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STATEMENT OF cenerecmecene gang, | FINANCIAL INTERESTS TAST NAME — FIRST NAME — MIDDLE NAME SUAREZ, FRANCIS XAVIER MAILING ADDRESS JOFFICE OF THE MAYOR, 13500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE cry ZF COUNTY Mian 33133 MIAMI-DADE CHECK ONLY IF (CANDIDATE OR —O) NEWEMPLOYEE OR APPOINTEE: Hd 08 NOP 120 4S **** THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED * DISCLOSURE PERIOD: ‘THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS YOUR FINANCIAL INTERESTS FOR CALENDAR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2020, MANNER OF CALCULATING REPORTABLE INTERESTS: FILERS HAVE THE OPTION OF USING REPORTING THRESHOLDS THAT ARE ABSOLUTE DOLLAR VALUES, WHICH REQUIRES FEWER CALCULATIONS, OR USING COMPARATIVE THRESHOLDS, WHICH ARE USUALLY BASED ON PERCENTAGE VALUES (see instructions for futher details). CHECK THE ONE YOU ARE USING (must check one): (Z] COMPARATIVE (PERCENTAGE) THRESHOLDS OR [] _ DOLLAR VALUE THRESHOLDS PART A PRINARY SOURCES OF INCOME. [najor sources of noone fo te feporing pean See nat uchons] {ityou have nothing to report, write "none" oF “nla") NAME OF SOURCE SOURCES: DESCRIPTION OF THE SOURCE’S OF INCOME: ADORESS PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY sreenspoon Marder LLP. [600 Brickell Ave, Ste 3600, Miami, FL33131_[Attomey - Of Counsel PART 8 SECONDARY SOURCES OF INCONE [Majer customers, cents, and other sources of income fo businesses owned bythe reporting Berson - See instructions) {if you have nothing to reper, write “none or “nla") NAME OF NAME OF MAJOR SOURCES ADDRESS PRINGIPAL SUSINESS BUSINESS ENTITY (OF BUSINESS INCOME OF SOURCE ACTIVITY OF SOURCE NA PRTC “REAL PROPERTY [Lano, butonge owned by Me eponiig person See raruchons] (if you have nothing to report, write "none" or "n3") 3625 Battersea Road, Miami, FL 33133, "You are not limited tothe space on the Hines on this form, Attach adltional sheets, i necessary. FILING INSTRUCTIONS for when And where to file this form a Tocated atthe bottom of page 2. 1671 SW 32 Avenue, Miami, FL 33145 120 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, FL 33134 INSTRUCTIONS on who must fle this form and how to fil out begin on page 3 Tas ‘emnnant on wane ba Tae (if you have nothing to report, write “none” or "nla") TYPE OF INTANGIBLE Florida Prepaid Savings Account PART D — INTANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY (Stocks, bonds, certificates of deposi, et, ee instuctons| BUSINESS ENTITY TO WHICH THE PROPERTY RELATES. PART E— LIABILITIES [Major dedts - See instructor (if you have nothing to report, write "none" of “nla") NAME OF CREDITOR ADDRESS OF CREDITOR City National Bank [25 West Flagler Street, Miami, FL 33130 {if yeu have nothing to report, write “none or "ni NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY PART F — INTERESTS IN SPECIFIED BUSINESSES [Ownership or positions in certain types of businesses ~ BUSINESS ENTITY #1 ausiess enfiyy #2 | “ [ADORESS OF GUSINESS ENTITY NIA PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY POSITION HELD WITH ENTITY OWN MORE THAN A St INTEREST IN THE BUSINESS| NATURE OF MY OWNERSHIP INTEREST Date Signed: June 30, 2024 FILING INSTRUCTIONS: Ifyou were mailed the form by the Commission on Ethics or a County ‘Supervisor of Elections for your annual disclosure fling, return the form to that location, To determine what category your positon falls under, see page 3 of instructions, Local officers/employees file with the Supervisor of Elactions lof the county in which they permanent reside. (It you do not Permanently reside in Flovida, fie with the Supervisor of the county wivere your agency has its headquarters.) Form 1 filers who fle with the Supervisor of Elections may file by mail or email. Contact your [Supervisor of Elections for the maling address or email address to use. Do-not emai your form to the Cammission on Ewes, will ba retuned State officers or specified state employees who Sle wth the Commission on Ethics may fle by. mal ot emaly To "lo by mal Send the completeg form to P20, Drawer 15703, Talanassee, FL 52317-5709; physieal address” 325 John Knox Ra, Biag E, Ste 200, alahasseo, FL'32503. To ‘file with the Commission by emai, scan your completed form and any attachments as 2 pa (do not use any ther format), send ito, CEFormi@leg stae-ius an retain a copy for your records. Dono’ ie by both mal and email. Choose only one fling method. Form 68 wil not be accepted via email PART G— TRAINING For elected municipal officers, appointed school superintendents, and commissioners of a community redevelopment ‘agency created under Pat Il, Chapter 163 required to Complete annual eis traning pursuant to section 112.3142, FS. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE COMPLETED THE REQUIRED TRAINING. IF ANY OF PARTS A THROUGH G ARE CONTINUED ON A SEPARATE SHEET, PLEASE CHECK HERE CI CPA or ATTORNEY SIGNATURE ONLY i ceties pubic accountant censes under Chapter 473, or atlomey in good standing with the Farida ar prepared ths form fr you, he oF she must complete the following statement \ prepared te CE | Form Tim accordance with Section 712.3745, Fonda Statutes, and the | ssrucions tothe form. Upon my reasonable knowledge and bel, the } cisciosurenerein is tue and correc, CCPAAtomey Signature: Date Signed Candidates fle this form together with their fling papers. MULTIPLE FILING UNNECESSARY: A candidate who files a Form 4 with @ qualifying officer isnot required to file with the Commission or Supervisor of Elections WHEN TO FILE: Initialy, each local oficeriemployee, state officer, and specified state employee must fle within 30 days of the date of his or her appointment of of the beginning of emipioyment Appointees who must be confirmed by the Senate must fie prior to ‘confirmation. even if tat glass than 80 days from the date of their appointment Candidates must fle at the same time they fle their qualiying papers, Thereafter, fle by July 1 following each calendar year in which they hold their positons Finally, fle a final disclosure form (Form 1) within 69 days of leaving office or employment Fling a CE Form 1F (Final Statement of Financial Interests) does not relieve tn fler of fling a CE Form 1 ifthe fler was in his or her postion on December 31, 2020. FRANCIS X. SUAREZ MAYOR STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS (CONTINUED) Additional BOARDS to be included with my 2020 Statements of Financial Interests: Transportation Planning Organization Mayor" s Council on Global Competitiveness Miami Technology Council Miami -Dade County League of Cities Florida League of Cities United States Conference of Mayors Executive Committee United Nations Global Commission on Climate Adaptation Global Center on Climate Adaptation Board gore Ha oe NAr 10

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