Assassination Lord of The Arsenal

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Assasination : Lord of The Arsenal

To forge a weapon, is to add another instument that could lead to one's demise.

by Nata Kurniadi

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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2017 by Nata Kurniadi and published under the Community Content
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About this module
"Assasination : Lord or the arsenal" is the first instalment of "Assasination" series, created to aid dungeon masters set up
adventures that revolves around taking out high profile targets. Directly, environmental kills, or any creative means necessarys to
finish the targets.
This adventure is tailored for 4 players up to 8th level with stealth as the focus. This adventure provide key interactons and
location details. Improvisation is required by the game master.

Fitting the adventure Topography

While we encourage players to use the premade characters Kingdom of Veilen
we provided, this module is versatile and designed so that you Kingdom of Veilen was founded roughly four hundred years
can fit this into your world easily. before the events of this assassination. Ruled by King
The Kingdom of Veilen is located around western Andreton Maximillian,it is a monarchy whose rulership is
hemisphere, with classic medieval theme. This city is ruled also aided by a royal court consisting of lords and powerful
by humans, though many races such as Elves, or dwarfs live people.
in this kingdom. Overall, this is a diverse land. It's capital is a large city with a population over thirty
thousand people, named Arandum. This city is where the
The Adverse events of Assassination : LotA will take place.
The Adverse is an underground organization acting as the Arandum
prince's secret police. Which it's history will be explained The capital of Veilen, this large city houses over thirty
later in the prelude section. thousand people of all races and origin. This city has four
If players are not using premade character which is already district :
a member of the Adverse. We have come up with premade Royal district; encompassing centre to north part. this
plot hooks for DMs to utilize. district containts all the glamour Arandum has to provide,
Player's Exploit including the royal palace and court. Many of the rich own a
DMs may use this choice upon player's completion in a patch of land or business here, Monopolist Derandrez
campaign or mission, while players are celebrating their Lexalus live in this district.
victory (Preferably in a tavern). A man by name of "Bail", will Commerce district; as the name suggest, this is where all
approach them and offer them a proposition. the commerce take place. Covering the east side, all imports
and exports of this city will one way or another flow through
here first. Merchant stands line up the streets, most of
"Good day, heroes; It seems that you fine people are more buildings here are either shops, place of services, or taverns.
than capable of handling yourself. My employer is Housing district; Most of the citizens of this city, some of
interested in you all, and would like to offer you a the rich and nearly all of the middle class live in this district
proposition. Meet us at the city of Arandum, we will know that occupy the western side. Miles upon miles of this district
when you have arrived." are houses of all design, shapes and sizes.
Security district; Located South, this area is purposed for
Bail then bought the Players a round of drink and left. everything related to security as the name tells. The
kingdom's army has their headquater in this district. One of
Chance of Redemption
the larger weapon manufacture owned by Derandrez has also
This hook is for the players who like to cause trouble. If they been built here specifically for the autorithies' weapon
commit a crime that is punishable by death, The Adverse will supplies. The city guards also has their headquaters located
make them meet Bail five hours before the execution in an here alongside an underground prison.
inteogation room. Five minutes after players has been put
into the room, Bail enters.
"Fine day people, My name is not important to you right
now. What's important right now, is your life. My
Employer is a powerful man and he can not only divert
your executions, but also give you all your freedom back.
You have five hours to consider this deal. Think about it
throughly people, i personally suggest you do."
Bail then flicks them a silver coin minted from the Veilen
Kingdom onto the table and left.

