Control Commissioning: Series

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GKL Series Control System

Commissioning Manual


1. Cnn Top CowrRoL Bonno K L-02)........
(G ............................. 3
2. Coururnr¡o Bonno (GK ...........4
3. COP ExrrrusoN BoARD (GK L-07)........ ..........6


1. Pnneurrens¡o BESETBEF0RE lNSpEcroN RuN............... ............................8

2. MoroR INmAL ANGLE Tulrrue (Orvlv roR GEARLESS MncHrnr) .......................8
3. GEARED Moron (AsvrucHRoNous Moron) AorusrMENr.............. ................ i,3
4. lrusprsno¡r RUNNING: ...........15
5. HosrwAy PARAMETER LEARNTNG: ................. 15
6. CoMFoRTADJUSTMENT ,........L7



APPENDTX n PARAMETERS........... ....................25

DOORANDCAR DOOR........ ...........45
GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

l. GKL Series lntegrated Controller Model & Specifications

Model description of GKL Series lntegrated Controller is shown as figure L(take 22KW closed type
controller as example).
G T L - 40 22 V1.0

::3 tt

I L- Controller Model
v1.0: BL6-u
J Max motor capacity
O2:2.2KW 03:3.7KW 05:5.5KW

Voltage level 07r 7.5KW 11: 11KW 15: 15KW

20:220Y 40:380V
18:18.5KW 22:22KW 37:37KW
FTGURE 1 GKL SER|ES Co¡¡rRottrn MoDEL ur,sLrul,nrrt ¡rrAexAlvl

ll. GK L-01 Series lntegrated Controller Main Board Terminals

GK L-01 series control circuit port definition and function shown in Chart2.1
CHART 2.1 CoinRol Cmcur PoRT DEHNmoNS A¡,¡o Fuucrlou
lnterface Tech Spec
Port Terminal
Location Def¡nition Usage Rated Onloff Max
No. Symbol
Type Capacity Time Speed

x25 J1-1 Spare

x24 Jt-2 Spare
x23 J 1-3 Re-levelíng sensor input
x22 Jt-4 Re-leveling condition input
x21. J1-5 Heat sensor ¡nput opt DC24V
tt lnput 10mS 100H2
x20 J1-6 Parking input coupler 7mA
x19 JL-7 Right brake feedback input
x18 J1-8 Emergency leveling running input
xr7 i1-9 Brake contactor feedback input
x16 JL-10 Running contactor input
x15 J2-1 Left brake feedback input
xL4 J2-2 Door inter-lock input
x13 )2-3 Emergency stop input
xr2 J2-4 Fireman input opt DC24V
t2 lnput 10mS 100H2
x11 J2-5 SC contactor feedback , coupler 7mA
x10 J2-6 Down-leveling input
X9 J2-7 Up-leveling input
X8 J2-8 Bottom terminal 1 input

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GKL Series Control System Commissíoning Manual


lnterface Tech Spec

Port No Location Definition Usage
Symbol Rated On/off Max
Type Capaci§ Time Speed

x7 J3-1 Top terminal 1 input

X5 t3-2 Down limit input
x5 J3-3 Up limit input
X4 i3-4 Bottom terminal 2 input opt DC24V
J3 lnput L0mS 100H2
X3 J3-5 Top terminal 2 input coupler 7mA
x2 J3-6 Down running ínput
xL )3-7 Up running ¡nput
XO J3-8 lnspection input
coMl J4-1. Y0-Y1 common term¡nal
YO J4-2 Re-leveling control output
Y1 l4-3 F¡reman output
coM2 J4-4 Y2-Y5 common terminal
Y2 J4-5 Door open 2 control output DC 10430V
)4 Output Relay 5/1OmS 20cpm
Y3 J4-6 Door close 2 control output AC 1OA25OV

Y4 l4-7 Door open 1 control output

Y5 J+8 Door close 1 control output
COM4 J+9 Y10 common terminal
Y10 J4-tO Cut main contactor output
COM5 J5-1 Y11 common terminal
Y11 J5-2 UPS power cut output
J5-5 DC 10A30V
J5 Output Relay 5/10mS 20cpm
coM3 J5-6 Y6-Y9 common terminal AC 1OA25OV

Y6 J5-7 Brake economy resistor output

Y7 J5-8 Brake control output
Y8 J5-9 SC contactor control output
Y9 J5-10 Running contactor control output
+24Y J6-1 lnput power supply
Power Power DC 24V 10A
GND IN J6-2 lnput Ground
AGO IN J6-3 Analog input lnput Analog -10V"+10V
Power Power
GND IN J6-4 lnput Ground
ground ground
J5 OL J6-5 HOP/COP communications - COMM
CAN 80mA 25KH
OH J6-6 HOP/COP communications+ I nterface
Duplex/Group control
1L J6-l
communications - COMM
CAN 80mA 25KH
Duplex/Group control nterface
1H J6-8
x30- )7-1 Door inter-lock input -/Spare -
X31+ 7-2 Spare +
)7 X30+ l-) Door inter-lock input + 10mS 100H2
x29- 7-4 Emergency stop input-
X29+ J7-5 Emergency stop input+

Note: DIP switch definition: all 4 bits are set to OFF in normal state, and other states are factory reservation.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

lll. Other Control Boards Supporting Main Control Board

1. Car Top Control Board (GK t-02)

1.1 Outside Drawing and lnstall Dimensions

*i* i


1.2 Port Definition and Descriptions

Terminal lnterf,ace Tech Spec

Port No. Location Definition Usage
Symbol lnterface Type lated Capaci§
24V J1-1 24V lnput Power
GND J1.-2 24V Input Ground Supply &
CANL J1.-4 CAN Bus L on
CMM J2-t lnput Common Terminal
KMVl J2-2 Open Limit 1 lnput
GMVl J2-3 Close Limit 1 lnput
Light Curtain 1./
KABl J2-4
Safe Touch Plate 1 lnput
LSBl J2-5 Safe Touch Plate 1 lnput
t2 lnput Opt coupler 8mA
KMV2 )2-6 Open Limit 2 lnput
GMV2 J2-7 Close Limit 2 lnput
*Light Curtain 2/
KAB2 J2-8
Safe Touch Plate 2 lnput
LSB2 J2-9 Safe Touch Plate 2 lnput
az J2-10 Light-load lnput
BZ J3-1 Half-load lnput
MZ J3-2 Full-load lnput
J3 CZ J3-3 Over-load lnput lnput Opt coupler 8mA
BYOI J3-4 Spare lnput 0
BYlI J3-5 Spare lnput 1
RT. J4-! RS485 Communication RT-
SJT-150 Loac RS485
RT+ J4-2 RS485 Communication RT+
24V J4-3 24V
KMOl. J4-5 Open Outout 1
GMOl J4-6 Close Output L
QGMOl J4-7 Forced Close Output 1 DCz4V
Output Opt coupler
KMO2 J4-8 Open Output 2 10-2OmA
GMO2 J4-9 Close Output 2
QGMO2 J4-10 Forced Close Output 2

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual


Interface Tech Spec

Port No. Location Definition Usage
Symbol lnterface Type lated Capacit!

J+5 to J4-10 Output Common

coM J5-1
BYOOA J5-2 Spare Output 0 A DC24V
Output Opt coupler
ByoOb J5-3 Spare Output 0 B 10-20mA
BLU J5-4 Up Arrival Gong Output
BLD J5-5 Down Arrival Gong Output
J5-4 to J5-5 Arrival Gong Output
Common Terminal DC5A24V
ZMA J5-7 Light Control Output A
Output Relay
ZMB J5-8 Light Control Output B
BYOlA i5-9 Spare Output 1 A
BYOlB J5-10 Spare Output L B

PDO J6-1 )arallel Voice Announcer Port D0

PD1 )6-2 )arallel Voice Announcer Port D1

PD2 J6-3 )arallel Voice Announcer Port D2

PD3 JG4 )arallel Voice Announcer Port D3

)arallel Voice Announcer Port D4 Output oc
PD4 J6-5 1O-2OmA
PD5 J6-6 )arallel Voice Announcer Port D5

PD6 J6-7 )arallel Voice Announcer Port D6

PD7 J6-8 )arallel Voice Announcer Port D7


24V J6-10 24V
J7 Female D-type 9 Pins Main Command Board lnterface Main Command Board lnterface
l8 Female D-§pe 9 Pins Sub-command Board lnterface Sub-command Board lnterface
sw1.1 SW1.2 iet the function of sub command board
A/ithout sub-command board or normal
;ub-command board
iub-command board is through door
;ub-command board
ON ON :ouch Sensitive COP in Car
P Program Port
JC Jumper for testing

Note: * For a site with light curta¡n as well as safe touch plates, use J2-4 and j2-8 as light curtain input,
and use J2-5 and J2-9 as the safe touch plates input.

2. Command Board (GK L-03)

2.1 Outside Drawing and lnstall Dimensions

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

GK L.Oit
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2.2 Port Definition and Descriptions
Terminal ln'terface Tech Spec
Port No. Location Definition Usage
Symbol lnterface Tvpe Rated Caoacitv
Car Top Control Female D-type 9
Board Port Pin s
J2-L Open Button Answer Current-lim iting
Open Button oc
J2-2 24V resistance 560 Q
)2 lnput and
J2-3 24V resistor voltage
J2-4 Open Button lnput divider
J3-1 Close Button Answer Cu rre nt-lim itin g
Close Button OC
J3-2 24V resistance 560 Q
J3 lnput and
J3-3 24V resistor voltage
J3-4 Close Button lnput divider
J4-'J. Jpen Keep Button Answet Open Keep Current-limiting
J4-2 24V lutton lnput anc resistance 560 Q
J4-3 24V resistor voltage
J4-4 Open Keep Button lnput ) divider
CMM J5-L lnput Common Terminal
ZHS J5-2 Attendant Direct Up
J5 lnput OC 8mA
ZHX J5-3 Attendant Direct Down
szH J5-4 Attendant-drive lnput
CMM J6-1 lnput Common Terminal
SZY t6-2 User (VlP) lnput
SZS i6-3 Bypass lnput
lnput Opt coupler 8mA
sxF J6-4 Fireman lnput
BYIO J7-1 Spare lnput 0
BYIl J7-2 Spare lnput 1
BYOO Jt-3 Spare Output 0
BYOl. J7-4 Spare Output 1 Output Opt coupler
J8 czD J8-L Overload Output

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

CHARr 3.2 PoRr DEFrNlloN AND DEscRtproNs (CoNf D)

Terminal lnterface Tech Spec

Port No. Locat¡on Definition Usage
Svmbol lnterface Tvpe Rated CapaciW
24V J8-2 +24V
J7-3, J7-4, J8-1 Output
J8 COM J&3
Common Terminal

24V J9-7,2 +24V Power Supply lnput

5V J9-3,4 +5V Power Supply lnput Car Call
J9 OV J9-5,6 0V Power Supply lnput Cascaded
J9-7*L2 Data Signal Lines Extension

J9-13,14 NC
Nn-1 Answer Output Car Call lnput :urrent-limit¡ng
Nn-2 24V and Answer 'esistance 560 O
Nn-3 24V Output of Floor 'es¡stor voltage
Nn-4 Car Call lnput 1to16 livider

sw.1 )ial to ON: Enable the lC Card Control Function I Oiat nlt two bits to ON: Set to Open or
sw.2 Shield the lC Card Control Function

3. COP Extension Board (GK t-07)

3.1 Outside Drawing and lnstall Dimensions


3.2 Port Definition and Descr¡pt¡ons

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual


lnterface Tech Spec

Port Terminal
Location Def¡n¡tion Usage lnterf;ace Max
No. Symbol Rated Capaci§
Type Speed

24V tL-1.,J1.-2 +24V Power Supply lnput

5V J1-3,J1.-4 +5V Power Supply lnput lascaded
:onnect Port
J1 OV Jr.-5,J1-6 0V Power Supply lnput
vith Former
J1.-7'J1,-12 Data Signal Lines ]oard
J1-13,JL-t4 NC

t2 Same to J1 lonnect Port
Mith Next Board
JEn-1 Answer Output )C24V 20mA
lar Call lnput OC SurrentJimiting
JEn -2 +24Y lnd Answer 'esistance 560 Q
24V )utput of Floor
JEn -3 +24Y opt
li+1 to 8i+8 DC24V 6mA 50Hz
JEn -4 Car Call lnput coupler
Note i is the location of current extension board in all cascaded boards.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

lV. GKL Series Control System Single Lift Commissioning Process

1. Parameters to Be Set Before lnspection Run


Parameter List Setup Method.

Parameter Use SYLG

Name Use Non-SYLG Gearless Machine
No. Gearless Machine
0: Gearless machine; 1: Geared machine.
F5-00 Motor Type ln machine
o Fill in accordins to actual situation.
input menu, these
Poles Follow the motor nameplate
o parameters can
c F5-02 Sync Frequenry Follow the motor nameplate
o be generated
L, F5-03 Rated Power Follow the motor nameplate
I automatically,
F5-04 Rated Speed Follow the motor nameplate
refer to the
E Fs-08 Motor rated current Follow the motor nameplate
o ¡nstructions
F8-00 Encoder PPR Base on site cond¡t¡on
following for
PG card type (0: lncremental encoder,
F8-02 PG card Type detail.
1: Sine/Cosine encoder)
F1-00 Car Speed Base on site condition
c F1-01 Motor Speed Motor speed at elevator rated speed (calculated)
't, F5-09 No-Load Current
Only for geared machine; no need to set for gearless machine .

c Normally set as 25%-40% of rated current-

uo Only for asynchronous machine; no need to set synchronous
o machine .Setting according to actual situation. Calculation
tr method: Rated Slip = rated frequency -(rated speed *
F5-10 Rated Slip
o poles/60).e.g.: The motor rated slip is50-(1440+2/60)
o =2Hz.,when motor frequency ¡s 50H2, rated speed is 1440rmp,
t! and motor type is four-pole motor.
Select according to the motor installation direction in actual
CL F6-03 DirSel (direction select) situation, Select motor running direction
5 (0/1: Motor rotates anti- clockwise, car move down/up).
g Load Compensation: 1 enable; 0 Unable. lf use incremental
F9-11 Load Comp Enable encoder set this to 1; if use 1387 encoder at no-weighing
= mode, set this to 0.

i'ict¡: -1. iar¡ni*t€rs i-nusi 5* sa,¿*tj *ít*{ tera:irg ü**r#ti*i1; *th*rrr,.is* l** *:iy,í*al v;:¡it¡*,¡¿iii l:* *v*r} aft*r
r*r§*. *ff.
Z. uiliny, $Ylü g**lii:ss 1?3iht11t,tltt c*ly t:,1*rrt;¡li,1r¿ *í tt*c*in* {1t**tdz* **::t:t- á{{: i?{}d{:a ?.n*
*;{\r*4*r **{ary}*t*i, *r¡* "il rc,a\;:a r*¿chin+ üa{atr,*Zsrr t*ü *e ii}a**4 *ttt.*t{1?}tité.11,;.

