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Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

the Self 2
A. What makes me ‘I’
Learning Objectives

After completing sections A, B and C the learner is able to —

• discuss the importance of knowing oneself and the significance
of developing a positive sense of self.
• list the factors that influence the development of selfhood and
6 identity.
• analyse why the period of adolescence is critical for the
development of self and identity.
• describe the characteristics of self during infancy, childhood
and adolescence.

2A.1 Introduction
While we all have many things in common with our parents, siblings, other
relatives and friends, each one of us is also a unique person, different from
all others. This sense of being unique gives us our sense of self — the sense
of ‘I’ which is different from ‘you’, ‘them’ and ‘others’. How do we develop
this sense of self ? What we think about ourselves and how we describe
ourselves — does it change over the years? What are the elements of the
self? Why should we study about the self ? Does our self influence the way
we interact with people? In this unit we will study about these and other
interesting aspects of the self.
Related to the concept of the self are two other concepts — identity and
personality. While psychologists distinguish between these three concepts
in terms of their definitions, the concepts are intricately related and we
often interchange these terms in common usage.
Understanding the Self

2A.2 What is Self?

The Webster’s Third New International Dictionary contains 500 entries
that begin with ‘self ’. The sense of self refers to the sense of who we are
and what makes us different from everyone else. During adolescence —
the period you are going through presently — we start thinking more than
ever about who am I? What makes ‘me’ different from ‘others’? At this
stage, more than at any other stage before this, we try to define our ‘self ’.
Some of you may have given this question a lot of thought, while some
others may not be aware that they have been thinking of these aspects.

Activity 1

Complete the following sentences starting with – I am.

1. I am…………………………………………………………………………………….....
2. I am…………………………………………………………………………………….....
3. I am…………………………………………………………………………………….....
4. I am…………………………………………………………………………………….....
5. I am……………………………………………………………………………………..... 7

6. I am…………………………………………………………………………………….....
7. I am…………………………………………………………………………………….....
8. I am…………………………………………………………………………………….....
9. I am……………………………………………………………………………..………...
10. I am……………….……………………………………………………………………....

Re-examine the statements you wrote to describe yourself, some of

these described the physical aspects of yourself, you described your bodily
self; in some you referred to your feelings and emotions; in some you
described yourself in terms of your mental abilities; in some others you
may have described yourself in relation to others, in terms of the roles
you perform and the relationships you are involved in every day such
as son/daughter, wife/sister, student, i.e., you defined yourself in terms
of your social relationships in the family and community. Some of you
may have described yourself in terms of your potential or capabilities
and some others in terms of your beliefs. In some you described yourself
as a doer, as a person performing actions, as an agent, while in others
you described yourself as a thinker. Thus, you can see that the self has
several dimensions. Very broadly speaking we can think of these various
dimensions of the self as the personal and the social. The personal self
Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

has those aspects which relate only to you while the social self refers to
those aspects where you are involved with others, and includes aspects
like sharing, cooperation, support and unity.
We can say that the term self refers to the totality of a person’s
experiences, ideas, thoughts and feelings with regard to herself/himself. It
is the characteristic way in which we define ourselves. The idea that we
hold of ourselves is the notion of the self.
You must have heard and used the terms self-concept and self-esteem
with reference to yourself and with others. What do you mean when you
use them? Write your thoughts in the box below and discuss these after
reading the definitions given after the box.

For your thoughts....

Self-concept and self-esteem are elements of identity. Self-concept

is a description of oneself. It answers the question of ‘Who am I?’ Our
self-concept includes our qualities, feelings and thoughts and what we are
capable of doing.
An important aspect of the self-concept is self-esteem. Self-esteem
refers to our judgment of ourselves according to the standards we have set
for ourselves which are largely influenced by society. It is one’s evaluation
of oneself.
Understanding the Self

