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Goldenfields Vacation Cancelled!

A Solo Adventure

Introduction: As you try to enjoy well-earned downtime in Goldenfields north of

Waterdeep, an untimely theft interrupts your tableside service

A solo adventure for a 4th level character

By Michael P. McKay


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Michael P. McKay and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy his document for personal use only Goldenfields Vacation Cancelled!
Introduction item in the Players Handbook equipment list, pages
Goldenfields Vacation Cancelled is a solo adventure 145-150. You may buy one additional healing
where you act as both player and Dungeon potion for 50 gp. If you wish to challenge
Master using Fifth Edition D&D rules. This yourself, consider running a 3rd level character.
adventure plays out by reading the entries,
making decisions and rolls, resolving combat, Pleases refer to the D&D Basic Rules available
and moving on to the next entry noted. Your online if you do not have access to the Player’s
choices and chance will affect the path and Handbook.
outcome of this adventure. This adventure is
based in Goldenfields, north of Waterdeep. Solo Adventures
This adventure provides for many possible paths
An NPC sidekick, Fenhorn the wood elf, will be to achieve an ending. As part of the entries, you
assigned to accompany you as part of this will gain code words that impact the adventure
adventure. The NPC stat block in the document later in the entries. Jot these down as you
may be printed out, on paper or as a separate progress. Remember that as you make certain
pdf, for ease of use and tracking. If Fenhorn is ability checks, you may use modifiers or spells to
reduced to 0 hitpoints, ignore death savings aid your adventure.
throws. Fenhorn rises with 1 hitpoint after
combat is over. In a true Dungeons & Dragons experience, your
opportunities for impacting the outcome are
You will also play the monsters according to the broader in scope, but I trust that this adventure
tactics provided in the combat entries! You will will bring some of the magic of the world’s
roll their initiative, attacks, and follow their greatest role-playing game while allowing you to
tactic entries. Whether you have experience as a chuck a few dice. Please use your character’s
DM or not, I hope you learn something about abilities during and between entries to heal, cast
the monsters’ tactics. spells, or any other traits or class abilities. Your
regular DM may even play this adventure out as
Your Character part of a larger campaign during downtime or
This is meant to be challenging, but the difficulty between sessions.
will vary depending on choices made by you and
your dice rolls. This is a chase-oriented Grab your dice, character sheet, a single sheet of
adventure and there will be no time for a short paper, and a pencil, and prepare to choose
rest. between a vacation well deserved and a day of
If you do not have a level 4 character, please
generate one with standard starting equipment Test Players & Thanks
and 100 gp and a healing potion. Please use the Thank you to Grayden ‘Grapples’ McKay and
Standard Array or the Point Buy system to Kevin ‘Rage’ McKay for playtesting and my
generate your character. You may purchase any warmest regards to all my fellow players!

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Start You sit alone at a table outside the tavern,
You have adventured across the Sword Coast for Northfurrow’s End, enjoying your second ale in
more tendays than you care to count and are the afternoon sun. You’re the only one here, so
looking forward to a little downtime in the service has been keen and timely.
Goldenfields, a quiet, walled temple-farm whose
surrounding area is known as the “Granary of Then a cart charges to the tavern driving a trail
the North”. The summer heat wafts across this of dust into the air. Driven by a slender elf with
idyllic scene as you watch waves of humidity rise the greenest eyes, he stops mere feet from you.
from the crops around you to the sounds of He is sweating and agitated, garbed in leather
chirps from unseen sources. armor and a green tunic with a symbol of
Chauntea, a bundle of ripe grain on the front.

“Someone has taken the Shining Wheat from

the Harvesthome Abbey! It powers the
extraordinary fertility of the area and I have
been charged with its recovery! I hereby request
the assistance of all able adventurers…” and his
voice trails off. He has a gander your way and
then looks inside the tavern, peering around, his
darkvision easily adjusting to the lack of light
inside. He scratches his head, and then hovers at
the edge of the table across from you. “Well,” he
The worshippers of Chauntea, god of starts more slowly, “It would appear it is simply
agriculture, tend to these crops with diligence. yourself here. My name is Sergeant Fenhorn.
You watch halflings, half-elves and humans in Would you be willing to join me?”
light clothing walk the rows of corn and wheat
checking for vermin or pests. Occasionally, one “It’s my day off,” you reply.
of them casts a spell to rid their precious bounty
of unwanted consumers. “I can make it worth your while and offer you
your fill of wine and ale whenever you stay in
There is a grove of trees not far from you, but Goldenfields,” Fenhorn offers while looking into
you know they aren’t just trees; there is at least his notebook. “Does 100 gold pieces upon the
one Treant hiding amongst the poplar and ash. successful recovery of the Shining Wheat cancel
She remains dormant for now in the heat of the your vacation day?”
If you accept, go to 7
If you decline, go to 4

