specified in the YES NO

documented procedure?

16g.2.22 Is the form cycle verified and compliant to the documented procedure? YES NO

16g.2.23 Is the formed charge/ply stack visually inspected as per customer or YES NO
internal requirements?

16g.2.24 If required, is formed charge/ply stack staged (vacuum, time, tooling) or YES NO NA
stored after forming in accordance with the work instruction?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 98 -


Non-metallic Bonding (Metal to Composite or Composite to Composite)

In-Process Historical Demonstration

Note: This job audit does not apply to the bonding of details fabricated from core. Utilize job
audit 16a or 16d for these applications.
16h.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations?
Information only.

Customer Requirements

16h.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

16h.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

16h.1.1.2 Part Description:

16h.1.1.3 Part Number:

16h.1.1.4 Customer(s):

16h.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

16h.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

16h.1.1.7 Operator:

16h.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


16h.2.1 Is the material used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16h.2.2 Are the correct sub-assembly parts called out in the work instructions YES NO NA
(correct drawing and revision as required)?

16h.2.3 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

Surface Preparation (Metallic Surface) SECTION NA

16h.3.1 Do the Auditee’s documented procedures or work instructions specify, YES NO NA

at a minimum, the following:

a. Method to protect surfaces after cleaning/preparation?

b. Maximum time allowed between completion of surface

preparation and start of adhesive bonding if required per
customer requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 99 -

16h.3.2 Have metallic surfaces been prepared as specified in the planning? YES NO

16h.3.3 If a special process is required for surface preparation of the metallic YES NO NA
surface (such as PAA or Etching) has it been performed by an
approved supplier?

16h.3.4 If a manual process is used for the metallic surface preparation (such YES NO NA
as hand sanding) has it been performed as specified in the planning
(e.g. grit paper size, solvent wipe etc.)?

16h.3.5 If required, are visual standards available and used to compare surface YES NO NA

16h.3.6 After parts have been cleaned, dried and primed, are stored parts being YES NO NA
protected per customer requirements?

Surface Preparation (Non-Metallic Surface) SECTION NA

16h.4.1 Do the Auditee’s documented procedures or work instructions specify, YES NO NA

at a minimum, the following:

a. Method to protect surfaces after cleaning/preparation?

b. Maximum time allowed between completion of surface

preparation and start of adhesive bonding if required per
customer requirements?

16h.4.2 Are non-metallic surfaces prepared as specified in the planning? YES NO

16h.4.3 If abrasion methods are used to prepare the non-metallic surface are YES NO NA
there provisions for the following:

a. Method does not result in the exposure of fibers as required by

the customer?

b. Is the grit size used as specified per the customer requirement?

c. Solvent and materials used to wipe after abrasion are as

required in the planning?

d. Criteria for evaluating surface readiness (such as water break

test or visual acceptance criteria) are correctly complied with?

16h.4.4 After peel ply removal, does the Auditee have a verification method to YES NO NA
ensure no damage resulted from the removal?

16h.4.4.1 After peel ply removal, does the supplier have a verification method to YES NO NA
ensure that it has been completely removed?

16h.4.5 If peel ply removal is performed in an area of the CCA, is the area YES NO NA
segregated by time, distance, or partition to keep the dry fibers from
contaminating nearby bonding operations?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 100 -

Adhesive Bonding

16h.5.1 Are surface prepped metallic parts being protected during fit-up from YES NO NA
coming in contact with release films (such as FEP) or other materials
which could, potentially, contaminate the surface?

16h.5.2 If parts are trimmed in or near the bonding area are there provisions to YES NO NA
safeguard against the introduction of FOD?

16h.5.3 Are film or paste adhesives within their required shelf-life/out time prior YES NO
to use and until the part is cured?

16h.5.3.1 Are materials stored as per the customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16h.5.3.2 Are parts to be bonded stored in an area per customer requirement? YES NO NA

16h.5.4 Is the laminate dried prior to bonding per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16h.5.5 If adhesive shelf life extension is used has the procedure been YES NO NA
approved by the customer?

16h.5.6 If film adhesive is used for bonding is it allowed to warm/thaw prior to YES NO NA
opening the bag?

16h.5.6.1 If film adhesive is used, is there a verification step to ensure that the YES NO NA
backing film has being removed?

16h.5.7 Are processes being performed in the CCA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

16h.5.8 For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO NA
prior to removing it from its protective covering?

16h.5.9 If multiple part adhesive is used is it mixed at the ratios specified in the YES NO NA
documented procedure?

16h.5.9.1 If multiple part adhesive is used is no more than the maximum allowed YES NO NA
mass mixed as per customer requirement?

16h.5.10 Is adhesive mixing done using contaminant free containers? YES NO

16h.5.11 Are mix ratios validated (e.g. lap shears, shore-D hardness, recording YES NO NA
of weights, witnessing by quality assurance, operator self -verification
program, etc.)?

16h.5.12 Is the pot life specified and monitored through the completion of the YES NO NA
bonding process?

16h.5.13 Are bondline tolerances controlled as per drawing/specification YES NO NA


16h.5.13.1 Are film or multiple part adhesives applied in the quantity and location YES NO NA
specified in the engineering requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 101 -

16h.5.14 If automated dispensing equipment is used, are the mixed ratios YES NO NA

16h.5.15 Is automated equipment cleaned and maintained in accordance with a YES NO NA

documented procedure/plan?

16h.5.16 Are the correct tools, as specified in the work instruction, used for YES NO NA

16h.5.17 Are film adhesive trim templates periodically checked and calibrated for YES NO NA
dimensional integrity?

16h.5.18 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

16h.5.19 Are heating tools (such as heat guns) controlled to a maximum YES NO NA
temperature as per customer requirements?

16h.5.20 Are process control panels or tag end specimens laid up concurrently YES NO NA
with the part they represent?

16h.5.21 If a peel ply has been used to protect bonding surfaces, does the YES NO NA
Auditee have a verification method to ensure that all peel ply has been
removed without causing damage to the detail?

16h.5.22 Is in process testing performed as per customer requirement? YES NO NA

Reticulation SECTION NA

16h.6.1 Is the reticulation equipment qualified as per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16h.6.2 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

16h.6.3 Is the process performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the documented YES NO

16h.6.4 Is the reticulation process controlled on the maximum temp / time (pre- YES NO
heat oven, oven reticulation machine, heat guns) in accordance with
customer or internal requirements?

16h.6.5 Honeycomb Reticulation SECTION NA

16h.6.5.1 Is the honeycomb core cell edge surface preparation prior to YES NO
reticulation in accordance with customer requirements?

16h.6.5.2 Is there a validation process in place to ensure the adhesive covers all YES NO
the honeycomb core cell edges per customer or internal requirements?

16h.6.5.3 Is the storage of the reticulated honeycomb core per customer YES NO
requirements or internal requirements?

16h.6.5.4 Is the use of reticulated honeycomb core performed within the time YES NO
allowed by the customer?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 102 -

16h.6.6 Perforated Skin Reticulation SECTION NA

16h.6.6.1 Is the perforated skin surface preparation prior to reticulation in YES NO

accordance with customer requirements?

16h.6.6.2 Is there a validation process in place to ensure the adhesive covers all YES NO
the perforated area per customer or internal requirements?

16h.6.6.3 Is the storage of the perforated skin, per customer requirements or YES NO
internal requirements?

16h.6.6.4 Is the use of the reticulated perforated skin performed within the time YES NO
allowed by the customer?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 103 -


Non-metallic Bonding (Metal to Composite or Composite to Composite)

In-Process Historical Demonstration

Note: This job audit does not apply to the bonding of details fabricated from core. Utilize job
audit 16a or 16d for these applications.
16i.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations?
Information only.

Customer Requirements

16i.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

16i.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

16i.1.1.2 Part Description:

16i.1.1.3 Part Number:

16i.1.1.4 Customer(s):

16i.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

16i.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

16i.1.1.7 Operator:

16i.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


16i.2.1 Is the material used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16i.2.2 Are the correct sub-assembly parts called out in the work instructions YES NO NA
(correct drawing and revision as required)?

16i.2.3 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

Surface Preparation (Metallic Surface) SECTION NA

16i.3.1 Do the Auditee’s documented procedures or work instructions specify, YES NO NA

at a minimum, the following:

a. Method to protect surfaces after cleaning/preparation?

b. Maximum time allowed between completion of surface

preparation and start of adhesive bonding if required per
customer requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 104 -

16i.3.2 Have metallic surfaces been prepared as specified in the planning?

16i.3.3 If a special process is required for surface preparation of the metallic YES NO NA
surface (such as PAA or Etching) has it been performed by an
approved supplier?

16i.3.4 If a manual process is used for the metallic surface preparation (such YES NO NA
as hand sanding) has it been performed as specified in the planning
(e.g. grit paper size, solvent wipe etc.)?

