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Mary’s University

School of Graduate Studies

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

Review and Discussion Questions (General)

1. ‘Strategic human resource management must be a means to achieve corporate

2. Why is it important for HR management to evolve from the administrative and
operational roles to the strategic one?
3. To be a strategic business contributor, HR management must enhance organizational
performance, expand human capital, and be cost-effective. Discuss how HR professionals
must balance the competing demands made on them.
4. Discuss the following statement: “In many ways, all managers are and must be HR
5. What is HR planning, and why must HR planning be seen as a process flowing from the
organizational strategic plan?
6. Assume you have to develop an HR plan for Enat Bank S.C. What specific internal and
external factors would be important for you to consider? Why?
7. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of HRIS and HR inventory.
8. Assume that as a result of HR planning, Zemen Bank S.C. identifies a shortage of
financial analyst but a surplus of administrative workers. Discuss the actions that might
be taken to address these problems, and explain why they must be approached carefully.
9. Discuss the following statement: “Federal and Regional States of Ethiopian organizations
must adjust to diversity if they are to manage the workforce of the present and future.”
10. Regarding the affirmative action debate in the context of Ethiopia, why do you support or
oppose affirmative action?
11. Describe the process of job analysis, and comment on the contribution it can make to an
organization’s systems and goals
12. What are the implications for job analysis, considering that some jobs are more varied
and require more advanced capabilities compared to other jobs that are more routine and
require less knowledge and skills?
13. Why is job analysis the foundation of many other HR activities?
14. Describe three methods of analyzing jobs, including some advantages and disadvantages
of each method.
15. Explain how you would conduct a job analysis in an organization that had never had job
16. Explain very briefly
18.1 Job enrichment
18.2 Job enlargement
18.3 Job rotation
17. Discuss what strategic recruiting considerations should be addressed by HR Director at a
midsized insurance company with locations in several sub-cities in Addis Ababa. Give
examples, and be specific.
18. Explain why the quality of human resources very much depends on the quality of
recruits. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of recruiting internally versus
19. Describe a recruiting process for filling vacant positions for a sales representative’s job
for a shoe factory.
20. What internal sources for recruiting have you seen work effectively? What internal
sources have you seen work ineffectively? Why?
21. How would you go about investigating a managerial position’s background? Why would
this information be useful in making a selection decision?
22. What are some reasons that external training is growing in usage?
23. Why is employee training and management development programs evaluation important?
24. Discuss the importance of orientation, and tell how you would orient a new management
25. Assume that you want to identify training needs for a group of sales employees in a
Sharton luxury-oriented jewelry store. What would you do?
26. What is HR development, and why is top management support so important?
27. Suppose you are a supervisor. What errors might you make when preparing a
performance appraisal on a clerical employee?
28. Explain the similarities and differences between the behavioral approaches to
performance appraisal and management by objectives (MBO).
29. Give examples of direct and indirect compensation at a recent job that you have had.
30. Discuss what compensation philosophies seemed to be used at organizations where you
have worked. What were the consequences of those philosophies?
31. Considering all methods, why is the point method the most widely used for job
32. You have been named compensation manager for a certain commercial bank. How would
you establish a pay system?
33. Why are pay-for-performance systems growing in importance?
34. Why have benefits grown in strategic importance to employers?
35. Discuss how union-management cooperation affects organizational success.

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