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ONESOURCE Tax Provision direct tax

obligations more
Close faster, file earlier. quickly and
confidently than
In today’s global tax environment, management ever before, and
and regulatory pressure require companies to with minimal
produce an accurate and defendable tax provision
calculation within an ever-shrinking financial close adoption time.
window. Given this, it’s more important than ever Collect structured and unstructured data
for tax departments to use trusted software to while maintaining stringent controls over
help with the crucial task of provisioning. the data process using a simple and intuitive
ONESOURCE® Tax Provision is a simple and application.
intuitive application that speeds up the financial “ONESOURCE Tax Provision
close. This market-leading, patented application + Simplify data capture and manage has helped us to improve
allows users to process accurate estimates, drill multiple sources of data within one tool the efficiency of our staff
down from consolidated amounts to the lowest + Direct connectivity with the general because we are able to
level in two clicks, and easily transition data to ledger for automation of tax attributes deliver quality deliverables
other applications — all within seconds. as well as strengthen
+ Web-based data collection for real-time our internal controls and
The outcome: accomplishing direct tax updates from remote users bring more cohesiveness
obligations more quickly and confidently than
+ Push and pull data from Microsoft® between tax accounting
ever before and with minimal adoption time.
Excel workpapers and compliance.”
This application, trusted by more companies and
firms than any other application, allows you to + Extract data to automate offline Senior Tax Analyst,
focus on transforming financial data into usable calculations for use in other applications Global Hospitality Company
intelligence with unmatched speed and efficiency.
+ Configurable data entry screens for “We increased our provision
manual and top-side entries efficiency by 50%, which
allowed me to spend more
time with my family.”
Judy Hamric,
VP of Tax for TMS International
ONESOURCE Tax Provision 2

Utilise our market-leading, patented Report the tax entry with accuracy, reliability, “We were able to automate
calculation engine to generate a complete tax and flexibility using a simple and intuitive about 85% of our Schedule
entry with a structured user workflow and a interface that is reviewable in seconds. M adjustments, so I would
formal review and approval process. say that I’ve cut down the
+ Create reports that are customised to time I’ve spent in the initial
+ Flexible data dimensions to store and your tax department’s specific needs steps of preparing the tax
perform calculations provision by 40 or 50%.”
+ Analyse data in seconds with drill down
+ Automatable tax attributes such as and filtering throughout the application Senior Tax Analyst,
net operating losses and valuation SES Americom, Inc.
+ Review faster than ever, moving from
consolidated amounts to the lowest level
“We were able to
+ Drill down from consolidated amounts to
+ Self-reconciling reports ensure data expedite the tax provision
the supporting detail in just two clicks
changes are processed quickly and by seven days, which is
+ Entity relationships to mirror pass- accurately about 30% faster for us.”
through corporate structures Senior Tax
+ Configurable journal entry for all
+ Complete interim reporting capabilities jurisdictional levels and any ERP system Accounting Manager, Global
for monthly and quarterly provisions Logistics Company
+ Visualisations using your provision
+ Integrated with ONESOURCE compliance data, easily facilitating multi-period
and other direct tax applications comparisons and trend analyses
+ Dashboards for monitoring key
performance indicators, which helps you
to understand where to allocate your

Close faster and file earlier with ONESOURCE Tax Provision,

a simple and intuitive application to speed up your financial close.

Contact us today

© 2020 Thomson Reuters TR1330829/07-20

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