2A.3 What is Identity? Activity 2

Refer to Activity 2 on this page. What did
Are you the same person that you
you conclude — ‘Yes’, you are the same
were five years ago? Reflect on this
person or ‘No’, you are not the same person,
for some time, and write your views
or was your answer both ‘Yes’ and ‘No’!
and the reasons for these views in the
Which is quite likely. Over the years your
space below.
body has undergone many changes, you
know many more people now as compared
to earlier times, and you have developed a
certain relationship with them. Your way of
responding to and understanding events may
have changed, you may have changed some
of your beliefs and values, and your likes and
dislikes may have also changed. So you are
not really the same person as you were even
a year ago! Yet, you have an unmistakable
sense of having been the same person from
as far back as you can remember. Most of us
are able to maintain a sense of continuity and
sameness throughout our lives despite the 9
many changes and discontinuities that mark
our life over the decades. In other words,
we all have a sense of identity, a sense of
who we are which we carry throughout our
lives. Just as in the case of self, we can
talk of personal identity and social identity.
Personal identity refers to those attributes
of a person that make her different from
others. Social identity refers to those
aspects of the person that link her to a group
– professional, social or cultural. Thus, when
you think of yourself as an Indian you have
linked yourself with a group of people living
in a country. When you describe yourself
as a Gujarati or a Mizo, you are saying that
you share some characteristics with the
people living in that state, and that these
characteristics seem to you to be different
from people living in other states of India.
Thus, being a Gujarati is one dimension of
your social identity in the same way as being
a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or a Christian or
being a teacher, farmer or lawyer.
Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

The self is thus multi-dimensional in nature. It also undergoes change

as a person grows and develops from an infant to an adolescent. The next
chapter describes the characteristics of self during infancy, childhood and

Key Terms

Self, Self-concept, Self-esteem, Identity

„„ Review Questions

1. Explain what you understand by the term ‘self’. Discuss its various
dimensions giving examples.
2. Why is it important to understand the self?

B. Development and
Characteristics 2
of the Self
The self is not something that you are born with, but which you create and
develop as you grow. In this section we will read about the development
and characteristics of the self in infancy, early childhood, middle childhood
and adolescence.

2B.1 Self during Infancy

At birth we are not aware of our unique existence. Does that surprise 11
you? This means that the infant does not realise that she/he is separate
and distinct from the world outside – she/he has no self-awareness or
self-understanding or self-recognition. By each of these terms we mean
the mental representation (a mental picture) of the self. The infant brings
her/his hand in front of her/his face and looks at it but does not ‘realise’
that the hand belongs to her/him and that she/he is separate from other
people and things she/he sees around her. The sense of self emerges
gradually during infancy and self-image recognition happens around
18 months of age. One interesting experiment which has been carried out
with infants in the age range 14-24 months is described below. You can
try it out too.

Activity 1

Put a dot of red lipstick/colour on the cheek of the infant and then place the infant in
front of the mirror. If the infant has an awareness of the self, she/he will touch her own
cheek after looking at the red spot on the face in the mirror. If the infant does not have
self-awareness, she/he will touch the reflection in the mirror, or just play with the reflection
in the mirror as if it is another infant.
Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

Towards the latter half of the

second year, infants begin to use
the personal pronouns – I, me and
mine. They use these pronouns
to indicate possession of persons
or objects – “my toy” or “my
mother”; to describe themselves
or actions they are doing or their
experiences – “me eating”. Infants
also begin to recognise themselves
in photographs at this time.

2B.2 Self during Early

Since children are able to talk quite fluently by the time they are 3 years
old, we need not rely only on self-recognition to know young children’s self-
understanding. We can use verbal means by involving them in conversations
about themselves. Researchers have found that the following are the five
main characteristics of young children’s understanding of themselves.
1. They use physical descriptions of their self or material possessions
to differentiate themselves from others – they may use descriptive
words like ‘tall’, or ‘big’ or refer to the clothes they wear or the toys or
objects they have. Their self-descriptions are in absolute terms – this
means they do not see themselves in comparison with others. To give
an example, instead of saying, “I am taller than Kiran”, the child will
say, “I am tall.”
2. They describe themselves in terms of things they can do. For example,
in terms of their play activities – “I can ride a cycle”; “I can make a
house”; “I can count”. Thus, their self understanding contains active
descriptions of themselves.
3. Their self descriptions are in concrete terms – i.e., they define
themselves in terms of things they can do or what is visible to them – “I
have a television.”
4. They often overestimate themselves. Thus, a child may say, “I am
never scared” or “I know all the poems”, but may not remember them
5. Young children are also unable to recognise that they can possess
different attributes – that they can be ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘mean’ and ‘nice’
at different points in time.
The following is a brief interaction between an adult and Radha, a girl
aged 3 years 8 months, which reveals the child’s perception of herself. The
Understanding the Self

interaction is presented in the form of questions asked and the answers

given by the child.

