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Senior High School

Community Engagement,
Solidarity, & Citizenship
Unit 1 – Community Engagement
Module 1: Concepts and
Perspectives of Community

Community Engagement, Solidarity, & Citizenship – Specialized (HUMSS)
Alternative Delivery Mode
Unit 1 – Community Engagement
Module 1: Concepts and Perspective of Community

First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

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authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Maryfe V. Suales
Editor: Clemencia P. Guinoo
Arcelita B. Zamoras
Rosalie M. Cababat
Layout Artist: Frederick G. Quibong
Management Team:
Ma. Liza R. Tabilon, CESO VI, Schools Division Superintendent
Dr. Lourma I. Poculan, CESE, ASDS
Dr. Lilia E. Abello, CID Chief
Evelyn C. Labad, EPS – LR Focal Person Danilo B. Alga
Mario T. Ontanan- PII, Baliguian NHS
Democrito B. Balingit Jr.- HTI, Baliguian NHS
Cristina B. Banguih – TIII, Alam Mudja Sai NHS

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Senior High School

Community Engagement,
Solidarity, & Citizenship
Unit 1 – Community Engagement
Module 1: Concepts and
Perspectives of Community

For the Facilitators:

Welcome to the Community Engagement, Solidarity, & Citizenship,

Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module for Community Engagement: Concepts
and Perspectives of Community.

This module has been collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by

educators from Senior high School Department of Baliguian National High School
to guide you, the facilitator will the help students meet the standards set by the K
to12 Curriculum as they achieve personal, social and economic challenges to

This course expects students to associate with guided and independent

learning activities according to their ability, speed, and time. It also aims to help
students achieve 21st-century skills while considering their needs and

In addition to the main text material, you will find this box in the module

Note for the Teachers

It contains reminders, tips, or strategies
available to guide students.

As a facilitator, you are expected to provide the student with an introduction

on how to use this module. They also need to track and record their progress as
they allow them to manage their own learning. In addition, expect from you to
further encourage and guide the student as you work through the activities
contained in the module.

For the Students:

Welcome to the Community Engagement, Solidarity, & Citizenship,

Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module for Community Engagement: Concepts
and Perspectives of Community.

The hand is often used as a symbol of ability, action, and purpose. With our
hands we can learn, create, and carry out tasks. This hands-on study
demonstrates that you, as a student, can learn relevant competencies and skills.
Your academic success depends on yourself or your hands.

This module is designed in response to your needs. It aims to help you in
your studies while you are not in the classroom. It also seeks to deprive you of
significant learning opportunities.

This module has components and icons that you must understand.
In this section, you will learn what you need
What I need to Know to learn in this module.

In this test, we will see what you already

What I know know in this module lesson. If you get all the
right answers (100%), you can skip this part
of the module.

This is a brief exercise or review to help you

What’s In relate the current lesson to the previous

In this section, the new lesson will introduce

What’s New you in many ways such as a story, song,
poem, opening problem, task, or situation.

In this section, you will be given a brief

What is It discussion of the lesson. It aims to help you
understand new concepts and skills.

It consists of free practice activities to refine

What’s More your understanding and skills on the
subject. You can correct your answers to the
exercises using the correct key in the last
section of the module.

They contain questions or fill in the

What I Have Learned sentence or paragraph field to process what
you learned from the lesson.
It contains work that will help you translate
What I Can Do new knowledge or skills into real situations
or realities of life.
It is a task aimed at assessing or measuring
Assessment the level of learning achieved by learning
In this section, you will be given additional
Additional Activities work to enrich your knowledge or skills in

the lessons learned.
It contains the correct answers to all the
Answer Key tasks in the module.

At the end of this module, you will also find:

This is the list of all the resources involved
in creating or developing this module.