16i.3.5 If required, are visual standards available and used to compare surface YES NO NA

16i.3.6 After parts have been cleaned, dried and primed, are stored parts being YES NO NA
protected per customer requirements?

Surface Preparation (Non-Metallic Surface) SECTION NA

16i.4.1 Do the Auditee’s documented procedures or work instructions specify, YES NO NA

at a minimum, the following:

a. Method to protect surfaces after cleaning/preparation?

b. Maximum time allowed between completion of surface

preparation and start of adhesive bonding if required per
customer requirements?

16i.4.2 Are non-metallic surfaces prepared as specified in the planning? YES NO

16i.4.3 If abrasion methods are used to prepare the non-metallic surface are YES NO NA
there provisions for the following:

a. Method does not result in the exposure of fibers as required by

the customer?

b. Is the grit size used as specified per the customer requirement?

c. Solvent and materials used to wipe after abrasion are as

required in the planning?

d. Criteria for evaluating surface readiness (such as water break

test or visual acceptance criteria) are correctly complied with?

16i.4.4 After peel ply removal, does the Auditee have a verification method to YES NO NA
ensure no damage resulted from the removal?

16i.4.4.1 After peel ply removal, does the Auditee have a verification method to YES NO NA
ensure that it has been completely removed?

16i.4.5 If peel ply removal is performed in an area of the CCA, is the area YES NO NA
segregated by time, distance, or partition to keep the dry fibers from
contaminating nearby bonding operations?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 105 -

Adhesive Bonding

16i.5.1 Are surface prepped metallic parts being protected during fit-up from YES NO NA
coming in contact with release films (such as FEP) or other materials
which could, potentially, contaminate the surface?

16i.5.2 If parts are trimmed in or near the bonding area are there provisions to YES NO NA
safeguard against the introduction of FOD?

16i.5.3 Are film or paste adhesives within their required shelf-life/out time prior YES NO
to use and until the part is cured?

16i.5.3.1 Are materials stored as per the customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16i.5.3.2 Are parts to be bonded stored in an area per customer requirement? YES NO NA

16i.5.4 Is the laminate dried prior to bonding per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16i.5.5 If adhesive shelf life extension is used has the procedure been YES NO NA
approved by the customer?

16i.5.6 If film adhesive is used for bonding is it allowed to warm/thaw prior to YES NO NA
opening the bag?

16i.5.6.1 If film adhesive is used, is there a verification step to ensure that the YES NO NA
backing film has being removed?

16i.5.7 Are processes being performed in the CCA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

16i.5.8 For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO NA
prior to removing it from its protective covering?

16i.5.9 If multiple part adhesive is used is it mixed at the ratios specified in the YES NO NA
documented procedure?

16i.5.9.1 If multiple part adhesive is used is no more than the maximum allowed YES NO NA
mass mixed as per customer requirement?

16i.5.10 Is adhesive mixing done using contaminant free containers? YES NO

16i.5.11 Are mix ratios validated (e.g. lap shears, shore-D hardness, recording YES NO NA
of weights, witnessing by quality assurance, operator self -verification
program, etc.)?

16i.5.12 Is the pot life specified and monitored through the completion of the YES NO NA
bonding process?

16i.5.13 Are bondline tolerances controlled as per drawing/specification YES NO NA


16i.5.13.1 Are film or multiple part adhesives applied in the quantity and location YES NO NA
specified in the engineering requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 106 -

16i.5.14 If automated dispensing equipment is used, are the mixed ratios YES NO NA

16i.5.15 Is automated equipment cleaned and maintained in accordance with a YES NO NA

documented procedure/plan?

16i.5.16 Are the correct tools, as specified in the work instruction, used for YES NO NA

16i.5.17 Are film adhesive trim templates periodically checked and calibrated for YES NO NA
dimensional integrity?

16i.5.18 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

16i.5.19 Are heating tools (such as heat guns) controlled to a maximum YES NO NA
temperature as per customer requirements?

16i.5.20 Are process control panels or tag end specimens laid up concurrently YES NO NA
with the part they represent?

16i.5.21 If a peel ply has been used to protect bonding surfaces, does the YES NO NA
Auditee have a verification method to ensure that all peel ply has been
removed without causing damage to the detail?

16i.5.22 Is in process testing performed as per customer requirement? YES NO NA

Reticulation SECTION NA

16i.6.1 Is the reticulation equipment qualified as per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16i.6.2 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

16i.6.3 Is the process performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the documented YES NO

16i.6.4 Is the reticulation process controlled on the maximum temp / time (pre- YES NO
heat oven, oven reticulation machine, heat guns) in accordance with
customer or internal requirements?

16i.6.5 Honeycomb Reticulation SECTION NA

16i.6.5.1 Is the honeycomb core cell edge surface preparation prior to YES NO
reticulation in accordance with customer requirements?

16i.6.5.2 Is there a validation process in place to ensure the adhesive covers all YES NO
the honeycomb core cell edges per customer or internal requirements?

16i.6.5.3 Is the storage of the reticulated honeycomb core per customer or YES NO
internal requirements?

16i.6.5.4 Is the use of reticulated honeycomb core performed within the time YES NO
allowed by the customer?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 107 -

16i.6.6 Perforated Skin Reticulation SECTION NA

16i.6.6.1 Is the perforated skin surface preparation prior to reticulation in YES NO

accordance with customer requirements?

16i.6.6.2 Is there a validation process in place to ensure the adhesive covers all YES NO
the perforated area per customer or internal requirements?

16i.6.6.3 Is the storage of the perforated skin, per customer or internal YES NO

16i.6.6.4 Is the use of the reticulated perforated skin performed within the time YES NO
allowed by the customer?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 108 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

16j.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations?
Information only.

Customer Requirements

16j.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e.,
technique sheets, travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

16j.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

16j.1.1.2 Part Description:

16j.1.1.3 Part Number:

16j.1.1.4 Customer(s):

16j.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime Contractor(s):

16j.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

16j.1.1.7 Operator:

16j.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


16j.2.1 Is the material used as per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16j.2.2 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

16j.2.3 Are the materials laid up within the allowed time in accordance with YES NO NA
customer requirements?

16j.2.4 Do the work instructions identify in-process/verification points when YES NO NA

verification of conformance cannot be performed at later stages of
realization per customer requirements?

16j.2.5 Are refrigerated materials allowed to thaw as per customer or internal YES NO

16j.2.6 Are processes being performed in the CCA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

16j.2.7 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

16j.2.8 Is the mandrel and mold tooling identified and referenced in the work YES NO NA
instructions for traceability?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 109 -

16j.2.9 Is the tooling and ancillary equipment free from damage, deterioration, YES NO
debris, or contamination that could affect the part?

16j.2.10 Are the expendable materials used during lay-up processing (e.g., YES NO NA
breathers, bleeders, release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, etc.) used
per specified requirements?

16j.2.11 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO

16j.2.12 Are material spools from a single supplier’s material or as required by YES NO
customer or internal requirements?

16j.2.13 If the material is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, are measures YES NO NA
taken (e.g. shims) to protect other plies and/or tools from being cut?

16j.2.14 Are overlaps of tows/courses in accordance with customer or internal YES NO


16j.2.15 Are gaps between the tows/courses in accordance with customer or YES NO
internal requirements?

16j.2.16 Are gaps filled per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

16j.2.17 Are butt splices in a single tow separated by distances as per customer YES NO
or internal requirements?

16j.2.18 Are heating tools (hot compaction equipment, heat guns, debulk tables) YES NO NA
controlled to a maximum temperature?

16j.2.19 Are debulks compliant to the engineering requirements? YES NO NA

16j.2.20 Does the Auditee have a procedure for periodically verifying the YES NO
accuracy and precision for the head movement and material

16j.2.21 Is peel ply used and removed per customer requirements? YES NO NA

16j.2.22 Is the preform removed and transported as per the documented YES NO NA

16j.2.23 Are materials that come in contact with the prepreg allowed per YES NO NA
customer requirements?

16j.2.24 Are hand laid up materials and details (prepreg, fiber, fabric, surfacing YES NO NA
films, core, foam, metal, etc.) placed in the correct position, fiber
alignment, and orientation per customer requirements?

16j.2.25 Is there a verification process to visually inspect compaction rollers for YES NO
damage at a defined interval?

16j.2.26 Are there documented procedures or work instructions for process YES NO
interruptions, such as spool exchange, tow breaks?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 110 -


[May include automated “fabric” lay-up]

16j.3.1 Is the tape placement surface clean and prepared as per the YES NO
documented procedure?

16j.3.2 Is the equipment/machine set up performed and compliant to the YES NO

documented procedure?

16j.3.3 Is the tool/table positioned and is the set up process performed as per YES NO
the documented procedure?