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2 – A Quick Look Around approach. You’re going to have to calm them.
You know time is of the essence, you pour over You think of your skills and what you might do
the temple near where the Shining Wheat was to help the situation, but you don’t have much
displayed looking for clues. time. Luckily, someone was planning to ride
these beasts today. You approach to calm the
Roll an Investigation check DC14. If you have animals.
code word INVISIBLE, roll with advantage. [SELF DM NOTE: you may cast a spell or
On a Success, go to 16 perform an action that aids your Animal
On a Fail, go to 10 Handling check]

3 – Drat Roll a DC 13 Animal Handling check

The boy won’t talk and there’s no time to waste. On a Success, go to 29
Fenhorn edges forward and you do the same. On a Fail, go to 9
Onwards! Go to 40
6 – Please?
4 – Downtime Is My Time “The entire region is at risk and you must act!
You mull the not insignificant sum of gold Please, for sake of all, tell us what you know,”
offered, turn to the sun and feel its warmth, the you proclaim, almost surprised you need to ask
tavern keeper plops another round of ale down the boy to help.
along with some salt covered unleavened bread
basted in butter and knotted in a pattern, and Make a DC14 Persuasion Check. If you have
you reply, “Sorry friend Fenhorn, my plans can’t code word SPARKLES, add a d4
wait. Good day to you.” Fenhorn nods, rises, On a Success, go to 36
and heads to his cart, “Good day to you and On a Fail, go to 3
may Chauntea forever feed you.”
7 – Moving Forward
You mull the not insignificant offer of gold, turn
to the sun, and reply, “The heat of the day was
fading any way; what do you know?” The tavern
keeper plops another round of ale down along
with some salt covered unleavened bread basted
in butter and knotted in a pattern. You don your
gear as Fenhorn retells what he has seen and
heard in quick order while downing the ale and
a portion of bread.

He arrived at the temple to find several of the

clerics forlorn at the missing Shining Wheat,
heard of someone seen heading west on a pony
from the people in the fields, and was tasked
with finding the Shining Wheat. Knowing he
may need help, he came straight here.

You ponder what he says and the limited

information you have. Someone is moving west,
This is where your adventure ends. likely with the Shining Wheat. No one in this
town moves very fast. This is a small, walled
5 – The Horses Are Massive town where nearly everyone knows one another
These warhorses are massive, temperamental and few come to visit. You did notice rather lax
creatures and they start to whiny as you military discipline upon your entry at the
southern gate.

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On a Success, go to 27
Rivers lie to the east and north that bar travel On a Fail, go to 8
with no easy crossings. The only true road runs
south to Waterdeep. Any thief may be caught on 10 – The World a Blur
the road thanks to regular patrols from the The priests have either cleaned up any evidence
Waterdhavian City Guard. Moving overland to or there is no obvious clue here. Fenhorn shrugs
Amphail or other towns would lessen any chance and strides quickly to the cart outside. “We have
to find the culprit. However, you know little of to make up some time!” You charge out the
the thief and don’t even have a description. western gate as the sun begins its late descent on
Maybe the priests saw more than Fenhorn could the western arc of the sky
gather in his rush and information could help Go to 13
the recovery.
11 – Sparkles
Fenhorn stands and seems eager to pursue. “We Less than three minutes after you rode up to the
leave now! I have a cart and Patches, we can guard house, you are charging to the western
ride hard to cover lost ground! We move west gate to the waves and cheers of good fortune.
and try to follow the tracks as best as possible!” You regard Sparkles, a solid black horse with
This makes good sense as anyone on a horse can massive feathering of hair around its hooves, as a
cover significant ground, cover their tracks or lay fantastic way to make up time.
traps given enough time. Take code word SPARKLES
Go to 13
If you go to the temple of Chauntea to
investigate, go to 12 12 – The Abbey Of Chauntea
If you chug your ale and join Fenhorn on the “Five minutes at the abbey, Fenhorn, could save
cart, go to 21 this entire mission,” you utter, “and lead us
straight to the culprit.” Fenhorn nods accepting
8 – Cornan’s Choice your decision. The abbey is on the road out of
Cornan regards you and Fenhorn. “We have town, Fenhorn halts the cart, and you leap down
work to do here and I’ll have no one procuring and into the Harvesthome Abbey. “Five
our horses when they are needed on patrol with minutes,” you repeat to yourself quietly.
giants in the hills. Be gone!” You think of several
choice words, but stayed focused and rejoin The abbey is a fascinating building. The old
Fenhorn on the cart. Cornan and the guard keep stone walls are adorned with statues of
a watch on you until you are out of sight. Chauntea, her hands raised to the sky as if
Patches has recovered her breath and trots to a beckoning weather for a bumper crop. Stained
run out the westward gate. glass windows with images of vegetables and
Go to 13 grain allow light into the main temple.

9 – Oops Two clerics, a tall wood elf and a human with

A half elf in a breastplate with a green feathered graying hair, stand stunned and muttering to
hat and long sword emerges from the gatehouse. themselves near a 5 foot urn full of fresh earth
His tunic has a field of wheat on it. A human where you assume the Shining Wheat was
guard comes out after him. housed.

