Fingerprinting of Conflict Minerals: Columbite-Tantalite ("Coltan") Ores

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June 2008

Number 23


Fingerprinting of conflict minerals:

columbite-tantalite (“coltan”) ores
Frank Melcher(1), Maria A. Sitnikova(1), Torsten Graupner(1), Nicola Martin(1), Thomas Oberthür(1), Friedhelm Henjes-Kunst(1),
Eike Gäbler(1), Axel Gerdes(2), Helene Brätz(3), Don W. Davis(4) and Stijn Dewaele(5)

(1) Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany ([email protected])
(2) Institute of Geosciences, Petrology & Geochemistry, Altenhöferallee, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
(3) Institute of Geography, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany
(4) Jack Satterly Geochronology Laboratory, Department of Geology, Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada M5S 3B1
(5) Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Leuvensesteenweg 13, 30-80 Tervuren, Belgium

Introduction Congo (DRC), Nigeria, Namibia). More-

over, Africa is estimated to host about three Contents
Illegal mining of gold, diamonds, copper, quarters of the world’s tantalum resources.
Fingerprinting of conflict minerals 1
cobalt and, in the last decade, “coltan” The term “blood coltan” was coined in the
has fuelled ongoing armed conflicts and Congolese civil war, as the sale of this mine- From the President of SGA 2
civil war in a number of African countries. ral fuelled fighting especially in the eastern
“Coltan” – an important tantalum source - provinces of the DRC. Various governmen- News of the Society: SGA presence
is a central African trade name of mineral tal and rebel armed groups moved in to take at the 2008 IGC, Oslo, Norway 3
concentrates chiefly composed of members control of its production and trade. A sharp
New on the website: Mineral Deposit
of the columbite-tantalite group [(Fe,Mn) price increase for tantalum on the market
Archive, The Rammelsberg deposit 6
(Nb,Ta)2O6]. Tantalum is a rare metal (Dec at the beginning of the century from 60 to
2007: 77 US$/kg tantalite, 30% Ta2O5) 480 US$/kg Ta2O5 made this trade highly SGA homepage on internet 14
whose strength, chemistry and electronic profitable. Large quantities of coltan were
properties make it valuable in many high- smuggled from the DRC into the neighbo- Forthcoming events 15
technology and medical applications. The ring countries to be sold illegally.
use of tantalum has, for instance, been The expert group for the DRC of the Uni- 10th SGA Meeting, Townsville, 17-20
instrumental in reducing the size of mo- ted Nations Security Council recommended August 2009 17
bile phones. Coltan is mined from highly the development of a traceability system
SGA Membership Application Form 20
specialized granitic rare metal pegmatites that would proof the origin of coltan. Such
(e.g. Černý, 1992), which commonly show a system would allow ore produced within
complex zoning, and from related placer regions affected by civil war to be distin-
deposits. guished from other sources. Results of a Main Features
Although the major producers of tantalum pilot study funded by the German Federal Fingerprinting of conflict minerals 1
in Australia, Brazil and Canada account for Ministry for Economic Cooperation and SGA presence at the 2008 IGC,
more than 80 percent of the world produc- Development (BMZ) are presented here. Oslo, Norway 3
tion (2006: ~1,290 metric tons tantalum Combined mineralogical-geochemical-
New on the website: Mineral Deposit
metal; USGS Mineral Resources Program), geochronological signatures of columbite-
Archive, The Rammelsberg Deposit 6
artisanal and small-scale mining of coltan is tantalite ores are used to trace the origin of
essential to many local economies in Africa ore concentrates.
(e.g. Mozambique, Ethiopia, Rwanda, DR page 7 u
>>> 2 SGA News Number 23 June 2008 Number 23 June 2008 SGA News 3 <<<

From the President of SGA News of the Society

David I. Groves
[email protected]
News of the Council
mental impacts”, convened by J. Pašava and H. Frimmel
It is a great honour to be elected President Black shale formations occur in different geological environments
of SGA, particularly as an Australian so 2007 SGA ballot throughout the geological record. Black shales are of interest in
far from the European heart of the Society. No. 23 June 2008 Below are reported the results of the 2007 SGA Ballot to elect exploration since they host numerous types of ore deposits such as
The fact that I am a former President of Administrative Officers for the terms of two years (January 1, base metals (copper, lead zinc +- barite), noble metals (gold and
SEG shows that international collaboration, E d i to r 2008—December 31, 2009) platinum group elements), uranium, molybdenum, nickel, man-
rather than competition, is seen as the way Massimo Chiaradia ganese, vanadium, mercury, antimony, tin, phosphorus and others.
forward as we seek to maximise service to Department of Mineralogy YES NO Previously, some of the deposits were sub-economic, containing
our Membership. University of Geneva President: David Groves (Australia) 184 14 large amounts of low-grade mineralized black shale, but with the
Geneva Vice-President: Fernando Tornos (Spain) 184 14 recent development of ore processing methods like bioleaching,
As President, I have a number of goals SWITZERLAND Exec. Secretary: Jan Pašava (Czech Rep.) 193 5 many of these low-grade prospects became economically profi-
that I will be seeking to achieve in col- Treasurer: David Leach (USA) 184 14 table. Both scientific results into the genesis and environmental
laboration with the outstanding Executi- SGA News is a publication of SGA ­(Society Promotion Man.: Gregor Borg (Germany) 183 15 issues related to mining and processing of black shale-hosted ores
ve and Council that has been elected for of Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits) Chief editors of Min. Deposita: will be a major focus of this session.
2008/2009. I would like to see our Mem- to maintain the extremely high standards of and appears twice a year. Bernd Lehmann (Germany) 190 8 Schedule:
bership increase by at least 25 percent over the journal. Over the past five years, Mi- Larry Meinert (USA) 190 8 10 oral presentations
the next two years, and the Society also neralium Deposita has become the premier SGA News can be also read in the SGA Chief editor of SGA News: 9 poster presentations
achieve a firmer financial foundation, par- journal in economic geology in terms of its ­homepage on Internet: Massimo Chiaradia (Switzerland) 193 5 Keynote speakers:
ticularly through strategic planning headed academic and industry impacts. Cheif editor of SGA Website: Paul Emsbo – USGS Denver
by Dave Leach, our Treasurer. I am also Georges Beaudoin (Canada) 195 3 Alan Kaufmann – University of Maryland
determined that our biennial meeting, SGA After the next Council Meeting to be held Student Representative:
2009, in Townsville, Queensland, Australia in Quebec City, Canada in late May, the C o n ce p t a n d P r i n t i n g Anna Vymazalová (Czech Republic) 190 8
in August 2009, will be a great scientific Membership will be canvassed to approve WMXDesign GmbH 2. SGA SPONSORED SESSIONS:
success for SGA. We have an impressive some changes to the Satutes of the Society Heidelberg, Germany The regional Vice-Presidents MRD-10 Symposium on “Large ore provinces of Central Asia”,
Organizational Committee, chaired by Pat which will help us expedite our business Asia: H. Fan (China) 195 3 convened by Ginayat R. Bekzhanov, Bernd Lehmann and Dmitry
Williams and strongly supported by his col- and allow us to better interact with SEG and Australia/Oceania: D. Huston (Australia) 192 6 Pusharovsky
leagues at EGRU at James Cook University. IAGOD who have ex-officio members on L ayo u t Europe: Richard Herrington (UK) 191 7 The geological situation of Central Asia is dominated by a huge
The other two university-based economic our Council. Your assistance in responding Massimo Chiaradia, Geneva, Switzerland Middle East: H. Harbi (Saudi Arabia) 192 6 collage of Phanerozoic subduction-accretion complexes (Altaid
geology centres, CODES at U Tas and the to our requests for your vote on these mat- North Africa: S. Bouhlel (Tunisia) 192 6 orogenic system) in between the Urals to the west, Siberian plat-
Centre for Exploration Targeting at UWA, ters will be greatly appreciated. North America: A. Conly (Canada) 194 4 form to the north, Circum-Pacific orogenic belt and North China
are also involved in the organisation. Col- Information for contributors South Africa: John Moore (South Africa) 194 4 Craton to the east, and the Cenozoic Alpide mountain ranges to the
laboration with SEG through Rich Goldfarb After the next Council Meeting, I hope Items for publication may be sent to: South America: Carmen Holmgren (Chile) 193 5 south. This region hosts a number of major ore provinces with a
will involve a day of invited talks to com- to be able to write a more detailed article SGA News (see address below) wide spectrum of worldclass mineral deposits, of which precious
plement the normal SGA sessions. on our strategic plans, a more definitive Manuscripts should be sent by e-mail us- metals, base metals, and rare metals stand out. The Symposium
view of SGA 2009, and an indication of the ing Microsoft Word for text and Jpeg or Tiff Councillors for the term – January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2011 wants to contribute to the better understanding of the major controls
Council also need to aid the Editors of location of SGA 2011. formats for pictures and figures (the latter on the formation of large ore provinces, and invites detailed mine-
Mineralium Deposita in any way they can must be in grey level tones, not colour!). F. Bierlein (Australia) 189 9 ralogical and geochemical studies as well as regional metallogenic
Please always send a paper copy and indi- K. Kelley (USA) 188 10 studies and review papers on Central Asian ore deposits. Focus
A p p l i c a t i o ns to SGA for meeting sponsorship must be submitted to Jan Pasa- cate the format you are using. P. Williams (Australia) 193 5 should be on modern research and new findings.
va, SGA Executive Secretary, on appropriate forms available at the SGA home page on R. Foster (UK/Turkey) 189 9
Internet: R. Presnell (USA) 188 12 MRD-15 Symposium on “Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide deposits”, conve-
Deadline for SGA News No. 24 V. Shatov (Russia) 190 8 ned by H. Papunen and A. Naldrett
Other requests will be not considered. 31 October 2008 The historic high prices of nickel and platinum-group metals (PGE)
TOTAL RECEIVED VOTES 198 have aroused worldwide interest in the exploration and exploitation
Your suggestions and ideas (179 electronic and 19 hard copies) of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits, which are related to mafic-
for any topic of interest to SGA ­ SGA N e w s - M a i l b ox TOTAL VALID VOTES 198 ultramafic intrusive rocks and ultramafic extrusives. Tectonic
are welcome! Dr. Massimo Chiaradia environments and magmatic evolution vary from one deposit type
They can be addressed to any Council member or to Department of Mineralogy Prague, December 20th, 2007 to the other, but a number of common rules control the formation
University of Geneva of sulphides in magmatic systems and the distribution of metals
Dr. Jan Pasava Rue des Maraîchers 13 Jan Pašava Bohdan Kříbek Anna Vymazalová between co-existing phases. Papers dealing with general aspects
SGA Executive Secretary CH-1205 Geneva of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE ore formation and descriptions of new
Fax: +41 22 379 32 10 Future activities discoveries are welcome. Nickel has long history in Fennoscandia:
Czech Geological Survey Tel.: +420 2 5108 5506 e-mail: [email protected] -SGA presence at the 2008 IGC (Oslo, Norway) the metal was first discovered in Sweden 1756 and Norway produ-
Klárov 131/3 Fax: +420 2 518 18 748 1. SGA ORGANIZED SESSION: ced the bulk of the world’s nickel in the 19th century. Norwegian
CZ-118 21 Prague 1 e-mail: [email protected] Half a day MRD-13 Symposium on “Black shale hosted Ore depo- Caledonian deposits and the numerous deposits in the Svecofenni-
Czech Republic sits associated with black shales: from their origin to their Environ- an area of central Fennoscandia are examples of orogenic Ni-Cu
>>> 4 SGA News Number 23 June 2008 Number 23 June 2008 SGA News 5 <<<

