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Lisa K.

Cole Sabrina Mills

Executive Assistant AdministrativeAssistant
931-375-1001 931-375-1002

Maury Cottnty Government

Andy Ogles, County Mayor
Room 101
Maury County Courthouse
Columbia. Tennessee 38401

.T4[HEREAS,Artide 1, Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Teranesseeaffirms that "all power is
inherent itx the people"; arid

WHEREAS, Artide 1, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Tennesseecompels Tennesseansto

stand up and resist that which We the People surmise is authoritarian arid in violation of our
unalienable rights, and therefore, arbitrary power; and

WHEREAS, COVID-19 is a serious illness that has negatively affected countless families and resulted
ire the loss of many lives; COVID-19 remains a treatable illness with a survival rate of over 99%; and

WHEREAS, COVID-19 is a contagious illness that affects iradividuals of all ages, the data
overwhelmmgly shows that those at greatest risk are over the age of 61 or those with comorbidities or
compromised immune systems; and

T)T7HEREAS, the data also shows that childrerx are at low risk of serious illness, are rarely sources of
spread arid absent a comorbidi0 or compromised immune system have a survival rate of almost 100%;

WHEREAS, treabnent protocols, therapeutics, arid vaccinesfor COVID-19 are widely available; and
as much of the population has been irafected with the virus and therefore possess antibodies from prior
irxfection; and

T47HEREAS, according to the 2019-2020 CFR TN Child Fatalhy Report the greatest risk and most
likely causes of accidental death amorxgstchildren being automobile accidents, weapons, mphyxia,
burns or electrocution, and drowning;

WHEREAS, those over the age of 61 represeratonly 19% of a// COVID-19 cases, the same age group of
61 and older represems a staggerirgg 85% offatalities; and
Lisa K. Cole Sabrina Mills
Executive Assistant Administrative ASsistant
931-375-1001 931-375-1002

Mattry County Government

Andy Ogles, County Mayor
Room 101
Maury County Courthouse
Columbia, Tennessee 38401

WHEREAS, the evidence arid data is clear of the low risk COVID-19 presents to children; and

T)VHEREAS,Governor EillLee's lack of leadership hqs subjected children to forced mask wearirag,
isolation, quarantines, arid school closures resulting in a sharp increase in emotional distress,
childhood depression, child suicides, developmental delays and mass leartxing loss across all grade
levels here in the state of Tennessee; and

WHEREAS, GoverraorEill Lee's irgdecisivenessand half measures have subjugated parents and their
childrera to out of control school boards and superintenderats,liberal mayors and a Commissioner of
Education who has been complicit ire the aforementiotxed grievances against our children; and

T)VHEREAS,a Williamson Cotmffl Chancery Courtjudge issued an alterrgate ruling on April 30, 2021
in a case against the Mlliamsorx Counffl Eoard of Education stating, "The Court cannot find, as a
matter of /aw, Defendargtshave acted within the authoril given to them by the legislature when
etxactingface-coverirgg requirements."; and

WHEREAS, the states of Florida, Alabama, Texas, aridMontana amongst others have not only
protected citizens from forced vaccitgation from state and local governmems, but also prevented
businessesfrom requiring proof of vaccinations and requirements /or vaccines in exchange for goods
and services; and

WHEREAS, it is prudent that the state of Terxnesseeregulate busirxessesire this state in such a way as
to secure the basic rights of individuals to make their own healthcare decisions with the advice of their
physicians without those decisions havirag an impact orethe individuals abilhy to provide income for
their families or have accessto the goods and services of a place of public accommodation; and

WHEREAS, Arade II, Secaon 2 of the Constitution of the State of Teranesseestates,"No person or
persorasbelonging to one ofthese departments shall exercise any of the powers properly belonging to
either of the others, except in the casesherein directed or permitted," arid therefore members of the
executive department are unable to perform the corastitutiorxallyprescribed duties of the legislative
department; and
Lisa K. Cole Sabrina Mills
Executive Assistant AdministrativeAssistant
931-375-1001 931-375-1002

Maury Cottnty Government

Andy Ogles, County Mayor
Room 101
Maury County Courthouse
Columbia. Tennessee 38401

VVHEREAS,Article III, Section 10 of the Constitution of the State of Tennesseestates,"He shall take
care that the laws befaithfully executed," arid therefore does not purport to grant to the Governor the
abilil to make or create law or issue executive orders with the "force and effect of law"; and

THEREFORE, EE ITRESOLVED thatl, Andy Ogles, Counffl Mayor of Maury County, Tennessee,in
comext of Governor Lee's violations agairist freedom, libeWy and individual rights do hereby formally
request as a duly elected representative of the people that the TermesseeGeneral Assembly immediately
convene a Special Sessionfor the following purposes:

1. Limit the powers of Governor of Terinesseeand his abuse of Emergency Powers using
unconstitutional executive orders which infringe on the liberties of the ciar,erasof this state.

2. Protect the children of Termesseefrom forced mask-wearirag and respect the individual choices
of parents to manage the health and wellbeirag of their own children.

3. ProtectALL people of Tennesseefrom forced vaccinatiorgfor COVID-19 whether by

government or businesses both as cotxsumers and employees.

IN WITNESS TVHEREOF, I have hereunto set my

hand and caused seal of this cotmffl to be affixed on
this Il'h day of August 2021.

Ande@nl Mayor

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