“Fenhorn! Hey, you! What are you doing there,” In a brief conversation, the clerics stopped work
the half elf yells at you. Thinking fast, you reply, for lunch, came back to the centre of the abbey
“We were looking for someone to ask for horses when the Alarm spell protecting the Golden
to aid the recovery of the Shining Wheat stolen Wheat went off, saw no one enter or leave, but
from the Abbey.” the Shining Wheat was gone. They simply
stammer on about the impact to harvests and
Make a Deception Check DC 16 crop yields.

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time and back in time for dinner,” Fenhorn
You see a small halfling girl peer around a boasts.
column at you.
Take code word SPEED AT ALL COSTS
Roll a DC13 Insight Check Go to 19
On a Success, go to 20
On a Fail, go to 2 16 – A Print Worth a Thousand Words
You think like a thief and look for egress and
13 – The Farmer & His Son ingress points. The window. You see a torn piece
As you head west, the sunshine glints across of cloth. On the sill of the open window,
fields of crops varying from purple to yellow to allowing a breeze in to halt the heat, you see
green bathing the land in light and colour drying red mud with speckles of green indicating
mirrored by the light bouncing off the scattered someone came in this way.
clouds. You pass this sea of plenty, watching for
trails in the crops as you go. You can see for Fenhorn says, “Nicely done, friend! I know that
miles to the north and south and see no one but clay anywhere. That’s from the forest to the west
the occasional homestead and smoke climbing near the old tower. All haste!”
into the sky from a hearth outside the home
preparing supper. If the thief went south through As you jump into the cart, you inspect the small
the fields, leaving a trail in the crops and likely scrap of cloth and find it very dark. It’s clearly a
be seen by numerous people, possibly alerting piece of cloak based on the simple nature of the
you and Fenhorn. threadwork. A cloak this dark would be very
warm in the sun for this weather. Odd. Who
As you move quickly along the road, dust driven wears a cloak that keeps the sun completely off
high in the late summer heat, you see a farmer them in the middle of summer?
and his son driving a slow oxen cart towards
Goldenfields. Maybe they saw someone? Some Take code word: KNOW YOUR ENEMY
villagers are happy to chat with adventurers; Go to 40
others steer clear of unwelcome attention and
excitement. What do you do? 17 – Speed!
Fenhorn says, “This trail leads to the tower, the
If you slow and approach the farmer and son, go middle one goes to a meadow, and the last one
to 32 goes to a cave system.” Fenhorn and you regard
If you feel that speed is critical and simply nod at each trail as twilight dawns.
the people on the cart, go to 15
Make a Nature or Survival check DC12
14 – Patches For The Win On a Success, go to 43
“There’s no time to waste,” you holler and On a Fail, go to 30
Fenhorn urges Patches onward past the western
gate. 18 – At All Costs
Well, you were never good at making friends
Take code word HASTED and maybe you can pay Cornan back later. You
Go to 13 sneak up to the horses.

15 – Never Slowing… Roll a DC14 Stealth check

Time is your enemy and you tell Fenhorn to On a Success, go to 5
continue on. “That’s the right move! Speed is On a Fail, go to 9
our friend and there is little to the south but a
lake with no boats and nothing to the north but 19 – Speed & Perception
an uncrossable river! We shall be on them in no As you speed along, make a DC15 perception
check at disadvantage. Note your failure or

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success. If your passive perception is 15 or “Easy, easy Sparkles,” Alkar grabs the reins and
higher, you may roll without disadvantage. shrugs to Cornan, “This won’t work. She’ll not
have it.”
Speed brings advantages, but also brings
challenges, someone wants to cover their tracks Cornan echoes the thought, “I’m sorry, but
and has left two invisible imps here to slow you you’ll have to make do with Patches and the
down! At least you know you’re going in the cart. The patrols can’t wait either; giants have
right direction! been seen in the hills.”
Go to Combat #1
You hop on the cart and Fenhorn gets you out
20 – Unseen Servant the gate before saying, “It was worth a try and
A halfling girl, simply dressed with strawberry we only lost a few minutes. We’ll be on them in
hair draws your attention from behind the no time!”
column. “You saw something, didn’t you,” you Go to 13
23 – You Chose… Wisely
“I was clearing dishes from lunch and walking You move down the path and start to make out
down the hall when I swear I was bumped, I what are clearly fresh prints, maybe even two
dropped the dishes, and they shattered! Please sets of prints. One a heavier dwarf and another
don’t tell anyone! I never saw anyone,” she lighter underneath those prints. Darkness is
pleads, “but I heard a gruff voice in a language I spreading rapidly upon the land as you and
didn’t understand.” Fenhorn move forward.
Go to 47
You know the thief was invisible.
24 – Go West!
Take code word INVISIBLE “These minutes will be made up with hard
Go to 2 charging mounts!” Fenhorn urges Patches to the
gatehouse on the western wall.
21 – Fast Friends
Fenhorn regards you with a smile, “I like your You pull up to the gatehouse with speed,
tact! We could go even faster if we had Fenhorn pulls back on Patches, now breathing
warhorses over this cart and reliable, steady steadily. How this horse will hold up to hours of
Patches here,” and he points at the horse chase is beyond you. You spy the warhorses next
drawing the cart, a mottled grey and brown to the gatehouse. They seem to already have
horse. “There are faster horses at the western saddles and tack as if ready for a patrol. One is a
gate, but we would have to ask Captain Cornan. massive black horse, the other a mean-looking
I had a run in with him a tenday ago and doubt brown horse with shite splotches.
he would help me,” Fenhorn ponders, “but he
might help you!” Do you sneak up and get the horses without
asking? Go to 18
Speed is of the essence, but Captain Cornan If you cry out for Cornan, go to 31
may not see the situation the same way.
25 – By The Cuff
If you ask Fenhorn to head to Cornan and the “The entire region is at risk and you put your
faster warhorses, go to 24 precious hide above others? You’re a coward
If you push Patches to the limit and head west, and a perpetrator I’ll have you drawn before the
go to 14 guard at Goldenfields,” you threaten loudly to
the boy who crumples towards his father.
22 – No Sparkles For You
Make a DC17 Intimidation Check. If you have
code word SPARKLES, add a d6