Mr. Michael BOWLES 4 Norfolk Drive, Oulton Leeds, LS26 8HY Yorkshire UK
deposits; hence the papers on this Ni-Cu ore will be given here to the deposits from the exploration and mining companies together Mr. Brendan CAULFIELD 15 Nylands Avenue Kew, Richmond Surrey TW9 4HH UK
type worldwide would be welcome. Due Fennoscandian shield including Karelia and with those from academic institutions is Mr. Daniel JAMES 54 Valley Road Herts HP4 3PZ UK
to their high exploration potential in Fen- Kola Peninsula and from the Laurentia. The expected. Mr. Nicholas HOLMAN 35 Caenbrook Meadow Presteigne Powys, LD8 2NE UK
noscandia Ni-Cu-PGE deposits related to presentations may concern deposits or pro- SGA COUNCIL 2008 Dr. Andrew H.G MITCHELL 20 Dale Close Oxford OX1 1TU UK
mafic layered intrusions are also favoured spects, as well as whole belts and provinces, -SEG-GSSA 2008 Meeting (July 5-9, 2008, Dr. Edmund SIDES 14 Millwood Gardens Millay, Swansea, Wales, SA2 7BE UK
in the session. and describe their geological, mineralo- Johannesburg) – SGA will have a free booth President D. Groves (Australia) Mr. Robin TAGGART Kulshan, Knocklayde Park Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, BT53 6HJ UK


