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Corinne Emanuelle Myers

University of New Mexico

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
1 Northrop Hall, Albuquerque, NM 87131
[email protected]

CURRENT POSITION: Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico

FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Paleobiogeography and Macroevolution
AREAS OF INTEREST: Macroevolution, Paleobiology, Biogeography/Paleobiogeography,
Paleoecology, & Ecological Modeling


2013. Ph.D. – Paleobiology (with honors). University of Kansas, Department of Geology. Lawrence,
KS. Dissertation Topic: Paleobiogeography and macroevolutionary patterns of Late Cretaceous
marine taxa from the Western Interior Seaway of North America
2008. M.Sc. – Igneous Geochemistry. Brown University, Department of Geological Sciences.
Providence, RI. Thesis Topic: Magmatic composition and volatile element cycling beneath the
East Pacific Rise
2004. B.S. – Science of Earth Systems, Environmental Geophysics concentration (Cum Laude).
Cornell University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Ithaca, NY. Undergraduate
Research: North Carolina paleoenvironmental reconstruction


2015 – present. Assistant Professor. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of
New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM.
2014 – 2015. Adjunct Assistant Professor. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University
of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM.
2013 – 2015. NASA Astrobiology Institute Postdoctoral Fellow. Department of Organismic and
Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University. Cambridge, MA.

PUBLICATIONS (*graduate student author; **undergraduate author; †postdoctoral author)

GoogleScholar; h-index = 14

A. Peer-Reviewed Publications & Manuscripts (GoogleScholar)

35. *Perriguey, D., C. E. Myers, J. Moore, and L. Scuderi. In prep. Diversity-independent
environmental factors predict elevated extinction rates. Nature Geoscience.
34. Sudakov, I., C. E. Myers, S. Petrovskii, †J. D. Witts, C. D. Sumrall. In prep. Knowledge gaps
and missing links in understanding mass extinctions: can mathematical modelling help? Physics
of Life Reviews.
33. *Dwyer, C. H., V. Atudorei, J. M. Moore, and C. E. Myers. In prep. Constraining the oxygen
values of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway using marine bivalves. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
32. **Perriguey, D., M. Leckie, A.-M. S. Ali, and C. E. Myers. In prep. Late Maastrichtian
Foraminifera paleoecology from the eastern Gulf Coastal Plain. Cretaceous Research.
31. Myers, C. E. and *A. Carrier. In prep. The influence of accessible habitat and niche stability on
molluskan survivorship across the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in the Western Interior
Seaway of North America. Paleobiology.
30. *Rovelli, R. C., J. Moore, and C. E. Myers. In prep. The effects of geographic range size on
patterns of post-extinction recovery across the K/Pg boundary. Paleobiology.
29. *Silviria, J., T. Williamson, J. M. Moore, and C. E. Myers. In prep. An ecological
paleobiogeographic analysis of Puercan eutherian faunas. Paleobiology.
28. *Naujokaityte, J., M. P. Garb, N. Thibault, S. K. Brophy, N. H. Landman, J. D. Witts, J. K.
Cochran, *E. Larina, G. Phillips, and C. E. Myers. In press. Milankovitch cyclicity in the latest
Cretaceous of the Gulf Coastal Plain, USA. Sedimentary Geology.
27. Peterson, A. T., M. E. Aiello-Lammens, R. P. Anderson, M. E. Cobos, J. A. F. Diniz-Filho, L. E.
Escobar, X. Feng, J. Franklin, L. M. R. Gadelha Jr., K. Ingenloff, S. Jarvie, L. Jiménez, D. N.
Karger, J. M. Kass, M. R. Kearney, R. Loyola, F. Machado-Stredel, E. Martínez-Meyer, C.
Merow, M. Luiza Mondelli, S. Ribeiro Mortara, R. Muscarella, C. E. Myers, B. Naimi, D.
Noesgaard, I. Ondo, L. Osorio-Olvera, H. L. Owens, R. Pearson, G. E. Pinilla-Buitrago, A.
Sánchez-Tapia, E. E. Saupe, W. Thuiller, S. Varela, D. L. Warren, J. Wieczorek, G. Zhu, G.
Zuquim, D. Zurrell. In review. ENM2020: A free online course and set of resources on modelling
species niches and distributions. Biodiversity Informatics.
26. †Witts, J. D., N. H. Landman, J. K. Cochran, and C. E. Myers. Accepted. Stable isotopic
composition, paleoecology, and habitat of the ammonite Sphenodiscus lobatus in the Upper
Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Western Interior Seaway USA. IN: J. Slattery and N. Larson (eds.),
Wyoming Geological Association Special Volume.
25. *Rovelli, R. C., M. Garb, E. Larina, N. H. Landman, G. Phillips, and C. E. Myers. In revision.
Influence of impact site proximity to K/Pg Recovery of Ecosystem structure and diversity: new
insights from the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains. Palaios.
24. †Witts, J. D., N. H. Landman, M. P. Garb, K. M. Irizarry, E. Larina, N. Thibault, M. J.
Razmjooei, T. E. Yancey, and C. E. Myers. 2021. Cephalopods from the Cretaceous-Paleogene
(K-Pg) boundary interval on the Brazos River, TX (USA). American Museum Novitates.
23. Ludt, W. B. and C. E. Myers. 2021. The relative roles of dispersal and vicariance in the
formation of temperate-disjunct species: modeling populations through time in marine fishes.
Journal of Biogeography 48: 577-589.
22. Saupe, E. E. and C. E. Myers. 2020. Chapter: Macroevolution. IN: L. Nuño de la Rosa, G.B.
Müller (eds.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Springer.
21. †Witts, J. D., N. H. Landman, M. J. Hopkins, and C. E, Myers. 2020. Evolutionary stasis,
ecophenotypy, and environmental controls on ammonite morphology in the Late Cretaceous
(Maastrichtian) Western Interior Seaway. Palaeontology 63:791-806.
20. Landman, N. H., N. L. Larson, J. K. Cochran, J. Brezina, C. E. Myers, and M. P. Garb. 2019.
Chapter Two: Methane seeps in the Upper Cretaceous U.S. Western Interior. IN: A. Kaim, J. K.
Cochran, and N. H. Landman (eds), Ancient Methane Seeps and Cognate Communities, Springer
Geobiology Series.
19. Saupe, E.E., C. E. Myers, A. T. Peterson, J. Sóberon, J. Singarayer, P. Valdes, and H. Qiao.
2019. Spatio-temporal climate contributes to latitudinal diversity gradients. Nature Ecology and
Evolution, 3:1419-1429.
18. Saupe, E.E., C. E. Myers, A. T. Peterson, J. Sóberon, J. Singarayer, P. Valdes, and H. Qiao.
2019. Non-random latitudinal gradients in range size and niche breadth predicted by spatial
patterns of climate. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28:928-942.
17. **Freymueller, N., J. Moore, and C. E. Myers. 2019. An analysis of the impacts of Cretaceous
oceanic anoxic events on global molluscan diversity dynamics. Paleobiology 45:280-295.
16. Myers, C. E., K. D. Bergmann, C.-Y. Sun, N. Boekelheide, A. H. Knoll, and P. U. P. A. Gilbert.
2018. Exceptional preservation of organic matrix and shell microstructure in a Late Cretaceous
Pinna fossil revealed by photoemission electron spectromicroscopy. Geology 46:711-714.
15. Present, T., K. B. Bergmann, C. E. Myers, S. P. Slotznick, J. C. Creveling, J. Zieg, W. W.
Fischer, A. H. Knoll, and J. Grotzinger. 2017. Pyrite-walled tube structures in a Mesoproterozoic
sediment-hosted metal sulfide deposit. Geological Society of America Bulletin 130:598-616.
14. Gilbert, P. U. P. A., K. D. Bergmann, C. E. Myers, R. T. DeVol, C.-Y. Sun, A. Z. Blonsky, J.
Zhao, E. A. Karan, E. Tamre, N. Tamura, M. A. Marcus, A. J. Giuffre, S. Lemer, G. Giribet, J.
M. Eiler, A. H. Knoll. 2017. Nacre tablet thickness records formation temperature in modern and
fossil shells. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 460:281-292.
13. Qiao, H., E. E. Saupe, J. Sóberon, A. T. Peterson, and C. E. Myers. 2016. The evolutionary
impact of macroecological traits in a dynamic climate system. American Naturalist 188:149-162.
12. Larina, E., M. P. Garb, N. H. Landman, N. Dastas, N. Thibault, L. Edwards, G. Phillips, R.
Rovelli, C. E. Myers, J. Naujokaityte. 2016. Upper Maastrichtian ammonite biostratigraphy of
the Gulf Coastal Plain (Mississippi Embayment, southern USA). Cretaceous Research 60:128-
11. Dawson, M. D., J. C. Axmacher, C. Beierkuhnlein, J. Blois, B. Bradley, A. F. Cord, J. Dengler,
K. S. He, L. R. Heaney, R. Jansson, M. D. Mahecha, C. E. Myers, D. Nogués-Bravo, A.
Papadopoulo, B. Reu, F. Rodríguez-Sánchez, M. Steinbauer, A. L. Stigall, M.-N. Tuanmu, and
D. G. Gavin. 2016. A second horizon scan of biogeography: golden ages, midas touches, and the
red queen. Frontiers in Biogeography 8:1-30.
10. Shimizu, K., A. E. Saal, C. E. Myers, A. N. Nagel, E. H. Hauri, D. W. Forsyth, V. S.
Kamenetsky, Y. Niu. 2016. Two-component mantle melting-mixing model for the generation of
mid-ocean ridge basalts: implications for the volatile content of the Pacific upper mantle.
Geochimica et Cosmochimicia Acta 176:44-80.
9. Myers, C. E., A. L. Stigall, and B. S. Lieberman. 2015. PaleoENM: applying ecological niche
modeling to the fossil record. Paleobiology 41:226-244.
8. Manthey, J., L. P. Campbell, E. E. Saupe, J. Soberón, C. Hensz, C. E. Myers, H. Owens, K., A. T.
Peterson, N. Barve, A. Lira-Noriega, and V. Barve. 2015. A test of niche centrality as a
determinant of population trend and conservation status in North American birds. Endangered
Species Research 26:201-208. doi: 10.3354/esr00646.
7. Hendricks, J., E. E. Saupe, C. E. Myers, E. Hermsen, and W. D. Allmon. 2014. Generification of
the fossil record. Paleobiology 40:511-528.
6. Saupe, E. E., C. E. Myers, and C. R. Congreve eds. 2013. Palaeontology Special Issue:
Macroevolution and the Modern Synthesis 56:1179-1340.
5. Myers, C. E. and E.E. Saupe. 2013. A Macroevolutionary expansion of the Modern Synthesis and
the importance of extrinsic abiotic factors. Palaeontology Special Issue: Macroevolution and the
Modern Synthesis, 56:1179-1198.
4. Owens, H. L., L. P. Campbell, L. L. Dornak, E. E. Saupe, N. Barve, J. Soberón, K. Ingenloff, A.
Lira-Noriega, C. M. Hensz, C. E. Myers, and A. T. Peterson. 2013. Constraints on interpretation
of ecological niche models by limited environmental ranges on calibration areas. Ecological
Modeling 263:10-18. *One of the most highly
cited papers in Ecological Modeling 2014, 2015, and 2016.
3. Myers, C. E., R. A. MacKenzie III, & B. S. Lieberman. 2013. Greenhouse biogeography: the
relationship of geographic range with invasion and extinction in the Cretaceous Western Interior
Seaway. Paleobiology 39:135-148. featured this article in Fossils of Future Past by Brian Switek
2. Saupe, E. E., V. Barve, C. E. Myers, J. Soberón, N. Barve, C. Hensz, A. T. Peterson, H. L. Owens,
& A. Lira-Noriega. 2012. Variation in niche and distribution model performance: the need for a
priori assessment of key causal factors. Ecological Modeling 237-238:11-22.
1. Myers, C. E. & B. S. Lieberman. 2011. Sharks That Pass in the Night: Using GIS to investigate
competition in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway. Proceedings of the Royal Society of
London B 278:681-689.