2. Motor lnitial Angle Tuning (Only for Gearless Machine)

For machines which has not attached steel rope and was no load, please follow section 2.1" Motor
lnitial Angle Tuning w¡th No Load". For mach¡nes attached with steel rope and have load, please
follow section 2.2 "Motor lnitial Angle Tuning with Load".

(Above two angle-tuning modes can achieve the same effect. Please choose one of them accord¡ng to
the actual situation.)

2.1 Motor ln¡t¡al Angle Tuning with No Load

PJease set PG type F8-02 correctly, set AutoTuneModeSel FC-13 to 0 before perform motor initial
tuning w¡th no load (not attach steel ropes).3 prerequisites are needed before tuning:

1) Ensure the gearless motor (traction machine) has no load (DO NOf atach steel ropes);

2) Connect runn¡ng contactor output Y9 (J5-10) to COM3 (J5-6) to make it close;

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&^l el G de Pq fd'q.
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¿-^ G ,^-,ü, . J" r,al, zo^ A s^€*<u craÁ
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")a tq G.--cl* ,4 üt] -'/o) o cat^'5(Jst¡
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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

. .":1.: ,. ,l :i. . i: r. f,.rf

" .

:: : I .: . ll: :' .,-,: {,-: . :1, lN:

.-.: ;
a 1,:. x1..! iú i r?, ! 1 rj 1..'1;j; ::,,: a a :.,,. - .!.t ! 1- | :1 .

3) Connect brake contactor output Y7(J5-8) to COM3 (J5-6) to release the brake;

Perform motor initial angle tuning with operator following procedures shown as below:

) AngleTune (X0)
Para Tune (X1)

F¡cunr4,l MoroR INITIAL TUNTNc wrru No LoAD (Do xor arrecu srcnI, norrs) sxrror
?út*tr:: *,*t*lí** *rlg,e t*rú*g fi# l#,i€*r *lsZtrrz6zsí**xn xx*x*cr *"¡p*"
After pressing "Enter", tuning starts. First, motor rotates to a firm position, then it rotates
forward (facing to driving shaft, anticlockwise rotation is forward direction) in a constant speed,
rotation speed and time depends on the pole number and Initial position, it stops after maximum
one round rotation, then it rotates to one position and remains for 2 s again, motor stops and
indicates success. The whole tuning procedure lasts less than 20s.

CHARr 4.zMoroR INmAL ANGLE RorATtoN TuNtNG FAuLr Llsr (wrHour lolo)
Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution
Controller error
Check error code refer to 'Appendix IV
An error occurs in The control has an error
RFlOO Drive Fault" and solve the error, then run
Controller, and the tune already.
auto tuning.
cannot be performed
Wrong machine parameters or
Given voltage amplitude encoder parameters; Check the poles of machine and encoder
limited. The difference between parameters;
In the course of tune, the estimated machine parameters Reduce the value of F5-08 (Rated
given voltage up to the and actual machine parameters Current), as the tune has completed, set
limit, the feedback current are too large; back the initial value of F5-08;
cannot meet the lowest The KW of controller ls not suit Check the KW of controller and machine,
need, and unable to meet the KW of machine.( the kw of if they are not matched, refer to the
the tune requirement. machine is much smaller than second point to resolve.
the kw of controller)
Wrong machine parameters or
encoder parameters; Check the poles of machine and encoder
Output current beyond
The difference between parameters;
est¡mated machine parameters Enhance the value of F5-08 (Rated
ln the course of tune,
and actual machine parameters Current), as the tune has completed, set
Rt227 controller detected the
are too large; back the initial value of F5-08;
output current up to the
The KW of controller is not su¡t Check the KW of controller and machine,
limit, stop the output, and
the KW of machine.( the kw of if they are not matched, refer to the
showed error code
machine is much smaller than second point to resolve.
the kw of controller)
ESC input
ESC button on operator is
ln the course of tune, ESC
RF228 pressed and the tune is Tune was break off. Try to tune again.
input is effective, and the
tune is canceled.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

CHART 4.2MoroR lNrTlAt ANGLE RorATroN TUNTNG Faulr Lrsr (wtrHour LoAD) (CoNr'o)

Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution
Zero speed waiting
ln the course of tune, as
1. Motor with load;
the rotor positioning, 1. Make sure motor has no load;
RF229 2. Encoder feedback wrong
feedback speed keeps not 2. Eliminate encoder ínterference;
zero for long time, and
positioning cannot be
processed accurately.
1. Make sure motor three-phase
Current detection error
1. Load side open/phase lost; connect¡on correct;
ln the course of tune,
2. Motor three-phase 2. Make sure motor parameter input
RF23O feedback current was
unbalanced; correct.
detected beyond the
3. Rated current set error. 3. Make sure the kw of controller is
lower limit
matched to machine
1. Encoder CD signal wíring
Encoder C D signal error.
error; 1. Check wiring for CD signal;
ln the course of tune, C D
2. Encoder signal interference 2. Eliminate encoder signal interference
feedback locations are
RF231 3. Motor/Encoder parameter 3. Check motor/encoder parameter.
detected abnormally, and
ínput error. 4. Check the PG type match to the
the line order cannot be
4. PG card §pe doesn't match encoder or not.
to the encoder
1.. Check encoder A,B signal connection
and eliminate encoder signal
1.. Encoder wiring fault;
Motor does not rotate 2. Make sure motor has no load & brake
2. Motor has load or brake
ln the course of tune, the release.
close, or mechanical block
RF232 controller cannot drive 3. Check the poles of machine and
3.the difference between
the motor rotating encoder parameters;
motor and controller ¡s too
normally. 4. Check the KW of motor and controller,
reduce the rated current F5-08, and set
back to ¡n¡tial value of F5-08 after tune
Motor rotates in reverse
ln the course of tune, the l.Adjust motor/encoder phase
Motor phase sequences not
RF233 rotating direction of sequence;
match encoder.
machine is opposite to 2.Exchange A-,A+ or B-,8+ signal
the drive direction
1. No detection of R pulse
signal; 1. Check wiring for R pulse signal;
Encoder R pulse signal
2. Encoder signal interference 2. Eliminate encoder signal interference;
3. Motor/Encoder parameter 3. Check motor poles/encoder ppr
RF234 ln the course of tune, R
input error parameter;
pulse cannot be detected
4. ln the course of tune, the 4. Output disconnect/brake close in auto
for long time.
rotat¡ng of rotor has been tun¡ng process.

Notel: The descriptions above just for Sine/Cosine Encoder;

Note2: For incremental encoder; RF231 correspond¡ng to encoder UVW signals,RF234 corresponding
to encoder Z signal; the two solutions are the same; other faults completely consistent.

2.2 Motor lnitial Angle Tuning with Load

This tuning can be carried out with steel rope attached, but please make sure the following
procedures are f¡nished correctly before tuning:
1)Wiring In control cab¡net is completely correct, and system is in inspection state;

2)Set running parameter(FL),motor parameter(F5),encoder parameter(F8) correctly;

3| §:ai4 tzt*r.fuarzsratr taulrx i* fu*isL:**»g *r* *iivxixat*rll

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Correctly set PG type F8-02 on digital operator, set tunlng method parameter(FC-13) to "1"(default
setting is 1 in GKL Series lntegrated Controller), perform motor initialangle tuning based on following
procedures shown below:

F¡cunr 4.2 MoroR rN¡TrAL TUN¡NG wrrH LoAo (armcH srrEr, nonEs) sxrrcn
After pressing "Enter", tuning starts. When digital operator indicates "running" , press jog up or down
button , running contactor (KDY) closes, motor will vibrate a little and give a noise, the duration
depends on motor rated power and rated current, but no longer than 5s, this is static tuning
period.(Motor keep still in this procedure.);(Make sure jog up or down button is pressed constantly,
DO NOT release the button during this period.)Motor will then start and run in inspection speed, jog
up or down, until digital operator indicates success, this is test running period. Finally, release the jog
up or down button and finish the tuning procedure.

Some notices in Motor initial Angle tuning with load (attach steel ropes):
1)To ensure safety, during tuning process, people are not allowed to stay in cary'hoistwayt

2) Left the car in the middle location of hoistway, remain the running spaces of up and down,
press up or down button, and the running direction can be achieved by current car

3)The whole tuning process can be divided into two periods: static tuning and motor test
run make sure there is no gap between two steps. lf no fauJt occurs, before digital
operator indicates success, press the up or down button constantly; l{N*,*p* fxxii *r *vr*r
v't,*'rr,' I I.

4) lf car running direction is opposite to inspection run button, correct this through FG03.
0: traction sheaves counterclockwise rotation & car run down; 1: traction sheaves
clockwise rotation & car run up (facing to traction sheaves).Set according to actual

CHART4.3 MoroR rNtTlAL ANGLE TUNTNG wrrH loao (arracx srEEL RopEs ERROR CODE:

Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution
Controller error
An error occurs in
Check error code refer to 'Appendix N
RFlOO The control has an error already. Drive Fault" and solve the error, then
Controller, and the tune
run auto tuning.
cannot be performed
Given voltage Wrong machine parameters or
Check the poles of machine and
amplitude limited. encoder parameters;
encoder parameters;
ln the course oftune, The difference between est¡mated
Reduce the value of F5-08 (Rated
the given voltage up to machine parameters and actual
Current), as the tune has completed, set
RS226 the limit, the feedback machine parameters are too large;
back the in¡tial value of F5-08;
current cannot rneet The KW of controller is not su¡t the
Check the KW of controller and
the lowest need, and KW of machine.( the kw of machine
machine, if they are not matched, refer
unable to meet the is much smaller than the kw of
to the second point to resolve.
tune requ¡rement. controller)

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

CHART4.3 MoroR tNrrAL ANGLE ruNlNG wtrH LoAD (ArrAcH srEEL RopEs) ERRoR coDE (Corur, o)
Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution
Wrong machine parameters or
Output current beyond Check the poles of machine and
encoder parameters;
limit encoder parameters;
The difference between estimated
Inthe course of tune, Enhance the value of F5-08 (Rated
machine parameters and actual
controller detected the Current), as the tune has completed, set
RF227 machine parameters are too large;
output current up to back the initial value of F5-08;
The KW of controller is not suit the
the limit, stop the Check the KW of controller and
KW of machine.(the kw of machine
output, and showed machine, if they are not matched, refer
is much smaller than the kw of
error code to the second point to resolve.
ln the course of tune, release the up
ESC input
or down button to cancel the tune Tune was break off. Need to tune aga¡n.
ln the course of tune,
actively. Do not forcibly run the moto6 and the
RF228 ESC input is effective,
ln the course oftune, controller motor has lost control risk.
and the tune is
error occurs and the tune is Check the elevator logic fault to
canceled automatically.
Zero speed waiting
ln the course of tune, as
L. Brakes of motor are not close or
the rotor positioning,
braking force is insufficient; 1. Make sure brakes closed;
RF229 feedback speed keeps
2. Bad wiring of encoder or encoder 2. Eliminate encoder interference;
not zero for long time,
signal interference.
and pos¡t¡oning cannot
be processed
1. Load side open/phase lost;
Current detection error 1. Make sure motor three-phase
2. Machine three-phase unbalanced
ln the course of tune, connection correct;
or rated current set error.
feedback current was 2. Make suré motor parameter input
RF230 3. The KW of controller is not suit
detected beyond the correct.
the KW of machine.( the kw of
lower limig and not 3. Make sure the kw of controller is
machine is much smaller than the
meet the tune requires. matched to machine
kw of controller)
Encoder CD signal error
ln the course of tune, 1. Check the encoder CD signal wiring;
1. Encoder CD signal analysis error;
the CDfeedback 2. Eliminate encoder signal interference;
2. Motor/controller parameter input
RF231 locatlons were detected 3. Check motor/encoder parameter
abnormally, and the CD input and PG type is matched to
3. PG card type set error.
sequence order cannot encoder actually.
1. Motor brake is not close or
Motor ¡s not held still L. Make sure the motor brake is close.
braking force is not enough.
RF237 2. Check the encoder A,B signal wiring;
2. Encoder wiring is not good or
Eliminate encoder signal interference;
encoder signal is interfered.
Detection current is too
1. Motor rated current is not
ln the course of initial 1. Check motor rated current and rated
matched to the actual's;
location tune, the power parameter;
RF238 2. The connection between motor
output current detected 2. Make sure the motor is connected
and controller is incorrect. maybe
is beyond the lower with controller correctly.
limit, and cannot meet
the tune require.
1. Check the encoder R & A,B signal.
wiring; Eliminate encoder signal
Encoder R signal error
interference; normally;
The running time of 1. lnterference exist in R pulse or AB
2. Check the inspection car speed is too
RF239 tune is more than 10 signal wiring is incorrect.
low or not, which doesn't meet the
seconds and the R pulse 2. lnspection speed is set too low.
basic requirement rotor makes a round
has been not detected.
in L0 seconds.
3. Make sure motor runnine well.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual


Definítion Possible Causes Possible Solution
Motor needs to rotate 1 circle after
As the start of tuning
locating initial position in stationary
with load, speed
auto tuning. While rotating, if speed L. Check sin/cos encoder feedback
difference (between
RF252 was gave, but feedback speed was signals;
given speed and
zero, and the duration of keeping in 2. Check power cable phase orders.
feedback speed) is too
this status exceeds the protect-time,
it will prompt error.
Notel: The description above just for Sin/Cos Encoder;
Note2: For lncremental Encoder, RF231 correspond¡ng to encoder UVW signals, RF234 & RF239
corresponding to encoder Z signal; solution in the same way; other faults are completely cons¡stent.

3. Geared Motor (Asynchronous Motor) Adjustment

Asynchronous motor has no need to do the angle tuning. But compared with synchronous (gearless)
motor, No-Load Current (F5-9) and Rated Slip (f5-10) should be adjusted. The parameters and
information below should be confirmed as well(parameters below are different with synchronous
Display Content Range Parameter setting requirements
Set motor type
Motor 0:sync- outer rotor(gearless),
F5-00 0-2 7
Type 1:async machine (geared),
2 :svnc-inner rotor(searléss)
Fill in according to actual motor
F5-01 Poles Motor poles (Nameplate) 1-99
Motor synchronous frequency Fill in according to actual motor
F5-02 Sync Freq 0.001-50
lNameolate) parulmeters
Rated Fill in according to actual motor
F5-O3 Motor rated power (Nameplate) 1-50
Power oarameters
Rated Fill in according to actual motor
F5-()4 Motor rated speed (Nameplate) 1-1999
Speed parameters
Fill in according to actual motor
F5-08 Rated FLA Motor rated current. (Nameplate) 0"99.999
Fill in according to 30% rated current,
adjustable in 20% to 4O%;
No-Load For asynchronous machine, lf rated current is set too small, motor
F5-09 0.1-50
Current no-load excitation current. will run with howling sound; lf set too
large, fluctuation feeling will be obvious
in steadv soeed oeriod.
Rated Slip=rated freq.-(Rated Speed X
pole pairs/60)
lf rated Slip is set too small, motor speed
For asynchronous machine rated could not keep pace during
F5-10 Rated Slip 0.1-10
slip. (Nameplate) acceleration-OE fault.
lf set too large, motor could not keep
pace with acceleration Ref in steady
period or indicate overcurrent fault.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual


Para No. Display Content Range Parameter setting range

Typically, Encoder PPR is L024.Specific
The encoder pulse count
F8-00 Encoder PPR 100-8192 modifícation according to actual
PG card §pe PG type is 0: lncremental encoder.
F8-02 PG Type (0: lncremental encoder, o/1 Short JA, JB short blocks on PG card if
1: Sine/Cosine encoder) choose to use 12V encoder.