Dr. M. Stephen ENDERS Senior Vice President Newmont Mining Corporation 1700 Lincoln Street Denver,
gical, geochemical, isotopic and tectonic there and run a 2-days short course on dia- Vice-President F. Tornos (Spain)
CO 80203 USA
MRD-19 Symposium on “Uranium depo- characteristics, resource assessments and monds – SGA activities coordinated by J. Executive Secretary J. Pasava (Czech Republic) Mr. John KING 10920 W. Alameda Ave. Lakewood, Colorado 80226 USA
sits”, convened by M. Cuney, C. Caillat and exploration potential. We are strongly en- Moore and H. Frimmel. Treasurer D. Leach (USA) Prof. James SAUNDER 210 Petrie hall Dept of Geology and Geography Auburn University, AL 36849
O. Aikas couraging the presentation of innovative -UNESCO-SEG-SGA XXVI Latin Ameri- Promotion Manager G. Borg (Germany) USA
This symposium is devoted to oral and po- genetic models. Comparative papers on can Course on Metallogeny (2008, Bolivia) Chief Editors B. Lehmann (Germany) - MD
ster presentations on uranium ore deposits. the metallogeny of Fennoscandia with that – F. Tornos. Stu d en t Members
European Office
Exploration activities for uranium deposits of other similar crustal blocks from other -XIII Latin-American Geological Congress Mr. Miguel Sebastian JOVIC Instituto de Recursos Minerales Calle 64, n. 3, La Plata 1900 BUENOS
have boomed during these last three years parts of the world are also welcome. A joint with XIV Peruvian Geological Congress American Office Mr. Alexander SCHMIDERER Eferweg 17 A-8724 Spielberg AUSTRIA
because uranium prices have experienced participation to the symposium of geosci- (September 29-October 3, 2008 Lima, Pe- Ms. Elena BELYAVTSEVA 15 Bardfield Way, Gosnells 6110 WA AUSTRALIA
M. Chiaradia (Switzerland)
a spectacular jump. A particular attention entists from geological surveys, consulting, ru). Mr. Marco BRENNA 6/76 Broadway, Crawley 6009 WA AUSTRALIA
- SGA News
Ms. Kylie CHRYSTAL 10 Hatfield Way, Girrawheen 6064 WA AUSTRALIA
G. Beaudoin (Canada) - SGA
Mr. Alex CLARK-HALE 62 Holland St, Wembley 6014 WA AUSTRALIA
LIST OF NEW SGA MEMBERS (AUGUST 10, 2007-APRIL 22, 2008) website
Miss Haylee CUZENS 18 Fenchurch Street Alexander Heights 6064 WA AUSTRALIA
55 Regular Members, 41 Student Members, and 4 Senior Members applied for membership from August 10, 2007 to April 22, 2008
Student Represent. A. Vymazalová (Czech Rep.) Miss Beatriz ESTRADA 8/990 Wellington St. West Perth, 6005, WA AUSTRALIA
Past-President H. Frimmel (Germany/South Ms. Arianne FORD School of Earth and Env. Sciences James Cook University Townsville, QLD 4811
Re g ular Member s Mr. Ben HAMES 61/54 Mill Point Rd South Perth 6151 WA AUSTRALIA
Mrs. Mirta Mabel GARRIDO Agustin Alvarez 1948-8000 Bahia Blanca ARGENTINA Mr. Shane HUBECK 2/208 Burslem Dr, Maddington 6109 WA AUSTRALIA
Regional Vice-Presidents
Dr. Stephen BERESFORD 2/22 Kadina St North Perth 6006 AUSTRALIA Mr. Derek MARSHALL 21 Viewway, Nedlands 6009 WA AUSTRALIA
Mr. Peter James DOYLE Ground floor 44 Ord Street, West Pert WA 6005 AUSTRALIA Asia H. Fan (China) Mr. Luke NUSKE 83 Essex Street, Wembly 6014 WA AUSTRALIA
Dr. Musie GEBRE-MARIAM 357 Inverness Drive South Englewood 80112 CO AUSTRALIA Miss Heidi PASS CODES Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits Private Bag 79, Hobart Tasmania 7001
Australia/Oceania D. Huston (Australia)
Dr. Klaus GESSNER Centre for Exploration Targeting, NDOP006 University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Perth AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA
Europe R. Herrington (UK)
Tony GODDARD Locked Bag 12 Cloisters Square Perth Wa 6850 AUSTRALIA Mr. Ian PRYOR 17 Margaret St. Wilson, 6107 WA AUSTRALIA
Dr. Pietro GUJ 42 Rupert St. Subiaco Western Australia WA 6008 AUSTRALIA Middle East H. Harbi (Saudi Arabia) Mr. Luis Daniel SAENZ ALARCON Saint Thomas More College Mounts Bay Road, Crawley 6009 WA
Dr. Paul HODKIEWICZ SRK Consulting 10 Richardson St West Perth WA 6005 AUSTRALIA North Africa S. Bouhlel (Tunisia) AUSTRALIA
Dr. John MILLER Centre for Exploration Targeting, MOO6 University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Perth AUSTRALIA North America A. Conly (Canada) Mr. Nuru SAID 253 Station St. East Cannigton 6107 WA AUSTRALIA
Mr. Craig PANTHER 12 Montezuma Drive Burleigh Waters Queensland 4220 AUSTRALIA South Africa J. Moore (S. Africa)
Ms. Kimberley WEBB 36 Holmfirtn St., Menora 6050 WA AUSTRALIA
Mr. Michael N. RICHARDS c/o Equinox Resources Ground Floor, 50 Kings Park Road West Perth, W.A. 6005 AUSTRALIA Mrs. Rosaline FIGUEREDO e SILVA Caldeira Brant 61/302 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais BRAZIL
South America C. Holmgren (Chile)
Mr. Peter VAN DER BORG 9A Strickland St Mt Claremont 6010 WA AUSTRALIA Miss Hannah GRANT 178 Ontario Street, Apt 201 Kingston, ON, K7L 2Y8 CANADA
Dr. Khin ZAW Private Bag 79 University of Tasmania Hobart, Tasmania 7001 AUSTRALIA Ms. Elizabeth SHARMAN 3450 University St. Earth and Planetary Sciences McGill Univ., Montreal, QC,
Dr. Radoslav KEHAYOV 33 Lulin Planina Str, Entr B Office 1, Sofia 1606 BULGARIA Councillors: term ending on December 31, 2009 H3A 2A7 CANADA
Dr. Jeffrey ABBOTT 1400 Tanager Place RR21 Roberts Creek, BC V0N 2W1 CANADA Mr. David SHINKLE PO Box 4400 Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A3 CANADA
A. Boyce (U.K.)
Dr. Irvine R. ANNESLEY Director, Exploration JNR Resources Inc 204-315 22nd St. East Saskatoon, SK S7K OG6 CANADA Mr. Jian BAI 87 Dongfengxiang 650011 Kunming CHINA
Mr. Andrew Lee SMITH 500-602 West Hastings Vancouver V6B I82, BC CANADA S. Diakov (Canada, East Asia) Mr. Alan Fernando CARDENAS VERA Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellin Calle 5,
Mr. Stanley CRAIG 145 King Street West, Suite 2750 Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5H 1J8 P. Eilu (Finland) #45-121, Bioque 6, Apt 512 Antioquia, Medellin COLOMBIA
Mr. Charles DEARIN 2 Forest Road St. Johns New Found Land AIC 2B9 CANADA W. Halter (Switzerland) Mr. Carlos Andreas JIMENEZ TORRES Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellin Calle 30D
Mr.Miguel GALLARDO Málaga 50, Piso 5, Las Condes 7550133 Santiago CHILE J. Mao (China) #50a39, La Florida IV, Apt 022 Antioquia, Bello COLOMBIA
Ms Jukka JOKELA Ahventig 4B 48 FINLAND Mr. Markus KYLAKOSKI University f Oulu Peiponpolku 2-6, 058 96900 SAARENKYLA FINLAND
J. Relvas (Portugal)
Dr. Jens SCHNEIDER Bachstrasse 9 35792 Lohnberg GERMANY Mr. Jens RONNQVIST Biskopsgatan 22E 68600 Jakobstau FINLAND
Mr. Christan MASURENKO Winkelweg 2 27239 Twistringen GERMANY R. Smith (Australia-China)
Mr. Jerome GOUIN BRGM – Mineral Ressources Division 3, avenue Claude Guillemin BP 36009 45060
Dr. Ferenc MOLNAR Erdosor 186 1213 Budapest HUNGARY P. Weihed (Sweden) Orleans Cedex 2 FRANCE
Prof. Dr. Mamta DAS RZ-122, B-Block, Arjun Park Nangli Dairy Najafgarh Road New Delhi 1100 43 INDIA Mr. Adrian FIEGE In der Aue 12 37290 Meibuer GERMANY
Mr. Dinesh DHINGRA F-3/14, Second Floor Sector-II, Rohini New Delhi – 110085 INDIA Councillors: term ending on December 31, 2011 Mr. Tobias HOEFIG Netzweg 1 D-06110 Halle GERMANY
Mr. John ASHTON Tara Mines Ltd. Mine Geology Department Knockumber Navan Country Meath IRELAND Mr. Marcus KUNZMANN Liebenauer Str. 162 D-06110 Halle GERMANY
Dr. Patrick B. REDMOND Teck Cominco Ireland Ltd. 5 Wentwoth Place, Wicklow Country Wicklow IRELAND F. Bierlein (Australia) Mr. Timo LIESENFELD Hasental 29 56288 Kastellaun GERMANY
Dr. Koji HAMANO Nikko Exploration and Development Co, Ltd, 7-10, Toranomon 2-Chome, MINATO-KU, Tokyo, 105-0001 JAPAN K. Kelley (USA) Mr. Christian SCHMIDTCHEN Kurt-Tucholsky Strasse 6 06179 Teutschenthal GERMANY
Prof. Francisco ESCANDON Sierra de San Patricio 108 Lomas 4a Seccion 78216 San Luis Potosi S.P.L. MEXICO P. Williams (Australia) Mr. Khashgerel BAT-ERDENE Tennohda 2-1, University of Tsukuba Ichinoya 36-102 Tsukuba City
Mr. Charles RANDS 6 Glen Road Kelburn, Wellington 6012 NEW ZEALAND 305-0006 Ibaraki Prefecture JAPAN
R. Foster (UK/Turkey)
Mr. Tunde Muritala ARISEKOLA Nigerian Geological Survey Agency P.M.B. 616 Garki, Abuja NIGERIA Mr. Jung Woo PARK Room 629, Mineralogy Lab., Asan Science building Korea University, Anandong,
R. Presnell (USA)
Mr. Steves Olusegun IPINNIWA PMB 2062 Sapon Abeokuta, Ogun State NIGERIA Sungbuk ku, Seoul KOREA
Dr. Olugbenga A. OKUNLOLA Dept. of Geology University of Ibadan Ibadan NIGERIA V. Shatov (Russia) Mr. Oleg KNAUF 195 030 St. Petersburg Otechestvennaya 3-106 RUSSIA
Mr. Jorgen STENVOLD Nokken 1 9016 Tromso NORWAY Miss Therese BEJGARN Stengatan 137 972 52 Lulea SWEDEN
Dr. Apostoae LAVINIU IOAN Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Dept. of Mineralogy and Geochemistry Bd. Carol I, NR. 20A, IASI – 700505 ROMANIA Ex officio Members, SEG Mr. Craig BARRIE Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences University of Liverpool UK
Dr. Vladimir KNAUF 195 030 St. Petersburg Otechestvennaya 3-106 RUSSIA Miss Angelique CRYSTAL Felin Newydd, Rhydymain Dolgellau, Gwynedd, LL40 2AP, North Wales UK
Dr. Evgeniy NAUMOV Institute of Geology, pr. Koptiyga 3 Novosibirs 630090 RUSSIA President N. Williams (Australia) Ms. Anita BROWN 3327 S 650 W Bountiful, UT 84010 USA
Dr. Hesham HARBI King Abdulaziz University Faculty of Earth Sciences P.O. Box 80206, Jeddah 21289 SAUDI ARABIA Executive Director B. G. Hoal (USA) Ms Marina Zavarzina VUZGORODOK, Geology faculty 100174 Tashkent UZBEKISTAN
Dr. Craig R. McCLUNG P.O.Box 3899 Northcliff, 2115 SOUTH AFRICA
Dr. Jan-Anders PERDAHL Hammarg 13 SE – 930 70 Mala SWEDEN Ex officio Members, IAGOD Sen i or Members
Mr. David TRIPODI, Vanga Resources Ltd., Rue Etienne-Dumont 14, 1204 Geneva SWITZERLAND Dr. Desmond LASCELLES 13 Bardfield Way Gosnells, 6110 WA AUSTRALIA
Mr. Denis DILLIP PO Box 72488 Der es Salzam TANZANIA Secretary General N. Cook (Norway) Dr. Brian MARTEN Dinegal East, Reengaroga Baltimore, CO Cork IRELAND
Mr. Murat CETINTAS Teck Cominco Turan Gunes Bulv No 86/4 06550, Cankaya- Ankara TURKEY Membership Secreteray R. Seltmann (UK) Mr. A. Neil McLAURIN Victoria House, Letcombe Regis Wantage, Oxon, OXI29JQ UK
Mr. Bilhan TEKIN Teck Cominco Turan Gunes Bulv No 86/4 06550, Cankaya- Ankara TURKEY Dr. Anthony NALDRETT 15 Apers Ave. Woking, Surrey, GU2 2QB UK
>>> 6 SGA News Number 23 June 2008 Number 23 June 2008 SGA News 7 <<<