o;Ld vius ckjs esa dqN crkvksA

Adult Tell me something about yourself

jk/k eSa [kkuk [kkrh gw¡] eSa xktj Hkh [kkrh gw¡] jksVh Hkh [kkrh gw¡A eSa cSV&ckWy [ksyrh
gw¡A rhu fnu ckn esjk tUefnu gksxk D;ksafd tuojh esa esjk tUefnu gSA eSa ykbu
eas [kM+h gksrh g¡w A eSa eEeh osQ lkFk i<+rh g¡w A
Radha I eat food, I eat carrots as well, I eat chappati also. I play with bat
and ball. After three days is my birthday because my birthday is
in January; I stand in a line; I study with my mother.

o;Ld vxj dksbZ rqels iwNs fd jk/k oSQlh cPph gS] rks rqe D;k dgksxh\
Adult If someone asks you ‘What is Radha like’, what would you say?

jk/k eSa vPNh gw¡ D;ksafd eSa fy[krh Hkh gw¡A (o;Ld us vkSj crkus dks dgk ij cPph
us dqN ugh dgk)
Radha I am good because I write as well. (The adult asked her to explain
more but she did not respond). 13

o;Ld rqEgkjs eEeh&ikik dks rqEgkjs ckjs esa D;k vPNk yxrk gS\
Adult What do your mummy-papa like about you?

jk/k eSa vPNh&vPNh ckrsa djrh gw¡ vkSj vPNh&vPNh dgkuh lqukrh gw¡A
Radha I talk about nice things – I tell good stories.

o;Ld rqEgsa vius ckjs esa D;k vPNk yxrk gS\

Adult What do you like about yourself?

jk/k esjs xqykch twrs vPNs yxrs gSa] csch vPNk yxrk gS] viuh lgsfy;k¡ vPNh
yxrh gSa---
Radha I like my pink shoes, I like baby, I like my friends…

o;Ld vkSj crkvks---\

Adult Tell me more…?

jk/k eq>s le> ugha vk jgk--- eq>s vius ckjs esa dqN ughsa irk---A
Radha I don’t understand… I don’t know anything about myself...
Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

2B.3 Self during Middle Childhood

During this period, children’s self-evaluations become more complex.
There are five key changes that characterise this increasing complexity:
1. The child shifts towards describing herself in terms of her internal
characteristics. The child is more likely to name her/his psychological
characteristics (such as preferences or personality traits) in her self-
definition and less likely to name physical characteristics. Thus, the
child may say, “I am good at making friends”, “I can work hard and
finish my homework on time.”
2. The child’s descriptions include social descriptions and identity –
they may define themselves in terms of groups they belong to, “I am in
the music choir in school”.
3. Children begin to make social comparisons and differentiate
themselves from others in comparative rather than absolute terms.
Thus, they begin to think about what they can do in comparison with
others, for example, “I can run faster than Kiran.”
4. They begin to distinguish between their real self and ideal self. Thus
they can differentiate between their actual competencies and those
that they want to have or those which they think are most important.
14 5. The self-descriptions become more realistic as compared to those of
the pre-school child. This may be because of the ability to see things
and situations from the point of view of others.

2B.4 Self during Adolescence

Self understanding becomes increas-
ingly complex during adolescence. Activity 2
Adolescence is also seen as a critical
Make friends with a 5-year-old, a 9-
time for identity development. What
year-old, and a 13-year-old. Ask them
are the characteristics of this more
to describe themselves and note what
complex self understanding? Let us
they say. Do you find that their self-
discuss the first two aspects and then
descriptions correspond with what you
we shall discuss the features of the
have read in this section?
adolescent’s self.