1 Module Introduction
Luthias Maximillian Larry Quinn (Bail)
Prince Luthias Maximiliian, the king's only son, heir to the Larry is a stablemaster by day and a talented manhunter at
throne. He is a 24 year old human who is loyal to his night. His job is to bring the assassin to their target and to
kingdom and it's people. Assertive and Hard headed, he pull them out if things went wrong. He is also one of the best
sometimes collide ideas with his father, though they always horse rider the kingdom has to offer, when he's not the
come to a middle ground. He founded The Adverse, an getaway driver. He partake in assassinations that taking place
organization of assasssin and secret police created to quell a on moving vehicles. Thin and agile, he recieve his invitation
rebellion that his father tasked him to end. He activates the to join the Adverse after he successfully heisted a moving
Adverse once more to prevent Derandrez Lexalus from horse carriage on top speed, which he then escaped chase
gaining too much power thus posing a threat to his kingdom. several times for a month. Until the prince personally send
one of The Adverse to locate Larry and show him the bail to
Aran Glintsworth his crimes. Thus his nickname.
Lord Aran Glintsworth is a member of The Royal Court, he Vilanor Lexalus
governs the eastern region. From very young age, he alawys Eldest son of Derandrez Lexalus, from a very young a age he
values equality in everything that is not birthright. Such as ; has been taught by Derandrez concept of "Survival of the
wealth, power, and respect. Seeing everyone can always work fittest". With the mental abuse nearly daily by his father, he
their way to earn it. Of course this ideal makes him despise grew to resent his father. Now he plans to take down
monopolism, slavery and any unfairness. After inheriting his Derandrez, and making sure Derandrez watches as
father's title and seat in court, he finally has the power to help everything he built is taken from him.
the poor and slowly shape the system. But before he plant a
seed of justice. He must remove the weed of greed and
corruption. Starting with the biggest of them all. Monopolist, Crow
Derandrez Lexalus. His true name and face is know only to him, always using
masks when traversing in the city. His hoards of information
Derandrez Lexalus regarding almost everything, makes this man a serious threat
to his enemy. The thing is, he has no enemy, only customers.
Sir. Derandrez Lexalus is also a member of The Royal Court. Selling his knowledge for monetary, he aid those who is in
Though not in control of any regions like his subordinates, need of information. What consequences that happen if this
his wealth and influence dwarfed some of the Royal Court information falls into wrong hands, he cares not. As long as
members. As the sole owner of Lexalus Arms. A weapon they pay, he tells.
manufacturer that has monoply on Veilen's weapons market.
Making his wealth second only to the King. He is a vicious Yeremy Longhardt (Seed)
businessman with some even as far as to call him heartless.
He lives in the Lexalus manor located on The Royal Disctrict. Yeremy is a spy, infiltrator, and most of all; a loyal man. He is
one of Prince Luthias' many spies that he planted into many
areas. He was planted in the Lexalus mansion months in
Caleb Drej (Raygon) prior to the assassination, gained enough trust to be posted
Caleb is a man with strength of a warrior, mind of a scholar, inside the mansion. Now he has been tasked on aiding The
and charisma of a bard. He is the brain of The Adverse, Adverse, which he will do so in gladly.
planning their assassinations, choosing the right person for
the right job, and if things doesn't go as planned; his head will
come up with a backup plan faster than you can say "THE
PLAN DID NOT WORK". Before he joined the Adverse he
was a mercenary working alongside the army in quelling the
southeren rebellion. Luthias took notice of his brilliance and
recruited him. He joined under alias "Raygon"

Key NPC 2

ith great wealth, comes great enemies. Sir.
Derandrez Lexalus is no exception. Using his The Plot
family's influence and shady practices, he As the Adverse is activated once again, it's members began to
gained monopolistic control of arms converge. Gathering at church on the dead of night, Their
production in the kingdom of Veilen. prince along with the Glintsworth houslord await at the altar
Destroying any competition by either running dedicated to God of justice.
the prices so low, that the competetitors could In mere minutes upon the call, all of the Adverse members
not keep up ; Or by Simply purchasing his competitor. If all of are seated on the church pews. All seems to came from
that still does not work, then business owners tend to diverse walks of life ; Guardsmen, tailors, even one famous
dissapear and found dead several days later. artist, nearly every job in this city are can be found in these
It all changes when a young lord takes up his father's seat pew rows. 30 different people. All with one thing in common,
of power. Aran Glintsworth. As the new head of Glintsworth their silence and cold look on their eyes. The look of a
house, his power in court and wealth now rivals Derandrez. remorseless killers.
Aran is a man with beliefs of equal chances in obtaining Luthias thanked them for answering his call once more,
wealth, and is willing to take any means necessary. As and gave his order.
Derandrez is a man of opposite ideals, Aran pitch the idea or
removing Derandrez out of power to Princes Luthias
Maximillian. But it proves impossible without the court's "Remove Derandrez Lexalus, For he is a threat to our
support. So the Prince activates his dark secret, an kingdom. Leave no witnesses or any trace that could lead
organization of highly skilled and trained assasins. The back to us"
After which all at once, the members obeys.
The Adverse "SIR!"
The Adverse is a secret organization founded by Prince
Luthias Maximillian, in attempts of quelling sparks of They then raise from their seat and walk out of the church,
rebellion in the southern hemisphere. However After the and so begins a story how a merchant was killed by his own
south has been stabilized, the orgnization lost it's purpose; it's product that he sold.
members dissolves, some return to their former posts in the
army, Some went underground and began taking odd jobs as
assassins and mercenaries.
One day, Aran Glintsworth appraoches Prince Luthias
Maximillian and pitch his idea of ending Derandrez's
monopolistic control. Saying that a man with this much
control can be dangerous, and if he ever turn his back on the
kingdom ; The kingdom would be endangered.
Hearing Aran's arguement, Luthias agrees. But knowing
that Derandrez has the court's support which makes laws
againts monopolism impossible to be passed on. He re-
activates the Adverse once more, and together with Aran
Glintsworth; they plot.

3 Prelude

layers who are not using premade characters,
depending on how the plot hooks them. Where Chance of Redemption
they begin their adventure would be different,
continuing from plot hooks written from Upon accepting the deal made by this ellusive man, you were
previous page. being lead outside your cell, and lined up. Suddenly a black sack
was put on your head, blinding your vision. You can hear many
footsteps converging on all of you, and drags you into what

