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DOCTRINE OF ACTUS guarantee that the accused x x x as far back as the year

NON FACIT REUM, NISI ought to be presumed innocent 1884, when the Penal Code took
MENS SIT REA until and unless his guilt is effect in these Islands until the
>A crime is not committed if established beyond reasonable 31st of December, 1931, the
the mind of the person doubt. principle underlying our laws
performing the act granting to the accused in
complained of is innocent. Intimately intertwined with the certain cases an exception to the
in dubio pro reo principle is the general rule that laws shall not
Reference:  De Guzman vs rule of lenity. It is the doctrine be retroactive when the law in
People, GR 166502 (2008) that "a court, in construing an question favors the accused, has
ambiguous criminal statute evidently been carried over into
DOCTRINE OF EQUIPOISE that sets out multiple or the Revised Penal Code at
EVIDENCE RULE inconsistent punishments, present in force in the
should resolve the ambiguity Philippines through article 22 x
The "equipoise doctrine" is the in favor of the more lenient x x. This is an exception to the
rule which states that when the punishment." general rule that all laws are
evidence of the prosecution and prospective, not retrospective,
the defense are so evenly Lenity becomes all the more variously contained in the
balanced the appreciation of appropriate when this case is following maxims: Lex
such evidence calls for tilting of viewed through the lens of the prospicit, non respicit (the law
the scales in favor of the basic purpose of the looks forward, not backward);
accused. Thus, the evidence for Indeterminate Sentence Law "to lex defuturo, judex de proeterito
the prosecution must be heavier uplift and redeem valuable (the law provides for the future,
to overcome the presumption of human material, and prevent the judge for the past); and
innocence of the accused. The unnecessary and excessive adopted in a modified form with
constitutional basis of the rule is deprivation of personal liberty a prudent limitation in our Civil
Bill of Rights which finds and economic usefulness."8 Code (article 3). Conscience
expressions in Sec. 1, par. (a), Since the goal of the and good law justify this
Rule 115 of the 1985 Rules on Indeterminate Sentence Law is exception, which is contained in
Criminal Procedure as amended to look kindly on the accused, the well-known aphorism:
(see People v. Argawamon, 215 the Court should adopt an Favorabilia sunt amplianda,
SCRA 652; People v. Ramilla, application or interpretation that odiosa restringenda. As one
G.R. No. 101435, 8 November is more favorable to the distinguished author has put it,
1993; People v. De la Iglesia, accused. the exception was inspired by
G.R. No. 110991-92, 24 Feb. sentiments of humanity, and
1995). Reference:  People vs accepted by science.
Temporada, GR 173473 - According to Mr. Chief Justice
Reference:  Vicario vs CA, GR Separate Opinion of Justice Manuel Araullo, the principle is
124491 (1991) Carpio "not as a right" of the offender,
PRINCIPLE OF DUBIO PRO "but founded on the very
REO principles on which the right of
the State to punish and the
The principle of in dubio pro commination of the penalty are
Every new law has a
reo (Latin for "[when] in doubt, based, and regards it not as an
prospective effect. Under
for the accused") means that a exception based on political
Article 22 of the RPC, however,
defendant may not be convicted considerations, but as a rule
a penal law that is favorable or
by the court when doubts about founded on principles of strict
advantageous to the accused
his or her guilt remain. The rule justice."
shall be given retroactive effect
of lenity is the doctrine that Further, case law has shown
if he is not a habitual criminal.
ambiguity should be resolved in that the rule on retroactivity
These are the rules, the
favor of the more lenient under Article 22 of the RPC
exception, and the exception to
punishment. applies to said Code51 and its
the exception on the effectivity
amendments,52 as well as to
of laws.
The fundamental principle in special laws,53 such as Act No.