Why is adolescence a critical time for identity

According to a well-known psychologist Erik H. Erikson, at each stage of
our development, from infancy to old age, we have to accomplish certain
tasks which enable us to move on to the next stage of development. For
example, a task during late infancy and early childhood (between 2-4 years
Understanding the Self

of age) is to achieve bowel and bladder control. Without this, participation

in most social and community activities would become impossible for the
child. The task during the period of adolescence, according to Erikson is
to develop a sense of identity, a satisfactory self-definition.
The reason why the stage of adolescence is critical for identity
development is because there is an enhanced focus on the development of
the self. It is believed that the adolescent faces an identity crisis. This is
because of three reasons—
1. This is the time when the person, more than at any other point of
her/his life before this, is preoccupied with trying to know oneself.
This means that the person is intensely concerned with understanding
2. Towards the end of adolescence the individual creates a relatively
lasting sense of selfhood and identity and can say – “This is who I
3. This is also the time when the individual’s identity is influenced by
rapid biological changes and changing social demands.

Let us understand this in more detail

The adolescent is now expected to behave in an adult-like manner and
begin to take on responsibilities related to family, work or marriage. This 15
social transformation from dependent child to independent person occurs
differently in different cultures. Western cultures generally emphasise
independence in terms of ‘separation’ from parents (both physical and
psychological). On the other hand, non-western cultures, such as the
Indian, focus on interdependence within the family. In all cultures,
however, adolescence is reported to be accompanied by dilemmas and
disagreements. For instance, it is common to see that an adolescent
may rebel against being treated “like a child” but at the same time may
herself/himself seek comfort as a child would. The parents too may often
tell the adolescent to “behave like a grown up”, but their other actions
may indicate to the adolescent that they do not think that she/he is quite
grown up. This may be somewhat different for girls and boys depending on
the expectations of the family, in a particular culture. Thus, the adolescent
herself experiences conflicting feelings and also receives conflicting
messages and social expectations from the people around her/him. You
may have experienced this for yourself. For example, the family members
may expect you to behave in an adult-like manner in social situations as
far as talking or dressing is concerned, but may still think you are too
young to discuss the family budget.
Since individuals are different they may respond differently to situations.
The conflicting expectations from familial and societal sources, one’s own
changing needs and conflicting emotions may interfere with integrating
Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

the newly emerging selves during adolescence. Thus, the adolescents may
experience what is known as role confusion or identity confusion. They
may show behaviours like the inability to concentrate on the work at hand,
difficulty in starting or finishing work on time, and a general difficulty in
coping with schedules. It is important to stress that the difficulties that
the adolescent experiences in the process of developing an identity are a
normal part of development – there is nothing inappropriate with the
contradictory feelings and emotions the adolescent experiences during
this period. The feeling of identity crisis or role confusion arises when
the adolescent feels that there is a significant gap in terms of what she/
he is expected to do and how she/he is expected to behave as compared
to earlier times. However, for many adolescents, especially those who are
involved in family occupations, this sense of break may not be distinct
and may not cause much emotional upheaval. For example, if a child in a
village is assisting the family in agriculture, her/his role does not change
much from when she/he was 12 to when she/he is 16, except may be in
terms of being given more responsibility.


The following are the characteristics of an adolescent’s sense of self.

1. Self-descriptions during the period of adolescence are abstract.
Adolescents are likely to lay less emphasis on describing themselves in
physical terms as “tall”, or “big”; they emphasise the abstract or inner
aspects of their personality. Thus, they may describe themselves as
quiet, sensitive, cool headed, brave, emotional or truthful.
Understanding the Self

