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Test 1

1) If x is odd and y is even, which of the following will be even?

A) x^2 – y^2 B) x + 2y C) xy – y D) xy – x E) x + y

2) What is the mean of the 25 numbers (a*b), for a and b being all combinations of the numbers 1-5?
A)9 B)13 C)7 D)11 E)5

3) A pen normally costs $0.60, but the promotion promises a deal whereby a customer can buy twelve
pens for the price of ten. What saving does this represent, per pen?
A) $0.15
B) $0.10
C) $0.12
D) $0.06
E) $0.05

4) x divides by 2, but does not divide by 3. Which of these statements is definitely false?
A) x is a prime
B) x=x^2
C) x is a square number
D) x is even
E) x > 10

5) In January, Website A received 30,000 hits, and Website B received 20,000. In February, A received
31,000 and B 24,000. Every month A’s hits go up by 1,000 more than they increased the previous month,
while B’s hits grow at a constant percentage rate. When will B overtake A?
A) April
B) July
C) May
D) June
E) Never

6) In the game Connect 4 players place their counters into a 7×6 board, and a winning position consists
of four counters in a row, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. How many winning positions are
A) 57
B) 42
C) 82
D) 69
E) 70

7) The average customer call to Phoneinc takes eight minutes, and operators work one of three eight-
hour shifts. From 9pm-5am, 10% of calls are received, and from 5am-1pm 100 operators are on shift. If
half of all callers ring from 1pm-9pm, how many people call Phoneinc in one day?
A) 15,000
B) 60,000
C) 12,000
D) 16,000
E) 1875

8) Viola has a 30% chance of winning the 100m, a 1 in 4 chance of winning the 200m and an 0.8 chance
of winning the long jump. What is the probability she wins all three events?
A) 0.120
B) 0.067
C) 0.105
D) 0.180
E) 0.060

9) A regular dodecahedron has twelve pentagonal faces, and at each corner three faces touch. How
many corners does it have?
A) 24
B) 20
C) 12
D) 15
E) 30

10) ABC is a right-angled triangle, with AB=4cm and BC=5cm. What is its area?
A) 10
B) More information needed
C) 6
D) 20
E) 12

11) The basketball player succeeds with 30% of his free throws. If he has a set of free attempts, what is
the probability he succeeds at least once?
A) 0.343
B) 0.063
C) 0.300
D) 0.657
E) 0.027

12) What is the probability that, in a randomly selected group of seven people, one person will have
been born on each day of the week?
A) 1/(1*2*3*4*5*6*7)
B) (1*2*3*4*5*6)/(7^7)
C) (1*2*3*4*5*6)/(7^6)
D) 1/7
E) 1/(1+2+3+4+5+6+7)

13) The dimensions of the package 2.5m by 3m by 4m. What is its surface area?
A) 60
B) 51.5
C) 59
D) 30.0
E) 29.5

14) Sales have just finished their eighth year of steady growth, and are now twice what they were 8
years ago. What is the annual percentage increase?
A) 10.0
B) 12.5
C) 18.9
D) 9.0
E) 14.7

Answers 2
1) C, xy = even minus y is still even.
2) A, create 5×5 matrix of multiples and easily see that it must be middle column and middle row, so 9
3) B, (12*0.6 – 10*0.6) / 12 = 0.1
4) B, A true when x = 2, B false x must be 1, C true when x = 4, D true when x = 2, E true when x = 14, so B.
5) C, website A, jan = 30, feb = 31, mar = 33, apr = 36, may = 40, website B, jan = 20, feb = 24, mar = 28.8, apr =
34.56, may = 41.472, so May
6) D, 4*6 (hor) + 3*7 (ver) + 2*3*4 (diag) = 69
7) A, 100 callers = 40%, so 100% = 250 employees. 250 empl * 8 hrs/day * 60 min/hrs / 8 min/call = 15000 call/day
8) E, 0.3*0.25*0.8 = 0.06
9) B, (was not familiar with dodecahedron, so looked up wiki which gives the answer…)
10) B, you cannot know what the short sides are, possibly 4*5*0.5 = 10 or 3*4*0.5 = 6
11) D, 1 – P(he fails all throws) = 1 – 0.7^3 = 0.657
12) C, (would have skipped this one for time), first person doesn’t matter which day, so 7/7. second person only 6/7 days,
third 5/7 days etc., so 1*2*3*4*5*6*7/(7^7) = 1*2*3*4*5*6/(7^6)
13) C, 2 *(2.5*3 + 3*4 + 2.5*4) = 59
14) D, 2^(1/8) = 1.09, so 9%
Test 2

1. There were 5 people in group A, with a mean IQ of 100, and five in group B, with a mean IQ of 74.
When Jack left the group A for group B, both means increased, and the total of the two new means was
180. What’s Jacks IQ?

