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Although globalization is an overwhelming concept, it is experienced by people in a number of

ways in real terms. For instance, globalization of technology improved modern transportation
and communication. As a result, people become more mobile and are able to reach different
places around the globe. There are various reasons why people leave their country of origin.
Through this activity, you should be able to gain first-hand knowledge of the experiences of
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), people who obviously reached other countries. Their stories
could provide a concrete understanding of how globalization affects themselves, their families,
and the country.

1. Find a former or a current OFW to be interviewed virtually (it could be a family member or a
family friend) Your respondent’s name should not be revealed in class to protect the
person’s identity and ensure anonymity

Interviewee: Former OFW from Dubai.

2. Use the following guide questions (you may add additional questions):

Interviewer: Good morning, ma’am. May I ask you about your job as a former OFW?

Former OFW: Yes, dear.

Interviewer: What is/are the purpose of your stay there?

Former OFW: I went abroad because it’s very hard to find a job here in the Philippines. So, I was hoping
a good chance abroad.

Interviewer: Was it okay there?

Former OFW: It was fine, I had higher income nonetheless to support my children.

Interviewer: How long have you stayed abroad?

Former OFW: About five years, I waited for to graduate college.

Interviewer: What were your most unforgettable experiences there?

Former OFW: My job as a manicurist, and my customers who were fellow Filipinos.

Interviewer: How will you describe them, good or bad?

Former OFW: They were good, but it was exhausting because I had to earn money.

Interviewer: How will you compare the Philippines with other countries?

Former OFW: It’s more fun here in the Philippines. I have my family here and it’s difficult abroad because
I mostly had no one to talk to.

Interviewer: Do you want to go back abroad or to the other countries in the future? Why or why not?

Former OFW: Never, dear. My children finished school and I already have a store here.

Interviewer: Sure ma’am. Thank you for your time.

Former OFW: Okay, dear.

3. Share your personal insights about your respondent’s experience.

- My interviewee thinks that it is more fun here in the Philippines especially if you have
your family beside you. Although globalization does provide us with convenient
transportation, communication, and technology, there are still some human emotions that
reflect the strong connection between each person and his country or family. The sacrifices
of my respondents are really unbelievable. Her loneliness, homesickness, anxiety and
overthinking about her family’s condition are very difficult for anyone. Exploring things,
having high salary, meeting new friends, and having new experiences from the other
countries are nice and fulfilling but all of that includes loneliness, homesickness and anxiety
of being away from your family. So I respect all of the OFW’s from our country because
their experiences are not easy and they endure all of their loneliness just to give their family
a better and comfortable life.

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