2. The self during adolescence carries several contradictions. Thus,

adolescents may describe themselves as “I am calm but get easily
disturbed” or “I am quiet and also talkative.”
3. The adolescent experiences a fluctuating sense of self. As adolescents
experience diverse situations and respond to different experiences,
their understanding about their own self fluctuates over situations and
over time.
4. The self of the adolescent contains ‘the ideal self’ and ‘the real self’. The
ideal self becomes more prominent now. Each one of us has an idea
of what and how one would ideally like to be. This could be called the
ideal self, towards which we would like to develop. For example, a girl
may want to be tall but is actually quite short.
5. Adolescents, more than children, are self-conscious and preoccupied
with themselves. This gives them a feeling of always “being on stage”
– a feeling that they are always being noticed. This is the reason why
most adolescents are over-concerned about their physical appearance.
We now know about the different
characteristics of self during certain Activity 3
life stages. But how do we develop a
sense of self in the first place? What Do you feel that you are experiencing
influences the development of a any of the feelings and thoughts we
person’s identity? The next chapter have described above? Do you feel
focusses on this aspect. you are able to handle these feelings
or do you experience confusion? Have
Key Terms you discussed these aspects with your
friends or family members? Talk to your
Infancy, Early childhood, Middle friend about it.
childhood, Adolescence, Identity
development, Real vs. Ideal self

„„ Review Questions

1. Describe, giving examples, the characteristics of the self during—

– infancy
– early childhood
– middle childhood
– adolescence
2. “Adolescence is a time when all adolescents experience identity crisis”. Do
you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

C. Influences on
How do we Develop 2
a Sense of Self?
You have read that we are not born with a sense of selfhood or identity.
How does it develop then? How does it evolve and change over time? The
self develops as a result of what you learn about yourself through the
experiences you have and through what others tell you about yourself.
Each person lives in a web of relationships – these relationships are in
the family, school, workplace and community. The sense of self develops
as a result of interaction with the people around you and through your
18 actions. Thus multiple people shape the development of your self and
the construction of the self is a continuous dynamic process. The word
‘construction’ implies that the self is not something that you are born with
but which you create and develop as you grow.

Activity 1

Recall any significant experience you have had. Did it influence the way you think about
yourself? Note your observations in the space below.

Let us trace how the sense of self develops from the early years. From
the earliest days, parents address the children by a particular name or
names in a variety of situations. The children begin to associate the name
with themselves. Along with this they also point to the child in the mirror
Understanding the Self

and in photographs with that name. They use the pronouns ‘you’ and
‘your’ and when they are able to speak, the use of the pronouns ‘me’ and
‘mine’ appears. The child understands that ‘you’ and ‘your’ refer to another
person. Parents play various ‘body games’ pointing and labeling various
parts of the child’s body and ask the child to point out body parts in turn.
All this helps the child to gradually learn to see herself/himself as distinct
and separate from others.
Second, as the child grows during infancy she begins to realise that her
actions have an effect on the environment. For example, when she touches
a toy it moves. All such experiences help her/him have a sense of being
separate from other people and objects around her. If you recall the earlier
discussion, this is also the time (around 18 months) when the child is able
to identify that the spot of red is on her/his face and she/he does not treat
the reflection in the mirror as another child.
Third, as the child grows older and can talk, the parents encourage the
child to provide self–statements and ask her/him to give reasons. They ask
the child, “Why did you do this?” or “How do you feel?” These questions
help the child understand what she or he is experiencing or the reasons
for certain actions; in this way they help the child in defining the self.
Fourth, during the course of the day the child has several encounters
with people and objects around her/him which help to develop an idea about 19
abilities. People also give the child a feedback about her or his behaviour
and abilities. To a 6-year-old who helps in cleaning up the food area after
the meal, the father may say, “That was a good thing to do. You are a good
boy.” All this feeds into the child’s beliefs about herself/himself. The child
thus constructs and re-constructs selfhood and sense of identity through
the verbal-social interactions she/he has with caregivers and others.

Developing a sense of self and identity

The reasons why each one of us has a unique identity is because
• each one of us (except identical twins) has a unique combination of
• each one of us has different experiences.
• even if we have similar experiences, we respond to these in different

In this section we will study the influences on the formation of identity.

