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internship report 2015





internship report 2015
Table of content

Contents Pages

1.1,Brief History of asella malt factory…………………………………………………………………………………..7
1.2, its main products and service……….…………………………………………………………………………………9

1.3 Its main customer.………………………………………… ………………………………………………..………………9

1.4 vision…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………...10

1.5 mission……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10

1.6 values of factory………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..10

1.7 strategies……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…11

1.8 objective of assela malt factory…………………………..…………………………………………………………..12

1.9 organization flow charts…………………………..………………………………………………………………………12


2.1, Over all intern ship


2.1.1 How I get into the company …………………………………………………………………………………….……14

2.1.2 The section that I have been working……………………………………………………………………………14

2.1.3 Work flow in the section…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

…………….………………..15 Quality control parameters………………………………………………………….......…………………...…16

2.1.4 The work task I have been execute……………………………………………………………….………………18 procedure……………………………………………………………………………………………….………….19 Green malt …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22 Determination of the specify of the wort………………………………………………………….………23 Protein analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….25

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2.1.5 How good I have been in performing my work……………………………………………………………26

2.1.6 Challenge I have been faced………………………………………………………………………………………..26

2.1.7 Measure taken to solve the problem…………………………………………………………………………..27

2.2, process description of malt production at assella malt factory……………………………..…..27

2.2.1, machine tower ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………28

2.2.2 Cleaning and grading……………………………………………..……………………………………………….….28


2.2.4 Germination……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….31

2.2.5 Kilning………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..32

2.2.6 Silo…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………33

Chapter three

3. Over all benefits I gained from internship…………………………………………………………………...34

3.1 improving practical skill ……………………………………………………………………………………………....34

3.2 improving or grading theoretical know ledge…………………………………………………..……………35

3.3 improving inter personal communication skill……………………………………………………………….35

3.4 improving team playing skill…………………………………………………………………………………………..36

3.5 improving leader ship skill……………………………………………………………………………………………..36

3.6 understanding about work ethics and related issues………………………………………………….….37

3.7 entrepreneurship skill………………………………………………….…………………………………………………38

Chapter Four

4 Conclusion and recommendation………...............…………………………………………………………..39

4.1 conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………39

4.2 recommendation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………39

4.3 references………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………41

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internship report 2015

Figure 1.1,company organization and work flow--------------------------------------------------------------------7

Figure 2.1,production or techniques department-------------------------------------------------------------------9-

Figure2.2,barley cleaning and grading machine-------------------------------------------------------------------23

Figure 2.3 malt polishing machine-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------24

Figure 2.4,steeping process--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25

Figure 2.,5 germination process--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25

Figure 2.6 kilning box---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27

Figure 2.7 silo--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27

Figure 2.8proces description of malt production ------------------------------------------------------------------28



internship report 2015

1.1. Brief history of Assela malt factory

Assela Malt Factory was established on the main road of Addis Ababa to Assela near Kulumsa
Agricultural Research Center with 9.3 million birr capital on 14.7 hectares of land in September
3/1984G.C. Location of Assela malt factory is 167km southern of Addis Ababa and 8km from
Assela town in kulumsa village. It was founded on the eve of the founding of workers party of
Ethiopia and the tenth anniversary of the Ethiopia revolution. The factory was established with
the aim of producing and providing malt for the existing breweries in the Country Due to
necessity of malt production in our country Assela malt factory implementing an expansion
project in 1987 E.C. (1995G.C.) to increase its yearly malt production output capacity from
10,000 tons/year to 15,000 tons/year. Due to suitable condition for brewery factory is continuous
between demand and supply wide difference is appearing (become unbalanced).
The Factory was established in the region of potential malt barley producing zones namely: Arsi,
western Arsi, and Bale zones. The initial capacity of the factory was 100,000 quintal per annum
where as the demand of the breweries during this time was also nearest to the capacity. In 1983
E.C.(1991 G.C.) due to change of government of the country the barley producer of Assela malt
factory became highly decreased their production & the agricultural governance to change their
face to other grain like wheat which is give profit. Due to this reason the factory is suffering
from shortage of barley. Then the factory to take measurement to decrease this problem to
create relationship with the farmer which is produce barley in the zone and to give selected
crops of barley for farmer , for producer to give training and extension service for barley to
give equal reasonable value(price) like other grain. Due to this reason the factory gradually
decreases shortage of barley year to year. In other word in the past time the number of the
country of brewery factory is very small but today due to expansion of new private brewery
factory the malt production necessity is increase in higher stage in our country.

After down fall of the dirge regime in 1991(1983 E.C) and the followed free market policy,
establishment of new breweries and expansion of the existing breweries create a rising demand
for malt products.

In response to this growing demand, the factory went through its first expansion to increase its
annual production from 100,000 quintal per year to 150,000 quintal per year in December 1995
G.C. This production capacity can cover approximately 35-40 percent of the breweries’ demand

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at that time whereas the remaining 60-65 percent of malt requirement had been fulfilled by
simport which exhausting the country’s foreign currency reserves.

With the aim of satisfying domestic demand of malt, the factory had been implemented its
second and third expansion project during 2010-2012 to increase its production capacity from
150,000 quintals to 360,000 quintals per annum and begin its production capacity of the factory
by about 140% than before.

In 2000E.C.(2008G.C.) the top management of Assela malt factory is committed to increase

capacity of malt production implementing the second expansion project by 44,308,651 of
Ethiopian birr in 2002E.C.(2010G.C.). Then the factory is increasing their capacity of production
from 150,000 quintal/year to 220,000quintal/year.

