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CT098-3-2-RMCT APU Degree – Level 2

Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................3

2. Literature Review...................................................................................................................3

3. Problem Statement.................................................................................................................4

4. Aim, Research Objectives, and Research Questions.............................................................4

5. Significance of the Work.......................................................................................................5

6. Methodology..........................................................................................................................5

7. Overview of the Proposed System.........................................................................................6

8. Conclusion..............................................................................................................................7


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CT098-3-2-RMCT APU Degree – Level 2

Centralized Patient Management System Among Hospitals in

Melikov Savlatjon Sobirovich

[email protected]

Abstract appointment scheduling, reminders, and billing

(Weller, 2017). Uzbekistan still utilizing the
Healthcare sectors in Uzbekistan having
traditional way of patient management which is
difficulties in managing patients and their data.
using physical journals to keep track of patient
Moreover, patients having discomfort during their
history. This brings numerous difficulties for
hospital visits. These are results of utilizing
patients as well as healthcare sectors. Patients are
traditional managing methods which are inefficient
waiting in the queue; hospitals cannot share data
already. Hence with the advancement of
with each other.
technology, it is possible to find the best solution
such as developing a centralized patient This research discusses how developing a
management system among hospitals in centralized patient management system among
Uzbekistan. With the help of this system, we will be hospitals in Uzbekistan will help to patient and
able to outcome all disadvantages of the traditional healthcare sectors. It also contains details of
system. And this will help to increase the quality of previous research and addresses the problem
healthcare and ease patient life. statement, which demonstrates the suitability of the
problem being addressed by the current effort. The
Index Terms: healthcare, managing, cost of care,
research aims and objectives are then presented, as
centralized, patient history, data sharing.
well as the questions that the research will address

1. Introduction and the significance of the research. The process

The healthcare system is an important for gathering data to solve the research problem is

socioeconomic activity that necessitates reasonable next discussed, followed by an overview of the

and effective management. This necessitates the suggested system that explains how it will battle

use of a solution that allows for sufficient control and solve the research problem.

of the data generated in health care facilities.

2. Literature Review
Hospital management systems enable us to
Louise (2018) examines that a centralized patient
optimize and digitize all of the institution's
management system reduces the overall cost of
procedures, resulting in improved customer service,
care for each and every one. For instance, the
lower process costs, and a more efficient search for
United States spent for health care is about $3.3
medical data, invoices, patients, and doctors.
trillion in 2016, in other words, it is $10,000
Appointment history, patient information,
spending per year for the average person in the US.
diagnosis, medications, billing data, and more can
Whereas in the same year 2016, spending for health
all be integrated with patient management software.
care per person in Canada is $4,750, this indicator
It can also assist practices and hospitals in lowering
in the United Kingdom is $4,192 respectively.
expenses by automating operations including as

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Also, Louise mentioned is that a centralized patient

management system meets the idea of everyone in
society should have access to health care services.

Susan (2010) states that a centralized patient

management system improves knowledge transfer
between hospitals, for instance, hospitals can share
the best practices such as gathering statistics about
patients, new ideas, communication of highly
Figure 1: Comparison of Patient Management
qualified doctors, and hiring practices. Systems in Uzbekistan, Finland, and Estonia
(Urmonbekov, 2021)
Urmonbekov (2021) researched that a centralized
patient management system decreases the risks of
mistakes. To be more specific, hospitals’ database
3. Problem Statement
keeps all needed information about patient disease
Hospitals keep track of patient data on paper,
history and test results so that doctors can access
which is subsequently filed away in files. All the
without any delay to make an accurate diagnosis.
relevant paperwork for patients could be lost in the
Moreover, researchers find out that some of the
event of a fire or flood in a hospital. This is a
Uzbekistan hospitals and clinics using Excel
critical issue because if a patient’s health is not
documents to save and keep patients’ data. During
appropriately monitored, it could lead to further
the interview with a doctor, the reason for utilizing
issues or the patient’s death (Poissant, Pereira,
Excel documents to save patients’ health records
Tamblyn, & Kwawasumi, 2005). The amount of
was this method is better than using physical
time it takes for an OPD staff member to locate a
journals also it is secure as Excel document is
patient’s folder has an impact on the quality of care
connected to Google Drive, which prevents data
provided. Furthermore, the format in which the
loss. However, this method is still considered
national health insurance is sent for processing has
manual, and it is not efficient as hospital or clinic
an impact on service delivery, waiting times, and
staff insert data by themselves. Furthermore,
reimbursement (Sakyi, Atinga, & Adzei, 2012).
Urmonbekov explores that in Finland and Estonia
hospitals already implemented a centralized patient
management system into their healthcare sectors
4. Aim, Research Objectives, and Research

The main aim of this research is to identify the

significance of a centralized patient management
system in Uzbekistan between hospitals and what
other benefits it may bring to the quality of care
provided. In order to achieve the aim of this
research paper, the following objectives have been

