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Ministerio de Educación

Propiedad Santillana - Marzo 2021

Brendan Dunne Student’s Book

Robin Newton


is a l
lo b
English a g


talk now!

Edición especial para el Ministerio de Educación. Prohibida su comercialización.

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Ministerio de Educación
Propiedad Santillana - Marzo 2021
PDF exclusivo para uso
Ministerio de Educación
Propiedad Santillana - Marzo 2021

Student's Book



Brendan Dunne
B. Mus. University of Wales;
PGCE, Roehampton Institute;
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners, University of York
Robin Newton
B. Sc. in Social Policy, University of Bristol;
PGCE, Roehampton Institute;
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners, University of York

Familia tipográfica: Proxima Nova / Playtime WHT / Pluto

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__INICIALES_7449.indd 1 18-11-20 14:21

PDF exclusivo para uso
Ministerio de Educación
Propiedad Santillana - Marzo 2021

Student's Book English 6th Grade has been adapted from the course Go! by Richmond Publishing
Department of Education under the direction of RODOLFO HIDALGO CAPRILE

Editorial team:

Deputy Director: Cristian Gúmera Valenzuela Original Texts References:

Go 1. Authors: Brendan Dunne,
Editorial Coordinator: Marcela Briceño Villalobos
Robin Newton. Printed in Spain 2018;
English Publishing Coordinators: Go 2. Authors: Brendan Dunne,
Ly-Sen Lam Díaz Robin Newton. Printed in Spain 2018;
Manoli Camacho Ángeles Go 3. Authors: Brendan Dunne,
Editor: Javiera Sepúlveda Salas Robin Newton. Printed in Spain 2018;
Go 4. Authors: Brendan Dunne,
Editorial Assistant: Daniela Rojas González Robin Newton. Printed in Spain 2018;
Proofreading: Victoria Jackson-Kirkpatrick Go 5. Authors: Brendan Dunne,
Robin Newton. Printed in Spain 2018;
Authors: Brendan Dunne
Go 6. Authors: Brendan Dunne,
B. Mus. University of Wales; PGCE,
Robin Newton. Printed in Spain 2018.
Roehampton Institute; M.A. in Teaching
English to Young Learners,
University of York
Robin Newton
B. Sc. in Social Policy, University of Bristol;
PGCE, Roehampton Institute;
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners,
University of York

Documentation: Cristian Bustos Chavarría

Head of Design Department: Mª Verónica Román Soto
Design and Layout: Andrea Iturra Tapia
Artwork: Antonio Ahumada Mora

Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del Copyright y bajo las sanciones
establecidas en la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual N.º 17336, la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio
o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografía y el tratamiento informático; y la distribución en ejemplares de ella mediante
alquiler o préstamo público.
©2021 por Richmond Publishing, de Santillana del Pacífico S. A. de Ediciones. Av. Andrés Bello 2299, Providencia, Santiago
(Chile). Impreso en Chile por Sistemas Gráficos Quilicura ISBN: 978-956-15-3671-5. Inscripción Nº 2020-A-9930.
Se terminó de imprimir esta 1ª edición de 40.001 ejemplares, en el mes de diciembre del año 2020.

2 Two

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__INICIALES_7449.indd 2 04-12-20 00:00

Student’s Materials

Food and Health

1. Listen, point, and say. 5

2. Look and discuss.

a. Which of these food

Presentation and
items do you like?
b. Which foods are fruits,
but aren't sweet?

Unit Objectives
At the beginning of each unit, you salty

are going to see pictures with Unit objectives:

new vocabulary and activities

Describe food
sweet and preferences.
bitter Describe sports
and free time activities.

related to the content.

Talk about illnesses.
Read and listen to a story.
Show a positive attitude
when learning English.

10 Ten Eleven 11

C Dan and Cyril look at other dishes. D 7 Listen and repeat with your classmates. 7
There’s sushi from Japan. Dan tries it, but he Hi Dan! How is the food fair going?
doesn’t like raw fish. 19:35

It’s amazing! I’m on the British

stand and I’m cooking Shepherd’s Charlie likes chicken, chillies, and cheese.
pie. Everyone loves it!
19:46 Chelsea likes chocolate, cherries, and chips.

Stop and Think!

Oh, that’s good! Are you trying new dishes?

Yes I am! The Mexican dishes are very spicy.

Here’s a photo of stuffed chillies.

and What Do
Charlie Chelsea
Editorial Creation.

8 Create a similar tongue twister with these words.

You Think? Check point

Do you like them?
The Mexican food is very spicy, but Dan tries 19:48
the tacos anyway. Stuffed chillies are also
popular in Mexico. Dan thinks they are too
No, they are too spicy for me, chicory artichokes peaches
but Cyril does.
spicy, but Cyril tries them. 19:48

These sections
Editorial Creation.

This section has

12 Answer the questions and discuss.
chickpeas anchovies spinach
a. Where is Dan from? c. What’s Dan’s favourite food?
b. Where does he live? d. What can you fill crêpes with?

help you to an activity that

cheesecake ketchup
13 Read and discuss. Go Online!
Play a food game at:
Are there any dishes you like now that you didn’t like before? Why do you like
them now?

evaluate your Stop and Think

Think about the story and answer.
Glossary, page 118 Activity Book, page 9 Check point
9 Describe a typical menu from your home using:
a. Adjectives (sweet, sour, spicy, salty, savoury, bitter, etc).
evaluates what
understanding of They are hard because... I need help with...
I understand.
I can help my classmates.
b. The words like / don’t like.
c. Gain extra points for using words with the ch sound.
Activity Book, page 8
you have learnt
the activities. Lesson 1 Tasty Food Seventeen 17 Lesson 1 Tasty Food Fifteen 15

on each lesson.

1 Sheet
Project Final Lap Go Again!
U ni t

Project, Final Lap,

Name: Score:
Student’s Book pages 34-35
1 Read and answer. 1 Look and classify the food. Then, add more.
1 Read and complete the dialogue. Instructions
Use a pencil. In case of a mistake, use an eraser.
Do Good, Save Food! a b

and Finish Line

While Reading Delicious! OK Horrible!
What is food Hi, Lucas. Do you like Oh, yes! I think
Partit's d
1: Choose . Parts 2 and 3: Write
waste? spicy f ? My favourite ONE
d letter is
forcurry A B C your answer clearly EXAMPLE
from India. each question.
How about you? in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Every year, a third of the food we c
produce around the world goes Savoury Well, s food d

At the end of each unit,

to waste. When we waste food, is okay, but I really Partl 1: Reading
I don't sweet Part 2: Writing
we are also wasting the resources we like s food things. I think they're
use to produce it. For example: land, like cakes and a. h A B
C D a.

water, effort, and energy. Rotten food 2 Listen and say True or False. 22 c b .
lets off a very strong and harmful gas f b. A B C D b.

you will find a fun project,

called methane. This means that food e Oh, yes. I like
waste damages the environment and W about fruit?
Tuesday f
c. A , especially
contributes to climate change. Thursday c.
Three o'clock g b and
- basketball. Two o'clock
That's easy. I love sp m . What's your
Common examples of food waste are - football. A B C D
After school d.favourite

activities, and games to

expired food, leftovers in the fridge, with t sauce. Yummy! food?
- table tennis Tyler d.
and buying more than we need. with Samuel. Friday Caitlin
rotten Eleven o'clock A B C D
food e.
Wednesday - running.
Ten o'clock After school FinishLine A B C D
- meet Jess at the f.

help you assess what you

Adapted from SavingFood Educational on Food Waste.
- swimming practice. Part 3: Listening
2 Look at the pictures and discuss. skateboard park. Complete your unit Exit Ticket.
A B C D a. d.
b. e.
3 things I learned:
3 Look at activity 2. Then, interview a classmate. c.

learnt. Your teacher will What sports

I play volleyball
on Mondays and
2 things I enjoyed:
tennis on Fridays.
Part 4. Speaking

Pregunta Iniciado En progreso Logrado

give you an answer sheet

do you do . vocabulario estudiado en las unidades.
1. Utiliza correctamente

a. Is food waste a big problem in our country? Why? Why not? at school? 2. Usa adecuadamente estructuras gramaticales estudiadas.
1 question I have:
3. Interactúa efectivamente con su compañero.
b. Name examples of food waste you can see at home, school, etc.
. el propósito del ejercicio desarrollando
4. Identifica claramente

for the Final Lap section.

c. How can we avoid these situations? Glossary, page 118
sus ideas en torno a este.

32 Thirty-two 34UnitThirty-four
1 Food and Health Food
Unit 1 Go Again!
and Health 190 Nineteen 19

This icon shows that you need to This icon shows that you will listen to an audio
do the activity with your classmates. to complete an activity or sing and chant!

This icon shows that you need to do Activity Book, page 00 This icon shows that you will
the activity in your personal notebook. find extra practice in the Activity Book.

IMPORTANT: Do not write in this book. Do the activities in your personal notebook.
Three 3

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Welcome!.................................. 6
What Do I Know?..........................9


Food and Health

Lesson 1:
Tasty Food............................. 12
Lesson 2:
Move Your Body...................22 salty


Final Lap.................................. 34 bitter

10 Ten Eleven 11


Around Town
Lesson 1:
post office

Getting to Places................. 38

Lesson 2:
Working Day and Night...... 48
shopping centre swimming pool

Project...................................... 58 fire station


Final Lap.................................. 60
museum train station

36 Thirty-six Thirty-seven 37

4 Four

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__INICIALES_7449.indd 4 19-11-20 17:53


3 Wild World
Lesson 1:
Amazing Animals................. 66

Lesson 2:
parrot butterfly

Outdoor Fun!......................... 76
Project...................................... 86
Final Lap.................................. 88 fish


64 Sixty-four Sixty-five 65


Travelling Adventures
Lesson 1:

Getting on Board................. 92
Lesson 2:
On a Trip!..............................102 train


Project..................................... 1 12
Final Lap................................. 1 14 plane

ship bus
90 Ninety Ninety-one 91

Glossary............................................ 1 18
Unit 1 Extra Reading...................... 120
Unit 2 Extra Reading..................... 122
Unit 3 Extra Reading..................... 124
Unit 4 Extra Reading..................... 126
References...................................... 128

Contents Five 5

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Hi! I'm Macarena. I'm

Hi! My name is eleven. How old are you?
Eduardo. What's
your name?

1 Read and role-play.

2 Look, find, and name.

three school items ten numbers

two animals two clothes

6 Six

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3 Listen and sing. 2

I can see something beginning I can see something beginning with B.

with A. Look at the picture! Look at the picture! Can you see?
Now let’s play! Is it an apple?
Is it a book? Is it a ball?
Is it an arm?
You tell me!
Can you say?
I can see something beginning with S.
I can see something beginning
Look at the picture! Can you guess?
with O. Look at the picture! Do you
I know! I know! Is it a squirrel?
know? Is it an orange?
Is it an owl? Yes! Yes! Yes!

No! No! No!

Activity Book, page 4 Editorial Creation.

Welcome! Seven 7

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4 Listen and read. 3

Hi! I'm Laura. I'm eleven. I live

with my dad. I'm an only child.
At school, my favourite subject
is Music. I can play the drums!
I like Maths too. Here are my
new friends. Their names are
Alfie and Megan.

Alfie Megan

Alfie is ten. He's got a sister.

Her name's Megan.
At school, Alfie's good at
Science and IT. His favourite subject
is PE. He likes playing basketball.

Editorial Creation.
5 Play True or False in pairs.

Laura's favourite
subject is PE. False! Laura's favourite
subject is Art.

6 Ask in pairs. Then, write about yourself in your notebook.

a. When is your birthday?

b. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
c. What is your favourite subject?
d. What are you good at?

8 Eight

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What Do I Know?
7 Read and name the correct season.

It’s cold and rainy.

a. autumn. b. spring.
It’s hot and sunny.
It’s warm and colourful.
It’s windy and cloudy.

c. summer. d. winter.

8 Choose a season and describe it.

Summer is hot and sunny. I like it

because there are Christmas and
New Year celebrations, and I can
wear sandals and T-shirts.

Activity Book, page 5

Stop and Think
Think about the activities and answer.

I understand.
They are hard because... I need help with...
I can help my classmates.

What Do I Know? Nine 9

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Food and Health

1. Listen, point, and say. 5

2. Look and discuss.

a. Which of these food
items do you like?
b. Which foods are fruits,
but aren't sweet?



10 Ten

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Unit objectives:
Describe food
sweet and preferences.
Describe sports
and free time activities.
Talk about illnesses.
Read and listen to a story.
Show a positive attitude
when learning English.

Eleven 11

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Tasty Food
Ready! Adjectives are words that can help you
describe the taste of the food you eat.
What do olives taste like? Olives are salty.
1 Look and say.

sweet sour spicy

salty bitter savoury

Glossary, page 118

2 Read and repeat. Then, say which adjectives are opinions.

a b c

delicious horrible salty

d e f

savoury spicy sweet

Activity Book, page 6

12 Twelve Unit 1 Food and Health

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I like bananas.
He / She / It likes chocolate.
Do you like cheese? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

3 Listen and say yes or no. 6

pears bananas mangoes

strawberries apples oranges

4 Ask, mime, and answer.

celery sausages beans

spinach ham peas rice cauliflower

Do you like peas? b Yes, I do.

a c

Ask b a question. Mime the answer. Answer for b.

Activity Book, page 7

Lesson 1 Tasty Food Thirteen 13

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5 Play.

It's the chillies!

I spy with my little

eye… something
red and spicy!

6 Look and guess.

There is a pineapple in
this drawing. Do you
like pineapple?

14 Fourteen Unit 1 Food and Health

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7 Listen and repeat with your classmates. 7

Charlie likes chicken, chillies, and cheese.

Chelsea likes chocolate, cherries, and chips.

Charlie Chelsea
Editorial Creation.

8 Create a similar tongue twister with these words.

chicory artichokes peaches

chickpeas anchovies spinach

cheesecake ketchup
Go Online!
Play a food game at:
Check point
9 Describe a typical menu from your home using:
a. Adjectives (sweet, sour, spicy, salty, savoury, bitter, etc).
b. The words like / don’t like.
c. Gain extra points for using words with the ch sound.
Activity Book, page 8

Lesson 1 Tasty Food Fifteen 15

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10 Look at the picture in panel C.