The following are important reminders for using this module:

1. Use this module with caution. Do not put any marks or writings in any part
of the module. Use a separate role in answering the exercises.
2. Do not forget to answer the “What I Know” before moving on to other tasks
included in the module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each exercise.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in performing tasks and in correcting
5. Finish the current task before going to another practice.
6. Return this module to your teacher when all training is completed.
If you are having difficulty completing the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. You can also seek the help of your parents,
your older siblings, or any of your relatives who are older than you. Always keep in
mind that you are not alone.
We hope, through this module, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain a deep understanding of related competencies. You Can Do It!

What I Need to Know

Over the last two decades, research and practice in health promotion have
increasingly employed community engagement, defined as “the process of working
collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic
proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-
being of those people” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 1997, p
9) In general, the goals of community engagement are to build trust, enlist new
resources and allies, create better communication, and improve overall health
outcomes as successful projects evolve into lasting collaborations (CDC, 1997;
Shore, 2006; Wallerstein, 2002)
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. explain the importance of studying community dynamics and community action
in relation to applied social sciences and the learners’ future career options

What I know

Activity 1.0.0 – Multiple Choice Questions

Directions: 1) Choose the letter of the best answer.
2) Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the difference between rural and urban community?

a. Urban communities are cities while rural communities are farmland.
b. Urban communities are fewer people, more spread out from one
c. Rural communities are lots of people living close together in a small
amount of space.
d. Both communities have lots of people and living in a spacious place.
2. What is community action?
a. is putting communities as the center of the services development and
services delivery
b. help us understand the nature of these environmental impacts
c. this includes our policies on how we impact the environment and
policies on how we respond environmental conditions and changes in
these conditions

d. refers to a wide array of organizations community groups, non-
governmental organizations, labor unions, indigenous groups,
charitable organizations, faith based organization, professional
associations, and foundations
3. What is community dynamics?
a. to cater the primary needs of the communities before implementing it
b. is the change and development involved in a community that includes
all forms of living organism
c. refers to a wide array of organizations community groups, non-
governmental organizations, labor unions, indigenous groups,
charitable organizations, faith based organization, professional
associations, and foundations
d. is putting communities as the center of the services development and
services delivery
4. It is also called as ‘‘the country’’ or the farmland.
a. rural community c. transportation
b. urban d. suburban
5. What is community?
a. a large group of people who live together in an organized way,
making decisions about how to do things
and sharing the work that needs to be done
b. a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality,
share government, and often have a common cultural and historical
c. putting communities as the center of the services development and
services delivery
d. this includes our policies on how we impact the environment and
policies on how we respond environmental conditions and changes in
these conditions
6. Which of the following is NOT a role of community?
a. community consultation, c. joint planning,
b. joint design d. building community
7. Which of the following importance of community action is NOT included?
a. building community and social capacity – helping the community to
share knowledge, skills and ideas
b. community resilience – helping the community to support itself
c. prevention – a focus on early access to services or support,
engagement in design, cross-sector collaboration and partnerships
d. putting communities as the center of the services development and
services delivery
8. Which of the following is the aim of community action?
a. aims to cater the primary needs of the communities before
implementing it
b. it aims in maintaining and creating wealth – for example helping
people into employment or developing community enterprises.
c. aims in making better use of physical resources, such as council-
owned buildings, to support community-led activities
d. aims to focus on early access to services or support, engagement in
design, cross-sector collaboration and partnerships

9. It is the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people
affiliated by geographic proximity.
a. community engagement c. community citizenship
b. community action d. community partnership
10. How do urban people transport?
a. They seldom walk and take a bicycle.
b. People usually must drive to places they need to visit, because it is too
far to walk.
c. They often take a bus, train, taxis, or walk.
d. People often drive, but sometimes walk or take a bus.

Community Engagement
What’s In

Activity 1.1.0 – Social Mapping

Direction: 1) Write your answer on a separate sheet.
2) Learners will present their maps and make conclusions based on their
observations about the dynamics that exist in their communities.
A. Where do you belong along these groups?
B. Ten years from now, where would you be on these groups?






Activity 1.1.1 – Social Mapping
Direction: 1) Cut out 2-3 pictures of community and present it in a separate sheet.
2) Describe each picture briefly.