Website NEWS! SGA Mineral Deposit Archive >>> page 1 Fingerprinting of conflict mine-
rals: columbite-tantalite („coltan“) ores
CGM to incorporate a large number of ad-
ditional elements. Furthermore, coltan ores
areas. Special attention is, however, di-
rected to samples and concentrates from
may also contain other tantalum-bearing Ta-Nb-(Sn-Li) provinces in Africa (e.g. the
Georges Beaudoin, Chief Editor SGA website mineral phases like tapiolite (FeTa2O6), Alto Ligonha Province in Mozambique; the
Fingerprinting – how does it wodginite [(Mn,Sn,Fe,Ti,Li)Ta2O8], ixiolite Kivu Province in the DRC, Rwanda and
Université Laval, Québec,Canada, [email protected] work? [(Nb,Ta,Sn,Fe,Mn,Ti)4O8], bismutotantalite Burundi; southern Ethiopia; southern and
[Bi(Nb,Ta)O4], stibiotantalite [Sb(Nb,Ta) northern Namibia; Fig. 1). So far, more than
The focus of this study is to develop a O4], minerals of the pyrochlore group such 350 samples have been investigated (indivi-
The SGA Mineral Deposit Archive is a A Mineral Deposit Archive typically A Mineral Deposit Archive consist of a methodological approach capable of distin- as microlite [(Ca,Na)2Ta2O6(O,OH,F)], dual crystals, ore concentrates) with more
repository of mineral deposit or district provides information 1) on the regional .pdf file comprising a set of slides and their guishing the origin of tantalum ore concen- and minerals of the complex fergusonite, than 60% from central and southern Africa.
descriptions offered by SGA members to geology and geodynamic setting, 2) the presentation notes where each slide is ac- trates with the utmost probability. A number aeschynite and euxenite mineral groups. Most samples are from rare metal pegma-
the scientific community. The SGA is distri- geological and structural setting of the de- companied by a text explaining the features of factors must be taken into consideration. Although confusing at first, these large tites and their eluvial and alluvial placers,
buting for free these geological summaries posit/district, 3) typical features of ore and in the slide. (1) The quality and composition of the col- variations in Ta-Nb minerals and ores al- especially from tin granites and rare metal
of important mineral deposits. The Mineral hostrocks using photographs of outcrops, To submit a proposal for a Mineral Depo- tan ore concentrates available on the market so offer chances to develop a scheme of granites of Archaean to Pan-African age.
Deposit Archive offers an overview of the samples or photomicrographs, 4) geoche- sit Archive, go to our website, www.e-sga. may vary considerably depending on the fingerprinting. (3) The analytical time and
geological setting and geological features mistry of mineralization and hostrocks, 5) org, then navigate to >Publications>Mineral technical equipment for ore processing used effort of the fingerprint have to be kept at a Analytical Methods
of important mineral deposits or districts of a review of current interpretations on the Deposit Archives where Instructions to Aut- and the experience of the miners. (2) The reasonable level.
the world. deposit/district metallogeny. hors and templates to prepare your contri- mineralogical and chemical composition of The methodological approach summa- Coltan concentrates are studied and ana-
bution can be downloaded. Ta-Nb ores is extremely complex, based on rized below is based on an extensive mi- lyzed in a step-by-step mode (Fig. 2).
the wide range of minerals of the columbite- neralogical-geochemical-geochronological One goal is to characterize their comple-
tantalite solid solution series (columbite- database acquired and compiled for samples te mineralogical and chemical variability.
New Mineral Deposit Archive: The Rammelsberg Deposit group minerals, CGM) and the ability of from the world’s major coltan producing Major and trace element concentrations are
obtained by WD-X-ray fluorescence ana-
Andreas Mueller lysis on bulk samples. The mineralogical
composition of bulk samples is determined
by X-ray diffraction analysis; application
Andreas G. Müller (Maylands/Australia), [email protected]
of Rietveld refinement procedures allows
estimates of modal proportions. Polished
The Rammelsberg Cu-Zn-Pb sulfide-barite fide, located in the overturned fold limb ging at about 300°C. Radiogenic lead and sections are prepared and investigated by
deposit in the Harz mountain range, northern beneath the Kniest is strongly deformed, osmium isotope data indicate deep fluid reflected light microscopy, followed by
Germany, was mined almost continuously recrystallized to a tectonic banding, and circulation and metal leaching from the quantitative mineralogical analysis using
for more than a 1000 years (968-1988 AD). separated into two major lenses by reverse thick pile (>1000 m) of Lower Devonian the Mineral Liberation Analysis software
The mine, located south of the medieval movement of the Kniest mass. shelf sandstones and from paragneisses in (MLA; JK Tech Pty Ltd, Australia) on a
town centre of Goslar, is now a UNESCO The massive sulfide grades laterally into the continental crust below. Quanta 600 FEG scanning electron micro-
world heritage site. The Rammelsberg is a a fringe of shale-banded ore (2 Mt at 6.5% Paleogeographic reconstructions of the scope equipped with an EDAX module. For
type locality for shale-hosted, sedimentary- Zn, 3.5% Pb) and is compositionally zoned, Middle Devonian show that the Rammels- major and trace element analysis by ma-
exhalative (SEDEX) Zn-Pb-Ag deposits but stratigraphically higher sulfide-gangue berg deposit formed at the faulted margin of gnetic sector ICP-MS and ICP-OES, one or
is unusual because of the high grade (27 Mt lenses spreading beyond the lower ones. an euxinic basin, part of the basin-and-ridge several hand picked grains (5 to 100 mg of
at 19% Zn, 9% Pb, 160 g/t Ag) and high The lowermost lens consists of low-grade topography of a marine back-arc rift located sample material) are ground and dissolved
copper-gold content (1% Cu, 0.5-1 g/t Au) pyrite + Fe-dolomite + quartz, overlain at the southern margin of the Laurussi- in a mixture of hydrofluoric acid 48% (20 –
of the sulfide ore. by pyrite + Mn-dolomite with layers of an continent. Spilitized alkali basalt and 200 μl) and nitric acid 65% (200 μl).
The Harz is part of the unmetamorphosed chalcopyrite and sphalerite, and blanketed trachyte/rhyolite, associated with hematite CGM and other Ta-Nb-bearing mineral
slate belt of the Variscan orogen, formed in by gold-rich chalcopyrite-sphalerite-galena ore and pyrite mineralization on volcanic phases are analyzed for major and trace
the Carboniferous during the collision of ore containing 5-10% Fe-dolomite and ba- ridges, indicate high heat-flow and exten- elements by electron microprobe (CAME-
the paleo-continents Laurussia and Gond- rite. The uppermost and most extensive la- sive seawater circulation. The plate-tectonic CA SX100) with detection limits of 200
wana. The Rammelsberg deposit occurs in yer consists of silver-rich sphalerite-galena setting is remarkably similar to that of the ppm for trace elements. For determination
a NE-striking, overturned isoclinal syncline ore with intercalated barite beds. Another present northwest Pacific, where the Okina- of low levels of trace elements the Laser
of Middle Devonian calcareous black shale, two beds of sulfide-poor barite occur stra- wa Trough and the Sea of Japan represent Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
which is enclosed in sand-banded black tigraphically above the massive sulfide, sediment-filled marine rift basins opened in Spectrometry technique is applied (LA ICP-
shale and structurally overlain by Lower separated by about 30 m of black shale. continental crust behind active arc-trench MS; Nd:YAG laser - 266 nm New Wave
Devonian shelf sandstone. In the structural Laterally, the sulfide ore grades into the systems. The Japanese Kuroko volcano- Merchantek LUV; Agilent 7500i quadru-
hanging wall but stratigraphic footwall of dolomite-rich ore horizon, marked by beds genic massive sulfide deposits display ore pole ICP-MS; University of Würzburg).
the sulfide ore, the black shale is altered to of felsic tuff and traced in drill holes 3 km grades and sulfide-gangue zones almost The spot size varies from 30 to 50 μm. The
a hard quartz-chlorite-ankerite rock termed to the northwest. The ore horizon contains identical to those of the Rammelsberg, pro- glass reference material NIST SRM 612
Kniest. The tightly folded Kniest wedge more metal (13 Mt Zn + Pb) than the de- viding a genetic link between VMS and SE- with the values of Pearce et al. (1997) is
spans the entire width of the deposit. Pyrite, posit itself (7-8 Mt Zn + Pb) defining a hu- DEX, the two main classes of syn-volcanic used for external calibration and calculation
arsenopyrite and sphalerite disseminations ge sedimentary-exhalative dispersion halo. and syn-sedimentary sulfide deposits. of trace elements by GLITTER Version 3.0
in the Kniest, and sulfide mantos and spot- The Kniest feeder system, ore textures, and To download the Rammelsberg Mineral (Macquarie Research Ltd., 2000).
ted zones in the Lower Devonian sandstones sulfur isotope ratios suggest vent-proximal Deposit Archive go to > Uranium-lead dating is carried out both on
Figure 1: Location of important ore provinces with Nb-Ta mining activities in Africa. See text for
define a broad zone of epigenetic footwall deposition of sulfide muds in a brine pool Publications/Mineral Deposit Archive/The discussion of the ages. The position of the Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic craton areas in Africa is crystal fragments using conventional ther-
mineralization. The high-grade massive sul- by a reduced, H2S-bearing fluid dischar- Rammelsberg deposit added for illustration (modified from Schlüter, 2006). mal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS)
>>> 8 SGA News Number 23 June 2008 Number 23 June 2008 SGA News 9 <<<

