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The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales


Question Bank
For exams in 2021
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
ISBN: 978-1-5097-3365-1
Previous ISBN: 978-1-5097-2778-0
eISBN: 978-1-5097-3217-3
First edition 2007
Fifteenth edition 2020
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic or
mechanical including photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.
The content of this publication is intended to prepare students for the ICAEW
examinations, and should not be used as professional advice.
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence
Originally printed in the United Kingdom on paper obtained from traceable,
sustainable sources.

© ICAEW 2020
The following questions are exam-standard. Unless told otherwise, these questions are the style,
content and format that you can expect in your exam.

Title Page

Question Answer

1 Contract formation 1 123

2 Termination of contract 11 129

3 Agency 17 133

4 Negligence 25 137

5 Companies: the consequences of incorporation 35 143

6 Companies: ownership and management 43 149

7 Companies: finance 53 155

8 Insolvency law: corporate and personal 61 161

9 Sole traders and partnerships 69 167

10 Criminal law 77 171

11 Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 89 179

12 Sample exam 107 191

Appendix: Mock Exam guidance notes 201

ICAEW 2021 Contents iii

This exam will consist of 50 questions with equal marks, adding up to 100 marks.
The questions are of the following types:
• Multiple-choice – select 1 from 4 options A, B, C or D (see Chapter 1 Q3)
• Multi-part multiple choice – select 1 from 2, 3 or 4 options, for two or more question parts (see
Chapter 1 Q5)
In this Question Bank you will select only one option per question unless told otherwise.
The exam is 1.5 hours long and at least 55 marks are required to pass this exam.
Our website has the latest information, guidance and exclusive resources to help you prepare for this
exam. Find everything you need, from exam webinars, sample exams, errata sheets and the syllabus
to examiner and tutor-written articles at if you are studying the ACA and if you are studying ICAEW CFAB.

iv Law ICAEW 2021

Professional skills
Professional skills are essential to accountancy and your development of them is embedded
throughout the ACA qualification. The level of competency in each of the professional skills areas
required to pass each module exam increases as ACA trainees progress upwards through each Level
of the ACA qualification.
The professional skills embedded throughout this Question Bank provide the opportunity to develop
the knowledge and professional skills required to successfully pass the exam for this module.
During your question practice, remain mindful that you should be demonstrating each of the four
professional skills within your answers. You are advised to familiarise yourself with the full ACA
professional skills development grids which can be found at
The following advice will help you demonstrate each of the professional skills when completing your
answers to questions in this Question Bank.
Questions in the Law module are rapid fire, plus they can be complex and test the syllabus in a non-
sequential order, so each one requires a good skillset to answer correctly. Below are the key skills
required in the Law exam that you will need to master.

The Law exam requires you to attempt 50 questions in 90 minutes, meaning you have 108 seconds
for each question. Being disciplined, reading any scenario and answer options carefully and keeping
track of time will mean that you work effectively within time constraints which should offer you the
best chance of passing.

Some questions will require you to think about legal problems and identify potential legal liabilities,
or provide other legal advice. Others may require you to apply legislation and/or case law that you
have learned to a mini scenario – for example, by applying the law of negligence to a situation in
which a professional accountant finds themselves. It is important, therefore, to know the case law and
legislation contained in your Workbook well.

You may need to use judgement in some questions – for example, to decide what type of corporate
form is most appropriate in a situation, or whether a company is a suitable candidate for a company
voluntary arrangement or administration. Practice is the key to passing these types of questions.
Questions may also test your awareness of ethical, criminal and technological issues so it is important
to know the parts of the syllabus that deal with these, particularly those relating to ethics, and
criminal actions such as money laundering, bribery and fraud involving cybercrime.

As mentioned above, some questions may require you to provide legal advice in a situation. Such
questions will test your technical legal knowledge, so it is important to ensure that this is sound.

ICAEW 2021 Introduction v

vi Law ICAEW 2021
Question Bank
viii Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 1: Contract formation
1 Which of the following types of contract must be in writing or evidenced in writing?
A A partnership agreement
B A contract for the sale of goods
C An agreement for the transfer of land
D An employment contract
LO 1a

2 Which of the following terms describes a contract where one party may set it aside, but property
transferred before avoidance is usually irrecoverable from a third party?
A Void
B Voidable
C Unenforceable
D Valid
LO 1a

3 Gary intends to promise Carl that he (Gary) will pay the debts owed to Carl by Duncan, in the event
that Duncan fails to pay them himself.
Which of the following is true with regard to Gary’s proposed guarantee so that it will be enforceable
in a court of law?
A It must be by deed.
B It must be in writing.
C It can be oral provided it is evidenced in writing.
D It can be oral only.
LO 1a

4 Denzil puts a notice in the local post office saying “Reward. Lost cavalier King Charles spaniel named
Barnie. £150 reward for his safe return”. Florence finds Barnie and, unaware of Denzil’s notice, takes
him to Denzil’s home address which is inscribed on the dog’s name tag.
Which of the following statements best describes the legal position?
A Florence is not entitled to the reward. The offer is invalid as it is not made to an identifiable class
of persons.
B Florence is entitled to the reward. The offer is valid and her acceptance of the offer can be
inferred from her act of returning the dog.
C Florence is not entitled to the reward. She failed to claim the reward at the time of returning
Barnie (and accepting Denzil’s offer) and has therefore waived her right to receive it.
D Florence is not entitled to the reward as she did not even know that a reward was being offered.
LO 1a

5 Clarence sells champagne and high quality wines from home. He delivers a glossy flyer to all the £1
million plus homes in the Clifton area of Bristol, offering a 1998 Chablis for £30 a bottle. On reading
his copy of the flyer, Kenton goes to Clarence’s home and asks for a case of Chablis.
Is the flyer issued by Clarence a valid offer?
A Yes
B No

ICAEW 2021 1: Contract formation 1

Is Clarence in breach of contract if he says to Kenton that the Chablis is out of stock and that he is
unable to get hold of any more?
C Yes
D No
LO 1a, 1b

6 A local newspaper advertises “50 Whizzalong scooters remaining. 3 feet high. Only £20 each”. Which
legal term best describes the advert?
A Offer
B Statement of intention
C Invitation to treat
D Supply of information
LO 1a

7 All of the following, except one, have the effect of terminating an offer.
Which is the exception?
A Rejection
B Counter offer
C When a pre-condition is satisfied
D A lapse of time
LO 1b

8 Michael offers to sell his Laser 2000 sailing dinghy to Rupert for £1,500, provided he gets the job for
which he has just been interviewed, since that would result in him having to live somewhere too far
from sailing facilities. Rupert is delighted and thinks £1,500 is an excellent price. Michael fails to get
the job.
What is the consequence of Michael failing to get the job?
A The offer is terminated.
B The contract is rendered voidable.
C The contract is rendered unconditional.
D The contract is rendered unenforceable.
LO 1b

9 On Monday, George offers to sell his piano to Hilda for £1,500, to be delivered on Thursday. On
Tuesday, Hilda replies, saying that she will only buy the piano if George will delay delivery until the
following Monday. George doesn’t reply but sells his piano to Ivy on Thursday.
On Friday, Hilda sees George and accepts his offer. Is there a binding contract between George and
A Yes, Hilda’s reply on Tuesday constitutes an acceptance of the offer.
B No, Hilda’s reply on Tuesday constitutes a counter offer which destroys the original offer.
C No, the offer is terminated when George sells the piano to Ivy on Thursday.
D Yes, Hilda’s reply on Tuesday is a request for information only and on Friday she accepts his offer.
LO 1a

10 Frank offered Mary his lawnmower for £200. Mary asked whether he might be willing to accept £100
now and £100 at the end of the month when she is paid.

2 Law ICAEW 2021

Which of the following best describes the status of Mary’s reply?
A It is a rejection of Frank’s offer.
B It is an implied acceptance because she was clearly agreeable to the price.
C It is a counter offer.
D It is a request for information.
LO 1a

11 Mark emails Nathan and offers to sell his tandem to him for £250. Nathan texts him back to say that
he’d love it, but he will only pay £230. Two days later Mark says he’ll accept £230 but Nathan has
bought one on eBay for £200.
Which of the following best describes the legal position between the parties?
A Nathan’s reply is a rejection of Mark’s offer.
B Nathan’s reply is a counter offer which Mark accepts.
C Nathan’s reply is merely a request for information as to whether Mark will accept £20 less.
D Nathan’s reply constitutes a counter offer but this is revoked when he buys a tandem from eBay.
LO 1a

12 Are the following statements true or false?

If an offer states that it will remain open for three months, the offeror cannot revoke it before three
months have passed.
A True
B False
A letter of revocation is effective when posted.
C True
D False
LO 1a

13 Ralph writes to Theo offering to buy Theo’s sand yacht for £300. In his letter, he writes “If I do not hear
from you, I shall consider it mine and pick it up on Tuesday”.
Which of the following best describes the legal position as to whether or not a contract exists?
A There is a contract because Ralph waived the need for acceptance.
B There is a contract because Theo complied with Ralph’s terms exactly.
C There is a contract because acceptance can be inferred from Theo’s conduct.
D There is no contract because there is no positive act to indicate acceptance.
LO 1a

14 On 28 May, Abigail writes to Gill and offers to sell her all her old accountancy Workbooks for £50. Gill
posts a letter together with a cheque for £50 on 1 June saying that she’ll pick them up on 3 June.
However on 2 June, Abigail discovers that she has failed two of her papers and so sends a letter to
Gill saying that the books are no longer for sale. On 3 June, each receives the other’s letter.
Does the letter of revocation take effect on 2 June?
A Yes
B No

ICAEW 2021 1: Contract formation 3

Does Gill’s acceptance take effect on 3 June?
C Yes
D No
LO 1a

15 Are the following statements true or false?

Acceptance may be express or inferred from conduct.
A True
B False
Acceptance must always be communicated to the offeror in order for it to be effective.
C True
D False
LO 1a

16 On Monday, Peter writes to Quentin offering to sell his car to Quentin for £900. Peter’s letter is
received the next day. On Wednesday, Peter posts a letter to Quentin saying that he has changed his
mind. Later that day, Quentin speaks to Peter and says that he accepts his offer.
Is there a valid contract between Peter and Quentin?
A No, because Peter posted his revocation before Quentin accepted the offer.
B Yes, because Quentin accepts the offer before he receives Peter’s letter of revocation.
C No, because Quentin’s acceptance should have been in writing since the offer was made in
D Yes, because Quentin’s acceptance is made in a more expeditious manner than the offer.
LO 1a

17 Are the following statements true or false?

An acceptance of a contractual offer sent by email takes effect as soon as the person accepting the
offer presses the ‘send’ key.
A True
B False
Whether or not postal acceptance is within the contemplation of the parties is a question of fact and
may be deduced from all the circumstances.
C True
D False
LO 1a

18 Are the following statements true or false?

Where the offeror prescribes a mode of communication of acceptance, the offeree can normally use
an alternative mode, provided it is at least as expeditious as the mode prescribed.
A True
B False
Where no mode of communication of acceptance is prescribed, the offeree should use the same
mode as that used for the offer.
C True
D False
LO 1a

4 Law ICAEW 2021

19 On 1 May, Hugh offered to sell his boat to Jeff for £5,000, stating that his offer had to be accepted by
notice in writing. Jeff posted a letter of acceptance on 3 May, but it never arrived.
Does the postal rule apply ie, is the acceptance effective as soon as it is posted?
A Yes
B No
Is there a contract between Hugh and Jeff?
C Yes
D No
LO 1a

20 Brenda writes to Carol on 1 January offering to sell her gold necklace for £100. Carol receives the
letter on 3 January and on 5 January posts a letter accepting Brenda’s offer and sends a cheque for
£100. In the meantime, however, Brenda has sold the necklace to her sister Daisy for £150 believing
that Carol wasn’t interested. She wrote to Carol telling her this on 4 January but the letter wasn’t
received by Carol until 6 January. Brenda received Carol’s cheque on 7 January.
Which of the following is true?
A Carol’s acceptance is effective on 5 January.
B Brenda’s offer is revoked on 4 January.
C Carol’s acceptance is effective on 7 January.
D There is no binding agreement between Brenda and Carol.
LO 1a

21 With regard to the terms of a contract, answer the following:

Where a contract is in writing, will the courts allow the parties to rely on any terms that are agreed
between them but not embodied in the written document?
A Yes
B No
Can a term implied by custom and practice be overridden by a written term?
C Yes
D No
LO 1a

22 Mr and Mrs Higgins own two flats in Bristol which they let to students. When their eldest son, Crispin,
was offered a place at Bristol University to read Law, he and his parents entered into a tenancy
agreement allowing him to reside at one of the flats during his university studies for a rent of £190
per month. He was allowed to sublet the second bedroom for a rent of £200 per month.
In the light of the rebuttable presumption that no intention to create legal relations exists in the case
of a family, social or domestic arrangement, which of the following statements best describes the
legal position as to whether the necessary intention to create legal relations exists in this instance?
A No, because it is a family or domestic arrangement and so no such intention is presumed.
B No, because the fact that Crispin pays a reduced rent is evidence that no such intention exists.
C Yes, the normal presumption in family arrangements is rebutted by the fact that the parties enter
into a written agreement and rent is payable.
D Yes, because the normal presumption does not apply where the arrangement relates to
LO 1a

ICAEW 2021 1: Contract formation 5

23 Are the following statements true or false?
There is a rebuttable presumption that social, domestic and family arrangements are not intended to
be legally binding.
A True
B False
There is an irrebuttable presumption that parties to a commercial agreement intend it to be legally
C True
D False
LO 1a

24 Which of the following statements best describes consideration?

A Consideration must be adequate and sufficient.
B Consideration must be adequate but need not be sufficient.
C Consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate.
D Consideration need be neither sufficient nor adequate.
LO 1a

25 Can the following constitute valid consideration?

The payment of £1 per year as rent for a house
A Yes
B No
A promise by Adam not to pursue his action for breach of contract against Ben, if Ben agrees to do
Adam’s accounts for him for 12 months without charge
C Yes
D No
LO 1a

26 Zoe was employed to give one lunchtime recital per month at a prestigious eating venue in London.
Her contract contained a provision that she would stay behind and meet with appreciative members
of the audience after the recital, as part of the venue’s aim of making music more accessible and less
elitist. After about 18 months, Zoe’s recitals had become very popular but she was always keen to get
away quickly after each performance. The manager offered her £50 (on top of her recital fee) if she
would stay behind and meet with appreciative members of the audience for up to an hour after each
Can Zoe enforce the promise to pay her the extra £50?
A Yes. It is a fresh promise that the manager chose to make.
B Yes, because the contractual provision had become redundant through its non-observance.
C No, because she was obliged to perform that duty anyway.
D No. It was simply a goodwill gesture and is not intended to be legally binding.
LO 1a

27 Zak owes Eve £100. Finding that he has insufficient cash, Zak offers Eve his bicycle worth £90 instead.
Eve accepts.

6 Law ICAEW 2021

Which of the following statements best describes the legal position as to whether there is valid
A Yes, Eve was not already entitled to the bicycle so it is sufficient consideration for waiver of the
B No, the bicycle is not sufficient as it does not match or exceed the value of the debt.
C No, consideration must be in money or money’s worth.
D Yes, a bicycle constitutes sufficient consideration because it has an identifiable value.
LO 1a

28 In which of the following scenarios is there insufficient consideration for a waiver of rights by Oscar
where Humphrey owes him £1,000 to be paid on 13 May?
A Oscar agrees to accept a car instead.
B Oscar agrees to accept £980 on 13 May in cash.
C Oscar agrees to accept £980 from Humphrey’s sister in full satisfaction of the debt.
D Humphrey agrees to pay Oscar £700 on 1 May.
LO 1a

29 With regard to terms being implied into contracts, are the following true or false?
The courts will imply a term into a contract if required to do so by statute.
A True
B False
Terms may be implied on the basis of a custom or practice of a particular trade.
C True
D False
LO 1a

30 Prunella agrees to pay Paul £500 if Paul will landscape Phillip’s garden. There is no agency
relationship and the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 does not apply.
Who may enforce the terms of the contract?
A Prunella, Paul and Phillip
B Prunella and Phillip only
C Paul and Phillip only
D Prunella and Paul only
LO 1a

31 In relation to the intention to create legal relations:

The parties to a social or domestic agreement are presumed to have intended the agreement to be
legally enforceable, although this intention is rebuttable.
A True
B False
The parties to a commercial agreement are presumed to have intended the arrangement to be
legally enforceable.
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 1a

ICAEW 2021 1: Contract formation 7

32 On Monday, Andrew advertised his car for sale for £5,000 in a local newspaper. Brian saw the
advertisement and telephoned Andrew offering him £4,500 for the car. Andrew eventually offered to
sell the car to Brian for £4,800. Brian replied that he would need to test-drive the car before he could
agree such a price. Brian then agreed a time to meet at Andrew’s house the following weekend for
the test drive.
On Friday, Andrew sold his car to his neighbour Carol for £4,500.
Are the following statements true or false?
Andrew’s advertisement in the newspaper is purely an invitation to treat and as such is incapable of
acceptance and forming a legally binding contract.
A True
B False
Brian has no right of action against Andrew because no acceptance took place.
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 1a

33 Matt runs a small hotel. One of his friends, Louise, decorated two of the bedrooms for him, as a
surprise, when he was away on holiday. On his return, Matt was delighted and agreed to give her a
laptop in consideration for all her work. As a separate matter, he also agreed to pay Louise’s brother,
Adam, the sum of £300 to fit new lights and sockets in the bedrooms. Adam performs the work.
When Louise and Adam come to collect the laptop and the money Matt refuses to give them either.
Which of the following statements is correct?
A The contract with Louise is valid; the contract with Adam is valid.
B The contract with Louise is valid; the contract with Adam is invalid.
C The contract with Louise is invalid; the contract with Adam is invalid.
D The contract with Louise is invalid; the contract with Adam is valid.
Sample Exam, LO 1a

34 On 1 February, Harry posts a letter to Beth offering to sell his car. On 2 February, Beth receives Harry’s
On 3 February, Harry changes his mind and posts a letter to Beth telling her that the car is no longer
for sale. On the same day, Beth posts a letter to Harry accepting the offer contained in his letter of 1
On 4 February, Beth receives Harry’s letter informing her that the car is no longer for sale.
Is there a valid contract between Beth and Harry regarding the sale of Harry’s car?
A Yes, acceptance took place on 3 February and Harry’s revocation took place on 4 February.
B No, Harry revoked the offer before Beth posted her acceptance.
C Yes, Harry cannot revoke the offer once it has been communicated to Beth.
D No, Harry’s revocation took place on 3 February, so Beth’s acceptance is too late.
Sample Exam, LO 1a

35 A contractual offer may be terminated by:

A Yes
B No

8 Law ICAEW 2021

Lapse of time
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 1b

36 To be valid, a contract must contain:

Written evidence of the principal terms of the contract
A Yes
B No
An agreement
C Yes
D No
LO 1a

37 Are the following statements true or false?

To be effective, a revocation of an offer must be made in writing.
A True
B False
To be effective, a revocation can be made by an authorised agent of the offeror.
C True
D False
LO 1a

38 Raheem is visiting Karl’s office. Whilst he is there, he sees a photocopier that Karl no longer needs.
Raheem offers Karl £500 for the photocopier and Karl accepts. Raheem pays Karl, loads the
photocopier into his van and drives away.
Which type of consideration is present in the contract between Raheem and Karl?
A Past
B Executed
C Executive
D Executory
LO 1a

39 Which of the following statements correctly describes privity of contract?

A Individuals and businesses only have rights and obligations under a contract if they are a party to
B To be valid, contracts must contain agreement, consideration and intention to create legal
C Consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate.
D Contractual terms are a private matter to be decided by the contracting parties.
LO 1a

ICAEW 2021 1: Contract formation 9

10 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 2: Termination of contract
1 Which term best describes a contract, such as a building contract, that provides for payment at
various stages of the contractor’s progress?
A A divided contract
B A segmented contract
C A severable contract
D A partial contract
LO 1a

2 Abigail agrees to let her flat to Xavier for one day for the purpose of viewing a carnival. Xavier pays
her a £50 deposit with £80 due to be paid at the end of the carnival. Due to civil unrest, the
government prohibits all street entertainment and the carnival is cancelled just before Xavier is due
to travel to the flat. Neither party has incurred any costs (save for payment of the deposit) in
performance of the contract.
Applying the Law Reform (Frustrated Contracts) Act 1943, which of the following statements is
A Abigail can keep the deposit but cannot claim the balance.
B Abigail can keep the deposit and Xavier is liable to pay the balance.
C Abigail must pay back the deposit and Xavier need not pay the balance.
D Abigail can keep the deposit and Xavier must pay an additional £15 so that each party bears an
equal loss.
Sample Exam, LO 1b

3 Are the following statements true or false?

Anticipatory breach may be implied from conduct and need not be explicit.
A True
B False
Where an innocent party elects to treat a contract as discharged, they waive the right to claim
damages from the party in default.
C True
D False
LO 1b

4 Monster Mowers Ltd agrees to sell one of its ride-on mowers to Geoff in the knowledge that Geoff is
taking on new customers from Percy, a commercial gardener, who is retiring and that Geoff is unable
to cope with the increased workload with his present mower. The company fails to deliver the mower
until 10 days after the due date for delivery and Geoff is forced to continue working with his old
mower as best he can. As a result he is unable to complete all the contracts he has agreed with
Percy’s old customers. He is also unable to accept an offer from the local botanical gardens to be
their grass-cutting contractor for the next 12 months because he cannot begin work immediately.

ICAEW 2021 2: Termination of contract 11

Which of the following statements best describes the legal position of Monster Mowers Ltd?
A The company would be entitled to assume that Geoff could perform his contracts without the
new mower and will not be liable for damages as a result.
B The company will be liable for damages in respect of breaches of Geoff’s contracts with existing
customers but not the new customers from Percy’s business.
C The company will be liable for damages in respect of breaches of Geoff’s contracts with all his
customers but not in respect of the botanical gardens’ potential contract as this was not a normal
loss and the company was not aware of it.
D The company will be liable for damages in respect of breaches of contract with all his customers
and for the lost contract with the botanical gardens since this was a reasonably foreseeable part
of Geoff’s business plans with his new mower.
LO 1b

5 Are the following statements true or false?

Damages for breach of contract are primarily intended to restore the injured party to the same
position they were in at the time when the contract was made.
A True
B False
The claimant is required to take every opportunity to mitigate their loss arising as a consequence of a
breach of contract.
C True
D False
LO 1b

6 Henry agreed to advertise the services provided by his father’s business, The Complete Service Ltd,
in appropriate publications over a period of 24 months. It was agreed that Henry would be liable to
pay a sum of £5,000 in respect of any advertising error or missed deadline.
Which of the following describes this contractual provision?
A A liquidated damages clause
B An unliquidated damages clause
C An exclusion clause
D A penalty clause
LO 1b

7 James contracted to buy a rare sports car from Jeremy for £23,000 but refused to take delivery as
agreed. Jeremy, who had recently bought the car for £20,000, was able to sell the car to Richard for
£24,100, but sued James for breach of their contract.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Jeremy is entitled to recover £23,000 from James, that being the agreed contract price and
there being no excuse for James’ breach.
B Jeremy is entitled to nominal damages only since he has been able to sell the car for greater
C Jeremy is entitled only to recover from James the £20,000 that he had in fact paid for the car
himself since he was able to sell the car on for profit following the breach by James.
D James is no longer in breach of contract because Jeremy has mitigated his loss totally.
LO 1b

12 Law ICAEW 2021

8 Siegfried employs Marij to plan and build a go-kart course on his field which he intends to open to
the public on 1 May. His viability and market research studies lead him to expect that he will earn
£300 per day in the first three months of business. Marij contracts to construct the course and
surrounding areas according to certain plans and specifications and to complete the work by no later
than 30 March for a contract price of £10,000. The contract provides that Marij will be liable to pay
Siegfried £150 for every day work overruns the scheduled completion date.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A The provision is for unliquidated damages and is valid because it is less than the anticipated
B The provision is for liquidated damages and is valid because the figure is not penal in nature and
protects Siegfried’s legitimate interest.
C The provision is void because it states a sum in excess of 1% of the total contract price.
D The provision is likely to be void because the same amount is payable regardless of the actual
LO 1b

9 Which of the following statements in relation to contractual remedies is incorrect?

A Specific performance is awarded at the discretion of the court where damages would not be an
adequate remedy.
B Specific performance is likely to be more appropriate than damages in a contract involving
personal services.
C Specific performance is likely to be awarded in a contract for the sale of land.
D A mandatory injunction often has the same result as specific performance but is less common.
LO 1b

10 Colin was engaged as a coach of the South of England Athletics Squad (SEAS) and his contract
contained a clause that he would not coach any other team without the consent of the SEAS. The
SEAS management discovered that unknown to them, he had in fact been coaching the South Wales
team for three months and brought action against him for breach of contract.
Which of the following is the most likely remedy to be granted in addition to possible damages?
A A mandatory injunction
B A quantum meruit award
C Specific performance
D A prohibitory injunction
LO 1b

11 The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 renders some exclusions void and others subject to the
reasonableness test:
In a contract between two businesses, is a clause which limits liability for losses due to negligence
void, however reasonable it might appear?
A Yes
B No
Is a clause limiting liability for personal injury resulting from negligence in a contract between two
private individuals subject to the reasonableness test?
C Yes
D No
LO 1b

ICAEW 2021 2: Termination of contract 13

12 Which of the following descriptions best describes the statutory test of reasonableness under the
Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977?
A Whether an ordinary person in the normal course of business would consider the clause to be
reasonable in all the circumstances
B Whether it is fair and reasonable, with regard to all the circumstances which were, or which
ought to have been known to the parties when the contract was made
C Whether it is fair and reasonable with regard to all the circumstances which were known to or in
the reasonable contemplation of the parties
D Whether it is fair and reasonable to exclude liability, having regard to the relative bargaining
strengths of the parties
LO 1b

13 Foul Foods Ltd, a company specialising in the production and sale of cream cakes on an industrial
scale, bought a large oven from Ovens & Co intending to extend their existing business to include
the production of pizza bases. The delivery of the oven was three months later than the contract date.
During those three months Foul Foods Ltd tried unsuccessfully to buy another oven.
Foul Foods Ltd has claimed for its lost profits in the following two ways:
(1) Profits which would have been made from the expected increase in business following their
increased capacity; and
(2) Profits which they would have made from a lucrative contract for the supply of pizza bases to a
nationwide supermarket chain for which they would have been able to bid.
Is Foul Foods Ltd’s claim for its lost profits likely to be successful?
A Yes, but only the lost profits from the expected general increase in trade are recoverable, not
those from the loss of the lucrative supermarket contract.
B No, in accordance with the rules governing the award of damages for breach of contract both
losses are too remote.
C Yes, the lost profits from the expected general increase in trade and the loss of the lucrative
supermarket contract are recoverable.
D No, as Foul Foods Ltd have failed to mitigate its losses.
Sample Exam, LO 1b

14 The equitable remedy of specific performance can be awarded in cases involving:

The performance of personal services
A True
B False
A contract to build a house
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 1b

15 Which of the following may be used to resolve disputes, even after court proceedings have been
(1) Negotiation
(2) Expert determination
(3) Mediation
(4) Adjudication

14 Law ICAEW 2021

A (1) only
B (2), (3) and (4) only
C (1) and (4) only
D All of them
LO 1b

16 Some situations will cause a contract to be discharged by frustration.

A manor house which was hired for a wedding reception is destroyed by fire a week before the
Is this contract discharged by frustration?
A Yes
B No
A boat supplier in England has a contract to supply boats to a foreign country. However, due to
tensions between the nations, the contract has become subject to a number of onerous legal
requirements that make it difficult, but not impossible, to perform the contract.
Is this contract discharged by frustration?
C Yes
D No
LO 1b

17 A contract between two businesses included a clause restricting the potential liability of the seller if
the goods supplied were not of satisfactory quality. The seller was a large multinational plc, the buyer
a small retail shop that operates as a private limited company.
Can the seller rely on this clause if they supply unsatisfactory goods to the buyer?
A No, because the buyer is in a weaker position than the seller.
B Yes, but only if the clause passes the reasonableness test set out in the Unfair Contract Terms Act
(UCTA) 1977.
C Yes, the clause applies because there are no restrictions on the terms that can be agreed in a
business-to-business contract.
D No, because exemption clauses do not apply to the sale of unsatisfactory goods.
LO 1b

18 Are the following statements true or false?

Under contract law, parties to a contract are required to substantially perform their obligations. This is
sufficient to prevent the other party from seeking redress if they are not happy with their
A True
B False
Breach of contract occurs in all cases where one party to a contract fails to perform their contractual
C True
D False
LO 1b

ICAEW 2021 2: Termination of contract 15

16 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 3: Agency
1 Arthur worked for Lady Grey and part of his job was to buy plants, ornaments and furniture for the
gardens of her country manor house. When her son, Harry, was due to retire from the services, she
advised Arthur that Harry would be taking on his responsibilities. A few weeks later, Arthur ordered
some very expensive roses and marble statues from Lady Grey’s main supplier and collected the
goods the next day for his own garden. The invoice was delivered to Lady Grey.
Is there an agency relationship between Arthur and Lady Grey in respect of the contract for the roses
and statues?
A Yes
B No
Is Lady Grey bound to settle the invoice?
C Yes
D No
LO 1c

2 Stephen lives near an isolated headland in Cornwall. One day, he sees a Rolls Royce parked on the
beach. No one is in sight but the tide is coming in rapidly. Stephen calls his neighbour and arranges
for him to come and tow the Rolls Royce up the beach to safety. The neighbour is happy to oblige
but wants payment for what he has done. When the owner, Anthony, returns, he refuses to pay
because he says the action was not necessary.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A An agency of necessity has arisen because Stephen is unable to contact Anthony.
B An agency of necessity has arisen because there is an emergency situation and a pressing need
for action.
C No agency of necessity has arisen because the Rolls Royce is not a perishable good and
Stephen’s action was not reasonable.
D No agency of necessity has arisen because there is no pre-existing contractual relationship
between Stephen and Anthony.
LO 1c

3 Preparing for her 40th birthday party, Scarlett went into Choice Wines and ordered three cases of
pinot noir, saying that she was buying them in her capacity as agent for Dame Hilda, a well-known
celebrity who lived in the same village and who was planning a summer ball in the grounds of her
country house. Choice Wines supplied the wine and then invoiced Dame Hilda.
Is there an agency by holding out or estoppel?
A Yes
B No
Can Choice Wines demand payment from Dame Hilda?
C Yes
D No
LO 1c

4 Andrea purchases 10 watercolour paintings from an artist, Ross, for her employer, the Earl of
Somerset, even though he has told her not to buy any more watercolours on his behalf but to
concentrate on pastels. When the artist learns this, he demands their return as he had no wish for his
work to hang in Andrea’s terraced home in Bridgwater. However, the Earl of Somerset had come to
like them after seeing them on Andrea’s walls and refused the artist’s demand for their return,
sending him a cheque instead.

ICAEW 2021 3: Agency 17

Does the Earl of Somerset’s action amount to ratification of the contract?
A Yes
B No
Is the artist able to insist on the return of the watercolour paintings?
C Yes
D No
LO 1c

5 Are the following statements true or false?

On ratification of an agent’s contract by a principal, the third party may then choose whether to
enforce the contract against the agent or the principal.
A True
B False
Ratification can only validate an agent’s past acts and will not endow any future authority.
C True
D False
LO 1c

6 Frank acts as an agent for Marilyn, purchasing silk nightwear from a number of different suppliers.
Sometimes the suppliers pay a commission on orders placed with them by Frank on behalf of
Marilyn. Frank regards the commissions as a perk of the job and keeps them. Which of the following
best describes the legal position?
A The commissions are regarded as bribes and Marilyn should report Frank to the police.
B Marilyn may dismiss Frank and recover the amount of commissions retained by him.
C Commissions are customarily retained by an agent as part of his remuneration and so Frank has
no liability in respect of them.
D Marilyn can take action against the suppliers for directing the commissions to Frank instead of
Sample Exam, LO 1c

7 With regard to the duties owed by an agent:

Is an agent entitled to delegate the tasks that they are appointed to undertake, as they see fit?
A Yes
B No
Is an agent at liberty to reveal details about their principal discovered during the course of the
agency relationship, once that relationship has ended?
C Yes
D No
LO 1c

8 Brian has just terminated his appointment of Livvi, who has been his agent for the past six months.
The written contract of agency did not mention anything about remuneration and Brian relies on this
when he refuses to pay her in respect of her services. He does, however, accept that he must
reimburse her for £5,000 expenses that she has paid along the way.
Can Brian rely on the written contract to claim that no remuneration is payable to Livvi?
A Yes
B No

18 Law ICAEW 2021

Is Livvi entitled to retain the goods belonging to Brian that she has in her possession until he pays
her the sums owed to her?
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 1c

9 Barnaby is a partner in Brown & Co, a dentists’ practice. He orders four filing cabinets, one for
reception and one for each of the surgeries, from Office Gear. The other two dentists in the practice
think that this is an unnecessary expense and ask Office Gear to cancel the order. Office Gear is not
prepared to do so and demands payment.
Which of the following best describes the legal position as to whether or not Brown & Co is bound
by the contract?
A It is bound because the contract is within the implied usual authority of the dentist, Barnaby.
B It is bound because Office Gear knew that Barnaby was buying the cabinets for Brown & Co.
C It is not bound because Barnaby had authority to buy dentistry tools and equipment but not
office supplies.
D It is not bound because the majority of partners do not wish to buy the cabinets.
LO 1d

10 Amanda, Sophia and Nadia are in partnership, in the name of InStyle, providing interior design
services to commercial clients. Sophia is a keen gardener and has advertised garden design and
landscaping services, also in the name of InStyle. She has even carried out some gardening work and
always puts up an InStyle sign at the entrance to the premises where she is working and Amanda and
Nadia have not objected to Sophia putting up the sign and have not tried to stop her. In fact, they
have welcomed the extra income for the partnership. When Sophia damages a valuable statuette
while carrying out some landscaping works, the owner threatens to sue the partnership.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A InStyle is not liable because Sophia’s implied usual authority relates to the interior design work
B InStyle is not liable because Sophia is wrongly using the partnership name for what is effectively
her own business.
C InStyle is liable because Sophia has ostensible authority to carry out gardening services on
behalf of InStyle.
D InStyle is not liable because ostensible authority cannot arise without active representation on
the principal’s part; inactivity is not enough.
Sample Exam, LO 1d

11 Barry, Kelvin and Oscar were the directors of Suresend Ltd. No managing director had been
appointed but Kelvin and Oscar were well aware that Barry behaved as if he were Suresend Ltd’s
managing director. In particular Kelvin and Oscar knew that Barry entered into contracts on behalf of
the company, including regularly hiring cars and requiring valeting services from Fastfleet Ltd. Kevin
and Oscar have now discovered that Barry has just entered into a contract with Fastfleet Ltd to
service all Suresend’s delivery vans and lorries. Kelvin and Barry do not wish Suresend Ltd to proceed
with this contract with Fastfleet Ltd and claim that Barry had no authority to enter into the contract
and have written to Fastfleet Ltd to this effect.