These can be classified as—
• Biological and physical changes
• Socio-cultural contexts including family and peer relationships
• Emotional changes
• Cognitive changes
Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

2C.1 Biological and Physical Changes

The period of adolescence is marked by certain universal physical and
biological changes in the body which take place in particular sequences.
These changes lead to the attainment of sexual maturity. The time when
sexual maturity is reached is called puberty. Menarche (first menstruation)
is usually considered the point of sexual maturity for girls. There is
no corresponding definite event marking puberty for boys, although a
criterion sometimes used is the production of spermatozoa. Puberty
occurs at different average ages in different cultures. A criterion of puberty
that has been found useful for both boys and girls is that of maximum
yearly increase in height. The age of most rapid growth comes just before
menarche for girls and before certain adult characteristics in boys. This
period during which physical and biological changes occur, leading to
puberty is called pubescence. For most girls this period ranges from 11
years to 13 years, and for boys it is 13 years to 15 years. Following is the
list of changes in girls and boys showing normal sequence for development
during pubescence.
Girls Boys
Initial enlargement of breasts Beginning growth of testes
20 Straight, pigmented pubic hair Straight, pigmented pubic hair
Kinky pubic hair Early voice changes
Age of maximum growth First ejaculation of semen
Menarche Kinky pubic hair
Growth of axillary hair Age of maximum growth
Growth of axillary hair
Marked voice changes
Development of the beard
While the physical changes that take place in the body with the onset
of puberty are universal, the psychological and social impact of these
changes on the person vary from culture to culture and within a culture
from person to person. We will discuss these aspects under the next two
headings – socio-cultural contexts and emotional changes.

2C.2 Socio-cultural Contexts

It has been stated that physical changes in the body and the changing
social expectations are the two main aspects that influence the process
of identity formation during the period of adolescence. But to what extent
these physical and social changes impact the process of identity formation
varies with cultural, social and familial contexts. In this section, let us first
see how cultural and social contexts influence adolescent development
and then we will read about the influence of the family.
Understanding the Self

Different sections of the society may respond differently to the physical

changes during adolescence. In traditional Indian society, the onset of
puberty places many restrictions on the girls while the boys retain their
freedom of movement. Certain avenues of entertainment or work are not
seen as appropriate for girls. The elements of the self and the identity of
a girl from a traditional community would be very different from that of a
girl living in urban areas.
Let us now compare our culture with Western cultures. In most Western
cultures (such as the U.S. and U.K.) adolescents are expected to be fairly
independent — in many cases they are expected to move away from the
family to set up their own home. In the Indian context, a large majority of
adolescents continue to be fairly dependent on parents as they are expected
to be, and the family continues to exercise control over them. While many
adolescents in India, especially in rural and tribal settings, begin to
contribute towards the family income, and in this sense begin to assume
adult roles, yet they do not break away from the family. Instead their efforts at
earning are often aimed at the welfare of family members. The development
of the self of an adolescent in these two cultural settings would be quite
different. Even within India, the experiences of adolescents would be quite
different in different communities. In traditional communities and regions
where technology is not yet advanced and where occupational opportunity 21
and choices for alternative lifestyles are limited, children are trained in
the traditional family occupations, such as weaving, up to the time they
reach adolescence. Such adolescents are, therefore, ready to assume adult
roles – this means they are seen as persons with responsibilities of
beginning work, getting married and bearing children, like adults. Thus,
in these communities the identity of the adolescent would be drawn more
from familial sources. The adolescent may not enter into much conflict with
elders since they are largely doing what adults expect of them. As a result,
there are likely to be fewer confusions and doubts while developing a sense
of self. On the other hand, in communities and families where a variety of
occupational choices are open for the adolescent, where technology makes
available many experiences and options to the individual, the adolescent
may need to enter into an extended period of training to prepare herself/
himself for the chosen occupation. During this period the adolescent still
remains dependent on the parents. While the period of adolescence is thus
extended, that of adulthood is delayed. Also, the increase in choices and
exposure to alternate lifestyles may bring the adolescent in conflict with
parents and other authority figures in society.
There is another reason why the development of identity is likely to
vary in traditional cultures and cultures of the West. In traditional Indian
communities, open reflection on oneself and the idea of talking about oneself
is not a common activity among adolescents. In fact, such an attitude is
often neither encouraged nor tolerated. Many Indians define themselves
Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