Figure 3: Back-scatter electron image of a columbite-tantalite con-

centrate from Rwanda displaying heterogeneous chemical composi-
tion shown by different grey values. Numbers refer to EPMA spots.
Figure 4: Modal concentration of minerals in coltan concentrates from Nyari-
gamba and Gasasa (Rwanda) as determined by MLA.

Figure 2: Methods used in the pilot study for characterization of the mineralogical parameters and geochemical compositions of Ta-Nb concentrates.

(BGR and University of Toronto), and in- common Pb, laser induced elemental frac- ved. The chemical procedures to separate
situ analysis by LA ICP-MS at the Univer- tionation, instrumental mass discrimination, U and Pb for TIMS analysis were adapted
sity of Frankfurt using a Thermo-Finnigan and time-dependant elemental fractionation. from Romer & Wright (1992) and Romer
Element II sector field ICP-MS coupled to a Analytical reproducibility (GJ-1 reference & Smeds (1994). U and Pb were measured
New Wave UP213 ultraviolet laser system. standard) of 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/206Pb in multi-collector mode on a MM354 (Uni-
Spot size ranges from 30 to 60 μm. Raw ratios is usually better than 0.7%. No matrix versity of Toronto) and a Thermo-Finnigan
data are corrected for background signal, dependent U/Pb fraction has been obser- Triton (BGR). Isoplot (Ludwig 2003) was

Table 1: Mean concentrations and estimated frequencies of minerals in coltan ore concentrates from pegmatite provinces in Africa as determined by
Figure 5: Variation in Mn-Fe and Ta-Nb ratios in single CGM and tapiolite grains from coltan concentrates of Kibaran-age pegmatites in Rwanda and
the DR Congo; EPMA.

used for graphical presentation of U-Pb pegmatite province of the DRC), mining evaluated by comparing the concentrates
isotope data and age calculation. districts (i.e., the Gatumba district in the with a defined critical concentration, which
Kibaran pegmatite province of Rwanda), or was set to ~30% of the mean concentration
Results pegmatite provinces (i.e., the Alto Ligonha of this mineral in all concentrates.
Province, Mozambique). A fully quantita- The detection of significant amounts of
Mineralogical composition of the coltan tive set of data for each concentrate is part minerals typical of a deposit, district or pro-
concentrates of a fingerprint to the location sampled. This vince provides valuable hints to the origin
Coltan concentrates are usually domina- includes mineral associations and their rela- of a concentrate. Bismutotantalite was so
ted by CGM, but may also carry abundant tive concentrations, grain sizes, and their far only found in samples from Mozam-
additional accessory phases. These include intergrowth relationships (Fig. 3). Mean bique, wodginite frequently occurs only at
pyrochlore-group minerals, tapiolite, wod- concentrations of ore minerals and accesso- locations in Rwanda and tapiolite seems to
ginite, stibiotantalite, bismutotantalite, cas- ry phases in coltan concentrates as well as be indicative of concentrates from the DRC
siterite, as well as silicate, phosphate and their frequencies within African pegmatite (especially from deposits with Eburnean
further oxide phases. Some of these mine- provinces are summarized in Table 1 and ages - see below) and from Rwanda (Fig.
rals are characteristic of certain deposits illustrated in Fig. 4. The frequency of a mi- 4b). The relative frequency of ferro- or
(i.e., the Manono deposit in the Kibaran neral in a tantalum pegmatite province was manganocolumbites and/or -tantalites also
>>> 10 SGA News Number 23 June 2008 Number 23 June 2008 SGA News 11 <<<

varies considerably (Table 1). Finally, the

presence or absence of cassiterite, ilmenite
and other minerals may give additional
hints for identification of the origin (e.g.
zircon, Fig. 4a).

