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Dark Awake: The King has No Name
FAQ and Move List
Version 1.00
By: Black Murasame63 (c)2011
E-mail address: [email protected]

Table of Contents
I. What's new...................................(DA001)
II. Copyright....................................(DA002)
III. Contact......................................(DA003)
IV. Introduction.................................(DA004)
V. General Overview.............................(DA005)
VI. Basic Gameplay Overview......................(DA006)
VII. Character movelist...........................(DA007)
A. Humans.............................(HUMAN)
B. Elves..............................(ELVES)
C. Dwarves............................(DWRVE)
D. Dark Elves.........................(DAELF)
E. Goblins and Orcs...................(GOB&O)
F. Undead.............................(UNDED)
G. Bosses.............................(BOSSE)
VIII. Items........................................(DA008)
IX. Trophies.....................................(DA009)
X. Credits......................................(DA010)

I. What's New (DA001)

January 12, 2011

1.00: Intital Release

Version History

January 12, 2011

1.00: Intital Release

II. Copyright (DA002)

All trademarks are property of their respective owners. No section of this

guide can be used without my permission. This includes, but is not limited to
posting on your website, making links to my guide, including parts of my guide
in your own, or making reference to any material contained within. If you do,
I'll send a pack of bloodhounds after you.

(c)2010 Black Murasame63

- Thanks to Michael Sarich for this Copyright -

III. Contact Info (DA003)

Anything to suggest to improve the faq infrastructure will suffice.

Also, if you found errors or want to add anything in the FAQ, please send me
an email to the link below you. If I approve your suggestions, you'll be
definitely be credited for the next revision.

E-mail address: [email protected].

The following site are allowed to post my FAQ to their website. The two sites
I mentioned are the only ones that can post my FAQ.

- Neoseeker (
- Supercheats (

Be sure when the adminstrator of the respective site upload my FAQ, you must
let me know that you are doing so. For everyone else, sorry guys. These are the
only two sites I allow them to post my FAQ. Also, any E-Mail that does not
contain any constructive criticism whatsoever or just simply trolling, I will
not bother reading it, and it will be deleted.

ATTENTION: Anyone familiar with the Japanese language!

I need a better translation for the movelists for Orc, Troll and Goblin. Anyone
who is willing to translate for those three please send me a message!

IV. Introduction (DA004)

Hey, everyone. First off, I wanted to thank everyone who supported me after
my time writing Tales of Innocence for the DS. I'm very pleased that the
FAQ I wrote have recieved positive reception. You guys are the reason why
I continue writing FAQs. Anyway, this is the first time I have ever written a
FAQ for a fighting game. Because of the nature of this game, feel free to add
in any extra input that I may have overlooked.

V. General Overview (DA005)

Dark Awake: The King has No Name or Chaos Breaker is a fighting game made by
Eolith. As some of you know, they made a couple of games for SNK. They made
King of Fighters 2001 and 2002. Their past game developments had certainly
shown some influence when they made Dark Awake. As you can see, it's a weapon
-based fighting game with some elements found in a typical SNK fighting game
with a touch of Dungeon and Dragons. There are several twists in the fighting
game formula that deviates from all the other fighting games such as Item usage
and clashing. Anyway, when the game released in 2004, it was exclusively an
arcade machine; not to mention that it had no overseas release. Recently, Recom
decided to port this obscure fighting game to the PS3 in Japan. Although there
are no visual enhancements, Dark Awake comes with online play. Despite
the fact that this game is exclusively a Japanese-only release, majority of
the text are in English. So, you should have little trouble treading through
the menus.