ICAEW 2021 3: Agency 19

Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Suresend is not bound because it provided written revocation of the authority given to Barry.
B Suresend is not bound because Barry did not have actual authority.
C Suresend is bound because Barry had ostensible authority.
D Suresend is bound because Fastfleet relied on Barry’s representations.
LO 1c

12 Are the following statements true or false in connection with agency by estoppel?
The third party must show that they have relied on a representation that the contracting party was
acting as agent for their principal.
A True
B False
It is not necessary to show that the claimant’s loss was caused by their reliance on the representation.
C True
D False
LO 1c

13 Are the following statements true or false?

For an agency by estoppel to arise, there must be a pre-existing agency relationship between the
principal and the agent.
A True
B False
When an individual revokes the authority of their agent they should inform the third parties, who
regularly deal with the agent, of the change in circumstances in order to prevent the former agent
having any continuing authority to act on their behalf.
C True
D False
LO 1c

14 Roz works in the accounts department of Bizzy Lizzy, a successful florist’s business. The principal
owner of the business, Vincent, was due to visit a specialist rose grower on the Isles of Scilly but was
unable to go due to illness. Vincent asked Roz to go along instead. He telephoned the rose grower to
say that his buying partner would be taking his place. Roz ordered 500 roses for Bizzy Lizzy.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Roz had ostensible authority to order the roses.
B Roz had implied authority to order the roses.
C Roz had express authority to order the roses.
D Roz had no authority to order the roses.
LO 1c

15 Annabel is Phil’s agent. She enters into a contract with Tim, within her authority, expressly describing
herself as an agent for Phil.
Can Annabel be liable on this contract with Tim?
A Yes
B No

20 Law ICAEW 2021

If Annabel enters into a contract, saying that she is acting as agent but without actually naming Phil as
her principal, does that mean that Phil will not be liable on the contract?
C Yes
D No
LO 1c

16 Ashley is Phyllis’s agent and enters into a contract for the purchase of a vintage car from Vince, as
instructed by Phyllis. Vince does not know that Ashley is buying the car for Phyllis, at the time of
entering into the contract, but discovers this to be the case one week later.
If Vince then defaults on the sale, can Phyllis take action on the contract?
A Yes
B No
If Phyllis defaults on the purchase, can Vince take action on the contract?
C Yes
D No
LO 1c

17 Walter enters into a contract for the purchase of a barge from Barney. He is actually buying it for
Natalie, although Barney does not know that Walter is buying it for anybody else (not that it would
have made any difference to him). When the date for payment arrives, Walter is unable to pay for the
barge and tells Barney that he was actually buying it for Natalie anyway.
Is the contract enforceable against Natalie?
A Yes
B No
Is the contract enforceable against Walter?
C Yes
D No
LO 1c

18 Martha tells John that she wants to buy one of his horse sculptures on behalf of her grandmother,
Lady Reynolds. In fact, Lady Reynolds has not asked her to do so. Three months later, John contacts
Lady Reynolds to say that he has completed a bronze stallion and it is ready for collection on the
payment of £10,000. Lady Reynolds denies all knowledge of it and refuses to pay.
Can John sue Lady Reynolds on the contract?
A Yes
B No
Can John sue Martha under the tort of deceit?
C Yes
D No
LO 1c

19 A valid agency relationship can be created by:

Express appointment
A Yes
B No

ICAEW 2021 3: Agency 21

C Yes
D No
LO 1c

20 Dennis was a partner in Doolittle Solicitors. He retires from the partnership and the firm’s existing
clients and suppliers are informed of this fact; the firm amends its stationery so that Dennis’s name
no longer appears on it. A short time later, Dennis orders goods using old stationery which still has
his name on it and asks for the bill to be sent to Doolittle Solicitors.
Which of the following statements is correct?
A There is a binding contract between Dennis and the firm which supplied the goods.
B No binding contract has been created between the supplier and Doolittle Solicitors because
Dennis was not authorised to act on behalf of the firm.
C There is a binding contract between Doolittle Solicitors and the firm which supplied the goods.
D No binding contract has been created because the partnership shown on the stationery had
ceased to exist.
Sample Exam, LO 1d

21 An agent’s authority to act on behalf of their principal can arise:

Where express authority is explicitly granted by the principal to the agent
A Yes
B No
Where a person with actual authority makes a representation to a third party that a particular person
has the authority to act as their agent without actually appointing the agent
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 1c

22 Kit and Lin are partners in a takeaway pizza business. One of their employees, Jeff, decides to try to
improve the business’s profits by setting up a parcel delivery operation, using the same business
name, that uses the pizza delivery vehicles to deliver the parcels. Kit and Lin do not prevent Jeff
doing this and are happy with the extra money the parcel delivery service is making.
Which type of authority does Jeff have in regard to the parcel delivery service?
A Actual express authority
B Implied usual authority
C Ostensible authority
D Actual implied authority
LO 1c

23 Alice, acting as Petra’s agent, contracts with Toni to purchase Toni’s car.
Under agency law, who may sue and be sued on the contract?
A Alice and Toni
B Petra and Toni
C Alice and Petra
D Alice, Toni and Petra
LO 1c

22 Law ICAEW 2021

24 Are the following statements regarding agency law true or false?
The duties of an agent are limited to what was agreed and incorporated into the agency contract
between agent and the principal.
A True
B False
An agent and their principal have a fiduciary relationship between them.
C True
D False
LO 1c

ICAEW 2021 3: Agency 23

24 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 4: Negligence
1 In respect of a successful action in the tort of negligence:
Is it true that the claimant must have suffered personal injury?
A Yes
B No
Is the standard of proof the balance of probabilities?
C Yes
D No
LO 1e

2 In an action for negligence:

Does there need to be some sort of pre-existing relationship between the claimant and defendant at
the time of the act complained of, although not necessarily a contractual relationship?
A Yes
B No
Does the court need to be satisfied that public policy would allow a duty of care to exist?
C Yes
D No
LO 1e

3 Which of the following is irrelevant in determining whether a duty of care exists?

A Whether it is fair that the law should impose a duty on the defendant
B Whether the defendant intended to cause injury to the claimant
C Whether it was reasonably foreseeable that the claimant might suffer damage as a result of the
defendant’s actions
D Whether there is sufficient proximity between the parties
LO 1e

4 Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A If the defendant succeeds in arguing res ipsa loquitur, the burden of proof is then on the
claimant to show negligence.
B In arguing res ipsa loquitur, it must be shown that the thing that caused the damage was under
the management and control of the defendant.
C Res ipsa loquitur is relevant where the reason for the damage is not known.
D Whether a breach of the duty of care has occurred is a matter of fact.
LO 1e

ICAEW 2021 4: Negligence 25

5 All of the following options, except one, must be shown by a claimant in order to succeed in an
action for negligence.
Which is the exception?
A That the defendant owed them a duty of care.
B That the defendant was in breach of a duty of care.
C That the claimant suffered injury, damage or loss as a result of a breach of a duty of care.
D That the damage was not too remote.
LO 1e

6 All of the following statements, except one, were established by, or relevant to, the landmark case of
Donoghue v Stevenson, which involved an allegation that there had been a decomposing snail in a
bottle of ginger beer.
Which is the exception?
A No contractual relationship is necessary to found an action for negligence.
B There must be a sufficient degree of proximity or neighbourhood between the parties.
C A manufacturer could owe a duty of care to a person who did not actually buy its goods.
D There should be a special relationship of some sort between the parties.
LO 1e

7 Anton is learning to drive with his father, when he mistakenly goes into reverse gear instead of first
gear, and hits a pedestrian on the road behind him. Although he is moving very slowly, the elderly
and frail pedestrian suffers bruising, but also a heart attack induced by the shock. She dies within
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A The standard of care owed by Anton is that of a reasonable learner driver and the fact that she is
especially vulnerable is irrelevant.
B The standard of care owed is that of a reasonable driver and it is irrelevant that she was
especially vulnerable.
C The standard of care owed is that of a reasonable learner driver but the fact that she was
especially vulnerable means that a higher standard will be applied.
D The standard of care owed is that of a reasonable driver but the fact that she was especially
vulnerable means that a higher standard will be applied.
LO 1e

8 Natasha holds all relevant qualifications in horse and stable management. She runs a stable yard and
has a team of college students to help at the yard, including transferring horses from the stables to
the field and vice versa. One day, Becky, a student, went to collect a horse and was kicked in the
head. She suffered serious injury. Shortly after this incident, a similar incident happened at the yard of
a top showjumper. Reacting to this later incident, the Horse Society issued a direction that all yard
owners should ensure that their grooms and helpers always wear suitable headgear when turning
out or catching horses. After reading this, Becky’s parents decide to sue Natasha for negligence.
In the context of negligence:
Is the Horse Society guidance relevant to the standard of care owed by Natasha?
A Yes
B No

26 Law ICAEW 2021

Is the standard of care owed by Natasha that of an ordinary reasonable man guided by those
considerations that normally regulate the conduct of human affairs?
C Yes
D No
LO 1e

9 John drives in a careless fashion down a narrow street with cars parked on each side of the road,
actually knocking the wing mirrors off two of the cars. While Naomi is watching him, she trips on
some tools that have been left out by council workmen laying new kerbstones and breaks her ankle.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A John is liable because his negligent driving causes her to trip.
B Naomi is liable because she does not look where she is going.
C The local authority is liable because its workers are negligent in leaving tools on the pavement.
D John and the local authority are both liable because they both caused her injury.
LO 1e

10 An accountant has given incorrect tax advice to one of their clients. The error on the part of the
accountant constituted negligence. They face potential liability in:
A contract only
B tort only
C contract and tort
D neither contract nor tort, but in misrepresentation
LO 1e

11 Brown & Cameron, a firm of accountants, prepares accounts for Target plc, showing a profit of
£800,000 when they should, in fact, have shown a loss of £8,000. Marnie owned 300 shares in the
company and, after reading the accounts that were sent to her (as to all shareholders), she purchased
an additional 500 shares. When it came to light that the accounts had been prepared negligently
(and the share price tumbled as a result of that negligence), Marnie sued the accountants for
negligence. There was no disclaimer of liability in the audit report.
Which of the following best describes the legal position in respect of the potential liability of the firm,
Brown & Cameron to Marnie?
A It is liable because the partners in the firm knew that the accounts would be sent to all
B It is liable because it was reasonably foreseeable that existing shareholders would rely on the
accounts for the purpose of reviewing their investments.
C It is not liable because Marnie bought her shares on the Stock Exchange and not from the
D It is not liable because the firm did not owe a duty to existing shareholders who rely on the
accounts for a purpose other than that for which they were intended.
LO 1e

12 Campbells, a firm of accountants, prepared annual accounts for Thespians plc. The director of
Moneymakers Ltd, which held shares in Thespians plc, saw the accounts and, as a result, the
company lent Thespians plc £100,000 to finance its new premises. In fact, the accounts had been
prepared negligently and Thespians plc was actually facing mounting debts. Since there was no
disclaimer of liability in the audit report, Moneymakers Ltd sued Campbells.

ICAEW 2021 4: Negligence 27

Which of the following best describes the legal position regarding Campbells’s potential liability to
Moneymakers Ltd?
A Campbells is liable because it owes a duty of care to potential lenders.
B Campbells is liable because it knew that Moneymakers Ltd was a shareholder and would
therefore have sight of the accounts.
C Campbells is not liable because the accounts were not prepared for the purpose of enabling
people to decide whether or not to lend to the company.
D Campbells is not liable because such a lender should have investigated the accounts and
concluded that they were inaccurate.
LO 1e

13 Malcolm is managing director of Eastreach Ltd. Knowing that the finance director, Finley, was
undergoing cancer treatment, Malcolm asked Tristan, an accountant, to prepare the company’s
accounts. Tristan provided the accounts in draft and Malcolm asked Finley to check that he was
happy with them. While awaiting Finley’s review, George, Tristan’s brother (and business rival), saw
the draft accounts and bought the entire 51% shareholding in Eastreach Ltd owned by Brigitte. When
Finley had finished checking the accounts, it was discovered that Tristan had made significant
accounting errors and had shown the company to be significantly more profitable than it was: in fact
the company was heading for insolvency. Brigitte is delighted but George sues Tristan for his
negligence, noting that Tristan had not made any disclaimer of liability in respect of his work.
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A Tristan owed a duty of care because George was known to him.
B Tristan owed no duty of care because he did not know that George would look at the accounts.
C Tristan owed a duty of care to Malcolm.
D Tristan owed no duty of care to Brigitte.
LO 1e

14 Tina, a trainee accountant, was approached by Kevin, the husband of Tina’s senior colleague, Jill, at
an office party. Kevin asked her for some professional advice. Flattered that he had asked her rather
than Jill, Tina obliged. However, her advice was flawed.
Is she liable for the resulting loss suffered by Kevin?
A No, because she is only a trainee.
B No, because the advice was not given in a professional context.
C Yes, because she knows him and assumes responsibility for her advice.
D Yes, because she owes a duty of care for which the standard is that of a reasonable qualified
LO 1e

15 Tim, an accountant, prepares financial statements for MarkUp plc, knowing that the company was
considering three takeover bids, including one from Growth plc. There was no disclaimer of liability
in the accounts.
In the event that Tim prepares the statements negligently, indicating that the company is financially
secure when it is not, and Growth plc takes over MarkUp plc on the basis of those accounts:
Can Growth plc recover any resulting losses it makes on the takeover?
A Yes
B No

28 Law ICAEW 2021

Will Tim be liable to pay damages to the other takeover bidders where they were also identified to
him as potential takeover bidders who would be relying on the accounts?
C Yes
D No
LO 1e

16 Are the following statements true or false?

An auditor who is responsible for an auditor’s report containing materially false or misleading
information commits an offence under the Companies Act 2006 that is punishable by a fine and/or
A True
B False
A liability limitation agreement between a company and its auditor limiting potential liability for
negligence in the course of auditing accounts is automatically void.
C True
D False
LO 1e

17 With regard to an auditor’s potential liability in tort for providing audited accounts:
Is a provision (other than in a liability limitation agreement) that excludes them from such liability
A Yes
B No
Can the company agree to indemnify an auditor against such liability?
C Yes
D No
LO 1e

18 With regard to factors that need to be taken into account by the court when determining whether a
duty of care exists in cases of professional misstatement:
Is the purpose for which the statement was made relevant to the court?
A Yes
B No
Will the court consider whether it is just and equitable to impose a duty of care?
C Yes
D No
LO 1e

19 Reece’s parked car was damaged by the negligent driving of Jack on 1 January 20X0. He
understands that there is a limitation period in regard to claiming damages in respect of tortious

ICAEW 2021 4: Negligence 29

On which date will Reece be prevented from putting in a claim for the damage to his car?
A 1 January 20X3
B 1 January 20X4
C 1 January 20X5
D 1 January 20X6
LO 1e

20 When deciding whether or not a professional is liable to a claimant in respect of a negligence claim,
the court will look at the standard of care that they were expected to demonstrate. All, except one, of
the following are principles that the court will consider when determining the standard of care.
Which is the exception?
A The body of professional opinion concerning the approach taken by the professional.
B Knowledge and general practice concerning the professional’s approach at the time the claim is
C Any vulnerabilities of the defendant that the professional is aware of.
D The particular skill that the professional says they have.
LO 1e

21 The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 provides that a person who is acting in the course of a business
cannot exclude liability for any consequences of any negligent act on their part.
A True
B False
The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 does not apply to a clause excluding liability for negligence
which has been agreed between two businesses.
C True
D False
LO 1e

22 With regard to damages for negligence, do the following matters have to be considered to be
reasonably foreseeable, in order that the claimant can recover damages in respect of their loss?
The manner in which the loss was suffered
A Yes
B No
The extent of the loss
C Yes
D No
LO 1e

23 Are the following statements true or false?

A principal is liable for the acts of his agent, provided they are committed by the agent in the course
of performing the task for which they are an agent.
A True
B False

30 Law ICAEW 2021

An employer will not be vicariously liable for the negligent acts of their employee, provided they can
show that they took reasonable steps to avert the possibility of the tort being committed.
C True
D False
LO 1f

24 Reg is a bus driver and is bound by his employer’s rules that say he must not race other bus drivers.
However, he does so and causes personal injury to Tabatha who is crossing the road.
Is Reg acting in the course of his employment?
A Yes
B No
Is Reg’s employer vicariously liable for his act?
C Yes
D No
LO 1f

25 Alice is a newly qualified accountant employed in an accountancy firm. An old friend, Bashir, meets
her at a party and asks for some tax advice. Alice tells him to make an appointment to see her in the
office which he does. Alice advises him on his tax affairs. This advice misinterprets certain statutory
provisions relating to tax. Bashir relies on the advice and loses money. A reasonably competent
accountant would not have given the advice which Alice gave.
If Alice is sued for negligence, could she could rely on any of the following factors as a complete or
partial defence:
She was newly qualified and could not be expected to reach the same standard of competence as a
more experienced accountant.
A Yes
B No
Bashir would have suffered the loss even if the advice had been correct.
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 1e

26 Susan is a newly qualified accountant employed in an accountancy firm, Calculator LLP. Susan
advised Tariq on his tax affairs and Tariq lost a substantial sum of money. Tariq wants to bring a claim
for this loss.
Which of the following is correct?
A He could sue Susan if her advice was incorrect.
B He could sue Calculator LLP if Susan’s advice was incorrect.
C He could sue Susan or Calculator LLP if Susan’s advice was negligent.
D He could sue neither Susan nor Calculator LLP since his loss was purely financial.
Sample Exam, LO 1f

27 Rustom owned shares in Target plc. In January 20X0 he bought a further 10,000 shares in Target plc
after reading the following:
• A newspaper column by Tipster which stated that Target plc was a company which would benefit
from the predicted rise in house prices in 20X0

ICAEW 2021 4: Negligence 31

• A postcard sent by a friend, Carl, who stated that he had paid for his holiday with his dividends
from Target plc
• The annual accounts of Target plc which had been signed off by Target’s auditors, Laylem LLP
Within a month of Rustom buying the extra shares Target plc went into insolvent liquidation and he
wants to know if any of Tipster, Carl or Laylem LLP owe him a duty of care in respect of his purchase
of the 10,000 shares.
A Tipster, Carl and Laylem LLP all owe Rustom a duty of care.
B Neither Tipster, Carl or Laylem LLP owe Rustom a duty of care.
C Only Laylem LLP owe Rustom a duty of care.
D Both Carl and Tipster owe Rustom a duty of care.
Sample Exam, LO 1e

28 When an employee commits a tort, his employer may be found to be vicariously liable. Which of the
following best describes vicarious liability?
A Vicarious liability arises when the employee’s tort is committed in the course of his employment.
The principal purpose of the imposition of vicarious liability on an employer is to punish the
employer for employing a negligent employee.
B Vicarious liability arises when the employee’s tort is committed in the course of his employment.
The principal purpose of the imposition of vicarious liability on an employer is to ensure the
victim of the tort has a solvent person against whom the victim can bring a claim.
C Vicarious liability arises when the employee commits a tort irrespective of whether it is
committed in the course of their employment. The principal purpose of the imposition of
vicarious liability on an employer is to punish the employer for employing a negligent employee.
D Vicarious liability arises when the employee commits a tort irrespective of whether it is
committed in the course of their employment. The principal purpose of the imposition of
vicarious liability on an employer is to ensure the victim of the tort has a solvent person against
whom the victim can bring a claim.
Sample Exam, LO 1f

29 Zebra & Co is a firm of accountants whose audit clients include Widget plc. During the course of
Widget plc’s last audit Zebra & Co sent a new recruit, Oliver, to check Widget plc’s stock control
systems; Oliver failed to notice some irregularities in the procedures adopted by Widget plc.
Relying on the published accounts which Zebra & Co had approved, Priya bought shares in Widget
plc. Within a month the shares had dropped in value by £4,000 and Priya wants to sue Zebra & Co to
recover her loss.
Which of the following best represents Priya’s position?
A She can sue Zebra & Co because the firm owes her a duty of care and Oliver failed to notice the
flaws in the stock control system.
B Even though Zebra & Co owes her a duty of care she cannot sue Zebra & Co unless she can
prove that Oliver’s failure to spot the flaws caused her loss.
C She can sue Zebra & Co because the firm owes her a duty of care and Oliver must be judged by
the standard of a more experienced accountant.
D She cannot sue Zebra & Co because the firm does not owe a duty of care to potential purchasers
of shares in Widget plc.
Sample Exam, LO 1e

30 Where it can be shown that A owes B a contractual duty of care, it follows that a duty of care is also
owed in tort.
A True
B False

32 Law ICAEW 2021

In a claim for negligent misstatement, it will be harder for a sophisticated investor to satisfy the court
that an auditor owes them a duty of care.
C True
D False
LO 1e

31 The court will consider a number of aspects when determining liability for loss or damage caused by
Will the court consider whether the damage caused was in the contemplation of the parties at the
time of the negligent act or omission?
A Yes
B No
Will the court consider public policy when coming to its decision?
C Yes
D No
LO 1e

32 When hearing a case of professional misstatement, the court will consider a number of factors to
determine whether a ‘special relationship’ exists between the parties:
Will the court consider the special skill of the defendant?
A Yes
B No
Will the court consider whether the defendant knew or should have known that the claimant would
rely on the advice?
C Yes
D No
LO 1e

33 Luka caused an injury to Martha when he lost control of his car due to his dangerous driving. Luka
potentially has a liability in:
A Tort and contract only
B Crime and contract only
C Crime and tort only
D Crime, tort and contract
LO 1e

34 Are the following statements true or false?

When determining whether a defendant was in breach of their duty of care, any emergency
circumstances occurring at the time are taken into account.
A True
B False
The standard of care owed by a defendant is increased where the defendant is aware of a special
vulnerability of the claimant.
C True
D False
LO 1e

ICAEW 2021 4: Negligence 33

34 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 5: Companies: the consequences of
1 Mark incorporates his sole trader business, King Kilts, which manufactures high quality tartan kilts
and sporrans, under the name King Kilts Ltd. He lent King Kilts Ltd £20,000 and owns 95% of its
shares. He continued to insure the company’s assets, including the factory, in his own name, as he
had always done before incorporation. On New Year’s Eve, the factory was destroyed by fire.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Mark can claim on the insurance because King Kilts Ltd is essentially no different from the
original business.
B Mark can claim on the insurance because he has an insurable interest as a creditor of King Kilts
C Mark can claim on the insurance because he has an insurable interest as a member of King Kilts
D Mark cannot claim on the insurance because the insurance is not effected in the name of King
Kilts Ltd and the company has the insurable interest.
Sample Exam, LO 2a

2 In some cases, the court lifts the corporate veil, for example to ignore the incorporated nature of a
business altogether in those cases where it appears to be nothing but a sham. Are the courts likely to
lift the corporate veil in the following situations?
Where the creditors of a subsidiary company are unlikely to receive settlement of their debts even
though the holding company is financially very secure?
A Yes
B No
The company has five members with equal shareholdings.
Where a company is registered in England and Wales but all its members, except one, belong to
Neverland, a country with which England is at war?
C Yes
D No
LO 2a

3 Are the following statements true or false?

Where a public limited company fails to obtain a trading certificate, a member-director may be
personally liable as a result. This is one example of statute lifting the corporate veil.
A True
B False
A company is always liable without limit for its own debts.
C True
D False
LO 2a

ICAEW 2021 5: Companies: the consequences of incorporation 35

4 Leo and Seamus are planning to set up a public company selling electrical goods at discounted
rates. They ask for your advice on the following matters:
Can it be an unlimited company?
A Yes
B No
Can the company commence trading once it is incorporated, provided they obtain a trading
certificate within the first 12 months following incorporation?
C Yes
D No
LO 2a, 2b

5 Ashley and George, the directors of Pending Ltd, a fantastically successful company with a high
public profile, plan to re-register their company as a public limited company. They have never had a
company secretary before because Ashley has always dealt with that side of things. The company has
a share capital of £50,000.
Do they need to appoint a company secretary?
A Yes
B No
Do they need to increase the share capital of the company?
C Yes
D No
LO 2a, 2b

6 Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A A private company cannot offer its securities to the public.
B Only a private limited company can pass written resolutions.
C Public and private limited companies must have at least two directors.
D A private limited company does not need to hold an annual general meeting.
LO 2a

7 Richard is applying to register a new company called Original Ideas Ltd, which has a share capital of
£100 (100 shares at £1 nominal value).
As part of the application, does Richard need to submit a statement of guarantee?
A Yes
B No
As part of the application, does Richard need to submit a statement of proposed company officers?
C Yes
D No
LO 2b

8 Within what time period following the end of the relevant accounting reference period must a public
limited company file its accounts and reports?
A Five months
B Six months
C Seven months
D Nine months

36 Law ICAEW 2021

LO 2c

9 Which of the following statements is correct only in respect of a public limited company?
A The company may exclude rights of pre-emption.
B The company may reduce its share capital subject to obtaining a special resolution and
providing a directors’ declaration of solvency.
C Shares must be at least one quarter paid up on allotment.
D The company may redeem its shares out of its own share capital, subject to its articles of
LO 2a, 2c

10 Are the following statements true or false?

When a company applies for registration, a copy of its proposed articles of association must be
supplied to the Registrar of Companies.
A True
B False
A certificate of incorporation is conclusive evidence that a company is registered in accordance with
the Companies Act 2006.
C True
D False
LO 2b

11 Paddy arranges for the registration of New Style Ltd. Before the company is incorporated, he enters
into a contract on its behalf for the purchase of premises at a prime retail location. When the time
comes for completion of the purchase, the vendor refuses to complete the transaction with New
Style Ltd (which is now incorporated) as a matter of principle, because it dislikes some of the
merchandise that New Style Ltd proposes to sell.
Can New Style Ltd enforce the contract against the vendor?
A Yes
B No
Can New Style Ltd ratify the contract for the purchase of the premises?
C Yes
D No
LO 2b, 2c

12 Quentin sets up a new company, Simple Solutions Ltd, to continue his existing business. Before
Simple Solutions Ltd is incorporated, he enters into a contract on its behalf for the purchase of stock
with payment to be made 30 days later. When the payment date arrives, the newly registered
company has no cash available because it has also committed large funds to taking a lease of its new
Can the seller of the stock enforce the contract against Simple Solutions Ltd?
A Yes
B No
Can the seller enforce the contract against Quentin?
C Yes
D No
LO 2b, 2c

ICAEW 2021 5: Companies: the consequences of incorporation 37

13 Josephine was one of two directors (who were also members) of Tone-Up Ltd, a supplier of health
and fitness products. She did the administrative work in relation to setting up the company. She
included a provision in its articles that Tone-Up Ltd would always employ her as its company
secretary on a salary of £12,000 p.a. She also had a separate contract appointing her as company
secretary, but it made no mention of remuneration or termination. After a year, Tone-Up Ltd
appointed John as company secretary and Josephine sued the company for breach of contract
because the articles had been contravened and, she argued, the articles have contractual effect.
Can Josephine rely on the articles to compel Tone-Up Ltd to pay her £12,000 p.a. in the absence of a
term in her contract, during her period of office as company secretary?
A Yes
B No
Can Josephine rely on the contractual effect of the articles to seek redress for breach of contract?
C Yes
D No
LO 2b

14 Are the following statements true or false?

A company’s articles of association can be altered by the passing of an ordinary resolution unless
there is a provision for entrenchment, in which case a special resolution is required.
A True
B False
A company may provide that a provision for entrenchment cannot be repealed.
C True
D False
LO 2b

15 Simon is a solicitor employed by Xcel Ltd. He also owns 5% of the shares in the company. His
contract is silent as to remuneration but Xcel Ltd’s articles provide that the company’s solicitor will
receive £10,000 p.a. In August, the company passes a resolution altering the articles to reduce the
solicitor’s remuneration to £8,000 p.a. and to require all members to purchase 50 more shares at £5
Is the alteration of the articles to reduce the solicitor’s remuneration effective?
A Yes
B No
Is Simon, in his capacity as company member, required to take up the extra 50 shares?
C Yes
D No
LO 2b

16 With regard to the statutory books and records of a registered company limited by shares, answer
the following.
Is a company required to keep a register of its directors’ residential addresses?
A Yes
B No

38 Law ICAEW 2021

Is a company required to keep a register of debenture holders?
C Yes
D No
LO 2c

17 Mark is the company secretary of Top Tents Ltd, a private company limited by shares. He seeks your
advice on the following matters:
Must the company provide a directors’ remuneration report?
A Yes
B No
Must he file accounts and reports within nine months after the end of the relevant accounting
reference period?
C Yes
D No
LO 2c

18 A company’s confirmation statement must contain all of the following options except one.
Which is the exception?
A Prescribed particulars of the directors and any company secretary
B Details of resolutions passed by the company
C Details of people with significant control
D A description of the type of company and its principal business activities
LO 2c

19 Nat, Jay and Meena are in the process of forming a company, Harwin, a company limited by
guarantee, and will be subscribers to the company. They understand that they are required to
complete a memorandum of association as part of the formation process.
As part of the memorandum of association, will Nat, Jay and Meena be required to complete a
statement that says they wish to form a company?
A Yes
B No
As part of the memorandum of association, will Nat, Jay and Meena be required to complete a
statement that says they agree to take at least one share each?
C Yes
D No
LO 2b

20 Craig is the company secretary of Lotsaland Ltd. He regularly negotiates contracts for the company
for the acquisition of small development plots and then passes the file on to the managing director,
Malcolm, who enters into the contract on behalf of the company. Feeling under pressure to secure a
particularly good deal on a site during Malcolm’s sabbatical, Craig enters into a contract for
Lotsaland Ltd to borrow £15,000 so that it can secure the deal. When Malcolm returns, he is not
happy with the borrowing arrangement made by Craig.

ICAEW 2021 5: Companies: the consequences of incorporation 39

Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Lotsaland Ltd is bound because Craig has ostensible authority to enter into the contract.
B Lotsaland Ltd is bound because Craig has the implied actual authority of a company secretary.
C Lotsaland Ltd is not bound by the borrowing contract, because the lender should have checked
whether Craig had sufficient authority.
D Lotsaland Ltd is not bound because Craig lacked sufficient authority.
LO 2c

21 Albert entered into a pre-incorporation contract on behalf of Stir Ltd.

By whom and against whom may the contract be enforced?
A By and against the company only
B By and against Albert only
C By the company and against Albert
D Against the company and by Albert
Sample Exam, LO 2b, 2c

22 Under the Companies Act 2006 essential requirements for registration as a private company limited
by shares by the Registrar of Companies include the submission of:
The memorandum of association
A Yes
B No
A section 761 trading certificate
C Yes
D No
LO 2b

23 A properly appointed company secretary usually has the authority to:

Sign contracts connected with the administrative side of a company’s affairs, such as employing staff
and ordering cars
A True
B False
Sign contracts connected with the purchase of property on behalf of a company
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 2c

24 Cabbit Ltd buys organic vegetables from growers and resells them to retail outlets. The Companies
Act 2006 requires every company to keep adequate accounting records.
In order to comply with this requirement of the Act, Cabbit Ltd’s accounting records must contain:
(1) a record of its assets and liabilities
(2) a statement of stock held by the company at the end of each financial year
(3) daily entries of income and expenditure

40 Law ICAEW 2021

A All of the above
B None of the above
C (1) and (2) only
D (1) and (3) only
Sample Exam, LO 2c

25 Whimsome Ltd has a turnover of £10 million, a balance sheet total of £5 million and employs 100
Within how many months of its year end must the company file its annual accounts with the

A 3 months
B 6 months
C 9 months
D 12 months
LO 2e

26 Micro-entities do not have to file a profit and loss account with the Registrar.
A True
B False
Micro-entities do not have to file notes to the accounts with the Registrar.
C True
D False
LO 2e

27 Which of the following companies is not required to appoint an auditor?

A A small-sized insurance company
B A medium-sized company
C A quoted company
D A not-for-profit company that is subject to public sector audit
LO 2e

28 Powell is applying to register a new company First Step Ltd. He is currently preparing the statement
of capital and initial shareholdings but is unsure of what he needs to include.
Does Powell need to include the details of individual classes of share?
A Yes
B No
Does Powell need to include information on whether rights of pre-emption apply to each class of
C Yes
D No
LO 2b

29 Minimus plc is a public company but is not listed on a stock exchange. It is the parent company of a
number of subsidiaries and produces group accounts.

