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Foundation University

Foundation Preparatory Academy


Dumaguete City, 6200
Academic Year 2020-2021


Life Purpose
The life purpose of Foundation Preparatory Academy is to educate and develop individuals to become productive, creative, useful and responsible citizens of the society.

FPA longs to foster lifelong learners by empowering students to acquire, develop, exhibit, communicate and value knowledge and skills that will support them in meeting the demands of the technologically and
globally competitive status quo.

To equip students with access to meaningful learning experiences for them to learn, excel, contribute and succeed in this constantly changing society thus allowing them to hone their fields of interest to become
life – ready individuals.

1. To provide an adequate, well-rounded program of secondary education that will strengthen the development of the reading, writing and thinking skills which are essential in making one a versatile,
creative and responsible person;
2. To facilitate the acquisition of work skills, knowledge, information and a set of work ethics that will lead every student to his chosen vocation and help him attain economic self-sufficiency;
3. To provide worthwhile and wholesome co-curricular activities which would enhance the holistic development of the students for them to become good citizens;
4. To provide a learning environment that is conducive to the maintenance of good physical and mental health; and
5. To maximize the use of technology to support and enhance student’s learning and school operation.

Core Values

Grade Subject:
Level: Understanding Culture
Society and Politics
AUG 1. Starting
Points for the The Learners The learners The leaners The learners show:
demonstrate an
Understanding Understanding of:
of Culture,
Society, and
1. Human Cultural
a. Sharing variation, social 1, Acknowledge Group Sharing Understanding Service
Cultural differences, social human cultural
1. articulate UCSP11/12SPUIa- Formative Culture , Society
backgrounds of change and Political variation, social
observations on human 1 Assessments: and Politics by
cultural variation, • Individual
Students as Identities. differences, social social differences, Mariano M.
acting subjects. change, and political social change and
assignments Ariola
2. The significance identities. Political Identities • Interactive
of studying culture, lecture
society and politics
• Group
2. Demonstrate
b. Observations 2. adopt an open and Curiosity and Openness UCSP11/12SPUIa- assignments Reflection Paper
critical attitude toward to explore the origins
about social, 2  Class
3. the rationale for social, political and and dynamics of culture
Political and studying cultural phenomenon and society and discussion
Cultural anthropology, through observation political Identities. Summative
phenomena Political Science and and reflection Assessment
Sociology 3. Analyze Social, UCSP11/12SPUIa-  Short and
c. Observation 3. appreciates the Political and Cultural 3 Long Quiz
4. value of disciplines of Change. Advocacy
on Social, Assessment: Planning
Political and Sociology and Political  Performance-
Cultural Change Science as Social based
Sciences. UCSP11/12SPUIb- assessment
d. 4. Recognize the 4
common concerns or
Anthropology, intersections of
Political anthropology,
Science, and Sociology, and Political
Sociology Science with Respect to
the phenomenon of
5. Identify the subjects 5
of inquiry and goals of
anthropology , Political
Science, and Sociology

SEP B. Defining
Culture and
Society from
perspective of
and sociology

UCSP11DCS/Ic--6 Formative Pre-learning Integrity

a. Society as a 1. Culture and 1. appreciate the 1. Explain Activity
group of people Society as nature of culture Anthropological Assessments:
sharing a anthropological and society from and sociological • Individual Venn
common culture and sociological the perspectives of perspectives on assignments Diagram/Compare
• Interactive and Contrast
concepts anthropology and culture and society lecture
sociology. UCSP11DCS/Ic--7 • Group
2.Perspective in/ assignments
approaches to the  Class
2. Culture as a study of culture 2. Demonstrate a 2. describe society discussion Movie Marathon
complex whole and society (i.e., holistic and culture as a Summative (Criticizing Movie
(Belief, Values, Comparative, understanding of complex whole Assessment entitled Mumbaki)
Laws, Norms, Historical, culture and  Short and
Artifacts, structural- society. UCSP11DCS/Ic--8 Long Quiz
symbols, functional, Assessment:
knowledge). interpretive,  Performance-
critical. based
3. Aspects of 3. Values Cultural 3. Identify aspects UCSP11DCS/Id—
assessment Pre-learning
Culture. heritage and of culture and 9
Express pride of society
place without Poem making
being ethnocentric.
4. 4. Raise questions 10
Reflection and
Ethnocentrism toward a holistic Essay making base
and appreciation of on the
Xenocentrism culture and documentary film
and Cultural societies. UCSP11DCS/Id- COLOR OF
5. Become aware of Take home activity
why and how (threats of cultural
cultural relativism relativism)