Para No. Display Content Range Parameter sett¡ng requirements

Speed loop proportional gain. Default value is 1000.No need to modify
F6-04 Kp (Valid for complete curve if not typically. lt can be adjusted in increments
used in multiple Pl.) of 100 when debugeing.
Speed loop integral gain. (Valid Default value is 600.No need io modify
F6-05 KI for the cornplete curve if not typically. lt can be adjusted ¡n ¡ncrements
used in multiple Pl.) of 100 when debugging.


Factory Live
Para No. Display Content Range Unit
Settine Chans
Tme interval between brake releasing and giving
running speed. Th¡s parameter is used to improve
F2-00 the comfortable sensation at the po¡nt of start, 0.00-9.99 1.00 s
ON Time
and adapt to the brake open duration of kinds of
traction machine.
Time interval between brakes close and pulling
out the drive, which can ensure the system cancel
the drive output after the brakes close completely
F2-01 OFF 0.00-9.99 1.00 s
and avoid controller to cancel the block torque
too earlier as the door open, the elevator slips
and get bad stop comfort.
Brake is not close at zero speed when stops at
inspection running .Brake close immediately with
running speed exísts after canceling jog up/down
¡nput. Keep¡ng torque output t¡me is too long ¡n
some asynchronous traction machine control
F2-O2 Brake 0.00-9.99 0.9 s
situation will cause drive output overcurrent
protection. Appropriately reduce this parameter
value can avoid thie. lnsp Brake Time should be
set to 0.8-1.5s /0.1"03 in sync control/async
Brake ON Time (F2-00):After system output open brake(Y7), brake contactor and brake arm feedback (if
set F1-31to L),wait brake ON time (F2-00),then give running speed. Brake ON Time (F2-00) has two
functions:1. Brake open fully in this waiting time to avoid running speed exists when brake open. 2.
Tractor may turn under the action of load after open brake. Let tractor sheave stable at zero speed and
then start speed to get a better start comfort. According to brake situation, Brake ON Time should be
set to 0.8-1.5s /0.3-0.5 in sync control/async control.
Brake OFF Time {F2-01): When closing starts, brakes cannot hold traction sheave immediately due to
freewheeling and demagnetization. Outputtorque has been kept In this period of time. Remove
F2-01 internal direction enable and cancel torque output after this time. This paramete:. can prevent car slip
caused by brake lag when car stopping. According to brake situation, Brake OFF Time should be set to
0.8-1.5s /0.3-0.5 for sync or async machine.
lnsp Brake Time (F2-02): Brake is not close at zero speed when stops at inspection running .Brake close
immediately with running speed exists after canceling jog up/down input- Keeping torque output time
F2-O2 is too long in some asynchronous traction machine control situation will cause drive output overcurrent
protection. Appropriately reduce this parameter value can avoid this. lnsp Brake Time should be set to
0.8-1.5s /0.1-03 in sync control/async control.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual


Display Content Range Parameter seüing requirements
As motor speed is less than this Set to L circle for gearless
value, system considers elevator machíne;
F1-16 Zero Speed 0-10
speed as zero and will output Set to 5 circles for geared
brake closing signal. machine.

Warning: Most of asynchronous motor (geared machine) use incremental encoder which works at
L2V vohage.

4. lnspection Running:

4.1 Something to check before inspection runn¡ng:

(L) Safety circuit and door interlock circuit work normal, ** t4*7 §h*{a **{}{ i*t*rtr*ak t\{t:t}ítl
(2) After power on, l{}T erierg**iy stt,!} t*nt}d.?ar i',^ t¡ntrai r¡hi','*t, *bllY| r.1r¡* lt1t;t:rlütk .r:riatlfr: r
l{**fl p*,*er ta{}tlr.l.{}r *{* tl*s*#, check if the controller works normal and parameter setting is
correct or not, in LCD indicator, elevator state is'it4§F".
l3l t**nartthe furake !*t e*n?r*l tebire*t pr*p*rly,
4.2 lnspection Tuning
lf car running direction is opposite to inspection run button, correct it by F6-03. 0: traction sheaves
counterclockwise rotation & car run down; 1: traction sheaves clockwise rotation & car run up. Set
according to actual situation.
When the conditions for inspection running in machine room are satisfied, press the Jog Up/Down
button on the control cabinet, elevator will run up/down at the set speed.

5. Hoistway Parameter Learning:


Para No. Name Setup Method

F0-00 Total Floor Set total floor number based on actual site condition.
5.1 Perform Hoistway Parameter Learning with Hand Operator
Hoistway parameter self-learning means elevator runs at a self-learning speed and measures every
floor height and record the position of every switch in the hoistway. As the floor position is the
foundation for elevator normal running, braking and floor display, before normal running, *r*ír?w;*y
p*i**?t?*t€r s*ll^l*,*rr$rzg r*uEt b* pe#*rrn*e*. i3***r* *xi*lut*a,g p#rffiffi#1l**r s*1í-l*arnitzg, irtsp**ti*r'l
rurnlng ix tu\l tríp rfiti${ h* p*r{*rmx* \*#i üE*ver.*r ¡'*-*t b* i¡k¡l* \rp rr*+r ar*rmally, lr*ru2 b**xyr,
fir¡"*i* ts t*p lirxit.
Hoistway parameter self-learning procedure is as follows:

lLl *ea4* el;{* *f*\t&tü{ m*xts ?It* ***áizi*** írtr **tx|y riil"rfiirx g,

(21Make sure all the switches in hoistway are installed and connected correctly, traveling
cable and hoistway cable are connected correctly, and finish sett¡ng the HOP/display
(3) Elevator in inspection mode, jog elevator down to the bottom limit (bottom limit is
(4) Enter elevator hoistway self-learning menu through digital operator, follow the
learning procedures shown below in Figure 4.3

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Floor: 5
To DownLimit

l- Hoisl*rr Le'rm I TH-i"t,rav L"--" I l- H"¡.trrry L"r.l

| *,n'* I I .,"** I I
lFloor:1 llFloor:6 llFloor:6
rnn or I


(5) fhe results of learning can be seen from hoistway position parameter U0-00-U0-69
under monitor menu with unit of meter, please check the switches position after
hoistway learning.
(6) ln self-learning process, if control system detects any abnormal phenomenon,
self-learning will be terminated and give fault code, please refer to troubleshooting table,
find out the reason and solve it accordingly, then start hoistway parameter self-learning
i'.1*t;*'. Wh** *l*p:, anly wrt** LC* in*ir;t*i s**,*;s "tutr*st" *r *igilai ar'xair{,
t+:1f-1*arrii*g pri;{.irs
le il-learning ',,; s:fuiiy.
tryrrtplt:i.r¡.4 *urce
After hoistway parameter self-learning is completed successfully, normal speed running can be
carried out. Procedure as follows:
(1) Switch elevator to attendant mode (Manual)
(2) ln floor selection parameter DO through digital operator, target floor can be set. Then
it is possible to perform single floor traveling, double floor traveling, muhi-floor traveling
and full trip traveling test. ln DL parameter interface, input door open / close instruction to
control the door.
(3) Make sure elevator can start, accelerate, decelerate to zero spéed, and leveling well.
**?*:1§ x*rz*;rxal, El*axx r**tk t*y pererfi*g*r$ 5*tt4{z&.
5.2 Hoistway Parameter Learning Fault Diagnosis

Error Code Definition Possible Solution

Press "ESC" to exit learning, check fault record shown in chart

LER=0 System running error
LER=1 Pulse input phase reverse Exchange phase-A and phase-B of encoder.
Bottom terminal 1 switch installat¡on error, causing multiple
Bottom terminal l switch input
terminal switch input or bottom terminal L switch signal
shake. Check related switches.
Bottom terminal 2 switch enable before bottom terminal 1
Bottom terminal 1 switch signal lost
LER=3 switch or bottom terminal 1 switch signal lost. Check related
(elevator >2.0m/s)
Bottom terminal 2 switch signal Bottom terminal 2 switch installation error, causing multiple
LER=4 repeat. terminal switch input or bottom terminal 2 switch signal
(elevator >2.Om/s) shake. Check related switches.
Bottom terminal 2 switch signal lost Top terminal 2 switch enable before bottom terminal 2 switch
(elevator >2.0m/s) or bottom terminal 2 switch signal lost.
Top terminal 2 switch signal repeat.
Top terminal 2 switch installation error, causing multiple
LER=6 terminal switch input or top terminal 2 switch signal shake.
(elevator >2.0m/s)
Check related switches.
Top terminal 2 swítch signal lost Top terminal 1 switch enable before top terminal 2 switch or
(elevator >2.Om/s) top terminal 2 switch signal lost.
Top terminal 1 switch enable before bottom terminal 1 switch
LER=9 Bottom terminal 1 switch signal lost
or bottom terminal 1 swítch signal lost.
Top terminal 1 switch installation error, causing multiple
LER=10 Top terminal l switch signal repeat terminal switch input or top terminal 1 switch signal shake.
Check related switches.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual


Top limit switch enable before top terminal 1" switch or top
LER=11 Top terminal l switch signal lost
terminal 1 switch signal lost.
Check total floor number match actual floor number.
LER=12 Total floor setting error
Check leveling inductor plates on every floor.
Two leveling inductors cannot trigger Leveling inductor plate on this floor cannot cover both
toeether inductors or missing one leveling inductors.
Press "ESC" in the middle of hoistway
LER=15 Cancel the learning by pressing "ESC".
parameter learning process.
Wiring of two switches is parallel connection by mistake, or
LER=17 Up/Down leveling switch enable at
bottom limit switch is installed close to 1st floor leveling
same time
LER=18 Hoistway data saving error A Please contact supplier at once.

Both leveling switch signal enable

together when arrive at top limit Move up top limit switch.
LER=20 Bottom lim¡t switch too high Lower the bottom limit switch.

When elevator reaches top limit

LER=21 switch, bottom terminal 1/2 switch is Check the switches pos¡tion and their wirings.

LER=22 When elevator start from bottom limit

Check the switches position and the¡r wirings.
switch, top terminal 1/2 switch is valíd.
LER=23 No feedback pulse after learning start Check the wiring of PG card.

LER=24 Up and down door zone sensors are Check the location of up and down door zone sensors,
installed reverse. exchange whose wirings.

N*t*i §Vstett\ ir*s ? t*p e** ?. b#tt*,ffr ?errctinal sw*itt**§ {*r *lst¡*lrsr §?*** >3."*{t1ͧ

5. Comfort Adjustment

6.1 Start Stage Comfort Adiustment with Load Detection Device

There are 3 types of load detection devices available for GKL series integrated controlJer:
1. Blue-light CAN BUS weigh¡ng device;
2. -10V to +10V simulated signal output load detection device;
3.0-L0V simulated signal output load detection device.
Parameter F9-13 can be used to choose the load detection device.
Before adjust¡ng elevator start-up stage comfort level with load detection device, first make sure the
load detection dev¡ce has been tuned and it can respond the correct cabin load situat¡on.
Adjustment method:
1) With cabin no-load, adjust F9-00 till car does not slip at empty load condition: When car
has no load and brake open, lf counter-weight goes down, then increase F9-00. Otherwise
if car goes down then decrease F9-00. Normally F9-00 is set from 45% to 7O%.
2l Adjust F9-19 & F9-20: When elevator balance coord¡nator is 45%, if F5-03=0, then set F9-19
& F9-20 to - (50-45) = -5. lf F6-03=1, then set F9-19 & F9-20 to (50-45) =5.
3) After empty load adjustment, if full load condition is different, then adjust F9-2L: When car
has full load and brake open, if counter-weight goes down, then decrease F9-21. Otherwise
if car goes down then increase F9-21.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Out Torque=Rate T x

I Weighing

50% + F9-19with symbot
F9-20 number

F9-00 x F9-21
Torque=Rate T x F9-00 x F9-21


Good comfort level could be achieved with adjustment shown above.
6.2 Start Stage Comfort Adjustment without Load Detection Device
6.2.1 Start without Load Compensation for Sine/Cosine PG Card
With Sine/Cosine PG card, it is possible to start without load compensation with well comfort, if FA
group parameters were setup properly. (lt means elevator can reach the same effect of load
compensation even without load detection device.)
(1) Note for starting w¡thout load compensation:

a) PG card type, F8-02 is set to "1" (Sine/Cosine PG card).

b) Disablethe load compensation. Confirms F9-11 is setto "0", which means load
compensation is disabled. Then, FA group parameters can make effect.
(2) Adjustment method for elevator starting without load compensat¡on:
a) Principles: As can be seen in figure below, when brake open, based on the position
feedback from Sine/Cosine PG card, system can calculates the necessary torque required
for motor to remain the steady position under current load, and it gives corresponded
torque at once to minimize the traction sheave movement and to achieve comfortable
sta rt.

