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1ST Semester, SY 2021 – 2022

Subject Code : PHILO

Subject Title : Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Subject Classification : Core
Course Description : An initiation to the activity and process of philosophical reflection as a search for a synoptic vision of life. Topics to be discussed
include the human experiences of embodiment, being in the world with others and the environment, freedom, intersubjectivity, sociality, being unto death.

(for students who
cannot submit their
outputs online)
Subject Orientation Use of Technology/ICT
August 9 / August 11, Integration (PPT)

I. The Concept of Recognize human activities Online Discussion Performance Task 1: August 20, 2021
Philosophy - Doing that emanated from (Synchronous Session): Creating a Philosophy
Philosophy deliberate reflection. Zoom Meeting Name Card (individual) August 21, 2021
Use of Technology/ICT
A. Definition and Realize the value of doing Integration (PPT): The
Comparison with Other philosophy in obtaining a Concept of Philosophy -
Sciences broad perspective on life. Doing Philosophy
B. The Process of Doing Written Task 1: A one- August 13 / 14,
philosophy Do a philosophical Independent Learning paragraph reflection based 2021
C. Holistic Perspective vs. reflection on a concrete (Asynchronous Session) on a given situation. August 23, 2021
Partial Point of View situation from a holistic Teacher-made / Recorded
D. The Concept of perspective. Video on The Concept of
Wisdom Philosophy - Doing
E. Importance of Philosophy
F. Branches of Philosophy Use of Rubrics for
Weeks 1 – 2 - Individual
(August 09 –21, 2021)


Teacher-prepared handout
in PDF format
II. Methods of Online Discussion Performance Task 2: August 31, 2021
Philosophizing Analyze situations that (Synchronous Session): Doing a Creative Checklist September 2, 2021
A. Beliefs on show the difference Zoom Meeting on 15 Things Smart People
Philosophy between opinion and truth. Use of Video clip: Never Do (by group with 5 -
B. Truth Defined Personality Test 7 members)
C. Facts Vs. Opinions Realize that the methods of
philosophy lead to wisdom Use of Technology/ICT
Week 3 - 4 and truth. Integration (PPT):
(August 23 – September Methods of Philosophizing Review Test August 31, 2021
4, 2021) A. Beliefs on September 2, 2021
B. Truth Defined
Reference: Facts Vs. Opinions

Independent Learning
Teacher-prepared handout (Asynchronous Session)
in PDF format Teacher-made / Recorded
Video on Methods of
Online Source: Philosophizing September 6, 2021
Bhoomi’s Quick Recipes.
2018. Personality Test: Use of Rubrics for
What Do You See First and Critiquing
What It Reveals About You - Individual - Group

First Monthly Examination (September 3 – 4, 2021)

III. Human Person as Recognize how the human Online Discussion Performance Task 3: September 17 / 18,
Embodied Spirit body imposes limits and (Synchronous Session): Video presentation on 2021
A. The Human Person possibilities for Zoom Meeting times transcendence are
B. Man’s Moral transcendence. Use of Technology/ICT exercised (by group with 5
Constitutions Integration (PPT): Human members)
C. Origin of the Soul Person as Embodied Spirit
D. The Body (SOMA)
Independent Learning Written Task 2: A one- September 10 / 11,
Week 5 – 6 (Asynchronous Session) paragraph photo 2021
(September 06 – 18, 2021) Teacher-made / Recorded description on
Video on Human Person as transcendental
Reference: Embodied Spirit occurrences.
September 20,
Use of Rubrics for 2021
Teacher-prepared handout Critiquing
in PDF format - Individual
- Group
IV. The Human Person Notice things that are not in Online Discussion Performance Task 4: September 28,
and Its Environment - The their proper place (Synchronous Session): Poster-Slogan on Human’s 2021
Human Impact and organize them in an Zoom Meeting Role in the Environment September 30,
aesthetic way. Use of Technology/ICT (individual) 2021
Week 7 – 8 Integration (PPT): The
(September 20–October Show that care for the Human Person and Its
2, 2021) environment contributes Environment - The Human
to health, well-being and Impact Review Test September 28,
Reference: sustainable 2021
development Independent Learning September 30,
(Asynchronous Session) 2021
Teacher-prepared handout Demonstrate the virtues of Teacher-made / Recorded
in PDF format prudence and Video on The Human
frugality towards Person and Its
environments Environment - The Human
Online Source: Impact October 4, 2021
Asia’s Got Talent. 2015. El
Gamma's Touching Tribute Use of Rubrics for
To Mother Nature | Asia’s Critiquing
Got Talent Grand Final 1 - Individual
Second Monthly Examination (October 1 – 2, 2021 )
V. Freedom of the Human Realize that: Online Discussion Performance Task 5: October 8 / 9, 2021
Person a. Choices have (Synchronous Session): CONNECTING THE DOTS
A. The Human Will consequences Zoom Meeting - Three Stories from My
B. Human Act b. Some things are given Use of Technology/ICT Life: Calligraphy
C. Actions and up while others are Integration (PPT): The Application
Consequences obtained in making choices Freedom of the Human - A picture showing the
D. Freedom of the Will Person ‘new’ self (individual)
Show situations that
Week 9 - 10 demonstrate freedom of Use of Video clip Written Task 3: October 15 / 16,
(October 4 – 16, 2021) choice and the Writing a reflection paper 2021
consequences of their Independent Learning about the video presented
Reference: choices (Asynchronous Session) (by group with 4 members)
Teacher-made / Recorded
Video on The Freedom of October 18, 2021
Teacher-prepared handout the Human Person
in PDF format
Use of Rubrics for
Online Source: Critiquing
Motivation Ark.2020. One - Individual
of the Greatest Speeches - Group
Ever | Steve Jobs
VI. Intersubjectivity Show situations that Online Discussion Performance Task 6: October 29 / 30,
A. Accepting Me, demonstrate freedom of (Synchronous Session): A poem about personal 2021
Accepting You choice and the Zoom Meeting choices, failures and
B. Accepting Others is not consequences of their Use of Technology/ICT successes to understand
to impose on Others choices. Integration (PPT): oneself and others
C. Accepting People for Intersubjectivity (individual)
What They Are is Loving Perform activities that
Them demonstrate the talents Independent Learning Review Test October 29 / 30,
of persons with disabilities (Asynchronous Session) 2021
Week 11 – 13 and those from the Teacher-made / Recorded
(October 18 – November underprivileged sectors of Video on Intersubjectivity
6, 2021) society. November 8, 2021
Use of Rubrics for
Reference: Critiquing
- Individual

