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G.R. No. 182094, August 18, 2010, FIRST DIVISION, DEL CASTILLO, J.:

This case is about the alleged crime of Rape by Sexual Assault and Statutory Rape committed by
accused-appellant Efren Alfonso (Alfonso) against AAA (3 years old at the time of the incident)
and BBB (5 years old), Alfonso’s legitimate children.

The mother of AAA and BBB, CCC, testified that on April 6, 20002, she and her sons DDD and
EEE went to Magarao, Camarines Sur, to have DDD treated by a quack doctor. She left AAA and
BBB at their residence in the care of Alfonso. When she returned home two days after, she found
AAA and BBB crying and in a state of shock. She brought them to the hospital for medical
examination and that was when AAA and BBB informed her that they were sexually abused by
Alfonso. The doctor who conducted the medical examinations on AAA and BBB found that there
were reddish marks in AAA’s labia majora which could possibly be caused by the insertion of a
finger while BBB had superficial lacerations in her hymen.

During the trial of the case, both AAA (who was only 5 years old when she testified) and BBB
(who was 7 years old when she testified) were called to narrate what happened. AAA stated that
Alfonso inserted his finger into her vagina while BBB testified that Alfonso had sexual intercourse
with her. Both felt pain in their vaginas during the incident and their testimonies corroborated
with each other, since both knew what their father did to either of them because they were all
together in the same room when the incident occurred. As to the children’s demeanour in court,
both answered the questions prodded to them in a clear manner and were able to perceive and
communicate their perception in court, distinguish truth from falsehood, and positively identified
Alfonso as the perpetrator of the crime.

Alfonso denied the allegations and pleaded not guilty to the offenses charged against him and
claimed that it was “EEE”, AAA and BBB’s elder brother, who was the real culprit. He insists that
the reddening of AAAs sexual organ might have been caused by a disease or by the scratching
done by AAA herself. He claims that he could not be held liable for rape by sexual assault
considering that the act imputed against him is nothing different from the accidental or casual
touching of AAA’s vagina which he does every time he gives AAA a bath. He also averred that
BBB’s testimony is rehearsed, that she was merely coached by CCC and that the testimony is not

Whether or not Alfonso is guilty of the crime of Rape by Sexual Assault and Statutory Rape

Yes. Under Article 266-A(2) of the RPC, Rape by Sexual Assault is committed by any person who,
under any of the circumstances mentioned in paragraph 1 thereof, who shall commit an act of
sexual assault by inserting his penis into another person’s mouth or anal orifice, or any
instrument or object, into the genital or anal orifice of another person.
In the present case, there is no doubt that appellant inserted his finger into the genital of AAA.
The claim of the appellant that disease or scratching caused the reddening of AAA’s genital lacks
factual basis. The defense never presented any proof that AAA was suffering from a disease at the
time. Neither did the defense elicit any admission from AAA that she scratched her genital thus
causing the reddening. On the contrary, records show that AAA was forthright in her testimony
that her father inserted his finger into her vagina. Moreover, Alfonso’s admission that he touches
AAA’s vagina each time he gives her a bath strengthens the Court’s belief that he is capable of
committing sexual abuse to his own daughter. Also, such admission does not negate the
possibility of committing rape by sexual assault on AAA.

Alfonso is likewise guilty of Statutory Rape. Under Art. 266-A(1)(d) of the RPC, statutory rape is
committed by a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman who is under twelve (12) years
of age.

In the instant case, the prosecution proved beyond reasonable doubt that appellant had carnal
knowledge of BBB who was only 5 years of age at the time. The records clearly show that BBB
testified in a straightforward and credible manner despite the rigid cross-examination by the
appellants counsel. She remained steadfast throughout her narration that it was appellant who
sexually abused her.

As to the allegation that EEE is the real culprit, the Court deems that such argument is without
merit. Both AAA and BBB were consistent in pointing out that it was Alfonso who committed the
sexual acts against them. Despite the suggestion from Alfonso’s counsel, both remained steadfast
that their father was the one who raped them. Lending credence to the fact that Alfonso was
indeed guilty of the crimes attributed against him were his own actuations at the time material to
this case. By Alfonso’s own admission, he did nothing upon learning that his own daughters AAA
and BBB were sexually molested allegedly by EEE. Instead, he just went to sleep upon learning of
the abuses committed against his own daughters. When his wife, CCC, insisted on bringing AAA
and BBB to the hospital to undergo medical examination, Alfonso got angry. He sold their
personal effects and even destroyed their house. He also made himself scarce. Even after hearing
over the radio that he was the one accused of raping his two daughters, he did not come forward
to clear his name. Instead, he went on hiding until his capture two years later. The flight of an
accused is an indication of his guilt or of a guilty mind.

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