Position Keeping FA-11 Torque Output
No Load

Speed Feedback

FA-o7 Position Feedback

Frcuns4.5 Ft owcHnnr pon ELEvAToR sTARTTNG wrrHour LoAD coMpENsATroN

b) Parameters: Parameters related to function can be seen below in table below.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual


Parameters Factory Fast Brake Slow Brake

No. Settins Recommendation Recommendation
FA.O1 StratKl 750 KEEP KEEP
FA -08 PLKPl 2500 3300 2s00
FA -09 PLTime 900 704 KEEP
F2-00 Brake ON Time 0.5 0.9 1
F9-00 Max Torq Comp 0 KEEP KEEP
F9-11 Load Comp Enable 7 0 0

c) Adjustment method:
Main parameters used are FA-08, FA-09 and FA-11.
FA-09: This parameter is the working time for starting without load compensation after
brake opens, it must be set according to the actual brake opening time, if the time is too
short, elevator will slip as this action will be over before brake fully opened; Also the
value of F2-00 (brake opening time before running) must be 100ms longer than the value
of FA-09, so that this action can finish before speed curve start.
FA-08 and FA-11: Two gain parameters for the starting without load compensation action,
these two parameters can be adjusted according to the elevator slipping condition and
comfort level, if the slipping is too much please increase the value of FA-08; if the tract¡on
machine gets vibration, please reduce this value; during the period of torque keeping, if
there is slight slipping or small back-and-forth movement on traction sheave, please
increase the value of FA-11, if there is vibration, please reduce this value.
(The period oftorque keeping means keep zero speed duration before speed curve start,
after release brake.)
1) During commissioning, besides the mentioned 3 parameters, other FA group
parameters can be kept with factory setting.
z) The setting value of above parameters is just for reference, as the PG card is not same in
different job side; please adjust above parameters based on site condition.
3l F9-00 is the pre-set torque when the starting without load compensation function is
enabled. Generally there is no need to change its value, please keep it with factory
setting (0).
6.2.2 Start without Load Compensation for lncremental PG Card
With incremental PG card, it is possible to start without load compensation with well comfoñ, if F9
and FA group parameters were setup properly. (lt means elevator can reach the same effect of load
compensation even without load detection device.)
(1) Note for start¡ng without load compensation:
a) PG card type, F8-02 is set to "0" (incremental PG card: PG-V6 or PG_V6X).
b) Disable the load compensation. Confirms F9-11 is set to "0", which means load
compensation is disabled.
(2) Adjustment method for elevator starting without load compensation:
a) Principles: As shown in figure below, when brakes open; based on the position feedback
from incremental PG card, system can calculates the necessary torque required for motor
to remain the steady position under current load, and it gives corresponded torque at once
to minimize the traction sheave movement and to achieve good comfort in the course
sta rting.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Speed Keeping lnput Torque Output

Speed Feedback

Position Keeping lnput FA-o9
No Load

Position Feedback
F¡cuRr4.6 FrowcHART FoR ELEvAToR srARTtNc wrrHour LoAD coMpENsATroN
b) Parameters: Parameters related to function can be seen below in table below.

Parameters Factory Fast Brake Slow Brake

No. Settine Recommendation Recommendation
FA -09 PLTime 900 700 KEEP
F2-00 Brake ON Time 0.5 0.9 1
F9-00 Max Torq Comp 0 10-30 10-30
F9-11 Load Comp Enable 0 0 0
FA.O4 ZeroKeepKP 1000 KEEP KEEP
FA-o5 ZeroKeepKl 600 KEEP KEEP

c)Adjustment method:
Main parameters used are FA-OO, FA-09, FA-04 and FA-05.
FA-09: This parameter is the working time for starting without load compensation after
brake opens, it must be set according to the actual brake opening time, if the time is too
short, elevator will slip as this action will be over before brake fully opened; Also the
value of F2-00 (brake opening time before running) must be 100ms longer than the value
of FA-09, so that this action can finish before speed curve start.
F9-00: lnspection run the elevator; check the slipped condition of traction wheel. Enlarge
the value will restrain the slip, but too much adjustment will cause an overcompensation,
and lead to slip back. So this value should be adjusted cording to the actual condition.
FA-04 and FA-05: Speed loop Pl used in start section without load compensation.
6.3 Comfort Adjustment of Elevator with Normal Seed:
5.3.1 Adjustment for Start/Brake Speed curve.
Elevator running speed curve is shown below.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

úii{cli @

g.ata r¿lt¡i¿

§P*¿'i *¡ v*n

l'1 dirsdt¡fi¡ lorn *ñ{ tinrÉ lq ¿ta€irr*imt¡¡rá * §1áli$g

t g &ectio¡r *e*ping tí')r§ I d dceÉler¡t¡on tinle ¡t brakil}g
ll xlmcedfarsfs, brsie r*tel§* I I **e r!¡ca+ +f rrmir¡ñ§l
I s *uafunÜt*ñcSG.oatar* §pesd


Note: When elevator operat¡on efficiency is ensured, adjust the 5 parameters of curve slope
appropriately to obta¡n best elevator operat¡on curve when debugging in the actual situat¡on.
To get the best comfort, integrated controller must control the motor and make feedback speed
strictly following the change of running curve.
Proportional gain on the speed circle F6-04 and integral gain F5-05 or F7-O5*F7-12 for Pl section
parameters also influence the motor tracking ability to speed curve. Generally, increasing the
proportion gain will improve the reaction of the system and promote the tracking speed. However, if
proportion gain is set too big, it will cause system vibration with high frequency and large motor
noise. lncreasing integral gain can improve the system anti-interference/tracking ability and improve
the leveling precision, but set integral ga¡n too big will make system vibration, speed over adjustment
and wave vibration.
Generally, it is recommended to first adjust proportion gain, increase it right before system vibration
threshold. Then adjust the integral gain, enable system with quick reaction and no over adjustment.


Type Recommend Value

Proportional 1000
lntegral 600

Speed loop proportional/integral can be adjusted in 50 increments. lf systern performance is not

perfect at start or stop period (low speed period), try to control ¡n multi-section Pl. Refer to
description section of specific section in instruction for detailed method.
6.3.2 Leveling Precision Adjustment
Leveling precision adjustment should be performed after comfort level adjustment is satisfied.
1. Basic Requirements for Elevator Leveling
Make sure the leveling switches and leveling inductor plates are installed in the right position.
(1) Leveling inductor plates' length on every floor must be same.
(21 Leveling inductor plates must be installed vertically.
(3) The position of leveling inductor plates should be precise. When elevator is at the leveling
position, the center of the plate and center of two inductors should m atch together (refer
to appendix IIl), otherwise elevator leveling will have deflection, which means in up or
down running, elevator stops higher or lower than leveling position.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

(4) lf magnetic inductors are adopted, please make sure the inductor plates inserting to the
inductor sufficiently, otherwise it will influence the reaction time of inductor, in that way
elevator will overruns the leveling position.
(5) fo ensure precise leveling, system require elevator to crawl for a certain distance before
(6) ln practice, first make adjustment for a middle floor, until leveling is precise. Then, adjust
the other floors on the base of these parameters.
After adjusting curve selection, ratio and integral gain in the above context, please make sure every
time elevator runs up or down, when stop at middle floor, its leveling positions are the same(or
deflection l+2-3mm every time).
2. Leveling Parameter Adjustment
lf elevator still cannot achieve desired leveling condition with above adjustment, further adjustments
can be done by parameters. After elevator stops in normal running, if running speed curve has no
problem (for example, no sudden stop or overrun beyond leveling zone), if elevator overruns the
leveling position (it stops higher in up-running, lower in down-running), please decrease leveling
adjustment parameter F1-17 (default:50) . if elevator cannot reach the leveling position(it stops
lower in up running, higher in down running), increase leveling adjustment parameter F1-17,
generally the range of this parameter is 40-50, if the adjustment is too big, please adjust driving
parameter Pl, or the shape of speed curve (FL-10-F1-15).
W*r*ingt \€ th* 1*v*lir*g yr*r"i*x*rz *$ a rwaS*ríl.¡ *§ §\**rx a{a rir g***, y*u sfu*ulá {árstl"¡ aúj*,*Z
**v*ni*g We{ew3*tav t* nz*** rx*ps* *§ ln:*m }*wel** , axú z?*** *fi**t. t** §*ag *€ *pe*i§ir. ****.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

V. GLK Series lntegrated Controller Terminal Wiring Diagram

DC Reactor
rl - Resistor

3-phaselnput R -/-¿

11(V Emergency Stop lnput

l1(V Door lnter-lock lnput

l1fJr' Spare lnput

J*íi Fire

J45 Door open 2 Output'

J{6 Door close 2 control Output'
Dor open 1 control output '
J48 Door close I control output'
tffiffii - Y5 Public *

Brake *onomic rEistor conlrol

50 KFX control
contetor control output
sensor Jl-3

24V s-1
24Y Powet(
rnput (
Simulation lnput


Note: For all terminals with "*", except X5, are not needed in the "simple wiring solution". Detail
can be seen ¡n Appendix l.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Appendix I GKt Series lntegrated Controller Simple Wiring Solution

For integrated Controller GKL-01 main board logic program wlth version 7001 or above support the
function of "Simple wiring solution". The detailed description of the function and setting method are
as folJows:
1. without limit signals mode
When F4-07-02 is set to "ON", up/down limit signal will not be used, this saves 2 hoistway cables.
lnstead, the up iimit signal is generated with up terminal/down door zone signal valid + up door zone
signal invalid; the down limit signal is generated with down terminal/up door zone signal valid +
down door zone signal invalid.
2. Open/Close on COP controlled by CAN Bus
For integrated Controller main board logic program with version 7001 or above together with
812000-CZB-V10 COP can support CAN BUS control COP open/close door. ln this way the open/ close
door signal in the hoistway cable {total S wires) can be reduced.
BL2O00-CZB-VL0 Serial control Door Setup:
)'). J2 J3 JD
YES YES YES No with coP
First use jumper 3,2,1- & D to setup the COP function, after COP buzzer ring twice, it enters
function setup. Door open 1 button shows the condition of this function: Button light on means serial
control door function is enable, button light off means this function is disabled; press the button to
switch these 2 conditions. After setup, change the jumper, the set value will flash 3 times, buzzer will
ring 3 times, means COP setup is restored and quit function setup mode.

After enabled serial control door function, door open relay 1,2 & door close relay use the same
public terminal (J11-6), J11-5 is door close relay output, J11-9 is door open 1 relay output, J11-10 is
door open 2 relay output. Y2-Y5 relay on main board still output the door open/close signal and
can be used to monitor the door condition when command go through cAN BUs.
3. Fireman and Parking Status Controlled by Serial Bus
lntegrated controller and LoP CAN communication can add electric lock and fire signal. Together with
812000-HAH-M1.1, FR2000-HAH-V9 & 812000-HAH-89 ¡t could allow CAN BUS to control electric lock
and fire mode and save 2 cables in the hoistway.
To enable this function, short DS jumper on LOp.
Note: Only 1 LOP for one elevator can short jumper DS and set as electric lock/fire service input. lf
parking floor and fire floor are different, please connect a wire from this LOP to the other floor.
BY0-3 24V Public BY0-4 Spare lnput 0
BY1-3 24V Public BY1-4 Spare lnput 1
Default: spare input 0 as electric lock input, spare input L as fire service mode input.
Parameters need to set on lntegrated controller:
F4-O7-O3 set "On" to enable CAN BUS electric lock function.
F4-O7-O4 set "On" to reverse CAN BUS electric lock enable type.
F4-O7-O5 set "On" to enable CAN BUS fire service function.
F4-O7-OG set "On" to reverse CAN BUS fire service enable type.
Note: After CAN BUs fire signal is enabled, its original terminal on the main board (x12) is still valid,
both signals could enable elevator fire-service mode.
Note: When controller enables CAN BUS electric lock/fire service function but without LOp or LOp
did not connect jumper DS or communication break, etevator cannot enter lock/fire-seryice mode.

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GKL Series Control System

Appendix ll Parameters

UO Parameters
Para Ref
Display Content Unit
No. Pase
The location of bottom limit in hoistway. Data will be
u0-00 Lower Lim¡t m
recorded after finishing hoistway learning
The location of top limit in hoistway. Data will be
u0-01 Upper Limit m
recorded after finishíng hoistway learning.
Location of bottom terminal switch L in hoistway. Data
u0-02 Lower Slowdown 1 m
will be recorded after finishing hoistway learning
Location of bottom terminal switch 2 in hoistway. Data
u0-03 Lower Slowdown 2 m
will be recorded after finishing hoistway learnins
Location of top terminal switch 1 in hoistway. Data will
u0-o4 Upper Slowdown 1 m
be recorded after finishing hoistwav learnins
Location of top terminal switch 2 in hoistway. Data w¡ll
u0-05 Upper Slowdown 2 m
be recorded after finishing hoistwav learnine
The location of floor 1-64 switches in hoistway. Data will
Floor Data 1...64 m
be recorded after finishing hoistway learning

Ul-U5 Monitoring Parameters

Para Ref
Display Content Unit
No. Page
Controller input data show in decimal type. lt will be
u1-00 lnput Data turned into binary type to show the logical status of the
input port.
u1{1 lnput Bin
lnput port data show inbinary type .Each data
correspond to logical status of one input port.
Each line correspond to one input port, "On/Off" states
the current port status, the following "n" value states the
u1-02 lnput App signal appraisal to input level. Value from "1O" to ,,0,,
refers to interference condition from good (less
interference) to bad (large interference)
Display the output port Y0-Y15 current status. The valid
u2-00 Output Data output port has the corresponded indication. port
without output (invalid) will be hidden.
Display car input signal status. The valid input port has
u3-00 Car lnput Data the corresponded indication. Port without input (invalid)
will be hidden.
Show the elevator accumulated running times. Adopts
u4-oo Run Times Times
10 digital decimal figures as indication
Show the elevator accumulated running hour. Adopts 10
u4-01 Run Hours Hour
dígital decimal figures as indication.
Signal send appraisal for Duplex and group control. Large
u4-04 SendAppL
number means com send more mistakes.
for Duplex and group control.
Signal receive appraisal
u4-05 ReceiveApp2 Large number means communication receive more
Appraise the value of interference strength at site. The
u4-06 lnterfer Apprais big value refers to strong interference,"0" states no
interference and good GND cond¡tion.
The interference degree of encoder signal. When
u4-07 Encoder Apprais elevator runs steady, large value states the encoder
signal weak with heavy interference.
u4-09 Lock Timer The current elevator stop timer

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

U1-U5 Parameters
Display Content Unit Ref Page
Show the elevator control software information.
u5-00 CtrlSoftWare NO Prov¡de the current software version for factory
maintenance and software upgrading.
Show the drive control software information. provide
u5-01 DriveCodeVer the current software version for factory maintenance
and software upgrading.
Show base drive control software information.
u5-02 CpldEdition Provide the current software version for factory
maintenance and software upgrading.
U3-00 Cabin Content & Definition
Cabin sienal Symbol signal Cabin terminal No. Content
c00 IGMl. )3-4 door close 1 input
c01 IKMl )2-4 door open 1 input
c02 IGM2 J5-4 door close 2 input
c03 IKM2 J4-4 door open 2 input
C(M GMV2 i10-6 door close limit 2 input
c05 KMV2 J10-5 door open limit 2 input
c05 GMVl J9-3 door close limit 1 input
co7 KMVl. J9-2 door open limit 1 input
c08 szY J10-1 Special Use lnput
c09 IGMYS J6-4 door open delav input
c10 SZH J9-10 Attendant input
c11 Empty (for Backup use)
ct2 SZS JLO-z Bypass drive input
c13 MZ J9-6 Full-load input

U3{0 Cabin Signal Content & Definition

Cabin sienal Symbol signal Cabin terminal No. Content
c14 QZ J9-8 Light-load input
c15 cz J9-5 Over-load input
cl6 KZ GO%) J9-9 50% Full-load (NoJoad) input
c77 KAB2 J9-7 Door safety plate 2
cl8 KABl. J9-4 Door safety plate 1

U6 Drive Monitoring Parameters List

PareNo. Display Content Unit

u6-00 Power Rated power class KW
u6-01 Ref Speed Reference Speed RPM
u6-02 Feedback Speed Feedback Speed RPM
u6-03 Load The current load in % of full load
U6-M DC Voltage DC BUS voltase
u6-05 Output Current Output Current A
u6-06 Temperature Drive internal temperature C
u6-07 Output Torque Output Torque NM

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Parameters List
Para Factory Live
Display Coñtent Range Unit
No. Sett¡ns Chanse
Total floor number (same as door zone
F0-00 Total Floor
plate number) 2'64 6 N

Without landing/car call elevator will 1-

F0-01 Homing Floor 1 N
return this floor.. Total Floor
At fire-linkage circuit close, elevator enter
F0-02 Fire Floor fire mode and return to this floor 1 N
Total Floor
When close electric lock in the process of
F0-03 Parking Floor running, elevator return to this floor and 1 N
Total Floor
F0-04 VIP Floor VIP floor setup 1 N
Total Floor
F0-05 1
Set lndication Set indication L-64, custom¡zed
t-64 characterfigure display available
F0-68 64

Parameters List
Factory Live
Para No. Display Content Range Unit
S€ttins Chanee
Elevator speed at motor rated speed.
Calculate through motor rated rev,
F1-00 Car Speed 0-4.0 r.6 mls N
traction ratio, deceleration rat¡o and
traction sheave diameter.
Motor speed at elevator rated speed
F1-O1 Motor Speed 1-9999 1450 RPM N
Car running speed at inspect¡on cannot
F1-03 lnsp Speed exceed 0.6m/s based onrelevant 0-0.6 0.3 m/s
standards and regulations
For large resistance at motor start, the
starting speed can have smooth
F1-04 Start Speed o'o.2 0.00 mls
increase. The start smooth speed is
invalid if set to "0".
When elevator park outside door zone
due to fault, if satisfy running condition,
F1-05 Leveling Speed 0.3 m/s
the elevator can level to door zone with
this speed.