What’s New

Activity 1.3.0 – Reflection

Direction: 1) Write your answer on a separate sheet.
2) Create/ look for a community song.
A. What is the message of the song?
B. How can you relate the song into your daily activity?

C. In this time of pandemic, how will you define community? Will you still
consider the concept of community as sharing common attitudes, interest,
and goals?

What is It

As we all know that community is a group of people living in the same place
or having a particular characteristic in common. It is also a feeling of fellowship
with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interest, and goals.

There are three (3) types of community, Rural and Urban and Suburban.
1) Rural area is an open swath of land that has few homes or other
buildings, and not very many people.

A rural areas population density is very low. Many people live in a

city, or urban area. Their homes and businesses are located very close to
one another. In a rural area, there are fewer people, and their homes
and businesses are located far away from one another.

Agriculture is the primary industry in most rural areas. Most people

live or work on farms or ranches. Hamlets, villages, towns, and other
small settlements are in or surrounded by rural areas.

Wildlife is more frequently found in rural areas than in cities because

of the absence of people and buildings. In fact, rural areas are often
called the country because residents can see and interact with the
country’s native wildlife.
Throughout the world, more people live in rural areas than in urban
areas. This has been changing rapidly, however. Urbanization is
happening all over the world. In Asia, for example, the United Nations
estimates that the urban population will increase by almost 2 billion by

Urban area in the Philippines. Their primary industry is agriculture such as rice farming. Image
2) retrieved from

Urban area is the region surrounding a city. Most inhabitants of urban

areas have nonagricultural jobs. Urban areas are very developed,
meaning there is a density of human structures such as houses,
commercial buildings, roads, bridges, and railways.

"Urban area" can refer to towns, cities, and suburbs. An urban area
includes the city itself, as well as the surrounding areas. Many urban
areas are called metropolitan areas, or "greater," as in Greater New York
or Greater London.

Skyline of the Makati central business district in Manila, Philippines. Image retrieved from

3) Suburban area. Many people live in suburbs. Suburbs usually have

homes and small businesses. The population of suburbs are growing.

Homes in Suburbs. People have more space in suburban areas than

in urban areas. Homes in suburbs are usually large. Groups of homes in
suburbs form neighborhoods. Many suburban homes have yards. Most
do not have as much land as rural areas though.

Work and transportation. Shops and other businesses are located in

suburbs. Some of the people who live in suburbs work in these
businesses. Other people commute to work in nearby cities.

Benefits and
Challenges. Many
people enjoy living in
suburbs. It is quieter
and people have more
space than in cities.
Living in suburbs can
also be challenging.
There may not be as
many businesses or

Dipolog "Central Business District". Image retrieved from
things to do as in cities. People that commute may spend a lot of time
driving or on trains.

Importance of Understanding Community Dynamics and Community Action

Community action is putting communities as the center of the services

development and services delivery. It includes a broad range of activities and is
sometimes described as ‘social action' or ‘community engagement'. These activities
can vary in their objective, the role the community plays, the types of activities
involved, their scale and their integration within the council. What they have in
common is that they all involve greater engagement of local citizens in the
planning, design and delivery of local services. This initiative aims to cater the
primary needs of the communities before implementing it. In such way, community
action will help the community dynamics or the degree of improvement of the
community. It is important to understand these two because this will propel the
success and stability of the communities. They go hand in hand and are
proportionally related.

Why is community action important?

Community action is about putting communities at the heart of their own local
services. Involving communities in the design and delivery of services can help to
achieve a number of objectives, including:

 Building community and social capacity – helping the community to share

knowledge, skills and ideas.
 Community resilience – helping the community to support itself.
 Prevention – a focus on early access to services or support, engagement in
design, cross-sector collaboration and partnerships. 
 Maintaining and creating wealth – for example helping people into
employment or developing community enterprises.

Role of the Community

The role the community plays can include community consultation, joint
planning, joint design, joint delivery and community-led activities.