Players's Exploit Hook seems to be a cart. They sat you all down, and the cart begins to
Few hours passed, as you have no clue of where they are taking
Entering the main gate, a bustling city encased withn a 30ft tall
you all. You begin to hear people outisde mumbling, the cart's
walls. Circle in shape, you see banners of this kingdom's regalia
walls prevents you from listening to it clearly. Then the cart
addorn the city lamps. Guards; wearing steel armors carved with
stopped, and you hear a familiar voice confirming your identity.
the same coat of arms patroling through keeping order and peace
The voice then commands his men to bring you downstairs.
on the streets. You see all kinds of building in many shapes and
Which they then proceed to unwrap your blinding hood and drag
sizes, though strangely; nearly all weaponary shops has this sign
you into a basement. You see the illusive man smiles as you all are
that says -Lexalus Productions Branch-. But before you could
dragged into this dim lighted basement. A voice echoes from a
wonder any longer. A man approaches you and hands you a letter.
dark hallway :
He then tell you : "We've been expecting you, The boss shall
"Welcome to The Adverse, i have heard of your capabilities.
discuss at the designated location written in the letter. Good day"
Would be ashame if it's put to waste for petty crime. Now, let's
and left.
get your bindings off and have you cleaned. We have much to
The letter will lead the players to The Queen's Smile, located
at the Royal district. Players may ask citizens of Arandum for
direction which they will gladly point out. Entering through the darkened corridor, is Raygon. He will
Upon Entering, the tavern master will greet them and ask approach the players, introduces himself, and offer them a
what they would like to eat, if player ask about the letter and chance of freedom as bail suggest back in the prison as well
gives it to the tavern master. She will ask the players to take as payment upon completing this task :
them to the lower floor where The Adverse's hideout located.
The backdoor leads to stairs that desends into a dim
lighted corridor, at the end of this corridor lies a man "Most of our members here were once criminals, either
guarding a steel door. He looks at you suspiciously and asks by necessity; or simply the bloodlust. (If there are murder
for identification. Giving the letter would grant the players hobos in the party, be sure to look at them while reading this
entry trough this steel door. speech.) But an understanding men of royal blood has set
Many of the Advere's members would immediately ready us on the right path, making use of our.. peculiar skills for
their weapons and ask the players to identify themselves. the good of this nation. So now, i offer you the same
Raygon would step in and calms the situation down. He then chance that royal man gave us. With of course, rewards
says : upon completion. What say you?

"Calm down people, they are our new recruits." If the players agree, their captor would immediately unbind
them and steps back. But players are not yet given back their
He then looks at the part and continue his sentence equipment, instead Raygon will ask them to join him into The
"Welcome to The Adverse, your exploits have not Adverse's base. And the assasination, begins.
remained unnoticed. It is for that reason we come for you
to seek our aid. How would you like to remove a tyrant
from his seat?".
When players accept this offer, many of the member will
lower their guard and continue their activities. Raygon will
ask the players to join him to his table and the assassination,

Invitation 4
Strike Plan

he adventure begins day after, in an
underground hideout iside a tavern named
"Queen's Smile." A prestigious tavern located
in the royal district. Which makes it the last
place people will look for an assassin's hideout.
Inside, the leader begins to laid out a plan. Raygon his
codename is, a human 6ft tall with a scar on his left chin, firm
jaw and firmer muscles. He tells that the first thing they need
to do is collecting information about Derandrez. He then
gathers everyone up.
" Alright, we all know who Derandrez is, before we begin
the assault. Find as many information as we can about Purchase : Raygon will inform the players of an informant
this man. [Players] ,your team will deliver the killing blow. who sells information, he resides in eastern side of the
Study your target, we're facing the most powerful man in city, an inn called "Beds of Comfort". He goes by the name
this kingdom that isn't a king. " of Crow. Nobody knows his real name, or his methods of
obtaining such sensitive infromation.
The player then may begin looking for information about Price of information varies, ranging from less than ten gold
Derandrez. These are premade location to find info on the to tens of thousands.
target :
The Tavern Master : Tavern master of The Queen's Smile Information's Price
is someone who has "extensive knowlegde" about The price of information will increase with detail and
happenings in royal district. With the wealthy as their sensitivity. Price is upon DM's discretion, but we suggest
regulars, information about powerful people tend to slip as keeping it as vague but usefull to keep the illusion of mystery.
intoxication blurs them. With right ammount of
persuassion or funds, she would gladly share their
"About his elite guards, they are not what you think. They
The tavern master is a half elf named Yuerarn Clavish. are advanced animated armor called Helmed Horrors,
these contruct possesses intelligence and can adapt to
Information : Derandrez has many enemies, rumor has it any kind of attacks. But they are specifically made to
even his eldest son; Vilanor Lexalus is againts him. Some counter assassination."
even suggest that the boy sabotaged his father's business (If players pay High ammount of gold)
schemes, slowing down expansion and preventing Lexalus "There is a way to shut down the horrors, Derandrez
Arms of reaching outside of this kingdom. wears a necklace that has a blood gem embedded in it.
Remove that, and the helmed horrors are out of the
Prince Luthias / Aran Glintsworth : Prince Luthias and picture."
Lord Aran has some infromation regarding Derandrez,
but only to a degree that of a colleagues.
To meet with the council, they must first arrange meetings
in secrecy to prevent the assassination being connected to
them. Raygon will help the players arrange this meeting, so
they can discuss what "help" they can provide.
Aid : A inside man named Seed will be activated and shall aid
the players when they are inside the mansion.