16j.3.4 Is the Tape Laying machine qualified and approved by the customer if YES NO NA

16j.3.5 Are materials laid up by the ATL process placed in the correct position, YES NO
fiber alignment, and orientation per customer or internal requirements?

16j.3.6 Are there any material folds or wrinkles identified in the lay-up and are YES NO
they within customer or internal requirements?

16j.3.7 If the prepreg tape placement material is identified to contain defects YES NO NA
such as resin rich/resin starved areas and buckles/wrinkles – is rework
or replacement material been completed as per customer

16j.3.8 Are defects marked by the material manufacturer removed during the YES NO NA
kit cutting or lay-up process?

16j.3.9 Is the Tape Placement machine compliant to the following process

control parameters as defined in the documented procedure?

16j.3.9.1 Compaction force YES NO NA

16j.3.9.2 Tape tension YES NO NA

16j.3.9.3 Compaction point heater temperature YES NO NA

16j.3.9.4 Head temperature YES NO NA

16j.3.9.5 Maximum part lay down speed YES NO NA

16j.3.9.6 Clamp pressure YES NO NA

16j.3.9.7 Add Roller pressure YES NO NA

16j.3.9.8 Sweep Roller Pressure YES NO NA

16j.3.10 If courses or plies are reworked (such as removing and replacing), is YES NO NA
the reworked or previous ply verified for fiber damage?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 111 -

16j.3.11 Is the handling of the ply stack controlled to prevent damage as per the YES NO
documented procedure?

16j.3.12 If required, is the ply stack cut/trimmed per the documented procedure? YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 112 -


Historical Demonstration

17a.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

17a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

17a.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

17a.1.1.2 Part Description:

17a.1.1.3 Part Number:

17a.1.1.4 Customer(s):

17a.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

17a.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

17a.1.1.7 Operator:

17a.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


17a.2.1 Is the flashline free to allow the escapement of volatiles? (MB only) YES NO NA

17a.2.2 Is the part bagged prior to cure per customer or internal requirements? YES NO NA

17a.2.3 Are the materials for bagging the part (e.g., breathers, bleeders, YES NO
release films, bags, tacky tape, tapes, infusion tubes & media, etc.)
used per specified requirements?

17a.2.3 If silicone pressure pads are used, have they been post cured per YES NO NA
customer requirements prior to utilization with the part?

17a.2.4 Are leak checks on tools (i.e. mold, vacuum bags etc.) performed to the YES NO
documented procedures?

17a.2.5 Are TC’s welded and used per customer or internal requirements? YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 113 -

17a.2.6 Is the type of thermocouples used per customer or internal YES NO


17a.2.7 Does the Auditee have an approved thermal profile on file per customer YES NO NA

17a.2.8 Are thermocouples placed per customer or Auditee requirements? YES NO

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 114 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

18a.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

18a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

18a.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

18a.1.1.2 Part Description:

18a.1.1.3 Part Number:

18a.1.1.4 Customer(s):

18a.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

18a.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

18a.1.1.7 Operator:

18a.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

Mixing of Multiple Part Resin Systems SECTION NA

18a.2.1 Are the resin preparation and mixing processes performed in the CCA YES NO
or EMA compliant to the documented procedure?

18a.2.2 Is the mix ratio used validated (e.g. lap shears, shore-D hardness, YES NO
recording of weights, witnessing by quality assurance, operator self-
verification program, etc.)?

18a.2.3 Are resins mixed in contaminant free containers? YES NO

18a.2.4 Is the vessel for mixing heated to the correct temperature? YES NO

18a.2.5 Is blending performed per specified requirements? YES NO


18a.3.1 Is pot life/working life of the resin monitored and controlled? YES NO

18a.3.2 Is the resin pre-heated to the correct temperature per customer or YES NO
internal requirements?

18a.3.3 Is the resin degassed for the correct time and at the correct YES NO
temperature per customer/processor requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 115 -

18a.3.4 Is control of residual resin in compliance with documented procedures YES NO

and customer requirements?

18a.3.5 Are resin kits sealed and labeled for traceability? YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 116 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

18b.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

18b.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

18b.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

18b.1.1.2 Part Description:

18b.1.1.3 Part Number:

18b.1.1.4 Customer(s):

18b.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

18b.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

18b.1.1.7 Operator:

18b.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:

Mixing of Multiple Part Resin Systems SECTION NA

18b.2.1 Are the resin preparation and mixing processes performed in the CCA YES NO
or EMA compliant to the documented procedure?

18b.2.2 Is the mix ratio used validated (e.g. lap shears, shore-D hardness, YES NO
recording of weights, witnessing by quality assurance, operator self-
verification program, etc.)?

18b.2.3 Are resins mixed in contaminant free containers? YES NO

18b.2.4 Is the vessel for mixing heated to the correct temperature? YES NO

18b.2.5 Is blending performed per specified requirements? YES NO


18b.3.1 Is pot life/working life of the resin monitored and controlled? YES NO

18b.3.2 Is the resin pre-heated to the correct temperature per customer or YES NO
internal requirements?

18b.3.3 Is the resin degassed for the correct time and at the correct YES NO
temperature per customer/processor requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 117 -

18b.3.4 Is control of residual resin in compliance with documented procedures YES NO

and customer requirements?

18b.3.5 Are resin kits sealed and labeled for traceability? YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 118 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

19a.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

19a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

19a.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

19a.1.1.2 Part Description:

19a.1.1.3 Part Number:

19a.1.1.4 Customer(s):

19a.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

19a.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

19a.1.1.7 Operator:

19a.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


19a.2.1 Are the resin infusion processes performed in the EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

19a.2.2 Is the resin heated to the correct temperature? YES NO

19a.2.3 Is the preform/braid/fiber/fabric compacted per specified requirements YES NO

(vacuum/time) and the correct number of cycles?

19a.2.4 Is the tooling containing the preform/braid/fiber/fabric heated to the YES NO

specified temperature?

19a.2.5 Is the infusion pressure/vacuum per specified requirements? YES NO

19a.2.6 Is the press used to keep the closed molds together during infusion set YES NO NA
to the specified pressure?

19a.2.7 Are the molds closed per specified requirements? YES NO NA

19a.2.8 Is the resin flow rate verified per customer requirements? YES NO NA

19a.2.9 Does resin exit the outlet port prior to completion of infusion? YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 119 -

19a.2.10 Is the mold vented/purged per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

19a.2.11 Are the inlet and outlet ports sealed/clamped to prevent air from leaking YES NO
into the bag or mold?

19a.2.12 Are process interruption procedures followed? YES NO NA

19a.2.13 If residual resin is used, is it in accordance with the documented YES NO NA

procedures and customer requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 120 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

19b.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

19b.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

19b.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

19b.1.1.2 Part Description:

19b.1.1.3 Part Number:

19b.1.1.4 Customer(s):

19b.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

19b.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

19b.1.1.7 Operator:

19b.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


19b.2.1 Are the resin infusion processes performed in the EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

19b.2.2 Is the resin heated to the correct temperature? YES NO

19b.2.3 Is the preform/braid/fiber/fabric compacted per specified requirements YES NO

(vacuum/time) and the correct number of cycles?

19b.2.4 Is the tooling containing the preform/braid/fiber/fabric heated to the YES NO

specified temperature?

19b.2.5 Is the infusion pressure/vacuum per specified requirements? YES NO

19b.2.6 Is the press used to keep the closed molds together during infusion set YES NO NA
to the specified pressure?

19b.2.7 Are the molds closed per specified requirements? YES NO NA

19b.2.8 Is the resin flow rate verified per customer requirements? YES NO NA

19b.2.9 Does resin exit the outlet port prior to completion of infusion? YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 121 -

19b.2.10 Is the mold vented/purged per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

19b.2.11 Are the inlet and outlet ports sealed/clamped to prevent air from leaking YES NO
into the bag or mold?

19b.2.12 Are process interruption procedures followed? YES NO NA

19b.2.13 If residual resin is used, is it in accordance with the documented YES NO NA

procedures and customer requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 122 -


(Preform / Hot die, Direct hot die and Direct cold die)

In-Process Historical Demonstration

20a.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

20a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

20a.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

20a.1.1.2 Part Description:

20a.1.1.3 Part Number:

20a.1.1.4 Customer(s):

20a.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

20a.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

20a.1.1.7 Operator:


20a.2.1 Are processes being performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

20a.2.2 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

20a.2.3 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

Sub-Assembly Parts SECTION NA

20a.3.1 Are the correct sub-assembly parts called out in the work instructions YES NO NA
(correct drawing and revision)?

20a.3.2 Are the component parts of the assembly prepared prior to assembly YES NO NA
per customer requirements and/or work instructions?

20a.3.3 Are all detail surfaces prepared and protected, according to customer YES NO NA
requirements, prior to the bonding operation?

