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CELTA Online Unit 6: Reference List 2

Procedure sheet
Stage and stage aims: These are the parts of the lesson (stages) and why the students will benefit
from these (stage aims). For example, when students are checking the answers to an exercise
together the stage is Peer check and the reason they are doing it, i.e. the stage aim, is to compare
answers, build confidence and encourage peer teaching.

Procedure: This is what the students and teacher will be doing in the class. For example, Ss work in
groups of 3 to put the story in order or T monitors and notes any problem areas to focus on in
feedback. You can also include the answers to the exercises here and your instructions.

Interaction: You must include the interaction pattern for each activity in your lesson plan. Different
patterns include: individual (S), pairwork (S← →S), groups (Ss← →Ss), whole class (T→Ss or T←
→Ss). Make sure you have a variety of patterns throughout your lesson to make sure learners are
engaged and actively involved; if you just have T→Ss the students will be too passive and you will
not know how much they have understood.

Timing: Make sure you include estimated timings for each stage of the lesson, for example,
language feedback – 5 mins. Try not to break down stages into too many one or two minute stages,
otherwise it will be difficult to keep track of time in class. An exception is peer check which may only
last a couple of minutes but as this stage is crucial it needs to be separated from feedback with the
whole class.

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