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Background of Surahs

Al Kausar
Al Ikhlas
An Naas
Lesson Outcomes

The students will be able to learn the

background of the Surahs
Main Lesson
Background of Surah (Al-Ikhlas) 112
• “Say, He is Allah the One and Only, Allah the
Eternal, Absolute. He begets not, nor is He
begotten and there is none like unto Him.”

• When the Prophet (S.A.W.S.) preached Tauhid,

the Quraish asked him about the attributes of
Allah, His lineage, His gender and what was He
made of.
“Abdullah bin Masud reported that the Quraish
said to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.), “Tell us of
the ancestry of your Lord.” There upon this
Surah was sent down.”
• This Surah is used to be recited as an answer to
their question about Allah.
• It gives a short and comprehensive insight into
Islam’s belief in God.
• It tells us that Allah is the One and Only
worthy of worship. He has no beginning or end
unlike the idols worshipped by the pagans at
that time.
• Ikhlas means purity of Faith. Here purity of
Faith is described by referring to Allah’s
nature. The Nature of Allah is unlike human
• beings who have parents or children. Quran
says: “They say: Allah has
• begotten a son (children). Glory is to Him! He is
Rich. His is all that is in the
• heavens and all that is in the earth. No warrant
you have for this. Do you say
• against Allah what you know not” (10:68).
• It negated the idea of the trinity which the
Christians believed in as well as negating that
Allah had any physical or human
characteristics. It strengthens a Muslim’s faith
in his Lord.
• It relates the nature of Allah in the words
most readily understandable.
• The Muslims lean that Allah is Eternal and His
qualities are unique. This enables a belier to
get closer to Allah (S.W.T.).

Surah Al-Kausar
“To you we have granted abundance, so pay to
your Lord and sacrifice For he who hates you he
will be cut off.”

• When the Prophet (S.A.W.S.) started preaching

Islam, the Quraish turned against him. When
the Prophet (S.A.W.S.)’s both sons died in
infancy, Quraish took this opportunity to mock
and tease the Prophet (S.A.W.S.).
They said, “he was cut off from his root” (abtar)
meaning that he had no male descendants to
carry his name and they thought that his message
would die when the Prophet (S.A.W.S.) passed
God revealed these verses to concede and give
hope to the Prophet (S.A.W.S.) that it would not
be him but his enemies that would be cut off and
that he would be given abundant blessings in this
life and the next.
• The significance for Muslims today is that it
reminds them to realize that Allah has
bestowed upon them the blessings which they
realize that Allah has bestowed upon them the
blessing which they cannot count today.

• They, therefore, must show gratitude to their

Lord, keep on struggling in His way as He is the
One who will surely come to their rescue.

• Surah ad-Duhaa (93):
• (1) By the morning brightness
• (2) And [by] the night when it covers with darkness,
• (3) Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor
has He detested [you].
• (4) And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life].
• (5) And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied.
• (6) Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge?
• (7) And He found you lost and guided [you],
• (8) And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.
• (9) So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him].
• (10) And as for the petitioner, do not repel [him].
• (11) But as for the favor of your Lord, report [it].
This surah revealed during the Prophet's early life
when the people of Makkah persecuted him and
his followers after the open preaching by the holy
Prophet pbuh.
Although he was very firm in faith and was never
shaken but continued hardships and isolation
could create a sense of loneliness in his mind.
Allah responded by saying that taunts and
slandering of the people are not signs of His
displeasure. Allah gave him assurance of a
victorious future and glorious.
When the commentaries was given by the
scholars, they were almost in accordance that
this Surah is considered to be the second one
revealed to the prophet (pbuh),after Surah al-
Alaq, there was somehow a long period of silence
approximately of 11 months in which no further
Surahs were revealed.
During this time, the prophet (pbuh) wondered if
he had somehow dissatisfied Allah (swt), who it
seemed for a while was no longer sending down
more Surah.
So, this Surah interrupted that silence, and
reassured the prophet (pbuh) that the things wll
be more better in time that they were before.
Here He (swt) swore by the morning ad-Dhuha
which symbolize a period of time after sunrise,
the first word of the Surah representing the
importance of this period of time ,which can be
understood as a new period of time for all
Muslims among that are coming , symbolizing a
new way of life that will come in the future .
After this Surah, the archangel Gabriel (pbuh)
never ceased sending down Quran regularly until
it was finished.
In which context was revealed An Naas
• Surah An-Naas (114) :
• (1) Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,
• (2) The Sovereign of mankind.
• (3) The God of mankind,
• (4) From the evil of the retreating whisperer -
• (5) Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind -
• (6) From among the jinn and mankind."
Background of the Surah
• This is one of those few Surahs of Quran which
were revealed on more than one occasions.
• Firtsly it was revealed in Makkah after the open
preaching of Islam when the Prophet forbade
the Makkans from Idol worship.
• They threatened the prophet pbuh of the wrath
of their false gods and cursed him.
• This surah was revealed to condemn their
claims and Prophet pbuh was assured that he
was in the divine protection, Satan and his
followers could not harm him.
Background of the Surah
• This Surah describes three Attributes of Allah.
He gives sustenance to mankind, He is
Sovereign and He is Worthy of worship. All
things are created by Him, possessed by Him,
and subservient to Him. He commands anyone
who wants refuge to seek in Him. (4-6) From
the evil of the retreating whisperer :
• Satan entices people to commit sins as he
makes evil attractive to men. Only Allah (swt)
can grant protection from the evil of Satan.
According to a Hadith, the prophet (pbuh) said,
"With everyone of you there is a devil." The
Companions asked, "Is there a devil even with
you?" The Prophet said, "Yes, but Allah has
granted me protection against him."
• Later this Surah was revealed in Madina
together with Surah Alaq, when charms and
black magic were practiced on the lock of
Prophet pbuh by two sisters of Labid bin Aasim
by trying 11 knots. In the result Prophet pbuh
felt headache and at time he thought of doing
something that he had not done.
• Allah revealed this Surah to cure the evil
effects of black magic.
• Prophet pbuh called Hazrat Ali and told him
about the well where lock of hair was thrown
and guided him how to undo the black magic by
untying each knot by reciting one verse from
the Surah.
• Thus prophet pbuh was cured of the black
• So these two surah provide protection from
these types of evils.
Feedback and Wrap up
Task Assigned:

Describe what the following Surahs tell Muslims

about the circumstances in which they were
revealed: 112 (Al-Ikhlas) and 108 (Al-Kausar)



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