20a.3.4 Are contaminated details degreased prior to bonding? YES NO NA

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 123 -

20a.4.1 Is pattern cutting and kitting performed in the EMA or CCA compliant to YES NO
the documented procedure?

20a.4.2 Is material identification and traceability information (e.g., batch YES NO

number, roll number, expiration date, out time etc.) transferred from the
parent material?

20a.4.3 For temperature sensitive materials, are all material shelf life/freezer YES NO
logs updated to reflect out time?

(This applies both to the parent material and the kits)

20a.4.4 For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO
prior to removing from its protective covering?

20a.4.5 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

Materials and Preforms

20a.5.1 Is the raw material charge monitored and recorded as required (e.g. YES NO NA

20a.5.2 Is material hand formed on a contamination controlled surface in YES NO NA

accordance with a documented procedure?

20a.5.3 Are process parameters controlled according to customer requirements YES NO NA

and internal procedures during preforming of material or mechanical

20a.5.4 Are debulks compliant to the documented procedure or training? YES NO NA

20a.5.5 Is there a documented procedure to control the raw material/molded YES NO

charge placement?

20a.5.6 Are details (inserts, preforms, prepreg, fiber, fabric, chopped fiber etc.) YES NO
placed in the proper position per design requirements?

20a.5.7 Are materials handled and stored within the press EMA in accordance YES NO
with customer or internal requirements?

20a.5.8 Does the Auditee have a verification method to ensure that all poly YES NO NA
film/backing paper (or other support or protective material) has been
removed prior to lay-up?

20a.5.9 If prepreg/fiber/fabric is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, are YES NO NA

measures taken (e.g. shims) to protect other plies and/or tools from
being cut?

20a.5.10 If material is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, and no measures are YES NO NA
taken (e.g. shim) to protect the other plies and/or tools from being cut,
is the cut made outside of the confirmed net trim line/end of part
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 124 -

20a.5.11 If shop aids are used to form or place the material, are they made from YES NO NA
an approved material?

20a.5.12 Are process parameters controlled according to customer requirements YES NO NA

and internal procedures during material conditioning and/or pre-


20a.6.1 Are materials used within their shelf life/pot life/out time? YES NO

20a.6.2 Is the temperature of the mold tool verified prior to use if thermocouples YES NO NA
are not used?

20a.6.3 If thermocouples are not used to monitor actual cure temperatures, has YES NO NA
a correlation between tool/part cure temperatures and press set
temperatures been established?

20a.6.4 Is the preform/braid/dry fabric processed per customer requirements YES NO NA

(e.g. temperature, pressure, other process parameters, etc.)?

20a.6.5 Is the transfer of the component from the mold to a holding fixture YES NO NA
carried out to avoid distortion/damage or as per the customer

20a.6.6 Is the transfer of the component from the mold to the post cure YES NO NA
operation carried out to avoid distortion/damage or as per the customer

20a.6.7 Are process control test samples (e.g. parts or panels) processed in YES NO NA
accordance with customer requirements?

20a.6.8 Is equipment used for compression molding calibrated per YES NO


20a.6.9 Are heating tools (pre-heat ovens, heat guns, irons, debulk tables, etc.) YES NO NA
controlled to a maximum temperature?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 125 -


(Preform / Hot die, Direct hot die and Direct cold die)

In-Process Historical Demonstration

20b.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

20b.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

20b.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

20b.1.1.2 Part Description:

20b.1.1.3 Part Number:

20b.1.1.4 Customer(s):

20b.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

20b.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

20b.1.1.7 Operator:

20b.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


20b.2.1 Are processes being performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

20b.2.2 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

20b.2.3 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

Sub-Assembly Parts SECTION NA

20b.3.1 Are the correct sub-assembly parts called out in the work instructions YES NO NA
(correct drawing and revision)?

20b.3.2 Are the component parts of the assembly prepared prior to assembly YES NO NA
per customer requirements and/or work instructions?

20b.3.3 Are all detail surfaces prepared and protected, according to customer YES NO NA
requirements, prior to the bonding operation?

20b.3.4 Are contaminated details degreased prior to bonding? YES NO NA

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 126 -


20b.4.1 Is pattern cutting and kitting performed in the EMA or CCA compliant to YES NO
the documented procedure?

20b.4.2 Is material identification and traceability information (e.g., batch YES NO

number, roll number, expiration date, out time etc.) transferred from the
parent material?

20b.4.3 For temperature sensitive materials, are all material shelf life/freezer YES NO
logs updated to reflect out time?

(This applies both to the parent material and the kits)

20b.4.4 For temperature sensitive materials, is the material allowed to thaw YES NO
prior to removing from its protective covering?

20b.4.5 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA

Materials and Preforms

20b.5.1 Is the raw material charge monitored and recorded as required (e.g. YES NO NA

20b.5.2 Is material hand formed on a contamination controlled surface in YES NO NA

accordance with a documented procedure?

20b.5.3 Are process parameters controlled according to customer requirements YES NO NA

and internal procedures during preforming of material or mechanical

20b.5.4 Are debulks compliant to the documented procedure or training? YES NO NA

20b.5.5 Is there a documented procedure to control the raw material/molded YES NO

charge placement?

20b.5.6 Are details (inserts, preforms, prepreg, fiber, fabric, chopped fiber etc.) YES NO
placed in the proper position per design requirements?

20b.5.7 Are materials handled and stored within the press EMA in accordance YES NO
with customer or internal requirements?

20b.5.8 Does the Auditee have a verification method to ensure that all poly YES NO NA
film/backing paper (or other support or protective material) has been
removed prior to lay-up?

20b.5.9 If prepreg/fiber/fabric is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, are YES NO NA

measures taken (e.g. shims) to protect other plies and/or tools from
being cut?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 127 -

20b.5.10 If material is trimmed in place with a cutting tool, and no measures are YES NO NA
taken (e.g. shim) to protect the other plies and/or tools from being cut,
is the cut made outside of the confirmed net trim line/end of part

20b.5.11 If shop aids are used to form or place the material, are they made from YES NO NA
an approved material?

20b.5.12 Are process parameters controlled according to customer requirements YES NO NA

and internal procedures during material conditioning and/or pre-


20b.6.1 Are materials used within their shelf life/pot life/out time? YES NO

20b.6.2 Is the temperature of the mold tool verified prior to use if thermocouples YES NO NA
are not used?

20b.6.3 If thermocouples are not used to monitor actual cure temperatures, has YES NO NA
a correlation between tool/part cure temperatures and press set
temperatures been established?

20b.6.4 Is the preform/braid/dry fabric processed per customer requirements YES NO NA

(e.g. temperature, pressure, other process parameters, etc.)?

20b.6.5 Is the transfer of the component from the mold to a holding fixture YES NO NA
carried out to avoid distortion/damage or as per the customer

20b.6.6 Is the transfer of the component from the mold to the post cure YES NO NA
operation carried out to avoid distortion/damage or as per the customer

20b.6.7 Are process control test samples (e.g. parts or panels) processed in YES NO NA
accordance with customer requirements?

20b.6.8 Is equipment used for compression molding calibrated per YES NO


20b.6.9 Are heating tools (pre-heat ovens, heat guns, irons, debulk tables, etc.) YES NO NA
controlled to a maximum temperature?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 128 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? Information YES NO

Customer Requirements

20c.2.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

20c.2.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

20c.2.1.2 Part Description:

20c.2.1.3 Part Number:

20c.2.1.4 Customer(s):

20c.2.1.5 Subscriber/Prime Contractor(s):

20c.2.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (Where Applicable):

20c.2.1.7 Operator:

20c.2.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


20c.3.1 Are processes being performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

20c.3.2 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

20c.3.3 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

Blank Consolidation SECTION NA

20c.4.1 Drying/Conditioning SECTION NA

20c.4.1.1 Has the preformed been dried or conditioned per customer or internal YES NO

20c.4.1.2 Does the drying oven temperature accuracy meet customer or internal YES NO

20c.4.1.3 If dried in an oven, are the preforms separated to permit adequate air YES NO

20c.4.2 Is the preform visibly inspected for contamination prior to use? YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 129 -

20c.4.3 If the preform is contaminated, is it cleaned per customer requirements YES NO NA

prior to use?

20c.4.4 Are the preforms identified for traceability? YES NO NA

20c.4.5 If thermocouples are not used to monitor actual preform temperatures, YES NO NA
has a correlation between press/preform temperatures and press set
temperatures been established?

20c.4.6 Are all process parameters (such as platen temperature, press pressure, YES NO
dwell time, etc…) as required by the customer specification or the
internal requirements?

20c.4.7 Is processing data saved or recorded per customer and/or internal YES NO

Stamp Forming SECTION NA

20c.5.1 Has the blank been dried or conditioned per customer or internal YES NO NA

20c.5.2 Does the method used to preheat the blank or preform meet the YES NO
customer and/or internal requirements for temperature and dwell time?