F1-06 Least Speed

Steady speed on the lowest speed
0-1.0 0.5 mls N
Open Door Car speed when elevator open door in
F7-O7 0-0.3 0.15 mls N
Soeed advance is allowed.
The speed limit for re{eveling. lf speed
F1-08 Relevelst Speed
exceeds such value inre-leveling
0-0.3 0.3 m/s N
process, the re-leveling will stop with
fl03 protections.
F1-09 Elevator running speed at re-leveling. 0-0.10 0.05 mls N
81 refers to the acceleration speed
curve changing rate, smaller value ,2
F1-10 Acceleration 81. 0.1-1.0 o.7 m/s N
means elevator start with smooth and
sentle increase of speed.
82 refers to the deceleration speed
Deceleration curve changing rate, smaller value
0.1-1.0 o.7 m/s' N
82 means elevator brake with smooth and
gentle decrease of speed.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

P1: Acceleration speed increase rate at

FL-t,z S Curve P].

beginning of elevator start; smaller ,1
0.1-1.0 0.6 m/s N
value means beginning of elevator start
with slow and steady movement.
P2: Acceleration speed decrease rate at
end of elevator start; smaller value
F1-13 S Curve P2 0.1-1.0 0.6 m/s3 N
means end of elevator start with slow
and steady movement.
P3: Deceleration speed increase rate at
beginning of elevator brake; smaller
F1.L4 S Curve P3 0.1-1.0 0.6 m/s' N
value means beginning of elevator
brake with slow and steady movement..
P4: Deceleration speed decrease rate at
end of elevator brake; smaller value ,3
F1-15 S Curve P4 0.1-1.0 0.6 m/s N
means end of elevator brake with slow
and steady movement.
Motor speed less than set value, system
F1-16 Zero Speed considers elevator speed as zero and 0-10 7 RPM
output brake sígnal.
Ft-17 Leveline Adi Adiust differences of up/down levelins 0-100 50 mm N
tlormally used in synchronous machine
;ystem, compensate elevator load based
F1-18 Load Adj 0-20 0
)n steel rope weight difference on each
Selection of driving mode ,when sett¡ng
"1", attendant/VlP mode close door
FT-2L Drive Mode manually; when setting "3", elevator 0-9 0 N
automatically do test run ,other value is
Setup rear door mode, based on
F1-22 Two Door Mode customer requirements, set from 0-5 0 N
mode"0" to"5".
Three Fire modes:
1.Mode"O": Elevator run fire-mode
after return¡ng to fire floor;
2.Mode "1"; Elevator stop running after
Ft-23 Fire Mode o*2 0 N
returning to fire floor;
3. Mode "2"'. Aiter elevator return to
fire floo¡ depend on fire swítch to
run/stop in fire mode.
Set 'YES" in duplex enable. Set elevator
Ft-24 Parallel No. number 0-1 in duplex; 0-7 in group o-7 0 N
Elevator duplex control:
Ft-25 Twins Control 011 0
1: On O:OFF
Elevator group control:
F1-26 Group Control 011 0
1:ON 0:OFF
Remote Monitoring System:
Ft-27 Far Monitor o/t 0
L:On 0:Off
Auto parking:
F1-28 Auto Parking ol1 0
1:ON 0:OFF
Load Weighing:
Ft-29 Load Enable o/7 0
1:ON 0: OFF
Open Delay Door open/close delay:
F1-30 o/7 0
Able 1:ON 0:OFF
Test brake feedback signal:
F1-31 Brake Feedback o/1 0
L: open 2: close
tt-32 Rerun Password Password to release elevator stop. 0-9999 0 N

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GKL Series Control System Commissíoning Manual

Time Setup Parameters Líst

Para Factory Live

Display Content Range Unit Chan
Setting ge
Brake open first then run elevator speed
curve. This is to improve the elevator start 0.00-9.9
F2-00 Brake ON Tíme 0.50 s
comfort and match control system with 9
different machine brake on time.
Brake close first then disable elevator run.
Fz-Ot Brake OFF Time This is to improve elevator stop comfort 0.00-9.9
0.50 s
and avoid slip at elevator stoo.
The time delay in ínspection mode before 0.00-9.9
f2-o2 lnsp Brake Time 0.05 s
brake close. 9
The time delay when system detects
elevator stop" Adjust th¡s parameter to
Zero Time 0-9.99 0.30 s
close brake after elevator reach 0 speed
completely, increase elevator stop comfort.
ln Auto mode, elevator automatically open
F2-05 Open Door Tirne door when stopping at one floor; door will 0-999 3 s
automatically close after set time.
Enable door open delay function, press
F2-06 Open Delay Time open delay button, door open time will be 0-999 30 s
The waiting time before elevator return to
F2-07 Homing Time homing floor without landing/car call, Set 0-999 60 s
value to "0" to disable this function,
L. The door open/close command run
2. Door open/close relay run time for door
F2-08 Door Run Time drive without open/close limit switch. 0-999 5 s
3. For door drive with open/close limit
switch, this run time should be 1s longer
than the door actual open/close time.
After elevator change speed to target floor,
landing signal is delayed by set time, arrival 0.00-9.9
F2-O9 Beep Delay Time
gong /voice synthesizers are also delayed 0.15 s
by set time.
Drive enable signal given/drop is delayed
by.set time after drive direction signal is
F2-10 Enable Delay given/drop. During this time, drive output 0.00-9.9
0 s
current is decreased to reduce current
ln Auto mode, if have no carllanding call
F2-71 Lamp Off Time during set time, system will cut car light 0-999 15 mrn
power from COP.
To prevent wire rope slipp¡ng or elevator
car stuck, time from elevator running to
stop is l¡mited to set value. lf elevator is
F2-t2 Over Time running longer than set value, system stops 0-999 45 s
immediately and enter protection mode.
Need to re-start the system ¡n order to exit
from such mode.
F2-L3 SmoothStart Time The time to keep elevator start smooth. 0.00-9.9
0 s

F2-14 System will automatically start the elevator

Start Time Hour:
t2-L5 (Electric lock: ON) at set t¡me. 00:00
System will automatically stop the elevator 00:00
Stop Time (Electric lock: OFF) at set t¡me. This 0O:00
F2-17 minute
function is disabled if same start/stop t¡me. 23:59

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Time Setup Parameters List

Para Factory Live
Display Content Range Unit
No. Seüine Chanee
Fz-tA 00:00
System will automatically start the elevator Hour:
Start Timel 00;00
F2-t9 (Electric lock: ON) at set time- minute
System will automatically stop the elevator 00:00
t2-20 Hour:
Stop Timel (Electric lock: OFF) at set time. Thís 00:00
F2-2t minute
function is disabled if same start/stop time. 23:59

Note: The elevator automatic sw¡tch: F2-1,4, F2-L5 F2-16, F2-t7 were set separately as per hours and
mínutes. Please follow the operator indication for this setting.
lnput Type Setup Parameters List
Para Factory Live
Display Content Range
No. Settine Change
Setting the input type on main control panel.
Each bit corresponds to one terminal. Set 0-
F3-00 lnput Type 3974102631 N
default level of main board input port. 42Y967295
ON: Close enable, OFF: Open enable.
Setting the input type of cabin. Each bit
F3-01 Car Input Type corresponds to one terminal.
4294573839 N
ON: Close enable, OFF: Open enable.
F3-02 lnput select 1 X19 lnput Function Selection o-32 19 N
F3-03 lnput select 2 X22 lnput Function Selection 0-32 22 N
F3-04 lnput select 3 X23 lnput Funct¡on Selection o'32 23 N
F3-05 lnput select 4 X24 lnput Function Selection 0-32 24 N
F3-O6 lnput select 5 X25 lnput Function Selection o-32 25 N
F3-O7 output select 1 Y0 Output Function Selection 0-32 0 N
F3-08 output select 2 Y11 Output Function Selection 0-32 11 N
F3-09 output select 3 Backup Output Function Selection 0-32 12 N
Note: When using X22 and X23 as multifunctional input port, please make sure the re-leveling device is NOf used.
Service Setup Parameters List

Display Content
No. Range Factory Setting
F4-O0 Set Stop FloorL
Set elevator stop/bypass at floor 0-
corresponds to each bit. (1-32 floors) 4294967295
F¡t-o1 Set Stop Floor2
Set elevator stop/bypass at floor 0-
corresponds to each bit. (33-64floors) 4294967295
Set elevator stop/bypass at floor
F4-O2 TIM Stop Floorl corresponds to each bit at the set time. 0-
(1-32 ñoors) 4294967295

Set elevator stop/bypass at floor

F4-03 TIM Stop Floor2 corresponds to each bit at the set t¡me.
(33-64 floor) 4294967295

Set elevator front door enable /disable at

F4-O4 Door Select A1 floor corresponds to each bit (ON/OFF:
0" 429496729s(t-
4294967295 32 floor )
Front door enable /disable at this floor)
Set elevator rear door enable /disable at
F4-05 Door Select 81 floor corresponds to each bit (ON/OFF: 0- 4294967295(t*
4294967295 32 floor)
Rear door enable /disable at this floor)
Set elevator functions enable /disable at
F4-O6 Funtion Select floor corresponds to each bit. 0-
(ON: Enable, OFF: Disable)

Set elevator functions enable /disable at

F4-O7 Function Select 2 floor corresponds to each bit.
(ON: Enable, OFF: Disable)

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Special Function List

Number lnstruction
After elevator stops, based on current floor, if there is no landing/car call ahead of the
current floor in previous running direction, system will cancel all the car calls.
While ER14 occurs, levels the car first to evacuate passengers on the nearest floor in the
first place then return to the base floor.
ON: Disable ER29 fault;
OFF: lf communication interference is severe then report ER29 fault.
ON: Two elevators in duplex control and not in service, when the same floor has both
F4-06-04 up/down landing call registered, both elevator serve this call.
OFF: Only one elevator serve this call.
ON: Elevator disable cabin overload signal, this is used in elevator t25% load test. OFF:
Overload signal enable.
ON: When the elevator cannot open door in current floor (Open Door fault in controller), it
will automatically go to the next floor and open door.
ON: Floor number display change after elevator enter landing zone;
OFF: Floor number display change after elevator change speed;
ON: When elevator stops in inspection mode, brake will close after receiving zero speed
signalsto reduce impact.
ON: Elevator can cancel registered car call while running (lf all registered call canceled,
elevator stop in nearby floor)
F4-06-10 Only for internal test. Remain the default OFF state.
F4-06-11 lgnore the X13 signal,treat X29 as emergent-stop safty circu¡t.
Define the X30 as the hall-door safe circuit and the X31 as the car-door safe circuít.\n OFF:
The hall-door and the car-door are connected together in series to X30.
F4-06-13 lgnore the X14 signal,treat X30 as door safty circuit.
ON: Enable elevator function for disabled people.
OFF: Disable elevator function for disabled people.
ON: ln Fire mode when elevator leaves fire floor then disable fire linkage output, when
elevator return to fire floor then restore fire linkage output.
ON: When door lock is closed, door close limit must be valid too.
OFF: Door lock state is not related to door close limit.
oN: when elevator stops in inspection mode, inverter direction given and brake are
released together.
OFF: When elevator stops in inspection mode, inverter d¡rection given drop is 0.5s later
than brake close.
ON: ln two-door mode, elevator only installs one set of door open& close buttons.
OFF: ln two-door mode, elevator installs two sets of door open & close buttons.
ON: Enable re-levelling with door open function (Need to use SJT-ZPC-V2 re-levelling
F4-06-19 control board)
with door open function
OFF: Disable re-levelling
ON: Enable door open in advance function (Need to use SJT-ZPC-V2 re-levelling control
F4-06-20 board)
OFF: Qisable door open in advance function
ON: ln inspection mode, door cannot open outside levelling zone.
OFF: In inspection mode, door can open at any position.
ON: 3-phase 380V 50Hz power supply (with back-up generator)
OFF: Battery power supply (disable DC-BUS under voltage fault)
ON: Use SJT-300 weighing device through CAN BUS
OFF: Use SJT-150 weighing device through RS485
ON: secondary-terminal switch is adopted for elevator speed <2m/s (it is generally used in
F4-06-24 1,.75m/s elevator for two steps forced deceleration.)
OFF: Secondary-terminal switch is not adopted for elevator speed below 2m/s.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Sp¡crnl FuNcnoN Lrsr (Coru.|, o)

Number lnstruction
ON: ln inspection mode door open/close switch in car is invalid;
OFF: ln inspection mode door open/close switch in car is valid;
ON: passengers can input more than three car calls in light-load mode ;
OFF: passengers cannot input more than three car calls in light-load mode ;
F4-06-27 Reserved.
oN: use light curtains/safety plates separately, the attendant up/down input terminal is
F4-06-28 used as front/rear door safety plates input.
OFF: Light curtains and sqfety plates have serial connection (Blue-light default Setting)
oN: Motor operation & internal sc contactor are used separately, X11 as lnternal sc
contactor feedback terminal, Y8 as lnternal SC contactor output control (See wiring diagram
for detail)
OFF: Operation contactor has internal short-circuit function (Blue-lieht default Settines)
oN: lntegrated controller LED has reverse display. This is used for roomless elevator
F4-06-30 cabinet (where control board is placed reversely)
OFF: lntegrated controller LED has normal display. (Default Settings)
oN: shield the action of back door by special press button in car at any time.(For IECS
*F4-06-31 version)
Reserved.(For no IECS version)
oN: when ARD function is active, system will open brake for 1s (when sliding
speed >0.1m/s, brake will close again), lt will then find the heavy load direction based on
the sliding direction, use battery to land the cabin on heavy load direction and reduce
leveling energy cost.