B. Popular Science Articles, Opinion Pieces, & Book Reviews

Myers, C. E. 2013. Macroevolution in Deep Time. Book Review, Geological Magazine.
Myers, C. E. 2010. Paleontology: the biology of the future. American Paleontologist, 18(3): 27.
Myers, C. E. 2005. Interview: Peter Ward. American Paleontologist, 13(2): 4-5.
Myers, C. E. 2005. Briefly Noted. American Paleontologist, 13(2): 26.
Myers, C. E. 2005. Fossil Stuff. American Paleontologist, 9(1): 1-8.
Myers, C. E. 2005. Interview: Thomas Eisner. American Paleontologist, 13(1): 4-6.
Myers, C. E. 2005. Briefly Noted. American Paleontologist, 13(1): 26.
Myers, C. E. 2004. Interview: Thomas E. Whiteley. American Paleontologist, 12(4): 4-5.
Myers, C. E. 2004. Briefly Noted. American Paleontologist, 12(4): 22.
Myers, C. E. 2004. Fossil Stuff. American Paleontologist, 8(2): 1-8.
Myers, C. E. 2004. Interview: Howard Evans. American Paleontologist, 12(3): 4-7.
Myers, C. E. 2004. Briefly Noted. American Paleontologist, 12(3): 22.
Myers, C. E. 2004. People Profile. American Paleontologist, 12(2): 27.

FUNDING & HONORS (to date: $11,997,280)

A. Research Funding ($11,580,080 total; $8,782,034 to Myers Research Program)

2021?. NSF #XXX: CSBR…. In prep.
2021. NERC Global Partnerships Seedcorn Fund: Working Group Proposal: Middle Miocene
Climates and Biodiversity Network (MiMiC BioNet). In prep.
2021. NSF #2114958: NSF 20-607: Collaborative Research: PALEO: Prioritizing All-Inclusive
Learning, Engagement, and Outreach in Paleontology. $2,531,007 ($430,356 to UNM).
2020. NSF #2114548: NSF 21-506: Rules Of Life: Collaborative Proposal: Physiological, Climatic,
Tectonic, and Planetary Drivers of Biological Diversity Across Organismal to Planetary Scales.
$2,979,004 ($392,226 to UNM). Submitted.
2020. NM State Legislature Capital Outlay to support the UNM Natural History Science Center.
$195,000 (all to UNM).
2020. NSF #2034577: NSF 19-569 - Sustained Availability of Biological Infrastructure.
Collaborative Proposal: Sustaining Arctos as a Community and Collection Management Solution
for Biodiversity Research. $2,132,439 ($1,115,652 to UNM). Pending.
2020. NSF #2021744: NRT-HDR: Science museums advance training and research through
convergence of objects, data, and inference. $2,999,999 (all to UNM).

