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Setup for Automatic Account

One of the advantages of an integrated system like SAP is that the system can be configured so
that when a goods movement is recorded for production planning or materials management
(PP/MM) purposes, the R/3 system will automatically determine the correct G/L account to post
to using the type of transaction and other factors. Automatic account determination is also
referred to as automatic posting and automatic account determination in the SAP R/3 system.

To configure the SAP system to make the automatic accounting postings, valuation control must
be set to active. To verify this (don’t change it!), follow the menu path:

Materials Management Valuation and Account Assignment Account

Determination Account Determination without Wizard Define Valuation
Control (click clock icon )

Which will give you the following screen:

Valuation grouping code active

Note that the Valuation grouping code is active.

1 Create and Assign Valuation Grouping Code to Company Code

Next, we need to create a valuation grouping code for your company code. It is possible to use
the same rules for account determination for different valuation areas (e.g. plants). That means
that you can define the same automatic account determination rules for multiple plants. As you
only have one plant in University Cellular, you will be creating a grouping code and assigning
your plant to that grouping code. Follow the menu path:

Setup for Automatic Account

Materials Management Valuation and Account Assignment Account

Determination Account Determination without Wizard Group Together
Valuation Areas (click clock icon )

Which will produce the following screen:

Enter Val. grpg. Code ##VP for your

valuation area (plant, ##CP)

Find your valuation area, which is your plant number (##CP) and enter the valuation grouping
code ##VP. Click on the save icon ( ) to save this assignment.

Setup for Automatic Account
2 Establish Automatic Postings for Inventory Posting (BSX)
Next we have to establish the settings for automatic postings to G/L accounts for inventory
postings. To do this, follow the menu path:

Materials Management Valuation and Account Assignment Account

Determination Account Determination without Wizard Configure Automatic
Postings (click clock icon )

which may bring up the following screen:

Click Cancel

Click on the cancel icon ( ), which will bring up the following screen:

Click on Account assignment

Click on the Account assignment icon ( ), which will call up the

following screen:

Setup for Automatic Account

Double-click on entry BSX

Double-click on the entry BSX (Inventory posting), which will produce the following pop-up

Enter CHFS for Chart of Accounts

Enter CHFS for the Chart of accounts, then click the continue icon ( ), which will produce
the following window:

Setup for Automatic Account

Enter Information shown in the table below

Make the following entries:

Valuation Valuation
modif. class Account
##VP 3000 200000
##VP 7900 200100
##VP 7920 200200

When you have made all the entries, click on the save icon ( ), then on the back icon ( )
to return to the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting - Procedures screen.

Setup for Automatic Account
3 Establish Automatic Postings for Offsetting entry for inventory
posting (GBB)
From the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting – Procedures screen, scroll down
until you find the entry GBB. Double click on this entry and enter CHFS for chart of accounts if
requested to bring up the following screen:

Make entries as indicated in the table below

Make entries in this screen as noted in the table below:

Valuation General Valuation

modif. modification class Account
##VP - 3000 720000
##VP - 7900 720100
##VP - 7920 720200
##VP AUF 7900 751000
##VP AUF 7920 751000
##VP VAX 7920 790000
##VP VBR 3000 720000

Setup for Automatic Account
##VP VBR 7900 720100
##VP VBR 7920 720200
##VP ZOB 7920 720200

When you have made all the entries, click on the save icon ( ), then on the back icon ( )
to return to the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting - Procedures screen.

4 Establish Automatic Postings for Cost/Price Difference (PRD)

From the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting – Procedures screen, scroll until you
find the entry PRD. Double click on this entry and enter CHFS for chart of accounts if
requested to bring up the following screen:

Make entries as indicated in the table below

Make entries in this screen as noted in the table below:

Setup for Automatic Account
Valuation Valuation
modif. class Account
##VP 3000 760000
##VP 7900 760100
##VP 7920 760100

When you have made all the entries, click on the save icon ( ), then on the back icon ( )
to return to the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting - Procedures screen.

Setup for Automatic Account
5 Establish Automatic Postings for Materials Management Small
Differences (DIF)
From the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting – Procedures screen, scroll until you
find the entry DIF. Double click on this entry and enter CHFS for chart of accounts if requested
to bring up the following screen:

Enter account 760000

Enter account 760000 if not defaulted, then click on the save icon ( ), (if this account
appears by default you may get a message that says, “no changes have been made”, then click on
the back icon ( ) to return to the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting -
Procedures screen.

6 Establish Automatic Postings for GR/IR Clearing Account

From the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting – Procedures screen (transaction code
OMWB), scroll until you find the entry WRX. Double click on this entry and enter CHFS for
chart of accounts if requested to bring up the following screen:

Setup for Automatic Account

Make entries as indicated in the table below

Valuation Valuation
modif. class Account
##VP 3000 310000
##VP 7900 310000
##VP 7920 310000

Click on the save icon ( ), then on the exit icon ( ) until you return to the SAP Reference

Setup for Automatic Account
7 Configure price change in previous period/previous year

In the case of a price change in the previous period or in the previous year, you must define whether
the change also applies to the current period. You have two options:

The price change applies only in the previous period or previous year and does not affect the
current period.

The price change also applies to the current period; the price in the current period is thus also
changed automatically.
If you want price changes in the previous period or previous year to also change the price in the
current period, select column V.

We will set our system up so price changes carry over. This setting would make it easier to
administer the system, as we wouldn’t have to worry about updating all material prices each
year. To set this up, follow the menu path:

Materials Management Valuation and Account Assignment  Configure Price

Change in Previous Period (click clock icon )

which will bring up the following screen:

Setup for Automatic Account

Find your company code,

then check Price carr. over

Find your company code, then put a check in the column Price carr. over. Click on save icon
( ), then on the back icon ( ) to return to the SAP Reference IMG.

Note: If you don’t see your company code, follow the menu path:

Financial Accounting  Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Credit

Management Credit Control Account Assign Permitted Credit Control Areas to
Company Code (click clock icon )

And make sure that you have assigned credit control area ##UC to company code ##UC.

Setup for Automatic Account
8 Default values for invoice verification
This exercise defines the default tax codes used in invoice verification. To do this, follow the
menu path:

Materials Management  Logistics Invoice Verification Incoming Invoice

Maintain Default Values for Tax Codes (click clock icon )

which will produce the following screen:

Click on New Entries

Click on the New entries icon ( ), which will produce the following screen:

Setup for Automatic Account

Enter Company Code ##UC

Tax code XI
Jurisdiction code MI0000000

Enter the following information:

Company code: ##UC

Tax code: XI
Jurisdiction code: MI0000000 (seven 0’s)

then click on the save icon ( ) to save your entry. Click on the back icon ( ) and confirm
that your company code is now listed, then click on the back icon ( ) again to return to the
SAP Reference IMG.

9 Update Posting Keys for Invoice Verification

Next, we have to update the posting keys used in the invoice verification process. To do this, we
have to follow the pulldown menu path:

SystemServicesTable MaintenanceExtended Table Maintenance

Setup for Automatic Account
which will produce the following screen:

Enter Table/view T169V

Then click on the maintain icon

Enter Table/view T169V, then click on the Maintain icon ( ) to produce

the following screen:

Setup for Automatic Account

Make the entries in the row with your company code:

Make the following entries in the row with your company code:

Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit

31 21 50 40 99 89 75 70

click on save ( ) and then exit ( ) to return to the main screen.


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