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Volume 6, Issue 6, June-2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: 2456-2156

Classification and Popularity Assessment of English

Songs Based on Audio Features
Tao Wang
School of Computer Science and Technology
Shandong University of Technology
Zibo, China

Abstract:- Nowadays a large amount of new music breakthrough in speech recognition and image processing. In
emerges every year. How to properly categorize music for addition to the classical algorithms listed above, there are
quick browsing and retrieval by users and evaluate music many practical music classification algorithms. These methods
popularity based on audio features is an important are based on extracting features that reflect the essential
research topic. In this study, the decision tree model is properties of music, designing high-performance classifiers,
used to classify music styles on a dataset consisting of and optimizing the classification results.
audio features of 4802 songs from 2008-2017. Then, the
number of music listening in the dataset was used as an Meanwhile, with the significant increase in the number
indicator to assess the popularity of songs. By comparing of online music releases each year, how to predict the
the training results of different Machine Learning popularity of music and push music on this basis has become
algorithms on the dataset, Gradient Boosting Regressor is an important area that affects the activity of music website
chosen to be used in this case, and the relative importance users [4-5]. Auditing every music piece without a purpose will
of different audio features on the popularity of songs was undoubtedly add a lot of unnecessary time costs for music
calculated with this model. users. Since many users browse and enjoy music works on
electronic music platforms every day, the resulting massive
Keywords:- Audio Features, Machine Learning, amount of recorded data on users' browsing collections and
Classification. listening to music is an essential guide to music trends and
users' preferences [6].
This study is based on 17.7K English song data from
With the rapid development and popularity of the 2008-2017 and the track metrics compiled by The Echo Nest
Internet and information technology, online music has become on the Kaggle platform. The dataset provides several audio
an essential form of entertainment in people's daily lives. features, including acousticness, danceability, energy,
Music websites and applications based on streaming instrumentalness, liveness, tempo, and valence, as well as
technology have also become the primary channels for people label data such as music classification and the number of
to access music. At the same time, a large amount of new music listening. This study uses the above data set to train the
music emerges every year. It becomes an important research music classifier with the Decision Tree algorithm. At the same
topic to classify these music appropriately for users to browse time, the number of music listening is the most famous
and retrieve them quickly and evaluate whether users will indicator of music works, and the evaluator of user
welcome the songs based on the features in the music. preferences is constructed using music feature data.

Music is a more complex audio information than speech, II. MUSIC STYLE CLASSIFICATION
containing various elements such as human voice, musical
instruments, nature sounds, and noise. In the early days of In this study, the decision tree model is used to classify
music information processing research, the focus was on music styles on a dataset consisting of audio features of 4802
music recognition and retrieval methods. It was not until the songs from 2008-2017. The Decision Tree model used for the
1990s, with the rise of Internet technology, that the field of classification problem generalizes the classification rules
music classification algorithms came to the forefront. from the training dataset and is a supervised learning method.
Matisyahu et al. proposed a method in 1995 to preprocess The decision tree model has a tree-like structure and
audio information using the Fourier transform and then represents classifying data based on features. The advantage
classify it using artificial neural networks [1]. In 1996 Wold et is that the model is readable, and the classification is faster
al. proposed to use the mean, variance, and autocorrelation than other commonly used algorithms. Although there is an
correlation coefficients as features to classify audio signals infinite number of conditional probability models based on
using the KNN algorithm [2]. In 2002, Tzanetakis et al. used the class division in the feature space, during the training
timbre pitch and rhythm as features to classify music with process of the decision tree, the model that fits the training
61% classification accuracy [3]. In 2012, the Google Brain data well and has excellent predictive power for the unknown
project used a single amount of computing resources to train a data should be selected.
deep neural network (DNN), which achieved a significant

IJISRT21JUN202 540

Volume 6, Issue 6, June-2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: 2456-2156
Before starting to train the classification model, all the By comparing Table 1 and Table 2, it can be seen that
song dataset is divided into the training data set and the test the classification performance of the model has been
data set, in which the training data set accounts for 70% of improved. Meanwhile, the graphical representation of the
the total. The statistical analysis of the data labels of different decision tree model obtained from the training is shown in
music styles in the training dataset shows far more data Fig.1
classified as rock music than hip-hop music. The unbalanced
classification problems will potentially skew the model's
ability to distinguish between classes. Therefore, the ratio of
two types of music data in the training dataset is adjusted to
match roughly.