2020. NSF #2112467: NSF 18-587: Collaborative Research: Geonomics of speciation and evolution
of ecological traits in a geographic radiation of island kingfishers. $1,363,987 ($942,234 to
2020. NSF #2025107: NSF 16-609 - Earth Sciences: Instrumentation and Facilities. Acquisition of a
tunable diode laser system (TILDAS) Aerodyne Mini-TILDAS CO2 Isotope Monitor for triple
isotope analyses of CO2 gas from carbonates. $142,768 (all to UNM).
2020. NERC Global Partnerships Seedcorn Fund: Working Group Proposal: Modeling past climate
changes and species extinctions: the Neogene as a case study (MoPaCS). Declined.
2020. National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis: Short-term Visitors Proposal:
Transient dynamics of mass extinctions: linking the past to the future. Working group activities
postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.
2020. NSF #2018199: MRI: Acquisition of X-ray micro computed tomography scanner for
interdisciplinary research. $338,050 (all to UNM). Declined.
2019. NSF #2001424: Digitization Thematic Collections Network: Collaborative Research: The
Mass Extinctions TCN. $2,830,642 ($105,918 UNM). Declined.
2019. UNM Capitol Outlay to support Natural History Science Center. $103,000.
2018. NSF #1924807: Collaborative Research: Mass Extinction Ecological Response and Recovery
in the K/Pg Gulf Coastal Plain. $753,955 ($284,662 UNM).
2018. NSF #XXX: Digitization Thematic Collections Network: Collaborative Research: The Mass
Extinctions TCN. $2,830,642 ($105,918 UNM). Declined.
2017. UNM: Natural History Science Center (in collaboration with the Museum of Southwestern
Biology and UNM Honors College). Funds to renovate historic UNM Biology Annex building
for paleontological collections storage, fossil preparation and analysis labs, and cross-disciplinary
specimen-based teaching classroom. $3,883,000.
2015. NSF #1601878: Digitization Thematic Collections Network: Collaborative Research: The
Cretaceous World: Digitizing fossils to reconstruct evolving ecosystems in the Western Interior
Seaway. $2,138,371 ($231,036 UNM).

B. Research and Teaching Fellowships ($403,965)

2013 – 2015. NASA Astrobiology Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship. Harvard University. $143,465.
2012 – 2013 Aca. Yr. NSF GK-12 Fellowship. University of Kansas. $45,000.
2008 – 2012. Madison & Lila Self Graduate Fellowship. University of Kansas. $164,000.
2007 – 2008 Aca. Yr. Patterson Scholarship. Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas. $27,000.
2005 – 2006 Aca. Yr. First-year Graduate Fellowship. Dept. of Geological Sciences, Brown
University. $24,500.

C. Student Grants and Scholarships ($13,235)

2008 – 2011. Summer Funding and Field Work Scholarships. Dept. of Geology, University of
Kansas. Total $4500.
2009 – 2012. Student Travel Grants. Association for Women Geoscientists, Paleontological Society,
Geological Society of America, University of Kansas. Total $2635.
2008 – 2012. Student Research Grants and Scholarships. Yale University Peabody Museum,
American Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas Panorama Society, Association of
Earth Science Clubs of Greater Kansas City. Total $6100.

D. Academic Honors and Awards

2019. Certificate for “Top Downloaded Paper 2018-2019” in recognition for one of the most read
papers, for publication: Saupe, E.E., C. E. Myers, A. T. Peterson, J. Sóberon, J. Singarayer, P.
Valdes, and H. Qiao. 2019. Non-random latitudinal gradients in range size and niche breadth
predicted by spatial patterns of climate. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28:928-942.
2017. Certificate for “Highly Cited Research in Ecological Modelling” in recognition of one of the
most highly cited publications in the journal since its publication date in 2013 (also honored in
2014, 2015, and 2016). Publication: Owens, H. L., L. P. Campbell, L. L. Dornak, E. E. Saupe, N.
Barve, J. Soberón, K. Ingenloff, A. Lira-Noriega, C. M. Hensz, C. E. Myers, and A. T. Peterson.
2013. Constraints on interpretation of ecological niche models by limited environmental ranges
on calibration areas. Ecological Modeling 263:10-18.
2015. Special Recognition for Service, Association for Women Geoscientists.
2013. Ph.D. with honors. Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas.
2004. B.S. Cum Laude. Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University.
2004. Highest cumulative GPA in undergraduate major. Cornell University, College of Agriculture
and Life Sciences.


A. Talk and poster abstracts (*graduate, **undergraduate, †postdoctoral author)

2021. Myers, C. E., *D. Perriguey, †J. D. Witts, S. Petrovskii, I. Sudakow, and C. Sumrall.
Revisiting mechanisms and thresholds of mass extinctions. Geological Society of America
Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. Abstracts with Programs. Pending.
2021. Wostbrock, J., J. D. Witts, Y. Gao, C. E. Myers, G. A. Henkes, Z. D. Sharp. Combined triple
oxygen and clumped isotope measurements to reconstruct paleoenvironments of the Late
Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland,
OR. Abstracts with Programs. Pending.
2021. Beltracchi, R. C. Pietsch, C. E. Myers, †J. D. Witts, S. Petersen, C. M, Lowery, N. Dastas, J.
C. Sloan. Community changes in shallow benthic invertebrate ecology at the K/Pg boundary site
at Malvern, Arkansas. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. Abstracts
with Programs. Pending.
2021. *Naujokaityte, J., M. P. Garb, N. H. Landman, J. K. Cochran, J. D. Witts, C. M. Lowery, A.
Rashkova, G. Phillips, J. Broussard, E. Larina, and C. E. Myers. Did ammonites survive for a
brief time after the k/pg mass extinction on the u.s. gulf coastal plain? Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. Abstracts with Programs. Pending.
2021. †Witts, J. D., C. E. Myers, S. Petersen, J. J. Hoffman, *J. Naujokaityte, *R. C. Rovelli, M. P.
Garb, G. E. Phillips, N. H. Landman. Clumped isotope analysis of ammonite paleoecology and
latest cretaceous paleoclimate in the us gulf coastal plain. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Portland, OR. Abstracts with Programs. Pending.
2021. Crowley, K. D., W. D. Allmon, C. M. Lowery, C. E. Myers, * J. Naujokaityte, and J. D. Witts.
Regional extinction of, and subsequent recolonization by, Turritelline gastropods in the U.S. Gulf
Coast Plain following the K-Pg mass extinction. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Portland, OR. Abstracts with Programs. Pending.
2021. *Freymueller, N., D. Demar, *C. H. Dwyer, A. Farnsworth, I. Fendley, K. Gaines, C. Hedberg,
J. Keller, J. Moore, C. E. Myers, *D. Perriguey, *R. C. Rovelli, K. Schroeder, J. S. Silviria, G.
Wilson Mantilla, †J. D. Witts. The fate of the Hell Creek tetrapod biota: ecological niche
modeling reveals geographic and environmental habitat changes for 106 genera across the end-
Cretaceous mass extinction. Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Abstracts
with programs.