What do you think happens to the characters?

11 Read and listen. 9 While Reading

Can you guess
the ingredients of
The International Food Fair the dishes?

A Dan is from London, but he lives in B It’s the day of the international food fair.
Brussels with his parents. They work there Cyril is making French pancakes.
and Dan goes to an international school. They’re called crêpes. You can have them
with lots of different fillings, sweet or savoury.
Hi, Dan! Cyril loves crêpes with asparagus, he doesn’t
11:19 like them with sweet fillings.
Hi, Granny!

How is school? Do you have new friends?


Yes! Here’s a photo of me with friends from class.


11:21 üü

My best friend is Cyril.


He’s from Paris.



And guess what! Tomorrow there’s an

international food fair at school with food from
all over the world.

But you only like eating pizza.


Yes, well, I have to go. It’s dinner time.


Are you having salad?

Dan is serving Shepherd's pie, a British dish.
It has meat, carrots, and onions, with potatoes
Yuk, horrible! Bye!
11:23 and cheese on top. Cyril thinks it’s delicious!

16 Sixteen Unit 1 Food and Health

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C Dan and Cyril look at other dishes. D
There’s sushi from Japan. Dan tries it, but he Hi Dan! How is the food fair going?
doesn’t like raw fish. 19:35

It’s amazing! I’m on the British

stand and I’m cooking Shepherd’s
pie. Everyone loves it!

Oh, that’s good! Are you trying new dishes?


Yes I am! The Mexican dishes are very spicy.

Here’s a photo of stuffed chillies.


Do you like them?

The Mexican food is very spicy, but Dan tries 19:48
the tacos anyway. Stuffed chillies are also
No, they are too spicy for me,
popular in Mexico. Dan thinks they are too but Cyril does.
spicy, but Cyril tries them. 19:48

Editorial Creation.
12 Answer the questions and discuss.
a. Where is Dan from? c. What’s Dan’s favourite food?
b. Where does he live? d. What can you fill crêpes with?

13 Read and discuss.

Are there any dishes you like now that you didn’t like before? Why do you like
them now?

Stop and Think Glossary, page 118 Activity Book, page 9

Think about the story and answer.

I understand.
They are hard because... I need help with...
I can help my classmates.

Lesson 1 Tasty Food Seventeen 17

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14 Read and role-play.

Are you
hungry, dear? Here you are.

Yes, Granny.
Can I have
one quesadilla,
Thank you!

Dad, I'm thirsty. Can I have Of course!

a glass of juice, please?

Thank you!

15 Read and point to the odd one out.

a. Can I have a salad, please?

I’m hungry b. Can I have a glass of juice, please?

c. Can I have a banana, please?

a. Can I have a cup of tea, please?

I’m thirsty b. Can I have a glass of water, please?
c. Can I have a sandwich, please?

Activity Book, page 10

18 Eighteen Unit 1 Food and Health

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16 Read and listen. Then, complete the missing words. 11

Greg is shopping. He’s at the greengrocer’s.

the strawberries?

They are two euros,

fifty cents a kilo.

2 Greg likes carrots. 3 4 Yes, the peas are very big.

They’re special, giant peas.
How much are the carrots? How much are the peas?

They are each.

seventy-five Wow!
cents a kilo. for dinner!

What! Ten euros

for one pea?
Editorial Creation.

17 Now, create your own dialogue and role-play.

Check point
18 Imagine you are at an international food fair.
a. Are you hungry or thirsty?
b. What would you like to try?
c. What expressions can you use to buy the dishes you want?
Activity Book, page 11

Lesson 1 Tasty Food Nineteen 19

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Go Around the
1 Read and listen. 12

Pre Reading
Do you know about
My Food Festival Blog a food festival
in Chile?
Hello, I'm Mikela from Malta. Malta is a small country
but there are lots of food festivals. Here are two of my favourites.

The first food festival of the year is the Citrus Festival in January.
Farmers pick oranges and lemons in winter, so there's lots of fresh
fruit to eat. At the festival, there's a cookery class, where you can
learn a recipe for orange biscuits or make a lemon cake.
In April, there's a strawberry festival in my village. There is sweet
food, like strawberry cakes and smoothies, and there is savoury
food too. There is pasta with strawberry
sauce! Or how about strawberry sushi?
It's delicious, I promise!

Great blog, Mikela! In my town,

there’s a chilli festival in the summer.
Adam, UK.
Editorial Creation.

2 Find one true sentence and correct the false sentences.

a. Farmers pick citrus fruit in winter.
b. Mikela hates strawberry sushi.
c. There’s a cookery class at the strawberry festival. Go Online!
Where is Malta?
d. You can make strawberry sushi at the cookery class.

3 Discuss.
a. Which is your favourite festival in the text?
Glossary, page 118
b. Which traditional dishes from your country do you know?
c. What other food festivals do you know?
d. Do you think festivals are important? Why?

20 Twenty Unit 1 Food and Health

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1 Read and answer. Why are quantities important for baking?

Baking with Numbers

Hi, my name is Luis. I'm baking
biscuits for my family's party and
I want to surprise them. I have
all the ingredients: flour, butter,
sugar, eggs, vanilla, salt, milk, and
baking powder. But I have a problem!
The recipe I have only makes 12
biscuits, and I need to make 24.
Can you help me double up the
ingredients from the recipe?

Editorial Creation.

2 Read the recipe and solve the problem.

This is Luis' recipe for 12 biscuits. Double up each ingredient to make 24 biscuits.

1 1/2 cups of flour.

1/8 teaspoon of salt. Exa
Recipe for 24 biscuits
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder. Flour:

1 21 + 1 21 = 3
1/2 cup of unsalted butter.
1/2 cup of white sugar.
cups of
1 large egg. flour

3 Read and answer.

a. How much flour does he need? d. How much butter does he need?
b. How much salt does he need? e. How much sugar does he need?
c. How much baking powder does f. How many eggs does he need?
he need?

Lesson 1 Tasty Food Twenty-one 21

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Move Your Body


1 Listen and sing. 13

We love sport! There’s skateboarding and yoga,

Oh, yes we do! They’re always lots of fun.
It’s so much fun! But my favourite is gymnastics.
And it’s good for you! There’s a sport for everyone!
There’s football and there’s swimming,
And table tennis too.
There’s basketball and running,
So many sports that you can do.

Editorial Creation.
2 Look and find the right pictures.

You Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Can He/She jump? Yes, (s)he can. / No, (s)he can’t.
They Yes, they can. / No, they can’t.

c e
a b d

I can swim, but I can't draw. I can draw, but I can't swim.
I can sing, but I can't do gymnastics. I can play table tennis, but I can't
I can do yoga, but I can't sing. do yoga.

Activity Book, page 12

22 Twenty-two Unit 1 Food and Health

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3 Read, compare, and answer.

Hi, I'm Luisa! I do lots I'm Carlos and I love to

of sports. I can play exercise! I can walk on
football, but I can't my hands and
jump high, so I don't I'm flexible, so I do
play basketball. yoga on Tuesdays
I go running with my and gymnastics on
dad on Saturdays and Wednesdays. I can't
I do yoga on Tuesdays. swim, so I don't go to
My favourite sport the pool. My favourite
is swimming. sport is basketball.

a. What can Luisa do? c. What can Carlos do?

b. What can't she do? d. What can't he do?

4 Look and describe using the words.

What are they doing?

In picture a, he is playing football.
c. table tennis.

a. football.
b. yoga. d. running.

f. swimming.

g. skateboarding.
h. gymnastics.
e. basketball.
Activity Book, page 13

Lesson 2 Move Your Body Twenty-three 23

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5 Play Walk and Talk!

a. Choose one question. c. When the teacher says “Talk!”, ask your
b. Walk around the room.
d. Walk around again until you hear “Talk!”.

My favourite sports
Which are your are tennis
favourite sports? and karate.

Can you swim? Can you run fast?

Do you exercise every day?

What sports don’t you like? Can you jump high?

What do you like about basketball? Can you play table tennis?

6 Guess the sport.

She is playing
What sport is
she playing?

24 Twenty-four Unit 1 Food and Health

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7 Look, read, and repeat.
shot show


social share

8 Listen and repeat. Then, say it fast! 15

Shoot the shot!
Shoot the shot at the sports show.
Shoot the shot at the sports show and share it.
Shoot the shot at the sports show
and share it on social media.
Well done!

Editorial Creation.

Check point
9 Make an oral presentation.
a. Find out about an unusual sport or activity.
b. Say where it's practised and how you do it.
Present it to your classmates and vote for your favourite one!

Activity Book, page 14

Lesson 2 Move Your Body Twenty-five 25

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10 Look at the title and pictures. What do you think this story is about?

11 Read and listen. 17

While Reading
Is your prediction about
I Can Do It! the story correct?
A Fred and Rosie are playing football in Rosie’s
garden. Rosie is very good at football. Come and play!
Oh, no! I'm bad
at football.

Oh, come on,


D The next day at school,

Alice is bad at running…

Be careful!


Alice is very bad at football.

She breaks the window. … and gymnastics too.

26 Twenty-six Unit 1 Food and Health

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U1_6879.indd 26 18-11-20 14:07

E After school, Alice and Rosie are at the park. F There’s a boy in the water.
He can’t swim.

I'm really bad at sports.

I can't swim!

I CAN swim!

Don't be silly! Everyone

is good at something.

You see? Everyone's

G Alice helps the boy. H
good at something!

Have some
hot chocolate!
Oh, well done!

You're very good

at swimming! Thank you!

You're amazing!

Editorial Creation.

12 Read and discuss.

a. What is the importance of people b. Aside from sports, where can you
having different skills? observe a similar situation?

Activity Book, page 15

Stop and Think
Think about the story and answer.

I understand.
They are hard because... I need help with...
I can help my classmates.

Lesson 2 Move Your Body Twenty-seven 27

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U1_6879.indd 27 18-11-20 14:07

Go! Go Online!
Show what you know!
13 Listen and repeat. 18

headache cough stomach ache

toothache chicken pox cold

14 Read and answer.

John is at school and he doesn't feel
well. He has little red spots on his
body and they are itchy. He goes to
Have to: Don’t have to:
Something you Something that
the school nurse. He asks: "What's the
need to do (rules is not necessary.
matter, John?”. John answers: “I have
or laws). spots on my body and I'm scratching
because they are itchy”. The nurse
Example examines him and says: "You've got
• John is ill. He has to stay at home.
chicken pox. You have to go home.
Don’t scratch the spots! I'm giving you
• John is ill. He doesn’t have to go
a cream for the itch and calling your
to school.
dad to pick you up. You have to stay in
bed for a few days and remember not
to scratch”.

Editorial Creation.
a. What does John have to do? What doesn't John have to do?
b. Have you ever had chicken pox? How did you feel? Glossary, page 118

Activity Book, page 16

28 Twenty-eight Unit 1 Food and Health

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U1_6879.indd 28 18-11-20 14:07

15 Create a dialogue and role-play.

I don't feel well.

Hello. What's
I have a cough and
the matter?
my throat is sore.

cough cold

heada stomach ache

che ox
chicken p

16 Look, identify and describe.

a b

I have toothache. I have to go to the dentist; I don’t have to eat ice cream.

Check point
17 Write a letter to a classmate who is ill.

Dear Paula:
in bed?
How are you? How do you feel? Do you have to stay
of water.
Can you watch TV? Remember you have to drink lots
Don't worry, I'm collecting your Science workshee
Get better soon!
Juan .
Activity Book, page 17

Lesson 2 Move Your Body Twenty-nine 29

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U1_6879.indd 29 18-11-20 14:07

Go Around the
1 Listen and read. 20

Sports in the United States While Reading

In which sports do
you need a helmet?

Hi! I'm Violet from the Climbing

United States. My favorite sport is climbing.
I go climbing at a sports center.
I wear a helmet on my head
and special climbing shoes. A
teacher helps children climb.
It’s difficult, but it’s fun!

I play baseball in PE at Snowboarding
school. There are nine In January and February, it’s snowy in my
players in a baseball town. I go snowboarding with my family.
team. You hit the ball I wear boots, gloves, and a
and run fast. The other helmet. You stand on the
team tries to catch the snowboard and go down
ball. It’s important to the mountain. It’s important
wear a helmet. to bend your knees.

I play volleyball with my friends. You hit a ball
over the net with your hands. There are six
players in my volleyball team. You can play in
a sports center, in the park, or at the beach.
Editorial Creation.

2 Read and name the sport.

a. You can play this game on the beach. c. You hit a ball in these sports.
b. Violet practises this sport with d. There are nine players in her team.
her family.

3 Read and answer.

a. Why is exercise important? c. Which sports are popular in
b. What do you think of these sports? your country?

30 Thirty Unit 1 Food and Health

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U1_6879.indd 30 18-11-20 14:07

1 Read and answer. Which activities make your heart beat faster?

Measuring Your Pulse

Your heart pumps blood around
the body. It is beating day
and night. When a child is sitting,
his/her heart beats about 80
times per minute. When an adult
is sitting, his/her heart beats about
70 times per minute. When you do
exercise, your heart beats faster.

You can count your heart beats.
Put two fingers on your wrist. Can you feel
fingers the beat? This is your pulse. Count your
pulse for thirty seconds, then multiply
by two. How many beats per minute (bpm)
is your pulse?

Editorial Creation.

2 Listen and answer. 21

a. What is the boy doing in each activity?

b. Which activities make your heart beat faster?

3 Do these activities. Then, count your pulse and ask.

a. Sit and read for three minutes. Go Online!
b. Walk slowly for two minutes. Learn more about your
heart here:
c. Do exercise for a minute.

Lesson 2 Move Your Body Thirty-one 31

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1 Read and answer.

Do Good, Save Food! While Reading

What is food

Every year, a third of the food we

produce around the world goes
to waste. When we waste food,
we are also wasting the resources we
use to produce it. For example: land,
water, effort, and energy. Rotten food
lets off a very strong and harmful gas
called methane. This means that food
waste damages the environment and
contributes to climate change.

Common examples of food waste are

expired food, leftovers in the fridge,
and buying more than we need. rotten

Adapted from SavingFood Educational on Food Waste.

2 Look at the pictures and discuss.

a. Is food waste a big problem in our country? Why? Why not?

b. Name examples of food waste you can see at home, school, etc.
c. How can we avoid these situations? Glossary, page 118

32 Thirty-two Unit 1 Food and Health

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U1_6879.indd 32 18-11-20 14:07

Let’s Save Food From Waste!