ICAEW 2021 5: Companies: the consequences of incorporation 41

Minimus plc is required to produce a consolidated directors’ report.
A True
B False
Minimus plc is required to produce a directors’ remuneration report.
C True
D False
LO 2c

30 The Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report)
Regulations 2018 require certain companies to make disclosures in regards to their emissions,
energy consumption and energy efficiency.
Which type of organisation do these regulations apply to?
A All limited companies and partnerships
B Large limited companies and large LLPs
C Quoted companies only
D Quoted companies, large unquoted companies and large LLPs
LO 2c

31 The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 require companies to make disclosures
in relation to all of the following areas, except one.
Which is the exception?
A Corporate governance
B Director remuneration
C Compliance with money laundering regulations
D Stakeholder engagement
LO 2c

42 Law ICAEW 2021

Chapter 6: Companies: ownership and
1 With regard to company directors and directors’ powers, are the following statements true or false?
The duties owed by a de facto director are the same as those of a properly appointed director.
A True
B False
If a director’s appointment is subsequently found to have been defective, their actions are
invalidated as a result.
C True
D False
LO 2k, 2l

2 Are the following statements true or false?

A sole director may also be company secretary but cannot also hold the position of the company’s
A True
B False
Subject to specific exceptions, a director should be at least 18 years old.
C True
D False
LO 2k

3 Bertie and Craig each own 30% of the shares in Vintage Cars Ltd. Digby owns 20% and Noel, the
finance director, owns 20%. Bertie and Craig have become increasingly frustrated by Noel’s apparent
lack of vision for the company and are annoyed by a number of silly mistakes that he has made
recently. They wish to remove him from the board of directors. Digby is undecided.
Can Bertie and Craig remove Noel from the board without Digby’s support?
A Yes
B No
If Noel is removed from office, will his removal effect a lawful termination of his service contract as
finance director?
C Yes
D No
LO 2k

4 Simon and his fellow directors Mark and Tom each own 100 of the 300 shares in Simple Pies Ltd.
Under the articles of association, where a resolution is proposed to remove a director, that director is
entitled to three votes per share. Mark and Tom vote to remove Simon but when a poll is taken,
Simon defeats the resolution by 300 votes to 200.

ICAEW 2021 6: Companies: ownership and management 43

Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Simon has not been removed because the weighted voting rights have been validly given and
validly exercised.
B Simon has been removed because the article giving weighted voting rights contravenes the
Companies Act 2006 which enables a director to be removed on the passing of an ordinary
resolution with special notice.
C Simon has not been validly removed because the articles would effectively mean that a director
could never be removed.
D Simon has been validly removed because voting should not have been conducted by a poll on a
resolution to remove a director.
LO 2k

5 Are the following statements true or false?

A company must state its objects in its constitution, because directors can only exercise their powers
in pursuance of those objects.
A True
B False
Directors are agents of the members of the company for the purposes of managing the company’s
C True
D False
LO 2m

6 Jude is a director of Hebblestone plc. He is keen to ensure that he fulfils all his duties as a director
and understands that one of the statutory duties of a director under the Companies Act 2006 is the
duty to promote the success of the company.
As part of the duty to promote the success of the company, is Jude required to consider the impact
of the company’s operations on the community and the environment?
A Yes
B No
As part of the duty to promote the success of the company, is Jude required to consider the
desirability of maintaining a reputation of high standards of business conduct?
C Yes
D No
LO 2k

7 Frank is a director of Bridalwear Ltd. He has never been appointed as managing director formally,
but for the past 10 years he has conducted the day-to-day business of the company as if he had
been. The other directors and shareholders, Flora and Gail, have never objected as they have
considered him to be doing a marvellous job. One day, a little out of character, he decides that the
company should branch into selling floral bouquets and buttonholes for weddings as a sideline. He
contracts to buy oasis and baskets to the value of £3,000.

44 Law ICAEW 2021

Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Frank has acted with express authority as Flora and Gail allow him to do anything.
B Frank has acted within his implied incidental authority, as the contract is incidental to the
company’s bridal wear business.
C Frank has acted within the ostensible authority of a managing director to enter into all
commercial contracts in relation to the company’s business.
D Frank has acted within his implied usual authority as managing director.
LO 2m

8 Mork is the managing director of Parallels Ltd, a company that deals in weird and wonderful gadgets.
His co-directors and shareholders, Patik and Asif agree that he should buy some kaleidoscopes up to
a total value of £200. Mork finds a supplier of kaleidoscopes, Weird Ltd that is offering a particular
model of kaleidoscope new to the market. Mork thinks that the product is just fabulous and orders
£275 worth. When the invoice arrives, Patik and Asif refuse to pay it because Mork has exceeded his
Which of the following best summarises the legal position?
A Parallels Ltd is not bound because Mork has acted beyond his authority.
B Weird Ltd cannot enforce the contract, although it acted in good faith. Mork’s authority was
limited and Weird should have asked for evidence of his authority.
C Parallels Ltd is bound because Mork had implied authority to enter into the contract.
D Weird Ltd can enforce the contract because it dealt with Parallels Ltd in good faith.
LO 2m

9 Are the following statements true or false?

The statutory duty of a director to disclose any interest that they have in a proposed transaction or
arrangement with the company does not apply to shadow directors.
A True
B False
A director may not exercise their powers except for the purpose for which they were conferred.
C True
D False
LO 2l

10 Richard and Don owned 55% of the issued shares in Fasttrack Ltd. They learned that its directors
Shivani and James were in talks with Ultrasonic Ltd in respect of a takeover of Fasttrack by Ultrasonic
Ltd. They made known their views to the directors which were that the takeover would be disastrous
in the long term for Fasttrack Ltd’s business. Shivani and James disagreed and so they allotted some
shares to Ultrasonic Ltd in order to reduce Richard’s and Don’s shareholdings to less than 50% (and
not for the purpose of raising capital).
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A The allotment is valid because it is done within the powers granted to directors.
B The allotment is valid because directors have ultimate control of management decisions.
C The allotment is invalid as it is a principle of company law that the wishes of the majority prevail
and in this case Richard and Don were majority shareholders.
D The allotment is invalid because the directors have exercised their powers for a collateral
purpose of destroying an existing majority.
LO 2m

ICAEW 2021 6: Companies: ownership and management 45

11 The Companies Act 2006 provides that a director must avoid a situation in which he has a direct or
indirect interest that conflicts with the interests of the company, unless it is authorised by the
company’s other directors.
Assuming that the articles do not invalidate any purported authorisation by the directors:
Can directors authorise such a conflict in a private company?
A Yes
B No
Can directors authorise such a conflict in a public company (in the absence of any express provision
in the articles)?
C Yes
D No
LO 2l

12 Farah is a director of In Tunes Ltd, a company selling modern sheet music and a small range of
musical instruments. He is also an FCA with 20 years’ experience as an accountant in private practice.
Nathaniel is also a director. He ran his own retail business for 10 years but doesn’t play much part in
the management of the business of In Tunes Ltd, except that he attends board meetings. He tends to
leave the routine conduct of the business in the hands of Farah and Amy, the finance director.
Is Farah’s personal skill and experience as a chartered accountant relevant to the standard of care
that he must demonstrate as a company director?
A Yes
B No
Is Nathaniel acting in breach of his director’s duty to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence,
since he has not concerned himself with the company’s affairs in between board meetings?
C Yes
D No
LO 2l

13 The managing director of King Kitchens Ltd presents a proposal to the board of directors for the
purchase of the complete stock of Integral Inspirations Ltd, which is being wound up. Neville, one of
the directors, is also a director of Integral Inspirations Ltd. In view of the possible conflict of interest,
he discloses his interest to the board.
Assuming there is nothing in the company’s articles of association:
Does Neville need to obtain the approval of the board?
A Yes
B No
Does Neville need to obtain the approval of members in general meeting?
C Yes
D No
LO 2l

14 Are the following statements true or false?

From the time when a director vacates office, they cease to be subject to any statutory duties as a
company director.
A True
B False
Where a director enters into a contract with the company, in breach of their duties, the contract is
rendered voidable at the option of the company.

46 Law ICAEW 2021

C True
D False
LO 2l

15 Kim, Tamsin and Anna are directors of Teen Tunes Ltd. Kim and Tamsin have recently sold some of
the company’s assets to Top Trumps Ltd, a company in which they are the only directors and
shareholders. They sold the assets, secretly, at less than their market value. Anna was not a party to
the arrangements and is not in breach of any of the duties she owes as director.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Kim and Tamsin are jointly and severally liable to make good the loss suffered by Teen Tunes Ltd.
B Kim, Tamsin and Anna are jointly liable to make good the loss suffered by Teen Tunes Ltd.
C Kim, Tamsin and Anna are jointly and severally liable to make good the loss suffered by Teen
Tunes Ltd.
D Anna may avoid the contract between Teen Tunes Ltd and Top Trumps Ltd.
LO 2l

16 Giles is the finance director of Super Sports Ltd and is responsible for insuring the business premises.
When he receives an insurance proposal from the company’s usual insurers, he signs and posts it by
way of acceptance without ever reading it.
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A Giles will be liable for negligence.
B The members of the company may ratify Giles’ actions by ordinary resolution.
C Giles’s votes and those of any member connected with him must be disregarded for the
purposes of any ratification.
D Giles will not be liable if there is a provision excluding him from liability for negligence.
LO 2l

17 Drake was formerly a director of two listed companies. He is now a director of Dark Side Ltd and
actively manages his business in a way that prejudices the company’s main creditor, Sunshine Bank
plc, but favours a small number of smaller lenders with whom he has connections. The financial
status of Dark Side Ltd is rapidly approaching a situation where it may be unable to pay its debts but
it is not yet insolvent.
Can Drake be liable to contribute to the assets of the company by reason of his fraudulent trading?
A Yes
B No
Will the fact that he is a highly experienced businessman be relevant to the standard of care applied,
if he were ever to be sued for wrongful trading?
C Yes
D No
LO 2l

18 Miles and Elizabeth are both directors of a private company selling organic food. Miles has been
found guilty of a number of breaches of competition law. Elizabeth was also a director and company
secretary of Big Beans Ltd, a company that has just gone into insolvent liquidation. The court is
considering an application for their disqualification.
Will Miles face certain disqualification?
A Yes
B No

ICAEW 2021 6: Companies: ownership and management 47

Will disqualification be automatic for Elizabeth?
C Yes
D No
LO 2k, 2l

19 Are the following statements true or false?

Any individual member can apply to the court for cancellation of a variation of class rights, provided
they are a member of the class affected.
A True
B False
Holders of at least 10% of the company’s paid up capital with voting rights can requisition a general
C True
D False
LO 2h

20 Andrew is a shareholder in Star Buys Ltd and is preparing to pursue a derivative claim in the court for
breach of duty by Arthur and Edgar, two of the company’s directors.
Must Andrew show that Arthur and Edgar control the majority of the company’s shares?
A Yes
B No
Can Andrew pursue the claim where the relevant act or omission is authorised by the company
beforehand or ratified by it subsequently?
C Yes
D No
LO 2i

21 All of the following circumstances constitute unfairly prejudicial conduct within s.994 of the
Companies Act 2006 except one.
Which is the exception?
A Where the directors recommend to the members that they accept a proposed takeover bid by
another company that is wholly-owned by the directors
B Where the minority is removed from the board of a quasi-partnership company by the majority,
because the minority believes that the company’s business is being conducted unlawfully
C Where the majority shareholders (who are also directors) award the directors excessive pay
bonuses while reducing dividends to shareholders
D Where a parent company refuses to pay the debts of its subsidiary and the subsidiary becomes
insolvent as a result
LO 2h

48 Law ICAEW 2021

22 Space Solutions plc last held a general meeting eight months ago.
All of the following parties, except one, are entitled to call a general meeting of the company.
Which is the exception?
A The company’s directors
B 3% of the company’s members
C The court, on the application of a single member
D An auditor giving notice of their resignation
LO 2g

23 Are the following statements true or false?

A company member may make an application for relief on the grounds of unfairly prejudicial
conduct, even in respect of an act or omission that has not yet occurred, where they consider that the
proposed act or omission will be unfairly prejudicial to the interests of the company’s members.
A True
B False
Relief under s.994 will not be granted unless there has been a breach of company law.
C True
D False
LO 2i

24 Where someone is successful in applying for relief on the grounds of unfairly prejudicial conduct,
which of the following orders might a court make?
(1) An order not to make any alteration of its articles of association without obtaining the permission
of the court first
(2) An order regulating the future conduct of the company’s affairs
(3) An order authorising legal proceedings to be brought on behalf of the company
A None
B All
C (1) and/or (2) only
D (2) and/or (3) only
LO 2i

25 Rupert is a member of Great Golf Ltd and is in dispute with the company. The majority agreed to buy
out his interest in the company but no agreement as to the purchase price for his shares was ever
reached. Exasperated by the actions of the majority, Rupert intends to petition the court on the
grounds that it is just and equitable to wind up the company.
Is petitioning the court for winding up on the just and equitable ground available to any member
regardless of the size of his shareholding?
A Yes
B No
Is the court likely to order the winding up of Great Golf Ltd on the just and equitable ground?
C Yes
D No
LO 2i

ICAEW 2021 6: Companies: ownership and management 49

26 Shareholders representing what minimum percentage of the nominal value of shares with voting
rights must agree to shorter notice than 14 days for a general meeting, in the absence of any
provision in the articles of association?
A 51%
B 75%
C 90%
D 95%
LO 2h

27 How much notice is required to be given by a public limited company for the holding of its annual
general meeting?
A 7 days
B 14 days
C 21 days
D 28 days
LO 2h

28 Are the following statements true or false?

A private company is not required to hold an annual general meeting.
A True
B False
A public limited company can use the written resolution procedure provided its articles of
association expressly authorise it.
C True
D False
LO 2k, 2h

29 Which of the following actions requires the passing of an ordinary resolution with special notice?
A The change of company’s name
B An alteration of a company’s articles of association
C A reduction of a company’s share capital
D The removal of an auditor
LO 2h

30 A director can be removed from office:

By passing a written resolution
A Yes
B No
Under a provision of a company’s articles of association
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 2k

31 The following conduct by a director constitutes a breach of duty:

Misusing confidential information relating to the company for their personal gain

50 Law ICAEW 2021

A Yes
B No
Abusing a corporate opportunity
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 2l

32 Lee is the managing director of ABC Carpets Ltd. Last month he signed a proposal for insurance
against flood damage without reading it. The proposal had been filled in by his insurance broker and
contained inaccurate answers to some questions. The insurers have now declined liability following a
flood, which has destroyed most of the company’s stock of carpets.
Is Lee in breach of his duty as a director?
A No, he has acted in good faith and exercised his powers as a company director constitutionally.
B No, the insurance company are liable, it was their insurance broker who filled in the insurance
form incorrectly.
C Yes, in his capacity as managing director of ABC Carpets Ltd he should have checked that the
insurance form was completed correctly before he signed it.
D No, as long as he can show that he has exhibited the degree of skill which may reasonably be
expected from a person of his knowledge and experience.
Sample Exam, LO 2l

33 Are the following statements true or false in relation to the exercise of director’s powers?
A director of a company is required to exercise their powers subject to any directions given by
ordinary resolution.
A True
B False
A director of a company can restrict the exercise of their power by agreeing in advance to support
any resolution proposed by the majority shareholder.
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 2m

34 Which of the following can be passed by ordinary resolution?

A A change of company name
B The alteration of the articles
C The removal of a company director
D A variation of class rights
Sample Exam, LO 2h

35 Which, if any, of the following requirements must be met if an action for unfairly prejudicial conduct
is to be successful?
(1) The company must be a public limited company
(2) There must be unfairly prejudicial conduct which affects all shareholders
(3) The conduct alleged to be unfairly prejudicial must relate to actions which are continuing at the
time the action is brought

ICAEW 2021 6: Companies: ownership and management 51

A None of the above
B All of the above
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only
Sample Exam, LO 2i

36 Which of the following is a formally appointed director that is not involved in the day-to-day running
of the business?
A A shadow director
B An alternative director
C A non-executive director
D A de facto director
LO 2k

37 Are the following statements true or false?

Directors can be found guilty of fraudulent trading even if their company has not been wound up.
A True
B False
Directors can only be found to have committed wrongful trading if their company has been wound
C True
D False
LO 2l

52 Law ICAEW 2021

Chapter 7: Companies: finance
1 Which type of share carries the right to demand payment of a dividend?
(1) Ordinary share
(2) Preference share
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (2)
D Neither (1) nor (2)
LO 2d

2 Slither Ltd has both ordinary and preference shares. The articles of Slither Ltd do not specify what is
to happen to surplus assets on winding up, after all creditors have been paid.
Which shareholders, if any, are entitled to these surplus assets?
(1) Ordinary shareholders
(2) Preference shareholders
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (2)
D Neither (1) nor (2)
LO 2d

3 Atlas Ltd has ordinary and preference shares. The articles provide that the preference shares, carry a
10% preference dividend and that these shareholders have the right to appoint a consultant who is
entitled to attend board meetings and speak on behalf of the preference shareholders. Only the
preference shares carry these rights.
Is the right to receive a 10% dividend a class right?
A Yes
B No
Is the right to appoint a consultant a class right?
C Yes
D No
LO 2d

4 Following a variation of class rights, the holders of a certain percentage of the issued shares of the
class in question may apply to the court to have the variation cancelled.
What is that percentage?
A 20%
B 15%
C 10%
D 5%
LO 2d

ICAEW 2021 7: Companies: finance 53

5 Widgets Ltd had two classes of ordinary shares, £1 shares and 50p shares, each share carrying one
vote. A resolution was passed to subdivide each £1 share into two 50p shares, thus doubling the
votes of that class.
Has there been a variation of the class rights of the 50p shares?
A Yes, because the voting rights attached to the 50p shares have been affected.
B Yes, because other shares have been created that have the same nominal value and voting rights
as the 50p shares.
C No, because the 50p shares still carry one vote per share.
D No, because rights attaching to a class of ordinary shares cannot be varied.
Sample Exam, LO 2d

6 Are the following statements true or false?

A company’s ‘called up share capital’ is so much of the share capital as equals the aggregate amount
of the calls made on its shares plus share capital that is paid up without being called and share
capital to be paid at a specified future date under the articles or terms of allotment of the relevant
A True
B False
A company does not need to issue all its share capital.
C True
D False
LO 2d

7 How is authority to allot shares required to be given to the directors of a public limited company?
(1) By ordinary resolution
(2) By special resolution
(3) By the articles of association
A (1) or (3) only
B (2) or (3) only
C (3) only
D (2) only
LO 2d

8 Wayfar Ltd is a private company limited by shares and it has only one class of shares (ordinary
shares). Its articles of association give no specific authority for the allotment of shares.
Are the directors empowered to allot ordinary shares of the company in the absence of any
members’ resolution?
A Yes
B No
In the event that the directors make a lawful allotment but fail to register it, are they guilty of an
C Yes
D No
LO 2d

54 Law ICAEW 2021

9 Are the following statements true or false?
A bonus issue is the issue of additional shares, typically fully paid up, to existing shareholders in
proportion to their holdings.
A True
B False
By making a rights issue, a company requires existing shareholders to subscribe for additional shares
in proportion to their holdings.
C True
D False
LO 2d

10 In which of the following cases, do statutory rights of pre-emption apply?

(1) The allotment of equity securities for cash
(2) The issue of bonus shares
(3) The allotment of equity securities otherwise than for cash
(4) The allotment of securities in relation to an employee’s shares scheme
A (1) only
B (3) only
C (2) and (4) only
D All of the above
LO 2d

11 As a general rule, is a company able to allot shares:

at a premium?
A Yes
B No
at a discount?
C Yes
D No
LO 2d

12 Joshua and Naomi plan to set up Indigo Ltd, a private company limited by shares. They have some
concerns over the payment for shares and ask you whether the following are true:
The shares taken by the company’s original subscribers must be paid for in cash.
A True
B False
Any shares subsequently allotted must be paid up at least as to one-quarter of the nominal value
together with the whole of any share premium payable in respect of them.
C True
D False
LO 2d

13 Adam wishes to purchase 100 shares with a nominal value of £1 each in Lovages plc.
By way of payment for those shares, can he:
agree to act as the company’s legal adviser for a period of three years?

ICAEW 2021 7: Companies: finance 55

A Yes
B No
pay 20p per share now, with the remaining 80p per share to be paid at a later date?
C Yes
D No
LO 2d

14 In relation to the transfer of shares by electronic means:

Does the CREST transfer system operate in respect of all shares?
A Yes
B No
Are companies obliged to permit paperless transfers of shares?
C Yes
D No
LO 2g

15 Unico Ltd is a private company limited by shares with 100 shares of 50p each and 100 shares of £1
Is Unico Ltd able to:
subdivide each of its £1 shares into 10 10p shares?
A Yes
B No
consolidate pairs of 50p shares into £1 shares?
C Yes
D No
LO 2f

16 In the absence of a court order which directs otherwise, in what circumstances must a public limited
company re-register as a private company as a result of a reduction in its share capital?
A When the directors are unable to issue a solvency statement in respect of the company’s
B When the company’s net assets fall below half of its called up share capital.
C When 20% or more of the company’s creditors object to the reduction.
D When the nominal value of the allotted share capital falls below the authorised minimum.
LO 2f

17 Zipper Ltd has 100 shares, each with a nominal value of £30 and £3 unpaid. Following an alteration
of Zipper Ltd’s share capital, the company now has 10,000 shares, each with a nominal value of 30
pence with 27 pence paid up.
Which of the following describes the alteration in share capital?
A Consolidation
B Subdivision
C Redenomination
D Increase in share capital
LO 2f

56 Law ICAEW 2021

18 According to the rules on redemption of shares, are the following statements true or false?
In order for a private limited company to issue redeemable shares, the company’s articles of
association must contain the relevant authority.
A True
B False
Redeemable shares may only be issued where there are other shares issued that are not
C True
D False
LO 2f

19 Are the following statements true or false?

When shares in a limited company are redeemed, they are treated as cancelled and the amount of
the company’s issued share capital is diminished by the amount of the redemption payment.
A True
B False
A company must file notice of redemption and a statement of capital with the Registrar of
Companies within one month following a redemption of shares.
C True
D False
LO 2f

20 Rugs plc has recently purchased 500 of its own shares with funds which comprised part of the
company’s distributable profits. The shares have been cancelled and the company’s issued share
capital has reduced by £1,000, which amount has been transferred to the company’s capital
redemption reserve.
Are the following statements true or false?
The capital redemption reserve of Rugs plc is treated as part of the company’s paid up share capital.
A True
B False
The capital redemption reserve of Rugs plc may not be used to pay up new shares which are allotted
to members as fully paid bonus shares.
C True
D False
LO 2f

21 In which of the following situations may a public limited company lawfully offer financial assistance
for the purchase of its shares (provided its net assets are not thereby reduced)?
(1) Where the company lends money as part of its ordinary business
(2) Where the company lends money to a director without a service contract in good faith to enable
them to acquire fully paid shares in the company
(3) Where the company gives assistance in the interests of the company for the purposes of an
employee’s share scheme

ICAEW 2021 7: Companies: finance 57

A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D All of the above
LO 2f

22 Which of the following best defines a debenture?

A A charge over a company’s goodwill
B The registration document used to register a fixed or floating charge
C A document that records the terms of any loan
D A document that records the terms of any secured loan
LO 2n

23 A charge may be avoided by a liquidator as a preference where it is created within a specified time
before a company becoming insolvent.
What is the specified time for a fixed charge?
A 6 months
B 9 months
What is the specified time for a floating charge?
C 9 months
D 12 months
LO 2n

24 Are the following statements true or false?

A floating charge created over the ‘undertaking and assets’ of a company applies only to current
assets at the time of the charge.
A True
B False
A floating charge is converted into a fixed charge upon crystallisation.
C True
D False
LO 2n

25 Bright Bank Ltd has a floating charge over all the undertaking and assets of Gateway Ltd. The floating
charge contains no provision concerning the subsequent creation of fixed charges. When the charge
crystallises Gateway Ltd has the following creditors:
(1) Giant Bank Ltd, which has a fixed charge over some of Gateway Ltd’s assets
(2) The employees of Gateway Ltd, who are owed remuneration and holiday pay as preferential
Do either or both of Giant Bank Ltd and the employees of Gateway Ltd take priority over the charge
in favour of Bright Bank Ltd that is now a fixed charge following crystallisation?

58 Law ICAEW 2021

A Giant Bank Ltd only takes priority
B The employees only take priority
C Neither take priority
D Both take priority
LO 2n

26 Melanie is the company secretary of Swansong Ltd and seeks your advice. She has failed to register a
charge entered into by Swansong Ltd within the prescribed period laid down by the Companies Act
2006 and wants to know whether the charge is still valid.
What is your advice?
A The charge is void against any liquidator or administrator but not the chargee or any other
B The charge remains valid but Swansong Ltd is liable to a fine.
C The charge remains valid but the chargeholder has the option of demanding immediate
D The charge is void against any liquidator, administrator or creditor.
LO 2n

27 A characteristic of a floating charge is that:

It is a charge over a class of assets present and future.
A Yes
B No
It is a charge over a class of assets, which, in the ordinary course of the business of the company, will
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 2n

28 Rules in relation to the issue of shares at premium include:

A company may not, without the authority of its articles, issue its shares at a premium.
A Yes
B No
Shares can be issued at a premium not only for cash but also for consideration other than cash.
C Yes
D No
LO 2d

ICAEW 2021 7: Companies: finance 59

29 Sarah wants to sell her shareholding in Albatross plc.
Which of the following is correct?
A If Sarah sold her shares to a person of whom Albatross plc disapproved of it could, without
providing any reason, refuse to register the share transfer.
B Sarah will be able to sell her shares through a recognised stock exchange provided they have
been listed.
C Sarah must offer to sell her shares to the company before she can offer to sell them to any other
D Sarah will not be able to sell her shares unless she can, within three days of any agreement to sell
being concluded, produce a printed share certificate as evidence of her title to the shares.
Sample Exam, LO 2g

30 A company has adopted model articles of association.

Which of the following is required for it to vary class rights?
A An agreement of the directors
B An ordinary resolution of the relevant class
C An alteration of the articles
D A special resolution of the relevant class
LO 2d

31 If a company makes a rights issue to members, how long do members have to accept the offer of
new shares once it is made?
A 7 days
B 14 days
C 21 days
D 28 days
LO 2d

60 Law ICAEW 2021

Chapter 8: Insolvency law: corporate and
1 The aim of administration is described by way of a primary objective and, in the event that the
primary objective is not reasonably practicable, a secondary objective, and in the event that this is
also not reasonably practicable, an application for an administration will only be successful where a
third objective is likely to be satisfied. These three objectives are as follows:
(1) To realise the company’s assets to make a distribution to one or more preferential or secured
creditors, without unnecessarily harming the interests of the creditors as a whole
(2) To rescue the company in whole or in part as a going concern
(3) To achieve a better result for the company’s creditors as a whole, than would be likely if the
company were wound up without first going into administration
In which order are these stated (so that the primary objective is first, followed by the second and
third objectives)?
A (1), (3), (2)
B (2), (1), (3)
C (3), (2), (1)
D (2), (3), (1)
LO 2o

2 Alan has been appointed administrator of Desktop Ltd. He wishes to obtain statements from a
number of the company’s officers and employees.
Within how many days must he make his requirements for statements known to them?
A 7 days
B 14 days
How many days do the officers and employees have to comply with his request?
C 11 days
D 21 days
LO 2o

3 Are the following statements true or false?

An administrator’s appointment is terminated one year after their appointment unless that period is
extended, which can only be done by the court.
A True
B False
If the creditors reject the administrator’s proposals, the court may make any order it sees fit, including
terminating the administrator’s appointment.
C True
D False
LO 2o

4 With regard to the powers of an administrator, are they empowered to:

remove a director?
A Yes
B No

ICAEW 2021 8: Insolvency law: corporate and personal 61

make payments to unsecured creditors?
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

5 Benchline Ltd has been placed in administration, following an application by one of its floating
charge holders. Little Bank Ltd has a fixed charge over one of the retail premises of Benchline Ltd.
Can the members of Benchline Ltd pass a resolution for the voluntary winding up of the company?
A Yes
B No
Is Little Bank Ltd entitled to enforce its fixed charge without obtaining the consent of the
administrator or the court?
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

6 Morphitts plc has been placed in administration. Nymph Ltd is owed £100,000 and is worried that if
Morphitts plc ends up in liquidation, the debt will be irrecoverable.
Is Nymph Ltd able to pursue recovery of the debt due from Morphitts plc?
A Yes
B No
Can Nymph Ltd petition the court for the winding up of Morphitts plc?
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

7 In respect of a company in administration, are the following statements true or false?

A creditor or member can apply to the court if they feel that the administrator has acted in a way that
has harmed their interest.
A True
B False
The employees of the company are automatically dismissed on the appointment of an administrator.
C True
D False
LO 2o

8 What is the primary role of a receiver?

A To rescue the company as a going concern
B To realise the charged assets and pay off the appointing chargeholder’s debt
C To pay off creditors with preferential rights
D To manage the company pending the appointment of an administrator or liquidator
LO 2o

62 Law ICAEW 2021

9 Who is entitled to propose a company voluntary arrangement?
(1) The directors
(2) An administrator
(3) A liquidator
A (1) only
B (2) or (3) only
C None of the above
D All of the above
LO 2o

10 Are the following statements true or false?

Once approved, a company voluntary arrangement becomes binding on all creditors.
A True
B False
A company voluntary arrangement typically lasts for 6 to 12 months.
C True
D False
LO 2o

11 With regard to a members’ voluntary winding up of a company:

The declaration of solvency is to be made by:
A the directors, acting unanimously
B a majority of the directors
In appointing a liquidator, the company must pass:
C an ordinary resolution
D a special resolution
LO 2o

12 Are the following statements true or false?

Creditors play no part in a members’ voluntary liquidation.
A True
B False
The declaration of solvency applicable to a members’ voluntary winding up must be made not more
than five weeks before the resolution to wind up is passed.
C True
D False
LO 2o

13 The members of Recycle Ltd resolve to wind up the company. Since it is not possible to make a
declaration of solvency, a creditors’ voluntary liquidation is called for.
Which of the following parties may nominate the liquidator?
(1) The members
(2) The creditors

ICAEW 2021 8: Insolvency law: corporate and personal 63

A (1) only
B (2) only
C Both (1) and (2)
D Neither (1) nor (2)
LO 2o

14 Darren is owed £25,000 by Innovations Ltd. He proposes to petition the court for a compulsory
winding up of the company, on the grounds that it is insolvent. He seeks your advice.
Since Darren is owed more than £750, can he submit a petition to court immediately?
A Yes
B No
Must Darren provide additional evidence to satisfy the court that Innovations Ltd is unable to pay its
debts or that its assets are less than its liabilities?
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

15 Are the following statements true or false?

A petition to wind up a company on the grounds that it is just and equitable to do so, will only be
made where the court is satisfied that the company is unable, or is likely to become unable, to pay its
A True
B False
A member who petitions the court on the grounds that it is just and equitable to do so must,
generally speaking, have been registered as a shareholder for at least six months out of the last 18
months before the petition being presented.
C True
D False
LO 2o

16 On a compulsory winding up of a company, who will the court usually appoint?

A The secured creditor owed the greatest amount of money by the company
B The auditor of the company
C The official receiver
D A qualified insolvency practitioner
LO 2o

17 Lionel is appointed liquidator of Laburnum Ltd.

Do the company’s assets automatically vest in Lionel?
A Yes
B No
Are the employees of Laburnum Ltd automatically dismissed when Lionel is appointed as liquidator?
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

64 Law ICAEW 2021

18 Fernline plc is in liquidation and Gerald is the liquidator. He has discovered that Fernline plc sold one
of its principal offices for significantly less than its market value 18 months ago. It is quite clear that
the directors knew that the company was heading for insolvency when it agreed the sale.
Is the sale of the office a transaction at an undervalue that is liable to be avoided by Gerald within the
provisions of the Insolvency Act 1986?
A Yes
B No
Where a liquidator can avoid a transaction at an undervalue, can they order the return of the
property in order to restore the position to what it would have been if no such transaction had taken
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

19 Malcolm has just been appointed liquidator of Tenpin Ltd. The company entered into a floating
charge in favour of one of its directors, Duncan, 13 months ago.
Might the floating charge be void as against Malcolm?
A Yes
B No
Would it be possible for Malcolm, as liquidator, to institute proceedings against Duncan, for wrongful
trading or fraudulent trading, in an attempt to make him personally liable for some or all of the
company’s debts?
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

20 In distributing a company’s assets in a compulsory liquidation, in which order will the following
receive any payments due to them?
(1) Floating chargees
(2) Members
(3) Employees who are owed accrued holiday pay
A (1), (2), (3)
B (2), (3), (1)
C (3), (1), (2)
D (3), (2), (1)
LO 2p

21 The deemed consent procedure allows creditors to agree proposals put forward by an administrator
without having to attend a meeting.
If less than a particular percentage of the creditors in value object, the proposal is deemed accepted.
What is that particular percentage?
A 4%
B 6%
C 8%
D 10%
LO 2o

ICAEW 2021 8: Insolvency law: corporate and personal 65

22 Which of the following parties may apply online for a debtor’s bankruptcy?
(1) The individual debtor themselves
(2) Any creditor of a debtor who is owed at least £750
(3) A supervisor of an approved individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) in respect of that debtor
A (1) only
B (2) and (3) only
C (3) only
D (1), (2) or (3)
LO 2p

23 Demelza had always been successful in business until 12 months ago. After a competitor moved in to
adjoining premises, however, her business suffered and she became increasingly depressed by her
rising debts which now stand at over £20,000. Her largest creditor is Hanwick Ltd to whom she owes
Which of the following parties may petition the court for Demelza’s bankruptcy?
(1) Demelza
(2) Hanwick Ltd
A (1) only
B (2) only
C Both (1) and (2)
D Neither (1) nor (2)
LO 2p

24 Are the following statements true or false?

Where there is insufficient money in a bankrupt’s estate to satisfy all unsecured creditors, the debts
are discharged according to the date on which they were incurred.
A True
B False
The official receiver (or other insolvency practitioner) must act to maximise funds available to satisfy
the individual debtor’s creditors.
C True
D False
LO 2p

25 Once a bankruptcy order has been made:

Can a secured creditor enforce their security against the bankrupt debtor?
A Yes
B No
Does the debtor’s property vest in the trustee in bankruptcy?
C Yes
D No
LO 2p

26 John is a self-employed decorator who has just been declared bankrupt. He has recently agreed to
sell his car to his neighbour.
In calculating the total value of John’s estate, will his decorating tools be included?