ON: Enable elevator data recorder. Together with pC debugging software,
after-sales/service team can provide fault diagnosis
oN: Disable top/bottom limit signal, use another mechanism to detect limit signal:
F4-07-02 a. Top terminal/down door zone valid + up door zone invalid = Top limit
b. Bottom terminal/up door zone valid + down door zone invalid = bottom limit
F4-07-03 ON: Enable serial connected electric lock
F4-07-O4 ON: Take negative for serial connected electric lock
F4-07-05 ON: Enable serial connected fire-linkage signal
ru-a7-06 ON: Take negative for serial connected fire-linkage signal
ON: Enforce the hitting ceiling and touching ground protection. lf car speed inside leveling
zone is still faster than rescue speed, then the car will be forced to stop in leveling zone by
leveling zone correction.
OFF: Running according to default tuning position curve.
ON: Main board X25 input is used as over load signal input.
OFF: X25 is used as standby input.
ON: Main board X24 input is used as full load signal input.
OFF:X24 is used as standby ¡nput.
Note: When brake feedback is enabled, X19 is right brake feedback switch. When brake
feedback function is dlsabled, below function is valid.
ON: Main board input is used as líght load input signal.
OFF: X19 is standby input.
Using the unintended car movement protection device (UCMp) or not.
*F4-07-11 ON: yes, Y11 will output signal to act safety brake. (For IECS version)
ON: Disable the car arrival-gong to avoid disturbing during 22:00 pm to7: 00 am.
ON: ln Auto (normal) mode, car stops three times answering car call without light-curtain
action, the car call reg¡stration will be cleared.
ON: Enable door-squeezing function to avoid door lock circuits open frequently in auto
running mode which is caused by door operator lacking self-locking force.
F4-07-14 Only for internal test. Default :OFF.

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GKL Series Control System Commissíoning Manual

SPEcrAL FuNcnoN Lrsr (CoN.I,D)

Number nstruct¡on

On: During self-rescue leveling in emergency and self-save levelling outside door zone,
The beeper on the COP keep alarming(the interval is 1 second)while the car is moving.
On: The elevator can run between an ultra-short floor spacing(less than 80cm & more than
ON: ln UPS running mode, elevator will arrive into leveling zone, open the door, close the
F4-07-t7 Y11 relay in 30 seconds, and cut off the UPS circuit to avoid a deep discharge of the UPS
battery pack.
F4-O7-].8 ON: The car waits at homing floor with door open.
t4-07-19 ON: ln UPS running mode, the elevator will return to homing floor directly.
ON: Enable TIM Stop Floor function.
Stop floor time setl Start time:F2-18 & 19; End time:F2-20 & 2l-
Correspondence between TIM stop floor time setl and set stop floor parameter is: F4-00
Set Stop Floor1, F4-0X Set Stop Floor2.
Stop floor time set2 Start time: F2-14&15; End time: F2-16 & 17(multiplexing start
ti me/stop ti me setting).
TIM stop floor time set 2 corresponds Set Stop Floor parameter is: F4-02 Set Stop Floorl,
F4-03 Set Stop Floor 2.
ON: With one and only one door zone signal, the elevator will still level while it turns from
F4-07-27 inspection to auto or from error to normal, or runs in ARD mode. lt will avoid that the car
door vane cannot drive the hall door when it is too short.
ON: Elevator do not output signals of arrival gong and voice announcement to avoid sound
*t4-07-22 between 10:00 pm to 7:00 am.(For IECS version)
Reserved.(For no IECS version)
*F4-07-23 Enter manually operated door control mode, without door control logic.
ON: Elevator return to homing floor to proofreading floor number when power on for the
first time.
ON: Before self-rescue, open brakes and keep the elevator at zero speed and lock the
*F4-07-25 direction of torque, then self-rescue in opposite direction basing on this torque. While this
function is enabled, the function controlled by F4-07-00 is avoided. (For IECS version)
Reserved. (For no IECS version)
ON: Enable slip protection function.
*F4-07-26 OFF: Disable slip protection function. (For IECS version)
Reserved. (For no IECS version)
ON: Enable brake force self-test function, which automatically starts at 2: 00AM or
*F4-07-27 manually starts controlled by F4-07-30. (For IECS version)
Reserved. (For no IECS version)
ON: Add a new running mode, input X14 is effective in inspection mode, and the car will
*F4-07-28 automatically park at the point 2 meters below the door zone of top floor. (For IECS
Reserved. (For no IECS version)
ON: Leveling adjustment can be adjusted in each layer; add adjustment value of 1-64 layer
in parameter groups, all the default values are 50mm.
Each time turning ON from OFF causes a brake force self-test. Normal state is ON for
*F4-07-30 avoidance. (For IECS version)
Reserved. (For no IECS version)
F4-07-31 Change communication protocol.

Note: For the function code tagged with "*", please pay attention to the difference between software
For IECS, U5-00 is LXXLTIXX;
For no IECS, U5-00 is 1XX170XX.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual


Para Factory Live

Display Content Range Unit
No. Setting Chang
Set motor type (0:sync- outer rotor, 1:async
F5-OO Motor Type o-2 0 N
machine, 2:sync-inner rotor)
F5-01 Poles Moto poles (Nameplate) 1-99 20 N
F5-02 Sync Freq Motor synchronous frequency (Nameplate) 16 Hz N
F5-03 Motor rated power (Nameplate) 1-50 6.7 KW N
F5-04 Motor rated speed (Nameplate) 1-1.999 96 RPM N
F5-05 VIN Motor counter-EMF (Nameplate) 1"380 280 N
Motor phase inductance set. (Auto-tuning/
F5-05 L_phase mH N
manual input)
Motor phase resistance set. (Auto-tuning/
F5-07 R_phase
manual input)
/ o N
F5-08 Rated FLA Motor rated current. (Nameplate) 0-99.999 A N
NO-Load For asynchronous machine, no-load
F5-09 0.L-50 0 A N
Current excitat¡on current.
For asynchronous machine rated slip.
F5-10 Rated Slip
0.1-10 1.5 HZ N

F6-00 Carrier Freq Set controller carrier frequencv. 6-15 ó kHz N

Speed Zoom (Reduce elevator actual
F5-02 SpeedZoom 0-100 100 %
runninp soeed)
Select motor running direction
F5-03 DirSel (0/1: Motor rotates anti- clockwise, car o/1 0
move down/up).
Speed loop proportional gain. (Valid for
F5-04 Kp 0-65535 1000
complete curve if not used in multiple Pl.)
Speed loop integral gain. (Valid for the
F6-05 KI 0-65535 600
complete curve if not used ¡n mult¡ple Pl.)

Mult¡ple Pl Setup Parameters List

Para Factory Live
Display Content Range Unit
No. Setting Chang
Multiple Pl parameters
F7-00 PlMulEnable
L: Enable; 0: Disable
o/t 0 N

Pl available range 1 (Start -middle 0-

F7-O7 Pl1 Range 5.0 Hz
speed running Pl switch frequency) Rated freq
Pl available range 2 (middle -high 0"
F7-O2 Pl2 Range 0 Hz
speed running Pl switch frequencv) Rated freq
F7-O4 Pl3 Range Pl available range 4 0.5 Hz
Rated freq
F7-05 Kp1 Pl available range 1 proportional gain 0-2000 1200
F7-06 Kx1 Pl available ranse 1 intesral sain 0-2000 900
F7-O7 Kp2 Pl available range 2 proportional gain 0-2000 1000
F7-08 Kx2 Pl available range 2 integral sain 0-2000 600
F7-tt Kp3 Pl available range 4 proportional sain 0-2000 600
F7-12 Kx3 Pl available ranse 4 intesral eain 0-2000 500

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Encoder Setup Parameters L¡st

PG card type
(0: lncremental encoder,
L: Síne/Cosine encoder)

Control Parameters List

Para No. Display Factory Live

Content Range Unit
Settins Chans
Maximum torque compensation (torque
F9-00 Max Torq Comp required to compensate at no load, 100% 0-100% 0 % N
correspond to machine rated torque.)
Speed given source selection:
F9-01 SPDSourceSel 0: Simulation; L: Mult¡-segment 0-3 2 N
2: lnternal; 3: Operator
Speed Devíation Set (100% correspond to
F9-03 Spderr Set 0-100 5
machine rated speed.)
Load Comp Load Compensation:
F9-11 oh 0 N
Enable 1 enable; 0 Unable

F9-13 Load Source Sel

Weighing source (O:SJT weighing,
1:-10-10V weighine, 2:0-10V weiehine)
olLl2 0 N

Up direct¡on (clockwise) Compensation
UP Comp Bias -100-100 0

DOWN Comp Down direction (anti-clockwise)
-100-100 0
Bias Compensat¡on Bias
F9-21 FULL Comp Pro Full load compensation proport¡on 0-200 100

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

No-load Compensation Setup Parameters List

Para Factory Live

Display Content Range Unit
No. Settins Chang
Start-up proportional gain withno
FA-OO StratKP 0-50000 30 N
FA-o1 StratKl Start-up integral gain with no compensation 0-50000 750 N
FA.04 ZeroKeepKP Proportional gain of zero speed keeping 0-2000 180 N
FA-o5 ZeroKeepKl lntegral gain of zero speed keeping 0-10000 550 N
FA{8 PLKPl No compensat¡on effect proportional eain L 1-6500 2500 N
FA-09 PLTime No compensat¡on effect time 1-1000 900 ms N
F4.11 PLKP2 No compensation effect proportional gain 2 0-50000 800 N
FA.I2 PLKPMOD No compensation effect proportional factor 0-s0000 L25 N

Special parameters (FC) are mapping a part of factory parameters (FX) in customer level; users can
access this part information by user level password. ln these parameters, FC-00-FC-06 can only be
viewed but not editable, while other parameters can be changed. Special parameters (FC) number,
description and content are shown below.
Special Parameters List

Factory Uve
Para No. Display Content Range
Settine Chang
FC-ü) Zpulse lnit Result of motor angle tuning, same as FX-00. 0-3277 N
Current ring proportional (FX-07), MODIFY
FC -07 Kplreg 0-65535 10000 N
Current ring integral (FX-O8), MODIFY W¡TH
FC -08 Kxlreg 0-65535 5000 N
Sine/Cosine PG card auto- tuning selection
FC-13 AutoTuneModeSel (Fx-20): o/r 1. N
0:Rotation; 1:Stationary;
Negative temperature alarm (FX-21) 1: Alarm
FC-14 N Temp Alarm Ena enable at -15"C; 0/1 1 N
0: Alarm disable at -15"C.
When using Sine/Cosine PG card, whether
need CD signal for position at power up
FC-15 lnitTuneEnable O:Yes.1:No (Can only set to 0 for SPG-V33 and o/r 0 N
above) Set to 0 can avoid electric noise at
first power up.
FCL5 is available if set to L. Set to 0 if AB &
FC-16 CD DirSel CD signal in same phase, otherwise set to 1. 0-3 0 N
(Auto selected at motor angle tuning.)

Environment Setup Parameters L¡st

Factory Live
Para No. Display Content Range
Setting Chang
A0-o0 Language Sel Language selection Chinese
A0-01 User Password lnput/Sett¡ng user level password 000000
A0-02 000000-
Factory Password lnput/setting factory level password 0000000
A0-04 Contrast Settine the LCD contrast level 0-10 5 N

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Appendix lll Elevator System Faults

Definition Possible Solution
Check the work condition of door vane and door interlock
circuit. Roller should have enough space at both side of the
Door inter-lock faults: Door inter-lock circuit open at vane. Check ER37 occurs at the same time or not- lf it do,
elevator running deal with as ER37; otherwise, it's certa¡n caused by
abnormal disconnection in door interlock circuit during
running course.
Check drive error code. Determine the possible cause of
E13 Driver faults
the fault and solve in corresponding solution .
1. Exchange phase "V" and "W" on motor
lr4 Elevator running in opposite direction with command 2. Exchange phase "A' and "8", on encoder terminal block
or change in parameter setup.
Brake open fault: System does not receive brake open
1. Check the traction machines brake detectÍon switch and
feedback signal after output brake open command:
Er5 wiring;
L. No X17lX15 and X19 feedback after YToutput 0.5/2s.
2. lf no feedback switch, should set feedback enable to OFF
2. X17 /X75/X19 enable when Y7 has no output.
During elevator running, leveling zone input signal X9,
Er6 Check leveling zone signal circuit and sensor switch
X10 is always on.
Controller receives not enough encodert pulses in the
Et7 Check the wiring irom encoder to controller.
course of elevator running.
KDY fault: Contactor KDY output is not matching
feedback signal: Check the contactor KDY coil and outputfieedback circuit
1. After Y9 output X16 no feedback in 0.4s. wiring.
2. X16 ís enabled when Y9 has no output.
Er10 Safety circuit open, input X13, X29 is invalid. Check all safety circuits.
Leveling switch signal missing: Elevator is running pass
Er11 Check the leveling switches and its wiring.
the floo¡ but there ¡s not input at X9 /X10.

Er12 Elevator pass top limit switch (X5 is invalid)

Check encoder, top limit switch including its position /
E113 Elevator pass bottom limit switch (X6 is invalid)
Check encoder, bottom limit switch including its position /
1. Check encoder wiring and related circuits;
Floor counter error from encoder deviation
2. Check the leveling switch and related circuits;
Er14 accumulation: after this error, elevator will return to
3. Possible reason: traction rope slip /door drive shake at
bottom floor in inspection speed for recalibration.
ErLT No drive output after running command. Check parameters in controller or contact supplier.
Floor number error: after this error, elevator will return
Er1"8 Check the encoder and its wiring.
to boüom floor in inspection speed for recalibration.