2021. (Invited) Myers, C. E., K. Bergmann, and P. U. P. A. Gilbert. Applications of molecular
taphonomy to the invertebrate fossil record. American Physical Society Annual Meeting online.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Abstracts with Programs.
2020. †Witts, J. D., N. H. Landman, *E. Larina, *M. P. Garb, A. Rashkova, *K. M. Irizarry, and C.
E. Myers. Evolutionary stasis in the ammonite Discoscaphites iris from the US Gulf and Atlantic
Coastal Plains prior to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, Palaeontological Association Annual
Meeting, online. Abstracts with Programs.
2020. *Freymueller, N., C. E. Myers, Melissa I. Pardi and F. A. Smith. Minimal meso-carnivore
release within the felid guild following the Pleistocene megafaunal extinction. American Society
of Mammologists, online. Abstracts with Programs.
2020. †Witts, J. D., N. H. Landman, J. K. Cochran, and C. E. Myers. Stable isotopic composition,
paleoecology, and habitat of the ammonite Sphenodiscus lobatus in the Upper Cretaceous
(Maastrichtian) Western Interior Seaway, USA. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
GSA 2020 Connects Online. Abstracts with Programs.
2020. *Rovelli, R. C., C. E. Myers, N. H. Landman, M. P. Garb, N. *Freymueller, and †J. D. Witts.
PaleoENM of cephalopods at the K/Pg boundary using both lithological proxies and global
climate model data in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains. Geological Society of America
Annual Meeting, GSA 2020 Connects Online. Abstracts with Programs.
2020. *Naujokaityte, J., M. P. Garb, †J. D. Witts, C. E. Myers, N. H. Landman, G. E. Phillips, *R.
C. Rovelli. Ammonite fauna and short-term survival across the K-Pg boundary from a new site in
the US Gulf Coastal Plain. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, GSA 2020 Connects
Online. Abstracts with Programs.
2020. †Witts, J. D., N. H. Landman, M. P. Garb, K. M. Irizarry, E. Larina, N. Thibault, M. J.
Razmjooei, T. E. Yancey, and C. E. Myers. Cephalopods from the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg)
boundary interval on the Brazos River, TX (USA). 2 nd Palaeontological Virtual Congress.
2020. (Invited) Myers, C. E., K. Bergmann, and P. U. P. A. Gilbert. Applications of molecular
taphonomy to the invertebrate fossil record. American Physical Society Annual Meeting, Denver,
CO. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
2020. K. Bergmann, S. Goldberg, N. Anderson, A. Jost, P. U. P. A. Gilbert, and C. E. Myers.
Formation temperature of biomaterials through geologic time. American Physical Society Annual
Meeting, Denver, CO. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
2019. *Perriguey, D. and C. E. Myers. The contribution of initial environmental conditions to
Phanerozoic biotic extinction events. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix,
AZ. Abstracts with Programs.
2019. *Wostbrock, J. A. G., †J. D. Witts, C. E. Myers, and Z. D. Sharp. Seeing through diagenesis
to reconstruct cephalopod habitat and paleoenvironment in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior
Seaway, USA using triple oxygen isotopes. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Phoenix, AZ. Abstracts with Programs.
2019. *Freymueller, N., C. E. Myers, and F. A. Smith. Felid guild ecological niche dynamics pre-
and post-Pleistocene megafaunal extinction. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Phoenix, AZ. Abstracts with Programs.
2019. †Witts, J. D., N. H. Landman, M. J. Hopkins, C. E. Myers. Evolutionary stasis,
ecophenotypy, and environmental controls on ammonite morphology in the Late Cretaceous
(Maastrichtian) Western Interior Seaway, USA. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Phoenix, AZ. Abstracts with Programs.
2019. †Witts, J. D., N. H. Landman, Matthew P. Garb, Kayla M. Irizarry, Nicolas Thibault,
Mohammed Razmjooei, Ekaterina Larina, Lucy E. Edwards, Thomas E. Yancey, Remy Rovelli,
and C. E. Myers. Catastrophe at the end of the Cretaceous? Shallow marine biodiversity,
palaeoecology, and the complexities of the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction event.
European Geosciences Union, Galileo Conferences: Mass Extinctions Recovery and Resilience,
Utrecht, Netherlands.
2019. *Freymueller, N., C. E. Myers, and F. A. Smith. Niche of the felid guild following the
Pleistocene megafaunal extinction. American Society of Mammologists, Washington, DC.
Abstracts with Programs.
2018. *Carrier, A. and C. E. Myers. Testing niche stability in Western Interior Seaway mollusks
across an environmental perturbation. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Indianapolis, IN. Abstracts with Programs.
2018. *Rovelli, R. C. and C. E. Myers. 2018. The distal effects of available suitable habitat on
extinction potential in cephalopods and other mollusks across the K/Pg in the Atlantic Coastal
Plain. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Abstracts with Programs.
2018. *Rashkova, A., M. P. Garb, N. H. Landman, J. Witts, K. J. Cochran, N. Larson, J. Brezina, C.
E. Myers, *S. Brophy, and *A. Rowe. Temporal, spatial, and faunal analysis of methane seep
distribution in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway (WIS), USA. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Abstracts with Programs.
2018. *Dwyer, C. H., N.-V. Atudorei, and C. E. Myers. Constraining the oxygen isotope composition
of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway using benthic bivalves. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN; Oral Presentation. Abstracts with Programs.
2018. Myers, C. E., K. Bergmann, S.-Y. Sun, N. Boekelheide, A. H. Knoll, and P. U. P. A. Gilbert.
Exceptional preservation of molecular matrix and shell ultrastructure in a Cretaceous Pinna
fossil. 5th International Palaeontological Congress, Paris, France. Abstracts with Programs.
2018. *Dwyer, C. H., N.-V. Atudorei, and C. E. Myers. δ18O values of Late Cretaceous Western
Interior Seaway deep water marine bivalves. 5th International Palaeontological Congress, Paris,
France. Abstracts with Programs.
2018. *Silviria, J., T. Williamson, J. Moore, and C. E. Myers. Biogeography and biostratigraphy of
eutherian mammals during the Puercan North American Land Mammal Age (Paleocene, earliest
Danian. Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Albuquerque, NM. Abstracts
with Programs.
2018. (Invited) Myers, C. E., K. Bergmann, S.-Y. Sun, **E. Tamre, M. Matthew, N. Boekelheide,
A. H. Knoll, and P. U. P. A. Gilbert. Exceptional preservation of molecular matrix and shell
ultrastructure in a Cretaceous Pinna fossil. American Physical Society Annual Meeting, Los
Angeles, CA. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
2018. Myers, C. E., K. Bergmann, S.-Y. Sun, **E. Tamre, M. Matthew, N. Boekelheide, A. H.
Knoll, and P. U. P. A. Gilbert. Exceptional preservation of glycine-rich proteins and
ultrastructure in Cretaceous bivalves. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Abstracts with Programs.
2017. Myers, C. E., K. Bergmann, S.-Y. Sun, **E. Tamre, M. Matthew, N. Boekelheide, A. H.
Knoll, and P. U. P. A. Gilbert. Exceptional preservation of glycine-rich proteins and shell
ultrastructure in pinnid bivalves. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Abstracts with Programs.
2017. *Carrier, A. and C. E. Myers. Investigating molluscan species responses to environmental
change in the Late Cretaceous using PaleoENM. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Seattle, WA. Abstracts with Programs.
2017. *Rovelli, R. C., J. Moore, and C. E. Myers. The effects of geographic rang e size on patterns
of extinction recovery across the K/PG mass extinction. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Seattle, WA. Abstracts with Programs.