3 Create a flyer with tips to help avoid food waste.

Tips to
Step 1. Investigate! STOP
In groups, find out about food waste in Chile. food waste
• Where does food waste occur?
• What policies do we have to prevent
food waste?
Organise your ideas to create the flyer.

Problem Tips
Rotting leftovers. Plan meals and portions.

Step 2. Create!
Gather your materials and get creative.


Colour pencils,


4 Share your flyers with your classmates, family, and friends.

5 Ask them questions.

a. What do you know about food waste?
b. Do you waste food? Why?
c. Is it an important problem? Why?
d. How do you avoid food waste?

6 Share the answers with the class.

Activity Book, page 18

Project Thirty-three 33

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U1_6879.indd 33 18-11-20 14:07

Final Lap
U ni t

1 Look and classify the food. Then, add more.

Delicious! OK Horrible!



2 Listen and say True or False. 22

Three o'clock
- basketball. Two o'clock
- football.
After school
- table tennis Tyler
with Samuel. Friday Caitlin
Eleven o'clock
Wednesday - running.
Ten o'clock After school
- swimming practice. - meet Jess at the
skateboard park.

3 Look at activity 2. Then, interview a classmate.

I play volleyball
on Mondays and
tennis on Fridays.
What sports
do you do
at school?

34 Thirty-four Unit 1 Food and Health

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U1_6879.indd 34 18-11-20 14:07

4 What's Missing?

a. Stand in front of the board. gry

oury hun ch
sav ma
sto che
b. Read and try to memorise the a
words on the board in a minute.

c. Turn around and cover your eyes.

fooste nis
a ten
d. Turn back to the board and guess
the missing word.

e. The first one to guess correctly

wins a point.

5 The Hot Potato.

*Music playing*

a. Pass an object (your hot potato) to

your classmates while the music is playing.

*Music stops*

b. If you are holding the hot potato,

draw a question from the mystery bag!

c. Answer the question. You get a point

for answering and two for giving a correct answer.

d. Continue the game!

Activity Book, page 19

Final Lap Thirty-five 35

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U1_6879.indd 35 18-11-20 14:07


Around Town

1. Listen and repeat. 25

2. Look and discuss.
a. Which places are there
in your town?
b. Which ones do you
visit? Why?


fire station


36 Thirty-six

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 36 18-11-20 15:07

post office

shopping centre swimming pool

Unit Objectives:
Describe places you find
in a town and jobs.
Ask and give directions.
Contrast ch and sh sounds.
Show interest in other people's
cultures and in your own.
train station

Thirty-seven 37

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 37 18-11-20 15:07


Getting to Places

1 Listen and point. 26

museum hospital cinema

c. Big, white building

a. Big, old building. b. Small, yellow building.
with a red cross.

2 Read. Then, say True or False.

Hi, I'm Nicolás. I live in a big city and it's Hello! My name is Susana and I live in a
very noisy. I like living in the city! town. I love it! It's small, but it's quiet
There's lots to do: There's a park where and pretty. My granny lives in a big city.
I go by bus and I go swimming with my I go to visit her on Saturdays, and we go
dad on Saturdays. to the cinema. It's my favourite day!

Editorial Creation.
a. Nicolás lives near a park. d. Susana lives in a big city.
b. Nicolás goes swimming with his e. Susana visits her granny on Fridays.
dad on Saturdays. f. Susana goes to the cinema with
c. Nicolás doesn’t like living in the city. her granny.
Activity Book, page 20

38 Thirty-eight Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 38 18-11-20 15:07

Asking for directions Giving directions
a. Excuse me, where is the post office? Turn right / Turn left /
b. Excuse me, how can I get to the museum? Go straight on / Go past.

3 Listen and repeat. 27

a b c d

turn left turn right go straight on go past

4 Role-play the dialogue.


post office

shopping centre
swimming cafe
pool park

Turn right. Go straight on.

Excuse me, where Then, turn left. Go past the
is the bakery in park and post office. The
this town? bakery is on the right.

Activity Book, page 21

Lesson 1 Getting to Places Thirty-nine 39

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5 Play Treasure Hunt!

a. Cut the pyramid token and clues on pages 67 and 69 of your Activity Book.
b. Order the clues from 1 to 7.
c. Solve the clues to move your token on the gameboard and find the treasure.

Post office Fire station Hospital

Cinema Museum pool

centre Park Train station

6 Draw the place where you live and describe it.

This is my town. There are two museums, two

schools, a fire station, and a swimming pool.
I like to visit museums with my dad and going
to the swimming pool in summer.

is a museum. isn’t a museum.

There There
are two museums. aren’t any museums.

Is a museum? Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.

Are any museums? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

40 Forty Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 40 18-11-20 15:07

7 Listen. Then, repeat the tongue twisters. 28

Sheldon and Rachel

shop for Chinese

Shep is looking
for shoes to chew,
which shoes should Rachel Sheldon
he choose?


8 Choose words from the box to complete the sentence.

Shelly is at her town’s . She wants to buy for her mum,

for her brother and a for her dog .

Chuck shopping centre T-shirts chocolates chewing toy

Check point
9 Do research on these Chilean towns and cities, and describe them.

Pisco Elqui Valparaíso Valdivia

Activity Book, page 22

Lesson 1 Getting to Places Forty-one 41

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10 Look at panel A and discuss.

How do you think this story ends?

11 Read and listen. 29

While Reading
In the City Why is Luke
A Luke is Fred’s cousin. He lives in the B Luke wants to send a
country and is visiting Fred in the city. postcard to his family.

OK, let's go to the

swimming pool!
Look, Luke! There's
a post office!
I love swimming!


C There’s a lot of traffic in the city.
Remember! Always cross the road safely!
Look, there's a
zebra crossing! Yes, Mum!

I don't like the city!

There isn't a zebra

crossing in my village.

42 Forty-two Unit 2 Around Town

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E F They arrive at the swimming pool.

Is there a cinema
in your village?

Is there a shopping
centre in your village?

No, there isn't.

No, we go shopping
in the town nearby. H Later…
G Luke doesn’t like the swimming pool.
This is like the country!
Is there a swimming
pool in your village?

No, there isn't. We go

swimming in the river.
Look, here's Rosie
and her mum!
Come on, Luke!

Luke likes the city now.

Editorial Creation.
12 Discuss with your classmates.

What are the advantages of living in a city? And in a village?

13 Write about your experience visiting some place.

Activity Book, page 23

Stop and Think
Think about the story and answer.

It’s hard to understand I understand.

I need help with...
because... I can help my classmates.

Lesson 1 Getting to Places Forty-three 43

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 43 18-11-20 15:08

14 Look and say.
Museum post
Psot office

Opens at 10.00 am Opens at 9.00 am

Closes at 5.30 pm Closes at 6.30 pm
Opens at 9.30 am
Closes at 11.00 pm

train station Shopping
shopping centre
swimming pool

Opens at 8.00 am Opens at 11.00 am

Closes at 7.00 pm Opens at 8.00 am Closes at 10.00 pm
Closes at 7.00 pm

15 Choose a place and ask.

What time does It opens at

it open? seven o'clock.

What time does It closes at half

it close? past nine.

It's the
swimming pool!

Activity Book, page 24

44 Forty-four Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 44 18-11-20 15:08

16 Play Question Ping-Pong.

Student A. Choose a word. Talk about it, but finish with a

question for student B.
Student B. Answer the question. Talk about it, then finish
with a question for student A.

Yes! It's called Estación Central.

I like train stations. You can go to Chillán by train. It's fun!
Are there any train
stations in your city?

What does the

fire station in your
town look like?

train statio swimming pool cinema

town city

fire station shopping centre

Check point
Vis it
17 Design an informative poster.
a. Choose an important place where you live.
b. Make a poster with information about it:
Its opening and closing time.
What services it offers.
How to get there.
c. Present your poster to your classmates.
Activity Book, page 25

Lesson 1 Getting to Places Forty-five 45

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 45 18-11-20 15:08

Go Around the
1 Listen and read. 31
Pre Reading
Days out in Vancouv
What do you know
about Vancouver?

Hi, I'm Asher!

Vancouver Art Gallery
I live in Vancouver,
a big city in Canada. You can see paintings,
Let me tell you photos, and sculptures
about my favourite here. Children’s days
days out. are on Sunday, there are
art classes. My favourite
sculpture is this big head.
It’s in front of the art gallery.
You can stick chewing gum to the head.
I like putting my chewing gum in his ear!

The city farm

A boat trip There are lots of
Vancouver is on the Pacific Ocean. animals at the city
In summer, you can go on a boat farm. You can feed
trip and see whales, orcas, the chickens and
and dolphins. I like the orcas. collect their eggs.
They swim in a group and you can You can ride a pony too. There are lots
see five or six orcas swimming of strawberries and vegetables in the
together. It’s amazing! Remember summer. In the autumn, I go to the farm
to take your camera. and pick apples and pears.

Editorial Creation.
2 Choose, compare, and discuss.
a. Choose a city in Chile.
b. Compare it with Vancouver. How are
they similar and how are they different? Vancouver Osorno
There’s a big There’s a big
c. Organise the information in a chart.
park called park called
d. Discuss in pairs. Stanley Park. La Chuyaca.
E xa
How are Vancouver and Osorno
Glossary, page 118

46 Forty-six Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 46 18-11-20 15:08

1 Read and answer. What types of art are mentioned in the text?

Public Art

This is a A mural is a big

sculpture painting on a wall.
of a dog. This mural is in Paris,
It’s called in France. It’s by
Puppy. It’s in Bilbao, in Spain. It’s made Seth Globepainter.
of metal and it’s 12 metres tall. There There’s a girl in
are flowers on it and it’s very colourful. an umbrella. She’s
looking at flying fish.

This is a statue of
two horses’ heads.
It’s in Falkirk, in
Scotland. The
horses are
made of metal.
They’re 30
metres tall.
This is a bike shop in Altlandsberg,
in Germany. It’s got a wall of old
bikes. There are 210 bikes on
the wall.
2 Create an art piece for your town.
Editorial Creation.
a. Draw and paint an art piece you would like
to have in your town.
b. Write a description. Include:
Its location. Go Online!
What it's made of. Which murals do we
have in Chile?
What you like about it.
c. Present your creation to your classmates.

Lesson 1 Getting to Places Forty-seven 47

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Working Day and Night


1 Listen and repeat. 32

teacher builder farmer firefighter

nurse pilot singer vet

2 Read and name the job. Glossary, page 118

a c
Hello! I'm Pablo. I work with
Hello! I'm Elena. I work
animals at a clinic during the
during the day at a
day and sometimes at night.
construction site. I wear a
I wear a uniform and a
helmet and a safety vest.
I'm a . I'm a .

b d
Hello! I'm Jorge. I work at a Hello! I'm Cecilia. I work at
recording studio during the a fire station during the day
day. I don't wear a uniform, and at night when there’s an
but I use a microphone and emergency. I wear a yellow
play the guitar. helmet and a safety uniform.
I'm a . I'm a .

Go Online!
Watch how firefighters put out fires: Activity Book, page 26

48 Forty-eight Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 48 18-11-20 15:08

3 Look at activity 1 and role-play.

Does a pilot
Yes, she does!
wear a uniform?

Does a farmer No, he doesn't

wear a helmet?

4 Look and describe.

In picture a, there's
a teacher. She is in a
classroom, there's a

5 Copy and complete the text. Then, say what Susan’s job is.

Susan works during the and at . She doesn't work in a

and she doesn’t fly a . She works outdoors and indoors. She wears

a and a . She helps in danger. What's her job?

Activity Book, page 27

Lesson 2 Working Day and Night Forty-nine 49

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6 Play a memory game.

a. Memory.
In pairs, choose a character, Felipe or Lorena.
Read the description for two minutes.
Close your book and try to remember who does each job.
b. Question challenge.
Read the descriptions again.
Take turns to close your book and ask questions about your
classmate's character.

Do you work at
a hospital? Yes, I do

Felipe Lorena

• Is a pilot. • Is a nurse.
• Works at an airport. • Works at a hospital.
• Flies to other countries. • Works during the day.
• Works during the day. • Sometimes she works at night.
• Wears a uniform. • Wears a uniform.
• Wears a hat. • Wears a stethoscope.

50 Fifty Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 50 18-11-20 15:08

7 Look, read, and repeat. ch/sh

chef teacher

8 Listen and repeat. Then, memorise and say. 34

Glossary, page 118

The Music teacher wears great shoes

When he teaches us the blues.
But the chef has the touch
When she chops the fish
That I want on my dish.

Editorial Creation.

Check point
9 Choose a job and write a description of the situation.

doctor singer


Lesson 2 Working Day and Night Fifty-one 51

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10 Look at the words from the text and discuss.

a. What do these words mean?
scratch – plaster – ladder – fire brigade.
b. What is the story about?

11 Read and listen. 35

While Reading
Which occupations
What’s Wrong with Felix? appear in the
A Fred is worried about Felix, his cat. B Felix scratches
Rosie’s hand.
Oh, Felix doesn't look
very happy today. I think he's ill.

Oh, Felix!

Rosie’s dad is a builder. He’s fixing the roof. D Rosie’s hand is sore. Her mum is a nurse.
She puts a plaster on it.
C Felix runs up the ladder.

What's wrong with him?

It hurts!

Let's ask Alice.

Her mum’s a vet.
Keep calm,
it's just a scratch.

What's wrong
with Felix?

52 Fifty-two Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 52 18-11-20 15:08

Oh, no! The ladder is broken. Heeelp!
E F Rosie’s dad is trapped on the roof.

Keep calm, Pat! I'm

What's wrong calling the fire brigade.
Keep calm, Rosie, with Felix?
Dad’s OK!

G Later, the firefighters help Dad. H

Er… HER name is Felix!

Look! Alice and

her mum are here. Felix is a girl!?

He's in that box. Oh look, she's

His name is Felix. got kittens!

Editorial Creation.

12 Read and discuss.

a. Who helps us protect and take care of animals?
b. What can we do to protect them?

Activity Book, page 29

Stop and Think Glossary, page 118

Think about the story and answer.

It’s hard to understand I understand.

I need help with...
because... I can help my classmates.