The deceleration distance for target floor is not 1,. Decrease "Least Speed" in user menu;make elevator
Er19 enough, elevator did not perform hoistway parameter
running curve more steep; reduce speed adjusting
learning after changing terminal switch location.
2. Do hoistway parameter learning again .
When elevator reaches top/bottom floor and get 3. lncrease the proport¡on parameter of controller;
deceleration instruction, but elevator doesn't slow Check the braking resistor specif¡cation;
down; elevator did not perform hoistway parameter 4. Make elevator running curve more smooth;
learning after changing terminal switch locat¡on. 5. Do hoistway parameter self-learning.
1. Check related parameters in controller;
Er21 Single running time is over set time 2. Check the traction rope for slip or car jam ;
3. Check value of parameter "Over Time".
Elevator has inspection signal input (X0 invalid) at
Er22 Check ínspection switch and related circu¡ts.
elevator normal running.
One of two leveling switch (X9, X10) is invalid at
Er23 Check leveling switches and wirings.
elevator normal running.

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Heat sensor protection: Braking resistor or Check heat sensor circuit. lf this error cannot reset in 90s, y10 relay on
motor is over heat (X21 invalid). controller will output KMC contactor open signal.
Door inter-Lock fault: Door inter-Lock Check door interlock contactor terminal & coil and their related
Er26 contactor working state does not match to its terminal on controller. For landing door and car door short-circuit
coil ( X14, X30 input dífferent) detection, input state of X31 should be paid attention to.
Emergency stop fault: Emergency stop
Er27 contactor working state does not match its
Check emergency stop contactor terminal & coil and their related
terminal on controller.
coil state. (X13, X29 input different)
Terminal invalid in corresponding floor. Check terminal signals. Top
Top/bottom terminal (1st or 2nd)
terminal should be installed between top floor and second top floor,
Er28 adhesions.(X7 or X8 valid when elevator
and bottom terminal should be installed between bottom floor and
outside their floor)
second bottom floor.
Check system ground condition;Eliminate interference.
Communication interference too much (ln
Check COP/LOP for possible damage which may influence CAN BUS
system or in duplex communication).
1. Run elevator in inspection mode, give door open command and
check Y4 for output signal;
2. lf Y4 has no output, need
to check door open, close limit switch and
Er30 Door open fault (car door cannot open)
related signal;
3. Be aware whether front door and rear door setting is opposite when
two-door mode is used.
Normally due to door not installed properly and short circuit door
E131 Door close fault (car door cannot close) interlock circuit. Check if door close and door interlock circuit are
output at same time.
A sudden power break may affect terminal/limit switches and cause
Er32 Floor number counting error. floor number error. Elevator will then return to bottom floor for
reca libration.
KDY fault: KDY command not match feedback signal:
Er33 Motor star short circuited contactor fault.
1. Y8 output, X11 has no feedback in 0.4s;
2. Y8 has not output, X11 is valid;
3. Y8 is canceled, X11 feedback is not canceled in 0.4s{adhesion).
External switching power supply 24V drop L. Check External switching power supply 24V connection;
fault 2. Fault prompt given if detect the external voltage is lower than 16V.

Er35 Master clock error

Main board hardware circuit working abnormal. please contact
Fault prompt given if detect the 5V voltage is lower than 4.7V. Check
E136 lnternal power supply 5V error
the ribbon cable between main board and base box.
Running contactor vibrate while brake
Er37 Check the action of running contactor and its feedback Xj.5.
Star short-c¡rcuit contactor vibrate w.hile
E138 Check the action of star short-circuits contactor and its feedback X11
brake opening
Check the brake force, adjust or change brakes in tlme. This error
Brake force detection fails or lack of brake
cannot be able to recoverable automatically, please press up and down
buüons meanwhile for 5 seconds to reset In inspection mode.
Safety protection function act. When system find the brake invalid, it
control the car creep around door zone to release passengers and then
Car slide error with door open caused by
Er40 return to top floor and brake off again, but brake still fail to close.
invalid brakes
System announces an error of brake invalid then locks itself, and this
error will not recover until reset.
Safety protection function act. When system finds the brake ¡nvalid, it
controls the car creep around door zone to release passengers and try
Unintended slide error; pay attention to
to brake off. During the creeping, the brakes successfully turn off.
System records this slide error as a warning of brake force but not
display error. You can see it in Fault Record_
The car slides and system announces error and record it to prevent
Er42 ln ARD mode, system find brake force invalid. power of UPS drop too low during creeping. Unless it may cause
unpredictable danger.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

ELEVAToR Svs¡¡vl Fnulr Lrsr (Corur'o)

Error Code Definition Possible Solut¡on

Safety protection function act, the car runs out of Remind maintenance man to solve the problem of door zone
door zone while re-leveling and caused door circuit to missing. To prevent door zone missing happens as well as
be cut off. System announces door zone missing and brake force invalid, or creeping will cause the car run out of
locks the error until reset. safety range.
Safe§ protection act, then car creeps around door zone. While
While safety protection function works, signai of up
Er44 up creeping, the sígnal from up limit(Xs) vibrated. System will
limit has vibrated-
record this error and lock the error unt¡l reset.
Safety protection act, then car creeps around door zone. While
While safe§ protection function work, signal of
down límit has víbrated.
down creeping, the signal from down limit(X6) vibrated.
System will record this error and lock the error until reset.
Safety protection act, then car creeps around door zone. While
Whíle safety protection function work, signal of up
Er46 up creeping, the signal from up terminal(X7) vibrated. System
terminal has vibrated.
will record this error and lock the error unt¡l reset.
Safety protect¡on act, then car creeps around door zone. While
While safety protection function works, signal of
Er47 down creeping, the signal from down terminal(X8) vibrated.
down terminal has vibrated.
System will record this error and lock the error until reset.
Parameters of safety protection function have been Enable safety protection, but disable open in advance &
wrongly set. re-level function.
Enable safety protection, but cannot find door zone signals at
Er49 Miss safety door zone signals.
leveling position.
Check the follows parameters: lf park floor, Homing floor or
Fire Floor has been set to non-stop floor; lf both front door
Er50 Parameters were not set properly.
and rear door is disabled in two door mode; Group control is
enabled with duplex control or two door mode.
Er5L Drive module overheat protect¡on.
When running, drive module met overheat protection.
Elevator stopped at nearest floor.
Er52 The up and down door zone signals are oppos¡te. Exchange up and down door zone signal wires.

Deceleration and stop error with light curtain
Check if the light curtain signal is valid all the running cource.
Haven't used X31 as car door detection, but X31 is Landing door and car door short-circuited detection error.
Er62 effective. Or have no door contactor but X14 become 1. Check if X31 is effective when F4-06-12 is OFF;
effective. 2. Check if X14 is effective when F4-06-13 is ON.

ln door lock circuits by-pass running signal detection Restore to auto run, but by-pass switch was not cut off.
Er91 By-pass test point X6 is valid. Check if the connector on by-pass
board is not restored or check the input spe of X6.
Door-lock short circuit error. Landing door or car door
Er92 Check related circuits, and remove short-circuit cable.
circuit exist short circuit cable.
Check related signals of safety circuit card. Maybe safety door
Safety circuit card acted abnormally, and door lock
E193 zone signals exíst adhesion or the action of re-leveling board is
short-circuited detection did not work.
out of control by Y0.
The value of pb in s curve is not set properly, the
Er94 deceleration distance is too far to stop in single floor Please change the pb value.
running, and stop at wrong floor.
The inter lock circuit works abnormally. ln a car start
E195 course, after the running contactor close, door
Check the door interlock circuit, it is possible virtual
connection exists.
inter-lock c¡rcuit trembles over 20 times.
Protocol of COP or LOP is not matched to controller, Please send back to supplier or contact the after-sale engineer
and car call or landing call cannot be registered. to rebind the protocol.
The deceleration d¡stance of min s curve is shorter
than the length of door zone panel, and it is possible
Er97 Please enhance the value of single floor running min speed.
car cannot park at the target floor in single floor
Er98 Drive program locked Program is locked after updating. please contact wíth supplier.
Er99 Logic program locked. Program is locked after updating. Please contact with supplier.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Appendix lV Driver Fault

Display Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution
1. UV occurs after power on:
Check input voltage of power supply;
Check the terminal of input power
Under voltage
1. Phase lost on input supply; Check the connectors between
2. Excessive input voltage fluctuation; mainboard and power board.
DC bus under voltage (for
3. Loose terminals at input. 2. For no load running, UV occurs in
DF1 UV 400V drive, UV protection at
4. Surge resistance not cut off down running but not in up running
DC 380V; for 200V drive, UV :

protection at DC 220V) 5. Low voltage back up power Check the state of surge resistance.
emergency operation, X18 is invalid. 3. UV occurs in emergency running:
Check the X18 signal of mainboard.
4. UV occurs after power off:
Normal phenomenon. Each power off
system records UV error.
Over voltage 1. Supply voltage too high;
1. Check power supply.
DC bus over voltage (for 400V 2. Abnormal braking/no connection to
DF2 drive, OV protect¡on at 2. Check the wiring of brake resistor;
OV braking resistor/braking resistor not
DC760V; for 200V drive, OV 3. Check the value of brake resistor;
protection at DC410V) 4. lncrease deceleration t¡me;
3. Too short deceleration time.
Heat sink or drive modular
Modular has been detected 1. Excessively ambient temperature; 1. Reduce ambient temperature;
heater than the preset alarm 2. Existence of heat source around. 2. Remove heat source around;
temperature and last for a 3. Damaged cooling fan; 3. Check the fan and wiring.
few time; 4. Current temperature below zero; 4, Set FX-21(N Temp Alarm Ena) OFF.
Modular has been detected 5. Bad wiring between mainboard and 5. Check the connectors between
lower than zero degree power board. mainboard and power.
centigrade, and last for a few
IPM fault
L. IPM over current/short circuit;
A serious short-circuit fault
2. IPM over heat; 1. Check output short circuiq
has been detected on drive
3. Abnormal IPM control power (UV); 2. Check motor short circui|
modular; system tr¡ggered a
hardware over current 4. machine power cable adhesion or 3. check star short circuit contactor
short-circuit with ground; action;
protection automatically. Do
not retry directly, and check 5. Star short circuit contactor acted 4. Contact supplier.
the outer short-circuit first.
L. Check if output or machine are
L. Controller output short circuiU short circuit;
2. Machine over-load; 2. Check the load is matched to
3. Acceleration /deceleration t¡me too controller or not;
short; 3. Check acceleration /
4. bad encoder signals connection; time, slow down if needed.
Over current. 5. Machine or encoder parameters 4. Check the connection of encoder
Controller output current were set improperly: signals;
DF5 oc
exceeds detection Wrong origin value of gearless 5. check the parameters of machine
overcurrent valve. machine; and encoder:
Too high slip frequency for geared Check the origin value of gearless
machine; machine;
lmprofer polar pairs of machine; Check the slip frequency;
lncorrect encoder ppr; Check the polar pairs of machine;
lmproper values of Pl. Check the encoder ppr;
Check the value of Pl.
CUP faults
DF6 CF Too much interference. Please contact supplier.
Controller works abnormally.

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Display Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution
1. Max speed /last time were set
Over speed
1-.Check speed limit setting/last tíme ;
2. Check the Pl parameter;
The feedback speed exceeds 2. Speed over-tuníng;
DF7 OS 3. Check the encoder
the speed límit and last 3. Encoder feedback incorrect.
longer than set time. 4. Parameters of machine and
4. Check the related parameters of
machine and encoder
encoder were set improperly.
1. Check the encoder;
L. Encoder cannot work properly; 2. Check the open state of brakes;
2. Abnormal action of brakes; 3. Check the parameters of machine
3. lmproper parameters of machine and encoder;
Too large speed deviation. or encoder; 4. Exchange the phase sequence of
The speed deviation exceeds 4. Phase sequence of machine is machine or exchange the A+,A- or
DF8 OE the allowable range [F9-03] not matched to encoder's; B+,8- signal line of encoder;
and last longer than 5. Systern overload; 5. Check mechanical system, reduce
allowable time. 6. Too short acceleratíon / system load;
deceleration time; 6. lncrease acceleration/deceleration
7. Deviation and set time is time;
incorrectly. 7. Set deviation and allowable time
Disconnected PG card
Encoder signals cannot be 1. Uncorrected PG card
1. Check the set value of F8-02 is
spe; matched to the type of PG card used;
received in operation and last 2. Encoder wiring
2. Check encoder wiring;
longer than allowable time; brea k/loose/wrong;
DF9 PGO 3. Check the connectors between PG
PG card type is not matched 3. Encoder damaged.
card and mainboard;
to the actual's; 4. PG card breaks or loose wiring;
PG card type cannot be 5. Brakes of machine cannot open. /
4. Check the open close action of
recognized. machine brakes;
Flash memory fault
Data memory on board works
DFlO FF Data fault at saving Please contact supplier.
parameters. abnormally.

Base block circuit error

As base block signal is L. External base block wiring is 1. Check the terminal of base block
detected by system, although incorrectly. wiring.
the machine run command 2. Base block voltage type has been 2. Change base block voltage type
has been received, the set incorrectly. setting.
requirement cannot be met.
Motor overload
Motor overload: 1. Reduce system load;
Motor current exceeds its 2. Change a controller with suitable
rated value of 150% l2OO%) L. Load is too heavy; KW
DF72 OL for 60s (10s). 2. KW of controller is too small. 3. Change a machine with suitable KW,
Controller overload: 3. KW of machine is too small. or enhance the value of rated current
Motor current exceeds (F5-08) to raise the carrying capac¡ty of
controller's rated value of machine.
tso% (20o%) for 60s (10s).
Try to power off then power on, if this
Bad action of main contactor 1. Wrong wiring for MC contactor; error came repeatedly for several
(Mc). 2. MC contactor damaged. times, contact supplier for
MC, main contactor of 3. fhe value of surge feedback type replacement;
controller, didn't close after (FX-23) is not set properly; Modify the value of
surge feedback
given close command in 4. Power supply board in base box type ( Fx-23);
allowable time. works abnormally. power off then power on the system,
check if the error code remains or not.
Brake unit fault
L. Brake tube IGBT or braking
Bus voltage was detected in
res¡stance broke down;
1. Check braking resistor and its
brake range by system, the wirings, or change a controller;
DF14 BR 2. Bad connection between
brake tube kept open last for
mainboard and power supply
2. Check the connector between
much more than allowable mainboard and power supply board.