In criminal law, the principle
applying and interpreting 2126,54 Presidential Decree No.
favorabilia sunt amplianda
criminal laws, including the 603,55 R.A. No. 7636,56 R.A.
adiosa restrigenda (penal laws
Indeterminate Sentence Law, is No. 8293,57 R.A. No. 8294,58
which are favorable to the
to resolve all doubts in favor of R.A. No. 9344,59 and R.A. No.
accused are given retroactive
the accused. In dubio pro reo. 10586,60 to cite a few.
effect) is well entrenched. It has
When in doubt, rule for the The "penal laws" mentioned in
been sanctioned since the old
accused. This is in consonance Article 22 of the RPC refer to
Penal Code.
with the constitutional substantive laws, not procedural
rules.65 Moreover, the mere They argue that VAT (a tax 1. Delegation of tariff
fact that a law contains penal levied on the sale, barter or powers to the President
provisions does not make it exchange of goods and under Section 28 (2) of
properties as well as on the sale Article VI of the
penal in nature. or exchange of services) cannot Constitution;
Reference:  Inmates of the New be included within the purview of 2. Delegation of emergency
Bilibid vs DOJ, GR 212719 tariffs under the exempted powers to the President
(2019 - En Banc) delegation as the latter refers to under Section 23 (2) of
customs duties, tolls or tribute Article VI of the
payable upon merchandise to the Constitution;
Ordinance: Formal Test government and usually imposed 3. Delegation to the people
and the Substantive on goods or merchandise at large;
Test imported or exported. 4. Delegation to local
governments; and
Ferrer, Jr. v. Bautista A logical corollary to the Doctrine 5. Delegation to
enumerates the requirements for of Separation of Powers is administrative bodies.
an ordinance to be valid, legally the Principle of Non-Delegation
binding, and enforceable, to wit: of Powers, as expressed in the In every case of permissible
Latin maxim: potestas delegata delegation, there must be a
For an ordinance to be valid non delegari potest which means showing that the delegation
though, it must not only be within itself is valid. It is valid only
"what has been delegated,
the corporate powers of the LGU if the law (a) is complete in itself,
cannot be delegated."38 This
to enact and must be passed setting forth therein the policy to
doctrine is based on the ethical be executed, carried out, or
according to the procedure principle that such as delegated
prescribed by law, it should also implemented by the
power constitutes not only a right delegate; and (b) fixes a
conform to the following
but a duty to be performed by the standard — the limits of which
requirements: (1) not contrary to
delegate through the are sufficiently determinate and
the Constitution or any statute;
(2) not unfair or oppressive; (3) instrumentality of his own determinable — to which the
not partial or discriminatory; (4) judgment and not through the delegate must conform in the
not prohibit but may regulate intervening mind of another. performance of his functions. A
trade; (5) general and consistent sufficient standard is one which
with public policy; and (6) not With respect to the Legislature, defines legislative policy, marks
unreasonable. Section 1 of Article VI of the its limits, maps out its boundaries
Constitution provides that "the and specifies the public agency
Legaspi v. City of Cebu explains Legislative power shall be vested to apply it. It indicates the
the two tests in determining the in the Congress of the circumstances under which the
validity of an ordinance, i.e., Philippines which shall consist of legislative command is to be
the Formal Test and the a Senate and a House of effected. Both tests are intended
Substantive Test.  Representatives." The powers to prevent a total transference of
which Congress is prohibited legislative authority to the
The Formal Test requires the from delegating are those which delegate, who is not allowed to
determination of whether the are strictly, or inherently and step into the shoes of the
ordinance was enacted within the exclusively, legislative. Purely legislature and exercise a power
corporate powers of the LGU, legislative power, which can essentially legislative.
and whether the same was never be delegated, has been
passed pursuant to the described as the authority to In People vs. Vera, the Court,
procedure laid down by law. make a complete law – complete through eminent Justice Jose P.