Major and trace elements

The columbite group minerals (CGM) have

the general formula AB2O6, in which the
A position is dominated by Fe2+ und Mn2+
and, to a lesser extent, is occupied by Mg2+
and trivalent cations. The B position is do-
minated by Nb5+ und Ta5+, but may also be
occupied by Ti4+ und Sn4+. The mechanis-
ms of incorporation of trace elements (e.g.
Ti, Sc, U, W, REE) into the CGM structure
and the percentage of the substitutions re-
lative to the total cations are described in a
number of papers (e.g. Černý & Ercit, 1989;
Ercit, 1994; Romer et al., 1996; Mulja et
al., 1996; Wise et al., 1998). Coupled sub-
stitutions of 3M4+ for M2+ + 2M5+, other
mechanisms involving trivalent cations as
well as the influence of the local redox
conditions during CGM crystallization are
discussed to explain cation incorporation
(e.g. U4+ vs U6+; Romer et al., 1996). For
the crystal chemistry of other Nb and Ta
Figure 6: Ti/Sn versus Zr+W plot for samples from the Kivu and adjacent areas in the DR Congo and minerals the reader is referred to Černý &
Rwanda. Laser ablation ICP-MS and magnetic sector ICP-MS and ICP-OES data both plot into the
same fields for the respective provinces. Figure 8: TIMS data for columbite-tantalite from Ghana and Rwanda; BGR laboratory (upper diagrams), and LA ICP-MS data for columbite-tantalite
from Namibia and the DRC (lower diagrams).

Ercit (1989), Ercit et al. (1992) and Černý analyses (EPMA) of the major elements within the concentrates is large, and follows
et al. (2004). permits a rough classification of the peg- distinct trends.
In addition, mineral chemistry reflects in- matite type (Černý, 1989, 1992) but may About 35 trace elements (including the
trinsic parameters of ore-forming processes, also be used for further discrimination of rare earth elements) are determined by LA
source, and host rock relationships. Fractio- deposits and districts. As an example, varia- ICP-MS and/or ICP-MS. The concentra-
nation and contamination in the pegmatite tions in Mn-Fe (XMn = 100*Mn/(Mn+Fe)) tions of several trace elements (e.g. Mg,
melt are recorded in chemical zoning (Fig. and Ta-Nb (XTa = 100*Ta/(Ta+Nb)) ratios Sc, Ti, W, Hf) correlate well with those of
3) and trace element patterns of the grains. in four coltan concentrates are shown in the major elements within the studied mi-
The classical approach using microprobe Figure 5. The overall compositional range nerals (Fe, Mn, Nb, Ta). Good correlations
between trace elements are often present
on a deposit or district scale. A number of
trace elements and element ratios appear to
be useful for differentiation of ore districts
within larger pegmatite provinces (e.g. Bi,
Ti, W, Zr, Zr/Hf, Ti/Sn; Fig. 6).
The chondrite-normalized REE distributi-
on patterns vary significantly depending on
the type of Ta-bearing mineral phases (co-
lumbite, tantalite, microlite) and in part also
their major element compositions (e.g. the
Fe and Mn concentrations in tantalites; Fig.
7b). Furthermore, ore concentrates from
different pegmatite provinces can be sepa-
rated using a number of criteria. Whereas
some locations are characterized by low
Figure 9: Flow chart exemplifying the discrimination of tantalum provinces from Africa based on age REE concentrations (e.g. Kenticha, Ethio-
Figure 7: Concentrations of Y and REE in columbite-tantalite from ore concentrates. (A) Marropino (Mozambique), (B) Buranga (Rwanda), (C) Kokobin and modal mineralogy. pia), others are highly enriched, especially
(Ghana) and (D) Bikita (Zimbabwe). LA ICP-MS data.
>>> 12 SGA News Number 23 June 2008 Number 23 June 2008 SGA News 13 <<<

consuming, depending on the degree of aware of “clean” products, which are mined Acknowledgements
required certainty. Based on modal mine- in an environmentally sound and socially
ralogy, and major and trace element data tolerable way in countries which accept Samples were kindly provided by a number
of CGM, a distinction of tantalum con- the rules of good governance. This is true of museums, companies and individuals.
centrates from Kibaran pegmatites within especially for minerals imported from con- Field work was supported by Jean Ru-
the DRC and Rwanda, and those of the flict areas. The worldwide implementation zindana Munana (Redemi, Rwanda) and
Namaqualand Province in Namibia and and acceptance of the “Kimberley Process” the Geological Surveys of Namibia, Ethi-
South Africa, is demonstrated in Figure for diamonds prove that the international opia and Mozambique. We also appre-
10. Both yield identical geological ages community is no longer willing to accept ciate cooperation with the project leaders,
(0.9-1.0 Ga). CGM in Kibaran pegmatites materials from conflict areas or materials W. Pohl (Braunschweig) and B. Lehmann
lack Eu anomalies, whereas those in Nama- produced under criminal circumstances. (Clausthal), of the “Coltan Environmental
qualand pegmatites have prominent negati- The analytical fingerprint of “coltan” may Management Pilot Project 2007” funded by
ve Eu anomalies, concomitant with a lack assist in the establishment of a control in- the German Volkswagenstiftung. Thanks
of cassiterite. Within the Kibaran, tantalum strument in an envisaged certification of the are due to many people in the BGR for
concentrates derived from areas west of the production and trade chain of coltan. Modi- laboratory assistance, especially to J. Lod-
western branch of the East-African rift zone fied techniques may be applied to other ores ziak, P. Rendschmidt, F. Korte and M.
(Kivu, Maniema and Katanga provinces of as well. Our working group will provide Bockrath. B. Saini-Eidukat (NDSU, Fargo)
the DRC) are distinguished by generally analytical fingerprinting methods for coltan kindly commented on an earlier draft of the
higher trace element concentrations (i.e., ores, also in the framework of the project manuscript.
Zr, Hf, W, Sn) from those east of the rift “Certified Trade Chains in the Minerals
in Rwanda and Burundi. The use of ma- Sector” (CTC) recently in development at References
Figure 10: Flow chart exemplifying the discrimination of tantalum concentrates (0.9-1.0 Ga old) from central and southern Africa. CGM = columbite-
jor and trace element information would the BGR. It is of vital interest to the mining
group minerals; conc = concentrate.
enable discrimination of all deposits and industry and promoted by political initia- Černý, P., 1989. Characteristics of pegma-
occurrences studied so far. tives (“market transparency”) to introduce tite deposits of tantalum. In: Möller, P.,
Minerals are traded on an open global and use the certification instruments now Černý, P., Saupé, F. (Eds.), Lanthanides,
in the MREE and/or HREE (Fig. 7a,b). crystals, reveal isotopic homogeneity on Distinction of multiple sources would market. However, the public is increasingly becoming available.
Samples with Kibaran ages (Kivu province the microscale. Age inheritance is not evi- also be possible, if a complete fingerprint of
in the DRC and Rwanda) either show flat dent. Therefore, different age groups in the end members exists in the data base. U-
patterns for most tantalites (especially the mixed concentrates can be distinguished. Pb dating of several grains from a concent- ................................................................................................................................................................. $
manganotantalites; Fig. 7b), rising values The ages obtained for columbite-tantalite rate reveals if the CGM are cogenetic or are
from the LREE to the HREE (columbites; from Rwanda, Burundi and the DRC clo- derived from different ore provinces. The CH A NGE OF A D D R ESS FOR M
Fig. 7b) or trough-like patterns (not shown). sely match a U-Pb emplacement age at investigation of special zoning patterns,
Another important criterion for discrimina- 0.96 Ga obtained for slightly discordant as well as of trace elements within single
If you have changed (or will change in the near future) your address please fill in this form and send it to:
tion is the presence or absence and intensity columbite from the Kivuvu and Ruhembe CGM will also enable a decision on the
of a Eu anomaly, which is negative in most pegmatites in Burundi (Romer & Lehmann, presence of one or several populations. SGA Treasurer’s Office - c/o Sabine Lange
cases (e.g. strongly negative for the con- 1995), and are in general accordance with In summary, the methods discussed in Rixenweg 2, D-24147 Klausdorf
centrates from the Alto Ligonha Pegmatite alternative ages of late Kibaran so-called this paper are useful to fingerprint the ori-
Province in Mozambique (Fig. 7a) and from “G4” tin granites. gin of coltan. However, it takes appreciable
Zimbabwe (Fig. 7d)). analytical efforts and time to completely e-mail: [email protected]
Discussion characterize a concentrate. In the future,
Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
U-Pb dating methods will be developed that allow fast
Without doubt, there are regional and local screening based on modal mineralogy and Old address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Relatively high concentrations of U, and variations in the composition of coltan. trace element and/or isotope geochemistry.
low to very low amounts of common Pb in These are due to differences in geological We shall briefly discuss two possible appli-
columbite-tantalite facilitate the application age and mineralogical and chemical com- cations of the method: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
of the U-Pb system to date columbite- position of host pegmatites and their deri- (1) Derivation of an unknown sample
tantalite (Romer & Wright, 1992; Romer vative heavy mineral concentrates. Zoned from an African tantalum province. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
& Smeds, 1994). The results of TIMS and CGM crystals perfectly mimic the chemical U-Pb ages of several grains in a concen-
LA ICP-MS analyses in three different la- evolution of pegmatitic melts (Lahti, 1987) trate point to one of four age groups that
boratories are consistent and prove that co- and thus can be used as monitors of the have been previously discussed. Further Complete new address (including phone, fax and e-mail) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lumbite-tantalite from Africa mostly yields fractionation stage of the source rocks. discrimination, i.e. between pegmatites of
reliable, concordant to slightly discordant This allows distinction of locations even Pan-African age in the Alto Ligonha Pro-
ages (Fig. 8). In the concentrates analyzed in districts and provinces of similar geo- vince of Mozambique, the central Damara _____________________________________________________________________
so far from Africa, four age populations are logical ages, similar host rocks or similar orogen (Namibia) and southern Ethiopia is
evident: Archaean (>2.5 Ga), Palaeoprote- parent melt compositions. Each tantalum possible using modal mineralogy (Fig. 9) or ______________________________________________________________________
rozoic (2.1-1.9 Ga), early Neoproterozoic deposit has its unique characteristics. The- mineral composition. ______________________________________________________________________
(1.0-0.9 Ga); late Neoproterozoic to early refore, a fingerprint of samples of suspect (2) Regional discrimination within an
Palaeozoic (Pan-African; ca. 0.6-0.4 Ga). or unknown origin should be possible when identified age group. ______________________________________________________________________
Multiple LA ICP-MS measurements and a large and high-quality analytical data base Discriminating single deposits (pegma-
TIMS analysis of different fragments of is available. tites) within an age group is possible using
submilligram size, both applied to single combined information, but may be time-
>>> 14 SGA News Number 23 June 2008 Number 23 June 2008 SGA News 15 <<<

