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) S.S.


I, ____________________, with office address at _______________________________,

after being duly sworn, depose and say:

That on __________________, I served a copy of the following pleading/paper:

In CBD Case No. 16-5045 (ADM. Case No. 10800) entitled, “FLORANTE G. AGUILA, ET AL vs.
ATTY. RONALD PALAD” pursuant to sections 3,4,5 and 10 of Rule 13 of the Rules of Court, as

By Registered Mail to:

ATTY. RONALD PALAD By depositing a copy ______________ in the post

The One Executive Office office at ___________________, as evidenced by
10/F Room 3, West Avenue Registry Receipt No _____________________;
1100 Quezon City hereto attached and indicated after the name(s) of
the addressee(s), and with instructions to the
postmaster to return the mail to the sender after ten
(10) days if undelivered.

______________________, Philippines.


THIS INSTRUMENT was personally subscribed and sworn to by the affiant before me this
_______________ in _________. Affiant, who is personally known to me, avowed under penalty of
law to the whole truth of the contents of the foregoing instrument, and exhibited his

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the
date and place first above written.

Doc. No. ______;

Page No. ______;
Book No.______;
Series of 2019

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