2017. *Dwyer, C. H., N.-V. Atudorei, and C. E. Myers. 18O schlerochronology of Late Cretaceous
bivalves and preservation of seasonality irrespective of alteration. Geological Society of America
Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Abstracts with Programs.
2017. **Perriguey, D., M. Leckie, and C. E. Myers. Diversity and paleoecology of Gulf Coastal
Plain foraminifera prior to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Geological Society of America
Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Abstracts with Programs.
2017. **Freymueller, N. and C. E. Myers. Functional change in molluscan diversity dynamics
observed across OAE2. New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting, Socorro, NM.
Abstracts with Programs.
2017. *Ludt, W. B. and C. E. Myers. Potential drivers of anti-tropical distributions across the fish
tree of life. International Biogeography Society Meeting, Tucson, AZ. Abstracts with Programs.
2016. C. E. Myers and *W. B. Ludt. What drives anti-tropical distributions across the fish tree of
life? Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Abstracts with Programs.
2016. *Rovelli, R. and C. E. Myers. Using PaleoENM to determine the effects of available
ecological niche size on extinction susceptibility across the K/Pg extinction in the Mississippi
Embayment. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Abstracts with
2016. **Freymueller, N. and C. E. Myers. The impact of OAE2 on global molluscan diversity
dynamics. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Abstracts with
2016. *Ludt, W. B. and C. E. Myers. What drives anti-tropical distributions across the fish tree of
life? American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Abstracts with Programs.
2015. Myers, C. E., E. E. Saupe, and A. L. Stigall. The use of digital data in paleobiogeographical
investigations of macroevolution. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore,
MD. Abstracts with Programs.
2015. Saupe, E. E., H. Qiao, C. E. Myers, J. Soberon, A. T. Peterson, and S. Hunter. On the
generation of latitudinal diversity gradients. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Baltimore, MD. Abstracts with Programs.
2015. **Naujokaityte, J., M.P. Garb, N. H. Landman, *E. Larina, *R. Rovelli, C. E. Myers, and A.
Danilova. Significance of fossil concentrations in interpreting paleoenvironmental changes
preceding the end-Cretaceous Mass Extinction event in the Gulf Coastal Plain. Geological
Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Abstracts with Programs.
2015. **Danilova, Anastasia, M. P. Garb, N. H. Landman, M. Hopkins, *E. Larina, *R. Rovelli, **J.
Naujokaityte, and C. E. Myers. Morphometric shell analysis of the last ammonite species known
to exist before the K/Pg Mass Extinction event. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Baltimore, MD. Abstracts with Programs.
2015. *Rovelli, R., M. P. Garb, N. H. Landman, C. E. Myers, N. R. Dastas, *E. Larina, and **J.
Naujokaityte. Influence of impact site proximity to K/Pg recovery of ecosystem structure and
diversity: new insight from the Gulf Coastal Plain and Atlantic Coastal Plain. Geological Society
of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Abstracts with Programs.
2015. Myers, C. E., H. Qiao, E. E. Saupe, A. T. Peterson, & J. M. Soberon. Evolutionary impact of
biogeographic characters under climate change using simulation studies. International
Biogeography Society Annual Meeting, Bayreuth, Germany. Abstracts with Programs.
2015. Stigall, A. L., and C. E. Myers. Paleobiogeography: The importance of fossil data to species
biogeography past, present, and future. International Biogeography Society Annual Meeting,
Bayreuth, Germany. Abstracts with Programs.

2014. Myers, C. E., H. Qiao, E. E. Saupe, A. T. Peterson, and J. Soberón. Assessing the contribution
of abiotic niches and dispersal limitations to speciation and extinction under climate change using
simulation studies. 4th International Palaeontological Congress, Mendoza, Argentina, Abstracts
with Programs.
2014. *Larina, E., M. Garb, N. Landman, N. Dastas, C. E. Myers, E. Alexieff, **R. Rovelli, and *C.
Boas. Utility of Discoscaphites in interpreting the stratigraphic architecture and faunal changes
preceeding the K/Pg mass extinction event across the Gulf Coastal Plain. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Abstracts with Programs.
2014. **Naujokaityte, J., M. Garb, C. E. Myers, *E. Larina, *R. Rovelli, N. Landman, & **C. Boas.
Application of fossil concentrations in paleoenvironmental and stratigraphic analysis of the
Prairie Bluff Formation in south-central Alabama. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Abstracts with Programs.
2014. **Levitsky, T., M. Garb, N. Landman, *E. Larina, C. E. Myers, & **J. Naujokaityte. Methane
cold seeps as Late Cretaceous refugia. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Vancouver, Canada, Abstracts with Programs.
2014. Saupe, E., H. Qiao, C. E. Myers, A. T. Peterson, & J. Soberón. Assessing the contribution of
abiotic niches and dispersal limitations to speciation and extinction under climate change using
simulation studies. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada,
Abstracts with Programs.
2014. *Larina, E., M. Garb, N. Landman, *R. Rovelli, & C. E. Myers. Reevaluation of the upper
Maastrichtian ammonite biostratigraphy based on Discocaphites occurrences along the Gulf
Coastal Plain. 9th International Symposium Cephalopods – Past and Present, Zurich,
Switzerland, Abstracts with Programs.
2014. Bergmann, K. D., C. E. Myers, *T. M. Present, J. R. Creveling, *T. J. Mackey, *S P.
Slotznick, W. W. Fischer, J. Zieg, J. P. Grotzinger, & A. H. Knoll. Micro-CT analysis of
anomalous tube structures from the Mesoproterozoic Newland Formation, Meagher County,
Montana. Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain/Cordilleran Joint Section Meeting,
Bozeman, MT, Abstracts with Programs.
2014. *Present, T. M., *S. P. Slotznick, J. R. Creveling, K. D. Bergmann, C. E. Myers, K. H.
Williford, W. W. Fischer, A. H. Knoll, J. P., Grotzinger, & J. Zieg. Sulfur isotope systematics of
Mesoproterozoic hydrothermal pyrite tubes, Black Butte deposit, Meagher County, MT.
Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain/Cordilleran Joint Section Meeting, Bozeman,
MT, Abstracts with Programs.
2013. Myers, C. E., A. L. Stigall, & B. S. Lieberman. Paleo-ENM: a valuable quantitative tool for
understanding the coevolution of the Earth and life. Geological Society of America Meeting,
Denver, CO, Abstracts with Programs, 45(7).
2013. *Larina, E., N. H. Landman, M. P. Garb, C. E. Myers, & *R. Rovelli. Upper Maastrichtian
ammonite biostratigraphy of the northeastern Gulf Coastal Plain. Geological Society of America
Meeting, Denver, CO, Abstracts with Programs, 45(7).
2013. *Rovelli, R., M. P. Garb, N. H. Landman, *E. Larina, & C. E. Myers. New insight into the
K/Pg boundary recovery community in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain from sites in New
Jersey, Mississippi and Alabama. Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, CO, Abstracts
with Programs, 45(7).
2013. **Boas, C., M. P. Garb, *R. Rovelli, *E. Larina, C. E. Myers, **J. Naujokaityte, N. H.
Landman, and G. E. Phillips. New K/Pg localities along the eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: more
evidence of impact and tsunamis. Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, CO, Abstracts
with Programs, 45(7).