Tantalum and Niobium. Springer, Berlin group. II. Crystal chemistry. Canadian mineralization in Burundi. Economic Ge-
Heidelberg New York, 195-239.
Černý, P., 1992. Geochemical and petroge-
Mineralogist 30, 613-631.
Lahti, S.I., 1987. Zoning in columbite-tan-
ology 90, 2303-2309.
Romer, R.L. and Smeds, S.A., 1994. Im-
>>> F O RT H C O M I N G E V E N T S <<<
netic features of mineralization in rare- talite crystals from the granitic pegmati- plications of U-Pb ages of columbite- ING AND METALLURGY, NEW ZEALAND *October 17
element granitic pegmatites in the light of tes of the Eräjärvi area, southern Finland. tantalites from granitic pegmatites for the * marks a new entry BRANCH ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Welling- Terry Leach Symposium 2008: Th eapplication
current research. Applied Geochemistry Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 51, Paleoproterozoic accretion of 1.90-1.85 ton, New Zealand. Contact: of Petrology to geological models in mineral
7, 393-416. 509-517. Ga magmatic arcs to the Baltic Shield. exploration, Kirribilli Club, Milsons Point, Syd-
Černý, P., Ercit T.S., 1989. Mineralogy of Ludwig, K.R., 2003. User’s manual for Iso- Precambrian Research 67, 141-158. ney, Australia - Contact:
niobium and tantalum: crystal chemi- plot 3.00 a geochronological toolkit for Romer, R.L. and Wright, J.E., 1992. U-Pb 2008 *September 2-4 au
cal relationships, paragenetic aspects and Excel. Berkely Geochronological Center dating of columbites: a geochronologic 7th ISAG, International Symposium on Andean
their economic implications. In: Möller, Special Publication 4, 71 p. tool to date magmatism and ore de- June 29 – July 4 Geodynamics, Nice, France - Contact: Jean-Yves November 9-14
GORDON CONFERENCE ON GEOCHEMIS- Collot, UMR Géosciences Azur, Observatoire Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
P. et al. (Eds.), Lanthanides, Tantalum Mulja, T., Williams-Jones, A.E., Martin, posits. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 56,
TRY ON MINERAL DEPOSITS. Il Ciocco, It- Océanologique, La Darse, B.P. 48, 06235 Ville- International Exposition, 78th Annual Meeting.
and Niobium. Springer Verlag, Berlin, R.F and Wood S.A., 1996. Compositional 2137-2142.
aly., franche-sur-Mer Cedex, France, phone: +33 (0)4 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. E-mail meetings@seg.
Germany, 27-29. variation and structural state of columbi- Romer, R.L., Smeds, S.-A. and Černý, P., 93 76 37 63; fax: +33 (0)4 93 76 37 66; e-mail: org,
Černý, P., Chapman R., Ferreira K., Smeds, te-tantalite in rare-element granitic peg- 1996. Crystal-chemical and genetic con- [email protected]; website:
S.-A., 2004. Geochemistry of oxide mi- matites of the Preissac-Lacorne batholith, trols of U-Pb systematics of columbite- July 5-9 December 1-5
nerals of Nb, Ta, Sn and Sb in the Varut- Quebec, Canada. American Mineralogist tantalite. Mineralogy and Petrology 57, SEG-GSSA 2008 incorporating GeoForum 2008: EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL GEOSTATISTICS
räsk granitic pegmatite, Sweden: the case 81, 146-157. 243-260. Resurgence on Economic Geology and the Min- September 8-10 CONGRESS - GEOSTATS 2008. Santiago,
of an “anomalous” columbite-tantalite Pearce, N.J.G., Perkins, W.T., Westgate, Schlüter, T., 2006. Geological Atlas of Afri- erals Industry in Africa: Joint Conference of The 9th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR AP- Chile. E-mail [email protected], http://
trend. American Mineralogist 89, 505- J.A., Gorton, M.P., Jackson, S.E., Neal, ca: with notes on stratigraphy, tectonics, Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA) and PLIED MINERALOGY. Brisbane, Australia.
518. C.R. and Chenery S.P., 1997. A compila- economic geology, geohazards and geo- Society of Economic Geologists (SEG). Misty
Ercit, T.S., 1994. The geochemistry and tion of new and published major and trace sites of each country. Springer Verlag. Hills, Johannesburg, South Africa. E-mail info@ December 15- 19, September 8-14 AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION FALL
crystal chemistry of columbite-group mi- element data for NIST SRM 610 and Wise, M.A., Černý, P. and Falster, A.U.,
MAGADAN GOLD FORUM: International MEETING, San Francisco, CA, USA - Contact
nerals from granitic pegmatites, southwes- NIST SRM 612 glass reference materials. 1998. Scandium substitution in colum-
July 13-18 Convention on “Gold of the North Pacific Rim”. address: E. Terry, AGU Meetings Department,
tern Grenville province, Canadian Shield. Geostandard Newsletters 21, 115–144. bite-group minerals and ixiolite. Canadi- Magadan, Russia.
18TH GOLDSCHMIDT 2008: From Sea to 2000 Florida Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
Canadian Mineralogist 32, 421-438. Romer, R.L. and Lehmann, B., 1995. U-Pb an Mineralogist 36, 673-680. 20009 USA; phone: +1 202 777 7335; fax: +1
Sky. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Ercit, T.S., Černý, P., Hawthorne, F.C., columbite age of Neoproterozoic Ta-Nb September 14-18 202 328 0566; e-mail: [email protected];
McCammon, C.A., 1992. The wodginite URANIUM MINING AND HYDROGEOL- website:
July 20-25 OGY V. Freiberg, Germany.
TION 2008. Perth, Australia. 2009
September 14-20
The SGA website
CONGRESS (IGC 2008): The Nordic Countries, USA. OF CANADA (Joint Meeting), (GAC-MAC).
Georges Beaudoin, Chief Editor SGA website cfm?pageid=3312
Geoscience World Congress 2008, Oslo, Norway Toronto, Canada.
Université Laval, Québec,Canada, [email protected]
- Contact address: A. Solheim; e-mail: as@ngi.
no; websites:, September 21-25 August 17-20
AIPG Annual Meeting and 3rd International 10TH BIENNIAL SGA MEETING. Townsville, August 6-8