20c.5.3 Is the required fiber or ply orientation maintained during forming? YES NO

20c.5.4 Is the tool within the specified temperature range prior to the blank or YES NO
preform being inserted?

20c.5.5 Are the process parameters (pressure, dwell time, etc..) in accordance YES NO
with setup card or work instructions?

20c.5.6 Are demolding conditions (maximum temperature at pressure release or YES NO

other requirements to assure the part is not deformed upon removal from
the tool) in compliance with customer and/or internal requirements?

20c.5.7 Are formed parts handled and stored to prevent damage and/or distortion YES NO
per customer and/or internal requirements?

20c.5.8 Are formed parts handled and stored in a manner to prevent YES NO
contamination and ultraviolet damage per customer and/or internal

20c.5.9 Is processing data saved or recorded per customer and/or internal YES NO

20c.5.10 Is mold release re-applied without pooling and allowed to flash off? YES NO NA

20c.5.11 Is mold release re-applied in a manner to avoid cross contamination? YES NO

20c.5.12 Are tools stored to prevent damage or corrosion per customer and/or YES NO
internal requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 130 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO

Information only.

Customer Requirements

20d.2.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

20d.2.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

20d.2.1.2 Part Description:

20d.2.1.3 Part Number:

20d.2.1.4 Customer(s):

20d.2.1.5 Subscriber/Prime Contractor(s):

20d.2.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (Where Applicable):

20d.2.1.7 Operator:

20d.2.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


20d.3.1 Are processes being performed in the CCA/EMA compliant to the YES NO
documented procedure?

20d.3.2 Does the Auditee have customer approval of the work instruction on file YES NO NA
per customer requirements?

20d.3.3 Are personnel wearing attire as specified by the customer or Auditee? YES NO NA

Blank Consolidation SECTION NA

20d.4.1 Drying/Conditioning SECTION NA

20d.4.1.1 Has the preformed been dried or conditioned per customer or internal YES NO

20d.4.1.2 Does the drying oven temperature accuracy meet customer or internal YES NO

20d.4.1.3 If dried in an oven, are the preforms separated to permit adequate air YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 131 -

20d.4.2 Is the preform visibly inspected for contamination prior to use? YES NO

20d.4.3 If the preform is contaminated, is it cleaned per customer requirements YES NO NA

prior to use?

20d.4.4 Are the preforms identified for traceability? YES NO NA

20d.4.5 If thermocouples are not used to monitor actual preform temperatures, YES NO NA
has a correlation between press/preform temperatures and press set
temperatures been established?

20d.4.6 Are all process parameters (such as platen temperature, press pressure, YES NO
dwell time, etc…) as required by the customer specification or the
internal requirements?

20d.4.7 Is processing data saved or recorded per customer and/or internal YES NO

Stamp Forming SECTION NA

20d.5.1 Has the blank been dried or conditioned per customer or internal YES NO NA

20d.5.2 Does the method used to preheat the blank or preform meet the YES NO
customer and/or internal requirements for temperature and dwell time?

20d.5.3 Is the required fiber or ply orientation maintained during forming? YES NO

20d.5.4 Is the tool within the specified temperature range prior to the blank or YES NO
preform being inserted?

20d.5.5 Are the process parameters (pressure, dwell time, etc..) in accordance YES NO
with setup card or work instructions?

20d.5.6 Are demolding conditions (maximum temperature at pressure release or YES NO

other requirements to assure the part is not deformed upon removal from
the tool) in compliance with customer and/or internal requirements?

20d.5.7 Are formed parts handled and stored to prevent damage and/or distortion YES NO
per customer and/or internal requirements?

20d.5.8 Are formed parts handled and stored in a manner to prevent YES NO
contamination and ultraviolet damage per customer and/or internal

20d.5.9 Is processing data saved or recorded per customer and/or internal YES NO

20d.5.10 Is mold release re-applied without pooling and allowed to flash off? YES NO NA

20d.5.11 Is mold release re-applied in a manner to avoid cross contamination? YES NO

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 132 -

20d.5.12 Are tools stored to prevent damage or corrosion per customer and/or YES NO
internal requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 133 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

21a.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

21a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

21a.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

21a.1.1.2 Part Description:

21a.1.1.3 Part Number:

21a.1.1.4 Customer(s):

21a.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

21a.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

21a.1.1.7 Operator:

21a.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


21a.2.1 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
pressure, vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per
customer or internal requirements?

21a.2.2 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, vacuum and pressure) and retained as part of the
manufacturing record?

21a.2.3 Are all bagging materials removed in a manner to prevent damage to YES NO
the part?

21a.2.4 Is the part removed from the tool/mold in a manner to prevent damage YES NO
to the part?

21a.2.5 Are process control panels processed in accordance with customer YES NO NA

21a.2.6 Is out time for time and temperature sensitive material verified after or YES NO
during cure to ensure it has not been exceeded?

21a.2.7 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer or YES NO
internal requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 134 -

21a.2.8 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 135 -


Note: This job audit is not intended to cover the drying of core.

In-Process Historical Demonstration

21b.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

21b.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

21b.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

21b.1.1.2 Part Description:

21b.1.1.3 Part Number:

21b.1.1.4 Customer(s):

21b.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

21b.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

21b.1.1.7 Operator:

21b.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


21b.2.1 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per customer or
internal requirements?

21b.2.2 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, and vacuum) and retained as part of the
manufacturing record?

21b.2.3 Are all bagging materials removed in a manner to prevent damage to YES NO NA
the part?

21b.2.4 Is the part removed from the tool/mold in a manner to prevent damage YES NO NA
to the part?

21b.2.5 Are process control panels processed in accordance with customer YES NO NA

21b.2.6 Is out time for time and temperature sensitive material verified after or YES NO NA
during cure to ensure it has not been exceeded?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 136 -

21b.2.7 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA

21b.2.8 After the part is removed from the tool/mold, is it protected from YES NO
handling damage, and from UV exposure when required by customer or
internal requirements?

21b.2.9 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 137 -


Note: This job audit is used for CMP Post Cure.

In-Process Historical Demonstration

21c.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

21c.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

21c.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

21c.1.1.2 Part Description:

21c.1.1.3 Part Number:

21c.1.1.4 Customer(s):

21c.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

21c.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

21c.1.1.7 Operator:

21c.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


21c.2.1 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per customer or
internal requirements?

21c.2.2 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, and vacuum) and retained as part of the
manufacturing record?

21c.2.3 Is the part removed from the tool/mold in a manner to prevent damage YES NO NA
to the part?

21c.2.4 Are process control panels processed in accordance with customer YES NO NA

21c.2.5 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA

21c.2.6 After the part is removed from the tool/mold, is it protected from YES NO
handling damage, and from UV exposure when required by customer or
internal requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 138 -

21c.2.7 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 139 -


Note: This job audit is used for CMP Post Cure.

In-Process Historical Demonstration

21d.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

21d.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

21d.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

21d.1.1.2 Part Description:

21d.1.1.3 Part Number:

21d.1.1.4 Customer(s):

21d.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

21d.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

21d.1.1.7 Operator:

21d.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


21d.2.1 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per customer or
internal requirements?

21d.2.2 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, and vacuum) and retained as part of the
manufacturing record?

21d.2.3 Is the part removed from the tool/mold in a manner to prevent damage YES NO NA
to the part?

21d.2.4 Are process control panels processed in accordance with customer YES NO NA

21d.2.5 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA

21d.2.6 After the part is removed from the tool/mold, is it protected from YES NO
handling damage, and from UV exposure when required by customer or
internal requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 140 -

21d.2.7 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 141 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

21e.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

21e.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

21e.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

21e.1.1.2 Part Description:

21e.1.1.3 Part Number:

21e.1.1.4 Customer(s):

21e.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

21e.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

21e.1.1.7 Operator:

21e.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


21e.2.1 Is the temperature of the mold tool verified prior to use if thermocouples YES NO NA
are not used?

21e.2.2 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
pressure, vacuum, time, etc.) verified per customer or internal

21e.2.3 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, vacuum and pressure) and is traceability to the
record retained as part of the manufacturing record?

21e.2.4 Are all bagging materials removed in a manner to prevent damage to YES NO NA
the part?

21e.2.5 Is the part removed from the tool/mold in a manner to prevent damage YES NO NA
to the part?

21e.2.6 Are process control panels processed in accordance with customer YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 142 -

21e.2.7 Is out time for time and temperature sensitive material verified after YES NO
cure to ensure it has not been exceeded?