66 Law ICAEW 2021

A Yes
B No
Can John go ahead and sell his car?
C Yes
D No
LO 2p

27 Jemima is a trustee in bankruptcy in respect of Craig’s bankruptcy.

In which order will the following receive payment out of the Craig’s estate of any sums payable to
(1) Craig
(2) The liquidator (in respect of his remuneration and expenses)
(3) Craig’s wife (whom he owed £200)
A (1), (2), (3)
B (2), (3), (1)
C (3), (1), (2)
D (3), (2), (1)
LO 2p

28 Under Sch. B1 of the Insolvency Act 1986 one or more of a set of three objectives have to be met in
order for the application for an administration order to be successful.
Do the following statements represent one of these objectives?
To put a rescue plan into place if it is possible to rescue the company in whole or in part as a going
A Yes
B No
If corporate rescue is not possible, to maximise returns to creditors over and above what would be
achieved had the company not gone into administration first
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 2o

29 Under the Insolvency Act 1986 a petition to have a company compulsorily wound up is likely to be
where there has been a fraud on the minority
A Yes
B No
where the court is of the opinion that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 2o

30 In the event of liquidation, the liquidator will distribute the assets of the company concerned to
creditors in accordance with the priority determined by the law relating to insolvency.
Assuming there are surplus assets, which of the following creditors will the liquidator repay last?

ICAEW 2021 8: Insolvency law: corporate and personal 67

A Preferential debts
B Fixed chargeholders
C Return of contributed capital to ordinary shareholders
D Floating chargeholders
Sample Exam, LO 2p

31 The members of a company have resolved to wind up the company voluntarily, and the directors
have made a declaration of solvency.
Will the liquidation proceed as a members’ voluntary winding up?
A Yes
B No
Is a creditors’ voluntary winding up of a company initiated by the creditors?
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

68 Law ICAEW 2021

Chapter 9: Sole traders and partnerships
1 Humphreys & Co is a partnership involved in the sale of hot tubs. Due to a summer of rotten weather,
the business fails and the partnership is dissolved.
Are the following statements true or false?
Any partner (whatever their share of profits) can insist on the partnership assets being realised and
any surplus being distributed (after payment of debts) to the partners.
A True
B False
In the event of there being a capital deficiency, the remaining partners of the firm will bear the loss
equally in the absence of an express agreement to the contrary.
C True
D False
LO 2a

2 Which of the following is implied into a partnership agreement by the Partnership Act 1890 in the
absence of any express provision to the contrary?
A All partners are entitled to remuneration for carrying out their firm’s business.
B Every partner is entitled to 5% interest per annum on all capital that they invest in their firm.
C The admittance of new partners requires the unanimous consent of all existing partners.
D A majority of partners must consent to any decision to change the nature of the partnership’s
LO 2a

3 All of the following are sources of rights and duties of partners of an ordinary partnership except
Which is the exception?
A The Partnership Act 1890
B A partnership agreement
C Fiduciary duties arising out of general principles of equity
D The Limited Partnership Act 1907
LO 2a

4 Lola and May are in partnership. Their business, Lomays & Co, buys gift products made by local
craftsmen and sells them through well-known retail outlets. Lola sometimes receives a commission
from the suppliers, supposedly for Lomays & Co, when she places an order for a large number of
products. She rarely informs May of the commission nor does she pay the commission into the firm’s
bank account. Lola, to May’s knowledge, also purchases homemade cards from Original Greetings
Ltd, a company that she owns and runs with another friend, and sells them along with other items
through the Lomays business.
Which of the following best describes the legal position, in view of the fiduciary duties owed by

ICAEW 2021 9: Sole traders and partnerships 69

A May is entitled to buy out Lola’s share of the business.
B Lola must account to Lomays & Co for commission monies received.
C Lola must account to Lomays & Co for commissions received and profits made by Original
Greetings Ltd on cards sold through Lomays & Co.
D Lola must account for commission monies received and must refrain from selling products of
Original Greetings Ltd through Lomays & Co because of the obvious conflict of interest.
LO 2a

5 Freda, Gaynor and Hank are in partnership as solicitors. Freda and Gaynor authorise Hank to appoint
a junior solicitor to work in the conveyancing department. Accordingly, Hank appoints Jane but since
Hank is overworked in the commercial department, he also appoints John, another junior solicitor, to
help him in the commercial department.
Which of the following statements best describes whether Freda, Gaynor and the firm are bound by
the appointment of John?
A Freda, Gaynor and the firm are bound because the appointment is within the usual authority of a
B They are not bound because Hank has exceeded his authority, which was to appoint a junior
solicitor for the conveyancing department.
C They are bound because John knew that Hank was a partner in the firm.
D They are bound because John did not know that Hank did not have express authority to appoint
LO 1e

6 Matt, Gemma and James are in partnership running a business organising conferences. Gemma and
James nominate Matt to advertise their business and they all agree a total budget of £3,000 for this
purpose. Matt feels that they should advertise in some glossy magazines as well as newspapers but
knows that Gemma and James will not agree. Nevertheless, Matt places an advertisement with
Upmarket Businesses, a high quality monthly glossy magazine. This incurs an additional cost of
£2,000 (resulting in a total cost of £5,000), to be paid within 30 days. When Gemma and James hear
about it, they are angry that Matt has exceeded the authority that they gave him and refuse to pay the
publisher of Upmarket Businesses for the advertisement.
Which of the following best describes whether Upmarket Businesses can enforce the contract?
A No. Matt had no authority to enter into the contract.
B Yes. Matt had implied usual authority to advertise the firm’s business.
C Yes. Matt had no authority but Upmarket Businesses was not aware of that fact.
D Yes. Matt had no authority but Upmarket Businesses was not aware of that fact but knew that he
was a partner.
LO 1e

7 Mark, Nathan and Oliver are in partnership together running a cattle market, under the name Cattle
Galore & Co. Mark enters into a contract, using the firm’s headed writing paper, to purchase 10 bulls
from Farmer Giles for the firm. When Nathan and Oliver hear about it they refuse to honour the
contract because they had all agreed at the previous partnership meeting, that they would not
purchase any more livestock for the next six months due to the firm’s financial situation. Mark insists
that the contract was too good an opportunity to miss.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?

70 Law ICAEW 2021

A Mark alone is liable on the contract because he acted without the other partners’ authority.
B Mark, Nathan and Oliver are personally liable, since partners are agents of each other.
C Cattle Galore & Co is liable as it was a contract entered into for the purposes of the partnership
D The firm and, therefore, all of its partners are liable on the contract to purchase 10 bulls from
Farmer Giles.
LO 1e

8 Chad, Digby and Elliott are partners in the Bespoke Catering Co. Elliott joined the firm on 1 June. On
10 May, the firm had entered into a contract for the purchase of a new delivery van but is now
refusing to take delivery of it.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Elliott is liable because every partner is liable for the firm’s contractual commitments.
B Elliott is not liable because the contract was entered into before he became a partner.
C Elliott is liable because the law implies that on joining the partnership a partner assumes liability
on existing debts unless there is a specific agreement to the contrary.
D Elliott is not liable because the firm that entered into the contract was dissolved and re-formed
when Elliott became a partner.
LO 1e, 2a

9 Are the following statements true or false?

An ordinary partnership may only be dissolved by the unanimous consent of the partners.
A True
B False
Where a partnership becomes insolvent, bankruptcy proceedings can be brought in respect of
individual partners.
C True
D False
LO 2a

10 Pascal and his son Roger are partners in the firm, Smith & Co. After a disastrous year, they have
realised that they cannot settle all the debts owed by the partnership. One creditor, with a fixed
charge over the main business premises, now wishes to enforce his security.
Can the secured creditor take action against Pascal and Roger individually or sue them in the name
of Smith & Co?
A Yes
B No
Can the partnership be wound up?
C Yes
D No
LO 2a

11 In relation to ordinary partnerships, answer the following.

Can the partnership raise finance by creating a floating charge over its assets or undertaking?
A Yes
B No

ICAEW 2021 9: Sole traders and partnerships 71

Can a partner assign their interest in the partnership to another person?
C Yes
D No
LO 2a

12 Are the following statements true or false in relation to ordinary partnerships?

A partner is not entitled to assign their interest in the partnership.
A True
B False
The liability of a partner is unlimited.
C True
D False
LO 2a

13 Are the following statements true or false in relation to a limited liability partnership (LLP)?
An LLP has a legal personality distinct from its members.
A True
B False
An LLP must have at least one member whose liability is unlimited.
C True
D False
LO 2c

14 Blodwin and his partner Theo want to set up a limited liability partnership (LLP) as they understand
that it offers a number of advantages over an ordinary partnership. They ask you the following
Will the LLP be liable to tax along the same lines as a registered company?
A Yes
B No
Will they need to disclose their names and addresses when they apply for registration?
C Yes
D No
LO 2b, 2c

15 Ashad and Michael plan to set up a limited liability partnership (LLP) to continue the business,
Jenkins & Co, that they have conducted for the past 15 years as an ordinary partnership. They
particularly do not want to change the name because it is a successful business.
Can they register the LLP under the name Jenkins & Co?
A Yes
B No
Do they need to have a formal partnership agreement?
C Yes
D No
LO 2b, 2c

72 Law ICAEW 2021

16 Janet and Carol have, helped by their solicitor, drawn up a formal partnership agreement for their
new partnership, Bloomin Flowers LLP.
They would like answers to the following questions.
Can they file their partnership agreement as a means of applying to register their LLP, since it
contains all the information required on incorporation?
A Yes
B No
When their business is up and running, will they need to submit confirmation statements to the
Registrar of Companies?
C Yes
D No
LO 2b, 2c

17 Arthur, Peter and William are members of Money Matters LLP.

Which of the following statements is incorrect (assuming no other express provisions in the
agreement are relevant)?
A Arthur, Peter and William each have the right to take part in the management of the partnership
B Arthur, Peter and William are each entitled to receive remuneration in respect of the part they
each play in the business.
C Arthur can give reasonable notice to the other partners that he intends to cease to be a member.
D A change in the membership of an LLP must be notified to the Registrar of Companies within 14
LO 2j

18 Are the following statements true or false in relation to a limited liability partnership (LLP)?
A member of an LLP is an agent of the LLP as well as its members.
A True
B False
A member cannot bind the LLP by their actions unless they act within their actual express or implied
C True
D False
LO 2c, 2j

19 The business of Lush-Limos LLP has suffered badly from fewer people having extravagant weddings
due to a recession and is now in a position where it is unable to meet its debts.
Of the following possible options that are relevant to an insolvent company, which are applicable to
a limited liability partnership?
(1) Voluntary arrangement
(2) Administration
(3) Voluntary liquidation
(4) Compulsory liquidation
A All of them
B (2) and (4) only
C (3) and (4) only
D (2), (3) and (4) only

ICAEW 2021 9: Sole traders and partnerships 73

LO 2c

20 Max and Lily were members in a limited liability partnership (LLP) and, in accordance with their
partnership agreement, could withdraw £20,000 per annum each. Max and Lily both withdrew
£20,000 in each of the past two years, even though it was clear 15 months ago that the LLP was
going to become insolvent.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Max and Lily have no liability because they acted in accordance with the partnership agreement.
B The withdrawals made in the last 12 months can be clawed back on the grounds that the
members had reasonable grounds to believe that the LLP would become insolvent.
C Withdrawals made in the last two years can be clawed back if it can be shown that, at the time of
making each withdrawal, Max and Lily had reasonable grounds to believe that the LLP would
become insolvent.
D Both withdrawals can be clawed back, regardless of their knowledge or belief at the time,
because the LLP has since become insolvent.
LO 2c

21 Do each of the following statements represent a statutory right for a partner of a firm under the
Partnership Act 1890?
To share in the capital, profits and losses of the business in proportion to their initial capital
contribution to the firm
A Yes
B No
To have unfettered access to the firm’s books
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 1e

22 Under the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 certain requirements need to be met for a limited
liability partnership (LLP) to be legitimately formed.
Are the following among those requirements?
One or more persons who are associated for the purposes of carrying on a lawful business with a
view to a profit must have subscribed their names to an incorporation document.
A Yes
B No
The incorporation document must state the name of the LLP which must end with the words ‘Limited
Liability Partnership’ or the abbreviation ‘LLP’.
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 2b

23 Under the Limited Liability Partnership Regulations 2001, and in the absence of contrary provision,
the rights of members of a limited liability partnership include the right to:
remuneration for acting in the business or management of the limited liability partnership
A Yes
B No
share equally in the profits of the limited liability partnership

74 Law ICAEW 2021

C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 2j

24 Are the following statements concerning sole traders true or false?

Before commencing business, a sole trader must obtain a licence and register for VAT.
A True
B False
All business profits accrue to the sole trader.
C True
D False
LO 2a

25 Which of the following statements concerning sole traders is correct?

A A sole trader must file simplified accounts with the Registrar each year.
B A sole trader must appoint an auditor if the business’s size meets the same criteria as medium-
sized companies.
C A sole trader must report the business’s finances to the tax authorities each year.
D A sole trader’s business is legally distinct from their personal wealth.
LO 2a

26 Dylan owns a sweet shop and employs Phyllis to assist him. The shop was paid for by a mortgage
which is in Dylan’s name and Dylan is only required to produce accounts in order to calculate his
personal tax liability.
Which type of organisation is Dylan involved in?
A A sole tradership
B An ordinary partnership
C A limited liability partnership
D A private limited company
LO 2a

27 An ordinary partnership has four partners but no written partnership agreement.

Is the partnership required to have a secretary?
A Yes
B No
Can a single partner block the admission of a new partner?
C Yes
D No
LO 2a

ICAEW 2021 9: Sole traders and partnerships 75

76 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 10: Criminal law
1 In order to receive the protection conferred by the whistleblowing provisions of the Public Interest
Disclosure Act 1998:
Does a person need to be an ‘employee’?
A Yes
B No
Does the person need to be of a minimum age?
C Yes
D No
LO 3f

2 Sam has been working in his employer’s factory for five months. He plans to make public some
information about his employer’s unsafe working practices, but he has been told the following things
about the protection afforded by the whistleblowing provisions contained in the Public Interest
Disclosure Act 1998.
Are they true or false?
Statutory protection is not available to Sam because he has less than one year’s continuous service
with his employer.
A True
B False
He will have to prove that his employer’s working practices are unsafe.
C True
D False
LO 3f

3 Which of the following criteria does a person not always have to show in order to receive the
protection offered by statute in a case of whistleblowing?
A That the disclosure is a qualifying disclosure
B That it is made with a reasonable belief in its truth
C That they have some documentary evidence of the matter complained of
D That it has been made to an appropriate person or recognised regulatory body
LO 3f

4 Which of the following disclosures is or are qualifying disclosure(s)?

(1) That a criminal offence is likely to be committed
(2) That their employer has been guilty of negligence
(3) That the work of their employer is causing damage to the environment
(4) That their employer is engaging in unsafe working practices
A (1) and (4) only
B (1), (3) and (4) only
C All of the above
D (3) and (4) only
LO 3f

ICAEW 2021 10: Criminal law 77

5 The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 protects workers who make a qualifying disclosure in relation
to their employer’s activities.
Are the following statements true or false?
It is sufficient that the worker making the disclosure to the appropriate regulatory body (eg, the
Health and Safety Executive in health and safety cases) holds a reasonable belief that the information
they are disclosing is correct.
A True
B False
Disclosure of information by a worker to the Environment Agency, which shows a cover-up by their
employer of damage that the employer has caused to the environment, may constitute a qualifying
C True
D False
LO 3f

6 Raj worked as a junior administrator in the offices of an insurance company Be Sure & Co. He had
been hoping to be promoted to a senior post recently but his colleague was given the job, even
though he was younger than Raj and had not worked in the office as long as Raj had. Raj has also
discovered that his boss was paying the staff in the post room less than the minimum wage. Still
angry about missing out on his promotion, he has passed this information on to the senior partner of
Be Sure & Co.
Are the following true or false?
The disclosure is a qualifying disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 because it
reveals non-compliance with a legal obligation to which the employer is subject.
A True
B False
The disclosure is not protected under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 because the motive
behind it shows a lack of good faith.
C True
D False
LO 3f

7 Nina is a nurse working in the National Health Service. She has seen Mike, an NHS consultant for
whom she often works, stealing medicinal drugs from the hospital supplies on three occasions in the
last month. Mike knows that she has seen him but believes that she would never divulge the
information to anybody.
Are the following statements true or false?
Nina must disclose Mike’s wrongdoing either internally within the NHS or to a legal adviser, in order
to receive the protection afforded by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.
A True
B False
If, as a result of her disclosing what she knows, Nina is denied a promotion, she will be entitled to
C True
D False
LO 3f

78 Law ICAEW 2021

8 Martin proposes to disclose information to the police about his employer’s criminal acts but he has
been told that he will need to satisfy certain criteria in order for such a disclosure to be protected by
the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. For instance:
Does it matter if Martin’s proposed disclosure is made, principally, for personal gain?
A Yes
B No
Does Martin need to have raised the matter already internally or with a prescribed regulator?
C Yes
D No
LO 3f

9 With regard to the offence of fraud under the Fraud Act 2006, is it necessary to show that the
defendant intended to make a gain for themselves or another person?
A Yes
B No
If a director of a company is found guilty of fraudulent trading, will they automatically be disqualified
from acting as a director?
C Yes
D No
LO 3d

10 All of the following, except one, are the specified ways in which the statutory offence of fraud may be
committed under the Fraud Act 2006.
Which is the exception?
A Fraud by abuse of position
B Fraud by dishonestly appropriating property belonging to another
C Fraud by making false representation
D Fraud by failing to disclose information
LO 3d

11 The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 offers protection for workers who choose to disclose
wrongdoing at their place of work.
Does the Act protect workers who disclose wrongdoing by their fellow workers?
A Yes
B No
To offer protection, must the disclosure be made in the public interest?
C Yes
D No
LO 3f

12 Jack has been convicted of fraud under the Fraud Act 2006. What is the maximum sanction that can
be imposed on him?
A 7 years’ imprisonment and an unlimited fine
B 10 years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to £100,000
C 7 years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to £100,000
D 10 years’ imprisonment and an unlimited fine

ICAEW 2021 10: Criminal law 79

LO 3d

13 With regard to the criminal offence of fraudulent trading, answer the following:
Can this offence be committed by a director of a company even if the company is not in liquidation?
A Yes
B No
Is this offence committed where a business is carried on for any fraudulent purpose?
C Yes
D No
LO 3d

14 Nigel and Kevin are directors of Go Karts Ltd. Leo, the company’s financial adviser, tells Kevin that the
company is facing mounting debts and that its assets and projected income is not sufficient to pay
them. Notwithstanding this, Kevin orders 20 state-of-the-art go-karts, in the hope that he would be
able to keep at least one of the go-karts once the company was wound up (as he knew it would be).
Three months later, the company goes into compulsory liquidation. Nigel has never been involved
with the day-to-day running of the company as he is much too busy with his other business ventures.
As far as he’s concerned, Go Karts Ltd is doing very well.
Which of the following best describes who is and who is not guilty of the criminal offence of
fraudulent trading?
A Kevin and Leo are guilty. Nigel is not guilty because he is unaware of the situation.
B Kevin and Nigel are guilty. Leo is not guilty because he is a financial adviser and not a director.
C Kevin is guilty. Leo and Nigel are not guilty because neglect or lack of positive dishonest action
cannot constitute fraudulent trading.
D Nigel, Kevin and Leo are all guilty because they are all aware or should be aware that insolvency
is likely.
LO 3d

15 The Criminal Justice Act 1993 governs the criminal offence of insider dealing.
Which of the following best describes the offence of insider dealing?
A Making public information relating to price-affected securities in order to influence dealings in
those securities
B Dealing in securities while in possession of inside information as an insider, the securities being
price-affected by the information
C Acquiring securities with the benefit of price-sensitive information obtained as an insider
D Being an insider and in possession of confidential information about the likely effect of dealings
on the price of securities
LO 3d

16 Richard is a fund manager with Burrington Fund Managers Ltd. He hears that Ventures plc is about to
announce a successful takeover and that its share price will rise significantly as a result. He texts his
brother-in-law, Jeff, and says “If I were you, I’d buy as many shares as you can in Ventures plc”. Jeff has
mislaid his mobile phone and doesn’t receive the information until after the takeover has been
Is Richard guilty of insider dealing contrary to the Criminal Justice Act 1993?
A Yes
B No
Would it make any difference if Jeff bought shares in Ventures plc?

80 Law ICAEW 2021

C Yes
D No
LO 3d

17 Robert is a corporate banker and is just about to close a deal in which Bigfish plc is to take over
Smallfry Ltd. He knows that this will mean a huge increase in the share price of Smallfry Ltd. He is
chatting to a friend, Freya, over lunch and tells her all about it because it has been an exciting deal.
Freya has never dealt in shares and never seems to have any money to spend anyway. However,
unknown to Robert, Freya has just inherited £10,000 and immediately goes out and buys shares in
Smallfry Ltd.
Is Robert guilty of encouraging another person to deal, contrary to the Criminal Justice Act 1993?
A Yes
B No
Is Robert guilty of disclosing inside information that he obtained in the course of his employment?
C Yes
D No
LO 3d

18 Andy is an auditor doing an audit of Sunstar plc. During the course of the audit, he learns that the
company has made an unexpected heavy loss in the current financial year. He tells his colleague Zara
back in the firm’s office and she sells her shares in Sunstar plc.
Is the information passed to Zara inside information for the purposes of the insider dealing
provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 1993?
A Yes
B No
Is Zara an insider for the purposes of those provisions?
C Yes
D No
LO 3d

19 Lucy is a UK national who has been living in France for the past three years. She now wishes to return
to England and is keen to secure a deal on a very desirable building plot being sold by First Class
Homes plc at auction. She knows the managing director of the company and so, keen to avoid
attending an auction, she offers him £5,000 in cash (for his personal account) if he will arrange for the
company to sell the building plot to her by private agreement, rather than by auction. The director
refuses and the property goes to auction where Lucy is outbid by another buyer.
Are the following statements true or false?
Where the person who is offered money refuses it, no offence of bribery is committed.
A True
B False
Lucy may be guilty of the offence of bribery.
C True
D False
LO 3c

20 Are the following statements true or false?

Bribery is a criminal offence and is governed by statute.

ICAEW 2021 10: Criminal law 81

A True
B False
The maximum penalty is an unlimited fine and imprisonment for up to seven years.
C True
D False
LO 3c

21 Which of the following best describes the offence of money laundering which is governed by the
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002?
A It is the process by which the proceeds of illegal activity are disposed of into apparently
legitimate business activities.
B It is the process by which monies are transferred from business to business or place to place in
order to conceal their original source.
C It is the process by which property illegally obtained is converted into cash in order to facilitate
its disposal.
D It is the process by which the proceeds of crime are converted into assets which appear to have
a legitimate origin.
LO 3b

22 What is the maximum length of imprisonment that can be imposed under the Proceeds of Crime Act
2002 for failing to report a suspicion of money laundering?
A 5 years
B 7 years
C 10 years
D 14 years
LO 3b

23 Nathan works as an accountant with Moneyneeds Ltd, a financial services company. He is asked to
prepare some accounts which he strongly suspects are going to be used to enable the company to
evade some of its tax liability. He makes a report to the MLRO nominated by his employer but, in fear
of losing his job if he does not do as he is asked, he also prepares the accounts as required.
Is he guilty of money laundering under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002?
A Yes
B No
Is he guilty of tipping off under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002?
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 3b

24 James is an accountant in a local accountancy firm and advises Creedy Ltd, the parent company of a
number of subsidiaries. James notices that a number of transactions taking place between the
subsidiaries in the group appear to have no explanation or business justification and also that each
subsidiary is transferring funds to an overseas subsidiary (in a tax haven) with increasing frequency.
He strongly suspects that the companies are being used to conceal proceeds of criminal activities,
but he is worried about his duty of client confidentiality. Assuming his suspicions are reasonably well

82 Law ICAEW 2021

Should James report his suspicions to the nominated MLRO within his firm?
A Yes
B No
Should James tell one of the directors of Creedy Ltd about his suspicions?
C Yes
D No
LO 3b

25 Gary owns a large estate agency business and has recently become aware that he is required by law
to establish some internal systems and procedures designed to prevent the possibility of money
laundering. He comes to you for advice in respect of the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 and in
particular as to whether the following are true or false.
The appointment of a Money Laundering Reporting Officer is recommended but not compulsory.
A True
B False
Failure to implement measures required by the Regulations is punishable by an unlimited fine and up
to two years’ imprisonment.
C True
D False
LO 3b

26 There is no defence to a charge of bribery.

A True
B False
Whenever an employee commits an offence of bribery, the commercial organisation for which they
work is also guilty of an offence under the Bribery Act 2010 for failing to prevent the commission of
the offence.
C True
D False
LO 3c

27 Under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 a worker would be required to follow their
organisation’s internally or externally mandated whistleblowing procedures where they have a
reasonable belief that:
A criminal offence is being committed eg, fraud
A Yes
B No
The health and safety of their organisation’s workers is being put at risk
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 3f

28 Under the Companies Act 2006 the maximum penalty that can be given where an officer of a
company has been convicted of carrying on their company’s business with intent to defraud, may

ICAEW 2021 10: Criminal law 83

An unlimited fine
A True
B False
A period of imprisonment of up to 10 years
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 3d

29 Are the following statements true or false in relation to the provisions relating to fraudulent trading
contained in the Companies Act 2006?
They do not apply unless the business was carried on with intent to defraud or for any fraudulent
A True
B False
A successful conviction for fraudulent trading could be secured against an officer of a company who
had secured further credit for the company, at a time when they suspected that there was no
reasonable prospect of the company being able to repay the debt.
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 3d

30 In relation to the criminal offence of bribery:

Offering a person in public office money or other favours in order to circumvent the ethical
guidelines of their professional body is an offence.
A True
B False
It is punishable by a term of imprisonment or a fine, or in serious cases both imprisonment and a
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 3c, 3e

31 Brisco LLP, a firm of ICAEW Chartered Accountants, is the auditor of Spelt plc. At a meeting in April
with Spelt plc’s directors, Abel Brisco, Brisco’s senior partner, signed the auditor’s report in respect of
the financial statements for the year ended 31 January. At that meeting Spelt plc’s finance director
mentioned a forthcoming takeover bid for a majority of the shares of Spelt plc by Wyman plc, and
said that Wyman plc would be using the most recent set of financial statements in fixing a price for
the shares of Spelt plc.
A few months later, in October, following its successful takeover bid for Spelt plc, Wyman plc sued
Brisco LLP for negligence in auditing Spelt’s financial statements which, Wyman plc claimed,
significantly overstated the value of revenue. In a private meeting about the case with the Brisco
partners, Abel Brisco said that because there had been no written notification of Wyman plc’s
reliance on the financial statements he would deny having received any verbal notification.
Are the following statements true or false?
Brisco is likely to owe a duty of care to Wyman which was a known bidder, even though the firm had
not been informed in writing.
A True
B False

84 Law ICAEW 2021

Abel Brisco is likely to be in breach of the ICAEW Code of Ethics in respect of professional behaviour.
C True
D False
LO 3e

32 Gavin, a partner in Ingatestone & Co, is the engagement partner on the audit of Tolleshunt
Electronics Ltd (Tolleshunt). He is in a close personal relationship with the finance director of
Tolleshunt, and agrees to sign an unmodified audit report on the company’s accounts despite its
having declared a dividend which is illegal under the Companies Act 2006. The finance director has
a substantial personal shareholding in Tolleshunt.
Is Gavin in breach of:
The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 in respect of money laundering?
A Yes
B No
The ICAEW Code of Ethics in respect of professional behaviour?
C Yes
D No
LO 3a, 3e

33 Harriet is the Money Laundering Reporting Officer of Maldon and Braintree, a firm of chartered
accountants. A trainee in the firm suspects that an excessive amount of cash sales in a client’s
accounts signifies laundered funds, and reports this suspicion to Harriet. Harriet immediately notifies
the National Crime Agency.
It is later discovered that the cash sales were genuine and that no money laundering has taken place.
Can the client take legal action against Maldon and Braintree for breach of confidentiality?
A Yes
B No
Is Harriet in breach of the ICAEW Code of Ethics in respect of confidentiality?
C Yes
D No
LO 3a, 3e

34 Which cybercrime threat is described below?

Criminals record what the user types onto their keyboard.
A Phishing
B Keylogging
C Ad clicker
D Screenshot manager
LO 3d

35 Angelina was recently sent an email that appeared to be from her bank. It instructed her to click on a
link and confirm some of her security information. Just days later she noticed that someone had
transferred money out of her bank account.
Angelina has been the victim of phishing.
A True
B False

ICAEW 2021 10: Criminal law 85

This is an example of fraud by abuse of position.
C True
D False
LO 3d

36 Which of the following would be offences under the Computer Misuse Act 1990?
(1) The creation of ransomware
(2) Accidentally spreading a computer virus
(3) Hacking a private computer network
(4) Accessing a colleague’s email account by guessing their username and password
A (1) and (4) only
B (1), (3) and (4) only
C All of the above
D (3) and (4) only
LO 3d

37 The Computer Misuse Act 1990 makes a number of actions illegal.

In relation to the Act, which of the following statements are true or false?
It is an offence to carry out unauthorised acts with intent to impair the operation of a computer
A True
B False
It is an offence to supply or obtain articles that another individual can use to access a computer
C True
D False
LO 3d

38 Roger is guilty of dealing and encouraging another to deal in price affected securities, contrary to the
Criminal Justice Act 1993 and has four possible arguments in defence of his guilt. All except one of
these defences are valid.
Which is the exception?
A He did not expect there to be a profit.
B He had reasonable grounds to believe that the information had been disclosed widely.
C He would have done what he did even without the information.
D He passed the information on in the course of his employment.
LO 3d

39 If a director is found guilty of fraudulent trading, what is the maximum period that they may be
disqualified from acting as a director or being involved in the management of companies?
A 5 years
B 10 years
C 15 years
D Unlimited period, they may be permanently disqualified
LO 3d

86 Law ICAEW 2021

40 Are the following statements true or false?
The penalty for failing to prevent bribery is a fine.
A True
B False
Bribing a public official whilst outside of the UK is an offence under the Bribery Act 2010.
C True
D False
LO 3c

41 How does pharming differ from phishing?

A Phishing is a virus, pharming is an online scam.
B Pharming is based on legitimate looking websites, phishing is based on legitimate looking
C Phishing for an individual is a long-term activity, pharming is instant.
D Pharming is a targeted version of phishing.
LO 3d

42 Fraudulent card payments may be prevented by cardholders keeping their bank cards in a safe
location at all times.
A True
B False
In ‘spear phishing’, an individual is targeted for fraud by the fraudster building up a relationship with
them over time and then persuading them to give them either their personal details or money.
C True
D False
LO 3d

43 Ewan is a Chartered Accountant who works for a small firm of accountants which conducts the
majority of its business electronically. As part of his role, Ewan uploads and enters personal
information about clients to various websites, for example when making tax returns and filing
company information with Companies House.
What should Ewan do to minimise the risk of him and his clients becoming victims of pharming?
A Very carefully check websites to ensure they are legitimate before entering any information.
B Install and run anti-virus software.
C Set up secure configurations.
D Update web browsers when patches are released.
LO 3d

44 Mina is currently working on the audit of High Hair Ltd. The company runs a chain of low-cost
hairdressers, and last year decided to begin a plan of major expansion. Much of the company’s
income is cash. Whilst the cash balances are large, they have remained stable for the last five years.
Mina has noted that over the course of the business’s expansion in the last six months, it started
transferring funds overseas. These transfers began a week after a new area manager was employed
to oversee the running of 10 branches. When Mina enquired about whether they thought the
expansion was a success, the directors of High Hair Ltd said they did not know as it was too early to

ICAEW 2021 10: Criminal law 87

Which of the following should be a ‘red flag’ to Mina that money laundering may be occurring?
A Large cash balance
B Cash transfers overseas
C Employment of a new area manager
D Directors not knowing the answer to Mina’s question on the expansion
LO 3a

88 Law ICAEW 2021

Chapter 11: Employment, data protection
and intellectual property law
1 All of the following, except one, are essential elements of a contract of service.
Which is the exception?
A Mutuality of obligation
B Some element of control exercisable by the employer over the employee
C Deduction of tax at source by the employer
D Some element of personal service by the employee
LO 4b

2 All of the following, except one, must be included in a written statement of employment particulars.
Which is the exception?
A The title of the employee’s job
B Sick leave entitlement
C Details of appraisal procedures
D Details of entitlement to holiday and holiday pay
LO 4c

3 Ivy works at Gorgeous Flowers Ltd.

Which of the following factors is consistent with her being treated as self-employed?
A Ivy’s employer deducts tax at source.
B Ivy wears a Gorgeous Flowers apron at work.
C Ivy is entitled to holiday pay.
D Ivy provides her own car for delivering flowers.
LO 4c

4 Are the following statements true or false in relation to determining whether a working arrangement
is between an employer and employee or between an employer and an independent contractor?
Provided there is an element of control and personal service and mutuality of obligations present,
then the arrangement is a contract of employment.
A True
B False
Where a person is only offered work on an as-and-when required basis by their employer, the
working arrangement cannot be a contract of service.
C True
D False
LO 4c

5 Larry works as a driver for Wally’s Wine Warehouses. He wears a Wally’s Wine uniform and drives a
Wally’s Wine van belonging to his employer. He is paid gross and accounts for tax and national
insurance himself. Each day, he is told by the manager of Wally’s Wine what to deliver and to whom.
He is allowed to ask his wife to make deliveries for him in the event that he is ill. He is not permitted
to work for anyone else and is entitled to receive six weeks’ holiday pay from Wally’s Wine.