Meanwhile, the Substantive as to the time when it shall take Laurel, expounded on the
Test primarily assesses the effect and as to whom it shall be concept and extent of delegation
reasonableness and fairness of applicable – and to determine the of power in this wise:
the ordinance and significantly expediency of its enactment.
its compliance with the Thus, the rule is that in order that ‘The true distinction ... is between
Constitution and existing a court may be justified in holding the delegation of power to make
statutes. a statute unconstitutional as a the law, which necessarily
delegation of legislative power, it involves a discretion as to what it
Reference:  Meralco vs City of must appear that the power shall be, and conferring an
Muntinlupa, GR 198529 (2021 – involved is purely legislative in authority or discretion as to its
En Banc) nature – that is, one appertaining execution, to be exercised under
exclusively to the legislative and in pursuance of the law. The
department. It is the nature of first cannot be done; to the latter
Principle of Non- the power, and not the liability no valid objection can be made.’
Delegation of Powers of its use or the manner of its
exercise, which determines the Clearly, the legislature may
On “President’s Stand-by validity of its delegation. delegate to executive officers or
Authority” to raise the VAT rate bodies the power to determine
from 10% to 12% under RA Nonetheless, the general rule certain facts or conditions, or the
9337: Does it constitute a virtual barring delegation of legislative happening of contingencies, on
abdication by Congress of its powers is subject to the following which the operation of a statute
exclusive power to tax. recognized limitations or is, by its terms, made to depend,
exceptions: but the legislature must prescribe
sufficient standards, policies or Thus, it is the ministerial duty of aside the findings of the
limitations on their authority. the President to immediately Secretary of Finance and to
While the power to tax cannot be impose the 12% rate upon the substitute the judgment of the
delegated to executive agencies, existence of any of the conditions former for that of the latter.
details as to the enforcement and specified by Congress. This is a
administration of an exercise of duty which cannot be evaded by Reference:  ABAKADA Guro
such power may be left to them, the President. Inasmuch as the Party List vs. Ermita, GR
including the power to determine law specifically uses the word 168056 (2005 – En Banc)
the existence of facts on which shall, the exercise of discretion
its operation depends. by the President does not come Doctrine of Absorption
into play. It is a clear directive to
The rationale for this is that the impose the 12% VAT rate when of Crimes
preliminary ascertainment of the specified conditions are
facts as basis for the enactment present. The time of taking into For our resolution is the Petition
of legislation is not of itself a effect of the 12% VAT rate is for Prohibition (with prayer for a
legislative function, but is simply based on the happening of a temporary restraining order) filed
ancillary to legislation. Thus, the certain specified contingency, or by the above-named members of
duty of correlating information upon the ascertainment of certain the Armed Forces of the
and making recommendations is facts or conditions by a person or Philippines (AFP), herein
the kind of subsidiary activity body other than the legislature petitioners, against the AFP
which the legislature may itself. Chief of Staff and the Judge
perform through its members, or Advocate General, respondents.
which it may delegate to others Pimentel, et al. that the word
to perform. Intelligent legislation shall should be interpreted to On July 27, 2003 at around 1:00
on the complicated problems of mean may in view of the phrase a.m., more than 300 heavily
modern society is impossible in "upon the recommendation of the armed junior officers and enlisted
the absence of accurate Secretary of Finance." Neither men of the AFP – mostly from
information on the part of the does the Court find persuasive the elite units of the Army’s
legislators, and any reasonable the submission of petitioners Scout Rangers and the Navy’s
method of securing such Escudero, et al. that any Special Warfare Group – entered
information is proper. The recommendation by the the premises of the Oakwood
Constitution as a continuously Secretary of Finance can easily Premier Luxury Apartments on
operative charter of government be brushed aside by the Ayala Avenue, Makati City.
does not require that Congress President since the former is a
find for itself every fact upon mere alter ego of the latter. In order to avoid a bloody
which it desires to base confrontation, the government
legislative action or that it make In the present case, in making sent negotiators to dialogue with
for itself detailed determinations his recommendation to the the soldiers. A total of 321
which it has declared to be President on the existence of soldiers, including petitioners
prerequisite to application of either of the two conditions, the herein, surrendered to the
legislative policy to particular Secretary of Finance is not authorities.
