Module 3 SOCIOLOGY: at The End of This Module, You Are Expected To

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Understanding the Self

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At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Know sociology and its meaning based on various thinkers.
2. Identify influential thinkers of Sociology and their various perspectives
3. List the 3 the sociological perspectives and its definition

What is sociology?
The origin comes from the Latin word “socious” which mean companionship and
the Greek word” logos” which means study.

Definitions off Sociology from various thinkers:

1. According to Max Weber “Sociology is the study of Social action”
2. Aguste Comte said that sociology is the scientific study of society
2. According to Park and Burgess, sociology is the study of collective behavior
3. “Sociology is the study of humans living together” (Tonnies)
3. Emile Durkheim said that sociology is the study of social facts through social institutions.

Therefore, we can say that sociology refers to the study of human companionship or association of humans in
the society.

Influential Thinkers of Sociology and their various perspective

Contributors to the sociological perspective:

1. August Comte

He is regarded as the father of sociology

He is a splendid student in his youth but because of his different perspectives and beliefs, he was removed
from Ecole Polytechnique. He proposed that for society to improve, scientific thinking must be employed.
Comte needed to utilize scientific perception to think about social conduct. He called this positivism. This
ought to be a science on learning of which we can be "certain", or beyond any doubt. He likewise recognized
concentration social dependability and investigation of social change for social progress
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2. Harriet Martineau
She is the one of the first thinkers who advocates feminism-a movement to empower women and be treated
as equal to men. She saw the connection of slavery and women oppression. She is known for translating many
of the works and writings of Comte.
She introduced different ideas about research methodologies, economics in politics.

3. Herbert Spencer
He made a comparison to a working society to that of the human body. In order to function effectively,
different parts should be in tune and work together for well-being and survival.

Social Darwinism
Patterned after Charles Darwin’s evolution theory, Spencer thought that evolutionary social change would
lead to progress as long as there is no human interference which is based on the idea of “survival of the

He is against social reform. He said the are poor because they deserved it and the rich are rich because they
deserved it.

4. Karl Marx

Looked into class struggle in society. He looked at two groups of people in the society. The bourgeoisie or the
rich & the proletariat or the workers.

Class Conflict
The different interests of these different groups leads to constant class conflict. Marx stated that: the working
class would eventually would rise up against rich and overtake the capitalists. His proposal was to create a
classless society where no one would be powerless.

6. Emile Durkheim
A famous thinker who said that society exists due to expansive agreement. Individuals from society consent to
specific desires. In pre-modern circumstances, agreement of qualities and convictions encompassed family,
convention. This relationship is called mechanical solidarity.

The different roles played by individuals in society displays interdependence on each other for products and
Scientific Methodology
The research styles she developed involves techniques to validate theories. Substitute assumption with
scrutiny, gather and organize data and use that data for analyzing social theory. Durkheim presented use of
statistical methods in research.

The sociological Perspective

Understanding the Self
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Sociologists dissect social wonders at various levels and from alternate points of view. From solid
understandings to enlightening speculations of society and social conduct. Sociologists think about everything
from particular occasions, from the minute level to the macro scale level to interpret human interactions.

Some European sociologists offered an expansive conceptualization of the essentials of society and its
workings. Their perspectives shape the reason for the present hypothetical points of view, or standards, which
lead for sociologists a philosophical position—for getting some information about society.

Sociologists today utilize three essential hypothetical points of view: the emblematic interactionist viewpoint,
the functionalist point of view, and the contention point of view. These points of view offer sociologists
hypothetical ideal models for clarifying how society impacts individuals, and the other way around. Every
point of view interestingly conceptualizes society, social powers, and human conduct

1. The symbolic interactionist perspective

The symbolic interactionist perspective, otherwise referred to as symbolic interactionism Mentions that
sociologists details, symbols and daily life activities should be looked into in order to understand and interpret
this how people react to certain things, situation and his/her environment.

According to this perspective, people react subjectively because of their own perception and interpretation to
various symbols and conclude meaning to things. An example would be the interpretation on oral or written
communication/conversations, in which words are the as the main symbols where the subjective conclusion is
drawn. Another example of symbolic interactionism is written music. The musical symbols are not just marks
on the pages but rather the musical notes that guide a musician to produce the desired tune. Thus, symbolic
interactionists give serious thought to how people act, and then seek to determine what meanings individuals
assign to their own actions and symbols, as well as to those of others.

2. The functionalist perspective

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As per the functionalist viewpoint, likewise called functionalism, every part of society is associated and adds to
society's overall workings. The administration, or state, provides education to the children because of the
taxes paid by its citizens. BY getting a good education, these children would have better chances of finding a
good job. Eventually these children would grow up to be responsible citizens who are law-abiding and tax-
paying members of society—thus contributing to keep the government running smoothly.

3. The conflict perspective

This perspective focuses on the negative, clashed, and ever‐changing nature of society. Not at all like
functionalists who safeguard business as usual, keep away from social change, and trust that individuals
participate to impact social order. The proponents of this perspective challenge existing conditions, empower
social change (even if this might lead to social upheaval), and believe rich and capable individuals force social
order on the poor people and the powerless.

References and Supplementary Materials

Online Supplementary Reading Materials

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