21e.2.8 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA

21e.2.9 After the part is removed from the tool/mold, is it protected from YES NO
handling damage, and from UV exposure when required by customer or
internal requirements?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 143 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

21f.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

21f.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

21f.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

21f.1.1.2 Part Description:

21f.1.1.3 Part Number:

21f.1.1.4 Customer(s):

21f.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

21f.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

21f.1.1.7 Operator:

21f.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


21f.2.1 Are curing parameters (e.g. vacuum, time, max tool temp, pressure, YES NO
etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per customer or internal

21f.2.2 Is the cure record labeled with all applicable parameters (e.g. YES NO
temperature, time, vacuum and clamping pressure) and retained as
part of the manufacturing record?

21f.2.3 Are all bagging materials removed in a manner to prevent damage to YES NO
the part?

21f.2.4 Is the part removed from the tool/mold in a manner to prevent damage YES NO NA
to the part?

21f.2.5 Are process control panels processed in accordance with customer YES NO NA

21f.2.6 Is out time/pot life for time and temperature sensitive material verified YES NO
after or during cure to ensure it has not been exceeded?

21f.2.7 Is the part inspected for visual defects? YES NO

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 144 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

22a.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

22a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

22a.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

22a.1.1.2 Part Description:

22a.1.1.3 Part Number:

22a.1.1.4 Customer(s):

22a.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

22a.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

22a.1.1.7 Operator:

22a.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


22a.2.1 Are coolants used per customer or internal requirements? YES NO NA

22a.2.2 Are shop aids, jigs, and templates used in the machining process YES NO
identified and used as required per work instructions?

22a.2.3 Are speeds and feed rates compliant to customer or internal YES NO

22a.2.4 Does the surface finish of the machined composite meet the customer YES NO
or internal drawing and/or finish requirements?

22a.2.5 Do dimensional characteristics meet customer or internal YES NO


22a.2.6 Is the part cleaned after machining per customer or internal YES NO

22a.2.7 Is the part inspected for continuous flash? (metal bond only) YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 145 -



In-Process Historical Demonstration

Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations?
22b.0 YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

22b.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

22b.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

22b.1.1.2 Part Description:

22b.1.1.3 Part Number:

22b.1.1.4 Customer(s):

22b.1.1.5 Subscriber/Prime

22b.1.1.6 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

22b.1.1.7 Operator:

22b.1.1.8 Equipment/Tool ID:


22b.2.1 Are coolants used per customer or internal requirements? YES NO NA

22b.2.2 Is the part specific program traceable and under configuration control? YES NO

22b.2.3 Are shop aids, jigs, and templates used in the machining process YES NO
identified and used as required per work instructions?

22b.2.4 Are speeds and feed rates compliant to customer or internal YES NO

22b.2.5 Does the surface finish of the machined composite meet the customer YES NO
or internal drawing and/or finish requirements?

22b.2.6 Do dimensional characteristics meet customer or internal YES NO


22b.2.7 Is the part cleaned after machining per customer or internal YES NO

22b.2.8 Is the part inspected for continuous flash? (metal bond only) YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 146 -


In-Process Historical Demonstration

23.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

23.1 Customer Requirements

23.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements. Job Identity/Number: Part Description: Part Number: Customer(s):

Contractor(s): Specification/Revision Level (where applicable): Operator: Equipment/Tool ID:

23.2 General

23.2.1 Are the miscellaneous bonding processes performed in the CCA or YES NO
EMA compliant to the documented procedure?

23.2.2 Are the component parts of the assembly prepared prior to assembly YES NO
per customer requirements and/or work instructions?
23.2.3 Are the correct sub-assembly parts called out in the work instructions
(correct drawing and revision)?

23.2.4 Are all bond surfaces prepared and protected prior to the bonding YES NO

23.2.5 Are all age sensitive materials used in the process within acceptable YES NO
limits (age/shelf life)?

23.2.6 Is the mix ratio used validated (e.g. lap shears, shore-D hardness, YES NO NA
recording of weights, witnessing by quality assurance, operator self-
verification program, etc.)?
NOTE: This does not apply to automatic dispensers or pre-mix kits.
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 147 -

Are contaminated inserts degreased prior to potting?

23.2.7 YES NO
Is undercutting of honeycomb performed per customer requirements?
23.2.8 YES NO NA
Are adhesives mixed in contaminant free containers?
23.2.9 YES NO
Is pot life of the adhesive monitored and controlled?
23.2.10 YES NO
Is the adhesive applied uniformly to provide adequate coverage of the
23.2.11 YES NO
mating surfaces?

23.2.12 Are any fixtures that are required during assembly installed within the YES NO NA
pot life of the adhesive?

23.2.13 Is there a bond line thickness verification per customer requirements? YES NO NA

23.2.14 Is the assembly completed per customer or internal requirements? YES NO

23.2.15 Are curing parameters (e.g. heating and cooling ramp rates and holds, YES NO
vacuum, time, etc.) monitored, recorded and verified per customer or
internal requirements?

23.2.16 Is the cure record retained when required by the customer as part of YES NO
the manufacturing record?

23.2.17 Is the curing of parts performed in approved equipment per customer YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 148 -


Note: This section is not applicable for Auditees with a standing AC7122-P/-I/-R accreditation or if AC7122-P is
in conjunction with the current audit. If receiving tests are used for the job audits, they should be treated as
Demonstration job audits.



In-Process Demonstration

24a.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

24a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

24a.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

24a.1.1.2 Test Method:

24a.1.1.3 Customer(s):

24a.1.1.4 Subscriber/Prime

24a.1.1.5 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

24a.1.1.6 Operator:

24a.1.1.7 Equipment/Tool ID:


24a.2.1 Do the work instructions or documented test procedures reference the YES NO
customer’s testing specification and/or testing standard?

24a.2.2 Do the work instructions or documented test procedures comply with YES NO
the customer’s testing specification and/or testing standard?

24a.2.3 Are specimens prepared in accordance with customer requirements or YES NO

Auditee documentation where no customer requirement exists?

24a.2.4 Are specimens uniquely identified so they are traceable to the material YES NO
lot number or part number or process they represent?

24a.2.5 Are specimens preconditioned prior to test, per customer or internal YES NO NA

24a.2.6 Are specimens tested in a monitored atmosphere that complies with YES NO
specified test method?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 149 -

24a.2.7 Are specimens inspected visually and dimensionally prior to test? YES NO

24a.2.8 Did the test comply with the work instructions/documented test YES NO

24a.2.9 Are results from all tested specimens recorded (such as tested YES NO
completion/failure, replaced, re-tests)?

24a.2.10 Are fractured faces of tested specimens protected to permit YES NO

examination for irregularities if test results are suspect?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 150 -



In-Process Demonstration

24b.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

24b.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

24b.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

24b.1.1.2 Test Method:

24b.1.1.3 Customer(s):

24b.1.1.4 Subscriber/Prime

24b.1.1.5 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

24b.1.1.6 Operator:

24b.1.1.7 Equipment/Tool ID:


24b.2.1 Do the work instructions or documented test procedures reference the YES NO
customer’s testing specification and/or testing standard?

24b.2.2 Do the work instructions or documented test procedures comply with YES NO
the customer’s testing specification and/or testing standard?

24b.2.3 Are specimens prepared in accordance with customer requirements or YES NO

Auditee documentation where no customer requirement exists?

24b.2.4 Are specimens uniquely identified so they are traceable to the material YES NO
lot number or part number or process they represent?

24b.2.5 Are specimens preconditioned prior to test, per customer or internal YES NO NA

24b.2.6 Are specimens tested in a monitored atmosphere that complies with YES NO
specified test method?

24b.2.7 Are specimens inspected visually and dimensionally prior to test? YES NO

24b.2.8 Are fibers evaluated for complete dissolution and no evidence of YES NO NA
binding following resin extraction?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 151 -

24b.2.9 Did the test comply with the work instructions/documented test YES NO

24b.2.10 Are results from all tested specimens recorded (such as tested YES NO
completion/failure, replaced, re-tests)?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 152 -



In-Process Demonstration

24c.0 Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations? YES NO
Information only.

Customer Requirements

24c.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e., technique sheets,
travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

24c.1.1.1 Job Identity/Number:

24c.1.1.2 Test Method:

24c.1.1.3 Customer(s):

24c.1.1.4 Subscriber/Prime

24c.1.1.5 Specification/Revision Level (where applicable):

24c.1.1.6 Operator:

24c.1.1.7 Equipment/Tool ID:


24c.2.1 Do the work instructions or documented test procedures reference the YES NO
customer’s testing specification and/or testing standard?

24c.2.2 Do the work instructions or documented test procedures comply with YES NO
the customer’s testing specification and/or testing standard?

24c.2.3 Are specimens prepared in accordance with customer requirements or YES NO

Auditee documentation where no customer requirement exists?

24c.2.4 Are specimens uniquely identified so they are traceable to the material YES NO
lot number or part number or process they represent?