Lesson 2 Working Day and Night Fifty-three 53

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 53 18-11-20 15:08

13 Look and read. Then, correct the mistakes in your notebook.

He is a builder She is a vet.

His name is Pat. Her coat is red.
He fixes roofs She makes sure
And he sings a hat. Your pet is all right.

She is a nurse. He is a teacher.

Her hat is blue. His engine is red.
She looks after me He wears a helmet
and you. on his head.

14 Read and write an answer to Cristóbal.


To: You
From: Cristóbal

Dear friend,
How are you? How is school in Chile?
I'm very excited because we are learning about jobs in my class!
There are builders, farmers, nurses, firefighters, teachers, pilots, vets. So many jobs
we can choose from!
When I grow up, I want to be a baker. Do you know what bakers do? They make bread
and cakes. It's so cool! I can have my own shop and invent many delicious recipes!
What do you want to be?

Activity Book, page 30 Glossary, page 118

54 Fifty-four Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 54 18-11-20 15:08

15 Play a speaking game.

What does a
start! firefighter wear?
Who works here?
The chef chops
the fish.

Who wears this?

What does The teacher shows
she do? a chart.

Look and describe.

Name three
you like.

This belongs to... finish!

Check point
16 Interview someone about their job.
a. Choose someone close to you.
b. Carry out an interview that includes:
What’s your name?
What’s your job? c. Share your interview with
What do you wear when you are working? your classmates.
Describe your job in a sentence.
Activity Book,
Book, page
page 28

Lesson 2 Working Day and Night Fifty-five 55

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 55 18-11-20 15:08

Go Around the
1 Read and listen. 36

Amazing Jobs in Australia While Reading

Which jobs do you
Hi! I'm Ruby from Australia. think exist in other
I'm writing an article for my countries?
school website about jobs.
I think these jobs
are amazing!

Road train driver

Tom drives a road train. He brings food, clothes,
and petrol to farms and small towns. His road train
is 50 metres long and has 64 wheels.
Tom gets up at six o’clock in the morning and drives 700 kilometres a day.
At night, he sleeps in the cabin of the road train. Tom likes his job.

Emily is a lifesaver at a big beach.
In summer, she works six days a week.
She walks on the beach and watches
people swimming. Emily has a surfboard
and a small boat to rescue people.
Her cap, t-shirt and shorts are red and
yellow. Her clothes are visible to swimmers.

Flying doctor
Nick is a doctor and a pilot. He flies a small plane
and visits farmers and their families when they
need a doctor. Nick works during the day and
at night. In the plane, there’s medicine, a bed,
and medical equipment.

Editorial Creation.
2 Read and discuss.
a. Which of the jobs in the text do you like? Why?
b. Are there similar jobs where you live? Which ones?
c. What other jobs do you think are amazing? Why?

56 Fifty-six Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 56 18-11-20 15:09

1 Discuss with your classmates.
a. Would you like to be a musician or singer? Why?
b. Do you play an instrument? Which one?

Glossary, page 118

2 Read and answer.

Chilean Musicians
Vicente Bianchi (1920-2018)
He was a pianist, composer, orchestra and choir
director. He composed many popular Chilean
religious songs, Christmas carols, and hymns.
He also composed songs for films,
documentaries, jingles, festivals, and plays such
as “La Pérgola de las Flores” (1960). In 2016, he
received the Premio Nacional de Artes Musicales
de Chile in recognition of his contributions.

Cami (1996-present)
Camila Gallardo is a singer and composer
who mixes folk, soul, and pop music.
She participated in the TV show,
“The Voice Chile” in 2015. Since then, she
has launched two albums, Rosa (2018) and
Monstruo (vol. 1) (2019), becoming one of
the most popular singers on Spotify.

Adapted from Camila Gallardo: el fenómeno de la música chilena

en la era digital; Vicente Bianchi Alarcón (1920-2018).
a. Which songs by Vicente Bianchi
and Cami do you know?
Go Online!
b. What do you know about the music style Listen to Cami and
of each of these musicians? Vicente Bianchi's music:
c. What other famous Chilean musicians
do you know?

Lesson 2 Working Day and Night Fifty-seven 57

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1 Read the title of the text and think about it.

a. What do you think this text is about?
b. Do you think jobs are going to change in the future? Why?

While Reading
2 Read and discuss. Look up the words
you don't know in
the dictionary.
Jobs of the Future
Every day there are new needs and • Digital profiles. Using new
technological advances that change the technologies can be helpful, as
way we do our jobs. We can’t predict they facilitate tasks that are time-
how these jobs are going to be in the consuming or difficult.
future, but there are certain features
jobs need to have from now on: • Self-care. Our mental and physical
health is essential to work in a safe
• Collaboration. Exchanging ideas, environment. Stress management
opinions, and concepts with is an example of self-care.
coworkers to solve problems.
• Mobility. It's the possibility of
• Diversity. This means combining working from home, a cafe,
people’s talents and abilities, instead a coworking place, and even from
of having one person doing the other cities or countries.
same job all the time.

Adapted from 5 características del trabajo del futuro.

a. What do you think of these features? Which are more important? Why?
b. What other characteristics will jobs of the future need?
c. Think of these jobs. How can we apply the characteristics from the text to them?

Baker Waiter Designer

58 Fifty-eight Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 58 18-11-20 15:09

Let’s Participate!

3 Create a presentation.

Step 1. Investigate!
Look for information about a job that you like.
Organise your findings in this chart.

Name of the job

What do you do?
Where do you work?
What do you wear?
What skills do you need?

Step 2. Imagine!
Think about a job that can be useful now or in the future.
Use the chart from step 1 to describe it.

Step 3. Present!
Create a slide presentation including steps 1 and 2.
Jobs of the
Share it with your class. Future

4 Discuss with your classmates.

a. In groups, look at the jobs you presented.
b. How are they similar? How are they different?
c. Which characteristics mentioned in the text “Jobs of the Future”
are important for these jobs? Why?

Activity Book, page 32

Project Fifty-nine 59

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 59 18-11-20 15:09

Final Lap
U ni t

Read and write the correct alternative in your notebook or on a sheet of paper.

Emilia is doing a survey

about occupations and she
interviews Carlos. Emilia
asks some questions
about his job. What does
Carlos say?

a. Emilia: Hello Carlos! How are you?

Carlos: .
A. I work in a hospital.
b. Emilia: I’m doing a survey. What do you do?
B. I’m fine, thanks!
Carlos: .
C. I’m a nurse.
c. Emilia: Where do you work?
D. I wear a blue uniform and
Carlos: .
a stethoscope.
d. Emilia: What do you wear?
Carlos: .

My name is Francisco. I'm a builder. I work at a

construction site. I wear a helmet and a safety vest.

e. Francisco is a...
A. nurse. B. farmer. C. builder. D. pilot.

f. Francisco works at a...

A. hospital. B. construction site. C. farm. D. school.

g. Francisco wears a...

A. uniform. B. coat. C. hat. D. helmet and safety vest.

60 Sixty Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 60 19-11-20 18:28

Write a sentence that describes each job.

builder construction site helmet

E xa
A builder works at a construction site and wears a helmet.

a b

firefighter teacher

fire station uniform school whiteboard

c d

nurse farmer
hospital uniform farm vegetables

Final Lap Sixty-one 61

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 61 19-11-20 18:28

Final Lap
U ni t

Listen and write on the answer sheet. Look at the example. 37

small swimming cinema


TV town centre

Granny lives in a town .

a. First, she wants to go to . d. Also, she wants to go to the .

b. Then, she wants to go to the . e. The shopping centre in her town is .
c. She only watches movies on her .

62 Sixty-two Unit 2 Around Town

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U2_7047.indd 62 18-11-20 15:09

Look at the map and give the directions.

Student A

Student B

Student A Student B
a. Where’s the post office? a. Where’s the park?
b. Where’s the swimming pool? b. Where’s the shopping centre?
c. How can I get to the museum? c. How can I get to the fire station?
d. How can I get to the d. How can I get to the
shopping centre? swimming pool?

Activity Book, page 33

Final Lap Sixty-three 63

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3 Wild World

1. Listen, point, and repeat. 40

2. Look, read, and discuss.
a. Which of these animals
do you like? Why?
b. Where do you think
they live?
c. Which of these animals
can you find in Chile?



64 Sixty-four

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U3_7113.indd 64 18-11-20 16:20



Unit Objectives:
Identify and describe animals.
Describe where animals live.
Describe activities in the past.
Show interest in other cultures
and in your own.

Sixty-five 65

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Amazing Animals

1 Read, look, and say.

How Do Animals Move?

Animals move differently because their bodies are different. Some animals can
walk and run, jump, climb or fly. In water, animals can swim.

a. Frogs can .
b. Parrots can .
c. Tigers can .
d. Fish can .
swim fly
e. Monkeys can .

climb jump run

2 Look at the pictures and describe.

Monkeys can climb,
but they can’t fly.

Go Online!
Can flamingos fly?
Activity Book, page 34

66 Sixty-six Unit 3 Wild World

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3 Read and discuss.

Where Do Animals Live?

A habitat is the natural environment of a living thing. In their habitat, animals
can find the food and shelter they need. Here are some examples:

Deserts are hot Rainforests

and very dry. are forests
It’s difficult for with high and
trees to grow continuous
and plants rainfall.
are small. There are lots
Many of the animals that live here are of plants and trees which are very
nocturnal. The vizcacha is an animal tall. Sloths live in tropical rainforests,
that lives in the desert. where it’s very hot and humid.

Oceans are Mountains

areas of salty are on every
water that continent of
cover most our planet
of the Earth’s and they often
surface. They have extreme
have coral reefs and kelp forests, temperatures. Animals that live in the
where a large variety of animals live. mountains usually know how to climb
Sea turtles live in ocean habitats. or fly. The puma is an example.

Editorial Creation.
a. What other animals that you know live in these habitats?
b. Which of these habitats are not found in Chile?
c. What happens if you change the habitats of these animals?

4 Investigate and describe the animals in activity 3 in your notebook.

Sea turtles live in coral reefs in the ocean.
They can swim very long distances. Glossary, page 119

Activity Book, page 35

Lesson 1 Amazing Animals Sixty-seven 67

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U3_7113.indd 67 27-11-20 16:46


5 Play Guess and Draw.

a. Get in pairs.
b. Think of your favourite animal.
c. Ask questions to guess each other’s animal.
d. Draw the animal and share.

Does it have claws? Yes, it does!

Can it jump? No, it can't.

Does it live in
Yes, it does!
the rainforest?

Is it the sloth? Correct!

6 Play Animal Charades!

To play, use the cut-outs on

page 71 of your Activity Book.

Does my animal No, it doesn't.

live in the desert? Can my animal fly?

68 Sixty-eight Unit 3 Wild World

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7 Look, read and say. b

bear butterfly bat

8 Listen and repeat. Then say it fast. 42

Betty the bat is wearing a hat,

While Boris the bear looks for a bag.
Betty and Boris go to a ball,
Where Bernie the butterfly welcomes them all.

Editorial Creation.

9 Read and solve the riddle.

I’m small, yellow, and black. I have wings and my tail stings. Who am I?

Check point Fact Sheet

10 Create a fact sheet. NAME:

a. Choose an animal you like. INTERESTING FACT:

b. Find out about it. Include:

Habitat. c. Present it to the class.
Interesting fact.
Activity Book, page 36

Lesson 1 Amazing Animals Sixty-nine 69

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11 Look at the pictures and answer. In which country does this story occur?

12 Read and listen. 43

While Reading
Animal Rescue Which animals appear
in the forest?
A My name’s Elim. That means knowledge in Describe them.
Swahili. That’s my language! I live in Kakamega
forest in Kenya. There are many beautiful wild animals
here. My dad is a park ranger. He looks after the
animals and protects them from poachers. Poachers
are a big problem. They catch animals to sell to zoos.
I love inventing things. When I’m older, I want to be
an engineer. This is my new invention. I use an old
mobile phone, a solar panel, and a motion sensor to
film the animals in the forest. I can watch the leopards
when they come to drink.

B Elim sees a leopard in a C The leopard is ten kilometres away, on

poachers' trap. He tells Dad. the other side of the forest.

It's dangerous.
We can save the
You wait here.
leopard. Let's
go immediately!
But, please, Dad!
It's my invention.

I'm coming too!

Dad agrees to let Elim go too.
D The rangers are very quiet as they E
walk through the forest. They don’t
want to disturb the animals.

They walk under a branch with a wasps’

nest. The rangers are afraid of the wasps
because they are more venomous than
normal wasps. They’re very quiet.

70 Seventy Unit 3 Wild World

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F Elim sees a scorpion. G Cobras are venomous too and they’re
more aggressive than other snakes.
They have to go around the clearing.
Be careful!

H Hold on to the rope! I The rangers arrive in time to catch the poachers
and save the leopard.


They go over a bridge to cross the

river. There are crocodiles in the
river. When it rains the water goes Some journalists hear about
faster. The bridge isn’t very safe. Elim’s invention. Now he’s famous!
Editorial Creation.

13 Read and discuss.

a. Which animals that live in the rainforest do you know?
b. Why are rainforests important?

Activity Book, page 37

Stop and Think Glossary, page 119

Think about the story and answer.

It’s hard to understand I understand.

I need help with...
because... I can help my classmates.

Lesson 1 Amazing Animals Seventy-one 71

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Cat A few cats
Singular nouns Few (small quantity)
Goose A few geese
Cats (regular) Many cats
Plural nouns Many (large quantity)
Geese (irregular) Many geese

14 Read, look, and say.

There is one goose There are a few sheep There is one ox

There are many geese There are many sheep There are a few oxen

15 Look, compare, and describe.

a b c d

In picture a, there are
a few geese flying, but
in picture b…

Go Online!
What's the plural Activity Book, page 38
for a mouse?
72 Seventy-two Unit 3 Wild World

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16 Play Animal Trivia.

Where do
tigers live?
Vizcachas An animal
live in… that
can swim is…

What is the Three animals

plural for ox? that can’t fly are…

Two animals
What can
that live in the
ocean are…
geese do? Instructions:
a. In pairs, spin a pencil in
An animal the center of the wheel.
with b sound.
b. The first who answers the
question wins a point.
The player with most
points wins!

Check point
17 Look and write a report.
You are an animal expert visiting a nature park.
Step 1. Observe the animals and
organise your ideas.