VI. Basic Gameplay Overview (DA006)

Controls and Notations

f: forward
b: back
u: up
d: down

uf: up/forward
ub: up/back
df: down/forward
db: down/back

A: Weak Attack
B: Medium Attack
C: Strong Attack
D: Unarmed Attack

Select: Taunt
Start: Pause

qcf: Quarter-circle forward (d, df, f)

qcb: Quarter-circle back (d, db, b)
hcf: Half-circle forward (b, db, d, df, f)
hcb: half-circle back (f, df, d, db, b)

360: Full-circle notation

720: Full-Circle notation twice

+: Press both buttons at the same time

x2: Perform the same notation twice

Basic Moves


Throws can be executed when you are at close proximity with your opponent. To
do so, press the following below.

f + d or b + d


If you need to move back or forward without jumping simply tapping forward or
back while you are in the ground.

Super Jump

You can jump higher than normal to get out of tricky spots such as the corners.

Quickly press d + u while on the ground


Getting hit airborne or getting knocked off from a powerful attack can sometimes
take a toll on the recovery time while getting up. You can recover quickly by
pressing any attack buttons before you hit the ground.

Mana Gauge

It's a 3-level gauge below the screen. This is an important gauge to look out
for because many of the basic moves such as supers, Item burst and etc.
requires at least 1 level of your mana.

Mana Burst
It's this game Super/Desperate attack. Self explanatory.

Item: Stock Effect


When you have an item on stock, simply press C + D to use it. Likewise, if you
have more than 1 item on stock, press A + B for slot 1, B + C for slot 2 and
C + D for slot 3.

Item Burst

Each of the items on hand have a second function. For the most part, it acts
as an offensive assault to the opponent. Keep in mind that Item Burst takes
up 1 level of your mana gauge. To do an item burst do the following below.

qcf + c+D

If you have other items with you, just do the qcf notation except you press
A + B or B + C at the end.

Passive Effect

Some items have secondary effects. For example, if you block the opponent's
attack and you are wearing the Protection Ring, it occassionally gives you
no damage from your opponent. In other words, there's a random chance that
a chip damage will not occur after blocked attacks.

However, if you equip the character with their signature weapon, then the
character will gain bonuses throughout the match. Take Vritra for example.
If you have Nightmare Blade with you as your item and his turn came up,
not only there is a cosmetic change, but his strength and magic increases.
Make sure to look up the items section for more passive effects.

Mana Counter

Like in many fighting games, there are times when your opponent will pull
off long combo strings and you are blocking while getting chipped to death.
While you are blocking your opponent's attacks, do the following below.

f, df, d + D

Please note that doing mana counter requires at least 1 level of your mana
gauge before pulling it off.

Character Assist
If you have more than 1 or 2 characters on standby, you can press A + B or
B + C and do their assisted attacks. Please note that it also takes up
1 level of your mana. So use it wisely.

If your character is equipping their signature weapon, chances are that
your character can now pull off critical hits. It randomly increases damage
to the inflicted opponent. However, critical hits does NOT occur after a

You can deflect your opponent's weapon attacks by simply dashing forward
or back during the opponent's attack animation. Also note that if you and
your opponent did an attack at the same time, a clash will occur. It's a
similar effect to deflecting. after a deflect animation, it gives the player
or the opponent some extra frames to punish their attack. The timing for
deflecting an attack is not strict. So, if your timing is a bit too late,
there's a good chance that you can still deflect your attack.

Although it sounds like a gamebreaker, fortunately, there are some drawbacks.

For example, you cannot dash while you are in the air. Because of this, you
cannot do any deflects. Also, throwing or doing "D" attacks can destroy any
attempts of deflecting.

VII. Character movelist (DA007)
Characters are organized by races. Look up their respective race for the
characters you are looking for.