5 Strike Plan
Player's action can easily change the situation from either
good to bad or bad to worse, and with a very powerful man as
their target; one does not simply shank a monopolist down
without immediate repercussions.
These are set of codewords to represent a situation that
the players currently in and how npc will react accordingly.
These sitautions codewords become active upon entering
target's area.

In this situation, players are hidden from any unwanted
attention. If Derandrez is killed while players stays in this
situation, it will counted as Silent takedown.
In this scenario, NPC will act normal, they will go about
their daily routines. This situation is default at the start of the
As the name suggest, players will be put in this situation upon
wearing a disguise that does not reveal their true faces. If this
disguise is a mask, or anything that is not an illusion or make
up. NPC would be suspicious of the players, except on certain
events; Players will be questioned by the authorities.
If the situation turns to Assault while players are disguised.
They may try to outrun the guards or hide, revert back; if they
are not in a restricted area, the situation will return to Silent
This situation is activated if npc has alerted the guards by
founding bodies, alarm, or players has been discovered but
successfully escape the chase. On areas like the mansion,
once guards are alerted; they will stay alerted until players
have successfully assassinate Derandrez and escaped or the
threat has been dealt with. Alerted NPC will roam the
restricted areas more, and some key npc will begin to come
out from their default place.
Also known for some as "Loud". This situation is activated
immediately upon players attacking guards, discovered
trespassing in a restricted area, npc calling the guards on
players. If this situation presist more than an hour or DM
sees fit. Derandrez will begin to evacuate the area, and will be
surrounded with more security. Guards and external
authorities (Royal Guards, knights, city guards) will also
converge on the players.
If players managed to assassinate Derandrez while this
situation is active, it would be counted as Assault Takedown.

Lexalus Mansion

he Lexalus mansion, located on top of a hill in Backdoor Entry Every building in Marriote's Climb has a
the Royal District. This hill named Marriote's underground door that leads to the sewers, while the
climb, mansion has more secretive entry. Each building has atleast
Surrounding this hill, twenty feet walls one steel door that lets denizens move in and out of the
stretches throughout, with a gate on that divide sewers. Lexalus manor has two entry, one is the said steel
this hill with the royal district. Elite guards door, and another is a secret entrance that instead leads to
patrolled this area, funded by it's denizens; a Derandrez's study room. This secret door can be opened
security that rivals the palace. from his office, which the players can utilize to their
advantage later on. The steel door is locked, requiring the
player to do a [DC 16] Lockpick Check using thieves tools.
Entry to Marriote's Climb Players could also exit the sewers and enter the mansion
Entry to Marriote's Climb can be gained through multiple from outside.
ways. Players may come up with crazier ideas than us. But on
default, there are 3 passages : Scaling the Walls
Players could just climb the walls, wear fancy clothes, and
Main Gate walk as if they are one of the residence. As they walk towards
Players attempting to waltz through the front gate will soon the top, some guards will indentify themselves. Depending on
discover that it is impossible. The main gate is a checkpoint what the players tell the guards, the players can attempt to
guarded with atleasat 6 armed elite guards, attempts of force fool the guards with Deception Checks.
entry will trigger an alarm; which calls a contingent of backup The Tailor Makes the Man. Purchasing the right thread
guards. The guards only allow residence and the royal family for the job is not something one can overlook. Players can tell
to enter unchecked, others that wishes to enter must forfeit Raygon about this, which he will point the players to a tailor
their weapons and specify a valid reason of entering the named Ardany Quinn, Larry's brother. He has a shop named
Climb. "Quinn's Thread". Inside, player will have wide range of
Forging your way in. Raygon will inform the players that clothing, from everyday clothing to exquisite ones. They could
house staff each own a pass card that indetifies them. These also custom order their clothing. The more elegant their
can be obtained by being one the staff in the Marriote's clothing is, the more convincing they are to the guards. But of
Climb, or by forgery. One forger has the capability to do so, course, that will cost them more.
but players will have to spend a huge sum of gold to create
one. If players willing to pay it, Raygon will lead them to a
jewerly shop called "Golden Morrow" at the market district
which then they will make the transaction and wait one day
for the forged cards.
Successfully entering through the front gate with guards'
consent, the players will be able to explore Marriote's Climb
without alerting security. They are forbidden to enter private
quaters however.
Sewer Systems
The sewers can be entered by an grate door located west of
Marriote's Climb. The grarte door is locked, however it can be
unlocked by [DC 15] Lockpick check using thieves' tools. or
by obtaining it's key inside guard's post at the main gate.
Passing through the gate, players will enter a tunnel with
ascending stairs. This tunnel has a length of 30ft, with 10ft
ascending followed by 20ft straight tunnel. Accessing this
tunnel, players will enter the sewer systems.
The sewers are a maze-like area made out of cobblestones
with sewage system that decends, making waterfalls of
sewage each that decends to lower level. With stream flowing
out to the city's main sewer.