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On a Success, go to 38
On a Fail, go to 3 30 – Choices…
Fenhorn shrugs, “This trail leads to the tower,
D26 – You Chose… Kobolds the middle one goes to a meadow, and the last
The cave system seems like the perfect place for one goes to a cave system. Your call, friend.”
a duergar and your reasoning seems correct as You realize Fenhorn’s strength in combat likely
you approach the cave maw because you hear outweighs his deductive capacity. The sun has
sounds. As you approach, you hear a scratchy set, twilight dawns, and it will be dark soon. You
voice above, “10 gp or your head!” as four have to make a decision.
winged kobolds bark at you from the trees.
If you take the trail to the tower, go to 23
If you offer 10 gp, go to 45 If you take the trail to the meadow, go to 35
If you prefer to enter aggressive negotiations, go If you take the trail to the cave system, go to 26
to Combat #2
31 – Axe Beaks Can Fly!
27 – Cornan’s Not So Bright “Captain Cornan, a word,” you holler out. A
Cornan regards Fenhorn, but you try to draw half elf in a breastplate with a green feathered
attention to yourself asking, “So about the hat and long sword emerges from the gatehouse.
horses, wouldn’t this bring Chauntea’s blessing His tunic has a field of wheat on it. A guard
to you and yours?” comes out after him.

Roll a Persuasion check DC15 The half elf speaks curtly, “Well, come to
On a Success, go to 34 apologize, Fenhorn, or simply pay me those two
On a Fail, go to 8 gold pieces?”

28 – Kobolds Denied Fenhorn answers sharply, “I keep telling you axe

As you dust yourself off and Fenhorn stores his beaks can’t fly! They are birds, but they’re
weapons, you notice a green light in the distance flightless…” Fenhorn stops as you grab his
that seems to flicker and dance. “That’s the shoulder and try to calm him.
tower and those are shadows! Quickly,” Fenhorn
spurts out and rushes back to the path to the “Speaking of flight, we need rapid transport.
tower. The Shining Wheat has been stolen and we give
chase to the west. Your admirable horses will
Take code word SLOWED only aid us and Chauntea in the matter. May we
Go to 47 please take your horses? We promise to return
them in good health,” you plead.
29 – Sparkles & Starbright
You calm the beasts, lead them to the side, and Make a Persuasion roll DC 15
motion for Fenhorn to join you. Less than three If you offer to pay the bet of 2 gp, add a d4
minutes after you rode up to the guard house, On a Success, go to 34
you are charging to the western gate and hear On a Fail, go to 8
faints screams from the Gatehouse. Turning
around now would only defeat your purpose. 32 – Adventurers, a Breed Apart
You saw someone has written in common the As you approach the ox driven cart, you ask
names of the horses on the saddles and regard Fenhorn to slow down. You nod to the farmer, a
Sparkles, a solid black horse with massive middle aged Illuskan man with raven black hair
feathering of hair around its hooves, as a and blue eyes, his son, a boy of maybe 12, a
fantastic way to make up time. shocking copy, but with green eyes. “Well met.
We are tasked with following a rather dubious
Take code word SPARKLES fellow. Have you seen anything in your travels,”
Go to 13 you pose to the pair.