*A. Humans (HUMAN)*

*Signature Item: Hellfire Sword

Special Moves

Body Separation (??????????): qcf + A, B or C

Wing Cutter (????????): d, f, df + A, B, or C

Loop Slicer (????????): qcb + A, B or C

(Can add a 2nd hit: qcb + A, B or C after loop

Tackle Throw (???????): qcf + D

Jump Catch Throw (???????????): d, f, df + D

Sword Rush (???????): Press A, B or C repeatedly

Death Descend (???????): (In the Air)

qcb + A, B or C

Mana Burst

Barbarian Rush (??????????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Death Pierce (?????): qcb x2 + A, B or C

Muscle Drive (????????): qcf X2 + D

*Signature Item: Magic Shield

Special Moves

Advanced Strike (??????????): hcf + A, B or C

Aerial Turn (????????): f, df, d + A, B or C

Down Stud (???????): Hold d for 2 sec, u + A, B or C

Steel Shield (?????????): (In the Air)

A + D

Sword Wind (???????): qcb + A, B or C

Mana Burst

Aerial Burst (?????????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Ground Burst (????????): qcf X2 + D

*Signature Item: Earth Hammer

Special Moves

Brandish (????????): qcf + A, B or C

(Up to 3 times)

Hammer Counter (?????????): b, d, db + A, B or C

Hook Turn (??????): hcb + A, B or C

Hammer Swing (?????????): 360 + A, B or C

Horn Throw (??????): Hold b for 2 sec, f + D

Mana Burst

Berserk (?????): qcb X2 + A, B or C

Super Hammer Swing: 720 + A, B or C


*B. Elves (ELVES)*
* Signature Item: Ice Blade

Special Moves

Element Wall (?????????): qcf + A, B or C

Element Shot (?????????): (after Element Wall) A, B or C

Element Sword (????????): (after Element Wall) f, d, df + A, B or

(In the Air only)

Guardian Sword (?????????): f, d, df + A, B or C

Force Dash (????????): hcf + A, B or C

Guardian Kick (?????????): f, d, df + D

Mana Burst

Element Slash (??????????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Awaking Element: qcb X2 + A, B or C


Great Elements (?????????): qcb X2 + A + B + C (Simultaniously)

* Signature Item: Shining Staff

Special Move

Judgment (???????): qcf + A, B or C

(Can be used in the air)

Justice Sword (?????????): f, d, df + D

Holy Wall (????????): qcb + A, B or C

Holy Shot (????????): (after Holy Wall)

A, B or C

Mana Charge (??????): qcb + Hold D

Holy Jail (????????): hcf + D

Mana Bursts

Divine Justice: qcf X2 + A, B or C


Holy Tempest: qcb X2 + A, B or C


* Signature Item: Shining Bow

Special Moves

Arrow Shot (???????): qcf + A, B or C

(Can be used in the air)

Dagger Slash (????????): f, d, df + A, B or C

Somersault Attack: b, d, db + A, B or C

Sliding Attack: qcf + D


Mana Burst

Heaven's Arrow (???????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Sky Arrow (??????): (In the Air)

qcf X2 + A, B or C

*C. Dwarves (DWRVE)*

* Signature Item: Rune Axe

Special Moves

Target Wall (???): qcf + A or B

Target Floor (???): qcf + C

Target Bottom (???): qcb + A, B or C

Rock Cutter (???): Hold b for 2 seconds, f + A, B or C

Ore Carry (????): hcb, f + A, B or C

Ore Break (????): (After Ore Carry)

d, d + A, B or C

Mana Bursts

Mine Destroyer (????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Stone Breaker (????): hcb X2 + A, B or C

* Signature Item: Extra Bullet

Special Moves

Shot (????): qcf + A, B or C

(Uses up one bullet)

Gunpowder (??????): d, f, df + A, B, or C

(NOTE: For the charge series, Vargan MUST have bullets before you do a
follow up attack.)
Head Charge (???????): qcb + A
(Do the same notation after the first hit
of the charge attack to fire your bullets)

Jumping Charge: qcb + B

(??????????) (Do the same notation after the first
of the charge attack to fire your bullets)

Sliding charge: qcb + C

(???????????) (Do the same notation after the first
of the charge attack to fire your bullets)

Reload (????): d, d + A (Reloads one bullet)

d, d + B (Reloads two bullets)
d, d + C (Reloads three bullets)