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 89
Which of the following best describes Larry’s employment status?
A He is an independent contractor because he is paid gross and accounts for tax and national
insurance himself.
B He is an employee. The fact that he is paid gross is not conclusive and the other factors point to
him being an employee.
C He is an independent contractor because there is not a sufficient level of personal service for a
contract of employment to exist, since his wife is allowed to do his work for him in the event that
he is ill.
D He is an employee because the fact that he is only permitted to delegate in limited
circumstances means that he cannot be an independent contractor.
LO 4c

6 Bun the Bakers Ltd has a number of retail outlets in London. Flora works for the company when it is
short-staffed during particularly busy periods. She wears a Bun the Bakers apron and hat and is given
24 hours’ notice of which outlet she is required to work at. She then has the use of the Bun the Baker
van for any deliveries. She is not entitled to ask anyone else to perform her duties. Tax and national
insurance are deducted from her pay at source. Work is offered to Flora by Bun the Bakers on an as-
and-when required basis.
Which of the following best describes her employment status?
A Flora is an employee, because tax is deducted from her pay at source.
B Flora is an independent contractor because she is only given 24 hours’ notice of when she is
required to work.
C Flora is an independent contractor because she is only offered work by Bun the Bakers on an as-
and-when required basis.
D Flora is an employee because the majority of factors considered in the multiple test point
towards a contract of service.
LO 4c

7 Employees owe a number of duties towards their employer under the common law.
Do employees have a duty to maintain trust and confidence?
A Yes
B No
Do employees have a duty to obey all orders given to them by their employer?
C Yes
D No
LO 4c

8 Terms that form part of an employment contract have a number of sources.

Is the prescribed particulars in a written statement of employment particulars a source of terms in an
employment contract?
A Yes
B No
Is legislation, such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, a source of terms in an employment
C Yes
D No
LO 4c

90 Law ICAEW 2021

9 Are the following legal consequences of someone being held to be an ‘independent contractor’
rather than an employee?
They may need to register for and charge VAT.
A Yes
B No
They have the right to bring a claim for unfair dismissal under the Employment Rights Act 1996.
C Yes
D No
LO 4c

10 Are the following legal consequences of someone being held to be an employee rather than an
independent contractor?
The employer must deduct income tax from the salary paid to an employee.
A Yes
B No
The employee will be entitled to protection under health and safety legislation unlike an
independent contractor.
C Yes
D No
LO 4c

11 Are the following statements true or false?

A contract of employment must be either in writing or evidenced in writing.
A True
B False
The law may imply terms into a contract of employment even where the parties to it have not
expressly agreed that they should be included.
C True
D False
LO 4c

12 Within what time period must an employer provide a written statement of employment particulars to
an employee following the commencement of their employment (in the absence of an employment
A 14 days
B 28 days
C 2 months
D 3 months
LO 4d

13 In the event that an employer fails to comply with the requirement under the Employment Rights Act
1996 to provide a written statement of employment particulars:
Does the employer face potential criminal liability, for example a fine or period of imprisonment?
A Yes
B No

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 91
Does the employer face potential civil liability in cases even where there is a written contract of
employment covering the matters which should be contained within the written statement of
employment particulars?
C Yes
D No
LO 4d

14 Are the following statements true or false?

An employee owes a duty under the common law to obey their employer’s instructions at all times.
A True
B False
An employee’s implied duties under the common law cease when their employment ceases.
C True
D False
LO 4d

15 Are the following implied duties of the employer in a contract of employment?

To assess the employee’s performance on an annual basis
A Yes
B No
To pay reasonable remuneration
C Yes
D No
LO 4d

16 Amran is employed on a part-time basis by Lord Noble, to manage his portfolio of property and
equities. He is paid on a commission only basis. The parties have agreed that Amran will be paid an
agreed commission every time he makes a profit on a sale transaction for Lord Noble. Last year,
Amran was very happy with his earnings but in the past eight months, he has earned very little
because Lord Noble has been planning a new business project and has failed to give Amram
instructions when requested.
Might Lord Noble be liable for breach of his common law duty to pay Amran remuneration?
A Yes
B No
Might Lord Noble be liable for breach of his common law duty to provide Amran with work?
C Yes
D No
LO 4d

17 Are the following statements true or false?

An employer has a common law duty not to pass confidential information to a third party about an
A True
B False
An employer owes a common law duty to provide an accurate and fair reference for their employee
on termination of their employment.

92 Law ICAEW 2021

C True
D False
LO 4d

18 Arthur works at a timber yard owned and operated by Tall Trees plc. One day he is stacking timber
ready for shipment and one of the saws, being operated nearby, becomes detached from its station
and causes Arthur serious injury. It transpires that Conrad, the director responsible for health and
safety issues at Tall Trees plc, has failed to have its machinery serviced for more than three years. Tall
Trees plc has also been criticised for failing to separate its stacking yard from the operational sawing
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Tall Trees plc and Conrad are liable to a fine up to £50,000.
B Tall Trees plc is liable to an unlimited fine.
C Tall Trees plc is liable to an unlimited fine and Conrad is liable to up to two years’ imprisonment.
D Conrad is liable to a fine and imprisonment for up to two years and Tall Trees plc is liable to an
unlimited fine.
LO 4d

19 Abigail has been working for Comfy Sofas Ltd for 18 months but her employment contract does not
specify a notice period in the event of termination.
What is the minimum period of notice to which she is entitled under the Employment Rights Act
A At least five days
B At least a week
C At least two weeks
D At least one month
LO 4d

20 Zak has recently been given one month’s notice by Firezone Ltd to terminate his employment. He has
been working for Firezone Ltd for five years and asks you whether his notice period is sufficient.
Which of the following best sums up the advice you should give him?
A Yes. His contract provides for the giving of one month’s notice.
B Yes. The common law requires his employer to give him a reasonable period of notice and one
month is reasonable.
C Yes. Under the Employment Rights Act 1996 he is entitled to a minimum period of one month’s
D No. Under the Employment Rights Act 1996 he is entitled to a minimum period of five weeks’
LO 4d

21 Martha has been working for Mark-Up Cars Ltd for 13 years.
What is the statutory minimum notice period to which she is entitled under the Employment Rights
Act 1996?
A At least one month
B At least 13 weeks
C At least 12 weeks
D At least one year
LO 4d

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 93
22 Under the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance issues, is an employee to be given the
right to appeal when a decision is made against them?
A Yes
B No
Does a breach of the Acas Code of Practice render an associated dismissal automatically unfair?
C Yes
D No
LO 4d

23 Tina and Ricki were both recently dismissed from their roles at Heave plc. Tina was told that the
reason for her dismissal is because she had reached the normal retirement age for someone in her
profession. Ricki was told that she was dismissed because she took too much time off work when
there were complications with her pregnancy.
Was the reason given to Tina for her dismissal an automatically unfair reason for dismissal?
A Yes
B No
Was the reason given to Ricki for her dismissal an automatically unfair reason for dismissal?
C Yes
D No
LO 4d

24 Are the following statements true or false?

An employee has a statutory right not to be unfairly dismissed under the Employment Rights Act
A True
B False
An employee who does not comply with the Acas Code of Practice may have their claim reduced by
up to 50%.
C True
D False
LO 4d

25 Within what period of time following the effective date of termination of an employee’s employment
contract must an employee make a claim for unfair dismissal?
A 28 days
B One month
C Three months
D Six months
LO 4e

26 Nathan is employed by Clifford to manage the catering at a conference of the South East Police
Service in Brighton over a two-week period.
Which of the following would not constitute dismissal for the purposes of an unfair dismissal claim?

94 Law ICAEW 2021

A If Clifford were to tell him a month in advance that he has found someone to provide the same
services more cheaply and Nathan is not required.
B If Clifford were to send Nathan home on the third day because the vol-au-vents were uncooked.
C If Clifford were to say that he was no longer needed Nathan because fewer delegates than
expected had attended the conference.
D If the conference were to be cancelled because a large proportion of the delegates were
required to report for duty in view of a major earthquake in Brighton.
LO 4e

27 Are the following statements true or false?

An employee is not required to show a qualifying period of continuous employment if the principal
reason for their dismissal is that they have made a protected disclosure.
A True
B False
Dismissal on the grounds of an employee’s membership or non-membership of a trade union or due
to the fact that they are involved in trade union activities is automatically unfair.
C True
D False
LO 4e

28 In the absence of an automatically unfair reason for dismissal, must an employer’s decision to dismiss
an employee satisfy the following conditions?
The employer must show that their principal reason for dismissing the employee is one of the
potentially fair reasons contained in the Employment Rights Act 1996.
A Yes
B No
The employer must have acted reasonably in the circumstances.
C Yes
D No
LO 4e

29 Over the last two months, Full Stop Ltd has dismissed the following four employees. Each employee
was given a different reason for their dismissal. All four employees are now claiming unfair dismissal
and the business is conducting a review into whether it dismissed the employees fairly.
Which of the employees was fairly dismissed?
A Luther, who was dismissed on the grounds that he helped to recruit his colleagues to become
members of his official trade union.
B Simon, who was dismissed on the grounds of misconduct based on Full Stop Ltd’s reasonable
belief that he had been using his work computer to run a personal business during working
C Barbara, who was dismissed on the grounds that she attempted to enforce her written
agreement with Full Stop Ltd to not work on a Sunday.
D Niall, who was dismissed on the grounds that he made a protected disclosure under the Public
Interest Disclosure Act 1998.
LO 4d

30 All of the following, except one, are potentially fair reasons for dismissal under the Employment
Rights Act 1996.

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 95
Which is the exception?
A Theft by the employee
B The employee’s persistent lateness
C The employee’s misconduct
D The employee having a spent conviction under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
LO 4d

31 Sophia has worked as a nurse in the Sunshine Care Home for two years. She was injured in a traffic
accident while taking some of its residents on a day trip in the home’s minibus, driven by one of her
colleagues, Raphael. Although she returned to work soon after the accident, it left her with neck and
back pains that were aggravated by her work, which involved lifting and bathing residents. Her
employer allowed her time off work to keep doctor and hospital appointments and warned her that
if she failed to improve, she would have to leave or accept a change of position to work on reception
instead. Sophia failed to get better but really did not wish to be a receptionist. Two weeks later, she
was informed in writing that her employment with Sunshine Care Home would be terminated as a
result of her decision not to take up the receptionist post.
Which of the following best describes Sophia’s dismissal?
A Automatically unfair because Sophia’s absenteeism was due to an injury caused by someone
employed by the Sunshine Care Home.
B Potentially fair but the Sunshine Care Home, by taking the decision to dismiss Sophia, has acted
unreasonably in the circumstances.
C Potentially unfair because the receptionist job does not constitute suitable alternative
employment for Sophia.
D Potentially fair and the Sunshine Care Home has acted reasonably in the circumstances by giving
Sophia time off work and an offer of an alternative job. Her employer cannot be expected to
keep her job open indefinitely.
LO 4e

32 Greta, aged 61, had worked for Fine Fabrics for 25 years and the employment tribunal has ruled that
she was unfairly dismissed.
Which of the following may be relevant to the calculation of the basic award to which she will be
(1) Greta’s age
(2) Greta’s length of service
(3) Greta’s conduct
(4) Any redundancy payment made to Greta
A (1) and (2) only
B (2) and (3) only
C (2), (3) and (4) only
D All of the above
LO 4e

33 Under the Employment Rights Act 1996 can a compensatory award for unfair dismissal be reduced in
the following circumstances?
Where the employee’s conduct causes or contributes to their dismissal
A Yes
B No
Where the employee fails to mitigate their loss, eg, by seeking employment elsewhere

96 Law ICAEW 2021

C Yes
D No
LO 4e

34 What is the usual remedy awarded for wrongful dismissal?

A Compensatory award
B Reinstatement
C Damages
D Injunction
LO 4e

35 Oliver has been employed by Hots Ltd to deliver pizza for the past 10 months. His manager, Charles,
regularly turns up for work drunk and swears at Oliver and one day accuses him of having made a
pass at his girlfriend, which is not true. Charles then pushes Oliver off his delivery bike and tells him
to get lost. Oliver leaves and has not been back to work at Hots Ltd since.
Can Oliver bring a claim for unfair constructive dismissal?
A Yes
B No
Can Oliver bring an action for wrongful dismissal?
C Yes
D No
LO 4e

36 Raita works as a receptionist for Bayview Hotel. Her contract provides that the employer may
terminate the contract without notice but subject to paying the equivalent of six months’ salary. After
working there for only nine months, Raita is handed notice of termination with immediate effect.
Which of the following best describes her legal position?
A Raita can bring an action for wrongful dismissal without notice.
B Raita is unable to bring an action because she has only been employed for nine months.
C Raita has no right to sue for wrongful dismissal but may enforce the obligation to pay six months’
D Raita may bring an action for wrongful dismissal and damages will be the equivalent of six
months’ salary.
LO 4e

37 The following employees have recently left App Design Ltd.

Don was dismissed with 28 days’ notice. His contract states that he is entitled to 35 days’ notice.
Jaz was employed for a fixed contract term of six months which was not renewed when it expired.
Amol was made redundant, but he was selected for redundancy in contravention of App Design Ltd’s
contractual redundancy selection procedure.
Dimitri resigned following the repudiation of his employment contract by App Design Ltd.
Which employees were wrongfully dismissed?
A Don and Jaz only
B Amol and Dimitri only
C Don, Amol and Dimitri only
D Jaz, Amol and Dimitri only

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 97
LO 4d

38 A contract between Gary and his employer, Go-Go Ltd, contains, amongst others, the following two
Provision 1: “Gary is ‘the employee’ and Go-Go Ltd is ‘the employer’.”
Provision 2: “Gary must perform his duties himself unless he is ill, in which case he can delegate them
to another person that he chooses.”
Are the following statements true or false?
Provision 1 is conclusive proof that a contract of employment exists.
A True
B False
Provision 2 is conclusive proof that a contract of employment exists.
C True
D False
LO 4b

39 Arthur works as an accountant for the Churchill High School. He embezzles £30,000 of the school’s
funds and is subsequently arrested and charged with theft. The Governors of the school dismiss him
from his post with immediate effect following a disciplinary hearing, during the course of which
Arthur was offered the right to appeal against their final decision but turned it down.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A The school is justified in dismissing Arthur without notice, as he has engaged in gross
misconduct and the school therefore has no liability, particularly since disciplinary and dismissal
procedures appear to have been followed.
B The school is justified in dismissing Arthur (as he has engaged in gross misconduct) and will only
be liable for nominal damages as a result of terminating his contract with less than the statutory
minimum period of notice under the Employment Rights Act 1996.
C The school is liable for wrongful dismissal, as a reasonable employer would have given Arthur a
warning first in the circumstances.
D Arthur is entitled to claim wrongful dismissal because he has been dismissed in breach of his
employment contract.
LO 4e

40 Are the following statements true or false?

Redundancy is a form of dismissal.
A True
B False
A statutory redundancy payment is calculated in the same way as the basic award in unfair dismissal
C True
D False
LO 4f

41 Raphael performs work for Big Build Ltd, but it is not clear whether he is employed or is an
independent contractor.
Are the following statements true or false?
The fact that Raphael only does work for Big Build Ltd is an indication that he is an independent

98 Law ICAEW 2021

A True
B False
The fact that Big Build Ltd provides Raphael with all the tools and equipment that he needs to
perform his work is an indication that he is employed.
C True
D False
LO 4b

42 Which of the following can be included as a separate document, rather than as part of the written
statement of prescribed particulars as given to an employee?
A The names of the employer and the employee
B Whether any service with a previous employer forms part of the employee’s period of
continuous employment
C A brief job description
D The notice period for termination of the employment
LO 4c

43 Which of the following is an example of a circumstance where an employee cannot lawfully refuse to
obey their employer’s instructions?
A If the employee is required to do something unlawful.
B If the employee is required to do something that is not in their employer’s best interest.
C If the employee is required to do something that exposes them to personal danger not inherent
in their work.
D If the employee is required to do something outside their employment contract.
LO 4c

44 Kevin has been working as a payroll clerk in the local office of Bespoke Windows Ltd for the past 18
months. When the company installs new IT systems for all its financial and administrative operations,
it informs Kevin that he is no longer required and advertises for a new employee who is competent in
the use of its new IT system (which Kevin is not).
Has Kevin been made redundant in accordance with the Employment Rights Act 1996?
A Yes
B No
Is Kevin entitled to claim a statutory redundancy payment under the Employment Rights Act 1996?
C Yes
D No
LO 4f

45 Hamish has been made redundant from his post as coach for the Highland Huskies football team.
Within what time period, following the relevant date of his dismissal by reason of redundancy, must
he bring a claim for a statutory redundancy payment in accordance with the Employment Rights Act
A Three months
B Six months
C Twelve months
D Two years
LO 4f

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 99
46 Jack works for Complete Gardens Ltd, servicing and renovating lawnmowers. As the company plans
to concentrate on the sale of plants and garden furniture, it closes down its machinery section which
is responsible for servicing and renovating lawnmowers. The company offers Jack a new post on the
same premises, being in charge of removing dead or diseased plants, as directed by the company’s
horticultural expert. It also offers to pay him the same salary. He refuses.
Has Jack been made redundant in accordance with the Employment Rights Act 1996?
A Yes
B No
Is Jack entitled to claim a statutory redundancy payment under the Employment Rights Act 1996?
C Yes
D No
LO 4f

47 Legal and economic consequences that would follow a finding that a worker is employed under a
contract of service would include the following:
Potentially they have the right to claim unfair dismissal.
A Yes
B No
They should be paid gross and account for income tax to HMRC themselves.
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 4c

48 Andrew has undertaken work as a lorry driver for Hopeless Haulage Ltd for the past three years
under the following terms:
He is responsible for maintaining his own lorry. He pays his own tax and national insurance and may
substitute another lorry driver for himself, but only on receipt of written permission from the
Advise Andrew as to whether he is in fact an employee by indicating whether or not each of the
following statements is true or false:
Andrew is under a degree of financial risk. This is inconsistent with a contract of employment.
A True
B False
The fact that Andrew’s ability to delegate his work is limited is consistent with the existence of a
contract of employment.
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 4c

49 All except one of the following are parts of the common law duty of an employer to protect their
employees against reasonably foreseeable risks to their health, safety and welfare at work.
Which is the exception?

100 Law ICAEW 2021

A The duty to provide a safe system of work
B The duty to provide reasonably competent fellow employees
C The duty to protect an employee’s personal property while they are engaged in performing their
contractual duties
D The duty to provide safe plant and appliances
LO 4c

50 All except one of the following are grounds for an employment tribunal reducing the amount of a
basic award for unfair dismissal.
Which is the exception?
A Where the employee has unreasonably refused an offer of reinstatement
B Where the employee has received a redundancy payment
C Where it is just and equitable having regard to the employee’s conduct
D Where the loss suffered by the employee was less than the value of the award
LO 4d

51 Sources of contractual terms which can come together to form an employment contract include the
Terms implied by the common law.
A Yes
B No
Terms contained in a written statement of employment particulars where the employee has signed
the statement itself.
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 4d

52 David is a journalist working for the Daily Libel at their Southampton office.
David has a clause in his contract which states that he can be required to work from any other office
of the company on a temporary basis provided that the office is not more than 200 miles from the
Southampton office. For the past two months, David, who lives in Southampton, has been required to
work every day at the company’s Nottingham office, some 170 miles away from Southampton. David
has consistently argued with his employers that the daily travelling to Nottingham is destroying his
health due to exhaustion and stress, and that he presents a serious health and safety risk to other
road users and other employees of the Nottingham office.
Advise the Daily Libel of any potential claims David could make against them by indicating whether
or not each of the following statements is true or false.
David could claim that they are in breach of their common law duty to protect him against reasonably
foreseeable risks to his health, safety and welfare.
A True
B False
The outcome of a successful claim for breach of a common law duty by an employer is for an
employee to be awarded damages.
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 4d

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 101
53 Circumstances under which a wrongful dismissal can occur include where:
A fixed-term contract is terminated by the employer before the date it was due to expire.
A Yes
B No
The employer terminates the employment without notice, or with less notice than the employee is
entitled to receive under the terms of their contract or the Employment Rights Act 1996.
C Yes
D No
Sample Exam, LO 4e

54 The dismissal of an employee will constitute an automatically unfair dismissal if it is on the grounds
Trade union membership or activities
A Yes
B No
Taking certain types of action on Health and Safety grounds eg, raising a concern with a Health and
Safety Representative
C Yes
D No
LO 4e

55 When determining the fairness of a dismissal on the grounds of capability or qualifications:

It is sufficient that the employer honestly believes on reasonable grounds that an employee is
incapable of carrying out the job that they are employed to do.
A True
B False
It is not necessary for there to be a contractual obligation (express or implied) to hold the relevant
qualification in order to be dismissed fairly on the grounds of lack of ‘qualifications’.
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 4e

56 In relation to claims for a statutory redundancy payment under the Employment Rights Act 1996 are
the following statements true or false?
An employee must have accrued one year’s continuous service with the same or an associated
employer at the relevant date in order to be able to claim.
A True
B False
An employee must have been dismissed, laid off or put on short-time working in order to be able to
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 4f

102 Law ICAEW 2021

57 Are the following statements true or false?
The Data Protection Act 2018 applies to computer-based and electronically stored information
systems only.
A True
B False
The Act aims to protect individuals from the use of incorrect information and the misuse of correct,
but confidential, information.
C True
D False
LO 4a

58 With regard to the Data Protection Act 2018:

Can a data controller be either an individual or a company?
A Yes
B No
Are data subject to the Act’s regulation if they merely record the holder’s opinion about the subject,
rather than facts about them?
C Yes
D No
LO 4a

59 Homemade Cakes Ltd holds data about its employees. The company secretary, Snoop, seeks your
advice as to whether there are any penalties in the event of non-compliance with the Data Protection
Act 2018, as he is concerned that certain aspects of it may have been overlooked. He has been told
that, if there is breach of the Act, there may be:
(1) a fine of up to £20 million or 5% of the company’s global turnover
(2) a criminal conviction
(3) a court order directing the forfeiture, destruction or erasing of databases
Advise Snoop on the issue of liability.
A There is potential liability for all of (1), (2) and (3)
B There is potential liability to (2) only
C There is potential liability to (2) and (3) only
D There is potential liability to none of the above
LO 4a

60 With regard to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation’s (GDPR) rights and principles, as
enacted by the Data Protection Act 2018, are the following statements true or false?
The data controller is obliged to take all necessary steps to ensure that data held about an individual
is accurate.
A True
B False
The data controller must keep the data subject informed (and supply copies) of all personal data
held or processed in respect of that data subject.
C True
D False
LO 4a

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 103
61 With regard to the rights given to data subjects by the Data Protection Act 2018, answer the
Is the data subject always entitled to compensation in the event that the data controller is found to
have inaccurate data?
A Yes
B No
Does the data subject have the right to request that accurate data held about them be destroyed?
C Yes
D No
LO 4a

62 Amy is treasurer to the Copse Golf Club, an unincorporated association. Amy is invited to apply for
the position of treasurer to the Forest Green Golf Club. Amy duly applies and the President of the
Copse Golf Club passes on all the information which it holds about Amy to the Forest Green Golf
Club. However, Amy is not offered the position with the Forest Green Golf Club and has become
convinced that it is because of information received from the Copse Golf Club.
Amy consults the Copse Golf Club rules and there is nothing there that gives her the right to see her
records. She is concerned when she finds out that there is no information available to members on
the purpose that data held about them is used for. She wants to know if she is entitled to have access
to her records under the Data Protection Act 2018.
Is she entitled to have access to her records at the Copse Golf Club, under the Act?
A Yes
B No
Has Copse Golf Club breached any of the data protection principles?
C Yes
D No
LO 4a

63 The Data Protection Act 2018 provides certain rights for data subjects.
Are the following true or false in relation to the rights of data subjects set out in the Act?
A data subject has a right to access data held about them unless the data are held in encoded form
when access requires a court order.
A True
B False
A data subject whose rights have been infringed, in that inaccurate data about them have been held,
can take action to rectify the inaccurate data.
C True
D False
Sample Exam, LO 4a

64 Great Norland University employs a large number of staff, some of which conduct academic
Joel is employed as a chef in the university canteen. He has heard that data concerning his date of
birth has been processed by the HR department without his specific knowledge or permission. The
HR department have said that the processing is necessary to ensure he is paid the correct rate of the
minimum wage.
Has the HR department breached the Data Protection Act 2018 in regard to its processing of Joel’s

104 Law ICAEW 2021

A Yes
B No
Lance is a member of the university’s research staff. He is concerned that the university breached the
Data Protection Act 2018 when it downloaded data available on the internet concerning the family
tree of the Royal Family so that it could conduct historical research. The Royal Family did not give the
university permission to use such data.
Has the university breached the Data Protection Act 2018 in regard to its processing of the Royal
Family’s data?
C Yes
D No
LO 4a

65 All except one of the following constitute personal data under the Data Protection Act 2018.
Which is the exception?
A The fact that a person is persistently late for work.
B The fact that a person’s corporate employer is on the verge of insolvency.
C An opinion that someone is good at their work.
D The intention to promote an employee within six months.
LO 4a

66 Which of the following statements concerning the Information Commissioner is correct?

A The Information Commissioner has the right to seize hardware containing inaccurate data.
B The Information Commissioner must be informed about every data breach within 72 hours of the
C The Information Commissioner only regulates data protection in the UK.
D The Information Commissioner has the power to issue unlimited fines to organisations for data
LO 4a

67 The Data Protection Act 2018 enacts the data protection principles of the EU’s General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR). All of the following except one are such principles.
Which is the exception?
A Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive.
B Personal data shall be accurate and kept up to date where necessary.
C Personal data shall not be kept for longer than is agreed between the data controller and the
data subject.
D Personal data shall not be kept unless the purpose of holding the data is recorded and made
known to the data subject.
LO 4a

68 Linehouse is an up-and-coming band that enjoys writing and recording its own music. The band
members are concerned that any music that they create and distribute online could be at risk from
others copying and selling it as their own music.
Is copyright the most appropriate method of the band protecting their music?
A Yes
B No
Does copyright have to be applied for?

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 105
C Yes
D No
LO 4b

69 Loren is a sole trader who recently designed a new product that she created a distinctive name and
logo for.
Which of the following methods of protection could Loren use to protect the product’s name and
A Patent
B Registered design
C Design right
D Trademark
LO 4b

70 Alltech Ltd has made an improvement to the design of the vacuum cleaners it produces. The
improvement involves a small electronic part that fits into an otherwise standard vacuum cleaner to
increase performance. The company would like to protect the design of the new electronic part.
Which of the following methods of protection should Alltech Ltd use?
A Registered design
B Copyright
C Patent
D Design right
LO 4b

106 Law ICAEW 2021

Chapter 12: Sample exam
1 Are the following statements true or false?
A statute cannot override terms of a contract that have been expressly agreed between the parties.
A True
B False
All persons over 18 have capacity to enter into any contract.
C True
D False
LO 1a

2 A commercial contract for the sale of land, which is based on an agreement and is supported by
consideration but which is not made in the correct form, is:
A Void
B Voidable
C Unenforceable
D Illegal
LO 1a

3 Matilda goes shopping in her local village store. Roses are on display priced at £2 each. Matilda has
£6 in her purse and takes three roses to the counter to pay.
Does the display of clearly-priced roses constitute an offer which Matilda accepts when she picks up
the roses?
A Yes
B No
Can the shopkeeper refuse to sell the roses to Matilda?
C Yes
D No
LO 1a

4 Which of the following requirements need to be satisfied for a third party to seek to enforce a
contractual term under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999?
A That the contract expressly so provides
B That the third party must exist at the time the contract is made but need not be known to the
C That the third party must be identified in some way in the contract
D That the term to be enforced by the third party contains only positive rights
LO 1a

5 Arthur agrees to carry out a major building project for Bashir. He commences the works before the
contract between the parties is executed, because their solicitors are still finalising some of its terms.
After two weeks, Bashir has decided that he is not at all happy with the work so far completed by
Arthur and plans to sue him for breach of contract.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 107

A Bashir must sue in tort because there is no contract between them.
B The terms of the contract will be those which have been agreed so far.
C The parties must finalise the contract before either party may sue the other for breach.
D A contract is likely to be deemed to exist and its terms will be a question of fact in all the
LO 1b

6 Anna employs Derek to build a children’s playground in the grounds of her house. Derek finishes the
work on time but omits to paint one side of the mega-slide frame.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Anna is not obliged to pay Derek until he completes the job exactly as required.
B Derek is entitled to full payment under the doctrine of substantial performance.
C Derek is entitled to payment of the contract price less a reasonable amount in respect of the
omission made.
D Anna should seek an order of specific performance to ensure that the contract is completed.
LO 1b

7 Are the following statements true or false under the Law Reform (Frustrated Contracts) Act 1943?
Where a contract has been frustrated and B has derived no benefit from it, A may nonetheless retain
a part of any deposit paid by B, in order to cover the cost of any expenses incurred in performance of
the contract up to the time the contract was frustrated.
A True
B False
If either party has obtained a valuable benefit (other than the payment of money) under the contract
before it is discharged by frustration, the court has a discretion to order that party to pay all or part of
that value.
C True
D False
LO 1b

8 Fred contracts with Ginger to perform a solo dancing routine for seven consecutive nights beginning
on 15 May. On 5 May Fred tells Ginger that he has had a better offer elsewhere and will no longer be
available to perform as agreed.
Are the following statements true or false?
Fred’s breach deprives Ginger of substantially the whole benefit of the contract and automatically
discharges the contract.
A True
B False
Ginger may choose to treat the contract as continuing and is entitled to damages should Fred fail to
fulfil the contract.
C True
D False
LO 1b

9 There are a number of rules that must be met in order for an exclusion clause to be considered
incorporated and enforceable in a contract.
Which of the following statements in regard to exclusion clauses is correct?

108 Law ICAEW 2021

A An exclusion clause is interpreted in favour of the person relying on it.
B An exclusion clause can remove all liability for a party in regard to their breach of contract.
C The contract must be signed for an exclusion clause to be validly incorporated.
D An exclusion clause will not be validly incorporated in a signed contract if both parties failed to
read it.
LO 1b

10 Which of the following statements in relation to a contract made by an agent acting within their
authority is incorrect?
A The principal can sue on the contract.
B The third party can sue on the contract.
C The agent can be sued on the contract.
D The principal can be sued on the contract.
LO 1c

11 Are the following statements true or false?

When an agent contracts with a third party, the principal must have capacity but the agent does not
need to have capacity to enter into the contract.
A True
B False
An agency appointment must be made in writing.
C True
D False
LO 1c

12 Abigail is Peter’s agent, authorised to buy local produce for sale in his farm shop. Despite the fact
that Peter always told Abigail not to buy cheese, she meets with a local cheesemaker and orders, on
Peter’s behalf, 20 kilograms of smoked cheese, which she thinks is delicious and because she is
convinced that it will be popular with customers. She also orders 7 kilograms of walnut and pickle
brie. Peter likes the smoked cheese but finds the brie disgusting.
Can he choose to ratify the contract in so far as it relates to the smoked cheese only?
A Yes
B No
Will the effect of any ratification by the principal mean that the agent has no liability on the contract?
C Yes
D No
LO 1c

13 Are the following statements true or false?

An agent is under a duty not to put themselves in a position where their interests conflict with those
of their principal.
A True
B False
An agent must meet a standard of care and skill to be expected of a person in their profession.
C True
D False

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 109

LO 1c

14 Are the following statements true or false?

The measure of damages in a contract is such an amount as would restore the party to the position
they were in before the breach of contract.
A True
B False
The measure of damages in tort is such an amount as would put the party in the position they would
have been in, if the tort had not been committed.
C True
D False
LO 1e

15 Winston is a fireman. On a recent call out to a major fire, he sped through red traffic lights and
injured a cyclist as a result. Winston provides you with a copy of an article in a publication of a
Firefighters’ Organisation, written by a fellow fireman, saying that going through a red light is
acceptable practice on the way to an incident, but not on the way back.
Are the following statements true or false?
The fact that Winston was responding to an emergency will be taken into account in assessing the
standard of care owed by him.
A True
B False
The article is evidence of professional opinion that supports his action and will negate any potential
liability that he may have.
C True
D False
LO 1e

16 Esther sues Nathan for negligence. The court finds that Nathan was guilty of negligence but that
Esther was equally to blame. Esther has suffered a loss of £30,000.
Which of the following is accurate?
A Nathan must pay damages of £30,000 to Esther because, although blameworthy, she would not
have suffered any loss but for his negligence.
B Nathan must pay damages of £15,000.
C Nathan is not liable to pay damages because Esther’s loss would not have been so great but for
her own negligence.
D The courts will consider all the circumstances of the case to determine the proportion of the loss
that Nathan should pay.
LO 1e

17 Nigel is an accountant working for Portillo & Co. While visiting a client’s business premises for the
purposes of an audit, he recognised one of the client’s office staff, Wayne, as the person responsible
for his latest love affair ending. When Wayne walked past, Nigel went to punch him but Wayne
ducked and Nigel hit Alice instead, breaking her nose.
Is Nigel liable in tort?
A Yes
B No

110 Law ICAEW 2021

Is Portillo & Co vicariously liable?
C Yes
D No
LO 1f

18 With regard to limited liability, answer the following:

Is one of the main advantages of a registered company, the fact that it may enjoy limited liability?
A Yes
B No
In the event of a registered company limited by shares being wound up, are its members always
required to pay the outstanding amount of any share premium payable in respect of their shares, in
addition to any outstanding part of their nominal value?
C Yes
D No
LO 2a

19 A company’s application for registration must include all of the following options except one.
Which is the exception?
A A statement that its subscribers wish to form a company.
B A statement as to whether or not its members’ liability is limited.
C The intended address of the company’s registered office in England and Wales or England or
D A statement as to whether the company is to be private or public.
LO 2b

20 With regard to a company changing its name, answer the following:

Can a company choose to change its name by special resolution for any reason at any time?
A Yes
B No
Can a registered company be ordered to change its name by the Registrar of Companies?
C Yes
D No
LO 2c

21 Tiny Tots Ltd employs 20 people and has a turnover of £11 million and a balance sheet showing £5.5
Does the company qualify as a small company?
A Yes
B No
Must it appoint an auditor to carry out an audit of its annual accounts?
C Yes
D No
LO 2e

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 111

22 Which of the following types of director is normally appointed by ordinary resolution passed by the
company members?
A De facto director
B Shadow director
C Alternate director
D Non-executive director
LO 2k

23 Charles is a director of Excess plc, a company with a net asset value of £450,000. He is to be
appointed as the company’s Chief Executive Officer in three months’ time.
Assuming that none of the particular statutory exceptions apply, which of the following statements
are true or false?
Charles would require shareholder approval to sell his personal limousine to Excess plc for £50,000.
A True
B False
The company is required to seek shareholder approval to issue Charles with a new service contract
which provides that the company cannot terminate his appointment during his first year in office.
C True
D False
LO 2h

24 Are the following statements true or false?

The duty to exercise independent judgement overrides any agreement or provision that restricts or
fetters the exercise of discretion by a director.
A True
B False
A director may accept a benefit from a third party by reason of their being a director, provided the
acceptance of the benefit cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to a conflict of interest.
C True
D False
LO 2l

25 Madelaine is a member of Shortcrust plc. She holds less than 1% of the shares but understands that
there are a number of ways in which the members of a company can collectively exercise control
over the directors.
Are the following statements true or false?
Members may re-allocate the powers of directors by altering the articles.
A True
B False
Member approval is required for any borrowing by the directors in the company’s name.
C True
D False
LO 2j, 2h

26 Are the following statements true or false?

Preference shares do not carry a right to vote unless express provision is made to that effect.