In the 2003E.C. (2011G.C.) in the summer time the company implementing the third expansion
project to increase capacity of production to 360,000 quintal/year. Time of finishing of this
expansion project is 2004E.C. (2012G.C.) and starting to work production. Even though the
production capacity of the factory has been increased to this extent, it can cover only 55% of
domestic breweries malt and demand because of continues expansion of domestic breweries’

Assela malt factory is continuous to increase capacity production like this creating awareness to
raw barley suppliers to produce and supply the necessary quantity and quality products. Also raw
barley during purchased to establish management policy of quality and to produce quality of malt
which is full requirement of brewery factor of the country. Additionally; to support any
investigator (scientific study) of barley production by budget, for barley producer farmer to give
extension service, to participate in protection of natural resource, to participate in school
expansion, to help orphan children which is lost their family by HIV AIDS, participate in road
expansion, and to participate in any development bazaar and sports to support and appreciate for
sustainable development of the country.

Assela malt factory to achieve their aims(objectives) in 2003E.C.(2011G.C.) budget of year for
implementation of new foster development for achievement of this goal starting work by one top
manager, by four administration, by five legal service to work together & under this organization
43 professional, 48 secondary professional, 83 worker have learned secondary &elementary

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stage of education and finished, 49 worker which have been learned 1-8 grade to start work by
constant worker and by daily employee. Generally Assela malt factory to create work
opportunity for around 230 employees (citizen). From this employee 126 is constant worker.

The Factory needs more than 600,000 quintals of raw malt barley per annum to produce 360,000
quintals of malt in the year. The factory could not get that amount of quality malt barley in local
market to utilize its annual capacity. Even though the factory has been trying to technical support
for producers since 2007, the factory is still facing shortage of malt barley both in quality and

1.2 Its main product and service

Delivering quality goods and services can be a major target of any company to stay in
competitive market. In response to the factory has been conducting different types of reform
such as Total Quality Management (TQM), Integrated Performance Measure System (IPMS),
Kaizen, Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Management Information System to
improve its system. The implementation of these systems enabled the factory to improve its
productivity and quality of its product. At the end of 2004, the factory has 54 professionals, 82
semi-professionals and 115 non-professional employees. Out of these workers and employees of
whom approximately a quarter are women.

This factory produces the malt from barley which is the major raw material for beer production.
Other materials such as wheat, rye, sorghum or millet can also be used to produce malt. Of all
the possible raw materials, barley has produced to be the most suitable malt for beer production

1.3 Its main customers

Assela Malt Factory has supplying barley malt to domestic brewery factory in high quality and
quantity. The factory is trying to profit the country economic development by producing malt
which was imported to the country. So it saves foreign currency.

The main customer of Assela malt factor is brewery factory’s like Harare brewery factory,
Dashen brewery factory,Bedale brewery factory, Meta brewery factor and also exports to the
outside country. The factory plans three year strategic plan by applying in action and participate
on it. By this plan the factories vision, mission and selected strategic targets are organized.

internship report 2015

1.4 Vision
 Producing universally standardized quality malt production and transfer the country’s
foreign market supply.
 To fulfill quality policy of the World.
 To produce malt production.
 To supply inside the country, outside the country and become famous malt factor

1.5 Mission
To produce malt, increase supply and quality to give support for investigator (researcher) of
barley for achievement of the goal.

 To produce malt, increase supply and quality to give support for investigator
(researcher) of barley for achievement of the goal.
 To become famous malt producer in the World & to save economy of country which
is purchased malt from foreign country and to take responsibility development of the
 Assisting researchers and producers of malt barley to increase malt barley rency
 By reducing importing foreign malt to save foreign currency and contributing
national economy development.
 1.6 Values of the factory
 Following the national and factory vision.
 Focusing on the malt quality.
 Satisfying customers need.
 Excelling workers skills and competency.
 Respecting all professional ethics.
 Sustaining productivity and profitability.
 Supporting all economic and social activities of surrounding communities.
 Committed to team spirits and common goals

1.7 Strategies
Assela Malt Factory designed three year strategic plan. Based on this plan the factory tries to
increase current production capacity in quantity and improve the quality. By the time the
factory’s supplying excess product to the market and improving it selling activity. The main
issues the factories success profit at the moment is strategic plan and minimizing production

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cost. Assela Malt Factory has done many successful events from those activities some are the

The factory sees itself first and foremost as part of local community. It believes that the health
and wellbeing of the community and health of the factory are linked together as the company’s
profitability is depend on the well being of its work force and barley producer farmers. The
factory believes it has the responsibility to support community led initiatives. Among its many
community based programs some are the construction and equipment of schools, construction of
coble stone roads in Assela city and rural gravel road, provision of ambulance to support Red
Cross service in the vicinity, reforestation program and so on.

In 5 year production 857,792 quintal malt and selling 956.75million and satisfying domestic
brewery factories need and saves foreign currency expenditure about 57.24 million dollar.The
factory awarded by Privatization and Governmental Development Corporation Control Agency
due to its operational and investment plan.

Due to certain power supply failure from EEPCO the factory production flow where interrupted
and was a problem. Therefore the previous emergency generator was changed by a capacity of
1600KVA new generator.

In the case of these factories ICT service the factory is working with 85 computers and organized
into 2 servers with LAN networking for internal information flow. In addition to this internet
service for the company about 24 hours a day with great fiber optics with 5 mega byte per second
speed. This allows controlling the current malt barley domestic and foreign business issues.

1.8 Objectives of Assela malt factor

 The top management of Assela malt factory is committed to produce and supply quality
 The top management is committed to establish implement and maintain quality
management system & continuously improve its effectiveness.