6. Identify forms of
tangible heritage
and threats to these.
OCT C. Looking Back at Human
Biocultural and sociological

1. Biological and Cultural

evolution: From Homo Habilis Formative Pre Learning Commitment
Homo Sapiens in the Fossil
1. The Human 1. Analyze key 1. Trace the UCSP11HBS/Id-12 Assessments: Activity
record. Origins and the features of biological and
• Individual
capacity for culture interrelationships of cultural evolution of Group
biological, cultural early to modern assignments
2. Cultural and sociopolitical Recitation
and sociopolitical humans, • Interactive
evolution: From hunting and UCSP11HBS/Id-13
gathering to the agricultural; 2. The role of culture processes in human lecture Photo Journal
industrial, and postindustrial in human adaptation evolution that can 2. Explore the • Group of the
revolutions. still be used and significance of assignments -Human
a. The Neolithic Revolution. developed. human material  Class Evolution and
b. Early civilization and the rise remains and
of state. discussion their
3. Processes of artefactual evidence Summative definitions
c. Democratization.
cultural and in interpreting Assessment -Museums in
sociopolitical cultural and social, the Philippines
evolution including political UCSP11HBS/Id-14  Short and
and economic Long Quiz
processes Assessment:
 Performance-
3. Recognize based
national, local, and assessment
museums, and
archaeological and
historical sites as
venues to
appreciateand reflect
on the complexities
of biocultural and
social evolution as
part of being and
becoming human
Becoming a member of
1. Enculturation/Socialization.
a. Identify formation
(Identities, Disciplines, and UCSP11BMS/Ig-15
b. Norms and Values
c. statuses and roles (e.g. age, 1. Identify norms and
gender) 1. How individuals values to be Commitment
2. Conformity and Deviance learn culture and observed in the
a. Social Control (Gossip, become competent interacting with
Social Ostracism, Laws and members of society. others society and 1. Explain the UCSP11BMS/Ig-16 Formative
Punishment) the consequences of development of Assessments: Pre-learning
b. Forms of deviance ignoring these rules. one’s self and others • Individual Activity
(ritualism, retreatism, as a product of
assignments Debate
rebellion, and innovation) 2. How individuals socialization of
3. Human Dignity, rights, and should behave as part enculturation
• Interactive (Gender Role:
2. Assess the rules of
lecture Male vs.
the common good. of political social interaction to
• Group Female)
community. maintain stability of
everyday life and the assignments
role of innovation in UCSP11BMS/Ig-17  Class
response to problems 2. Identify the discussion
and challenges. content, context and Summative
consequences of UCSP11BMS/Ig-18 Assessment Reaction Paper
3. Recognize the enculturation and  Short and - Extra Judicial
value of human socialization UCSP11BMS/Ig-19 Long Quiz Killing
rights and promote
NO the common goal. Assessment: -
V E. How Society is organized  Performance- Government’s
based COVID
1. Groups within Society: assessment response
Primary and Secondary. 3. Identifies the -Justice in the
2. In-groups and Out Groups Social Goals and the Philippine
3. Reference group socially acceptable society.
4. Networks means of achieving
DEC F. Cultural, Social and UCSP12HSO/Iii-20
Political Institution 4. advocate inclusive
1. Kinship, Marriage, and the citizenship

