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1. Which of the following is not a statutory welfare facility under the
Factories Act, 1948?
(A) Creche
(B) Canteen
(C) Transport
(D) First-Aid Boxes
2. The constitution of site appraisal committees is under the:
(A) Factories Act, 1948
(B) Contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
(C) Maternity Benefit Act, 1965
(D) Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
3. To avoid overcrowding the space provided for each worker under the
Factories Act, 1948 is
(A) 12 cubic metres for factories built before 1948 and 14.2cubic
meters for those built after 1948
(B) 10 cubic metres for factories built before 1948 and 14.2 cubic
meters for those built after 1948
(C) 9.9 cubic metres for factories built before 1948 and 14.2 cubic
meters for those built after 1948
(D) 9.9 cubic meters for factories built before 1948 and 14.4 cubic
meters for those built after 1948.
4. As per Factories Act, "child" means a person who has not completed
his ------- year of age
(A) 18 th
(B) 21 st
(C) 15 th
(D) 14 th
5."Factory" means any premises including the precincts whereon --------
- or more workers are working, or were working on any day of the
preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a manufacturing
process is being carried on with the aid of power.
(A) 10
(B) 20
(C) 15
(D) 25
6.No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a factory for
more than ------- hours in any week.
(A) 48
(B) 52
(C) 60
(D) 45
7.The first factories act was enacted in the year
8.As per the Factories Act "Adult"means a person who has completed
...... year of age.
(A) Fifteenth
(B) Sixteenth
(C) Seventeenth
(D) Eighteenth
9. As per Factories Act, "----------,, of a factory means the person who
has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory. [Sec 2(n)]
10.Under the Factories Act canteen must be provided where the
number of employers is more than:
11.The Factories Act imposes the following obligations upon the
employer in regard to his workers.
(D)All of the above
12. Which one of the following is not a welfare provision under
Factories Act, 1948?
(C)Drinking water
(D)First Aid
13.First Aid Boxes is to be provided for ____of persons
14.Which of the following statements relating to the Factories Act is
not true?
(A) There is a provision in the Act relating to the constitution of a
Managing Committee for the management of the canteen.
(B) There is a provision in the Act regarding the setting up of a safety
(C) The Act does not have a provision relating to the setting up of
welfare committee.
(D) The Act has a provision relating to the establishment of a Grievance
15.Which of the following authorities has the power to prescribe the
form of certificate of fitness to work in a factory under the Factories
(A) The certifying surgeon
(B) The owner or occupier of the factory
(C) The Chief Inspector of Factories of the State
(D) The State Government
16. Ambulance facility shall be provided if
(A) 30 womens workers are employed under Maternity Benefit Act,
(B) Creche is provided under the Factories Act, 1948.
(C) 500 workers are employed in the factory under the Factories Act,
(D) The Workmens’ Compensation Act, 1923 is applicable to the
17.The maximum daily hours of work in a day with normal wage
allowed in factories is
(A) 11 hours
(B) 10 hours
(C) 9 hours
(D) 8 hours
18. Creche is to be provided if____ or more lady employees are
19. If the factory employs more than 1000 workers, they should appoint
qualified --- ---------to carry out the prescribed duties.
(A)Safety Officers
(B)Health Officers
(C) Welfare Officers
(D)All of the above
20.As per Factories Act, a Factory does not include which among the
following? [Sec 2(m)]
(A) A mine subject to the operation of the Mines Ad, 1952
(B) A mobile unit belonging to the Armed Forces of the Union
(C) A railway running shed
(D) All of the above
21.Repainting or re varnishing under the Factories Act is required to be
carried out in every ________ years
(A) 5
(B) 10
(C) 3
(D) 1
22.Under Factories Act, appointment of a Safety Officer is mandatory
where the no . of employees exceeds ________
23. To which authority can appeals be made if the Chief Inspector does
not grant a licence to a factory
(A)State government
(B)Central Government
(C)State Licensing Appellate
(D) factories Commissioner
24.As per Section 6 of the Factories Act 1948, who has the power to
make rules on approval, licensing and registration of factories?
(A) Central Government
(B) State Government.
(C) Supreme Court
(D) Labour Commissioner
25. What is maximum number of hours that a child can be employed
for as per the Factories Act, 1948
(A) 3 and 1/2 hours
(B) 4 and 1/2 hours
(C) 5 and 1/2 hours
(D)6 and 1/2 hours
26.Which one of the following is not a machinery for settlement of
Industrial Disputes under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?
(A) Conciliation Officer
(B) Board of Conciliation
(C) Collective Bargaining
(D) Labour Court
27.Under which Schedule of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Public
Utility Services have been listed out?
(A) 1st Schedule
(B) 2nd Schedule
(C) 3rd Schedule
(D) 4th Schedule
28.Grievance Handling Machinery is given in
(A) Industrial Disputes Act
(B) Factories Act
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
29.Which of the following is an illegal industrial action as per law?
(A) Mutual Insurance
(B) Collective Bargaining
(C) Lock out
(D) Gherao
30.The Industrial disputes Act was passed in the year
31.Industrial Dispute means any dispute or difference between
(A)employers and employers
(B)employers and workmen
(C)workmen and workmen
(D)All of the above
32.________means the failure, refusal or inability of an employer on
account of the shortage of coal,power or raw materials,etc. to give
employment to a workmen
(C)Lay off
(D)None of the above
33.It is an instrument of coercion exerted by an employer so that the
workers comes under the terms with him
34.It means the discharge of surplus labour or staff by the employer for
any reason whatsoever,otherwise than as punishment inflicted by way
of disciplinary action.
35.It is a legitimate weapon in the hands of the workmen to be used by
them for asserting their bargaining power.
36.It is formed when in an industrial establishment 100 or more
workers are employed or have been employed on any day during the
last 12 months
(A)Conciliation Board
(B)Works Committee
(C)Conciliation Officers
(D)All of the above
37.How many days after the conclusion of proceedings before a Board
an employer cannot declare a lockout?
(A)7 days
(B)14 days
(C)21 days
(D)15 days
38.No employer in a public utility service can go on strike without
(A)4 weeks notice
(B)6 weeks notice
(C)2 months notice
(D)3 months notice
39.No employer can discharge or dismiss a workmen under the
Standing orders ,without giving:
(A)7 days pay
(B)14 days pay
(C)21 days pay
(D)one month pay
40.Provision of lay off and retrenchment under the Industrial Disputes
Act are applicable to an industrial establishment employing not less
(A)10 persons
(B)20 persons
(C)50 persons
(D)100 persons
41.To which settlement machinery can the central government refer
the disputes under 81-A?
(D)Supreme Court
42.Choose the correct objective of the Industrial Disputes Act-
(A)To prevent illegal strikes
(B)to promote measures for securing and preserving good relations
between the employers and employees
(C)to provide relief to workmen in matters of layoffs,retrenchment
(D)All of the above
43.It means the permanent closing down of a place of employment
44.'First come last go and last come first go 'is the principle of
(D)None of the above
45.List of unfair labour practices on the part of the trade unions and
employers was included in
(A)Factories Act
(B)Industrial Disputes Act
(C)Both the acts
(D)None of the acts
46.In __________the relationship between the employer and employee
comes to an end
(D)All of the aabove
47.Which section under the Industrial Disputes Act prohibits any person
to finance or support illegal strikes and lockouts?
(A)Section 22
(B)Section 23
(C)Section 24
(D)Section 25
48.Penalty for giving financial aid to illegal strikes or lockouts is
(A)6 months imprisonment
(B)fine of Rs. 1000
(C)both A and B
(D)None of the above
49.It is an interim or a final determination of any industrial dispute.
(D)None of the above
50.Grievance Redressal Machinery consists of:
(A)Government authorities
(B)equal no.of members from the employer and the workmen
(C)Conciliation officers
(D) none of the above
51. Creation of a political fund by trade unions under the Trade Union
Act is
(A) Compulsory
(B) Optional
(C) by donation from political parties
(D) No such provision in the Act