The quality policy of Assela malt factory is thus directed towards the following objectives:

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• Ensuring continuous qualitative and quantitative improvement of the malt

• Creating awareness to raw barley suppliers to produce and supply the
necessary quantity and quality products
• Developing its employees through training and education improve their
• Create and maintain a safe and healthy working environment that will
foster team

1.9 Organizational flow

Each employee has their own code number during starting work each employee registered their
code number and that number has connection with manager in computerized system. That
machine is called thumb machine. When one employee start works to press their code and when
to finish his time also press his code number. The company produced malt all 24hr per day.
Some employee to start work from one hours up to nine hours (1-9)hr, two hours up to ten hours
(2-10)hr, nine hours up to three hours evening (9am-3pm)hr, from ten hours up to four hours
evening (10am-4pm), from three hours evening up to one hours morning (3pm-1am) and from
four hours evening up to two hours morning.

Each employee write report what he/she done that day by separating on time.

General Assembly

Board of Director

General Manager
Administrative and
Production and human power
technique director management

Finance office
internship report 2015

ICT Ethical and anti

Manager corruption
planning Executive
secretary Secretary

Human Finance Marketing Production & Quality Procurement

Resource & Sales Technique Assurance & Supply

Production Auto Electrical Mechanical

Section mechanical Maintenance Maintenance
Section Section Section

Fig1.1. Company organization and work flow


2. Overall internship experience and product organization

2.1 Overall internship experience

2.1.1 How I get into the company

Before I go to asella malt factory most of the process finished by my department food technology
and processing engineering of HU .The department ask company to train or to skill students that

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learn theoretical by practical. Then the company accepts their question and permit for me
students .I am of the three students that got chance to get practical experience in the company.

Then Food technology and processing engineering department of HU give the sending letter and
I went to the company, when I reach the factories compound first I show my identification card
to the factories guard and entered to the factories compound and goes to ato zenebech who is
the factories techniques department office and he received my sending letter. Then he announces
me to ato worku, who is the process manager of the factories.

After I meet ato Worku he told me the general requirement to be taken in the factories as

Safety: You are expected to work safely in laboratory and production process sections. This
includes wearing proper uniform, implementing proper procedures when working in laboratory
and processing area, using gloves to touch chemicals, and correctly using manuals required for
the tasks.

Cleanliness: You are expected to keep your work area clean and orderly just as you will be on
the job. This include putting chemicals and tools back where they belong after you are finished
with them, and participating in all scheduled lab clean-up sessions.


Finally Ato worku announces me to the process workers. After I introduce myself to the process
workers, they start to show us the factories plants, machines, operation, and production
process with other internship students.

After that the industry supervisor and company’s laboratory and process section workers show
the work flow of the company to us for some consecutive days and I submit my individual
assignment after two month to my supervisor that given from him to me. And also monthly
report to my university advisor. After I visit the factory, I believed that I should get a good
experience in my profession and the whole factories processing.

2.1.2 The section that I have been working

I have been working under the laboratory and production process planning office. This office is
under production and technique administration. It is organized basically for the producing of
brewery mastery and producing attainable brewery quality to the costumer. Additionally asking
inquiries planning production plan, organizing labor force, materials and resource and
controlling production flow, show operational techniques for workers, testing and controlling
inlet sold malting barley, equipments and machineries used in the factory. The main participants

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on this office are Planners, Forman, food engineers Electricians, Mechanical and Auto-
mechanical operators in addition machine operators are included as production section
(technique department stuffs).

Production and

Production Auto Electrical Mechanical

Section mechanical Maintenance Maintenance
Section Section Section

Fig.2.1.Production or Technique departments

2.1.3Work flow in the Section

The main task given to production and laboratory section is to ensure the perfect quality
evaluation of the input and output of the factories by evaluating all quality parameter
In generally, evaluating quality parameters is important to maximize productivity and
acceptability of the company’s products.

This quality parameters can classified into:

a) Quality parameters for raw barley

b) Quality parameters for steeping barley
c) Quality parameters for germination
d) Quality parameters for green malt
e) Quality parameters for finished product. Quality control parameters

1. Sieve test/grading : >2.8 35-45%

>2.5 30-40%

internship report 2015

>2.2 10-15%

<2.2 0-3%

Reject 0_6%

2. Thousand grain weight 23-35%

3. Moisture content 3-5.8%
4. Extract on dry malt fine grind 76.0%
5. Extract on dry malt coarse grind 74.0%
6. Extract difference 2-2.6%
7. Saccharification time 15-20’
8. Odor of mash normal
9. Speed of filtration normal
10. Color of wort 2.5-4%
11. Ph. of wort 5.6-6.5
12. Diastasis power 200-300wk
13. Protein content on dry malt 12.o%Max
14. Soluble protein content on dry malt 2.5-5%
15. Kolbach index 35-45%
16. Friability 63.0-
17. Acrospires length: 0-onefourthy 5%

One fourth-half 7%

Half-three fourth 35%

Three fourth-one 50%

Over one /reject 3%

This all quality controls parameters have their own indications regarding to input to output
of the factory.

At each step of malting parameters should be evaluated in quality control laboratory.

 The parameters should be evaluated raw barley for steeping are:

 Moisture content
 Sieve test
 Germinate capacity
 Germinate energy

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 Mixation of food barley and etc.

 In the steeping plant the following should be important. These are:
 Aeration
 Carbon dioxide extraction
 Water spray
 Floating barley for animal feed.
 Duration of steeping is about 28-36hrs/batch.

During germination stage parameters needs to be evaluated are:

 Moisture content
 Temperature
 Acrospires length
 Age/day

In the germination plant the following factors should be needed. These are:

 Turning
 Cooling
 Water spray
 Aeration

Duration of germination is about 5-6 days/batch.

