The Selling Price of A House and Lot Is P800,000.00. If Its Appraised Value of P720,000.00 and Loan

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permit to mortgage issued by

a. Local government unit

b. Housing and urban development Coordinating Council
c. Home Insurance Guarantee Corporation
d. Housing and Land use Regulatory Board

26. The selling price of a house and lot is P800,000.00. If its appraised value of P720,000.00 and loan
to collateral ration is 80%, what is its loan value?

a. P640,000.00
b. P576,000.00

c. P720,000.00
d. P648,000.00

27. What is the cost of the fence with total length of 75 meters, with height above the ground of 2
meters and ½ meter below, if cost per square is P1,500.00?

a. P225,000.00
b. P281,250.00
c. P140,625.00
d. P112,500.00

28. The maximum area of residential land (urban area) which a former natural born Filipino citizen
may acquire

a. 10,000.00 sq. m
b. 500.00 sq. m
c. 100.00 sq. m
d. 1,000.00 sq.m

29. The collateral value of a house and lot package is determined by applying the

a. Economic value
b. Assessed value
c. Appraised value
d. Lone to value ratio

30. The use of borrowed funds to increase purchasing power is ideally to increase the profitability of an
investment is

a. Limited liability
b. Debt coverage
c. Leverage
d. Interim financing

31. The estate tax return shall be filed and paid with the BIR within

a. 60 days from death of decedent

b. 90 days from death of decedent
c. 120 days from death of decedent
d. 180 days from death of decedent

32. Under the Urban Land reform law, (PD 1517) an area is considered urban when it has a
population density of at least __________ and where at least 50% of economically active
residents are engaged in non-agricultural activities.

a. 500 residents per sq. kilometre

b. 1,000 residents per sq. kilometre
c. 1,500 residents per sq. kilometre
d. 2,000 residents per sq. kilometre

33. An appraisal technique in which comparative estimates are made between prices paid in actual
transactions and the current listings

a. Cost approach
b. Income approach
c. Market approach
d. Economic approach

34. The maximum term of loan under PAG-IBIG loan amounting to P3 million

a. 20 years
b. 25 years
c. 15 years
d. 30 years

35. A subdivision plan needs only the approval of the Land Registration Authority or Land
Management Bureau to effect segregation of titles when the resulting number of lots are

a. 9 or less
b. 10 or less
c. 12 or less
d. 15 or less

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