facts and circumstances acting as the alter ego of the
impossible for Congress itself President or even her The National Bureau of
properly to investigate. subordinate. In such instance, he Investigation (NBI) investigated
is not subject to the power of the incident and recommended
The case before the Court is not control and direction of the that the military personnel
a delegation of legislative power. President. He is acting as the involved be charged with coup
It is simply a delegation of agent of the legislative d’etat defined and penalized
ascertainment of facts upon department, to determine and under Article 134-A of the
which enforcement and declare the event upon which its Revised Penal Code, as
administration of the increase expressed will is to take effect. amended.
rate under the law is contingent. The Secretary of Finance
The legislature has made the becomes the means or tool by Of the original 321 accused in
operation of the 12% rate which legislative policy is Criminal Case No. 03-2784, only
effective January 1, 2006, determined and implemented, 243 (including petitioners herein)
contingent upon a specified fact considering that he possesses all filed with the RTC, Branch 148
or condition. It leaves the entire the facilities to gather data and an Omnibus Motion praying that
operation or non-operation of the information and has a much the said trial court assume
12% rate upon factual matters broader perspective to properly jurisdiction over all the charges
outside of the control of the evaluate them. His function is to filed with the military tribunal.
executive. gather and collate statistical data They invoked Republic Act (R.A.)
and other pertinent information No. 7055.
No discretion would be exercised and verify if any of the two
by the President. Highlighting the conditions laid out by Congress Meanwhile, on November 11,
absence of discretion is the fact is present. His personality in 2003, the DOJ, after conducting
that the word shall is used in the such instance is in reality but a a reinvestigation, found probable
common proviso. The use of the projection of that of Congress. cause against only 31
word shall connotes a mandatory Thus, being the agent of (petitioners included) of the 321
order.  Congress and not of the accused in Criminal Case No.
President, the President cannot 03-2784. Accordingly, the
alter or modify or nullify, or set
prosecution filed with the RTC an History, experience, and the remains vested irrespective of
Amended Information.  nature of a military organization whether or not the plaintiff is
dictate that military personnel entitled to recover upon all or
In an Order dated November 14, must be subjected to a separate some of the claims asserted
2003, the RTC admitted the disciplinary system not applicable therein. 
Amended Information and to unarmed civilians or unarmed
dropped the charge of coup government personnel. Reference:  Medical
d’etat against the 290 accused.
A civilian government employee Makati Condominium
... the Pre-Trial Investigation reassigned to another place by
Panel submitted its Final Pre- his superior may question his
Corporation vs
Trial Investigation Report 7 to the reassignment by asking a Cullen, GR
JAGO, recommending that, temporary restraining order or
following the "doctrine of injunction from a civil court.
181416 (2013)
absorption," those charged with However, a soldier cannot go to
coup d’etat before the a civil court and ask for a Doctrine of Alter Ego
RTCshould not be charged restraining or injunction if his
before the military tribunal for military commander reassigns  The doctrine of qualified political
violation of the Articles of War. him to another area of military agency, also known as the alter
operations. If this is allowed, ego doctrine, was introduced in
For its part, the RTC, on military discipline will collapse. the landmark case of Villena v.