Mana Burst

Last Shot (???????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

(Uses up all available bullets)

Lift & Shot (???&????): 360 + A, B or C

(Uses up all available bullets)

Super Reload (????????): qcb X2 + D

Extra Shot (?????????): qcb, db, d, df, f + A, B or C

Gerhardsen II
* Signature Item: Draconic Figure

Special Moves

Cannon Fire-Shell: qcf + A, B or C

(???????????) (Cannon shell required)

Cannon Fire (????????): qcf + A, B or C

Cannon Jump (????????): d, f, df + A, B, or C

(A, B, C or D to do follow-up attack)

Cannon Spin (???????): qcb + A, B or C

Reload (????): d, d + A, B or C

Cannon Frontdash: f, f + D

Cannon Backdash: b, b + D

Mana Burst

Special Shell (????????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Cluster Shell (????????): qcb X2 + A, B or C

Shell Bunker (???????): qcb, db, d, df, f + A, B or C

Hell Ray (?????): qcf X2 + D

(Requires Draconic Figure)

*D. Dark Elves (DAELF)*

*Signature Item: Nightmare Blade

Special Moves

Shout Strike (?????????): qcf + A, B or C

(If connected, rapidly press A, B or C)

Battle Cry (??????): d, f, df + A, B, or C

Howling Jump (?????????): qcb + A, B or C

Raging Cut (?????????): (after Howling Jump) A, B or C

Raging Kick (????????): (after Howling Jump) D

Front Shift (???????): qcf + D

Back Shift (??????): qcb + D

Dodge (??????): d, d + D

Front Leap (????????): f, d, df + D

Back Leap (???????): b, d, db + D

Cyclone Cutter (?????????): (In the air)

qcf + A, B or C

Pain Strike (????????): rapidly press A, B or C

Fatal Strike (??????????): f, b, f + A, B or C

Front Dash Kick (??????????): (In the air)

f, f + D

Back Dash Kick (?????????): (In the air)

b, b + D

Mana Bursts
Ramapage (?????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Vicious Killer (???????): qcb X2 + A, B or C


*Signature Item: Evil Staff

Special Moves

Bolt Throne (???????): qcf + A, B or C

Bolt Rush (???????): (after Bolt Throne)

f + A, B or C

Plus Rush (???????): (after Bolt Throne)

f + A, B or C

Charged Bolt (???????): (In the air)

qcf + A, B or C

Demon Kick (???????): f, d, df + A, B or C

Rod Bolt (??????): (In the air)

hcb + A, B or C

Front Chopper (?????????): d, db, b, f + A, B or C

Jump Back (???????): d, f, df + A, B or C

Mana Bursts

Bolt Crack (????????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Nagi Bolt (?????): qcb X2 + A, B or C

Bolt Jump (???????): 720 + A, B or C

*Signature Item: Evil Staff

Special Moves

Animate Dead-Skeleton qcf + A, B or C


Animate Dead-Zombie qcb + A, B or C


Death Bone (?????) f, d, df + A, B or C

White Touch (??????) hcf + D

Mana Bursts

Skeleton Army (?????�????) qcf X2 + A, B or C

Bad Blood (???????) qcb X2 + A, B or C

*E. Goblin and Orcs (GOB&O)*

* Signature Item: Spike Mace

Special Moves

Fool! (????!): qcf + A, B + C or D

Idiot! (???!): f, d, df + A, B or C

I Fire! (?????!): qcf + A

I skewer! (????!): qcf + B

Let it Fly! (?????!): qcf + C

Dance and Scream! (?????!): hcb + D

Mana Burst

Teach you good (????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Abracadabra curse (????): qcb X2 + A, B or C

Trample (????): qcf X2 + D

* Signature Item: Demon Club

Special Moves

Crush (????): Hold b for 2 sec, f + A, B or C

Stomp (?????): Hold d for 2 sec, u + A, B or C

Headbutt (???): Hold D

(Can hold indefinitely)

