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Nutrition and Diet Therapy – laboratory

BSN 11
Group 1
A 35 – year - old pregnant woman standing 5’4’’ tall and weighing 60 kgs, who is on her 12th week of pregnancy.
Record shows her pre-pregnancy weight was 45 kgs.


Age: 35 yrs. old

Height: 5’4” (162.56 cm)
PPW: 45 kg
Weight: 60 kg
DBW: 56 kg
BMI: 22.7 (Normal)
Activity increment: Moderate work
Hours of sleep: 8 hrs. of sleep
TEA: 2180 kcal

Tannhauser’s Method
162.56 -100 cm
= 62.56 (10% - 6.256)
= 62.56-6.256
= 56.304
DBW = 56 kg

Energy Requirement Computation:

(0.9) (56 kg) (24)
=1209.6 - .8
=1208.8 + 500 (moderate activity)
=1708.8 (10%= 170.89)
=1708.8+ 170.89
= 1879.68 + 300 kcal (additional for pregnant)
TEA =2180 kcal

Macronutrient ratio: CHO 60%; P 20%; F 20%

2180 kcal x .60 CHO = 1308 kcal/ 4 grams= 327 g
2180 kcal x .20 Protein = 436 kcal/4 grams = 109 g
2180 kcal x .20 fats = 436 kcal / 9 grams = 48 g

Standard Food Exchange List

Food Exchange group CHO g CHON g Fats g Energy kcal

I. Veg 3 1 - 16
II. Fruits 10 - - 40
III. Milk Whole 12 8 10 170
Low fat 12 8 5 125
Non-fat 12 8 - 80
IV. Rice Low Protein 23 - - 92
Med 23 2 - 100
High 23 4 - 108
V. Meat Low fat - 8 1 41
Med fat - 8 6 86
High fat - 8 10 122
VI. fat - - 5 45
VII. Sugar 5 - - 20

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