2012. Myers, C. E. and E. E. Saupe. Spatial structure: the “Final Frontier” in ecology, biogeography,
and evolution. Geological Society of America Meeting, Charlotte, NC, Abstracts with Programs,
2012. *Friend, D. S., W. D. Allmon, P. J. Harries, C. E. Myers, D. H. Geary, & R. A. MacKenzie
III. Sea without snails: why are gastropods less diverse and abundant in the Cretaceous Western
Interior Seaway? Geological Society of America Meeting, Charlotte, NC, Abstracts with
Programs, 44(7):34.
2012. Saupe, E. E. and C. E. Myers. A tale of two climates: predicting species’ responses to
changing environments through time. Geological Society of America Meeting, Charlotte, NC,
Abstracts with Programs, 44(7):627.
2011. Myers, C. E. and B. S. Lieberman. True is it that we have seen better days? Biogeography and
survivorship in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Abstracts with Programs, 43(5):502.
2011. Garb, M. P., N. H. Landman, **E. Larina, **R. Rovelli, C. E. Myers, and G.E. Phillips. First
recorded occurrence of impact spherules at the K/Pg boundary in Mississippi. Geological Society
of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Abstracts with Programs, 43(5):260.
2011. **Larina, E., N. H. Landman, M. P. Garb, C. E. Myers, **R. Rovelli, and S. M. Klofak.
Climatic & faunal changes at the end of the Masstrichtian: ammonite biostratigraphy & isotopic
analyses at the type locality of the Owl Creek Formation, Mississippi. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Abstracts with Programs, 43(5):260.
2011. Cochran, J. K., N.H. Landman, P. J. Harries, N. L. Larson, M. P. Garb, S. M. Klofak, C. E.
Myers, and J. Brezina. The influence of methane seeps on the paleoecology and geochemistry of
the Western Interior Seaway of North America: evidence from C and Sr isotopes in well-
preserved shells of a seep fauna from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Pierre Shale. American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, 1:1811.
2010. Myers, C. E. & B. S. Lieberman. Using GIS to investigate bias in the fossil record: a case
study of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of North America. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Abstracts with Programs, 42(5):509.
2010. Myers, C. E. & E. E. Saupe. Testing the relevance of competition in a hierarchical framework.
Third International Paleontological Congress, London, UK, Abstracts with programs, p. 290.
2010. Gapp, I. W., F. R. Abe, C. R. Congreve, C. E. Myers, & E. E. Saupe. Integrating macro and
micro: bringing the Modern Synthesis into the 21st century. Third International Paleontological
Congress, London, UK, Abstracts with programs, p. 176.
2010. Saupe, E. E., C. E. Myers, & C. R. Congreve. Macroevolutionary implications for a
microevolutionary technique: putting ecological niche modeling into a hierarchical perspective.
Third International Paleontological Congress, London, UK, Abstracts with programs, p. 343.
2009. Myers, C. E. & B. S. Lieberman. Testing the controls on species' distributions in the fossil
record: competition and biogeography in the Western Interior Seaway. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Abstracts with Programs, 41(7):211.
2008. (Invited) Saal, A. E., A. N. Nagle, C. E. Myers, E. H. Hauri, R. Pickle, D. Forsyth, & Y. Niu.
Evidence for a heterogeneous asthenosphere from intra-transform and seamount lavas. Eos
Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstracts U41F-03.

B. Meeting Organization
2021. Technical Session Organizer and Co-chair: Cephalopod Present and Past: evolution
paleoecology, and links to paleoenvironmental change. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Portland, OR. Accepted.
2019. Technical Session Organizer and Co-chair: Cephalopods through Time: Paleobiology,
Paleoecology, and Links to Paleoenvironmental Change. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
2017. Technical Session Organizer and Co-chair: Cephalopod paleobiology and paleoecology: a
tribute to Royal H. Mapes. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
2015. Symposium Organizer and Co-chair: Paleobiogeography: applicability of fossil data and
paleontological analysis to modern issues. 7 th International Biogeography Society Meeting.
Bayreuth, Germany.
2014. Symposium Organizer and Co-chair: S16. Coevolution of the Earth and Life: the role of the
physical environment in species evolution. 4 th International Palaeontological Congress. Mendoza,
2013. Technical Session Organizer and Co-chair: T237. Coevolution of the Earth and Life: the role
of the physical environment in species evolution. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting. Denver, CO.
2010. Technical Session Organizer and Co-chair: T112. Paleontology, Paleobiogeography, and
Stratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous North American Seas: A Tribute to Bill Cobban. Geological
Society of America Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
2010. Symposium Organizer and Co-chair: S2. Macroevolution and the Modern Synthesis. 3 rd
International Palaeontological Congress. London, UK.
2009. Technical Session Co-chair, T73. Paleontology: Biogeography and Biostratigraphy. Geological
Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR.


2021. Invited talk: Do “pre-existing conditions” prime the Earth for mass extinction? University of
California Santa Cruz (remote).
2021. Invited talk: Tales from the most dangerous ocean: biogeography and macroevolution in the
Cretaceous Western Interior, University of Tennessee (remote)
2021. Invited talk: Applications of molecular taphonomy to the invertebrate fossil record. New
Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (remote).
2020. Invited talk: Tales from the most dangerous ocean: biogeography and macroevolution in the
Cretaceous Western Interior, University of Tennessee (remote).
2020. Invited talk: Estimating Past Distributions. ENM2020, International Online Course for
Ecological Niche Modeling;
2019. Invited talk: Tales from the most dangerous ocean: biogeography and macroevolution in the
Cretaceous Western Interior, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
2019. Invited talk: Macroecology in the fossil record: quantifying biotic responses to a dynamic
Earth, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
2018. Invited talk: A pitch for the niche: paleobiogeographic controls on macroevolution in the
fossil record. A. Watson Armour III Research Seminar Series, Field Museum of Natural History,
Chicago, IL.
2017. Public lecture: A pitch for the niche: how paleoecology informs macroevolutionary patterns in
the fossil record. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Friends of Paleontology,
Albuquerque, NM.
2015. Invited talk: PaleoENM: a quantitative tool to study paleoecology and macroevolution on a
dynamic Earth. University of Texas at Austin, TX.
2015. Invited talk: Exploring the evolutionary impact of macroecological traits using simulation
studies. American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY.
2015. Invited talk: PaleoENM: a quantitative tool to study paleoecology and macroevolution on a
dynamic Earth. Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY.
2014. Invited talk: Paleobiogeography and ecological niche modeling in the fossil record:
quantifying macroevolutionary responses to a dynamic Earth. Department of Geology, Portland
State University, Portland, OR.
2014. Invited talk: Paleobiogeography and ecological niche modeling in the fossil record:
quantifying macroevolutionary responses to a dynamic Earth. Department of Earth and Planetary
Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
2014. Invited talk: Paleobiogeography and ecological niche modeling in the fossil record:
quantifying macroevolutionary responses to a dynamic Earth. Natural History Museum,
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
2013. Invited talk: Paleobiogeography and ecological niche modeling in the fossil record. Summer
Research Symposium, Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, NY.
2012. Invited talk: Paleoecobiogeochemography: an integrated approach to investigating the Earth
and its biota. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS.
2012. Invited talk: Paleobiogeography: a case study of the North American Cretaceous Western
Interior Seaway. Center for Macroecology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2010. Guest Lecture: Biostratigraphy. GEOL 532: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Department of
Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
2010. Public lecture: Investigating the role of competition in the Late Cretaceous. Topeka Gem and
Mineral Society, Topeka, KS.
2010. Public lecture: Investigating the role of competition in the Late Cretaceous. Kansas & Missouri
Paleontology Society, Kansas City, MO.
2009. Invited talk: Testing the controls on species' distributions in the fossil record: competition and
biogeography in the Western Interior Seaway. Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Institute,
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.