Throw (?????): hcb + A, B or C

Continous Beatings (??????): rapidly press A, B or C

Mana Burst

Beat to Death (????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Trample to Death (????): qcf X2 + D


* Signature Item: Goblin Spear

Special Moves

Poke (?????): rapidly press A, B or C

Isolation Attack: qcf + A, B or C


Rotatary cut(????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

(In the air)

Stiction(????): b, d, db + D

Arching Pokes: (after Stiction)

(?????????) A, B or C

Tongue Throw (???): hcb + D

Mana Burst

Gang up! (???): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Throwing Skulls (????): qcf X2 + D

*F. Undead (UNDED)*

* Signature Item: Dark Staff

Special Moves

Phantom Soul (????????): qcf + A, B or C

Phantom Shift (????????): qcb + A, B or C

Phantom Mind (?????????): (During Phantom Shift)

qcb + A, B or C

Phantom Mist (????????): f, d, df + A, B, or C

Stalker (?????): qcf + D

f, d, df + D
qcd + D
d, f, df + D

Fog (???): hcb + D

Mana Burst

Contamination (?????????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Pollution (???????): qcb X2 + D

* Signature Item: Naught Weapon

Special Moves

Charging Lance (???????): qcf + A, B or C

Intercept (???????): d, f, df + A, B, or C

Beat up (??????): d + A, B, or C
(After intercept)

Fireball (???????): b, d, db + A, B, or C

Army Dash (????????): qcf + D

Back Attack (???????): (During Army Dash)

f + A, B or C

Jump (????): (During Army Dash)

u or uf

Turn Around (???): (During Army Dash)

b + A, B or C

Cyclone Lance (????????): hcb + A, B or C

Charging Steed (?????????): d, f, df + A, B, or C

Mana Burst

Fatal Lance (????????): qcf X2 + A, B or C

Undead Fire (?????????): qcb X2 + A, B or C

Cavalry Attack (??????????): qcb X2 + D

* Signature Item: Blood Sword

Special Moves

Spurting Blood: qcf + A, B or C


Distortion (????????): qcb + A, B or C

Warp (???): qcf + D

f, d, df + D
qcd + D
d, f, df + D

Energy Drain (????????): hcb, f + A, B or C

Mana Burst

Blood Barrier (????�???): 360 + A, B or C

Blood Sucker (????�????): hcb X2 + A, B or C

*G. Bosses (BOSSE)*
* Signature Item: None

Special Moves

Change Style (????????): qcb + A, B or C

Attack A: A, B or C
Attack B: f, f, df + A, B or C

Beast Wing (????????): f, d, df + A, B or C

Tail Attack (???????): hcf, df, f + A, B or C

Tail Swing (????????): f, f, d, f + A, B or C

Mana Burst
Scorpion Tail: hcf x2 + A, B or C

*Signature Item: None

Special Moves

Straight Thunder: qcf + A, B or C


Thunderbolt (???????): qcb + A, B or C

Spark Thunder (????????): hcf + A, B or C

Rising Thunder (?????????): f, d, df + A, B, or C

Dark Smite (???????): hcf + D

Revenge Thunder (????????): hcb + D

Mana Burst

Dark Thunder (???????): qcf X2 + A

Explosion (?????????): qcf X2 + B

Hellgate (?????): qcf X2 + C

The King has no Name

*Signature Item: None

Special Moves

Fire (????): qcf + A, B or C

Long-Range Fire: qcb + A, B or C


Snort (????): f, d, df + A, B or C

Ground Fire (????????): b, d, df + A, B or C

Tail Bash (???????): qcf + D

Mana Burst

Dragon Flame (????????): qcf X2 + A

VIII. Items (ITEM)

Item Name
Item Usage: # times
*: Character specific

Stock Action: (SA)

Passive Ability: (PA)
Item Burst: (IB)