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The trail leads past an old pit trap with a dead
“Well met and no,” the farmer replies abruptly, goblin at the bottom. You enter the meadow,
hardly slowing the ox at all. It seems this farmer but there is hardly a blade of grass overturned.
is of the ilk not to meddle in the affairs of others, No one has been through here. The sun has fully
but you notice the son look at his father. This tell set and the daylight has faded. The dark brings
gives away the lie. How do you respond? good fortune as you can see the tower ahead and
a dim flicker of green light. At this distance,
If you plead with the lad to tell you what he saw, thanks to the darkness, you can see a shadow
go to 6 move on the wall. Bingo.
If you lean down on the boy with a stern look
and order him to tell you everything, go to 25 Take code word SLOWED
If you decide the farmer and his son are best left Go to 47
along, go to 40
36 – A Drop Of Honey…
33 – One Rough Looking Bridge The son gives his father a bright-eyed look, the
There is an old rope bridge that covers the span. father shrugs and rolls his eyes already knowing
“I’ve used this before,” Fenhorn says softly,” I’ll his son will opt to ‘do the right thing’.
go first.” It’s clearly the best way to get across,
you nod silently at Fenhorn and he begins to “We saw a dwarf riding a pony westward no
sidle across. You start to move across as Fenhorn more than half bell ago. He was odd, draped in a
reaches halfway. Fenhorn leaps the last few feet dark cloak and gloves despite the heat with no
and the bridge swings a little, creaking in the skin showing to the sun. He seemed tired and
early evening dusk. dizzy, the pony almost wandering about the road
mumbling to himself to watch the wire,” the boy
As you make it past halfway, the sounds on the relays rapidly.
bridge change to strained moans. You rush
slightly, but the rope snaps! The bridge gives out Dwarves may love their tunnels and fortresses,
and you find yourself grabbing the rope and but neither the shield nor gold dwarves of
crushing into the side of the wall. The air leaves Faerûn shun the sun. Only duergar! Your prey is
your lungs. most vulnerable in the sunlight and their
invisibility allowed them to sneak into the temple
Make a DC12 DEX saving throw. unseen!
If you fail, you take 1d8 bludgeoning damage. You thank the lad and hurry on to the west.
You take no damage on a success.
Go to 54 Take code word HEART OF EVIL
Onwards! Go to 40
34 – Time To Fly
Cornan concedes, “Alkar, gather Sparkles and 37 – No Bridge At All!
Starbright. For Goldenfields!” Cornan salutes “Where’s the bridge,” mutters Fenhorn. There
you as the guard, Alkar, leads the already appears to be no easy way across. Someone has
saddled warhorses to you. “These were saddled cut the rope bridge across the chasm. It hangs
awaiting a patrol,” Cornan adds, “bring them limply on your side. There might be another
back in good health!” The horses are way across, but you and Fenhorn have little time
temperamental and hardy, and Sparkles jumps to debate. It’s only 20 feet down and 20 feet
and eyes you as you grab the reins. across, but this is costing you time and maybe
100 gold pieces!
Make an animal handling check DC10.
On a Success, go to 11 If you climb down and back up with or without a
On a Fail, go to 22 climber’s kit, go to 42
If you have a grappling hook or other reasonable
35 – You Chose… Poorly way to get across 20 feet, go to 50

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former wooden buildings. There are faint voices
38 – A Gallon Of Gall… inside as you and Fenhorn creep along. A large
“We saw a dwarf riding a pony westward no double-doored entrance looms before you with
more than a half bell ago,” the boy stammers, only 60 feet of grass between you and the thief.
“He was odd, draped in dark cloaks, and uh, “I don’t care what the price was,” growls a low
and gloves despite the heat, no skin showing to voice, “the trouble was twice that and maybe not
the sun. He seemed tired and, oh, dizzy, the over! Twice the gems or tell your master of your
pony almost wandering about the road failure!”
mumbling to himself to watch the wire.”
If you have KNOW YOUR ENEMY, go to 52
“Go on heroes,” mutters the farmer as he urges If you have HEART OF EVIL, go to 48
the ox onwards placing a hand around his son. If you have neither, go to 44

Dwarves may love their tunnels and fortresses,

but neither shield nor gold dwarves shun the
sun. Only duergar! Your prey is most vulnerable
in the sunlight and their invisibility allowed them
to sneak into the temple unseen!
Take code word HEART OF EVIL
Onwards! Go to 40 40 – The Forest Beckons
The road narrows as you head west and fortune
smiles on you. Someone rode a horse through
here not long ago and made a turn south on a
broad trail towards a small forest huddling along
the slope of a broad hill. The upturned mud
hasn’t even dried and the strides of the horse
appear to be wide enough to indicate it was
moving quickly. However, as you reach the
forest, you realize the rocky slope is no place for
your ride. The footpath is marked by a small
obsidian marker with faded Sylvan markings
that will have to wait for another time.

Fenhorn points to a pony wandering in a nearby

field, still glistening in sweat. “We’re getting
close, good friend,” he muses. “Maybe, but stay
sharp”, you reply. You need to move on foot
here and so did your quarry.