During kilning stage parameters needs to be controlled are:

 Temperature
 Time
 Pressurized steam

Duration of kilning is about 18-21hrs/batch.

After kilning stage the kilning barley is going to sifting or polishing stage, stage during which
husks and roots are removed from barley.

During polishing stage the following parameters are evaluated .These are:

 Friability
 Sieve test
 Extract/wort analysis
 Acrospires length
 Thousand weight kernel

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During this stage germ is used for animal feed and capacity of polishing is about 8 ton/hrs.

The last stage of the malting is dispatch, during which the following parameters are evaluated.
These are:

 Moisture content
 Sieve test
 Wort analysis/wort color and wort ph.
 Acrospires length

2.1.4 The work task I have been execute

 As I joined the laboratory and production process section of the factory I was
participating in the section as long as I joined to the factory.
 In the laboratory and production process section I was involving as a member of the
workers of this section and involved in the works like:
 Evaluating raw material quality control parameters
 Evaluating steeping barley quality parameters
 Evaluating germination barley quality parameters
 Evaluating green barley quality parameters
 Evaluating finished malt quality parameters.
 In the factory I have been working with laboratory workers work like:
We were work chemicals, raw materials and machinery every beginning of the
Helping laboratory workers and participating while identifying problem

Participating on evaluating or measuring all quality parameters and Task Procedures

To do different task we have been implementing different steps

 Raw materials inspection using quality control parameters

 Assigning laboratory workers to do the task
 Preparing all chemicals for evaluations
 Ordering the laboratory and production process section to buy unavailable chemicals and
 Detecting the proper operation of the machine after the maintenance

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Some of the procedure I performed during malting process is written as follows:


Grade is one the parameters important to evaluate quality of malting barley.

It is given as first, secondly and thirdly grades according to their characteristics.

Procedures for grading malting barley are:

The representative sample to be tested are taken on a sample divider from this 100gm of barley
are taken and put on the top sieve (>2.8mm, 2.5mm, 2.2mm sieve) the time is set for five minute
and the apparatus set in motion. Exactly and stopped automatically at the end of this time. The
weight of each fraction are then measured and reported as percentage of the total weight.

Mixation of food barley ,

After the representative sample is mixed using sample divider take( 45-50g)of barley .all food
barley are selected by rejecting broken and other foreign matters. Food barley is weighed
then mix is weighed and is calculated as;

Mixation(% )=x/x+y*100

Where x=weight of food barley in gram

Y=weight of malt barley in gram

Germination Energy

Germination energy is one of the malting quality control parameters used to measure the
percentage of kernels in barley sample which would germinate under normal malting condition
at the time of analysis.


500 corns are taken by sample divider with rejection of half corns and foreign matters.

500 corns are placed into a large beaker

Covered with tap water at 18-20c

Steeped for 1hr and poured off water

Grains are washed five times with tap water

Covered and steeped for further 6hrs

After this the corns are stained off out of gauze and transfer to funnier

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At 72hrs from the beginning of steeping the number of non-germinated (n) and of germinated
corns (d) are counted and the result reported as:

GE%=500-n/10………………..including damaged corns.

Germination capacity

Germination capacity is the most important characteristics of malting barley.

It measures the percentage of viable kernels in barley a barley sample, independent of weather
they are still SL dormant or not.


Approximately 100 kernels are obtained using sample divider

100 kernels are counted into a Petridis and covered with filtration paper

Distilled water is added into a Petridis and steeped for 48hrs

After 48hrs the germinated grains are picked out

And again picked up the germinated grains after 72hrs starting from steeping grain

The number of non germinated (n) and damaged corns (d) are counted and the result reported as:


Moisture Content

Moisture content is the most important parameters used in quality control of malting barley for
an evaluation.

Moisture content is the availability or amount of water found in the barley grain during post
harvesting period.

Moisture content of barley used for malting should be about 12-13.5%.

There are many methods to measure moisture content of the barley grain found in Assela malt
factory laboratory. The most frequently used are autoclave methods.


A known gram of barley sample are taken and measured before autoclave

A measured grains are put into an autoclave machine and stayed for 3hrs at 105c

Then the weight of barley sample after autoclave are recorded

The result is calculated as:

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MC%=WS2-W3/W2-W1*100 where; MC-percentage of moisture content

W1-weight of Sample

W2=weight of sample and equipment before


W3=weight of +sample and equipment after


Water analysis

Water analysis is one of the quality assessments of the malting.

Water used for malting should be free from any external bodies in magnesium calcium elements
wich are determination of total hardness.

Water analyses include:

1. Determination of alkanets(p and m-value)

2. Determination of hardness

1/ Determination of alkanets canbe classified into two. These are:

I. Determination of p-value or primary alkanet:- allows the calculation of the amount of

free the free alkalis OH and also that of only half of the carbonates.
II. Determination of m-value or total alkanet of water:-allows the calculation of the amount
of free radicals and that of the carbonates and hydrogen carbonates.

Determination of both parameters is realized on the basis of neutralization of given volume of

water by dilute strong acid in the presence of a color indicator.

2/ Determination of hardness

The total hardness is an expression of the sum of calcium and magnesium contents.

Procedure for determination of total hardness:

 100ml of water sample is taken into a 250ml of conical flask

 Approximately heated to 60c to speed up the reaction
 2ml of buffer solution are added
 1 pinch of EBT indicator are added
 Then titrated with 0.01mol/L EDT solution to end point (from red to blue)
 Read ml of EDT used as volume and then interprets in ppm (part per million) and ppb
(part per billion).
 Total hardness=volume report the result to one decimal point.