7 Lexalus Mansion
Inside the Mansion Obtaining Details
Now that the players have entered the mansion, they have to Players will be informed before this mission, that an inside
find Derandrez. man has been planted and has obtained the map of this
The mansion is a two floored stead containing more than mansion with alias "Seed". And to meet him inside the
twenty rooms. On player's entry, Derandrez is located at his mansion's kitchen. If they are discovered before meeting this
study room on second floor. Reviewing businesses and sales man however, or players decided to go in loud. He will fled
parchments. with the information.
The DM may read these description according to their way Upon approaching "Seed", DM may read the description
of entry. On default, there are two ways of entry. and Seed will initiate a conversation.
Front Door "Upon entering this room, you found yourself in a well stocked
and clean kitchen. However, a man wearing guard attire stands by
"Entering the door, you found yourself inside a grand mansion,
the oven sees you all entrering and seems bit starled."
white marble floors that reflect the lighting emitted by
chandeliers that dorns the ceilings. Making the interior as if it is
prepatually glowing. Up ahead, you see a grand stairs that splits Without any servant costume on first contact :
into two leading up to second floor, it's railing dark brown colored
"Who in the?!. Oh, it's you guys; here are the
seems made out of wood with highest of quality and long bright infromations you need. I'm guessing that if the man is not
red carpet covers it's threads. Beside the stairs, left and right of it. in his room, he will be in his study room. Be wary that his
A hallway, but from your point of view you cannot see where son for unknown reason has increased the security, so
these hallways lead. Welcome to the Lexalus Mansion." second floor would be seriously guarded."
With full servant costume on first contact :
Entry through this door will raise suspicion depending on
what costume the players are wearing currently. With the "Excuse me, people why are you roaming the mansion
door guarded by two guards, players have to give them a good floors while not on your shift; especially on this time of
reason of entry on top of their identity. the day?!. Return to your quaters before i warn master
about this!"
(After players explain themselves)
Sewers "Well, why don't you say so. Here are the infromations
you need. I'm guessing that if the man is not in his room,
"Entering through the semi rusted steel door; you walked into a he will be in his study room. Be wary that his son for
small corridor about 5ft wide, with lightning source coming from unknown reason has increased the security, so second
the other end of this corridor. You can hear people chattering floor would be seriously guarded.
about food supplies and today's dinner coming from next door,
As you stealthily exits this corridor. You foundy yourself in a
Seed is one of the guard that works here, positioned at the
first floor;sometimes second floor. He will answer player's
storage room, you can see opened crates containing high quality
question about the area,but he does not know about the
alcohol brand. Soon after, you hear footsteps coming your way. " secret path or personal business about The Lexalus.
These footsteps are coming from the food's storage room,
two people. Players may hide or attempt to subdue the
approaching servants. However, players must be able to finish
the combat in less than 3 rounds of combat. Or the servants
will aleart the guards and change the silent assasination into
Since players are currently in the mansion's storage
room,which also put them nearby servant's quaters. Player
can exit the storage room through a stairs that will lead to the
mansion's first floor.

Lexalus Mansion 8
Floor One

Legend Details
1 : Mansion's Front entrance - Stairs to second floor - The first floor is relatively unguarded, with only maids and
Hallways. mostly five guards not including Seed roaming this floor.
2 : Guest room. DMs is in the control of their positioning, but on default they
3 : Meeting room. patrol the hallway and change positions on five to ten minutes
4 : Dining Hall. intervals. Wearing servants clothes will lower the security's
5 : Grand Banquet Hall - Ballroom. attention, they are equipped with a bell that they will rang if
6 : Head Servant's Quater. intruder is spotted or if they are attacked. Turning the
7 : Empty Utility room. situation into Assault
8 : Head Chef's Quater. Most of the servants are in their quaters around this time
9 : Winery Room. of the day, located downstairs next to the storage room. Some
10 : Kitchen. that aren't in their quaters are roaming the mansion, players
may subdue them if players are sneaked with a [DC 15]
Note : Each block = 5ft Strength Check. Killing innocent people are frown upon in
the Adverse (See Murdering Innocents.)
Fashion Infiltration. Using the houshold servant's
uniforms, players can roam the mansion freely without
raising suspicion with the guards.

Lexalus Mansion
Floor Two

Legend Details
1 : Guest Bedroom. Second floor of Lexalus mansion is guarded heavily, patrols
2 : Left wing Corridor. are constant, and servants are not allowed to enter rooms
3 : Stairs leading to first floor. unless they have orders from the family members.
4 : Right Wing Corridor.. Players attempting to walk upstairs wearing servant outfits
5 : Alexander Lexalus' Bedroom. will be questioned and attacked on sight if not, changing the
6 : Vilanor Lexalus' Bedroom. situation into Assault.
7 : Derandrez and Anastasia Lexalus' Bedroom - Master The second floor has 9 guards on default, and 2 helmed
bedroom. horror that guards Derandrez's room. These guards roam
8 : Large Guest Bedroom. second floor always vigilant for any intruders.
9 : Derandrez's Study room - Secret exit. Refreshment Call. If players managed to obtain enough
10 : Back Hall. servants uniform for the whole party, or coinvinced the
11 : Safe room. servants to aid them. A guard will call upon them and inform
that Derandrez has ordered for a refeshment beverages and
Note : Each block = 5ft sweets. Players could use this chance to either poison the
drinks or deliver the food themselves and take him out.