The woods fully leaved trees darken the floor of

the forest and the scattering of ogre-sized
boulders make for hard going. The trail winds
upwards and then splits into three trails each
wandering south in slightly different directions.
The trail is pounded in and tracks are hard to
make out.
39 – Tower Time
The square tower looms before you in the dark, If you have SPEED AT ALL COSTS, go to 17
a magical green glow from inside the only source If you do not, go to 30
of light beyond the stars above. Crumbling
pieces of the foundations speak of a series of 41 – Time Looms
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You approach the small archway, your footsteps move on,” says the kobold with the longest
and those of Fenhorn the sound of grass bending snout.
to a weak wind. Inside, you see two figures, a
dwarf with gray skin, a black cloak, and a large “Perhaps an exchange? We’re happy to leave the
scar on his lower arm which is outstretched and gold, but have you seen a dwarf wander thru?
pointed at a human or half-elf in a cloak with You don’t want that sort setting up shop next to
their back to you. They appear to be arguing your home,” you quiz.
over the price and hassle the Shining Wheat was
worth against the original deal. Before the kobold with the long snout can even
shush the others, the shortest one blurts out,
Take code word SURPRISE “He’s at the tower!” The kobold with the long
It’s time to wrap up your vacation day. Go to snout says, “That’s ones for free, scram!”
Battle #3.
Fenhorn nods showing no offense at the kobolds
42 – Bouldering rude treatment and sets a mean pace back
The stone is somewhat slippery, but you ready towards the tower.
yourself to climb down and back up. There seem Go to 47
to be a reasonable number of handholds and the
old rope bridge dangles down on this side. 46 Mud Bath
You and Fenhorn creep forward, half bent. You
Make 1 Athletics check DC13 with advantage to make it halfway to the small archway, Fenhorn
get down the wall using the rope bridge approaching on the other side. A rock under
dangling. If you fail, you fall and take 2d6 your foot slips slightly causing you to put your
bludgeoning damage. hand out and falling into the mud while slipping
into the door that was resting against a larger
Make 1 Athletics check DC13 to get up the piece of broken masonry, which falls to the side,
other side. Make the check with advantage if you scrapping against the rock. You hear footsteps
have a climber’s kit. If you fail, you fall and take inside moving quickly, Fenhorn helps you up
2d6 bludgeoning damage. and you cover the last ten feet to the door to see
a massive gray-skinned dwarf the size of an ogre
Make 1 check for Fenhorn DC13. Make this barreling towards you!
check with advantage if you have climbing gear.
Fenhorn takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage if he Take code word ENLARGE
fails. Go to Battle #3
Go to 54
47 – A Bridge Too Lean
43 – Odour Of Imps You head towards the tower, Fenhorn in a near
You regard each trail and find a slight odour of sprint when he stops short, and puts his arm out
sulphur and ash lingering in the air. to grab a tree and warn you. A chasm 20 feet
Go to 23 wide opens up between you and the area
surrounding the ruins.
44 A New Bidder
You appear to have two choices, approach If you have code word SLOWED go to 37
quietly and silently, or simply barge in. Whoever If you do not, go to 33
is talking, the negotiations won’t take long.
To proceed with stealth, go to 60 48 Mumblings Of A Duergar
To proceed with haste, go to 53 Fenhorn motions you closer, “the dwarf
mumbled about a wire. We should be careful as
45 – Spare A Dragon? we approach.”
You place 10 gp in a bag and the kobolds all To proceed with stealth, go to 60
return a wide grin. “Great, leave the gold and To proceed with haste, go to 53

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49 – Bell Hopped 53 A Trap Sprung
You and Fenhorn creep forward, half bent. You Time is wasting, you nod to Fenhorn and run
make it halfway, when you feel a small tug on forward. You close the gap to the double-doored
your leg and grab a wire, keeping it taut. You see entrance in a few seconds, but hear a faint bell
a small bell attached a few feet away and muffle sound go off beside you. The voices inside stop
it before moving on. You stay quiet and avoid as you approach the doors and you see before
tripping the alarm bell. The two figures inside you a gray skinned duergar in a torn cloak and a
appear to be a dwarf with a black cloak facing female leveling a crossbow your way! At least
away from you and a female half elf with a large neither side gets a surprise round!
nose. “My master won’t be pleased either way
with a greedy duergar, but you may have your Take code word SURPRISE
gems, Bahrohr,” the half elf mutters as the half Go to Battle #3
elf reaches for a satchel at her side and takes a
wrapped item from the duergar. 54 – A Long Day
Twilight has settled in for the night and the clear
It’s time to wrap up your vacation day. sky above shows many stars, but Fenhorn and
Take code word SURPRISE you remained focused. The final path to the
Go to Battle #3. tower, partially bathed in green light, can be
seen a few hundred feet ahead.
50 – Easter Egg
Well, you found the Easter Egg. There are If you have HASTED, go to 51
simply many great ways to cross this gap and I If you have do not, go to 59
concede. You could Wild Shape into a squirrel,
climb like a Tabaxi, or fly like an Aasimar. Do 55 – Working Holiday
you have a grappling hook, a rope of climbing,
or a pole of collapsing? You and Fenhorn stand victorious. The body of
the duergar in his dark cloak lies face down in
Whatever the case, treat yourself to a solid pat the grass. You spy a bag a few feet away and
on the back for your imagination. There’s no inside are twelve garnets worth 10 gp each. On
story reward here, but you get the knowledge top of the 100 gp, this was a profitable day with
that you broke the system and that is a reward in ale for life!
Go to 54 Fenhorn inspects the half elf quickly finding
something wrapped in cloth. He unfolds it
51 – It Could’ve Been The Trap revealing a golden stalk of grain that sparkles in
You lead the way, skulking closer. the green light from the satyr statue illuminating
You see someone has tried to set up a small all the walls. He places it gingerly with near
sapling trap, but hasn’t had the time to set it. reverence into his satchel. He pats the spy down,
You’re very close now and can see green glow finds a coin purse and tosses it your way.
coming from the tower.
Go to 39 You open the small purse to find 12 sp and 15
gp inside, but something far more intriguing.
52 Betrayed By Mud You unfold a letter from Lord Neverember of
Fenhorn motions you closer, “that red clay with Neverwinter requesting “Illoorin Zinkeel”
the specks is around back. It isn’t found at this unfettered passage through all lands of the
entrance.” Sword Coast. Is this a fake? Was Lord
To investigate the red clay around the other side Neverember plotting to steal a relic?
of the tower, go to 56
To proceed to the double-doored entrance, go to You ponder the name and implications as the
44 rush of battle fades. Fenhorn sits on the steps of

