Gschopf Eva Death in Schenectady Ny Gazette 09-09-1969 Highlighted

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$,--1969 GAZETTE PHONE 374-4141

Seeks National Spiritual Revival— Tribute Paid Top Model Falls From Tree
First Congress on Evangelism Convenes Dirksen as
To Her Death Near Woodstock
By BENNET BOLTON .always the same, and the fact,of It accused the congress parti-1 Ism that marked evangelical Senate Man
WOODSTOCK (AP) — A fall Miss Gschopf in an automobile [multiple lacerations of the left
AP Religion Writer their getting together under onelcipants of silence about "the sin Protestantism in American ear from a pine tree took the life | trunk to a Kingston hospital, Jung.
•'"MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) roof has upset some church as-jof fellowship with the unfruitful ly this century'—that major (Continued From Page One) of one of the world's top fashion Fourteen young people had
— More than 5,000 churchmen sociations that stand fast on: works of darkness" of major de- goals would be "to lift both the R-Maine, placed a yellow marl- models — Eva Gschopf — and a jnear this southeastern New York been staying regularly in the
mpt Monday in the* fjr?t U^-jjhejr^own^onsjr^at^rn.
Congress on Evangelism, hop-I hop-} The
The" American
Amencan Council of
jnominations active in the. ecu- spiritual and the temporal
menicai — or tnnsuan u m ^ ^ ^ n s DoTlman
Jbur gold with a white ribbon on the
f man" and to Trdemon,-[empty ~froTn~fow~aTesk~"or"tHe- corpner said Monday laboratory j resort,
rock- rc'
recently linked to the
-rol 1-setr commune this summer, the cor.
tests would be made to com-^
ing to dispel current unrest over {Christian
j Christian Churches,
Churches, an
an organi-j
movement. ItIt saidsaid such
such church-,
church-•ssttrraattee practical
practi< Christian unity; Senate Republican leader. plete the official investigation. They had no telephone at their oner saicTT
Christian'priorities by sparking zation of small independent esjyactice an evangelism of ex-! through witness." "He loved his marigolds," Coroner William S. Keyser grounds, which State Police said Miss Gschopf had been living
a national spiritual revival. , sects, issuedfroirritsTieadquar pediency "which turns soft on Dr. Graham, who is honorary!Mrs. Smith said. told reporters, however, that consisted of 20 or 30 tents and in New York City and planned
Before the Rev. Billy Graham ;ters at Valley Forge. Pa., a dec- sin." chairman of the congress and j Senate Democratic Leader the 22-year-old, blue-eyed red- at least one log cabin-type build- to this
return to her home in Vienna
week. She had spent sever,
Opened the week-long meeting laration asking the religious The Minnesota Baptist Con whose evangelistic organization Mike Mansfield of Montana for- head from Austria was alone in ing in the wooded hills of the
with an evening service in Min-; congress here to "abandon the vention, at its own recent an^ ^ _ al monthshi New York to be
has nationwide headquarters jmally announced tK& death of..the tree Sunday night when she Catskili Mountainst photographed\by Guy Bourdirj
neapolis' convention hall, two concept of ecumenical evangel- nual meeting, had also attackedj j ' ^ . b 1 cx*"ks""from the convention i Dirksen—although eVe* *nntiftppled hile on an outing with The fragile. 5-foot-7 model was
strtei Fundamentalist groups ism." the Congress on Evangelism. Itj nal j n a d designated the eve of i the room already knew it w for the September issue of Har-
said in a resolution that the 1*.group from a so-called com- pronounced dead sodn after ar- pers Bazaar.
criticized the congress as un-j "Multiplied thousands have the congress Sunday as a spe- A great chair across the im une. There was no indication rival at the hospital". Keyser
godly and soft on sin. j joined the churches who have meeting would be "an ungodly cial day of prayers. aisle stands empty," MansfieidTjhe, had been pushed or other said an autopsy showed that The results of State Police
The congress has drawn {never been born into the king- mixture of saved and lost per- "We are asking God." he said. "The Senate has lost a wise purposely killed, Keyser death came from internal hem- laboratory tests of the remains
preachers, pastors and laymen dom of God." said the ACCC. sons." said, "to meet with us in Minne- Senate man*. . .* * said in Kingston. orrhaging. Rib fractures suf- probably will not be known for
from 100 major and minor Pro- "These benighted souls, de- The Rev. Dr. Oswald C. J. apolis a couple of weeks, Keyser said.
testant denominations. Their ceived and duped by dead for- Hoffmann, prominent Lutheran, m e a n s and , use
, . the Congress as a. "His uniqueness is the stuff of Members of the group took fered in the fall had caused In New York City, Eileen
ways of interpreting the Bible raalism and the social gospel, radio preacher and chairman of | ,of bringing aa national legends and he leaves here a Ford of the Ford Model Agency
the congress, said the congress spiritual awakening to our na- permanent imprint and an en-
and looking at theology are not [are on their way to hell."
would . . .be seeking
.. -.."a more ur- tion." during echo," he said.
gent declaration of the Gospel to The congress is believed the Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylva-
our generation and reestablish- b i g g e s t interdenominational nia, the acting Republican lead-
State's Tax Revenue termed the death "a terrible
loss to us."
"She was one of the top 10
