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4x4 Essay

Recently, the discussion surrounding the act passed by Decorus Valley Council to allow four-wheel
drive vehicles and motorbikes to use the town’s old train track for recreational driving and off-
roading has captured much attention. Their actions have received much backlash and attention
particularly from a local Decorus Valley resident. Mary McKenna showed her disapproval of the
Councils act in her transcript. In an enraged yet optimistic tone, McKenna advocates to her fellow
community residents to “do something about it” and “sign (the) petition” to remove the act of
allowing four-wheel drive vehicles and motorbikes to use the town’s old train track. In response to
McKenna’s transcript, a comment was posted by an anonymous Decorus Valley visitor. The
commentor disapproves of McKenna’s proposition and argues in favor of four by fours to be allowed
on the train tracks for recreational driving. Using a pragmatic and defensive tone, the commentor
aims to make McKenna aware of how much of advantage four-by-fours have on the community.

From the onset of her transcript, McKenna welcomes and makes her fellow readers feel comfortable
by using words such as” good” and “warm”. Using words such as “you” when describing she is a
“proud citizen”, she engages fellow residents making them feel included and encourages to
understand that she comes with good intentions. By doing this she is able to shift into the negatives
of the situation and addresses her concern of the “environmental impact” that has been caused
after the Decorus Valley Council acted to allow four- wheel drive vehicles to be allowed for
recreational driving. Using words such as “pesky drivers” She illustrates to her residents and the
Council the seriousness of the issue and beseeches them to take responsibility for such neglectful
actions by asking them to “Sign (the) petition.” Her accompanying dark graphic containing the four-
by-four vehicles enveloped with wet mud supports her contention as it displays the nasty
consequence and “environmental impact” it has for allowing such vehicles on the community’s old
train track. The use of dark and grey colours displays the disgust and disappointment of packaging
waste and reinforces McKenna’s assertion that if the community “won’t do something about it” the
environmental damage will be irreversible.

Throughout her transcript, McKenna constantly marks out the environmental impacts four by fours
have caused in the community by describing it as becoming into a “warzone”. McKenna taps into
social stereotypes by suggesting that these” pesky off-roaders” are nothing but “petrol heads.” By
using this type of view towards off-roaders, McKenna can position her fellow residents at Decorus
Valley to regard her “new friends” in town as being “irresponsible” evoking irritation and feelings of
frustration to her fellow Decorus Valley residents. Her use of inclusive language such as” we and us”
is also representative of her situation and perhaps may persuade her fellow residents more by
making them feel included and encourages them that she comes with good intentions. Towards the
ending of her transcript, McKenna shifts to a more pleading and optimistic tone by beseeching her
fellow residents to “Sign (the) petition” to remove the permission of four-by-fours using the train
track for recreational driving. Using Rhetorical questions such as “ Are we going to stand idly” and “If
you love your country,” she positions her fellow residents in such a way that to disagree would be to
dismiss some point that clearly commands agreement evoking a feeling of sense of justice.

On the contrary, the comment posted in regards to McKenna’s transcript by an anonymous visitor,
he disapproves of McKenna’s proposition and argues in favor of the permission of four-by-fours to
be allowed on the train tracks for recreational driving. He aims to get the readers approval by
disapproving McKenna’s proposal of removing the act for four-by-fours allowed for recreational
driving whereas McKenna concludes by pleading to her fellow residents to take a stand against the
environmental impact the “petrol heads” have caused to the communinty

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