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the broken keep, peers up to the stars, and then You return to the body of the duergar in his dark
back to you and asks, “So what are you going to cloak lying face down in the uncaring grass. You
do with the rest of your vacation?” spy a bag a few feet away and find twelve garnets
worth 10 gp each inside. At least your day didn’t
56 – Red Clay Don’t Lie go to waste. Other than that, the duergar held
You silently move around the decaying tower to little evidence and did his mischief well.
the spot Fenhorn points out. The green glow
struggles to eek out here. You can make out a Fenhorn slumps against the wall, the heat of the
smaller opening, the former wooden door day gone, but the evening warm enough to sleep
slumped against a broken wall ten feet away. If in the woods. The green light from the satyr
the thief comes this way, maybe there’s a reason. statue illuminates the walls. Defeated, he peers
Running through the mud and charging this up to the stars. A wry smile appears on his face
smaller doorway may lead to an untimely slip. as he looks back your way and he asks wryly,
“After we report back, shall we try again in the
To return to the main entrance, go to 44 morning?”
To approach the small doorway, roll a stealth
check DC14 58 – The Bell Tolls for Thee
On a Success, go to 41 You and Fenhorn creep forward, half bent. You
On a Fail, go to 46 make it halfway, when you feel a small tug on
your leg and a bell chimes in the bushes beside
you. The voices inside instantly seize. You cover
the last of the ground to the entrance and find a
massive dwarf the size of an ogre with gray skin
raging at you!

Take code word ENLARGE

Go to Battle #3

59 – It’s A Trap
You lead the way, skulking closer.
Make a Perception check. It is now dark. If you
lack darkvision, make this check at disadvantage.

If you fail, there is a small sapling trap someone

has quickly set and it wings a several fish hooks
57 – Worked Over Holiday on a line your way. Make a DEX save DC14 or
take 1d6 slashing damage
You and Fenhorn spread out and try to locate Go to 39
the half elf in the night. You search, find a track,
hear a noise, but seem to lose ground repeatedly. 60 – An Archway Too Far
The sounds of footsteps fade, the signs of You and Fenhorn adjust yourselves, the looming
movement cease, and you are now certain your confrontation bringing on natural responses in
quarry is gone. You do find the imprints of a hill you. The torchlight provides just enough light to
giant’s feet and several smaller creatures moving not hamper those without darkvision.
east towards Goldenfields. An hour later,
Fenhorn mutters, “We’ve lost her. We’d best Make a stealth check DC16.
report back and let Captain Cornan send out On a Success, go to 49
scouts to locate her in the morning.” On a Fail, go to 58

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Battle #1 – The Imps – ROLL FOR INITIATIVE

If you have the code word SPARKLES, you may skip this combat after the surprise round, if there is a
surprise round. Sparkles and Starbright are simply too fast to be caught by Imps, invisible or not. Assume
you use the Disengage action to do so and the horses use the Dash action.

Run this battle in Theatre of the Mind due to the simplicity of the battlefield.

The Imps are invisible when they first attack and intend to finish you off. They cackle at you after their
first attack. If you failed the perception check, the Imps will have a surprise round on you and Fenhorn.
The Imps tactics are very simple; each Imp will attack one character without relent until defeated. They
will use their Invisibility to provide advantage on the first round of combat.

The Imps are fiends drawn from the Nine Hells and will simply return there after their mission is
complete. They have no inclination to safety and will attack recklessly as being summoned again is a
minor inconvenience in their flawed existence.

If you survive the battle, you may take a moment to cast healing spells, consume potions, or use other
short abilities to regain hitpoints. You may not short rest.

If you survive, go to 40

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Battle #2 – The Winged Kobolds – ROLL FOR INITIATIVE
Four winged kobolds hunker in trees above you. There is no surprise round.