The types of activity can include:

 Asset transfer (either through formal transfer to bodies such as parish

councils or community interest companies, or transfer of their management
to local community and voluntary groups).
 Making better use of physical resources, such as council-owned buildings, to
support community-led activities.  
 Community engagement in decision-making (for example through public
engagement events where the community helps to decide local priorities, co-
design or co-commission services).
 Community networks
 Community grants

Social Science Perspectives

(Human Impacts on the Environment)

Human society has a very large impact on the natural environment. We are
changing the makeup of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere, depleting a variety of
natural resources, changing the global climate, and causing many other species to
go extinct.
Natural science can help us understand the nature of these environmental impacts
but social science is needed to understand why and how human society is causing


(Environmental Impacts on Humanity)

Just as human society impact the environment, so, too, does the
environmental impact humanity. Indeed, the environment has played a large role in
the contours of human society throughout its entire history. Today, as the
environment changes from human activity, these environmental changes are
coming back around impact humanity, often quite profoundly. Understanding how
the environment impact society requires social science.

(Environmental Policy)
Given the importance on the impacts of humanity on the environment and
the environment on humanity, society’s policies toward the environment are also
important. This includes our policies on how we impact the environment and
policies on how we respond environmental conditions and changes in these
conditions. The word policy here should be interpreted broadly to include the
policies of government but also the policies of businesses, schools, non-profit
organization, and even households and individual people.

What is Institutional Perspective?

1.Legitimate arrangements that govern economics and social business and human
behavior in a particular society.
2.Approach that highlights the critical importance of the environment of new social

Who and What is ‘Civil Society’?

Refers to a wide array of organizations community groups, non-
governmental organizations, labor unions, indigenous groups, charitable
organizations, faith based organization, professional associations, and foundations.
Civil society sometimes called the “third sector” (after government and commerce)
has the power influence the actions of elected policy- makers and businesses. But
the nature of civil society- what it is and what it does- is evolving, in response to
both technological development and more nuanced changes within societies.

What’s More

Activity 1.4.0 – Sketch to Stretch

Direction: Draw/sketch a symbol or an object about a community without a leader.

Bayahinan. Image retrieved from
1. Where do you think is the center based located? pino-culture-and-traditions/

2. Do you think leaders of each organization are important?

3. What would happen to a community without a leader? Effects?
4. Do you think that we can also lead or manage a small community as it
should be?
5. Do you have a specific way or strategy in leading a small organization?

Activity 1.4.1 – Rewrite

Direction: Write T if the statement is True and F if it is not. Underline that makes
the statement wrong.
________1. Community is a collection of people in a particular territory.
________2. Collection of people is always synonymous with community.
________3. The daily operations in the community constitute to a feeling of
________4. Society is another term for community.
________5. Being a part of a community develops a sense of belongingness among
________6. Human society has a very large impact on the natural environment. We
are changing the makeup of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere, depleting a
variety of natural resources, changing the global climate, and causing many other
species to go extinct.
________7. The importance on the impacts of humanity on the environment and
the environment on humanity, society’s policies toward the environment are also
________8. A community is like a living creature, comprising different parts that
represent specialized functions, activities, or interests, each operating
within specific boundaries to meet community needs.
________9. Civil society refers to a wide array of organizations community groups,
non-governmental organizations, labor unions, indigenous groups, charitable
organizations, faith-based organization, professional associations, and foundations.
________10 Legitimate arrangements that govern economics and social business
and human behavior in a particular society.

What I Have Learned
1. How will you define community?
2. What are some concepts community? What are its (3) types?
3. What is the difference between rural, urban, and suburban in terms of people,
transportation, and economic growth?
4. What is the role of community?
5. What are community action?
6. How important community action is?
7. If you will become a leader in a certain community, will you apply the
different perspectives of community? Why and how?
8. What is community dynamics?
9. Why do we need to know community dynamics?
10. How does community help you as an individual?
11. In this time of pandemic, do you think that community perspective is
important? Why and how?