Step 2. Plan your text. Write a draft

with your descriptions.

Step 3. Correct and edit your text.

Step 4. Write the final version and

publish it.
Activity Book, page 39

Lesson 1 Amazing Animals Seventy-three 73

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Go Around the
1 Look, read, and answer. How are these animals called?

While Reading
Endangered Animals What is an
endangered animal?
in China
Native animals are those animals that live in a specific
habitat or ecosystem.
Animal habitats are affected by human actions.
Sometimes our actions can damage or harm the
environment, causing animals to lose their habitats.
If animals have no place to live, they are in danger of
extinction and can disappear from the planet forever.
A good example of this problem is in China, where animals like the giant panda and the
Amur leopard are considered to be endangered.
Giant pandas live in the misty mountains of southwest China and
nowhere else on Earth. They eat bamboo and live near these plants.
Because pandas are hunted, there are not many of them today.
The Amur leopard is listed as critically endangered, because there
are fewer than 100 individuals left. They live in forests and they adapt
well to cold temperatures. Their fur changes with the seasons, with
short hair in summer, and long hair in winter.

Adapted from Endangered Animals in China; 30 Cool Facts About China.

2 Read and discuss.
a. Why are pandas and leopards considered to be endangered species?
b. What can we do to protect animal species?
c. Do you know any endangered animals in Chile? Which ones?

3 Choose an animal and make a flyer.

a. Find information on endangered animals in Chile and choose one.
b. Create a flyer that includes:
Name. Loro Tricahue
Glossary, page 119
Why is it in danger?
How can we protect it? Central Chile

74 Seventy-four Unit 3 Wild World

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U3_7113.indd 74 18-11-20 16:21

1 Read and answer.

What Do Animals Eat?

Omnivores eat animals Herbivores eat

and plants. Parrots, plants. Cows, sheep,
some monkeys, and sloths, and pudús
monitos del monte are herbivores.
are omnivores. Pudús are a small
The monito del monte type of deer.
eats insects, like beetles, They can run and
crickets and grasshoppers, and fruits jump very fast. They eat leaves, and
from plants. They are other plant parts.
nocturnal, and they You can find them
live in forests. in forest areas
You can find them from from Curicó to the
Cauquenes to Chiloé. Aysén Region,
including Chiloé.
Credit to José Luis Bartheld.

Carnivores eat animals. Tigers, pumas, and sea elephants are

carnivores. Sea elephants eat squid and fish, small
sharks, and rays. They can swim long distances and
they live by the seashore.
In Chile, you can find them on the Robinson Crusoe
and Juan Fernández islands.

Editorial Creation.

a. What happens if we remove b. Why are omnivores and herbivores

carnivores from the food chain? important?

2 Investigate and draw a food chain with your classmates.

a. In groups, visit the link in Go Online!
b. Each group investigates a part of the food chain.
c. Take notes of the information you find. Go Online!
Learn about the food chain
d. Share your findings with the class. here:
e. Draw a food chain on the whiteboard.

Lesson 1 Amazing Animals Seventy-five 75

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Outdoor Fun!

1 Look and read. Then, point and say.

Present simple Past simple (regular)

I look at the stars. I looked at the stars.
I play with friends. I played with friends.
I hike in a nature park. I hiked in a nature park.
I climb a mountain. I climbed a mountain.

Present Simple Past Simple (irregular)

I swim in the river. I swam in the river.
I go camping. I went camping.

2 Read and say who.

Diego Valentina Jaime

Last year I went camping On Sunday, I went to an Last summer, I climbed a
with my family. There was a observatory with my dad. mountain with my older
small forest and lots of birds There was a big telescope sister. The weather was hot,
flying around. We slept in a where I looked at the stars but the view from the top
tent, sang songs, and we and learned about the was amazing. We could see
looked at the stars at night. Universe. It was amazing! our house in the distance!

a. Who went to an observatory? d. Who went camping?

b. Who slept in a tent? e. Who watched the stars?
c. Who climbed a mountain?
Activity Book, page 40

76 Seventy-six Unit 3 Wild World

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3 Listen, read, and answer. 45

Hi Cony! How was your weekend? It looks adorable!

14:00 14:12

Hi dad! It was good. I went to Bosque What did you do on weekends

Fray Jorge National Park with my mum. when you were little? 14:15
I used to go with your grandparents
That’s great! Did you like it?
and your uncle to Río Mágico.
14:05 14:17

A lot! It’s a long road to get there, but That's so cool! Was it fun?
it was fun. There was a forest trail with
What did you do there? 14:17
many plants and trees you can only
find in the south of Chile! There were
animals too. Here’s a picture of a degu. It was! There was a river with trees on
14:10 both sides, where I swam and played
with your uncle, and you could climb
the trees and jump into the water.

Wow! I want to go there too!

14:10 üü 14:20

Editorial Creation.
a. What did Cony do last weekend?
Go Online!
b. What did her dad do when he was a child? Where are Bosque
c. What can you do in a national park? Fray Jorge National Park and
Río Mágico located?
d. What activities can you do when you go camping?

4 Write about an activity you did last summer and share.

Last summer, I hiked with my best

friend in Cerro La Campana. We had
a tour guide and we learned a lot
about the trees, plants, and animals
of Chile. I had a great time!

Activity Book, page 41

Lesson 2 Outdoor Fun! Seventy-seven 77

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5 Read and role-play.

a. In pairs, each one chooses a role.
b. Copy the dialogue in your notebook.
c. Replace the underlined words with your own information.
d. Practise the conversation.

Student A: Hi Daniela! What did you do last summer?

Student B: Hi Javier! I hiked in Quebrada de Macul with my brother.
Student A: Wow! Did you like it?
Student B: Yes, I did! There were lots of rocks, trees, and a waterfall. It was fun!
Student B: What did you do?
Student A: I went camping in Machalí with my best friend and his family. There was
a forest and many animals too! We played a lot.
Student B: That's great!

6 Play Memory Buzz.

a. In groups, one classmate creates a sentence.
b. The next one repeats the sentence and adds information.
c. Continue until everyone repeats and adds something to the sentence.
d. If you can’t remember all the information, start again.

Last weekend I went

camping in the forest.

Last weekend
I went camping.

Last weekend I went

camping in the forest and
I watched the stars.

78 Seventy-eight Unit 3 Wild World

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U3_7113.indd 78 18-11-20 16:21

7 Read, listen, and repeat. 46 v

Ten vicuñas on an adventure.

Twenty vicuñas on an adventure, driving a van.
Thirty vicuñas on an adventure, driving a van
to visit a village.
Forty vicuñas on an adventure, driving a van
to visit a village in a valley.
Fifty vicuñas on an adventure, driving a van
to visit a village in a valley they love.
Editorial Creation.

8 Follow the steps and create a sentence.

Vivian voted to visit the village with ten rivers.

Choose a character Vivian — Victor — Vanesa — Valentín.

Choose one or two
visited — observed — voted— drove.
Choose a number ten — twenty — thirty — forty — fifty.
Add one or two extra valley—river — volcano — village —
words with the v sound vampire — view — adventure — love.

Check point
In my dream holidays, I went to
9 Draw. Then, show and tell. Valle del Elqui with my best friend
and we looked at the stars.
a. Imagine you had a dream about your They were bright and pretty!
ideal holidays.
b. Draw and colour your favourite activity.
c. Write a description using the past simple
and there was/there were.
d. Share your dream vacations with your
Activity Book, page 42

Lesson 2 Outdoor Fun! Seventy-nine 79

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U3_7113.indd 79 18-11-20 16:21


10 Read and discuss.

a. Have you ever visited a national park? Which one?
b. What did you do there?

11 Read and listen. 47

Bear Necessities While Reading

What does a park
A Taylor lives in ranger do?
Jasper, Canada.
Her dad is an
architect and her
mum, Audrey, is a
park ranger.
Taylor’s eleven and
last summer, she
went to help mum to
monitor the wildlife in
the park.

B One day, Taylor and her mum saw a few

tourists. One of them was outside the car
photographing an elk. There was loud
music too. “Get back in the car now,” Mum
called. “Elk can be dangerous. Turn the
music off too. The noise scares them.”
There were lots of dangerous animals in
the park, but the most dangerous animals
in the park were humans.
Mum gets very angry when people don’t
respect nature. “They didn’t read the park
rules! They can’t go near the animals.”

C Later that day, Audrey

and Taylor were
counting geese around a
lake. Mum had an urgent
call. “We have to leave
now,” she said. “There are
some tourists trapped by a
bear at the campsite near
Pyramid Mountain.”

80 Eighty Unit 3 Wild World

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U3_7113.indd 80 18-11-20 16:21

D When they arrived at the campsite, the gate was
open. There was a black bear next to an open
rubbish bin. “The rubbish attracts the bears,” said Mum,
“Gates and rubbish bins must always stay closed.” Then,
they saw the people trapped inside the toilet. They
were the same people Mum shouted at that morning.
“Oh, no,” said Taylor. “Look! There’s a baby bear in the
rubbish bin. It can’t get out!”
“Taylor, listen to me,” said Mum. “We’re going to get
the baby bear out of the bin.” Mum explained the plan.
“Stay in the back of the car. When I drive backwards
up to the bin, put the ladder carefully into the bin.
Then, the bear can climb out.”

E The plan worked! The noise of the car

frightened the mother bear and she moved
away when Taylor put the ladder into the bin.
But there was a surprise. There wasn’t just
one baby bear in the bin, there were three!
They went back into the forest.
Mum told the tourists to leave the park
immediately. But one of them filmed the
rescue and put the video on the internet
the day after that. It was very popular.
Everyone thought that Taylor was very brave.
Editorial Creation.

12 Think and discuss.

a. Why was Audrey angry? What did the tourists do wrong?
b. Why is it important to respect wildlife?

13 Rewrite this story using the pictures.

Activity Book, page 43

Stop and Think
Think about the story and answer.

It’s hard to understand I understand.

I need help with...
because... I can help my classmates.

Lesson 2 Outdoor Fun! Eighty-one 81

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U3_7113.indd 81 18-11-20 16:21

Adjectives to describe personality
What am I like? What is he/she like? What are we/they like?
I am funny. He/She is nice. We/They are friendly.

14 Read, listen, and repeat. 48

a. He is lazy. b. She is shy. c. He is friendly.

d. She is funny. e. He is smart. f. She is nice.

15 Read andjonathandoe

CHILE My family and I went camping last weekend
and I met a new friend. She was very shy, and
she didn’t talk too much, so I talked to her.
Her name is Liz and she is nice, friendly, and
smart, she knows a lot about animals and their
habitats. Liz went there with her parents and
her brother Peter, who was very lazy.
He didn’t like any activities and he just wanted
to sleep. We had a great time camping,
especially because my father was always
making jokes and we laughed a lot.
He is so funny!
jonathandoe instagram template #vector Editorial Creation.
View all 245 comments
a. 20.451
does Paulina say Liz is shy?
2 DAYS AGO c. Why is Peter lazy?
jonathandoe instagram template #vector

b. View
Why is Liz smart?
all 245 comments
d. Why is Paulina’s dad funny?

Activity Book, page 44

82 Eighty-two Unit 3 Wild World

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U3_7113.indd 82 18-11-20 16:22

16 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Amelia smart
Lucas shy
Laura friendly
Pablo lazy

Amelia Lucas Laura Pablo

a. is always sleeping and doesn’t like doing exercise. is

b. knows a lot of things, likes to read and learn. is
c. is always joking and making people laugh. is
d. doesn’t like to talk to people or to speak out loud. is

17 Ask in pairs. jonathandoe


No, I'm not.

Are you friendly?
Are you lazy?

Yes, I am.
I'm very friendly.

Check point
18 Write an Instagram post.
a. Think about your best friend or a Thijonat
s ishand
t frie ndtemp
gram Osclatear. He is really funny
View all 245 comments
family member. and sm art.
2 DAYS AGO He is always making me laugh and
knows a lot about science. But he
is also very
b. Write a caption, include: shy, he doesn’t like to talk to people
His/her name.
A description of him/her. Activity Book, page 45

Lesson 2 Outdoor Fun! Eighty-three 83

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Go Around the
1 Look up the words in bold. Then, read the text.

New Zealand Summ
Hi! I'm Imogen from New Zealand. Last summer
I went to a summer camp with a friend.
First, we went
paddleboarding on a The last day at camp,
lake. We had to wear we visited the amazing
a life jacket and a Waitomo Caves. It has a
suit. Then, we went fat river that goes through
biking along the beach. them. We rode a boat and
Fat bikes have really saw lots of blue lights.
big tires. You can ride They were glowworms!
them in the snow too! There were so many of
them! After that, we went
Then, we played
to a football match between the children
frisbee golf. It was one
and teachers. But we did a haka before!
of my favourite sports.
A haka is a Maori dance. We made faces,
You throw your frisbee
stamped our feet, clapped, and chanted.
at a basket. If the frisbee
doesn’t go into a basket,
you try again. Editorial Creation.

2 Read and discuss. Go Online!

Learn more about
a. What do you think about the activities Imogen did
the haka here:
at the camp?
b. What other activities can you do at a summer camp?

3 Put the sentences in order, copy, and complete the sentences.

a. She fat biking on the beach. c. She saw in the Waitomo Caves.

b. For the haka, they , and . d. In , Imogen threw a frisbee into a .

e. Imogen wore a to do paddleboarding.

84 Eighty-four Unit 3 Wild World

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1 Read and discuss.

Natural Environments of Chile

In Chile, there is a great variety of landscapes that can be classified according to
their natural characteristics such as landforms, climate, water, vegetation, and fauna.
They are called natural environments. Because they are affected by human activities,
many of these environments are protected in the form of national parks, reserves, and
sanctuaries. Here are some examples:

Desert. There is little Coastal. Temperatures

rain and humidity. There vary from north to south.
are high temperatures The sea regulates
during the day and low humidity and temperature.
temperatures at night. Archipiélago Juan
Los Flamencos National Reserve is an Fernández National Park is an example
example of this environment. of a coastal environment.

Cold and rainy. It has Patagonian. It has low

low temperatures and temperatures, little rain,
there is abundant rainfall and strong winds during
during the year. Conguillío the year. Lago Jeinimeni
National Park is an National Reserve is an
example of this environment. example of the Patagonian environment.