52. What will be the minimum number of workers required for

organizing a trade union for registration according to the latest
amendment under the Trade Unions’ Act, 1926?
(A) 7 workers
(B) 10 %
(C) 100
(D) 10% or 100 or 7

53 The minimum subscription rate for members of trade unions of rural

workers shall not be less than
(A) Rs. 12 per annum
(B) Rs. 3 per annum
(C) Rs. 1 per annum
(D) No such provision

54. A union may claim recognition for an industry in a local area, if it

has membership of

(A) 10% of the workers in that industry.

(B) 15% of the workers in that area.
(C) 25% of the workers of that industry in that area.
(D) 30% of the workers in similar industry.

55. A person is qualified to be chosen as a member of the executive or

any other office bearer of the registered trade union if he attained the
age of
(A) Fifteen years
(B) Eighteen years
(C) Twenty one years
(D) Twenty five years

56. The registered trade union can collect political fund from its
members as a
(A) General fund
(B) Cannot collect political fund
(C) Separate fund from the interested members
(D) Only from political parties

57. Not more than 50% of members of the office bearers of Trade union
can be outsiders, as per provisions of legislations.
(A) Industrial Dispute Act
(B) Trade Union Act
(C) Mines Act
(D) ESI Act

58. Trade union means any combination formed primarily for the
purpose of regulating the relations between
(A) Workmen and employers permanently
(B) Workmen and workmen permanently
(C) Workmen and employers, workmen and workmen, employers and
employers temporary or permanent
(D) Workmen and employers, workmen and workmen, employers and
employers permanently

59. The Trade Unions Act empowers a trade union to create a General
Fund for its administration and maintenance. A trade union purchased
shares in the Unit Trust of India to enhance its General Fund Account.
Which of the following is not correct as per law?
(A) The trade union can raise its fund by such type of investments.
(B) The trade union can raise its funds by such investments with the
permission of appropriate government.
(C) The trade union can raise its fund by such investments with the
consent of its general body.
(D) The trade union cannot do so as it is an attempt towards profit

60. 10. The basic principle underlying the enactment of the Trade Unions
Act is:
(A) To protect interests of workers against disregard of human elements
in industries.
(B) To regulate the relationship of workers and their organization by
regulating the balance of power.
(C) To provide strength to workers to settle the industrial disputes.
(D) To provide security to workers against the occupational hazards.

1-C 2-A 3-C 4-C 5-A 6-A 7-A 8-D 9-D 10-D
11-D 12-C 13-D 14-D 15-D 16-C 17-C 18-A 19-A 20-D
21-A 22-A 23-A 24-B 25-B 26-C 27-A 28-A 29-D 30-B
31-D 32-C 33-A 34-C 35-B 36-B 37-A 38-B 39-D 40-C
41-C 42-D 43-C 44-A 45-B 46-B 47-D 48-C 49-B 50-B
51-B 52-D 53-C 54-C 55-B 56-C 57-B 58-C 59-D 60-B

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