primarily in one or the other roles that they play – son/ daughter, mother/
father, sister/brother. To put it differently, they often speak of themselves
in terms of the family and the community – as “we” – rather than as “I”.
For example, while talking about her views on marriage, an adolescent
girl would say, “In our family marriages are arranged by parents”, rather
than saying, “I would prefer my parents to arrange my marriage”. Thus we
can see how important the socio-cultural context is in the construction of
a sense of self. Of course the impact of these cultural influences will vary
from family to family and person to person.
Having discussed how the culture and society impact adolescent identity
development, let us read how the family can impact the development of
the sense of identity. During adolescence identity formation is enhanced
by family relationships where adolescents are encouraged to have their
own point of view and where there is a secure relationship between
family members which provides the adolescent with a secure base from
which to explore her widening social world. It has also been found that
firm and affectionate parenting fosters healthy development of identity.
‘Affectionate’ parenting means that the parents are warm, loving and
supportive of the child’s effort and accomplishment. They often praise the
child, show enthusiasm in her/his activities, respond sensitively to her/
22 his feelings, and understand the child’s personality and points of view.
However, such parents are also firm in disciplining. Such parenting style
fosters independence and self-reliance in children.
Adolescence is the period in which the growing individual develops a
strong need for support and acceptance from the peers. At times, parental
and peer values can be in conflict with each other and the adolescent may
tend to lean more towards friends. This can cause disharmony in parent-
child relationships. Conforming to peer pressure can be both positive and
negative. The negative effects become evident when adolescents indulge
in harmful behaviours such as smoking or consuming, drugs or alcohol or
bullying. However, often peers and parents serve complementary functions
and fulfil different needs of the adolescents. It has been seen that a family
atmosphere that promotes both individuality and connectedness is
important for the identity development of the adolescent. By ‘Individuality’
implies greater opportunity and the ability to have one’s own point of view.
‘Connectedness’ suggests greater sensitivity to and respect for others’
views and openness to others’ views.

2C.3 Emotional Changes

The adolescent experiences many emotional changes in the process of
growing up. Many of these changes are a consequence of the biological
and physical changes that the adolescent is undergoing. It is true that
adolescents are preoccupied with their physical body. They imagine that
Understanding the Self

others are noticing each and every aspect of their body and behaviour.
A young person with pimples on the face may feel that everyone is first
and foremost noticing that. However, there are individual differences
in the way adolescents react to the bodily changes. A boy who does
not have adequate growth of facial hair as compared to all the other
boys of his age may feel peculiar about it. However, this same lack of
facial hair may not disturb another boy. A sense of pride or comfort
with the way one is developing physically will contribute positively to
the adolescents’ sense of self. On the other hand, if the adolescent
is dissatisfied with one’s appearance beyond a point, it can prevent
from concentrating on other aspects of her/his personality, work or
studies. This can cause a dip in performance at school and a lowering
of self-image or self-esteem. A negative self-image can cause a person
to feel insecure and also generate negative feelings about the body.
An adolescent with a physical disability may not experience herself/
himself as any less than others, whereas a well-built adolescent boy
may feel conscious and inadequate because he feels that his body is
not “good enough”.
The adolescent also experiences mood swings – for example, desiring
the company of family members and friends at one time and wanting to be
alone at other times. There may also be sharp bursts of anger. A lot of this
happens as the adolescent is trying to make sense of and understand the 23
variety of changes she/he is experiencing at different levels.

2C.4 Cognitive Changes

You will read in detail about the changes in thinking (cognition) that takes
place from infancy to adolescence in Unit III titled ‘Childhood’. At this
point we are briefly describing the cognitive changes that have an impact
on the development of the sense of identity.
The child develops from a person who has no sense of a separate identity
or sense of the individual self to one who describes the self in concrete and
absolute terms during early childhood years. While the self-descriptions
during middle childhood are also concrete, the difference is that these
descriptions are now in comparative terms. By the time the child is 11,
the self descriptions are fairly realistic enabling the child to differentiate
between the ‘real’ and the ‘ideal’ self.
During adolescence, the leap that takes place is that adolescents can
think in abstract terms, i.e., they can think beyond what is present and
what they see and experience. Further, as thought becomes flexible, they
can think of hypothetical situations — in other words, they can imagine
the various possibilities and their outcomes without necessarily having
to go through them or act out the steps of any outcome. The implication
for identity formation is that adolescents can imaginatively link up their
present with a future they imagine for themselves. For example, the
Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

adolescent can think of the possible careers that she/he can take up as
an adult which are suited to her/his situation and temperament, and plan
the current direction of her/his studies accordingly.
Thus, adolescence is a crucial stage for the development of identity.
In fact, adolescence is a significant period of development involving many
changes and opportunities. If the adolescent is healthy, she/he is able to
deal with the changes in the best possible manner and realise one’s full
potential. Appropriate food and nutrition are the key elements of good
health. The next chapter discusses food, nutrition, health and fitness
concerns during adolescence.