February 11, 2004, issued an The Secretary of Interior. In said
Order stating that "all charges Reference:  Gonzales vs case, the Department of Justice,
before the court martial Abaya, GR 164007 (2006 - En upon the request of the Secretary
against the accused…are Banc) of Interior, investigated Makati
hereby declared not service- Mayor Jose D. Villena and found
connected, but rather Doctrine of Jurisdiction him guilty of bribery, extortion,
absorbed and in furtherance of and abuse of authority. The
the alleged crime of coup Over Subject Matter Secretary of Interior then
d’etat." The trial court then recommended to the President
proceeded to hear petitioners’ It is a settled rule the suspension from office of
applications for bail. that jurisdiction over the Mayor Villena. Upon approval by
subject matter is determined the President of the
RULING by the allegations in the recommendation, the Secretary
complaint. It is not affected by of Interior suspended Mayor
The trial court aggravated its the pleas or the theories set up Villena. Unyielding, Mayor Villena
error when it justified its ruling by by the defendant in an answer or challenged his suspension,
holding that the charge of a motion to dismiss. Otherwise, asserting that the Secretary of
Conduct Unbecoming an Officer jurisdiction would become Interior had no authority to
and a Gentleman is ‘absorbed dependent almost entirely upon suspend him from office because
and in furtherance to the alleged the whims of the defendant.  there was no specific law
crime of coup d’etat.’ Firstly, the granting such power to the
doctrine of ‘absorption of crimes’ Also illuminating is the Court’s Secretary of Interior; and that it
is peculiar to criminal law pronouncement in Go v. was the President alone who was
and generally applies to crimes Distinction Properties empowered to suspend local
punished by the same statute, Development and Construction, government officials. The Court
unlike here where different Inc.: disagreed with Mayor Villena and
statutes are involved. Secondly, upheld his suspension, holding
the doctrine applies only if the Basic as a hornbook principle is that the doctrine of qualified
trial court has jurisdiction over that jurisdiction over the political agency warranted the
both offenses. Here, Section 1 subject matter of a case is suspension by the Secretary of
of R.A. 7055 deprives civil courts conferred by law and Interior. 
of jurisdiction over service- determined by the allegations
connected offenses, including in the complaint which comprise Justice Laurel, writing for the
Article 96 of the Articles of War. a concise statement of the Court, opined:
Thus, the doctrine of absorption ultimate facts constituting the
of crimes is not applicable to this plaintiff’s cause of action. The After serious reflection, we have
case. nature of an action, as well as decided to sustain the contention
which court or body has of the government in this case on
Military law is sui generis (Calley jurisdiction over it, is determined the broad proposition, albeit not
v. Callaway, 519 F.2d 184 based on the allegations suggested, that under the
[1975]), applicable only to military contained in the complaint of the presidential type of government
personnel because the military plaintiff, irrespective of whether which we have adopted and
constitutes an armed or not the plaintiff is entitled to considering the departmental
organization requiring a system recover upon all or some of the organization established and
of discipline separate from that of claims asserted therein. The continued in force by paragraph
civilians (see Orloff v. averments in the complaint and 1, section 12, Article VII, of our
Willoughby, 345 U.S. 83 [1953]). the character of the relief sought Constitution, all executive and
Military personnel carry high- are the ones to be consulted. administrative organizations are
powered arms and other lethal Once vested by the allegations in adjuncts of the Executive
weapons not allowed to civilians. the complaint, jurisdiction also Department, the heads of the
various executive departments Cushing (7 Op., Attorney- On the basis of OGCC Opinion,
are assistants and agents of the General, 453), "are subject to the the Board of Directors approve a
Chief Executive, and, except in direction of the President." so-called Organizational
cases where the Chief Executive Without minimizing the Refinement/Restructuring Plan to
is required by the Constitution or importance of the heads of the implement a new organizational
the law to act in person or the various departments, their structure and staffing pattern, a
exigencies of the situation personality is in reality but the position classification system,
demand that he act personally, projection of that of the and a new set of qualification
the multifarious executive and President. Stated otherwise, and standards.
administrative functions of the as forcibly characterized by Chief
Chief Executive are performed by Justice Taft of the Supreme During the implementation of the
and through the executive Court of the United States, "each plan, the LCSD was abolished.
departments, and the acts of the head of a department is, and Demigillo, albeit retaining her
secretaries of such departments, must be, the President's alter ego position as a Senior Vice
performed and promulgated in in the matters of that department President, was assigned to head
the regular course of business, where the President is required the Remedial and Credit
are, unless disapproved or by law to exercise authority."  Management Support Sector
reprobated by the Chief (RCMSS).