A. Students/Researchers Advised

Postdoctoral Researchers: James Witts (2018-2020)

Graduate Students: Jonė Naujokaityte (UNM PhD advisor), Remy Rovelli (UNM PhD advisor,
expected 2021), Dustin Perriguey (UNM MS advisor, expected 2021), Camille Dwyer (UNM
MS 2019), Jason Silviria (UNM MS 2019), Agathe Carrier (UNM MS 2018); Josh Lively (UT-
Austin PhD committee 2019), Christina Ferguson (UNM MS committee 2019), Nick
Freymueller (UNM MS committee, 2020), Jenna McCollough (UNM PhD committee), Timothy
Nagle-McNaughton (UNM PhD committee); Jared Clance (UNM MS Committee).
Undergraduate Students: Josh Espen (UNM undergrad thesis, expected 2021), Nick Freymueller
(UNM undergrad thesis 2017), Dustin Perriguey (UNM undergrad thesis 2018), Julian Chavez
(UNM undergrad collections assistants)

B. Courses Taught
2018 – 2021. Life in the Earth System. Undergraduate Environmental Science program core course
(required). 18 undergraduate students. 4.6/5 overall teaching effectiveness.

2018, 2020. Mass Extinctions: geochemical and biological records. Undergraduate/Graduate student
course. 10 students (3 undergrads; 5 grads, 2 audit). 5/5 overall teaching effectiveness.
2018, 2020, 2021. Blue Planet. Undergraduate lecture. 120 students. 4.1/5 overall teaching
2017, 2020. Macroevolution. Graduate seminar. 10 students (7 grad, 2 undergrad, 1 audit). 4.9/5
overall teaching effectiveness.
2016. Invertebrate Paleontology. Undergraduate course with lab. 15 undergraduate students. 4.5/5
overall teaching effectiveness.
2016 – present. Topics in Paleobiology graduate/undergraduate seminar taught every semester. On
average, 10 students (2-3 undergraduates, the rest graduates). 4.9/5 overall teaching

Courses prepared to teach:

- History of Life - Paleoecology
- Co-evolution of the Earth and Life - Introductory GIS
- Biogeography/Paleobiogeography

C. Additional Mentorship and Teaching Experience

2016 – present. Faculty advisor. Advancing Women in Science student group. University of New
Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
2012 – 2013 Aca. Yr. GK-12 Science Mentor/Teaching Assistant. Eisenhower Middle School,
Topeka, KS.
2012 – 2013 Aca. Yr. Science Advisor to Undergraduate Research. GK-12 and UKanTeach
Programs, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
2009 – 2013. Undergraduate Student Mentor. Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence,
2007 – 2010. Geology Tutor. Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
2006 – 2007 Aca. Yr. Teaching Assistant and Laboratory Instructor. Courses: ‘Mars, Moon, and
Earth’ and ‘Geochemistry: Earth and Planetary Materials and their processes.’ Dept. of
Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI.


2008 – 2012. Graduate Research Fellowship. Department of Geology, University of Kansas.

Lawrence, KS. Focus: Investigation of paleobiogeographic patterns of key vertebrate and
invertebrate taxa in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of North America in order to
understand the role of abiotic vs. biotic change in driving macroevolutionary patterns.
2005 – 2007. Graduate Research Fellowship. Department of Geological Sciences, Brown
University. Providence, RI. Focus: Magmatic composition and cycling of volatile elements in the
East Pacific Rise; comparison of on-axis and off-axis seamount geochemical end-members of
mid-ocean ridge volcanoes.
2004 – 2005. Research Assistant to the Director. Paleontological Research Institution and Museum
of the Earth. Ithaca, NY. Focus: Estimation of carbonate content and high resolution micro-
imaging of Turritelline gastropod-dominated assemblages from the US Gulf and Atlantic Coastal
2004 – 2005. Undergraduate Research Assistant. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. Focus: Reconstruction of environmental history using soil core
analysis, particularly the influence of anthropogenic environmental change on fire history frequency
and patterns in North Carolina.

Since 2009 I have participated in field expeditions in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
and northern Gulf Coastal region. Work has focused on fossil collection, biostratigraphy, and
paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Campanian through Danian strata with specific emphasis on
faunal and sediment transitions across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Late Cretaceous
fieldwork was in collaboration with researchers at the American Museum of Natural History, NY.

2021, 2020, 2019. Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, Arkansas

2015. Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, Texas.
2021, 2020, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011. Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, Mississippi and Alabama.
2019, 2018, 2017, 2014, 2012, 2009. Cenomanian-Turonian and Campanian-Maastrichtian, Montana,
South Dakota, and Wyoming.
2013. Mesoproterozoic, Montana and Idaho. Research sponsored by the Agouron Institute in
collaboration with researchers at Harvard University and Cal Tech.
2011, 2010. Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, Missouri.


Peer Reviewer: Biological Conservation; Biological Journal of the Linnean Society; Cambridge
University Press; Ecography; Ecological Modelling; Evolution: Education and Outreach; Folio
Primatologica; Geology; Lethaia; Nature Communications; Naturwissenschaften;
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology; Paleobiology; Paleontological
Contributions; PlosONE; Proceedings of the Royal Society B; Swiss Journal of Palaeontology.

2021 – present. Representative-at-Large (early career) Council Member, Paleontological Society.

2021. Guest Editor: Women in Paleontology exhibit, Paleontological Research Institution / Museum
of the Earth Museum
2020 – 2021. Member of the Education and Outreach Committee, Paleontological Society.
2019 – present. Fellow, Academic Affairs General Education Faculty Fellows Community of
Practice on Undergraduate Research, University of New Mexico.
2017 – 2020. Member of the Nominations Committee (Effective Committee Chair 2020),
Paleontological Society. Acting Committee Chair in 2020.
2017 – present. UNM Museum Council Member: Arts and Sciences Faculty Representative.
2016 – present. Faculty advisor, Advancing Women in Science student group, University of New
2014 – present. Co-Chair, Association for Women Geoscientists and Paleontological Society
Women in Paleontology Awards (both undergraduate and graduate student research awards).
2015. Panelist: NSF Sedimentary Geology and Paleontology Program.
2010 – 2013. Guest Editor, Palaeontology, Special Publication: Macroevolution and the Modern
2007 – 2013. Sigma Gamma Epsilon, National Honor Society for the Earth Sciences
2007. Invertebrate Paleontology Collections Manager Search Committee, Biodiversity Institute,
University of Kansas.
2006 – 2007. Honorary Degree Committee, Brown University.
2004 – 2005. Assistant Editor of Bulletins of American Paleontology, Palaeontographica
Americana, and American Paleontologist. Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, NY.

Professional Society Participation

2014 – present. International Biogeography Society
2008 – present. Paleontological Society.
2008 – present. Paleontological Research Institution.
2007 – present. Geological Society of America.
2007 – present. Association For Women Geoscientists.
2017 – 2018. Society for Integrated and Comparative Biology
2010 – 2011. Palaeontological Association.
2005 – 2013. American Geophysical Union.