models in the world, one of the
ment of the original strategy for gathering of American evange e r , called Dirksen a citizen-pa
universal evangelism —the wit- listic leaders in history. A World jtriot. "At the going down of the
nessing church." Congress on Evangelism was sun and in the morning, we will
$2.2 Billion in 1969 great young models," Mrs. Ford
added. She was a wonderful
girl. She was just" like a little
_Dr. Hoffmann upset the ACCC held in Berlin, Germany, in 1966 • remember him," Scott said. ALBANY (UPI) - State tax makes to Increased revenues kid. What a waste of life to fall
and the state Baptist body by with 1,200 participants. It The Senate then adopted a collections for the first five will be countered by Ihe spiral- out of a tree." .
going on to say—in a clear de- pledged to "evangelize a spiritu- resolution of "profound sorrow months of the fiscal year ing advance in costs that the
parture from the fundamental- ally barren world." and deep regret," as is tradi- amounted to $2.2 billion, pn in- same inflation produces." Schenectady Gazette owned
tional upon the death of a mem- crease of more than $400 million •The comptroller said tax col- and published daily except
ber. compared with the same period lections for last months amount- Sundays by Daily Gazette
Increased Security * * #
A second - resolution Invited
last year.
* # *
ed to $299 million over August Co., 332 State Street, Sche-
1968. The income tax yield for
Nixon and members of the "The steady acceleration in August was $158 million, com- nectady, New York 1230L
House of Representatives— the personal income tax collec- pared with $136 million last
Urged at Binghamton where Dirksen served for 16 tions is a clear demonstration year.
years—to memorial services in that the inflation continues un- For the first five months of
the rotunda. checked," Comptroller Arthur the fiscal year, Levitt said in-
Eleanor F. Green
John E. N. Hume Jr.
BINGHAMTON W-Pressure Troopers said the attacker ap- Dirksen will be the fourth sen- Levitt said Monday. Secretary
for increased security measures parently first "set upon the Free- ator to lie in state there. Lead- He said the income tax for to 45.2 per cent of the $2.4 bil- tax collections amounted
David C. Hume
at the State University were man girl attacking her with a ers of the Senate an dHouse the first five months of the lion^forcast for the year in the Treasurer
building Monday in the wake of blunt instrument. They said he make the decision as to who will year produced $1,119,000,000, executive budget summary. Iu
Business the brutal attack on two women then attacked the James girl, be paid final honors in the ro- compared with $567,000,000 a the first five months of the last
students in their room Sunday. who hit him on the hand and tunda.
year ago. fiscal year, income tax collec-
Second class postage paid
the Schenectady Post Of-
fice. Mail subscriptions are
* * * drove him from the building.
Administration Binghamton, said that-a larger Troopers said they could find
Since 1900 more than 96,500 "This is alarming new^ijtions amounted to 40.3 per cent payable in advance $15.00
Peter Vukasin, acting presi- Both girls"-were hospitalized aliens have becormKyenezuelan Levitt said, "for, it's clear that of the actual yield for the fis- per year.
dent^otSthe university-center-in after the jssaujL— citizens.- ' ..__-_,• whatever, contribution inflation gal-year.—— , ^. —==—L
SCCOUNTINIT^ security force is high on the no motive for the attack.
list of priorities discussed at a Miss James' address was giv-
Any bank can
meeting of school officials. en as 7 Star Lane, Glen CQve,
The coeds, Melanie D. James Long Island, and Miss Free-
Complete College Courses from 9 to 11 Months and Nora E. Freeman, both man's as 1020 Deer Park Ave.,
about 20, were attacked while Babylon.
Ofher Courses at Spencer's . . . sleeping in their room. Miss : - »~ .
Freeman was beaten unconsci-
ous but Miss James was able
to drive off the-attacker.-
Earlier Rites
STENOTYPE— - State Police said.the unidenti-
- — W » h - t B M - K * y PUHctr—
Machine Shorthand
fied assailant had entered the
building through a window in an
For-Ho See»—
STENOGRAPHIC Beginner and Review
FUNDEMENTALS OF unoccupied • room on the first PARIS (AP) - The funeral of
COURT REPORTING ACCOUNTING floor.of the.dormatory. . Ho Chi Minh might be advanced
GREGG REVIEW * • * • # to Tuesday instead of Wednes-
• Community Colleges Ac- • Accredited by NYS Board Vukasin said. Monday that day, the date originally set for
cept Our Transfer Credits of Regents and veterans there are immediate, plans to the services, a spokesman at
fix all ground floor windows so the North Vietnamese • delega-
iNTERVIEWS BEING HELD DAILY that they will not open more tion to the Paris peace talks
I Between 9 AM and 3 PAA than four inches. Presently they said Monday .night.
open 12 inches The spokesman-said the-dele-j
Night School Begins Oct. 7 He also announced plans tolpation had received conflicting j
hire three additional security communiques from_Hanoi. One|
BUSINESS officers as soon as possible.
SPENCER announced the funeral would be j
Vukasin asserted that the Tuesday and another, received';
INSTITUTE state university system has later, suggested again it would
made repeated requests for be Wednesday.
404 UNION STREET funds to hire more security per- The delegation was awaiting
374-7619 sonnel but had had no success clarifying information, the;
Lwith the.legislature .spQkejirn^ri_saidi

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