Lexalus Mansion
Basement Floor
The basement is where the players will first enter if they
gained entry using the sewers, at the time players gain entry
(Nightime); there are no guards on shift that watches this
floor. Instead, servants roam this floor freely as their quaters
just so happens to be in this floor; just next door by the
storage section.
In here, players have the choice of either sneaking their
way up, subduing anyone they saw which requiring (DC 14-
17) Strength Check. However, players can persuade the
servants to aid them instead by a (DC 14-17) Persuasion
Making friends. Succeeding the persuasion, the servants
will reveal that they despise working for Derandrez.
Depending on what the players say, they can convince the
servants to turn againts their employer. Doing so, they will aid
the players and activate Alternative : Mixtrue of Doom.

1 : Sewer Entrance
2 : Food Storage.
3 : Servant Mess hall.
4 : Winery.
5 : Sortment area.
6 : Servant Quater #1.
7 : Servant Quater Hall.
8 : Servant Quater #2.
9 : Servant Quater #3.
10 : Servant Quater #4.
11 : Servant Quater #5.
12 : Servant Quater #6.
13 : Servant Quater #7.
14 : Servant Quater #8
Note : Each block = 5ft

Lexalus Mansion
Mansion Adddendum Leaving The Mansion
This section is for the purpose of details about the mansion. Upon finishing thier work, players can leave the same way
Which DMs may use to flesh out the mansion even more. they enter. However, if they attempt to leave certain place
while certain situations are active. They may find things are
Derandrez different from their first entry.
While in his homestead, Derandrez is at most vunerable; by Silent
that he lets his guard down and not always be on the lookout. Eveything is normal as first entry.
His divisions of security does that for him. In the night, he
spend most of his time in the study room; reviewing sales and Assault
planning his future enquiries. On this mode, Main Gate and around Marriote's climb are
While working in his study room, he always orders the surrounded by guards. The longer this situation presist, the
same drinks to his servants;a bottle of highly expensive more authorithies will suround it.
Brandy called Alfonse's Mixture. A genius of alchemy that
made the drinker breath smells of mint instead of alcohol, Alerted
perfect for Derandrez since his wife is againts him drinking Security has tighten, more guards are on their way and
evey night. patrols are getting more frequent. But external Authorithies
Wrapping up his work for the day, he proceeds to intoxicate has not been called.
himself next to a fireplace still in his study room. As
drowsiness mixed with high alcohol intake takes over, one of
two scenarios will happen : either he fell asleep on his couch,
or he successfully makes his way into the master chamber
and his wife tuck him to bed.
Helmed Horrors
Derandrez has two personal bodyguards that is always by his
side, or somewhere in the vicinity. These bodyguards are
being controlled using a necklace that has a circle blood red
gem embbedded in it. Removing this necklace from it's
wearer forcefully will result in the horrors attacking the
assailant, with or without command.
However, if the necklace is removed from it's attuned
wearer for more than 10 minutes. The horrors will shut down
and ceases any activities.
To use this necklace, players first have to tweak the
ownership. (Which can be another adventure of it's own)
They cannot use the horrors, only disabling them for now.
The necklace is called : Necklace of Twin Control

Lexalus Mansion 12

here are many ways of removing a man from
his throne, direct murder is just the fast and
less hassle choice. Perhaps the idea of killing a Derandrez's Ledger
man just becasue he is too powerful is A simple leatherbound ledger containing details of
outrageous. past transactions, many of which are illegal
accoring to Veilen's laws.
A good Dungeon Master will of course understand this and Extortion. Players may use this ledger to
"control" Derandrez, giving players bags of gold,
provides for the players, which is this section's purpose. items of high monetary value, or if players are
persuasive enough; pretty much anything money
Bad Faith can get you. Extroting Derandrez however, will
It is almost a public secret where Derandrez conducts grey result in the player being hunted by assassins hired
area deals and sometimes outright illegal business. Though by the ledger's owner if they kept it long enough.
after all of this, no proof was able to tied Derandrez.
But like any careful businessman, Derandrez kept a ledger
of every business transactions; including the illegal ones.
Though they are not placed in a same cabinet,he puts them in Mixture of Doom
a secret drawer compartment.
Finding Dirt. There are many ways of obtaining the As the addendum suggest, Derandrez always drink after he
infromation about this ledger, though not the location of finishes his work. Player can obtain this information by
where it is kept. Crow will inform the players (On DM's collecting servants uniform for all the party members, which
concession) about this ledger if the gold is enough. Another a guard will notify them that Derandrez is ordering his
way is to talk with Vilanor Lexalus upon recieving the tavern "Usual drink". Or by convincing the servants to turn againts
master's tip, which alternative Succession will take place. Derandrez.
If the servants are on the player's side, they will provide a
Succession flask of odorless poison. Used to kill giant rats in the sewers
which resist normal rat poison, this poison's taste
This can be pursued by players knowing about Vilanor conveniently melds with Alfonse's Mixture; Derandrez's
Lexalus' hostility to his father. Vilanor works at a branch of favourite drink.
Lexalus Arms' office at the market district. Upon meetingg However, they won't deliver the drink and players have to
him, players may explain their intent. He will express his do it. Maximum of two person to prevent any suspicion and
doubtness in the players capability. they are not allowed to carry any weapon since the servants
Players may use thier achievemts as a proof that they are are checked before entering the study room.
capable of helping Vilanor take down his father, persuade Upon delivering the drink, Derandrez will tip the players
Vilanor with a (DC 14 - 21) Persuassion Check, or reveal that three gold and drink away. Players may quickly leave the
they are with The Adverse. After which Vilanor will reveal the second floor for Derandrez will shout before he died from the
information and whereabouts of the ledger and asks that the poison.
players does not kill his father.
"I want to see his creations turn againts him, his empire
crumbles, and with him living long enough to see his son Players then either have to fight their way out or outrun the
triumph over him." guards, players that are in the basement floor can hear the
commotion on second floor. Those who are in the second
After obtaining the ledger, depending on how the players floor will be halted while on their way downstairs as
handle it; he will reward the players with sum of gold. If Derandrez shouts. They may glide their way out and perhaps
players are charging in and kills unnecessarily, he will not will take some damage along the way.
reward the players. And if the players managed to obtain this
ledger without being detected, rewards will be given plus
He then would ssuggest the players use this to throw
Derandrez in jail, with Vilanor testifying againts Derandrezz
in court.

