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2020 Joint International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology with ECTI Northern Section Conference on

Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (ECTI DAMT & NCON)

The Performance of Electronic Veterinary

Kongkarn Dullayachai Attawit Changkamanon
Computer Science Department
Computer Science Department
Maejo university
Maejo university
Chiangmai, Thailand
Chiangmai, Thailand
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract—There are three types of user in the Electronic The comparison of function and cost between general
Veterinary Management (EVM) : employee; veterinarian; and veterinary information system with CVS.
manager. The employee role is the weakest authority and the
manager is the strongest. Employees can manage the master
data in the system that are the pet’s owner, pet data, treatment TABLE I. THE COMPARISON OF FUNCTION & COST
fee, and the queue system. Veterinarians can modify the General
treatment data. The final users, the manager can manipulate Function and Veterinary
the user authority data and access the revenue of the clinic. Cost Information
The architecture of this system is model, view, and controller System
by servlet, JSP and Java language, MySQL is the database Pet record  
management system and iReport is the report generating tool.
Pet history 
The average EVM time for getting pet’s data is 25.14 seconds 
and a standard deviation value is 10.02. While as the average Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical
time of the original process is 37.09 seconds, s.d. is 23.24. management & 
Therefore EVM is faster accessing than the original pet record stock
procedure. Appointment  
Keywords—Veterinary management system, Veterinary permission
 
clinic, Veterinary information system, Pets management system License fee - 
Nowadays, the popularity of pet care has expanded from “Fig. 1”, at the left hand flowchart, there are 7 steps in
the urban area to the suburbs. So there are many veterinary the manual workflow that was used before setting up the
clinics spread over the wide area. However, most internal information technology system. The followings are the basic
clinical management is done manually with paper steps :
documents. To decrease the waste cost about this problem, 1. Client writes his own details and pet information
the veterinary information system should be a choice. we into the health record.
developed the Electronic Veterinary Management (EVM) for
solving the documental problem and the queue management 2. Staff gives the queue number in the line to the
system in the small veterinary clinic, based on freeware client.
tools. 3. Client waits to be called.

II. METHOD 4. Staff calls for the next queue number to see the
A. Data collection 5. Veterinarian asks about the pet symptoms and
There are 4 ways to get the requirement data from the diagnose.
veterinary clinic. 6. Staff gets the diagnosis details from the
1. The veterinary medical forms, they are transferred to veterinarian and calculate the expenses.
electronic forms, e.g. veterinary outpatient form, 7. Client gets the medicines.
registration form, pet vaccination chart.
When the EMV was used, shown on the right hand
2. The veterinary medical records, they are the raw flowchart, only 4 activities were replaced by the information
data. technology system : Staff inputs the client’s details and pet’s
3. Interviews with the veterinarians and all staff to information in to the system; veterinarian accesses the next
clarify what they want. queue number; veterinarian asks about the pet symptoms
before recording the result of the diagnosis into the system
4. Observation of the internal veterinary process. and the last activity; staff calculates the total expense of the
B. System analysis

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2020 Joint International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology with ECTI Northern Section Conference on
Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (ECTI DAMT & NCON)


Queue system

Pet health

Staff Veterinarian

Fig. 1. The manual and IT workflow.

Revenue report

“Fig. 2”, the cooperation of 3 users when they use the

EVM. The username and password of each user will be Permission Manager
verified before giving the authority to access the system. system
Staff can register for the clients and generate the queue
number for them. The veterinarian gets the next client from
the queue system, asks them for the pet’s symptoms, Fig. 3. The user functions.
diagnoses and saves the diagnosis data. The client gets the
required medicine for the pet from the staff and pays the
expense. The manager can define the authority to each user C. System design
and look at the summary of incomes.
The class diagram of this system is composed of 9
classes, as shown in “Fig.4”. These are as follows : Drug,
Members, OtherTreatment, Ownerdata, Petdata, Treatment,
Treatment_Drug, TreatmentOther, and Type_drug. In the
diagram, 8 classes are related to each other but only
Members class is not related to the others. The relationships
between classes such as Association, Aggregation,
Composition etc., are shown in the diagram.

Fig. 2. Cooperation of all users.

The functions of each role are shown in a usecase

diagram. “Fig. 3” shows the functions of all users in the
EVM system. The staff, the low level user, can manage pet
information, queue system, pet health record and client
payment system. While as the veterinarian can access only 2
features, getting the pet data in the queue system and adding
the pet health after recognizing the pet symptom. The highest
user, manager, can manipulate the payment system, retrieve
the revenue summary report and define user permission.

Fig. 4. Class diagram.


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2020 Joint International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology with ECTI Northern Section Conference on
Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (ECTI DAMT & NCON)

D. Database design and then login function

The database system was designed in accordance with the will verify the user to get into the system.
class diagram, shown in “Fig.5”. The EVM’s database These are some staff screen examples. “Fig.6” it is the
system classifies 2 types of table, master and transaction. screen of pet detail.
The master tables comprises 6 tables as follows :

Fig. 6. The pet detail.

The following are some of the veterinarian screens. The

veterinarian diagnoses and saves on “Fig.7”. Medicines and
accessories are dispensed by the veterinarian after he
diagnoses the pet disease on “Fig. 8”

Fig. 5. The veterinary entity relationship diagram.

1. drug : the master table stores all drug details.

2. members : the master table stores all user details, staff,
veterinarian, and manager.
Fig. 7. Veterinarian diagnosis screen.
3. other_treatment : the master table stores all accessary
details except for drug information.
4. ownerdata : the master table stores all client details.
5. petdata : the master table stores all pet details.
6. Type_drug : the master table stores all types of
There are 3 transaction tables in this database system as
follows :
1. treatment : the transaction table stores all treatment
and diagnosis details.
2. treatment_drug : the transaction table stores all
medicines that the veterinarian ordered.
Fig. 8. The veterinarian dispenses medicines.
3. treatment_other : the transaction table stores all
accessories that the veterinarian ordered.
“Fig. 9” The manager inputs the type of report and date
E. Interface design that he wants to look at.
The EVM was allowed to trial by the manager of Watana
Rak Sa Sat clinic so this system was designed for that clinic.
Each user can access the system with the url,


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2020 Joint International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology with ECTI Northern Section Conference on
Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (ECTI DAMT & NCON)

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