Standard Items

Healing Potion
Item Usage: 1

(SA): Recovers a moderate amount of health

(PA): Slightly recover more health than usual at the end of the round
(IB): Unleashes a single projectile

Mana Potion
Item Usage: 3

(SA): Gains one level of Mana

(PA): None
(IB): Unleashes a single projectile

Power Bracelet
Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises the user's strength for a short time

(PA): User's offensive power increases by 20%
(IB): Pillar of light shines around the character and above

Scroll of Mana
Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises the user's magic attack for a short time

(PA): User's magic attack power increases by 15%
(IB): Bursts of flames erupts from the floor

Protection Ring
Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises the user's physical defense for a short time

(PA): User will occassionally recieve no chip damage from blocking physical
(IB): Pillar of light shines around the character and above

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises the user's magical defense for a short time

(PA): User will occassionally recieve no chip damage from blocking magic
(IB): Pillar of light shines around the character and above
Holy Symbol
Item Usage: 3

(SA): Recovers a small amount of health

(PA): None
(IB): Orbs of light rotate around the user

Signature Items

Hellfire Sword (Ramda)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Unleashes an unblockable attack.

(PA): Raises Physical and Magic Attack by 10%
*Ramda gains 30% Physical Attack and 10% Magic Attack increase;
all normals can now do chip damage.
(IB): Bursts of flames erupts from the floor

Magic Shield (Sandra)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises physical defense for a short time; User will occassionally
recieve no chip damage from blocking attacks
(PA): Raises Physical and Magic Defense by 10%
*Sandra gains additional Physical and Magic Defense by 10%
(IB): Unleashes a 3-hit Wind Slash

Earth Hammer (Cursehead)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): A small fissure explodes at your feet

(PA): Raises Physical attack by 20%
*Cursehead gains an increase of Physical attack by 44%
(IB): Slags of earth explodes across the screen.

Death Staff (Mara)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Increases Magic attack for a short time

(PA): Raises Magic Attack by 15%
*Mara gains an increase of Magic attack by 32%
(IB): Unleashes a cluster of spines from the ground

Evil Staff (Nagar)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises Magic Attack for a short time

(PA): Raises Physical and Magic Attack by 10%
Nagar gains 10% Physical Attack and 25% Magic Attack increase
(IB): Unleashes a slow moving thunderbolts in front of the user

Nightmare Blade (Vritra)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Unleashes an unblockable attack.

(PA): Raises Physical Attack by 10% and Magic Attack by 25%
*Vritra gains 32% Physical Attack and 25% Magic Attack increase;
all normals can now do chip damage
(IB): Unleashes 3 quick lightning bolts.

Ice Blade (Elion)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Unleashes an unblockable attack.

(PA): Raises Physical Attack by 15% and Magic Attack by 10%
*Elion gains 38% Physical Attack and 10% Magic Attack increase;
all normals can now do chip damage
(IB): Unleashes clusters of razor-sharp icicles

Shining Staff (Fina)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Invokes a frontal barrier that deflects an attack

(PA): Raises Magic Attack by 15%
*Fina gains an increase of Magic attack by 30%
(IB): Unleashes 3 orbs of light-elemental projectiles

Shining Bow (Evetta)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Invokes 3 arrows of light

(PA): Raises Magic Attack by 10%
*Evetta's projectiles will count as 2 hits
(IB): Unleashes raining light arrows

Goblin Spear (Goblin)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises Physical Attack for a short time

(PA): Raises Physical Attack by 10%
*Goblin gains the ability to do chip damage with only normal attacks
(IB): Unleashes a cluster of spikes from the ground

Demon Club (Troll)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises Physical Attack for a short time

(PA): Raises Physical Attack by 20%
*Troll gains 20% Physical Attack and Magic Attack increase;
all normals can now do chip damage
(IB): Unleashes an energy geyser
Spike Mace (Orc)
Item Usage: 3

