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Agricultural Mechanization

Mechanization of agricultural means the use of machines for conducting agricultural operations,
replacing the traditional methods which involve human and animal labor. Mechanization is an important
ingredient of the strategy to accelerate growth rate in agriculture sector. Agricultural mechanization is
viewed as package of technology to ensure timely field operations, increased productivity reduced crop
losses and improved quality of grain or product. Agricultural machines have not only increased the
mechanical advantage, but also helped to reduce drudgery, while performing the different agricultural
operations. Agricultural mechanization implies the use of mechanical technology in the varied farming
operations like sowing, harvesting, thrashing, leveling, watering, spraying, weeding etc. The agricultural
mechanical technology includes:

1. Chemical technology: Plant Protection measures

2. Hydrological technology: Tube wells
3. Mechanical technology: Tractors, Thrashers, Bulldozers etc.

Arguments in Favor of Agricultural Mechanization

Following are some of the arguments in favor of Agricultural Mechanization:

1. Increase in Volume of Production: Agricultural mechanization has helped in increasing the volume of
agricultural production.

2. Encourages Multiple Cropping: Agricultural Mechanization encourages multiple cropping which was
not possible under traditional farming.

3. Reduces Dependence Upon Animal Power: Agricultural mechanization reduces dependence upon
animal power which is costly and also slow in operation.

4. Diversion of Land from Growing Fodder: Agricultural mechanization makes it possible to divert the
land used for growing fodder for animal power. The same land can be brought under cultivation for growing
food and non-food crops.

5. Greater Area Under Cultivation: Agricultural mechanization saves labor, makes the job for leveling
and preparation of land easy and helps in bringing more land under cultivation.

6. Increase in Labor Productivity: Agricultural mechanization increases efficiency of farmers and raises
the output per worker.

7. Timely Water Supply, Spray etc.: The timely availability of water supply from tube wells, the use of
new package of modern inputs has been made possible only with the help of mechanization. The use of
modern inputs increased the yield of crops.

8. Reduction of Cost: Due to efficient use of resources, through the mechanized farming the cost of
production of various crops goes down.
9. Increase in Income: Mechanization helps in increasing income of farmers by minimizing pre- and post-
harvest losses.

10.Provides Off Agricultural Employment: It provides off agricultural employment to the population
living in rural areas.

11.Self-Sufficiency in Food: Mechanization of agriculture helps in achieving self-sufficiency and surpluses

in food and other crops.

Arguments Against Agricultural Mechanization

Following are the arguments against Agricultural Mechanization:

1. Increase in Unemployment: The use of mechanized technology displaces labor and leads to increase in
agricultural unemployment in the country.
2. Not Suitable for Small Holding: The use of machinery is not profitable for small holdings. The majority
of the farmers in underdeveloped countries is the owner of small holdings. Small size and scattered holdings
of the farmers stand in the way of mechanization. As a result of this, farm machinery generally remains
3.Costly Machinery: Machinery requires large capital investment. Majority of small cultivators are poor
who are not in a position to purchase the costly machinery. Only farmers that have enough money will be
able to acquire machines.
4. Social Disparity: Agricultural mechanization is basically capital intensive and has a big farmer bias. The
farm machinery has large turning radius and thus require comparatively larger farm for economical use.
Mechanization may lead to structural change in agriculture in respect of the occupational distribution in the
rural economy. No doubt, the increasing farm mechanization is going to increase employment in secondary
and tertiary sectors but it does displace labor in farm operations. It therefore, creates social disparity.
5. Causes Environmental Pollution: The environment is polluted because of the use of machines. The
exhaust from motor-vehicles and scraps from machines result in environmental pollution.
6. Lack of Technical Knowledge: In the underdeveloped countries majority of farmers are uneducated and
they cannot handle the machines. So, misuse of machinery causes a great loss to the farmer.
7. Lack of Repair Facilities: The lack of repair and replacement facilities especially in the rural areas is
another hindrance in efficient small farm mechanization.

1. A federally administrated fully computerized data base should be developed to understand the
farm mechanization situation in a better way. It will help the policy makers and planners in better
policy making.
2. Tractor companies in the country should be encouraged to diversify their output by producing
large and small tractors to fulfill power requirements.
3. To optimize production of crops, management of agricultural machinery should be initiated
especially in districts having potential soils and large areas under cultivation. To achieve this,
training of technical staff and farmers in the use of agricultural equipment should be initiated.
4. The cost of farm machines should be reduced for mechanized farming. For this purpose,
agriculture machinery should be free of restrictions and reasonable level of protection should be
provided to the local industry.
5. Most of the modern farm machineries are designed and manufactured abroad such as combine
harvesters. Research should be facilitated in Pakistan to test the suitability and applicability of
imported farm machinery to Pakistani conditions and whenever possible to adopt them for local

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