Editorial Creation.

a. Look at a map of Chile. Where do you think these environments are located?
b. Which other natural environments are there?
Glossary, page 119
c. Why is it important to protect our natural environments?

2 Investigate and answer in your notebook. Then, discuss.

a. Look for information on Chile’s national parks and reserves.
What is the difference between national park and national reserve?
How many national parks and reserves are there in Chile?
Where are the national parks and reserves in the text located?

Lesson 2 Outdoor Fun! Eighty-five 85

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1 Look at these pictures before you read.

a. What do the signs in picture a mean? c. Why are they important?
b. Where can we see them? d. What happened in picture b?

a b

Glossary, page 119

2 Read and discuss.


were removed from Morro Moreno National
Park in Antofagasta.
Around 12 tonnes of waste were removed from Morro
Moreno National Park, after a cleaning operation
made last Saturday. Corporación Nacional Forestal
(CONAF) used two trucks to clean the rubbish, but
they were not large enough to remove all the waste.
This national park has many endemic animal and plant
species. It also has archeological ruins, but as Claudia
Casanova from CONAF said: “People don’t show much love or respect for the place
where they live. Last year, we cleaned up and removed 80 tonnes of rubbish from
here. When we came to clean this morning, it was like we had never cleaned it at all!”.

Adapted from Retiraron 12 toneladas de basura desde el Parque Nacional Morro Moreno de Antofagasta.

a. Why is it important to protect areas like this national park?

b. What other human actions can damage protected areas?
c. Have you observed similar situations in places like these? What happened?
d. How can we avoid situations like these?

86 Eighty-six Unit 3 Wild World

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Let’s Protect Our Environment!

3 Create a conservation team.

Step 1. Investigate!
Form groups and choose a name for your team.

Find out about a national park or reserve in Chile. Consider:

• Its location. • Its flora and fauna. • Why it was declared a protected area.

Think about a human action that damages this place and suggest how to prevent it.

Problem: Dumping rubbish. Solutions:

Animals can mistake it
Collect rubbish found in the area.
for food and die.

Step 2. Create! Materials:

Create an informative sign Cardboard.

with the data from Step 1. Construction paper.


Step 3. Present!
Present your informative sign to the class. Don't forget to cite your sources!
• Optional: Include videos of the place you chose.


LOCATION: Antofagasta Region.
It was declared a protected area because…
PROBLEM: Dumping rubbish contaminates the
area and may harm the animals that live here.
What can we do to prevent contamination?
Carry your rubbish until you find
a proper dustbin to throw it away.
Collect any rubbish you find
in the area.
Spread the word among family and friends!
Adapted from CONAF (2020). Parque Nacional Morro Moreno celebra 10 años.

Activity Book, page 46

Project Eighty-seven 87

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Final Lap
U ni t

1 Read and say True or False. Correct the false ones in your notebook.

nt to visit an animal
Hello! I'm Camila. Today I we
a lot of animals.
sanctuary with my mum. I saw
It was so much fun!
She welcomed us
There was a dog called Lulú.
all, but she was
to the sanctuary. She was sm
saw many geese.
running everywhere! Then, we
them and they
There were around thirty of
were so noisy!
favourite was Rosita.
I saw a few sheep too. My
, and her wool was
Her face and legs were black
jump and climb?
soft. Did you know sheep can
it again soon.
It's so cool! I hope I can vis
Editorial Creation.

a. Camila saw just a few animals. d. Camila’s favourite sheep is called Susy.
b. There was a dog called Lulú. e. Sheep can jump and climb.
c. There were ten geese.

2 Look, compare, and describe. Then, name the odd one out.

There are four animals in row a.
The sea turtle, fish, and geese Glossary, page 119
can swim, but the degú can't.

88 Eighty-eight Unit 3 Wild World

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3 Play Hands On Head!
a. In teams, choose a category.
Jump, climb, fly,
b. Listen to the words your teacher says.
drive, forest…
c. If the words belong to your category,
put your hands on your head and say the word. Forest!
d. For each correct answer, you win a point.
e. The team with most points at the end of
the game, wins!
*Tip: Take turns to answer.


Past simple

tense simple tense

4 Play Jeopardy!

a. In teams, choose a topic and score Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic
from the jeopardy grid. 1 2 3 4 5
b. The presenter asks the question. 10 10 10 10 10

c. You have a minute to give an answer. 20 20 20 20 20

30 30 30 30 30
d. If your answer is correct, you win the
points. If it isn't, the next team has an 40 40 40 40 40

opportunity to answer. 50 50 50 50 50

For 30 points. Name five

animals that can run.

Tiger, puma, sheep,

pudú, and leopard.

Activity Book, page 47

Final Lap Eighty-nine 89

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1. Listen, point, and repeat. 51
2. Look, read, and discuss.
a. What kind of means of
transport do you use?
b. Why are means of transport
c. What other means of
transport do you know?



90 Ninety

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U4_7317.indd 90 18-11-20 17:15



Unit Objectives:
Identify and describe different
means of transport.
Describe travel experiences.
Describe past events.
Show a positive attitude toward
learning a new language.
Ninety-one 91

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U4_7317.indd 91 18-11-20 17:15


Getting on Board

1 Look, read, and say.

The car is old The boat is slow The train is big

The bus is new The plane is fast The bike is small

2 Read, answer, and discuss.

Different means of transport can take us to many different places. Some have got
wheels and others haven't. Cars have got four wheels and they are fast.
Regular bikes have got two wheels and they also have got pedals, but they are slow
compared to cars. Planes have got wheels too, but only for landing. They have got
two wings and they can fly long distances; they are really fast! Boats don't fly or
have wheels and they move slowly, but they can travel long distances on water.

Editorial Creation.

a. Which means of transport have got d. Why do planes have wheels?

wheels? e. What other means of transport do
b. What do airplanes use to fly? you know? What can they do?
c. Which means of transport moves
on water? Glossary, page 119
Activity Book, page 48

92 Ninety-two Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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3 Read and solve the riddles in your notebook.

a c
I'm big and have got
I take you to school. b wheels. I move on my
I've got four wheels. rails. I take you to a
I've got two wheels.
On streets I move. lot of places just like
I fly up in the sky
What am I? and I take you to in tales.
places in no time. It's a

What am I?

4 Look and role-play.

It moves on water, and

it's old. What is it? It's the ship!

Activity Book, page 49

Lesson 1 Getting on Board Ninety-three 93

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5 Read and discuss.

Daniel and Lucía had their Grandpa's birthday party on Saturday. They are from
Copiapó, and their Grandpa lives in Chillán. Daniel and Lucía love adventures, so they
decided to try different types of transportation to get to their destination. They
had never travelled by plane, so they took one to La Serena. They were surprised
to see how big and fast planes are! Once they got to La Serena, they took a bus to
Santiago. It was a long trip, but they had fun playing cards and listening to music.
When they arrived in Santiago, Lucía suggested they travel to Chillán by train. They
took a train to Chillán in Estación Central. They had a great time watching the
scenery change, passing through cities like Rancagua, Curicó, Talca, and Linares,
until they finally got to Chillán. Their Grandpa was waiting at the station. They had
a great adventure, but they were very happy to get some rest and see their family!
Editorial Creation.

a. Have you ever travelled by bus, c. What do you do to have fun during
plane or train? Where to? long trips?
b. Which means of transport do you d. Would you like to try different kinds of
prefer? Why? transportation like Daniel and Lucía?
6 Play Chinese Whispers.
a. Choose words from the box to tell a secret.
b. Pass the secret on to the person next to you.
c. Once the last person receives the message, he/she says it out loud!

Once, I got to
school on a plane!

home green school

Once lunch

want I red
bike plane

my a
by got to bring

94 Ninety-four Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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7 Read, listen, and repeat. 53 b/v

Victor and Berta travelled to Venice,

To visit their friend Dennis.
They chose to go by boat,
But they could barely stay afloat.
Victor and Berta then took a big bus,
to arrive at their destination with no fuss.

Editorial Creation.

8 Read and memorize the puns. Then, tell a classmate.

a. Why was the librarian kicked out of the plane?
Because it was overbooked!
b. Which bus could cross the ocean?
c. What’s the difference between a teacher and a driver?
A teacher trains the mind, and a driver minds the train.
d. Why can’t a bike stand on its own?
Because it’s two-tired (too tired). Glossary, page 119

Check point
9 Write the means of transport you can use to get to each place.

Chiloé Japan Valparaíso Chillán

Activity Book, page 50

Lesson 1 Getting on Board Ninety-five 95

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10 Read the text on panel A and discuss.

What did you do on your last holidays? Were you sad to go back home?

11 Read and listen. 55

A Festival of Colour While Reading

Which means of
A Anders and Kirsten transport are mentioned
are from Stockholm, in the story?
in Sweden. They’re on
holiday in India with
their parents. Their dad
is a photographer.
It’s a fantastic
You can ride
on an elephant, B It’s nearly time to go home.
visit beautiful Kirsten is packing her suitcase. Look at the tickets!
temples, walk in The plane leaves at
the jungle, and six o'clock!
eat delicious
food. There are
lots of incredible
festivals in India too. But
today, they are going home.
They’re very sad.
Let's get a taxi now! Is there enough time
to get to the airport?

C D It’s twenty five to five now. The square is full of

people celebrating Holi and the taxi can’t move.
We're going to the airport
and our plane leaves soon. Come on! Let's walk across the square
and get another taxi from there.

Let me help.
But it's Holi

96 Ninety-six Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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E Holi is a festival of colour. Everyone has a F
fantastic time throwing coloured powder at
each other. Lots of people are singing, dancing, It's ten to five now.
and playing drums.
OK, get in the car and
fasten your seat belts!

Happy Holi!

We're in a hurry. Our

plane leaves soon.

G It’s five to five, but a cow is sitting in the H It’s ten to six. The plane takes off in ten minutes.
road. Dad is worried, but Kirsten thinks
it’s funny.

Happy Holi!

Editorial Creation.

12 Read and discuss.

a. Have you experienced problems b. Which festivals or celebrations are
when travelling? What happened? popular where you live?

13 Write a different ending to the story and share it with a classmate.

Activity Book, page 51

Stop and Think
Think about the story and answer.

It’s hard to understand I understand.

I need help with...
because... I can help my classmates.

Lesson 1 Getting on Board Ninety-seven 97

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14 Look and say the numbers.

thirty-four twenty


twenty- five thirty





forty-four fifty

twenty-two thirty -six sixteen forty-two

a. Which numbers are under the bikes? d. Which numbers are under the cars?
b. Which numbers are under the buses? e. Which numbers are under the ships?
c. Which numbers are under the f. Which numbers are under the trains?

Activity Book, page 52

98 Ninety-eight Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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15 Play with your classmates.
a. In pairs, take turns to answer the questions and challenges.
b. Write down your classmates’ answers.
c. Compare your answers with the class.

1 2 3
Which means What’s your favourite
Can planes move
of transport have means
on water?
wheels? of transport?

4 5 6
How do you
Say: “Victor and Berta Are bikes big?
travel to Spain?
took a big bus.”

7 8 9

Where can you Challenge! Why do planes

travel by ship? Say the bike pun! have wheels?

10 11 Which means of 12
It takes you to school. Challenge!
It has four wheels. It transport were
Which bus could
moves on the street. used in the story “A
cross the ocean?
What is it? Festival of Colour?”

Check point
16 Write a story about a travel experience.
a. Brainstorm ideas to write your story:
Who is your main character? What’s his/her destination?
How does he/she get there?
b. Write a first draft of your story.
c. Swap stories with a classmate and correct spelling or grammar mistakes.
d. Write the final version of your story.
e. Print it or write it by hand and share it with the class!
Activity Book, page 53

Lesson 1 Getting on Board Ninety-nine 99

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Go Around the
1 Read and discuss.
While Reading
What kind of things
London Transport Museum can you find in this
London’s Transport Museum reminds us of the history
of the public transport network of this city. Here you can find many
different buses, trains, tubes, and taxis from the 19th century.
There are exhibitions of everything related to
transportation: very old vehicles, poster art,
pictures, film materials, uniforms, and transportation
tickets. There is also a museum shop, where you
can get souvenirs.
Aside from the permanent
collection, there are
special exhibitions every
year. The most recent one is called Hidden
London, which shows certain parts of London’s
subway network. You
can explore into
secret tunnels, see old wartime
posters, and hear old strange stories
about London’s Underground, or how
everyone calls it: The Tube.
Go Online!
Adapted from London Transport Museum.
Learn more about
the museum here:
a. Is it important to have places like this? Why?

b. Visit the Go Online! Link. Which exhibitions would you like to visit?

2 Investigate and answer.

a. Find information about transport museums in Chile. How many are there?
b. Choose the one you like best and answer:
Where is it located?
Is it like London’s Transport Museum? Describe it.
How can you get there?

100 One hundred Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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1 Look at the words in bold. Then, read and discuss.

Saving Energy
Fossil fuels, like coal and petroleum, are sources of energy used to generate
electricity. The problem is that they harm the environment. They produce carbon
dioxide that flows into the atmosphere, where it accumulates and contributes to
global warming and air and water pollution.
One way to help solve this problem is the use of other sources of energy, like
wind and the sun, for sustainable transportation. Here are some examples of
sustainable transportation used in Chile.
Solar boat taxis. They are used to cross Calle-Calle
River in Valdivia. They use 100% solar energy for their
engines, and they carry 26 passengers per boat.
Trolleys. Valparaíso has a long history of sustainable
transportation. Trolleys are considered National
Historical Monuments. Like the elevators on
the hills of this city, they work with electricity,
which causes less air pollution.
Electric buses. In the last few years, new
electric buses were bought for the public
transport network in Santiago.
Editorial Creation.

a. Have you travelled on any of these sustainable means of transport?

b. Which other examples of sustainable transportation do you know?

2 Investigate and answer in your notebook. Then, discuss.

a. In groups, look for ideas for saving energy in our daily life,
like sustainable transportation, saving electricity and water, etc.
b. Take notes of the information you find and answer.
Energy Saving Tips
What recommendations did you find?
Use public transport

What other measures can be included? and bikes.
c. Choose the best ideas and create a panel. Prefer stairs over elevators

when possible.
Glossary, page 119

Lesson 1 Getting on Board One hundred and one 101

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On a Trip!