Teacher-prepared handout
in PDF format

Online Source:
Motivation Madness.2020.
Denzel Washington's Life

Third Monthly Examination (November 5 – 6, 2021 )

VII. The Human Person in Compare different forms of Online Discussion Written Task 4: November 12 / 13, November 15, 2021
the Society societies and individualities (Synchronous Session): Making a personal timeline 2021
A. Man as the Social (eg. Agrarian, industrial Zoom Meeting showing metamorphosis
Animal and virtual) Use of Technology/ICT
B. Theories of Society Integration (PPT): The
C. Social Influences Evaluate the transformation Human Person in the Performance Task 7: November 23 / 25,
D. The Filipino Society of human relationships by Society Creating a video clip 2021
social systems and how showing the Filipino
Week 14 – 15 societies transform Independent Learning household (by group with 5
(November 8 – 20, 2021) individual human beings. (Asynchronous Session) - 7 members)
Teacher-made / Recorded
Reference: Video on The Human
Person in the Society
Use of Rubrics for
Teacher-prepared handout Critiquing
in PDF format - Individual
- Group

VIII. Human Person as Online Discussion Performance Task 8: October 30 /

Oriented Towards Their Enumerate the objectives (Synchronous Session): Crafting a To-Do-List December 2, 2021
Impending Death he/she really wants to Zoom Meeting (individual)
A. Meaning of Death achieve and to define the Use of Technology/ICT December 6, 2021
B. Different Views of projects he/she really Integration (PPT): Human Oral Recitation / Review
Death wants to do in his/her life. Person as Oriented Test
Towards Their Impending
Week 16 -17 (November Reflect on the meaning of Death
22 – December 4, 2021) his/her own life.
Independent Learning
Reference: (Asynchronous Session)
Teacher-prepared handout Teacher-made / Recorded
in PDF format Video on Human Person as
Oriented Towards Their
Impending Death

Use of Rubrics for

- Individual
- Group
Fourth Monthly Examination (December 3 – 4, 2021 )
Teaching Modalities
For MTF classes
Mondays: Synchronous Sessions – live online classes based on the prescribed schedule
Tuesdays: Asynchronous Sessions – independent learning – review, advance reading, research, answering of subject requirements
Fridays: Wrap-up Sessions – online review classes / live execution of assigned tasks / online submission of assigned written works and performance tasks

For WThS Classes

Wednesdays: Synchronous Sessions – live online classes based on the prescribed schedule
Thursdays: Asynchronous Sessions – independent learning – review, advance reading, research, answering of subject requirements
Saturdays: Wrap-up Sessions – online review classes / live execution of assigned tasks / online submission of assigned written works and performance tasks

Grade Computation
Grade Components: Written Works and Monthly Exams, Performance Tasks (Online Activities / Outputs)
Quarterly Grade: 40% Written Works + 60% Performance Tasks
Final Subject Grade: First Quarter Grade + Second Quarter Grade / 2
Prepared by:

Ms. Kriselyn O. Acosta

Ms. Gellie V. Lasana
Ms. Patricia Umali
Mr. Christian Jude O. Agravante
Subject Teachers


Mr. Eric S. Masupil


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