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 According to Assela Malt Factory water treatment or water analysis is done three times
per week. Green malt

Acrospires length

5% cuso4-5 H20 (hydrated sulphate) o.2m dissolve 50g hydrated copper sulphate in 1 liter of


-Electric stove or Bunsen burner Beakers

-Flask whose capacity is 1 liter


-To determine the acrospires length, a sample from each germination boxes is taken by using
green matt sampler.


-100 corns of green malt are counter from each sample

-They are boiled in a beaker with copper sulphate solution until the length/in the following
acrospires is visible and the result is categorized /the acrospires length /in the following range:





Over shoot/>1/ Determination of the specify of the wort

In order to prevent misunderstanding it is necessary to state that the ration of the weight of a
volume of liquid at 200C to the weight of the same volume of water at the same temperature is
called in English “Specific gravity “in French “density “density 200/20 0 C’ and in German
“Gewichts verhaltnis SL 200/200C”A thoroughly cleaned picnometer of the type specified is
washed out with two lots of about 10ml of wort .It is then fixed with wort and placed in the

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bath at 200C (+0.050C) and allowed to stand for half an hour. With the water above pincometer
calibration mark.

After 25 minute, the wart is removed to the mark, after a further 5 minutes and is then weighed
and the specific gravity calculated to five places of decimals. It the duplicate determinations
give specific gravities which differ by more than two units in the fourth decimal place the
analysis must be repeated.

Calculation of Extract from the specific gravity

The extract content of the wort is found from the specific gravity by means of the official super
table (Plato table) for 200C .Goldiner, H.kelmann and W.kampf (1996).

The extract is calculated as below

E=P (M+800) E’=Ex100

100-p 100-M

E=% extract on sample

E’=%extract on dry malt

P=grams of extract in 100kg of wart(Plato)

Alternatively the results can be obtained by reference to tables such as Ernst child‘s “Taflen Zur
Malzanalyse,”Die Ermittlung der lufttro kenen und wasser frien. Extraktausbeute nachder
Vorschrift der European Brewery convection.

The standard deviation for individual estimations of fine grind extract =±0.55=±0.7% and of
course grind extract=±0.81%

Saccharificication rate: Ten minutes after the mash has reached 700 C a drop is transferred to a
gypsum plate and a drop of iodine solution is added .The test is repeated at reaped at five
minutes intervals until saccharification is not complete after an hour, this must be stated.

Odor of mash: This is noted during the mashing process as “normal” when it corresponds to the
type of malt analyzed. When the normal aromatic smell of Munich malt is absent this is noted
as “non –aromatic “foreign odours are noted.

Speed of Filtration: when filtration is complete within an hour it is recorded as “normal “.if it
takes longer it is recorded as “slow”. No other expressions should be wed.

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PH of Worth: the yield of extract is influenced by the PH of the mash consequently the PH of
the worth ,Measured by a glass of electrode, is recorded for each malt .Saccharification rate,
speed of filtration ,color of wort and PH of wort are reported only on the fine grind mash.

Color: Every person entrusted with the measurement of the color of wort and beers must be
known to be free from color blindness.


Fousr 9-glass discs of the EBC colors (2-10 by half untis, 10-27 by units) optical glass cells of 40,
25, 10, and 5mm path length.

A suitable comparator to hold and compare the glass slide discs with the contents of the cells (A
comparison cell with water is not used behind the glass disk).

A Suitable sources source of artificial north daylight-the white light box for illuminating the
comparator (the correct bulbs of the correct voltage must be used and they must be replaced
after 10hrs usage).The apparatus must be used in a dark corner so that bright light does not
enter the eyes or the glass cell.


The color is to be measured on the standard, fine grind –mash wort.

The mash and the wort should be protected from strong light and the color measured as soon
as possible, in order to avoid darkening .where necessary, the wort is clarified by high speed
centrifuging (in a closed tube)or by the addition of 0.1% of pure kiesetguhr and refiltering .the
first running are returned to the filter.

Pale worts are to be measured in a 40mm cell. Dark malt worts are to be measured in suitable
cell or suitably diluted so that, where possible, the reading lies between 20 and 27 units. the
result in each case in calculated to that for the undeleted wort in a 25mm cell and given to two
significant figures .A tolerance of +25% for sampling and analysis is called when comparing
color measurements by different laboratories. Protein analysis

It is used to determine amounts of N2 in chemical .food is digested with strong acid that it
releases N2 which can be measured titration.

internship report 2015

Conversion factor of 6.25 equivalent to 0.16g N/g of protein is utilized widely .however it is an
average value each protein has different conversion factor depending on its amino acid

Method of protein analysis (kjeldahl method)

1, digestion;

Sample is being heated in the presence of H2SO4 a hydrous Naso4 and catalysts. Example

Any N2 present is converted to amino organic matter is converted it o CO2 and H2O.

Ammonia gas remains in the so solution because it is in the form of ammonium ions (NH4+).

2. Neutralizations

After the digestions completed, the digestion flask is connected to to the receiving flask via tube

Nium sulphate is converted into ammonia gas by addition of NaoH.

The ammonia gas is transferred into the receiving flask .the receiving flask contains excess boric

Ammonia gas is converted into ammonium ion and boric acid is converted into borate ions due
to the low PH.

3. Titration

Using an indicator to conclude reaction end point titration of ammonium borate against H2SO4
and HCL is conducted.

It is use to estimate the N2 content.

Concentration of H2+ ion needed to reach the end point is equal to concentration of N2 in the
original food.