112 Law ICAEW 2021

A True
B False
Ordinary shares carry statutory rights of pre-emption (unless lawfully excluded) but preference
shares will only have pre-emption rights where such rights are conferred on them by the company’s
articles of association or terms of issue.
C True
D False
LO 2d

27 Are the following statements true or false?

Shares in a company are freely transferable subject to any restrictions contained in the articles of
A True
B False
Where a member’s shares are transferred, by operation of law, to their trustee in bankruptcy or to
their personal representative (as the case may be), there is no requirement for a new share certificate
to be prepared.
C True
D False
LO 2g

28 Which of the following describes circumstances where a company may be permitted to acquire
some of its own shares provided the transactions are otherwise lawful?
(1) In a reduction of capital
(2) In a redemption of shares
(3) In compliance with a court order
A All of the above
B (1) and (2) only
C (3) only
D None of the above
LO 2f

29 Every charge entered into by a company has to be registered. Within how many days must
registration take place, beginning on the day after the charge is created?
A 7 days
B 14 days
C 21 days
D 28 days
LO 2n

30 Frazer has a 60% shareholding in Wombles Ltd. He believes that the company should be put into
administration, but the other two shareholders, who each own 20%, disagree.
Does Frazer have sufficient voting power to be able to pass a resolution that an application to the
court should be made for the appointment of an administrator?
A Yes
B No

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 113

Will he need to satisfy the court that the company is, or is likely to become, unable to pay its debts
and that an administration order is reasonably likely to achieve the purpose of administration?
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

31 Moneylenders plc is a qualifying floating charge holder in respect of Dimble Ltd. After a disastrous
three months’ trading, Dimble Ltd is placed into liquidation.
Can Moneylenders plc make a court application for the appointment of an administrator,
notwithstanding Dimble Ltd being in liquidation?
A Yes
B No
Can Moneylenders plc appoint an administrator out of court?
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

32 With regard to the powers of an administrator, are they entitled to:

present a petition for the winding up of the company?
A Yes
B No
remove one director and replace them by appointing another person?
C Yes
D No
LO 2o

33 Smallchange Ltd is in compulsory liquidation and the liquidator has realised a fund of £7,600
available for distribution. The costs of the liquidation (including remuneration of the liquidator)
amount to £2,300. There is a floating charge of £4,000. Employees are owed accrued holiday pay of
£1,200. Marcus is owed £500 by the company but he has no security.
Do the ‘ring-fencing’ provisions apply in favour of unsecured creditors?
A Yes
B No
Will Marcus be paid in full?
C Yes
D No
LO 2p

34 Damian, Isabella and Sean decide to go into business together selling a complete gardening service,
from landscape design to adding garden ornaments. They call the business Damian & Co. They each
invest £3,000 and agree to share profits equally. After two years, they have made a loss of £950 and
no longer believe the venture to be viable.
Which of the following statements best describes their business organisation?

114 Law ICAEW 2021

A It is not an ordinary partnership because it is called Damian & Co.
B It is an ordinary partnership because they agree to invest and share profits equally.
C It is not an ordinary partnership because they have not entered into a written partnership
D It is an ordinary partnership because they are in business together and intend to make a profit
even though they make a loss.
LO 2a

35 Are the following statements true or false?

An ordinary partnership is a separate legal entity from its partners.
A True
B False
The Partnership Act 1890 governs the rights and duties of partners in an ordinary partnership, in the
absence of an express provision to the contrary.
C True
D False
LO 2a

36 Mark and Liam are in partnership together, running a coffee shop. They have not entered into a
formal partnership agreement but have agreed to share profits on the basis of two-thirds to Mark
and one-third to Liam.
Are the following statements true or false?
If the partnership makes a loss, this will be borne equally by Mark and Liam.
A True
B False
Both Mark and Liam are entitled to appoint a new partner, without obtaining each other’s consent.
C True
D False
LO 2a

37 Barry is preparing to register New Ideas LLP. He understands that the Limited Liability Partnerships
Act 2000 requires certain information to be included in the incorporation document for the LLP.
Barry is required to submit all of the following pieces of information, except one, as part of the
incorporation document.
Which is the exception?
A The profit sharing ratio between its members
B The address of its registered office
C The addresses of all its members
D The location or domicile of its registered office
LO 2b

38 The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 protects workers who make a qualifying disclosure in relation
to their employer’s activities.
Are the following statements true or false?

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 115

In order to gain the protection of the 1998 Act, a worker must make a qualifying disclosure internally
in the first instance.
A True
B False
A qualifying disclosure to a legal adviser must be made in the course of obtaining legal advice.
C True
D False

39 Danny is a director of Country Living Ltd, and Carol is its company secretary. Danny and Carol have
just completed documentation for an order of garden furniture worth £72,000, even though the
company has outstanding debts of over £50,000. They have deliberately not told Frank, Country
Living Ltd’s finance director, and they do not have a clear idea of how the business will be able to pay
off the amounts it already owes its creditors. They consider that to be Frank’s problem.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Danny might be guilty of fraudulent trading, but Carol will not be guilty as she is not a director.
B Both Danny and Carol might be guilty of fraudulent trading.
C Neither Danny nor Carol will be guilty of fraudulent trading since the company is not in
D Both Danny and Carol are subject to mandatory disqualification in respect of their actions.
LO 3d

40 Marcus is auditing the accounts of Zonefest plc. He is aware that the company is about to announce
huge profits. He tells Amy what he knows, as he knows that she already owns shares in Zonefest plc.
Amy buys a further 100 shares but later says that she had been planning to buy more shares anyway.
Marcus also includes the information in a report to his senior partner, Karl, who quickly buys 200
shares in Zonefest plc.
Is Amy guilty of insider dealing, contrary to the Criminal Justice Act 1993?
A Yes
B No
Is Marcus guilty of insider dealing, contrary to the Criminal Justice Act 1993 in relation to his report to
C Yes
D No
LO 3d

41 Are the following statements true or false?

Bribery is the criminal offence that is committed by the person who offers the money or favour,
whereas corruption is the criminal offence that is committed by the person who receives the money
or favour.
A True
B False
The offence of bribery cannot be committed unless the person who is offered money or other favour
is in public office.
C True
D False
LO 3c

116 Law ICAEW 2021

42 Xavier is an accountant who works as a sole trader. One of his clients is the proprietor of Pony Foods
Ltd who is keen to reduce his company’s tax liability in the coming financial year. He asks Xavier for
some tax advice which Xavier believes is aimed at evading tax.
Which of the following best describes the legal position?
A Xavier may report his suspicion of money laundering to the National Crime Agency (NCA) but
will be liable for breach of the duty of confidentiality owed to his client.
B Xavier should report his suspicion of money laundering to the NCA because he is not bound by
client confidentiality or excused by legal professional privilege.
C Xavier is bound by client confidentiality and should not report his suspicions to the NCA.
D Xavier is under legal professional privilege because his advice is sought on legal matters. He
should not, therefore, report his suspicions to the NCA.
LO 3a

43 Gary works for the owner of the local country hotel, Oasis Ltd, as a self-employed gardener. There is
no question of Gary being an employee.
Which of the following best describes the legal status of the arrangement between Gary and Oasis
A A contract of employment
B A contract of service
C A contract for services
D A contract of agency
LO 4c

44 Which of the following factors is consistent with there being a contract of service between Fred and
the company for which he works, Newbuild Ltd?
A Fred is not allowed to delegate his work.
B Fred is paid gross.
C Fred is to purchase and maintain his own tools.
D Fred can wear what he likes to work.
LO 4c

45 Do each of the following statements accurately state a legal consequence of someone being held to
be an ‘employee’ rather than an independent contractor?
They do not need to make national insurance contributions whereas an independent contractor
A Yes
B No
They are able to bring a claim for wrongful dismissal.
C Yes
D No
LO 4c

46 Marmaduke is employed by Fashions First Ltd to order the new season’s clothing for men from
various suppliers. In many cases, when he places an order, he receives a commission from the
supplier and keeps this commission for himself, regarding it as a perk of the job.
In respect of which implied common law duty is Marmaduke in breach?

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 117

A The duty of fidelity
B The duty to obey lawful and reasonable orders
C The duty not to misuse confidential information
D The duty to exercise reasonable care and skill
LO 4d

47 Luca recently left her job at Brand Records Ltd. She did not want to leave and feels that she may have
a claim for constructive dismissal.
To be successful in a claim for constructive dismissal does Luca have to prove that Brand Records Ltd
committed a serious breach of her employment contract?
A Yes
B No
To be successful in a claim for constructive dismissal does Luca have to prove that her conduct did
not contribute in any way to her dismissal?
C Yes
D No
LO 4d

48 In most claims for unfair dismissal, the employee must have been continuously employed for a
prescribed period with the same or an associated employer. However, there are some types of
dismissal which are regarded as automatically unfair under statute and consequently no period of
continuous service has to be accrued by the employee concerned.
Which of the following reasons for dismissal is regarded as automatically unfair?
A Where an employee is dismissed because they have committed a serious assault on a fellow
B Where an employee, who works as a chauffeur, has been dismissed because they have had their
licence revoked for drink-driving offences
C Where an employee has been dismissed for enforcing their right to payment of the minimum
D Where an employee has been dismissed on the grounds of redundancy
LO 4e

49 The managing director of Garden Gnomes Ltd asks you for advice on the Data Protection Act 2018.
In particular she is interested whether or not the credit control department’s opinions concerning the
credit worthiness of its commercial customers are covered by the Act. Also, she has heard that the
company would have to report itself to the Information Commissioner within 24 hours of any data
Are the credit control department’s opinions concerning the creditworthiness of commercial
customers covered by the Act?
A Yes
B No
Would the company have to report itself to the Information Commissioner within 24 hours of any
data breach?
C Yes
D No
LO 4a

118 Law ICAEW 2021

50 Which of the following statements concerning statutory parental bereavement leave is correct?
A Statutory parental bereavement leave is for one week during which the employee is paid.
B Statutory parental bereavement leave is for one week during which the employee is not paid.
C Statutory parental bereavement leave is for two weeks during which the employee is paid.
D Statutory parental bereavement leave is for two weeks during which the employee is not paid.
LO 4g

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 119

120 Law ICAEW 2021
Answer Bank
122 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 1: Contract formation
1 Correct answer(s):
C An agreement for the transfer of land
Such an agreement must be in writing (the transfer itself must be by deed).

2 Correct answer(s):
B Voidable
For example where a party enters a contract as a result of undue influence, they may elect to avoid
the contract.

3 Correct answer(s):
C It can be oral provided it is evidenced in writing.
The written evidence must be signed or acknowledged in some way by Gary.

4 Correct answer(s):
D Florence is not entitled to the reward as she did not even know that a reward was being offered.
Acceptance will only be effective to create the agreement (that is an essential element of a contract),
if the accepting party is aware of the offer.

5 Correct answer(s):
B No
The flyer from Clarence is merely an invitation to treat.
D No
He cannot be in breach of contract since no contract has been made. He is simply rejecting Kenton’s
offer (which is made in response to Clarence’s invitation to treat).

6 Correct answer(s):
C Invitation to treat
Advertisements are generally invitations to treat.

7 Correct answer(s):
C When a pre-condition is satisfied
When a pre-condition is satisfied, the offer becomes unconditional.

8 Correct answer(s):
A The offer is terminated.
If the event or circumstances on which an offer is conditional does or do not transpire, the offer is no
longer capable of acceptance and is terminated.

ICAEW 2021 1: Contract formation 123

9 Correct answer(s):
B No, Hilda’s reply on Tuesday constitutes a counter offer which destroys the original offer.
Hilda’s reply constitutes a counter offer which terminates George’s offer.

10 Correct answer(s):
D It is a request for information.
The offer remains capable of acceptance (at least for a reasonable time). Mary is simply asking for
information about when she can make payment.

11 Correct answer(s):
B Nathan’s reply is a counter offer which Mark accepts.
He should have revoked his counter offer on buying the tandem from eBay by communicating that
fact to Mark.

12 Correct answer(s):
B False
The offeror may still revoke the offer within that three-month period, unless they have bound
themselves to keep it open by a separate contract.
D False
The postal rule applies to acceptance only and not to revocation.

13 Correct answer(s):
D There is no contract because there is no positive act to indicate acceptance.
There must be some act on the part of the offeree to indicate their acceptance.

14 Correct answer(s):
B No
The ‘postal rule’ does not apply to revocation.
D No
The acceptance takes effect when it is posted on 1 June (assuming postal acceptance was within the
contemplation of the parties) with the result that there is a binding contract at that point.

15 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
The offeror may waive the requirement for acceptance to be communicated (either expressly or by

16 Correct answer(s):
B Yes, because Quentin accepts the offer before he receives Peter’s letter of revocation.
Peter’s revocation is not effective until received by Quentin.

124 Law ICAEW 2021

17 Correct answer(s):
B False
The law has not yet provided a clear statement of when an acceptance sent by email becomes
C True

18 Correct answer(s):
A True
The offeror would need to be very specific indeed for this not to be the case.
D False
The offeree may use any reasonable method.

19 Correct answer(s):
B No
When acceptance is to be made ‘by notice in writing’, this means that notice is required to be
received by the offeror and the postal rule does not apply.
D No
No, because there is no valid acceptance.

20 Correct answer(s):
A Carol’s acceptance is effective on 5 January.
Carol’s acceptance is effective when posted. A revocation is ineffective until received (which, in this
case, is after the contract becomes binding on the posting of the acceptance on 5 January).

21 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Yes, if it can be shown that the document was not intended to comprise all the agreed terms
(otherwise the general rule applies, that oral evidence cannot be admitted to add to, vary or
contradict written terms).
C Yes
The express term will prevail.

22 Correct answer(s):
C Yes, the normal presumption in family arrangements is rebutted by the fact that the parties enter
into a written agreement and rent is payable.
The fact that the arrangement concerns property does not mean that the presumption does not
apply, but is evidence of its rebuttal.

23 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
The presumption is rebuttable.

ICAEW 2021 1: Contract formation 125

24 Correct answer(s):
C Consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate.
Consideration must have some identifiable value (‘sufficient’) but does not need to be equal in value
to the consideration received in return (‘adequate’).

25 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Such a rent may not be adequate but it is sufficient which makes it valid consideration.
C Yes
This is valid consideration.

26 Correct answer(s):
C No, because she was obliged to perform that duty anyway.
Performance of an existing contractual duty owed to the promisor is not valid consideration.

27 Correct answer(s):
A Yes, Eve was not already entitled to the bicycle so it is sufficient consideration for waiver of the
The value of the bicycle is irrelevant. It is something to which Eve was not previously entitled.

28 Correct answer(s):
B Oscar agrees to accept £980 on 13 May in cash.
There is no consideration for the waiver of the additional £20 to which Oscar is entitled. The lesser
sum in D is sufficient because it is to be paid early.

29 Correct answer(s):
A True
C True
Provided that such implied terms are not inconsistent with express terms in the contract.

30 Correct answer(s):
D Prunella and Paul only
Phillip has given no consideration and is not a party to the contract. He has no rights to enforce the

31 Correct answer(s):
B False
On the contrary, there is a rebuttable presumption that parties to a social or domestic agreement do
not intend to create legal relations.
C True
However, this presumption is rebuttable.

126 Law ICAEW 2021

32 Correct answer(s):
A True
As a general rule, an advertisement in a newspaper is an invitation to treat which, unlike an offer,
cannot be accepted to form a legally binding contract.
C True
No contract is formed without agreement between the parties (usually in the form of an offer and an

33 Correct answer(s):
D The contract with Louise is invalid; the contract with Adam is valid.
Louise’s performance of the works for which Matt promises a laptop is past consideration and not
valid. However, the contract between Matt and Adam is binding as there is a promise to pay for
services promised in return.

34 Correct answer(s):
A Yes, acceptance took place on 3 February and Harry’s revocation took place on 4 February.
The postal rule applies, which means that Beth’s acceptance is effective on posting. The postal rule
does not apply to revocation, which must be communicated to the offeree. The purported revocation
is ineffective, therefore, as it does not occur before acceptance on 3 February.

35 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Rejection of an offer terminates it. It cannot subsequently be accepted.
C Yes
An offer is deemed to lapse after a reasonable period of time (in the absence of an express provision
or a separate option contract).

36 Correct answer(s):
B No
Not all contracts need to be in writing. For example, a contract for the sale of goods does not need
to be in writing, nor evidenced in writing.
C Yes
Contracts must contain an agreement (offer and acceptance).

37 Correct answer(s):
B False
Revocation does not have to be in writing, it may also be express or implied.
C True
Revocation must be communicated to the offeree before acceptance, either by the offeror or their

ICAEW 2021 1: Contract formation 127

38 Correct answer(s):
B Executed
The consideration is executed because payment occurs at the time the contract is made. Executory
consideration is a promise given for a promise. Past consideration is made before the contract is
formed. There is no such consideration as executive consideration.

39 Correct answer(s):
A Individuals and businesses only have rights and obligations under a contract if they are a party to
In terms of contract law, every statement is correct. However, only statement A describes privity of

128 Law ICAEW 2021

Chapter 2: Termination of contract
1 Correct answer(s):
C A severable contract
It may also be known as a divisible contract.

2 Correct answer(s):
C Abigail must pay back the deposit and Xavier need not pay the balance.
The Act aims to reflect the fact that neither party is to blame for the contract coming to an end.

3 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
They may treat the contract as discharged and sue for damages.

4 Correct answer(s):
C The company will be liable for damages in respect of breaches of Geoff’s contracts with all his
customers but not in respect of the botanical gardens’ potential contract as this was not a normal
loss and the company was not aware of it.
Damage not arising in the ordinary course of things is only recoverable to the extent that it is in the
reasonable contemplation of the parties at the time of making the contract as the probable result of
the breach.

5 Correct answer(s):
B False
Damages are intended to put the party in the position they would have been in had the contract
been performed.
D False
The claimant is required to take only reasonable steps, not ones that carry undue risk or that are

6 Correct answer(s):
D A penalty clause
The sum of £5,000 is likely to be regarded as penal in nature and not in proportion to the legitimate
interest of the innocent party. As such it is likely to be a penalty clause and necessarily void. Had the
sum been smaller (say £50) it would have been in proportion to the interest of the innocent party (the
prevention of errors or delays in advertising) and it would have been a valid liquidated damages

7 Correct answer(s):
B Jeremy is entitled to nominal damages only since he has been able to sell the car for greater
James is in breach of contract and therefore liable to pay damages, but Jeremy is unlikely to be able
to show any outstanding loss.

ICAEW 2021 2: Termination of contract 129

8 Correct answer(s):
B The provision is for liquidated damages and is valid because the figure is not penal in nature and
protects Siegfried’s legitimate interest.
The amount of £150 when compared against the contract price is only 1.5% per day and would not
be thought of as excessive. It is intended to protect Siegfried’s legitimate interest of ensuring the
work is completed on schedule and is therefore a valid liquidated damages clause.

9 Correct answer(s):
B Specific performance is likely to be more appropriate than damages in a contract involving
personal services.
Specific performance is unlikely to be ordered in such a case because of the difficulties in
supervising compliance with the award.

10 Correct answer(s):
D A prohibitory injunction
Because it is a negative promise (ie, an agreement not to do something) that requires to be enforced.
A mandatory injunction compels positive action and specific performance is unsuitable because it
should require supervision. A quantum meruit award or claim is relevant where one party has been
prevented from completing their performance of a contract but deserves to be paid for partial

11 Correct answer(s):
B No
Clauses that exclude liability for negligence are only void if unreasonable.
D No
A contract between two private individuals is not subject to UCTA.

12 Correct answer(s):
B Whether it is fair and reasonable, with regard to all the circumstances which were, or which
ought to have been known to the parties when the contract was made
This is how the test is expressed in the Act. The parties’ relative bargaining strengths (D) will be taken
into account, as well as whether any inducement was offered and whether the innocent party knew,
or should have known of the term.

13 Correct answer(s):
A Yes, but only the lost profits from the expected general increase in trade are recoverable, not
those from the loss of the lucrative supermarket contract.
Damages for losses sustained are recoverable to the extent that they are reasonably foreseeable and
not too remote. The losses claimed under the first head can be described as arising in the ordinary
course of business and are likely to be recoverable. However, those under the second head are too
remote. Even if Foul Foods Ltd had been able to bid for the lucrative contract, there is no certainty
that the company would have been awarded the contract.

130 Law ICAEW 2021

14 Correct answer(s):
B False
Specific performance is not usually awarded in cases of personal service.
D False
Likewise specific performance is unlikely in such a contract, where supervision would be required.

15 Correct answer(s):
D All of them
There is nothing to prevent the parties from continuing to settle the dispute themselves and the
courts will actively encourage alternative forms of dispute resolution.

16 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
The fire has clearly frustrated the contract because the house is no longer available to use.
D No
A contract that is made more difficult to perform, but is not rendered illegal or impossible to perform,
is not frustrated.

17 Correct answer(s):
B Yes, but only if the clause passes the reasonableness test set out in the Unfair Contract Terms Act
(UCTA) 1977.
In this case the reasonableness test applies.

18 Correct answer(s):
B False
The other party may seek redress in respect of that part of the performance which did not match the
contractual obligations completely.
D False
There will be no liability for lack of performance if the party has a lawful excuse, for example if the
contract is discharged by frustration.

ICAEW 2021 2: Termination of contract 131

132 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 3: Agency
1 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
An agency by estoppel has arisen, by virtue of the supplier relying on the continuing representation
by Lady Grey that Arthur is her agent.
C Yes
She is estopped from denying the agency relationship. However, she may seek to reclaim the money
from Arthur.

2 Correct answer(s):
D No agency of necessity has arisen because there is no pre-existing contractual relationship
between Stephen and Anthony.
Although Stephen acted in good faith and possibly reasonably (and was clearly unable to contact
Anthony), the law is unlikely to say that an agency of necessity has arisen, because it is not inclined to
allow a person to be bound by the act of a complete stranger.

3 Correct answer(s):
B No
It is the conduct of the principal that might give rise to an agency by estoppel, not the conduct of the
D No
The contract can only be enforced against Scarlett personally.

4 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Ratification needs more than passive inactivity but can be inferred from words or conduct.
D No
The contract has been ratified.

5 Correct answer(s):
B False
Ratification has retrospective effect as if the principal were the original contracting party and the
agent no longer has any liability on the contract. The third party must, therefore, sue the principal.
C True

6 Correct answer(s):
B Marilyn may dismiss Frank and recover the amount of commissions retained by him.
An agent has a duty to account for all monies received as a result of being an agent.

7 Correct answer(s):
B No

ICAEW 2021 3: Agency 133

Generally speaking, an agent owes a duty to provide personal performance and not to delegate it to
another person.
D No
An agent must respect the duty of confidentiality even after the agency relationship has ended.

8 Correct answer(s):
B No
In the absence of express provision, a reasonable amount of remuneration is payable.
C Yes
An agent has the right to exercise a lien over property of the principal pending payment of sums

9 Correct answer(s):
A It is bound because the contract is within the implied usual authority of the dentist, Barnaby.
A partner has implied usual authority to do usual things that a partner might do. The purchase of
office supplies is likely to be considered a usual activity for most partnerships.

10 Correct answer(s):
C InStyle is liable because Sophia has ostensible authority to carry out gardening services on
behalf of InStyle.
Ostensible authority can arise through acquiescence of the other partners. It can also be wider than
implied authority (which must be usual or incidental).

11 Correct answer(s):
C Suresend is bound because Barry had ostensible authority.
An agency by estoppel has arisen because Kelvin and Oscar were content to allow Barry to act as
managing director and Barry has ostensible or apparent authority to bind the company.

12 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
There must be a causal link between the third party’s loss and their reliance upon the representation.

13 Correct answer(s):
B False
There is no such requirement.
C True
Otherwise, the principal may find themselves still liable if the agent enters into further contracts with
the third party without authority and the third party is unaware that they are no longer an agent.

14 Correct answer(s):
A Roz had ostensible authority to order the roses.

134 Law ICAEW 2021

By calling her his ‘buying partner’, Vincent has given the impression that Roz was his agent and that
she had the authority to purchase goods on behalf of the company.

15 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
If it appears that the parties intended this to be the case, she may be liable.
D No
It means that it is more likely that she will be personally liable but, again, it is subject to the intentions
of the parties.

16 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
In fact, either the agent or the principal can sue on the contract, but the agent’s rights are
subordinated to the principal’s rights.
C Yes
Vince may sue either Ashley or Phyllis on the contract (but not both).

17 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
C Yes
However, Barney can only enforce the contract against one or the other.

18 Correct answer(s):
B No
Not in the absence of ratification by her.
C Yes

19 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
A principal appoints an agent to carry out a specific task or tasks.
C Yes
A principal can subsequently ratify a contract entered into between their agent and third party,
subject to certain conditions being satisfied.

20 Correct answer(s):
A There is a binding contract between Dennis and the firm which supplied the goods.
Dennis is no longer a partner and there is no express or implied agency and no question of
ratification. No agency arises on the basis of Dennis holding himself out to be a partner.

21 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Express authority can be given orally or in writing.

ICAEW 2021 3: Agency 135

C Yes
An agency by estoppel arises on the basis of a principal’s conduct in holding out another person to
be their agent.

22 Correct answer(s):
C Ostensible authority
Express authority is that which is expressly given to the agent. There is no express authority in regard
to the parcel delivery service.
Implied authority is given in regard to what is expressly authorised or which is usual by virtue of the
agent’s position; neither of which applies to Jeff.
By not preventing Jeff from running the parcel delivery service, Kit and Lin have provided ostensible
authority to Jeff. Their acceptance of his actions represents to third parties whom Jeff deals with that
he has authority to run the service.

23 Correct answer(s):
B Petra and Toni
Under agency law, Alice drops out of the picture. The contract is between Petra and Toni.

24 Correct answer(s):
B False
Duties may be implied by common law and by statute.
C True
Agents and their principals are bound by a fiduciary relationship.

136 Law ICAEW 2021

Chapter 4: Negligence
1 Correct answer(s):
B No
There may be damage to property for example.
C Yes

2 Correct answer(s):
B No
There does not need to be any relationship at all. Indeed the parties to a tort case are often complete
C Yes
The question of public policy is one of several tests applied, but if public policy dictates that no duty
should exist, then none shall exist.

3 Correct answer(s):
B Whether the defendant intended to cause injury to the claimant
This may be relevant when assessing damages but is not relevant to whether a duty of care exists at

4 Correct answer(s):
A If the defendant succeeds in arguing res ipsa loquitur, the burden of proof is then on the
claimant to show negligence.
Res ipsa loquitur is an argument by the claimant that ‘the facts speak for themselves’ in pointing to a
breach on the part of the defendant. The burden of proof then shifts to the defendant to show that
they were not negligent.

5 Correct answer(s):
D That the damage was not too remote.
Whether the damage was too remote is a matter for the court to decide in assessing damages once
negligence has been shown (ie, once the claimant has proved the other three options satisfactorily).

6 Correct answer(s):
D There should be a special relationship of some sort between the parties.
This option is a principle established by Hedley Byrne v Heller, involving negligent misstatement and
economic loss.

7 Correct answer(s):
B The standard of care owed is that of a reasonable driver and it is irrelevant that she was
especially vulnerable.
The defendant’s lack of qualification will not be taken into account to reduce the relevant standard of
care, which is that of a reasonable (qualified) driver. The fact that the claimant is especially vulnerable
is only relevant to the standard of care applied, if the defendant is aware of that fact, and such
knowledge has the effect of raising the standard of care to be met in discharging the duty of care.

ICAEW 2021 4: Negligence 137

8 Correct answer(s):
B No
The test will depend on knowledge and practice at the time of the incident.
D No
The standard applied will be that of a reasonable man with the skill of a yard owner holding all the
qualifications that Natasha holds.

9 Correct answer(s):
C The local authority is liable because its workers are negligent in leaving tools on the pavement.
This is a difficult area of the law. However, it is likely that the conclusion would be that the tools
carelessly left on the pavement caused the accident. The local authority may argue that Naomi was
contributorily negligent in not taking sufficient care herself. The injury is likely to be considered to be
too remote to give rise to any liability on John’s part.

10 Correct answer(s):
C contract and tort
Contractual liability may arise where he gives the advice in performance of a contract. Tortious
liability may arise even where there is no contractual or fiduciary relationship between the parties.

11 Correct answer(s):
D It is not liable because the firm did not owe a duty to existing shareholders who rely on the
accounts for a purpose other than that for which they were intended.
The facts are similar to the Caparo case. The basic view is that the accounts are intended to enable
shareholders to exercise their rights regarding the management of the company and not to make
investment decisions. (Special circumstances may apply, of course, so that a different conclusion is
reached, but there are none in this case.)

12 Correct answer(s):
C Campbells is not liable because the accounts were not prepared for the purpose of enabling
people to decide whether or not to lend to the company.
The facts are similar to the Caparo case. There is no duty of care owed to potential lenders.

13 Correct answer(s):
A Tristan owed a duty of care because George was known to him.
It was not known that George was planning to take control of the company.

14 Correct answer(s):
B No, because the advice was not given in a professional context.
There can be no liability for advice given on social or informal occasions unless there are exceptional
circumstances (and there are not in this case).

15 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
D No
They will not have suffered any loss.

138 Law ICAEW 2021

16 Correct answer(s):
B False
An offence is committed but it is punishable by a fine only.
D False
Such an agreement may be valid.

17 Correct answer(s):
B No
Such a provision is void under s.532 Companies Act 2006 (but may be valid if contained in a liability
limitation agreement that satisfies the provisions of that Act).
C Yes
Provided such an agreement is contained in a valid liability limitation agreement or is restricted to an
indemnity in respect of the costs of successfully defending any proceedings.

18 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
C Yes
Both statements are relevant to the court’s decision.

19 Correct answer(s):
D 1 January 20X6
The limitation period for tortious acts is six years (or three years in the case of personal injury).

20 Correct answer(s):
B Knowledge and general practice concerning the professional’s approach at the time the claim is
It is the knowledge and general practice at the time of the negligent event that are relevant. All the
other options are correct principles that are considered.

21 Correct answer(s):
B False
While you cannot exclude liability for personal injury, you may be able to exclude liability for other
injury or damage, if reasonable to do so.
D False
The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 applies to business-to-business liability.

22 Correct answer(s):
B No
D No
What must be reasonably foreseeable is the type of damage suffered. Provided the type of damage
suffered was reasonably foreseeable, it does not matter that it came about in an unexpected way nor
that it was more or less extensive than was reasonably foreseeable.

ICAEW 2021 4: Negligence 139

23 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
Vicarious liability does not depend on the fault or endeavours of the employer.

24 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
The fact that he is acting in breach of a prohibition against doing his job in a particular way does not
take the act outside the scope of his employment.
C Yes

25 Correct answer(s):
B No
Lack of qualification or disability is not generally relevant. The standard applied will be that of a
reasonable (qualified) accountant.
C Yes
In this case, the necessary causal link between Alice’s negligent advice and Bashir’s loss cannot be

26 Correct answer(s):
C He could sue Susan or Calculator LLP if Susan’s advice was negligent.
Tariq could sue Susan in contract or tort for her negligent advice. He could also sue Calculator LLP
which would be vicariously liable for the negligent advice of Susan in tort.

27 Correct answer(s):
B Neither Tipster, Carl or Laylem LLP owe Rustom a duty of care.
There is no duty of care owed to Rustom by any of these parties since the relevant tests are not
satisfied (for example the need for a sufficient degree of proximity or special relationship). Laylem
LLP owes no duty of care to existing shareholders considering their investments.

28 Correct answer(s):
B Vicarious liability arises when the employee’s tort is committed in the course of his employment.
The principal purpose of the imposition of vicarious liability on an employer is to ensure the
victim of the tort has a solvent person against whom the victim can bring a claim.
Vicarious liability only arises for an employee’s tortious acts where those acts are committed in the
course of their employment or they are sufficiently connected to their employment. Vicarious liability
is not designed to punish the employer, rather to protect the victim of the tort.