24c.2.5 Are specimens protected from damage prior to test? YES NO

24c.2.6 Are specimens preconditioned prior to test per customer or internal YES NO NA

24c.2.7 Are specimens tested in a monitored atmosphere that complies with YES NO
specified test method?

24c.2.8 Are specimens inspected visually and dimensionally prior to test? YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 153 -

24c.2.9 Did the test comply with the work instructions/documented test YES NO

24c.2.10 Are results from all tested specimens recorded (such as tested YES NO
completion/failure, replaced, re-tests)?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 154 -

25. Job Audit for Calibration, Software Control, Validation, and Setup SECTION NA
of Automated Tape Laying or Automated Fiber Placement



25a.1.1 Equipment/Tool ID: _______________________________________________________

25a.1.2 Operator: _______________________________________________________

25a.1.3 Do calibration records contain or provide traceability to the equipment YES NO

under test, identify the accuracy, unique identification and/or serial
number of the unit and reference artifact/gage, the range, the points in
the range of use that were checked and results documented?

25a.1.4 Is there evidence that calibration records are reviewed? YES NO

Software Control

25a.2.1 Is there a process to control and secure the installation of new or YES NO
revised software?

25a.2.2 Does the process include validation of the software prior to it being YES NO
released for production?

25a.2.3 Is there evidence to show the software was validated prior to release? YES NO

Validation Prior to Production and Maintenance Checks

25a.3.1 Does the validation process define the maximum head pressure or YES NO
compaction force?

25a.3.2 Are the pressure/force monitoring systems certified to an accuracy (e.g. YES NO
±15 lbs. or within two percent) over the operating range of compaction

25a.3.3 Does the validation process define the maximum temperature at ply/tow YES NO

25a.3.4 Are the temperature monitoring and controlling systems certified to an YES NO
accuracy (e.g. ±5 F) over the operating range?

25a.3.5 Does the validation process define and verify the head cooling YES NO
temperature or temperature control system?

25a.3.6 Does the validation process verify the creel monitoring thermocouple is YES NO NA
accurate when compared to an independent thermocouple and the
environment is accurate when tested at the minimum temperature?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 155 -

25a.3.7 Does the validation process verify the creel humidity does not exceed YES NO NA
the material requirements and is accurate when compared to an
independent hygrometer?

25a.3.8 Does the validation process define and verify the tow tension (AFP) YES NO
(e.g. within ± 0.1 lb. at tension levels of 1 lb. or less, and within ± 10
percent at tension levels above 1 lb.)?

25a.3.9 Is the compaction roller, and outer liners, inspected for damage and YES NO
changes in durometer?

25a.3.10 Does the validation process define and verify all actuation systems (e.g. YES NO
clamps, cutters, and rollers) have accurate gauges?

25a.3.11 Does the validation process define and verify the tool indexing YES NO

25a.3.12 Does the validation process define and verify the maximum material lay YES NO
down rate?

25a.3.13 Does the validation process define the allowable material widths? YES NO

25a.3.14 Does the validation process define and verify the ply orientation? YES NO

25a.3.15 Does the validation process define and verify the cut end is within YES NO
tolerance (e.g. ± 0.10 inch) of the intended ply boundary?

25a.3.16 Does the validation process define and verify ply/tow gaps and YES NO

25a.3.17 Does the validation process require inspection for ply contamination, YES NO
wrinkles, distortion, and heat damage?

25a.3.18 Does the validation process verify automated in-process inspection YES NO
equipment can accurately and consistently determine anomalies over
the range of production operating speeds?

Validation Checks SECTION NA

(Section NA for any equipment assessed in job audit 16e or 16j is performed)

25a.4.1 Does the Auditee have a procedure for periodically verifying the YES NO
accuracy and precision for the head movement and material

25a.4.2 Is there a process that identifies the actions to be taken in the event YES NO
that field checks were found not to meet the requirements, and is it
being followed?


(Section NA for any equipment assessed in job audit 16e, or 16j is performed)
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 156 -

25a.5.1 Is there a verification process to visually inspect compaction rollers for YES NO
damage at a defined interval?

25a.5.2 Is the mandrel positioned and is the set up process performed as per YES NO
the documented procedure?

25a.5.3 Is the equipment/machine set up performed and compliant to the YES NO

documented procedure?

25a.5.4 Are the environmental conditions for the creel house controlled per YES NO NA
customer/Auditee requirements?

25a.5.5 Is the equipment compliant to the process control parameters as YES NO

defined in the documented procedure?

Customer Approval SECTION NA

(NA if no engineering requirement for approval)

25a.6.1 Is the production equipment approved by the customer? YES NO

25a.6.2 If required by the customer, is the equipment in the correct location in YES NO NA
the facility?

25a.6.3 Is there a process to notify the customer when changes are made to YES NO
the equipment such as new heads, new software, location, and repair?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 157 -

26. Job Audit for Laser Ply Projector Calibration, Software Control, SECTION NA
Validation, and Setup



26a.1.1 Equipment/Tool ID: _______________________________________________________

26a.1.2 Operator: _______________________________________________________

26a.1.3 Do calibration records contain or provide traceability to the equipment YES NO

under test, identify the accuracy, unique identification and/or serial
number of the unit and reference artifact/gage, the range, the points in
the range of use that were checked and results documented?

26a.1.4 Is there evidence that calibration records are reviewed? YES NO

Software Control

26a.2.1 Is there a process to control and secure the installation of new or YES NO
revised software?

26a.2.2 Does the process include validation of the software prior to it being YES NO
released for production?

26a.2.3 Is there evidence to show the software was validated prior to release? YES NO


26a.3.1 Does the verification process define a maximum beam width at the YES NO
defined distance?

26a.3.2 Does the verification process define the scribe line at the defined YES NO

26a.3.3 Does the verification process verify the centerline of the projected lines YES NO
shall be within a defined tolerance (such as ±0.030 inch) of the
intended line?

26a.3.4 Is the projected beam visible in normal shop lighting? YES NO

26a.3.5 Is a test pattern projected on a QA accepted tool for comparison? YES NO

26a.3.6 Is the QA accepted tool placed at the ends of the working zone or as YES NO
close as possible?

26a.3.7 Is the verification process performed on QA accepted tools at multiple YES NO NA

angles (such as parallel to the floor and at 45 degrees)?

26a.3.8 Is there a process for the maintenance, verification, and validation of YES NO NA
the targets (when required by customer)?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 158 -

Validation Checks

26a.4.1 Is there a process to ensure field checks are performed prior to each YES NO

26a.4.2 Is there a process that identifies the actions to be taken in the event YES NO
that field checks were found not to meet the requirements, and is it
being followed?

26a.4.3 Is there a process that addresses validation checks performed at the YES NO
beginning, during and at the end of part layup?

Part Setup

26a.5.1 Is the equipment being used within its operational parameters? YES NO

26a.5.2 Is there a process to ensure optical tooling targets are certified, and is it YES NO NA
being followed?

26a.5.3 Are the optical tooling targets checked for damage and wear? YES NO

26a.5.4 Is the positioning and mounting of optical tooling target holders in YES NO
compliance with the documented information?

26a.5.5 Is there a process for reestablishing the coordinate system when the YES NO
equipment or part is moved, and is it being followed?

Customer Approval SECTION NA

(NA if no engineering requirement for approval)

26a.6.1 Is the production equipment approved by the customer? YES NO

26a.6.2 If required by the customer, are the projectors used with the appropriate YES NO NA

26a.6.3 If required by the customer, is the equipment in the correct location in YES NO NA
the facility?

26a.6.4 Is there a process to notify the customer when changes are made to YES NO
the equipment such as new heads, new software, location, and repair?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 159 -

27. Job Audit for NC Ply Cutter Calibration, Software Control, SECTION NA
Validation, and Setup

Section NA applies when cut material exceeds edge-of-ply boundary and will be trimmed to size during layup.



27a.1.1 Equipment/Tool ID: ___________________________________________________

27a.1.2 Operator: ___________________________________________________

27a.1.3 Do calibration records contain or provide traceability to the equipment YES NO

under test, identify the accuracy, unique identification and/or serial
number of the unit and reference artifact/gage, the range, the points in
the range of use that were checked and results documented?

27a.1.4 Is there evidence that calibration records are reviewed? YES NO

Software Control

27a.2.1 Is there a process to control and secure the installation of new or YES NO
revised software?

27a.2.2 Does the process include validation of the software prior to it being YES NO
released for production?

27a.2.3 Is there evidence to show the software was validated prior to release? YES NO

Validation Prior to Production and Maintenance Checks

27a.3.1 For equipment with a fixed table, does the validation process define a YES NO NA
maximum width and length of material to be cut in production?

27a.3.2 For equipment with continuous belts, does the validation process define YES NO NA
the maximum width and the maximum distance that can be cut without
moving the belt?