13 Alternative

fter players successfully remove Derandrez, Runaway Killers
depending how they finish him of; three events
would take place. While it is not a must follow "The news about Derandrez murdered spreads like wildfire,
and DMs may come up with their own after
effects of this removal of a powerful man. headline of every news paper from all across the kingdom shows
the wanted group of assassins that has been identified, wanted
poster lined up every corner of the streets, and nation wide scale
manhunt was on.
Monopolicide While everyone is searching for the murderers, The Lexalus'
"The death of Derandrez Lexalus was a hot topic for few weeks. business empire was beginning to crack. Without Derandrez to
The murderers, with identity unknown and leaving no trace. All lead, it crumbles under it's own preasure. The higher ups argue
attempts to locate them was leading nowhere. with each other, any resemblance of cooperate decision was
Meanwhhile the higher ups of Lexalus Arms was in chaos, with either to benefits only one branch of the companny. After weeks
their decisions all anchored by Derandrez; they squable and argue of incompetence steers this companny into ruin. Vilanor decides
with each other. Stagnating the company even more,though he had enough and pulled his share of the Vilanor Arms,
eventually a replacement leader was chosen. This new leader was proceeding to build his own weapons manufacturing companny.
not as cunning and capable as Derandrez. Knowing this, the The first indepdent weapon manufacturer was soon born,
higher ups turn to Derandrez's eldest son, Vilanor. But instead followed by many. Soon, like ants swarming a carscass;the
Vilanor Took his share of the inheritance and created his own weapon market is open after decades of Derandrez's tyranny.
arms manufacture comapnny, proving to be a mighty competition After days of search, news of the assassins killed while
for his father's former companny. Then past scandal begins to attempting to escape pursuit begins to spread around. Ending the
resurface, with Derandrezz gone and no one to sow fear; case and manhunt of these highly dangerous individuals. But
investigations were launched on The Lexalus Arms, which the then, not all news source is trustable.
resultsa proven this company to conduct illegal business and
even sold weapons to Veilen's enemy. This ending would happen is players successfully killed
It didn't take long before fierce competitions, incompetent Derandrez in Assault situation. After escaping the initial
leadership, and collision with the law, destroy what Derandrez has
pursuit and return to the Adverse, Raygon instanly would tell
the players to move using a prepared cart by bail. He will tell
built for decades. The Lexalus still retains their power in the
the players :
council, as Vilanor take his father place. But it is but a shadow of
what is once were." "Congratulation, you all are the most wanted group in
this kingdom. Last time someone was this adored, he
This will take place if players managed to assassinate nearly destroyed a city. Bail will move you all out of here
Derandrez silently and without any collateral damage. Upon to a safehouse. Lay low for few days while we took care of
returning to The Adverse, they would be given their rewards this problem. Your payment is at the safehouse, now
and Raygon will commend them on their clean work. move."
Rewards : Players will then be lead to a horse carriage that will take
1000 - 10000 gold / 100 - 1000 platinum. them outside the city. After few hours of travel, they arrive in
Necklace of Twin Control. (If players took it) medium sized house on countryside.
A sack of gem worth 1000 gold. Inside, their rewards are laid out in a room. Bail then tell
Amulet of Proof againts Detection and Location them not to travel anywhere until further notice, which will
Boots of Elvenkind (Optional) last for a week. PLayers could use this as downtime.
Dagger of Venom (Optional) Rewards :
-- 1000 - 5000 gold / 100 - 500 platinum.
Necklace of Twin Control. (If players took it)
A sack of gem worth 800 gold.
Stone of Goodluck
Boots of Elvenkind (Optional)
Ring of Resistance (Optional)