(SA): Summons Orc to do his special moves randomly

(PA): Raises Physical Attack by 15%
*Orc gains 40% Physical Attack increase; all normals can now do chip
(IB): Summons a group of Orcs to attack the opponent

Rune Axe (Dorgan)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Increases Physical Attack for a short time

(PA): Raises Physical Attack by 15%
*Dorgan gains 32% Physical Attack increase; all normals can now do chip
(IB): Rocks that rain down around the user

Extra Bullet (Vargan)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Increases Physical attack for a short time

(PA): *Vargan gains the ability to hold more bullets than usual
(IB): Unleashes explosions that rises to the top

Draconic Figurine (Gerhardsen II)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Unleashes an unblockable attack.

(PA): Raises Magic Defense for a short time
*Gerhardsen II will occassionally recieve no chip damage from blocking
any attacks
(IB): Unleashes waves of explosions from both sides

Dark Staff (Zon)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises Magic Attack for a short time

(PA): Raises Magic Attack by 10%
*Zon gains 25% Magic Attack increase
(IB): Unleashes a large circular projectile (Can change its trajectory by
pressing up or down)

Naught Weapon (Nsidor)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises Physical Attack for a short time

(PA): Raises Physical and Magic Attack by 10%
*Nsidor gains 32% Physical Attack and 10% Magic Attack increase
(IB): Unleashes numerous spikes around the user

Blood Sword (Bernhard)

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Gain the ability to recover a small amount of health by doing any
physical attacks.
(PA): Raises Magic Attack by 10%
*Bernhard gains 20% Phsyical Attack and 10% of Magic Attack increase
(IB): Unleashes a slow moving projectile

Special Items

Invisible Mantle
Item Usage: 3

(SA): Become invisible for a short time

(PA): Become invisible at the start of the match
(IB): Invokes a pillar of fire bursting from the ground

Wind Boots
Item Usage: 1

(SA): Invokes a doppelganger; adds extra hits to your attack

(PA): None
(IB): Same as (SA) except the duration is much shorter

Medal of Strength
Item Usage: 1

(SA): Cannot get stun by getting hit by opponent

(PA): None
(IB): Unleashes 3 quick lightning bolts.

Master Ring
Item Usage: 1

(SA): Ability to cancel a special move

(PA): None
(IB): Invokes a pillar of fire bursting from the ground

Fortune Coin
Item Usage: 3

(SA): Increase the player's score for a short time

(PA): Increase the player's score by 125%
(IB): Increase the player's score for a short time

Item Usage: 3

(SA): Invokes a frontal barrier that deflects an attack

(PA): Raises the player's Magic Defense
(IB): Invokes an offensive barrier around the player

Mutation Stone
Item Usage: 1

(SA): Picks out a random item before the match starts

(PA): None
(IB): None

Rare Items
NOTE: Rare Items can only be obtained after you beat someone in a match.

Item Usage: 1

(SA): Revives a fallen character if used; automatically revives the last

character standing. (Assuming that the Elixir is not used)
(PA): None
(IB): Full-blown suicide attack (Requires level 3 on the Mana Gauge)

Demonic Figurine
Item Usage: 1

(SA): Chance of getting critical hits increases

(PA): None
(IB): Chance of getting critical hits increases

Seven Keys
Item Usage: 3

(SA): Raises the player's Magic Attack for a short time

(PA): User's magic attack power increases by 25%
(IB): Invokes a pillar of fire bursting from the ground

Book of Disaster
Item Usage: 3

(SA): Unleashes numerous spikes around the user

(PA): None
(IB): Wipes away one level of the opponent's Mana Gauge

Item Usage: 1

(SA): Raises the user's Magic Defense for a short time

(PA): None
(IB): Raises the user's Magic Defense for a short time

Chaos Ring
Item Usage: 1

(SA): Significantly increases the user's Magic attack with the cost of drastic
decrease of the user's strength
(PA): Slightly raises the user's strength; raises the user's Magic Attack
(IB): Unleashes a thunder pillar