Executive, presumptively the acts The doctrine of qualified
of the Chief Executive. political agency essentially Among the issues, Demigillo
postulates that the heads of filed before this Court a petition
Fear is expressed by more than the various executive for review on certiorari assailing
one member of this court that the departments are the alter egos the CA decision that the Board of
acceptance of the principle of of the President, and, thus, the Directors of TIDCORP was an
qualified political agency in this actions taken by such heads in alter ego of the President who
and similar cases would result in the performance of their had the continuing authority to
the assumption of responsibility official duties are deemed the reorganize TIDCORP.
by the President of the acts of the President unless
Philippines for acts of any the President himself should Ruling of the SC:
member of his cabinet, however disapprove such acts. This
illegal, irregular or improper may doctrine is in recognition of the Does the Doctrine of Qualified
be these acts. The implications, it fact that in our presidential form Political Agency extends to
is said, are serious. Fear, of government, all executive Board of TIDCORP?  
however, is no valid argument organizations are adjuncts of a
against the system once single Chief Executive; that the But the doctrine could not be
adopted, established and heads of the Executive extended to the acts of the
operated. Familiarity with the Departments are assistants and Board of Directors of
essential background of the type agents of the Chief Executive; TIDCORP despite some of its
of Government established under and that the multiple executive members being themselves the
our Constitution, in the light of functions of the President as the appointees of the President to
certain well-known principles and Chief Executive are performed the Cabinet.
practices that go with the system, through the Executive
should offer the necessary Departments. The doctrine has Under PD 1080, as amended by
explanation. With reference to been adopted here out of RA 8494, the Cabinet members
the Executive Department of the practical necessity, considering sitting on the Board of Directors
government, there is one that the President cannot be of TIDCORP ex officio, or by
purpose which is crystal-clear expected to personally perform reason of their office or function,
and is readily visible without the the multifarious functions of the not because of their direct
projection of judicial searchlight, executive office. appointment to the Board by the
and that is the establishment of a President. Evidently, it was the
single, not plural, Executive. The -------------------------------------------- law, not the President, that sat
first section of Article VII of the ------------------------- them in the Board.
Constitution, dealing with the
Executive Department, begins Reference: Demigillo vs Under the circumstances, when
with the enunciation of the TIDCORP, GR 168613 (2013 - the members of the Board
principle that "The executive En banc)  effected the assailed
power shall be vested in a reorganization, they were acting
President of the Philippines." Philippine Export and Foreign as the responsible members of
This means that the President of Loan Guarantee was renamed the Board of TIDCORP, not as
the Philippines is the Executive Trade and Investment the alter egos of the President.
of the Government of the Development Corporation of the
Philippines, and no other. The Philippines (TIDCORP) pursuant Nonetheless, we uphold the
heads of the executive to RA 8494. reorganization and declare it
departments occupy political valid for being done in
positions and hold office in an Petitioner was appointed as accordance with the exclusive
advisory capacity, and, in the Senior Vice President (PG 15) and final authority expressly
language of Thomas Jefferson, with permanent status, and was granted under RA 8494, further
"should be of the President’s assigned to the Legal and amending PD 1080, the law
bosom confidence" (7 Writings, Corporate Services Department creating TIDCORP itself.
Ford ed., 498), and in the (LCSD) of TIDCORP.
language of Attorney-General
Having found the 2002
reorganization to be valid and
made pursuant to RA 8494, we
declare that there are no legal
and practical bases for
reinstating Demigillo to her
former position as Senior Vice
President in the LCSD. To be
sure, the reorganization plan
abolished the LCSD, and put in
place a set-up completely
different from the previous one,
including a new staffing pattern
in which Demigillo would be
heading the RCMSS, still as a
Senior Vice President of
TIDCORP. With that abolition,
reinstating her as Senior Vice
President in the LCSD became
legally and physically impossible.

That the RCMSS was a unit

smaller than the LCSD did not
necessarily result in or cause a
demotion for Demigillo. Her new
position was but the
consequence of the valid
reorganization, the authority to
implement which was vested in
the Board of Directors by RA

Indeed, we do not consider to be

a violation of the civil servant’s
right to security of tenure the
exercise by the agency where
she works of the essential
prerogative to change the work
assignment or to transfer the civil
servant to an assignment where
she would be most useful and
effective. More succinctly put,
that prerogative inheres with the
employer,31 whether public or

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