Masculinity and Feminity, SOGIE, and Gender Stereotype

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Quiz for Masculinity and Femininity, SOGIE, &

Gender Stereotype.

1. What do you call the process 1/1 of learning the roles of men
and women in the society? *
a. Culture
b. Socialization
c. Gender Role Socialization
d. Gender-typed behavior

2. Which of the following is 1/1 FALSE? *

a. Gender is culturally defined.
b. Gender changes through history.
c. Gender expectations vary in the degree among different social classes within same ethnic group.
d. None of the above
3. _________ is “that complex 1/1 whole which includes
knowledge, belief, art, law,
morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits
acquired by man as a member of society." *
a. Sex
b. Gender c. Culture d. Tradition

4. Culture defines and dictates 1/1 the “ways” of becoming masculine and feminine in the society. *
A. True
B. False
5. During the Pre-Hispanic 1/1 period, Filipinos were already patriarchal and women in the society are
powerless. *
A. True
B. False

6. In some tribal cultures, it is 1/1 normal to have multiple wives. While it is not considered legal
or common practice in many
parts of the world, researchers believe that others should understand an individual’s norms and actions
in terms of that individual’s own cultural context. This concept is referred to as: *
a. Cultural interpretation b. Cultural Sensitivity
c. Cultural Relativism
d. Cultural Boundaries

7. The following are examples 1/1 of a Patriarchal Society,

a. Masculine voices dominating in meetings in terms of time, volume, higher esteem.
b. A masculine person interrupting a feminine person while they are speaking.
c. Street harassment of men and masculine-presenting people.
d. Using words like “bitch,” “girls,” “pussy,” in a way that equates femininity with weakness or

8. Sally is a 30-year-old woman 1/1 from the household of Dela

Cruz, one of the biggest family
in their Barangay. Although she
is the eldest in the family, but she is not recognized to be the head after her father died. Her brother
next to her was acknowledged since then. She may give decisions for the family but her brothers only
did the important and final decisions. He has no voice in the family and her only role is to support them.
What kind of family does Sally belongs? *
a. Patriarchal
b. Matriarchal c. Egalitarian d. Misogyny

9. The following phrase are 1/1 examples of sexism, EXCEPT: *

a. “Man up!”
b. “Ah well, boys will be boys”
c. “he/his/him” refers to unspecific person
d. None of the above
10. In most of religious 1/1 practices, women are typically portrayed as: *
a. Equal than males
b. Spiritually superior than men c. Sexually dangerous
d. Enjoyed religious practices both in public and in their homes

11. An element of culture that is 1/1 defined as culture is passed on from one generation to the
other. *
a. Learned
b. Transmitted
c. Adapted d. Gratifying
12. An element of culture that is1/1 defined as culture gives people satisfaction as it provides
people with their needs and life meaning. *
a. Learned
b. Transmitted c. Adapted
d. Gratifying

13. No culture is ever in a 1/1 permanent state. *

a. Ideational b. Diverse
c. Dynamic
d. Cumulative
14. Culture is genetically 1/1 inherited *
a. True
b. False

15. Which is TRUE for a Cultural 1/1 Relativist? *

a. Being insensitive to the maltreatments of people under a specific culture
b. Being discriminant to ethnocentric principles.
c. They see European culture as superior than the rest of other cultures
d. Sees black people as slaves because of the history of Apartheid
16. Homosexuality is socially 1/1 accepted and practiced as a
rite of passage in what tribe? *
a. Sambia Tribe
b. Padung Tribe
c. Mundugamor Tribe d. Brazilian tribe
17. During the pre-colonial 1/1 Spanish era of the
“Philippines”, what system was observed? *
A. Patriarchal
B. Matriarchal
C. Egalitarian
D. None of the above
18. What was NOT the MAIN 1/1 reason of the Cameroon
Women to pound the breasts
of female adolescents? *
A. Because it is socially acceptable in their society
B. It is a way of protecting them from males’ sexual advancements
C. So that the breast would appear to be non-existent
D. Because it is fashionable in their society.

19. In most religiously centered 1/1 countries/communities, women are NOT perceived to be *
A. Inferior to men
B. Naturally sinful
C. Equal to men
D. Sexually dangerous
20. The right to culture is 1/1 UNLIMITED at the point at
which it infringes on another human right. *
A. True
B. False
II. Gender Stereotypes

21. This is a generalized view or 1/1 preconception about attributes

or characteristics that are or ought to be possessed by members of a particular social group. *
a. Prejudice
b. Discrimination
c. Stereotypes
d. Gender Stereotypes
22. All stereotypes are harmful. 1/1 *
a. True
b. False

23. This is defined as the beliefs1/1 about what men and women typically do. *
a. Descriptive
b. Prescriptive
c. Positive Prescriptive Stereotypes d. Negative Prescriptive Stereotypes
24. ___ designate undesirable 1/1 behaviors that one sex should avoid more than the other.
While, ____ designate desirable behaviors that one sex is encouraged to display more
than the other *
a. Prescriptive: Descriptive
b. Descriptive: Prescriptive
c. Negative Prescriptive Stereotypes: Positive Prescriptive Stereotypes
d. Positive Prescriptive Stereotypes: Negative Prescriptive Stereotypes

