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1: What is the full form of CIDR?

> Classless Inter Domain Routing

2: Azure Virtual Networks can be created using >> All
3: Azure DNS is same as of Domain Registrar > 0
4: DNS records are of how many types? >> 7
5: IP address space can be applied to > All
6: Azure DNS converts>Domain name to ip
7:Network traffic can be controlled in how many ways? > 2
8:How many endpoints are there in Azure Traffic Manager>>3
9:Azure Traffic manager receives query from :> Client
10:Which endpoint is used for non-azure services >> External Endpoint
11:Which of the following are load balancer types >> All
12: Load Balancer is how many layer routing technique > 4
13:Application gateway is how many layer routing technique > 7
14: P2S Connection creates VPN on which protoco >> SSTP
15: How many hybrid connectivity methods are present in azure virtual network? >
2 >> Wrong
16: Which of the following are the types of Application Gateways? >> 2
17: Application Gateway does not support IP reservation > 1
18: Non-VNet VMs cannot be configured with _________ >> Static IP
19: The ________________ routes traffic between VMs and PaaS cloud services in a
virtual network and computers at the other end of the connection >> Load

20: Azure Application Gateway (AG) by default, monitors the health of all

er as
resources and automatically removes unhealthy resource from the pool >> True

21: A DNS server that hosts DNS zones is > Authoritive

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22: ExpressRoute provides a connection that does not cross ____________ >> ON

23: The simplest method to create a VNet is to use >> PowerShell
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24: If you are running a web application or a user is going to fill it out and
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query data, the best option is to use _____________>> An App G/W
25: To provide fast performance and high availability for your domain, Azure DNS
uses ___________ networking.> Anycast
26:Which statement regarding an Azure VPN gateway is true > The gateway

connects virtual machines within a VNet.

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27:A subnet is a range of IP addresses in a _________. > vNet

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28: The ____________________ can have an SSL certificate associated with it if

you are doing SSL offload > Front
29: To automate VNet creation in the classic portal, you use __________________.
>> service manager model with configuration file
30: VNet-to-VNet connections can be in the same or different ___________. >> All
ed d

31:In Azure a public address can be assigned to >>All

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32:In a site-to-site configuration, avoid ______________ >> Overlapping

33: Azure provides a DNS system to support most name resolution scenarios, with
the exception of _______. >> Hybrid
34:A subnet is a range of IP addresses in a > vNet
The ________________ routes traffic between VMs and PaaS cloud services in a
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virtual network and computers at the other end of the connection > vpn gateway
35:The load balancer will regularly probe your endpoint for every 15 seconds, by

default > True

36: Which statement regarding ExpressRoute connections is true >> Edge
37: In order for the Microsoft SLA to be valid for an ExpressRoute connection,
__________________ is required. >> Layer3.
Which connection configuration offers faster speeds, higher security, lower
latencies and higher reliability > express route
When you add an IaaSv1 VM to a VNet, you must also add it to the > subnet
A connection to a VNet that requires a configuration procedure on every computer
that you want to connect to the VNet is called ______. > Point-to-Site VPN

Hands On


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>create public ip address for your Load balancer

az network lb create -n MyLb123 --sku Basic

>create a backend pool with Any name

az network lb address-pool create --lb-name MyLb123 -n MyAddPool123

>create a health probe with Any name and can set protocol to HTTP and interval
parameter with 10 seconds
az network lb probe create --lb-name MyLb123 -n MyProbe123 --protocol http
--port 80 --interval 10 --path "/"

az network lb rule create --lb-name MyLb123 -n MyLbRule123 --protocol Tcp

--frontend-ip-name MyFrontEndIp --frontend-port 80 --backend-pool-name
MyAddPool123 --backend-port 80

Nat Rule

az network lb inbound-nat-rule create --lb-name MyLb123 -n MyNatRule123

--protocol Tcp --frontend-port 100 --backend-port 100

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>>>> HOD2>>>

az network vnet create -n MyVnet123

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az network vnet create -n MyVnet123 --address-prefix --subnet-name
MySub123 --subnet-prefix

az vm create --name MyVm123 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username student --admin-
rs e
password Xoweb@319123 --vnet-name MyVnet123 --subnet MySub123
ou urc
az network dns zone create -n
az network dns record-set a add-record -z -n www -a

>> HOD 3 >

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