Professional Geology Conference (American
Association of Petroleum Geologists, American
Australia., www.ees.jcu.
MINING INNOVATION-MININ 2008. Santia- Institute of Professional Geologists). Flagstaff,
go, Chile. Arizona, USA. William J. Siok, CPG, Executive August - September
Director AIPG, E-mail [email protected], http:// 7TH INTERNATIONAL MINING GEOLOGY
August 18-22 CONFERENCE 2009. Queenstown, New Zea-
GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH’S SUR- land. The AusIMM Events Department, Phone
FACE 8: Joint Meeting of the IAGC, MinSoc September 23-28 +61 3 9662 3166, Fax +61 3 9662 3662, E-mail
and the Natural Hisory Museum. London, UK. THE XXIV INTERNATIONAL MINERAL [email protected], www.ausimm. PROCESSING CONGRESS (IMPC 2008). com
Beijing, China - Contact address: e-mail: im-
August 18-24 [email protected]; website: August 30 – September 4
IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, Reykjavik, Ice- 18TH INTERNATIONAL MASS SPECTROM-
land. E-mail [email protected], ETRY CONFERENCE. Bremen, Germany. ht-
IAVCEI08_GA_ICELAND_CIRCULAR1.pdf October 5-8 tp://
*August 18-29 120TH ANNUAL MEETING, Houston, TX, September 3-7
XXVII UNESCO-SEG-SGA Latin American USA - Contact address: GSA Meetings Depart- AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
Metallogeny Course, La Paz, Bolivia - Contact ment, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, THE CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION. Banff, Al-
address: USA; phone: +1 303 447 2020; fax: +1 303 447 berta, Canada.
eral/seminars/lapaz08/lapaz08.html 0648; e-mail: [email protected]; web- facultycaron/Walcott2009.htm
*August 31-September 3 htm October 5-9
>>> 16 SGA News Number 23 June 2008 Number 23 June 2008 SGA News 17 <<<

10th Biennial SGA Conference 2009,

GEOLOGY OF THE BLACK SEA REGION II. Department, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA. ht-
Ankara, Turkey. E-mail [email protected], Phone- 80301-9140, USA; phone: +1 303 447 2020; fax: tp://, E-mail meetings@
Fax +90-312-287 91 93 , +1 303 447 0648; e-mail: meetings@geosociety.
tr/ org; website:
ings/index.htm October 9-12 ­Townsville, Australia
121ST ANNUAL MEETING, Portland, Oregon, 2011
123rd Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minne-
sota, USA. GSA Meetings Department, P.O. Box
17–20 August 2009
USA - Contact address: GSA Meetings Dept., 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA. Phone +1
P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA; May 25-27 303 447 2020, Fax: +1 303 447 0648, E-mail
phone: +1 303 447 2020; fax: +1 303 447 1133; GAC/MAC Annual Meeting. Ottawa, Canada. [email protected], Jupiters Hotel and Casino and the Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre
e-mail: [email protected]; website: ht-
September 18-23
October 25-30 SOCIETY OF EXPLORATION GEOPHYSI- In conjunction with the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, EGRU is delighted to invite all
SOCIETY OF EXPLORATION GEOPHYSI- CISTS (SEG) International Exhibition and 81st their members and others interested in economic geology to participate in the 2009 conference to be held
CISTS (SEG) INTERNATIONAL EXPOSI- in Townsville. This will be the next in the series of biennial international SGA meetings, the most recent of
TION & 79TH ANNUAL MEETING, Houston, which in Athens, Beijing and Dublin have each attracted more than 500 participants.
Texas, USA - Contact address: e-mail: meet-
[email protected]



OF CANADA (Joint Meeting), (GAC-MAC):
GeoCanada 2010, Calgary, Canada - Contact ad-
dress: website:

August 22-27
TION. Budapest, Hungary.

October 31-November 3
122ND ANNUAL MEETING, Denver, Colo-
rado, USA - Contact address: GSA Meetings

Location of Townsville, home of the 10th Biennial SGA meeting in northern Queensland, Australia. Some of the more important mineral deposits in the
region are shown along with proposed fieldtrip locations in Australia and New Zealand. 1.Base metal deposits of the Mount Isa region; 2. IOCG and
Broken Hill-type deposits of the Cloncurry district 3. North Queensland gold and base metal deposits; 4. Environmental management of tropical North
Queensland mine sites; 5. Iron ore deposits of the Hamersley district; 6.Archaean nickel deposits of Western Australia; 7. Archaean gold deposits of
Western Australia; 8. Epithermal gold deposits and active hot springs in North Island, New Zealand; 9. Volcanology, alteration and VHMS deposits: A
Tasmanian Perspective ; 10. Porphyry and epithermal systems of New South Wales.

Important updates soon on
>>> 18 SGA News Number 23 June 2008 Number 23 June 2008 SGA News 19 <<<


Mathematical Methods for Engineers Geological Atlas of Africa

and Geoscientists With Notes on Stratigraphy, Tectonics, Economic Geology,
Geohazards, Geosites and Geoscientific Education of Each
O. Waelder, Technical University Dresden, Germany
This book introduces and explains classical and modern mathematical procedures as applied
to the real problems confronting engineers and geoscientists. Written in a manner that is T. Schlüter, UNESCO Nairobi, Kenya
understandable for students across the breadth of their studies, it lays out the foundations This is the first attempt to summarise the geology of Africa by presenting it in an atlas and to
for mastering difficult and sometimes confusing mathematical methods. Arithmetic synthesise the stratigraphy, tectonics, economic geology, geohazards, geosites and
examples and figures fully support this approach, while all important mathematical geoscientific education of each country and territory of the continent. Furthermore, the
techniques are detailed. Derived from the author’s long experience teaching courses in digitised geological maps (on the attached CD-ROM) are correlated and harmonised
applied mathematics, it is based on the lectures, exercises and lessons she has used in her according to the current stratigraphic time table. The atlas aims to contribute to capacity
classes. Also, the explanations and discussions in the book are inspired by the most building in African Earth Sciences and to initiate research and economic opportunities by
frequently-asked questions of students, graduates and professionals. providing a database of basic geological background information.
Please visit for the latest information about this book
7 Most maps and accompanying text updated and/or competely revised with latest data
2008. Approx. 250 p. 51 illus. Hardcover 7 New edition of the original atlas summary of the geology of Africa
ISBN 978-3-540-75298-1 7 approx. € 89,95 | £69.00
From the contents
Aims and Concepts of the Atlas.- Early Geological Maps of Africa.- Tectonostratigraphic
Synopsis.- Review of Countries and Territories.- Index.

2008. XII, 307 p. 417 illus. in color. With CD-ROM. Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-540-76324-6 7 € 169,95 | £130.50

Easy Ways to Order for the Americas 7 Write: Springer Order Department, PO Box 2485, Secaucus, NJ 07096-2485, USA 7 Call: (toll free) Easy Ways to Order for the Americas 7 Write: Springer Order Department, PO Box 2485, Secaucus, NJ 07096-2485, USA 7 Call: (toll free)
1-800-SPRINGER 7 Fax: +1(201)348-4505 7 Email: [email protected] or for outside the Americas 7 Write: Springer Distribution Center 1-800-SPRINGER 7 Fax: +1(201)348-4505 7 Email: [email protected] or for outside the Americas 7 Write: Springer Distribution Center
GmbH, Haberstrasse 7, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany 7 Call: +49 (0) 6221-345-4301 7 Fax : +49 (0) 6221-345-4229 GmbH, Haberstrasse 7, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany 7 Call: +49 (0) 6221-345-4301 7 Fax : +49 (0) 6221-345-4229
7 Email: [email protected] 7 Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices are net prices. 7 Email: [email protected] 7 Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices are net prices.
>>> 20 SGA News Number 23 June 2008


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