The typical construction methods of decision trees are

mainly ID3, C4.5, and CART. Here, the CART algorithm is
used to construct the classification model, and the Gini index
is used as the criterion for feature selection. When training
the model with default hyperparameters, the model is
evaluated using the test data set, and the results obtained are
shown in Table 1.

TABLE 1- Classification results with default hyperparameters

Precision Recall F1-score
Hip-Hop 0.77 0.78 0.78
Fig.1 Graphical representation of the decision tree model
Rock 0.78 0.77 0.77
macro avg 0.77 0.77 0.77 III. SONG POPULARITY ASSESSMENT
weighted avg 0.77 0.77 0.77
In this study, the features such as acousticness,
Precision, recall and F1 score are used to measure the danceability, energy, instrumentalness, liveness, tempo,
accuracy of the classification model. Hip-Hop and Rock is the valence and bit rate in the audio dataset are used to predict the
category label for music styles. The reported averages include number of future listens of a song, i.e., the song's popularity.
macro average (averaging the unweighted mean per label), The audio datasets are split into training and test sets using a
weighted average (averaging the support-weighted mean per random permutation cross-validator.
In order to build a more accurate assessment model,
The performance of the classification model eight regression analysis algorithms are used here to construct
significantly depends on the value of hyperparameters. To a regression model of song popularity. The input and output
further improve the performance of the classification model, data of the models were normalized. The hyperparameters of
GridSearchCV technique was used to tune the model each regression algorithm model were empirically given
parameters, which is the process of performing initial custom values. The max_iter of MLP Regressor is
hyperparameter tuning to determine the optimal values for the limited to 2000. The Gradient Boosting Regressor, Ada Boost
given model. Regressor, and Bagging Regressor model are limited to have
1000 n_estimators. The prediction results of different models
Predefined hyperparameters values are passed to the were evaluated with the training and test sets. RMSE and
algorithm. It tries all the combinations of the values passed in max_error are used as the metrics for evaluating the
the dictionary and evaluates the model for each combination prediction models, respectively.
using the Cross-Validation method. After we get
accuracy/loss for every combination of hyperparameters, It can be seen that the Train_RMSE and Test_RMSE of
choose the one with the best performance to evaluate the BaggingRegressor and Gradient Boosting Regressor are
classification model. After hyperparameter tuning, model relatively close and have better results than the other models,
parameters such as max_depth, min_impurity_decrease, and as shown in Fig.2
min_samples_leaf are set to 10, 0.005, and 10,
correspondingly. The results obtained from the model However, the training time of Gradient Boosting
evaluation are shown in Table 2. Regressor is significantly lower than that of Bagging
Regressor. Therefore, Gradient Boosting Regressor is chosen
TABLE 1- Classification results with default hyperparameters as the prediction model in this study.
Precision Recall F1-score
Hip-Hop 0.82 0.79 0.80
Rock 0.80 0.83 0.81
macro avg 0.81 0.81 0.81
weighted avg 0.81 0.81 0.81

IJISRT21JUN202 541

Volume 6, Issue 6, June-2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: 2456-2156

In this study, 17.7K English song data on the Kaggle

platform were analyzed in-depth by machine learning
algorithms. First, a classifier of song styles was constructed by
a decision tree algorithm and several audio features in the

Then, the number of songs listens to in the dataset was

used as an indicator to assess the popularity of songs. By
Fig.2 Comparation of different machine learning algorithms comparing the training results of eight standard regression
analysis algorithms on this dataset, the Gradient Boosting
GridSearchCV technique was used to search for better Regressor was selected as the predictor in this case, and the
model hyperparameters for Gradient Boosting Regressor, to relative importance of different audio features on the
improve the model accuracy further. The model parameters popularity of songs was calculated with this model.
selected through a limited number of searches are:"
learning_rate=0.01, max_depth=15, min_samples_leaf=10, REFERENCES
min_samples_split=10". Training deviance during the model
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Fig.4 Relative importance of different music features

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