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6. Methodology
To understand user requirements for this research
Research Objective: Research Question:
1. To identify the major 1. What are the effects qualitative methodology going to be implemented
effects of using a bring traditional patient to define the best solutions to the research
manual patient management systems on
management system patient health and questions in this study. Current patient
condition in Uzbekistan management methods are become ineffective, so
2. To encourage the 2. Why do health care that which leads to the developing centralized
health care sectors in sectors in Uzbekistan patient management system with using of new
Uzbekistan to utilize a using manual patient
modern centralized management workflow? technologies that can replace traditional systems
patient management and methods. The reason for using qualitative
3. To develop a modern 3. How centralized research is in summary, qualitative research
centralized patient patient management focuses on words rather than figures, depth rather
management system system can improve the
that eases hospital visits flow of work between than breadth, in comparison to quantitative
for the patient as well as hospitals in Uzbekistan? research. Its approaches are exploratory, with the
hospitals flow of work
goal of eliciting respondents' opinions, thoughts,
and feelings. It's most typically used to educate
5. Significance of the Work people about new ideas, philosophies, and
The purpose of this research paper is to study the products. Qualitative research uses a number of
importance of centralized patient management data collection approaches, including observations,
system utilization among hospitals in Uzbekistan. textual or visual analysis, and interviews.
With the help of the current advancement of IT Interviews and focus groups, on the other hand, are
technology, there are efficient patient management the most commonly utilized methodologies,
systems are developed in some countries such as particularly in healthcare research (Gill, Stewart,
Finland and Estonia, so that developing such Treasure, & Chadwick, 2008). To have an accurate
systems can help to solve the above problems image and less uncertainty about the questions
stated for patients and hospitals. aforementioned above the sample size is expected,
200 respondents.
Therefore, investment to develop a centralized
patient management system among hospitals in It is important to choose a suitable data collection
Uzbekistan can be beneficial in several aspects method for every research to get a better
such as patient data security. In other words, the understanding of the problem or situation also to
proposed system offers high data protection since reach successful decision making is directly related
all procedures are done through a secure system. to the data collection method. Since this study is
Furthermore, in the proposed system cloud exploratory research, the semi-structured interview
technology is going to be used and it prevents the method will be used for data gathering. A semi-
risk of data loss (Sanjana, 2019). Moreover, it is structured interview is a type of interview that
important to mention the availability of information combines both structured and unstructured
on the spot, to be more specific all needed data will interview-style accordingly in semi-structured
be accessible from any hospital in Uzbekistan, also interview interviewer asks several predefined
patients can access their history cards so that they questions and the rest of the questions are not
can keep track of their health. planned. Which provides an opportunity for

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spontaneous questions that may help to explores leakage, safeguard individual data privacy, and
relevant areas of research. One of the best habits in secure the system from malware and viruses, this
data gathering using the interview method is to take component of the system has been outsourced.
notes immediately after an interview. Interview Furthermore, data storage is based on cloud
sessions will be recorded as it is highly computing services and databases systems that are
recommended and after transcription of video or also outsourced, allowing for real-time data to be
audio will be done. However, transcription is received within the system.
simple but it is time-consuming so that Transcribe
To use the system user (patient) need to register
software will be used to transcribe video and audio
using ID or Passport details as each account is
recordings. To obtain primary data from the
unique, without registering user will not be able to
interview responses, a random sampling strategy
access the profile but still will be able to use other
will be chosen. The data gathered will be assessed,
functions such as “Map (hospitals near me)”,
documented, and analysed after 100 interviews
“Online Pharmacy”. Accordingly, users need to
have been conducted.
log in using a username and password for
To understand and show the data collected in order authentication purpose to access their account. The
to study it, a variety of techniques are utilized. system has a page named “My History Card” which
Once all transcripts are ready, it is time to start shows all patient information such as test results,
interpreting data. This process could be done patient history, supplements taken. Moreover, the
manually but since the sample size for this study is system has a “Book an Appointment” page which
200 and expected responses are around 100 it is allows users to book a consultation or visit with a
recommended to use software such as NVIVO to doctor.
speed up the process (IfD, 2018). NVIVO is a
The web-based part of the proposed system is for
software program that allows users to organize and
hospitals to manage patients’ appointments and to
analyze non-numerical or unstructured data. Users
keep track of patients’ history cards. Where doctors
can use the software to classify, sort, and arrange
and nurses can access all data available and share it
data, as well as study data relationships and
with other colleagues within the proposed system.
combine analysis with linking, shaping, searching,
Furthermore, patients do not need to bring their
and modeling. After the data has been analyzed,
history card when they want to check up or visit a
final results and notes can be made and written in
doctor since all the information is available online.

7. Overview of the Proposed System

This research aims at developing a centralized
patient management system among hospitals in
Uzbekistan. As hospitals in Uzbekistan still using
physical journals as patient history cards. The
proposed system will help to overcome several
problems mentioned above. So the new system will
be available as a website as well as a mobile
application for patients. In order to prevent data

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Figure 2: Flowchart of Centralized patient

management system among hospitals in Uzbekistan

8. Conclusion
In conclusion, the results of this study seem to
indicate that developing a centralized patient
management system among hospitals in Uzbekistan
is beneficial. Apart from all benefits and
significance of the proposed system, it eases the
life of the national population as well as the health
care quality of the government. However, the
proposed system has its own limitation as a privacy
and security threat, since a large amount of patient
personal data is available online. On the other hand,
the proposed system serves for a better life, and it
may bring more benefits if it is used for the purpose
of being developed and maintained well.

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References Gill, P., Stewart, K., Treasure, E., Chadwick, B.

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