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College Chemistry Lab (CHEM 120L) List of Chemicals

NFPA Rating Reproductive

Chemical Name 1 GHS Pictograms 2 Hazard Statements 3 Signal Word Carcinogen
(H-F-I-SH) Toxin

Acetic acid, 20% H314, H318 Danger 3-0-0 No No

Aluminum (Foil and Shot) H410 Warning 0-0-0 No No

Ammonium hydroxide, 20% H302, H314, H319,

Danger 3-0-0 No No
(20% Ammonia Water) H400

H315, H319, H320,

Copper carbonate Warning 2-0-0 No No

H302, H315, H319,

Copper sulfate pentahydrate Danger 2-0-1 No No
H335, H373, H410

H302, H315, H319,

1M Copper sulfate Warning 2-0-0 No No

Hydrochloric acid, various H290, H314, H335,

Danger 3-0-0 No No
concentrations H373

Iron Nails H228 Warning 1-2-1 No No

Iodine potassium iodide solution None H402 None 2-0-0 No No

H225, H319, H341,

1% Phenolphthalein in Ethanol Danger 2-3-0 Yes Yes
H351, H361

Phosphoric acid H290, H314, H335 Danger 3-0-0 No No

1M Potassium iodide H315, H319 Warning 0-0-0 No No

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Safety Data Sheets may be accessed by following hyperlink assigned to each Refer to Pictogram Key. Refer to Hazard Statement Key.
chemical name. Created 9/21/2015
College Chemistry Lab (CHEM 120L) List of Chemicals

NFPA Rating Reproductive

Chemical Name 1 GHS Pictograms 2 Hazard Statements 3 Signal Word Carcinogen
(H-F-I-SH) Toxin

Potassium ferrocyanide H412 None 1-0-0 No No

0.1M Potassium permanganate H410 Warning 1-0-0 No No

H315, H319, H400,

Silver nitrate solution Warning 2-0-0 No No

Sodium bicarbonate H320, H335 Warning 2-0-1 No No

Sodium bicarbonate solution None None None 0-0-0 No No

Sodium bisulfate monohydrate H314, H318, H335 Danger 2-0-0 No No

1% Sodium chloride aqueous

None None None 1-0-0 No No

Sodium hydroxide solution,

H290, H314, H335 Danger 3-0-0 No No
various concentrations

1% Starch solution None None None 0-0-0 No No

Sucrose (Table sugar) None None None 1-1-0 No No

Sulfuric acid H290, H314, H335 Danger 3-0-2-W No No

Zinc, shot None None None 1-1-0 No No

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Safety Data Sheets may be accessed by following hyperlink assigned to each Refer to Pictogram Key. Refer to Hazard Statement Key.
chemical name. Created 9/21/2015
College Chemistry Lab (CHEM 120L) List of Chemicals

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Safety Data Sheets may be accessed by following hyperlink assigned to each Refer to Pictogram Key. Refer to Hazard Statement Key.
chemical name. Created 9/21/2015
Hazard Statement Key
PHYSICAL HAZARDS H241 Heating may cause a fire or explosion. H310 Fatal in contact with skin. H350 May cause cancer.
H200 Unstable explosive. H242 Heating may cause a fire H311 Toxic in contact with skin. H351 Suspected of causing cancer.
Catches fire spontaneously if exposed to
H201 Explosive; mass explosion hazard. H250 H312 Harmful in contact with skin. H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child.
Suspected of damaging fertility or the
H202 Explosive; severe projection hazard. H251 Self-heating; may catch fire H313 May be harmful in contact with skin. H361
unborn child.
Self-heating in large quantities; may Causes severe skin burns and eye
H203 Explosive; fire, blast or projection hazard. H252 H314 H362 May cause harm to breast-fed children.
catch fire damage.
In contact with water releases flammable
H204 Fire or projection hazard. H260 H315 Causes skin irritation. H370 Causes damage to organs.
gases which may ignite spontaneously.
In contact with water releases flammable
H205 May mass explode in fire. H261 H316 Causes mild skin irritation. H371 May cause damage to organs.
Causes damage to organs through
H220 Extremely flammable gas. H270 May cause or intensify fire; oxidizer H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. H372
prolonged or repeated exposure.
May cause fire or explosion; strong May cause damage to organs through
H221 Flammable gas. H271 H318 Causes serious eye damage. H373
oxidizer. prolonged or repeated exposure.
H222 Extremely flammable aerosol. H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer. H319 Causes serious eye irritation. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS
Contains gas under pressure; may
H223 Flammable aerosol. H280 H320 Causes eye irritation. H400 Very toxic to aquatic life.
explode if heated.
Contains refrigerated gas; may cause
H224 Extremely flammable liquid and vapor. H281 H330 Fatal if inhaled. H401 Toxic to aquatic life.
cryogenic burns or injury.
H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapor. H290 May be corrosive to metals. H331 Toxic if inhaled. H402 Harmful to aquatic life.
Very toxic to aquatic life with long-
H226 Flammable liquid and vapor. HEALTH HAZARDS H332 Harmful if inhaled. H410
lasting effects.
Toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting
H227 Combustible liquid. H300 Fatal if swallowed. H333 May be harmful if inhaled. H411
May cause allergy or asthma symptoms Harmful to aquatic life with long-lasting
H228 Flammable solid. H301 Toxic if swallowed. H334 H412
or breathing difficulties if inhaled. effects
Pressurized container: may burst if May cause long-lasting harmul effects to
H229 H302 Harmful if swallowed. H335 May cause respiratory irritation. H413
heated. aquatic life.
May react explosively even in the Harms public health and the environment
H230 H303 May be harmful if swallowed. H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness. H420
absence of air. by destroying ozone in upper atmosphere.
May react explosively even in the
May be fatal if swallowed and enters Suspected of damaging fertility or the
H231 absence of air at elevated pressure and/or H304 H340 May cause genetic defects. H361
airways. unborn child.
May be harmful if swallowed and enters
H240 Heating may cause an explosion. H305 H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects.

Pictogram Key
Irritant (skin/eye), Skin sensitizer, Acute toxicity
Carcinogen, Mutagen, Reproductive toxin, Respiratory Flammables, Pyrophorics, Self-Heating, Emits
(harmful), Narcotic effects, Respiratory tract irritant,
sensitizer, Target organ toxicity, Aspiration toxicity Flammable Gas, Self-Reactives, Organic Peroxides
Hazardous to ozone
Skin Corrosion/Burns, Eye Damage, Corrosive to
Gases under pressure Explosives, Self-reactives, Organic peroxides

Oxidizers Aquatic toxicity Acute toxicity (fatal or toxic)

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