Fang of Manticore
Item Usage: 1

(SA): Summon the manticore and he attacks the opponent with his tail
(PA): None
(IB): Summon the manticore and he attacks the opponent with his body

Dragon Scale
Item Usage: 1

(SA): Flames surround around the user

(PA): None
(IB): Unleashes a widespread flame attack throughout the battlefield

IX. Trophies (DA009)
NOTE: If your settings on your PS3 is in English, you'll get description that
only states the ranking of the trophies like Gold, Silver or Blonze. = P
Although the names are unofficial, I translated the names anyway.


Name | Description |Rank |
The Constrained Individual | Win 50 Ranked Matches without using |Gold |
| all of the mana gauge (Online) | |

Strategy: Basically, just try to win your matches without depleting the mana
gauge completely. Better yet, just don't try to use anything that takes up the
mana gauge.

Name | Description |Rank |
The Gatherer | Clear the game without continuing |Silver |
| and obtain 30+ Items | |

Strategy: Self-Explanatory. Be sure you are winning matches with straights and
perfects. With straights and perfects; you have a chance to gather more items
at the end of the match.

Name | Description |Rank |
The Dragon Slayer | Defeat The King Has No Name |Silver |
| | |

Strategy: To get to the true final boss; you must have a minimum of 25 Items
after stage 7. Fail to do so, you'll have a pre-mature ending after you beat

Name | Description |Rank |
Awakened Victory | Win 50 Ranked Matches (Online) |Silver |
| | |

Strategy: Self-Explanatory

Name | Description |Rank |
Indulging Conquest | Win 100 Player Matches (Online) |Silver |
| | |

Strategy: Self-Explanatory

Name | Description |Rank |
Barbarians' Revenge |Beat Arcade mode using only Ramda, |Bronze |
|Sandra and Cursehead | |

Strategy: Self-Explanatory. You can get this trophy by using your mains on the
first seven rounds and fight Thiele or The King has no name with a particular
team. But for the most part, you can go up to Thiele and still get the trophy.

Name | Description |Rank |
Impulsive Carnage |Beat Arcade mode using only Goblin, |Bronze |
|Troll and Orc | |

Strategy: See Barbarians' Revenge

Name | Description |Rank |
Succeeding Heroes |Beat Arcade mode using only Elion, |Bronze |
|Fina and Evetta | |

Strategy: See Barbarians' Revenge

Name | Description |Rank |
Renewed Ammunition |Beat Arcade mode using only Dorgan, |Bronze |
|Vargan and Gedhardsen II | |

Strategy: See Barbarians' Revenge

Name | Description |Rank |
Atop A Mountain Of Corpses |Beat Arcade mode using only Mara, |Bronze |
|Nagar and Vritra | |

Strategy: See Barbarians' Revenge

Name | Description |Rank |
Unmitigated Perpetuity |Beat Arcade mode using only Zon, |Bronze |
|Nsidor and Bernhard | |

Strategy: See Barbarians' Revenge

Name | Description |Rank |
Disheveling Species |Beat Arcade mode using any characters|Bronze |
|on the roster | |

Strategy: Self-Explanatory

X. Credits (DA010)

I would like to thank the following people.

Eolith: Even though you had a rough history with KoF 2001, you guys made an
awesome gem.
Recom: For bringing this obscure fighting game to the PS3
Gamefaqs: For accepting this FAQ.
CjayC: For making Gamefaqs exists for what it is today
SBAllen: For being a cool Administrator
Michael Sarich: for this Copyright

Last but not least, I thank YOU for taking the time to read this faq.

I look forward to hear more about this FAQ. So if you feel like there's
something is missing, please feel free to contact me. If it's well thought
out, I'll add it and credit you for the next revision. So once again, thank
you for taking the time to read this.
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