Key Terms

Puberty, Pubescence, Menarche, Personality, Peer pressure

„„ Review Questions

1. Discuss the concepts of puberty and pubescence. Explain the major

physical and biological changes in girls and boys during puberty.
2. What is the role of family in shaping the personality of the adolescent?
3. To what extent does culture shape the adolescent identity? Explain with
4. List the major emotional and cognitive changes during adolescence.
Understanding the Self

„„ Practical 1

Development and Characteristics of the Self

Theme Study of one’s physical self

Tasks 1. Recording of height, weight, hip size, round waist, round chest/bust
2. Recording of age of menarche (girls) and growth of beard and
change in voice (boys)
3. Recording of colour of hair and eyes
Purpose of practical: You have read about physical growth and development
during the age of adolescence. This practical will help you to understand your
physical self better and also help you to know the average rate of growth and
development of adolescents in your region as you compare your data with those
of others. The measurements stated in Task 1 above are also important for you to
know for the purpose of garment sizing–

Conduct of practical: Take your own measurements as stated in Task 1 above.

Alternatively you can take each other's measurements in the class. The following
measurements can be taken as described–
• Around Hip: Use a measuring tape around the widest portion of the hips
with two fingers between the tape and the body. 25
• Around Bust/Chest: Hold the tape and measure across the fullest part of the
bust/chest. Hold tape firmly but not tight.
• Around Waist: Hold the tape around waist and let it settle into the smallest
portion of the body (that is the waistline). Take the measurement with one
finger between tape and body.
• Around neck: Lay a still measure tightly around the neck and gently tap
it down until the lower edge settles at the base of the neck where the
measurement is taken.
• Across back: It is measurement taken between the lateral ends of scapulae
(shoulder blades). Take one more measurement 10–12 cms below the waist
measurement over the fullest part of back.

Record information required as per Tasks 1, 2 and 3 in the table below:

Your name ................... Age ...................

Gender ................... Colour of hair ...................
Colour of Eyes ................... Age at menarche ...................
Age at growth of ................... Weight ...................
beard, change in voice Around chest/ bust ...................
Height ................... Around neck ...................
Hip size . .................. Across back ...................
Around waist ...................
Human Ecology and Family Sciences – Part I

Now form yourself into groups of 10 students each and pool all your individual
data together.
1. Note what the range is for each of the above measurements of the body
in your group. For example, weight in your group ranges from ……kgs to
2. Note the range for age of menarche and the range during which growth of
beard and change in voice takes place.
3. Correlate the size of ready-made garments you purchase with your

Understanding the Self

„„ Practical 2

Influences on Identity

Theme Emotions experienced by self

Tasks 1. Making a record of your emotions experienced during a day
2. Reflecting on the reasons for experiencing the emotions
3. Identifying ways of handling them

Purpose of the practical: We all experience a variety of emotions each day

and these influence the way we respond to situations. Being more aware of our
emotions and the reasons for feeling the way we do, can help us to manage them
better and respond appropriately to situations. This practical has been designed
with this objective in mind.

Conduct of practical: Identify a particular day and bring to your awareness the
emotions you experience since morning during that day. Keep a notepad and
pen with you and record the emotion, the context situation and the reason for the
emotion as soon as you become aware of it. You can use the following table for
Time of the day
Situation / context
Your reaction on
the emotion
Specific comment
or observation
you wish to note

Make groups of 4-5 students per group and in your group compare your notes
with those of others. Discuss the following:
1. Whether similar emotions were experienced by other group members?
2. The common features in the various situations that lead to the group
members experiencing these emotions.
3. Whether each person handled the emotions appropriately?
4. Could there have been alternate ways of handling the emotions?

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