What I Can Do

Activity 1.5.0
Direction: Answer the following on the sheet of paper.

A. Why do you think these shows socio-political structure, cultural structure,

economics structure?
B. Is it possible that these elements of the community create differences in the lives of
the people in the community? How? And Why?
C. Do these pictures contribute to the development of society?
D. Do you think these elements can exist on their own without the others?


Activity 1.6.0 – Multiple Choice Questions

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the
separate sheet of paper.
1. It pertains to highly industrialize communities.
a) community engagement c) rural
b) community perspectives d) urban
2. Consists of agricultural lands, also referred as pre-industrial communities.
a) community engagement c) rural
b) community perspectives d) suburban
3. A densely populated area usually crowded and has dirty run-down housing.
a) community engagement c) rural
b) community perspectives d) urban
4. Which of the following importance of community action is NOT included?
a) building community and social capacity – helping the community to
share knowledge, skills and ideas
b) prevention – a focus on early access to services or support,
engagement in design, cross-sector collaboration and partnerships
c) putting communities as the center of the services development and
services delivery
d) community resilience – helping the community to support itself
5. Which of the following is the aim of community action?
a) it aims in maintaining and creating wealth – for example helping
people into employment or developing community enterprises.
b) aims to cater the primary needs of the communities before
implementing it
c) aims in making better use of physical resources, such as council-
owned buildings, to support community-led activities
d) aims to focus on early access to services or support, engagement in
design, cross-sector collaboration and partnerships
6. What is the difference between rural and urban community?
a) Urban communities are cities while rural communities are farmland.
b) Urban communities are fewer people, more spread out from one
c) Rural communities are lots of people living close together in a small
amount of space.
d) Both communities have lots of people and living in a spacious place.
7. What is community?
a) a large group of people who live together in an organized way,
making decisions about how to do things
and sharing the work that needs to be done
b) a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality,
share government, and often have a common cultural and historical

c) putting communities as the center of the services development and
services delivery
d) this includes our policies on how we impact the environment and
policies on how we respond environmental conditions and changes in
these conditions
8. What is community dynamics?
a) to cater the primary needs of the communities before implementing it
b) is the change and development involved in a community that includes
all forms of living organism
c) refers to a wide array of organizations community groups, non-
governmental organizations, labor unions, indigenous groups,
charitable organizations, faith-based organization, professional
associations, and foundations
d) is putting communities as the center of the services development and
services delivery
9. What is community action?
a) is putting communities as the center of the services development and
services delivery
b) help us understand the nature of these environmental impacts
c) this includes our policies on how we impact the environment and
policies on how we respond environmental conditions and changes in
these conditions
d) refers to a wide array of organizations community groups, non-
governmental organizations, labor unions, indigenous groups,
charitable organizations, faith based organization, professional
associations, and foundations
10.The following are roles of community EXCEPT;
a) asset transfer c) joint delivery
b) joint planning d) community consultation

Additional Activities



1. Briefly explain the differences and similarities of rural, urban, and

2. Cut out pictures of a group of people doing community engagement.
3. As a youth of today’s generation facing a pandemic (refer to the image), how
will you apply community perspectives into action?

Source: KJ Rosales, People wait outside a medical supplies store along Bambang Street in Sta. Cruz, Manila to
buy face masks. 2020, The Philippine STAR. Image retrieved from

Answer Keys

Assessment What I Know

1. C 6. A 1. A 6. D
2. A 7. D
2. D 7. B 3. B 8. A
4. A 9. A
3. D 8. B 5. B 10. C
4. C 9. A

5. B 10. A



For inquiries or feedbacks, write or call us at:

Maryfe V. Suales, [email protected] (0935-398-3104)

Rosalie M. Cababat, [email protected] (0956-938-5730)
Clemencia P. Guinoo, [email protected] (0905-754-2228)
Mario T. Ontanan, [email protected] (0917-117-5652)

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