27a.3.3 Does the validation process define the maximum number of stacked YES NO
plies to be cut at one time?

27a.3.4 For equipment which can cut the edge of a charge/stack of plies, does YES NO NA
the validation process define the minimum angle of the cut?

27a.3.5 Does the validation process define the minimum radius of cut without YES NO
repositioning the blade?

27a.3.6 Does the validation process define the maximum rate of cut? YES NO

27a.3.7 Does the validation process define the maximum contour? YES NO NA
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 160 -

27a.3.8 Does the validation process define a pattern to be cut for evaluation? YES NO

27a.3.9 Is the test pattern validated for size, orientation, and edge profile? YES NO

27a.3.10 Does the validation process require inspection for ply contamination, YES NO
wrinkles, distortion, and heat damage?

27a.3.11 Does the verification process define the maximum width of the ink/pen YES NO NA
throughout the working envelope when used for ply location?

27a.3.12 Does the verification process define the maximum offset of the ink/pen YES NO NA
mark from the intended line, such as within 0.030 inch, when used for
ply location?

Validation Checks

27a.4.1 Is there a process to ensure field checks or setup validations are YES NO
performed prior to each daily use?

27a.4.2 Is there a process that identifies the actions to be taken in the event YES NO
that field checks were found not to meet the requirements, and is it
being followed?

Ply Marking SECTION NA

27a.5.1 Is there a process defining the allowed inks or pens (types and colors)? YES NO

Part Setup

27a.6.1 Is the equipment being used within its operational parameters? YES NO

27a.6.2 Is there a process to index/align the material? YES NO

27a.6.3 Is the table bed checked for damage, wear, and resin buildup? YES NO

27a.6.4 Is there a process for cleaning the table bed of the equipment (daily, YES NO
after dry fiber cutting, approved solvents…)?

27a.6.5 Is there a process for cleaning/replacing knives/inks/markers? YES NO

27a.6.6 If a carrier is added to the ply, is the carrier an approved contact YES NO NA

Customer Approval SECTION NA

Section NA if no engineering requirement for approval

27a.7.1 Is the production equipment approved by the customer? YES NO

27a.7.2 If required by the customer, is the equipment in the correct location in YES NO NA
the facility?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 161 -

27a.7.3 Is there a process to notify the customer when changes are made to YES NO
the equipment such as new heads, new software, location, and repair?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 162 -

28. Job Audit for Digital Product Definition (DPD) SECTION NA


Customer Requirements

28a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e.,
technique sheets, travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

28a.1.1.1 Part Description: ___________________________________________________

28a.1.1.2 Part Number: ___________________________________________________

28a.1.1.3 Customer(s): ___________________________________________________

28a.1.1.4 Subscriber/Prime Contractor(s): ______________________________________________

28a.1.1.5 Application (such as NC ply cutting): ___________________________________________


28a.2.1 Is the authority datasets secure, backed up, prevented from alteration, YES NO
and restricted from unauthorized access?

28a.2.2 Is dataset derivative traceable back to the current authority dataset? YES NO

28a.2.3 Is dataset derivative under configuration control? YES NO

28a.2.4 Are datasets segregated by status (e.g., release, in-work and YES NO

28a.2.5 Do records exists showing the dataset derivative has been verified YES NO NA
when the customer’s authority dataset was translated from the as
received format into the manufacturing or inspection software?

28a.2.6 Does the work instruction have traceability to the current authority YES NO
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 163 -

29. Job Audit for Operator Self-Verification (OSV) SECTION NA


Operator Self-Verification for Lay-up Personnel SECTION NA

OSV Personnel Capability

29a.1.1 Operator: ___________________________________________________

29a.1.2 Can OSV personnel demonstrate knowledge of dimensional criteria for YES NO
acceptance, rejection, or rework?

29a.1.3 Can OSV personnel demonstrate knowledge of raw material criteria for YES NO
acceptance, rejection, or rework?

29a.1.4 Can OSV personnel demonstrate the source of requirements for YES NO
acceptance, rejection, or rework?

29a.1.5 Can OSV personnel demonstrate knowledge of inspection techniques? YES NO

29a.1.6 Can OSV personnel demonstrate media of inspection is approved for YES NO

29a.1.7 Does acceptance authority media (AAM) (e.g. stamp) designate OSV YES NO

29a.1.8 Can OSV personnel identify how to document/control nonconforming YES NO


OSV Personnel Qualifications

29a.2.1 Is the OSV personnel approved for the inspection operations YES NO

29a.2.2 Has the OSV operator completed all initial and re-qualification training? YES NO

29a.2.3 Are there records of the verification of the effectiveness of the training? YES NO

Operator Self-Verification for Cure Verification Personnel SECTION NA

OSV Personnel Capability

29b.1.1 Manual Cure Verification SECTION NA

29b.1.1.1 Operator: ___________________________________________________

29b.1.1.2 Can OSV personnel demonstrate knowledge of cure criteria for YES NO
acceptance, rejection?

29b.1.1.3 Can OSV personnel demonstrate knowledge in calculations? YES NO

Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 164 -

29b.1.1.4 Can OSV personnel demonstrate knowledge of process defect criteria YES NO
for acceptance, rejection?

29b.1.2 Product Acceptance Software SECTION NA

29b.1.2.1 Operator: ___________________________________________________

29b.1.2.2 Can OSV personnel demonstrate knowledge of interpreting reports for YES NO
acceptance, rejection, alarms, and exceptions?

29b.1.2.3 Can OSV personnel demonstrate knowledge on cure criteria which is YES NO NA
not verified with product acceptance software?

29b.1.2.4 Can OSV personnel demonstrate the source of requirements for YES NO
acceptance, rejection, or rework?

29b.1.2.5 Can OSV personnel demonstrate thermal process equipment is YES NO

approved for use?

29b.1.2.6 Does acceptance authority media (AAM) (e.g. stamp) designate OSV YES NO

29b.1.2.7 Can OSV personnel identify how to document/control nonconforming YES NO


OSV Personnel Qualifications

29b.2.1 Is the OSV personnel approved for the inspection operations YES NO

29b.2.2 Has the OSV operator completed all initial and re-qualification training? YES NO

29b.2.3 Are there records of the verification of the effectiveness of the training? YES NO

Surveillance of Operator Self-Verification Program

Operator: ___________________________________________________

Are there records of a planned and independent surveillance of YES NO

operator, process, and product performance?

Are there records of a review and evaluation of measurement data from YES NO
the OSV program?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 165 -

30. Job Audit for Partial First Article Inspection (FAI) SECTION NA

This job audit verifies compliance to FAI documented processes and procedures. Auditor to review product
which has, or should have, a partial FAI. Recommended product include: (1) product design modifications
where the part number was changed, (2) changes to NC ply cutting software for updates to ply nesting, (3)
new rate tooling which changes material, e.g. fiberglass to INVAR, (4) modifications to AFP/ATL software, (5)
modification to laser projection software, (6) change of inspection method, e.g. ply locating templates to laser
projectors, (7) use of alternate materials, e.g. film adhesive source change, and (8) new subcontractor
sources, e.g. core detail suppliers.


Customer Requirements

30a.1.1 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information (i.e.,
technique sheets, travelers) against the purchasing requirements.

30a.1.1.1 Part Description: ___________________________________________________

30a.1.1.2 Part Number: ___________________________________________________

30a.1.1.3 Customer: ___________________________________________________

30a.1.1.4 Subscriber/Prime Contractor: _________________________________________

The following changes occurred:

( ) Changes in the design characteristics affecting fit, form, or function of the part

( ) Changes in manufacturing source(s), process(es), inspection method(s), location of

manufacture, tooling, and/or materials that can potentially affect fit, form, or function

( ) Changes in numerical control program or translation to another media that can potentially
affect fit, form, or function

( ) Natural or man-made event, which may adversely affect the manufacturing process

Was a partial FAI performed? YES NO

Customer Approvals SECTION NA

30a.4.1 If required does the Auditee have evidence of completed Engineering YES NO NA

30a.4.2 If required does the Auditee have evidence the manufacturing plan was YES NO NA
customer approved?

30a.4.3 If required, has the FAI received customer review and approval? YES NO NA

Partial First Article Inspection Process

30a.5.1 Does FAI verify inspection of characteristics not measurable in the final YES NO
product, such as ply location and orientation?
Nadcap AC7118 Revision G - 166 -

30a.5.2 Does FAI utilize media of inspection which has characteristics approved YES NO
by Quality?

Partial First Article Inspection Report (FAIR) SECTION NA

30a.6.1 Have all fields in the FAI forms (AS9102 or equivalent) been completed YES NO
(electronically or in permanent ink)?

30a.6.2 Where a nonconformance has been documented during FAI, was the YES NO NA
First Article identified as "FAI Not Complete"?

For all revisions, changes are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of the paragraph that was revised.

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