29 Correct answer(s):
D She cannot sue Zebra & Co because the firm does not owe a duty of care to potential purchasers
of shares in Widget plc.

140 Law ICAEW 2021

There is no duty of care owed to Priya by Zebra & Co. Auditors do not generally owe a duty to
potential investors in a company.

30 Correct answer(s):
B False
This will depend on the facts and the relationship between the parties.
C True
Generally speaking, sophisticated investors are likely to be considered responsible for their own

31 Correct answer(s):
B No
The correct test is whether the damage was reasonably foreseeable at the time, not whether it was
actually in the contemplation of the parties themselves.
C Yes
Public policy will be considered as part of the court’s decision.

32 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
C Yes
The special skill of the defendant and the reliance on the advice by the claimant are both
considerations of the court.

33 Correct answer(s):
C Crime and tort only
There is a potential liability in crime (for dangerous driving) and potential liability to in tort (for

34 Correct answer(s):
A True
Emergency circumstances are taken into account.
C True
A higher standard of care is expected where the defendant is aware of the claimant’s special

ICAEW 2021 4: Negligence 141

142 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 5: Companies: the consequences of
1 Correct answer(s):
D Mark cannot claim on the insurance because the insurance is not effected in the name of King
Kilts Ltd and the company has the insurable interest.
Following Macaura v Northern Assurance Co Ltd 1925, the company (as a separate legal entity) has
the insurable interest and should insure its own assets.

2 Correct answer(s):
B No
In the absence of fraud or an agency relationship based on the business activities of the companies,
the separate legal personality of each company within a group will be recognised.
C Yes
In such circumstances, the veil will be lifted in order to identify the company as a Neverland

3 Correct answer(s):
A True
Similarly, where directors are also members, provisions such as those in respect of fraudulent trading
and wrongful trading lift the veil between the company and its members to impose a liability for the
company’s wrongful acts.
C True

4 Correct answer(s):
B No
A public company must be a limited company.
D No
The company should not commence trading until a trading certificate has been obtained.

5 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
A public limited company must have a company secretary.
D No
The share capital of a public limited company is subject to a statutory minimum, but that is currently

6 Correct answer(s):
C Public and private limited companies must have at least two directors.
A private limited company must have at least one director; a public limited company must have at
least two directors.

ICAEW 2021 5: Companies: the consequences of incorporation 143

7 Correct answer(s):
B No
A statement of guarantee is only appropriate for a company limited by guarantee. Instead, Richard
should submit a statement of capital and initial shareholdings.
C Yes
A statement of proposed company officers is required in the application.

8 Correct answer(s):
B Six months

9 Correct answer(s):
C Shares must be at least one quarter paid up on allotment.
A, B and D are true of private limited companies only. A public limited company cannot exclude pre-
emption rights, it must get a court order to reduce its capital and it cannot redeem shares out of its
own capital.

10 Correct answer(s):
B False
In the event that none is provided, model articles prescribed by the Secretary of State will apply.
C True

11 Correct answer(s):
B No
Not unless Paddy and the vendor gave rights to New Style Ltd under the Contracts (Rights of Third
Parties) Act 1999.
D No
Because it did not exist at the time the contract was made.

12 Correct answer(s):
B No
Simple Solutions Ltd is not bound because it is not a party to the contract.
C Yes
The contract takes effect as if it was entered into between the seller and Quentin personally.

13 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
On the basis that the articles can be implied into her contract of employment.
D No
No because her claim is not made in her capacity as member (but rather as company secretary) and
the articles bind the company and its members as if each member had contracted to observe its

14 Correct answer(s):
B False

144 Law ICAEW 2021

Alteration requires a special resolution (in accordance with the Companies Act 2006) but unanimous
agreement or a court order is required to alter a provision for entrenchment.
D False
Nor can it provide that a provision for entrenchment cannot be amended.

15 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
But not to deprive Simon, the company’s solicitor, of any right to accrued pay before the passing of
the resolution.
D No
A member is not bound by an alteration made after their becoming a member, that requires them to
purchase more shares or to increase their liability in any way.

16 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
However, they must not be made available for public inspection.
D No
It is not compulsory, but if the company does keep such a register, it must comply with the legislative
provisions as to its availability for inspection.

17 Correct answer(s):
B No
Only quoted companies need do so.
C Yes
A public limited company must do so within six months.

18 Correct answer(s):
B Details of resolutions passed by the company
A confirmation statement is a document which confirms there are no changes to prescribed
information about the company or sets out what changes have occurred. Details of company
resolutions are not covered by the statement.

19 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
The memorandum includes statements that the subscribers wish to form a company, agree to
become members of the company and agree to take at least one share each (but only if the
company has share capital).
D No
Harwin will not have share capital because it is limited by guarantee.

20 Correct answer(s):
D Lotsaland Ltd is not bound because Craig lacked sufficient authority.
Borrowing is not within the implied usual authority of a company secretary, nor did he have express
or ostensible authority.

ICAEW 2021 5: Companies: the consequences of incorporation 145

21 Correct answer(s):
B By and against Albert only
A pre-incorporation contract is not enforceable by or against the company (that is not incorporated
at the time).

22 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
A memorandum of association needs to be submitted on application for incorporation of a company.
D No
A trading certificate is only required for a public company, not a private company.

23 Correct answer(s):
A True
A company secretary normally has the authority to deal with all administrative matters. The exact
scope of their authority will usually depend on the size and nature of the company.
D False
A company secretary does not normally have authority to deal with the purchase of property or

24 Correct answer(s):
A All of the above
S.386 specifies that all companies must include (1) and (3). But since Cabbit Ltd deals in goods its
accounts must also contain a statement of stock.

25 Correct answer(s):
C 9 months
As with all private companies, Whimsome Ltd must file its accounts within nine months of its year

26 Correct answer(s):
A True
Micro-entities have the option not to file a profit and loss account but must file a balance sheet.
D False
There are two compulsory notes for micro-entities which must be included in the accounts if relevant
(advances to directors and financial commitments).

27 Correct answer(s):
D A not-for-profit company that is subject to public sector audit
All insurance and banking companies must appoint an auditor. Only micro and small companies are
exempt from audit, medium companies must appoint an auditor. Quoted companies must appoint
an auditor. Not-for-profit companies that are subject to public sector audit are exempt from
appointing an auditor.

146 Law ICAEW 2021

28 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
The statement of capital and initial shareholdings includes the total number of shares, their
aggregate nominal value, details of individual classes of shares and the amount to be paid and
unpaid on each share.
D No
Pre-emption rights are not covered by the statement.

29 Correct answer(s):
A True
Because Minimus plc produces group accounts it must produce a consolidated directors’ report.
D False
Only quoted companies are required to produce a directors’ remuneration report. Minimus plc is not
quoted because it is not listed on a stock exchange.

30 Correct answer(s):
D Quoted companies, large unquoted companies and large LLPs
The Regulations apply to quoted companies, large unquoted companies and large LLPs.

31 Correct answer(s):
C Compliance with money laundering regulations
Disclosure with regard to compliance with money laundering regulations is not required by the
regulations. The other options are all areas that do require disclosures to be made.

ICAEW 2021 5: Companies: the consequences of incorporation 147

148 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 6: Companies: ownership and
1 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
The director’s actions remain valid notwithstanding a defective or void appointment.

2 Correct answer(s):
A True
A sole director can be a company secretary but not a company auditor.
D False
Under s.157 of the Companies Act 2006 a person may not be appointed a director of a company
unless they are at least 16 years old.

3 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
A director can be removed on the passing of an ordinary resolution (with special notice).
D No
He may be entitled to sue for breach of contract as a result.

4 Correct answer(s):
A Simon has not been removed because the weighted voting rights have been validly given and
validly exercised.
The facts are similar to those in Bushell v Faith where the House of Lords held that since shares may
be issued with such rights as the company determines, there was nothing to stop a company giving
weighted voting rights in this manner.

5 Correct answer(s):
B False
The Companies Act 2006 changed the previous law to provide that companies have unrestricted
objects unless specifically restricted by the articles.
D False
Directors are not agents of the members and, therefore, are not subject to their instruction as to how
to act.

6 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
C Yes
There are six areas that directors should consider when fulfilling their duty to promote the success of
the company. The company’s impact on the community and environment and the desirability of the
company maintaining a reputation for high standards of conduct are both included.

ICAEW 2021 6: Companies: ownership and management 149

7 Correct answer(s):
C Frank has acted within the ostensible authority of a managing director to enter into all
commercial contracts in relation to the company’s business.
Frank’s authority arises from the conduct of Flora and Gail in allowing him to act as a managing
director and is therefore ostensible or apparent authority.

8 Correct answer(s):
C Parallels Ltd is bound because Mork had implied authority to enter into the contract.
The contract is within the implied usual authority of a managing director.

9 Correct answer(s):
B False
All the directors’ duties in the Companies Act 2006 are stated to apply to shadow directors also.
C True

10 Correct answer(s):
D The allotment is invalid because the directors have exercised their powers for a collateral
purpose of destroying an existing majority.
The facts are similar to those in Howard Smith Ltd v Ampol Petroleum Ltd, in which an allotment for
such a purpose was held to be unconstitutional and invalid.

11 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
D No
In a public company, the constitution must expressly allow such authorisation.

12 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Usually the standard is that of a reasonably diligent person with the general knowledge, skill and
experience that may reasonably be expected of someone performing their functions as director.
However, the actual experience, knowledge and skill is also taken into account and may result in a
higher standard being applied.
C Yes
Simply attending board meetings is not likely to be sufficient in the light of his business experience.

13 Correct answer(s):
B No
Disclosure is sufficient unless the constitution provides otherwise.
D No
Disclosure to the board is sufficient unless the constitution provides otherwise.

14 Correct answer(s):
B False

150 Law ICAEW 2021

In certain circumstances, he may still be subject to the duty to avoid conflicts of interest and the duty
not to accept benefits from third parties.
C True
The contract may be avoided at the option of the company.

15 Correct answer(s):
A Kim and Tamsin are jointly and severally liable to make good the loss suffered by Teen Tunes Ltd.
Anna is not liable because she is not guilty of any breach of duty. She might be negligent in failing to
spot the transaction. Directors in breach are jointly and severally liable.

16 Correct answer(s):
D Giles will not be liable if there is a provision excluding him from liability for negligence.
Any such provision to exclude a director from or to indemnify them against liability for breach of duty
or negligence is void.

17 Correct answer(s):
B No
Civil liability only arises when a company is being wound up. Criminal liability exists regardless of
whether the company is solvent or not.
C Yes
The standard of care is that of a reasonably diligent person, but a director is also judged by reference
to their own skill, knowledge and experience. Wrongful trading is only relevant in liquidation.

18 Correct answer(s):
B No
A disqualification order (of up to 15 years) may be made in the discretion of the court.
D No
The court would also need to be satisfied that Elizabeth is unfit to be concerned in the management
of a company (the court may take into account her conduct as a director of Big Beans Ltd) in order
for a disqualification to be mandatory.

19 Correct answer(s):
B False
Only a member, or members, holding at least 15% of the class of shares in question may apply.
C True
In fact, holders of at least 5% of the company’s paid up capital with voting rights can requisition a

20 Correct answer(s):
B No
It is not necessary to show this.
D No
Such authorisation or ratification by the company will be binding and a derivative action will not be

ICAEW 2021 6: Companies: ownership and management 151

21 Correct answer(s):
D Where a parent company refuses to pay the debts of its subsidiary and the subsidiary becomes
insolvent as a result
Options A, B and C are all instances of cases where unfairly prejudicial conduct has been found to

22 Correct answer(s):
B 3% of the company’s members
At least 5% of the members are required to requisition a general meeting. All the other parties may
requisition a meeting.

23 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
Although relief is considerably less likely to be given in the absence of any such breach.

24 Correct answer(s):
B All
All of these are possible orders. However, the most common relief granted is an order for the
majority to purchase the minority’s shares, valued on the basis of the shares’ worth before they were
diminished by the conduct of the controlling shareholders.

25 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
D No
This is a remedy of last resort. In this case there is clearly an alternative to liquidation (buying out his

26 Correct answer(s):
C 90%
The articles may require a higher percentage up to 95%.

27 Correct answer(s):
C 21 days
Unless all members entitled to attend and vote agree to a shorter period.

28 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
A public limited company must pass resolutions in general meeting.

29 Correct answer(s):
D The removal of an auditor

152 Law ICAEW 2021

Only an ordinary resolution is required, but with special notice of 28 days.

30 Correct answer(s):
B No
A written resolution cannot be used in order to remove a director or auditor from office.
C Yes
For example, model articles provide for the removal of bankrupt directors.

31 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
A director must act in good faith for the benefit of the company and must also avoid any conflict of
C Yes
Exploiting such an opportunity constitutes a breach of duty, regardless of whether the company
could actually take advantage of the opportunity itself.

32 Correct answer(s):
C Yes, in his capacity as managing director of ABC Carpets Ltd he should have checked that the
insurance form was completed correctly before he signed it.
These facts are most likely to amount to a breach of the duty of care owed by a director, particularly
since he is a managing director.

33 Correct answer(s):
B False
A director is not an agent of the shareholders and is not liable to act as instructed by them.
D False
A director owes a duty to exercise independent judgement. Such an agreement would constitute a
breach of this duty. He may, however, act in accordance with an agreement duly entered into by the
company restricting the future exercise of discretion by its directors or in any way authorised by the
company’s constitution.

34 Correct answer(s):
C The removal of a company director
A company director may be removed by the passing of an ordinary resolution with special notice.
The other options require the passing of a special resolution.

35 Correct answer(s):
A None of the above

ICAEW 2021 6: Companies: ownership and management 153

Relief for unfairly prejudicial conduct applies to public and private companies where the company’s
affairs are being, or have been, conducted in a manner that is unfairly prejudicial to the interests of
members generally or some part of its members.

36 Correct answer(s):
C A non-executive director
Non-executive directors are formally appointed but are not involved in the day-to-day running of the
business. This is the role of executive directors.

37 Correct answer(s):
A True
Criminal liability may arise (but civil liability only arises on a winding up).
C True
Wrongful trading only applies when a company is wound up.

154 Law ICAEW 2021

Chapter 7: Companies: finance
1 Correct answer(s):
D Neither (1) nor (2)
Ordinary shareholders are entitled to dividends if and when they are declared by the directors, but
they cannot compel the directors or the company to pay them a dividend. Preference shareholders
are (typically) entitled to receive a dividend at a specified rate before any other dividend is paid or
declared, but they do not have the right to compel payment of a dividend.

2 Correct answer(s):
C (1) and (2)
Both groups of shareholders have the same rights and so both get their capital repaid and share
equally if there is anything left over after repayment of capital. Where the articles state that the
preference shareholders have a preferential right to the return of capital, that is all they receive
(before payment to ordinary shareholders) with any surplus being exclusively for the ordinary

3 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
C Yes

4 Correct answer(s):
B 15%
The members making this application to the court must not have voted for the variation.

5 Correct answer(s):
C No, because the 50p shares still carry one vote per share.
The fact that the value of existing rights may be affected does not constitute a variation of those

6 Correct answer(s):
A True
C True
Any part of the share capital that is not issued is called ‘unissued share capital’.

7 Correct answer(s):
A (1) or (3) only
The authority can be general or specific, conditional or unconditional.

8 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
The directors of a private company with only one class of shares may allot shares of that class unless
such an allotment is prohibited by the company’s articles.

ICAEW 2021 7: Companies: finance 155

C Yes
Failure to register the allotment within two months is an offence punishable by a fine.

9 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
There is no obligation on the members to take additional shares. Indeed, they may sell their rights
and obtain value for their option over those shares.

10 Correct answer(s):
A (1) only
The pre-emption rights are expressed (by the Companies Act 2006) not to apply to (2), (3) and (4).

11 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
A sum equal to the premium on each share must be transferred to a share premium account.
D No
Although a commission may be paid to someone who agrees to subscribe for or to procure
subscriptions for shares in the company, in accordance with a company’s articles of association.

12 Correct answer(s):
B False
This is true in respect of public companies but not private companies.
D False
Again, this is true only for public companies.

13 Correct answer(s):
B No
Shares in a public company cannot be paid for by an undertaking to perform work or services for the
D No
Shares in a public limited company must be paid up by at least one-quarter of the nominal value
when issued.

14 Correct answer(s):
B No
Only in respect of listed shares.
D No
However, regulations may be made (under the Companies Act 2006) by the Treasury or Secretary of
State which will make it compulsory.

156 Law ICAEW 2021

15 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
A company does this by passing an ordinary resolution to that effect (and subject to any restrictions
in its articles).
C Yes
A company does this by passing an ordinary resolution to that effect (and subject to any restrictions
in its articles).

16 Correct answer(s):
D When the nominal value of the allotted share capital falls below the authorised minimum.
A public limited company must re-register as a private company unless the court orders otherwise.

17 Correct answer(s):
B Subdivision

18 Correct answer(s):
B False
The company’s articles may, however, restrict or exclude the issue of redeemable shares
C True

19 Correct answer(s):
B False
The amount of the company’s issued share capital is diminished by the nominal value of the shares
C True

20 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
The capital redemption reserve may be used for this purpose.

21 Correct answer(s):
B (1) and (3) only
The company may lend to its employees for this purpose but not to directors who are not also

22 Correct answer(s):
C A document that records the terms of any loan
Whether a loan is secured or unsecured, the written acknowledgement of its terms is called a

23 Correct answer(s):
A 6 months

ICAEW 2021 7: Companies: finance 157

D 12 months

24 Correct answer(s):
B False
The charge will also apply to future assets.
C True

25 Correct answer(s):
D Both take priority
Both fixed charges and preferential debts rank before floating charges.

26 Correct answer(s):
D The charge is void against any liquidator, administrator or creditor.
In addition, the money secured by the void charge is immediately repayable by the company.

27 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
A floating charge is typically over a class of assets of a company present and future with which the
company may continue to deal before crystallisation of the charge.
C Yes
A floating charge typically covers assets that change in the ordinary course of business and only fixes
to those assets at the time of crystallisation.

28 Correct answer(s):
B No
A company may issue shares at a premium. No express authority is required in the company’s
C Yes
Shares can be issued at a premium for cash or a non-cash consideration (although there are specific
rules relating to valuation of non-cash consideration for public companies).

29 Correct answer(s):
B Sarah will be able to sell her shares through a recognised stock exchange provided they have
been listed.
Shares of a public company are transferable on a recognised stock exchange if the company is listed.

30 Correct answer(s):
D A special resolution of the relevant class
Out of the options available, a special resolution is required. Otherwise written consent from at least
75% in nominal value of the issued shares of that class should be obtained.

158 Law ICAEW 2021

31 Correct answer(s):
C 21 days
Members have 21 days to accept a rights issue. After that, the shares may be allotted on the same (or
less favourable) terms to non-members.

ICAEW 2021 7: Companies: finance 159

160 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 8: Insolvency law: corporate and
1 Correct answer(s):
D (2), (3), (1)
The primary purpose of administration is to rescue the company as a going concern, if at all possible.

2 Correct answer(s):
A 7 days
C 11 days

3 Correct answer(s):
B False
The period may also be extended by a prescribed majority of creditors (but only once).
C True

4 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
C Yes
Provided that to do so would, in their judgement, help the achievement of the purposes of
administration, or otherwise with the leave of the court.

5 Correct answer(s):
B No
During the period of administration, there can be no resolution or court order to wind up the
D No
It can only enforce the charge with the consent of either the administrator or the court.

6 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
But it must first obtain the consent of the administrator or the court, before it can instigate or
continue legal proceedings against the company.
D No
No resolution or petition for winding up can be passed or presented during administration.

7 Correct answer(s):
A True
The court may take various actions against the administrator.
D False
The company continues to be the employer (and the administrator is the company’s agent) but the
administrator may terminate any contracts of employment as they deem fit.

ICAEW 2021 8: Insolvency law: corporate and personal 161

8 Correct answer(s):
B To realise the charged assets and pay off the appointing chargeholder’s debt
A receiver is typically appointed by a creditor with a fixed charge over property owned by the

9 Correct answer(s):
D All of the above

10 Correct answer(s):
B False
Preferred and secured creditors are not bound by the CVA (unless they agree otherwise).
D False
The normal duration of CVA is three to five years.

11 Correct answer(s):
B a majority of the directors
Provided there are two or more directors.
C an ordinary resolution
An ordinary resolution is sufficient.

12 Correct answer(s):
A True
Liquidation proceeds as a members’ voluntary liquidation only where it can be assumed that the
company’s debts can be paid in full (and a declaration of solvency has been made). If the liquidator
concludes that that is not the case, they must call a creditors’ meeting and lay before it a statement of
the company’s assets and liabilities.
C True

13 Correct answer(s):
D Neither (1) nor (2)
It is the directors who nominate the liquidator. The creditors must consent to the nomination through
the ‘deemed consent’ procedure or by a virtual meeting.

14 Correct answer(s):
B No
He must also have served a written demand on the company at its registered office and the company
must have failed to pay it (or to offer reasonable security for it) within 21 days.
D No
This is effectively presumed by his satisfying the test referred to above.

15 Correct answer(s):
B False

162 Law ICAEW 2021

On the contrary, this petition is normally presented by a member and, consequently, will only be
considered where the company is solvent (otherwise the member has nothing to gain from the
winding up).
C True

16 Correct answer(s):
C The official receiver
Although they may be replaced by a qualified insolvency practitioner at a later date.

17 Correct answer(s):
B No
The company’s assets remain the legal property of the company, but under Lionel’s control, unless
the court orders them to be vested in him as liquidator.
C Yes

18 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Since it was made within two years before the liquidation.
D No
A liquidator does not have this power, but can apply to the court for such an order to be made.

19 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
A floating charge to a connected person may be void if entered into within the two years before the
liquidation (12 months in the case of an unconnected person).
C Yes
This would be wholly appropriate and is part of the liquidator’s role to consider such matters and
take action where relevant.

20 Correct answer(s):
C (3), (1), (2)
Accrued holiday pay is a preferential debt, payable second, after the costs of liquidation and is
followed by payment of floating charges (subject to the ring-fencing provisions). Members may
receive a share of any surplus in the event that the company can, in fact, satisfy all its debts.

21 Correct answer(s):
D 10%
If less than 10% of the creditors in value object, the proposals are accepted.

22 Correct answer(s):
A (1) only
Only an individual debtor may apply online for their bankruptcy. Third parties must petition the court.

ICAEW 2021 8: Insolvency law: corporate and personal 163

23 Correct answer(s):
D Neither (1) nor (2)
Demelza cannot petition the court for her own bankruptcy, she must apply for it online with the
Insolvency Service. Hanwick Ltd cannot petition the court for Demelza’s bankruptcy either because it
is not owed the minimum amount of £5,000.

24 Correct answer(s):
B False
The trustee in bankruptcy, in these circumstances, declares a dividend so that each unsecured
creditor receives part payment of their debt.
C True
He must then pay creditors with provable debts in a prescribed order.

25 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
This is an important exception to the normal rule that the bankrupt can no longer be sued or have
action taken against them by their creditors.
C Yes
Such vesting occurs automatically and there is no need for any written contract or transfer of rights or

26 Correct answer(s):
B No
Tools and equipment that are necessary for use in the debtor’s employment, business or vocation are
specifically excluded from the sum of their estate.
D No
Such a sale would be void unless approved by the court, because of his status as an undischarged

27 Correct answer(s):
B (2), (3), (1)
The liquidator’s remuneration and expenses are paid first. The debt to the spouse is a postponed
debt. Craig would only receive payment if there were money left once all claims on the estate had
been satisfied.

28 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Rescuing the company as a going concern is the primary objective of administration.
C Yes
This is also an objective of administration where rescuing the company as a going concern is not

29 Correct answer(s):
B No

164 Law ICAEW 2021

Such a situation would not necessarily result in a winding up, which is generally a drastic remedy of
last resort.
C Yes
If the court considers that a winding up is just and equitable, it may order compulsory liquidation.

30 Correct answer(s):
C Return of contributed capital to ordinary shareholders
Only once all debts and charges have been paid, will the shareholders be entitled to a return of their
capital and, if applicable, a share in any surplus assets.

31 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
If a declaration of solvency is made then the liquidation proceeds as a members’ voluntary winding
D No
Despite the label, this is not the case. The members initiate the winding up.

ICAEW 2021 8: Insolvency law: corporate and personal 165

166 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 9: Sole traders and partnerships
1 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False

2 Correct answer(s):
C The admittance of new partners requires the unanimous consent of all existing partners.
Unanimous consent is required to admit new partners (C) and to change the nature of the
partnership’s business (D). No partners are entitled to remuneration for carrying out their firm’s
business (A) (they are entitled to a share of the profits instead). 5% interest per annum is only payable
on any capital contributed beyond a partner’s initial capital contribution to their firm (B).

3 Correct answer(s):
D The Limited Partnership Act 1907
The Limited Partnership Act 1907 applies to limited partnerships, not ordinary partnerships.

4 Correct answer(s):
B Lola must account to Lomays & Co for commission monies received.
A partner is required to avoid conflicts of interest without full disclosure to the other partners. If the
other partners know of the conflict and do not object, then the partner may proceed. A partner must
account to the partnership for all monies received in respect of it.

5 Correct answer(s):
A Freda, Gaynor and the firm are bound because the appointment is within the usual authority of a
Such an appointment is within the usual authority of a partner. The fact that Hank was given express
authority to appoint Jane does not detract from his implied authority to appoint. The authority was
not to appoint one and no more.

6 Correct answer(s):
D Yes. Matt had no authority but Upmarket Businesses was not aware of that fact but knew that he
was a partner.
The Partnership Act 1890 provides that even without authority, a partner’s usual acts for the
partnership business are binding, unless the third party knows that they have no authority or does
not know or believe them to be a partner.

7 Correct answer(s):
D The firm and, therefore, all of its partners are liable on the contract to purchase 10 bulls from
Farmer Giles.
There is nothing to suggest that Farmer Giles is aware that Mark was acting without authority or
believed him not to be a partner. Partners’ acts in the usual course of business bind the firm and the
partners, unless the third party knows that the partner does not have authority or does not know or
believe him to be a partner.

ICAEW 2021 9: Sole traders and partnerships 167

8 Correct answer(s):
B Elliott is not liable because the contract was entered into before he became a partner.
A new partner is only liable for debts incurred after they became a partner unless they agree

9 Correct answer(s):
B False
This is usually expressly provided for in a partnership agreement. However, in the absence of an
express provision, the Partnership Act 1890 provides that a partnership is dissolved in a number of
instances, including on the death or bankruptcy of a partner.
C True

10 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
C Yes
A partnership may be wound up in the same way as an unregistered company under Part V of the
Insolvency Act 1986.

11 Correct answer(s):
B No
This is one of the differences between an ordinary partnership and a company.
C Yes
They can do so, but the other person does not thereby become a partner.

12 Correct answer(s):
B False
False. A partner can assign their interest (subject to any express provision to the contrary) but the
assignee does not become a partner as a result.
C True

13 Correct answer(s):
A True
In this respect it is like a registered company.
D False
The liability of every LLP member is limited.

14 Correct answer(s):
B No
Members are taxed as individuals on the partnership’s profits.
C Yes

15 Correct answer(s):
B No

168 Law ICAEW 2021

They may be able to use this name as a business name, but the name of an LLP must end with the
words ‘limited liability partnership’ or the abbreviation ‘LLP’.
D No
An LLP will normally have one but it is not essential.

16 Correct answer(s):
B No
They must submit an incorporation document in the prescribed format.
C Yes

17 Correct answer(s):
B Arthur, Peter and William are each entitled to receive remuneration in respect of the part they
each play in the business.
As with an ordinary partnership, there is no implied entitlement to remuneration.

18 Correct answer(s):
B False
The Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000 provides that every member is an agent of the limited
liability partnership only.
D False
Where he acts without authority, he will still bind the LLP unless the third party knows that he does
not have authority or does not know or believe him to be a member of the LLP.

19 Correct answer(s):
A All of them
They are all applicable to LLPs.

20 Correct answer(s):
C Withdrawals made in the last two years can be clawed back if it can be shown that, at the time of
making each withdrawal, Max and Lily had reasonable grounds to believe that the LLP would
become insolvent.

21 Correct answer(s):
B No
In the absence of an express provision, the Partnership Act 1890 provides for the right to share in
profits and losses equally.
C Yes
There is an implied right of access to all partnership books and accounts.

22 Correct answer(s):
B No
One would not be sufficient. The requirement is for two or more persons to subscribe their names to
the incorporation document.

ICAEW 2021 9: Sole traders and partnerships 169

C Yes
This is also a requirement.

23 Correct answer(s):
B No
There is no statutory right to remuneration.
C Yes
In the absence of express provision, there is an implied right to share in the profits of the LLP equally.

24 Correct answer(s):
B False
Licences and VAT registration are only required for certain classes and size of business and so do not
apply to all sole traders.
C True
The main benefit of operating as a sole trader is that all business profits accrue to the trader.

25 Correct answer(s):
C A sole trader must report the business’s finances to the tax authorities each year.
Sole traders are not subject to audit and do not have to file accounts with the Registrar. They are
required to report to the tax authorities as part of the sole trader’s personal tax return. A sole trader’s
business is not legally distinct from their personal wealth – this is the main disadvantage of operating
as a sole trader.

26 Correct answer(s):
A A sole tradership
Phyllis is clearly an employee so this is not a partnership. The mortgage, accounts and personal tax
situation describes a sole trader (ie, Dylan is personally liable for the mortgage and he is not required
to submit statutory accounts that a company would).

27 Correct answer(s):
B No
Only some companies are required to have a secretary.
C Yes
Unanimous agreement of the partners is required to admit a new partner.

170 Law ICAEW 2021

Chapter 10: Criminal law
1 Correct answer(s):
B No
The Act applies to ‘workers’ (which is wider than ‘employees’ but does not include the self-
D No

2 Correct answer(s):
B False
There is no requirement as to length of continuous service.
D False
He will, however, need to have a reasonable belief that the health and safety of an individual has
been, is being, or is likely to be endangered.

3 Correct answer(s):
C That they have some documentary evidence of the matter complained of
While rumour and suspicion are unlikely to satisfy the need for reasonable belief, it is not necessarily
the case that someone will need to produce documentary evidence.

4 Correct answer(s):
C All of the above
Criminal offences and unsafe working practices are qualifying disclosures.

5 Correct answer(s):
A True
C True
In all cases the worker should have a reasonable belief that the information disclosed to the
regulatory body concerned is indeed true.

6 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
There is no longer a requirement for good faith, but the apparent lack of good faith may result in any
compensation being reduced by up to 25%. The disclosure must be made in the public interest.

7 Correct answer(s):
B False
Nina could disclose the information to the Minister responsible for the NHS and still receive the
statutory protection (even though the aim of the Act is to encourage internal disclosure in the first
C True
A tribunal may award an amount that it considers just and equitable in all the circumstances and
there is no maximum limit.

ICAEW 2021 10: Criminal law 171

8 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
It must be reasonable in all the circumstances and must not be made for personal gain.
D No
This is one option, but alternatively he may show that he had a reasonable belief that a cover-up was
likely and there was no prescribed regulator or a reasonable belief that he would be victimised if he
raised the matter internally or with a prescribed regulator.

9 Correct answer(s):
B No
The offence is also committed where the defendant intended to cause another person loss or to
expose that person to the risk of making that loss. (This is true whichever of the three instances of
fraud applies.)
D No
He faces the possibility of being disqualified, however, for up to 15 years as a result.

10 Correct answer(s):
B Fraud by dishonestly appropriating property belonging to another
Under the Fraud Act 2006 there are three statutory instances of fraud. Options A, C and D are these
three instances. Dishonesty appropriating property belonging to another is primarily an offence of

11 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Although the Act is often applied in regards to wrongdoing by the employer, it also offers protection
for disclosing wrongdoing by fellow workers as well.
C Yes
Under the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013, disclosure must be in the public interest.

12 Correct answer(s):
D 10 years’ imprisonment and an unlimited fine
10 years’ imprisonment and an unlimited fine is the maximum penalty for fraud under the Fraud Act

13 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Civil liability, on the other hand, arises only where a company is in liquidation.
C Yes

14 Correct answer(s):
C Kevin is guilty. Leo and Nigel are not guilty because neglect or lack of positive dishonest action
cannot constitute fraudulent trading.

172 Law ICAEW 2021

No statutory definition of ‘fraudulent’ is given but it seems that some positive act is needed and not
just neglect. Nigel may be in breach of his director’s duty to exercise reasonable care and skill
however. The fact that Leo is not a director does not mean that he has no potential liability.

15 Correct answer(s):
B Dealing in securities while in possession of inside information as an insider, the securities being
price-affected by the information

16 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Richard is guilty of encouraging another person to deal.
D No
It is irrelevant whether any dealing actually takes place.

17 Correct answer(s):
B No
He does not know or have reasonable cause to believe that Freya will deal.
C Yes
The disclosure is not made in the proper performance of their employment and so an offence is
committed under the Criminal Justice Act 1993.

18 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
The information relates to particular securities and is price-sensitive, as it would be likely to have a
significant effect on the price of the securities if made public.
C Yes
Yes, because she obtained the information from an insider, Andy, who had the information by virtue
of his profession as auditor.

19 Correct answer(s):
B False
An offer is sufficient. It is immaterial whether the offer is accepted.
C True
It is likely that the managing director of a public limited company would be regarded as a person in
business who is expected to perform their functions impartially and in good faith.

20 Correct answer(s):
A True
The Bribery Act 2010 replaced the offence at common law and repealed several statutes dealing with
D False
The maximum term of imprisonment is 10 years.

ICAEW 2021 10: Criminal law 173

21 Correct answer(s):
D It is the process by which the proceeds of crime are converted into assets which appear to have
a legitimate origin.