Run this battle in Theatre of the Mind due to the simplicity of the battlefield. The kobolds are spaced 15
feet apart to start in the trees. Their names are Dek, Vigg, Zerka, and Molpo.

The kobolds will use their pack tactics to advantage. Prior to their turn, they will use the tree branches 10
feet above the ground as half cover (AC+2). On their turn, one kobold will fly down and attack with their
dagger. Roll a d6 to see who they attack. On a 1,2,3, the kobold attacks you; on a 4,5,6, the kobold attacks
Fenhorn. The other kobolds will attack afterwards with advantage using Pack Tactics with rocks from

At the end of their turn, the kobolds will repeat their offer of 10 gp to pass. If the players offer the gold at
any time, the kobolds retreat to the trees. Go to 33.

The kobolds fight until wounded and then use Disengage on their turn to retreat after their allies have
taken their attacks with advantage. If there is only one kobold left, it flies away, gaining total cover on that
turn above the trees.

If you survive, go to 28

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Battle #3 – The Tower – ROLL FOR INITIATIVE

Starting Positions (see map below):

There are two entrances, the larger double door entrance and the smaller archway. Place yourself and
Fenhorn near the door you approached. Your starting position provides cover depending on your angle.

If you have code word ENLARGE:

• The Spy starts left of the column in the upper left of the tower, attempting to hide.
• The enlarged Duergar starts near the glowing green statue in the middle of the tower.

If you have code word SURPRISE:

• The Spy and the Duergar start near the glowing green statue in the middle of the tower.

If you have neither code word:

• The Spy starts left of the column in the upper left of the tower, not hidden.
• The Duergar starts near the glowing green statue in the middle of the tower.

General Description
The tower walls stand 20-30 feet high with arrow slits at the highest levels. Inside the tower are four
columns and a glowing statue in the middle that provide ¾ cover (+5 AC). A magical green light keeps
the inside of the tower lit, but outside the tower, the area is covered in darkness and may impact attack
rolls. The structures outside the tower are only foundations 3-4 feet high that provide half cover if you are

If you have code ENLARGE, the Duergar is enlarged and the half elf Spy will attempt to Hide; roll a
stealth check for the Spy against the Passive Perception of the higher of you or Fenhorn.

Victory Conditions
The battle is over when you and Fenhorn are both unconscious, the Spy and Duergar are both defeated,
or when the Duergar is defeated and the Spy escapes. If the Spy makes it off the map, she has escaped
into the woods and cannot be followed or attacked.

Combat Description
If you have code word SURPRISE, you have a surprise round of combat before Round 1 of the enemy

Note: the Spy does not have the Dash bonus action. The Duergar has already used their Invisibility for
the day to steal the Shining Wheat and has not had a Short Rest to restore it.
The Spy will always try to use the best possible cover behind the columns.

The Duergar will close ranks to the closest enemy and attack with their warpick. If the Duergar cannot
close the distance, it will toss a javelin at the closest enemy. The Duergar will use cover advantageously.
The Duergar will use these tactics for all rounds.

The Spy will attack from cover with their crossbow, hoping to use their stealth to provide advantage. The
Spy will always try to use Sneak Attack. This means it will attack an enemy from hiding or next to the
Duergar. If the Spy is next to an enemy, it will use its Bonus Action to disengage, then run for cover, and
attack at range. If the Spy starts hidden, the Spy will attack with advantage, then use their BA to hide
behind cover.

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The Spy starts to sense that escape is a better option and will start moving to the exit. If the Spy is not
next to an enemy, it will prioritize an enemy next to the Duergar hoping to get Sneak Attack. Otherwise,
the Spy will attack the closest enemy. The Spy will then move up to 30 feet towards the pillar nearest the
exit you didn’t use and use its BA to hide.

If the Spy is next to an enemy, it will use BA Disengage, retreat towards the pillar closest to the exit you
did not enter through. Along the way, they will attack with the crossbow. The Spy will prioritize an enemy
next to the Duergar hoping to get Sneak Attack. Otherwise, the Spy will attack the closest enemy.

If the Spy is not next to an enemy, it will prioritize an enemy next to the Duergar hoping to get Sneak
Attack. Otherwise, the Spy will attack the closest enemy. The Spy will then move up to 30 feet out the exit
you didn’t use.

If the Spy is next to an enemy, it will use BA Disengage, and retreat 30 feet out the door towards the map
edge, firing their crossbow. The Spy will prioritize an enemy next to the Duergar hoping to get Sneak
Attack. Otherwise, the Spy will attack the closest enemy.

The spy should be outside the tower at the end of this round unless their movement has been hindered
(e.g. Sentinel, Hold Person).

ROUND 4 and beyond

If the Spy is still up, she will Disengage as a Bonus Action and Dash as an action to get off the board.

Note that both endings assume Fenhorn and you survive.

If you succeed in subduing both Duergar and the Spy, go to 55
If you subdue the Duergar, but the Spy escapes, go to 57

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