2021 – present. Unlearning Racism in the Geosciences (URGE) UNM Pod Co-chair: NSF-funded
16-week course on recognition of racism in the geosciences and community action to remove
from local academic culture.
2020 – present. Exploratory Fellow, Student Experience Project (SEP): NSF-funded multi-
institution effort to improve student success and equity by increasing belonging, growth mindset,
and other learning mindsets.
2020 – present. Exploratory Fellow (2020) and Implementation Fellow(2021); Expanded Course-
based Undergraduate Research Experiences (ECURE) program: NSF-funded program to
introduce students to research concepts in general education and other early courses, and to create
better pathways for students to participate in more advanced research opportunities later.
2020 – present. MASS-X Working Group for mathematical modeling of mass extinction events.
2020. UNM Center for Teaching Excellence: Remote Teaching Course Design Institute.
2020. Paleontological Research Institution Summer Research Symposium: Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion in Paleontology.
2020. You don’t look like a geologist, let’s talk diversity (or lack thereof) in the geosciences. AEG
webinar by Deborah Green.
2020. University of Kentucky Professional Learning Workshop: Cultivating An Anti-Racist Mindset;
led by Dr. Candice Hargons.
2019. UNM Center for Teaching Excellence: Evidence-based Methods for Engaged Teaching Part 1:
quick strategies.
2017. UNM Center for Teaching Excellence: Course Design Institute.
2017. UNM Center for Teaching Excellence: Fostering an Inclusive Classroom Workshop.
2017. UNM Center for Teaching Excellence: STEM Educational Landscape: Strength and
Opportunities Workshop.
2015. UNM Center for Teaching Excellence: Free writes to turn the classroom inside out Workshop.
2015. NAGT On the Cutting Edge Workshop: Early Career Geoscience Faculty: Teaching, Research,
and Managing Your Career, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
2012. International Ph.D. Course: Modeling Species Distributions Under Climate Change .
Center for Macroecology, Evolution, and Climate, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen,

2010 – present. Ecological Niche Modeling Working Group. Biodiversity Institute, University of
Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
2010. NSF Workshop: Science: Becoming the Messenger. Lawrence, KS.
2006 – 2007. Sheridan Teaching Center Certification I. Brown University, Providence, RI.


2021. Women in the Workplace Panel, Panhellenic Council, UNM.

2020. National Science Quiz Bowl question writer. Provided 30 referenced, original questions in
Earth and Space sciences for use in the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
National Science Quiz Bowl Regional competition at the High School level.
2020. Educator for ENM2020: International Online Course for Ecological Niche Modeling.
2018. National Science Foundation Shark Week “Twitter Take-over”. Was interviewed by NSF
outreach coordinators about fossil sharks. The interview was transcribed into a series of
“tweets” about fossil sharks that was highlighted on the NSF Twitter feed during the 2018
Discovery Channel Shark Week broadcast.
2018. UNM ADVANCE program “shout-out.” Provided info about my research at UNM for use in a
short biosketch for the ADVANCE program promoting female research on campus.
2018. UNM ADVANCE program interview. Discussion of NSF-funded paleontology collections
digitization efforts at UNM through the UNM ADVANCE program.
2018. UNM Get Set and Reset program volunteer. Participated as a panel member for the “What I
wish I Had Known: Assistant Professors Discuss Their First Years at UNM” new faculty
orientation program.
2017 – present. Participant in “Skype-a-scientist” program (Univ. Conn). This program connects
scientists with K-12 educators and classrooms to give students an opportunity to meet
scientists and learn about careers in science. Connected with seven different classes since
joining the project.
2017 – present. Student research highlighted at the UNM Shared Knowledge Conference.
2017. Agathe Carrier: Investigating molluscan species responses to environmental change
in the Late Cretaceous using PaleoENM
2018. Camille Dwyer: Are the oxygen isotope values of the Late Cretaceous Western
Interior Seaway different from the open ocean?
2019. Dustin Perriguey: Relationship between environmental conditions and biotic
extinction events from the last 540 Myrs.
2017. Organized and participated as a Discussion Leader in UNM STEM University/STEM
Collaborative Center program “LEAN IN for Women in STEM”. This event connected UNM
undergraduates with female grad students, postdocs, faculty, and special program officers to
discuss challenges to women in STEM. Topics included: work-life balance, STEM as a
second career, navigating identities in STEM, academic environment, sexism and navigating
STEM, and employment and careers.
2017. Organized and participated as a panelist in UNM STEM University/STEM Collaborative
Center program “Women in STEM: Let’s Talk Success”. This event linked UNM
undergraduates with female grad students, postdocs, and faculty to discuss community
building, career opportunities, and overcoming challenges.

2017. STEM University outreach: “Paleontology portal into time and space.” Paleo-themed activity +
lab tours of UNMPaleo Collections, Geology Museum, and UNMPaleo Lab for STEM
2008 – 2012. Co-President (VP 2008), Association For Women Geoscientists, Osage Chapter.
Focus: Promote women in geosciences through education, outreach, and over $4000 in annual
research scholarships.
Responsibilities: Organized chapter activities and outreach including annual fundraisers for
undergraduate and graduate student research scholarships at the University of Kansas; organized
student brown-bag research presentations of research completed with scholarship funds;
lecture/lab demonstrations at regional Women in Science Day events (Washburn University,
Topeka, KS) and Expanding Your Horizons events (Emporia State University, Emporia, KS);
judged science fairs, coordinated science night activities and led fossil collecting field trips at
local primary and secondary schools; organized geology badge activities for local girl scouts
troupes; authored earth science section exams for the Northeast Kansas Regional Science
2006 – 2007. Volunteer K4 Science Educator. Foxpoint Elementary School, Providence, RI.
Focus: Provided science education in classrooms where school district budget cuts had resulted
in the removal of science from the 4th grade curriculum.
Responsibilities: Designed intro lectures and interactive labs in paleontology, volcanology,
origins of the Universe, and the scientific method.
2004 – 2005. Museum Educator & Tour Leader. Paleontological Research Institution / Museum of
the Earth, Ithaca, NY.
2003 – present (mbr), 2003 (volunteer). O.U.C.H. (Order of Underwater Coral Heroes Great
Barrier Reef Conservation Group). Queensland, Australia.
2000 – 2004. Division I Varsity Women’s Crew. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.


2021. Women in Paleontology. Paleontological Research Institution / Museum of the Earth, Ithaca,
NY. Focus: Contributed to design revision and text for museum exhibit and online exhibit
content showcasing the experience of women in paleontology.
2005. Geology of Hawaii. Paleontological Research Institution / Museum of the Earth, Ithaca, NY.
Focus: Designed and constructed museum exhibit including informational text, photos, rock
samples, and a diary from Cornell undergraduates studying abroad in Hawaii.
2005. Mount St. Helens volcanology. Paleontological Research Institution / Museum of the Earth,
Ithaca, NY. Focus: Designed and constructed museum exhibit during the 2005 Mount St. Helen’s
volcanic eruption including informational text, photos, and rock samples from Mount St. Helens
and other subduction volcanoes.
2005. Trilobites! Paleontological Research Institution / Museum of the Earth, Ithaca, NY. Focus:
Assisted in design and construction of museum exhibit including informative text, high-
resolution photography by Thomas Whiteley, and specimens of trilobites from New York state.
2004. Tsunami! Paleontological Research Institution / Museum of the Earth, Ithaca, NY. Focus:
Designed and constructed museum exhibit after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami including
informational text and photos about tsunamis formation, propagation, and danger to humans.
2004. Sharks! Past and Present. Paleontological Research Institution / Museum of the Earth, Ithaca,
NY. Focus: Designed and constructed traveling museum exhibit to educate “Shark Tale” movie-

goers about fossil sharks. Exhibit included informative text, photos, and specimens of fossil shark
teeth and vertebrae, with emphasis on Phanerozoic shark evolution.


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