2. Political and Leadership 5. Promote

structures. protection of human UCSP12HSO/Iii-21
1. Cultural, Social, dignity, rights and
3.Economic Institution and Political 1. Analyze aspects of common good
institution as sets of social organization.
4. Non-state Institution norms and patterns of UCSP12HSO/IIj-22 Commitment
behavior that relate to 2. Identify one’s role in
5. Education major social interests social groups and
6. Religion and Belief system
2. Social UCSP12HSO/IIj-23
Stratification as the 3. Recognize other
7. Health forms of economic
ranking of individuals UCSP12HSO/IIa-24
transaction such as
according to wealth,
sharing, gift exchange,
power and prestige. redistribution in his/her
1. Traces Kinship Formative
own society ties and social Assessments:
3. Social and Political networks
UCSP12HSO/IIb-25 • Individual
inequalities as
features of societies assignments
and the global UCSP12HSO/IIf-26 • Interactive
community. lecture Leadership
• Group Activity
UCSP11HSO/IIf-27 assignments -
2. describe the  Class
organized nature of discussion
social life and rules UCSP11HSO/IIg-28 Summative
governing behavior Assessment
 Short and
Long Quiz
3. Complete Assessment: Pre-learning
different social Activity
 Performance-
forms as social Create a
organization based genealogy in a
UCSP11HSO/IIg-29 assessment
according to their creative
manifest and latency manner.
4. Analyze Social Assessments:
and Political • Individual
Structure. assignments
• Interactive
5. Analyze lecture
economic • Group
organization and its assignments
impacts on the lives  Class
of people in the
6. differentiate Assessment
functions of non-  Short and
state institution in Long Quiz
society. Assessment: Impromptu
 Performance- speech
7. Evaluate how based
functions of assessment
education affect the UCSP11HSOI/IIc-30 Formative
lives of people
8. Promote Primary UCSP11HSOI/IId-31 • Individual
Education as human assignments
rights • Interactive
UCSP12HSO/IIe-32 lecture
• Group
9. Conduct assignments
participant  Class
observation (e.g discussion
attend describe and Summative
reflect on a religious Assessment
ritual of a different  Short and
group: observe Long Quiz
election practices) Assessment:
33  Performance-
10. Recognize the based
practice of medical assessment
pluralism in light of
cultural diversity
and relativism Formative
• Individual
• Interactive
• Group
G. Social and Political  Class
a. Social Desirables (Wealth, Summative
power and Prestige) Assessment
 Short and
b. Social Mobility System Long Quiz
i. Open (class)
ii. Closed (Caste)
 Performance-
c. Social Inequality based
i. Access to social, political, assessment
and symbolic capital.
ii. Gender inequalities
iii. Ethnic Minorities 11. examine
iv. other minorities (person stratification from
with disabilities) the functionalist and
v. Global inequalities conflict
(relationships between states and perspectives.
non-state actors in the global
12. Identify
characteristics of the
H. Cultural, Social, and systems of
Political Change Sources of The 1. Evaluates factors stratification UCSP11/12CSC-IIi-
social, Cultural, and Political agents/Institutions, causing social, 34
Change. processes, and Political, and Cultural 13. suggest ways to
1. Innovation outcomes of cultural, Change address global
2. Diffusion
political and Cultural inequalities.
3. Acculturation and 2. Advocate how
change. human Societies Formative Group
4. Social contradictions and should adapt to such Assessments:
tensions (e.g Inter-ethnic changes Reporting
conflicts, Class (struggles, armed
• Individual
conflict, terrorism, protest, assignments
gender issues) • Interactive
UCSP11/12CSC/IIj- lecture Commitment
I. New Challenges to human 1. Identify new 35 • Group
adaptation and social change. challenges faced by
1. Global Warming and Climate
human populations  Class
in Contemporary
2. Transnational migration and discussion
Overseas Filipino Workers societies Poster Making
Summative Insights Paper
(OFW’s) Assessment
 Short and Service
Long Quiz
J. Responding to social,  Performance-
Political, and Cultural change Journalizing
1. Inclusive Citizenship and
assessment Top 10
participatory governance
2.New forms of media and social
and networking
Problems of
3.Social movements (e.g., Societies in
environmentalism, Feminism) 2000-to present

2. Describe How
human societies
adapt to new Group
challenges in the reporting
physical, social, and
cultural environment
3. Develop a plan of planning
action for
response change Collaborative

Prepared by:

Genesis Gamaliel R. Montecino, LPT

Social Science Teacher

Reviewed by

Laceda L. Cabasag
Social Science Subject Area Coordinator

Noted by:

Elisha Mae J. Manalo

FPA Librarian
Approved by:

Marthom Nikkolaus C. Flores

FPA-SHS Principal

Aljun B. Selorio
FPA Administrator

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