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Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours from: 02 December 2020, 09:00 GMT


NEBOSH learner 00511556
Learning Partner name 335-RRC International

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taken their course with a Learning Partner called GMMTA International will name their
Towlson Dominic, 12345678, GMMTA International

Task 1: Managing risks for those working from home

Question 1
The organization's approach to managing risk to those working from work can be deemed as one
of the best and evidence abound in the scenario to attest to the fact the organization is fully
commited to effectively and efficiently manage the risk of those working from home. From the
scenario, management has ensured that first, the health and safety advisor has a written
procudure and guidance on best practice for home working. The intention among others is to
guide workers to reduced or escape home-work related incident (near misses, ill health,
accidents, property damage). Management has also set up a work station in a home working
environment to enable workers function same as they would have functioned in the office. The
use of video conferencing facilities for business business meetings and client contact is to afford
workers the opportunity to function effectively without stress. Management also organized a
computer based meetings to maintain social contact. There is also a one-to-one meeting for
those who are reluctant to share certain vital information during meetings. All these
arrangements instituted all point to the direction the organization is fully committed to managing
the workers risks.

Task 2: Communicating health and safety

Question 2
The following examples from the scenario shows that communication is used effective by the
organization. First of all, the organization organizes forums to allow to raise workers raise
workers. Also, one-to-one meeting are arranged for those who are relucted to discuss things
during team meeting to share vital information. Again, the distribution of written procedures and
guidance on best practice for home work to the entire workplace is a good communication tool.
Similarly, the optimization of technology to enable remote home working which include video
conferencing facilities for business meetings and client contact. To enhance workers mental well-
being, the organization has instituted a 30 minute computer based team meetings
communication model at a weekly basis with the intention of enabling social contacts with
colleages. E-mail and posters are also effective communication tools employed effectively across
the organization based on the scenario. With all these communication tools and channels being
deployed, it is evident that the organization is communicating effectively.

Task 3: Benefits of certification to an ISO occupational health and safety

management system standard to the organisation

Question 3
ISO 451001 is a management standard that qualifies an organization to be audited externally. A
successful certification to this management system shows that the organization has a robust
safety management system that can demonstrate to other business partners (clients) that it can
stand the test of time when it comes to scrutinity. The ISO certificate has the ability for growth
and cost saving. In reference to the scenerio, because the organization has an internationally
recognized occupational health and safety management standard, it has made the organization
more efficient, recognizable and attracted important corporate client. Looking at the benefits and
recognition that the organization's occupational health and safety certification provides, any
attempt to not renew its certification will have dire consequences for organization which will
bring about direct and indirect cost not excluding the possibility of the organization loosing key
business partners.
Task 4: Applying further control measures

Question 4
Based on the scenario, the following are some of the administrative measures the organization is
planning to take to limit the spread of the virus and keep workers safe and health. The Managing
Directior collaborates with the Facilites Manager and Health and Safety Advisor to plan a possible
return following govermnent's advice allowing people to work by carrying out a specific virus risk
assessment with input from worker representatives. The Health and Safety Advisor also visits an
organization at a more advance stage of implementing virus management measures is a good
benchmarking aimed at keeping workers safe. Also, E-mail, including a detailed step-by-step
approach to thoroughly washing hands and other hygiene procedures to be sent to all workers
intends to keep workers. Poster mounted at all washrooms to improve hygiene safety is a step in
the right direction at keeping workers safe and healthy should they return to work. New hand
sanitizing procedures to be written and relay during remote computer team meetings and made
available for reference on the company intranet is also a further administrative measure aimed at
ensuring worker safety. Development of work instructions on social distancing measures and
procedures for wearing personal protective equipement especially when working in enclosed
rooms is also a good administrative control. Posting of additional social distancing measures to
manage transmission on the company intranet is also widely being considered. Updating of the
first-aid policy, fire evacuation arrangements and other emergency procedures. Reporting of any
virus related ill-health cases to relevant authorities are all intended to make the workplace safe
for the workers should they return to work.

Task 5: Influencing behaviour to improve performance

Question 5
Based on the scenario, the organization will be effective in positively influencing the workers to
adopt to the new control measures in place based of the underlisted activities the organization
intends to carry out. First of all, the orgazination intends to provide adequate training, with
associated presentations devised and workshops held. Secondly, the organization will equip its
supervisors and managers to effectively implement and efficiently monitor the new arrangements
through scheduled behavioural safety observations and safety tours. Also, after trainings and
workshops have been provided to workers, it would be expected of them to adopt to the new
normal, however, workers who reluctantly refuse to adopt to the new control measures in place
and intentionally break the rule will be to made to face disciplinary procedure. Again, the
organization's planned revision of its policies for visitors and contractors will go a long influence
behaviour to improve performance. Should all these arrangements go on smoothly as anticipated
then the organization can positively influence workers behaviour to improve performance.

Task 6: Checking management system effectiveness through auditing

Question 6 (a)
Workplace audit is typically conducted annually whereas workplace inspection are usually done
on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly on a routine basis. Again, the overall objective of audit is
to assess an organization's health and safety management system whiles inspections are limited
to evaluating the effectiveness of an organization's control measures. Considerable resources and
detailed planning is required when it comes to audit however, the inspector's time is an adequate
resource when it comes to workplace inspections. Audit findings are typically captured in a long,
comprehensive report outlining areas of concern and weaknesses in the management system but
inspection reports are short in identifying key corrective actions required. Audit is a strategic tool
aimed at addressing long term progress whereas inspection focuses on activities and equipment
at operational level.

Question 6 (b)
The benefits of an external audit is to bring about experience and best practices to bear from
different organizations and workplaces. External auditors are independent and for that matter
cannot be subjected to internal influence of any sort. External auditors posses fresh and wider
pair of eyes to capture wider range of issues which ordinarily internal auditors may overlook. the
work and recommendations of external auditors carry a lot of weight. External auditors auditors
posses topnotch auditing skills and have good knowledge of industry or legal standards as
compared to internal auditors.

Task 7: Identifying data used to monitor health and safety performance

Question 7
The following data could be collected and use as indicators to determine the effectiveness of the
organizaton's health and safety performance.
1. The rate and frequency at which all workers wear face and nose mask.
2. The provision of hand washing stations and supply of hand sanitizers.
3. Ensuring social distancing protocols among workers.
4. Scheduled trainings and workshops and presentation of virus risk assessment.
5. Adequate supervision
6. Safety tours and inspection.
7. Review of visitor and contractor policies.
8. Fire, first-aid and emergency procedures in place.
9. Reporting of any virus related illness cases to relevant authorities.
10. Virus risk assessment procedures.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 309 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

Documents and sources For example: course notes, HSG245

of information you used
in your examination

End of examination
Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents can
found on the NEBOSH website:

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