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Display Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution
Output phase lost 1. Check output wiríng /terminal;
1. Output cable break or loose
Output open or output phase Check motor stator cable
lost have been detected terminal; Motor stator cable
DF15 OF disconnects. disconnection.
which do not meet the 2. Set the value of BIT 2 in FD-21 as 1 to
reguirements of running 2. Error because oftoo sensitive
detection. cancel the detection of output phase
motor. lost.
Current remains at elevator
As the stop command has Elevator control cabinet worlG
DF16 SCF been performed, output abnormally.
Check the wiring of control cabinet;
current was detected non Change the controller.
Damaged controller.
zero and lasted for over
allowable time.
Elevator slip after stop.
Speed feedback by encoder 1. Lack of brake force or loose 1. Adjust the brake and fasten the
DF17 SRF was detected non zero after encoder; encoder;
the stop command being 2. Encoder interference. 2. Remove interference source.
Encoder damaged or wiring incorrect:
For incremental encoder, Check encoder and wiríngs;
Elements on PG card did not work
Signal U of encoder lost. Check the PG card or replace the pG
DF18 UF well;
For sine/ cosine encoder, card;
The type of PG card was set
Abnormal signal C or D. Set the PG type correctly.
For incremental encoder, Encoder damaged or wiring incorrect:
Signal V of encoder lost. Check encoder and wirings;
Elements on PG card did not work
DF19 VF For sine/ cosine encoder, Check the PG card or replace the pG
Abnormal similarity degree card;
The type of PG card was set
of signal A, B, C and D. improperly. Set the PG type correctly.
For ¡ncremental encoder,
Bad connection between pG card and
Signal W of encoder lost. Check if the PG card connected to the
For sine/ cosine encoder, mainboard firmly or not.
DF2O WF The type of PG card was set
Abnormal communication Set the PG type correclly.
between SPG card and main Check encoder and wirings
Encoder damaged or wiring incorrect.
Parameter sett¡ng error
Pa rameter setting error.
Rated current, no load
DF21 Special check these parameters:
DF current, slip, polar pairs or Check parameter setting
rated current, no load current, polar
encoder ppr was detected
pairs, slip, and encoder ppR.
lnternal programmer check
Dt22 SDF Error detected by system lnternal error. Please contact supplier
which cannot be classed as
general error
Current collection sensor
Mainboard is not connected well to Check the cable between mainboard
ln the start course of elevato;
DF23 1s0 power supply; and drive power supply board;
the lnstantaneous value of
Hardware error. Please contact supplier.
current was not at zero
detected by current sensors.
Overt¡me at zero speed
Zero speed was given by
DF24 151 Drive controller keep zero speed for Check if inspection speed or rated
controller; and it's lasting
more than zero speed
too long time. speed is set properly.
Base block error Wiring between main control board
Base block signal has been Check the connection between main
DF25 1.52
and its inner elements are not good.
detected, and it cannot Mainboard is not connected wellto board and power cable or change the
recover from error status. power supply board. mainboard.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

DRTvER FAULr Lrsr (Corur'o)

Display Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution
Sequence of load
compensation is abnormal The braking force is insufficient or
Check the brake and if the value of
DF26 153 Starting with load time of brake loose forward is too
Brake ON Time ís set too small.
compensation, the rotor short.
rotation was detected.
Angle tuning fail.
Deal with angle tuning fault first, then
DF27 154 Angle tuning with load was Angle tuning faíled.
do the tuning again.
detected still incomplete.
Wiring of chips on main control board
lnternal communication Check if there is serious EMI or contact
is not good;
error with supplier;
DF28 1.55 Abnormal commands sent by
Communication within main Check the mainboard or replace the
control board is not good. mainboard to remove the error.
Related elements work abnormally.
The running mode of
machine is abnormal For normal running, F9-01=2 should be
DF29 r.56 F9-O1 was set incorrectly.
Speed source select (F9-01) is confirmed.
not matched current control.
Connection between mainboard and
Power of bottom case
power supply board is not well; Check the connection between main
identification error
Related element on mainboard works board and drive power board;
DF3O 1.57 Controller cannot recognize
abnormally; Change the mainboard;
the Kw of the base case
Related element on power supply Change the power board.
board works abnormally
Communication error
between drive modules. Check if there is serious EMI or contact
Wiring between elements on
DF31 r.58 supplier;
Bad communication of drive mainboard is not good.
chip on board was detected. Change the mainboard.

Encoder Z (or R) signal is

Z signal line was breaking up;
lnterference of Z signal; Check if there is interference or broken
Controller has run the
Related elements of PG card worked wire of Z pulse;
DF32 159 machine for over 2 rounds,
abnormally; Change the PG card;
but not found Z pulse.
Related elements of mainboard Change the mainboard.
A vibration of Z pulse was
worked abnormally.
Before starting, speed
feedback is abnormal.
Abnormal encoder signals;
Speed feed backed by Check A & B signals of encoder;
DF33 160 The braking force is insufficient or
encoder is beyond the limit Check brakes of machine.
brakes have open yet.
before the starting of
While brake force detecting, The braking force is insuffic¡ent or
DF34 161 movement of motor is too brakes have open yeq Check the brakes and encoder.
long Abnormal encoder signals feedback.
The braking force is seríously
As safety protecting, motor
has crept too far
insufficient orbrakes have open
yet; Check the brakes and encoder;
Df35 162 ln the safety protection Check parameter setting related to
Abnormal encoder signals feedback.
status, the feedback safety protection
Some control parameters are set
displacement is too large.
Check the phase loss of 3-phase input
Phase loss of 3-phase power lines or
Phase lost protection for power;
phase voltage of 3-phase amplitude
3-phase input power Check the short circuit of 3-phase
are too low;
lnput phase lost was detected output;
Look up the fault record to check lF
DF36 163 in running course; Check the cables between mainboard
error, if it does, deal with it as lF
Abnormal power supply ín and power supply board;
base case was detected in For single power supply using, set
The wiring between mainboard and
running course. FD-21.B1T0=L to shield the input phase
power supply board is not good.
lost protection.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual


Display Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution
Check 3-phase output interphase short
Check 3-phase output short c¡rcu¡t to
3-phase output lines were interphase
short circuited;
Short circuit of 3-phase Check 3-phase output short circuit to
3-phase output lines were Short
output N{ine;
circuited to ground;
DF37 164 3-phase output lines were Check the KW of machine is matched to
3-phase output lines were Short
shorted each other, shorted KW of the controller.
circuited to N-line;
to ground or shorted to N. this error can be shielded by setting
KW of machine is not matched to KW
of controller.
Note: lt's not recommended to shield
this error, which has a risk of burning
up the drive modular.
lmbalance of 3-phase output
The sum of 3-phase output One of the 3-phase output l¡nes short
Check if the 3-phase output is short
current detected is not near circuited to ground or N line;
DF38 165 circuited to N(Neutral) or Ground.
the zero of curren! and Abnormal feedback access of 3-phase
Check the current feedback access.
lasting for more than a preset current.
3-phase voltages are too low; Check BUS voltage and power supply;
Output voltage is saturated Rated revolutions of machine is not Check if rated RPM is same with
Output voltage of controller matched to actual; nameplate;
DF39 166 was detected reaching the Slip frequency of geared machine is Sharp tune the slip frequency of
saturation point in running set too low. machine;
courses. The load of geared machine is too Check the elevator coefficient of
heavy. balance.
FD-21 is a contro! Parameter of controller for some spec¡a¡ function. Each binary bit means a
certain function, which should be set separately.
BITO: Shieldinput phase lose
BlTl: The consistency of speed between subd¡v¡s¡on and normal hardware
BlT2: Output phase lose judgment
BlT3: Open/short test
BlT4: Temperature self-adapt¡on
BlT5: Voltage drop self-adaption
8lT6: Single circle self-tune
BITT: Number of mach¡ne polar-pair auto-calculation
BlT8: Extension runn¡ng mode of geared machine
BlT9-BlT15: Reserved
The final value of FD-21 comes from the sum of all above bit value, the formula as below,
FD-21 = BlT0*2¡0+BlTt*2^1+BlT2*2^2+...+BlT15{'2^15; lf the only need ¡s shielding input phase
lose, FD-21=BIT0*2^0=1 is available; lf the input phase lose should be shielded and the output
phase should be shield as well, FD-21=Blr0*2¡0+Btr2*2n2=1+4=5 is available.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manual

Appendix V GKL Series Control System Separated Detection of Landing

door and car door
The landing door and car door are detected by default series connection mode, and if the car door
circuit is shorted or the landing door circuit is shorted singly, system cannot detect the error. A new
feature of GKL series controller is that car door circuit can be detected separately. With this feature,
system can detect the error as car door circuit is shorted singly or car door circuit and landing door
circuit are bridge-shorted meanwhile. With the door unclosed, the elevator will not run until the
landing door and car door is bridge-shorted separately and system works in inspection mode, which
can increase the safety of control system. For some client's special need, the door contactor is
removed to save the cost of control cabinet; system can choose using the door contactor or not by a
function select parameter.
Function select parameter F4-06-12: Set the bridge-shorted detection of landing door circuit using
high voltage port X31 or not;
Function select 'ameter F4-06-13: Set using door contac:tor or not
F4-06-tZ to choose
the detection of F4-06-13 to
landing door circuit choose using door Description
using high voltage contactor or not
port X31 or not
Traditional detection.
Option 1 OFF OFF Contactor feedback (X14) + high voltage
circuit (X30)
Separated detection.
Option 2 Contactor feedback (X1a) + high voltage
circuit (X30) + high voltage circuit (X31)
X31 detects landing door circuit
Separated detection+ no door contactor
high voltage circuit (X30) + high voltage
Option 3 ON ON circuit (X31)
X30 detects door circuit
X31 detects landing door circuit

Option 1: F4-05-12=OFF F4-06-13=OFF

System default, shown as Figure A.1


Landing Landing
Door '1 Door 2
X30+ X30-
Th¡s ¡s traditional detection for detecting door circuit without separated detection of car door and
landing door.
lf X31 is valid, error 62 occurs for preventing wiring mistake.

Option 2: F4-06-L2=ON F4-O6-13=OFF

X14 is auxiliary contact feedback of door contactor, X30 is high voltage feedback of door circuit, and
X31 is high voltage feedback of landing door circuit. lt can be achieved that the separated detection
of landing door and car door shown as Figure A.2

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GKLSeries Control System Commissioning Manual


Landing Landing
Door 1 Door 2

x31+ x31-
Any two states of X14, X30 and X31 are not coincident lasting for more than 3 seconds will cause ER
x31 detects landing door circuit only, X14 and X3O detects car door and landing door circuit. lf the
interlock is shorted, the states of X31, X14 and X30 are not coincident, and the elevator cannot run.
As running in re-leveling or open forward mode, the detection of X31 can be ignored.

Opt¡on 3: F4{6-12=ON F4-06-13=ON

X30 is high voltage feedback of door circuit, X31 is the high feedback of landing door, the door
contactor is removed and with no feedback of X14, shown as Figure A.3.
118 117 116 101

Landing Landing
Door 1 Door2

X31+ X31-
The states of X30 and X31 are not coincident lasting for more than 3 seconds, which will cause ER 26.
X31 detects landing door circuit only, X30 detects car door and landing door circuit. lf the interlock is
shorted, the states of X31 and X30 are not coincident, and the elevator cannot run.
lf X14 is valid, ER62 occurs for preventing wiring mistake.
As running in re-leveling or open forward mode, the detection of X31 can be ignored.

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GKL Series Control System Commissioning Manuaf

Appendix Vl COP (Car Control Board) GK L-21

Mode Jumper

Frcunr A.4 GK L-02 Ours¡or DmwrNc AND INsrAr,r Dlurns¡or¡s


Port Loca lnterfiace Tech Spec

Port Definition Usage
No. tion interface Type Rated Capacitv Max Speed
J1-1 24V input
J1.-2 24V input ground Power & COMM
J1-3 CAN bus H lnterface
J1-4 CAN bus L
J2-1 Door open button 1 answer Door open
J2-2 24V output Current limiting
t2 buüon 1 & Door OC gate
)2-3 res¡stor 560r)
24V output ground open button L
J2-4 Door open button 1" inDut answer Opto-coupler 8mA
J3-1 Door close button L answer
Door close
J3-2 24V output Current limiting
buüon L & Door OC gate
J3 resistor 560Q
J3-3 24V output eround close button L
J3-4 Door close button 1 input Opto-coupler 8mA
J4-7 Door open button 2 answer Door open
J4-2 24V output button L & Door Current limiting
OC gate
t4 J4-3 24V output ground open button 1 resistor 560O
answer (for two
J4-4 Door open button 2 input Opto-coupler 8Ma
J5-1 Door close button2 answer Door open
J5-2 24V output button 2 & Door Current limiting
OC gate
J5 open button 1 resistor 560O
J5-3 24V output ground
answer (for two
J5-4 Door close button 2 ¡nput Opto-coupler 8mA

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GKL Series Control System


Port lnterface Tech Spec

Port Location Definition Usage
No. lnterface Rated
Max Speed
TYPe Capaci§
J6-1 Open delay button answer Open delay Current
J6-2 24V output button & limiting
J6 OC gate
answer resistor
24V output ground
(optional 560r]
J6-4 Open delay button input function) Opto-coupler 8mA
J7-t RS232 Receive
J7-2 RS232 Transmit
t7 J7-3 Signal ground RS232
J7-4 RS232 Output control
J7-5 R5232 lnput control
J8 Programming interface
CMM J9-1 Common terminal
KMVl J9-2 Door open limit input
GMVl J9-3 Door close limit input
KABl )9-4 Door safety plate 1 inDut
cz J9-s Over-load input
J9 lnput
MZ J9-6 Full-load input Opto-coupler 8mA 500H2
KAB2 J9-7 Door safety plate 2 ¡nput
QZ J9-8 Light-load input
KZ J9-9 No load input
SZH J9-10 Attendant input
SZY J1G.1 Special Use lnout
szs J10-2 Bypass drive inout
ZHS J10-3 Attendant direct up
lnput Opto-coupler 8mA 500H2
ZHX J10-4 Attendant direct down
KMV2 J10-5 Door open limit 2 inout

J10 GMV2 J10-6 Door close limit 2 inout

Serial load detection

RT. J1.O-7
communication line RT-
Serial load detection
RT+ J10-8 SJT-150
commun¡cation line RT+ Serial input
24V J10-9 +24V
CMM J10-10 OV
BLV- J1.1.-1, Arrival Bell 14
BLV+ Jt1,-2 Arrival Bell l-B
N1 J11-3 lllumination control A
ZM J1.1-4 lllumination control B 2Ocpm
BK1 J11-5 Close door output
Output Relay OfflOn Time
J11 AC5A25OV
BK2 111-6 COM of open/close door {5/10mS
CZD J11.-7 Over-load indicator lamp A
CMM J11-8 Over-load indicator lamp B
24V J11-9 Spare/Open door 1 output
OV J11-10 Spare/Open door 2 outout
24V Jt2-1,2 Power +24V ¡nput
5V JL2-3,4 Power +5V input Car call
J72 OV )12-5.6 Power 0V input extended
J12-7-12 Data signal lines cascade
I Jt2-13,1,4 standby

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GKL Seríes Control System Commissioning Manual


lnterface Tech Spec

Port Locatio
Port Definition Usage lnterface Rated Max
No. n
TvDe Caoacitv Soeed
JNn-1 Answer output DC24V 20mA
1-8 levels
,:t 24V JNn-2 +24V
Car call
OC gate Current
OV JNn-3 ground input/Answer resistor 560 Q
JNn-4 Car call input Opto-coupler DC24V6mA 50Hz

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