1 Listen, read, and point to the correct answer. 56

Hi! I'm Julio. Let me share with you a story about my summer
holidays. Last summer, I did a lot of fun things! First, I got on
a bus to visit my aunt Cristina, who lives in the countryside.
She lives in a really nice cabin that is very close to the mountains.
We went hiking, played the guitar and sang songs. I didn't want to
leave! But my friends were waiting for me back home to visit an
amusement park. We played all the games and I had a great time!
Editorial Creation.
a. Where did Julio go on his last holidays?

amusement park beach countryside mountains

b. Where did Julio stay when he visited his aunt?

cabin hotel

2 Talk about your holidays with a classmate. Glossary, page 119

Last summer I went to the beach I went to the mountains

with my family. We swam and to camp with my brother.
played a lot. What about you? It was fun!

Activity Book, page 54

102 One hundred and two Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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Adjectives are used to describe places, objects, people, animals, etc.

3 Read, look at the pictures, and say the adjectives.

It's boring She is tired It's fun It's noisy

4 Read and discuss.

For my holidays, I went to On my last holidays, I went Last summer, I had a

Algarrobo with my mum to to Fantasilandia with my terrible experience.
visit my grandparents. friends. It was our first time My family and I went to the
We rented a cabin close to and it was so much fun! countryside, but we didn't
them on the beach. There were a lot of people check the weather. It was
The cabin was very nice and and it was very noisy, but very cold and then it was
the weather was sunny. the games were amazing! raining! We had to stay in a
On the beach, we made I really liked the hotel the whole week, which
sandcastles, we swam in the rollercoasters; so I took was full of people and noisy!
sea, and collected seashells. many rides. By the end of We didn't have space for
We had a lot of fun! the day, we were very tired! playing. It was so boring!
Sandra. Andrea. Vicente.

Editorial Creation.
a. What type of writing do you think these texts are?
b. Who had a good time? Who had a bad time? How can you tell?
c. Did you have similar experiences on your holidays? Tell the class.

Last summer I went to the

countryside with my family. We walked
a lot and visited many places. I was
tired in the end, but it was fun!

Activity Book, page 55

Lesson 2 On a Trip! One hundred and three 103

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5 Interview a classmate.

Where did you go I went to the beach

for your holidays? with my family.

We went
How did you
by bus.
get there?

It was noisy, but

Was it fun? it was fun too! We
swam in the sea and
made sandcastles.

6 Read and look at the pictures. Then, choose a few and write a story.
Paula and Javier went with their dad to visit their grandparents in Linares.
They decided to go by bus. At their grandparents’ house, they had a lot
of fun in the countryside. They ate delicious food, played, and swam in the
river close to the house.

104 One hundred and four Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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7 Listen and write the word you hear. Then, compare. 57 b/v

boat vote berry very best vest

8 Read and say the tongue twister.

A vampire, a bear, a vulture, and a baboon,

with violins and banjos playing a tune. Editorial Creation.

Check point
9 Look at the chart. Then, find the mistakes in the postcard and correct them.

When? January. ostal


Where? The beach.
It's July. Last week I went out with my
Weather? Hot and sunny. friends. We went to the swimming pool.
It was a cloudy day. I ate fruit and
Me, Mum, Dad, wrote postcards, while my mum slept
brothers. under a parasol. My dad was swimming
in the sea. He's good at that.
Writing postcards,
My sisters made sandcastles. What do
eating ice cream,
you do on your holidays?
Activities reading a book,
Your friend,
taking photos,
making sandcastles.

Activity Book, page 56

Lesson 2 On a Trip! One hundred and five 105

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10 Scan the text below and find words that are similar in your language.
Then, discuss.

Did the words you chose have the same meaning?

11 Read and listen. 59

A Day in Ancient Rome

While Reading
Why was Leo
not happy?
A Leo and his mum
are from Spain.
Last summer, Mum
took Leo to Rome. She
was very excited, but
Leo wasn’t happy. He
wanted to go camping
with his friend José
and his dad. What’s
more, Mum said it
was a “screen-free”
holiday: no computers,
no tablets, no phones,
and no TV or films for
either of them!

On the first day of their
holidays, they decided to go
to a museum, but they didn’t
know how to get there.
Mum asked a man for
directions. “What did
he say?” asked Leo.
“Ummm…” she said.
“Turn left at the temple,
then go straight on along
Via Pomodoro. Go past the
fountain, turn right, then
turn left. Then, cross the
street and go straight on…
I think that’s what he said.”

106 One hundred and six Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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C They were lost! Leo Leo wanted to do it and Mum
looked at the map. said it was OK. He had a
“Let’s turn right here,” he fantastic day. He learnt a lot
said. But when they turned about acting and history!
the corner, they saw lots
of people in costumes
and cameras. It was a
film set! A man pointed at
Leo. “We are making a TV
programme about ancient
Rome. Do you want to be
an actor for a day?”

weeks later, the
film company sent
Leo a copy of the
programme, and
when he went back
to school, he shared
it with the class. They
all said Leo was a
brilliant actor!

Editorial Creation.

12 Retell the story to a classmate.

13 Read and discuss.

a. What was the objective when Mum said it was a “screen-free” holiday?
b. Is it good or bad to use electronic devices too often? Why?
c. Which activities that don’t need screens can you do on holidays? Write a list.

Activity Book, page 57

Stop and Think
Think about the story and answer.

It’s hard to understand I understand.

I need help with...
because... I can help my classmates.

Lesson 2 On a Trip! One hundred and seven 107

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U4_7317.indd 107 27-11-20 17:00

14 Look, read, and repeat. Then, answer.

National Holidays Christmas New Year

a. Which one of these holidays is your favourite? Why?

b. Where do you celebrate them?

15 Read and write the correct holiday.

On this holiday, we got On this holiday, I danced

On this holiday, I decorated
together with friends. cueca at school,
a Christmas tree, sang
We waited until midnight to ate empanadas, and went to
Christmas carols, and gave
hug each other and watched celebrate at a fonda with
and received presents.
the fireworks. my family.

16 Read and answer. Then, discuss.

Dear Esteban,
How are you? We are close to celebrating Christmas. I love it because I get to see many
family members. Last year, we spent Christmas with my uncle José and my aunt Evelyn in
Curicó. We played the guitar and sang around the Christmas tree.
What about you? Do you celebrate Christmas? What did you do last year?
Best wishes,

a. Why does Florencia like Christmas? Go Online!

How are Christmas and
b. Where did she go last Christmas? New Year celebrated in
c. What activities did she do? other countries?

Activity Book, page 58 Glossary, page 119

108 One hundred and eight Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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17 Read, copy, and complete the text.

Last year, Matías and Consuelo went to El Tabo to a. New Year's with their
family. They travelled by b. and they rented a c. close to the d. . During
the day, they played and swam in the sea, and made e. . It was really fun! At night,
they waited until midnight to give each other f. and watch the g. .
It was h. , but they had a great time.

18 Now, play True or False.

Matías and Consuelo

went to Las Cruces.

False! They went

to El Tabo.

Check point
19 Make a presentation about a specific holiday.
a. Find information about holidays (national or international).
b. Choose one and take notes about:
Where it is celebrated. When it is celebrated. Why it is celebrated.
Examples of traditions. A fun fact.
c. Write a description with this information.
d. You can use slides or make a poster.
e. Share with the class! Activity Book, page 59

Lesson 2 On a Trip! One hundred and nine 109

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Go Around the
1 Read and discuss.

Holidays in Jamaica
Hello! I'm Gabrielle from
First I went
Jamaica. I had a lot of
for a run in
fun and did many
the forest.
things in my
Running is a
holidays, but
popular sport
these three were
in Jamaica.
my favourite:
In the forest, I saw some colourful
hummingbirds. They are known as
“doctor birds”. They only live in Jamaica
and they’re our national bird.

Another day, I met

Then, I went to a reggae festival a friend and we
with my parents. Reggae is a type went to a sand
of music from Jamaica. The songs sculpture exhibition
are usually fast and happy, but on the beach. There
sometimes they’re slow and sad. were sculptures of
We saw some excellent bands, monsters, animals,
had a picnic, and danced a lot. and castles.
I made a bracelet too! My favourite sculpture was this dragon.
It’s red, yellow, and green. What about you?

Editorial Creation.

a. Which activities mentioned by Gabrielle would Go Online!

you like to try? Find more activities
to do in Jamaica here:
b. Are there sand sculpture exhibitions in Chile?
c. Which summer festivals do you know? Have you
ever been to one? Describe your experience.

110 One hundred and ten Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U4_7317.indd 110 18-11-20 17:17

1 Discuss with your classmates.
a. Where can you see pie charts?

2 Read and look at the pie chart.

Pie Charts
Pie charts are one way of showing or representing information. This
type of chart is generally used to compare part of the information
collected with all the rest of the information collected. In this pie chart,
you can see the results of a survey carried out in January last year
about people’s favourite destinations when going on holiday.

People's favourite destinations

for holidays in Chile
3% 2%
6% Beach
18% Southern lakes
18% Patagonia/Far South

Adapted from Los chilenos y las vacaciones - Activa Research.

3 Look at the pie chart and say True or False. Make the false ones true.
a. People prefer going to the countryside more than to the beach.
b. Mountains are the destination with the smallest number of visitors.
c. People prefer southern destinations to northern ones.

4 Do a survey and show the information on a pie chart.

Go Online!
Make your pie
5 Share and discuss. chart here:
a. Which were your results?
b. What’s the most popular destination?
Glossary, page 119

Lesson 2 On a Trip! One hundred and eleven 111

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1 Read the title and discuss.

Do you think it’s possible to travel back in time? Why? How?

2 Read and answer.

Time travel is a fascinating subject. But don’t get sad! There are other ways
A lot of people wonder if it is possible to explore time travelling. The world
to travel back in time to events that of science fiction in books, films, and
already happened or if we can TV programmes is full of examples of
travel forward to events that different and creative ways to
haven’t happened yet. move back or forward in time,
For scientists, the even if we can’t do it in real
answer to these life. Some examples of
questions is that we do time travelling are the film
not know, and there is series Back to the Future,
no real information that the TV programme Dr. Who,
shows we can travel back to and the book A Christmas Carol
the past or move into the future. by Charles Dickens. They all show
If it’s in the past and it already happened, us that sometimes, all we need for time
how can we go back? travelling is just a little bit of imagination.

Editorial Creation.

a. Do you know any of the examples mentioned in the text? Which one?
b. How do you think the characters travel in time in each example?

3 Investigate and discuss.

a. In groups, look for more examples of time travelling in fiction.
b. Make a list of your findings. Include:
Is it a book, a film or a TV programme?
How do characters travel in time?
What is the main plot? Glossary, page 119

c. Share your results. What did you learn?

112 One hundred and twelve Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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Let's Travel Back In Time!

4 Create a time capsule.

Step 1. Organise!
Brainstorm ideas for a time capsule.
Write the ones you like most.

Pictures of you and your family.

A list of your favourite books and music.

A message.

Pictures of your school.

A list of your favourite TV programmes.

Pictures of your friends.

Step 2. Write!
Write about your life in the last year.

Hello, me! Can you remember these moments?
March – I started 6th grade. I saw my friends again.
July – I went on my holidays to the mountains with my family.
We hiked and did canopy. It was really cool!
October – I started guitar lessons at a music school.

Step 3. Create!
Prepare and put away your time capsule.
• Use a strong box and add your notes and objects.
• Add a label with the opening date and your name.
• Put the box in a safe place to open it on the date you choose.

Step 4. Share and discuss.

Was there a time capsule in the examples
you found of time travelling? Which one? Activity Book, page 60

Project One hundred and thirteen 113

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Final Lap
U ni t

Read and write the correct alternative in your notebook or on a sheet of paper.

I love summer holidays! Last year, I went A. beach.
to the with my family to celebrate
B. countryside.
Christmas and it was a lot of fun. We went
C. mountains.
hiking and swimming in the lake.
D. amusement park.
I can't wait to go back next year!

On my last holidays, I went to the
A. beach.
with my friends. The games
B. mountains.
were amazing, and I took a ride on
C. countryside.
all the rollercoasters. By the end of
the day, I was so tired! D. amusement park.

The ocean is my place, because
there I navigate. I can sail with you A. ship.
abroad, you only need a ticket to B. helicopter.
get on board. C. truck.
What am I?
D. car.

I'm big and fast and on the rails A. bike.

I pass. With my noisy choo – choo, B. car.
you know I'm coming to pick you up. C. plane.
What am I? D. train.

114 One hundred and fourteen Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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Look at the pictures and write a description.


This is train number thirty. It’s big, it moves on land and it uses rails.

a b


c d


Final Lap One hundred and fifteen 115

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__U4_7317.indd 115 19-11-20 18:44

Final Lap
U ni t

Listen and write on the answer sheet. 60


sunny and tired


cabin countryside fun

Valentina and her family went to celebrate in the countryside .

a. They travelled by . d. The weather was .

b. They stayed in a . e. At the end of the trip,

they were very .
c. Their holidays were a lot of .

116 One hundred and sixteen Unit 4 Travelling Adventures

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Choose a set of pictures and tell a story to your classmate.

Last summer

Last spring

Student A Student B
a. Where did they go last summer? a. Where did they go last spring?
b. How did they get there? b. How did they get there?
c. What did they celebrate? c. Where did they stay?
d. Where did they stay? d. What did they celebrate?

Activity Book, page 61

Final Lap One hundred and seventeen 117

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Unit 1 Unit 2
avoid (verb): to prevent something from chewing gum (noun): a type of candy
happening. that you chew continuously but do not
bitter (adj): a strong, unpleasant taste. swallow.

dish (noun): plate of food that is part choir (noun): a group of people who
of a meal. sing together.

itch (noun): an irritating feeling on the chop (verb): cut food up into small
skin that makes you want to scratch. pieces.

leftovers (noun): food that is left on the chopstick (noun): a thin stick used for
plate at the end of a meal. eating East Asian Food.

raw (adj): not cooked. co-worker (noun): a person who you

work with.
recipe (noun): written instructions that
tell you how to cook something and the fire engine (noun): a vehicle that carries
ingredients you need. firefighters and their equipment.

rotten (adj): something, like food, launch (verb): to start selling a product.
that has spoiled. mistake (noun): something you do or
salty (adj): something that tastes like salt. think that is incorrect.

savoury (adj): food that does not taste safety vest (noun): a bright coloured
sweet, usually salty. piece of clothing used to make workers
more visible.
scratch (verb): to scrape your skin with
your fingernails to relieve itching. spot (verb): to see or notice someone or
smoothie (noun): a cold drink made with
fruit, mixed with yogurt, milk, or water. stethoscope (noun): an instrument that
doctors, nurses and vets use to listen to
sore (adj): painful or sensitive, sounds in the chest or other parts of the
like a wound. body.
sour (adj): an acid taste, like vinegar. trapped (verb): when something or
sweet (adj): something that tastes someone cannot escape from a place or
like sugar. situation.

