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Part 1

Reward and Performance:

South Wet Air believes in empowering and encouraging the employees. The airline does

not adhere to top to bottom apparoch for making and implementing decisions. Instead, its ushers

in motivation for the employees to take the decisions related to their tasks

Leadership is an acme practice of leading through example. There are various forms and

manifestations of the leadership styles. Corporate managers and business heads adhere to various

leadership practices. Some of them are more effective than the others. But there is a need to have

an effective framework for the action in which the leaders could guide the people working for

them Below are the few recommendations which must be incorporated in the structure of any

workable organization. In this regard, the example of Southwest Airlines can be quoted.

Firstly, it is imperative to decipher that the contextual issues are more important in the

leadership styles. Every organization faces unique circumstances. There are no fixated standards

of conduct for the organizations. The various forms of the leadership are required and employed

according to the changing circumstances. So, the Southwest Airlines must practice this agenda in

its operations for further determined success.

The democratic form of the leadership must be distained. The structure of the airline

cannot permit. If the top managers take input from different quarters. It would not be vivacious

for the company to pass the basic test of competency. But it does not mean that all decisions

should be authoritarian. There should special provisions for the prolonged commitment of the

management towards the staff. So, giving confidence to the workers reduce their ambit about the

overall conduct.

On the other hand, the company should work to build charismatic and transformational

leadership style. It is not only need time but also of incessant value. The charismatic leaders have

charm and wit of their personality which ensures that they command the subordinates. Their

style is motivating, encouraging, and salubrious. The Southwest Airlines can use that style of

leadership in its operations and functions.

Part 2:

Decision Making

They would be able to contextualize the process and progress of the organization. They

would devote their energies for the rapid development of the organization among the peers.

Overall, it would combine wit with experience. Southwest Airlines would be able to reap

dividends in the long term.

Whereas, the transformative leaders have mission and goals to achieve. They are

objective and precise in their apparoch. There is limited scope of wasting time and energy for

them on less vivid activities. It empowers them to focus on the big picture of the organization.

They forecast the future through their conducive judgment and effective analysis of the situation.

In context of Southwest Airlines, a proper mix of the transformative and charismatic

leadership is required. It would usher in a new era of development and growth. The motivation

level of the employees would also increase.

Yet, there are certain issues which must be resolved. Any leadership style has various

critic who abhor it from going into practicality. They abhor and resist change. Such people are

focused and dedicated towards the status quo. Placating such people is not easy. Yet, the

organizations like Southwest Airlines can neither move without them. As transformation can

only be accepted and succeeded when most of the people are adherents to it.

Part 3


Keeping all these issues aside, it is vivid reality that Southwest Airline has command

over the people who work for it. There is a simple need to transform the current practice. It

would resolve quality issues. It would further bring motivation, energy, and dedication among

the staff. Eventually, the clients would also be satisfied with the performance of the airline. As

the workers would be performing according to best of their ability. And there would be no issues

causing any hurdle to the customers. Overall, the satisfaction of the customers would contribute

towards meeting the financial and economic needs.

Part 4

Productive Reforms in Organizational Culture:

Contrary to it, the success of any company also depends on its culture. The organizational

culture of companies is their outlook and apparoch towards their vision, mission, and objectives.

It is permeated range of values and ideas which lead the companies and organizations through

their crisis and success. In the last two decades, the concept of the organizational culture has

furthered. The research in management has brough it to the forefront.

Whereas the organizational culture of the Southwest Airlines is celeberated across the

spectrum. It is favored and cherished by even the competitors. Because it values the employees

more than any segment of the business. It has contributed to the development of company from

mere budget class airline into the largest airline of the US. It has also ushered in conducive

circumstances for the organization.


Despite all these conditions, there is a need to consider the five basic recommendations

regarding the organizational culture. The proper implementation on these ideas would endow the

organization long term success and business progress.

Firstly, there must be dedication towards the effective communication within the

organization. It is seeming a simple and less nimble aspect. Yet, in many organizations and

companies there is a lack of proper channels of communication. The management and workers

are sometimes devoid of communication. It impedes the development of common goals. It

reduces the organizational ability to actualize its potential developmental targets.

Part 5

Culture Change

The Southwest Airlines also needs to develop effective measures to engage the workers

in the communication. The management ought to devise ways and means where the employees

could properly communicate their ideas and objectives. They should be able to express their

innovative ideas and complains without any fear.

The second aspect would be valuing the customers. The current system has more focus

on the employees. It reduces the value of the customers. The customers should feel that they are

alienated from the company. Their interests ought to be expressed without any hesitation.

In addition, the ownership and accountability should also be given heed the

organizational culture. The accountability is essential for any organization. The people must feel

accountable for their actions.

In a nutshell, Southwest Airlines has been performing a tremendous job. It can improve

its performance level. It should work to enhance and augment its corporate social responsibility.

It should also be proper value to the customers.


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