Ending 14
"There stands, a trialled Derandrez. Convicted of more than fifty
charges of murder, tax evasion, Illegal market and blackmailing.
His life is now in the prison where he will for good. With him out
of the picture, Lexalus Arms soon follows.
Nearly most of ill gotten assets was siezed by the kingdom,
Lexalus Arms was losing support very rapidly. Knowing that this
giant of a companny and it's head has fallen, land lords deny any
further expansion or business proposotion made by Lexalus
Arms; fearing this deal would bite them back. Those who already
did soon drop their support and turned on other supplier. With
that, the market is open once more. Vilanor scraps what's left of
his father's power and build a new Arms manufacturer. Turning
new leaf with a a promise that this Lexalus, is not the evil one.
With the Lord of the Arsenal jailed for such hefty crimes, the
King put a law that prevents anyone from having this ammount of
control on market ever again. Veilen soon would see it's economy
growing rapidly by the influx of merchants seizing this
oppurtunity on a now open Arms market.
What about the heroes?. Those who bring Derandrez to justice.
Their names remained whispered, by legal merchants and illegal
alike. A reminder of what would happen to those who would use
dirty ploy to took over the market.
Power to obtain wealth is equal in the kingdom of Veilen, and
these names are here to make sure of that."

This ending is when players use the ledger and work together
with Vilanor to take Derandrez to jail. Players may attend the
trial, but they Raygon would not encourage them.
After Derandrez in sentenced, Raygon will reward the
players and commend them for using non violence path.
"Though it is not my way of taking out a target, it is
something i'll consider next time. It is a pleasure working
with you fellow, perhaps our path will cross once more.
And as promised, here is your reward"
Rewards :
1000 - 10000 gold / 100 - 1000 platinum.
Necklace of Twin Control. (If players took it)
A sack of gem worth 1000 gold.
Amulet of Proof againts Detection and Location
Boots of Elvenkind (Optional)
Periapt of Wound Closure

15 Ending
Appendix A : Magic Items
Amulet of Proof againts Detection and Ring of Resistance
Location Ring, rare (requires attunement)
Wonderous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) You have resistance to one damage type while wearing this
While wearing this amulet, you are hidden from divination ring. The gem in the ring indicates the type, which the DM
magic. You can't be targeted by such magic or perceived chooses or determines randomly.
through magical scrying sensors. d10 Damage Type Gem
1 Acid Pearl
Boots of Elvenkind 2 Cold Tourmaline
Wonderous Item, uncommon 3 Fire Garnet
While you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, 4 Force Sapphire
regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also
have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on 5 Lightning Citrine
moving silently. 6 Necrotic Jet
7 Poison Amethyst
Dagger of Venom
Weapon (dagger), rare 8 Psychic Jade
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with 9 Radiant Topaz
this magic weapon. 10 Thunder Spinel
You can use an action to cause thick, black poison to coat
the blade. The poison remains for 1 minute or until an attack
using this weapon hits a creature. That creature must Stone of Goodluck
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. The While this polished agate is on your person, you gain a + 1
dagger can't be used this way again until the next dawn. bonus to ability checks and saving throws.

Necklce of Twin Control

Wonderous Item, rare (requires attunement)
A necklace with a red gem embedded to it's centr,this
cecklace can be attuned to control any construct that is not
already bouded to a master. Making it obey any command
that the wearer tells. And you can telephatically communicate
with the contruct that are bounded to this necklace, allowing
to to give commands without have to see the construct.
While wearing this necklace, you have advantage on WIS
saving throw if the source is from construct.

Periapt of Wound Closure

Wonderous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While you wear this pendant, you stabilize whenever you are
dying at the start of your turn. In addition, whenever you roll
a Hit Die to regain hit points, double the number of hit points
it restores.

Appendix A : Magic Items 16

Appendix B : Creatures
Guard Helmed Horror
Medium humaniod (any race), any alignment Medium humaniod (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 16 (chain shirt,shield) Armor Class 20 (plate, shield)

Hit Points 27 (2d8 + 2) Hit Points 70 (8d8 + 24)
Speed 30ft. Speed 30ft., fly 30ft.

13 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +3 Skills Perception +4

Senses passive Perception 13 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
Languages Common slashing from non magical weapons that aren't
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) adamantine
Damage Immunities force,necrotic,poison
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
Actions frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
Spear Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, stunned
reach 5ft. or range 20/60ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius)
+ 1) passive Perception 14
Languages understands the languages of its creator
but can't speak
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Magic Resistance. The helmed horror has advantage

Elite Guard on saving throws againts spells and other magical
Medium humaniod (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 18 (plate) Spell Immunity The helmed horror is immune to

Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 12) three spells chosen by it's creator. Typical
Speed 30ft. immunities include fireball, heat metal, and
lightning bolt.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) Multiattack. The helmed horror makes two
longsword attacks
Skills Perception +3 Longsword Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +3 5ft., one target. Hit : 8 slashing damage (1d8 + 4),
Senses passive Perception 13 or 10 (1d10+4) slashing damage if used with two
Languages Common hands.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Brave. Elite Guards has addvantage on saving throws

againts being frightened.

Greatsword Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5ft., one target. Hit : 11 (2d6 + 3)

17 Appendix B : Creatures
Created Using
The Homebrewery -
Written by
Nata Kurniadi
Idea Pitch
Wijaya "VictorVex" Kusuma
Page 7 : Eddie-Mendoza -
Maps : ANA map -
Creatures and Magic item source
Dungeon Master's Guide -
Monster Manual -

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Credits 18

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