87, 75, 94, 60, 80

2. To convert a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32. What
temperature is the same on both scales? 40, -32, -72, 72, -40

3. A roulette wheel has 37 sections, 18 of which are red. If you bet on red and win, you double your
money. Fyodor plays 111 games, staking $50 on red each time. How much money, on average, would he
expect to win for his $5,500? 5700, 5550, 5500, 5250, 5400

4. What is the mean of the 25 numbers (a*b), for a and b being all combinations of the numbers1-5? 5, 7,
13,11, 9

5. The basketball player succeeds with 30% of his free throws. If he has a set of three attempts, what is
the probability he succeeds at least once? 0.657, 0.027, 0.063, 0.300, 0.343

6. Every year the sales of LossCo fall to 80% of their value a year before. If its sales were $50,000in 2003,
what were they in 2006? 400, 20000, 25600, 32000, 25000

7. The president of the USA serves terms of four years, with a maximum of two terms. If a century sees
16presidents, how many of them served a second term? 7, 9, 10, 4, 8

8. Xavier’s office is diametrically opposite to his house, on the outside of a circular park. Normally, he
cycles straight across the park, which takes ten minutes. However, this morning, he has to cycle around
it. How much longer is his journey? 15.7min, 10min, 2.7min, 5min, 5.7min

9. Dave has a set of 27 weights, all identical except that one is fractionally lighter than the rest. He has a
set of scales which allow him to place the same number of weights on each side. How many times must
he use the scales to be certain of identifying the lighter weight? 3, 9, 4, 6, 5

10. My lawn was 5m by 9m, but now I’ve dug a 1m-wide flowerbed into it, around the edge. What
percentage of the area of the old lawn is the area of the new lawn? 46.7, 77.7, 37.7, 53.3, 71.1

11. Nigel has $6.20 to spend, and wants to fill his bag with vegetables. Aubergines cost $0.50, courgettes
cost $0.20, he has room for 22 pieces and wants to spend as much as possible. How many courgettes
should he buy? 16, 31, 22, 6
12. Anne thinks of a whole number from 1 to 10, before rolling a sic sided dice and adding the numbers
together. What is the probability that the result is divisible by 3? 5/16, 1/3, 19/60, 3/10, more
information needed

13. ChocoCo want to improve sales of its chocolate bars. The bars are currently 3×8 squares and cost
$0.12in raw materials, and it wants to increase this to 4×10 aquares. If an extra 750,000 bars are sold,
how much will costs have increased? 240,000; 90,000; 60,000; 150,000; 120,000

14. It takes Nora two hours to paint a wall 5m by 8m, and Zack three hours to paint a wall 4m by 9m.
Together, how long will it take them to paint a wall 10m by 12m? 3h45min, 3h, 2h30min, 4h, 3h30min

15. If a > b > c > 0, which of the following is certainly true? a>b+c, ab>ac, a>bc, ac>b^2, ab>c

16. The company has annual sales of $600,000, of which 5% is profit. The CEO wants to increase the
profit margin to 10%, but costs are set to rise 15%. By how much must sales increase? 52,050; 128,333;
136,667; 91,553; 121,050

17. Of the 500 employees, 30% went to University A, of whom 16% come from Town B, of whom 25%
went to College C, of whom 50% went to School D. How many employees went to School D? 3, 6, 10,

18. A regular octahedron has eight faces, each of which is an equilateral triangle. How many edges does
it have? 8, 16, 24, 12, 20

19. In 2003, Company A’s sales were $300,000, and it is growing 16% annually. Every year, Company B’s
sales are $100,000 more than Company A’s. What was the average annual growth for Company B
between2003 and 2005? 12, 16, 12.2, 11.4, 25.9

20. A snowman is made of spheres of two spheres of snow. The base has diameter 1m, the head 0.5m.
What proportion of the snowman’s weight comes from its base? 8/9, 2/3, 9/10, 3/4, 4/5

Answer 4

1: 80

2: -40

3: 5400

4: 9

5: 0.657

6: 25,600

7: 9
8: 5.7 min

9: 3

10: 46.7

11: 16

12: 1/3

13: 60,000

14: 3h 45 min

15: ab>ac

16: 128.333

17: 3

18: 12

19: 12.2

20: 8/9

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