Digestion sample + H2O NH4SO4+H2O+SO2+organic compound

NH4SO4+NaoH NaSO4+NH3+H2O (indicator in the flask is show boric acid)

NH3+H3BO3 ION NH4+ +H2BO3 (ion) its color is green

Titration H2BO3 (ion) +HCL H2BO3 (ion)+Cl-(red color)

N%= V*Mm/Dm*Ws where v=volume of titrated a

Dm=dry mass which is 100-moisture content

W=weight of sample

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Advantage of kjelhal (protein analysis) method

 Standard method for comparison against all other method

 It is internationally recognized and used
 It is universality high precision and excellent reproductivity

Disadvantage of protein analysis

 It does not produce true protein value since all nitrogen may not be protein form in food.
 Different protein has different conversion factors due to possession of different amino
acid sequences
 It is time consuming process

2.1.5. How good I have been in performing my work

The factory appreciates the motivation and the willingness that we (other internship student and
I) have to perform the job. While the Planers told to do a job we are done in well manner and we
were fully covering their work while they were not available. The technician of the factory
appreciates our attitude towards the work. The head of technical department told us that he
amazed with our attitude for the work and task that given us. This shows we were so good while
performing our task in the factory on our industrial internship practice.

In addition, we were participated in all stuffs that the technicians involve. In practical activities
such as evaluating quality control parameters, preparing chemicals for inspection and adjusting
or calibrating the machines. When our industrial supervisor comes to visit our activity, He told
us that we are so good and happy in our impression to the work.

2.1.6. Challenge I have been faced

 We haven’t got access of computer to dig some information necessary for us.
 We enter into the company at 7:30 am and we leave at 2:00 pm, in case of this many
time we haven’t get the chance to eat our breakfast.
 Some workers cannot have full knowledge about the place they work so they cannot
give us full information about the work.
 For the first time the workers can’t allow us to participate in some activity actively.
 There is lack of communications between us and some workers because we are
theoretical student. In some area the name of the instrument (sensors, transducers,

internship report 2015

other instrument) that we are learned and the name given to them in the factory are
not the same.

2.1.7 Measure taken to solve problems

Some of the above challenges was solved by it selves after I stay around the factor and for the
other I was give the solution as below;

 I was used my friend’s computer during needed time.

 I was written the report from what I was under stand during practical and
Other from the laboratory manual by asking workers
 I was ask different laboratory workers for the same question to have detail understanding
and to relate to what we have in theoretical.

2.2. Process Description of Malt Production at Assela Malt Factory

Malt is a cereal, usually barley, which has germinated for a certain period of time and then dried.
The major objective of malting

 To mobilize the enzymes and they modify the structure, so readily soubise during
brewing and to produce a desirable flavor
 To convert complex compounds (starch) and protein into simple compounds that are
conveniently for micro organism’s fermentations.
The process of production is starting from buying barley. Barley purchased in large amounts &
the quality of barley must much with the agreement of the factory and checked by taking the
sample of the barley.

1. Machine tower
2. Steeping
3. Germinating
4. Kilning
5. Silo

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2.2.1. Machine tower

First barley is poured into intake hopper by man power. After barley is poured into the hopper
the process is continue in machine tower house. From the hopper to waiting chain, grain makes
its way through series of processing stages in grain elevators and terminals. Sensors system
communication devices play important roles in each step of the way. The machine tower

 intake chain conveyor  intake in

 intake elevator  cleaning and grading
 pre-cleaner  polishing and weighing
 magnetic separator  weighing and bagging
 intake balance  decupling

Then the barley is given to odd silo by using long reversible chain conveyor and even silo by
dispatch elevator. Before barley is given, to silo chemical is poured over the barley to protect
from insects’

2.2.2. Cleaning and grading

The production process of malt starts from cleaning and grading of received barley into different
sizes of 2.6 mm, 2.4mm and 2.2mm grain. Grading into different sizes is principally performed
to germinate similar sizes of grain in the same batch to have an even germination during the

Germinating grains of similar size in the same batch will all depend on the available quantity of
grain having kernels with a size above 2.5 mm and /or below 2.5mm but above 2.2mm. If the
incoming grain does not contain adequate quantity of the required size kernels, the storage of
such identical size grain will unnecessarily occupy the silos for a longer period, until the required
quantity is collected from the bulk delivery. Thus the type of barley with respect to its kernel size
has an impact on the germination process.

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Fig.2.2. Barley Cleaning and Grading machine of asella Malt Factory

The roots and shoots grown during germination are removed in this process. The removal of the
roots helps the malt not to absorb moisture during storage. Thus in the process of Decupling, the
roots are polished and then separated from the malt by blowing air into the polished malt by
pneumatic sifter. Finally after going through all the above processes, the malt will be kept in the
silos for at least 2 months before delivery to the breweries, so that the enzymes activated during
germination settle down.

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Fig.2.3 Malt Polishing Machine to Assela Malt Factory

2.2.3 Steeping
Steeping is the first stage of the core of malting process. During the steeping process, the cleaned
barley ready for malting is washed and steeped to raise the moisture content in the barley so that
the enzymes are activated to enhance germination process. The process is as follows; from silo
barley received by small reversible chain conveyor and then given to steeping elevators, steeping
balance, steep chain conveyor and steeping tank. Grains that float and do not germinate due to
their size are skimmed in this process. The process usually takes 12-18 hours. The required
moisture that could facilitate germination is achieved within the period. This is achieved by a
series of immersions or "wet stands" followed by “dry stands”. During the wet stands, air is
blown through the wet grain, during the dry stands carbon dioxide is removed with extraction
fans. Water pumps are the main operational devices in which it allows the water and moisture
rise up through the barley. At the end of steeping the grain will contain 38-40% moisture.

