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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Aurora
Dipaculao North District


SY 2020-2021

The teaching-learning process involves a wide array of factors that contribute to its success. Some
of these factors include the teacher, the students, the administration, the stakeholders and the learning
environment. From among the mentioned factors, the learning environment plays a very vital role in
ensuring that the vision, mission and objectives of the Department of Education. This factor provides an
anchor on the effectiveness of the holistic development of the school. Aside from the physical attributes
of the school, school administrators should al-so promote that hygiene and sanitation are always well-
observed inside the campus. As an answer to this, the Department of Education issued DepEd Order No.
10, s.2016 which involves the Policy Guidelines for the Comprehensive WinS Program for the promotion
of correct hygiene and sanitation practices among school children and a clean environment and around
schools to keep learners safe and healthy.

The advocacy on the promotion of correct hygiene and sanitation practices among school children
and a clean environment has been the government’s priority through the Department of Education to keep
the learners safe and healthy, excel academically and develop to be productive citizens in the country.
The world’s problematic environment has impacts on children particularly in health and academic
performance that trapped in a cycle of diseases and poverty for a lifetime . Nearly 90% of the world’s
school -aged children live in low and middle income countries where living conditions often result in high
prevalence of poverty-related diseases. Whether at school or home, overcrowded buildings, lack of clean
water and sanitation facilities, poor awareness and poor personal hygiene practices are the root causes of
many diseases; and so is the lack of healthy and balanced diet. Infectious diseases like diarrhea,
respiratory infections, skin diseases, worm infections and dental caries are very common, considered
normal, socially accepted therefore neglected.
“Access to water, sanitation and hygiene services is important for effective infection prevention
and control especially in an educational setting. Promoting handwashing activities and maintaining a safe,
clean, and healthy learning environment are highly effective measures to reduce the transmission of the
COVID-19 virus and other infectious diseases,”
The overall level of implementation of areas of WinS was highly implemented by CALAOCAN
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL due to support of the program administrators, program implementers and
school health personnel in partnership with the partnership with the Parents Teachers Association (PTA,
Government organization (GO’s), non-Government organizations’ (NGO’s), Local Government Units of
Dipaculao to ensure the promotion, improvement and sustenance of the program implementation
particularly in the construction of the school health and nutrition facilities in the areas of water, sanitation,
hygiene, deworming and health education to continuously meet the standard and requirements needed in
each areas to provide a school environment that is safe and free of vector-borne diseases leading to a
school environment that is conducive to learning
As a response to the COVID-19 situation and to strengthen the observance of the pandemic
preparedness and response measures, Calaocan ES is planning to incorporate protective measures into
the schools’ routines and is currently developing checklists to brief schools and gauge the readiness for
the face-to-face classes.
Uploading in the Online Monitoring System is a step to determine the school’s 3-star rubric rating
in accordance to the 5 areas and its 17 scoring points. The uploading to WinS online monitoring system
(OMS) was rated by the respondents as high implementation. According to the respondents, high
implementation of the WinS online monitoring system was a result of continuous assistance exerted by
the school health personnel in the capacity building and reorientation on the WinS online monitoring
system and the hands-on assistance extended by the WinS school focal person.
The Support System in the implementation of WinS are Monitoring and Evaluation ,Technical
Assistance System integrated and SDO Learning Resource Development and Management System) The
support system was rated very satisfactory and it includes the Monitoring and Evaluation system,
Technical Assistance System integrated in WinS and the SDO Learning Resource Development and
Management System because of the successful implementation of the program in the schools of the
As concluded, that the WinS implementation of CALAOCAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in
its areas and steps in the achievement of three (3) -star rubrics rating were highly implemented while the
performance of the steering structure and support system were very satisfactory. The level of
implementation of the WinS in its inclusion to other programs such as Oplan Kalusugan sa DepED,
Essential Health Care Program, School-Based Feeding Program and School-Based Management System
were highly implemented. And intervention measures were formulated to address the implementation and
sustain the program implementation for the succeeding years.

10 immediate WASH in schools (WinS) actions - For CALAOCAN ELEMENTARY

SCHOOL to manage the response to COVID-19.
Set up available handwashing facilities with soap at the entrance
of schools (tippy taps, buckets with taps, group washing facilities)
with sufficient water taps that allow physical distance so that
children, teachers, staff and visitors can wash hands before
entering school. Make sure that toilets have functional
handwashing facilities with soap and water.

Ensure water is available for handwashing, drinking, and other uses.
If inconsistent or inadequate water supply is a concern for the school,
increase the water storage capacity with the help of the community
or ask children to bring a bottle of water from home, if possible.

Calculate the need and ensure sufficient supply for consumable
resources, including: soap (bar or liquid), hand sanitizer (with at
least 60% alcohol concentration, only if contextually relevant) and
sodium hypochlorite for cleaning/disinfecting (household bleach
with the appropriate dilusion), sponges, brooms and buckets, and
protective equipment such as face masks and gloves for cleaners.


Ensure regular cleaning and disinfecting according to national
guidelines and global recommendations. Calculate the time needed,
ensure that staff for cleaning and disinfecting is available and uses
gloves and face masks. Involve the Parents Teacher Association,
community members and students as needed and appropriate for
cleaning. Ensure handwashing stations and toilet facilities are
usable and clean.

Ensure bins are located in classrooms, in toilet blocks and at
strategic locations on school grounds and are safely emptied daily
using waste management system.

Make sure children adhere to physical distancing as recommended
by national guidelines. Possible options are: Assign children to
specific shifts, stagger the beginning and end of the school days as
well as during breaks, create space between desks and paint or tape
lines on the floor to demonstrate physical distance at places where
students line up or gather (e.g. in front of toilets or washing stations).


Assign staff member(s)—teachers and staff like cleaners, guards,
gardeners or older students, community members and WASH clubs,
etc.—to oversee handwashing stations and toilets (availability of
water and soap, maintenance issues, handwashing behavior and
compliance of rules for physical distancing etc.).

Organize orientation for all teachers, non-teaching staff and
community members on WASH in Schools and Covid-19 and ensure
that everyone understands their specific role. Ensure teachers orient
the learners, by using age appropriate hygiene promotion materials.

Introduce and ensure the use of checklists (including: date,
time when checked, name of responsible person) for teachers
and non-teaching staff to ensure routines are implemented daily.
Specifically, introduce checklists for:
> School entrance (handwashing behavior,
handwashing stations, water and soap availability)
> Classrooms (cleaning & disinfection protocol)
> Toilets and waste management
Establish a culture of hygiene in school and encourage hygiene
behavior change in the community. Emphasize that all teaching
and non-teaching staff are part of a team working to address
pandemic preparedness and response and make sure that education
can move on and schools are clean and safe places. Recognize
individual WASH champions in school and community.

WinS is one of the flagship programs under the Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd, a convergence
initiative of DepEd’s health and nutrition programs.

Prepared by: Noted:



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