25. As a boy, Ben is expected to1/1 be strong and brave. This is

what kind of stereotype? *
a. Personality Traits
b. Domestic Behaviors c. Occupations
d. Physical Appearance
26. A lot of her classmates find 1/1 Clariz pretty. Because of her beauty, they think that she is
also a smart and a well-
mannered student. *
a. Hindsight Bias
b. Prejudice
c. Confirmation Bias d. Halo effect

27. The following are the 1/1 effects of stereotypes, which does not belong to the group?
a. Discrimination
b. Appearance Bias
c. Confirmation Bias
d. Attributional Ambiguity
28. Kara is an engineer. 1/1 Because of the pandemic, she
had been laid off by her past employer. Currently, she is
looking for a new job. But a lot employers won’t hire her because she is a girl. They believe that she isn’t
as capable as male engineers. Kara experienced_________. *
a. Discrimination
b. Appearance Bias
c. Attributional Ambiguity d. Self-stereotyping

29. ___ is an exaggeration of 1/1 male stereotypical behavior.

On the other hand, ______ is
the exaggerated adherence to
a feminine gender role as it relates to heterosexual relationships *
a. Femininity: Masculinity
b. Hyperfemininity: Hypermasculinity
c. Masculinity:Femininity
d. Hypermasculinity: Hyperfemininity.
30. Which of the following is 1/1 not a stereotype? *
a. Girls should play with dolls and boys should play with cars.
b. Girls should be thin and boys should be muscular.
c. Men are rational and women are irrational
d. None of the above.

31. It refers to romantic and/or 1/1 sexual attraction to men,

women, both, or neither. *
b. Sexual Orientation
c. Gender Identity
d. Gender Expression
32. It refers to one’s inner sense1/1 of self of being a girl/woman, boy/man, other genders, all, or
neither. *
b. Sexual Orientation c. Gender Identity
d. Gender Expression

33. A term that refers to how an1/1 individual expresses his or her sense of self. *
b. Sexual Orientation c. Gender Identity
d. Gender Expression
34. Gary is a boy however he 1/1 experiences attraction to some men. What is Garry’s gender identity? *
a. Bisexual
b. Gay
c. Pansexual
d. Cisgender Man

35. This describes a person 1/1 who confronts and challenges heterosexism, sexism, homophobia,
transphobia, and heterosexual privilege in
herself or himself and other. *
a. Ally
b. Coming Out c. Gay
d. Pansexual
36. Irrational hatred and fear of 1/1 lesbian or gay people, or disapproval of other sexual orientations,
regardless of
motive. *
a. Homophobia
c. Queer d. Asexual

37. People who are unsure of, or1/1 in the process of, discovering their sexual orientation, gender
identity, or gender expression.
a. Agender
b. Gender Non-conforming c. Questioning
d. In the Closet
38. A person who are attracted 1/1 to someone regardless of
gender is called. *
a. Androgyny
b. Crossdresser c. Gay
d. Pansexual

39. Person who identifies as 1/1 having no gender or being without a gender identity, genderless,
gender-free, nongendered, or ungendered. *
a. Agender
b. Queer
c. Homosexual d. Bisexual
40. A term that refers to the 1/1 mixing of masculine and
feminine gender expression or
the lack of gender
identification. *
a. Gender non-conforming b. In the closet
c. Heterosexual
d. Androgyny

41. A person who is feels 1/1 physically and emotionally attracted to individuals of the same sex is
known as_________________. *
a. Homosexual
b. Bisexual
c. Asexual
d. Heterosexual
42. Meredith feels physically 1/1 and emotionally attracted to individuals of the opposite sex. She is
expressing her sexual orientation as ______________. *
a. Homosexual b. Bisexual
c. Asexual
d. Heterosexual

43. Maggie is a person who 1/1 feels no physical nor emotional attraction to neither men nor women. *
a. Homosexual b. Bisexual
c. Asexual
d. Heterosexual
44.Lexieisapersonwhofeels 1/1 physically and emotionally attracted to both men and women. *
a. Homosexual
b. Bisexual
c. Asexual
d. Heterosexual

45. There is categorization of 1/1 gender identity, a person

whose gender identity
matches his or her sex
assigned at birth is know as _______________. *
a. Cisgender
b. Gender Queer c. Transgender d. Intergender
46. A person whose gender 1/1 identity and sex assigned at
birth do not match. *
a. Cisgender
b. Gender Queer c. Transgender d. Intergender

47.Thefollowingarethethree 1/1 (3) dimensions of Sexual Orientation except; *

a. Sexual Identity
b. Sexual Neutral
c. Sexual Attraction d. Sexual Behavior
48. Everyone has SOGIE * 1/1 A. True
B. False
49. Describes a person who 1/1 does not subscribe to gender expression or roles imposed by society. *
a. Pansexual
b. Asexual
c. Questioning
d. Gender Non-Conforming
50. __________ is the 1/1 experience that an individual
feels very deeply about
internally related to their
gender, which can be related or unrelated to their sex at birth. *
A. Gender Identity
B. Gender Expressions C. Gender Bias
D. Sexual Orientation
This form was created inside of Central Mindanao University.

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