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Fig.2.4. steeping
2.2.4 Germination
The steeped barley is pumped over to the germination boxes, and then germinates in which the
starch in the barley changes to fermentable sugar. The process takes 4½ -6 days depending on the
quality of the barley. Small size grains usually germinate faster than large size grains. During the
process, the temperature and the moisture are controlled to the desired conditions. The mastery
has been observed not to have any difficulty in such processes. In this germination box there are
about 13 motors are present around the germinating box. Largest motor on the machine which is
the one travel the warm turner forward and reverse in chain or gear system. The screw turner
moves fast for the case of turning of the barley and slow for the case of turn. The speed of the
motor can be controlled by the frequency convertor

fig 2.5 germination process of asella malt factory

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2.2.5 .Kilning
It is the final production process in malting. In order to malt germination in advance of
significant nutrient losses, the germinated barley (green malt) is dried in a kiln. Great care is
taken to minimize enzyme damage as the compounds created at early stages of germination are
those needed by brewers.

Objective of kilning

 To arrest botanically growths

 To produce long shelf life stable product
 To activate enzymes
 To produce desirable color and flavor.

There are two kilning house:

1. old kiln &

2. new kiln

Kilning in which the germination of the grain terminates by drying the germinated barley (green
malt) is the final production process in malting. In this process, the moisture in the green malt is
reduced from (44-46) % to (3-4.5) % with the kilning period of 25 hours. Enzyme activities
terminate and the malt will have the flavor, taste, and aroma and color in the process.
The process is as follows. The green malt is carried out by green malt loading chain conveyor
with valves from germinating box to kilning house. First, by using loading and unloading
machine the malt is poured over the sieve. Then the steam is coming from the boiler with pipes
and given to heat exchanger with heating system and valves and next given to malt by using high
power radial fan.

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Fig.2.6 kilning box

2.2.6 Silo
The silo is the barley and malt storage materials. The company at moment time has 36silos.
Before expansion the silos of company is 24silos. In the company after expansion there are
different malt and barley silos. From 36 silos, 4silos are the malt silos and 32silos are barley
storage silos. The silos of company are grouped into:
 odd silo
 even silo
The barley is given to odd silo by using long reversible chain conveyor and even silo by dispatch


internship report 2015

Block diagram of process of malt production

QC Dust QC CO2
Delivery Barley Cleaning & Steeping
Storage Grading

Water QC

Polishing &
Kilning Germination
QC Hot Air
Weighing & Dispatching to Customer Water
Bagging Cold Air

Fig.2.8. Process Description of Malt Production


3. Overall benefits I gained from internship

3.1. Improving Practical Skill
Internship program is very essential in terms of improving our practical skill, because most of us
were simply familiarize with theoretical knowledge. There for internship program is enable us to
correlate the theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

However, the skills and knowledge’s nurtured by studying food engineering practically enables
as to solute many state things like: _

 The ability to analyze and thinking

internship report 2015

 to understand quality control parameters, importance of internship season and different

work activities
 Inter personal communication
 the ability to work as a team
 It increases our confidence

3.2 Improving or upgrading theoretical knowledge

We learnt a lot of things in the class theoretically; we know many knowledge full activities while
we saw things practically. Therefore inter ship program is not only used to improve our practical
skill, but also used to improve our theoretical knowledge and the practical skill knowledge.

Some of the points that we improved our theoretical knowledge’s are:-

 To know quality control parameters in detail

 To know electrical machine parts; distribution panel, standby generator, boiler,
compressor, generator, condenser, grain cooler, fans, pump and etc
 To know about different chemicals and machines used during malting

 To relate the theoretical knowledge with the real work.

 To gain the knowledge of method/procedure of malting process.

 Creative and logical approach to solving problems.

 Clearly understand different working principles.
 Effective assessment and management of risk, resource & time.
 Clearly understanding the knowledge of the HACCP principles

3.3 Improving interpersonal communication skill

The interpersonal communication skill is the life blood of the engineering profession. To do
activities and works alone in the factory is a difficult task. Therefore, by good communication
among the different sections in the factory I got wide knowledge. In the factory, working with
any workers and by asking open ended questions and listening effectively to the answers I has
got a lot of knowledge.

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Advantage of good communication skill:-

 To analyze and perfect performance of targeted evaluating and inspection.
 To exchange information with the different section in the factory
 To improve relationship with others
3.4 Improving team playing skill

Work performed by individual person does not have efficiency like team activity. The most
important point in team playing skill is just reach an agreement from different points on the work
to be done. For instance in the case of applying kaizen working principle all the factories worker
were participating to insure the targeted goal in addition, the technique division head, senior
planners, laboratory workers, Forman’s and technicians discusses on issues that led them to the
team working. Furthermore, to have a common understanding on the task is to be accomplished
always to listen carefully those individuals with whom we are working.

Thus achieving good team playing skill is essential for:

 Grasping a good knowledge

 Communication skill is develop
 Increasing understanding of the task
 Effective completion of tasks
 Saving times and increasing productivity

3.5 Improving Leadership skill

Leadership is one of the functions of management which including Planning organizing stetting
leading and controlling. This internship program guides us to be an ethical leader that means
ethical leadership provides the momentum, guidance and motivation among members, significant
traits for effective leadership in our working area.

 Supervisory ability: - getting the job done through others.

 Need for occupational achievement: - seething responsibility and the motivation to
perform hard to succeed.
 Intelligence: - the ability to use good judgment, reasoning and thinking capacity.
 Decisiveness: - the ability to solve problems and make decisions competently.
 Supports the employees by answering their questions and by accepting their suggestions.