22 Correct answer(s):
A 5 years
Plus an unlimited fine. The principal offence of money laundering is punishable by 14 years’
imprisonment and tipping off by two years.

23 Correct answer(s):
B No
Although he has been concerned in an arrangement suspecting that it will facilitate use of criminal
property (ie, the proceeds of tax evasion), he has a defence, in that he has reported the matter to the
D No
The offence of tipping off is committed when a disclosure is made to a third party that a disclosure or
report has been made, where that disclosure is likely to prejudice any resulting investigation, or when
a disclosure is made that an investigation is being contemplated or carried out and that disclosure is
likely to prejudice the investigation.

24 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Failure to do so would be an offence. The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 offers protection where
information rightly disclosed results in a breach of confidentiality.
D No
He should only report to the MLRO. He must then be aware that revealing his suspicions to any other
person could constitute the offence of tipping off, if it is likely to prejudice an investigation into the
company’s affairs.

25 Correct answer(s):
B False
A business must appoint a MLRO.
C True

26 Correct answer(s):
B False
A defendant will have a defence if they can show that their conduct was necessary for the proper
exercise of any function of either an intelligence service or the armed forces when engaged on active
D False
If the commercial organisation can show that it had ‘adequate procedures’ in place to prevent
bribery, it will not be guilty.

27 Correct answer(s):
A Yes

174 Law ICAEW 2021

Disclosure of such activity would amount to a qualifying disclosure.
C Yes
Likewise, disclosure of endangering the health and safety of employees would amount to a
qualifying disclosure.

28 Correct answer(s):
A True
C True
Up to 10 years’ imprisonment (and/or an unlimited fine) is the maximum penalty for fraudulent

29 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
Fraudulent trading is a criminal offence and it is not sufficient to show the officer ‘suspected’ the
company might not be able to pay its debts.

30 Correct answer(s):
A True
The offence is committed whether or not the offeree accepts the money or other favour.
C True

31 Correct answer(s):
A True
It was held in Royal Bank of Scotland v Bannerman Johnstone Maclay 2005 that a third party can be
owed a duty of care where auditors know their identity, the use to which the information would be
put and that the third party intends to rely on it. Brisco LLP was aware of Wyman plc and that the
company would be relying on the audited financial statements when making a takeover bid.
Therefore a duty of care is owed.
C True
Abel Brisco is likely to be in breach of professional behaviour. By denying that he had not been
notified of Wyman’s reliance on the financial statements he will be lying. This is dishonest and likely
to bring the profession into disrepute.

32 Correct answer(s):
B No
The term ‘money laundering’ covers any activity by which the apparent source and ownership of the
proceeds of crime are changed, in such a way that the cash or other assets appear to have been
obtained legitimately. Gavin has not conducted any such activity because payment of a dividend
which is illegal under the Companies Act 2006 is not a criminal offence.

ICAEW 2021 10: Criminal law 175

C Yes
Gavin is party to the deception of users of the financial statements who will believe the dividend was
legitimate. Deception is dishonest and is likely to bring the profession into disrepute, hence he is in
breach of professional behaviour.

33 Correct answer(s):
B No
Generally speaking, the need to make a report to the National Crime Agency takes precedence over
considerations of client confidentiality. The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 offers protection where
information rightly disclosed under the Act results in a breach of confidentiality. Therefore, the client
cannot take legal action against the firm.
D No
Under the ICAEW Code of Ethics, where an accountant is required by law or regulations to disclose
confidential information, they shall always disclose that information in compliance with relevant legal
requirements. Therefore, Harriet has not breached the rules on confidentiality.

34 Correct answer(s):
B Keylogging
Keylogging is where criminals record what the user types onto their keyboard.

35 Correct answer(s):
A True
The use of emails to obtain bank information such as this is known as phishing.
D False
Phishing emails are an example of fraud by representation (dishonestly making a false representation
of fact or law, intending thereby to make a gain for oneself or another or to cause another party loss
or expose that party to the risk of making loss).

36 Correct answer(s):
B (1), (3) and (4) only
Accidentally spreading a virus is not an offence. The creation of ransomware and hacking are both
offences, as is the unauthorised access to content stored on a computer such as a colleague’s email

37 Correct answer(s):
A True
This statement describes hacking.
C True
This statement might involve, for example, the supply of stolen logins, that another individual could
use to gain unauthorised access to a computer system.

38 Correct answer(s):
D He passed the information on in the course of his employment.
Passing on information in the course of employment is only relevant (and means that no offence has
been committed) to the offence of disclosing inside information. The other options are all valid

176 Law ICAEW 2021

39 Correct answer(s):
C 15 years
The maximum period of disqualification is 15 years.

40 Correct answer(s):
A True
This is an offence which is committed by commercial organisations such as companies and
partnerships. The penalty is a fine.
C True
It is an offence to bribe foreign public officials as well as those in the UK.

41 Correct answer(s):
B Pharming is based on legitimate looking websites, phishing is based on legitimate looking
Pharming uses legitimate looking websites to persuade victims to enter their personal details.
Phishing involves sending legitimate looking emails to victims. Although they are separate activities,
they are often related, for example phishing may be used to direct a victim to a pharming website.

42 Correct answer(s):
B False
Internet-enabled card not present fraud involves the fraudster taking card payments even if the
victim and their card are not present.
D False
Spear phishing is a form of phishing that targets a particular group of individuals in an attempt to
increase the success rate. The description is of online relationship fraud that is conducted through
social networks or dating sites.

43 Correct answer(s):
A Very carefully check websites to ensure they are legitimate before entering any information.
Professional scepticism is a powerful tool that accountants have against pharming. It is important not
to trust websites that require personal information to be entered until they have been verified as
legitimate. The other options are all methods of minimising the risk of cyber crime, but cannot
prevent Ewan from entering personal information on a fake website.

44 Correct answer(s):
B Cash transfers overseas
The cash balance is large, but not out of the ordinary; but the sudden transfer of cash out of the
country is suspicious. Employment of the new area manager is not a ‘red flag’ and the timing with the
overseas transfers could be a coincidence. The directors not having an answer to the question about
whether the expansion was a success could have a legitimate reason – it really could be too early for
them to tell, but Mina should follow it up.

ICAEW 2021 10: Criminal law 177

178 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 11: Employment, data protection
and intellectual property law
1 Correct answer(s):
C Deduction of tax at source by the employer
Deduction of tax at source is consistent with and suggestive of a contract for services, but it is not

2 Correct answer(s):
C Details of appraisal procedures
In accordance with the Employment Rights Act 1996, this information is not required to be included.

3 Correct answer(s):
D Ivy provides her own car for delivering flowers.
This suggests a contract for services, although it is not conclusive. A, B and C are all consistent with a
contract of service.

4 Correct answer(s):
B False
Although the existence of these elements is absolutely essential in order for a contract to be held to
be a contract of service rather than a contract for services, their existence does not necessarily mean
that this will be the case. The application of the multiple test may still result in the arrangement being
a contract for services.
C True
In such cases there is an absence of mutuality of obligations, which is an essential ingredient for the
existence of a contract of service.

5 Correct answer(s):
B He is an employee. The fact that he is paid gross is not conclusive and the other factors point to
him being an employee.
The courts apply a multiple test and all the factors, save with regard to payment of tax and
delegation to some extent, suggest a contract of employment. A limited power of delegation is not
inconsistent with a contract of employment.

6 Correct answer(s):
C Flora is an independent contractor because she is only offered work by Bun the Bakers on an as-
and-when required basis.
Although most factors are consistent with a contract of service, the absence of the mutuality of
obligations means that it cannot be one. If Bun the Baker were under an obligation to provide her
with work and she was under an obligation to do it, then it would be a contract of employment.

7 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Maintaining trust and confidence is a duty that employees owe to their employer.

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 179
D No
Employees are only under an obligation to obey orders which are lawful and reasonable.

8 Correct answer(s):
B No
A written statement of employment particulars, provided in accordance with the Employment Rights
Act 1996, does not form part of a contract of employment but may serve as evidence of its terms.
C Yes
Terms can be implied into an employment contract from legislation.

9 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
An employee, on the other hand, would not register for VAT separately from their employer.
D No
Under the Employment Rights Act 1996, only employees have the right to bring a claim for unfair

10 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
An independent contractor, on the other hand, is directly responsible to HMRC for income tax due.
D No
An independent contractor is still owed statutory duties by their employer under the Health and
Safety at Work Act 1974, although an employee is owed a greater duty of care. Moreover, under the
common law, an employer has a duty to protect their employees against reasonably foreseeable risks
to their health, safety and welfare.

11 Correct answer(s):
B False
An employment contract can be created orally.
C True
Terms may be implied by common law or statute. For example legislation provides that all
employees should have equality of terms and conditions of employment relating to pay.

12 Correct answer(s):
C 2 months
Two months, in accordance with the Employment Rights Act 1996.

13 Correct answer(s):
B No
There are no criminal sanctions. Rather, the employee may apply for a declaration of rights stating
what the particulars of their employment should be and the employer may be liable to pay
compensation to the employee in certain circumstances.
D No
This will be sufficient to replace the need for a written statement.

180 Law ICAEW 2021

14 Correct answer(s):
B False
There is no such duty if the instructions would require them to do an unlawful act or expose them to
danger or to do something outside their employment contract.
D False
Naturally most duties do cease when the employment ceases. However, the duty not to misuse
confidential information may continue after that time.

15 Correct answer(s):
B No
There is no such duty on the employer implied by common law.
C Yes
The employer owes a duty at common law to pay reasonable remuneration. This duty is subject to
any express provision, for example to pay a rate fixed by the parties, or to pay nothing during a lay-

16 Correct answer(s):
B No
The duty is to pay the agreed remuneration and, in the absence of express provision, to pay a
reasonable amount (subject to the legal requirements concerning the minimum wage).
C Yes
Generally speaking, there is an implied obligation to provide work or to continue to pay wages
where no work is provided. Where an employee is paid on a commission only basis (as Amran is
here), the duty is to give the employee the opportunity to earn their commission.

17 Correct answer(s):
A True
However, he may do so in those cases where he has received the employee’s consent.
D False
There is no obligation on an employer to provide a reference, but if an employer chooses to do so,
they must exercise reasonable care and skill in order to ensure that the information relayed in the
reference is accurate and fair.

18 Correct answer(s):
D Conrad is liable to a fine and imprisonment for up to two years and Tall Trees plc is liable to an
unlimited fine.
The company and any director or other officer who consents to or is responsible for the commission
of the offence may be liable to an unlimited fine and up to two years’ imprisonment.

19 Correct answer(s):
B At least a week
An employee who has continuous employment of between one month and 24 months is entitled to
at least one week’s notice.

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 181
20 Correct answer(s):
D No. Under the Employment Rights Act 1996 he is entitled to a minimum period of five weeks’
The 1996 Act provides that an employee with continuous employment with the same or an
associated employer of between 2 and 12 years is entitled to not less than one week’s notice per
year of service.

21 Correct answer(s):
C At least 12 weeks
The Employment Rights Act 1996 provides that the minimum period of notice is not less than 12
weeks where an employee has continuous employment with the same or an associated employer of
12 years or more.

22 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
D No
However, a failure to comply with a relevant procedure, including the Acas Code, may render a
dismissal unfair.

23 Correct answer(s):
B No
Dismissal at retirement age is a potentially fair reason for dismissal if it is shown to be proportionate
and objectively justifiable in order to constitute “some other substantial reason” for the dismissal.
C Yes
Pregnancy or related matters is an automatically unfair reason for dismissal.

24 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
The claim may be reduced by up to 25%.

25 Correct answer(s):
C Three months
Three months.

26 Correct answer(s):
D If the conference were to be cancelled because a large proportion of the delegates were
required to report for duty in view of a major earthquake in Brighton.
These circumstances would frustrate the contract. Frustration of a contract does not constitute
dismissal for the purposes of unfair dismissal protection.

27 Correct answer(s):
A True
Since this is an automatically unfair reason for dismissal.

182 Law ICAEW 2021

C True

28 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Potentially fair reasons include that the employee’s conduct is unacceptable and that the employee
lacks the capability or qualification for the job which they are employed to do.
C Yes
It is a question of fact for the tribunal to decide on all the evidence whether the employer acted
reasonably in treating the reason as sufficient grounds for dismissal.

29 Correct answer(s):
B Simon, who was dismissed on the grounds of misconduct based on Full Stop Ltd’s reasonable
belief that he had been using his work computer to run a personal business during working
Simon was given one of the potentially fair reasons for dismissal under the Employment Rights Act
1996 (misconduct). The others received automatically unfair reasons for dismissal.

30 Correct answer(s):
D The employee having a spent conviction under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
A spent conviction under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 is an automatically unfair reason
for dismissal.

31 Correct answer(s):
D Potentially fair and the Sunshine Care Home has acted reasonably in the circumstances by giving
Sophia time off work and an offer of an alternative job. Her employer cannot be expected to
keep her job open indefinitely.
(Assuming that the Sunshine Care Home has followed the Statutory Disciplinary and Dismissal
Procedure.) It should be noted that, when making their decisions in employment cases, employment
tribunals take into account the fairness of their decision in relation to the employer, as well as to the
employee concerned.

32 Correct answer(s):
D All of the above
The basic award is calculated by reference to an employee’s age and length of service. It may be
reduced on account of an employee’s unreasonable behaviour and any redundancy payment will
also be taken into account.

33 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
C Yes

34 Correct answer(s):
C Damages
D is also a remedy for wrongful dismissal but damages is the usual remedy that is awarded.

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 183
35 Correct answer(s):
B No
He does not have a sufficient period of continuous employment (of two years) with Hots Ltd.
C Yes
Wrongful dismissal is a common law action where the employer dismisses the employee in breach of
contract. In the present case Oliver’s employer has acted in breach of his implied duty of mutual trust
and confidence.

36 Correct answer(s):
C Raita has no right to sue for wrongful dismissal but may enforce the obligation to pay six months’
Raita may sue for the agreed sum, ie, the equivalent of six months’ salary, under the contract and will
be under no duty to mitigate her loss. Continuous employment is irrelevant to an action for wrongful
dismissal (B).

37 Correct answer(s):
C Don, Amol and Dimitri only
Non-renewal of a fixed-term contract on expiry may constitute an unfair dismissal but it is not a
wrongful dismissal. The other options are all examples of wrongful dismissal.

38 Correct answer(s):
B False
The labels attached by the parties (ie, ‘employee ‘and ‘employer’) are relevant but are not critical or
D False
The ability to delegate work indicates self-employment not employment.

39 Correct answer(s):
A The school is justified in dismissing Arthur without notice, as he has engaged in gross
misconduct and the school therefore has no liability, particularly since disciplinary and dismissal
procedures appear to have been followed.
This is not a wrongful dismissal because Arthur has engaged in gross misconduct justifying his
summary dismissal.

40 Correct answer(s):
A True
C True
It is calculated in the same way as a basic award for unfair dismissal (based on an employee’s age
and length of service).

41 Correct answer(s):
B False
C True

184 Law ICAEW 2021

Only working for one ‘employer’ and being given all the tools necessary to perform a role are both
indications of employment, not of being an independent contractor.

42 Correct answer(s):
D The notice period for termination of the employment
Notice periods do not have to be included in prescribed particulars.

43 Correct answer(s):
B If the employee is required to do something that is not in their employer’s best interest.
Provided the instruction is lawful, reasonable and within their employment contract, the employee is
bound to comply with it.

44 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
The requirements of Bespoke Windows Ltd for work of a particular type have ceased.
D No
An employee must have two years’ or more continuous employment with the same or an associated
employer at the relevant date, in order to be entitled to claim a statutory redundancy payment.

45 Correct answer(s):
B Six months
He should apply to the employment tribunal within six months of the relevant date of his dismissal by
reason of redundancy, although the tribunal has a (rarely exercised) discretion to allow a late claim
within the following six months also.

46 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
The requirements of Complete Gardens Ltd for work of a particular type have ceased.
C Yes
The new post, although at the same premises and for the same salary, would be perceived as being
lower in status and he is not bound to accept it, on the grounds that it is not suitable alternative
employment in accordance with the 1996 Act.

47 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Employees have the right not to be unfairly dismissed.
D No
Employees are paid net of income tax and national insurance contributions.

48 Correct answer(s):
A True
Where the worker undertakes a degree of financial risk, this is generally regarded as a factor
consistent with a contract for services.
C True

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 185
This power of limited delegation is consistent with Andrew being an employee.

49 Correct answer(s):
C The duty to protect an employee’s personal property while they are engaged in performing their
contractual duties
No such duty is implied at common law.

50 Correct answer(s):
D Where the loss suffered by the employee was less than the value of the award
Basic awards are governed by the Employment Rights Act 1996 and are made regardless of the
amount of loss suffered by an employee.

51 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Terms may be implied into a contract of employment by common law and by statute where no
express provision is made.
D No
The prescribed particulars may provide evidence of the terms of a contract of employment but the
written statement does not actually form part of that contract.

52 Correct answer(s):
A True
This is a duty implied at common law and owed by employers to their employees.
C True
Damages is the most likely remedy.

53 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Termination of a fixed-term contract before the expiry date constitutes a dismissal.
C Yes
Termination with no, or insufficient, notice constitutes a dismissal.

54 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Dismissal on the grounds of membership or non-membership of a trade union or the taking part in
protected industrial action is automatically unfair.
C Yes
Dismissal on such grounds is likely to be automatically unfair.

55 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False

186 Law ICAEW 2021

In order to be fairly dismissed on the grounds of lack of qualification, there must be a contractual
obligation to hold that qualification.

56 Correct answer(s):
B False
An employee must have at least two years’ continuous service in order to claim a statutory
redundancy payment.
C True
The employee must have been dismissed, laid off or put on short-time working in order to succeed
in a claim.

57 Correct answer(s):
B False
The Act also applies to manual files.
C True

58 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
C Yes

59 Correct answer(s):
B There is potential liability to (2) only
The company could be fined up to £17 million or 4% of its global turnover. Destruction of databases
is not a potential penalty under the Act.

60 Correct answer(s):
B False
The data controller is only required to take reasonable steps to ensure accuracy.
D False
There is no such obligation on the data controller. The data subject must request the information in
accordance with their right of access.

61 Correct answer(s):
B No
A claimant may be able to claim compensation if they can show that they have suffered damage as a
result of a contravention of the Act. It is not a right righted in the Act itself.
C Yes
This is one of the rights given by the Act to protect data subjects and is also known as the right ‘to be

62 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
All organisations are covered by the Act, being unincorporated makes no difference. Therefore, Amy
may exercise her right of access to her data.

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 187
C Yes
One of the principles of data protection is that the purpose for recording data must be made clear to
the data subject. The club is in breach of this principle because there is no information available to
members on the purpose for holding information about them.

63 Correct answer(s):
B False
All data pertaining to a data subject are accessible by the data subject whatever the form in which
they are held.
C True
The data subject has the right to have inaccurate data rectified.

64 Correct answer(s):
B No
D No
An employer processing data in compliance with employment law and processing of data for
academic purposes are both exemptions to the Data Protection Act 2018.

65 Correct answer(s):
B The fact that a person’s corporate employer is on the verge of insolvency.
The Act applies only to personal data, ie, data about individuals.

66 Correct answer(s):
C The Information Commissioner only regulates data protection in the UK.
The Information Commissioner only regulates data protection in the UK. They do not have the right
to seize hardware and only have to be notified of data breaches that affect the rights and freedoms
of individuals. They may issue fines, but these are capped at £17 million or 4% of global turnover.

67 Correct answer(s):
C Personal data shall not be kept for longer than is agreed between the data controller and the
data subject.
There is no applicable concept of agreement between the parties. The data shall not be held for
longer than is necessary for the purpose for which they are processed.

68 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
Copyright applies to music, film and art.
D No
Copyright is granted automatically and does not have to be applied for.

69 Correct answer(s):
D Trademark
Trademarks are used to protect product names and logos.

188 Law ICAEW 2021

70 Correct answer(s):
C Patent
Patents apply to inventions and products, such as machines or parts of machines.

ICAEW 2021 11: Employment, data protection and intellectual property law 189
190 Law ICAEW 2021
Chapter 12: Sample exam
1 Correct answer(s):
B False
Legislation often implies terms to protect the weaker party, notwithstanding any express provision in
the contract (for example the supply of Goods and Services Act 1982).
D False
An adult not of sound mind, for example, does not have capacity.

2 Correct answer(s):
C Unenforceable
A contract for the sale of land must be in writing.

3 Correct answer(s):
B No
The display constitutes an invitation to treat only.
C Yes
An offer is made by Matilda when she takes the roses to the till and proffers £6. The shopkeeper is
free to accept or reject that offer.

4 Correct answer(s):
C That the third party must be identified in some way in the contract
The third party must be identified. Either the contract must expressly provide that the third party can
enforce it or the term must confer a benefit on them (unless it appears that the contracting parties
did not intend them to be able to enforce the right). The Act allows enforcement of exclusion clauses
as well as positive rights.

5 Correct answer(s):
D A contract is likely to be deemed to exist and its terms will be a question of fact in all the
It is probably unrealistic to imagine that major works would have been undertaken with no contract
being in place. However, the terms of that contract will be a question of fact in all the circumstances
and cannot readily be assumed.

6 Correct answer(s):
C Derek is entitled to payment of the contract price less a reasonable amount in respect of the
omission made.
Substantial performance is a sufficient discharge of a party’s contractual obligations but entitles the
other party to seek redress in respect of the part not completed.

7 Correct answer(s):
A True
C True
The amount ordered to be paid will be such amount as the court considers just, having regard to all
the circumstances of the case.

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 191

8 Correct answer(s):
B False
C True
Fred’s breach entitles Ginger to treat the contract as discharged or to affirm the contract. It does not
automatically discharge the contract.

9 Correct answer(s):
B An exclusion clause can remove all liability for a party in regard to their breach of contract.
An exclusion clause can exclude liability altogether for a breach of contract. The contract need not be
signed for the clause to be incorporated, provided it can be shown that the person whose rights it
restricts was made sufficiently aware of the exclusion clause at the time of making the contract.
Exclusion clauses are interpreted against the party seeking to rely on them. In a signed contract, all
clauses are deemed binding, even if they have not been read.

10 Correct answer(s):
C The agent can be sued on the contract.
The agent effectively drops out of the picture. The third party can also be sued on the contract.

11 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False
It can be oral unless the agent is to execute a deed, in which case the appointment must be by deed.
It is usual to appoint an agent in writing in commercial transactions.

12 Correct answer(s):
B No
A principal cannot ratify a part of a contract only.
C Yes

13 Correct answer(s):
A True
C True

14 Correct answer(s):
B False
Damages are normally calculated to put the claimant in the position they would have been in, had
the contract been performed.
C True

15 Correct answer(s):
A True
D False

192 Law ICAEW 2021

This is unlikely to be sufficient. He must provide evidence of a body of professional opinion which the
court considers to be reasonable.

16 Correct answer(s):
B Nathan must pay damages of £15,000.
The court has already established the amount of loss and the proportion by which damages should
be reduced to reflect Esther’s contributory negligence.

17 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
D No
Although the incident happened during a business audit, the act was not closely connected with his

18 Correct answer(s):
B No
The liability of the members may be limited, but the liability of the company is always unlimited.
D No
If a shareholder (A) bought their shares from another shareholder (B), A’s liability is only in respect of
the shares’ nominal value. The unpaid amount of any premium is a debt owed by B. It does not pass
to A with the shares.

19 Correct answer(s):
A A statement that its subscribers wish to form a company.
A statement that subscribers wish to form a company is required in the memorandum of association.

20 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
By special resolution or otherwise as provided by its articles of association.
D No
The Secretary of State (or company names adjudicator) may order a change of name in certain

21 Correct answer(s):
B No
It is not a small company as it satisfies the criteria as to employees (under 50) but not turnover (up to
£10.2 million) and balance sheet (up to £5.1 million).
C Yes
A small company would be exempt (although 10% of its members could still require an audit) but
this company does not qualify for such an exemption.

22 Correct answer(s):
D Non-executive director

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 193

A de facto director is not formally appointed but, like a shadow director, is a director by virtue of their
conduct. An alternate director is appointed by a director.

23 Correct answer(s):
A True
Substantial property transactions (as well as loans and payments on retirement or loss of office)
require approval. The purchase of the limousine is a substantial property transaction because as it
exceeds £5,000 and 10% of the company’s asset value.
D False
Only guaranteed terms of two years or more require approval.

24 Correct answer(s):
B False
A director is not in breach of this duty where they act in accordance with the company’s constitution
or with an agreement, entered into after due consideration, that restricts the future exercise of a
director’s discretion.
C True

25 Correct answer(s):
A True
Members may amend the articles (including the re-allocation of director powers) by approving a
resolution containing the change.
D False
Members’ approval for director borrowing is not required unless the articles set a maximum
borrowing limit which the directors are seeking to exceed.

26 Correct answer(s):
B False
In the absence of any express provision, preference shares carry the same voting rights as ordinary
shares. Typically, however, preference shares are expressed not to carry voting rights (or only to carry
them in specified circumstances).
C True

27 Correct answer(s):
A True
C True

28 Correct answer(s):
A All of the above
The forfeiture or surrender of shares in accordance with a company’s articles where there is failure to
pay for them may also be permitted.

29 Correct answer(s):
C 21 days
Registration can be effected by the company or any person interested in the charge.

194 Law ICAEW 2021

30 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
An ordinary resolution is required.
C Yes
A court must be satisfied of both before it can make the necessary order.

31 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
It must notify any other qualifying floating charge holder and must satisfy the court that its floating
charge is enforceable.
D No
A qualifying floating charge holder cannot make an administration order once a company is in
liquidation (or administration or administrative receivership).

32 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
C Yes
Generally speaking, the administrator has all the powers of the directors in addition to some specific
powers conferred by the Insolvency Act 1986.

33 Correct answer(s):
B No
These provisions only apply where the fund available for distribution is at least £10,000.
D No
He should receive £100, as he ranks after all other claims listed.

34 Correct answer(s):
D It is an ordinary partnership because they are in business together and intend to make a profit
even though they make a loss.
No formal agreement is necessary. The ‘& Co’ after Damian does not mean that it is a company. Equal
sharing of profits does not necessarily mean that it is a partnership, since the same result could be
achieved in an incorporated business.

35 Correct answer(s):
B False
This is true of a limited liability partnership but not an ordinary partnership.
C True

36 Correct answer(s):
B False
They have an express agreement as to profit-sharing and so losses will be borne in the same
proportions as profits are shared.
D False

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 195

In the absence of express provision to the contrary, partners must agree unanimously on the
appointment of a new partner.

37 Correct answer(s):
A The profit sharing ratio between its members
The profit sharing ratio is not required. The other options all contain information that is needed to
register an LLP.

38 Correct answer(s):
B False
The 1998 Act is aimed at encouraging internal disclosure but it is not always appropriate or
C True

39 Correct answer(s):
B Both Danny and Carol might be guilty of fraudulent trading.
The offence can be committed by any person who is knowingly a party to the company’s business
being carried on with intent to defraud creditors.

40 Correct answer(s):
B No
Provided she can demonstrate that she would have purchased the shares in any event.
D No
Disclosing information in the course of employment is not an offence under the 1993 Act. Assuming
he did not also encourage Karl to buy, he has committed no offence.

41 Correct answer(s):
B False
Bribery may be committed by either the recipient or the offeror of the money or favour.
D False
The person bribed may be in public office or in business. They must be in a position of trust or
otherwise expected to perform their function or activity in good faith or impartially.

42 Correct answer(s):
B Xavier should report his suspicion of money laundering to the NCA because he is not bound by
client confidentiality or excused by legal professional privilege.
If the client had been worried that tax might not have been paid adequately and was seeking advice
in order to correct the situation, these would be privileged circumstances and provide a defence to a
failure to report, under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

43 Correct answer(s):
C A contract for services
Do not confuse with a contract of service which is another name for an employment contract
between an employer and an employee.

196 Law ICAEW 2021

44 Correct answer(s):
A Fred is not allowed to delegate his work.
Personal service is a necessary element of a contract of service. Although a limited ability to delegate
is acceptable, an absolute prohibition makes it more likely that it will be a contract of service. B, C
and D are all consistent with a contract for services.

45 Correct answer(s):
B No
An employee still makes social security contributions, but primary class 1 contributions rather than
class 2 and class 4 contributions.
C Yes
Where their employer has dismissed them in breach of their employment contract they can bring a
claim within six years of the date of their dismissal. An independent contractor cannot claim wrongful

46 Correct answer(s):
A The duty of fidelity
The duty of fidelity is a common law duty owed by an employee to their employer to provide faithful
service. Marmaduke is liable to be dismissed because he has acted in breach of this implied term of
his employment contract and will be liable to account to Fashions First Ltd for all the secret
commissions that he has received.

47 Correct answer(s):
A Yes
To establish constructive dismissal, Luca will have to prove that Brand Records Ltd committed a
serious breach of contract, she left because of the breach and that she did not affirm the contract.
D No
There is no need to prove anything in regards to her conduct.

48 Correct answer(s):
C Where an employee has been dismissed for enforcing their right to payment of the minimum
A, B and D are potentially fair reasons for dismissal under the Employment Rights Act 1996 (subject
to the requirement that the employer has acted reasonably in the circumstances), and require the
employee to have been continuously employed for at least two years at the employee’s effective
date of termination.

49 Correct answer(s):
B No
The Act protects individuals not business organisations.
D No
The company has 72 hours to report itself.

50 Correct answer(s):
C Statutory parental bereavement leave is for two weeks during which the employee is paid.

ICAEW 2021 12: Sample exam 197

Under the Parental Bereavement (Pay and Leave) Act 2018, parental bereavement leave lasts two
weeks during which the employee is paid.

198 Law ICAEW 2021

200 Law ICAEW 2021
Mock Exam guidance notes
Suggested structure for Mock Exams in 2021
Exam standard
The Mock Exam should be set at the same level of difficulty as that represented by the 2021 sample

Exam format
The Mock Exam should consist of 50 questions worth two marks each.

Style of exam questions

Each question should conform to the style used in the sample exam, ie:
• Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) (1 from 4); or
• 2-part MCQ (eg, 2 × ‘true or false’).
There is no partial marking, so all parts of a question must be answered correctly to obtain 2 marks.

Exam coverage and balance

A Mock Exam should have approximately the syllabus coverage and balance set out in the table

Syllabus area Weighting Number

% of

1 The impact of civil law on business and professional services 35 17

2 Company and insolvency law 40 20

3 The impact of criminal law on business and professional 10 5


4 The impact of law in the professional context 15 8

Total 100 50

ICAEW 2021 Appendix 201

The following matrix contains three sets of questions, selected from within this Question Bank.
Each one contains an appropriate balance of questions which form a ‘sample exam’ for you to
attempt. Note that the questions listed here are only examples of the nature of questions which may
be included – the actual exam questions may be on different topics.

Question Sample exam 1 Sample exam 2

1 Ch 1; Q 5 Ch 1; Q 14

2 Ch 1; Q 26 Ch 1; Q 20

3 Ch 1; Q 27 Ch 1; Q 22

4 Ch 1; Q 29 Ch 1; Q 25

5 Ch 1; Q 36 Ch 1; Q 37

6 Ch 2; Q 7 Ch 2; Q 4

7 Ch 2; Q 8 Ch 2; Q 10

8 Ch 2; Q 16 Ch 2; Q 11

9 Ch 3; Q 1 Ch 3; Q 2

10 Ch 3; Q 4 Ch 3; Q 3

11 Ch 3; Q 7 Ch 3; Q 11

12 Ch 3; Q 9 Ch 3; Q 14

13 Ch 3; Q 22 Ch 3; Q 15

14 Ch 4; Q 6 Ch 4; Q 7

15 Ch 4; Q 8 Ch 4; Q 12

16 Ch 4; Q 9 Ch 4; Q 13

17 Ch 4; Q 11 Ch 4; Q 15

18 Ch 5; Q 8 Ch 5; Q 9

19 Ch 5; Q 20 Ch 5; Q 17

20 Ch 5; Q 28 Ch 5; Q 22

21 Ch 5; Q 29 Ch 5; Q 25

22 Ch 6; Q 5 Ch 6; Q 2

23 Ch 6; Q 15 Ch 6; Q 6

24 Ch 6; Q 18 Ch 6; Q 10

25 Ch 6; Q 23 Ch 6; Q 14

26 Ch 6; Q 24 Ch 6; Q 20

27 Ch 6; Q 26 Ch 6; Q 29

28 Ch 7; Q 16 Ch 7; Q 17

29 Ch 7; Q 22 Ch 7; Q 24

30 Ch 7; Q 23 Ch 7; Q 25

31 Ch 8; Q 17 Ch 8; Q 14

202 Law ICAEW 2021

Question Sample exam 1 Sample exam 2

32 Ch 8; Q 19 Ch 8; Q 18

33 Ch 8; Q 27 Ch 8; Q 20

34 Ch 9; Q 5 Ch 9; Q 6

35 Ch 9; Q 14 Ch 9; Q 15

36 Ch 9; Q 18 Ch 9; Q 16

37 Ch 9; Q 24 Ch 9; Q 25

38 Ch 10; Q 1 Ch 10; Q 8

39 Ch 10; Q 9 Ch 10; Q 20

40 Ch 10; Q 18 Ch 10; Q 24

41 Ch 10; Q 42 Ch 10; Q 41

42 Ch 10; Q 44 Ch 10; Q 43

43 Ch 11; Q 4 Ch 11; Q 7

44 Ch 11; Q 13 Ch 11; Q 14

45 Ch 11; Q 15 Ch 11; Q 16

46 Ch 11; Q 27 Ch 11; Q 28

47 Ch 11; Q 40 Ch 11; Q 29

48 Ch 11; Q 54 Ch 11; Q 44

49 Ch 11; Q 57 Ch 11; Q 60

50 Ch 11; Q 68 Ch 11; Q 69

ICAEW 2021 Appendix 203

204 Law ICAEW 2021

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