118 One hundred and eighteen

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Unit 3 Unit 4
rainforest (noun): a forest that receives old (adj): something or a person that has
a lot of rain. lived or existed for a long time.
rainfall (noun): rain, or the amount of slow (adj): moves or does something
rain that falls. without much speed.
kelp (noun): a large, brown plant that fast (adj): moves with a lot of speed.
grows in the sea, used in some foods
and medicines. new (adj): something that was made
poacher (noun): someone who traps
and kills animals illegally. arrive (verb): to get to a place.
park ranger (noun): a person who looks overbook (verb): to sell more tickets,
after and protects a park or natural area. hotel rooms, seats, etc. than are
disturb (verb): to interrupt, especially by available.
making noise. fuel (noun): material such as gas or oil
venomous (adj): something able to that are burned to create heat or power.
inject venom (poison) by means of a bite pollution (noun): the damage caused
or sting. to water and air by toxic or harmful
clearing (noun): a small area in a forest substances.
where there are no trees or bushes.
countryside (noun): land where there
misty (adj): if the weather is misty, there are farms of fields, but no towns or cities.
is a cloud of tiny drops of water in the air.
rollercoaster (noun): a light railway track
trail (noun): a path through a forest or
with sharp turns and slopes found in
other wild area.
amusement parks.
wildlife (noun): native plants and
animals that live in an area. fireworks (noun): small objects that burn
or explode to make a loud noise and
environment (noun): the natural
bright colours in the sky.
surroundings in which people, animals
and plants live. survey (noun): an examination of
landform (noun): a natural characteristic people’s opinions by asking them
on the earth’s surface, like a mountain or questions.
a valley. plot (noun): the things that happen in a
dump (verb): to put something in a book, play or film.
place to get rid of it. brainstorm (verb): to generate new
wool (noun): curly hair of sheep, goats, ideas by discussing them with a group of
llamas and other animals. people and adopting the best ones.

Glossary One hundred and nineteen 119

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U ni t
Extra Reading

Mind Sports

W hen we think about sports, the first thing that comes to mind are activities
involving movement (running, swimming, jumping, etc.). But did you know
that there are other types of sports called mind sports?

What are mind sports?

Mind sports or intellectual games are a group of activities that have the objective of
testing mental strength, instead of physical strength. Board games, card games and
even memory games are considered in this category. Here are some examples:

Board Games
They are games in which there are
usually two opponents that play using
a board, where they must plan a series
of movements in order to win. They are
challenging games that require intense
thinking and concentration. Players
hardly ever take their eyes off the board,
even for several hours! Some board
game examples include Chess, Go and
Chess competition
Backgammon, which have competitions
all over the world.

Backgammon board Go game board

120 One hundred and twenty

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__FINALES_7450.indd 120 27-11-20 19:19

Card Games
In Uno and Carioca, two types of card games, you also play against an
opponent, but this can vary from one to many people at a time. These games
help you develop your strategy and anticipation abilities, because you need
to follow your opponents’ movements to choose the correct cards and win.


Memory Games
Games such as Sudoku and
Spelling Bee are also considered
mind games, because they
are activities that require
high levels of memory and
calculation. These games
are contested two times per
year in the World Memory Spelling Bee competition

Mind sports are growing and becoming more popular. Did you know any of
these? Do they look like other games you know? Which other games can be
classified in this category?
Adapted from About Mind Sports.

Extra Reading One hundred and twenty-one 121

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U ni t
Extra Reading

Mermaid of
Abundance and Plenty

O n an island with many myths, one of

the most popular legends is the
fishermen’s tale of the mermaid,
La Pincoya. Legend says that
La Pincoya was born in Lake
Huelde, near Cucao. She is a
beautiful woman, with fair skin,
golden hair, and the tail of a
fish from the waist down. On
certain nights, she whistles
or sings unforgettable love
songs. And sometimes, they
say, she is accompanied by
her husband, El Pincoy.

Fishermen depend on her,

because she fertilizes the fish and
shellfish under the water. When Pincoya
appears, dancing on the beach with her arms open and facing the sea, it is good
news for the fishermen because her dance announces an abundant harvest. If she
dances looking towards shore, however, it is a bad omen because her dance will
make the fish go away. However, even a bad omen can be good for some, because
Pincoya directs the abundance to those who need it most.
Joy attracts La Pincoya, and so the inhabitants of Chiloé sing, dance, and prepare
curantos so that she sees their happiness and favours them.

122 One hundred and twenty-two

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Juan Soldado and the Disappearance
of Serena City
Once upon a time, a handsome young man
living outside the city of La Serena, called Juan
Soldado, fell in love with the daughter of a
Cacique. They wanted to be together forever,
but there was a problem. Juan was a brave and
charming soldier but very poor too.
The Cacique would never allow his daughter
to marry this man.

The two lovers decided to disobey the girl’s

father. They escaped to the closest city to marry
secretly in the town’s church. The Cacique found
out and went with his best soldiers to the city of
La Serena. He wanted to stop the wedding and kill them both as punishment for
their treason. He also decided to destroy the city, as a warning for everyone else.

When the priest was saying his last words at the marriage ceremony, the father of
the bride arrived in the city. No one knows exactly how, but at that exact moment
the city vanished along with every single person that lived there, including the
two young lovers. The Cacique and his soldiers went around the entire area,
including the mountains and the seashore, but the city
was nowhere to be found.

Some people say that on Saturdays, if you

walk close enough to the place where the
town used to be, you can still listen to the
wedding party celebrating the groom and
bride and their eternal love. And once a year,
on Holy Friday, if you pay close attention you
might even see the city at a distance, but if
you try to get closer, it will just vanish right in
front of your eyes.

Adapted from Myths, legends, and magic of Chile and Mitos, Leyendas y Símbolos.

Extra Reading One hundred and twenty-three 123

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U ni t
Extra Reading

Hare and the
An Aesop Fable

O ne day a hare was showing off how fast he could run. He bragged and
bragged and even laughed at the tortoise, who was so slow. The tortoise
looked at the hare, stretched out his long neck and challenged him to a race. The
hare started to laugh.

"My, my, what a joke!" thought the hare. "A race, indeed, a race. Oh! What fun!
My, my! a race, of course, Mr. Tortoise, let's race!" said the hare.

The race began, and the hare, being such a fast runner, soon left the tortoise far
behind. About halfway through the course, the hare realised he had plenty of time
to beat the slow-moving tortoise.

"Oh, my!" thought the hare, "I have

lots of time to beat that tortoise," he
thought. And he cuddled up against
a tree and fell asleep very soon.

The tortoise continued to walk, as

usual, so slowly. He never stopped,
taking one good step after another,
determined to finish the race.

The hare woke up from his nap.

"Time to keep going, the tortoise
must be still halfway!" he said. And he
ran faster than anyone to the finish line,
but the tortoise was already there, patiently waiting for his arrival.

Slow and steady wins the race.

124 One hundred and twenty-four

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Lion and the Mouse
An Aesop Fable

A Lion was sleeping in the forest,

his great head resting on
his paws. A shy little Mouse
appeared then, unexpectedly,
and in her desperation to
get away, she ran across the
Lion's nose. Awakened from
his nap, the Lion got angry
and put his huge paw on the
tiny creature to kill her.

"Don't kill me!" begged the poor

Mouse. "Please let me go and
someday I will surely repay you." The Lion
was very amused to think that the Mouse could
ever help him. But he was generous and finally let her go.

Some days later, while following his prey in the forest, the Lion was caught in
a hunter's net. Unable to free himself, he filled the forest with his angry roaring.
The Mouse knew his voice and found the Lion struggling in the net. Running to one
of the big ropes that tied him up, she bit it until it cut, and soon the Lion was free.

"You laughed when I said I would repay you," said the Mouse. "Now you see that
even a Mouse can help a Lion."

Everyone has need of the other.

Adapted from The Aesop for Children.

Extra Reading One hundred and twenty-five 125

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U ni t
Extra Reading

Summer Fun

H ave you got plans for this summer? The summer holidays are a great time to
start a new hobby. Read about some alternative hobbies and try something
different this summer! Check it out!

Discover Beachcombing
Meet Maxine from Canada.
Last summer I went beachcombing with a friend.
Beachcombing is very easy. You walk along the
beach and look for interesting objects like shells,
coloured glass or wood. We went almost every day
and always in the morning, because you can find
more new things on the beach. My friend had a Some shells are homes.
metal detector and we found coins, rings and keys!
Tip Don't take a shell with
an animal in it!

Urban Sketching
Meet Alfredo from Portugal.
Last summer, I went to visit my aunt in Lisbon.
We did urban sketching! That means drawing or
painting in public places. You can sketch buildings,
monuments or people. I like to sketch with pencils,
but my aunt uses paint or pens. I sketched a tram
When you're sketching and then, at my aunt’s house, we took pictures of
Tip in summer, take sun
cream and wear a hat.
our sketches and posted them on the internet.

126 One hundred and twenty-six

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Meet Yan from China.
Last summer I joined a young
astronomers’ club with my cousin.
We wanted to learn about space and
summer is the perfect time to look at
the night sky because it isn’t cloudy.
There was a telescope at the club, and
we looked at the planets. We saw the
Use the internet to look for rings on Saturn, the red spot on Jupiter
information on astronomy and the craters on the moon!
Tip and amazing things to see
every night.

Try Geocaching!
Meet Lennart from Germany.
Last summer, my mum and I had a look at a
geocaching website. Geocaching is like a
treasure hunt, where you use a GPS to hide and
seek containers called “geocaches” or “caches”
at specific places by using coordinates.
There are caches all over the world! Caches
are usually small boxes with a logbook and a
pen. When you find a cache, you write the date,
and a message in the logbook. You can find Go geocaching with
other items too, like stickers, small toys and someone, like your
postcards. We found caches in the forest and
found coins, marbles and badges.
Tip parents or a friend, and
prepare a bag with water
and snacks for the trip.
Editorial Creation.

Extra Reading One hundred and twenty-seven 127

CL0000000001360 TXT_ING_LIC__6B__FINALES_7450.indd 127 18-11-20 17:27

Student’s Book
• p. 7. Editorial Creation. Morro Moreno de Antofagasta. SoyChile. Retrieved
• p. 8. Editorial Creation. Sociedad/2019/10/07/618769/Retiraron-12-toneladas-
• pp. 16-17. Editorial Creation. de-basura-desde-el-Parque-Nacional-Morro-Moreno-
• p. 15. Editorial Creation. de-Antofagasta.aspx
• p. 19. Editorial Creation. • p. 87. Parque Nacional Morro Moreno celebra
• pp. 20-21. Editorial Creation. 10 años. El Regionalista. Retrieved from https://
• p. 22. Editorial Creation. celebra-10-anos/
• p. 25. Editorial Creation.
• p. 88. Editorial Creation.
• pp. 26-27. Editorial Creation.
• p. 92. Editorial Creation.
• p. 28. Editorial Creation.
• pp. 94-95. Editorial Creation.
• pp. 30-31. Editorial Creation.
• pp. 96-97. Editorial Creation.
• p. 32. SavingFood. [SavingFood EU]. (2016,
December 13). SavingFood Educational on Food • p. 100. The Nudge. (2020, March 4). London
Waste [Video file]. Retrieved from Transport Museum. Retrieved from com/london-museums/london-transport-museum/
• p. 38. Editorial Creation. • p. 101. Editorial Creation.
• pp. 42-43. Editorial Creation. • pp. 102-103. Editorial Creation.
• pp. 46-47. Editorial Creation. • p. 105. Editorial Creation.
• p. 51. Editorial Creation. • pp. 106-107. Editorial Creation.
• pp. 52-53. Editorial Creation. • p. 110. Editorial Creation.
• p. 56. Editorial Creation. • p. 111. Activa Research. (2020). Los chilenos y las
vacaciones - Activa Research. Retrieved from
• p. 57. Farías, C. (2017, September 8). Camila
Gallardo: el fenómeno de la música chilena en la
era digital. La Tercera. Retrieved from uploads/2020/01/Informe-Los-Chilenos-y-las- vacaciones.pdf
fenomeno-la-musica-chilena-en-la-era-digital/ • p. 112. Editorial Creation.
Memoria Chilena. (n.d.). Vicente Bianchi • pp. 120-121. Wood, R. (2016, March). About Mind
Alarcón (1920-2018). Retrieved from Sports. Retrieved from com/sport/mind-sports.htm
• p. 58. Genias. (2020, March 24). 5 características • p. 122 This is Chile. (2016, June 24). Myths, legends
del trabajo del futuro. Retrieved from and magic of Chile. Retrieved from
• p. 67. Editorial Creation. of-chile/
• p. 69. Editorial Creation • p. 123. Díaz, C. (2019, March 15). Juan el Soldado.
• pp. 70-71. Editorial Creation. Retrieved from
• p. 74. Kinhal, V. (2016, July 13). Endangered animals leyenda/juan-el-soldado/
in China. Retrieved from • pp. 124-125. Aesop. (2006, December 2). The
articles/the-most-threatened-mammals-of-china.html Aesop for Children. Retrieved from
NatGeo. (2019, October 31). 30 cool facts about
China! Retrieved from
about-china/ Activity Book
• p. 75. Editorial Creation. • p. 7. Editorial Creation.
• p. 77. Editorial Creation. • p. 11. Editorial Creation.
• p. 79. Editorial Creation. • p. 14. Editorial Creation.
• pp. 80-81. Editorial Creation. • p. 17. Editorial Creation.
• p. 82. Editorial Creation. • p. 24. Editorial Creation.
• pp. 84-85. Editorial Creation. • p. 36. Editorial Creation.
• p. 86. Contreras, F. (2019, October 7). Retiraron 12 • p. 42. Editorial Creation.
toneladas de basura desde el Parque Nacional • p. 49. Editorial Creation.

128 One hundred and twenty-eight

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