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 Give very detailed instructions such as describing exactly what where and how to
perform the task.

In addition to this the intern ship program allow us what a good leader satisfied or fulfill like a
change agent innovative skill and entrepreneur for himself .if activities not made us required he
arrange and perform tasks rather than insult his staff members. Therefore this is a good
collaboration between the leader and his staffs the company or the agency also successful or fruit

Generally what we understand for the past four months Internship program is that anyone who is
willing to make the effort can become a good leader.

3.6. Understanding about work ethics and related issues.

Work ethics are generally accepted guidelines for right and wrong behaviors in work place. As
workers made to specialize in different fields specific codes of conduct were expected from each
worker. In today’s complex world, ethical conduct of workers is very important for developing
healthy working environment and increasing productivity. While we were in the factory most
workers told us what misbehavior cause workers to disappear from their working area.

The following principles allow good work ethics in working area.

 Punctuality: this means arriving at work on time

 Honesty: honesty at work means spending working hours and resources totally on
 Willingness to learn: this means understanding the way things are done at your work
place and trying to do it better.
 Initiative: this means being prepared to see what needs doing and to do the work
without always being asked or told to do it.
 Loyalty: it is important always to support your employer and do what best for the
growth of the organization.

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 Maximizing productivity: this is the ability to do high quality work faster and

The following are ethics we get

 I observe group work was better than individual work
 I learn that no need of playing during work
 Saving money and time was must within the work ethics
 I observe safety was first for work
 How I have been punctual for a future
 Being responsibility for a future

3.7. Entrepreneurship skill

Entrepreneur a person who sees a good opportunity for a new business and works hard to make it
grow entrepreneur are very important for the growth of economy. While we was in the factories,
we have got wide knowledge in the entrepreneurship skill that we should have to find our self as
an engineer and creative person by analyzing work opportunities and employer

The major characteristics of entrepreneurship that we have seen in the factory include the

 A self confident multi- skilled

 Innovative skills
 Results oriented
 A risk taker
 Total commitment
Finally to cope with this changing nature of work students must be enterprising and
flexible and may need to become entrepreneurial.

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4.1. Conclusion

As conclusion I have understand many process in Assela malt factory. The Assela malt factor’s
management system is very strength system The Company has high vision and mission. This
company has nice work flow. The work division of the workers has three shifts. All different
shifts of workers can understand what one shift had done simply and they transfer every
information by writing on common manual. Assela malt factor is works 24hours.s

Starting from the first day I participate in Assela malt factor; I was work in laboratory and
production process section. Especially I work in laboratory section of the company. In my S
duration I got many practical knowledge, communicative skill, work management, punctuality
and etc. in Assela malt factor laboratory section or quality control section is the one I done
mostly in my duration. In this laboratory section there is many work performed per day like;

 Raw barley quality control parameters

 Steeping, germination, kilning ,green barley, and finished malt quality control
 Testing throughout the machine, chemicals and etc.

4.2. Recommendation

Assela malt factor is one of Ethiopia factor. This factor is the first malt factor in Ethiopia .It
plays very great role in transformation program. This company is one of the bridges between
agriculture and industry.

There are some causes founded that can be affect the factory end product according with quality
and quantity. So I recommend for factory as follows:-
 In pre cleaning section there should be other operation unit that can be suck the different
materials there can be reduce the efficiency of other different machines (particularly
wires that came with raw barley sacks),

internship report 2015

 The factory should be change the grading machines in the case it cannot be grade
appropriately, that means after it grade the raw barley there is high percentage of third
grade barley in the first and second barley (maltable barley), and high percentage of
maltable barley was founded in the third grade barley,
 The factory quality control section employees or supervisor should be check properly the
overall processing area according with the efficiency and effectiveness of different
processing machines mainly germination box and kilning room area problems there could
affect the quality and quantity the end product. Otherwise there problems could be reduce
the customer satisfaction,
 In laboratory section during protein analysis the procedure takes a time to finish the
whole steps and to calculate soluble nitrogen content and total content however half of
the procedures not done manually (when drying stage mainly drying of wort, and
digestion stage). This steps are followed by program :-
 During drying to prepare soluble nitrogen content the wort was dried with 2.5 ml
of sulphuric acid was added and evaporated cautiously nearly to dryness with
precaution against foaming
 Then the next step is digestion to prepare total protein content. The sulphuric acid
was added also in dry wort in this step and then program was continued. But
because of when it would form foaming, there was a lot of losses during drying so
the sample is not enough for the analysis also in the digestion program because of
sulphuric acid (may be the solution was not pure (oxygen is reacted with in), the
sample color is not normal, and also a lot of losses was happened and bad aroma
smoking was occurred that was disturbed other laboratory workers who works in
side the laboratory, therefore it is not possible to perform protein analysis day to
 So the factory should be solve this problem as much as possible, otherwise the
unanalyzed end product could affect the customers satisfactions and also the color
of wort in the case of the high amount of protein can be affect the color wort by
forming haziness and cloudy color,

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 In generally, the factory site selection is better to avoid the different wastages that means
solid, liquid and gas waste materials, but the waste treatment process is not properly
checking, for example the liquid wastage that come from steeping tank and germination
box is leave out without check its content and it transferred to farmers farm. The different
chemicals that were added in steeping tank and germination box, for example, the caustic
soda and some other different aids that would be added in different process section for
different purpose. And these chemicals could be affected the farmer's product and profit
also. Therefore, the factory should be checking the waste water to trap different
chemicals before it going to out the farmers farm.

4.3 References:-

1 Assela malt factor manuals

2 Assela malt factor history cards
5 Oral discussion with my supervisor


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